#cause who else aside from lucifer fell from heaven
raihyeon · 6 months
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Fallen Angel Vaggie
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Luke's Origins
Category: Angsty Drabble
Characters: Purgatory Hall
Themes: Creation of Angels and Demons, Heaven and Hell, Divine Eternities, Hiding Information, Separation of Families, Struggling With The Truth, Debate of True Evil
Everyone goes to hell after dying; even the good people. The extraordinarily sinless are told their heavenly eternal reward is to assist in punishing the sinners they separated themselves from. This is God's Final Test. Those that accept the offer are reborn as new demons, able to torture others for eternity, but never allowed to ascend to the celestial realm. Those that refuse to cause pain to others, following a golden moral compass even after being promised an eternity free from consequence, are reincarnated as newborn angels.
Aside from the select few made by God, this is where every angel and demon comes from. They were all human too, once upon a time. There are many humans in need of torturing in the afterlife, and a sizable sum of demons to do just that. The angels number much fewer. The fact that some angels can fall from divinity makes their status as pure beings that much more precarious. Despite living a near-saintly life, too many give in to temptation at the last second and are eager to create agony without consequence.
That's what they believed in.
To them, there was no heaven nor hell; no divine being capable of unconditional love and boundless wisdom. The only thing they feared was retaliation for carrying out the inhumane actions they so deeply longed to inflict on others. Their faith existed not in love for those around them but in fear of what could be done to them. There's a clear distinction between valuing life and valuing your own life.
Luke sits in a small chair on the balcony extending from his bedroom. Simeon stands in the doorway behind him. He watches over the young angel. He has ever since he came into existence. He's acted as a more personable and understanding version of their father in the celestial realm. He's been there for him since Luke could remember. Every significant moment of his life, first steps, first words, first flight, Simeon was right by his side to guide him, no matter how difficult things seemed to be for him.
As far as Luke knows, every angel is created by their father, molded by his hands from the clay found in the Garden of Eden, every cell lovingly crafted by a father who loves his family above all else. He's been spoonfed to believe every demon was once an angel, and that every demon fell because they didn't have enough room in their heart to love freely and trust in God as an angel should. To Luke and every other young angel, God's Final Test doesn't exist. Why would it? Every angel and demon is the same as Simeon, Michael, Lucifer, and the others. Their father loves unconditionally and without restriction. Why would he see one sin as less sinful than another? The very existence of the test was heresy. The knowledge of its existence was blasphemous.
Simeon would have to tell him someday. That's the unfortunate thing about young angels; they're endlessly curious. They always want answers and have yet to learn that their father will reveal the truth in due time. So few angels currently are aware of where the younger generations of winged infants come from. They'll all know eventually, but few have reached that level of maturity at present. Those that know tend to distance themselves from the new babes in order to avoid spilling the secret or to avoid the wrenching of their own hearts upon seeing the next generation wander through the clouds alone.
But they aren't alone. They have the other angels with them; the ones their age and their senior. They have the seraphim to guide them. Their father is there to guide them, so why does it feel so wrong to watch the gates open as Naarai walks through with yet another straw-woven bassinet?
Simeon doesn't know how he'll do it when the time comes. He dreads the heartache it'll bring upon both of them, and the distrust of the realm it will inevitably instill within Luke's heart. Thou shalt not lie, right? How could he look this sweet young child in the eyes and tell him everything he's known regarding his birth, the birth of all angels and demons, is a lie?
Luke's drawing a picture. Simeon already knows it'll be another one for the fridge. It's a picture of him, Solomon, and Luke all enjoying a picnic with cake and apple juice. He really is still a child after all. Could he bear to tell Luke about his life before he was an angel? About his existence prior to his assignment to Simeon? Could Simeon look him in the eye and tell him of his father and mother, his siblings, his cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, everyone that he's ever known; could he tell him where they are right now?
How does a child respond to being told everyone they've ever loved has been tortured perpetually for the last millennia while they've been able to frolic and eat sweets and make new, better, friends, and enjoy every morning as the sunbeams pour in through their stained glass windows? Could a child stand to hold the weight of a past life, and all the mental and emotional implications that come with it?
Solomon knocks on the door to make himself known. It's open, but startling angels is a terribly unkind thing to do, and he has no intention of being mischievous tonight.
"Ah. So this is where everyone's disappeared to?"
"It seems so. He's off in his own little world over there. It'll be nice to hang another picture on the fridge."
"He does always get a certain special glow whenever we honor his work with those puppy magnets Barbatos happened to find."
"He does. It's my turn to cook dinner tonight. I'll be down in a few to get started. I just have to tell Luke something first. You go ahead and relax before dinner. I'll let you know when it's ready."
"I'll see you at the table then." Solomon makes his exit. Simeon takes a few steps toward the gentle child.
"Luke? There's something I need to tell you. I'm not really supposed to yet, but it's important and I think you have a right to know."
"Hm? What is it, Simeon? Did Barbatos tell you what kind of sweets we were going to bake together tomorrow? He won't tell me because he says it's a surprise, but how can I be prepared to bake when I don't even know what it is I'm supposed to be making?"
"Hehe... No, it's nothing like that. It's..." Simeon hesitates. "It's about dinner tomorrow. Tomorrow's Solomon's night to cook, so make sure you ask Barbatos and Diavolo if you can stay for dinner."
"I will! Thanks, Simeon! I think even Barbatos and Diavolo are afraid of Solomon's cooking!"
"I bet they are. Run along and wash up for dinner now. I'm cooking tonight." Simeon sends the young angel off towards the bathroom to get the marker off his hands. He watches with a bittersweet recognition that these days, the days where Luke is bouncy and full of smiles, will not last forever.
The celestial war and other divine conflicts pit the two races as natural enemies for all eternity. Though, looking at things this way, perhaps demons and angels aren't so different after all. One lives a set of sweet, saccharine lies. The other is branded as evil.
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phynali · 4 years
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate how positive you've been about the SPN finale. You're probably the ONLY person I follow who has not been making fun of it. I confess I became super disenchanted with the show a long time ago, and definitely fell into the "mocking the ending" hole because of all the frustrations I'd had with it over the years. THAT BEING SAID I'm really glad that there are fans like you who really liked the ending. Thanks for helping me remember why I loved the show
The finale had a lot of emotions. and I think I get why people are upset about some of the things. 
It’s hard to watch Dean die so unceremoniously, impaled on rebar (which - I don’t know why people are making tetanus and rusty nail jokes. rebar is what they build bridges and building foundations on, that shit isn’t moving and will and does impale people). But I think an extreme emotional response to that, with frustration and anger, is totally warranted. Except to me, that’s the whole point? It’s frustrating and upsetting to be human. It’s frustrating and tragic that people die in such inglorious and messy ways. That our mortality is so present. And Dean wanted to be human, to exist outside of god’s story, to write his own narrative. And he got that, messy as is it. He got the ending he always knew he would (and wanted), dying while saving others (children, specifically). And got the ending he always wanted for Sam, with his brother having a long life and a family.
Maybe it helps that before watching the last 5 episodes, I most recently watched 1x12 Faith, where Dean is heading toward his first death and gets saved by someone else dying. And what’s always struck me about that episode is how inglorious his death would have been there as well. He was saving children and got electrocuted on a routine hunt. If it weren’t for magic, Dean would be dead at 26 in a parallel way to how he actually finally died at 41.
And I can get people being disappointed we didn’t see Cas. Tbh I am too, because I do like his character, even if his solo storylines don’t tend to excite me. 
But I’m pretty sure that without covid, Dean’s pyre would have been surrounded by all the surviving hunters and friends they’ve made along the way (alt universe hunters, Garth’s family, Jodi and Donna and the girls, etc), whereas in heaven he would have been greeted by not just Bobby but the rest of the friends and family he’d lost along the way (parents, Ellen and Jo, others), including Cas. And then he’d have driven off on his own only after that welcome. And the message would have been that each of them were supported, in both death (for Dean) and life (for Sam) by others until they could return to one another.
Alas, we never got that, which made it all feel even more tragic because Sam seemed so goddamn alone and I was gutted by that. 
But I also really liked Cas’s ending too?
Because Cas was explicitly stated to be in heaven, to be rebuilding it to be better alongside his son. And that parallels the Season 5 Swan Song finale ending but in a more uplifting way? Because in Swan Song, heaven was in disarray and he left earth to go try and help fix that shit, facing an uphill battle to do so. And in Season 15 Carry On, heaven was in disarray and he was plucked from the Empty by his son to help fix that, facing an easy path forward because he’s doing it with family. 
Also -- this completes his story. Cas is restoring the order he’s always wanted/needed to restore, pretty much since the start of his narrative (from season 4, when he first has doubts and rebelled, to season 6-7 when he wages war and tries to become god, to trying to fix it again and getting played by Metatron to staying out of it to being brought back into it all, to taking on Lucifer to beyond). If you zoom out, his full arc involves destroying/dismantling all that is wrong about heaven and the angels, then ultimately helping rebuild it right, now with Jack (God) finally at his side. 
Cas did it -- the thing he set out to do in Season 5: he found (a loving) God.
(As an aside I’ve seen a lot of memes about how Cas went to superhell but the Impala went to heaven, and I get the joke but I think a lot of people who don’t watch the show now think Cas really stayed in the Empty when he was legit in heaven even before Dean was, probably from the second Jack disappeared in ep 19.)
But all that being said, my strong impression is that a lot of people expressly and vehemently hated the finale specifically due to destiel not having any screentime and not being interpretable as endgame. 
And I know how upsetting it is to get your hopes dashed, but I really wish people could allow themselves to watch the finale outside of that bitterness. Because the show writers and cast and the narrative itself really has not, in the past 6-7 years, so much as hinted it’s ever going to happen. I’ve looked for it, I’ve analyzed it, and I’ve read the shipper analyses out of curiosity. And as a writer and avid fan and person who analyzes media a lot, it wasn’t heading there except that people really really really wanted to convince themselves the story was going to do that.  
I think people built themselves up for something that wasn’t going to happen by feeding off each other and buying into the new-fangled idea that it has to be ‘canon’ to be valid. This made them disengage from or distort what was being said in the text and caused them to ignore or dismiss what was being said by the people creating it. And now they’re mad and “betrayed” because what they read was not actualized, but I fundamentally believe they betrayed each other by creating false expectations and hopes where none were ever promised nor written in.
Not that there’s any issue at all with shipping it! I always give full support to all shipping. Just that it makes me sad that so much of the ire I’m seeing directed toward the finale and show now is about that, about bitterness of false expectations, rather than it being about engaging with the actual storytelling.
All feelings toward the finale are valid (though hate and mean messages being sent to the cast and crew really isn’t), and I get being sad and bitter. But yeah, I really really loved it, and reflecting on it as a writer has just made me love it more and more each time I dig deeper into some aspect of it. Whether you loved it or hated it, it was thought out and considered and carefully plotted and beautifully acted.
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archangel-0f-truth · 4 years
I fell and I wept. I don't know how long I spent, stumbling to that cave and weeping on my knees. I don't remember how long I went about, stumbling through forward and deserts and plains, eyes blurry and conscious thought inexistent as I mourned the loss of my home, my friends, the ones I loved. I thought I was the only one.
Then I remember a man with pitch black hair, wings so dark it was like a black hole, and eyes so blue it looked as if the ocean was a pale mimicry. He was a bit reserved at first, but he was fair and kind and had a beautiful smile, the kind that could cause wars. I think he fell, too. I think he was important. He was a a dear friend, I feel. He helped me get out of my grief. He extended his hand and I took it.
I was taken somewhere. I can't remember much about it, my mind was still hazy, but it was bitterly cold. I remember people talking to me until my hearing became clear. A soft, sharp, cold, warm voice. I don't know how to explain it, it's like a single voice was everything at once and still somehow... more. He glowed, then, too; not as bright as he had in the grace of heaven, but it didn't seem to diminish his presence. In fact, it grew. I don't know how this man could seem to be everything at a small, singular point of existence, but his sheer presence could saturate a whole room. Like turning the saturation on a photo all the way up, by times ten. He could draw every single eye in the room to him just by being there and he didn't even try. No, he smiled at all of us as individuals and it felt as if we were all being greeted as friend. I remember the other Angels in awe of him, but there was only one other who could really catch his full attention. Make his focus sharpen in a way he didn't around anyone else. I don't remember who it is, just that they seemed to be exact opposites (they were very different, but also very similar). I don't remember much about him, aside from the fact that he was hot. Not hot as in attractive, but the fact that his presence was a blazing sun. He exuded heat like the black-haired angel exuded cold. He was not loud, but his presence screamed out as bright a supernova. Where as the blue-eye-angel drew eyes like a black hole. The thing about black holes is that they aren't just holes--a space where something has been cut out from the surrounding area--he was a monumental density packed into one small point. A singular point of great gravity that drew everything towards it. The fiery angel was the perfect balance for ocean-eyes, yet also the same. I don't know how to describe it in this limited tongue.
I remember battles. I remember people from both sides falling. I remember healing both sides but I know I prioritized the fallen even if I didn't want to admit it. My friend had betray me, cast me out, and who brings my mind from my grief? One of the first fallen.
I didn't fight much beyond protecting myself and those near me. I think I was trying not to pick a side, but I knew which side I'd pick without hesitating: Lucifer's. And that made me feel guilty, because I was angry at my friend--well, friend no longer after this, but either way--but I didn't want my brothers and sisters to perish. I felt like, by choosing a side, I'd condemn them, but I already knew which side I'd chosen. I healed so many but I killed just as much. I think the ones with the white-silver moon jewelry were angels under my... Jurisdiction? I remember being called the Star of... Of something. Or maybe just the Star. I was always softly glowing, everything about me was bright.
Until I fell to my grief, I think.
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paulieshore · 5 years
Obey Me / SCM Au Series
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Warnings: conflict of interest, triggers, drama
Words 2741
I do not own the rights to these characters, characters belong to:
·         Obey me! Shall we date
·         Star crossed myth - Voltage
 Chapter 8: Find Her!
 The House of Gods
 Karno grabbed Scorpio by the shoulders, shouting “WHERE IS SHE SCORPIO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
Karno who was kind, considerate and calm, furious with Scorpio. Gods one by one, slowly appearing in the common room. Leon was permitted to return in aid of the search, and had to pull Karno off of Scorpio.
(Even though he would have loved watching his vice minister kick his ass)
“She’s not in her room!” Ichthys says
“Nor any of the rooms for that matter...” Dui says with his head down, sad.
Leon clicks his tongue, “Well down Vice Minister Dickhead, you made the goldfish run away. Making more work for all of us.”
“SHUT UP! ARE YOU ANY BETTER!” Scorpio steps towards him.
Zyglavis enters, with a grimace look.
“Scorpio you had one job. Just one today, is it so hard to show even the slightest compassion towards humans. Or have you forgotten you were one, once?” Zyglavis raised voice causes most in the room to stiffen.
Scorpio’s face twisted into one of shock, clicking his tongue. He remains silent, and turns his head down.
“They’re will be punishments for this.” Looking around to everyone in the room “First, we must find the girl. She can’t have gone far!”
All twelve went looking and reconvened back in the common room.
Hue points out, “She wasn’t at her own apartment…” Holding his chin in thought. “We couldn’t even see her in the pools….”
“Do you think those demons have Goldie?” Teorus asks
Zyglavis shakes his head, “No, we would have still seen her in the reflecting pool. Karno, was she at this friend of hers?”
Karno shook his head extremely frustrated, “No, I went to Solomon’s and couldn’t detect Y/N’s presence. He claims, he hasn’t spoken to her recently…”
“This Solomon though is a sorcerer, no? He could be hiding her.” Partheno adds with a look of curiosity.
“But we can see him in the reflecting pool, so we should see her then. Besides, a mere wizard able to hide something from a god.” Krioff speaks out loud his trail of thoughts.
Partheno taps his chin, “Interesting, seems our Goldie is Houdini now too…”
Krioff whispers to Partheno to knock it off, casting pitiful eyes over to Karno.
He looks at Scorpio “I have watched over her, her whole life. If anything happens to her because of you… I will be the one to punish you, regardless of who I am. Hear me well, Scorpio.” then storms out of the room.
Everyone gawks at him, Karno is clearly; emotionally distraught.
“I have an idea” Leon pushing himself off the wall, with a smug smile.
 Human Realm: Solomon’s Apartment
You hid in the bedroom closet for safe measure, Karno had unexpectedly shown up at Solomon’s door.
Well, you had a feeling he would, luckily Solomon’s spell worked. He played it off cool, pretending at first not knowing who Karno was, then pretending to remember
‘oh yes, your Y/N’s friend from the other day, would you like to come in?’. Offered Karno tea and all…
He even said he’d call you infront of him, aiding the act that he hadn’t seen or spoken to you. It was blood pumping, and risky but somehow pulled off.
Solomon was a mystery to you, but at this moment he was your life line.
“Y/N if we’re caught, just know I’m throwing you under the bus for having me lie to a god.“ He says laughing.
Night fell
“Here you can borrow a pair of my pyjamas, why don’t you get some sleep after you shower?” He comes back into the living room and passes you a set of clothes.  
“I’m sorry for troubling you Solomon, I’m indebted. I’ll sleep on the couch if that’s alright.”
“Oh no, no, no. I can’t have a lady sleeping on the couch, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman.” Giving you a coy smile.
After a bit of negotiating with him, you both ended up sharing his bed.
However, you couldn’t sleep; mind racing.
You two slept back to back; but Solomon tossed a lot. He turned over and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck.
Even more nerve racking.
You were processing today’s events in your mind, guilt creeping in for running off. They weren’t all terrible, just terrible attitudes. You had put up with a lot with the brothers, and yet you couldn’t give the same compromise back to those gods. You tried; you really did… A few of them were just rather difficult.
How you missed how life was before all this.
Suddenly, Solomon started shifting again and threw an arm over you. Pulling you into his shirtless chest.
You don’t remember him going to bed without a shirt on?!?
Nuzzling his nose into your hair and inhaling deeply, “Oh, Y/N… I’ll save you.” He mumbles in his sleep.
Your breathing hitched and your brain blew up at this point….
 The House of Gods
Leon summoned Simeon, obviously Luke trailed along.
“Chief, you summoned us?” Simeon sits down.
Leon’s hands were clamped together, index fingers up and tapping, thinking.
“Sir?” Simeon calls again
“You requested to personally watch over Solomon, yes?”
Luke barks out, “Yes sir, we both did sir.”
Leon’s eyes dart straight to Luke, who stood in terror (not that he’d admit too it).
“You’ve got your wish. I will allow it, under one circumstance…”
“Which is, sir?”
“We’ve run into a little problem. That punishment prick scared off the goldfish.”
“Goldfish, sir?”
Luke and Simeon seemed genuinely surprised by the news.
“This has to stay quiet; we don’t need all of the heavens knowing. One mortal girl managed to evade not one, but twelve gods.”
Simeon “Can you not just view her where abouts in the pool? “
“We’ve been looking, I suspect the girl is hiding under that wizard’s protection. I plan to go myself and sniff her out… I want you to watch who this ‘Solomon’ interacts with.” What Leon doesn’t say out loud, is the fact this wizard is wielding black magic.
Where there is darkness such as that, there’s bound to be sources, evil sources.
Mammon decided to slip out from class, he texted Asmo to meet near the cafeteria. Waiting around hiding, if Lucifer caught him, he’d be strung up!
“Pst, hey!”
Mammon just about squeals like a girl. “Man don’t go sneaking around like that!”
Asmo frowns, “You’re also sneaking around, what do you want?”
“Tell me where Solomon lives.”
Asmo’s eyes widen, “You’re going to see Y/N, aren’t you?!”
“Just tell me quickly before Lucifer figures out that we’re not in class!”
Asmo pouts and shakes his head.
“Give me your phone then!”
“No and no, if you want to see her then you’ll have to just follow me!”
Mammon was momentarily confused, realising his brother’s intent to lead him there.
“Fine, fine, but we better leave, like now!”
The two of them manage to slip out of the school grounds and straight into the city. Asmo didn’t inform Solomon of their plan, wanting to surprise you. So, without his help; they were going to need a witch to help them get to the human world, luckily Mammon knew a few. Taking the main portals would definitely trigger Lucifer in knowing, what they were up too. Leading them to using secretive ones, that was their best option.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, Asmo and Mammon agreed for the first time ever to set aside differences for one common goal. Even if it meant Lucifer was going to kill them both, they kept low profiles; not to be seen.
What they were unaware of, was Crow; in the shadows watching their every move.
 Solomon’s Apartment (Morning)
It was evident on your face you didn’t sleep a wink.
Solomon practically spooned you all night, occasionally whimpering your name. Sometimes he’d cuss Asmo out, or mumble weird chants. When the sun was up and Solomon’s grip loosened, you slipped out of bed.
Outside of Solomon’s apartment was Leon and Karno, dressed in casuals.
“What exactly are we doing Leon?”
“Watching for our very own eyes…”
“I was here yesterday; I couldn’t find traces of her here.”
“Karno, when looking into the pool did you not notice how the images reflecting were foggier than images shown anywhere else?”
Karno thinks for a moment, “Yes, but even you, yourself; know that sometimes the spikes of pollution can cause the pools to dirty.”
“Oh, so it only happens when peering upon his complex then, none of the others seemed to have had the same fog? Think hard Karno, your emotions for the girl are also clouding your divine judgment.”
Karno thinks… Then it hits him. Magic, not any kind of magic either, black magic. He turns his attention back up to Solomon’s balcony.
Not far from Solomon’s, Asmo and Mammon are fleeting closer.
“We almost there?”
“Yup! It’s super early so they may still be sleeping.”
Mammon stops, then Asmo stops, “What’s the matter, don’t you wanna see Y/N? Come on or I’ll leave you.”
“How many bedrooms is Solomon’s apartment?” Mammon asks.
“Hmm, just one. Why?”
Mammon’s face drops and he begins to scramble on ahead.
“Hey wait for me, you don’t even know where you’re going!” Asmo picks up the pace.
Leon and Karno were sitting on a bench across the street, when they heard two voices approaching.
Leon’s eyes squint and he growls low “Well, well…”
Neither of them moved, hoping to go unnoticed. They watched the two demons enter the building and their eyes darted straight up to the balcony.
“Come on man, hurry.” Mammon was pushing Asmo faster.
“Relax, so what if they do anything, oooh maybe we can join them!!” His eyes fill with excitement.
“NO! No one is touching Y/N!”
The elevator ride couldn’t go fast enough. They reached a floor and Asmo trotted on towards one of the doors, knocking on it.
You were brewing a pot of coffee when a knock at the door startled you. You ran to wake Solomon up, who was very moody upon being woken.
He stomped his way to the door and peaked...
“Oh, it’s you, come in”
You heard Solomon welcome someone in, so you quietly tiptoed towards the closet.
When, Mammon came bursting into the room, “Y/N!!!!!!” Scooping you up into a hug.
Everything happened so fast, you were robbed of your breath.
“Mammon, I can’t breathe!!!”
He let go quickly, face beaming red. “S-sorry, I’ll have you know THE Great Mammon doesn’t go out of his w-way to visit just anyone!”
Asmo comes skipping in, “Goooood-morning dear!”
Even though you were exhausted from a sleepless night, seeing these two before gave you a charge of energy. Throwing your arms around both of them, bringing them in for a group hug.
“This is all fine and dandy but, could you guys go love each other in the living room. It 5 am, I’d like to go back to bed for another hour or so.” Solomon’s running his hand through his hair, at his bedroom door.
“YOU better not have done anything funny to Y/N, and where is your shirt?” Mammon looked mortified.
Outside, Leon and Karno were patiently watching.
“I bet she’s in there...” Leon doesn’t even blink, flicking his head towards the building. “I think we’ve waited enough; we should make our move.”
“What exactly are we going to say or do for the matter Leon?”
Leon who stood up, looked back to Karno who seemed to be stalling.
“Don’t tell me your afraid of two pathetic demons and a wizard, MY vice minister?”
Karno shakes his head and stands up, “No, she’s clearly upset. Both you and Scorpio have played a part to this.” Stating it bluntly. “She won’t want to see you, and she definitely won’t leave with you. She doesn’t handle forced situations well. Trust me, I know her and her temper.”
Leon looks at Karno angrily. Women loved Leon, but this little goldfish was something else.
School finished; the brothers were called into the dining hall of the home. Lucifer had been pondering over the thought of seeing you, even if it was from a safe distance.
Everyone assembled into the hall, except for two.
“Where’s Mammon and Asmodeus?” Lucifer asks the others.
Nobody seemed to know, after a quick phone call to a few of the professors it becomes clear where they were.
Lucifer was angry, not because they did exactly what he planned to do. He was angry they didn’t include them into their little scheme, without thinking through the consequences.
 Solomon’s Apartment
You made tea for the boys, and set a timer on the pot of coffee for Solomon.
“Wow Y/N, you’d make a great house wife ya know!” Asmo admires
“It’s just tea and coffee” You shrug your shoulders, not thinking too much on his commentary.
A Knock at the Door
You whip around and whisper to the boys, ‘did you invite others?’ They look at each other and shake their heads. Solomon comes out at this point, unable to sleep due to how loud the demon visitors were.
He signals you to go to the room before doing so, and walks to the door. He peaks through the peep hole…
No one.
“How very strange…”
“Why don’t you open the door and check” Asmo stands up and skips over, with curiosity.
Solomon shakes his head “that would allow entry, my home is safe guarded for reasons.” Giving Asmo the ‘you should know better look’.
Another knock sounding louder than the first
This time it’s coming from the room you’re in, remembering Solomon stated he didn’t have neighbours. You start doing circles on the spot, taking in everything around. Noticing around the windows, a black mist like substance swirling. It didn’t look like dust caught in the breeze; it was like it was seeping from the cracks around the frames. The room begins to feel chillier than it was moments ago.
“Hey, Solomon what’s that?” You call to him, panic in your voice.
Solomon, Mammon and Asmo rush in.
“It seems you boys were indeed followed” Solomon’s face darkens “We’ve got company”
Leon and Karno were still discussing how to go about approaching, when Leon catches from the corner of his eye your head bop up near the window; then other heads too.
“Gotcha” He squints and smiles, his smile drops when both him and Karno notice.
Black swirling mist starts surrounded the building, darkening in the area of one suite, the suite you’re in.
“We need to move, now!”
“Y/N get behind me” Mammon grabs your arm and pulls you.
Solomon begins chanting something, but soon drops to his knees; choking.
“SOLOMON!” you all yell in unison.
A very eerie voice carries throughout the room.
“We’ve been looking in all the wrong areas, found you former goddess!”
Skin begins to crawl, the room dropping to freezing temperatures. Asmo and Mammon both take forms, Asmo picking Solomon up who fell unconscious to the floor.
“Hey- that voice!?” Mammon points out.
A figure then begins to appear from the floor, eyes tearing into you, this feeling; a familiar one. You knew instantly who ‘this one’ served. A body starts to emerge from the swirling mist in the floor, long hair and a black marking on his cheek. Your head started to thump in pain, the more he took form.
“We need to leave now!” Mammon starts pulling you away from your trance.
“No-one’s going anywhere!!!” Crow screeches, the walls cover in black ice, sealing off any attempts to escape.
Asmo and Mammon prepared for assault, the only way out was going to be a forced way out.
As they readied, two more figures appear with a *SNAP* blocking their way.
“You again!” Mammon shouts
Karno doesn’t turn, but shouts, “TAKE HER AND LEAVE!”
Snapping his fingers, lights fly through the air, by your heads. Shattering the ice blockading the door, Asmo and Mammon don’t wait a minute before they rush with great speed. Taking you and Solomon from the apartment, leaving Leon and Karno to deal with him.
  To be Continued
  Thank you to everyone that reads this series, and for your patience!
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Has anyone compared/contrasted Lucifer pulling Mary into the AU at the end of s12 and Sam and Michael in "Swan Song" going into the Cage? What are your thoughts on the parallel structure, if any? [Thanks so much for your meta; I look forward to the tumblr discussions just as much as the episodes sometimes
I’ve seen it commented on a LOT right after the episode, although I can’t actually find a gifset comparison… And I would have to get out the DVDs and cap it by hand to make a comparison so *ugh* :P
I can’t find any meta on it though when going through my 5x22 tag so it had to all be passing comments just on how similar it looked.
I guess obviously the surface level parallel is just to give a sort of cinematic contrast to what Sam did because even though she’s not possessed and didn’t MEAN to fall through with him, she was doing a sort of sacrifice play, living the dream to go punch Lucifer in the face like she said she wanted to do. In defence of her boys. I mean, obviously. Not just punching Lucifer. I don’t *think* this all happened because of her vindictive need to punch him to make up for everything that ever happened because of her, although that is a valid reading I guess :P
It’s all a bit messed up because Lucifer pulled her through because of spite, while Michael was the one who latched onto Sam, and tried to stop him, but fell into the Cage with him because he couldn’t let go and be chill about the fight he was supposed to have with Lucifer. You can’t line up motives with the reasons why Mary went into the AU with why Michael got dragged into the Cage, and Lucifer wasn’t even in charge when it happened in 5x22. 
So going more than superficially makes it pretty hard to say it’s more than using the parallels as the means of removing Mary from the story and a comparison that like Sam she was doing something heroic for them, and ended up trapped in another world, and when they first see her again, she’s in a cage, ironically with Michael (I guess with dramatic irony that they don’t know this but we do so it’s somehow even more obvious to us)… 
It does make a direct parallel to Sam though, that he was trapped with Michael and Lucifer in the Cage, and though the AU stuff has been pretty thin so far and we’ve only had one real episode of Mary there, plus a glimpse for us in 13x01 and a glimpse for Jack and the Winchesters in 13x09… The parallel we got on screen was to Dean in Hell, and they were VERY not subtle about that since they used 13x08 to show that - which makes a parallel instead that Mary has been condemned to the AU, which is the world that *technically* she broke since it’s the world where Sam and Dean were never born, because she didn’t take the deal. 
I’m not entirely sure what that’s saying about anything or if there’s an unintentional crappy message if you dig too deep :P But in 12x23 it was a sort of vindication at least. That their world was so nice BECAUSE they were all in it and their entire chain of events had happened the way it was supposed to since before they were born.
Thinking a few other loose thoughts while prodding this. Season 12 started with a strong theme of season 6 being reversed, and if you roll it backwards far enough you get to 5x22. Obviously all the events being messed up so it’s all a bunch of superficial similarities but all the results and characters and motives and even the angle of the hole they’re falling in are all changed around, arriving at that end and falling into an apocalypse does seem to finish rolling season 6 back through to season 5. 
Also if Mary is a Sam parallel in terms of circumstance, more than Dean being in Hell despite the superficial parallel which is more about motivating him than drawing a proper allegory - Mary’s there accidentally and getting tormented by Lucifer and then Michael just because she happens to be around and caught in the middle of all of it - Sam was saved by Cas in this example. Of course, brought back soulless so there’s got to be consequences… That was part of Cas’s post-apocalypse (lol that phrase is meaningless in this show) hubris and at that point feeling like he could do anything so why not jailbreak Sam from the Cage because Dean would want it and it would be a happier ending than what they had, and of course that causes a whole bunch of problems. 
BUT it is a Winchester codependency deal free zone, because although Dean was LOOKING for ways to do it all through that year, Sam was already back, and the deal he cut with Death to get Sam back turned out to be a lesson Death wanted him to learn and he was intending to give Sam back, because he felt there were bigger problems they needed to deal with. An advantage of Gamble being really un-critical of the codependency is that while none of this is particularly healthy, it’s not all being put on full blast like in Carver era.
I think there’s the obvious parallel now that Jack is the one who had the means to get Mary - like Cas did while Dean had no clue how to save Sam - and had been pursuing it behind their backs for 3 episodes, before coming up with a solution to get her back that’s preeeetty sketchy because aside from any of the consequences they’ve already been warned by Death to back off from messing with the cosmic stuff and here they are… In 6x11 he’s warning them before Cas opens Purgatory, in 13x05 she’s warning Dean before they go universe hopping and cause what’s already happened plus I bet a whole bunch more nonsense on top of that yet to come :P
But anyway Jack has been given the sole task of rescuing Mary because no one else made it to Apocalypse AU with him, and that seals the comparison to Cas in/before season 6 saving Sam, especially as we get a lot of motivation overlap, but Jack’s is much more clear and personal in some ways because we’re seeing it as it happens and getting explanations as we go, such as his need to do something good and seeing the whole process by which he would arrive at deciding that he can and should save Mary, and why, and who for, and all that. 
I think we need to see more of the consequences/Jack’s overall season to keep on comparing him to season 6 Cas because so far as we’ve seen he’s not cut any shady deals (and I doubt he has, at least because anyone who he could cut a shady deal with is still looking for him :P) and he’s still just at the part that technically Cas had already done before the end of season 5 since Sam was already back before the credits there. We really just have Cas’s explanations in season 6 to go on, told from the perspective of the END of season 6, where everything’s got all hecked up… 
I’m guessing if this is going to be bad in some way it will continue to be a different sort of light on things, especially to make a parallel with Cas which could be like one of those scenarios about the son accidentally atoning for the father’s mistakes or whatever by having a take 2 and doing it better on their go around - it’s Cas’s biggest mistake and it’s why, for example, so many angels are dead and they’re pestering Cas to get Jack to make more angels (and we’ve had a few reminders this season about Cas being responsible for that, with his face in the Empty when it tells him all the other dead angels are in there too). I think Cas has long ago redeemed himself *personally* to the Winchesters for the season 6 stuff, but it would be nice if this is heading a way to make Cas less catastrophically guilty to Heaven because he could move on with his life if that guilt was lessened. 
(On the other hand I do worry about Jack doing the exact same thing he’s doing with Mary in 13x09 - “Oh you want this done? And it will make everything better! Okay!” *just goes and friggin… does the thing… without stopping to consider the consequences* - oh, Billie will be facepalming if all the previously-dead angels suddenly drop out of the Empty or something like that :P) 
Anyways this is all getting really ahead of where we are, but something like knowing it would be a season 6 parallel with Mary in “the cage” and Jack going off to rescue her metaphorical guns blazing is definitely only something that solidified SINCE 12x23 so I guess it’s one of those things that is only easy to talk about looking back from 13x09 (even if we’ve been wondering if/how Jack would at the very least open a rift and get Mary back since the summer) because now we know for sure he’s doing it for very similar or at least comparable reasons to what Cas did for Sam. So we’re seeing another thing that only happened off-screen in the original loop happening on screen this time but told through different characters and in different ways (like Patience leaving home to go hunt monsters being an emotional and situational reverse parallel to Sam leaving for Standford, but possibly being the closest version we’ll see on screen to that moment). So there’s a whole parallel structure going on here which just *starts* with Mary going into the AU like Michael and/or Sam falling into the cage in 5x22…
Don’t *think* she’s going to come back soulless although every friggin time a character returns from somewhere or other since, like, ever, people start speculating if they’re soulless so in before that :P
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luciferismyhomeboy · 7 years
What Goes Around - Part 2
Pairings: Lucifer x You
Warnings: A little bit of foul language
Tag List: @kawaiidemondesuchan @mysacredstardust @justsavey0urself @runecantfly @catfishwrites @sup--ernova @imincastielsarmy 
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Poof! You appeared in the room with a little flutter of wings. The room was dark and you squinted into the inky blackness, trying to see what was there. Your vessel’s eyes would take a few moments to adjust as you had just been in the bright sunlight. All of a sudden, light flared in the room as fire lit up in a circle around you.
Holy oil, you thought, but you pushed it aside for now. The glow of the flames had lit up two humans standing outside the ring with identical looks of shock on their faces and it was them you were interested in.
“Azrael’s a chick,” The shorter one said. “A hot chick.”
The taller one shot the shorter one a look, then glanced apprehensively at you. You crossed your arms over your chest, letting mild annoyance creep into your features, and waited for one of them to speak. You had learned long ago that this would give you the upper hand in a conversation.
“Hi,” The tall one said. “Sorry for the holy oil, but we couldn’t risk you attacking us, or leaving. I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean.”
He paused, clearly waiting for you to speak, but you stayed silent. Of course you had heard about the Winchester brothers, who hadn’t? But you weren’t going to let him know that. He took a deep breath and plunged ahead.
“We’re hoping you can help us. Our mother is stuck in an alternate reality and we really need to get her back. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
You snorted derisively. “What makes you think I’m going to help you get your little mommy back?” You sneered at him. “What makes you think that you’ll leave this place alive?”
“You’re the one surrounded by holy oil, remember?” Dean said. “You’re the one who will never leave if we don’t want you to.”
You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was right. “Why would you think I could help you?”
“We, uh, we saw your name in a book.” Sam answered. “And since the others are indisposed, we thought we’d talk to you.”
“Other archangels.”
“What do you mean, indisposed?”
“Well, Gabriel and Raphael are dead, Michael’s in the Cage, and Lucifer is in the other place with our mother.”
You tried to conceal your shock. You had known about Gabriel and Raphael, but you hadn’t known what had happened with Michael and Lucifer. After all, you had been kicked out of Heaven a long time ago and found it difficult to keep up on the gossip. News of the archangels’ deaths had traveled fast, but what had happened between the brothers wasn’t well known. You did know the apocalypse hadn’t happened though, so someone had stopped those two imbeciles from ripping each other apart. You took a moment to gather yourself.
“I’ll repeat my question. Why do you think I can help you?”
Sam looked at Dean and took another deep breath. “Right before the Nephilim was born, a rip in the universe appeared. Lucifer and our mother fell through that rip. Because it clearly had something to do with Jack being born, we thought you might know something about it.”
“What Nephilim?” You asked, startled. You were afraid you already knew the answer.
“Lucifer’s.” Dean retorted. “Can you help us or not?”
You didn’t answer right away as Dean had just confirmed your fears. Was Lucifer trying to get himself killed? He knew what the penalty was for creating a hybrid. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Where is this Nephilim now? Did you kill it?”
“That’s not the issue here, lady-” Dean began angrily, but you cut him off.
“It is the issue and it’s a bigger issue than you realize, human.” You snarled. “The spawn of an archangel and a human is stronger than anything else in the universe. It could decide to tear this planet apart and no one would be able to stop it. Now, did you kill it?”
Sam shifted uncomfortably. “No.”
You rubbed your face with your hand, careful not to disturb your makeup. “Maybe you two dolts should start at the beginning. You’re the idiots who let Lucifer out of his Cage, right? Start from there and catch me up.”
So they did. They told you how Michael had possessed their younger half-brother and Lucifer had possessed Sam, but Sam was able to take over his body long enough to fling both him and Michael’s vessel back into the Cage using the Four Horsemen’s Rings. They told you about the Mark of Cain and accidently unleashing God’s sister on an unsuspecting world, and how Sam sought out Lucifer for help. Lucifer had inhabited their angel friend, Castiel, unbeknownst to them, and was cavorting around the planet. He inhabited a couple other vessels, including the President, before Sam and Dean tried to put him back in his Cage. Sometime during that tenure as President, he slept with an aide and created the Nephilim. During the ceremony to put Lucifer back in his Cage, the King of Hell, who was now dead, had secretly trapped Lucifer in Hell and tried to make a slave out of him, but the Devil somehow wiggled out of that one. They all had collided at a lake house, where Castiel had taken the mother of the Nephilim to give birth. A rip in the fabric of the universe had opened, and Sam and Dean had seen the other side. A wasteland where demons ran around. It was what would have happened had the apocalypse occurred. They made it back, but were unable to stop the Nephilim from being born. Sometime in the ensuing chaos, their mother had pushed Lucifer into the rip but had fallen through herself. The rip closed right behind them. They had brought the Nephilim back to their bunker and now here you all were.
You were silent a few moments, trying to reconcile the old Lucifer you had known with what the boys had told you. It was hard. The Lucifer you had known had been warm, funny, and kind. At least, he had been until the First War with Amara. The war had changed him and the Mark he had received afterwards had changed him too. He no longer carried the Mark, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. Absently you wondered if all his years in the Cage had driven him insane. He had been thunderously angry with you when you left him there, but he hadn’t seemed like he was on the brink of madness. Then again, that was just after Michael had put him in there, and had cast you out of Heaven permanently. He had been stuck down there by himself for eons. You felt your stomach twist at the thought of him being alone, but you shoved it aside. You stood by your words that you had said to him the day you saw him in the Cage. No matter how you felt about him, he had more than deserved his punishment. And you had deserved yours.
“What book did you find my name in?” You asked suddenly.
Sam answered immediately: “A Historia de Caelo. Written by Titsanaphalus.”
You chuckled at the name. “Ohhh Gabriel, you sly dog.”
“What does Gabriel have to do with this?” Dean asked.
“Really?” You asked sarcastically. “Tits-ana-phalus? Tits and a phallus? You really couldn’t figure that one out?”
The boys looked at each other and you could almost see the lightbulbs turn on in their brains.
“I just thought it was an old-timey name,” Dean muttered. “Like Aristotle.”
“Well, guess again.”
Sam spoke up: “Why did Gabriel write a book? And how did it end up here?”
“He wrote it because I destroyed all the other tomes that had my name in them.” You answered absently, wrapped up in your thoughts. “At least, that’s what I think happened. He never told me about this.”
“It doesn’t really matter, does it?” Dean said, anger starting to rise in his voice. “Are you going to help us or not?”
You raised your chin and looked down your nose at the human. You had been avoiding your past for eons, but because of Gabriel, these humans had found you and pushed it back in your face. It was most likely the reason he had written the book. You were at a crossroads. Helping the brothers probably meant facing Lucifer again. He had been your closest companion at one time. Part of you was crying out that he could be saved, that you had to find him and bring him home and help him redeem himself, and the other part of you was screaming for you to run in the other direction. You wanted to side with the latter part, but you knew you couldn’t just leave Lucifer in that other dimension/universe/whatever the hell it was. He might have deserved to be locked in the Cage, but he didn’t deserve this.
“I’ll help you.” You said finally. The brothers looked relieved for moment until you continued. “But we’re bringing Lucifer back too.”
“I don’t think so!” Dean snarled at you.
You gazed calmly back at him. “That’s my condition. Take it or leave it.”
“He’s just going to try to cause mayhem.” Sam pleaded. “That’s all he wants. We should leave him where he is.”
“I’m not leaving him there. No matter his faults, he is my brethren and I am bringing him home.”
“This might have been a mistake, Sammy.” Dean said, his eyes never coming off of you. “She might join Lucifer in his destruction.”
You sneered at him. “I would never do that, little human. I have lived for millions upon millions of years on this planet and I could have joined him once you morons let him out the first time. But I didn’t. Plus I’m the only one can handle him. You’re talking to the one being who is stronger than he is.”
“Except for Jack.” Sam said.
“The Nephilim. His name is Jack.”
You hesitated. You weren’t sure how to feel about the Nephilim, but everything in you screamed that it was a perversion.
“True.” You conceded. “Now, do you still want my help?”
They looked at each again, then back at you. Dean nodded. “Yes.”
Sam brought out a few buckets of water and they doused the flames. You all stared at each other for a moment and you realized they were waiting for you to do something, either disappear or attack. You did neither, merely crossed your arms.
“I want to see him.”
“Who?” Sam asked.
“The Nephilim. Jack. Whatever. I want to see Lucifer’s son.”
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themanofonebook · 7 years
—Okay here is that promised Enjolras and Javert meta that I was talking about. @pontificalandwarlike and I were having this discussion a while ago and I don’t remember what she said but I can guess based on the context and below the cut is the response which I sent to her and also an added bit from myself with more on the subject read at will I do this because I love it. There’s some stuff in there about Hugo and Christianity and blah blah it’s long because I’m dumb.
“Oh I can tell you why people laud Enjolras and decry Javert very simply, though it says a bit about how we, as humans, think of ourselves and our souls — and also just a bit about Hugo and Christianity, which was basically his purpose in writing the book if we’re going to be totally honest.
Yes Javert and Enjolras are basically the same character, it’s true; they are both “terrible”, they are both obsessively devoted to their cause with the supposed exclusion of all else (though Enjolras has his friends and Javert has his snuff and flair for the dramatic), they both value their own perception of justice above everything else in the known world; in their minds, “the right” is the most important thing and anything you offer up pales in comparison to their idea of a perfect world, Enjolras’s being a democracy bordering on Marxist ideas which would not be born for quite some time, Javert’s being a country where all criminality is stamped out and the bourgeois are petted and protected because they are born good and have the smallest chance of falling to evil.
Their character arcs parallel — introduction in which they are, in reality, a powerful, marble backdrop for the main characters at the time; Enjolras is the lover of liberty whom we compare Marius and Les Amis to, Javert is the staunch supporter of the law and Valjean’s twin and contrast. They go through their own personal development, delved into with a touch of detail, but their greatest moments are their deaths; the very ends of the developmental stages and their subsequent demises are what changes perception of their places in the story, Enjolras being an angel and stand-in for Saint Michael, Javert being closer to the musical’s “Lucifer” and falling from the grace that is his own righteousness because he cannot comprehend goodness — and there’s the point.
Enjolras, while beginning as a bit of a pigheaded arse, if I might be so bold, has the benefits of Combeferre, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, etc., and Marius on the barricade. Being there, fighting, killing others, brings out in him that shred of humanity, but his focus, his Justice, can allow for the deaths of others for the greater good. Then there is his death, and this is important in regards to what I said about this entire novel being Hugo’s prompt to return to religion (Christianity, the Christian God) and seek goodness there. Up until this point, Enjolras has killed, derided; he’s floated on his own cloud of aloof angelic righteousness, which is why he is Saint Michael; but Grantaire, lowly, non-believing Grantaire, extends his hand to him; Enjolras, touched by Combeferre’s humanity, touched by the deaths of his friends, touched by the pure goodness and all-too poignant mortal sorrow of those going to die on the barricades, takes this offering and raises Grantaire to his level (in a way, maybe not entirely), and dies with him. He is redeemed enough, as a human being, to stand with someone “lesser” than himself, to accept and to love them, and to die with them; he now relates to the very people whom he was fighting to aid with his revolution. It’s this admission of humanity which reinforces one of the most basic beliefs of Christianity. And all of this religious spew that I’m doing right now is coming from a non-Christian so there’s that, haha. Enjolras, in the end, embraced Grantaire, embraced Heaven, embraced human love, perhaps even embraced Jesus, and that, in and of itself, earns him his redemption and shifts him from “marble bastard of unfeeling harsh murderous justice and rebellion” to “sympathetic golden symbol of a new dawn”.
Javert, though he goes through a lot of development as a person, does not do so as a symbol. He becomes looser, we see that he is snarky, etc. etc., but he is still the same supporter of the law and the corrupt system as always, up until the moment of his death — in fact, his death itself is a reflection of how deeply Javert is rooted in his beliefs concerning the French justice system. Valjean, poor, suffering Valjean who has made something good of himself, who has learnt love as well as kindness and therefore raised himself up just as Enjolras did, lowers — yes, lowers — his hand to Javert, who has never grown past this point because who in France would spare an inspector, who would extend kindness their way? He offers Javert his life, and then offers himself; in conceding to go with Javert to the station and then to prison, he lowers himself to Javert’s level; it is a clear stepping down, and even Javert recognizes this, therefore he recognizes himself as low; low, in his mind, does not register as “loveless”, or lacking in morality, because he has no sense of either of these things; in Javert’s perfectly flawed world, “low” means “criminal”. Valjean is stepping down to him, bowing to his demands; Valjean had and gave up the high ground to him. Whom has Valjean served in such a way in the past? The poor. He lowers himself to them, to the destitute, to those who have nothing, to those outside of society,but not to policemen, not to Javert. Javert knew that he was not a member of society, but there was always that line; he was of the law, therefore he was right, if not good; now, Valjean extends a hand to him, bows to him, offers himself, and Javert has no choice but to consider himself a criminal… and to see Valjean as a superior once more, a vicious slap in the face giving the events of M.sur.M and what that must have done to him mentally. Javert does not take it well.
He doesn’t accept the offered hand as Enjolras did, he doesn’t lower himself to lift himself up, he hardly recognizes the change in himself — rather, he knows that something is different, but does not know what that something is, and is afraid; the system is capable of change, for Javert represents the system, but the system is required to fall to change, and Javert is only a human. He is a person. He cannot process goodness within himself, refuses to be on par with Valjean, though he concedes, in the end, to let him go, because he cannot bear to see that man die. He knows that it would be wrong. He knows! Already, his perception of right and wrong is changing! He has a chance.
…and he does not take it. He kills himself, with one foot out and one foot in, still trapped by the law which consumed his life; he must apologize, for not returning this man to jail, even though he couldn’t, for the sake of love — not romantic love, but basic, moral goodness. He couldn’t do it. And he couldn’t handle the change which Valjean prompted in him. And he fell.
A lot of people say that Javert’s death shocked them, and I don’t think it’s just because a strong man like that died so quickly; it’s because he was given the option to change, the transformation was initiated, and we as readers were so used to these being successful (Valjean, Marius, Enjolras), that when Javert cannot take it and derails before his shift is complete, it shocks us. It’s Hugo’s last jab at the system which Javert did and did not represent; it’s a snatching away of hope — hope for Javert, hope for change. Hugo wanted to see that system go down so badly that Javert died. At the same time, Javert’s death is clearly made out to be an apology to God; this is the only way he knows, now, having failed in his duties as a human being beneath Heaven, inspector aside; the last time he apologized (to Madeleine), he resigned. The only way to resign to God is… well. But Hugo leaves it semi-ambiguous as to whether or not Javert was ultimately forgiven for his sins in lacking goodness and kindness. We don’t know. That ambiguity is the only hope for the system. By taking apart what we have, can we really make it better? There’s a chance, and we have to try.
But to us mere mortals, to know that Enjolras had his chance at redemption and seized Grantaire’s hand and held tight, and that Javert was given the same chance and instead made to apologize by dying, we opt for the more hopeful, and praise Enjolras for being so good and abhor Javert for failing and falling, because we should all like to be like Enjolras, and have the hope of redemption that Enjolras has and Javert ultimately denied in dying — yes, he may have had redemption after death (I mean look at ghostverse that’s what I’m sayin’), but what can we, as living humans, do with that? We don’t want to die! We want to rise up and change and be good and loving and loved, and that is what Enjolras’s death is, and Javert’s is not.
And an addition here with a tiny note:
I think it’s important that we judge Enjolras on the same scale as we do Javert, or we’re being just as unfair as the system of law which the book was so against and so for altering. Enjolras willingly takes his friends out into the streets, builds a barricade which he must know is going to fall, fights with the army of France (made up of French citizens; note how Enjolras seems willing enough to exclude them from the people he wants to save, and, while admittedly some of them were rich and also reaping the benefits of having work and such that’s still a dick move and his redeeming point comes with the whole “he is my brother tear down the marble cheek” bit which I love), and ultimately ends up dying with his compatriots and accomplishing nothing he missed becoming historic men like Enjolras who are willing to have this brilliant moving moral suicide are not the future lovers like Marius Pontmercy who acknowledge the corruption in society and accept different points of view (see “my mother is the republic” Combeferre singing about Caesar on his way out the door his willingness to take in his father’s beliefs about Napoleon but also to go to the barricade and fight against the monarchy with his friends because that is what he truly believes to be wrong that is his opinion which he has formed after listening to others) are the future they will see the future while people like Enjolras and Courfeyrac and Combeferre will not bless them they burn out so fast.
If we’re going to judge Javert on the basis that the ends do not justify the means and that his letter to the Préfecture and his suicide do not excuse his actions then we must also judge Enjolras in the same way instead of raising him up onto this unrealistic pedestal which has been created for him he is not Apollo he is not a god he is not even marble he is a man just as flawed as any other man in this book.
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ladyosen · 7 years
Pillar 88 thoughts
It's been a while since I did one of these.  I've been a bit down and works getting to me, but writing, however sparsely is good for the soul o/
 -Seeing William in danger during his mind jaunt, Kevin starts to act, probably with the intent of going into his mind, when Michael stops him.  Michael yells at him, telling him he's going to kill himself, which Kevin merely saying he doesn't have to listen to him.  Michael tries to remind him of what Solomon did to him, only to have Kevin sarcastically mock him for caring and trying to 'atone.'
Surprisingly enough, Michael isn't offended but stunned and then offers to give Kevin his wings if he makes it back to heaven.  Kevin's shocked and tries to tell Michael it's impossible only to have Michael be offended, because nothing is impossible for him.  
-The moment gets interrupted by William waking up, and Michael is so put off that he starts to leave. Jelly much, Michael?  He stops when he William notes his presence along with Kevin's though.
William explains what he saw or rather part of what he saw.  That Baalberith's actions have all been for Sytry's sake.  Following Solomon, not Sleeping, seeking the throne, they have all been to protect his charge.  William also notes that Sytry doesn't know and stands up, declaring that he will go to Hell, likely motivated by a desire to tell Sytry the truth.
It's both an emotional course of action, but a sensible one.  Sytry's motivation in allowing himself to be used by Heaven is because he thinks he has no place in Hell, that Baalberith doesn't actually want him there. Knowing that Baalberith, in his own admittedly dysfunctional way wants him changes things considerably.
-William declares that he will stop "all counterproductive conflicts" a very William like statement, but one that makes Mathers happy.  He notes that William is no longer Solomon and that he's been waiting for a person like this to be born.  A person who would defy the natural order of the world.
And I think by birth, Mathers means this moment precisely, this moment where William has declared his intent to take the reigns of his own destiny.  This is also what Solomon has desperately wanted as well, a person who has the ability and strength of will to step up to fate and tear it down.  For someone to save him.
-They start the ceremony to go to hell, and it's noted that no one knows how to actually return from Hell.  William notes before he's always been protected and safe, but now anything can happen, indicating just how much thought he's put into his decision.
Isaac comes and demands that William return safely, to which William declares of course.  It's a cute moment, but one that has someone finality to it.  Isaac's been pretty attached to William's hip for the most part, so him not coming along means the situation is that dangerous.
-We then flash over to Jeanne and Gilles.  Jeanne flashes back to a St Catherine's day feast when she was alive, wearing a hat that Gilles teases her for, since it's something women wear in the hopes that St Catherine will give them men.  Jeanne is mortified and removes it.  Back to the present, Gilles hands that hat over to her, the very hat he has been wearing all this time.  We flash back to him clutching the hat sadly over Jeanne's ashes, a very moving moment.
Jeanne then asks why they are there, in France, and Gilles states that they are looking at the people they shall destroy for the crime of killing Jeanne.  We see a group of angels appear in the sky and he mentions that the apocalypse shall occur.
-Meanwhile we go back to Dantalion and Gilgamesh who seem to be fighting their way to Lucifer's bed chamber? But Dantalion pretty much summarizes what Lucifer was after.  He wanted Solomon to be Emperor and no one else.  But because he's at the end of his life, he was forced to find Solomon sooner and has to force his choice of hosts for Solomon.  Gilgamesh notes that all of this, the battle for substitute king, the war with heaven, the four horseman, are all just plots to this end (though why is a bit… confusing, and I think Lucy just has brain rot at this point.)
Dantalion gets angry that Lucifer isn't answering him and blasts through the bedroom door.  He's then surprised by who is standing in his way and we end the chapter.  These cliff hangers suck at this point.
 Thoughts in general:
-I love the relationship between Michael and Uriel.  You can feel the weight of the bad history between them, but you can also see the growth. Uriel no longer fears Michael but instead faces up to him as an equal.  And we see that Michael does regret his past behavior and is actually willing to make up for it.
It's also interesting to see how very similar Michael and William are in some ways.  Both are incredibly strong willed and conceited. They've both tried to protect themselves by becoming cold and aggressive towards others.  Both have a strong belief in their own talents and hold themselves to high standards.  William is ultimately more well-adjusted than Michael though, who is just beginning to really come to grips with himself.  No wonder Uriel fell so hard for William, who was so similar to his ex-friend.  Also no wonder William seemed so interested in Michael when he posed as Elliot.  The two could be ready friends, or at least respected rivals in the right time and place.
-The stuff about Baalberith's feelings towards Sytry is an interesting turn.  It's also interesting that the manga still hasn't directly touched upon what Gabriel's exact connection is, merely implying heavily again and again what it is.  Are Baalberith and Gabriel his parents or is something else going on?  And in the former case, why hide it at all?  What would Baalberith or Sytry have to lose if this information came out?
-I'm so proud of William, my fave right now.  At the start of the manga, he constantly refuses to take any responsibility for heaven or hell and he's not unjustified in that.  After all, why should he have to suffer for something he has no choice in, when he's just a teenager?  But now he's grasping his destiny, however unwanted, because this is something he can do. How can he just watch the world go to ruin when he can fix it?
I'm also thinking we're seeing more of why he might make a good prime minister or at least what drives him down that path.  The belief that there are conflicts out there that he can solve through his common sense and wisdom, much like Solomon did.  Only his wisdom isn't bound up the by wants of Heaven.  He has to freedom to act on his own moral compass.
-It's a bit sad that Isaac isn't coming along, since I always liked how attached he was to William. He's almost always been included in his friend's adventures, so it really does feel like this is the final story arc.  Also still desperately hoping for the side story that explains how he and William became friends.
-All I can really think from the Jeanne and Gilles part is that the mangaka really like Fate Grand Order. Though that aside, I do wonder what Jeanne thinks of all this.  I do think she has to be in turmoil, feeling abandoned by Heaven after all these centuries of work and devotion.  What does she think of Gilles?  What does she really think of her burning?
-I hope we get to find out more about Lucifer and Solomon's relationship, since it seems like Lucy loved him a lot.  Solomon really had some pheromones going on.  William probably really hates that inheritance.
I feel like this part with Gilgamesh and Dantalion almost got a bit samey, even though we're now in a different area.  I almost think it was just throwing Dantalion fans a bone at this point.  But I hope this means we get some more answers next chapter, maybe even Dantalion's backstory.  Though I kind of think that's a thing we're going to witness along with William.
I really would also like some Gilgamesh back story, since his motives are still a little vague at this point.  In particular, I'd like to know what MO's take on the Epic of Gilgamesh was, why he joined Heaven, what caused him to part with Dantalion originally and what he was hoping to get out of his initial betrayal of Dantalion other than a seeming ending to boredom.
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Nesting (13/?): To Flock Again
Summary:  The archangels try to be siblings again, but it's not easy when there's thousands of years of apologies to be made. Fortunately, they have that kind of time.
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Gabriel and Raphael
           “I think that’s a good start,” Father said. “You two should get some rest. I imagine you have quite a bit to catch up on.” He smiled.
           It was so strange to see her Father, Raphael mused. After thousands of years, after sincerely believing that He was gone, to speak with Him like they had before the Fall…it was a bit more than she could take, especially after the revelation of Michael’s treachery.
           “You got it, Pops.” Gabriel took her hand. “Raph, I’ve got to go report to the Bunker, but I’ll be back very soon, okay?”
           Raphael nodded. “I will be in the Garden.”
           She flew there without another word, without speaking to her Father. The Garden was clear now, the imprint of Naomi’s wings gone. Her prospective mate was dead, and Raphael was so thankful she could hardly believe it. Her own wings were healed now, but the hurt would stay.
           After Michael fell, Naomi was the only one Raphael could talk to about the old days. Most of the other angels were too young, too hurt in the Fall. And her Nestlings…
           She’d lost everything that day, even if it took thousands of years to realize it. She’d lost Lucifer, lost Michael, lost Gabriel, lost her Nestlings, lost her Father…and through Naomi’s magic, she’d lost herself.
           So who had she become in those thousand years? Who was she? Was she even real?
           Her brother’s Grace surrounded her.
           “Oh sister, I’m here.”
           “You came back…” Raphael whispered. She slipped out of her vessel.
           “I was only gone for an hour…” Then Gabriel understood. “I’m sorry, Raphael.”
           “What was so bad about me?” Raphael asked, pulsing with grief. “What was so wrong that you all left me behind?” The two Nestlings—she couldn’t bear to remember their names—the only two she’d raised who hadn’t joined Lucifer’s cause, those two had died in the fight with their siblings. Lucifer shoving her aside and taking her Nestlings, Michael and Naomi deciding that she wasn’t thinking properly, Gabriel and Father taking off…
           “There was nothing wrong with you,” Gabriel answered. His wings cradled her as she had once done with him, so curious about this little creature, the last Archangel. He was her charge. But he preferred Lucifer, and so she stayed with Michael.
           “Nothing,” Gabriel repeated. “But we were wrong. We never considered you. I beg your forgiveness, sister.”
           Yesterday Raphael would have given her forgiveness immediately, but yesterday she didn’t understand the depth of her hurt. It wasn’t all at Gabriel’s feet, but she wasn’t ready.
           “I will give it,” she promised. “Just…not yet. Give me time, brother.”
           “Of course,” Gabriel said. “And I will use that time to repent properly. You will be yourself again, Raphael. And I will never let anyone harm you again.”
Lucifer and Michael
           It had been so long since Father came that Lucifer was positive it was a dream.
           His anger at Michael had burned out in the last century, but Michael still acted furious. So they continued to fight. When they were too tired they retreated to opposite corners of the Cage, licking their wounds, watching each other warily. They hadn’t spoken a word in two hundred years.
           Now was one of those times, and Lucifer was dreading getting up again, dreading the idea of fighting again. He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t annoyed…his hurt was still there, blazing in his Grace, but hurting Michael wasn’t enough. He just wanted to stop fighting his brother.
           He’d never wanted to fight him in the first place.
           Michael rose, and Lucifer groaned. Leave me be, Michael.
           If he’d been human, his voice would have been raspy from disuse. As it was, his True Voice fell flat in the Cage.
           Michael’s eyes burned into his. We must continue.
           What for?
           Father will not let us out until our tempers have cooled.
           I’m not angry anymore, Michael.
           Michael jerked back in surprise. You lie.
           No. I’m not lying. I’m too tired. If you want to fight me, you’ll have to fight alone. Lucifer turned his back on his brother.
           He listened, waiting for his brother to charge, but Michael was silent. Silent and still.
           I am not angry either, Lucifer.
           That shocked him into turning. Then why do you fight me?
           I don’t know what else to do. Father wants us to earn our repentance.
           A flicker of anger lapped at Lucifer. Of course. Father. Tell me, Michael, do you even have a will of your own anymore? What do you want?
           I don’t know.
           Lucifer began to pace. We both want to get out of here, is that correct?
           Of course. This place is terrible.
           Try it for thousands and thousands of years. Ten years to an Earth year, his first confinement had lasted hundreds of thousands of years. You know, I am technically older than you now.
           You will always be little, brother.
           I am neither of those things, Lucifer said quietly, his anger vanishing. You made sure of that.
           Silence descended again, and Lucifer was determined he wouldn’t be the one to break it.
           I thought I was doing the right thing.
           Oh, really? I didn’t notice through the cloud of self-righteousness. He’d given the humans sarcasm when Father had asked (only once) for his input. It was the only thing he could think of.
           Father wanted it. He said you needed to be punished. But that you would have a chance to make your case. Lucifer…I never thought it would be so long.
           Did you think to ask?
           No. I didn’t.
           I asked you to stop, Lucifer replied. Twice. Once in Heaven, long ago, and once in Stull Cemetery, both of them wearing unwilling Vessels.
           I know. I didn’t want to.
           Why? He’d wanted to ask that for so long, but his pride wouldn’t let him. And do not say that it is because you are a good son.
           Because I was not. After you Fell, I waited for the Apocalypse. And I did so many things, so many terrible things, to be in perfect readiness. There could be no weakness. There could be no one else like you. And what I did to ensure that…the orders I gave…I had to make sure I was right. That all that effort, all that pain, all those broken promises were worth it.
           And were they?                                                                                                                    
           Honestly? Michael looked right at him for the first time, right into his eyes. It wouldn’t have been worth it even if I had won. Because I would have lost you. I know I no longer deserved to have you, but losing that chance forever…even I could not pretend that wouldn’t hurt.  
           Lucifer looked back. You hurt me. So I wanted to hurt you back.
           You had that right. And what do you want now?
           I want it to stop.
           Michael extended a wing, and for the first time in millennia Lucifer allowed his own to brush against his brother’s. It will. We will work together.
           You promise?
           I promise. Come sit with me, brother. We have much to talk about, and we must make all this time in the Cage worth it.
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thenexusofsouls · 4 years
Alright time for Micheal! ⏰ 🚹 (Alright I kinda laughed at this one for him, since you know)🐜 🎁 🍟 💅 Also does it ever bother you when people ask lots of questions? Just don't want to come off as rude with how many I ask or overwhelm you 😄
(You are never bothering me with a lot of questions. I love these things! And it’s especially important for the muses on this blog because, with the exception of Nat in a couple threads with one friend off Tumblr, and Nat and Clint as guest muses in a couple threads on Tumblr, and Veridian in a couple threads off tumblr, I have never rped these muses before and certainly not in great detail. So all of these are fairly new to me and making them my own by fleshing them out and becoming comfortable with them is a lot easier when answering questions like these about them, whether IC or OOC. So thank you for sending these all in!
⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time?
Uhm….. depends. Michael is an ancient being, so his concept of time is definitely different than a human being’s would be with a lifespan of only 100 years max. Also, the goal of most humans is to live long and be happy, and much of what they do is geared towards that. But Michael is immortal (not invincible… he can die, but as long as he continues living he could potentially live forever), and happiness is irrelevant to him. Sure, he’d like to be happy, but that is of little consequence when one is taking orders from God. His purpose is to follow those orders and to be a general in God’s army. That’s all. So he doesn’t have a lot of personal goals or a sense of urgency with regard to time beyond completing his Father’s tasks. Now… if he is given a time-sensitive order, then he will very much be pressing to complete it as fast as he can, but again he doesn’t decide where the urgency lies, God does.
🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope?
I mean… maybe God in Christian mythology can’t be killed or destroyed, but an angel can still “lose” him. Lucifer, for example, lost his connection to God and the light and warmth of the heavens when he fell from grace. In writing my own fantasy angels not based on Christianity, I still describe the “Fall” as being as devastating emotionally as it is physically.
There’s a closeness with God or whatever fantasy god that an angel is serving that they feel in the heavens and under their employ that is lost when they fall. That feeling of immense distance geographically from their deity causes intense sadness, the physical cold and disorienting sensation of changes in their five senses once they land on earth is frightening, and the loss of the love, warmth, and light of the heavens is demoralizing. It is a lot like grieving a dead loved one or mourning a catastrophic change in lifestyle.
When Michael fell to earth, he fell to a place where it was nighttime, so it was dark, raining, so he got soaked pretty fast, and cold, as indicated by the way he shivered and pulled his clothes tighter around himself. 
🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior?
So… animals, insects, any other lives besides humans are seen as inferior to humans. Important humans are seen as superior to less important humans (or example, a human he has been charged with protecting would take precedence over others). And the collective, greater good is most important over all… animals, humans, and angels included. In other words, Michael would kill a few to save many, he would sacrifice animals to save humans, and he would make those very difficult decisions on who lives and who dies based on the potential outcome. Whichever path would lead to the least catastrophe, the least loss of life, the least skewing of the balance over to evil… that is what he will do, as dictated by the will of God. Unless he goes rogue, however, heh, in which case he would decide for himself, but he would still follow the collective good model of doing what is best overall and not necessarily what is best for a few individuals.
🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not?
No... because... I don't even think he knows when his birthday is? XD I mean he knows the general year in which he was created but... it’s not really something that he pays attention to in any big way.
🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could?
I mean... I think he prefers to have wings, heh. I dunno Legion was weird in that the angels had these cuffs around their necks like slaves and for some reason Michael had to cut off his wings to sever his subservience to God. I don’t... really... get why that was necessary? Later on when Garbiel comments on how his wings “would have helped you now,” because without them Michael was mortal, Michael responds, “To not feel their burden is a dream.” I really hated that because that is so foreign to just about every concept of any angel anywhere that I have ever seen, heh. Wings aren’t a burden, nor are they a sign of subservience. They’re biological appendages, and usually deeply loved ones. That’s how I write my angels, as loving their wings. If they are injured or lost, it’s an emotional event. So to have Michael discount them so easily was weird for me, and likely something that I would change from the cannot when I write him.
But that little weirdo thing aside... I think he sees his body as a tool, a means to an end. He likes that’ sit’s strong and capable because that's often what he needs it to be. He’s a soldier, so he needs to be strong, fast, able to fight and stay standing for a long time. As long as his body helps him be that and do that, he’s happy with it. I feel like, after falling and becoming mortal (that’s something else I would change, the whole becoming mortal thing, but anyway), he might have been a little annoyed at the weaknesses of a mortal body, essentially lowered stamina, more easily injured, going into shock, more pain, things like that.
💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules?
Yeah I think Michael conforms to a typical cis-male role, even though he was not “born” in the traditional sense of the word. He recognizes the genders of other angels and of humans. For example, in Legion he puts teenage Audrey in charge of delivering Charlie’s baby, even though there were several other men around. She even comments on it by saying, “Just because I’m a girl does not mean I know how to do this.” So I think Michael not only recognizes genders, but might have some stereotypical ideas about them and the roles that people of certain genders could take.
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Possible Cover Photos for WIPs
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The Avengers have to team with a different kind of hero to take down a threat that the people of New York, nor the US as a whole, have ever seen before. (Original Character) (Avengers Fic/Series)
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What if, Bucky never fell? What if Steve had been forced to be a part of Hydra? Would the outcome have been the same? (Avengers Fic/Series)
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When her beloved city is under attack once again, a young agent must put the jokes aside and take the risk to reveal her true potential, or else the whole city could be destroyed. (Original Character) (Avengers Fic/Series with bits of X-Men)
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The hunter life is not an easy one. What happens when a Hunter dies? What if they can’t get into Heaven right away? (Supernatural Fic/Series)
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When Crowley is killed and Lucifer is roaming free once more, a new force, one that was thought to only exist in stories, must be called upon to help the Winchesters save Adam, and seal Hell for good, or else the world could once again fall to ruin. (Original Character) (Supernatural Fic/Series - Does not follow storyline much if at all)
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No Info Yet (Original Character?) (Avengers Fic/Series) 
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Tori was the one the boys went to when they needed to be fixed up. She’d been out of the hunting life for about 4yrs now, but when something went wrong on a hunt, Dean knew he could count on Tori to help fix up his brother. What he didn’t know, was that she left the life for two very good reasons. (Original Character) (Supernatural Fic/Series - Doesn’t follow the timeline much outside some details.)
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Kali Petrova was a part of HYDRA’s Winter Soldier program. The only other successful soldier ever created by HYDRA. James Barnes may have been one of the best assassins HYDRA had, but Kali was, in fact, the best. She was the student that surpassed the teacher. She was also the student who fell in love with her teacher. (Original Character) (Avengers Fic/Series)
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When Sam and Dean need help with their latest hunt, they turn to the one person they know they can trust - their sister. She had learned everything she knew about hunting from her brothers. But after hunting alone for so long, she picked up a few things. It was now her turn to teach them a few tricks of her own. (Original Character?) (Supernatural Fic/Series)
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Even Hydra agents and assets need to look good when going out on a mission. Someone has to take the time to give Bucky’s eyes the final touch, and Pietro’s hair that silver hue. (Original Character?) (Avengers Fic/Series)
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Everyone has those little voices in their head. Their little shoulder Angel and Devil as it were... Being a hunter, sometimes caused these two the need to get along in ways they never imagined. It’s difficult to be the voice of good, when… technically doing evil is the right thing to do. This can really begin to mess with people, changing their entire outlook on things. Causing the Angel to slowly want what the Devil already has… (Original Character) (Supernatural Fic/Series)
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Finn has no idea that his best friend is in love with him. (Re-write, and continuation, of Play Me That Song) (Original Character) (WWE Fic/Series)
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No Info Yet (Original Character?) (Supernatural Fic/Series)
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Amara Salvatore returns to Mystic Falls after a long break from speaking to either of her brothers. They learn things about their beloved sister that they never would have imagined. With Klaus coming to town to break the curse, can Amara help save her brother’s girlfriend and keep the Original from destroying the town? (Re-Write and Continuation of Who Needs Feelings) (Original Character) (Vampire Diaries Fic/Series)
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No Info Yet (Original Character?) (Avengers Fic/Series - Possible Crossover with Supernatural)
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No Info Yet (Original Character?) (Supernatural Fic/Series - Possible Crossover with Avengers)
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No Info Yet (Original Character) (Avengers/Supernatural Crossover Fic/Series)
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