#cautiously throws that last tag on there
scoonsalicious · 27 days
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7.1 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, discussion of feelings, nudity, mentions of some sexy stuff.
Word Count: 3.2k
Previously On...: Idk; it's been so long. Who can even remember? Just kidding-- Bucky blew off his plans for a 'friend-date' with Lily to talk to you about what happened that morning.
A/N: And we're back!
Hi, besties! I confess to not getting as much writing done as I had hoped on my break-- cursed writer's block! Then, last night, I ended up scrapping most of the writing I did do and started over, lol. However, I've got a bit of a back log again, and a four day weekend starting tonight, and now that I feel reinvigorated with the story, we'll be able to resume our regularly scheduled program!
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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You pulled up to the destination Bucky had sent you as dusk was falling. Langston Park. A weird spot for dinner, you thought, but you’d double-checked the location with Bucky, and he’d assured you that you were in the right place. 
Glancing at your map, you noticed that the pin he’d sent you was a little ways up a trail. You parked your truck and double checked your bag to make sure you had your pepper spray at the ready– not that you were afraid that Bucky was going to harm you– just that, a woman alone in the woods at dusk? You could never be too careful. It actually went against your better judgment to go in there at all, but you trusted that Bucky wouldn’t lead you into danger. 
If I do come across something unexpected, you thought to yourself, please let it be the bear.
You cautiously made your way up the trail, using the nearly useless flashlight feature on your phone to keep yourself from tripping over anything. It was difficult adjusting your eyesight from the bright light of the map you were following on your phone screen to the darkness gathering around you. After you’d been walking for about fifteen or so minutes, you had to turn left to go off-trail, cutting off your access to the dwindling daylight even more. You gently pushed branches of leaves aside as you made your way through the woods, until you noticed a soft, orange glow coming from up ahead of you.
When you broke through the tree line, your breath caught in your throat. The pin Bucky had sent you had led you to a small clearing nestled along a stream, with a melodious waterfall cascading down into a pool that held a handful of floating lanterns. The entire clearing was lit with hanging lanterns that gently swayed from the branches of the surrounding trees, washing the entire space with low, warm light. Spread out on the ground was a large blanket with some throw pillows, extra blankets, and a picnic hamper. And in the center of the clearing, crouched Bucky. He’d appeared to have just finished setting up his phone to stream some soft music. The entire tableau was the most romantic thing you’d ever seen.
“Hey,” you called softly as you turned your flashlight off, dropped your phone into your bag, and made your way into the clearing.
Bucky stood and turned to face you, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Major, hi,” he breathed. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“Did you do all this for me?” you asked in awe as you looked around, taking in your surroundings. You could feel a lump form in the back of your throat, and you had to actively tell yourself not to cry. No one had ever done anything so absolutely romantic for you in your entire life. Not once had Connor ever made a fraction of the effort Bucky had made tonight.
Bucky’s face took on a look of panic. “Is it too much?” he asked, nervously glancing around as though he were trying to judge it anew through your eyes to see what you might find wrong with it.
You smiled, reaching for his hand to offer a squeeze of reassurance. “It’s lovely,” you said. “No one has ever done something so amazing for me, Bucky. Thank you.” 
Bucky visibly relaxed at your words. “Figured I owed you something special, to make up for this morning.” He motioned to the blanket, guiding you to sit down with him. “I brought dinner,” he said, opening up the basket. Inside were several subs, a couple of bottles of lemonade, and a few bags of chips. “Sweet onion teriyaki chicken with cucumbers, extra pickles, and red wine vinegar,” Bucky said, handing you a sandwich. You held the sandwich to you for a moment, your chest filling with warmth at the fact that he’d remembered your offhand comment about your favorite sandwich. 
You put the wrapped sub down on the blanket in front of you. “Could we talk before we eat?” you asked him. “I’ve got some things I want to clear up first.”
Bucky swallowed and nodded, putting down the sandwich he had gotten for himself and looked up at you through his lashes. “Go ahead, sugar,” he said.
You took a breath. “I get why you didn’t tell Lily about me,” you said slowly. “It’s new, and we’re not even really anything. So, what’s there to tell her, really? Plus, she and I didn’t really have the best first impressions of one another, so that part, I understand. What I don’t get is why you felt you needed to lie about being out on a date at all.” Bucky opened his mouth to say something, but you weren’t finished. 
“I can’t even begin to tell you how many calls I got toward the end of my marriage that went just like the one you had with Lily last night. All the times Connor assured me he was just “out with the boys,” when, in reality, he was with his mistress. So, I guess, hearing you tell Lily you were with Sam for a ‘guys’ night’ was kind of triggering.” You sighed, heaving your shoulders. “I need to know, and I need you to be honest with me: Is there something going on between the two of you? Is that why you felt the need to lie to her about being out with me?”
Bucky shook his head vehemently and made a face of mild disgust. “Major, no– there’s never been anything between us,” he said. “I won’t lie, Lily is very important to me– as a friend– she was the first new one I made in almost eighty years, and she stuck by me when I was going through a really difficult time in my life, when I really hadn’t given her much of a reason to, but in terms of anything romantic, or sexual? Never.”
You tilted your head, considering his words. He seemed sincere, though if you had been a good judge of when a man you had feelings for was lying to your face, your marriage to Connor would probably only have been a fraction as long as it was.
“Alright,” you said, choosing in the moment to believe him, “so, if you’re as close as you say, and there’s nothing romantic between the two of you, it makes it even stranger that you lied to her about being out on a date last night.”
Bucky looked down, toying with a loose thread on the blanket you both sat on. “At the time,” he said, not looking up at you, “not telling her the truth seemed like a good idea. It didn’t really cross my mind that I was lying… more like ‘just not telling her the truth yet.’ I was really looking forward to seeing you again, doll,” he told you, his eyes now rising to meet yours, “ and telling Lil… well, it felt like I was needlessly complicating things."
You let out an exasperated sigh. “None of that explains to me the why behind it, Bucky,” you said. “Why would telling your best friend complicate things? 
“I just didn’t want her getting involved in our business before the two of us even knew what our business was,” he said, as if that made everything clear.
“But, shouldn’t your best friend knowing your business be, I dunno, a good thing?” you asked him in frustration, wanting to reach out and shake him. You felt like you were going around in circles. “Shouldn’t she be happy for you?”
“Of course!” he exclaimed. “Of course she’ll be happy for me. It’s just…” He heaved a heavy sigh. “Lily’s always had… opinions about every girl I’ve ever dated, and she’s never made it a point of keeping them to herself. I mean, most of the time, she ends up being spot on, and the relationship flops, but this…” he moved to place his hand over yours where it rested on the blanket, “with you? I wanted to enjoy it before she makes those opinions known.”
You turned your hand over and squeezed his. The full truth of the situation had clicked into place for you at his words, and the realization brought both intense clarity and an all too familiar heartache. “All my life, I’ve been… impulsive,” you told him. “I jump head first into things, without thinking about the consequences. It’s how I got into the Army, ended up with Connor, hell, even how I started my business. Sometimes it works out, but…” you  heaved a sigh, “usually it tends to blow up spectacularly in my face. I don’t want this to blow up in my face, Bucky.” 
The confusion in Bucky’s face as he took in your words was evident. “What are you saying, doll?” he asked.
You took a moment, considering your next words carefully. “I… I really like you,” you began as a wide grin broke out across his face. “Probably more than I should for a person I just met a few days ago, but the truth of it is, I’ve seen this story play out before, and I’m not sure I could handle opening my heart to you, only to have you leave me for the best friend you swore I’d never have to worry about.”
Bucky took both your hands in his own, a look of desperation crossing his face. “Sugar,” he said, then cleared his throat. “Major. I don’t know how many other ways I can tell you that I just don’t see Lily that way,” he said. “Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any dame the way I see you. You’ve got me feeling all kinds of ways I’ve never felt before.”
His words were sweet, and you felt your heart soften, but you had to remind yourself: you’d heard words just like it before. “Look,” you said, pulling your hands away from his, “maybe you don’t , but it seems pretty obvious, even as an outsider, that her feelings for you are stronger than just friendship. I don’t want to lose my heart to you if you’re going to realize that you belong with someone you’ve known for years, instead of a one-night stand that went on for too long.”
Bucky reeled back as if you’d slapped him and closed his eyes in a grimace. “That is never,” he began, a pained expression clouding his handsome face, “ever all that you could be to me, Major.” When he opened them again, his eyes were boring into yours, the blue gone cobalt in the growing night. “I’m not going to wake up one day and decide I want to be with Lily. I’ve had four years in close proximity with her for those feelings to develop, and they never have. I honestly can’t see why that would change, especially now that I’ve met you.”
God, you wanted to believe him, but you’d already played this role and it had nearly destroyed you, despite how nonchalantly you acted about it. “Does she know that, Bucky? Because, to be completely honest with you, on the night we met, both Nat and Wanda advised me not to get involved with you, because of her.”
His face blanched at the admission. “What?! Why would they say that?”
“They warned me,” you clarified, hoping that you weren’t betraying any trust with your new friends and only feeling mildly bad that you were divulging Lily’s secret, “that Lily wasn’t a ‘girl’s girl;’ she was a ‘Bucky’s girl,’ only, you didn’t know it.”
“But she–” he spluttered, “she– we– she never– she’s never said anything. She’s never acted…” He was at a loss for words, and you could tell that the information had genuinely taken him by surprise. Despite what Lily may feel for him, it didn’t seem like he ever suspected it.
“Maybe I should leave you to think that over,” you said, making motions to start standing up. “Thanks for the sandwich.” Before you could even get your legs under you, though, Bucky reached out a hand and grabbed your wrist.
“Wait!” he exclaimed, gently tugging you back down to the blanket. “Why are you leaving?”
You shrugged, confused. “I figured you’d want some time,” you told him. “Decide what you want to do about her feelings.”
Bucky looked at you like you were crazy. “Doll, in what world do any feelings Lily may have about me concern how I feel about you?”
“I just assumed…” you began, but he interrupted you.
“Assumed what? That just because she’s got a crush on me, I’m gonna ignore this thing between you and I? That I’m gonna develop feelings for her, outta nowhere, I might add, and just forget all about you?”
You shrugged your shoulders sheepishly. “Yeah, actually,” you said.
“You idiot,” Bucky said, shaking his head  with a gentle smile and a soft laugh. He put a hand behind your head and pulled you forward until your foreheads were leaning together. “I sincerely mean this when I tell you I don’t give a fuck about Lily’s feelings,” he said.
You both widened your eyes at the perceived callousness of the statement. 
“Fuck,” Bucky backpedaled, backing his head away from yours a little “that came out soundin’ awful, and definitely not how I meant it.” He ran a hand nervously through his hair. “Of course I care about her feelings– she’s my friend– I just mean… shit. Just, obviously, I feel bad if me not reciprocatin’ hurts her, but there’s nothin’ I can really do for it, y’know? Because it doesn’t change my feelings, and it’s not gonna change my feelings. 
And shit, you believed him. 
“You know what?” Bucky said, as if an idea had suddenly come to him. “Here.” He reached under the collar of his shirt and pulled out his military dog tags. Lifting them over his head, he slowly draped them around your neck.
“Bucky,” you said, fingering the embossed metal, “what…?”
“Think of it this way,” he said, “you, of all people, know what these tags mean to a soldier. Since I came outta cryo, came back to myself, not a single person has worn them, ‘cept for me. I’ve had girlfriends ask– hell, Lily’s asked– but it never felt right.” He brushed a strand of hair back from where it had fallen into your face when you’d looked down at the tags. “But with you, it feels right. So, if you’re afraid that I’m gonna up and decide that I’d rather be with Lily, or fuck, anyone else but you, I want you to look at those tags and remember that you’re the one I’m picking, Major.”
You swallowed. You did know what those tags meant. Commitment. Trust. An unbreakable bond. Wordlessly, you reached around to the back of your neck, unclasping the chain that rested against your skin. 
Bucky watched your motions carefully. “Yeah,” he said, licking his lips nervously, “that was probably me moving too fast, huh? I get it– you don’t have to wear them if—”
“Shut up,” you said gently, as you removed your own dog tags from around your neck and fastened them around his. “I don’t need to wear two sets, and your neck looked so lonely without one.”
Bucky held up one of the tags so that he could examine it, and you caught the moment he registered your name and information catching the candlelight.
“Sugar,” he said, his voice cracking on the nickname. 
“You’re not the only one making a choice, Bucky,” you assured him.
He leaned in closer, taking your lips with his own, the kiss filled with the fire you’d come to associate with him, and only him. 
When you pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours, and you could make out the glassy sheen of unshed tears in his eyes. “This is perfect. Thank you.”
You admired the way they hung from his neck for a moment, and were overcome with the sudden urge to touch them. You placed a hand over the dog tags, your name, now resting over his pounding heart. Bucky cupped his own hand over yours, pressing it against his chest.
“These look awfully handsome on you, Sergeant,” you told him with a soft smile. Bucky let out a low groan and you looked up at him, eyes questioning. “What is it?” you asked him.
Bucky’s face turned bashful and he shook his head. “Nuh uh,” he said. “Forget it.”
Oh, you weren’t going to have any of that. “Come on, Bucky,” you said, playfully poking him in his rock hard stomach. “You can tell me anything. I’m wearing your tags now,” you added in a singsong voice. “We’re practically going steady.”
Bucky’s gaze on you darkened, and he tugged at his lip with his teeth. “Okay then, if you’re sure you really wanna know.” You mirrored him, biting your lip and nodded eagerly. Of course you wanted to know what was going through his head to cause him to make such sexy sounds. “Just imagining what you’d look like wearing nothing but the tags, sugar,” he responded, his voice a low, husky whisper. “Bet it’d be the prettiest thing I ever saw.”
Well, if you weren’t going to take that as an invitation. Raising an eyebrow in his direction, you got up so that you were standing before him. Bucky moved forward, as if he were going to follow you up, a question ready on his lips, but you leaned down and gently pushed him back to the blanket, so he was propping himself up on his elbows.
Not once breaking eye contact, you slid your hands to the hem of your shirt, slowly dragging it up, over your head before tossing it to the side. Next, you toed off your shoes while you worked the buttons of your jean shorts, letting them slide down your thighs until you were standing in just your balconette and panties. You didn’t even care that you were in the middle of a public park and you were undressing for a man. All that mattered was that you were undressing for this man, and in the moment, you were willing to do almost anything he asked of you.
Bucky’s eyes roamed your body from head to toe and back again, but you weren’t finished. He’d said ‘nothing but the tags,’ after all. Reaching behind your back, you skillfully unhooked your bra, but didn’t pull it off, instead letting it sit on your chest while you slowly shimmined your panties down your thighs and kicking them off to join the rest of your discarded clothes. Bucky’s breath hitched as he took in your near nakedness, and you almost giggled at the visible tenting taking place in his jeans. 
Clutching the bra to your chest, as if you were shy, you slowly got down on your knees and crawled up Bucky’s thighs. Finally, you let the bra fall away, and Bucky’s wide eyes never left your breasts as he licked his lips. You palmed him through the fabric of his pants.
“I believe I once said something about wanting this down my throat,” you told him with a wicked smile.
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aliidarling · 2 months
the less i know the better pt. 2
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part 1
nsfw content — please scroll if uncomfortable
summary: everything is fun but then u try and run away... they arent very happy :(
tags: nsfw obvi, p in v, forced entry kinda, double penetratrion, degrading, humiliation, anal, throat-fucking, creampie, manipulation, face slapping, mean rick and daryl, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap...)
nsfw content below !!
They kidnapped you. Were you really gonna let them Stockholm syndrome you into staying? That would be pathetic-- Plus, Negan would kill you. He’s probably already sending other soldiers out to find out where you were. You hoped he wouldn’t be on your ass about your disappearance when you got back.
Because you would get back. You’d make sure of it. It didn’t matter if they were so gentle with their hands and how they kissed you. In the end, they were from Alexandria and Negan wanted them dead.
You tried to keep these thoughts in mind as you swiftly snuck out of the house, light on your toes. You held your breath. It was late at night in Alexandria, the streets empty, and the subtle sounds of zombies gnarling outside of the walls the only thing audible for miles.
It was chilly. You hugged your thin jacket around you a little tighter, glancing around cautiously. You carefully walked towards the back of a few houses. After being here for some time, you had managed to pick up on some clues and hints on how to get out of here.
Just a few days ago you came across Carl and Enid sneaking out of the gates by climbing it and dropping down onto the other side. You thought it was dangerous, but anything to get out of here, right.
Placing a foot on the gate and your hand on one of the ridges, you started to shakily climb it. You felt the small creaking noises, making your heart thud.
Don’t fall, don’t fall, you thought to yourself. Being found dead after sneaking off would be very embarrassing.
You had barely climbed a few feet when someone’s hard grip clasped around your ankle and yanked you down aggressively, making you let out a loud high-pitched squeak.
The man manhandled you over his shoulder. You heard his grunt and immediately knew who it was, even if all you could see was his back. You struggled over his shoulder, thrashing.
“Let— Let me go!” You screech.
“Shut the hell up.” He growls darkly, slapping your ass as a way to silence you. Your squeak makes his grip harden, and he turns towards his house and starts walking.
“You’re so ungrateful.” Rick says lowly. His voice sends shivers down your spine. You had never heard him sound so mean. He had his moments in the last few weeks where he had gotten angry with you, yes, but you could tell this was different.
“You kidnapped me!” You yelled back in defense, scoffing at his audacity. You thrashed harder, kicking your feet and trying to get free of his hold. You manage to kick him in the gut, which makes him brutally slap your thigh after he lets out a grunt.
“Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you’re in for. I’ve been treating you so nice, so gentle, and you go off and do this shit?!”
You glared at his back. “You forced me to submit to you and Daryl!”
“Like hell we did, all we did was shove a few fingers into that tiny cunt and you were moaning for us. We didn’t even have to sweet talk you, you’re just a slut at heart who’s depraved of male validation.”
You go silent as his words echo in your head, his vulgar language making you squirm slightly over his shoulder. Rick being the man he is, immediately notices and speeds up his walk, nearing his lawn.
“God, of course, you’re getting off on this.” He groans in annoyance. “I could beat the shit out of you and you’d be into it.” He snickers meanly. “Maybe I should.”
You let out a whine, wiggling some more. He enters his house and throws you down on his couch. He walks off to his coat rack, takes off his iconic brown jacket, tugs at his shirt collar, and sighs lowly. He swore, you were making him grow more grey hairs, and he wasn’t even that old yet!
“You’re stressing your old man out, sweetheart.” He coos mockingly, a dark glare being cast your way. You flinch and shrink on the couch, hugging your flimsy jacket around you.
“You deserve it.” You grumble. He rolls his eyes.
“Fuckin’ brat.” He mumbles.
Just a few minutes later Daryl comes barging through the door, his body language pissed. You stiffen in discomfort as his eyes come straight to yours.
“I’m sorry—“ You squeak quickly, but you’re silenced by Rick smacking your cheek. You yelp, clutching your cheek with a shocked look as you gaze up at the two men.
They both stare down at you with scowls and crossed arms.
“How far did she get?” Daryl grumbles, turning to Rick and giving you a stinky side-eye. You grimace.
“The gate—“ You start, only to get bonked harshly by Rick once again.
“Did he ask you? I don’t think so.” He glared. “Now shut the hell up, girl.” They both turn away and start exchanging whispers and growls. They were both pissed at you, you could tell. You didn’t know what to do.
After another few minutes, they both slowly turn to you again. This time, a different glint was in their eyes. One you recognized. You shivered as you started to lean back slightly, your frown deepening. They notice and snicker in amusement, Rick coming to grab your shoulders and push you down onto the floor.
You yelp loudly, your knees knocking against the floor as you stumble and land on your hands and knees.
“Stop it, that hurts!” You pout, leaning your weight on your thighs as you sit on your heels. Rick grabs your hands and pulls them behind you. You squirm in discomfort.
“Ouch.” You grumble. Daryl walks in front of you and starts unbuckling his belt. Your eyes widen, and in seconds you’re face to face with his large bulge. You gulp nervously, looking up at him through his lashes.
“You want me to…”
“Yeah, ya’ stupid bitch, it ain’t that hard. C’mon.” He huffs. You resist rolling your eyes at his language, frowning up at him before looking back down at the bulge shoved in your face.
You attempt to pull your hands from Rick to pull his boxers down, but his grip on your wrists tightens.
“How the hell do you expect me to suck you off when I can’t even move?!” You say with an exaggerated tone. This was so damn annoying. You couldn’t give the man the blowjob he was asking for because of him and he was getting angry?
“Figure it out,” Rick says from behind you. You hear the sound of Ricks's belt unbuckling, and the feeling of hard leather wrapping around your wrist.
“This is not fair, at all—“ You whine loudly as you squirm and tug at the restraint, your face still shoved in his boxers. You yelp when you find yourself getting slapped by Daryl. Your bottom lip trembles as you look up at him. That was mean.
“Shut up before I force it down your throat, lil’ girl. Now use your teeth to pull down mah’ boxers, hmm? Or are you too stupid to do that?” He scoffs, his hands coming to grab at the sides of your face and press your nose into the fabric of his boxers.
Your nose scrunches up as he does this, a frown painting your expression. You hesitantly bite at the waistband, struggling but eventually managing to pull them down just enough for his cock to spring out.
“You don’t have to be so mean about it.” You mutter to yourself, leaning closer and giving his tip a little kiss. His breath hitched, a snigger leaving his throat.
“Ya’ think you deserve gentle treatment after that stunt you jus’ pulled?” Daryl glanced at Rick with a look in his eyes, seeking approval for something. Rick, who was now kneeling behind you and starting to unbutton your jeans, nodded.
Before you could speak another word, Daryl’s large hands cup your head and start to push it down on his cock. “Lips around teeth, yeah, just like that, now c’mon, nice and easy, don’t want you to puke all over my cock.” He mumbles, eyes narrowing as he sees his cock slowly disappear into your mouth.
Your protests all go muffled as you feel him filling your mouth, your gag reflex having your nose scrunch and eyes water. Rick from behind you starts to shove his hand down your pants, rubbing at your thin panties. You let out a surprised yelp at the feeling, which makes Daryl groan at the vibration.
“Oh yeah, see— I knew you were just a lil’ cock hungry, now you got cock down your fuckin’ throat and you’re all better, right? Not gonna run away anymore, right? Shake your head for me, baby.” He coos mockingly as he starts to bob your head up and down forcefully.
Tears well up more as you give him a shaky nod, barely holding it together as you feel his head hit the back of your throat. You start to gag.
Rick from behind you stops his rubbing on your clothed-pussy and whispers in your ear, his hand coming to rub your throat.
“Easy now, sweetheart. Relax your throat.” He hums. You try your best to relax, squeezing your eyes shut as some gags leave you. Eventually, you relaxed enough for Daryl to start thrusting his cock into your mouth smoother, back and forth.
Daryl throws his head back, groaning at the way your throat hugged his cock.
“Jesus Christ, fuckin’— throat is like a vice.” He scoffs, his eyes barely open as he starts to thrust more hard. Your body squirms but is immediately held back down by Rick. His hands shove themselves back down your pants, going to rub at your clit.
While Daryl uses your mouth like a glory hole, Rick is snickering at how wet you are. His fingers glide across your panties towards the damp spot. You flinch at the contact and try to pull away from his wandering hands, blushing intensely.
Daryl’s grip on your head tightens as he feels you squirm. He somehow forced his cock deeper, making you let out a muffled cry. Tears stream down your cheeks at the intrusion in your throat, being fucked relentlessly.
Eventually, he cums in your mouth and pulls back with a low groan. He stares down at you, pumping his semi-hard on in front of your panting face. You use this time to breathe in deeply, trying to grab onto every breath of air you can take.
“No more, please—“ You whimper, blinking up at him. He doesn’t listen to you and pumps himself for a few more seconds before finishing all over your face again. You gasp as his cum squirts onto your expression, your nose scrunching up. You shrivel up, mouth twitching.
Rick holds back a laugh at how pathetic you look. He turns to the side to grab a towel, handing it to you with a condescending pat on the head.
“That was just humiliating, man.” He shoves Daryl’s shoulder, the both of them staring at you. You sat on the floor on your knees, drying the cum and tears off your face as you tremble, coughing every few seconds.
“Girl deserved it.” Daryl huffs. He glanced at you, Rick, and then motioned towards you. Rick smiles and nods. He quickly comes up to you, picking you up by your armpits. You yelp, dropping your towel and squirming. He picked you up so easily.
“Hey—“ You weakly protest before getting silenced by the large man carrying you. They both drag you into Rick's bedroom, setting you down on the bed.
You barely have time to do anything before their hands are all over you, Rick pulling your jeans and panties down in one go while Daryl’s sticky hands grasp your chin and pull you in for a kiss. You’re being manhandled and fondled, squirming and trying to pull away before eventually kissing back.
Rick's hands pull down his jeans, a large bulge in his boxers. The view of your throat getting brutally fucked must have made him hard, no surprise about that.
Daryl sits himself against the headboard, his large hand pumping his now fully hard cock, his other hand patting his lap.
“Bring er’ here, facing me. Wanna see that pretty face.” He says. Rick plops you down onto Daryl’s lap. You had forgotten about the belt around your wrists, but when you attempted to tug at your hands to wrap them around Daryl’s neck, you were pleasantly surprised. You grimaced.
“I’ve been good, c’mon, just untie me, please.” You attempted to plead with puppy eyes, feeling Rick from behind you grab your shirt and bunch it above your chest. He wasn’t able to fully pull it off because of your wrists so he just compromised.
“Shut up before we gag you.” Rick scoffs. He sits behind you, his hands coming to spread your legs.
“Should I use lube?” Rick says to Daryl. Daryl blinks before grumbling.
“Yeah, don’t wanna tear her ass apart.” He snickers.
Your heart drops as you start to squirm and protest..
“W-Wait, what? You’re not going in my ass! Please don’t!” You whine. Daryl grabs your head and shoves it into his chest, your voice going muffled. You let out a cry as he uses his hand to raise your hips and position your pussy above his hips, sliding you down gently. He shushes your whimpers and cries as you feel your walls get stretched out without prep.
The only lube provided was your natural slickness, and in the end, even with how wet you were, you were no match for his girth. Your thighs tensed as he slowly bottomed out inside your tight cunt. His head leans back against the headboard with a heavy sigh, blissed out from how snug you were wrapped around him.
Tears come back from the burn in your lower body, trembling. Your voice shakes, pleading quietly as Rick behind you spreads your butt cheeks and prods at your pucker. You flinch and curl into Daryl’s chest, shaking. He giggled and brushed his hand through your hair, his other hand holding your hips down.
“Don’t—“ You’re silenced by Daryl’s lips on your own. Your protests are muffled as you lean into the kiss slightly, your wrists sore from the harsh restraints.
“Tight fuckin’ ass,” Rick grumbles from behind you. You hear something squirt, before yelping when something cold is pressed against your pucker. You shudder, pussy tightening around Daryl, making him groan in ecstasy.
“Don’t make er’ cry even more, as cute as it was we don’t wanna damage any internal bits.” Daryl snickers against your lips. You whine.
“How about you just don’t go in my—“ You’re silenced by the feeling of a thick cock starting to enter your tight hole, eyes widening in the pain. You squeal loudly, trying not to sob from the pain but failing. You had never had anything in that hole, and now there was a man behind you forcing himself deep into it.
“Good girl, just take it, you deserve this.” Daryl hushes you gently as you mewl from the stretch, your body tensing. Rick groans from behind you, his hands tight around your waist, holding you down as he slowly but surely bottoms out.
Once he’s fully buried inside you, they go still, watching as you sniffle and let out tiny cries. You were shaking from the intrusion, lips pressed together tightly as you did your best not to let out any sobs. You failed. Being stuffed with two cocks in both holes, front and behind, was overwhelming and you had no idea how to even cope with something like this. The last time you even had intercourse with someone was months ago— and it was some smelly Negan lackey who was looking to get his dick wet, and you were just really desperate for relief.
Rick's hands massage your waist tenderly, humming into your ear as he feels your tight hole clench down on him. He lets out a raspy groan, readjusting his hips with a little shift and making you yelp at the friction. He holds back a laugh.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He cooed mockingly, grinning at Daryl. They both stared at your shaky body, before tightening their grips and starting to slowly thrust. Your eyes widened at the feeling of them both sliding in and out simultaneously. Your eyes squeeze shut as your lips fall agape, producing moans at how full you feel. Each time one would pull out, the other would shove themselves to the hilt.
“You’re not gonna run away, ya’? You love these cocks too much, stupid lil’ slut.” You couldn't even tell which one was saying what anymore, your brain all mushy and your body like putty in their hands. You let an incoherent cry in response. They both chuckle.
“She's braindead, what a dumb little bitch.” Daryl laughs at you as he starts to thrust harder up into your cunt, humming happily at the sounds he was forcing you to produce. He tightens his hold on you so he can have more leverage, leaning back and groaning. It felt so good. The other man behind you grabs the back of your head, pulling your hair back as his thrusts start to gain speed.
Soon enough, both of them were making you sob from pleasure as they wrecked you, battering your insides from every angle. Rick had his hand wrapped around you to rub at your clit, the other one holding your hips firmly.
Daryl passionately kissed you, groaning as he thrust upwards into your dripping hole, his hands fondling your breasts roughly. He pulled and tugged at your nipples, making your arch deepen.
“Oh, o-oh, please, I’m gonna—“ You choked out, tears painting your flushed cheeks, tugging weakly at your restraint. Rick pulled at your hair harder, groaning at how your walls tightened around him.
“You wanna cum? Hmm? Promise you won’t be a stupid brat and try to run away again?” He sneers, pressing his chest firm against your back, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, his cock twitching as he felt his orgasm start to near.
Your words were sloppy itself, whimpering incoherent rambles of words, desperate for a release.
“Y-Yes— Yes— p-promise!” You whined into Daryl’s chest, sobbing and shaking as they held you tightly and smothered you with their bodies. You were sandwiched completely, full, and happy.
“We find you running away again, we’ll slut you out for hours and force our cocks in every hole you have, got it? Don’t be an idiot, nod like a good girl.” Daryl huffs, pushing your head into his chest and silencing your moans and sobs. Your dumb little noises and pleas have them both snickering.
“C’mon then girl, we don’t got all day.”
Rick's fingers rubbing at your clit intensely, Daryl twisting your nipples, and their cocks shoved so deep in you eventually have you clenching down and spasming around them. You cum hard on Daryl’s cock with a loud mix of a cry and moan, quivering.
Just shortly after, they both finish in you, watching their juices drip out of your abused holes as they slowly pull out. Their eyes flicker to your face and how you were completely limp, lying on Daryl’s chest for support.
“Good girl, baby, took us so well. We’re so proud of ya’.” Daryl gently wraps his arms around you, smiling darkly at how they both ruined you. He motions to Rick to grab a pair of clothes and a towel for you.
Seconds later, Rick carefully took you from Daryl’s arms. He scooped you up and sat you down on the edge of the bed, spreading your thighs with a pat and wiping you off with a bathroom towel.
“How ya’ feeling?” Rick hums softly, smiling at you. It was like a complete switch from how they were just brutally fucking you.
“Tired.” You mumble lamely.
You hear a small chuckle leave both of them. Daryl gets off the bed to pull his clothes back on, but not before untying your wrists and pressing a sweet kiss to your red bruise. You frown as you gently rub your sore wrists, wincing.
“Sorry sweetheart, but that’s what you get when you decide to be all brave and run. But you learned your lesson, didn’t you?” Rick says sweetly. You smile weakly and mutter a shaky, “Yes sir.”, before raising your hands when he says so.
He slides one of his cotton tee shirts onto you. He smiles at the adorable sight of you and cups your cheeks, pulling you in for a small kiss. He then squished your cheeks as you let out a little whine, pressing kisses all over your soft skin and nose.
“Let’s get ya’ in bed, probably so tired. Poor baby.” He whispers softly to you, tugging on one of his pair of boxers before picking you up once again, carrying you to his bed, and tucking you in.
You lay there still, frowning as you were babied by the two men. You didn’t know what to say. You liked the feeling of them taking care of you, but the reminder of the situation you were in sent goosebumps down your back. They had kidnapped you and forced you to stay with them.
This was so fucked up. But what could you do? A part of you was starting to like them.
“Goodnight, baby.” Daryl ruffles your hair, climbing into the bed and nuzzling his face into your chest. Rick spoons you from behind, his legs tangled with yours.
“Night.” You say quietly, with no energy to speak up.
You had nowhere to run.
guys can u tell i’ve never had it up my ass
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theoreticslut · 2 years
「 like she hung the stars 」
steve harrington x fem reader
summary: although you’ve been with steve for nearly a year, you can’t help but wonder if he’s using you as a stand-in for nancy. 
requested: yes
word count: 3.1k
warnings: pretty angsty but it has a cute, fluffy-ish ending; mentions of alcohol consumption & being drunk, insecure relationship, pet names (baby, babe & sweetheart), mention of future relationship, mention of marriage & children
a/n: this request was so cute!! i had to write it asap, & i’m lowkey in love with it if i do say so. it’s really kind of angsty the entire way through, but there’s a cute ending. i really have a hard time leaving a fic ansgty. it’s a weakness of mine. anyways, i hope you all like this! Xx
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It’s been well over an hour since you and Steve arrived at this house party, which has given you plenty enough time to drink your fair share of the spiked punch. It was potent, but it was drinkable, and it got you drunk which is all you wanted. 
You hadn’t ever told Steve that you felt insecure in your relationship, mainly because the reasoning behind it felt silly. He had asked you out a few months after he and Nancy broke up last year, which shouldn’t be of any concern, but you had seen them while they were together. It was clear that Steve loved her - deeper than you’d ever thought possible. 
Having noticed this, you couldn’t stop the thought of him still loving her - even though he was currently with you - from settling in the recesses of your mind. You couldn’t stop the thought from tormenting you late at night, even when he slept beside you.
Within the last few months the thought had only become more incessant, tormenting you not just late at night anymore, but throughout the day as you went about your classes and your clubs, even when you sat around talking with him and his friends. It was exhausting, but you couldn’t easily ignore it anymore. Not when you’ve been finding Steve staring at her more and more whenever she was around. 
Hence why you’re getting drunk off of shitty punch at some house party that you’re not even sure who’s throwing. You were simply tagging along with Steve, and even he had wandered off from you.
At first it was fine, you knew he was popular around school and it had been a few months since he graduated. You figured he was just catching up with old friends and classmates. 
Within the last half hour though, you spotted him chatting with Nancy and her boyfriend, Jonathan. You didn’t want to think anything of it, knowing they were trying to be friends, but as you watch him laughing and smiling at Nancy, you can’t help the ache that settles in your heart.
Not thinking much of it, you find yourself taking a deep breath before cautiously making your way over to the small group. You didn’t want to come off as insecure or jealous, but you couldn’t sit back and watch the scene any longer. Figuring that you’d test the waters by nonchalantly approaching them, you do just that.
Although worried that Steve might get upset with you joining them, you’re relieved when he smiles as you come up next to him. Wrapping an arm around your waist, you let your head rest on his chest as he continues talking.
“No, th-that’s really cool, man. I hope you like it.” Steve comments, replying to something that had been said before you came over.
“Yeah, I-I do. It’s nice. Pays decent enough, you know?” Jonathan mumbles, chuckling awkwardly as Steve nods.
Without even being a part of the conversation you can tell it’s been awkward like this for some time.
“Nance is actually, uh, looking to apply there this summer too.” 
“Really? That’s awesome. I mean, y-you do like journalism. I’m sure it’ll be, you know, a great fit.” Steve mentions, Nancy nodding politely with a terse smile on her lips. 
“‘M gonna get another drink, Steve.” You murmur, wanting to leave the awkward aura of their conversation. That and you really don’t care to hear how much Steve knows about Nancy.
“You’re not done with this one though?” He questions, having noticed your cup was still about half full when you first came over here.
Tilting it to make sure he hadn’t seen it incorrectly, he frowns when he realizes it’s actually more than half full. Only then does he notice just how much you’re leaning against him for support while your eyes are half closed.
“Baby, are you drunk?” 
“No, just tired.” You huff, your speech sluggish as you answer him. 
As you do so, though, you attempt to take a step back to look at him, but you stumble and spill your drink all over yourself.
“Shit. Let’s get you cleaned up, baby. Yeah?” He questions, taking the cup from your hand as he holds you up.
“Sorry guys.” You hear him apologize to Nancy and Jonathan and you can’t help but feel a little hurt.
You know it’s irrational, he’s essentially just excusing the two of you from the conversation, but in your intoxicated state you feel like he’s ashamed of you - like you’re an embarrassment he didn’t want them to see.
As the thought settles in your head, you pay no attention as Steve leads you through the crowded house to find the bathroom upstairs. You don’t even realize you’re in the bathroom until he closes the door behind the two of you, starting to  look for a cloth he can wet and dab your shirt with. 
“I don’t know how you’ve been drinking that punch all night, sweetheart. Shit’s strong.” He chuckles as he crinkles his nose at the smell of the cup as he tosses it out.
“Not that bad.” You mumble, staring at your hands as you sit on the sink counter while he continues searching for a cloth.
“Aha, found it.” Steve smiles, not even acknowledging that you said anything. Truthfully you’re not even sure he heard you, but it doesn’t matter.
You watch as Steve wets the cloth, squeezing the excess water out of it before he brings his attention to you and the stain on your shirt.
“You liked this shirt, too, babe. You gotta be careful.” He comments, voice gentle as he begins to dab at the stain, holding the material away from your body as he carefully presses the wet cloth to it.
You figure he’s just talking to fill the silence so you let him, not worrying about responding.
“‘M not sure how well this is going to come out, but we’re going to try, okay?”
Steve frowns lightly when he doesn’t hear anything from you. He wasn’t expecting a long answer of any sorts, in fact he wasn’t even expecting a single word, but he did expect a little hum or something from you. 
Bringing his attention to your face, he realizes you’re staring at your shirt as he works, but that your mind is somewhere else entirely.
“What’re you thinking about, sweetheart?” He murmurs, continuing to work on the material in his hands, using a hand to lift your chin to look at him briefly.
“What’s on that pretty little mind of yours, huh?” 
He can’t stop the small smile that comes to his lips as he glances up at you, taking a moment to realize just how pretty you are sitting here.
“Nothing? You sure, baby?” He frowns, having noticed how your shoulders dropped when you answered him, not to mention the fact that you started wringing your hands together - a nervous habit of yours.
He doesn’t like the idea of you keeping something from him, especially if it’s something that upsets you. 
“Do you love me?” You suddenly question, voice seeming scared.
“Do I lov-? Of course I love you, y/n.” He splutters, not sure where this would have come from.
“Why would you think I don’t, sweetheart?” 
“You’ve just, you’ve been watching Nancy a lot when she’s around.” You mumble, still wringing your hands together as Steve settles his hands either side of you on the counter, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he frowns. 
He can’t help the ache that begins in his chest as he listens to you already sounding defeated. Scanning over your face, he can’t help but sigh deeper when he realizes you won’t look at him.
“Will you look at me, y/n?”
You can feel him watching you still as you softly shake your head, being too anxious to do so if he’s going to study you, which you know he will. He may have portrayed himself as an asshole most of his life, but deep down he’s always been a softie, taking great care to notice things about those he cares for. 
He doesn’t like hurting people, which is why he’s so meticulous when it comes to reading others emotions. He doesn’t want to miss something.
“I’ve seen the way you look at her, like she’s the moon on an otherwise dark night. You look at her like she hung the stars in the sky…” you start, needing to get all of this off your chest.
You can’t hold onto the ache any longer without some sort of an answer. You can handle the hurt that would come if he does still love her, but you can’t bear this ache of not knowing if he actually loves you like he says he does.
“It’s…it’s the same way you looked at her when you were dating. When you loved her.” You murmur, feeling your throat tighten up with the threat of tears.
Taking a moment to breathe through the onslaught of emotion, you will the ache of threatened tears to fade away so you can finish your thoughts. You need to tell him how you’ve been feeling, not smother them into coercion. 
“I can’t shake the feeling that you maybe still love her. That I’m just…a placeholder until you can have her again.”
A silence falls in the small bathroom as you get the words out, only glancing up to him to see if he’s still listening. At the extended lull of conversation, you feel your stomach start to twist with dread. 
You had a feeling that you were simply a distraction for him, but you didn’t want to admit it, afraid that if you did it’d make it a reality.
“I’m not going to lie…” he starts, clearing his throat.
“I do still love her, and I think a part of me always will. She woke me up from the dreamworld I lived in for so many years.”
You nod, a fat, unannounced tear falling from your eye straight to your anxiously-tangled hands.
“But I’m with you, sweetheart, and I plan to stay with you until you get sick of me.” He smiles, grabbing one of your hands in his and squeezing to let you know he’s there with you. 
A moment passes without a word before he lifts your chin up with a finger of his free hand so he can meet your eyes.
Finding them filled with fat, unshed tears, he frowns with an aching heart. Wiping the tears away as they begin to fall over your lash line, he brings his lips to your forehead with a soft kiss.
“I am so sorry to have made you feel this way, sweetheart. I never meant to make you feel so insecure in our relationship. I love you, and I don’t ever want you to feel like I don’t.”
“Nancy and I are in the past and I know it. I accept it. I wasn’t what she wanted, and that’s okay. She left me so I could find you, and everyday I’m happier because of it. You make me happy, baby, and I don’t want you to forget that.”
“I-if that’s true, then why have you been watching her so much? Why are you so awkward around her?” You question, sniffling as occasional tears still roll down your cheeks.
“I watch her because I do still love her and wonder what would have happened if things worked out, but I know she’s happy with Jonathan so I let it be. Her and I are done, y/n, I promise you.” 
“If she were to say she still loved you too, would you go back to her?”
“I don’t know.” Steve sighs as you nod, heart feeling as if it’s cracking a little more as you drop your head back down to look at your lap.
“I’m not sure she ever really loved me if I’m honest. I was a shit boyfriend to her, baby, and she realized that. She’s the one who ended the relationship in search of something better, and I don’t blame her one bit. I needed a wake up call and she gave me that.”
“She gave me the push I needed to change myself and be a better person so I can be better to you. I want to be better for you, and I don’t think I could leave you just because of her saying she still loves me. You mean the world to me, sweetheart.”
Steve simply watches as you nod at his words and he can tell you don’t believe him. He doesn’t blame you, knowing how ruthless invasive, insecure thoughts can be. He especially knows how hard it is to let go of them when you’ve got actions to back them up.
It pains him to think he was feeding into your insecurities of the relationship by watching Nancy. He never meant anything by it. He was simply thinking of the “what if’s,” but he never once thought about leaving you for those daydreams. 
He knows that they’re irrational anyway. Him and Nancy don’t work, and even after he’s bettered himself, he’s positive that it still wouldn’t work between them. 
You and him on the other hand? He can see you two working out. He can see himself marrying you and settling down here in Hawkins - or wherever you want to go. He can see the two of you having children together, both of you running around outside with them with wide smiles on your faces. 
He can see himself making you coffee before you’re even awake only so he can wake you up with it and a kiss day after day for the rest of his life, and he can see himself loving you even when the two of you are old and gray. He can see himself with you, and he only hopes you can see it too.
Watching you sit here, though, heart breaking in front of him on the counter in the bathroom of some long-forgotten house party, he can’t help but feel like he’s screwed everything up. He loves you and yet you so easily believe that he loves someone else.
“Y/n, I love you. I love you more than I ever thought possible, and it honestly scares me.”
He can see you let out a shaky breath even though you’re refusing to look at him. He’s sure his words are simply going in one ear and out the other because you’re already convinced that he doesn’t love you even though he’s been trying to prove otherwise.
“I can see us getting married sometime down the road, you know?” He mentions, voice soft as he lets himself be vulnerable with you. 
Sure he’s been honest with you about everything so far, but he hasn’t been vulnerable. He’s been trying to reassure you with empty words instead of letting you see how he actually feels. 
“I think about our wedding quite often actually,” he chuckles, embarrassed to admit that fact.
“I think of how it’ll be filled with everyone who loves us and wants us to be happy. I think about that first dance we’ll have together, and how I’ll say something cheesy just to get you to smile and laugh as we pretend there’s no one else in the room.” 
“I think about all the planning we’d have to do for it, and how I want to be there for every part of it. I don’t want you to do all the planning and stressing when it’s just as much my day as it is yours. I mean, it’ll be the day I marry the love of my life. How could I leave all the planning for such an important day to one person when I’m the only one who can answer for what I want?”
“I mean, what if you choose seat covers with a bow and I want simple seats with personalized place cards?” He asks, smiling when he hears you chuckle at the absurdity. 
“I can see us sharing that first kiss as husband and wife, and it makes me all jittery inside at the sheer happiness it brings me.”
“I can see this, y/n. I can see us, and I never once saw it with Nancy.” 
“With Nance, it was more of a ‘I see us sitting at lunch together’ thing than it was a ‘I see us, still married at the age of 85’ thing.” 
You can’t help the little snort that leaves your lips as you think of yourself and Steve at 85 years old. It surprises you, but you find it easy to see the picture yourself. You’ve never thought much about it, too afraid that it’d be getting your hopes up, but you can see yourself marrying Steve and it makes your stomach tingle and your chest feel light.
“All the big stuff, though? I see you at my side for all of it, y/n.” Steve finishes and you take the risk to look up at him.
Meeting his eyes you catch a glimpse of uncertainty within him. He can see this, but he worries that you can’t, and for some reason that’s enough for you to believe him.
Laughing at how pitiful you must look, you wipe at your cheeks before you grab one of his hands, playing with his fingers as he watches you. You love him, and for the first time in a long time you believe that he loves you too.
“Just for the record,” you start, blushing a bit as you think about the words about to leave your mouth and the sheer absurdity of it all.
“I think specialized place cards are a must, and that seat covers with bows are terribly tacky.” 
Looking up at him as you pause your anxious playing with his fingers, you watch as a smile breaks out on his face, wider than you’ve ever seen from him as he laughs in disbelief.
“I love you, y/n. I love you so fucking much.” He smiles, not hesitating to bring his hands up to your jaw as he kisses you fiercely and yet still so soft.
You can feel all the heartache he was feeling at your admission through the kiss, just like you can feel all the happiness inflating him now. He wants you, and you’ve never felt more sure of that fact. 
As he keeps his lips on yours, although the kiss grows softer and more smiley, you feel your heart slowly being glued back together, and you can’t help but smile at the realization that all you needed was a little bravery and honesty in order to feel so secure with him. It’s a new feeling, but one that’s pleasantly welcomed as you let yourself completely melt into the kiss - and into Steve - for the first time since he asked you out.
pls like & reblog if you enjoyed!
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Your tags on the Dreamling/Good Omens cross over have me frothing at the mouth and I just need you to know that if you were to write that “Crowley stumbles into the New Inn” fic, I would be highly supportive of your life choices
The place isn't otherwise busy. It's edging into the lull period of late afternoon, when the day drinkers have shuffled out and the evening drinkers aren't quite off work, when there are only a few tourists taking snaps for the 'gram and the bartenders are out back for a cigarette break by the bins. Hob is sitting at his usual table, confronted with a pile of papers, a brewing catastrophe about the autumn schedule that for some reason he is expected to sort out, three passive-aggressive emails from Philippa about the prospect of him becoming Head of School next year (not on your fucking immortal life, mate) and other mundane academic crises, when the door flies open and a bloke at the end of his rope staggers in.
Thing is, Hob knows this particular bloke, at least by casual sight. He's been in from time to time, has a drink, stares at the wall, looks moody, and goes out again, either to a vintage Bentley filled with houseplants or just the streets of Poplar. Hob has made friendly conversation with him a time or two, knows that his name is Anthony Crowley and he lives in Soho, and he has a husband/boyfriend/life partner of some description who often drives him bonkers (join the club? Though the Stranger isn't even really that). But from the look on Anthony Crowley's face, as much as can be discerned from beneath his ever-present black sunglasses (not really a fashion item one otherwise needs in London), this is a five-alarm fire, and Hob gets up in some concern. "Hey. Mate. Everything -- ?"
Crowley stumbles past him without answering, which is probably only what Hob deserves. He reaches the bar, and since the bartenders are still on fag break and nobody else seems around to do it, Hob scuttles around the back. "Get you something?"
"Beer. Whiskey. Drink. I don't care." Anthony digs in his wallet and flings the first assortment of bills he can find at Hob, which is far more than it costs for a drink even in this terminally overpriced city. "Make it strong. Want to forget my own fucking name."
"Right. Got it." Hob only worked the bar when the New Inn was first opened and they were still hiring staff, but he hasn't forgotten. He selects a Scottish whiskey, neat, and pours it into the bottom of a tumbler, sliding it across the bar. Anthony throws it back without even seeming to breathe and shoves the glass in search of another, and Hob frowns. "Oy. Take it easy."
Crowley mutters something about that being the last thing he intends to do, thanks, and Hob's curiosity, the one thing that has often propelled him through the centuries, gets the better of him. "Not my place," he says cautiously. "But is everything, y'know? All right at home? Your, uh, partner, is he -- "
The effect of this utterance is not dissimilar to waving a red flag in front of a bull. Crowley rears back, looks for a moment like he's going to bolt, and is only prevented by Hob strategically shoving the refilled whisky glass into his hand. He tosses it down the hatch without turning a hair, wipes his mouth raggedly with the back of his hand, and with that, and no further prompting, launches into an absolutely nutty jeremiad. Something about Heaven and Hell, something about Aziraphale (that's his partner's name, yes) being a stubborn angelic idiot who's going to get himself killed, something about people named Gabriel (also an angel?) and Beelzebub (also a demon -- wait, demon?) running off together and he just thought -- he thought -- like a bloody fool he thought they could -- but no. Nooooooooo.
"Er," Hob says at the end, blinking hard. "Sorry, I don't quite follow."
"Course you don't." Crowley heaves a heavy sigh. "Even though you're not an ordinary human, I suppose it's just too...." He searches for a word, slurs a little on the end (maybe that whisky, of which he has just chugged the third glass, is having an effect on him after all), and enunciates with bitter, drunk precision. "Ineffable."
"Wait. What?"
"You're Robert Gadling." Crowley tips his head like an owl, trying to size Hob up in his progressively more lubricated state, and his dark glasses slide to the end of his nose, revealing lucent golden eyes beneath. "The special one. The immortal one. Right?"
Hob opens his mouth. Hob shuts his mouth. He realizes vaguely that it's quite possible Crowley has not, in fact, been talking in convoluted celestial metaphors the whole time. "How did you...?"
"I know your boyfriend," Crowley snaps. "Bit bloody full of himself too, isn't he? He and Az -- Azz-- Aziraphale probably sit around having secret societies for technology-hating, stuck-up, idiotic, holier-than-thou, utter total fucking prigs who can't use their words and constantly deny their feelings, eh?"
"My boyf -- " All at once, Hob feels as if a grand piano has been dropped on his head from a great height, like something out of an old cartoon. Yes, things with the Stranger are going well-if-you-squint, ever since their last meeting here: the idiot actually turned up, he apologized, he smiled, they had a long conversation, there were definite sparks. Considering the last, er, six hundred years or so of dismal precedent, that's a low bar, but still. "Afraid," Hob says at last, "he and I -- well, we aren't exactly like that, but -- "
Crowley keeps staring at him like he desperately wants Hob to sit him down and give him a clinic in how to get with the fussy, standoffish, excessively rules-bound immortal being he has been, evidently, also bloody pining after for Christ only knows how long. "Why not?"
"Ah." Good question. Hob isn't sure. "It's complicated."
"Complicated." Crowley stares moodily at the mirrored bar. "Sure. Yeah. Six thousand bloody years of complicated."
"Did you say six thousand -- ?"
"Yeah." Crowley holds out the glass again. "More."
Hob's mouth is still open. He's going to say something, but he doesn't know what. Six thousand years? God's wounds. He and the Stranger, at their piddly six hundred, are practically fucking married.
(He gets Anthony Crowley another drink, on the house. Can't help but feel that the poor bastard deserves it.)
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punkassfrance · 9 months
Owned, Anderson - Abby x Reader (Drabble, Kinktober Day 5 - Collaring)
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MDNI, 18+ ONLY You belong to Abby. She's determined to make sure everyone knows. This work contains collaring, strap sucking, established relationship, and dom/sub.
Having some fun with Abby!! You can consider this an extension of the boot worship if you want, a few years down the line, I just like to think of Abby as a very loving dom/girlfriend c: Again, I make no promises to do every day of Kinktober- just trying my best c: Thanks to @djarrex for the Halloween divider!
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As Abby pulls the black leather out of her bag, your mouth dries at the sight. There’s a simple silver ring in the center, perfect for hooking a leash into. The leather is thick with a sturdy buckle on the back- as you cautiously step forward, you can tell the material is real.
A tag dangles from the ring.
You shudder before looking up to your girlfriend, who’s turning it over in her hands like she’s never seen it before. You know she’s looked for it since your birthday last year, probably tossing aside several options before settling on this perfect gift. It really is, you think. Perfect.
She takes the tag between her fingers and flips it over, showing you the engraving on the other side. 
You reach out to brush your fingers over the tag, feeling the burr around the letters before looking up to her.
“Gotta get on your knees if you want it.”
You don’t hesitate to fall to the carpeted floor of her room, keeping your eyes on her loving smile. It’s perfect. She’s perfect, and she’s looking down at you like you’re perfect too. Her fingers run over the leather, raising it to her sanguine lips and pressing a kiss to the smooth finish. 
Cutting your worship short, she fastens the collar around your neck, pulling it just tight enough to keep a gentle pressure. You exhale, the feeling instantly calming your nerves- it feels like a good hug, or a heavy blanket. A new soother for long days and hard nights.
“God- you look so pretty like this, babe.” Her fingers trail up to your chin, holding you in place. “I thought long and hard about what to put on this, you know.” 
She sits up and undoes her belt, pulling her pants down just enough to bare her strap to you. You don’t wait for an order, mouth falling open to take it in. As she gently thrusts into your throat, indulging in your gentle moans, she continues.
“Slut gave off the wrong message- you’re mine.” Her fingers slide down into her boxers, rubbing slow circles around her clit. “Bitch didn’t feel like you.”
She moans as you hold the tip of her cock in the back of your throat, eyes on her. You see her wince at the pressure as she grinds on her clit harder. She catches her lip between her teeth for a moment before releasing it with a sigh. 
“Figured I should get right to the point. After all-” Her knees buckle just a bit before she regains her composure. “...anyone who sees this is gonna know you’re mine. You fucking belong to someone. Someone-” her other hand slides from your hair to the collar, hooking through the ring. “...who loves you enough to collar you.”
You look up with pleading eyes, whimpering as she throws her head back. She stops breathing for a moment as she cums, grinding down hard on her fingers, pulling you onto her cock by the collar. It’s suffocating, just for a moment. All you can do is watch.
As she starts to breathe again, you wait for an order, patient at her feet. Her chest is heaving, breasts sloping to a sharp peak under her tank top. You could study her body for the rest of your life and die happy. 
Before long, she helps you to your feet, folding you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Fucking hell, I love you.”
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Hope you're enjoying Kinktober so far!! I was so tempted to end this in a proposal lol, something about making sure everyone knows you're hers "in and out of the bedroom".
Currently looking for a beta reader, please take a look at my work and DM me if you're interested!
If you liked this, check out my about me, my masterlist, or my AO3!
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sixosix · 11 months
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“you look so pretty,” the stranger with twin moles murmurs, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
or, you met a detective once on an unexpected night; fate decides that it won’t be the last time
tags cw drunk character, POV meet-cute and he makes a fool out of himself but u want him anw, drunk heizou, pre-relationship, bff!kazuha
a/n wc 1500, wow this is the longest i’ve written this month!
next part
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inazuma wasn’t your first region of destination in mind when listing down vacation ideas. going on vacation wasn’t even on your to-do list—it has been that way for the past three years. 
“don’t be ashamed to ask. you know i would say yes,” yelan, your distant relative who is somewhat of a mentor to you, had told you herself when you briefly mentioned your plans.
yet as you trek through the dewy grass of chinju forest, you mourn all those years when you could’ve taken in inazuma’s sights much earlier when you needed it the most.
chinju forest is completely different from liyue harbor. it’s dim; the sun mysteriously never rises, and it’s filled with flowers—the same ones that glimmer so brightly that everything about the forest looks blue, overpowering the lanterns and candles spread throughout. and although it doesn’t feel like home, you wouldn’t mind spending a few months or so in here.
liyue harbor is always bright with splashes of color: bustling with merchants and tourists, with storytellers and friends you see on occasion. friends who wanted you to see the beauty of other places, too.
kazuha had let you in on his plan to return to inazuma for a bit to visit old friends—and since the traveler had worked the traveler magic on inazuma, too, it became safe enough for kazuha to invite you along with it.
it took some convincing and some restless nights of you imagining yelan saying no, but it turns out she is more than happy to send you off to another region, oceans away. says she could use one herself. and now here you are, freely exploring, taking in new, breathtaking sights, meeting new people, fawning over their food, realizing the world is much bigger than you thought.
and also stumbling into a drunk man tipping side-to-side as he weaves through the forest.
cautiously, you sneak behind a tree, watching the inebriated stranger walk like he’s about to twirl around, catch his own feet over his ankle, and fall face-first.
he looks young. if he were next to you in liyue they’d assume he’s exactly your age, with unruly hair and a short height. in the soft, blue glow of the forest’s fluorescent flowers, this stranger looks like the type of handsome you’ve read in books. soft, striking.
“who’s there?”
your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. for someone barely able to walk a straight line, he’s able to sense your presence the moment your breath hitched; a concealed disturbance in the air.
should you leave?
unfortunately, the thought that kazuha would want you to guide this vulnerable man back to the city torments your conscience. even if you’re oceans away, protecting people and keeping them safe is still your duty.
with a sigh, you step out from the shadows, catching the way the man takes your figure in with squinted eyes. you respond with an inquisitive expression, and he stumbles nearer.
“there…there are— are they still chasing…?” he asks, and you first notice how he has a mole under each eye.
“chasing you? are you a criminal?”
“what….” he looks around, head spinning so fast even you got a little dizzy. “criminal? where?” he garbles, looking as if he’s a second away from throwing up.
“no, i’m asking you— ugh, never mind. who’re you?” you hold him up by the arm, feeling merciful. his weight suddenly doubles as he leans over you, leaving you no choice but to pin him against the tree to keep him from falling.
“the name— i’m,” he manages to say, his words sticking together stubbornly. “shikanoin…sharpest, most successful—”
“okay, okay,” you exhale loudly, not understanding a thing, “let’s just go back.”
“who are… you?” he asks, spitting the last word out, trying to mimic your tone. it fails miserably. his eyes widen as if he sees you for the first time. “oh, wow… you’re pretty. wow. where did you come from? why are you holding me up like this? are you weird?”
baffled by the onslaught of questions, you can only blink at him incredulously. “i’m not a weirdo! i’m trying to help you. you’re drunk out of your mind. and alone!” how did he even get here?
“you look so pretty,” he murmurs instead, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
this is getting nowhere.
you pull away in favor of checking if the stranger has anything of use to you. all you can note is a sheathed jitte, a particularly revealing top, and an anemo vision. he wavers again with the loss of your support, resulting in you reflexively reaching out to hold onto the side of his torso. where it’s bare.
“you— you like what you see?” he slurs, and impressively strikes a million-dollar smile despite the droop of his eyes and flush on his face.
“not at all,” you lie. “let’s get back to the city.”
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you are, to be frank, tired and ready to slack off for the rest of the day, finding kazuha be damned. staying too long in chinju forest messed with your sense of time; you were expecting sunrise by the time you returned to the city, yet it had only just set.
( not to mention, on the entire way back, the stranger kept talking your ear off, going on and on about how extraordinary and young he is—how pretty you are and how mystified he is. you can guess what his role is here in inazuma judging from his jitte, though you hardly care about how his superiors belittle him and how he laughs in their faces when he solves cases they rip their “receding” hair off dealing with. )
men dressed in various shades of purple saw you dragging him and rushed over to you, crowding over and filling up the small circle with more stench of alcohol. they were all varying levels of drunk, which explains a lot of what happened to the one you met. one of them apologized profusely, though you weren’t listening at all, gaze caught on the way they dragged your stranger away, verbally assaulted with berating left and right.
they were holding him by the arms, looking too much like an apprehended criminal. all that you could think back to was the way he was staring intently at you, too, as if he can’t take his eyes off.
“he’s not usually like this.” the man apologizing is still talking, you faintly realize, zoning back in—yet your eyes never strayed, even as your stranger is far enough to be out of earshot. “he got too competitive.”
“it’s fine,” you say, clipped. “did he win?”
he blinks. “did he— sorry, what?”
“did he win?”
“...yes.” the man’s brows furrow, looking confused.
you bow in respect, smiling politely when your head tilts back up. “i’ll take my leave now, thank you.”
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two days later
kaedehara kazuha sits on a rock, watching the sun rise in silence that you quickly disrupt the moment you spot the mop of light hair. he turns his head curiously, having noticed you before you even spoke.
“kazuha!” you exclaim, picking up your pace. “kazuha, there you are. i couldn’t find you at all yesterday. you should’ve seen it—gorou showed me some good views of watatsumi island.”
“i apologize…” he says sheepishly, and to his credit, he does look guilty. “did you have fun? a friend caught wind of my return and whisked me away before i could warn you.”
you laugh, nudging your shoulder with his. “it’s alright. it’s what you’re here for, isn’t it?”
“how are you liking inazuma so far?” he asks, shifting to give you more space.
you try to think back to the beauty of watatsumi, gorou’s enthusiasm, and kokomi’s hospitality, but all you can think of is luminescent flowers and twin moles and your hands meeting a bare waist instead of fabric.
“i met this drunk guy in chinju forest. he was just really weird, though, no one worth worrying over,” you recount, pointedly leaving out other details. “i helped him get back in the city. reminds me of what i had to do to you and beidou.” 
“sounds eventful,” kazuha muses, hiding a smile behind a leaf he had snatched out of the air. “where did you leave him off?”
“some guys took him. his co-workers, maybe. hope he doesn’t get fired, poor guy.” you’re starting to not like kazuha’s stare, like he can see the images you’re getting in your head. swiftly, you change the topic back to him. “how about you? what were you doing yesterday?”
“well.” he clears his throat, straightening. hesitantly: “you see—and please, hear me out before you say anything—this friend of mine wants to meet you. urgently, in fact.”
“in a few hours, if possible, he said.”
kazuha should’ve started the conversation with that.
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a/n no way heizou fic No way...... no way!!! anyway this was actually rlly fun to write i love heizou so much i can only hope i do him justice in the next part where i have to write him in all his heizou glory </3 title is from ts song guess which one
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2smolbeans · 1 month
Yandere Prompt:
Instead of it always being the darling figuring out the yandere's obession, what if the darling's friend/lover were to figure it out for them? What if the obessor is so well mannered, so normal around everyone that even the darling themselves never detected the mentally deranged behavior from their stalker. Leaving it up to their friend/lover who just watches in horror as they begin to notice the subtle manipulative advances that this 'stranger' has made in order to comfortably wiggle themselves into darling's life.
Bonus point:
The yandere begins to slowly reveal themselves out of frustration, their perfect mask slipping away when this lover/friend is able to convince the poor victim that they aren't what they seem to be. Eventually leading to the obessor to leave 'small' threats to the lover/friend's darling.
Just an extension writing under the cut!
(Tags: dead dove do not eat, mentions of mutilated vermin, breaking and entering, this is just overall me practicing horror writing based on this prompt ^^)
Exiting the subway station, Angelia cautiously made her way back to her apartment. Entering inside from the front door, she grabbed her keycard, scanning it to let her inside. Entering the elevator and then stepping out, she walked down the empty narrow halls. Her apartment, of course, was the last one all the way at the end of the hall. Nervously, she grabbed her keys, her hands shaking as she unlocked her apartment door. Nothing, she looked at the dark apartment room and listened for any subtle noises. Nothing again. Laughing shakily out of relief, Angelia stepped inside.
She froze as she felt something squishy and mushy at her feet. She could hear the sound of small oozing coming from where she stepped. She could feel the slippery contents staining her sandals. Her heart started beating as she smelled the stench that was now infecting her apartment. The rotten, metallic, funky aroma that spun her head. Immediately gagging, she turned around to look for her lights, immediately panicking as she could now feel the chunky slime substance on her toes. Turning on the lights, she let out a scream as she gripped onto the wall.
Everywhere on the floor were dead, freshly killed, rats. Letting out repeated shrieks, Angelia cried out of disgust as she realised what she had stepped on. Shaking her foot to remove what filth she had stepped on, the orange juicy entrails wrapped around a part of her feet- she rushed towards the bathroom, avoiding all the dead rats that were littered on the floor. But upon entering the bathroom, she was hit with the disgusting stench of putrid vermin blood all over her painted walls. Looking at the bathtub, she couldn't surpress the automatic response to throw up as she witnessed what had been done. She didn't even have time to comfortably adjust herself somewhere as she hunched over, holding her stomach as she stood, spewing her stomach fluids all over the already rodent soiled floors.
It was almost comical as she looked at the amount of vermin that was stacked in the bathtub. A mixture of loose fur, flesh, and tiny paws all floated to the top of the tub that was filled partially with blood. With her eyes widened and adrenaline pumping through her vines, she clenched her chest as she looked at the wall that the bathtub was attached against. Clearly fresh and new, the letters dripped slowly against the wall.
"Next time, don't rat me out okay? Looove you Angie <3"
(Pairing: Marco x Angelia x you)
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lfghughes · 1 year
Heaven Can’t Help Me Now
a/n: I have been sooooo excited about posting this and I was going to put it up later but I can’t wait. I really hope you guys like it because I really enjoyed writing it and I kinda wanna make multiple parts if it’s something you guys want
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From the moment you had moved in next door to the boys, it had been the three of you since. It’s not like you had been in each others lives since childhood or even for several years yet but it was one of those where you had meshed in so well and now if you didn’t see at least one of them a day it was weird. Of course there were days when they would go off on their hockey trips and you wouldn’t see them. Summer last year wasn’t too bad either because you somehow managed to tag along on their plans instead of going the full few months without them.
It had all really started when they had come home from practice one afternoon and you were struggling carrying some boxes in when you were moving in. Immediately they offered to help you and after easily getting into conversation with them you three found out you had a lot more in common than you would have thought. From that point on you spent a lot of lunches, dinners, and late nights at their place or yours. You went to their games, they’ve met your family, and so much more.
Now summer was coming again and your plans had stayed pretty similar to last year. You were actually in the middle of packing because Trevor had invited you to go to Canada for the F1 stuff that was going on and you knew his friend Jack and Cole would be there too. Jamie had a few things going on with his family so he wouldn’t be making the trip this time. But you already made plans with him for when you got back.
“Z is out for the night but wanna come over and watch a movie before you abandon me for weeks ;p” a laugh left your lips as soon as you read Jamies text and you quickly typed back a yes before heading on over. It wasn’t exactly shocking that the door was already unlocked for you to come in and that he already had the whole living room set up for the two of you. “I got your favorite popcorn, extra butter. Also some candy for the both of us.” He patted the spot on the couch next to him.
You made yourself at home, grabbing a blanket and putting it out between the two of you. One thing you did like about your friendship with them was your level of comfort with them and also the affection you three could share and it didn’t mean anything romantically. You let your head rest against Jamies shoulder as you watched the movie. “I’m going to miss you while you’re gone.”
“I’m only going to be gone a week but I do wish you could have come with us too. You keep me sane with all of Trevors energy.” You teased as you tilted your head to look up at Jamie. There was a look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite describe but it almost seemed like he was trying to decide on something in that moment. His hand went up to your jaw, cautiously and you could feel your heart thumping in your chest because you had a feeling you knew what was coming next.
His lips were mere inches from yours when you heard the front door close shut, making both of you jump feet away from each other. You let out a small awkward cough as you adjusted yourself back on the couch as Trevor walked into the living room. “How are my favorite two people doing??” He was clearly in a good mood as he leaned over, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and ruffling Jamies hair. 
“You got your stuff all packed right? We leave at five a.m so I figured I was going to just bring my bags out to the car now and I can come with you to your place and grab your stuff too.” You nodded your head, trying your best to keep up with the information your best friend was throwing at you but you were still reeling from the fact that your other best friend had just almost kissed you.
“Well come on then.” Trevor said and you got up from the couch. Clearly you and Jamie were not going to get a couple of minutes to talk about this tonight. “Alright, well I’m going to head to bed and since I won’t be awake at that time I hope you two have a safe trip. See you when you get back.” You knew that last sentence was more directed at you and you nodded your head.
As you and Trevor walked the short walk back to your place you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he picked you up and spun you around before setting you back down. “So you excited about hanging out with me for the whole week, baby girl?” A groan left your lips at the nickname he had deemed was yours just to annoy you. “You’re going to give me such a headache.” You teased but you knew he’d take it just like that. 
While you felt like your friendship with Jamie was a lot more on the affectionate side and sweet. Your friendship with Trevor had tones of that too but you two also loved annoying each other this way. Jamie was your person when you needed comfort and someone to talk to about what was bothering you. Trevor was your person to get your mind off of what was bothering you. It was a great dynamic and now you were worried that this almost kiss could have ruined it.
“Don’t worry, I have some great plans I think you’ll enjoy out there. Just you and me, baby.” He gave you a little tap on the nose with his pointer finger. You had helped him grab the two bags you had packed and he quickly adjusted it so he could carry both back to his car. “Don’t worry, I’ll go pack these up. You go to sleep because we have a fun week ahead of us.”
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sanjoongie · 6 months
𝔻𝕖𝕔.𝟚𝟜- 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕖
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A Sci-Fi Medley Chapter~ Holiday Special
The Cast~ Yeosang, Jongho- Predators Yunho, San, Mingi- Furyans Hongjoong, Wooyoung- Alien (Hunter status) Seonghwa- Alien (Queen status) Ot8 x captain/pilot! Reader
ღMy submission for 25 Tips for Surviving the Holidays Event held by @kvanity-main ღPairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f) ღGenre: sci fi au, aliens au, predator au, riddick au, established relationship trope, poly trope ღWord Count: 1,434 ღWarnings:  kissing, slight bdsm with Seonghwa's tail, mentions of Seonghwa potentially laying eggs 😵 ღRated: 18+ MDNI, fluff, suggestive ღSummary: You decide to hang mistletoe over the door to the captain's quarters and are pleasantly surprised when Seonghwa becomes obsessed with it. ღDedication:  @stardragongalaxy thank you for encouraging me to write this soft piece for myself 💞 thank you @downtoamagicalland for beta-ing, she knows exactly what this piece means to me 😭 ღA/N: this takes place shortly after all the aliens have found a home on the captain's ship. They are new to their lives with each other and are learning. Takes place before Jongho/Yeosang’s chapter and Hwa's egg laying (someday i'll get a timeline posted)
ღNetwork tag: @monsterfvckersunited ღdivider by @cafekitsune
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"What is it?" Seonghwa looked up to the hanging piece of greenery that was above the entryway to the captain's quarters.
You smiled happily and crooked your finger. "Come meet me under it?"
Seonghwa moved cautiously, his eyes glancing up towards the mistletoe and then back to you. "Not trick?"
You shook your head. You couldn't help but find Seonghwa's rudimentary Common Tongue still cute. "It's not a trick Seonghwa, I promise, you'll like it."
Once Seonghwa stood in front of you, still towering above you with his tail swooshing behind him nervously, you explained. “Us humans put mistletoe above the doorway for opportunities or reasons to kiss each other.”
Seonghwa’s eyes zeroed in on you immediately. “Kiss?”
Your smile grew bigger. “Yeah. If two people meet beneath it, they must kiss.”
Seonghwa leaned forward and pecked your lips and you couldn't help but giggle. “See, no trick.”
You were about to step away when Seonghwa’s claws carefully slid through your hair and cupped the back of  your head. He deepened the kiss and you sighed into his mouth, happy to oblige. You stood on your tippy-toes and wrapped your arms behind Seonghwa’s neck.
“Get a room!” San called from down the hallway.
“That is her room, you idiot,” Jongho replied.
“Well, get in it then!” San insisted.
“Does he not understand the mistletoe?” Yeosang drawled.
“I do too!--ohhhhhh,” San let out the last word, “Now I get it.”
Seonghwa released you finally, eyes looking up at the mistletoe again. His eyes shone, curious and happy. He sounded out the word “mistletoe” and looked pleased when you informed him his Common Tongue was getting better.
Over the course of the next couple days, the various aliens showed up. Jongho made you squeak as he gruffly pulled you to his chest and kissed you breathless. Mingi stared at the mistletoe like it was going to jump at him but still received his kiss with a happy smile. Wooyoung screeched as he ran down the hallway, only to throw himself around you and give you a throaty kiss that had you dazed for a few minutes after, then cackled and shouted at Hongjoong that he kissed you before him. Hongjoong approached you slowly after, held your face in place with one hand, carefully slotted his lips between yours and then left with a swish of his tail. Yunho was curiously studying the mistletoe, but when his hands moved to touch it, you slapped it, fearful of any allergies or bad reactions. That got you flat on your back, Yunho’s warrior instinct reacting too quickly. He pecked your lips and then helped you up, his ears slightly red. Yeosang let you come to him, kissing the corner of his lips tenderly first and then receiving a proper kiss. He nodded like everything made sense and then went on his merry way. San had a cheeky grin on his face, almost boyish in his approach, but none of that was in his kiss, which was messy and had you wiping your lips afterwards.
But Seonghwa was the one that was enamored with the tradition. He found all manner of reasons to be in front of your room. He had questions about the flight pattern the ship was taking, he stumbled through vocabulary questions, he offered you food to eat, the list went on. But each encounter always ended up with the both of you under the door and Seonghwa waiting for his kiss.
Seonghwa had alternative motives for all the kisses, that perhaps only Hongjoong and Wooyoung would have understood. Seonghwa knew it was a matter of time before he went through the cycle of wanting to lay eggs. His body would prepare for it, especially since his feelings for you seem to soar beyond his heart’s expectations. Seonghwa was connecting with you, had been connecting with you, on a level that was only reserved for mates. So he needed to prepare your body for his needs. His saliva had a genetic code within that adapted bodies to alien’s needs. There had been situations in his ancestor’s pasts where genetic adaptation was either required for survival or for improvement, but this time, it was for his heart’s needs. He wanted you to carry his eggs. 
If the result was more reason to kiss his mate, Seonghwa couldn't necessarily complain.
Next place of attack caught you off guard. You were in the cargo bay with a tablet, keeping track of the stock you had, when you heard some bells jingling. You cocked your head to listen better and you heard it again. You were about to turn around to see what manner of mischief the aliens were up now but time was not on your side.
A long tail wrapped itself around you, effectively making you drop your tablet in surprise and trap your arms against your body. It didn't have a distinct tip so you knew it was Seonghwa and not Hongjoong or Wooyoung. There was a surprise hanging above you from his tail, however. Green mistletoe, with bright red berries and some bells.
“Kiss?” Seonghwa wondered behind you.
“Seonghwa!” You couldn't help the way your heart skipped a beat.
“Please?” Seonghwa whined. When you nodded, he tilted your head to look back at him and he kissed you. This time, it was almost like he wanted to crawl in your mouth, completely invading and taking control.
When the kiss ended, you were panting. “Hwa,” You murmured. Seonghwa loosened his tail so you could turn into his embrace but still kept it around you, mistletoe jingling merrily above you both still. “We can’t continue to stand out here if you’re going to kiss me like that.”
Seonghwa looked up towards a vent opening and back down to you hopefully. “I don’t think so, mister,” You scolded him. “We will walk to another room. You damn aliens and your vents.”
It was easy to pull Seonghwa into one of the containment cells. Seonghwa had been injured when you first met him on this ship and you had helped nurse him back to health in this room. So Seonghwa somewhat found comfort in this particular room. Since it was the beginning of your history with Seonghwa, it only made sense that you pull the alien into this room. 
Seonghwa was on top of you as soon as you laid down on the small bed where once you had nursed him back to health. It was like he was addicted to your lips. The small jingles of the bell on his tail sounded softly as his tail continued to move behind him, a clear indication that he was enjoying his kisses. 
“Captain?” Seonghwa wondered between peppering kisses along your jaw and down your neck. 
“Mmm?” You barely were able to lift your mind from the lust-filled cloud that was your thoughts right now.
“Mate?” Seonghwa asked, having made it to your collarbones now, sucking a love bite.
“That’s what we’re here for, Hwa,” You couldn't help but laugh.
Seonghwa raised his head and shook it, clearly frustrated with his limited vocabulary. He growled and snarled, not out of anger, but in his own language. He shook his hair out of his face and tried again. “My mate?”
One of your hands, that had been previously on the small of his back urging him against you, fluttered up to hold onto his arm. You’re not sure if your heart is beating properly right now. “Are you asking me to be your mate?”
Seonghwa shook his head again, this time a charming crooked smile pulling at his lips. He tapped his heart and then tapped yours with a claw. “Now. Mate.”
You felt tears fill the corner of your eyes. It’s not that you had hoped love would bloom after you had nursed Seonghwa from his injuries when you found him on this crashed ship with the Furyans. But you had fallen for the Alien Queen, who was so fiercely protective of you. The fact that he already felt the tug between your two hearts meant the world to you, despite having anatomically two different hearts.
“You’re right,” You half laughed and half cried, “How silly of me. We’re already mates, aren’t we?”
Seonghwa’s tail jingled merrily over you both once again and you both leaned into a kiss. “Mine,” he snarled against your lips.
You sighed happily, “I’m yours, Seonghwa.” You entangled your hands in his hair and deepened the kiss, feeling your heart beat in happiness. Guess it was a good idea to hang mistletoe after all.
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Taglist: @hijirikaww @starlitmark @k-pop-ology 
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steadfastsaturnsrings · 4 months
Several Sentence Sunday!!
Thanks for all the tags: @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @elgascreamslikehell @spotsandsocks @fortheloveofbuddie @diazsdimples @loserdiaz @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars
I am back with some more of You taught me the courage of stars (before you left) aka the Eddie parting stones fic. Previous snippets here!
I know I usually post my snippets in order, but for this one, there are some things between this snippet and the previous snippet that I want to keep a surprise ;)
Part of Eddie’s plan involved travelling back to Texas, and so he had to take time off to implement his plan. He had walked up to Bobby’s office slowly, holding the box of Shannon’s stones pressed to the center of his chest tightly, standing tall, his posture stoic almost as if he was back in the military delivering the flag of a fallen solider to a loved one. As Eddie approached Bobby’s door, he glanced around cautiously—he wasn’t quite ready to tell anyone else at the 118 about Shannon’s stones and his plans just yet. Seeing no one, Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, not that he expected anyone to be out of their bunks at this hour. He carefully repositioned the box so that he was cradling it in his arms and rapped on Bobby’s half open door with the back of his knuckles.
“Eddie?” Bobby asked. “Come in” he gestured, coming up to the doorway now, eyeing the box in Eddie’s arms.
Eddie walked through the door and sat down in the chair facing Bobby’s desk, slowly setting the box onto the table, it making the softest thud as he did so.
Bobby closed the door behind Eddie, waiting for it to click before making his way back over to his desk. He pulled out the chair, sat down and took a deep breath. Eddie had informed him he was going through with his plans for sending Shannon’s ashes to become parting stones, but he wasn’t really sure why Eddie was here with them on his day off.
They sat there in silence for a moment before Eddie decided to finally break it, exhaling softly,
“Bobby,” he breathed
Bobby eyed Eddie curiously, watching emotions beginning to flicker across Eddie’s face. Eddie didn’t like to open up about his feelings, only having done so recently when Bobby had all but forced him to go to therapy after he had gotten caught up in the fighting ring. While Eddie still had trouble opening up to others of the 118, Bobby had noticed that it was him that Eddie opened up the most to about his grief, his pain for his late wife, and Bobby knew why. He had felt it when he hugged Eddie immediately after he lost Shannon. Bobby had compassion in a way no one else at the 118 did—He understood. He knew because he himself had his own family, including his wife, whom he had loved dearly. Eddie had been making progress, opening up slowly over time about his grief, including how he felt like he wasn’t honoring Shannon properly, which is when Bobby had suggested the parting stones. The last Bobby had heard about it was when Eddie had quietly thanked him for the idea and that he would be following through with it. Bobby had nodded in acknowledgement, but the two hadn’t talked about it since. Based on the way Eddie was letting his guard down with Bobby right now, he could tell that whatever Eddie was here to tell him in regards to the stones was important, and it couldn’t wait. Bobby could tell this was more than just showing him the stones, because otherwise he wouldn’t’ve done it here, at the station, where everyone could see. No, Bobby knew Eddie hadn’t told anyone else about the stones yet, and he wasn’t quite sure if Eddie was really ready to. So, he braced himself and told himself he could handle and help Eddie through whatever he was about to throw at him.
(No pressure tags!): everyone who tagged me is tagged back for Tuesday + @smilingbuckley @hippolotamus @acountrygirlsfun @wikiangela @pirrusstuff @monsterrae1 @jesuisici33 @watchyourbuck @evanbegins @thekristen999 @aspecbuddie @aroeddiediaz @lover-of-mine @disasterbuckdiaz @rainbow-nerdss @weewootruck @princehattric @buckaroosheart @bucksbackwardcap @butraura @dangerpronebuddie @your-catfish-friend @eddiebabygirldiaz @liabegins @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @l0v3t0hat3y0u @buddstiel @thewolvesof1998 @captain-hen @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @ronordmann @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @hoodie-buck @sunflowerdiaiz @epicbuddieficrecs @goethites @puppyboybuckley @jeeyuns and anyone else who wants to play! :)
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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neteyamssyulang · 8 months
Day 14
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Pairing: Rotxo aged up x Fem metkayina reader
Summary: He was the good boy, the innocent boy. The one who did everything that was asked of him with no questions asked. Of course, there was a secret side to him that no one knew of.
Warnings: Dom Rotxo, Sub Reader, Sixty-Nine obvi, Fingering.
Word count: 1134
Translation(s): Marui -> Metkayina Home, Tawtute -> Human, Skxawng -> Idiot/Moron, ‘Ak -> Ow/Ouch, Nì’ul -> More, Rutxe -> Please, Sevin -> Pretty, Paskalin -> Sweet berry.
A/N: Not my best work but it’s decent.
Tags: @pandoraslxna @teyamsatan <3
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He was the good boy, the innocent boy. The one who did everything that was asked of him with no questions asked. Of course, there was a secret side to him that no one knew of.
You make your way through the village towards the Sully’s Marui, the last 6 months that they’ve been here have been, welllll, interesting.
The battle took place only two months ago where Neteyam had almost died, his mother Neytiri and his father Jake Sully were enraged by their son almost dying that they went on a killing spree taking the lives from everyone on that demon ship.
The only one that got away was Quaritch, upon hearing that the tawtute, what’s his name again? Spider? Yeah. He saved him and thought no one would find out. What a skxawng.
He was banished from awa’altu, The only one who didn’t want him to go was Kiri but what he did was unforgivable. The family did their best to consol her about the situation but nothing ever worked.
Upon finally entering your greeted by Neteyam, Aonung, Rotxo, Kiri, Lo’ak and Tsireya. They wave and Neteyam gestures for you to sit down next to him.
“So, what are you all doing?” You ask while eyeing a strange alien thing in the middle of all of you. Lo’ak speaks up “We were about to play spin the bottle.”
“Spin the botle?” The foreign words rolls off your tongue and your confused face makes him laugh.
“It is an earth game our father said, it is supposed to be interesting” Neteyam speaks from beside you.
“Oh, ok” you watch as Lo’ak spins first landing on Tsireya. Aonung sends him a death glare to which Tsireya gently smacks his chest.
She crawls over to Lo’ak who scoops her up into his lap making her giggle. She then captures his lips with hers for a short brief kiss before being yanked off Lo’ak by Aonung. He still didn’t approve of the relationship.
“Aye chill bro” Lo’ak raises his hands in surrender, Tsireya takes her spot back next her brother. Next up is Kiri but she passed her turn so Neteyam was next.
He spinned the bottle and it landed on you. Your face goes red with blush as you turn to look at the man next to you.
Neteyam smiles before cupping your face and gently presses his lips against yours. A loud growl rumbles through Rotxo and he gets up leaving ignoring everyone calling for him to come back.
Once your lips are separated you quickly move to get up and run out the Marui leaving a confused Neteyam behind.
“Wow bro guess she didn’t like your kiss” Lo’ak laughs, Neteyam grabbed the bottle and threw it at his little brother’s face making him yelp in pain.
“Shut up you skxawng” Neteyam hissed.
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You eventually catch up to Rotxo who is now in his own Marui with his back facing to you. Cautiously you walk up to him placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Did you enjoy kissing him? Were you trying to make me jealous?” His eyes narrowing.
“I- this is what it’s about?” You scoff. “Your mad because I kissed Neteyam?”
Another growl rumbles through his chest as he grabs you by the hips pulling you closer to him “Your mine y/n.”
“These lips..” he ghosts over them before kissing you “Are mine.” His hands travel to your ass “This ass” he squeezes it making you moan softly “Is mine.” He drops down to his knees untying your loincloth letting it fall, “And this beautiful pussy” his fingers slide over your folds “Is mine.”
Shivers run down your spine as he unties his own loincloth throwing it somewhere before laying down on his sleeping mat. “Come, sit”
You walk over and begin to sit on his lap when he stops you “Not there paskalin.” Confused you look at him making him chuckle.
“Be a good girl and sit on my face.”
Gulping you obey getting back up before turning and lowering yourself onto his face, he groans seeing your pussy on full display.
You seem to be lowering yourself at a pace he doesn’t like so he gripped onto your thighs pulling you down onto his face immediately licking a fat stripe across your folds.
“Rotxo!..” moaning softly you lower your head so his now aching cock is mere inches from your face. Starting from the balls you lick him from there all the way up his thick shaft till you reach his tip.
Rotxo licked and sucked at your clit before inserting two of his fingers inside your drenched hole curling them.
He nips at the inside of your thigh with his fangs causing you to yelp “ ‘ak Rotxo!”
The teal man underneath you just chuckles, he kisses the spot he nipped at and trails kisses to your soaked cunt.
His fingers start pumping inside you as his mouth drew circles on your clit. “Nì’ul rutxe!..” you say breathlessly as you take him into your mouth.
Rotxo shudders feeling your warm mouth wrapped around him and bucks his hips making you take more of his cock in your mouth.
“That’s it sevin..” He moans sending vibrations through your pussy making you squirm feeling close to climaxing.
His fingers pick up their pace moving faster coaxing out squelching noises. You gagged around his cock as you felt him remove his fingers but replace them with his tongue dipping into your entrance.
He ate you as if you were his last meal, truth be told this is all he’s ever dreamed of. He may look like the innocent boy people think he is but he’s not, he’s wanted you so many times but didn’t think he stood a chance.
When he saw you kiss Neteyam that was his breaking point, Neteyam knew Rotxo liked you but he liked you aswell I mean cmon your beautiful.
Any man would be lucky enough if they had you as their mate, and Rotxo wanted to be that lucky one.
Your head bobbed up and down his cock as one of your hands reached to gently cup his balls in your hand.
His hips stutter feeling his orgasm approaching and knows your close too. Rotxo laps at your folds now and that’s all it took for you to cum.
He groans as his face gets coated by your juices and immediately afterwards cums in your mouth.
You swallow all his cum greedily before coming off him with a pop.
The man then gently lifted you off his face and onto the mat next to him.
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jazzycurls · 1 year
You belong to me - part 4.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
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Summary: It's a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! Cheating, angst, hurt & comfort, smut, mentions of stalking and pregnancy (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi, you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore, but I'm still a newbie. All feedback is welcome. Be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Love you guys, and thank you so much for the support, hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 6,306
It's been exactly four weeks and two days since you last spoke to Eddie. Ever since that day you saw him and Chrissy together, you vowed to never let him hurt you again. It was tough going to school and dealing with all the rumors swirling around you, Eddie, and Chrissy.
Most people had called you a slut, others said Eddie was the slut who had corrupted you in some way and a few people said it was a hoax, unwilling to believe that Eddie The Freak Munson was able to date two women at once. You ignored the rumors, choosing to focus on your schoolwork so you could graduate and get the hell out of this town.
Clara was there beside you through it all and helped you brave the storm. You were forever grateful for her friendship, people like her are hard to come by and should always be cherished. You vowed to repay her as soon as you got the chance.
Eddie had tried his best to talk to you afterward. He had tried everything from following you around at school, showing up at your house, and calling you every night but you shot him down every time. The blinders were off and you wouldn't allow yourself to be fooled by him any longer.
You still loved Eddie but not enough to sacrifice your happiness. You vowed that you would never do that after witnessing the destruction of your parent's marriage. Your mother had spent many nights crying herself to sleep and now was a shell of who she used to be, throwing herself into her work to avoid her harsh reality.
They say that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree because here you were, on your way to your new job at Family Video. You'd had the great idea to get a job to help keep you preoccupied. You've been working there for officially two weeks now and you loved it. It's a laid-back job with decent pay plus your co-workers were awesome.
You pull into the parking lot and park your car. As you make your way into the store the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end. You stop in your tracks as you look around the lot cautiously, heading into the store when you don't see anything strange. For the past few weeks, you kept having the strangest feeling that you were being followed. With Hawkins being notorious for people going missing and all of the strange occurrences, it was always best to be on guard in a town like this one.
"Hi, Y/n," your coworkers Robin and Steve echoed in union.
You raised a brow at them as you entered the store and went behind the sales desk. "Oookay, that wasn't creepy at all," you laughed as you placed your bag under the counter.
"What do you mean," they both asked in confusion.
"Okay, seriously guys, this is weird," you stated, getting slightly creeped out. With the weird feeling of eyes watching you at random times of the day, it didn't take much to put you on edge nowadays.
"Sorry Y/n, it was Steve's idea," Robin laughed, hugging you.
"Hey, not true! Don't believe her Y/n," he tells you as he hugs you as well. The bell on the door chimes, signaling the arrival of a customer as you are wrapped up in his arms.
You turn your head to see Eddie headed your way with his eyes trained on you. Steve lets you go to help Eddie as he places his items on the counter. His eyes are dark, nearly the color of coals as he glares at Steve.
"Harrington," he sniffs before turning to Robin with a bright smile. "Hey Robbie," he grins.
"Munson, if you call me that name one more time, I'm going to jam your precious guitar up your ass!"
Eddie throws his hands up in mock surrender "Yes ma'am," he replies jokingly. His gaze finally settles on yours "Hello Y/n," he whispers, his eyes soft and shining with emotion.
"Hi, Eddie." Your voice is monotone and your expression is indifferent, a severe contrast to the emotions raging inside of you.
Sensing the awkward atmosphere between you two, Steve steps in and picks up the movies Eddie placed on the counter. He taps a few keys onto the register and scans the barcode on the back of the tapes. "Alright Munson, it says here that you have an overdue late fee of $6.18 on your account. Would you like to make a payment today?"
Eddie begrudgingly looks away from you and turns toward Steve. He digs into the pocket of his jeans, pulls out a wrinkled ten-dollar bill, and hands it to Steve. Unable to stand the tension building, you busy yourself by going over to the romance section to organize the shelf.
Minutes go by, and you hear the soft footsteps of someone walking up behind you. You look over to find Eddie standing there with his hands shoved into the pockets of his well-worn jeans. You stand up and move to leave before he stops you.
"Wait Y/n, can we talk? Please!" he begs, his hands stretched out towards you blocking your exit.
You sigh deeply and shake your head, feeling your resolve break. "You have a minute," you relent, crossing your arms as you wait.
"Baby, what happened before," he begins, as he takes a step towards you. You take a step back, holding your hand up between you two.
"Sorry," he mutters sadly before continuing. "What you saw with me and Chrissy, it wasn't what it looked like. I was about to tell her that it was over between her and me when she —," he trailed off unable to continue. He couldn't tell you about the upside down. It could put you in danger and that was something he refused to allow to happen.
You lifted a brow expectantly as you waited for him to continue. Your patience was starting to wane thin.
"Um, she said that she um— that she needed me," he responded weakly. It sounded unbelievable even to his own ears. He sees your face drops back into a cold stare and his chest tightens in fear when he realizes how bad he's fucking this up right now.
"You have to believe me Y/n. It's just for a little while and this doesn't mean that I'm with her because it doesn't and I promise you she knows that." His words are rushed and awkward as he tries to convince you that his words are true.
"Times up Eddie." You turn to walk away and he grabs your hand quickly.
"Y/n wait, I'm telling the truth. I just need you to wait for me, please, at least until I sort everything out." His plea is desperate as he holds your hand close to his heart.
"Why should I Eddie? You haven't been honest with me not once this entire time! You won! You got what you wanted so just leave me the fuck alone." Your voice rises out of anger, causing Robin and Steve to throw concerned glances in your direction. You let out slow deep breaths as you attempt to reel your emotions back in.
Shock is evident on Eddie's face, which soon gives way to anger. If he was honest with himself he's never done well with confrontation. With his father mentally and physically abusing him throughout his childhood, he's developed a sort of defense mechanism, which makes him run away when he feels threatened. The hurt that he feels because you don't trust him makes him angry, not knowing how to properly deal with his emotions. He feels that he's been nothing but honest with you this entire time. If there was anything he left out it was for your safety, not so he could try and fuck you over.
"You know what, fuck this," Eddie grunts, as his feelings get the better of him. "You don't have to believe me." As the words leave his lips his heart breaks and regrets already spreading through him as he turns away from you, storming out of the store.
You want to call out to him, tell him that you were sorry for going off. You're not a confrontational person, so your reaction just now took you by surprise. Bile rises in your throat as you watch Eddie leave. You turn and run to the employee's lounge, slamming the door shut as you hurl your lunch into the toilet. Your fingers grip the wall tightly and you begin to dry heave once there is nothing left. Once your stomach settles you drop down onto the tiled floor, trying to catch your breath.
A few minutes go by when you hear a knock on the door. "Y/n, is everything okay?" Robin asks you from the other side.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." Your voice sounds weak as you answer her. You rise to stand and go to wash your hands. Once you're done you splash cold water on your flushed face. 'What the fuck.'  You wonder as you gaze at your reflection in the mirror. Was this whole situation so stressful that it was making you sick? Or was it the thought of things finally being over with Eddie that made you ill?
You honestly didn't know but you refused to dwell over it any longer. Taking a deep breath you opened the door with a fake smile plastered on your face.
"You okay," Robin asks when you appear back at the counter.
"No, but I will be," you reply with a strained smile but you're not convinced you will be.
Steve takes in your appearance noting how squeamish you look, a stark contrast to how you were when you first arrived. "Hey Y/n, if you're not feeling well you can leave early if you want. I think Robbie and I can manage," he says earning a smack on the back of his head from Robin.
"Yeah, I think that's for the best," you say, laughing in response to their antics. You begin to pack up your things and give them both a hug before making your departure.
The fresh air of the evening does little to settle your stomach and the nagging thought of something you had forgotten in the back of your mind. You make a pit stop at the local mart, unaware of the eyes watching your every step.
You sat on your bed with Clara, your fingers gripping the unopened pink box tightly. She listened intently as you told her the events of what happened a few days ago with Eddie. Her features shift with each detail you relay. Shock settles over her face once you end with the purchase you had made due to the absence of your period.
"Why haven't you taken it yet," she questions as she clasped your hand in yours. You blinked your eyes, trying desperately to stave off the tears threatening to escape.
"I'm scared," you admitted. "If I take this test, then it becomes real and then I'll have no choice but to deal with it." Your hands shake nervously, causing the box to fall onto the floor.
Clara bent down and picked up the box, pressing it back into your hands. "Y/n, this isn't something you can ignore. The longer you put it off the fewer options you'll have."
"I know, but what if it's positive? Things between Eddie and me are horrible right now. A baby will only complicate things even more." A few tears skip down your cheeks as your emotions began to overwhelm you.
"Whatever happens I'll be here for you okay? I'll even beat Eddie up for you if you want," she says, pulling you into a tight hug.
You laugh along with her as you hug her back. "I'll keep that in mind," you snicker as you get up from the bed, making your way into the bathroom. You close the door behind you and lean up against it. You take calming breaths as you read the instructions on the back of the box.
'Okay, remove cap and place tip into urine stream for five seconds. Replace cap, lay it flat, and wait for results, should be ready within five minutes. Seems easy enough,' you thought silently.
You will your hands to stop shaking as you unwrap the package and begin to follow the instructions listed on the box. Once finished you lay the test flat on the counter and began to wait. The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow and you become all too aware of the silence in the bathroom. The walls felt as if they were closing in on you with each minute that passed.
Your timer beeps on your watch, signaling that the test result was ready. Turning back towards the counter you eye the test warily. You could feel a trickle of sweat running along your spine as you start to perspire. 'This is crazy. Just pick it up and read it. It's not a big deal, it's not like this is going to change your life from this point in every single way.'
Exasperated, you sink down onto the edge of the tub. "Clara" you called out through the closed door.
"Yes!" She replied immediately, busting through the door.
You gesture towards the test on the counter. "I can't look," you said softly, letting your head fall into your hands. You stare at the patterns on the tile floor as you listen to her pick up the test.
A soft gasp fell from her lips making your blood run cold. "It's positive," she murmurs as she crouches down in front of you.
"Of course it's positive, I've never failed a test before. Guess I'm not going to start now huh." You laugh bitterly, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Y/n, it's going to be okay. Whatever you decide to do, it's going to be okay." She laid her hand on yours as you sat there in silence. "Are you going to tell Eddie," she asked.
"I don't know if I should. I mean, what would even be the point of that anyways? I don't want a pity relationship because he made the mistake of knocking me up." Your words come out heated and rushed as your anger washes over you.
"He deserves to know Y/n. Don't keep it from him because you're scared of what his response may be. You never know, maybe he'll step up, maybe he won't but you'll never know if you don't give him a chance." Clara's voice was firm and sure as she held your gaze.
"You're right, I'll tell him," you huff out a moment later.
She gives you a small smile before standing up and pulling you up along with her. "Fuck! Squatting like that made my legs hurt," she complained trying to shake the pins and needles feeling out of her legs. "I guess I'm getting too old for that now. Welp, no more blowjobs for Steve then," she jokes, crouching over and holding her back dramatically.
"Yeah right, I'll believe that when pigs fly," you laugh snorting obnoxiously as you follow her back into your room.
"You calling me a slut," Clara growls, her hand inching towards the pillows on your bed.
"Uh yeah. You and Steve are biggest the horndogs I've ever met," you retort grinning cheekily.
"You're gonna regret that Y/l/n," she yells, smacking you in the face with a pillow. You stand there for a moment in shock before springing into action, grabbing a pillow for your counterattack. Peels of laughter sound off in the room along with thumps from the pillow fight, giving you a welcome reprieve from the tough decisions sure to come.
Eddie sat perched atop his throne in the old theatre room, which was also their meeting place for all of their D&D campaigns. Drumming his fingers against the chipped wooden table, his patience began to wear thin as he waited for everyone to sit down and get situated. After a minute had passed, everyone was still talking animatedly to each other. 
"Can we hurry this along please!" he yelled out, causing the room to go silent as all eyes snapped onto him. "Thank you," he said once he had everyone's attention. He had called an emergency meeting weeks ago as soon as Chrissy had told him her dreams had returned. Due to conflicts of schedule and the matter of long distance for some, it had taken a while to get everyone back together again.
"What's going on Eddie? Why are we all here," asked Dustin.
"Vecna's back," Eddie replied somberly, getting straight to the point. A few gasps of panic flew across the room at his announcement.
"Are you sure? I mean— how do you know, what happened?" Nancy questioned, her eyes flickering with concern.
Eddie began to explain what Chrissy had told him that day, omitting the part with you in it. He didn't need everyone to know about his relationship with you when he was still trying to fix the damage he'd caused.
"So why isn't she here if she's so scared that he's after her?" Max's voice was low and her expression held a look of skepticism. Something about this situation seemed off to her but she didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.
"She had cheerleading practice," Eddie replied rubbing a hand across his face tiredly. Between Chrissy hanging onto him like a leech every chance she got and you avoiding him like a leper, he felt as if he was losing his mind. He hadn't had a proper sleep in weeks and it was beginning to show. His eyes were dull, sporting dark heavy-looking bags underneath each one.
Murmurs echo around the room at his response. "I'm sorry man but I call bullshit. I've seen Chrissy around town and she didn't look scared to me," said Steve.
"Why would she lie then huh? If you have an idea, then by all means please share it because I don't have a clue!" Eddies hands grip the arms of his chair as he struggles to regain control over his emotions.
"Are you okay Eddie?" Robin asked. She had never seen Eddie like this before and it was starting to scare her a little. After witnessing the scene between Eddie and you, she had the sinking feeling that this all had something to do with one another.
"Yeah— I'm fine, just a little tired is all. Now, can we please get back to the matter at hand?" Eddie hated being so dismissive toward his friend but he wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.
"Well, I haven't felt anything from him. Honestly, I thought he was dead. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time," Will replied in a soft voice.
"Me too," Max confirmed as others began to echo in agreeance.
"I think that settles it, dude. It sounds like Chrissy lied to you," Dustin said softly so only Eddie could hear him.
"I think you're right and I'm going to find out why." Eddies features were stony and everyone could see the shift in his demeanor. He adjourned the meeting, thanking everyone for coming and apologizing on Chrissy's behalf.
Before he left the room he tapped Robin on the shoulder, pulling her from her conversation with Steve. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize about earlier. I haven't been—, he started but Robin cut him off with a  wave of her hand.
"Don't worry about it. There are no hard feelings okay? Just go handle whatever it is you need to with Chrissy. To be honest Eddie, I never liked her anyways," she tells him with a smirk.
Eddie gives her a quick hug before taking his leave. He was on a mission as he made his way hastily to the gym, determined to catch Chrissy before she left. He wanted an explanation as to why she had lied and he wasn't going to leave until she gave him one.
Chrissy's friend Alice stood to the side of the bleachers anxiously. The loud voices of Chrissy and Eddie rang out sharply throughout the gym. Standing in the shadows, she wasn't trying to be seen until the time was right.
The words lying bitch could be heard clearly throughout the room followed by a resounding slap. Chrissy stormed by quickly tears streaming down her face. She passed by quickly, not seeing Alice standing in the corner. Once the double doors had closed, Alice stepped from behind the bleachers into the light. Eddie stood close by with his head hanging down, his hair hiding his face. She cleared her throat lightly, gaining Eddie's attention immediately.
"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me!" He yelped, holding a hand over his chest. His heartbeat was erratic as he took a deep breath to calm down before he had a premature death. "What do you want," he asked warily after he had regained control of his breathing. He knew you only through Chrissy and had never spoken to you alone before. If he was a betting man, he would bet that Chrissy didn't know you were here, especially right after the fight they'd just had.
"Chrissy doesn't know that I'm here," she said confirming his suspicions as she looked over her shoulder cautiously. Eddie nodded in response and she continued, wanting to get this over as soon as possible. She didn’t want Chrissy to find out about what she was about to do.
"Chrissy's been lying to you, Eddie. She's been seeing Jason behind your back the entire time you two were together," she whispered.
When Chrissy told her that she and Eddie didn't have sex, she was in disbelief. The reason why became even more obvious when she caught them hooking up in Jason's car during school once. Jason had later told her with a smug look on his face that he and Chrissy had always maintained a sexual relationship even after she had gotten with 'The Freak'.
When she confronted Chrissy, she only shrugged with a coy smile, "I get what I need from Jason and Eddie, what's the big deal?"
Alice had told her that it wasn't right but Chrissy didn't want to listen to reason, only warning her to stay out of it before flouncing away, her ponytail bouncing perkily behind her.
"Wow, I mean what the fuck. I know I have no room to talk but for her to pretend to be so innocent when she's just as bad is fucking insane." Eddie's eyes were big as he ran his hands through his hair.
He had tried before to initiate a sexual relationship with Chrissy but she had told him she wanted to wait until marriage. He had accepted her decision, not wanting to pressure her into something she didn't want but he couldn't deny that the thought of why things were the way they were didn't cross his mind at times. Boys tended to talk and he knew that she wasn't a virgin because of Jason, so the new information just revealed to him, answered the questions he's had for a long time.
"Thanks for telling me," he said finally, looking over to Clara. "I know that couldn't have been easy."
"You're welcome, Eddie. I know I can be a bitch sometimes but I like to think that I'm still a good person," she said as she began to walk away. Before reaching the doors, she turned around to look over her shoulder at him. "Eddie be careful with Chrissy. She's not the same anymore and I'm afraid of what she may do if things don't go her way."
He nodded in response and watched as she walked through the doors, her ominous warning of Chrissy repeating over and over in his head.
You're lost in your thoughts as you walk along the crowded hallways. You had spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to tell Eddie you were pregnant. The last time you talked, it ended horribly and you were kinda ashamed to have to approach him again so soon. You were sure that after how you treated him, he didn't want to speak to you again.
As you neared your classroom a hand snatched you into a nearby closet, closing the door briskly behind you. "What the hell," you shrieked before a hand clasped over your mouth keeping you silent.
"Shhh Y/n, it's just me," Eddie whispered as he clicked on the overhead light.
You snatch his hand from your mouth, looking upward at him. "I knew that Eddie. You are literally the only person who snatches me into closets at random."
"Yeah, you're right," he says laughing awkwardly. He rubs the back of his neck as he takes a moment to look at you. It feels as if he hasn't gotten a chance to really look at you in forever. His heart flutters nervously as you stare back into his eyes. The speech he had prepared, long forgotten at the sight of you.
You were also experiencing something similar as you began to malfunction at being in such close proximity with Eddie. An apology sits at the top of your tongue for the way you treated him before but you quickly swallow it back down as quickly as it comes. "What do you want," you question once you finally begin to settle from the mental Olympics your mind is going through.
"I wanted to talk to you. I know that our last conversation didn't end well and I want to apologize to you." He takes a deep breath in an attempt to settle his nerves before continuing.
"I let my emotions get the best of me and I reacted poorly. I know that you're probably getting tired of me apologizing and I promise to do better— I want to be better for you. Whenever I'm with you, I feel better about myself. Even though we haven't had the chance to be together, I'm sure of how I feel about you. You don't have to worry about me and Chrissy anymore because I've handled that situation and it's completely over, I promise you. So please Y/n, please take a chance on me and I promise I won't let you down again ever." His eyes are big and wet as he looks down at you pleadingly.
You lean back up against the door as you consider his words. The fierceness in his eyes is endearing, making you want to believe him this time, but there is still a nagging thought in the back of your mind. You still feel that there is something that Eddie isn't telling you. Until you know the real reason he broke his promise and chose to stay with Chrissy, you can't forgive him just yet. "I want to trust you Eddie but for me to do that, you have to be completely honest with me. I don't want to start a relationship on a half-truth."
Something akin to fear flashes across Eddie's face before disappearing quickly. His features relax again as he takes your hands into his hesitantly, pulling you in closer. "Y/n— there's a lot of things that's happened in Hawkins in the past couple of years. A lot of things have been kept from the public for safety reasons," he pauses to make sure that you are still following him. "I'll tell you everything but I need you to keep an open mind okay? I know that what I tell you may be hard to believe but just trust me okay?"
You nod your head slowly as your heart begins to race. You're not sure what it is he is about to tell you but you have the feeling that it will change everything moving forward. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, the tardy bell rings announcing that you both are late for class.
"Fuck! Can you follow me to my house after school?" He says hopefully, resting his hand on the doorknob behind you.
"Yeah," you reply breathlessly as he leans in closer to you, resting his forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter close as his nose brushes against yours, his breath is warm as it fans across your face pleasantly.
The sound of the second bell rings and the moment is gone. Disappointment is clear on both of your faces as he pulls back, giving you room to move away from the door. "Later?" His eyes are bright, filled with hope and longing.
"Later," you smile squeezing his hand gently before slipping through the door. Eddie waits a second before taking his leave as well. His smile is big and wide as he walks into class, even after his teacher tears him a new one for being late once again, his smile never fades.
You rush out of class once the final bell rings and you head to the parking lot, eager to meet Eddie as planned. After you have your talk with Eddie, you'll have to go straight to work, so you're grateful that you were able to get the car from your mom this morning. You spot Eddie in the crowded lot once you make it to your car. He gives you an excited wave and you wave back with a shy smile.
You both enter your cars and you began to follow him as he leaves the school. As you're driving out of the lot you pass by Chrissy standing near her car. She stares at you with a blank expression as you pass by. Your eyes meet and you hold her gaze before looking away to safely follow the traffic.
"Crazy bitch," you mutter under your breath. You shake it off mentally, you refuse to let her ruin the good mood you were in. You're anxious about what Eddie is going to tell you. Optimism is flowing through you and you can feel your walls lowering for what could be. You hope that he'll be receptive to the news you have for him as well.
Your hands begin to shake as your mind wanders at what his reaction will be. You had planned on telling him today but you're not sure you'll have time after he reveals whatever the secret is he's been holding in.
Before you know it you are pulling into the trailer park behind Eddie. You follow closely as he passes by several trailers before pulling into what you assumed was his home. You park behind him and get out of your car.
Eddie walks over to you with a smile, taking your hand into his, and leads you up the steps. As you both enter his home you notice the trailer is a little on the small side but has a homey feel to it that you find charming.
"Welcome to my humble abode," Eddie says bowing at the waist as you walk into his room. You giggle in response as you sidestep some articles of clothing and stand awkwardly beside his bed. His room is for the most part clean, albeit a little disorganized.
You're not sure if you should sit or stand so you choose to wait for him to tell you what to do. You act as if you're strangers as if Eddie hasn't been inside of you and made you cum in almost every way.
Eddie closes his door, kicking off his shoes. "Make yourself comfortable sweetheart, mi casa su casa." He takes a seat next to you on his bed and takes your hand into his.
"I'm so happy you agreed to listen to what I have to say. I was afraid that you would never talk to me again after last time," he says honestly. He feels happy but also nervous for what he is about to expose you to. He knows that everyone will be pissed at him for getting you involved but he could care less. At this point he would do anything to get you back, he would even travel through Mordor unarmed for you.
"Me too Eddie," you reply sweetly. Your heart skips a beat as he presses a kiss to your knuckles. "Eddie, before you begin, I just want to say I'm sorry for how I acted the last time we spoke. It wasn't unnecessary and I said some things that I didn't mean." Your head drops down and you look at your lap, unable to meet his gaze.
He lifts your chin with his ringed finger. "I already forgave you, baby. There's nothing to apologize for," he whispers against your hand still pressed to his lips. You smile as a heated flush creeps up your neck and settles on your face.
Eddie smiles at your response before he begins "As I said before sweetheart, what I'm going to tell you may be hard to believe but just know that everything I say is the truth." He licks his lips as he prepares to tell you the truth about Hawkins.
His eyes are wide, filled with warmth that eases any doubts you may have had before. You nod your head and you listen intently as he begins to tell you a tale so bizarre that it sounds like it's straight from a movie scene.
You wave goodbye to Robin and Steve as you walk across the dark parking lot toward your car. Your mind races as you fumble with your keys to unlock the car. Hours have passed since your conversation with Eddie but you're still in shock.
The story he had told you felt too bizarre to be true. But when you sat back and thought about all of the strange occurrences that's happened, his explanation was more reasonable than what the media had portrayed. You were correct before when you thought that you wouldn't have time to tell him your truth. He had taken hours to go over everything with you and by the time he was done you were late for work.
You promised that you wouldn't tell anyone about what he had revealed to you, including Steve and Robin. He wanted to keep everyone oblivious to the fact that you knew everything, for now. You smiled to yourself, the way he worried over your safety made your heart clench in happiness and hope that he would be open to what you had to tell him.
A noise startles you from behind and you drop your keys in fear. You were on edge and every little sound was making you jump. Bending down you scoop up your keys swiftly, fear pumping through you as you slot your keys in the lock. You climb into your car swiftly, slamming the door behind you.
Your heart is pounding as you look behind you out of your car windows. For a moment there you could've sworn that you heard footsteps behind you. Taking a deep breath you start your car and head back to Eddie's house. He had invited you back to his house after work once you told him that you had something important to tell him as well. Your mom was out of town visiting family and you hoped that if things ended well, you could spend the weekend with Eddie.
So wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't see the car behind you until it slammed into you, causing you to swerve hazardously before regaining control.
"What the fuck," you yell in surprise. Your eyes fly to your rearview mirror and you're blinded by the harsh light reflecting from the beams.
You realize with a start that the reason you didnt notice them was that they didnt have on their lights until just now. They obviously didn't want you to notice them until it was too late. The car behind you rams into you again and you jerk forward from the impact. A cry leaves your lips as you step on the gas, you have to get away from this person before they kill you.
The other car is right on your tail as you bend the corner dangerously. Sweat coats your entire body as your adrenaline skyrockets. No matter how fast you go, the unknown assailant is right behind you.
The roads are dark and empty as you both race along the paved road. You cry in relief when you realize that you're a few minutes away from Eddie's house. No sooner than the thought enters your mind, they slam into you violently, and the wheel jerks as you lose control of the car. Your car veers off the road and your wheels screech as you skid across the pavement. A silent scream leaves your mouth as you realize that you are headed straight for the treeline.
As you brace for impact, your last thoughts are of Eddie, how you didn't get to tell him you were pregnant and that you never got the chance to tell him that you loved him. Your thoughts are filled with him as glass breaks around you with a sickening crunch and everything fades to black.
Taglist: @bibieddiesgf @tlclick73 @seventhlevelofhell @emmysuebull22 @adequate-superstar @vintagehellfire @sidthedollface2 @blue-eyed-lion @hazydespair @fly-on-the-wall @nicolaj1978 @sinczir @starrywhitenight @merciiss @hanahkatexo @kellysimagines @hargrovesswifee @simp4rengoku @igglepiggle22 @isimpforeveryonee @urdad-hot @thikkiesixx @billyhargrovesfuturewife @sammararaven @yogizzz
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
ok so imagine ftm reader x joel in the apocalypse. because i just know being trans in an apocalypse is NOT fun. you can make the prompt however specific as you want but i just thought that would be such a cool and interesting idea for a fic. :)
A/N: GOD ANON SUCH A GOOD IDEA yk i'm gonna put a bit of my own experience as a trans man (that went through 7 hrs of a con w binders on… *shivers*). As always, please excuse the mistakes as english is my 2nd language and enjoy Anon!
Join You.
Tags: HBO Joel Miller x ftm!Reader, Reader uses He/Him pronouns, Trans and in an apocalypse? Can't get any worse, oh wait yes it can, Binding struggles, fluff, meet-cute(?), Do you count meeting a dad and his kid cute?, maybe, It’s Joel and Ellie of course they’re cute, meeting, humor, Snarky!Ellie, tired-dad!Joel, soft ending, no angst, maybe a bit, it is EP.3 after all, slight OOC
[Starts from the end of Ep.3 of The Last of Us] Meeting a stone-cold man and his curious stray kid wasn't really on your apocalypse agenda, neither was falling in love with him. But then again, when has life ever gone your way? Hell, even god fucked up from when you were born, mixed up the damn gender. So here you are, helping him and his kid ready themselves to head to Wyoming, while you hitch a ride. Maybe it’ll do you some good, finally finding company with another human being
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God why was it so hot?
While you keep hauling what remains of your backpack through the path, the sun beats down on you. Despite pulling off your hoodie, now left in only a shirt, the heat threatens to boil you whole. The sides of your binder digs in slightly and it makes moving another endeavor. The two bottles of water inside your bag are quickly diminishing with every break you take, now only half of one bottle remains.
You groan, eyes becoming hazy with every blink, when suddenly, you spot a chain-linked fence meters in front of you. A shot of energy courses through you as hope rises, quickly jogging to the area while you wave your hands, but trying not to make a sound in case any infected comes running by. 
You stopped just shy of the chain link, glancing at the high-voltage sign. You've been electrocuted once, you're not about to get electrocuted twice. You opted to look around instead, glancing at the various put-together houses, and the church in the far corner of the neighborhood. Despite the leaves littering the streets, flowers bloomed encircling the town's middle. You turn your head to find a way in, maybe a chance for you to vault over without getting burned, or maybe dig underneath-
"Turn around." 
You freeze. The hairs on your nape start to rise, heart rate following suit as a bead of sweat drops. "Turn around, and drop your bag. Slowly." 
You gulp, carefully moving one foot and the other until you fully turn, now face to face with a gun trained at your head, behind it, a man with eyes sharp enough to cut through skin is ready to pull the trigger at sight. Your eyes cautiously glance at the girl behind him, the same vicious stare with a sharp knife in her hand. 
As instructed, you slip your backpack and hear it hit the ground, before the man tilts his head, indicating for you to kick it away, and so you did. 
"Drop your weapons,"
"I don't have a gun," Your voice wavers, hands shaking slightly as it hovers beside you, a surrender you’re hopeful the man will take. He doesn't. 
"Drop anything other than a gun, then," He leaves no room for negotiations. You blink, before taking out the pocket knife and knuckle dusters from your pocket, throwing them to his direction. The guy raises his brow at the items and you shrug, still hesitant despite trying to appear nonchalant. 
With the gun still aimed at you, he picks both of the weapons up, storing them, before he stands again. "What's in the bag?" 
"Some… Canned food, water bottles, a lighter, other stuff," 
"How did you find this place?"
"I just…" Now that, you wondered yourself. You remembered leaving your group when a sketchy religious guy showed up and everyone started preaching to him, going nowhere in particular, just out of the growing conservative group and somewhere safe. Wandering for weeks before stumbling here, thinking you finally found another group willing to accept your scrappy ass. "I don't know, I don't even know this place existed, I was wandering around then came across…" You tilted your head back to the fence.
A pause. The man then speaks in a hushed tone with the girl, before they both nodded, the girl evidently less cautious after the whispers. "Empty your bag." 
You did as so, slowly reaching for the pack and unlatching the top, turning it upside down and letting the contents drop. Bottles, food, plasters, your lighter, a torch, other knick-knacks you couldn't resist picking up, all falling to the ground. When a flutter of paper falls, the girl perks slightly, before she retreats when you noticed. "I-I'm alone-"
"How do we know you're alone?" 
Your eyes looked around before you shrug. "I… Got separated from my group. A weird guy joined us and separated some people, and he uh… Kicked me out. Im alone, I promise, I don't have anyone following me from my group or from… Anywhere,"
Another pause. He seems to turn the info around his mind, before he looks back at the girl, she only does the same.
"Alright." He nods, eyeing the clutter on the ground. "Walk, slowly, away from the fence." 
Taking steps away from the chain until your position and the man change, you stand far from the fence while he and the girl stands just a meter away. He nods to the girl and she nods back. Now, her dark eyes are focused on you, while the man unlocks the gate to the place. 
"What's with the book?" She jerks to the opened pages on the ground.
"Just a journal. Keeps the mind sane," She hums, then you hear a click of the fence being opened. The man ushers the girl in, before he looks back at you, standing defenseless outside just meters away, disheveled and wary. He huffs.
"Get in here, quick," 
Your face beams. "Thank you, so much," You breathe before picking up your bag and contents, then jogging inside and the man locks the gate again. 
The neighborhood looks as if lived in, despite the run-down houses except one that stands grand and white a couple of streets down. "You two live here?"
"No, someone we know does," The girl answers. The man begins walking to the house, the girl following loosely behind him, before she turns.
She still has a hint of caution in her eyes, yet she asks, "What's your name? I'm Ellie, that's Joel," 
"Pleasure meeting you Ellie, Joel," Ellie grins, Joel doesn't turn. You give her your name, at which she smiles before looking past you.
"Do you write often?" 
"Just for fun, nowhere to publish it anyways," 
She nods. "What do you write about?"
"Stuff I see, birds, leafs, interesting flowers I pass by," You begin walking towards the house as well, following them. "I have pressed dried flowers in there," 
"Pressed dried? Like you have dead flowers in your journal?"
"Sure," You grin as she chuckles, turning around when Joel opens the house's gates and motions for Ellie to stop, so you do too.
"I'm checking inside first. You-" His eyes meets yours, you gulp. "Stay here, look out for any infected," 
"In here? This is basically a fortress," 
"Once I'm done, then I'll call you," You only nod, afraid to aggravate Joel even further. You'd hate to appear annoying to a man that offered you safety. 
Minutes pass, you idle outside, taking in the scenery. There are flowers in fitted pots, already dry and dying. The fence that surrounds the house Joel and Ellie still looks put together, the paint scraping would indicate age but otherwise looks fine. There's a brown garage door off the side. You wonder if it stored any vehicles. 
Suddenly, Joel storms outside, making you jump. His otherwise stoic face has a sheen layer of pain, of apprehension, before you spotted a piece of paper in his hand. His eyes meet yours for a brief second, before he turns and crumples the paper. You stand to the side, nearing the gates, while Joel takes his time gathering himself. The urge to ask, to comfort, almost overwhelms you before he speaks. "Help me check the car,"
A key dangles in his hand, and you follow suit. He opens the garage door, and you move to the back of what looks like a covered car. Sure enough, once you and Joel pull the cover up, a blue pick-up comes into view. "Nice," you smooth your hand on the rear door. Then suddenly, a sharp bang from the front, Joel closes the engine harder than needed. You gulp.
Contemplation appears on Joel's face again. You didn't dare to move. His eyes search the room, until it lands on something out of your view, on top of a refrigerator. His eyes track down, then he stalks to said fridge and opens it. Seems like he finds what he was looking for and Joel closes it back.
“You can't come with us.”
“What?” It sounded small, way too small to your liking, until you realized it was your voice.
“We’re going to Wyoming, either way there’s no space for-”
“Please, Joel,” You find yourself leaning towards him, your knuckles white on the trunk of the car. “I don't- I have nowhere to go,” Joel opens his mouth to interject before you continue; “And I'm not asking to join you, and Ellie. I just…” You inhale sharply.
“Please let me go with you two, to Wyoming. Then just leave me there.” You blink the growing panic back down. “Just a ride. Then I'll be off your backs. I promise,” 
The man standing meters away from you, hand still firmly on the edge of the fridge, eyes dark and stone cold, ponders over your words. You can practically feel the consideration, the slight glance from him when he meets your eyes, before he turns to the door, then back to you. “Just a ride,”
“Just a ride. You have my word.”
Then, painstakingly slow, he nods then walks to exit the garage, making you exhale a relief breath. "Check the fuel, I'll go check on Ellie," 
You simply nodded as he exited the garage. You go and check the fuel from the meter inside the car first, then find it empty. For safety reasons, you think. So you check around the garage for any fuel canisters. You found a couple behind some boxes, so you pulled them out to ready them when Joel needs it.
You deem it enough snooping around so you return to the house, just in time to hear Ellie ask, "So what now?" 
You knock on the door lightly, to alert the two, and Ellie glances at you. You two share a look at Joel, before he huffs. “We grab what we can,” 
He passes you, taking note of your curiosity, before he goes through the house with you and Ellie in tow. He goes through a couple of rooms, before he pulls at a hatch and it gives in, a staircase leading to what you presume was a basement. 
Upon entering, the room is lit up with working LEDs. You and Ellie spotted the wall of guns first, you blowing a low whistle. “Ho-ly shit.” Ellie’s eyes were on the many firearms mounted neatly.
“This guy’s a genius,” She grins and looks around. Your hand reaches for a mounted shock gun, almost touching it, before you retreat when you hear Joel messing with the other things in the room. You noted a steady hum of music, something you could recognize but not pinpoint. Ellie turns to walk over to where Joel was looking at the monitors.
“Why was the music on?”
“If he didn't reset the countdown every few weeks,” His eyes went over something. “This playlist would run over the radios,”
“‘80s…” The two share a look of realization, you can visibly see Joel gulp.
“Grab some cans from over there,” Joel points behind him. “Nothin’ dented, or swollen,” He mainly points it out to Ellie as she moves, but his eyes linger on you so you also get moving.
“No.” You turn around to spot Ellie standing near the wall of firearms. 
“There’s a wall of them,” And she’d be right, but Joel only fixed her a stare that made her nod in defeat, almost making you giggle. Joel goes back to the monitors while you and Ellie search through the cans.
You’ve emptied most of the top shelves, leaving the clearly dented ones, while Ellie picked apart the bottom half, looking at each label with fascination. Once you’ve got your pack full, you crouch near her when she looks at one with interest. 
“‘Chef Boyardee’,” You smile as she turns to you. “They got great taste,” 
“Is this what you all eat?” She asks both you and Joel as she turns to face him. “Like, before the infection thing,”
“Well, most foods weren't in cans, if that's what you’re asking,” You absentmindedly pick at one of the cans' labels, already peeling. “Big shops, grocery stores, would sell raw stuff so you can cook them,”
“Cook anything?” Her eyes gleam, making you huff out a chuckle. 
“Sure, as long as there's a recipe, I for one can't cook for shit,” She chuckles, before putting the can into her bag. As you and Ellie make your way upstairs, you pass Joel whose eyes soften as you let Ellie climb up first.
Ellie found a bag and she scurries off to shove toilet paper in it. You made your way into the bathroom to find the medicine cabinet fully stocked. “Fuck yeah,” 
You grab all that your arms can fit and run back to where Ellie was emptying the storage room. Setting all the medicine and emergency kit into the bag, you head back to look under the sink of the bathroom to find a couple of tampons and pads. Another victory. As you reach your hand into the cabinet, a roll of body tape falls out. Checking back to hear Ellie's busy with her work, you stuff the tape into your pocket and head out with the packs of pads and tampons.
Ellie looks up from where she’s hunched inside the storage area. “Hell yeah,” She nods as you stuff the packs into the bag.
Joel emerges from the bunker and heads upstairs just as you and Ellie finish filling up the bag. Ellie follows Joel and so do you, still contemplating what the girl is to Joel or who Joel is to Ellie. Though you shrug it off when Joel opens a door into a worn room, decorations vary on the walls but he beelines into, what you presume, is a closet. He opens it and looks around, clicking a light on, before he settles on a box and pulls it out, setting it on the bed.
The box is labeled ‘Women's shirt, SM-MED’ so Ellie looks through it. She pulls out a red shirt that she fits over her front to make sure, before she glances at you. You only nod in approval, giving her a thumbs up, making her grin and set the article aside.
Joel emerges with a box labeled ‘Long Sleeve Shirts’ and goes back in. You stood opposite of Ellie between the bed, hesitant to touch the box, before Ellie took it first and opened it. She notices your hovering hand and falters on the flaps. “Oh, you wanna take this one?”
“Those won't fit him,” Joel barks from inside the closet, almost making you jump. But instead, his tone is like poking fun at you, so you roll your eyes, huffing.  
“Haha, real funny man,” Your hand reaches back for the box Ellie was opening, before another box abruptly drops next to your hand, affectionately labeled ‘Mens shirt, SM-MED’.
“This could,” His eyes met yours before he ducks back into the closet. 
You stand, almost in shock, elevated from both relief and happiness as it blooms inside you. The box is still closed, sitting just far from you, and the label almost makes your eyes gloss. You swallow a heavy lump, before you notice Ellie's fleeting glance from you to the box, then back to you. “Go ahead dude, those would be way too big for me,” She shrugs.
And so you went through the box and picked out the articles you deemed good enough to fit your form. 
After sorting through the box of clothes, the three of you make your way into the garage. You stand near the door in order to not step in Joel's way while Ellie pokes around, but if you were being honest with yourself, you just wanted to admire the dynamic between Ellie and Joel. Joel has found an all-purpose charger, hooking it up to the car battery. After a minute, the charger begins to work as he surveys it. “Needs another hour,”
“They have hot water!” Ellie cheers as she turns on a faucet from the other end of the room. “I’m takin’ a shower,” She declares as she begins to make her way to where you're standing.
“Then you’re showering, cuz’ seriously,” She huffs, making a disgruntled face at Joel, which made you chuckle. Joel only deadpans as she moves past you. “You too!” She hauls back as she absentmindedly points in your direction.
That made both of your eyebrows shoot up, sputtering for an answer. Your eyes briefly meet Joels, a slight smirk tugging on his lips, before you yourself huffed out a laugh. “I should…” You falter, unable to think of an excuse, before jogging to join Ellie in the house.
Ellie finished her shower quickly, clad in the red shirt she picked and the long sleeves she must've taken out of the box. When she exits the room to find you waiting in the hallway, your pile of clothes a bit taller than her, and arches a brow. “A lot of layers,”
“I get cold easily,” You shrug, making her nod and promptly go downstairs. 
After making sure the door locks, you start to discard your tattered clothes, pulling out your hoodie to also discard it, sticky with grime and dirt. You carefully set your binder on the sink and finally relish the feeling of steady water beating down your body.
Once you’re dry with a towel hanging on your hips, you take out the body tape and fasten a makeshift binder, not too tight to avoid any mishaps. Your dirty binder has been washed under the faucet, so it's now wrung dry enough to be in a plastic bag and shoved into your pack. You put your hair in a towel wrap while you put on deodorant, then the clothes you picked out, zipping up the pants and fastening a belt around it. Pulling on the top, then a t-shirt over it, before a jacket to top it off. You pull off the towel from your hair, leaving it damp enough for it to dry in the wind.
As you walk to the door, a mirror stands just next to it. You spot your reflection, no longer with streaks of dried blood and dirt, hair array from days without proper cleaning. A man with deep eye bags but an otherwise put-together demeanor stares back. You smile, arranging your drying hair a bit, before exiting the room. 
You meet Ellie downstairs, looking around and touching the various items scattered about the still-warm house. You make your way to the dining table, and the unfinished food on the table makes a gnawing feeling in your gut appear. Not the rotting stench, but something significant happened here, if you could judge the wine glasses sat neatly next to each other, now supporting dust instead of its usual amber contents. You swallow down the feeling of what has happened and instead take a seat in the vacant area of the table, pointedly away from the rotting food. As Ellie paces around, you take out your book, flipping through the pages of various notes and entries you’ve written.
You pick out one dried lily you pressed months ago. “See? Dead flowers,” Ellie turns to you, before she spots the flower you’re holding and chuckles.
“There's a lot out front y’know,” She adds. You hum and nod, before returning back to your pages. 
Joel enters the house just as you turn a page. You smile, nodding to the stairs behind the dividing wall. “Showers all yours,” You said. He assesses you, taking a second too long which makes you break eye contact, our eyes back to your book, a steady heat growing on your face. Then he glances at Ellie before he nods and heads to the stairs. Ellie gives you a look once, twice, before she smirks and continues her poking. 
A couple of minutes passes, before you hear a sequence of steps, a muffled ‘oh shit’ maybe coming from Ellie, then you pick your head up from the deep pages and find Ellie standing in front of Joel, combed back curls, highlighting his steadily graying edges, beard shaved neatly, a fitting plaid t-shirt and dark jeans are what he picked from the box, it seems. “Well, don't you look pretty,”
“I agree,” Ellie joins before you can explode from the embarrassing compliment you sputter out. 
“Shut up,” Joel answers, throwing the deodorant you wore earlier into Ellie’s hands. You don't miss the tint of red on Joel's ears, highlighted by the sun coming from the front door. 
“Nice,” She begins to put it on, before you gape. 
“Wait, you didn't put it on?”
“What, I didn't see it!” She retorts, putting the cap back on. 
“Ellie, ew,” The girl throws the deodorant at you, which you caught easily, both of you giggling. 
“Come on you two,” Joel huffs from the door. Ellie quickly puts her pack on as you put your book inside yours, securing it on your back. 
You help Joel with the gear on the pick-ups tub, making sure it’s secured and putting the water-proof tarp over it. Joel and Ellie get in the car as you open the garage door, then slide in yourself into the back seat. Ellie’s eyes practically shine as she prods at the car's dashboard, pulling down the vanity mirror, then messing with the rearview before she pushes it, promptly displaying you in the backseat and Joel next to her.
“It’s your first time in a car?” He stares at the curious girl.
“It’s like a spaceship,” She answers, still in a trance as she prods at the AC flap. 
“No, it's like a piece of shit Chevy S10,” Joel’s answer makes you chuckle from the back seat, rearranging your pack. “But it’ll get us there, I think.”
“Seatbelt,” Ellie turns to Joel, a slight confusion in her eyes, before Joel sighs and pulls the belt over her then hands the rest to Ellie. “Seatbelt.”
She grins, then clicks the seatbelt in place. “So cool,”
You grin from where you’re sat, Joel spotting you from the rearview mirror, your eyes meet briefly which makes you duck your head, settle into the seat and promptly look out the window. Joel starts the car and it hums to life, you can feel the engine purring from the recharged battery and fuel. 
Ellie fumbles and opens the compartment under her, pulling out a cassette tape. Joel notices the girl grinning from what she found. “Would ya leave it,”
“Put it back. Ellie,” Joel's exasperated tone only spurs Ellie more as she slides it into the radio, already pressing play. Your grin matches Ellie's as a melody begins to fill the car, eyes on the various houses you pass. Ellie clearly doesn't recognize the song, her hand reaching for the stop or skip button, before Joel perks up.
“No, no, leave it. This is good,” He says, turning the car to where the gate is meters away. “This is Linda Ronstadt, y’know who Linda Ronstadt is?”
“You know I don't know who Linda Ronstadt is,” Her deadpan expression makes you chuckle, leaning into the comfy seat as you settle into the song. Joel, as if looking for support, spots you from the rearview and arches a brow. You only shrug with a smile on your lips, nodding. 
“Oh man,” Joel glances at the radio, the gate already in front of the car.
“Eh, it's better than nothing,” Ellie smiles, glancing out to the glowing fields, the evening sun already basking its shine on the earth. You sigh, entranced by the singer's voice, clearly to Joel's liking. He pushes the code for the gate and it opens. He puts the remote back, and advances forward, into the road in front.
It's been months since your first meeting with Joel and Ellie.
Now, settled into Jacksons easy living commune, you live just next door to Joels and Ellies.
You remembered when they both left some weeks ago, something about looking for a lab, but you didn't catch why. You remembered the way Ellie clung to you as they were getting ready to leave. She's grown fond of you, sharing the same humor and references, even if you’re still years older than her. So when her hands shook as it digs into your jacket, you pull her closer as well, letting her bury her head into the crook of your neck. Then you pressed a kiss on her forehead, mumbled ‘Stay safe,’ before she let go then headed to her horse. Then there was Joel.
Joel, who you were once scared of. Who you helped with gathering wood for the fire. Who you shared breakfast with the morning after leaving those houses. Who you caught smirking at Ellie's joke. Who you ran with when Wyoming went to shit. Who let you stay with him and Ellie without you asking, moving through that insane city until you found the brothers. Who you watched bury them when Sam turned. Who was the gracious ticket that let you into Jacksons. 
Whom you’ve grown feelings for. 
When he was about to leave, you were hesitant to touch him. Anything beyond a helping hand on his arm or shoulder was a breach, so you’ve always kept your hand to yourself. That's what you thought until Joel pulls you into him, almost pushing all of the oxygen out of you. You returned the embrace with equal strength, blinking away the worry gathering in your eyes. It lasted long enough before he pulled back and joined Ellie on the horse. The massive gates opened just slightly, before the two exits, unknown to you how long they’ll leave. Or if they’ll even come back.
But they did, with the two closer than ever.
Now, the three of you simply live in Jacksons. A shout away from each other. Sometimes Ellie would come by, unannounced of course, and hang on your couch while you do chores. Sometimes she’ll look around your collection of books that you salvaged from each import of stuff every month. She’ll find something that interests her and borrow it, bringing it back to her house. On the rare chance that you cook, she’ll stay to eat, asking if you made the food yourself or if it came from a recipe. You'd bat at her arm, saying ‘Of course it’s from a recipe Ellie, y’know I’ll burn the house down.’ And she'll laugh.
Sometimes she brings Joel over. He stays for coffee while Ellie is busy with something. Sometimes you two talk, about something or nothing. About the on-goings of Jacksons. About your shift at the community school and theater. About his shifts on patrols and fixing up old buildings for repurposes. Sometimes just to sit and drink, basking in the pure joy of watching Ellie scuttle around, finding things of interest, and asking you questions about your latest project. Those times are when he’ll shuffle closer, hesitant near your lax stance as you laugh at what Ellie said. He’ll put his cup down and carefully, oh so slowly, brush his hands against yours, and you’ll blink, red steadily growing up your neck. You smile then, relaxing your hand, letting Joel set the pace. Then finally, in the privacy of your house, between Joel and you, he laces his fingers with yours, the warmth of his hands burns yours. But you endure, even welcoming his slightly shaking hold, and you’ll squeeze tight. You turn your head to meet Joel's dark browns, the creases on the side of his eyes dent slightly as he smiles, and you smile too, dropping your head to his broad shoulder. 
Then Ellie would look at your entwined hands and scoff. “That's so gay,” 
Joel would immediately cross his arms while he retorts that she is also gay, and Ellie would quip back another snarky response. You’d laugh, holding your middle and trying not to stumble from where you stand. 
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jamie-leah · 3 months
Lifeline Pt 5
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You have a past that you're running from and maybe Bucky can be the lifeline you had no idea you were searching for.
Word Count: 2,832
Warnings: Descriptions of bombs, Descriptions of guns, Descriptions of injuries
A/N: I haven't had chance to edit but I loved writing this and couldn't wait so I hope you enjoy it!
<-Previous Part Next Part->
Masterlist of Masterlists
You look down at the phone in your hands. You stare at the words until your screen goes black and you need to open it again. You read the words Bucky had text you a couple hours ago for what feels like the hundredth time, ‘on way back to the tower. Meet me there in a few hours, we need to talk.’ 
You keep repeating the last four words of the text in your head over and over. Nothing good ever came from those words. You know you’re the reason he’s doing this. It's obvious that he’s going to end it. But you know it's you that’s pushed him away when you asked for the space. When you couldn’t promise his family that you would stay.  
You know it's for the best. You know this is how it has to be. You know this is the right thing to do. But why does it feel almost impossible to walk into that building like your chest isn’t caving in?  
You look down at your phone again. Your eyes travel to the time and the time Bucky said they should be arriving back. Ten minutes. Ten minutes and this will all be over, and you’ll be back to a life on the run again.  
You step into the building, glancing around like you always do, clocking faces and exits. You catch the eye of the receptionist that you saw last time. She smiles and gestures to the elevator as she sifts through the mail she must have gotten that morning.  
You give a small smile back and a nod of acknowledgement, making small steps towards the elevators. The last time you were doing this, you felt just as nervous, but you were happy. Now? You feel like you could throw up.  
You push the button and wait, your muscles twitching with the need to run in the opposite direction. You haven’t had that twitch in a long time. It has you glancing around again. Stepping into the elevator but not taking your eyes from the crowd.  
They come back to the receptionist. Her expression making you hold the doors on the elevator. Long gone is the happy and confident smile of a woman who seems to have it all together. Instead, you see her eyes wide in shock, her lips parted in horror and her hands shake around something in her hands. And yet, no one notices. Everyone is rushing in and out with purpose, too distracted to notice.  
It pulls you in. Her expression. It pulls you towards her. Your feet stepping off the elevator and heading straight for the woman who seems almost frozen in time. You keep your eyes on her face, even as you reach the desk, they never stray from her face, except for when they briefly flick to her name tag.  
“Mandy, are you okay?” you ask cautiously.  
She doesn’t move. It's like she didn’t hear a word you just said to her. You try again and again. You only manage for her to shake her head over and over, her eyes never looking up.  
When you finally decide to look down your whole world shrinks to that one point. Your whole world is now in Mandy’s hands.  
She holds a rectangle of plastic and metal, small wires running in between all the plastic and a timer steadily counting down. A bomb. She’s holding a bomb.  
Mandy’s hands are getting shakier and shakier and if you can’t talk her down then everyone here could die today.  
“Mandy, you have to keep your hands still, okay?” You say gently.  
No response. 
Her frightened brown eyes finally find yours. You manage to take a small breath, “you have to keep your hands still, okay?”  
She shakes her head so violently it has you wincing, “I can’t- I can’t- I can’t do this.” 
“Mandy, this is all going to be okay. You just have to be still while I go grab someone-”  
“No! No, you can’t go. I can’t do this. I’m not qualified for this.” Her eyes are flitting around the room.  
“Mandy, look at me.”  
She looks down at the bomb.  
“Hey, Mandy, look at me.”  
She looks to the door.  
“We can get through this, just look at me.”  
Her gaze finds yours, “I’m sorry.”  
She drops the device, bolting towards the door with tears streaming down her face. Which is probably what you should have done, but your instincts kick in and you catch the device before it can smash into the desk below.  
You squeeze your eyes shut waiting for your world to finally stop now that Mandy had let go but eventually the world starts to filter back in. The buzz of chatter and thunder of shoes as people go about their day like they aren’t in mortal danger.  
You stare down at the device in your hands. It almost feels like it has its own pulse. It feels like it is its own living, breathing thing and it gets to decide when it stops beating.  
Your heart? All its doing is beating. It’s beating so hard and fast its like it knows it only has so long to do it. The time for your heart to beat is running out and it wants to get as many in as it can.  
You glance to the red countdown. 12.43, 12.42, 12.41, 12.40, 12.39... 
When you can physically see your life counting down it has the same feeling as when your chest is caving in on itself. When your heart is breaking in two. It turns you into someone else. Or maybe it turns you into the person you were always meant to be.  
You turn to face the open room. You hate drawing attention to yourself. Your whole life has been about you trying to be small. Perfecting the act of invisibility. But if you don’t do this now, you won’t be the only one dying today.  
You whistle as loud as you can, grabbing the attention of most people in the room, “evacuate the building! I have a bomb!”  
You shout the words, trying not to tremble so hard as the room descends into chaos. It’s weird being so still while everyone screams and runs in panic. You feel frozen.  
11.06, 11.05, 11.04, 11.03, 11.02... 
You can’t stop looking at the device in your hands. You can’t tear your gaze away from the place your world has shrunk to. You keep thinking about Bucky. He’s all you can think about as you watch your hands slowly get worse with tremors.  
The voice bounces around in the now empty space. It’s loud enough to pull your eyes up. They land on a man you’ve never seen before, dressed in head to toe in what you guess is bomb squad uniform.  
You try to swallow but only manage to irritate your throat.  
He keeps his distance, “I’m sure you have a very good reason for doing this, but I need you to tell me how to disarm that thing.”  
It takes a second for words to penetrate the fog in your brain, “I don’t know how to disarm it?”, you say in confusion.  
“You must know how to disarm it. If you do that, then we can all go home today.”  
Your brow screws up in confusion, “I don’t know how.”  
“Don’t you want to go home today? Don’t you want to walk out those doors in one piece. Just neutralise the device.”  
“I don’t know how-”  
The man loses some of his patience, “you must know how because you built it!” 
You almost start laughing. The giggle bubbling up from your wrecked chest and sliding up your throat. Almost. And then you glance down, your eyes catching on the red dot sitting silently on your chest and it all dries up.  
You close your eyes, “I didn’t do this. You have to contact Bucky, uh, James Barnes. Sergeant Barnes. You have to get him here. I need to see him.”  
“Is that why you did this?” 
Adrenaline gives a fresh kick to your shaking, and you step forward involuntarily, as if your body is trying to expel the movement anywhere else but your hands, “you’re not listening to me! I didn’t do this. Please just get Bucky here. I can’t, I can’t do this without him.”  
Another step forward.  
“Stop! Stop right there! Do not move any closer or we’ll be forced-”  
“Forced to what?! Shoot me?! You’re going to shoot me while I still have a bomb in my hands? Just get Bucky, he knows me. He needs to know.”  
Another step. 10.01, 10.00, 9.59, 9.58, 9.57... 
“Sniper, do you have a visual?”  
You look down to see the unwavering red dot. He definitely has a visual.  
“Stop, please, just listen to me. He has to know. Bucky has to know.”  
You watch as the man gives a small nod off to the side and that laughter from earlier simmers in your throat once again. You thought the bomb was going to be the thing to kill you today, who saw the sniper coming?  
You screw your eyes shut and brace for the impact. But it never comes. In the quiet of the moment, with blood roaring in your ears, you swear you feel the bullet whizz past your face as it sinks into the ball behind you seconds before the door smashes open.  
“Stand down! Stand down now!”  
You keep your eyes shut because you’re not sure if you can face what is in your hands anymore. You can’t face this without him here. Or maybe you just don’t want to.  
“Open your eyes for me, sweetheart. I need you to open your eyes and look at me.” You hear the words, and you know the voice, but you know you won’t be able to take it if he isn’t really standing there in front of you. You’ll crumble and the bomb will go with you.  
“I’m here. I’m here. I’m with you. Just open your beautiful eyes and look at me.”  
But if you’re going to die today, why not go out brave?  
You do as he says. Opening your eyes to see Bucky standing in front of you in his tactical gear, blood drying on his face and a bruise slowly coming to bloom on his cheek.  
A sob rips from your chest in relief, your knees shaking along with your hands.  
His soft rumble greets your ears again, “I know. I know, sweetheart. But I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay?” 
You nod.  
He smiles, “in time with me.”  
And you watch the rise and fall of his broad chest until the lump recedes from your throat and you can finally lock your knees into submission.  
Bucky nods, “that’s great, that’s really good. Now, I’m going to come closer so I can get a look at that thing in your hands, okay?” 
You shake your head and Bucky halts his progress, “you have to stay still for me. I need to have a look, so I know what we’re dealing with.”  
You glance down, 7.37, 7.36, 7.35, 7.34, 7.33... 
You shake your head again, “You need to get out of here, Bucky. You need to be as far away as possible.”  
Bucky steps up to you and the bomb, but he’s staring only at you, “I’m right where I need to be. Now stay absolutely still while I take a look around.”  
Bucky leans over you, he goes side to side, he even crouches down to look underneath not saying a word. And with every passing second it gets harder and harder to hold the bomb still.  
“Bucky”, you whisper, “if you can’t disarm this then I just need you to know-” 
He cuts you off, “we’re not doing that. Nothing is going to happen to you.”  
“But, in case it does, I need to tell you-” 
“No. You can’t do this. You have to concentrate. You have to hold on just a little longer as I figure this out.” 
6.10, 6.09, 6.08, 6.07, 6.06... 
“Just let me-”  
“Stop!” Bucky shouts.  
You manage to contain your outburst, “why? Why won’t you just let me tell you?”  
“Because...Because I need to know that you really mean it. I need to know that it has nothing to do with the bomb in your hands. And because I need you to have something to fight for right now. So, concentrate on keeping still and if you still feel like telling me, you can tell me when we’re not staring down oblivion.”  
You study his eyes for a few precious seconds, you look past the determination, past the worry and the concern and see fear. You see a man that wants to be chosen and loved on his normal days, his mundane days, his worst days. Not on the day he may save your life or lose you forever.  
You give him a nod of understanding and he goes back to tracing the wires with his finger ever so gently.  
He mumbles, “I leave you alone for a few days...”  
A small chuckle bursts past your lips, “I guess I’ve been jealous of all the people you’ve been saving lately.”  
His resulting laugh helps to soothe some of your wrecked nerves, “next time just wait until I’m in the same country as you and then I’ll save you any time.”  
Bucky goes back to concentrating and you watch the time slip away like sand in an hourglass and you get this rush seeping into your bones. This need to want to somehow live your whole life in just the few minutes you have left.  
He doesn’t answer.  
“How does it look?”  
The silence has never felt so violent. 3.12, 3.11, 3.10, 3.09, 3.08... 
“It’s complex. The wires are tiny and a lot of it is hidden in the plastic that has been melted so I can’t open it in time to get the full picture.”  
You chuckle again, “you could have just said ‘not good’” 
Bucky straightens up in front of you, “I think I know which wire to cut.” 
“You think? Are you insane? I can’t let you do this on a hunch. I can’t watch you kill yourself for me.” 
Bucky retrieves snips from one of his pockets, “good thing I wasn’t asking.” He flashes you a smile.  
He starts to trace the wires again, double checking his work before bringing the snips closer.  
Bucky pauses, looking to you.  
“I know I’m not allowed to tell you anything right now. I know why you don’t want to hear it right now, but this could be our last minutes on Earth so can I just ask you one thing?” 
Bucky nods, “you know I’ll give you anything you want if you ask.”  
“Kiss me.” It spills out on a whisper, but you know he heard you.  
Now it’s Bucky that finds himself studying you before he cups the side of your face, leaning over the bomb, and captures your mouth with his.  
It’s soft, but hard. Urgent but relaxed. You forget about everything for a few moments, everything except the way Bucky holds your face tightly and the way his lips mould perfectly to yours and the way his tongue runs lightly along the seam of your lips.  
It all melts away as you feel the whole life you want to live dance in between the heat and tension of all the things you’re not saying. With your lips desperately trying to memorise his, you live a lifetime. 
When Bucky pulls away, your shaking stops. You both glance down at the timer. 0.59, 0.58, 0.57, 0.56, 0.55... 
Bucky says, “it’s now or never.”  
You swallow. Watching his finger trace the tiny wire that will decide if you and Bucky will get to live more lifetimes together.  
Bucky positions the snips over the wire, his eyes finding yours, “I’ve got you.”  
You hold each other’s gaze as he presses the snips. It cuts through the wire, and both look to the clock to find it frozen on 0.14.  
You both smile, relief swimming in the air. The laugh from earlier making its way to the surface to revel in the pure joy of still being here. Still being here with Bucky.  
You look down to find the numbers counting down faster. Ironically, everything seems to slow down for you. Those seconds stretching to contain as much living as possible.  
Bucky grabs the device from your aching hands and tosses it to the back of the building, grabbing you and pulling you with such force you can feel the fear seeping into your skin.  
You don’t make it to the door in time before the ground shakes, the boom thunders, and the heat rolls across the room. You feel Bucky getting ripped from you just as the darkness swallows you whole.
Tag List: @ordelixx @cjand10 @identity2212 @sukaibg @bellabarnes1378 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @vicmc624 @scott-loki-barnes
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Summary: Wanda is a mess and things keep falling apart, that’s all tbh 💀
Parings: Stoner!Wanda x Reader
Warnings:18+, cursing, heavy angst I guess, groping, stalking, obsessive behavior, non con things, harassment, minor violence, drug use, alcohol use, mentions of vomit.
A/n:  This part is finally out, writers block was really getting me with this one but thanks for staying patient with me and Yall I don’t know wtf the word count is but just know this shit is long af....I apologize in advance and happy reading!! Also let me know if it’s not showing up in the main tags please! 🙏🏽😭
part10|  Part 12
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“I’m sorry the number you have reached doesn’t associate with backstabbing bitches!” you yell through the phone so loud you would think Kate had you on speaker phone as she paces back and forth in her room. here you were again back at the start of all of this avoiding Kate and avoiding Wanda. well avoiding them as much as your mind could muster before losing your shit. the constant texts and calls from both of them had you steering clear of your phone and social media in general. You were starting to regret ever hooking up with Wanda, giving her the time of day, and playing into her cat and mouse game.
you should’ve put an end to all of this. maybe you should’ve just taken that step with Daisy instead, she did warn you to stay away from Wanda and somehow, she had you locked in a trance. you got lost in her easily, from the gifts to the dates and to her opening up more to you showing a different side of her. she obviously had another side you weren’t aware about; Jean was right about that one. you didn’t know she would stoop to that level of evil. “Y/n/n, please let me explain.” The phone goes dead before she could muster up any more excuses as to why she did what she did to you. 
“Uh Lena what are you doing? and why are you up so early?” you eye her cautiously never seeing her up so early before unless she needed to, and she didn’t have any classes today. “I’m walking you to class to make sure no one bothers you, duh.” she says it obviously as she throws her jacket on and slips her shoes on.
 “Yelena, I don’t need you to walk me-” Yelena’s pushing you out the door cutting off your denial of her escorting you to class. “I’m not asking you y/n/n, now let’s go” she locks the door and walks with you down the hallway. “Plus, you need to buy me some replacement band-aids I used the last ones I had on you.” you bump her shoulder “If all you wanted was for me to replace them you could’ve just said that. No need to walk me, I’ll get them.” 
“Y/n, hush I want to walk you to class, the band-aids are just a bonus perk.” the band-aids were a bonus perk, but Yelena would be lying if she said she wouldn’t be looking forward to seeing Wanda for a rematch. as promised Yelena walked you to class even waited outside for your class to end to walk you to the next one. Kate stopped like a deer in headlights when she saw you and Yelena. the expression on Yelena’s face sent her scrambling the other way. Yelena didn’t like doing that to her friend but as long as you were mad at her Yelena would be mad at her. no one could tell you how to feel about this situation.
Not seeing Wanda anywhere around Yelena agreed to let you attend your last class alone. the only reason you haven’t spotted Wanda yet was because you went off your usual schedule that Kate provider with. at times you where you were supposed to be in the coffee shop you were on the other side of campus waiting patiently in your seat until your professor started class. but of course, Wanda could never truly stay away from you. spotting her as soon as you stepped foot outside of the lecture hall building you attempt to speed past her which obviously fails. Wanda approaches you with confidence and hints of her anxiety showing through that facade.
“I got these for you.” she holds out a bouquet of flowers to you, the same flowers she bought for you when she asked you to go on a date with her. she shifts uncomfortably as you make no move to receive the flowers from her. Wanda wants to break down right here the longer you stand there staring into her. she releases a breath when your finger barely but lightly brushes against hers. 
“Can you please talk to me?” she dips her head desperately trying to catch your eye. still not saying anything you avoid eye contact with her. “I miss you.” she takes the opportunity to step forward as you let your walls down a little. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore, I’m sorry.” she sneakily leans in to kiss you, her lips grazed yours slightly not making full contact as you turned away just in time. 
You shove her away and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. how could she think a basic apology, some flowers and an unwanted kiss would be the solution to what she did? “Fuck you, did you do that to any of your other throw aways or just me?” 
Wanda licks her lips and keeps her tears at bay for the moment with you rejecting her kiss and her advances to make things right. she reaches for you giving you reassurance that you weren’t like the others. you’re special. “Y/n, you’re not a throwaway.” 
you step back as she reached to comfort you. you didn’t want to see her let alone be touched by her right now. “Stay the fuck away from me” Wanda flinches with the harshness of your voice she’s seen you angry before, she been yelled at by you before about an old hookup coming up to you two in public, but even then, you didn’t sound as enraged as you do in this moment.
“I get that you’re upset but—”
“But what? It’s not a big deal? Exchanging drugs for a favor isn’t a big deal? Exchanging me for drugs isn’t a big deal?”
“I wasn’t thinking like that in the moment, I apologize. I just wanted you to give me a chance.”
“And you thought manipulation and bribery was going to help you get it?”
“Well to be fair it did” you swat at her a few times. “Ouch! Ouch!” she frantically breathes out. “Okay I’m sorry shit! That was fucked up, I’m sorry” she puts her hands up to surrender.
“I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“You heard me.” She shakes her head no. you stand your ground not letting her think this was a joking matter or something light-hearted.
“I don’t want you around me, don’t call me, don’t text me, and I don’t want you anywhere near my classes.” every word that came out of your mouth was an extra stab wound to her chest. an extra stab to her already wounded and drained heart. This can only be described as overkill.
“I made a mistake! Please it’s been good for us, right? C’mon admit it you had fun with me, you like me, you really, truly, genuinely like me.”
“See I knew it you can’t let this get between us I’ll-“
“I liked you, as in past tense.” you set your jaw and keep the burning fire of intense in your eyes. your mind was already made up.
“This whole thing just really reopened my eyes I thought I misjudged you but clearly I should trust my intuition more.” silence carries on as the two of you stand in front of each other. “Well congratulations you got what you wanted; you had your fun with me. now you can move on or go back down memory lane with Jean. I really don’t care.” Wanda was quick to dismiss your thoughts of her ever leaving this relationship and pursing Jean. “I don’t want anyone else; I just want you, I’m sorry.”
If you were even going to think about giving her another chance you needed to know everything. “What else did you lie about? What else have you done behind my back?” She hesitates and that give it away that she was hiding something else from you. “Are you going to tell me or am I going to find out about it from Jean as well?” She swallows the lump in her throat and mum les the words low and casually. So low that you couldn’t hear her. “Wanda, I’m not playing with you what else don’t I know about?” 
“Well, that day in the café, after you left…” 
“Spit it out Wanda!” 
“I told Daisy to stay away from you.” 
“I-I told her to stay away from you.” 
“And she did it? What do you have on her? Did you pay her off or bribe her too?” You eye her up and down before the words come out of your mouth spewing anger. “Did you blackmail her too?” Wanda looks away from you in shame and guilt. “I threatened to out her true identity, Daisy was placed in witness protection, so she basically got a new start after the whole hacking set up thing.” You shove her multiple times until she’s backed up on a tree. the flowers she spent time on getting arranged now ruined and dropped on the cold wet ground. “You’re a real slithering slimy bitch you know that?” Well shit that hurts and she’s been called worse by worser people. “You don’t care about anyone but yourself!” 
“That’s not true! I care about Natasha, Yelena, Pietro and I care about you!” You shake your head “No, you don’t because if you did you wouldn’t have hurt the people I care about!” your voice wavers a little, but you remain strong by clearing your throat. “And you wouldn’t have hurt me.”
“Princess-“ you cut her off and hold your hand up, as hot salty tears stream down her face. “No! You made me think Daisy didn’t care about our friendship. You made me believe your goddamn lies! And the whole time you were the reason for her being weird to me and avoiding me!” you exhale exhaustedly from the newfound information. “You could’ve ruined Daisy’s fucking life! how can you not see what you did was wrong? Who are you to be the judge of her past when you’re out here doing shit just as bad. You tried to take her second chance at life away from her.”
“I’m sorry” she softly breathes out into the cold air. Sorry wasn’t enough, not at this level. you didn’t want to see her face right now. The longer you stare at her in silence the further you grow apart from one another. Wanda felt it. She felt you gearing to turn your back on her. Within a blink of an eye, you were turning on your heels and walking away from Wanda. As soon as the shock wore off, she was right behind you already chasing you and ready to beg and plead on this cold wet ground in front of anyone who walked by. She didn’t care she just wanted things to go back to normal she wants to have her relationship back she wanted another chance. And most importantly she wanted to take that favor back now.
“No” she clings onto you with desperation sobbing into your hoodie. (Her hoodie)
“No, let go of me!”
“I said I was fucking sorry!” She could only take so much rejection she was bound to blow up at some point. Which you didn’t understand because all of this was her doing, she was the reason for everything ending as quickly as it started.
“Just stay the hell away from me Maximoff, I mean it” she was back at square one. Back to you calling her by her last name instead of the cute nicknames you’ve been calling her for a month now. She didn’t think it was possible for her to feel sick from the sound of her name coming from your lips.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you, shit I’m just really losing it right now” she brushes her fingers through her hair and takes a deep breath to steady herself. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, please.” she pleads again, once more desperation was it the all-time high now, she’s never begged for anything this much in her entire life.
“I’ll do anything!” once again she was desperate to respond to you, she was desperate to fix this she’d do anything you asked of her. “Anything?” you eye her questioningly wondering if she truly meant what she said right now or if it was another one of her lies.
“I want you to give me space.”
“Princess.” her face falters as she hears the word she hated. space. she was totally against it but everyone one else seemed to think that would help the situation, why did you need space if you two were talking things out right now? “You said you would do anything, right? or was that another lie, as well?” Wanda swallows the lump in her throat and shakes her head, she’d never lie or keep anything from you again after this. “No, it’s not a lie.” she steadies her breathing for a moment, Wanda felt the urge of an anxiety attack coming on. 
“I’ll give you space.” Wanda says the words immediately and yet it doesn’t sound convincing to you. Did she really have the self-control and the willpower to finally show you an ounce of respect or was she so set in her ways that nothing mattered as long as she gets what she wants in the end? 
“Okay, then.” you nod once after eyeing her cautiously. the moment you turn your back on her, her hand halts you for one last time. Wanda pulls you into a bear tight hug. “Wanda, we just talked about this!” she doesn’t say anything, she only hugs you closer and tighter. she slowly and softly drags her nose against the side of your neck inhaling your scent that she’s been having withdrawals from the past few days. When you’ve had enough of her touch you shrug her off not wanting her to assume things were going to be okay. “I know, I know” Wanda releases an uneven breath and bites her lip to keep from bawling her eyes out. the next word that comes out of her mouth causes her voice to crack. “Space.” she reluctantly releases her hold on you and steps back.
 In that moment part of you wants to forget the whole thing and forgive her. you went back in forth in your mind asking yourself if you were overthinking things and blowing this thing out of proportion but then you think back to bright red flags about what she did to Kate and what you just found out about what she said to Daisy. The anger that was slowly fading away reignited again once her hands and her touch was no longer embracing you. 
“Good.” you clear your throat and step back from Wanda. turning on your heel you avoid all eye contact as you begin to walk away from her before she speaks up again. “Will you text me, call me or do you want to email me? I can even give you-” you hold your hand up to stop her rambling on any other day you thought it was cute but as of lately anything she does just made her look evil in your eyes. 
“If I decide that I know longer want space you’ll know.”  That’s the only reply you give her before you walk away from her completely. Wanda doesn’t think that’s too bad. you just needed space and time to think on things. you’ll yell at her tell her not to do anything like that again and then things will go back to normal. Or at least normal enough as to where she’s not on constant edge of you leaving her after she’s just got a taste of the committed lifestyle. Giving you space wouldn’t be that hard to do right?
The word Wanda repeated in her mind since the word left your lips, she never experienced this feeling before. she’s never had the feeling of loss on an intimate level.  she deterred from smoking to drowning in alcohol bottles, the only other time she’s done this is when she’s had one of her many arguments with her father. Natasha returns to the apartment to find the place a mess, Wanda hasn’t gone to any of her classes she was still in the same spot as earlier when Natasha left, laid out across the couch looking pitiful and when she wasn’t feeling low. She was finding any and everything in the apartment to take her mind off of you, watching tv, smoking and randomly dancing around the apartment but nothing worked, of course. “Wanda, did you go to class today?”
Wanda avoided eye contact with Natasha and turned back to the tv and started fidgeting with her rings. “No, I was going to but then I thought about getting y/n some flowers, so I went to that flower shop that she likes and ordered a bouquet, and I waited outside her last class.” Natasha sighs drops her bag on the floor and flops down next to Wanda. “So how did that go?” she already knows the answer if things went how Wanda wanted them to go, she’d be walking in on a different mess in the apartment. 
“She...she told me to give her space and that she needed to think on things.” Natasha hums in agreement. “Well, that’s not so bad, I told you that’s what she needed in the first place. See all you have to do is stop being stubborn and listen to me.” Natasha tries to lighten the mood a bit with a joke, but it doesn’t quite land with Wanda, she’s still stuck in her mind. 
Natasha’s not going to take up for Wanda no matter how long they’ve known each other for she was wrong to that to Kate. it was a dick move she couldn’t understand why Wanda didn’t just try being persistent on her own. All she had to do was be herself and wait for you to come around. nevertheless, Natasha can’t stand to see Wanda like this maybe she can talk to you, and you’ll think about at least hearing Wanda out and giving her another chance. Was Natasha being too hopeful?
True to her words Natasha found you and she didn’t have to go the same route as her best friend, she bumped into you naturally on your way from class. “Shit! I’m sorry.” bumping into Natasha had her papers flying everywhere and eventually piled on the ground. you make quick work to pick them up before the wind blows them away. “It’s okay, y/n I wasn’t really watching where I was going.” Natasha follows suit squatting down to pick up some of her papers eventually curiosity got the best of you, and you took a peek at one of Natasha’s fleeing papers.  “I didn’t know you were a psych major.” 
“Yeah, I like learning about the way a mind works, what makes people do things, and what causes reactions.” she gives you her signature smirk that you’ve gotten to know during your time with Wanda and hanging out at the apartment. “Right, well here’s your papers, and sorry again.” you step aside after handing Natasha her papers, she only counters you with a sidestep of her own. 
“How are you doing?” 
“As good as anyone can do after being pimped out.” you nod your head in smooth slow stroke. “Shit, right sorry, it’s just weird not seeing you around as much. I know it’s only been a few days but it’s weird.”
“She’s been drinking a lot, y/n and you know she’s not even a drinker. she feels terrible and also looks the part. Look bottom line is she’s a mess, and she feels very regretful about what she did.” you cut Natasha off before she finishes. “And she should!” 
“You’re totally right, I’m not making excuses for her I just... can you just talk to her at the frat party tonight?” Natasha sees no movement or waver in your decision, so she continues further. “I don’t beg for things, and I’m sure you know that about me but right now I’m begging you to give my idiot best friend a small chance to make things right.” Natasha dips her head to catch your avoiding eyes. she plays dirty and pulls out the word that she knew would get you to cave in completely. “Please.” she was sick and tired of seeing her friend so miserable. for Wanda’s wellbeing and for Natasha’s sanity.
“Okay, fine I’ll talk to her.” you give in to Natasha’s request partly because you actually wanted to hear what she had to say for herself and her actions. If Natasha was going this hard to beg and say please for you to talk to Wanda, she must believe that her best friend is truly sorry for her actions. Natasha isn’t one to sugar coat things not even for Wanda.
“Thank you.” Natasha exhales for her plan working and at the fact that she’d be able to finally get a good night’s rest if the two of you made up. “I hope Wanda knows how great her best friend is.” 
“Oh, I’m sure she knows how great and irreplaceable I am, just like she knows how great and irreplaceable you are.” she ends her response with her signature smirk and a playful wink. “Right, I’ll see you around Nat.” you nod once and part your separate ways not waiting for her to say a farewell. “See you tonight, y/n!” as you walked away Natasha thought of everything that she could for a list of demands if the two of you got back together tonight. since she would be the main reason for it and the fact that she had to deal with an uneasy, anxious Wanda Maximoff every day since that night at the drive- in she deserves compensation for her services.
Going back to your shared dorm room you gave Yelena the whole run down of what happened while watching a movie in her room. “So, what are you going to do about Wanda, y/n?” The mood in the atmosphere changed instantly with the mention of her name again. “I’m going to the party at the frat house and I’m going to hear her out and see just how sorry she is.” 
“Really?” Yelena asked in a shocking tone. “It’s just I thought you were completely done with her.” 
“I was or I thought I was it’s kind of hard I really liked her and finding out just how she really was and how I was blinded by the things she did.” Just talking about with your friend made you angry you can’t imagine how things will go when you actually talk to Wanda at the party. Yelena hums in understanding.
 “I respect your decision, but I will say that I’m not too happy about you thinking of giving her another chance. I gave her warning ahead of time for fucks sake.”
“I haven’t decided on anything yet, Lena.” 
“Yeah, but when you do just know I’ll respect your decision and I will also be on her like a hawk, and I’ll be in your business with no shame whatsoever.” she pops a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth. “And just so you know I’m going with you to the party, non-negotiable.”
“You already do that. In fact, you’ve been doing that since we met, and I already knew you were going to say that.” She shrugs her shoulders and grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl and focuses back on the television screen. “Aren’t I the greatest best friend?” Yelena was letting it be known early on that if you forgave Wanda that didn’t mean she had to. She was known to keep a grudge. she really was the best person you could ask for. “Yeah, you’re the greatest.” you lean your head on her shoulder and continue eating your ice cream while turning back to the tv.
The moment Wanda stepped foot in the party she went straight to the liquor cabinet and even took the liberty of smoking Thor’s blunt. Natasha let it slide only because it was a way to calm Wanda’s nerves down a little. but the further along the party went and Wanda didn’t see you she gave up hope and decided to get trashed. Natasha storms over to her pushing multiple bodies out of the way. 
“Wanda, what the hell is wrong with you?” she grabs Wanda’s arm pulling her into the kitchen area. “And give me that.” she snatches the cup of alcohol from her. “I got y/n to come to the party and she agreed to talk to you don’t make me look bad, I really put in a good word for you because I truly believe you made a mistake, don’t make me regret it. you’re playing with my creditability here and my judge of character.” 
“Wait, you got princess to talk to me? you’re the best natty, you love me, don’t you?” Wanda perks up finally registering the words Natasha said moments ago and completely ignoring the scolding she was receiving. “Yes, I got her to come here tonight and you’re a fucking mess.” 
“Fuck.” Wanda releases the word as a whisper and starts to panic. “Hey, relax go up to Scott’s room and sober up a bit, okay? I’ll tell y/n to meet you.” Wanda nods her head and take calculated breaths to refrain from passing out. “Wanda takes two steps before she turns around to Natasha again. “Can you walk with me?”  Natasha couldn’t say no, her best friend needed a small sense of comfort during this anxious time. “Yeah, I’ll walk with you, let’s go.” Natasha nods her head once links her fingers through Wanda’s and leads her upstairs to Scott’s bedroom. 
“Alright go splash some water on your face and sit tight.” 
“Mmkay.” Wanda walks into the bathroom and stops mid-way before Natasha leaves. “Nat!” Natasha pokes her head around to face her best friend. She hums in acknowledgment with a curious expression. “What’s up?” 
“Thank you.” Wanda gives her best friend a sincere loopy smile as a small display of gratitude.
“I got your back, now fix yourself up so you can get your wifey back. And try not to do anything stupid just stay here and sip on the water.” They both nod in agreement before they go about their separate tasks. 
Natasha spots you in the crowded room dancing and knocking back every shot on the counter before going back to your red solo cup. she knows you haven’t been here that long, and she thought this was her perfect opportunity to approach you about Wanda since she didn’t see her little sister guarding you from anyone, she felt would hurt you. 
Yelena was supposed to return to your side after getting a drink from the backyard, but she gave into to temptation when she was approached by Kate, and she ultimately decided to hear her out. Natasha pushes through the sea of people and loudly speaks over the music. “Hey, Wanda’s upstairs, first door on the right, she’s waiting for you.” 
“Nat, I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to her tonight.” You take a big swig from the red solo cup which was obviously a bad mistake once it goes down. The burning sensation and the taste didn’t numb you, even though you already pre-gamed. What was with the two of you, both of you were hitting rock bottom. Natasha does the same thing she did to Wanda, she snatches the cup and tells you to get yourself together. “You both need to be somewhat sober enough to fix this, now please just go talk to her.” 
 “You wouldn’t lie to me would you Nat?” The burning question you just asked Natasha was quickly answered the moment it left your lips. 
 “Never, I would never lie to you, Wanda feels terrible I’ve never seen her so low. The closest I’ve seen her get like this is when she and her father got into a heated argument.” You eye her cautiously not knowing if this was part of another scheme of Wanda’s and she pulled her best friend in to save her. The words that come out of Natasha’s mouth give you the extra push you needed to prepare yourself for the serious confrontation that lays ahead, more specifically upstairs. 
“Do you trust me?”
Wanda did everything she could think of to sober herself up, splashing water on her face multiple times, drinking water from the water bottle Natasha grabbed for her. The next step was to calm her nerves. She practiced a few lines in the mirror trying to put as much emotion in her words as possible her chanted words get interrupted when she hears the knock on the bathroom door, she was so out of touch with her senses that she didn’t even notice the knock on the bedroom door. she releases one last breath and exits the bathroom. Wanda immediately feels eager, hungry, hands all over her. Hands she knows aren’t yours. Panic rises within her the second she sees Jeans face. “Jean what the fuck! you can’t be in here get out.” she points to the door and tries dragging Jean by her arm. 
“Stop, it’s okay. I know y/n dumped you, just let me make you feel better.” Jean leans in for a kiss, Wanda was barely able to dodge her lips. Her breath reeked of alcohol, much like Wanda’s but she wasn’t as tipsy. “I miss you; I know you didn’t mean what you said at the drive-in.” her hands roam Wanda’s body as she continuously tries to place her lips upon her. The sound approaching on the other side of the door sent wand in her fight or flight mode. the only logical thing she could think of was to drag Jean inside of the closet and wait it out. “Get in the fucking closet.” 
“I’m not getting in there it’s fucking gross.” 
“I’m not playing with you get in the closet.” Wanda harshly whispers to Jean. the devious face jean made put Wanda one step ahead of her she was making a motion to speak loudly. Wanda slaps her mouth with her hand and successfully drags jean inside of the closet with her, she couldn’t take any chances.
“Wanda?” Her heart beats in her chest as she scrambled to drags Jean to the closet door. You walk in the room after a few minutes of silence. “Wanda?” Did Natasha play you? Or was Wanda off somewhere else not interested in fixing things like she claimed. “Yes.” You hear her muffled voice coming from the direction of the closet. You curious as to why she’s in there but Natasha did tell you how much Wanda’s been drinking lately. 
“Am I supposed to talk to you through the door the whole time or are you coming out?” You place your hand on you hip and tilt your head waiting for her to reveal herself from behind the door. Wanda motions for Jean to be quiet with her finger pressed against her lips. Jean only returns her motions with an evil smirk and a motion of her own for Wanda to plant a kiss on her lips. 
Wanda scrunches her face together and angrily shakes her head denying jeans silent request. Jean makes a motion to speak as she opens her mouth wide. Wanda was quick to slap her hand on Jean’s mouth. The sound didn’t go unnoticed by you, and you were honestly tired of standing here staring at the wooden door. Jean takes the opportunity to slide her hands low, unbuckling Wanda’s pants with haste. 
Wanda was in a dilemma here. She could either let Jean have her way in this closet and lose you or she could shove Jean away from her. which would cause even more attention to the closet and lose you anyway. 
“Wanda are you okay in there? seriously if you don’t want to talk about it just say so. I’m not playing this game with you.” 
“No!” She shouts the reply back quickly, but it was also directed towards Jean as she started tugging on Wanda’s pants even more, they were pooled at her ankles. “I- I mean no games, I want to talk this out.” 
“Okay, so come out of the closet then.” Wanda giggles at your response, she was still under the influence despite her manhandling Jean on the other end of the door. “Uh actually how about we go talk outside and I’ll just meet you downstairs?” Wanda was struggling to keep her composure as Jean resumed her previous task of touching any part of Wanda that she could. 
“Enough, open the door.” you walk closer to the closet door knowing when something is off with Wanda you needed to actually see her, especially since Natasha informed you of her new love of alcohol. “Wait!” she hears your footsteps sound closer she panics and holds on to the doorknob for dear life. “Wanda, stop playing around!” you turn the knob and yank the door open as hard and fast as you can. “Open, the damn door!”
 The silence was intense the loud booming music that sounds throughout the house was somehow tuned out from this room. The moment you yanked the door open you were left speechless from what you saw. The warmth drains from Wanda’s entire body as she frantically pushes jeans eager hands away from her sagging pants. “Princess” The pet name leaves her lips. this time it hurt worse than it did before because this time you were already in an established relationship with Wanda it wasn’t a fling or one night stand. “I swear it’s not. I didn’t do anything, it’s not what it looks like.” She steps forward out of the confined space still clutching her sagging pants with one hand raised just in case you started to swing at her. “So, what is it like then?” Shifting your eyes from Wanda to jeans figure in the background. 
“Jean, do you want to tell me that what I’m seeing isn’t what I think it is too?” Jean gloats on the inside and does a great job of keeping it that way. “Wanda practically dragged me in here telling me how much she’s missed me.” Wanda doesn’t give Jean the chance to further spew lies from her mouth. “She’s lying! I would never touch her again, not after I’ve been with you.” Wanda swallows the lump in her throat and lets the tears fall from her eyes willingly. 
“Why are you listening to her anyway she’s a liar!” 
“Well, I guess that’s something you two have in common but as far as I can tell she hasn’t lied to me about you once!” Stepping closer to Wanda she only counters and steps back being on edge from the uncertainty of her relationship and your overall verdict of fixing things. This time Wanda was telling the truth, but the consequences of her actions no longer gave her credibility to be honored with your trust. “You lied. You kept things from me. You manipulated my Kate. You blackmailed Daisy and now you cheat on me?” each time you spoke you poked your finger right into Wanda’s chest. Much like before this was a stab to the heart literally as you poked her, she felt the damage being done to her heart that was only beating for you. 
 “I’m done.” The words gut Wanda leaving her utterly speechless. You turn your attention to Jean not noticing the fact that she got comfortable, sitting on Scott’s bed and not even bothering to put her clothes back on. “You can have her; she isn’t worth the headache.” Wanda was quick to grab your arm, holding on for dear life to keep you from walking out of that door. All of her past mistakes were coming back to bite her in the ass tonight, maybe this was the karma everyone spoke of that would come back to reign down on Wanda for all of her past crimes. 
“Baby, listen to me I didn’t-“ you use everything you have inside of you to shove her away from you. You didn’t want to hear her excuses there was nothing she could do to excuse this. Being caught with her old fuck Buddy. Wanda tries to quickly recover from the shove the moment she sees you fleeing from the room and storming down the stairs. She scrambled to her feet and trips hitting her knee on Scott’s wooden dresser which ultimately slows her down even more. 
“Fuck!” She clutches her knee in agony for a second and turns her focus back on catching up with you.
“Wait!” Jean finally steps up from the bed, now that Wanda was dumped, she could finally realize that she was meant to be with Jean. Those thoughts quickly fade away the moment Wanda pushes Jean away from her. This conversation was long overdue. “What the fuck is your problem, Jean?” Wanda’s sadness was quickly replaced with rage, she manhandles Jean with ease now that she doesn’t have to remain quiet like she did in the tiny closet space. she presses Jean against the wall, her breathing unsteady and her eyes no longer had the sparkling shade of green. 
 “What’s my problem? My problem is that you’re treating me like I meant nothing to you!” Jean’s been calm and cool during this whole situation but now was the time she finally got to release all of her pinned up anger and resentment towards Wanda.
“That’s because you didn’t!” 
“That’s not what you said! You told me I was special.” Seeing the genuine sadness in her eyes Wanda decides to just give it a Jean straight no longer avoiding the topic or sugar-coating things. “No, I told you that you were my favorite….at the time you were my favorite whore to fuck!” 
“That’s it! I didn’t want anything more from you then and I don’t want anything from you now.” Wanda yells as loud as she can, not caring if anyone walked in or if anyone heard her, she needed to get this through Jean’s head that she no longer wanted her. she no longer wanted anything to do with her, because she had you. Wanda ends the conversation with her hand slapping against the wall near Jean’s face.
Natasha stands at the beer pong table watching a match, but her eyes can’t help but catch your gaze as you rush down the stairs with watery eyes. What the fuck did Wanda do this time? she meets you just before you can storm off on your own. She softly grips your hand to gain your attention. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“Seems like you don’t know your friend as well as you thought you did.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about me catching her upstairs with Jean!” What? That couldn’t be. especially after Natasha saw how sad and regretful Wanda has been the past few days. It’s been hell coming back to the apartment to watch her friend as an empty shell. “No, no way she’s not into Jean that way, trust me she only wants you.”
“I caught her with her pants down Nat, you can fuck off right along with her.” You bump past Natasha causing her to spill some of her beer. “What the fuck Wanda” she whispers to herself as she sits the cups down and races up the stairs to the bedroom. Natasha enters the room just in time to see the position that Wanda had Jean in. she was pressed against the wall with an enraged Wanda yelling in her face, Wanda wasn’t known to have violent outbursts to other people the most she would do was be a mean bitch but to the people that truly knew her. they knew things get ugly ids she was truly at rock bottom and tonight was one of those nights. Natasha quickly moves to separate the two of them pulling Wanda away and making sure she’s standing right next to her side. 
“I stick my neck out for you to fix things with y/n and this is what you do? 
“No! that’s not what happened!” Wanda yells and cradles her head, too much was going on all at once and her head was starting to feel heavy. She was getting frustrated with everyone not believing in her. Not believing that she could be faithful and in a loving in committed relationship. Her only fault was that she wasn’t honest and that she started the relationship off with lies and manipulation.
“What the fuck happened then?” 
 “She’s what happened she tried to kiss me and when I tried throwing her out y/n was already outside, so I hid in the closet with her, and she was still trying and then-” Natasha cuts Wanda off when she realizes what actually went down in here. Jean tried to take advantage of Wanda. “Calm down, Wands.” 
 “How the hell am I supposed to do that when my girlfriend thinks I just cheated on her?” 
“Go after her she probably isn’t gone too far, I’ll handle her.” Natasha turns her head around to an unbothered Jean slowly gathering her abandoned clothing items. “Nat, what are you gonna-” Natasha cuts Wanda’s wandering mind short she needed to focus on finding you. “Don’t worry about that go find y/n.” Wanda finally fixes her clothes and rushes out of the room. Once Wanda left Natasha keeps her eyes on Jean, never leaving her figure for a split second. 
“I think me, and you need to have a chat.”  Natasha inches closer to Jean. “Look Natasha, you’re cool but you’re not my type, so if you’ll excuse me.” Jean fixes the rest of her clothing and heads for the door. Natasha sidesteps blocking jean from leaving the room. “Please don’t flatter yourself, you’re definitely not my type.” 
“I’m everyone’s type.” 
 “I wouldn’t touch you if I was on my last dying breath and you were the only way for me to live. I’m not amused or attracted to bitter whores who don’t know their worth, and I’m definitely not attracted to someone who has to take advantage of someone to feel needed.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” 
“No? you don’t know what I’m talking about? did you or did you not try something with Wanda knowing she didn’t want to? knowing she told you to stop?” 
“You do know that’s harassment and basically assault right? and you could be expelled and arrested.” Natasha takes Jean’s silence after calling her out for what she did. “Now here is what’s going to happen.”
It took you only a few moments to search for Yelena in the sea of people. After you came up empty handed settling for texting her on your way back to the dorms. You no longer wanted to be in this environment you just wanted to crawl in your bed and cry into the bed sheets. 
Everything she’s said to you and everything she’s done was all worthless and meaningless to her. The irony of ending up in the same situation as the last time you and Wanda were “getting to know each other” but this obviously stomps on your heart 10 times more. The fact that she couldn’t deal with the consequences of her actions and ran right back with Jean, even after she’s told you time and time again that what she and Jean had was nothing compared to her first official relationship with you. now it makes you wonder if the whole relationship was a lie. 
If she had other people lie on her behalf just so she could get what she wanted, because after all Wanda Maximoff always got what she wanted in the end of things. not spotting Yelena you leave all together opting to walk back home instead of calling an uber. you don’t get too far before a vehicle pulls up beside you slowly driving in tune with your footsteps. tonight, was not the night to be hit on and cat called you stick to avoiding the mysterious person on the motorcycle and keep your eyes forward. until the sound of the familiar voice brings you out of your mind. 
“Y/n, you know you shouldn’t be walking by yourself this time of night.” 
“You want to talk about it?” of course Daisy noticed the tear stains and your puffy red eyes. The only conclusion was Wanda. Everyone saw what happened at the drive in and if you weren’t there you saw it on social media there was no escaping the gossip about your relationship origin. you stop walking, release a heavy sigh and finally give Daisy your full attention. Daisy follows suit by turning her motorcycle off and kicks the stand to hold it up in place. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine but at least let me, give you a ride.” she dips her head down for the eye, contact she was looking for. “Should you even be talking to me? you know since you agreed to stay away from me and avoid me?” You couldn’t really be mad at Daisy for staying away from you when her safety was at risk, but it still hurt that she didn’t at least think to inform you of what type of person Wanda truly is, you would’ve stopped all contact with her immediately if she told you. 
“I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you what was going on but-” you hold your hand up not wanting Daisy to feel bad for putting herself first. “It’s fine, I understand.”
“I’ve missed you.” Daisy nibbles on her lip and inches closer to you. she didn’t have many friends due to her being closed off and guarded but with you everything happened naturally. The two of you clicked instantly. “Like a lot.” 
“I missed you too.” The familiar atmosphere brings a small smile to your face, one that Daisy takes pride in seeing and being the cause of it. 
“So, can I hug you now? You know since I don’t have to stay away from you because I’m of your possessive girlfriend?” Only daisy could get away with making fun of your failed relationship so soon. You step closer to her in bring her into your warm embrace. You meant what you said about missing her and you’re certain Daisy meant what she said as well. Daisy wasn’t a perfect person and she never claimed to be a perfect person, but you can bet she’d never lie to you. She’d never cheat on you. She’d never have you looking stupid or even think about manipulating your friend for her own gain. The hug no longer felt like a simple hug amongst friends, but truth be told you and Daisy were never under the category of just friends but neither under the category of being something more.
Wanda races out of the room and down the stairs limping in pain searching for you. Hoping that you’re still in the crowd of people somehow. She asks around for you and no one has actually seen you in while until she gets to her brother. “Pietro have you seen y/n? Did she leave with someone? Yelena is still here, and I really need to talk to her.” 
“She uh ran out the door a few minutes ago I guess she’s heading back to her dorm.” That was the only answer Wanda needed to hear before she was back on the hunt for you. Pietro of course couldn’t let this slide he needed to know what was going on and the fact that his sister looked like she’s been through hell tonight. “Did you do something?” Wanda unamused laugh at his question. “Not now Piet, I have to find y/n” he reluctantly steps aside and let’s Wanda storm out of the door in search for you. You walked a couple of blocks not too far from the frat house, but the moment Wanda laid her eyes on you everything you saw in that room came back in flashes making you see red all over again. 
The slight bit of hope she had in her eyes to redeem herself would be gone the moment you pulled Daisy in for a firm kiss. you put your all into it, to hurt her how she’s hurt you. Not only for tonight but also for what happened at the party last year, sure it might be petty but the stinging pain of being second best to Jean hurts even more. Any other time Wanda would’ve stormed over there and yanked you up but tonight she was drained she didn’t have any energy left to fight. She was utterly heartbroken. Wanda’s never felt this kind of pain before. Pulling away from the kiss hurts you a little just from the reaction you see from Wanda. Daisy passes you her helmet not even noticing that Wanda was only a few feet away. 
“C’mon let me take you back to your dorm.” During that whole process Wanda finally pushes herself to make movement. It hurt like hell to watch you kiss someone else especially that someone being Daisy. Wanda finally found the will to speak a kiss she could live with, but she’d be damned if you actually left on the back of Daisy’s bike. 
“Y/n, don’t get on that bike.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, why don’t you back to your whore.” Wanda furiously shakes her head and clenches her eyes shut. “I didn’t touch her! I swear.” 
 “I don’t fucking care, now let go of me!” 
“She said let go Maximoff.” Daisy reveals the small pocketknife she had hidden in her jacket she never went anywhere without it for her own safety. Wanda falls back reluctantly. on any other night she still would’ve pressed Daisy but seeing as she’s not a hundred percent herself tonight she settles for taking the loss and explaining everything to you tomorrow. You put Daisy’s helmet on and swing your leg over the back of her bike. The utter sickness Wanda feels from just seeing you like this was once again heartbreaking. 
The moment Daisy drives off Wanda feels lightheaded, like a piece of her left the moment you left with lout her. The moment you left with Daisy. “Fuck!” She tries and tries to steady her breathing, settling for quick breaths hoping it would stop the racing heart movements and her dizziness. So much was going on with Wanda internally that she was unaware of her surroundings. 
The moment she hears the voice so close to her after the fourth time of calling her name she reacts by flinching away. “Wanda, sweetie what’s wrong?” Monica and Darcy approach Wanda cautiously not wanting to crowd her. Monica notices the signs of a panic attack. “Darcy, go find Nat.” Darcy nods and swiftly jogs back inside the frat house. “Wanda, I need you to look at me, can you tell me what color my bracelet is?” Wanda clenches her eyes and shakes her head, the words were at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t get them to release. 
“That’s okay let’s try focusing on your breathing, okay? slow deep breaths in and out.” Wanda complies with that it still wasn’t easy, but it was more manageable than actually speaking words after what she just saw a few moments ago. As Wanda takes her time to steady her breathing Monica rubs her hand on Wanda’s back in slow circular motions. 
“What happened, Wanda?” the reminder of what Wanda saw caused a sickness to rise in her stomach. She felt nauseous, enraged, hurt and betrayed all at the same time. Not to mention the shit she went through upstairs in Scott’s room. Wanda jumps up from the ground and rushes to a vacant tree bush, everything consumed tonight was being released from her body. Monica rushes over to hold Wanda’s hair back. Eventually Wanda stops and Monica immediately steps in for things that she needed. Handing Wanda, a small mini bottle of mouth wash from her purse and tissue napkin. Monica was always called the mom friend as a joke, but she actually came through for Wanda tonight and she’d never forget it. 
“Thanks, Mon.” Wanda shows her gratitude after rinsing her mouth out and drying it with the napkin. Monica can tell Wanda’s not in the mood to talk about what has her upset so she simply offers her comfort by rubbing her back until Darcy and Natasha finally approach them. As Natasha helps to the car, she has no other plan on how to fix things for her friend. How can she come back from this after already showing a pattern of being a liar and the fact that you were questioning Natasha’s involvement with this as well. Things were just going to have to play out on their own.
The ride didn’t take long, Daisy offered to stop anywhere you wanted, to get ice cream or something to cheer you up but you declined you just wanted to curl up into bed and sleep the hurt and pain away. Daisy turns her bike off and waits for you to hop off the back seat. stand beside her taking the helmet off thanking her for the ride. “Anytime.”
“I’ll see you around.” you nod turning on your heels to walk to your building door. only stopping when Daisy yells and meets you at your door. 
“Wait, I um wanted to know if.” you wait for her to finish the words that she was so nervous to say. you pick up on the vibe and you remember the kiss. the kiss that you only planted on Daisy because of what you saw in the closet at the party. Daisy takes your silence as an open window to continue to lean. she wants to feel your lips on hers again. you indulge in the kiss for a second before you turn your head and lightly push daisy away. 
The kiss didn’t feel right, now that you were actually trying to kiss her without the presence of Wanda you couldn’t do it. you were so familiar with Wanda’s touched, so consumed by her that she ruined you for anyone else to have. she can instantly take the hint you put out. she sighs and leans away some more. “We missed our window, didn’t we?” 
“I’m sorry for bringing you into this I just wanted her to hurt.” 
“Don’t apologize, you can use me whenever you feel like hurting anyone, well if kissing you is the outcome.” she wiggles her eyebrows playfully and pulls you into a tight hug. “This doesn’t change anything you’re still my friend and I’ll help you with anything you need.”
“Thank you, Daze” you release her for the hug and kiss her cheek. she smiles in return and walks away before you grab her attention at the last minute. “Actually, can I cash in that favor right now? I need you to do something for me.”
Dispite the little show you paraded in her face Wanda was still determined to let you know the truth, her phone remained in her hand the whole ride home sending you text messages, voice messages, calls, voicemails she even sent you an email. 
every last one of her advances went ignored and unheard by you. Her feet move as fast she can allow them to racing to the door hoping and praying that it was you on the other side but when she opens the door, the sight she’s met with breaks her down after she’s spent the last week telling herself that everything would be alright, that she would somehow gain your trust back and that you would forgive her. 
Instead, she’s met with a box of all the stuffed animals she won for you on your date. Small things she’s bought for you in passing or just because. pieces of her clothing that she told you to keep. She picks the box up with shaky and weakened hands. she pulls her phone out beginning to press your contact dialing your number. nothing goes through straight to voicemail. The text messages go green. You’ve blocked her. 
She harshly wipes her tears before she makes it to your social media page just to get the same thing. She was blocked. you blocked her on everything. you weren’t hearing her out. you weren’t giving her another chance. Wanda thinks you’re cruel. just as cruel as you called her. she throws her phone at the wall no doubt shattering her screen and cracking the wall all together. 
She closes the door and falls to her knees with the box going through each piece one at a time. She knows she should stop; it's only going to add on to her pain, but she can’t because now this was all she had left of you. all she had left of the relationship. she replays each memory as she touches the item laughing through her tears for a moment. feeling every emotion she’s felt with you, new ones she didn’t fake it she didn’t lie about how she felt, she just went about it the wrong way. 
This was proof that it was is real. she’s never had to work for someone so hard before and you just walk away from her just like that? After one mistake? Afterall, she did it all just to be with you; it wasn't as if she was using Kate to one and done you. she wanted you. She wanted a relationship with you. That was real. Any girl on campus would’ve leaped at the chance and wouldn’t have questioned it. they would’ve immediately accepted Wanda’s apology but that was the thing though, wasn’t it? You weren’t like any girl on campus, you weren’t like any girl she’s ever been with. she’s conflicted. She understands the hurt and pain you’re feeling right now but she was also selfish. She wanted you to suck it up and just let her prove herself again. for the last and final time, she’d never mess up with you again not liking this pain.
“Wanda? What’s wrong?” Natasha consoles Wanda on the floor of the living room. rocking her back and forth and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Natasha takes a look around the apartment for any clue that made her this sad and broken. She's been hopeful all week, but she hasn’t blown up like this ever. It's when she finally spots the box on the other side of the coffee table that she realizes what most likely happened. 
“I got you wands, let it out.” she has to hold her tighter when she releases the violent sobs into the fabric of her shirt. Natasha held Wanda all night until she cried herself to sleep and the next morning when Natasha woke up, she woke up to something unexpected. she woke up to silence and an empty apartment. Wanda was gone.
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ghoul-slime · 11 months
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,205
Pairing: Aether/Dew, Swiss/Rain, Aether/Rain, Swiss/Dew, Swiss/Aether, Rain/Dew, Aether/Dew/Swiss/Rain
Tags: Foursome, anal sex, anal fingering, blowjobs, hotel sex, partner swapping, implied polyghouls
Summary: The whole band had all been treated to nice big suite rooms as a reward for the past week spent sleeping on a cramped tour bus. Now, taking in the sight of Dew with his tongue down Rain’s throat, Aether and Swiss have no doubt that it had all been worth it.
Aether/Dew/Swiss/Rain hotel foursome continuation of Parallel, but this can be read as a standalone.
or read on Tumblr here:
Aether cautiously opens the door to the hotel room with Swiss in tow. They’d been banished downstairs to the lobby bar for the last hour so Rain and Dew could get ready for the evening in peace.They’re immediately greeted by the image of two naked ghouls sitting pretty on the edge of one of the two big beds in the room. The whole band had all been treated to nice big suite rooms as a reward for the past week spent sleeping on a cramped tour bus. Now, taking in the sight of Dew with his tongue down Rain’s throat, Aether has no doubt that it had all been worth it.
Rain has his hands threaded through Dew’s long blond hair while Dew paws at his chest as they kiss, and Aether is certain that they’d been sitting on the bed patiently waiting for the sound of the key card at the door before they started putting on this little show. Even from where he stands he can tell they’re fresh out of the bath, hair still damp, shining and silky, skin soft and glowing and clinging to a slight blush leftover from the steam of the water. Aether salivates, feeling himself chub up in his pants at the scene before him. He can’t wait to work with Swiss to fuck them both up, get them good and filthy again. Wreck that bed they’re sitting on so bad all four of them will have to sleep in the spare.
Beside him Swiss lets out a knowing chuckle, undoubtedly thinking something similar. He throws an arm around Aether’s shoulder and drags him in close.
“Would you look at that, Aeth?” Swiss grins, striding them both up to where Rain and Dew are perched on the bed. “Couple of little angels, so pretty and putting on a nice little show for us. All dolled up and smelling so sweet and clean. All for us?”
Swiss slides his hand up the back of Aether’s neck and into his hair, twisting him around and kissing him on the mouth, licking past his fangs and grinning sharp against his lips. He leans in to growl into Aether’s ear, a message just for him, “What do you say we make them cry tonight, hm?”
When Swiss lets go he turns back to see Rain and Dew looking up at them with hooded eyes and blushing faces. Rain inhales deeply and lets his eyes flutter closed. Dew looks at Aether and sticks out his tongue.
Aether steps in to kiss Dew but Rain stops him with a hand to his chest. “Not yet,” he says, looking up with big, blue eyes. “We wanna suck you first…” he trails off. “Please?”
Dew shoots a grin at Swiss and Aether can see the game they’re playing. Despite the sweet appearances, he knows that Rain and Dew are in charge here. He feels himself throb in his pants as he imagines the two of them touching each other earlier in the shower, lazily tugging each other off and planning exactly how they wanted to get fucked by Swiss and Aether tonight.
Swiss reaches out, trailing his thumb across Rain’s pouty bottom lip. “Anything you want, baby,” he answers sweetly. “Anything you want.”
And with that Dew and Rain both drop to their knees, shoulder to shoulder, tugging Aether and Swiss in by the belt loops. Dew reaches up to pop the button of Aether’s jeans and distantly Aether can hear Rain doing the same for Swiss. Dew pulls Aether’s jeans and boxers down together. “Off,” he fusses, swatting at his feet until Aether is stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. 
Dew wastes no time in grabbing Aether’s hard cock and licking a long, wet stripe up the length of him from root to tip. His hand flies to Dew’s head as he takes Aether in his mouth and begins to bob, hollowing his cheeks and sucking, looking up through long lashes as he swallows him down. Aether groans and looks away, only to be greeted with the sight of Rain tonguing at the slit of Swiss’ dick, jacking his shaft and cupping his balls with his other hand.
If this is how the night is looking to go Aether isn’t sure how long he’s gonna last, feeling a tight coil of pleasure already building up in his gut as Dew deepthroats him, exaggerating wet gagging sounds as Aether’s cock hits the back of his throat. Just the way he knows Aether likes. 
Aether tightens his grip in Dew’s hair, encouraging him to slow down. He glances over again to see Rain suckling at the tip of Swiss’ cock, Swiss’ head thrown back, his shirt and pants now discarded. Rain laves at the head, running his tongue around the ridge and eliciting a tight groan from Swiss. At this rate Aether wonders if this was Rain and Dew’s plan all along. To suck them off wet and messy and perfect, get them to bust right away, that way they can spend the rest of the night playing with each other instead.
Aether looks down at Dew who manages to grin up at him despite his mouthful of cock, as if he can read Aether’s thoughts. Aether pulls him off, letting go with the most obscene wet pop he can manage, a thin trail of spit connecting the tip of Aether’s dick to Dew’s shiny, pink lips. 
“Oh no you don’t, you little shits,” Aether chuckles breathlessly, reaching out to ease Rain off of Swiss’ length. Rain gives Aether an innocent look before turning to drag Dew in for a sloppy kiss, their spit-slick lips sliding over each other wet and messy. Still putting on a show. 
Swiss grins down proudly, chest heaving, one hand squeezing the base of his dick to bring himself back down. He turns to Aether and cocks an eyebrow. “Wow,” he says simply, with a breathless laugh.
Rain and Dew part, Dew reaching in for one more lick to Rain’s lips before settling back on the bed. “Do you want us from behind first?” Rain asks sweetly, helping to ease Dew down to his hands and knees before arranging himself similarly, glancing at Swiss over his shoulder as he spreads his knees out on the bed and arches his back.
“Holy fuck,” Swiss whispers. They’ve both been prepped already, tight pink holes worked open and ready, glistening shiny and wet with slick and lube. Aether wishes he and Swiss had been allowed to stick around to watch them finger each other. They’ll have to ask them to do it again someday.
Swiss makes the first move, stepping forward to run his hands up Rain’s parted thighs, cupping his cheeks and pulling them open to expose that wet little hole even more. Aether watches as he runs two fingers though the slick of Rain’s ass before bending down to plant a kiss right on one cheek. Rain hums in appreciation and reaches out to thread his fingers with Dew’s on the bed next to him. 
“Aeth, please,” Dew turns to look at Aether, demanding his attention, arching his back and whining dramatically. He reaches behind to slip one finger into himself, sinking in and drawing it back out slowly, shining and wet. Aether grunts and steps in, grabbing his cock and running it through the mess of Dew’s ass. Dragging down his cleft and across the velvet soft skin of his balls.
“C’mon Aeth, fuck me. Let’s show them how good you give it to me,” Dew goads, wiggling his hips. Aether lines up and sinks in with one fluid movement, turning to see Swiss jack himself twice before pushing his cock into Rain’s waiting body. Aether watches them for a beat, appreciating the long line of Rain’s arched back, lean muscle straining across his shoulders, round little ass cheeks bouncing with each thrust of Swiss’ hips. Aether can hear the wet slide of Swiss’ thick cock pushing in and out of Rain’s tight body.
Dew whines again, “Harder, Aeth. Harder. Fuck me harder,” he pleads. Competitive little shit, Aether thinks to himself as he takes Dew’s skinny little hips and pounds in harder, bouncing Dew’s skinny thighs off of his as he fucks him deep. Together they have the bedframe rattling, and distantly Aether thinks they’re not gonna make it through the night without at least one noise complaint.
Aether picks up a frantic pace, spurred on by the sweet little whimpers and cries Swiss is pulling from Rain next to him. He drags Dew’s hips back, spearing him fully on his cock, pushing in hard and fast, sharp thrusts hitting deep. After a few moments Dew cries out, squeezing Rain’s hand twice. It’s a signal, Aether realizes, as Rain turns to look at Swiss over his shoulder again.
“Swiss…ah,” he squeaks as a particularly hard thrust heaves him forward, wavy hair bouncing with the force of it. “We… we wanna ride you now.” The way Dew has been letting Rain speak for the both of them has Aether’s cock throbbing inside him.
Swiss pulls out and Aether follows suit, admiring the way Dew’s pink hole winks and gapes in time with his heaving chest. “Yeah, baby,” Swiss laughs, breathless, “Want you to ride me now. Bounce that round little ass on my cock for Aether and Dew to see.”
Dew leans in to whisper something in Rain’s ear and Rain nods back, smiling up at Swiss and Aether sweetly, a blush across his pretty features, wavy black curls sticking to his sweat-damp forehead.
“Dew thinks we should switch places,” Rain muses, looking back and running his fingers through his hair. “Right Dew?”
Dew sits up, folding his legs and nodding, biting his lip and doing his best to give Aether a demure look. They’ve rehearsed this perfectly, Aether thinks helplessly.
Rain and Dew reach forward together, tugging Swiss and Aether onto the bed, pushing and pulling until they’re arranged side by side against the headboard. Dew leans in to kiss Aether deeply, licking past his lips as Aether threads his fingers into Dew’s hair. When he pulls back, Dew looks at him with bright eyes. “Show Swiss how good you can ride, baby,” Aether mutters against his lips between kisses, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, “Make him go fucking crazy for you.”
“Yeah,” Dew agrees breathlessly, “Gonna take Swiss so deep. Watch you fuck Rainy with your big fat cock while I bounce on his dick.”
And then Rain is tugging Dew away, crawling over to straddle Aether while Dew arranges himself on top of Swiss’ thighs. Rain runs his hands up Aether’s broad chest, resting his hands on his shoulders and leaning in for a sweet, soft kiss. Aether cups his cheek, kissing him and whispering a soft “Hi” against his lips.
“Hi,” Rain repeats back quietly, smiling and looking up at him through the fringe of his hair, reaching back to grasp Aether’s cock and line himself up. “Gonna take you now,” he says softly, rising up on his knees before slowly sinking back down. Rain throws his head back, mouth falling open as he sits down fully on Aether’s cock. Aether groans, salivating at Rain’s exposed neck, prominent Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows, adjusting himself to the stretch of Aether inside him.
Aether rests his hands on Rain’s hips and leans back to watch Swiss and Dew share a deep kiss of their own. Swiss reaches to grasp himself, but Dew swats his hands away. “Let me do it,” he says, stern. “Keep your hands here,” he instructs, placing both of Swiss’ large hands on his skinny little hips, a mirror image of Aether’s hands on Rain.
“Yeah,” Swiss nods, biting his lip. “Show me what you can do, Spitfire,” he croons as Dew reaches back to spread himself open with both hands, sinking down on Swiss’ straining, leaking cock. Dew looks to Rain once he’s fully seated, breathing heavily and blushing from head to chest.
Rain nods at him and they start riding together. Rain braces himself on Aether’s shoulders as he rolls his hips, sliding up and down the length of Aether’s cock slow and rhythmic and purposeful, grinding down each time he bottoms out, slick and lube running down Aether’s shaft and smearing between Rain’s thighs. 
Beside them Dew bounces in Swiss’ lap with rapid, short strokes, hands free and using just the power of his thighs and the spring of the bed. His hard little cock bobs as he rides, beads of pre rolling down his length as he hooks his feet around Swiss’ thighs for leverage, closes his eyes and bounces. Swiss groans at the sight of Dew’s tight belly muscles straining, silver rings threaded through his pert, pink nipples bouncing in time with his hips. With a groan he wrenches his eyes away from Dew to watch Rain work himself on Aether’s dick.
Aether has his eyes clenched tightly, the sight of Rain’s lean, elegant body swallowing him up rocketing him towards an orgasm he’s not ready for. Swiss’ voice breaks him from his concentration. “Look at him, Aeth,” Swiss drawls. “Lucifer, he looks so beautiful stuck on your cock. Takes you so good doesn’t he?”
Swiss doesn’t wait for an answer before he directs his attention to Rain. “How’s he feel, baby? Do you feel good? He filling you up just how you like it?”
“Yeah,” Rain answers breathlessly, grinding down hard on Aether’s dick, “Swiss, I can feel him so deep,” He rolls his hips, “Feel him in my belly he’s so deep.”
“How about you, Spitfire?” Swiss squeezes Dew’s hips, “How’s Rainy look taking your big boy’s fat dick?”
Dew gasps, watching Rain work himself up and down Aether’s cock. He clenches around Swiss in response, picking up his pace and bouncing faster, feeling Swiss’ cock kick inside him.
“Fuck,” Swiss whispers. “Aeth, fuck. Your little Dewdrop’s so fucking tight. So fucking good on my cock.” He reaches out, pries one of Aether’s hands from their vice grip on Rain's hips and guides it to where he’s connected to Dew. “Feel him?”
Aether moans deep and long at the feeling, fingers sliding through the slick mess of Swiss’ cock and Dew’s wet hole as he works himself up and down Swiss’ shaft. He spreads his fingers, feeling how Dew stretches each time he sinks down. Aether feels like he’s being assaulted on all sides. Swiss’ filthy narration and the wet stretch of Dew’s body at the tips of his fingers coupled with the slick sounds of Rain working himself open on Aether’s cock are too much for him.
He shouts, shuddering, and Rain is grabbing his face with both hands and pressing their foreheads together. “Not yet,” he commands, insistent, slowing the roll of his own hips as Aether gasps for air. “Look at me, Aether,” Rain asks, gentle now, Aether opens his eyes, gazes into Rain’s, “Tell me when you’re close, yeah?”
“I’m close, Rain. I’m fucking close,” Aether strains out through gritted teeth. Aether gasps again as he’s suddenly free from the hot, wet clutch of Rain’s body, head tipping back to thump loudly against the headboard as he sucks in lungfuls of air. He turns in time to see Dew nip at Swiss’ lips one last time as he stops bouncing and pulls himself off of Swiss’ cock.
Rain and Dew share a kiss again before rearranging themselves on their backs at the foot of the bed, Dew laid out in front of Aether and Rain in front of Swiss. “C’mere and finish us off,” Dew grins, spreading his thighs and reaching out for Aether. Rain hooks his leg over Dew’s, sitting up on his elbows and beckoning for Swiss to come closer.
Aether crawls over to Dew, settling himself between his legs and running his hands up his parted thighs. He takes himself in his hand and pushes into Dew’s waiting body. He hears Rain whine as Swiss does the same. Aether’s still dangerously close to finishing, so he wastes no time picking up a brutal pace, slamming into Dew with short, sharp thrusts that rock his tiny body into the sheets with each push of his hips. Dew cries out and Rain whines, rocked by similarly powerful thrusts from Swiss. For the first time that night Aether feels in control, and he glances at Swiss who is already grinning back at him. 
Aether tenses as he sees Rain and Dew reaching out to paw at each other, hands running wildly all over each other’s faces and bodies. They come together to share a sloppy kiss, all wet lips and tongues as they fight to maintain the kiss despite getting fucked straight into the mattress. 
“Gonna cum, Rainy,” Dew gasps into Rain’s mouth. “Gonna cum,” And then Rain is reaching over to jack Dew off in time with Aether’s erratic thrusts. Dew gasps, choking on his own breath as he shoots all over his belly, clamping down tight and setting Aether’s own orgasm off. Aether groans as he cums long and hard, filling Dew up with the release he’d been fighting so hard to hold back.
“Fuck, fuck,” Swiss curses, watching Rain slide his fingers through the mess on Dew’s belly, coating his fingers with glistening white and then reaching back to jack himself off with his wet hand. Rain closes his eyes and spreads his legs wider, arching his back off the bed as he jerks himself, whispering “yesyesyes, oh yes,” before he’s cumming too, shooting all over his own heaving chest. Swiss curses again, bends down to brace himself on his hands before fucking, two, three more times into Rain’s spasming body and cumming with a long groan. 
Swiss leans in to bury his face in the crook of Rain’s neck, inhaling deeply as Aether lowers himself down to hold Dew’s face in his hands and kiss him, pushing sweat damp hair off of his forehead. Dew laughs, high pitched and breathless and joyful, reaching up to wrap his arms around Aether’s neck. 
When they pull away, Swiss reaches for Aether, bringing him in with a hand on the back of his head. They kiss, Swiss’ hands tangling into Aether’s sweat damp hair. Swiss pulls back to smirk at Aether, brilliant white fangs flashing.
“Holy fuck,” Swiss jokes, “Well, that was fucking amazing.”
Aether chuckles, but before he can answer he’s cut off by a sharp whine. They turn to see Rain and Dew staring up at them from where they lay. Dew’s running his fingers through the mess between his legs. Trailing a wet finger up the cleft of his ass to push a gob of Aether’s leaking cum back inside himself. Rain, still propped up on his elbows, idly plays with his own mess cooling on his belly. Spreading his fingers to watch it stretch sticky and shiny between them.
“We’re not done yet, though,” Rain speaks for them both again, a saccharine smile spreading across his pretty face. “You got us real dirty. Think you’re gonna need to give us a bath and help us get nice and clean again.”
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