#cavan biggio fic
zackcollins · 3 years
one number away || cavan biggio
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Author's Note: Hi! I'm supposed to be writing a longer fic for a hockey player. But like. I wrote this instead as a way of giving myself something else to focus on so I didn't burn myself out on the other thing by focusing too hard on it. Ya know? Variety is good sometimes. Anyways! GIF credit to anotherhockeypage!
Warnings: There is a mention of a break-in/intruder with a gun. So, if you need to avoid that, that's okay. I have other fics for you to read. There's also mention of the reader whacking said intruder with a baseball bat if you need to avoid that too. And blood if that's something the squicks you. That should be it. Let me know if I missed something though. I'll add whatever I missed!!
Word Count: 2.0k+
Title: One Number Away by Luke Combs
Additional: The reader is gender-neutral! There isn't any appearance description (except mentioning that the intruder is the same stature and height as them. But I left it vague like that so anyone could imagine the intruder being the same build as them lol), but there is the use of the pronouns "they/them" to describe them. I hope that's alright! And I hope you all enjoy this! Let me know what you think because constructive criticism is always welcomed!
Tagging: @whimsical-daydreams
You were at home on a rather quiet night. The night almost seemed too quiet as you sat in front of your television and sipped idly on some coffee. You were watching a baseball game; the Washington Nationals were playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Though, you couldn’t focus on it because you felt anxious about something. Something felt like it was wrong but you couldn’t put your finger on what that was and it was bothering you too much to give your full attention to what was happening on your television screen.
Your cellphone ringing made you startle a little because of how on edge you were. When you saw that the caller ID belonged to your best friend, Cavan Biggio, you relaxed a little. It would be nice to hear his voice because talking to him always calmed your nerves. On top of that, you hadn’t talked for a few days. He had been away with his baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays, on a west coast road trip; you couldn’t get the time difference to match up with your schedules.
"Cavan, hi!" You said cheerfully as soon as you answered the phone. "It's been a few days. How are yuh--"
"Someone broke in and they have a gun," Cavan replied, his voice quiet. You could tell that he had been crying because of how strained his voice sounded. "Please help. I'm terrified."
You felt muscles tense all over your body. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if Cavan was shot and injured… or worse. If you were being honest with yourself, you had slowly fallen in love with Cavan from the time you became friends after meeting by chance after a game you attended in Buffalo a few years ago. And for him to call you while he was in this life-threatening situation… yeah. You didn't have time to process that. Cavan's life was in danger. You could handle it when he was safe.
"I'll be right over, hang tight. And don't try and be a hero," you responded before hanging up the phone.
You rushed around, grabbing a jacket, your shoes, and a baseball bat out of the closet since you didn't own a gun. You didn't know how well a baseball bat would hold up against an intruder with a gun but it was better than having only your bare hands.
The ten-minute drive to Cavan’s house was a blur. The next thing you remembered was seeing the windchimes above Cavan's front door swinging back and forth in the wind through the open doorway. You took a deep breath, grabbed the bat, and stepped out of your car.
You walked into the house as cautiously and as quietly as you could. You didn't want to alert the intruder that you were there, lest anything happen to you and have Cavan be put in even more danger. As you made your way around the house, you checked carefully in every room. You were trying to see if anyone was hiding out behind or under anything. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary but you were only through the first floor of the house.
When you made it upstairs, you saw that the door to Cavan's bedroom was open. You also saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. You tiptoed across the floor, not wanting to alert whoever it was to your presence.
When you got to the door, you saw that the shadow belonged to someone of about your stature and height. They were pointing a gun at Cavan. Cavan was cowering on the bed with his hands up in a defensive posture. He was also chanting "please don't hurt me" while tears streamed down his cheeks.
Without warning, you swung the bat and hit the person with the gun in the side of the head. They crumpled to the floor with a pained groan as they dropped the gun and clutched their head.
They tilted their head a little to look up at you and then flitted their eyes in Cavan's direction.
"Fuck…." The person on the floor groaned as they removed their hand from their head and looked at the blood. "I can see why he married you now."
You twirled the bat in your hands. Glancing over at Cavan, you saw him shake his head vigorously and give you a pleading expression. You nodded back, giving Cavan a compassionate smile.
You took the bat and pointed it out into the hallway. "If you leave right now," you looked menacingly at the person. They were now sitting up so you took the bat and put it under their chin to make them focus on you, "we won't call the police. It's also not our problem how you explain the head wound. You broke into our house and pointed a gun at my husband. I protected him. You can come up with whatever excuse you want, coward."
“Alright, alright,” the person sighed as they got to their feet. They grabbed their gun and tucked it into their waistband before putting their shirt over the top of it. “I’ll get out of your hair.” They dabbed their head with their hand one last time, wiping the blood on their pants. "Sorry for the inconvenience."
With one last glance at you and Cavan, the intruder walked out of the room. You heard them walk down the stairs. A moment later, you heard the front door close with a resounding thud.
You rushed over to where Cavan was on the bed, draping an arm around him. You cradled his head against your chest, allowing him to cry into your shoulder. Against your better judgment, you peppered the top of Cavan’s head with soft kisses. You also mumbled soft words of encouragement and reassurance in an attempt to quash Cavan’s nerves.
It took a few minutes but Cavan eventually stopped crying. He lifted his head. You looked down at him and brushed a stray piece of hair out of his eyes. Cavan smiled, though it looked nervous and hesitant. He grabbed your wrist and directed it down to his lips. He looked up at you with hopeful eyes; you nodded as you took your other hand and brushed a different piece of hair out of his face. Cavan smiled again before he placed a gentle kiss on the inside of your wrist. He ran his thumb along the outside, right over the bone. You took your other hand and cupped Cavan’s face, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
You sat on the bed next to Cavan and turned to face him. You grabbed his face and guided it towards you. Cavan swallowed as his eyes went wide and his cheeks slightly reddened. You smoothed your thumb along his cheekbone, humming in satisfaction as you did. Cavan blushed deeper, bringing his hand up and running it along your wrist.
“Stop me if you don’t want his, alright?” You said.
“Alri--” Cavan started to speak but you stopped him halfway by connecting your lips. Instead, he muffled the rest of the word into your mouth before he started moving his lips fluidly against yours.
As you kissed, you felt Cavan place his hand on your thighs. He ran them across the fabric there before he moved his hands up to your hips. He curved his hands along your hipbones, humming softly when he felt you wiggle against his hands. In retaliation, you brought your hands up and circled your thumbs around his chest. Cavan moaned, twitching on the bed.
"Uh… (Y/N)?" You jumped at the voice of one of Cavan’s teammates, Bo Bichette.
"Yes, Bo?" You asked, standing up off the bed and smoothing out your clothes.
"How'd you get here so fast? Cavan’s neighbour just called me when she saw some sketchy dude walk out the front door."
“I called them first,” Cavan piped up from behind you. You turned to look at him and noticed that his face was cotton candy pink and his hair was strewn all over the place. You swallowed thickly, knowing full well you had done that by kissing him.
Bo scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Leave it to you to realize that you’re in love with someone when an intruder breaks into your house with a gun.”
“Fuck off,” Cavan replied, though there was no heat behind his words. “As if you wouldn’t have called Vladdy first if the same thing happened to you.”
You huffed a bemused breath when you saw the death glare Bo gave Cavan in response. Bo looked at you sideways, though he also had no heat behind his intent. You chuckled bemusedly as you sat next to Cavan on the bed again and put your head on his shoulder. Cavan slung his arm around you, putting his hand on your upper arm and put his other hand on your knee. Bo’s face shifted from the glare of death to fondness as he looked at the pair of you.
“You both appear to be alright,” Bo said. “So I’ll go home now. Unless you want me to stay for a while?”
“No, it’s alright,” you replied, glancing up at Cavan. Cavan looked down at you and nodded before he pressed a kiss to your temple. “We’re fine here. I’m gonna spend the night to make sure he’s okay. We’ll call if we need anything, though.”
“Alright. Keep him safe. He’s known to panic and overthink almost everything.”
“I know, Bo. But thank you for reminding me.”
Bo gave a thumbs up and a soft smile before he walked out of the room. You heard him walk down the stairs, mill around in the foyer for a moment (presumably grabbing his jacket and shoes), and then open and close the front door. After waiting a moment to make sure Bo wasn't coming back, you lifted your head off of Cavan's shoulder and turned to look at him.
Cavan took that opportunity to lean in, pressing his lips softly to yours. You showed no sign of resistance so Cavan kept going. You did, however, melt into the kiss, cupping Cavan's cheek. You loved this feeling of kissing Cavan; you wished you never had to stop. You were enveloped in Cavan's cologne. It was a scent you didn't know the name of but it smelled vaguely of the ocean. It was something that had always been very soothing to you because the beach had been a happy place for you growing up; seeing the waves crashing the shore was very relaxing for you.
When you pulled back, Cavan wrapped you in a hug. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. You stayed like that for a moment, Cavan, sniffling softly into the crease of your shoulder and neck. When they pulled back, Cavan looked you in the eyes. His eyes were slightly wet and his cheeks had small tear tracks on them.
"I thought you'd never do that." Cavan smiled, his teeth slightly showing. It made him look so damn adorable to you.
You smiled back, a small blush creeping across your face. "I was just waiting for the right moment." You replied as you wiped away the tear stains on Cavan's cheeks.
Cavan smiled again, rubbing his thumb over your wrist. You blushed harder. Getting your feelings reciprocated was the best feeling in the world. I made you feel like a teenager that was just understanding what love was again. You also felt so alive, like you had finally discovered who you were and what you wanted. It was liberating.
"Hey, Cavan?" You grabbed Cavan's attention by tilting his face to look at you. Cavan looked expectantly at you, raising an eyebrow in anticipation. "How about I just never leave after I spend the night tonight? Somebody needs to protect the house while you're away. And we're dating now, so..."
Cavan smiled, wrapping you in a giant hug. He was smiling as he pulled back.
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zackcollins · 4 years
blue jays on the radio || b. bichette/c. biggio
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Author’s Note: As you all may know, I write hockey fics. What some of you may not know is that baseball is my other true love when it comes to sports. That’s why I had to write something based upon this. I just had to. It would be a crime not to. This is my first time writing something for baseball, so please be gentle on me. GIF credit to austonandersen!!
Warning: Nothing, I don’t think. Feel free to let me know if you disagree though. I’ll add a warning for anything you think deserves one.
Word Count: 1.4k+
Title: Soggy Bottom Summer by Dean Brody (I will not be taking comments about it at this time)
Additional: If you found this by Googling yourself, are in this yourself, or know someone in this, please click back. No harm was meant in the creation of this fic. It’s purely fictional and for fun. That being said, I hope you enjoy this!
Cavan’s brain was running rampant with emotions. He was elated that he was headed to the postseason in the Major Leagues. This had been a dream of his for as long as he could remember. He was exhausted from having played a full baseball game. His body ached but he didn’t much care because of the circumstances surrounding the end of the game. In his mind, that made the exhaustion and the body aches worth it.
As everyone was sequestered into the middle of the infield for a photo, Bo laid down and put his head on Cavan’s lap. Cavan froze, unsure of how to proceed. His brain was turning on all cylinders in an attempt to produce a coherent thought.
After a few moments of panic, Cavan regained composure of himself and jostled Bo’s shoulders, screaming excitedly in his face. Bo laughed and screamed back, crossing his arms over his chest at the sudden movement of his body. Cavan patted Bo’s chest, exhaling in relief.
Lourdes leaned over from Bo’s left, patting Bo’s chest and screaming something in Spanish that Cavan couldn’t quite understand. Bo laughed again, head falling backwards onto Cavan’s lap a moment later. Cavan squeezed his eyes shut, exhaling heavily through his nose. When he opened his eyes, Lourdes was looking directly at him, a smirk on his face.
“What,” Cavan asked, keeping his voice quiet.
“You know none of us will care, right,” Lourdes said, cryptically.
Cavan raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. Lourdes sighed and raked his hands down his face. 
“I’ve seen the way you look at him.” Lourdes motioned to Bo, who had turned his attention to Teoscar on his right. “I look at my wife the same way.”
“Lourdes, I—“
“Save it, Cavan. I don’t care if you’re attracted to men. I only care that you’re being an idiot about your attraction to one specific man.”
Heat rose in Cavan’s cheeks as he sat there. He looked over at Bo. Bo was swatting hands and laughing happily with Danny who had migrated over from where he had been sitting. Cavan felt more heat rise on his face, reaching as far as the tips of his ears. His face was burning red-hot as he looked back at Lourdes.
Lourdes reached over and squeezed Cavan’s shoulder. Cavan relaxed, sighing in defeat. He brought his hands up and raked them down his face. Lourdes reached up and ruffled Cavan’s hair before he stood. He looked at Cavan and then cast a glance at Bo before he walked towards the dugout, yelling excitedly at everyone in his path.
Cavan raked another hand down his face before he looked down at Bo. He squished his hand into Bo’s face, making Bo shift his attention away from Danny and over to Cavan. Danny glanced at Cavan and quickly smirked before standing and chasing Alejandro over to the dugout for a hug.
“Can…” Cavan started, pausing to swallow a nervous lump. “Can we talk after everything has settled down?”
Bo gave Cavan a sideways glance but nodded.
“Yeah, man,” Bo said. “Whatever you need.”
Cavan smiled, ruffling Bo’s hair before he pushed Bo forward far enough to allow himself to stand up. Bo grumbled a little bit but Cavan stopped the grumbling when he offered Bo a helping hand to get him off the field. Bo smiled, gripping Cavan’s hand firmly as they worked together to get Bo on his feet.
Once Bo was standing, he continued to hold Cavan’s hand. Cavan, wanting to test the waters, squeezed Bo’s hand gently. Bo squeezed back almost immediately. When Cavan dared to look at Bo, he had a soft expression on his face. Cavan felt a ball of nerves form in his stomach. Seeing Bo acting carefree and soft made Cavan want to reach out and brush that one stray piece of hair out of Bo’s face. It made Cavan want to pull Bo in for a hug, a hug that meant something entirely different than the one they had shared five minutes before. He wanted to pull Bo in for a kiss to show how proud he was of him. To show how much he loved him. 
How much he loved him.
Cavan wasn’t sure when that became the truth but there was no denying it now. He was in love with Bo Bichette and he had to do something about it.
“Come with me,” Cavan said, dragging Bo through the crowd of their teammates towards the dugout.
“Where are we going,” Bo asked.
Cavan didn’t answer. All he did was guide himself and Bo through the dugout and down through the tunnel towards the clubhouse.
Once they were in the clubhouse, Cavan directed Bo towards the trainer’s room. He triple-checked to make sure no one was there or on their way there before he closed the door. Bo gave Cavan a sideways glance as he hopped up to sit on one of the examination tables. Cavan hopped up beside Bo, leaning his head against Bo’s shoulder.
“I know I said I wanted to talk later,” Cavan said. “But I changed my mind and decided I couldn’t wait.”
Bo lifted Cavan’s head from his shoulder and turned it towards him. Cavan swallowed thickly when he saw the blank expression on Bo’s face. It never failed to amaze Cavan how well Bo could handle his emotions. It scared him sometimes, quite frankly.
“What is it, man,” Bo said, voice steady. “You look scared as hell.”
“I’m in love with you,” Cavan said, burying his head in the crook of Bo’s neck.
A sudden wave of emotions overcame Cavan. Tears fell from his eyes and onto Bo’s shirt. He sniffled a few times, shifting around to get as comfortable as he could at the awkward angle.
“Cav, Bige, hey,” Bo said, pulling Cavan’s head back and up to look at him.
Cavan sniffled a couple of times as Bo wiped away the tear stains on Cavan’s cheeks. Bo squeezed Cavan’s cheeks, leaning forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Cavan’s brain short-circuited at that. He sat there, staring helplessly at Bo.
“I’m in love with you too,” Bo said, running his hand through Cavan’s hair. “Why do you think I chose your lap to lay in?”
A small smile broke out on Cavan’s face.
Cavan reached out, brushing away that stray piece of hair that was in Bo’s face. Bo hummed, smiling softly. Cavan brought his hand down, cupping Bo’s cheek. Bo hummed again, leaning into the touch.
“Stop me if you don’t want this,” Cavan mumbled, before leaning forward and pressing his lips to Bo’s.
Bo kissed back almost immediately, making Cavan relax.
As they kissed, Cavan felt butterflies dancing in his stomach. Everything about this kiss felt right. It felt even better than any kiss Cavan could’ve ever imagined having with Bo. It was everything he could’ve hoped for and then some.
“It’s about fucking time.”
Cavan jolted backwards, nearly falling off the examination table in his haste.
When Cavan turned his attention toward the direction the voice had come from, he saw Randal standing there. He was holding a heating pack to his back and wearing a giant grin on his face. 
“How obvious was I,” Cavan asked, burying his head in his hands.
Randal chuckled as he walked across the room, sitting on the examination table beside Bo and Cavan.
“On a scale of one to ten,” Randal asked; Cavan nodded. “About thirteen. It’s a miracle Bo didn’t notice.”
Bo blushed, rubbing a hand along the back of his neck. 
“Then again,” Randal pointed at Bo, “you were no better. You were also about thirteen on the obviously-in-love-with-my-teammate meter.”
Cavan and Bo looked at each other, awkward smiles on their faces. Randal dropped the heating pack on his examination table before reaching over and squeezing a shoulder each on Bo and Cavan.
“Birds of a feather, flock together,” Randal said, smiling. “In this case, the two birds are Blue Jays that were too idiotic to see that the other was in love with them until someone nudged one of them off the diamond.”
Cavan kicked Randal’s shin, to which Randal smirked and ruffled Cavan’s hair. 
Bo grabbed Cavan’s hand, placing them atop Cavan’s knee. Cavan smiled at Bo, reaching over and brushing another stray hair out of his face. 
Not caring that Randal was sitting right there, Cavan leaned forward and pressed his lips against Bo’s. Bo hummed softly into the kiss, following along with Cavan’s slow, methodical pace.
When the two pulled back, Randal was still sitting there, though he had a soft smile on his face. He reached over and squeezed their shoulders again.
“Let’s win this thing,” Randal said.
Cavan squeezed Bo’s hand, looking at him fondly. He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Bo’s forehead, mumbling softly against it.
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zackcollins · 4 years
when you cry, i cry with you || b.bichette/c. biggio
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Author’s Note: I'm back with another fic about these two! This is my way of coping with the fact that they got knocked out of the playoffs. Everyone's got there ways of coping and apparently mine is to write fanfiction. GIF credit to austonandersen!
Warnings: I don’t know if this is really a warning but I’ll include it here just to be safe. I watched an interview that Cavan did and an interview that Bo did to help myself cope a little as well. I realized something about Cavan after watching his interview. He acts and talks very similarly to the way I act and talk. Maybe I'm projecting, but it felt nice to see myself in someone like him. I hope I did a well enough job trying to portray that into his characterization for this fic. I may have the issue I was trying to characterize but I've never been the best at portraying my own issues onto characters. Let me know if I can improve anything!
Word Count: 1.2k+
Title: Cry With You by Hunter Hayes
Additional: If you found this by Googling yourself, are in this yourself, or know someone in this, please click back. No harm was meant in the creation of this fic. It's fictional and purely as way to help me, and anyone else that needs it, cope with the unceremonious end to the season. Everything aside, I hope you enjoy this!
Cavan felt defeated. He had worked his entire career to make it to the postseason in the Major Leagues only for it to end so abruptly. All he wanted to do was cry.
 When the team made it back to their hotel, Cavan was barely inside the elevator before tears started to prickle the corners of his eyes. Randal, Joe, Travis, and Lourdes were in the elevator with Cavan and all of them seemed too engrossed in their cellphones to notice the tear stains on Cavan’s cheeks. Cavan was extremely grateful for that. He was in no mood to discuss how he was feeling.
 As soon as the elevator opened onto the team’s floor, Cavan pushed his way through his teammates. Randal grunted but didn’t say anything in protest. Cavan apologized anyways before hurrying off down the hallway towards his room.
 Cavan fumbled his keycard a few times before he finally tapped it against the card reader. When the indicator turned green, Cavan swung the door open and entered the room. He barely made it beyond the entryway before he collapsed onto the sofa and started sobbing.
 He laid on the sofa, sobbing until his head began to ache. When he sat up after what felt like an eternity, his head began to spin. Cavan had to grip the armrest to keep from falling face-first onto the carpet.
 Cavan startled at the voice. He hadn’t heard anyone else enter the room. He didn’t even know anyone else had a keycard.
 “Bo.” Cavan raised an eyebrow when he saw who was in the room. “Where did you come from?”
 “Next door.” Bo motioned to the wall behind him. “I opened the connecting door when I heard you crying. I wanted to see if you were alright, man.”
 Bo stood from the chair and walked over to sit beside Cavan on the sofa. He made a move to grab Cavan’s hand, but Cavan recoiled it.
 “Not…” Cavan sighed. “Not right now.”
 “Sensory overload from everything that’s happened tonight?”
 Cavan nodded, running his hands along his thighs. After a moment, he tapped his fingers against his knees before folding his arms in his lap.
 “My brain is on max capacity,” Cavan said, bringing a hand up and knocking it against his temple. “And I’m not sure what to do to turn it off.”
 “Netflix,” Bo said, standing and walking towards Cavan’s suitcase.
 He pulled out Cavan’s laptop and set it up on the coffee table in front of the sofa before sitting back down beside Cavan. When Cavan saw that Bo had selected Atypical as the show, he smiled.
 “Thank you,” Cavan mumbled. “This is my favourite show. I like—“
 “I know, man. You like Sam because he’s a lot like you,” Bo said, chuckling.
 “Oh. How many times have I told you that?”
 “Several. But it doesn’t bother me. It makes me happy to see you excited about things.”
 Cavan blushed, smiling softly as he focused on the laptop screen.
 The longer they sat and watched the show, the more relaxed Cavan was starting to feel. The stress of not being good enough at the plate. The stress of losing the game. The stress of being knocked out of the playoffs. The stress of being knocked out of the playoffs so early. The stress of being knocked out of the Major League playoffs for the first time in his career. The stress of the circumstances surrounding the season. It was all decompressing from his brain as he sat here and watched Atypical with Bo. This show always helped him calm down from any sort of stress. It helped him feel like he deserved to be in the Major Leagues because people like him were just as important as people that weren’t like him.
 Since Cavan was starting to decompress, he had started inching closer and closer to Bo on the sofa. He was ready to cuddle Bo but Cavan wanted to ease himself into it to be on the safe side.
 When Cavan finally dropped his head against Bo’s shoulder, Bo didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around Cavan. Bo pulled Cavan closer, bringing Cavan’s hand up and pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
 “Your brain finally shut off, huh,” Bo said, not looking away from the laptop.
 “Yeah,” Cavan replied. “Thank you for coming over and checking on me, Bo. I appreciate it.”
 “I’m your boyfriend, man. It’s my job to make sure that you’re alright.”
 Cavan hummed, pressing a kiss to the underside of Bo’s chin. Bo chuckled and ran a hand through Cavan’s hair. Cavan smiled and placed his hand on Bo’s chest.
 “You know that I love you, right,” Cavan said looking up at Bo.
 Cavan felt Bo’s heartbeat pick up underneath his hand. Cavan felt his brain start to fill with anxiety again, unsure if that reaction was positive or negative.
 When Bo didn’t say anything, Cavan felt tears prickle the corners of his eyes. He made to move off of Bo’s shoulder but Bo grabbed Cavan’s head and held Cavan in place. Cavan had tears in his eyes as he glanced up at Bo.
 Bo ran his fingers through Cavan’s hair softly, holding his other hand on top of the hand that Cavan had over Bo’s heart. Cavan felt his brain relax, anxiety starting to wash away.
 After a few minutes of running his fingers through Cavan’s hair, Bo pressed a soft kiss to the top of Cavan’s head. He whispered a few words that Cavan couldn’t understand before he lifted Cavan’s head so they were looking at each other in the eyes.
 Cavan blinked when he saw tear stains on Bo’s cheeks. He reached out and wiped them away. Bo hummed, leaning into the touch. Cavan kissed Bo’s forehead, brushing a piece of hair out of his face.
 “Yes, I knew,” Bo said. “For ages.”
 “Why’re you crying, then,” Cavan asked, grabbing Bo’s hands and rubbing the pulse points on his wrists.
 “You’re not very good with emotions, so it feels nice to hear you say it.”
 Instead of replying, Cavan leaned forward and pressed his lips to Bo’s. Bo hummed, kissing back almost immediately. Bo brought his hands up to cup Cavan’s face and Cavan brought his hands down to grip Bo’s shoulders.
 They kissed for what felt like forever before they pulled back, panting and gasping for air. Bo brushed some hair out of Cavan’s face and Cavan brushed some hair out of Bo’s face.
 Bo kissed Cavan’s forehead before he draped his arm around Cavan and pulled Cavan’s head down against his chest. Cavan hummed when he felt Bo’s heartbeat against his temple.
 “This feels nice,” Cavan mumbled.
 Bo replied by running his fingers through Cavan’s hair, gently massaging Cavan’s scalp as he went. Cavan sighed happily, closing his eyes at the feeling.
 The longer Bo continued his actions, the sleepier Cavan was becoming. He let out a soft yawn, wiggling closer to Bo.
 “Go to sleep, man,” Bo said. “I don’t mind.”
 Cavan nodded as best he could given his current position.
 It was only a few moments later that Cavan felt himself drifting off to sleep. The last thing his conscious brain registered was Bo mumbling softly into his hair.
 “You know that I love you, too, right, man?”
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jimothystu · 2 years
Friends Don't - Bo x Jess Part 1
Hello, hello
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Title: Hello Hello by Elton John Word count: 1.2k Warnings/notes: No warnings except there may be errors or whatever. But here's the first part of my Bo x OC fic! The summary of the whole thing can be found here, and background information about the fic and my OC can be found here. Oh, and the title of this story is Friends Don't because this entire story is pretty much based on one song called Friends Don't by Maddie and Tae.
Tag list: (I'm just going to tag the peeps who said they wanted to be tagged in my other fics and peeps who said they wanted to read this, but if you'd rather not be tagged in these, let me know!!) @donttelltheelff, @bodacious-bichette, @lam-ila, @erikkallgren, @lclb13, @brook-luvs-bluejays
Jessoca Stone wrapped her bathrobe around herself and let her wet hair out of its towel, the brown locks falling over her shoulders. She put her glasses on and went out to the hall, making her way to the den. She sang softly to herself as she passed by the living room.
A figure on the sofa caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.
Pausing, Jess looked over, expecting to see Cavan. “Didn’t think you—” She trailed off when she realized the figure was, in fact, not Cavan.
A man around Cavan’s age with dark hair down to his shoulders sat, having looked up from his phone to look at her.
She instantly recognized him as Bo Bichette: Cavan’s friend and teammate.
Heat rushed to Jess’s face. She wrapped her arms around herself. “Um. Hi.”
Bo looked at her with an amused, but small, smile on his face. “Hi.”
Then she heard a muffled voice coming from the balcony. Looking over, Jess saw Cavan on the phone, pacing back and forth.
“I uh… didn’t think Cav would be back…” She frowned and looked back at Bo, feeling flustered. “And definitely not with company…”
“He forgot something,” Bo said with a shrug. He raised his eyebrows at her in question.
Nodding, she tightened her robe around herself, hyperaware of the fact that she was wearing nothing but a bathrobe in front of Bo freaking Bichette. Of course she knew who he was—Cavan was a family friend so Jess had seen numerous Blue Jays games in Toronto and on the TV. As such, she knew who most of the team was.
“Oh!” she said, suddenly realizing he had no idea who she was and why she was half-naked in Cavan Biggio’s apartment. “I’m Jess. Jessica Stone. I’m uh, Cavan’s friend.”
Bo stood and held out a hand. “Bo Bichette.”
“I know,” she said as she took his hand, blushing harder at how weird that sounded. “I mean—I’ve seen you play. With Cavan. He talks about you a lot.”
“All good things, I hope,” Bo mused.
“Mostly,” Jess said with a meek smile, pulling her hand back.
“Cav mentioned who you were, but he had to duck out for a call before he said much more than your name and the fact that you’re staying with him for a little bit,” Bo told her, folding his arms over his chest casually.
Jess nodded slightly. “Well, I’m just staying here until I find a place of my own.”
Bo regarded her with a curious expression. “How do you two know each other?”
“Our parents have known each other for years, so Cav and I kind of grew up together. Until my family and I moved up to Canada when I was fourteen.”
Bo nodded. “Have you been to Toronto before?”
Jess smiled and nodded. “Oh yeah, a few times. Even to a few Blue Jays games.”
Bo grinned. “How well do you know the area?”
“Not as well as I’d like,” she admitted. “When I’ve visited I mostly just stayed right downtown.”
“Well, maybe I can show you around sometime if Cavan hasn’t already done that.” He tilted his head to the side and offered a smile.
Jess smiled back, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered. “I’d like that.”
Cavan stepped inside, pocketing his phone. “Sorry, that was—oh, hey Jess.”
Looking over, Jess smiled slightly. “Hey. Bo and I were just getting acquainted.”
Cavan raised his eyebrow. “In your bathrobe?”
Jess’s cheeks pinkened again. “Well I didn’t think anyone was home…”
“We got back a little while ago,” Cavan said, heading to the kitchen. “Nice singing, by the way.”
If her cheeks weren’t already pink, they certainly were now. “Oh god, you heard? I’m sorry.”
Bo laughed. “Why are you sorry? You have a nice voice.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled awkwardly.
Taking a water bottle out of the fridge, Cavan said, “Do you want to head to the field with us? You could hang out while we train.”
“Would that be okay?” she asked.
Cavan shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You’re my guest, so you can come into the clubhouse until the game. Just so long as you don’t get in the way of practice.”
She smiled, excitement bubbling in her chest. While she’d been to multiple games over the past few years, she’d never been in the clubhouse of the Rogers Centre. It would be nice to meet some of Cavan’s other friends and teammates. “If you’re sure it’s all right, then I’d love to come along," she said.
Bo smirked at her. “You can have the full tour.”
She smiled shyly. “Sounds like fun. I uh, just have to get dressed.”
“Take your time,” said Cavan, who was preparing a snack.
Jess hurried to the den and shut the door.
Looking at herself in the small mirror on the wall, Jess sighed. “Of course Cav had to bring over a friend. And of freaking course I had to be half-naked in front of them.”
She shook her head slowly as she began to get dressed. Living with and near Cavan and his team was going to be an experience, she knew that much.
On their way to the Rogers Centre, Cavan and Bo talked about stuff Jess couldn’t really contribute to. Things like game plans and inside jokes about the team.
She didn’t mind, though. She was enjoying listening to them chat and laugh with each other. She was just happy to be in Toronto with new people and new experiences ahead of her.
Bo’s laugh trailed off. He glanced at Jess, who was walking on Cavan’s other side. “So what brings you to Toronto?”
She looked away from the busy street and to Bo. “I just finished school and I wanted to go somewhere new,” she said with a shrug.
Bo nodded. “What did you study?”
“Literature and journalism,” she replied. “It wasn’t professional baseball, but I enjoyed them.”
Cavan laughed softly. “Enjoyed them? Please, every family gathering you attended in the past four years involved you recommending some piece of literature. Face it, Jess: you’re a nerd.”
She smiled softly, looking down to her feet. “Maybe a little.”
“I’ve been meaning to read more,” Bo said, “maybe you can recommend something sometime?”
Her smile widened. “I’d love to.”
“Oh no, now you’ve done it,” Cavan teased.
Jess rolled her eyes playfully and Bo laughed.
“What do you want to do now that you’re done school?” Bo asked as they rounded a corner.
“I’m not sure,” Jess admitted. “I’d love to be a freelance journalist, I’m just not entirely sure what area of journalism I want to go into.”
“Become a sports journalist,” Bo suggested with a smile.
Jess smiled, too. “I had thought of that, actually.”
Cavan slung his arm around her shoulders. “Our own personal journalist.”
“Isn’t that Hazel Mae?” Jess asked.
Cavan shrugged. “Nah. She’s pretty close with all of us, but she works for Sportsnet, not us.”
Jess nodded. “I don’t think teams have their own journalists, Cav.”
“You could be the first,” he mused.
“Maybe.” She smiled, but she doubted that would happen. Still, it was a nice thought.
She leaned against Cavan as they walked, relishing in the feeling of his arm over her shoulders. It had been too long since she and Cavan had had the chance to spend time together, and she was thrilled at the opportunity to live with him for a little while. She'd missed him. She just hoped she'd get along with his friends. But, she thought, if her interactions with Bo thus far were any indication of how things would go, she'd be just fine.
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