#cecilia smith
crush-like-that · 1 year
year: 1991 When the Mayer family moved to Willow Creek: July 1988 When Cecilia moved to Willow Creek: September 1990 When Mason moved to Willow Creek: August 1991 ----- When Cecilia moved in, the Mayers went over to give her some cookies and feel welcome. There wasn't any more talk after that, aside from the occasional wave hello and small talk when mail was accidentally delivered to the wrong address. Jonathan has always enjoyed seeing one of her columns being featured in the newspaper. When Mason moved in, Jonathan got very excited to see another kid his age in the neighborhood- albeit, there are others, but they're all pretentious. He went over and offered to help Mason move his things in, and the two clicked immediately. ----- Jonson (jonathanxmason) playlist here ----- Jonson pinterest board here -----
Jonathan's favorite movies: Back to the Future, The Shining, Stand By Me, Dead Poets Society, The Thing, The Princess Bride, Grease, It, The Silence of the Lambs, The Outsiders
Mason's favorite movies: E.T., Raiders of the Lost Arc, The Thing, The Princess Bride, Grease, Romancing the Stone, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The Breakfast Club -----
Jonathan's hobbies: Listening to music, playing guitar (has been playing since he was 8), playing violin (has been playing since he was 5), piano (has been playing since he was 11), writing (just started recently), photography (less of a hobby, more of a sentimental act), skating/skateboarding (has been doing it since he was 11) playing video games (less important to him, but he enjoys it nonetheless)
Mason's hobbies: Art (has been doing it for as long as he can remember), listening to music, reviewing his sister's articles (not that he's any help with editing), rollerblading/skating (just picked it up recently, but he isn't too bad), playing video games (often what he's doing when he's not drawing), going on walks (for inspiration for paintings) -----
Jonathan's favorite bands: The Smiths, Tears for Fears, Chet Baker, Etta James
Mason's favorite bands: ABBA, Queen, David Bowie -----
Voices for all these guys in the tags of this post
Will be added to! Will be creating mood boards for every character! Story will be deepened!
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mirroredmemoriez · 5 months
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fishnetinsides · 9 months
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shawnee smith #1 amandacecilia shipper iktr
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iamdieterbravo · 1 year
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i actually love them so much…
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in-love-with-movies · 2 years
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Encanto (2021)
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clemssigss · 7 days
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wanna listen to morrissey? 💿
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saw x behind the scenes
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“i’m getting pretty used to being the one that you always ignore” 🎀
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sp4c3ch33ri0 · 11 months
The best scene from saw x. I am.lossng. mynidn
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stabbyapologist · 11 months
Amanda fucking around on the roof of Pederson's house is funny to me.
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paper-gold-theories · 11 months
Flug: Yeah, before we make this official, I should probably tell you...You're not my first crush.
GoldHeart: What?
Flug: Before I got to know you, I was so ruthless in attacking you in our fights when we first met because I had a crush on a girl who had a crush on you and I'm really sorry for that.
GoldHeart: ...
GoldHeart: What's her name and social security number?
Flug: Nope, you're gonna kill her.
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crush-like-that · 1 year
Cecilia Smith: Independent and cheery. Always wears a warm smile, but isn't afraid to put you in your place. Sarcastic and snarky, a bit rude if you really pay attention, but her sweet exterior makes it hard to see this. She never got along with her parents, got emancipated as soon as possible, she didn't have the most stable living situation for a while but, once she did, she had Mason move in with her. Works in journalism and is slowly make her way higher in the newspaper columns. Wealthy parents but prefers to make and use her own money. - 5'7, dark auburn hair, brown eyes, 26-y-o Cecelia's birthday: October 22nd, 1965
Mason Thomas Smith: Quiet, tends to keep to himself. He doesn't like talking to people, much less about his emotions. Despite that, he tends to wear his heart on his sleeve. How he feels is quite obvious in the way he speaks, expressions he makes, and his body language. The only person he's ever truly gotten along with is his sister, even then they bicker alot. He spends most of his time painting and playing chess, and he tends to have music playing in the background. He loves art, but he is seriously lacking a muse. He's been searching his whole life for that one thing that will make everything click into place, make all of his art glow, but he hasn't found it (or has he?). Oh, and he loves ABBA- 6'0, blonde, hazel eyes, 16-y-o Mason's birthday: November 12th, 1975
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mirroredmemoriez · 9 months
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fishnetinsides · 9 months
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antronaut · 6 months
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The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer, Orchestrator, Ethnographer, Choreographer, Poet, Archivist, Forger, Curator, and Many Other Things First.
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sirianasims · 8 months
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Chapter 32
Never Grow Up
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Less than a year later, Samuel and I were married.
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The wedding was everything I’d dreamed of. I’m sure our parents would happily have paid for an enormous wedding if we’d asked them to. But that wasn’t our style.
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All I wanted was a small, intimate affair with our closest friends and family while I said ‘I do’ to the love of my life. We rented the Myshuno Observatory. It almost felt like my grandma Cora was with us in spirit.
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Even Charlie showed up. I knew it meant a lot to Samuel, although his brother couldn’t stay for long.
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At least he was there for the ceremony, and he came over to congratulate us afterwards.
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He said he had a flight to catch, his band was on tour at the moment. I suspected that he was also trying to avoid talking to Colten and Kailani.
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I wondered if Charlie actually preferred his solitude, or if he secretly wanted to be a bigger part of his family than he was.
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I was grateful that I got along with my own family, especially my sister Grace. I couldn’t believe that she would be starting high school after the summer, it felt like yesterday that I’d taught her how to cross the monkey bars in our backyard.
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By the time Grace and I headed inside for the reception, Charlie was gone and Kailani was talking to Jessica. Jessica had volunteered to do the decorations, beautiful blush-coloured roses everywhere, my favourite.
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We kept the wedding alcohol-free for my dad, and Griffin and Daria had offered to do all the food for us as a wedding gift. It was impressive, the entire menu was vegan since Griffin had also stopped eating meat after his first visit to the cadaver lab during medical training. I didn’t blame him, it sounded horrific. Samuel hadn’t seemed as bothered.
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Over by the cake, Conrad was making my dad and Cecilia crack up with outrageous anecdotes. It was strange to see my parents interact with each other. It had happened before, of course, they had celebrated my birthday together a few times when I was younger, but I couldn’t remember if they had been in the same room since my mom and Conrad moved to Del Sol Valley.
Looking at the four of them now, it was impossible to tell that things had ever been bad between my parents. Still, I couldn’t imagine two people less likely to work out. They both had a certain desperation to them, and they both needed someone to temper them, not stoke the flames.
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Conrad, with his extravagant approach to life, gave my mother a safe outlet, a way to release all that intensity so she didn’t blow up.
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Cecilia, kind but unwavering, calmed my father down and turned his particular brand of chaos into something less destructive.
But who was I?
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Was I like my dad, prone to holding on in an attempt to do the right thing until I finally self-destructed?
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Or was I more like my mother, desperately trying to make people love me until I gave up and left them in the dust?
I needed to do better than both of them. I wanted everything to work out. I shook my head lightly, trying to chase away the dark thoughts. This was my wedding day, why was I only thinking about disaster?
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I went to find Samuel. He pulled me close and kissed me.
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This was what I needed. My husband.
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Samuel would temper me, like Conrad and Cecilia tempered my parents.
We would be fine.
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By the time we were back in our bed that night, I was both exhausted and deliriously happy.
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I took Samuel’s hand, marvelling at the ring on his finger.
“I can’t believe we’re actually married.”
He sent me a mischievous smile.
“Me neither. But you better let go of my hand. I need it for something.”
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I was glad that we’d had some practice over the last year, otherwise I might have chickened out of my wedding night completely.
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Samuel was gentle, always making sure that I was satisfied.
A small part of me wished he’d be a little less restrained, that he would lose himself in it, the same way he made me lose myself, but it was still good.
beginning / previous / next
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