#cedric price
garadinervi · 3 months
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Cedric Price, Generator: Plan showing intensity of screens and enclosures, (reprographic copy with red and black ink), 1976-1980 [Cedric Price fonds, Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture / Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. © Cedric Price / CCA]
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gbreferences · 6 months
Cedric Price Fun Palace
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cinnamoodles · 2 months
smut is great but do you know what’s better? heart wrenching, soul twisting angst that makes you want to cry (take my money)
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) - Australian Daybill
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Niche thing I found out about ,apparently in the 50's there were records called Co Star which were games where you could perform a scene opposite big name stars
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So if you wanted to act beside Cedric Hardwicke doing Macbeth or Vincent Price doing Importance of Being Ernest,here ya go
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @makingboneboy
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goldenlilium-ocs · 1 year
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
bi visibility:
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bi invisibility:
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dementedfilament · 7 months
Rattling brought the candles to a tremble, then rocked the entire room. A few of the alumni gasped as they peered around frantically.
Holding himself together, John tapped on Cherry’s shoulder. “Hey. Could you, uh, hold onto this for me?”
“Huh, why?”
He presented a small slip of paper with writing foreign to them both. “I, uh…I’m afraid of tearing it. My hands are shaking. See?”
“Oh, I do see!” She firmly held the paper in her fingers. “Okay! I’ll be really careful with it! Promise!”
“Thanks. And…I forgot. What was your name again? I'm John Isaac De Cartes.”
“Nice to meet you! I’m Cherry! Cherry Price!”
“Nice to meet you too.”
Cedric quickly lifted his candle and released a puff, casting the claustrophobic room in darkness. Then, he laced a beaded necklace around his hands and began chanting a different string of words—a language that only Hestia (and to some degree, Lilith and Maggie) was familiar with.
The very ground itself felt as though it was rumbling. Banging upon the paper walls erupted from every angle, nearly drowning out the voice of the witch heading them all. Candles began toppling, sending the alumni to cling onto one another for balance and comfort as the sudden chill of the room crawled up their spines.
Cedric’s voice grew louder. Combatting it again was the sound of paper tearing as decayed fingers mercilessly clawed through. The moans of vengeful dead poured through the fresh tears.
As they were warned prior to the evening, the group all held onto their screams for dear life.
“Those are the last humans!” Eulalia cried behind the bloodthirsty horde. “Stop them and bring them to the plaza!”
Cedric’s face tightened as his chant sped up. Without breaking the circle, Clarissa jumped up and clasped a hand over Alina’s mouth as an arm burst through the wall and grasped for her. Decayed, blood-shot eyes peaked through the holes as more fingers scratched and shredded the thin paper barrier.
Eulalia emitted a pained growl. “Enough! Silence the witch!”
The smell of decay and stray flame permeated the freezing air. The assault on the walls didn’t cease in the slightest, but grew even more desperate behind Cedric. Sweat beaded on his face.
Without a word, Lilith signaled to Maggie, and they both placed a hand over his ears.
“Stop!” Eulalia commanded in a strained scream. “Stop this at once!”
Rising his words above the commotion, Cedric then raised the necklace above his head. A hidden blade slipped out of the handle on the end, and he pierced the ground before him.
Agonized roars deafened their senses. One by one, the beads exploded around the necklace until only the thread and dagger were left behind.
One last phrase came from under his breath.
Then, silence.
Only the distant destruction of the city surrounded them now.
As those holding their breath steadied their hearts, the witch released his grip on the knife and collapsed.
Scaretober 2023
Brisk Wind on a Dark Trail
Midnight Moon
Gargoyle's Watch
Cold Stones in the Fog
Spirits Rising
Haunted House
Witching Hour
Bubbling Cauldron
Spider Silk
Fangs or Talons
An Offering of Blood
Dark Ritual
Spook Scary Skeletons
Carnivàle Morte
Still-Beating Heart
Sharpened Blade
Looming Shadows
The Devil's Hand
Reflection in the Mirror
Rusted Chains
Precious Jewels
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musesonstage · 7 months
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pollocklegacy · 2 years
Newcrest High Homecoming Game
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in game: September 23, 2025
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garadinervi · 3 months
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Cedric Price, Activity compatibility, (ink over electrostatic print on paper), 1977(?) [Cedric Price fonds, Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture / Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. © Cedric Price / CCA]
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Zur Abwechslung mal ein Bibelschinken. Mr. de Mille erzählt in seinem letzten Film ein bisschen zu ausladend (Um uns mitzuteilen: ”Aber es gibt eine Pause” erscheint er persönlich am Anfang), aber schön, die Geschichte des muskelbepackten Propheten und vormaligem Prinz von Ägypteses, der im Namen eines namenlosen Gottes, der die Macht hat, die Frisur der Leute, die in seinem Gegenwart stehen, zu verändern (wenn man ehrlich ist, ist die vorher aber vorteilhafter), und vor keinem Spezialeffekt zurückschreckt, um Ungläubige oder das goldene Kalb anbetende Leute von seiner Allmacht zu überzeugen. Moses teilt spektakulär das rote Meer und bringt seinem Volk mittels hochmoderner Gesteinfräsetechnik erstellte Gesetzestafeln, wählt aber einen Umweg, der sie noch 40 Jahre kostet, was man bei allem guten Willen als Zeichen außerordentlicher Orientierungslosigkeit werten könnte, ihm aber Gelegenheit gibt, noch einen wirkungsmächtigen fünfteiligen Bestseller zu schreiben. Alles ist genau so passiert.
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cinnamoodles · 1 month
seeing your own post in top fics is literally WHIPLASH… what do you mean people like what i’ve posted?? they’ve shared it?? blasphemy!!
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) R-1948
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myjealouseyes · 6 months
Things about wolfstar daughter I’ve imagined in my head but haven’t had the chance to post about. Part one.
Having her own potion shop and selling all her potions at an extremely low price because she doesn’t want anyone to suffer because they can’t afford it. (And because she knows she doesn’t need the money. She charges enough to pay her employees a livable wage.)
Doing things to try and destigmatize werewolves! Like having a corner in her shop dedicated to warewolf education, and selling free homemade baked goods with wolfsbane.
Baking for her dad after full moons.
Seeing Cedric as a big brother of sorts. (Most of the time she’s a hufflepuff in my head) and taking over as quidditch caption after he graduates. (YES, GRADUATES.)
Her being autistic and having special accommodations at hogwarts. Her not understanding people’s tone unless it’s really obvious. Her not knowing when something is a rhetorical question or not.
Her befriending LOTS of slytherins and ravenclaws. (OC’s in my head and stuff)
Her and Draco having a complicated relationship because that’s her cousin and she doesn’t believe that he’s all bad, but still having set him straight when he steps out of line. (Saying slurs, bullying innocent students and her friends ) their relationship alone probably needs it’s own post.
In the event that Regulus lives, her being the one to kind of get him out of his shell a little bit and also him having step away from the sarcasm a little when he’s with her because she doesn’t understand his tone a lot.
In the event that he doesn’t, sitting Sirius on his birthday. Even though he pretends it doesn’t bother him she knows it comes with a lot of complicated feelings for him. So she and Remus kind of just sit with him for a while. Maybe gather on the couch and watch old and cringey movies to get a laugh out of him.
Her having older sisters that she doesn’t remember and reuniting with them at hogwarts.
Her being bisexual, but not even coming out because everyone in her family is some form of queer and she just assumed they would know naturally.
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goldenlilium-ocs · 7 months
Juliette Bishop and Mattheo Riddle as Dorothy and the Scarecrow
Juliette Bishop and Cedric Diggory as characters from my first novel that will never see the light of day
Dani Price and Theodore Nott as Harley Quinn and the Joker
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Day 29 - That Could Be Us
Other ideas:
Peter and Julie R as either Anakin and Padme or Princess Buttercup and Westley
Julie and Owen as Thing 1 and Thing 2 or the kids from A Series of Unfortunate Events
Jasper and Elara as pirates (iykyk)
Malia and Igor as Phantom and Christine
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