ceedaryaps · 4 months
Inner Circle
Soooooo if I were to say the inner circle (Rhysand, Cassian, Az, Mor) are weird asf would I get jumped for that bc.......
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Final Gambit Yap session
Soooo I finished the final gambit the third book in the Hawthorn Legacy series. I'm not gonna lie my main thought for each chapter was "Gray don't piss me off."
Overall this third book kind of fell off for me??? Like first book was okay, and I really liked the second book, but this book I really feel like they were trying to shove so many twists and turns in such a small timeframe that we really didn't even have time to sit down and be like, "Shit Tobey is in trouble," "Shit Eve shouldn't be trusted." I just personally feel like the pace moved sooo fast.
On top of that idk how I feel about the characters in this book. I actually finally warmed up to Avery in this third book bc homegirl was finally standing on business. She really tried to clock Eve and I love that for her bc WE ALL KNEW THAT GIRL WAS WEIRD LETS BE FR. I'm glad jameson stood beside her to but GRAY.
Dont pisss me awf.
The way that Gray switched up on Avery sooooo quick just bc Eve looked like Emily pissed me off. I fully understand that this is a sore spot for Gray but he has been going on and on about him being the heir and him needing to compose himself but as soon as Eve came in that mf turned into a brainless idiot. Bro was so mad at Avery for being suspicious of her he failed to see how obviously weird she was. Tobey didn't want her there for a reason, she asked specific questions for a reason SHE LEGIT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. Like Gray USE YOUR BRIAN USE YOUR BRAIN USE IT THAT THING IN YOUR HEAD! Like she couldnt be more obvious but Gray was like "Looks like Emily close enough." I knew Gray was cooked when he called her Evie rhyming with Emily. idk i feel like Gray is one more Emily look-alike away from turning into Rebecca mom.
Can we also talk about how they just brushed past the fact that Xander's dad actually WANTED him and wanted to fight for custody of him. Skye and Tobias Hawthorn if you have no haters i am dead. For most of the boys dads not wanting to be in their lives and this man WANTED his son. I wish we could have seen more of what the both of them are feeling. Imagine seeing your son/dad for the first time and they want to be with you.
When I got to the ending I really wasn't surprised to find out why Avery was picked to inherit everything. It's just like a rich person to pick a random citizen to take the fire. Tobias really gave the fortune to Avery so his sons wouldn't have to deal with his mistakes which I can understand people are like "Aw he cared about his grandsons" and he also fucked over a bunch of people and damn near sentenced Avery to death just bc she was smart. bro really said "My bad I did this bc id rather you die than them sawry but hey you made it this far!" I would have been pissed if I was her.
So I dooo have the spin-off book The Brothers Hawthorn but imma take a break from that series and start something new. I'm currently reading Hooked, yeah that one book from Booktok. But in the next few days, ill post about season 1&2 of Bridgerton and queen charlotte so look out for those!
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Bridgerton Season 3 Spoilers!!!!!!!
So I finally had a day off and could wacth season 3 of Bridgerton and oh.my.god. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.So three things before I get into the meat of it. First of all, I sincerely hope that Violet and Lady Danburys brother get a chance to connect more MAMA VIOLET DESERVES LOVE TOO! Seecond the fact that Anthony cannottt keep his hands off Kate is so hilarious to me like get awf that lady and let her breathe. And third Francesa being a subtle autism rep is so amazing to me, as an autizzy person myself seeing someone with the same mannerisms as me within a romance setting is so refreshing like it truly puts joy in my heart. And also the sign language in the first episode???? love itttttt, they truly perfected diversity without shoehorning it.
Now to the meattttttt of it.
Now friends to lovers has never personally been my thing and in terms of each bridgerton show im gonna rank this leason my second least favorite but thats NOT to say I dont like it I very much enjoyed this season but i do have my critiques.
While I get a giggle out of Pen's sisters I cannot stand her family as a whole, for the simple fact that they treat her as if no one would EVER want her just because she plus sized and has "odd interest" in their words, it infuriated me how her mother wanted Pen to say yes not because she was happy for her but because she truly thought this would be Pen's only chance. Despite my disliking her family it was a good plot point for her to finally decide to make a change and put herself out there. I feel like in her previous two seaons for her she didnt put herself out there because, as weve seen, she has a huge lack of confidence that it was more than likely the work of her mothers and her sisters doing. I also loveeee the wardrobe change from bright gaudy colors and patterns to more Bridgerton esqe colors in her wardrobe. The wardrobe in Bridgerton has always amazed me but putting Pen in that light blue was amazinggg she was gorgeous and glowing. Even her sisters were eating this season like props to wardrobe and makeup bc they ate. Im so worried to see whats going to happen when Collin eventually finds out shes lady whistle down like omgggg.
I don't hate Eloise and Cressida NOW HEAR ME OUT OKAY. Cressida is still not a good person at all but I'm so glad we got to see more of her character bc it definitely shed light into why she acts that way. It would be completely ignorant to sit there and believe that the pressures of the ton to be perfect and find husbands quickly and avoid scandal WOULDNT make the girls get a little nasty with each other. The pressure from her parents specifically made me go "Oh girl I think id get nasty too if those were my folks." In no way does it excuse her treatment of Pen tho!! I also liked that it was Cressida who clocked Eloise's tea about her pointing fingers immediately at her when Pen got exsposed. Not to mention when the girlies came to Cressida for tea SISTA DID NOT FOLD!!!! She politely said naur and kept it pushing. Like I understand Cressida was neverrr the nicest and was a gossip but if Eloise decided to hang around her then she shoulda had faith in the girl. Like Eloise I love you but doooo betterrrr. Don't get me wrong at all yall Eloise is my fav but I'm glad people are clocking her for her shittt. I hope Cressida and Elosie stay friends but they constantly build off of each other to be better bc I loved how Eloise made her dislike of Cressida's treatment towards Pen known.
This is so unrelated but i love bennedict BAD hes sooooo idk yall I need him.
Imma be real I might be bitter bc I feel like Pen shoulda made that man grovel. After what he said about her to his friends in the previous season he should have been on his hands and knees BEGGING for her forgiveness she let him off too easy. Also I don't really appreciate that it took another man giving Pen attention for his stupid ass to finally be like "Oh shed kinda bad actually." I ALSO don't like how when he described how he liked Pen as a friend it wasn't because of her actual qualities it was how she made HIM feel. "You're always here to listen to me and give me a new perspective!" Sir you could have just said she was very insightful, you enjoy her company SOMETHING other than a service she has done for you. That why Im glad he was suffering so bad every time he saw them together he was SICK to his stomach and I'm here for it.
All in all I cant wait to see how things go down next bc I think everyine is gonna reap what they sow Pen, Collin, Eloise EVERYONE. bc the sneak peak looked crazyyyyyy.
Anyways the next thing I should post will be the Finnal Gambit the last book in the trilogy of the hawthorn legacy series.
See yall later!
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ceedaryaps · 5 months
Hawthorn Legacy Finished!! Spoilers!!
So I finished the book before my shift right and GUYSSSSSSS. The amount of info they give you in the last few chapters is insane! Zarah being in love with Nash's dad and Sky swooping him. Zarah's affair with OREN OF ALL PEOPLE. Ricky actually being Avery's father but Toby is her adoptive dad. Tobey has another daughter, AVERY GETTING BLOWN UP AND KIDNAPPED IN LESS THAN A WEEK. Lord it's a wonder why anyone in this story is sane because I personallyyyyyyyyyyy id turn into an alcoholic really quick. I feel like with every new ounce of information is brought up the kids really never get to sit and digest it. Grayson met his dad and within the same month he was dead, even if he hated his son and Gray didn't know him it still must have done a number on him mentally. And with Nash to find out your father was sent away for years bc ur mom and your aunt couldn't settle their beef was wild, I would be unfathomably pissed at the situation. And AVERY the rollercoaster of her thinking Tobey is her bio dad and then finding out Rickey is her bio dad, along with realizing she never knew her mom's real identity and finding out Tobey accidentally killed her aunt and that's how he and her mom met. Finding out they were in love finding out she has a grandmother likeeeeeee. I don't know how shes even functioning y'all. But that's all for this book!!! I'll update soon with my next read
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ceedaryaps · 5 months
So I just finished Inheritance Games.
Yall Avery is definitely better than me bc if I just inhereted a mansion a couple billion dollars and a football team I truly would NAWT give a damn about solving the mystery. Also even though the DNA test came back clear it feels like the story is setting her up to be somehow related to the Hawthornes and idk how I feel about that. Only bc i think it would make the dynamic with her and Jameson weird in my own opinion. I also feel like it would make it more weird seeing as Nash and Libby are probably endgame. It's giving "What are you doing bro-in-law." Also again Avery is better than me bc i would have evicted all of em the moment Jameson showed up in my rooma t night through the fireplace like girl W H A T. I Would had that whole place locked tf down after that. It is revealed that the boy's mom let Drake into the house was kind of a given tbh, so I knew it wasn't Libby or the brothers, and I didn't think the staff cared as long as they got paid so it was DEFINATLY one of the sisters. And Zara looked like the easy pick bc shes kinda rough around the edgeds but a general rule of thumb especially in a who done it situation is always going to be the softer or more "innocent" one. I'm kind of disappointed Thea didn't play a bigger role in this story likeeeeeee I want more of the highshcool queen mother Yanno. Idk I just feel like given enough chances she'd eat. Overall I liked the book I already have the whole series so I'm starting book 2 today.
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ceedaryaps · 5 months
Halfway Through the Hawthorn Legacy Spoilers!!!
Okay sooo I really should have chewed through this book in a day but work is taking up a lot of my time. But my thoughts so far is I'm liking this book far better than the first one. FINALLY getting to see at least a little bit of how Libby feels about everything and not just having her as a side character is so refreshing. And the turns? Did I Guess that Toby was probably Avery's dad yeah, but I did NAWT guess that he be adopted and dun adopted from the Laughlins at alllll that part was so interesting and it made it sooo clear as to why Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin reacted the way they did when they found out Avery and the boys went into Toby's old wing. This harem with Jameson and Grayson is getting out of control in my opinion, from the jump they made is sooooo obvious which brother she was gonna end up with so why put Grayson through the turmoil for, what in my opinion, is a cheap attempt at creating some sort of romantic discord. I think the whole "I like you but I shouldn't bc ur kinda bad news," type thing with Jameson was enough and I feel like if they focused a little more on that then adding gray in this would eat. Anyways I should be posting my final review in maybe two-ish days or even tonight byeeee
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ceedaryaps · 5 months
So I really only made this account so I can yap about all the books I read but I barely know how to use this app sigh. Butt anyways whoever sees this if yall do see this im CeedarYaps or just Ceedar is fine and I'm just here to talk people's heads off.
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ceedaryaps · 3 months
So guys between work college and attempting to have a social life I've not been able to update which sucks bc I think about this page every day. Once classes subside I should have some extra time.
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Work ew
So a combo of working and my college classes starting are gonna drastically slow down my posts so beware
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Hooked by Emily Mcintire Review
This book is 80% porn, 10% murder and 10% plot.
I gave it a solid 1.5 out of five in my personal ratings, mostly because this book moves soooo quickly like the pacing is insane. The plot was...idk been there done I've seen it before. I don't think this is a bad book by any means even though my rating is low ( trust me there are books id given up on within the first few chapters) but it's just not my personal cup of tea. But here we goooo.
So boom we have our main girlie Wendy Michaels, everyone average rich girl whos described in the book many times as average. Sigh when is the book community gonna let go of the "Lets make her average so she stands out from all the drop-dead gorgeous model blondes and have the love interest fall in love with her so she knows she's special too!" trope. I don't hate it is just too common now it seems like every book has a 100/10 guy fall in love with a 5/10 girl, which kuddos to her ngl, i just wish wed switch it up a bit. Anyway I don't hate or like Wendy, in fact, the book moved soooo quickly I really didn't have any time to develop any sort of feelings for her at all. Her love for her brother is admirable I'll give her that but other than that I legit don't have anything good or bad to say about girliepop. I will say she should have called out her dad for spending time with that lady on her bday that pissed me off.
Next is James Barrie, our love interest of the story. Filled to the brim with PTSD and murderous cravings this man is what we call tall dark and handsome. He first saw Wendy and was like "lol smash," but things quickly turned when he realized she was the daughter of his rival, they were in the business of murder and drugs. While they never outright say this is a gang, for all intents and purposes, this is a gang. James also has this notorious nickname "Hook" and they allude to him getting the name because he used his hook to kill people, and yet for some reason he only used it once and it was on some rando who called Wendy a bitch. Like come onnnnnnnnnn. Hook is such a cool name for someone who's a villain and out of allllll the scenes we get of him harming people he only uses the hook in one. SHAME. I did like the dynamic between him and the guy who took care of hi it was typical, "I raised you and imma show gratitude loke a gruff old man." and the hook was,"I'm grateful but I refuse to show it cuz that makes me weak." and that's the most vulnerability we get out of him other than when the man died.
Now onto Wendy and James as a couple.....psyche ward, jail, prison, SOMETHING. Now to give Wendy credit I too would swoon if a sexy rich man who could get me whatever I wanted took me on a private yacht for dinner, I'm with you there. But everything that happened after RED FLAG RUN RUN RUN. First of all, AND DONT JUMP ME FOR THIS, the sex scenes were mid. To be completely honest I've read better smut here on Tumblr and on Wattpad, YALL HAVE TOO DONT LIE. And the way it was written was so weird like girl he put what WHERE. Idk the smut didn't do it for me at all. And on top of that yall had sex twice and like two days later he kidnaps you bc he thought you betrayed him bc he somehow got in his mind that you and ur daddy was plotting. MIND YOU Wendy didn't even know he knew her dad. And I understand she was mad at her dad but staying with Hook after that was insane like girl FUCK BOTH OF THEM. Take your daddy's riches and move somewhere. Not only that her dad was gonna shoot Hook, which would have taken care of one of her issues, but she shot her dad to save Hook?????? You've known this man for 3 weeks max, I get ur dad pissed you off but it's hella hypocritical to be like," Dad you sell drugs and kill people how dare you!" then dead ass marry the guy who does the same exact thing. Wendy girl, BE FAWKIN fr.
And lastly adding the twist that her brother Jonathan is James half brother and HER half-brother makes it so weird. Like I get that SHE personally doesn't share blood with Hook. But ur half-brother's half-brother is now your husband......YALL DONT THINK THATS WEIRD??? Mind you this is coming from someone who heavily watches Game of Thrones and house of Dragons so I shouldn't be weirded out by it right???? But idk I feel like it's a shitty copout as to why her dad treated Jonathan like shit like if you hate him that bad idk kill him???? or sell him???? idk there were other ways to do this.
All in all this book wasnt it for meeeeee
idk what the next book I'll review is but ill let yall know byeeee!
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
I lied
Sooo I decided against doing the rest of Bridgerton because the way I want to do it is to rewatch and then give my thoughts and i simplyyyyyy don't feel like doing that at awlll so uh book reviews soon!
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Next few blogs
Sooo guys my plan is for the next few blogs should be about the final gambit and once that done imma writing about Bridgerton season 1&2 along with Queen Charlotte cuz I gotta YAP
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