#james barrie
achieve-the-sun · 7 days
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Bestfriends hanging out✨
+ doodle under the cut
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dolls-self-ships · 3 months
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ekhidne · 8 months
Making Hook a former lost boy who wants revenge gives him a compelling motive, but I think it's funnier if he's just a random genteel Eton-educated grownup with a politeness fixation who ended up being a pirate in another world somehow.
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kamala-laxman · 3 months
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. James Barrie
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
- Campanellino,
perché non riesco a volare?
- Peter Pan, per volare hai bisogno di ritrovare i tuoi pensieri felici.
— James Barrie
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peach-fiz · 10 months
So like what if I did my own Peter Pan designs bc I'm reading the book and I'm a tad bit feral what then-
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fairy-peculiar · 11 months
Just remember that whenever things feel bleak, all situations are temporary. It’s not your circumstance that determines your worth, it’s how you rise from the ashes after everything burns.
Hooked / Emily McIntire
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thatpunkmaximoff · 6 months
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[Book One of..]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 2 out of 5
I honestly wanted this book so bad because everyone recommended it as a Peter Pan retelling. Imagine my surprise, however, when I read the author’s note, and she states it’s NOT a retelling. But I still read it because I wanted to read a story from the villain’s pov and oh my god am I glad I read it. I am in love with James/Hook and I don’t care that he’s a bad guy.
Wendy, daughter of Peter, starts off as the naive girl that Hook is looking to take advantage of because of what Peter has done to him in the past. But as her rose tinted glasses come off, she becomes the young woman who you will come to adore and root for. And James… well you’ll be up and down with his character. I knew he was the bad guy going in, but I wanted to throttle him at one point.
I guess you can say this is a reimagining of the Peter Pan characters in a modern world, but instead of rooting for Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tink… you’ll be begging Hook for a taste of the dark side.
I am stoked to see what else Emily has written for this series!
* So we start off with a murder. Nice. Seems James’s uncle deserved it.
* Oh shit. James saw Wendy through video feed and immediately wants to defile her. But it’s Wendy’s friend who is hoping for his attention 😬
* Ohhhh. He got her to to agree to a date 😏
* So that’s why he doesn’t like the ticking sound. Damn.
* Oh shit. James walked up to Wendy and Maria is PISSED.
* Lol Maria is such a bitch.
* Score. He secured the date.
* Goddamn. James has got a mouth on him.
* The way he has her grind on his lap… holy shit.
* I somewhat knew what I was getting into, but damn… I’m gonna be heartbroken when Wendy finds out James is using her.
* Wendy’s dad is a dick and Tina Belle a bitch. I can’t wait until James gets his hand on them.
* Lol Moira tried to make Wendy jealous and James wasn’t having it 😂
* Oh shit. Wendy gave him her virginity. There’s gonna be a lot of crying later, isn’t there?
* So the dad doesn’t care for his son and James has noticed that Jon (the brother) looks nothing like Wendy. Could he be the product of an affair?
* Why do I have a feeling something is gonna happen to Ru?
* Uh oh, James. You going soft for Wendy and her brother Jon.
* I fucking knew something was going to happen to Ru 😩 and now James thinks Wendy had a hand in it. Fuck! I can’t wait for him to murder her dad Michael. To murder Pan.
* Holy shit. Did he just kidnap her?! He has it all wrong!
* I can’t wait to see when he realizes he royally fucked up.
* Starkey, you’re a little traitorous motherfucker, aren’t you? I know it was you who was supposed to have Ru’s back. You’re too nervous.
* “Just remember, that whenever things feel bleak, all situations are temporary. It’s not your circumstance that determines your worth, it’s how you rise from the ashes after everything burns.”
* “Every good bitch needs a pretty collar.” — oh my god. I can’t wait for her to bitch slap you 😂
* FINALLY! She had no idea, you dumb shit. Now prepare to beg for forgiveness.
* Wow. Her dad was really gonna let her die. Fuck him.
* Shit. Peter burned down James’s club.
* Damn. James burned all Peter’s planes 😂
* wtf was that with Moira? And how the fuck did Wendy disappear?! I don’t trust Smee 🤔
* Oh so Smee just assumed she left when really she was just sitting on the dock. But still, James is pissed 😬
* She caved way too fast once his fingers got in her. Get it together, Wendy!
* Croc? As in his uncle? wtf! And of course there’s an explosion just as the woman’s name is about to be given.
* Fuck! Starkey is a traitor! It wasn’t an explosion. Starkey shot their hostage right before he spilled the beans. He’s protecting his boss!
* Damn. Wendy’s that good of a fuck that James is in love, huh 😂 Well.. I’m kind of glad she decided to stay. I don’t trust anyone else to have her back like James does.
* “For the record, I would give you the world. You simply have to ask. You want kids? Done. You want to stay here and never work again? Done. You want to watch the world burn?” // “Let me guess, you’ll set it on fire?” // “No, darling. I’ll hand you the match and stand at your back, watching you become Queen of the ashes.”
* Moira is a traitor?! I knew the bitch was sleezy, but this is… wow. I can’t wait for James to kill her.
* Fuck you, Tina! Ugh. These women are pissing me off 😂
* I fucking called it. Smee! You asshole. And cousins? Why are you being such a little bitch.
* So Peter saved James? And James has a brother?! wtf. Tina better fucking get some punishment for flipping out on Wendy.
* Oh shit. It’s Jon! And seriously, fucking Tina. Someone bitch slap her!
* Aww. They got their happily ever after 🥹
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jihef03 · 2 years
Got a friend into Captain Hook like two days ago and she already asks the dangerous question of whether Hook wears a wig or not
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Halloween Party Invitation
“A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises. Ghosts were created when the first man awoke in the night.” James M. Barrie
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c-etait-ailleurs · 1 year
Chaque fois qu’un enfant dit : “Je ne crois pas aux fées”, il y a quelque part une petite fée qui meurt.
James Barrie, Peter Pan
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thatdamnokie · 2 years
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completely unnecessary horror mash-ups (14/?) - peter pan x until dawn
she tried to still her breathing, become a statue, to somehow exist as little as possible.
john was dead.
michael was missing.
and peter—
“you used to pray to me when you were children. why are you hiding from me, wendy?”
peter was right here.
mini mix: ruth b, lost boy + the killers, all these things that i’ve done + the weeknd, the hills
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ekhidne · 8 months
"What if Peter Pan was evil and Captain Hook was the good one???" re imagining < "Peter Pan's permanent innocence means he lacks empathy in some horrific ways while also being brave and not deliberately cruel: he's morally gray" original
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booksameya · 1 month
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monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
HUDSON, Gwynedd M. Peter Pan & Wendy, The Return, 1931
HUDSON, Gwynedd M. Peter Pan & Wendy, The Return, 1931 by Halloween HJB
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Hooked by Emily Mcintire Review
This book is 80% porn, 10% murder and 10% plot.
I gave it a solid 1.5 out of five in my personal ratings, mostly because this book moves soooo quickly like the pacing is insane. The plot was...idk been there done I've seen it before. I don't think this is a bad book by any means even though my rating is low ( trust me there are books id given up on within the first few chapters) but it's just not my personal cup of tea. But here we goooo.
So boom we have our main girlie Wendy Michaels, everyone average rich girl whos described in the book many times as average. Sigh when is the book community gonna let go of the "Lets make her average so she stands out from all the drop-dead gorgeous model blondes and have the love interest fall in love with her so she knows she's special too!" trope. I don't hate it is just too common now it seems like every book has a 100/10 guy fall in love with a 5/10 girl, which kuddos to her ngl, i just wish wed switch it up a bit. Anyway I don't hate or like Wendy, in fact, the book moved soooo quickly I really didn't have any time to develop any sort of feelings for her at all. Her love for her brother is admirable I'll give her that but other than that I legit don't have anything good or bad to say about girliepop. I will say she should have called out her dad for spending time with that lady on her bday that pissed me off.
Next is James Barrie, our love interest of the story. Filled to the brim with PTSD and murderous cravings this man is what we call tall dark and handsome. He first saw Wendy and was like "lol smash," but things quickly turned when he realized she was the daughter of his rival, they were in the business of murder and drugs. While they never outright say this is a gang, for all intents and purposes, this is a gang. James also has this notorious nickname "Hook" and they allude to him getting the name because he used his hook to kill people, and yet for some reason he only used it once and it was on some rando who called Wendy a bitch. Like come onnnnnnnnnn. Hook is such a cool name for someone who's a villain and out of allllll the scenes we get of him harming people he only uses the hook in one. SHAME. I did like the dynamic between him and the guy who took care of hi it was typical, "I raised you and imma show gratitude loke a gruff old man." and the hook was,"I'm grateful but I refuse to show it cuz that makes me weak." and that's the most vulnerability we get out of him other than when the man died.
Now onto Wendy and James as a couple.....psyche ward, jail, prison, SOMETHING. Now to give Wendy credit I too would swoon if a sexy rich man who could get me whatever I wanted took me on a private yacht for dinner, I'm with you there. But everything that happened after RED FLAG RUN RUN RUN. First of all, AND DONT JUMP ME FOR THIS, the sex scenes were mid. To be completely honest I've read better smut here on Tumblr and on Wattpad, YALL HAVE TOO DONT LIE. And the way it was written was so weird like girl he put what WHERE. Idk the smut didn't do it for me at all. And on top of that yall had sex twice and like two days later he kidnaps you bc he thought you betrayed him bc he somehow got in his mind that you and ur daddy was plotting. MIND YOU Wendy didn't even know he knew her dad. And I understand she was mad at her dad but staying with Hook after that was insane like girl FUCK BOTH OF THEM. Take your daddy's riches and move somewhere. Not only that her dad was gonna shoot Hook, which would have taken care of one of her issues, but she shot her dad to save Hook?????? You've known this man for 3 weeks max, I get ur dad pissed you off but it's hella hypocritical to be like," Dad you sell drugs and kill people how dare you!" then dead ass marry the guy who does the same exact thing. Wendy girl, BE FAWKIN fr.
And lastly adding the twist that her brother Jonathan is James half brother and HER half-brother makes it so weird. Like I get that SHE personally doesn't share blood with Hook. But ur half-brother's half-brother is now your husband......YALL DONT THINK THATS WEIRD??? Mind you this is coming from someone who heavily watches Game of Thrones and house of Dragons so I shouldn't be weirded out by it right???? But idk I feel like it's a shitty copout as to why her dad treated Jonathan like shit like if you hate him that bad idk kill him???? or sell him???? idk there were other ways to do this.
All in all this book wasnt it for meeeeee
idk what the next book I'll review is but ill let yall know byeeee!
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