#celeste just like hanging off his arm and trying to snuggle with him in the coach
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
really going to embody celeste today by just obsessively mulling over every little moment with patience from last night's session
#i just. can't get over. how perfect he was#how the fuck did the dm do that#she reached into my brain and plucked him out#my ideal asmodeus#the exact perfect ratios of arrogant and intelligent and mean but nice to celeste and funny and impatiently patient#brought the exact energy i wanted of fond of celeste but not returning the energy he was bringing#probably making his friends assume he's in an emotionally abusive relationship lmao#but also a few little tiny moments and things to show that he does actually maybe care#like i'm just#houoguhghgohoghghhhrhhhghh oughhghhhh aughhh#i shouldn't have to go to work today because i should just be allowed to stay home and roll around on the floor#thinking about my blorbos from my brain#the relationship energy i wanted from them is like. a cat and a golden retriever and it was nailed perfectly#celeste just like hanging off his arm and trying to snuggle with him in the coach#while patience isn't pushing him away but also isn't really reciprocating and is just talking about guild fees and shit#also just. love celeste managing to get their new tavern renovated and opened and set up completely for free#just bc asmodeus is like desperate to give him gifts and celeste keeps not wanting them#it fully probably could seem like celeste was using that to manipulate him into paying for it all but celeste is too fucking dumb for that#he didn't realize what he was doing#and also asmodeus is too smart to be manipulated#ghahhh i know no one cares about them as much as i do but i AM going to keep talking about them so much#i was so happy to get patience in the game#personal#fel's ttrpgs#dnd#waterdeep campaign#oc: celeste#celeste/asmodeus
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi! Do you think you’d be willing to write some Cubs fluff for Mardi Gras? Like Leo making Finn and Lo do something (I don’t exactly know how it’s celebrated)?
Oh my god I LOVE Mardi Gras!!! Also, I haven’t done Cubs fluff in a while, and I combined it with a couple other related prompts. This fic includes Cubs and Coops bonding (ft. Logan being a little shit), Leo learning to drive in the snow, a chaotic trip to the grocery store, and Lions family dinner after a winter walk. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, as always <3
“Eas—Easy, babe, just take it nice and steady,” Finn gripped the ‘oh, shit’ handle with one hand and Leo’s thigh with the other; in the backseat, Logan rubbed his neck where the seatbelt bit into it.
Leo took an unsteady breath and carefully pressed the gas again, wincing as the car rumbled under him. “Oh god, oh fuck, okay.”
“Snow isn’t that hard to drive in—” Finn cut off as Leo slammed on the brakes again. “—as long as you don’t brake hard whenever you feel a little bit of ice. Lo, you okay?”
“Fine,” Logan wheezed, bracing against the car door.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” Finn murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on the road as Leo began inching forward again. “If you start to slip, take your foot off the gas and do not slam the brakes, okay? We don’t want to skid.”
“I don’t get why you can’t drive us there,” Leo said, glancing in each of his mirrors even though they were still in a fairly residential area. Ten minutes on the road and they’d barely made it four blocks from the apartment.
“Because you need to know how to drive properly.”
“I know how to drive!” Leo saw Finn and Logan exchange a look through the rearview mirror and smacked him lightly on the chest. “Stop it. When’s my next turn?”
“Still 53rd.”
“Left or right?”
“Right.” Finn tapped out a quick text on his phone. “Cap and Loops just arrived at the store.”
“Fuck,” Leo muttered.
“It’s okay, Peanut, take your time,” Logan said. “Just focus on getting there safely.”
Leo tried to breathe deep and they rolled down the block, flinching each time snow or ice crackled under the tires or threatened to make them slide. “I drive in the rain all the time. This shouldn’t be hard.”
“Rain is way different than snow.” Finn pointed to the next intersection. “Turn there.”
They took the turn a bit wide, but thankfully there were no cars on the other side—still, both Finn and Logan went pale. Logan cleared his throat. “Streets here aren’t as wide as New Orleans, mon amour.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Leo grumbled. “How much further?”
“The parking lot is on the next block.”
They almost got stuck driving up the small ramp into the parking lot due to Leo’s ‘slow and steady’ approach and he could have sworn he heard Logan muttering the Hail Mary in French under his breath. Parking was easy—nobody in their right mind would be driving after a true Gryffindor snowstorm. Except us, he thought wryly as he turned the engine off.
“Don’t forget to lock the car,” Finn said mere seconds after the key was out.
“Sorry. Uh, Cap’s by the produce section.”
They were too focused on not slipping and falling on their asses to talk much while they walked through several snowdrifts to get to the front entrance of the grocery store; Leo sighed with happiness as soon as the heated air hit his face.
“Harzy!” Cap waved an arm over his head from the apple stand, smiling brightly. “You survived!”
“It was a close one,” Finn called back with a grin, sliding his hand into Leo’s back pocket as the three of them walked over.
“Dibs on riding in the cart!” One of Logan’s legs was already halfway into the basket before Sirius could stop him; he kicked aside the celery and onions and settled down, leaning back onto Sirius’ hands. “Bonjour.”
“Get out.”
“Non. I live here now.”
“I’m not pushing you.”
“I will!” Finn said. “Where’s the old ball and chain, Capsicle?”
“Call me that again and you can say goodbye to your ball and chain,” Remus said drily, lugging a bag of rice over from the other aisle. He stopped when he saw Logan, looking amused. “Hiya, Tremz. You look comfy.”
“Oh, I am.” Logan lounged in the cart, letting one leg drape over the side; he groaned when Remus set the rice bag on his chest. “Was that necessary?”
“No, but it was funny.” He grinned at Leo. “How was driving?”
Leo shrugged. “Decent.”
Sirius snorted as they began walking toward the meat section. “That bad, huh?”
“It’s a miracle I wasn’t beheaded,” Logan said. “Fish, how fast can you make it to the end of the aisle?”
“Loops, time me.” Finn tightened his grip on the cart and bent into a runner’s stance; Leo and Sirius both rolled their eyes as Remus dug his phone out of his pocket and opened up the timer.
“Ready…set…go!” Finn ran for three steps before hopping onto the under carriage as Logan whooped. Remus stopped the timer. “Four point six seconds! Get back here, I wanna try.”
“You’re not going to beat that time,” Logan laughed as he climbed out of the cart.
Sirius raised his eyebrows at the same time Remus stuck his tongue out. “Watch me. Knutty, can I trust you to be an unbiased timer?”
Leo shrugged. “Sure, gimme your phone.”
“You have one of your very own.”
“Trying to hide something, are we?” Logan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Sirius pushed him away by the forehead. “Spill the beans, Loops! Got some spicy messages in there? Some things poor baby Nutter Butter can’t handle?”
“No, I just don’t trust any of you with anything that belongs to me,” he laughed. “You’re walking safety hazards.”
“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Leo said as he set the timer. “Ready? Go!”
Sirius nearly tipped the cart over when he stood on the lower bar, making both of them yelp and wobble for a moment. Leo stopped the clock at the end of the aisle. Three point nine seconds.
“Sorry, guys, that’s four point eight seconds!” he called as Sirius pushed the cart back up to them.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Show me the phone.”
“I already reset the time.”
“So we definitely won,” Sirius said while Remus clambered out of the basket and Logan took his place. “Get out, Tremzy!”
“Make me!”
Sirius reached in and grabbed him under his armpits, but Logan kept a tight grip on the sides. “Are you done?” Remus asked wearily once Sirius started shaking him. “ ‘cause our grocery list is, like, a million miles long.”
With a disgruntled noise, Sirius dropped Logan back into the cart. “With any luck, he’ll be crushed under the food. What’s next?”
They had a few more competitions during their journey through the store, including onion basketball, vegetable Tetris, and a highly amusing game of twenty questions that ended in Sirius laying the bag of rice over Logan’s face.
Leo did some mental math as they walked out with six grocery bags full of ingredients. “We’ll need about seven pots to fit all this, but we’ve only got two that would work.”
“I think we’ve got one or two as well,” Remus said as he hauled a bag into the trunk of their car and brushed his hands off. “Celeste probably has some, and I can give Lily a call. Where are we making it, again?”
“Dumo’s. There’s nowhere near enough space at the apartment and I don’t want these two anywhere close to it.”
Finn shot him an offended look over a bag of onions. “Hey!”
“I love you, sweetheart, but if you fuck up my gumbo I’ll cry.” In the back of his mind, Leo was already thinking of small jobs for Logan and Finn to do so they could make it together, but they didn’t need to know that. It could be a Mardi Gras surprise.
“The sun’s coming out,” Sirius mused, looking upward at the clear blue sky. “Nothing we bought is going to melt. Do you want to go for a walk before we head out?”
Logan checked his phone. “We’ve got time.”
“Sounds good to me,” Leo agreed.
“I’m never going to say no to a snow day,” Finn laughed, wrapping his arms around Leo and Logan. “Lead the way.”
“So, Knutty, gumbo is basically chicken noodle soup, right?” Sirius asked as he linked elbows with Remus and started down the sidewalk.
“Uh, no.” Leo made a disgusted face and reached out to smack the back of his shoulder. “That’s blasphemy. Gumbo is more like stew, but you put less meat in it and more of a vegetable base. There aren’t noodles, either. Do you even know what a roux is?”
Sirius glanced back at Finn, who shrugged. “…I do not.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Leo muttered. “A roux is the base to all good New Orleans food. It’s flour and oil, and you heat it up so whatever you’re making has an actual taste to it, as well as some thickness. If you get it wrong, the whole thing is pretty much ruined.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Damn.”
Ahead of them, a pack of kids played pickup hockey on the park’s frozen pond. Several of them wore Lions sweatshirts or hats and Leo leaned his head on Finns beanie with a smile. “Look at how cute they are,” Finn cooed, waving to some of the astonished parents who had spotted them.
“Oh, killer hit,” Remus said as one kid went on a breakaway. “Is he—hey, nice shot!”
They paused for a second to applaud and a jumble of excited yelling echoed off the trees around the pond; Leo burst out laughing and draped his other arm across Logan’s shoulders, pulling him in closer to their huddle as they began to walk again. “We should head out there sometime. We live close enough.”
Finn hummed in agreement and stood on his tiptoes with a hopeful smile. “Kisses?”
Leo obliged, still grinning. “You’re ridiculous. That had nothing to do with hockey.”
“I didn’t get any kisses,” Logan grumbled, snuggling into Leo’s ribs.
“Get up here and I’ll give you one!”
“My nose is cold!”
Leo sighed dramatically and bent down to kiss the rosy tip of his nose—at the last second, Logan popped his chin out of his coat collar and caught his lips. “That was smooth as fuck. Better?”
“Are you three being gross again?” Remus teased, craning his neck to look back.
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“One walk,” Sirius sighed. “I wanted one walk where we could hang out in peace and quiet.”
“You invited the wrong people for that,” Leo snickered as they looped back around the block into the parking lot. “Harzy, baby, can you drive us back?”
“You need to learn!”
Leo turned on his saddest puppy eyes and stuck his lower lip out. “Please?”
Finn scrunched his nose up and flicked his shoulder lightly. “You’re too cute for your own good.”
“Is that a yes?”
After a quick pit stop at their apartment to pick up the pots, they arrived at the Dumais house just past two in the afternoon. Sirius and Remus pulled into the driveway just as they began unloading groceries from the truck and hurried over to give them a hand; all five of them were immediately mobbed by children the second they set foot in the house. Leo carefully took the onions from Logan so he could sweep Katie over his shoulder and tickle her knees, making her dissolve into giggles.
“My boys!” Celeste called from the entrance to the kitchen. She practically glowed with excitement as she pulled them into a group hug and Leo melted a little when she pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks. “You brought the food, yes?”
“We’ve got everything we need,” he confirmed, holding the onions and a pot up as proof. “As long as you’ve got counter space, we’ll be a-okay.”
Sirius and Logan lingered in the doorway, chatting with the kids in rapid French that Leo didn’t even try to keep up with—he used to think regional differences were made up for internet clout, but even after living with Logan for close to a year he sometimes struggled with the pace.
Celeste helped them gather cutting boards, knives, and basic spices that they hadn’t picked up at the store; Leo felt a thrill in his gut and drummed his hands happily on the countertop at the sight of the familiar ingredients. He made a mental note to send a picture to his mother later that night as he rolled up his sleeves.
“Think you can handle rinsing vegetables?” he asked, passing Finn a bag of green peppers.
Finn rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, and he pressed a kiss to Leo’s cheek before going to the sink. Remus unpacked the last of the bags and gave him an expectant look—Leo was struck by the sudden realization that for once, he was the only one in the kitchen who knew the recipe.
“Um, I’ll start the roux,” he said, grabbing the flour and oil. “Loops, can you start dicing the peppers, celery, and onions? Cap can help out once he gets the squid children off him.”
A smile tugged at the edge of Remus’ mouth. “Bold of you to assume he won’t drag them in here.”
“Alright, Rookie, what’s my job?” Sirius panted, grinning wildly as Adele wrapped herself around his lower leg and groaned with each dragging step.
Remus spared him a playful I told you so look, and Leo shook his head. “As long as you can use a knife with a kid clinging to your leg, you can help your fiancé chop the basics.”
Sirius mock-saluted him and hobbled to the counter; behind him, Logan wandered in with Marc under one arm and Katie under the other. “I have potato sack delivery,” he announced, giving them each a gentle shake. “Can these go in the gumbo, too?”
“No!” both shrieked at the same time, flailing their legs.
“Those look like pretty good potatoes to me…” Sirius said, glancing down at Adele. “What do you think?”
“Put ‘em in the soup!” she yelled.
“It’s not soup,” Leo complained, though he couldn’t be heard over the loud protests of the youngest Dumais kids.
Sirius finally got Adele to let go of him when he started cutting onions—“Do you want to smell like onions?”—but Katie perched on the edge of the counter and watched every move Leo made with eagle eyes as he finished each roux and began mixing the trinity in. Each motion was muscle memory—the smells wrapped him in a hug made of tangy peppers, smooth chicken broth, and a kick of spice at the very end.
Much to his surprise, Sirius, Finn, and Logan were quick learners. Making five massive pots of gumbo was much easier when he had five more hands helping him; Celeste had even been sweet enough to put jazz on as they cooked and the six of them took turns dancing, partnering with whomever was closest.
The others started arriving at five—almost immediately, the kitchen was crowded with ten new hockey players who crammed as close as they could to the stovetop to smell the bubbling broth. Noelle was the only one who was allowed to get within ten feet of the food, much to Talker’s chagrin.
Honestly, it was a miracle that they made it to the table without the rest of the team falling on the gumbo like a pack of wild hyenas who hadn’t eaten for a week. Kasey’s bouncy leg shook the edge of the table in anticipation until Leo reached over and smacked him on the thigh with his spoon. “Be patient, Bliz.”
“I’m always patient!”
Eight different people made noises of protest and he scoffed, leaning his face over the bowl to get a whiff of the thick steam. Dumo tapped his fork on the side of his cup; it wasn’t quite a classy ding-ding, but it made enough noise to catch people’s attention.
“First, thank you all for coming here for a family dinner,” he said, smiling so wide it made Leo’s heart warm. “Second, I’d like to welcome the older and wiser O’Hara to his very first Lions dinner, since he had the great fortune of visiting just in time to be adopted by the team for a night!”
Loud cheers filled the house and Alex gave a slight wave, blushing under the attention as Kasey and Nat jostled him between their shoulders.
“And finally, everyone say ‘thank you’ to Knutty for sharing his top-secret gumbo recipe from home. We might not celebrate Mardi Gras like New Orleans, but this is a party nonetheless.” Dumo raised his water with a wink and Leo squeezed Logan’s hand under the table as seventeen voices thanked him for his cooking, despite the fact that they hadn’t even tasted it yet.
The house went dead silent as people took their first bites, then erupted into noise. “Holy shit, Knutty!” Nado all but shouted, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. “This is witchcraft.”
“It’s called ‘cooking’, you should try it sometime,” Leo shot back, grinning. The chicken thighs melted in his mouth, and the pop of lemon and spice at the back of his throat tingled all the way down to his bones. He didn’t think Pots had taken a breath in thirty straight seconds. Leo closed his eyes, letting the tangled muddle of his family’s voices roll over him, mixing with the taste of home.
“Ça va, mon amour?” Logan asked under his breath, touching his elbow.
Leo smiled and touched their foreheads together, setting his spoon down on the edge of his bowl. “I’m so fucking happy right now.”
Logan smiled and the edges of his eyes crinkled. “You look happy.”
“You two are whispering without me?” Finn whined, scooting his chair over a few inches and squishing Logan between them. His bowl was already half-empty, Leo noted with a sense of satisfaction. “That’s rude.”
“I love you,” Leo said. It needed no embellishments; no big, dramatic displays. “And I love making food for everyone.”
“You can do it any time, baby rookie.” Kasey scraped the sides of his bowl to catch the last few grains of cornbread, knocking his knee with Leo’s. “Next time we have a sleepover, I’m not ordering pizza.”
“So I’m going to be your personal chef?” Leo snorted. “Not a chance.”
“What’s that saying? The Mardi Gras one?”
Leo savored his next bite of gumbo and looked around the table as everyone chatted and laughed at the top of their lungs. “Laissez les bon temps rouler,” he said. “Let the good times roll.”
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laylacooke · 4 years
The Killing Moon || Solo (Pt. 3)
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[part 1 || part 2 || part 3]
fate up against your will through the thick and thin he will wait until you give yourself to him
thumpthump. thumpthump. thumpthump.
Layla lay on the floor. Body worn out from two nights of chains and shifting, panting hard. She had finished off the food and water she had brought with her, but she knew once tonight passed, she could free herself and go back home; wherever that was. Her mind raced with so many thoughts. Thoughts of Frankie. Thoughts of Ari, Celeste, and Ulfric. She thought about her parents and how this time of the month was an expected bloodbath for them and the people they would hunt with. She thought about Indy, and how she couldn’t wait to be snuggled up close to him wrapped in warm clothes taking a well deserved break from all that life brought onto her. Her head pounded. She smelled horrible. She was covered in an even thicker layer of dirt and other things, to say the least. Somewhere in her mind, if she was going to be chained like an animal, she was going to live like an animal. Get out the inner most destructive part of herself, so she could go back to some semblance of a normal life.
thumpthump. thumpthump. thumpthump.
Night beginning to once again fall, Layla could already feel the sickness coming on. By now, she was so tired that any effort to raise herself up off the dirty ground proved pointless. She also knew that the wounds around her arms, legs, and neck were so tender that any movement left tears streaming down her face with silent moans of agony giving way to nothing, but forced air from her burning lungs.
As the moon’s curse began to take hold, not as strong as the previous night, but strong enough to still hurt, Layla, mostly defeated, gave into the pain. Her body twisted and shifted. Cracked and rearranged itself for the sake of the beast coming out. Skin stretched painfully while organs danced around inside her in a familiar pattern that still remained painful every time they aligned themselves like a puzzle within her small, fair body. Fangs grew; claws emerged and within the same rough set amount of time, a bloodthirsty beast lay curled up in the place of a feeble teenage girl.
However, tonight was different. Tonight the animal refused to stay caged. Layla may not have had any physical strength left to her, but the werewolf did. Snarl on its snout and yellow glowing eyes peering at the door, she kicked at the ground like a bull ready to charge, before letting out a low huffed growl and pressing the gas headed straight for the door.
AGHH. Once again choked by the chains, the beast howled out in pain. But without giving up, she continued to pull and tug. Flail and bounce; orange fur being worn down to skin, until the final charge pulled the loose the bolts from the wall popping one at a time and giving the large, mangy beast freedom to explore her surroundings outside of the shed.
thumpthump. thumpthump. thumpthump.
With a broken door and the smell of fresh pine and wildlife at her claw-tips, she let out a joyous howl of freedom towards the moon hanging high in the sky, shaking the dirt and dust from her fur, before taking off into the night. Her nose carried her through the woods as she galloped along on all fours. First she would take on a wild buck. Delighting in the taste of real meat finally filling her belly and not that Vegan tofu shit, her human counter part ate on a regular basis. Then she would snack on some rabbits and argopelters. No missing fingers for her tonight, but missing heads for them!
However, as she had stopped for a drink of water, to wash down the fur and crushed bones lingering in her mouth and throat, her nose, and soon eyes, lay claim to something prize worthy. A large human male bounding through the brush with a shotgun on his shoulder. Easing back from the water quietly, the beast followed the man with her yellow eyes. She couldn’t recall, in her past transformations, coming across something such as this. An innate thirst to taste human flesh laying just on the tip of her tongue. But this wasn’t something she was going to take for granted. No, this was a game to her.
Moving quietly through the woods, she stalked her pray that lay just across the small, flowing stream of water. Watching as he searched for something. Unsure of what, but knowing that if he spotted her, he would try and put a bullet in her body for sure, and she couldn’t afford anymore silver burrowing its way into her skin; if that was indeed what this man was carrying.
This cat and mouse game went on for quite sometime, before the wild animal finally decided to make her move. Licking her bloody, wet snout and baring her fangs in a low growl, she crouched down waiting....thumpthump. thumpthump. thumpthump...waiting...thumpthump. thumpthump. thumpthump. And before much longer. POUNCED. 
Screams could be heard for miles as she ripped and tore at his flesh. On her two legs, she towered over the human man. He was unlike anything she had ever tasted and she relished in every part she got to consume. He was the main course on top of an already delicious and satisfying meal, and if anyone had seen her that night, they might have sworn she gave a Chef’s kiss of approval, before collapsing onto the ground in pure delight of what she had just accomplished.
While his was now non-existent, the thumping of her own heartbeat had slowed once again, as her eyes closed. The moon was sinking into the horizon as the sun was slowly beginning to push its way upwards. And without much notice, the ginger furred beast transformed back into that of a human teenager. One who would awake to a horrific sight of body parts scattered around and the first real memory and realization of what she was. And what she had done.
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High Priestess, Reversed - Pt. 2
Asra cradled Celeste in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She still didn't wake, but he could feel her, buried within herself, gathering strength from him.
The pain and the cold that Julian described was nothing like what he felt. For him, it was the sensation of a limb that had fallen asleep, coating his body with pinpricks and static. In the beginning, when he first took her from him, she was much, much colder, but she had warmed. He wasn't certain on the logistics but assumed it was their connection that insulated him from the harsh effect. It seemed to fit with her arcana, that she would be cast into such darkness when she was depleted in this way. He had just never actually seen it. 
She looked grey, like the forest in winter. Touched with frost. Shrouded in fog. He knew Muriel would panic as soon as he laid eyes on her. It was all he could do not to panic himself. He'd seen her look like this before. It was different. He knew it was different. But, the memory floods back anyway. He lays lips on her temple, clinging tighter.
As tight as he held her, he knew he was nearing the end of what he could give. He could feel his spirit fading, not able to draw enough in. She needed another host to support her, at least for a while. He prayed Muriel, or Julian would be able to take her now that he'd bore the brunt of it. He couldn't know what she would feel like to them. But, however she would feel in their arms, he knew he couldn't hang on much longer. He would need to replenish, take nourishment, and rest. 
He heard the door bang open and two sets of feet on the stairs. He breathed a sigh of relief. "They're back, my heart. We're all here, now." Looking at the doorway at the top of the stairs, he saw Muriel first. He looked angry. Frightened, perhaps, but truly angry. But, when he laid eyes on Celeste, it was all gone, like the air went out of him, and he softened. "Come, take her."
Muriel didn't need to be told twice. He was across the room in two strides, reaching out to take her. 
Asra and Julian both cried out at once, like parents trying to warn a child away from a hot stove. "Wait!" Muriel blinked, looking bewildered, jerking upright, annoyed. 
"You're going to want to sit, and you need to cover up...Here, just...get under the blankets. You don't want to touch her skin unless you have to. Not yet, anyway." Asra clarified. "Actually, Julian...would you try? See if she feels like she did at the beginning?"
Julian moved towards them, nodding. Muriel tensed, and barked a sharp "No", giving him a dark gaze. Julian raised his hands in resignation. 
Muriel crouched down, and he took her hand, slowly. It took his breath from him, like being hit in the gut without warning. A cold breeze blowing across his body, rattling his bones. He jerked back, eyes wide. To Asra, then to Julian, mouth opening and closing, trying to form words.
"Tried to tell you, big guy" Julian said, shortly. 
Asra was fading, faster now. "No time for this," he sighed. "Come, lay down. You need to take her."
Muriel did as he was told. He was entirely too large for the bed, but he made it work. He let Asra pass her on to his chest, laying her on her stomach. He enrobed her in his arms, careful to avoid any exposed skin. Asra laid back beside them with a sigh, exhausted. 
When he was covered, it was a different sensation. Still cold, but it was more like the cold had crept into his head, whirling around his brain. The feeling was lonely. Barren. 
He shook his head, trying to clear the fog, and peered over at Asra. Then, at Julian, who had taken a seat in a chair by the window. He swallowed, hard. He wanted to scream at him. To know why he allowed her to do this to herself. In his heart, he knew that it wasn't Julian's fault. She would have done it anyway. "This is why...I don't like letting her out of my sight."
Julian gave a quiet, spiteful laugh, dropping his head into his hands, rubbing his temples. "Amongst other things, I'm sure." 
Asra, half-asleep, snapped his fingers to redirect them. "So...not the time." 
Julian rolled his eyes, though, he did agree. "Can I get something for you?" Asra shook his head, snuggling up to Muriel's side. Julian winced, then stood, brushing invisible dust off his legs. "I'm going next door. I'll be back in a little while..." Muriel was, very pointedly, avoiding looking at him. Asra had already drifted off. He sighed, deeply. Even in this heinous situation, they settled into a peaceful little nest. He was superfluous. This is why she chose the way she did. He had never seen it so clearly.  "...call me, if you need me. Call louder if she wakes up before I get back." 
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Can I get sdr2 boys finding out their S/O is used to crying themselves to sleep?
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Hey hey! I’d like to apologize for putting this off for so long, I started this a while ago and never had the motivation to finish it :’> This was sent in when there was no character limit so all of the characters are done, but reminder that our limit is still five!
-Mod Monokuma ❤
How could his lovely partner have been upset for so long without him knowing?!
While he acts like his normal cheerful self on the outside, seeing you cry concerned him greatly. Do you not trust him enough to talk to? Is there anything he can do to help?
He doesn’t want to worry you, though, so he does his best to make sure you feel safe and loved.
His pet names for you get even more intense, if that’s even possible. Sugar Plum, Dumpling, Honeysuckle, JuJuBee, they’re so ridiculous that you can’t help but smile.
If you’re ok with it he insists on falling asleep with you every night. He won’t even make any dirty jokes, just hold you in his arms and reassure you that he’ll be with you for as long as you’ll have him.
The very first thing he does when he finds out is nearly crush you in a tight hug. He quickly loosens his grip when he realizes how tight he was holding, but still doesn’t let go for a while.
His skill at training athletes is admirable, but his counseling skills are what really makes him the ultimate team manager. If you’ll let him, he will try and talk you through anything that’s bothering you.
He tells you to text him every time you’re about to cry, even if it’s over something small, so he can try and comfort you. No matter how busy he is he always replies within a minute, even if the only thing he can send at the moment is an inspirational quote or an “I love you.”
He knows when something is too much to handle, and if his efforts don’t help you he strongly encourages you to seek help from professionals. It is their job to help people, after all! No matter what you choose to do he will support you the entire way.
Any time it’s possible, he gives you one of his famous massages before bed. He claims it’s “to clear your mind and make room for good dreams.”
He honestly doesn’t know how to deal with this information at first. You’ve always seemed so happy? How much does he not know?
All he can do is give you an awkward hug and tell you that he loves you.
Despite his apparent indifference it tears him apart. He can’t stop imagining your face twisted with grief at night, to the point where he can’t fall asleep without sending you a goodnight text.
He can’t take it after a few weeks, finally sitting down and having… an admittedly very awkward conversation, complete with frequent stuttering and long, drawn out pauses. Despite his poor communication skills he gets his point across, and by the time he’s said all he has to say you can tell how much he loves you.
He’ll repeat that awkward conversation as many times as it takes until you believe it, because your happiness is worth all the embarrassment in the world.
Oh boy does he know the feeling. Hearing you talk about what you’re going through reminded him of how he used to be, which made him all the more sympathetic.
He’s extremely good at reading people so he could probably already tell that something was off. When he find out for sure, he becomes a lot more affectionate with you despite how insecure it usually makes him feel.
He tries to shift towards whichever personality he thinks will make you feel better at the moment; it’s what he’s best at, after all. At the end of the day, though, all you want is him, and he’s happy to deliver.
How can someone this hopeful feel this much despair? Hearing what you’re going through actually brings him to tears.
He thinks it’s his fault, that he isn’t doing enough to help you. It takes quite a bit of convincing to stop him from breaking up with you, as he thought that would make you the happiest. He couldn’t be further from wrong.
When that idea doesn’t work out as expected he goes the opposite route and devotes all of his attention to you. Not that he wasn’t entirely devoted to you before, of course. He constantly checks how you’re feeling and makes sure you have everything you want at all times.
His daily readings have shifted towards self care books so he can figure out how to better take care of you. It’s… not something he has a lot of practice with, so it takes a lot of research before he can be any help. You appreciate his effort, though.
Anytime you need him he will drop everything and come see you, no matter what he may have been busy with. This pisses off a lot of people he was trying to help out, but it’s worth it to make sure you’re happy. He made a promise to be there for you when you need it, and breaking that promise would be the worst mistake of his life.
Big thanks to Mod Celeste for getting the last 3 for me!
Hajime Hinata
He always knew something was off
but it didn’t click until he came home early
You were hugging a pillow and shaking
“S/o?” Hajime whispered and knelt beside you
You jumped, not expecting him, “Wh-what? Why are you here….”
“What’s wrong?” Hajime pulled you close
You explained that you couldn’t pinpoint anything making you cry. It was like a pit in your heart, and you’ve just been slowly crying it out
“I know the feeling,” Hajime  laid down, pulling you on top of him, “But that feeling won’t be bothering you anymore. And if it does, I’ll help you through it.”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
He heard you crying and almost burst the door open
“S/O? Who the fuck hurt you I’m gonna-”
He’s so worked up he forgets hugs are a thing and paces the room while you hold a pillow and try to calm down
“I-it’s....okay” You finally wipe away your tears, “I’ll be f-fine.” 
“Are you shitting me right now?” The baby gangsta finally came over to you, “Who made you hurt? I’ll fuck them up.”
You sigh, “This isn’t all one thing or one person’s fault-”
He takes a step back at your sudden aggression.
“This is years worth of small things adding up. No one is bullying me except myself.”
Fuyuhiko blinks, then hangs his head, “Don’t beat yourself up, S/o... I love you and don’t wanna see ya hurt.”
You smile, thankful, “I love you too.”
Gundham Tanaka
Which mortal dare trouble your slumber?!
He’s angry at first, but directs his attention to you and your needs. 
“S/o, I have a solution,” WIthout further warning, Gundham picked you up bridal style and held you close to him
“Wh-what?” the surprise makes you stop crying
“Distraction,” He smiled, “and I get to be closer to my Queen of Darkness.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle into his scarf. “Thank you, Gundham.”
After you calm down, you tell your boyfriend how several coworkers of yours were bullying you and spreading rumours
Gundham waits a week, so nothing is suspicious, then sends some of his pet rats and mice in to mess with the workers. 
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
Gundham smirked as the high pitched squeals and screams came about. 
“Don’t mess with my Queen.”
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butter-ff · 7 years
It's a Celebration...
I woke up from the best sleep in a while and snuggled my comfy pillow to realize that it was Aubrey… my head popped up arm and leg thrown around him and he was sleeping so peacefully. This feels extremely too right. I had to pee so I started trying to figure out a way to get from under him without waking him. I gently took his arm that was protectively around my waist and pulled it off before moving a little too quick and instantly becoming nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom in time to throw up in the toilet before using the potty. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I was staring at my body, not even noticing that Aubs was in the doorway watching me.
“You’re gorgeous Porter!” I blushed a little and looked down.
He walked further into my bathroom putting his hands on either side of the sink and pressing against me. Looking at me through the mirror.
“I love every little thing about you, and I’m really loving every subtle change baby Graham is making to this already bomb ass body you got baby girl!” He kissed my neck before trying to bite it, and I giggled.
“Thanks for coming last night.” I said through giggles.
“I may not technically be your man right now… but just like my heart belongs to you, you gotta trust me to always protect and take care of yours too!” He said placing one hand on my tender chest and the other on my stomach before turning me around to face him.
God this man is so perfect for me…
“You sleep with her?” I asked quietly.
“No” was his short response.
“Do you want to?” Came out next.
“P we’re not together, you chose this and I respect it. So honestly what I do or don’t do with another woman should ’t be an issue.” He’s right but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to know.
I was at a loss for words so I did what I can’t seem to control lately and started to cry.
“Porter no…” he begged wiping tears.
“I’m sorry I can’t control it half the time! It's really not you I swear.” I said through tears.
“Baby look at me.” He said pulling my chin up to look at him.
“What?” I asked sniffling.
“Get your shit together woman!!! Naw I’m playing. She’s not you. She might fill a void sometimes when I just want a woman around but the only woman I want to be up under and inside of is you. The only woman that makes me crazy is you. The only woman I want to give me a basketball team worth of babies is you. The only woman I will let break up with me for some odd shit and disappear for three damn months in another part of the world is you. And the absolute only woman I will cry like a little bitch over is you! I ain’t had sex in a long time baby!” He finished as I stared up at him, hands on his waist loving the feel of his warm skin.
“Good to know!” I leaned up on tiptoe and pecked his lips before kissing down his body and sucking on my favorite thing to tell my man thank you for the wait…
1 month and 2 weeks Later…
I’m putting the last touches on this get together. I am now actually sixteen weeks pregnant, and we know the sex of the baby or should I say Celeste does but we have two names either way. It’s been a little hard keeping the pregnancy from everyone this long, but with the right clothes you can conceal the pudge. The Studio and shop has been open for a month and is doing really well. Aubrey is amazing which is no surprise. There have been nights when I would just pop up at his house and he would rub my belly, or my feet, or his favorite my breasts. He constantly tells me how beautiful I am. He’ll come over and cook… that’s right he will kick my mom out the kitchen and cook for us as well as clean up after. He reads and attempts to sing to the baby, and his favorite thing to do is take a nap on my belly. He says it’s unfair that I get all the natural bonding time, and that I need to share the belly! Celeste had me in my office under threat as she and Drew along with Mark and Noah did whatever my mom said as they transformed my gallery and show room into a dinner/gender reveal. My mentor, who is another photographer took some maternity pictures for us to go along with my reveal. I invited her and her family to come as well tonight. I think that all in all it will be a good twenty people here. Aubrey’s dad is flying into town for it. But no one knows what it’s really for we told them that it was a celebration for the success of my business in such a short time. I went through a few shoots and sent them to their respective destinations, before responding to emails before Aubrey called.
On Phone: Me: Hey Aubs what’s up!? Aub: I was just thinking about you and my baby, y'all good?
I smiled, he does this a lot.
Me: yes daddy we are fine, uncle Mark and Goddad Noah, and Aunty Celeste won’t let mommy do anything. Aub: Baby Graham tell mom dukes to sit at her desk and look pretty cause Glam Ma Pier can handle the squad.
I giggled at his silliness as I had put the phone on speaker and near my belly.
Me: ok daddy we get it! Aub: I love you my little person and you too babygirl! Me: we love you too Aubs!
End Convo…
I shook my head laughing to look up and see Celeste and my mother in the door.
“Stop playing and make that man your husband child!” My mother said eyeing me as Celeste snickered.
“Girl because what we just witnessed was oh my goodness cute!” Celeste said causing me to laugh.
“What do y'all need?” I asked.
“To get you changed into your first outfit, it’s almost time.” I nodded getting up and rubbing my belly.
“It’s time for the world to know about you baby!” I said to my little angel. Tonight everyone would find out that we’re expecting, what he or she is, and the name!
I got dressed which took a little and sat while I got my hair and make up done. Tonight should be perfect.
I drove to the Pier after picking up my mother. Jaya has been blowing me up all night wanting to hang out. But I told her I have something very important and special to me happening tonight and we can chill another time. She’s in her feelings. But she’s not my woman just my friend who I know wants more, but I’m past the days of multiple women. I like Jaya as a friend she’s beautiful and Amazing. But my heart will always belong to the mother of my child.
“I think it’s so nice that Porter invited me!” My mother spoke as we neared The Pier.
“She loves you Mom, just because we’re not together right now doesn’t affect her admiration for the phenomenal woman that created me!” I spoke and was rewarded with a smile.
We pulled up and I helped my mother out and inside once I parked in the back parking lot. We entered and were handed glasses of wine. Porter’s glasses were filled with apple juice which she has had very strong cravings of. The guest list tonight consisted of my guys and their girls. My parents, P’s mom and Grams, E and Ant, Remy, Steez and Bam, Julian and Celeste who have been together for a month, Court and her new guyfriend, and Ants parents along with Porters mentor and her family. My uncle, and Sarah Beth. We walked over to P who was talking to E and Jess.
“Hello Porter thanks for inviting me, and congratulations you deserve so much success!” My mother spoke and Porter smiled hugging and thanking her.
She looked at me trying to figure out what I was gonna do. I pulled her into a bear hug and pecked her lips. I was nibbling on them which caused her to laugh and push me away.
“Best behavior sir!” I mock saluted and walked with my mother to seat her at the table.
We all sat and Porter stood in her flowy black dress that did a good job of concealing the belly, but my girls would not be concealed… I love messaging the titties.
“Thank you all for coming, the success of The Pier is still so surreal to me. When I came here I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and now I can’t imagine doing anything else surrounded by any other people. You all are the best support system a girl can have!” Everyone said cheers and we dug in.
The food was delicious and we talked and joked. The women commented on Porters happy glow they called it. We finished dinner and Porter stood again.
“I have set up a special presentation of pictures in my Gallery for you all to view. The rules are that you must look at each picture in order until you get to the very end.” Everyone obliged as they began to walk through the gallery. It’s a square room with pictures set up and there is electronics for curation. Porter and I could be heard telling the story of our relationship up to the baby. We stood back watching everyone as they looked at the pictures and listened before getting to the very last one and realizing what they were really here for. Her mother still cried even though she already knew. Her Grams and my mother hugged crying as well. We got a lot off congratulations when people finished and Steez put me in a headlock!
“Ok everyone! Hello if you don’t know me I am Celeste the beautiful and talented Porter Piers assistant! She and Aubrey trusted me with the sex of their baby. So you two have to stay facing that way. I will display the sonogram on the screen so everyone else can see, Aubrey will be popping this bottle which will spew out the color of the sex… that is why there is tarp down!”
We all nodded and I’m excited. Celeste handed me the bottle and I heard cheers as the picture displayed behind us and people celebrated. Porter squeezed my arm as I popped the bottle and blue spewed out. Porter was in tears as I picked her up squeezing her to me. She had snuck off and changed so that her bump was now visible. I kissed her neck putting her down and wiping her tears.
“You’re giving me a son!” I said feeling on a high!
“What’s his name?” Erin asked excitedly.
Porter and I looked at each other before she started.
“Emilio for my dad!” She teared up along with her mother and Grams.
“Steven for my favorite uncle!” My uncle and mother hugged.
“Graham!!” We finished together. Rewarded with a collective aww.
“There is one last thing!” Porter stated as I wiped her eyes. Drew came with a pillow that had gold engraved keys on top. She gave one to Noah, Steez, Bam, Erin, Julian, and Celeste.
On each key it read, you are an essential key to the success of my parents, will you be my godmother/godfather!
They all read it and smiled with varying reactions as they came to hug us and say yes. The rest of the night we talked and danced, and celebrated the birth of Baby Graham. And later P came to my crib and we snuggled up in bed as I read a bedtime story to my son and ate his mom to sleep. Champagnepapi: Baby Graham on the way! I hope he looks just like mom dukes with finess like his dad 👀💙👶🏽...
Again unedited sorry but I hope y'all like it 😁 leave me love!!❤️️
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