#and also asmodeus is too smart to be manipulated
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
really going to embody celeste today by just obsessively mulling over every little moment with patience from last night's session
#i just. can't get over. how perfect he was#how the fuck did the dm do that#she reached into my brain and plucked him out#my ideal asmodeus#the exact perfect ratios of arrogant and intelligent and mean but nice to celeste and funny and impatiently patient#brought the exact energy i wanted of fond of celeste but not returning the energy he was bringing#probably making his friends assume he's in an emotionally abusive relationship lmao#but also a few little tiny moments and things to show that he does actually maybe care#like i'm just#houoguhghgohoghghhhrhhhghh oughhghhhh aughhh#i shouldn't have to go to work today because i should just be allowed to stay home and roll around on the floor#thinking about my blorbos from my brain#the relationship energy i wanted from them is like. a cat and a golden retriever and it was nailed perfectly#celeste just like hanging off his arm and trying to snuggle with him in the coach#while patience isn't pushing him away but also isn't really reciprocating and is just talking about guild fees and shit#also just. love celeste managing to get their new tavern renovated and opened and set up completely for free#just bc asmodeus is like desperate to give him gifts and celeste keeps not wanting them#it fully probably could seem like celeste was using that to manipulate him into paying for it all but celeste is too fucking dumb for that#he didn't realize what he was doing#and also asmodeus is too smart to be manipulated#ghahhh i know no one cares about them as much as i do but i AM going to keep talking about them so much#i was so happy to get patience in the game#personal#fel's ttrpgs#dnd#waterdeep campaign#oc: celeste#celeste/asmodeus
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brionnne · 2 years
categorized my fictional crushes by introversion / extroversion introverts won with 34; only 15 are extroverted
two of the extroverts are women; the rest of the lot are men
kind of interesting, though. there are also some male characters that i think i would be attracted to if they were not men. personality checks out, but he does not fit into my checklist for 'male crush'.
weird how these things work
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Blue Exorcist 147 Recap and Notes
We begin this Chapter with Shura fighting Asmodick.
He's clearly a sicko and trying to manipulate Shura's emotions to find some sort of weakness. He is somehow able to read Shura's energy and knows that she's been through some shit, and he's hoping to exploit her. He also seems to realize that her confidence has taken a hit because her sword has limited power. He might be hoping to possess her, steal her body as his own. Because this level of demon can do these things all the time.
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I have faith in Shura. She knows how demons work; she's incredibly smart and has already gone through a lifetime of abuse by Hachiro. She's dealt with Yukio's pent-up anger and stress and knows how Rin suffered from a lack of confidence in Kyoto when he couldn't draw his blade. Shura's got the memo on demons and their manipulations and has learned many things mentoring Rin and Yukio through their teenaged years.
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Back to Chapter 147
One thing we notice about Shura right away. Shura doesn't look scared when confronting Asmodeus. Just tired and sick of all the shit, and Shura, I acknowledge that fucking mood.
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That part about Shura interests me; Kato is in her 40s, and so am I. This is how a woman feels in her 40s; you reach maturity when you don't fall for the hollowness and cheap lines. Empty talk bounces away and doesn't mean shit. Shura's character is both young and old...and acts like a much older woman. I identify with Shura because Kato identifies with her, so I greatly favour this character. I'm telling you that Asmodeus has zero chance of breaking her will. Shura won't cave emotionally, won't feel fear, and won't emotionally weaken. But it's her sword that might fail her. She needs a new demon in that sword.
So what about Asmodeus? This guy can't feel anything because his time in a body is so fleeting. He reacts because he has no foundation, no love, no stability. His eternity is that of a hollow fuckboi. He lives to feel the pain, aggression and complex emotions of others.
How does Shura defeat him?
If this was Yukio vs Asmodeus, Yukio would use pure aggression and hatred of demons to kill, maim and destroy the demon back to Gehenna. He'd make a fake contract to trick the demon into its destruction.
But Shura ain't Yukio.
But what if Shura gave the demon empathy. And yeah, I know, it's cliche as hell (There's a big part of me who wants his tail cut off.)
But Shura isn't like Yukio and is more willing to try and understand a broken demon's brain. (Rin's half-demon thoughts were a start.)
Shura desperately needs a demon in her sword, and Asmodeus wants to feel...well...anything. Could Asmodeus live through Shura while living inside Fang? As previously mentioned in theories, Shura would add another powerful temptaint to strengthen her body and resilience. Caliburn lusts after and lives through a contract with Angel. Maybe in some bizarre capacity, Asmodeus is Shura's type? Maybe he's the weak one who desperately needs Shura's strength?
And this is Shura's next stage. She needs to learn to collaborate with demons more. Why? At some point, she will need to collaborate much more closely with Mephisto, and that idea is still too bitter a pill for Shura to swallow. Mephisto may someday need someone strong enough to save him. Potentially taking on his B'aal heart. Asmodeus could be that stepping stone. Arc knights seem to have very close connections and relationships with demon familiars, and Shura is ready to be promoted.
Speaking of Mephisto. Where the hell is he?
He's not anywhere.
I studied all the drawings, and I saw Amaimon bouncing around as Shiemi's security detail, carrying her around like Ariana Grande, but no Mephisto. Wherever he is, he's not doing much of anything.
(I stand corrected. I was told by Marblewolf, he was in the manga...on Shiemi's back in one panel as the dog.) :D
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Rin and Yukio
Cold fish Yukio doesn't go back to save Shura; instead, he leaves her behind for the mission. And I hate to say it, but he could be running headlong into a trap. Blue exorcist is about love and family and Yukio's fixation on the mission instead of his friends. It's not the right choice at all.
The rest of the team is trying to figure out a way beyond Satan's wall, and they can't. This situation freaks me out because only Rin and Yukio could have found that secret entrance. Two sons of Satan are immune to Satan's power. They need to work together to beat the riddles and traps before them. That means Satan is helping Rin and Yukio accomplish their mission and makes me believe there is something nefarious at the end. Mephisto was the one who made the map, so he knows more than he's letting on.
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Last but not least, we have Amun, the son of God. Ancient Egyptian fashion Ken. And Osceola cracked his precious ring. In retaliation, he's going to blow himself up and possess a new body shortly. The demon would willingly kill himself to stop the exorcist's attack.
But fear not, Osceola hasn't eaten his mushrooms yet. We will see the Arc Knight get even more vicious, if that's even possible. But does that mean that Osceola will die? Will he martyr himself like the Sun Demon? Yes, he would.
Osceola is almost dead now, and if he goes berzerk from the mushrooms, it might use up the last bit of his life. But Osceola wouldn't hesitate to give up his life for the others, not because of the mission, but because he's brave and loves them. He loves Lightning.
Lightning is like his son, and he would want him to live on.
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Lightning warns Osceola not to take his mushroom snack because Lightning doesn't want him to die. Osceola smiles when he warns the old exorcist against using it because he knows Lightning cares. Lightning is very much like a demon and cannot express emotions readily, but because of his years and years of caring for Osceola, he has developed a capacity to love. And I'm convinced that Lightning will return to save his mentor and father figure.
Mission be damned.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
I honestly think Mammon being somewhat of an Éminence Grise, informant, and assassin.
[It means someone who has power and influence on a certain political sphere without actually holding an official position]
Smart, Calculating, Secretive, and kinda manipulative. I also think he hates being judged on status and pretends to be a fool, but if he wants something his skills come to life that Satan may be put to shame.
How would everyone [Sins, Royals, Angels, Humans + MC] react?
I also believe in Barbatos and Mammon friendship so let's pretend he's the only one who knows about his Éminence Grise side. And Dia is also kinda aware since Mammon is his informant and assassin, he just doesn't know it's Mammon.
Hi! I've never heard of an éminence grise before, glad to have learned something new. Mammon being one kind of makes sense too, because how else could such a seemingly irresponsible dude be the second strongest of his already powerful brothers, right? Also, this is going to be my first time writing a scenario segment for Mc! Enjoy
éminence grise mammon
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mild implied (fictional) political themes
he suspected mammon was keeping something from him, probably more bills
he did not expect the secret to be this
lucifer is proud of his brother though, so far there have been no public incidents, that must mean mammon is good at this job
levi doesn't believe it
in fact, he believes it so little he bursts out laughing upon learning the news
barbatos had to tell him that this information is actually true
he doesn't really care, honestly
as long as this does not interfere with his business, mammon is free to do and be whatever he wants
all that changed is the fact that he knows about this now
somebody take the phone away from his guy before he posts the news all over devilgram
he will joke about it when given the chance
going to parties with mammon now feels like having a free bodyguard
he's happy for mammon, because he found a good job
sometimes, he'll offer to help with the task mammon has to complete
nice offer, but mammon has to pass, there's only gotta be one food stand nearby for it all to go wrong
like satan, he doesn't really care
he was probably half-asleep while somebody told him the news
the problem is that now, some of his brothers (cough, levi and asmo) will not keep quiet about this, there goes his silent nap time
he knew there was somebody like this present
but he did not know it was mammon
and diavolo is do happy with that fact, mammon is somebody he knows and wants to grow closer to, this is the perfect chance
he did not expect mammon to be such an influential demon
he saw him more as that one dude who steals 5 grimm from the cash register at his work
but, as long as mammon and everybody else involved is satisfied, he is too
'simeon? what is an emi-sense rice?'
poor simeon has to explain all mammon's positions without making it sound way too violent
simeon told luke it means somebody who's trustworthy, he did not believe him
you know that meme of the person banging their credit card on the table?
that's him right now, but instead of a credit card, it's a pact
don't be surprised when he comes up with some shady plan to get a pact with mammon
why didn't mammon tell you before?
you shook the question off though, as long as he doesn't seem hurt, it's fine
when mammon had to do something for his position, you're the first one to hear the story
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Part 3! Starring Mini Mammon and Mini Asmo!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Underground Tomb special Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 4
MC names:
Lucifer’s kid=L!MC | Mammon’s kid=M!MC | Asmo’s kid=A!MC
Why did bad things happen to good people? Well... Lucifer being a good person is up to interpretation. He hadn’t done anything too heinous recently, his instruments of torture were collecting dust for goodness sake! So why oh why was he staring down two half demon children who looked suspiciously like two of his brothers?
The first kid to step forward was Mammon’s without a doubt, but their general demeanour was very different from their father’s. Perhaps their other parent had done a good job-
“What the fuck was that?!”
Never mind. The kid had Mammon’s pottymouth.
The other child surveyed the scene with a nervousness that their suspected parent never possessed. The kid’s gaze fell on Lucifer, their eyes began to glow ever so slightly. “Uh-um...” the kid cleared their throat. “Someone explain what’s going on!”
Was this child seriously trying to use manipulation powers on Lucifer? He almost laughed at the mere idea of someone trying. The child didn’t even seem to be aware that they were doing it. When their question was met with blank stares, they instantly shrank back and practically hid behind the first half demon. Despite the severe self-esteem difference, this kid was Asmodeus’.
Lucifer’s own child cleared their throat and smiled. “Welcome to the Devildom!”
The Uncle That Looks Like he Has his Shit Together but he Leaves the Reunion Drunk off his Rocker (Lucifer)
Ah shit here we go again-
Okay- okay. Normally he’d scold L!MC for taking Diavolo’s line, but Dia had recovered from his shock and was now gushing over the new exchange students like an excited puppy.
“Okay... L!MC you’re going to need to share your room.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Unless Belphie is willing to give up the attic as a nap spot-”
“You’re sharing your room.”
RAD was buzzing with gossip for the entire first month of the second attempt at the exchange program. The threats of being eaten were once again stamped out very quickly.
(Special thanks to L!MC for being a good bodyguard)
Now, Lucifer didn’t exactly know what to expect when it came to the child of his favourite brother. Mammon was a dumbass, but this kid... this kid...
Was smart.
For the first time in Lucifer’s very long life he felt compelled to place someone in a higher echelon than himself.
Mammon’s child managed to successfully budget that dumpster fire of a house. On the first fucking day. Not only that. This kid managed to skim FIVE THOUSAND GRIMM OFF THE TOP AND THE BUDGET STILL WORKED! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT-
Lucifer and Mammon thanked whatever spirit was watching over them because they truly believed their financial woes were over.
Shame that M!MC also spent their money on dumb stuff they didn’t need. Like father like child.
It’s no secret that Lucifer does have a bit of a soft spot for Asmo, I mean, who doesn’t love Asmo? But A!MC was a blessing sent right from the Celestial Realm.
They were just... too sweet. Way too sweet. Lucifer was actively getting cavities just being near them.
Anyone who bothered A!MC and M!MC during the first month ended up getting... uh... suspended.
(We can assume the threat of suspension would have extended to those who bothered L!MC but all the lesser demons were already terrified of them.)
Normally when Lucifer called someone into his study it was to lecture them for at least four hours and then send them to their rooms, but he was having quite the difficult time actually being upset with M!MC and A!MC.
A!MC looked close to tears and M!MC just stared right back at Lucifer with little to no fear in their eyes.
“Starting a fight during the first week of school is not how I expected the exchange students to behave.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, and prepared to continue the lecture, when he heard a sniffle. There wasn’t enough Demonus in the entire Devildom...
“I-I’m s—sorry...” A!MC sniffled, quickly wiping at their eyes. “Th-they were being r-really scary and we did-didn’t know what else to do...”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“I threw them out of the window.” M!MC huffed. “They were bein’ a dick.”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“That um...” A!MC mumbled. “That’s not all... I may have... told them to stick their head in a toilet first...”
“You made them stick their head in a toilet,” Lucifer turned to M!MC. “And then you threw them out of a window?”
“Yes.” M!MC and A!MC replied. Lucifer downed the rest of his glass of Demonus and debated whether or not it would be a show of weakness to slam his forehead into the desk in front of the children.
Lucifer looked between the two for a moment, then shook his head and sighed. “It’s my job to deal with threats to the exchange students, not yours.” Lucifer stood in front of the two, he rested his hands on their heads and gave them a quick pat, before knocking their heads together. “Next time someone bothers you, tell me. If I hear even a whisper of you two getting into another fight, I’m hanging you from the ceiling. Is that clear?”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other, then back at Lucifer and nodded. “Yes sir!”
“Good.” Lucifer removed his hand from their heads. “Now shoo.”
Flying lessons for the two of them went way quicker than it did for L!MC, mainly because L!MC was a way better teacher.
As much as Lucifer loved his newly found niblings, he couldn’t show it too much. Outward softness was reserved for L!MC and L!MC only. M!MC and A!MC were stuck with silent acts of affection.
Every once and a while a little present or two would end up in M!MC or A!MC’s possession. Some ice cream money for M!MC when they blew their part of the budget on fancy sunglasses, a multiplayer video game that the three half-demons could play together, new shoes when A!MC accidentally ruined their’s...
He’s a good uncle. A scary uncle. But a good uncle. ^_^
(Don’t tell him I said that, I’m still in trouble for advertising Mammon’s escape Go Fund Me and I don’t want to have to write the rest of this HC hanging upside down.)
He’s Not Like the Other Dads, he’s a Cool Dad! (Mammon)
He’s a dad?! HE’S TO YOUNG TO BE A DAD! Hang on- he’s over five thousand years old...
Oh would you look at that! His kid pulled out a calculator.
...his annual income? Uh... why do you- HEY! WHAT’S WITH THAT FACE?!
M!MC puffed out their cheek as they continued to add the ever growing list of numbers into the calculator. Mammon was trying to get a peak at what they were calculating. M!MC suddenly looked up and practically lit up the room with their smile. Aw, their fangs were growing in!
They had a devilishly charming smile, just like their pop! A real chip off the old block! It almost brought a tear to Mammon’s eye and he actually felt compelled to give this kid all the money he had on him. Maybe even his Rolex too!
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed,” M!MC said sweetly. “My... dad.”
“Yep! That’s uh... that’s me!” Mammon awkwardly ruffled his kid’s hair, the kid laughed good naturedly.
M!MC’s sweet as honey smile flipped from elated to malicious in a manner of nanoseconds. “You owe over thirteen years of child support. Dad.”
Everyone say thank you to Lucifer and Diavolo for getting M!MC to compromise and not try and sue their father.
If you thought Mammon spoiled L!MC you’ve got another thing coming. Mammon’s wallet never stood a chance against his kid.
Poor Goldie, press F to pay respects.
Mammon also tried to teach A!MC and M!MC to drive, M!MC has no regard for their safety, the safety of others, or the laws of the road, buuuuuuuut they manage to get the car back with no dents and no property damage bills are being delivered to the house sooooo...
A!MC can drive fine... it’s just that they adhere to literally every law known to demonkind, which means neither Mammon or Asmo are allowed to open up the sunroof and do that movie thing where they pop their heads out and yell something. ITS NOT SAFE!
Our beloved dummy also tried to teach his kid how to play poker, with... limited success.
“Aw, come on kiddo.” Mammon smirked, flicking his kid on the nose. “Your poker face is awful, I can also see your cards from here.”
M!MC growled and held their cards closer to their face. “My poker face is fine!” It was in fact, not fine.
Mammon scratched his head and thought for a moment. Was he sure that this kid was his? I mean, they weren’t good at poker, had terrible luck in blackjack and roulette, and could barely understand the rules of craps. Craps! While he was lamenting the loss of possible gambling winnings, an idea hit Mammon at a thousand miles an hour.
“Hey kid, you’re damn good at math like your great and amazin’ father, have you ever thought about learnin’ how to count cards?”
Fancy outfits on, hair done (sorta), car ready, the two were off to the casino after quite the intense training montage. It appeared that casinos in the Devildom allowed children inside... Diavolo should really fix that.
“Okay M!MC, you remember what to do, right?”
“Yes. Remember the signal, and if someone catches on, deny deny deny.”
Mammon gave his kid a slap on the back. “Damn straight! You got this, bud.”
As the night dragged on, M!MC and Mammon had made their weight in money, paper money, they had made a SHIT ton is what I’m saying. Tragically, neither the Avatar of Greed or his child had any sense to leave before their luck crashed like the Stock Market in 1929.
They were both Icarus, and they were playing chicken with the sun... and by 3 am they were also playing chicken with security.
“GO GO GO!” Mammon shouted as he and M!MC sprinted towards the car, the night’s winnings in hand.
“I think I lost a shoe!” M!MC gasped as they scrambled into the car, security on their heels.
“I’ll buy you new shoes JUST PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT!”
Re-enacting every Fast and the Furious movie in twenty minutes was how that lovely night of father/child bonding should have ended... until they got home and realized they were locked out.
“The window to my room!” M!MC whispered, pointing up at their window. “It’s usually unlocked, we can climb up to get to it.”
“Good idea!”
M!MC tucked the bag full of their precious money under their arm and began the climb to their window, their father close behind. They had almost made it, they were so close, M!MC could literally touch the window-
The window swung open and the smiling faces of L!MC and A!MC greeted them.
“Oh my, it looks like we have some delinquents breaking curfew~.” L!MC cooed, resting their head on their hand.
“You shouldn’t be gambling this late! A-and your accessories don’t match!” A!MC huffed.
“Oi! L!MC, A!MC! What are ya doin’ up this late! It’s not good for ya!” Mammon whisper-yelled.
“My sleep schedule should be the least of your concerns right now, right A!MC?” L!MC elbowed A!MC, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep! Those who break curfew are hung from the ceiling by their toes.” A!MC shuddered.
M!MC rolled their eyes and stuck out their hand. “Come on L!MC! Let us in! You should listen to your older cousin!”
Upon hearing M!MC pull the older cousin card L!MC smiled deviously, grabbing both of M!MC’s hands. “Of course, dear cousin.” They leaned in. “Long live the king!”
L!MC shoved M!MC downward, Mammon caught them, but lost his own grip and they both lost hold of the money, which fell out of the bag and onto the ground like snow. Paper snow...
Oh well, at least Mammon and M!MC landed in some of the bushes...
“Ya know,” Mammon said as the money fell around them. “I’ve had dreams where this has happened.”
“Wow,” M!MC smiled. “Me too!”
Yep. This was his kid alright.
Not all his father/kid time revolved around money, it also revolved around both of them trying to avoid horror movie night without making it look like they were chickening out.
“Okay, I’ll fake a medical emergency!”
“Kid, no! They’ll never believe that!”
Since A!MC had their father’s eye for fashion and none of the judgemental comments, the kid became Mammon’s unofficial style coach.
“U-um... I hate to say it but those shoes don’t match with the rest of the outfit, the silhouette is confusing...”
“What’re ya talkin’ about? I look fantastic!”
“Are you blind? You look like a thrift store threw up on you.”
“Who invited you, Asmo?!”
“I’m here to support A!MC! You’re doing great by the way, sweetie!”
He may have cried a little when M!MC was able to fly without help... sniffle... they grow up so fast...
Oh- oh fuck they both crashed into the tree-
Oh My God he Actually Showed Up?! (Levi)
That... that couldn’t be real life! A shut-in’s worst nightmare! More people he needed to talk to!
Considering Mammon and Asmo’s track record with taking care of his things, Levi was incredibly hesitant to invite the two to binge anime with him and L!MC.
It seemed that the two normies inherited their fathers’s level of respect for closed doors. What I’m saying is the two crashed anime night.
“I have never seen such bullshit before.”
M!MC’s hands were stuffed in about five pairs of socks each, effectively turning their hands into useless nubs.
“You be quiet! This is to make sure that you don’t take any of my things and try and sell them on Akuzon!” Levi hissed, turning back to make sure his figurines were safe from the mini Mammon. A!MC was standing awkwardly next to L!MC, who was sitting in Levi’s gaming chair reading manga.
“So what are we going to watch..?” A!MC piped up. “I haven’t really watched much anime but I did watch Digimon...”
“I was more of a Beyblade kid.” M!MC hit their sock-stumps together to make a thumping noise.
Levi looked like he was ready to have a stroke. “L-listen! Those are gateway anime! You two need to watch proper anime! Non-dubbed anime!”
A!MC let out a shriek and stared at their reflection in a very shiny looking gundam figurine. “Have I been wearing off colour lip gloss the entire day?! O-oh no... I’m a mess!”
Levi let out a strangled wail and snatched the gundam out of A!MC’s hands. “D-don’t touch that! It’s worth more than a house!”
“It is?!” M!MC perked up and tried to wrestle their way out of their sock-gloves.
“Don’t make me stick you in a straight jacket...” Levi growled. He turned to L!MC with a pleading look on his face. “Please make them stop...”
L!MC grinned deviously and closed their book. “Of course I’ll help you, if we watch season two of The Promised Neverland.”
Levi shrieked and nearly pulled out his hair then and there. “It’s manga divergent! MANGA DIVERGENT! THEY SKIPPED SO MANY ARCS!”
M!MC and A!MC continued to wreak both purposeful and accidental havoc on Levi’s room, he was just about ready to summon Lotan then and there when L!MC shrugged.
“The ball’s in your court, Levi.” L!MC leaned back in the chair and resumed reading their manga.
Levi’s willpower shattered the moment he heard something fall off one of his cabinets. “WE CAN WATCH WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST MAKE THEM STOOOOOP!”
Quick as a flash, L!MC was out of the chair and had both M!MC and A!MC by the ears.
M!MC and A!MC became the most well behaved children in the Devildom after that... and L!MC and Levi got to watch their anime in peace.
Okay, Levi wasn’t heartless, he loved his lame normie niblings. They were just very very loud...
Though, M!MC was very good at finding merch for way lower prices... and A!MC actually really liked some of the anime they watched... Maybe they weren’t so bad.
M!MC’s attempts to budget that financial dumpster fire of an otaku was not going well, at least until M!MC convinced Lucifer to dangle concert tickets in front of Levi like a carrot on a stick until he agreed to do his best to stay within the monthly budget.
Levi had learned his lesson from L!MC’s flying lessons and steered clear of them, but luck was not on his side. The ONE time he willingly stepped outside of the house...
Both M!MC and A!MC crashed right into him.
The Uncle With the Cat You Never See and Aren’t Really Allowed to Pet. (Satan)
Oh fuck him sideways the house was going to be so much louder... Say goodbye to his quiet reading time...
On the bright side, the look of pure disbelief and exhaustion on Lucifer’s face gave Satan the biggest rush of serotonin he’d ever had in his life.
To be honest, he got on well with Asmo, and he... well it’s Mammon.
Could have been worse.
Could have been ANOTHER child of Lucifer.
“So... who do you think did it?” M!MC asked as the opening to the fourth episode of the murder documentary they were watching began. “I think it was the sister.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” Satan asked.
M!MC shrugged. “Chick’s shifty.”
“I um... I think they disappeared on their own accord.” A!MC murmured. “I mean, so far it seemed the two’s home lives sucked...”
“Good theory.” Satan nodded to himself. “But both of you are wrong, it was very clearly the mother and the neighbour.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” L!MC asked, imitating Satan’s voice. Detective Toe Beans was sprawled out on their lap.
Satan glowered at L!MC and leaned over to scratch Bean behind the ears. “The step-mother and neighbour are backing up each other’s alibis and they have a motive, access to a possible murder weapon, and a way of disposing of the corpses.”
L!MC rolled their eyes. “That’s a load of crap. It was just the step-mother. The mother had the motive, she and the father were on the outs, she wanted the father’s inheritance all to herself so she got rid of his kids.”
“How many more episodes of this are there?” M!MC asked. “This seems like a really dragged out way of just saying: I don’t know.”
“Sh! They’re explaining possible corpse disposal methods!” Satan hissed.
The four of them traded theories until the documentary series eventually ended with an unsatisfying ‘we dunno’.
“This is such shit...” M!MC muttered. “How have they managed to fill eight episodes with all these leads and evidence and the case is still unsolved?!”
“It’s because everyone involved was incompetent and stupid.” Satan sighed.
“You know,” L!MC smirked. “With all the true crime stuff the four of us watch, we could create the perfect crime.”
“We really could.” M!MC nodded in agreement.
“Using A!MC’s powers no one would suspect us...” Satan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh...” A!MC shifted uncomfortably. “On an unrelated note... I’m going to go...”
As A!MC scampered out of the room, L!MC turned to Satan and M!MC.
“There’s always the one weak person in the group who’s not down with murder.”
“A sad truth.”
“Hang on I thought we were talking about theft or something-”
Satan and M!MC are surprising study buddies, hell, they even help Mammon study. Or... it’s more accurate to say that they try to help Mammon study.
A!MC is good company, they’re quiet when they read, unlike most people in the house who felt the need to provide commentary on every single event that occurs in the book.
After proving to be quite useless in L!MC’s flight lessons, he just reminded the two new half demons to wear protective padding.
The Hot Single Dad That’s In Every Romcom That Features a Child (Asmo)
Oh... his... father... HE WAS A DILF NOW-
He practically vaulted out of his seat to coo and fuss over his new found hellspawn, they were just SO CUTE!
Their wings were just like his! So adorable! Oh and those little horns! They were so cute Asmo just might have combusted then and there.
Of course, he couldn’t combust without finding out which of his flings had made such an adorably shy mini-him.
“Ah! I remember that party!” Asmo squee-ed as he looked at a picture of A!MC’s parent. “They looked so hot in that outfit I swear I was completely-”
“Asmodeus.” Lucifer grumbled. “That’s a child in front of you.”
“Oh! Right! Mind if I call your ren, A!MC?” Asmo asked, ruffling their kid’s hair. “I want to see if they remember me fondly!”
As Asmo chattered with A!MC’s parent about just how adorable and perfect their kid turned out, Asmo leaned over to A!MC to ask a question.
“A!MC, I know this is sudden but how do you feel about getting a sib-”
“Tsk. Rude.”
It’s safe to say Asmo adores his kid. I mean, they’re 50% him, how could he not.
He didn’t exactly have experience with the whole... being a big part of his kids’s life thing. Sure he held the unofficial record for most kids but that was because effective birth control hadn’t been invented at the time when he was allowed to run rampant in the human world, not because he was an A+ dad.
None of that mattered! He was going to be a 10/10 dad to A!MC!
They were so shy... so... mouse-like...
“Um... dad?” A!MC awkwardly twiddled there thumbs as they stood in the doorway to their father’s room. The sweet smell of whatever essential oil was being spread with the diffuser did next to nothing to calm the poor half-demon’s nerves.
Asmo popped his head out of his walk-in closet with a sparkling smile. “Yes, child of mine?”
“I um, just wanted to ask...” A!MC was desperately trying to stave off an oncoming stutter-spiral. “H-h-how- *ahem* how do- ugh...”
A!MC steeled their face and straightened their posture.
“How do I be confident like you?!” They blurted that out a little too loud for comfort, but Asmo’s near-immediate joy quashed any embarrassment A!MC was feeling.
“You want to be like little ol’ me?” Asmo gushed, clearly trying to hide just how flattered he was. “Well, of course you do! Your dad’s got your back. So first what we’re going to do-”
The Avatar of Lust had done the stereotypical early 2000s movie makeover many times before, but never with so much enthusiasm. His kid’s style was fine, it wasn’t a lack of pizazz either, it was the lack of confidence in the pizazz.
“Okay, now stand up straight.”
A!MC straightened their back as much as they could.
“Perfect! Chin up, shoulders back, and there you go!”
A!MC didn’t look too different on account that Asmo felt like their fashion sense was perfect, but dear not-old dad coached MC on a new walk, better posture, and Asmo filled their arms with about seven boxes of self-care supplies.
“What’s all this for?” A!MC asked, shifting the weight of the boxes slightly so they could actually see their dad.
“That, A!MC, is all the stuff you need to have confidence.” Asmo explained. “It’s not required of course, but it sure does help.”
“I’m not sure I follow...”
“Oh sweetie, it’s simple really. When you take care of yourself, you feel better, and when you feel better, you look better, and when you look better and feel better, your confidence skyrockets!” Asmo shifted some of the boxes A!MC was carrying around so they could stand up straighter and not be held down by the weight of the self-care arsenal. “Good posture stops your back from hurting, dressing decently helps you feel better about your appearance, as does taking care of your skin, aaaaaand all this will culminate in you being your best!”
A!MC still looked a bit skeptical, but they nodded anyway.
“Remember MC!” Asmo said as he led MC back to their room to help them sort their new stuff. “Confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t let Mammon try and sell you a fix-all potion because it’s just boiled Gatorade.”
“O-okay- wait did you just say-”
“Yes, boiled Gatorade.” Asmo shuddered. “Let’s not talk about that.”
Dear uncle Asmo? A financial dumpster fire?! It’s more likely than you’d think.
Sure, Asmo’s got a job and makes his own money, but Geez Louise... one demon does not need that much hand cream! Or that many questionable Akuzon packages that everyone is too afraid to touch...
M!MC had their work cut out for them is what I’m trying to say.
Of course... once M!MC realized what a lost cause getting Asmo to stop with the obsessive bath bomb purchases was and a few too many insults were thrown at M!MC’s dear dad... some of Asmo’s things went uh... “missing”
But would you look at that! No one went over-budget!
Even though their dads have a fierce party related rivalry, A!MC and M!MC get along great. It’s very wholesome.
The Uncle That Helps You Pester Whoever is in Charge of the Food at the Family Reunion About Dessert (Beel)
Yay! More kids :)
Do you think any of them know how to cook? No? Okay... :(
Beel adores his new niblings with all his heart and soul, and Belphie’s out of the attic and is able to meet them with everyone else this time! Yay!
I didn’t mention this in the other parts- but Beel totally gave L!MC piggyback rides whenever they asked, but now that two more kids have arrived... it’s now a fight to be tall.
But yea- kids like uncle Beel. Strong contender for favourite uncle.
“Do you think this is right?” A!MC asked as they fiddled with the settings on the stovetop.
“No clue. Do we put the cheese on while the meat is cooking or do we wait until after?” M!MC asked, they flipped through multiple cheeseburger recipes on their DDD, their frustration growing. “Hang on- do we have a deep fryer?”
A!MC rummaged around the cupboards and shelves for a good fifteen minutes and came back empty handed. “No, but I’ve seen videos of people making fries without a deep fryer, I think we just need to heat up vegetable oil and drop the potatoes in.”
After setting up the make-shift deep fryer, the two cousins carefully dropped the first fry into the oil, then screamed like banshees when some oil splashed close to their hands.
“Did you get burned?!” M!MC asked, A!MC shook their head.
“No, you?”
“Nah...” M!MC eyed the oil warily. “We should do this one at a time to be safe...”
It was an awkward process, grab potato, place potato, scream, make sure no one is burned, repeat. As... decent as the process was, with both of them manning the deep fryer, no one was manning the patties that were now completely charred.
“What’s going on in here? It smells like Solomon’s cooking.” Beel poked his head into the kitchen and saw two very upset children and the world’s messiest kitchen.
“We’re failures. That’s all...” M!MC murmured.
“We wanted to make lunch for all of us and we ruined it...” A!MC added.
Beel’s heart was set to explode then and there- but his stomach growled. “You tried your best, don’t feel too bad. Let’s get cheeseburgers somewhere else with Belphie.”
M!MC and A!MC nodded enthusiastically as the three of them left the destroyed kitchen behind them.
After Beel had to sling a sleeping Belphie over his shoulder, the now four of them were halfway out the door before they heard L!MC scream bloody murder.
M!MC and A!MC made eye contact, then sprinted out the door. “CHEESEBURGERS FIRST!”
A!MC and M!MC probably go to all of Beel’s games like the little super fans they are. Beel is very grateful for the support! :D
Flying lessons? Nnnnnot again. He’s here for moral support and moral support only. And to catch the two babs when they inevitably fall.
The Uncle Who Was Like... Really Racist the Last Time You Saw Him But He’s Not Anymore (Belphie)
So he uh... he didn’t try and kill these two. That already gave the two newbies a better first impression than what he gave to L!MC.
The Anti Lucifer league ALSO grew, just by one member though. A!MC was very easily persuaded to snitch on whatever prank the group concocted.
The attic nap club gained two new members, but Belphie still had to deal with wings hitting him in the face and waking him up. He’d usually return the favour with a swat from his tail.
“M!MC I swear I will throw you out of the window if you kick me again.” Belphie murmured, mashing his face into his pillow.
“Mmmph.” M!MC threw a pillow in Belphie’s direction.
“Quit whining, Belphie.” L!MC huffed. “You’re doing better than me.”
A!MC had attached themselves to L!MC like a sloth to a tree and would not let go or stop drooling. Ah schadenfreude, the best feeling in the galaxy...
“Stop with that look.” L!MC hissed, Belphie snickered. “I’m telling you to quit it because you’ll wake up Beel, and Beel is solving your M!MC problem.”
Belphie turned to see Beel practically crush M!MC into a bone breaking hug in his sleep.
“Should we do something about that?” L!MC yawned.
Belphie smirked his little douchebag smirk. “Eh, let them stew for a few more minutes.”
“Help me...” M!MC rasped.
Out of the three, A!MC is probably the best nap buddy, they bring in their own pillows and don’t hog the blankets.
Belphie is once again at the forefront for taking videos of the flying lessons, at least till M!MC accidentally broke Belphie’s DDD.
Just a friendly reminder, the sleepy cow man would kill for these kids.
Look at them funny and no one will find your body.
Okay! That’s part 3 done! I had to cut Belphie’s and Satan’s short because of post limit stuff, but the stuff with the side characters is coming soon! Also, Mammon would like me to inform all those who donated to his Go Fund Me that you will NOT be getting your money back, he has a kid to deck out in full Gucci now, he needs the cash!
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Oh! How about the brothers with a very emotionally open MC? Like, they ain't ashamed to cry or express their emotions because they think that it's healthy to speak about your emotions to others! And they're also really good at telling what people are really feeling. Please and thank you very much! And congrats on 1,500 followers! You deserve it!
The Demon Brothers Reaction to a Very Emotionally Intelligent MC
Let’s be honest, in a game centered around resolving interpersonal family drama, this is kind of what the MC has to be canonically. Also um… I made the decision, for whatever reason, to listen to the Grand Escape by Radwimps while writing this, and uh, it got… deeper than intended. Whoopsie. 😅 I guess that's the hazard when you're so dependent on what you hear to set the tone for what you write… Sometimes you make a questionable decision and you mess up at the foundations 😕 My bad. 
BIG, BIG Spoilers for Part One (Lessons 1-20)
To be honest, he took it as a sign of weakness for some time.
Lucifer closes his emotions off to others because he views them as a vulnerability... This is why he wasn't completely surprised that the powerless human they brought to the Devildom was, in his eyes, overly emotional.
They were never afraid to say what they felt, show sadness to others, or even admit their fears… Though he appreciated the honesty, he wrote it off as a sign of human fragility and assumed they wouldn't last long. Not unless they toughened up and started to shut themselves off like him...
But that never happened. And one by one, he watched his brothers get won over by that feeble, emotional mess… He didn't understand it nor did he like it. At one point he even swore to himself that he wouldn't let whatever spell they casted on the others affect him too.
At least, until the attic incident came to light and he finally realized that the human wasn't a mess at all. 
When Belphegor escaped and the bombshell that he had been holding finally came to light, he honestly felt lost for the first time in centuries… He didn’t know how to approach the topic, he just wanted to hide away and let it all sort itself out… but they wouldn't let him.
 It amazed him how easy it was for the MC to empathize with his brothers and even himself through the whole mess. It was like they knew how everyone felt before they even had to voice it… He loathed to admit it, but for that moment they looked even more composed and capable than he did…
It was their handling of Belphie that really sealed it for him, though. A weak, pathetic, powerless little human talking down a being far beyond their capacity to fight? Then still offering him some comfort in the aftermath? He couldn’t have pulled that off... He’s long since forgotten how.
The MC managed to open his eyes to what emotional strength looked like and, from that point on, he never doubted them again.
Mammon's go-to approach to feelings is unconvincing denial and his brothers generally aren't much better... So actually being open and straightforward with one’s feelings is almost a foreign concept to him.
So when the MC got dropped into his life it threw him through a loop. They were willing to just… say what they felt whenever? They’d cry when they needed to, laugh whenever they wanted, and generally tell people how they felt about things openly and honestly? What?
Weren’t they scared of being teased or made fun of? You can’t be that open down in Hell! Demons would take advantage of you!
And yet, the longer he spent with them the more he started to kind of get it… And then he started to genuinely love it.
They didn’t mind when he’d bawl at movies or talked about when his brothers were bothering him… Sometimes he didn’t even need to say anything to them. They’d just see something was off in how he was acting and offer a hug... No questions asked. No shame involved.
It was refreshing. Eye-opening. Hell, even comforting to just be himself for them. Sure, he still had to keep up appearances in front of his brothers to keep from being mocked, but when they were alone? He truly could act however he felt like for the first time in a very, very long time... And he treasured that.
Emotions are… a thing for Levi and not a thing he's that well equipped to deal with either…
So of course, he initially felt envious of the MC when they came down to the Devildom. They had no problem with navigating their feelings. They didn’t mind talking about them or crying or admitting when they were nervous and even worse? They could actually handle it all.
Levi doesn’t tend to make his emotions very secretive either, but when he got into a mood he usually couldn’t dig himself out of it... It doesn’t help that his brothers were so used to his complaining that they’d ignore his self-deprecation rather waste their time contradicting him... 
When he first saw them in action, though, he had walked in on them crying, but they didn’t tell him to leave or try to hide their face. They just let him say what he needed to while they let the tears run their course... then explained to him what the problem was later. They weren’t ashamed… Hell, they even looked like they felt better to have it off their chest…
How come he never felt any better after he had his episodes...? Why did he still feel like a worthless piece of shit all the time?? What kind of cheat code did they use for that?! It’s not fair!
Little did he know, talking feelings out to yourself (or your goldfish) is one thing. But talking to someone who actually wants to help is another thing entirely.
The first time he went on one of his rants, the MC just watched him quietly. It was like he was tearing down a house meant for demolition...and then they started picking through the pieces. They didn’t try to shame him hating himself, they just started pulling out things he should love instead. Stuff he never even considered before…
After that point, they became very good at noticing when he was going to a dark place and intervening before he could beat himself down again... After a while, he started leaving his room when he felt that way so he could go find them and talk. 
If his mind was an ocean then, for the first time ever, he finally felt like he had a way to weather the storms...
Didn't trust it, didn't trust them, and thought it was all an act for the longest time...
Satan knows a thing or two about putting up a front, so he's the most skeptical of other people's intentions…
When he first met them and saw open they were with their emotions, he thought it was all some kind of act. Like they were just trying to gain sympathy or lure everyone in so they could manipulate them later… But he wasn't buying it.
While he watched the rest of his brothers fall to their charms, he counted himself lucky as the smart one. He thought he could see the game they were playing and he wouldn't let himself be tricked into it...
… But then the whole book fiasco happened and he found himself around the human more often. Not only did their openness really seem genuine, they actually listened patiently to his complaints about Lucifer, his birth, his rank, his rage... everything. Just nodding along and watching him intently…
After a while, he started to question if they were even listening anymore so he questioned them. Point blank. He wanted to know what they thought and… their answer surprised him.
“I think you want to be your own person.”
To him, that answer came right out of left field. What about any of what he was just saying had to do with his identity??
But the more he thought about it, the more he realized it had everything to do with it. And they deduced it so quickly from just a few conversations… He was impressed (and somewhat terrified) to have been read so easily...
For a while, he just had to study them. He wanted to know more about what kind of skills they used to understand him so effortlessly...
Though he never quite got a clear answer out of them, he found that he could respect their talent regardless and, just this once, let himself trust someone else wholeheartedly...
If you're looking for a demon in touch with the emotions, then you don't have to look much further than Asmo. But even he can have blinders on sometimes…
When he met the MC, he actually liked how open they were about their feelings. He even shared their sentiments so he wasn’t bothered at all.
But when he bunked with them and Simeon in the Demon Lord's Castle, he got to see a different side of them…
After Simeon dressed him down about his narcissism, Asmo did his best to just gaslight the whole thing and put it behind him. … But the MC was watching.
Something must have tipped them off. Maybe a glance at the floor or look in his eye... Maybe just how utterly incapable he was to acknowledge Simeon's words… but they noticed that it bothered him.
"Don't let it get to you... I think you're doing great down here."
"Well of course I am, sweetie. Why wouldn't I be?"
Their reassuring words puzzled him at first... How was he supposed to take them? Were they pitying him? If he were Lucifer, he'd have half a mind to obliterate them for that alone...
But they didn't seem like the type… Asmo could read people just as well as they could, he knew sincerity when he saw it. Were they just trying to help…?
He kept that thought to himself throughout their time together in the Castle. Good heart or not, he didn't want to make getting a pact easy for them. He’d never bow to just anyone.
But after they proved their worth, it all started to click for him. This human was trying to reach out to him when they thought he was hurting… They didn't just write him off as shallow and self-absorbed. They were concerned for his feelings even when he wouldn't acknowledge them…
Asmo hung extra close to the human after that. He found someone willing to look beyond the image he worked so hard to keep up... Even if he didn't need their help quite like his brothers, he could see their effort and loved them even more for it.
Beel is a straightforward guy who can appreciate straightforward people so he and the MC got along pretty well from the start.
He liked that he didn’t have to read between the lines with them. If they were upset, they’d tell him. If they needed to vent, they’d warn him. If they were happy and having a good time, they didn’t feel the need to hide it. It made life so much easier for him…
Of course, he couldn’t actually tell how good they were with emotions until he started opening up about Belphie, Lilith, and everything that went down before they all became demons…
He was kind of amazed how easy it was to speak to them, even during the painful parts... They never pushed him too much or pried for answers he wasn’t comfortable giving, nor did they make him feel bad for what happened to Lilith or missing his brother...
Honestly, they always seemed to know just how he felt about every new detail he told them. When he finally came clean about his guilt over the whole thing, they didn’t look shocked or surprised… If anything they looked just as pained as he did to have received the confirmation…
He found it oddly comforting to speak to them about pretty much anything after that. He knew that they’d listen and understand no matter what he put in front of them, and after they helped Belphie…? He’d happily love and trust them for the rest of his days...
"It wasn't your fault."
Those four words still ring in Belphie's ears from time to time… An echoing reminder of sorts…
He spent so long wrapped up in his own guilt, unable to talk about it to his brothers, that it turned him bitter and angry… He felt like he was the reason they were all in this mess to start with and that everybody else knew it too…
But hey, he'd say, at least down here there wouldn't be any humans around to ruin things. No humans there to steal away his family like before...
Which is why he snapped when Diavolo said they were introducing humans to the Devildom. How else was he supposed to react? They were just tempting fate for another disaster! Hadn't they learned anything at all??
While he was locked in the attic and the human came to his aid, he honestly took joy in deceiving them...
...At least at first. But on repeat visits, he started to feel his resolve slip.
They listened to him. They seemed genuinely interested in helping him and invested in his family's struggles... They looked like they cared for his brothers and even made efforts to reach out to him too... They told him about their worries and troubles in complete sincerity… with total trust...
He'd spend hours reminding himself that humans weren't meant to be trusted and all reasons he had to hate them... Repeating it all like a mantra until he felt convinced again. On the day he escaped, he finally had the pleasure of killing them himself...
But then, like a roach that just won't die, they came back and told him about Lilith… all before they said, "It wasn't your fault."
No one prompted them to say it. He'd never voiced it before... It was like they just knew... Like they could read the pain in his eyes this entire time…
He still doesn't quite share their stance on, "It's always okay to cry" so he doesn't like to dwell on the complete breakdown he had after that… He wished his brothers weren't there to see the Human-Hating Belphegor accepting a hug from them while he trembled and cried into their shoulder…
But he couldn't deny that he needed it. And from that day on, he’s accepted that he needed them as well...
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 3 years
The boys with Autistic! MC! part two ! SFW
(Bc I’m self indulgent and like 5 ppl wanted it so yesyesyes)
(Had my first proper spoonie day in a while today so imma finish this after what 4 months? Whoopsie. Sorry if any of the points overlap I’ve not re read my last post, please shoot me an ask if you want anything clarified/expanded on !)
Has to stop his brothers from constantly bothering you when you’re overwhelmed (they’re just worried)
You very quickly learn his office is the safest place to be when overwhelmed due to the dim lighting and the brother deterring curse on his doorway
He has a record player and SO much classical music for when you need background noise
This leads to impromptu slow dancing when you insist he needs a break and there’s music playing
If you have your own records, the *smoother ones will end up mixed in with his
*smoother as in less staccato /distracting because he is most likely working
Very much enjoys spending time in silence with you, he finds it comfortng to just exist with someone without having anything needed of him
Especially if you’re both doing your own thing, like you just being in the room with him (playing a game or reading or smthn) while he does his paperwork is so soothing to him
Have you seen his horns? They’re so smooth and shinyyy, a+++ stimming material
He loves head pats so he’ll willingly put his head in your lap when you watch movies
he’s very proud of his demon form but also kind of shy so it’ll take some coaxing to get him to let you touch his horns but when he sees how content it makes you? It’s his new favourite hobby letting you play with his hair and horns during movies
(That said they’re very sensitive (like him) so be gentle)
He WILL adopt your love language and mannerisms:
if you bump people he will start knocking into you constantly, (wrists, hips, shoulders, head, any and all on random repeat)
if you like to collect and give things to people he will a. Hoard them in a little shrine (that he Denys. having) and b. Start looking for things he can give you back
If you rub textures you like you’ll find him stroking your arms/face/jumper right back (sometimes with his face, but only ever in private because he feels vulnerable using such a soft form of affection)
You cannot tell me this man isn’t autistic
Communication is SO! EASY!
Then even If you don’t understand you can just ask. You can just ask and he’ll tell you. None of this ‘figure it out yourself’ nt bullshit
Our baby has anxiety anyway so he’s probably ‘over’ explained it before you can say anything
(Over explained in the sense of nt, personally I love it when ppl get really detailed)
In that case he gets embarrassed about how much he’s talking so it’s your turn to reassure him that he’s not boring you
The solace you get in realising you like all of his autistic traits soothes your own insecurities
That being said your anxiety (if you have it) is matchy matchy so don’t expect him to talk to the cashier for you
He’s very chill with you being non verbal because either he’s absorbed in his own game/anime/show or it means there’s more room for him to talk about his interests
That being said if your special interests/ hyperfixations don’t line up on any given day? The bickering over who’s turn it is to infodump gets intense (this is the one source of all your arguments)
All the other brothers are kind of terrified/jealous of your relationship, especially when they see you talking about a shared special interest because you talk rapid fire and very in-depth. to them it’s almost like you’re talking in code or another language because they know all the individual words but what the everloving fuck are you on about
Has specific outfits he wears when he wants you to hug him (which is always). They’re made out of the softest material, or any clothing of his you’ve expressed a texture interest in.
Finds it so amusing when you come rushing over to rub your face against his chest bc mmmmm softsoftsoft
Likes to text you in the morning to see how you’re feeling (and how sensory sensitive you are because god forbid his outfit with chains and jangles stops him from seeing you)
Understands better than Anyone that affection and love can be shown in a whole barrage of ways not just physically
Figures out how you show affection faster than any of the other brothers
Immediately starts reciprocating it (partly bc he’s selfishly trying to make you love him most)
Will learn about your special interests so he can engage you on the topic
Is the ONLY person in the house you can talk about any special interest with, no matter how niche because he loves learning (although he does prefer the *academic* side of them rather than pop culture but he will listen to both)
*academic* as in something involving learning about something or crafting or *how* to do something, not just like, maths
You’re pretty much the only person who can keep up with him in terms of knowledge and enthusiasm (even if it’s only for very specific things) and thus you become the person he talks to about his interests
Originally kind of annoyed by how absentminded you are (because you forget several dates) but once you get settled into a routine he starts to find it cute how habitual you are, and then realises it could work to his advantage.
He then schedules a date into your weekly routine (or biweekly depending on your energy levels) so you start to get upset if it’s missed bc it’s part of your routine. (Satan is ridiculously smart and is very much willing to manipulate your routine to his (and yours) advantage, he is a demon after all)
Gives the best squishes. He’s just so big he can literally envelope you (in other news he is terrified of hurting you so he’s very nervous at first, he’s used to huggin ppl very gently bc he is a muscle mountain)
Maybe don’t use chew stims around him (unless he’s eating) because seeing you use them will either make him hungry, or he’ll ask to see it and oops it’s been swallowed hope you didn’t want that back (he’s very apologetic he really didn’t mean to but it was in his mouth and chewed before he could think)
Literally the kindest man in the universe, if you have issues with shame or *guilt* (especially if it creeps outta nowhere or it relates to not being able to do something) he will a. Reassure you and give you cuddles until you feel okay (or one on one bonding time if you’re too touch sensitive) then b. Go help with whatever task was too much so you don’t have to worry
Have I mentioned the stuffies? This boy definitely has a stash of soft toys that all have names and personalities. This originally stemmed from the fact he was locked alone in an attic for a year, he needed some form of company or he was gonna go crazy, and sleeping alone is meh in his opinion. But then he became attached and after you showed him yours? And you weren’t ashamed of your teddy bears or how much you loved them he confided in you about his. (And you had a tea party)
Problems sleeping ? (Me too bud it’s 3.44 am lol) nonononno baby boy has got you, just snuggle up to him and you’ll be snoozing in no time (I HC that being around belphagor just makes you a little sleepy and the longer you’re there the stronger the urge to sleep gets)
You’re at rad (or out in public and can’t leave) and get overstimmed? Belphie has got you! He keeps sunglasses on him so he can secretly sleep when he’s not supposed to. Also (imo) he’s the king of hoodies, both his main outfits have a hood (and you can’t convince me he doesn’t wear one of them over his uniform as soon as lucifer dips), my boy will slip his hoodie on you and wrap you in a hug to get you away from the noise/sights
(I am now too tired to write anymore, hope yall enjoyed!)
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Ive been holding off on these because i have so many but I just wanna share. This got kinda long so it's under the cut, and this isnt even all of it.
Random Headcanons I have about Obey Me:
Time definitely runs different and all of them are eons older than any of us, including luke. My next question is WHAT is their skincare routine
I remember in one lesson (26 i believe???) Diavolo said that RAD isnt even that old which is true and also not. Its old in human standards, not old in demon standards
I believe Diavolo's dad isnt really sleeping, although everyone says he's locked away and doing such, I have a feeling hes secretly pulling all the strings for everyone behind the scenes
Levi definitely reads "normal" books and Satan definitely reads manga.
Human rules definitely don't apply in either the Devildom or the Celestial Realm. I would love to see a Devildom law book, honestly.
All of them definitely have done something bad in the past. In a sense, i even believe that they each own a circle of hell (since they mentioned Dante's inferno before if i remember correctly). It at least would make sense.
I dont believe their demon form is their true form.
Asmodeus is more insecure than confident but he tries to overshadow it with make believe narcissism.
Luke is definitely smart as hell and in certain instances I believe he could win a wit battle with Satan.
I dont believe demons and humans can reproduce. Demon sperm is like... Foreign to the human body and although the human body can get used to it, it would take forever to successfully create something
On that note, pregnancy would be dangerous af since demons do tend to grow horns and wings that could easily rupture through the uterine wall.
Lucifer is definitely a lowkey alcoholic lol (low-key because it's not always). In one of the rooms, the secret room behind the library, theres stacks of alcohol on the shelf and it doesnt surprise me that he takes a swing/full bottle every once in a while
Mammon kind of contradicts himself. They say you'll be lucky when mammons around but hes never lucky with himself so either that means he's lucky to everyone but himself OR he needs to believe in luck/himself first
Leviathan has split personalities. On one hand theres the dorky otaku we all love and on the other hand theres the Grand Admiral of Hells Navy, who gets quite bossy and honestly kind of harsh.
Satan definitely is a playboy. I also see him go clubbing with Asmodeus a lot
Beelzebub is far from the soft boy we like for him to be but other than his brothers and fellow demons, he actually has a good grip on his anger and to an extent i believe he won't lose it because of Belphie. Seeing Beel angry is a huge reminder on the Celestial war and Belphie really hated it, for obvious reasons.
Belphie sleeps a lot because, like many of us, he likes to escape reality. I believe the reason his avatar is sloth is not because he's lazy but more so because he hates to be awake and recall everything that happens. Its easier to deal with you dont think.
Diavolo definitely has an ulterior motive and although I love and appreciate his character, i wouldnt blindly trust him. Much like Satan and Belphegor, hes an A+ manipulator
I believe Barbatos is actually the oldest, having been around while Diavolo's dad was still up and about. Hes also the most powerful seeing as he can manipulate time and reality. My question is how Diavolo keeps him from doing so.
On that note, i do believe he has alternate reality once or twice, unbeknownst to Diavolo or anyone else.
Michael is a huge player in this game and although we don't hear from or of him often, i believe hes playing together with Diavolo on something bigger
Simeon isn't the sweet little angel we always see. He's a warrior of God, a weapon if heaven, and much like Lucifer, he would do anything for his family.
Solomon is shady af and I dont trust him at all. I do believe, especially since the newer lessons came out, that hes planning something with Diavolo.
I can see Lucifer overthrowing Diavolo at some point, most likely out of revenge. He's too smug and secretive to keep following Diavolo blindly, even if it took him a couple thousand years to figure something out
I believe God has left the OM universe, much like he did in SPN, and Michael is in charge up there
Lilith is a liar and manipulator. I dont have evidence, she just gives off that vibe in the few times we've seen her.
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
The Eldest Curses
So we know of the eldest curses. We know they are the oldest child of a Prince of Hell. But what do they do? What powers do they hold? And how far do they have to fall?
In this post I'll go over some theories and all the information we know about them, confirmed eldest curses, and their respective parents.
I'm sorry if my hate for Asmodeus comes out, but as my friend @patalliumapples said, "You hate Asmodeus so much and it’s so funny to me. Like I hate him too but it seems like he personally murdered your family and it’s so funny."
Tags: @apple-bottom-jeansx @the-blackdale @murderbabies @unorganisedbookshelf @revati3008 @patalliumapples @tenacioushubb @hardlymatters @pjo-tsc-trc-otherthingstoo if you gave me a theory idea you'll be tagged later in the post.
What We Know
Eldest curses are the oldest children of any given Prince of Hell at a moment. So if a Prince of Hell has seven kids alive, the oldest one will be his eldest curse. However, this is unlikely, because they die easily. The magic is too much for them to handle.
There are two confirmed eldest curses living right now: Magnus Bane and Tessa Gray.
Magnus Bane
Age: Anywhere between 380-400 years old
Parent: Asmodeus
Powers: He's very powerful, but any specific powers based on his demon parent? Not really. Unless you count sexy as a power.
Contact with Demon Parent: Magnus has met Asmodeus several times. He summoned him when he was very young, and the regretted it. Then there was the Crimson Hand, his little demon-worshipping cult. Magnus ran into Asmodeus again in The Red Scrolls of Magic and City of Heavenly Fire, but hasn't been under his sway . . . Yet.
Tessa Gray
Age: 147-ish, born in 1862
Parent: Belial
Powers: Tessa, being half Shadowhunter, is special. She doesn't have many regular warlock powers, but she can shapeshift into anyone she likes. However, after absorbing the power of the angel Ithuriel, it's harder for her to change. It's also not a good idea for her to shapeshift when she's pregnant, as found out in Ghosts of the Shadow Market.
Contact with Demon Parent: She has not talked with Belial. Her children, James and Lucie, have had contact several times throughout the Last Hours, but she herself has not talked to Belial. Belial did consider possessing her, but between Ithuriel protecting her and his sexism, it's unlikely.
The Other Stuff
Eldest curses are supposed to be powerful. They're literally demon royalty, and Magnus and Tessa's uncle is Lucifer. Just think on that.
So I'm just gonna talk about some stuff Asmodeus brought up in The Red Scrolls of Magic. I was going to analyze some quotes but it just was taking me too long and I was getting too angry at Asmodeus. My solution is to just do a brief summary of what he said.
Eldest curses have some powers. We don't what, but I can gather they were made to rule. (On iron thrones as Asmodeus said, which is very specific)
And Asmodeus sure loves his. Why? Because he's a manipulative son of a bitch that's why. (The hate is strong right now.)
Asmodeus has had a lot of kids, because he's the demon of lust, but Magnus is very powerful. He's strong, and Asmodeus wants to mess with him to take control of him.
And now onto the theories!
And the crackpot clowning starts here.
@the-blackdale came up with the theory that some ✨ necromancy ✨ will be in order and Magnus dies at some point, but comes back to life in TBVOTD.
@murderbabies suggested that to summon Lucifer needs blood to be summoned. Blood of an eldest curse, most likely, because we know warlock blood has some powers. I really don't think it would rivers of blood, but enough to draw a small sigil. (As we know from Chain of Iron all the Princes have a sigil that might be used to summon them.)
@patalliumapples and I have the headcanon Raynor is actually Sammael's son, but it's unlikely to actually be canon. Still, a nice thought.
I think Aldous Nix, the warlock from The Bane Chronicles who making a Portal to Pandemonium, is an eldest curse. Maybe Belphegor. He is dead now, but before that, he was at least 1000 years old. That was before Sammael did his little Incursion thing, and that means there had to be a very powerful demon to get to the surface to be his father. So possibly an eldest curse.
Basically assume every warlock is an eldest curse unless confirmed otherwise.
So combining the two theories from @the-blackdale and @murderbabies is that maybe the death or at least one eldest curse would be needed to get Luci back into this world. They paint a sigil with that blood, and bring Lucifer in through it. Not sure when necromancy would be in order, but maybe Asmodeus would bring his son back to show him what they had done.
@revati3008 brought up that maybe Max is an eldest curse who was placed strategically so Magnus would adopt him. And who did this? Asmodeus. Because he wanted to manipulate his child.
Just imagine that. Asmodeus holding the knowledge of their child's parentage over Magnus and Alec's heads. Sounds like something he would do. This would also be even more causally cruel if Max is an eldest curse, because most of those die under the weight of their own power.
But that's super-likely because of a vision Magnus had in TLBOW and also based solely on vibes.
And then the good ol' key theory. @tenacioushubb is the mastermind of this one.
The core idea of this theory is that the eldest curses are analogous to keys. And these keys are needed to unchain Lucifer from a prison. This theory does require Luci to be chained up, but this could explain why demons are coming from Pandemonium in the first place. Lucifer being chained up (probably in Pandemonium) would be the source of all the demon energy. Him coming to our world would be the "wicked powers" aspect of that series.
Also, as @patalliumapples pointed out to me, maybe this how Asmodeus is going to use Magnus. Though this stems from something I noticed before, and ties into something I call the "Castle Theory" which is legit just based off some lyrics from Halsey's Castle.
Sit down and grab some popcorn this one's complicated and very crack pot.
So here are the lyrics that inspired me:
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
Straight for the castle
I've said before this song has the same vibes as Clary going into Edom to rescue Jocelyn and the others. This will come up later.
Focusing on Magnus-he already was going to be made to be a king. In one of his dreams in TLBOW, Magnus dreamt of ruling a ruined world. Those chains on his arms from the thorn were there, too.
In The Red Scrolls of Magic while Asmodeus was info-dumping on us, he mentioned the eldest curses were "meant for thrones of iron." Which was so random. Why specify iron? We all know it's deadly to faeries, what does he want?
So I looked up what iron is supposed to do in the Shadowhunters Codex because I didn't know if there was anything else it did. Whelp, turns out a nickel-iron alloy called meteoric iron (normally found in meteors) is a good magic conductor, along with most iron being toxic to the fae.
And my mind was spinning. Rushing to check the Bane Chronicles, I looked at what the Hotel Dumort was built of. It actually was demonic metal, but I'd you had enough iron that can conduct magic,
So if Magnus sits on a throne of iron with enough demonic magic in him, it could unlock Lucifer down there.
Another theory that a few people have brought up is Magnus being possessed by a demon. I feel like it would be a demon Asmodeus sent to posses Magnus, not himself, but at least Asmodeus is smart. He has some sort of brain, unlike Belial, who just acts like he does, and then fails.
Last theory is something I'll do another post on because it needs a LOT of research to back it up.
This theory is that the eldest curses are similar to the Nephilim from the Bible.
These Nephilim were the children of fallen angels on earth. Same as the eldest curses. Though these Nephilim were giants, hundreds of feet tall.
But in one of Magnus's many visions, he dreamt he was tall. And this was after sitting on that throne, after ruling his own world.
Again, more research needed, but I think it could explain their power.
Feel free to add your own theories and thoughts! If I missed any canon info that could be helpful also tell me and I'll edit the post so it's included.
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
I’m interested to see what the brothers would be like if they had a child (probably with the mc purposely or accidentally) and the fucked up family dynamics that would come of it, like would they full on discard the child? Raise them to be just like their dad? I wouldn’t be surprised if Beel pulled a full on Kronos from Greek mythology
Also asked by an anon: “What if mc somehow got pregnant? How would the brothers be towards them during their pregnancy and how will they deal with the child?”
(Undateables version found Here)
It is on purpose, and Lucifer is the most excited to be having a child.
Will carefully monitor MC’s diet, exercise, leisure activities, everything they do to an extent far surpassing anything he’s done before.
He becomes obsessed with the child’s health.
Not that that stops him from injuring MC, but now he’s very careful with what he does to avoid any harm coming to his child. After all, they can’t get comfortable here.
When the child is finally born, it’s immediately taken from MC.
“I can’t have you passing on your weakness to my daughter, can I?”
He names her Lilith. It was always going to be Lilith.
Lucifer is a loving father, and abusive partner. MC only gets to see Lilith as a prize for a job well done. They become the most well-behaved human in the realm for a chance to see their child. It is such a rare occurrence, their daughter rarely remembers them.
He teaches Lilith to be a true demon, despite their half human nature. Raises them into the Devildom and is a careful protector to ensure that no corrupting influences touch her but his own.
Eventually, Lilith is ready.
MC is so excited to see their daughter, as soon as she enters the room, she’s swept into a big hug. 
MC gasps, and gurgles as they choke on their own blood, Lilith giggling in their arms. 
“Did I do a good job, Daddy?”
“You did perfectly, Princess.”
This was definitely an accident
Not only was it an accident, but he may or may not have freaked out a little bit.
“Do you KNOW how expensive children are?”
But then he realizes that everything has a value.
So he sucks it up, and helps MC get through the pregnancy unscathed... Although he may or may not have chained them to the wall so they didn’t get into trouble while he was handling business.
When the boy is born, Mammon doesn’t bother to name him. He leaves MC to take care of the child. They name him Najjad, and dedicate all of their time to raising him to be happy, and healthy, and as human as possible.
He is a handsome child, born with a head of pale white hair, and MC’s eyes. Skin smooth and unblemished, with an easy, happy smile. They love him. They would do anything for Mammon in order to continue being allowed to raise their son.
But the fantasy is short lived.
Mammon quickly grows tired of MC’s time being split between him and the boy, growing greedy once again for their full attention. 
It isn’t long before he has lined up a buyer. It is only days after that that, without warning, Najjad is taken from his parent’s arms, and delivered to a shady demon willing to pay a pretty penny for the offspring of one of the Avatars.
“Finally! About time I got you to myself again, eh?”
This was long since planned. It was only a matter of time before one of his brothers had a child, and Levi wanted one first. Maybe it was the envy in him. Okay, okay. Probably it was the envy in him.
MC is already locked in his room, so it’s easy to hide the pregnancy, just in case something happens. After all, the last thing he wants is for his brothers to know it was a race, and then for him to lose.
Or worse, for one of his brothers to hurt MC while they were still pregnant.
Levi forces MC to do a lot of floating during the pregnancy, and to have a water birth.
However, he is less careful than most of the others. Constantly forgetting to be gentle, always pushing and grabbing MC a little too hard.
Still, the baby boy is born healthy. He doesn’t look quite human, even at birth. Long ragged gills cut sharp lines along his throat, and his eyes are slit. A long black tail extends from his spine, with a fin on the end. The rest of him looks human enough.
Leviathan eventually settles on the name Mizuko. MC is not given the chance to disagree.
MC is still not allowed to leave the room, but is given ample time with their son, helping to raise him, as long as they follow Levi’s strict instructions. He often takes Mizuko away for significant periods of time, disappearing along with him. MC can only imagine they are in the Devildom’s waterways, their son learning skills they’d rather him not know.
Oh, but how good to be alive, and a parent. Even if they were chained to this room, to the torture of being Levi’s plaything. Mizuko makes the whole thing so much more bearable. In fact, they consider trying to get Levi to have another, if only so that they may have a chance to always have one at home.
“I did it, MC! I won! I wonder what Lucifer will have to say about that.”
A pregnancy with Satan was planned, and actually suggested by MC.
They wanted to show their devotion to him, still so unaware of how he had manipulated every aspect of their life.
He seems so excited when MC tells them that it’s happened, they’re pregnant.
He treats them so sweetly throughout their pregnancy, but continues drugging, manipulating, and casting spells on them without their knowledge and without regard to their child.
It is only luck that none of them hurt their baby.
MC gives birth to a beautiful daughter, who will grow to have soft blonde ringlets and beautiful blue eyes, just like her father. She glows softly. 
Satan and MC agreed to the name Ismene for a girl early in the pregnancy, and once she arrived, it seemed just perfect. 
She grows to be smart as a whip, but cruel. Satan is so proud. MC begins to realize they don’t know everything about their husband after all.
They sit in the garden, Ismene practicing a spell to set a flower ablaze. MC tries to frown, to scold her, but their face does not budge.
“How lovely,” they hear themselves say, as if far away. “Our little girl is growing so quickly.”
Satan kissed their forehead and knelt in front of their daughter.
“Remember, you have to want it to die, with all of the rage in your heart,” he instructs her.
She smiles, looking at MC as the flower begins to burn.
A child with Asmodeus is unplanned, but not unexpected.
With all of the unprotected sex he has with MC, and how frequently? It was only a shock it took so long.
Besides, MC no longer had the brain capacity to agree or plan anything. All they wanted was more of their demon master, filling them up, using them, making them worth something.
What could possibly fill them more than a child?
Asmo thinks it’s adorable, to watch MC’s stomach grow as they lay there, mindless and drooling. Desperate for anything Lust could offer.
It does not affect his daily routine in the slightest. He continues to use and abuse MC as he sees fit whenever he desires, and still disappears for weeks at a time, leaving MC’s health up to whatever brother happens to remember to feed them.
They give birth alone, confused as to why they are in pain and what is happening.
When Asmo returns, he leaves MC in their pain and filth, taking the baby girl away to clean her up and dress in lovely silks.
He names her Bellerose Fayre, and is the only one of the brothers to give his child a middle name.
She is perfect, and would pass for human if it wasn’t for her long, winding tail that reaches and grasps with it’s velvety texture, pulling in anything it can touch.
What happens next is... incredibly disturbing, to say the least. If you are particularly sensitive, I would recommend skipping to Beelzebub.
Asmo is inseparable from his daughter. Always keeping her dressed in beautiful clothing and teaching her everything he knows. Bellerose is a very quick study. It isn’t long at all before she has fully tapped into her father’s power and begins to work at his side, seducing souls to Hell. Only a child. 
How MC would have died to stop it if they could have. But they remained in that room, no mind left to care.
“Good job, Rosie! Another worthless wretch condemned to the pits. You’re a natural!”
Unplanned. Unplanned. So unplanned.
Anon, you are unfortunately quite correct.
Beelzebub can smell it on MC before they even know. He had been holding back on feasting, saving them for a special occasion. 
But now that they were pregnant? Their blood, their body, all of it was extra nutritious as it prepared to build his child.
He waits, for a while. Staying far away so as not to be tempted, despite MC’s desperate attempts to get him involved.
The day comes for the gender reveal.
A boy.
Since Beel refuses to be involved, MC picks out the name. Akuji. 
It’s an apt name. 
MC returns that day to attempt to tell Beel the news, only to be met by the lumbering form of the starved man that strikes fear into their heart. They eat MC whole, and their child with them.
But that isn’t the end. Awake. Akuji screams from inside MC, inside Beel. Tiny claws begin to scratch and dig.
Eventually, his son rips through his stomach and into the world, severely underdeveloped. Time would take care of that. The boy had curled hands with bloody claws, blindingly violet eyes, and the concave stomach of his father. He would eventually grow fly wings and a head of MC’s hair, but he would never gain a full human form.
Beel tried several times over the years to eat his son, to no avail. Every time, he would just have to sew up his stomach and continue on his endless stalk for sustenence.
A child with Belphie is so unplanned that he doesn’t even know about it until a thousand years after they are born.
He had trapped MC in his lair for his nap, but his grip had loosened in his dreaming, and while they remained locked in the room, at least they could roam. Food was stockpiled to hide from his twin brother, which MC subsisted on.
They had become pregnant after a slow, elongated night of fucking with Belphie as he gained their favor to get them where they were now. And they had no way to tell him without ensuring their own death in the process.
So MC coached themselves through the pregnancy, always careful not to wake Belphegor.
It was a close call during the birth, as he huffed and stirred, but MC bit down on their own arm to shut themselves up.
When their son was born, he looked perfectly human. Blinking slowly up at their parent. MC fed him only once, and whispered his name to him before he drifted to sleep. 
Eventually, the food ran out. Their son did not wake, no matter how they tried. MC sobbed quietly at their loss, as surely he was dead. Starved and exhausted, they laid down to die.
Hundreds of years passed. In his sleep, the child grew, gaining more demonic features. Growing longer, sharper. Lithe wings extending from his back and sharp teeth appearing past his lips.
Their dreams began to intertwine, the boy learning so much from the Avatar of Sloth’s thoughts.
Finally, Belphie awoke, immediately spotting his son in the corner, strangely familiar, and the young one stirred at the movement.
“Who are you?”
“Hmm. Good morning.”
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ugh not to be like you are so valid but you are so valid. it drives me a little crazy too like magnus is SO powerful what the fuck???? like yes he is the son of a greater demon but even then asmodeus is so hellbent (heh) on getting magnus' help specifically and like presumably he has other kids? or if he doesn't he can just make some???? like it doesn't have to be magnus but he insists that it does anyway, and why???
i think there's probably something like children of greater demons are too powerful and with him being a prince of hell they are even more, so not all human mothers can deal with having one and survive long enough to have the child or whatever. but like listen!!! i still think there's something about magnus that's just special. don't ask me what the fuck it is, but there is
this would also make sense with the way magnus was raised by his mother, like? if asmodeus wanted a child for his powers why didn't he raise him from the start??? why did he let him be raised by humans and then come into the picture so much later when it would be relatively harder to "shape" him and manipulate him? like sure kids can be easily manipulated but if he had raised magnus from the start it would have been easier to groom him
like don't get me wrong of course the fact that he's the child of a prince of hell definitely helps but i also think he's just? powerful? and again it's always nature and nurture like the fact that he was raised in a relatively magic-friendly environment probably helped him develop himself better, then there's the fact that he's the child of a prince of hell and of a human mom who not only managed to have him but also survived (of course that's if you accept my idea that that's a difficult thing to do in the first place, but like - seriously i need a reason why asmodeus can't just go and make another child if it's that important to him) which implies that she's also very strong at the very least but also like... magnus is just powerful
he is smart and he is self taught in many ways and let's not forget that HE INVENTED PORTALS!! i know i never shut up about this but it's so overlooked???? LISTEN. he fucking invented the #1 most used spell in this universe pretty much ON HIS OWN and it's like it's nbd. magnus is a GIANT in the magical world and that is undeniable
and sure that is more about being smart than powerful and magnus is clearly a genius but i also think you'd have to be pretty powerful to fuck around with bending time and space long enough to make up a spell that can be easily used for teleportation, is all i'm saying. PLUS remember how lorenzo was all like "i only know one warlock who could have messed with the ley lines like that"? plus everything you said. like..... THERE IS SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT MAGNUS' POWERS that i think goes beyond jUST his heritage, although of course that is a very heavy factor
and on top of that he is fucking smart as shit so not only is he powerful but he has the means to use that to its greater potential. like he can be smart about how he uses them, he can CREATE NEW SPELLS and new uses for magic that no one could before, he can optimize the way he uses magic in so many ways!! so like it's not just brute force, it's the means to use it in a smart way, and just aaaaa he is so talented and amazing we have no choice but to stan. and asmodeus knows exactly how great he is (hell, he banished asmodeus) and that's why he needs MAGNUS to help him and be at his side, because magnus is a great asset to have and might just be his greatest weapon against lilith not just because of his powers but also because of his intelligence. and also, having magnus against him? has already proved to be a very big problem for him
the fact that magnus can stand up and hold his ground against a fucking greater demon (his abuser!) is nothing short of amazing and just ugh magnus is incredible i need to lie down
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antiloveenergy · 4 years
Obey Me! MC Introduction—Ava.
MC Character Sheet idea — courtesy of @luciferasmr ♡ thank u sm!
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i have many depictions of her but i chose this one. courtesy of picrew.
Name: Aveline Mille-Feuille de Poivre et Cornelia
Nickname (if any): Ava (pronounced ah-VA. she’s the type to correct you every time.) 
Age: 19
Height: 5′4
Weight: ~130 lbs
Race: Human 
Gender: Female
Birthday: 1st February
Star Sign: Aquarius
Hair color: Ivory/Light blonde
Eye color: Lilac
Skin tone: Pale white
Which sin are they like?
1. Pride
2. Greed
3. Gluttony
4. Wrath
5. Lust
6. Sloth
7. Envy
Personality Traits: Ava is a mild-mannered and soft-spoken girl. I like to think she is the traditional Aquarian. She prides herself in being intelligent and having the ability to view things objectively. She comes off a little frosty, sporting a bored facial expression and preferring to let her friends do the talking for her. However, she is very friendly and honest to a fault. Ava is also very sensitive, even though she never likes to show her feelings. When she is comfortable with you, you’ll notice how eccentric she actually is. 
Background: Ava was born in Paris, France, in a (fictional) 21st Arrondissement known as Royaume—meaning realm, in French. This district separates magic from non-magic humans. She was born to a family of noble sorcerers, the Mille-Feuille family. (ENG pron. meal-foy) She recently graduated from the Young Sorcerers Academy, a distinguished wizarding school within Paris. Although she is an Honors graduate, she is considered a Rookie Sorcerer and must continue her studies outside of school. This is a firm expectation of her mother, who emphasizes that her magic sophistication is more important than anything else in her life. Ava develops a hidden resentment for her mother because of her lack of freedom. 
Why were they chosen for Devildom?: I like to think her “kidnapping” to the Devildom was for her sake. Not only does she get to experience a world outside the “realm” of the magical district, she also has the opportunity to study demonic dark arts and form alliances with the most powerful demons in the Devildom. Maybe that will shut her doting mother up, no?  
Hobbies: Ava has a keen interest in sewing and embroidery, as well as fashion. Designing, couture, modelling, the whole nine. She’s French, so it’s inevitable that her modish style would be influenced by what she sees in her world every day. She also likes to collect jewelry and stuffed animals. 
Likes: Accessories of Sanrio characters (& other copyrighted animal friends), chemistry, truffles, thigh high boots. 
Dislikes: Being told what to do, people disagreeing with her, the food of the Devildom. 
Casual Clothing: Ava’s everyday clothing is usually a white or black fitted turtleneck. This is paired with a denim or black bodycon skirt and thigh high boots. This simple outfit is paired with a pendant, bracelet and a hairpin.  Although she does have plenty of clothes, being in the Devildom limits her selection of wardrobe. 
Top: ♡ , ☾
Bottoms: ♡ , ☾
Shoes: ♡, ☾
Accessories (if any): ♡, ☾, ☆, ♢
Glasses?: She does not need reading glasses
Uniform: So when Ava first received her RAD uniform, she thought it was ugly. It was the typical uniform with trousers and the coat, you know the drill. When she requested to alter her uniform, Lucifer almost objected to it but Lord Diavolo didn’t seem to mind, as long as the adornishments of the blazer weren’t manipulated. 
Any alterations to their uniform? If so, what?: She decided to elongate the coat and put some light padding underneath to emulate a dress. She also cinched it to fit more tight on her waistline. It reached to her mid-thighs, and maintained its proper buttons and things. With the trousers, she cut them by leg and constructed them into knee-high boots. The process was lengthy (and expensive), but it was done. She pairs this fit with a white frilly blouse underneath the blazer-dress.
Mother: Lady Cornelia Savarin (neé Mille-Feuille), a noble sorcerer and the eldest of the 5 Mille-Feuille daughters. Her appearance is icy, with long ash grey hair paired with sharp baby blue eyes. She seems to never smile. Very bourgie and exudes royal energy 24/7. Cornelia loves her daughter dearly, but she wants to mold her into the woman she grew up to be: Powerful, well-respected, etc.
Father: Duke Poivre Savarin. He was born to a neighboring family of sorcerers. Messy blonde hair and lavender eye color—where Ava gets her looks from. These days, he has abandoned his magic and is currently on a 100-acre farm in the South of France. Ava still has no idea as to why he chose to ditch his life in Royaume. Rumor has it that he committed wrongful acts and fled, others speculate that the Mille-Feuille family disowned him as an in-law. Maybe he just wants to raise cows and chickens. Nonetheless, Ava keeps some contact with her father. 
Siblings (if any): None. 
Pets?: Ava owns a chinchilla named Bisou, which she obtained while in the Devildom. Satan was the one who brought her and suggested she get a chinchilla. (Lucifer may not approve of having a pet in the house, while also having a massive three-headed hellhound...)
How many friends does your MC have?: While her stay at RAD, she became friends with three low-ranking demon girls: Cléo (ex-human), Bianca (a succubus) and Lolita (a divination witch). 
Ava and Cléo have met previously when the latter attended the same school as Ava. However, Cléo’s destructive tendencies got her banished into Hell indefinitely. (long story short she committed domestic terrorism by releasing demonic spirits into the city and possessing a shit ton of people.) 
Past relationships: N/A
Has your MC had a relationship before?: As a child she may have had a boyfriend, but that barely counts, right?
Have they been in love?: Nope. Whenever she does though, she will go insane. 
How easy do they gain crushes?: Not very easy, to be honest. She tends to be impersonal to people she is not friends with. In a crush, Ava typically keeps people at a distance, especially if she finds herself ‘feeling different’ when she’s around them. 
Do they believe in love?: She absolutely believes in love, especially monogamous love. She takes it extremely seriously, making any romantic relationship she finds herself in a slow-pacing one. “The strength of your heart compromises the one of your mind, so why would you give your heart so easy?” she would say.
What’s their type? A confident, intelligent person. Someone that can stimulate her mentally and provide her with devotion. Someone adventurous and sporadic, who is willing to show her a different side to them. 
Sexuality: Ava is heterosexual but she came to the conclusion that women provide more emotional comfort. 
Which one of the 7 brothers does your MC like the most? okay this is hard one. it’s a tie between Asmodeus and Satan. 
Why? Asmodeus, because she got along with him first. They have shared values in beauty and fashion, so it was easy for them to find common ground. She can show off her hobbies and have Asmo be receptive to it. Satan, because they’re both Intellectuals™ and can have a good debate with their big juicy brains. She also likes to compete with him to see who receives the better marks in school. 
What traits do they look for in a partner? Dignified, loyal, smart, soft-hearted, sincere, masculine, and protective. 
Favorite food: Chocolate covered anything. Berries, nuts, lizards, beetles, anything! She also loves anything with cheese on it. 
Least favorite: Chips. Too salty.
Favorite topic in school: Science and Magic Studies
Least favorite topic: English 
Favorite color: White
Least favorite color: Red
Do they like to be sociable or are they more of a recluse? Ava’s more introverted, but she finds herself to be more sociable in a group.
Favorite movie genre? Fantasy 
Do they read a lot or no? Yes, if you count spellbooks and magazines!
Favorite animal: Rodents (i.e, chinchillas, squirrels and ferrets etc.)
Favorite genre of music: She likes French pop from the 60s. This is her favorite song. ♡ she also likes R&B and some rap, introduced by her friends.
Least favorite genre: Acoustics. She prefers the electric guitar over the wooden ones. 
Do they like sweets? Yes! The namesake of her last name is a popular dessert, so it’s no doubt that she loves anything pastry and sugary. 
Do they like spicy food? Not as much as she likes sweets. She does like red pepper flakes in the inedible Devildom cuisine, if the taste calls for it.
Do they like school? Ava is a dork so she loves school. When she found out she was returning to an academy, she wasn’t that upset about it. This gave her an opportunity to learn more, outperform her peers, and go back to the school atmosphere.
Pet peeves: When people don’t match their clothes, when people question her, anything that she cannot put logical reasoning to, and clutter. 
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bytheangell · 5 years
I really hope magnus figures out the reason behind why alec broke up with him. magnus is smart enough to figure out asmodeus was behind it. or is magnus is too much of a vulnerable mental state to figure it out? will asmodeus manipulate magnus more and tell him alec never cared about him? I also don't think jem will go through with erasing memories, that doesn't seem like him,, (you dont have to answer all of these questions i just needed to ramble them out sksjsk)
He will. He has to. Alec already told Izzy what he was planning, and if she tells someone who tells Magnus, maybe? Or tells him herself after seeing how much he’s hurting? Or... I don’t know. I mean he has to figure it out, right, for things to right themselves in the end. I like to imagine Asmodeus slips up and he’s the reason Magnus finds out, after being the one to make the clause that Magnus can never find out. Just one of those moments where he’s bragging, and it accidentally slips out how easily he wrapped Alec around his little finger, and oh no did I say that I meant... 
I think Asmodeus will 100% manipulate Magnus further. Much like Lilith did when Jonathan was in Edom with her, playing on the abandonment, the fact that no one will ever love him, ever accept him for who he is, the way that his father does. Other people come and go. Love comes and goes. But family is forever, and he’s never going to leave him. 
Jem, baby, we’re all counting on you to make Magnus think this through. Maybe that’s what we see in the promo. Imagine Jem going, “alright, but first we’re going to go through them. Every last one. And at the end tell me if those are really things you want to lose forever.” And that’s why Magnus is reliving all those happy moments. OR. Perhaps Jem takes them because he can keep them somewhere, somewhere they can be returned to him. After all, Magnus could summon up any greedy demon to give memories of love to - they would jump at the chance to have the power of emotions that strong. Maybe Jem does take them, just to give him a break from how overwhelmed they’re making him, but just until he can sort himself out enough to take them back and cherish them properly. 
...or, because who would I be if I didn’t make this Sad, perhaps he asks him to put them somewhere he can remember them but only when he wants to, and keeps that little orb full of his memories of Alec in The Box. 
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enemymine2000 · 6 years
I’m not good at that whole meta thing. I’m more of an “Oh, my intuition tells me”-kinda gal. And sometimes these feelings are just to darn strong.
I can’t get over Gabriel. I mean, this whole supposedly sacrificed himself only to get trapped by Asmodeus to be milked for his grace for years thing only to then get free, get milked for his grace to get TFW into the AU, only to then sacrifice himself thing reeks funny.
Obviously I don’t have any supporting evidence, but from the moment we saw his scorched wing marks (again) I was like “Nah, that totally isn’t what it looks like”. And now with the new episode and Michael’s emphasize that in contrast to Gabriel he is the better one, I just feel that to be true.
(Longer headcanon behind the cut.)
So if Gabe isn’t sleeping in the Empty right now (Although also a nice thing to imagine, especially once he wakes up. If the entity was annoyed with Cas I can’t imagine what it would be like with Mr. Trickster himself.), he is out there somewhere. He pulled that trick already. more than once actually. The first time the boys met him, he created a simulacrum for them to stab. Then he created two simulacra to trick Lucifer into believing he stabbed the real one. Three times is the charm, isn’t it? And we had that whole arc with Gabe going after real Loki and his sons to emphasize his trickster witness protection thing.
So how did he pull it off, if he indeed did pull it off? Well, my best guess is that he did the switcheroo when he was allegedly extracting his grace in the privacy of Dean’s room. He couldn’t have pulled off a switch when already on the other side of the rift or Rowena would have seen him come back through it before anyone else. (And I don’t believe him to actually ever have entered the AU in the first place - Gabe was behaving way to weird there, as if he didn’t know how to react to things, which a simulacrum without the original there to observe and guide might struggle with.) So a switch in the bunker, when he shook off Cas with the hint about privacy.
When Gabe emerged, the amount of extracted grace was pityful. Okay, so Asmodeus had milked Gabe pretty bad just the day when Ketch decided to rescue him, because of course he did. An archangel needs to be “milked” pretty dry to not be dangerous. What the Prince of Hell not injected immediately into his veins, he kept in storage because still he needed to wait for the reserves to build up again for more. One vial went into the spell for the rift, that landed Dean and Ketch in the AU. The second one was consumed by Gabriel upon coming back to his senses. Looked like approximately the amount of grace that was left of Cas’, when he retrieved it from where Metatron had stashed it. So at the time Asmodeus came to the bunker, we are let to believe that Gabriel is about as powerful as Cas. Obviously not counting whatever amount of grace still needed to have been in him to begin with, because as I said Asmodeus had “milked” him bad, but he had not drained him completely. He would only have kept his levels low enough to not be a danger to him when he first caught him. The rest insurance of Gabriel’s compliance he achieved with continued torture. So I guess Gabriel is slightly less than at regular angel strength when he deals the death blow to Asmodeus. That’s admittedly weak for an archangel, who is used to creating whole worlds at the snap of his fingers. But he is not Cas weak, whose strength levels have been all over the place - but who I think isn’t as weak as anyone seems to think he is, he only chooses to use his powers selectively. (Or Dean chooses for him - I mean come on, Cas mind-wiped Donatello without breaking a sweat, he still heals Dean’s more major wounds with barely a tap. It was only Ishim’s healing that winded him in season 12, but Cas told us that that wound was exceptionally deep. And Ishim was an angel to be healed, not a human, so probably a little more demanding on Cas’ grace.)
Anyway Gabriel feels strong enough after smiting Asmodeus to immediately go on a revenge spree against Loki and sons. Who are Norse gods or at least demigods. That’s the same archangel who prior to going up against Lucifer (back in season 5) was all lover not fighter. So he must have thought himself powered up enough and was genuinely surprised about not being able to heal himself after his confrontation with Fenrir. Cue his surprise visit with the Winchesters in the hope of getting more of his stashed grace. Tough luck, it’s all used up. So Gabe takes a nap on the couch, after which he does not seem to suffer from his injury anymore - he can bend down to pick up the case with the wood sword thingies just fine, where before he could barely stand upright. It’s only after the next fight against Sleipnir and Narfi that it seems to smart again. So yeah, self-healing works just fine, it just takes a bit longer. Then Gabe tells his story and off they all go to exact some revenge. Tough to tell time in SPN (that with indoor scenes, time jumps and supernatural beings manipulating the environment to fit their needs and stuff) but if it’s a couple hours tops inbetween events. So I stand with my assumption of at least Cas levels of power for Gabe at this point and constantly growing. Asmodeus last “milking” extracted three vials and was a while ago. Again with not being able to tell the passing of time in the show, but the boys had been on Rowena’s case in Oregon inbetween events, so I hazard a guess that’s it’s been at least a week if not longer since they last saw Gabe. If Gabe was at say approximately one and half vials of grace when he left the bunker, I think it should have been at least at two by them all meeting up again. Also they don’t immediately have him donate grace for the spell. They expressively wait for him to recharge a bit. Again no telling how much time actually passes. Taking into account the rather impatient nature of the Winchesters when it comes to family saving on one side and their understanding of such matters thanks to years with Cas, I’d say they would give him a week before going bonkers. And they appear slightly frantic in the episode when gathering. Cue in Gabriel’s need for privacy and the pityful amount he seems to be able to extract. At most a quarter of a vial, more like a fifth. Yeah, it’s funny because (insert phallic reference here) and it cause the problem of not actually being enough to establish a portal, so they need to hunt down Lucifer. So if it was all a trick by Gabe wouldn’t he have done it better?
Well, Gabe - or the guy that we think is Gabe - says that he is convinced that his special high powered juice should be enough even in such a small dosage. So, if Gabe actually used the privacy to create a simulacrum of himself it still would make sense. He doesn’t know that the dosage needs to be higher and he would need as much of his grace as he could to keep the simulacrum up and running while getting as far away from whatever was going to go down as possible. And he would have been able to leave Dean’s room and even the bunker without anyone being the wiser. The bunker hasn’t been angel proof in a long time and Gabe has his full set of wings. One flap and he would have been gone without anyone realising it. The simulacrum however would appear as much as Gabriel as possible but without his sharp wit about him, because that would require Gabe actually to be there and to guide the thing. That’s why “Gabriel” is barely able to cover himself with a book when caught in a compromising position with Rowena, instead of using his dry wit and some dirty jokes. That’s why “Gabriel” barely spends any time with the group in the AU, always keeping himself separated. That’s why he actually avoids fighting (the vampires and the angels) and to the best of my memories doesn’t use his powers at all after burning out the angel warding of the camp. Probably ate up all the limited powers the real Gabriel infused him with to make the ruse believable. More it didn’t need, because it was meant to die. Just like the one in the motel in season 5.
Meanwhile Gabriel would be free to return to his witness protection program. Apart from the Winchester, Rowena and the few angels left no one alive knows that he is an archangel. He wears the face of Loki, and no one knows that the real Loki is dead. His sons too, so he can take his place without contest. Back to being a trickster, waiting until his grace fully recharges. Eating sweets, creating pornstar fantasies. Until one day something lures him out again. He doesn’t know yet that Heaven is that close to failing - that was something Cas told the simulacrum. Maybe he doesn’t know yet that Michael wears Dean to a new Apocalypse and that Lucifer truly is dead now. And maybe he comes through for TFW and Heaven once he learns about it. Or maybe my feeling is completely wrong and he is dead and in the Empty. Then I hope something wakes him up soon and he annoys the hell out of the entity.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Before becoming friends with MC how did each brother think of them initially? We know Mammon was annoyed but I’d still like insight into what they may have felt towards the human at the time lol
Oh I like this
Disclaimer: these are my opinions and the ~vibes~ I personally got from the brothers
THE BROTHERS and their initial thoughts of MC
At first he saw you exactly as what you were; a weak human. He didn't think you'd survive very long and knew youd need a lot more help than, say, Solomon. Thus he made Mammon your babysitter, because he himself did not want to deal with it. It was a nuisance, a chore, to have a human in the Devildom, and he already had enough to deal with.
He wasnt annoyed at you, per se, he was annoyed that he has to babysit you. Humans shouldn't be here and he had no desire to keep you alive. Although, if he didnt, both Lucifer and Diavolo would be after him and he's got enough trauma from them.
Simple; you were a useless, measly, weak human being who demons eat for lunch. It's annoying to have you here and hed rather lose his anime collection than deal with you. You're not smart and he could eat you for dinner if he wanted to. The best way to keep that from happening is to avoid you all together. Why waste time on dead meat?
He hated you by default. You waltzed into his life and completely turned it upside down just by being there. He didn't care what you were, human or not; he was mad that you interrupted his peace by being present. However, he also just would love to really terrify you. Send shivers to your core and then take your life slowly.
You were an easy target, that's that. Humans are so gullible and more often than not naïve by nature. Seducing you? Turning you against his brothers? Would be too easy. And boy hes using that to his advantage. The rule was to not let you die; there was nothing about no manipulation.
You looked delicious, to say the least. He thought of you as easy lunch and the gluttony inside of him would really love to take a bite. The fact that you had a tendency to be by yourself a lot of times made that so much easier too. Would it really be a shame if he just eats you?
Like satan, he hated you by default. This, of course, ties back to his hatred toward humans in general, but how dumb do you have to be to go into your predator's territory? A little manipulation here, a few soft touches there, and youre completely his; nothing you can do about it.
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I'm ignoring my responsibilities in favor of watching the All Malec Moments video compilation so get ready for a livewatch no one asked for
Hodge is so incredibly wrong about everything he says about Magnus and it's kind of impressive because all he says is heavily supported by the Clave's files, which. Is proof of how great Magnus is at manipulating them and having them think exactly what he wants them to, tbh. Especially considering that as much as Magnus closes off emotionally, he was always very caring and kind to all other downworlders and warlocks, like, they all know they can trust him, he was named HWoB, he has a thousand kids, he took them all into hiding, etc. But the Clave and circle members are still 100% sure he's a super greedy lothario who's good for nothing but partying, and like. Obviously it's because they racist but they have an intelligence system and a file full of pictures and information and it all seems to support what Hodge is saying about him. So like Magnus was quite literally living a double life, with a whole personality he put up for shadowhunters and enemies, and another for his allies and friends, and even that one isnt 100% him because he was still trying to protect himself by closing himself off from relationships. and thats fucking impressive like my man is so smart i love him
Their first official talk is so funny magnus literally goes "I'm magnus" and Alec goes "Alec" and then he smiles and then he just goes. "Oh yeah right we should uh we should go to the hmm youhavebeautifuleyes what's it called hm" and its hilarious because they exchanged three (3) words and Alec is already all lost because Magnus is just That Beautiful. also all Magnus has to do is introduce himself and Alec smiles for the first time in 4 episodes like bro. bro. seriously. help him
he's SO frustrated when Alec doesn't get the "i love a dirty lair" flirt like he does that little eyebrow raise and hes just like "what the hell i thought that was GOOD" but Alec's head is legit playing wii music
Magnus pays izzy for "defending the warlocks" i had forgotten about that and it makes me so soft ;-;
Magnus and Izzy were just vibing with magnus asking her what presents Alec likes and clary immediately interrupts to ask about the memory demon like homophobic from day one i guess
Magnus is positively impressed by the way Clary goes "I'll do anything to save my mother" you can see how much he values loyalty right then have i mentioned that i love him
we talk about the "I'm talking to you" part a lot but we never mention how Magnus just throws that one and yeets off with clary not even waiting for a reaction he's just like that's RIGHT bitch you have beautiful hazel eyes too! do with that what you will i am now summoning a demon goodbye forever
the second him and Clary are away from the rest he tells her not to trust anyone and to be careful, like... ugh he cares so much it's unreal and again very deliberate, flirt a little, give izzy a necklace, throw in some innuendos, make it seem like it's all very innocuous so no one bothers to follow them or listen in when he goes away with Clary alone, and then immediately warn her about the clave when he gets away from the others. like he cares so much and he's so good at keeping that visible only for those he wants to it's astounding, my man is so talented and i hate that he had to learn to do that to survive but god i admire him and how committed he is to helping others too. like he could say "welp who cares it's dangerous imma go fuck off" like ragnor did but not only did he stay but he had a huge vulnerability with all his generosity and he never gave that up not for a second, even as he closed himself off from having any close friends or family or lovers, he never was anything if not generous and kind
the way he deliberately calls Jace shadowhunter in the most uninterested and even lowkey condescending way after the "pretty boy" incident idndjdndi we stan a king
the way Alec and magnus hold hands to summon the demon and even Magnus seems a bit shocked at the intensity of the sound and the bond that they make like. obviously they have their little staring contest and Alec is doing the Lightwood Intensity™ thing but like you can see Magnus frown just slightly and be a little confused because it was so strong right off the bat. even the sound of when they hold hands is louder than when the others do, like you can just feel their connection and the way magnus' magic flows so freely through Alec like god the soulmate energy tbh
Alec has a full body jerk when they hold hands too and he's the only one like damn we get it u 2 r vibin get a room
Izzy going "you ppl are pathetic" straight to the hets is so funny especially after Alec reacted to holding magnus' hand like he had gotten a 1000W electric shock or something. but i get the feel maybe she did that deliberately so they wouldnt pay as much attention to Alec's reaction too
the special effects were truly so bad like we all knew this but damn
Jace is such an asshole like Alec made it to kill the demon because it was you know about to seriously hurt them all and Magnus had just said that he couldn't contain the demon for longer (and like we know that Alec is the only one who ever cared if Magnus overexerted himself out of the shadowhunters but like bro this affects you) and Jace just???? shoved him??????? against the wall???? like a fucking piece of shit??? they should have let valak kill him tbh
the first time magnus calls him Alexander is when he calls Alec to see if he wants a drink and it's just like very clearly a thing that's supposed to be between them two? like he never did it when there were others nearby and i dig that
the fact that when asking Alec out he said "it was nice getting to know you, you seem sympathetic" like he could have gone with a lot of better more flirty adjectives but for a second the truth slipped out and he said what he thought - that while Alec was objectively you know tall and strong and all what really attracted him was the way Alec clearly gave a fuck whether or not Magnus was struggling with his magic to keep the damn demon at bay. and that was before the magic sharing shit too when Alec proved him right by cleaning up his things and saying that he had exerted himself enough for one day. like so many ppl see Magnus as the All Powerful Son Of Asmodeus Who's Also There To Service Shadowhunters and Alec just shows the faintest signs of caring about his wellbeing and he's immediately drawn to him like damn Im sad
also maybe this might be why he asked Alec to come so he could draw from his strength specifically, like he knew from the little hand holding thing that Alec was open and receptive to his magic (which probably adds to the "sympathetic" stuff like the fact that Alec had such an intense reaction to his magic and yet didnt try to push it back or draw away from it basically shows that he's open to Magnus if that makes sense? not only because magic is a part of warlocks but also because shadowhunters are all taught that magic is like, dirty and evil, so it would be instinctive for Alec to be resistant to demonic magic in his body, but he wasn't, he accepted it so readily and intensely it was a shock to the both of them) and also that he cared enough to support him. he kinda had Magnus' back from the beginning, first killing that circle member in the club before Magnus even saw him, then helping Magnus kill the other, then immediately making it to kill the demon when Magnus said he couldn't hold him back for long. like im aware I'm reading too much into this but s1 malec was very kept to the between-the-lines and its very interesting to me to think what Magnus was thinking, even if obviously on a subconscious level. Alec was showing himself to be open, reliable and caring, and magnus values that, and hes attracted to him and he hasnt had that in a while, because he wouldnt allow himself, but now he's healing and the pull he feels when he finally gets that while being emotionally available enough to accept these little gestures of caring is really strong. love that for him tbh
i go FERAL over everything about the magic sharing shit okay i always have. the way alec shows up and Magnus is kind of falling over, exhausted from trying to hold onto luke, and Alec immediately runs to support his weight and make sure hes okay? and magnus even as he was about to fall over never had his magic falter, my man couldn't keep his balance but still wouldnt come close to stumbling and risking luke's life further for even a second. so when Alec gets there he's just quite literally having his back, supporting his weight, when even Magnus didnt care about that (which like. unhealthy) and was focused on luke? and like Magnus can focus on luke because Alec is there to give him his support and make sure he's fine and how long's it been since he last had someone to do that?? and it's clearly alec's first instinct and like we know Jace or even Clary wouldnt fucking react like that. and then they have this ridiculous fucking staring contest again like we get it alec you're gay panicking at Magnus' beautiful eyes but like pls? and then we get to the most important part which is TAKE WHAT YOU NEED
his reaction is just SO intense and immediate he's just like "take what you need" he just offers himself fully to help Magnus just like that, no hesitation, and like Magnus is literally drawing from Alec's strength/life force, there should be some kind of resistance, even from a regular person or a friend, like its a very natural instinct. but Alec just grabs his hand and goes take what you need and he doesn't resist he just lets him do it and lets Magnus take his strength, because he genuinely worries about his wellbeing and safety just because he does, he believes in protecting others and being there for them, same as Magnus, and to Alec it's the most natural thing in the world but to Magnus it's shocking because he's always been self reliant, he has to be, he's been alone too many times and he's been used too many times and he's scared of what he'll let people take from him if he opens himself up because he always gives and gives, and he hasnt even let anyone be there for him to have his back and give him support when he needed in these last few centuries, not fully, not since Camille. but Alec shows up and just immediately cares for him in both small (like later when he refuses to let Magnus clean his couch magically because he knows he's tired and does it himself) and huge (like literally not hesitating before letting Magnus use a super intimate and presumably draining spell on him without putting any kind of limit, so Magnus can not overexert himself like he always does) ways and it means so much to him? and hes just so drawn and attracted to him and suddenly he realizes he's catching feelings that he had forgotten how to, because of course he had been healing and opening up, but he still kept people at some kind of length that didnt allow them to take care of him even if they wanted to, but Alec got that opening and he dived right in, and Magnus realizes how starved he's been for this kind of care and support that he's been denying himself and he decides to chase this, take it seriously, and i just aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
and like again Alec doesn't even think twice about it, because he's always been the protector and the support anyway, and he doesn't want to let anyone struggle and also most of that is just him being a Decent Human Being, but just like he got that opening that no one else did before, he met Magnus at the right time and he was sympathetic and caring and that sparked so much in Magnus, made him realize just how much he's been craving affection and care and close contact with people, and being vulnerable emotionally, and all of that that he's been denying himself. obviously magnus is romantically attracted to him but right then Alec is unlocking honesty with himself inside of magnus, he's unlocking vulnerability and not using it against him but really making a good thing out of it, and magnus' forgotten it could feel like this, safe and nice instead of hurting and scary. and again it's such a simple gesture but fuck my boy's been starved!! for so long!!! okay! and he can't help but want to desperately clutch to that feeling because against all odds he trusts alec to see his vulnerability right then (and he deliberately lets him see it further when he gives Alec that drink, tells him he's been closed off, that alec's unlocked something in him. you can see all the sadness and hope and vulnerability in his eyes right then, pretty much for the first time in the show, hes just so open and vulnerable and that's deliberate! first time was a fluke but second time he's choosing to because he wants to see where this goes, and if the magic sharing scene is the spark, the drinking scene is the fire, because they're not in a life or death situation anymore, Magnus is choosing to give Alec a chance by showing him a glimpse of his insecurities and Alec answers in kind, letting Magnus see his own confusion and want, and also again shows his caring and doesn't betray or use magnus' vulnerability and fuck!!! Magnus falls in love right then because this boy stays with him all night and talks, and he sees Magnus look at him with shiny eyes and admit that he's been scared of relationships, and he tells magnus not to overexert himself, and they click and Alec is open to his magic and hes funny and hes compassionate and also passionate about what he believes in, and they have so much in common with the way they hide and care so deeply and protect others always and are so loyal and i just. udndjdndidjdjxnxjxnskxndk SOULMATES god)
I need to lie down actually this was a bad idea I'm not strong enough I'm too feral
Might continue this later who knows. I'll be tagging malec livewatch and also long post as always if you want to filter this nonsense out
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