#celestial cheese cookie
cuppajj · 1 month
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i like to imagine this is what every neo beast meeting is like, and the middle dude would def be fc on the rare occasion he showed up
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alex-frostwalker · 2 months
☀️𝕮𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖎𝖊🍪
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Beast Ancients AU belongs to @cuppajj
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followerex · 4 months
Beast Ancients Calling Cards
Celestial Cheese Cookie Calling Card
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To Celestial Cheese Cookie, the Burning Beast of Conquest, the tyrannical sinner of Pride and Greed,
You who lost your kingdom to the destruction of the Dark Flour War, your pain does not excuse your actions.
The lives you have reduced to gold are proof of your evil actions. You were once a hero, but now you have fallen to madness. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Dragonberry Cookie Calling Card
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To Dragonberry Cookie, the Bloodied Beast of Pride, the controlling sinner of arrogance.
You who seek to clad yourself in dragonscale no matter the cost, who have turned the Hollyberry Kingdom to a tool of your ambitions, abandoned by those who saw what you were becoming.
Though you claim to care, you seek only to control and grow in strength. You were once a hero, but those days have passed. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Frigid Cacao Cookie Calling Card
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To Frigid Cacao Cookie, the Hollow Beast of Solitude, the quiet sinner of Sloth.
You who have turned your kingdom into an icy wasteland empty of almost all life, having once sought to protect it from the dangers of the Licorice Sea.
Your frozen heart has led to you secluding yourself from those who once followed you with true loyalty. You were once a hero, but you succumbed to darkness. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Midnight Lily Cookie Calling Card
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To Midnight Lily Cookie, the Unseelie Beast of Sovereignty, the fae sinner of Pride and Sloth.
You have taken a kingdom of light and order and turned it into a tool for your iron-fisted reign. The kingdom you were entrusted with, to protect Earthbread.
Elder Faerie would be disappointed. You were once a hero, but you fell to malice, just differently from your other half. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Saint Vanilla Cookie Calling Card
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To Saint Vanilla Cookie, the Tearful Beast of Penance, the ashen sinner of Pride and Delusion.
You claim to save the souls of those you cleanse, but the truth is clear to us. You are killing them, false deity, reducing them to nothing but dust on the wind.
You tell yourself you are purifying them to hide from your sin and the destruction you preach, yet all you do is lie to yourself. You were once a hero, but your mind has been warped by a corrupt light. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Images from @sunseed-fandump, the idea of Beast Ancients from @cuppajj.
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jellyala · 2 months
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BAAU belongs to @cuppajj
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snowleopardcrk · 2 months
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just some doodles and a minor lore dump thingy
Celestial Cheese Cookie belongs to @cuppajj
I have mentioned Sweet Dream Cookie before. For those who missed my first post or need a memory refresher... Sweet Dream Cookie has been married to Celestial Cheese since long before she even obtained her soul jam, she has survived everything that life has thrown at her- she's nothing but loyal and VERY loving towards Celestial Cheese. When the two aren't off (girlbossing) conquesting earthbread, the two are discussing any events, Celestials plans, the latest conquest or the next one. In her own right, Sweet Dream is very good at fighting and planning as well. They're rarely separated
Old woman yuri :D
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skyler1290 · 2 months
(Beast Ancients AU belongs to @cuppajj )
(Also, if you're reading this, I love your AU so much. You're an amazing person, and I hope you feel good today /gen! If you don't like the AU or feel uncomfortable with it, just comment it. I'll take it down immediately.)
So... a fun fact about me is that I make up way too many ideas for my own good. A bit too many. And I happened to imagine an AU of the Beast Ancients AU, which is basically fanfiction, once you think about it.
So, I remember the creator of the AU stating that there probably wouldn't be any heroes to come after the beasts, so I imagined up an AU of my own where that does happen.
And the heroes are their own children.
Boom boom bam, plot twist /j.
None of them are OCs, by the way. Instead, they're canon cookies I've chosen that would be their children in this AU, but aren't their children in the actual storyline (except Dark Choco).
Yea... I'm making it work. Basically, here's the parents and children:
Frigid Cacao = Dark Choco
Saint Vanilla = Kouign-Amann
Celestial Cheese = Stormbringer (she's a demigoddess in this AU. I'll explain it all if this AU gets @cuppajj 's approval)
Dragonberry = Raspberry
Midnight Lily = Mercurial Knight
So, basically, the witches are basically done with the cookies. They're like: "Oh my gosh. Why is this happening again? We're way too lazy to trap them into a tree like what we did with the last beasts. So instead, let's recruit their mentally ill teenage children to defeat them for us! Let's give them souljams and make them immortal. Seems like a good idea!"
Also, the children will be in their late teens in this AU (they're chronologically adults, but mentally and physically they are teens), it's a long story.
Here are the souljams (by the way, they'd all be two colors, just to press on the fact that these are new souljams and not fragments of old ones anymore. Though, they do connect to the past ones in concept):
Dark Choco = Balance (connects to Truth)
Kouign-Amann = Ambition (connects to Passion)
Stormbringer = Will (connects to Resolution)
Raspberry = Loyalty (connects to Freedom in an opposite like way)
Mercurial Knight = Detachment (connects to Abundance in an opposite like way)
Yes. My brain's a bit crazy. I don't know how I got these ideas, either. I can't tell if they're genuinely good or horrid.
If this AU gets the green light, unfortunately you aren't going to get any art or drawings. This is because I can't draw to save my life. So this AU will have to drive off of pure writing. 😭
But I'm not diving too deep into the AU for now since I want to make sure the creator is ok with this stuff.
P.S. = The old beasts are already defeated, but their powers and souljams are locked away, so the ancients beasts can't use them.
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makothedorito · 3 months
Crk Ocs but in the beast ancient AU (part 2) + a story
au by @cuppajj
i am probably gonna make fanart of this shit
Sharkberry and Stormberry Dragon Cookie - Alive
after learning about the fate of Pitaya Dragon Cookie at the hands of Dragonberry, the twin dragons of sea and storm noped the hell out of dragon valley and into the deepest depths of the sea, leaving earthbread at the mercy of storms run rampant and irregular tides.
Choco Chunk Cookie - Frozen
The Cacao village was one of the first to be hit by Frigid Cacao's permafrost. Choco Chunk can only hope that his granddaughter was able to have gotten to the Creme Republic safely and found a cure for the permafrost...
Milk Choco Cookie/Cacao Phoenix Cookie - Deceased
The Cacao Phoenix's spirit could only but watch as her husband turned his newfound powers onto their daughter, the formerly vigilant cookie having turned into a husk of his former self.
Amanita Cookie - Alive
being a Fungus Faerie Cookie does have its benefits after all, as the Chlorokinesis doesn't affect them. Instead Midnight Lily Cookie had them imprisoned, and watched over his former friends turned emotionless bodyguards under the control of Midnight Lily and could only hope that the Lily of the Valleys that had suddenly grown outside his cell was a sign...
Cheese Cinder's story under the cut
The Phoenix King and the Golden Goddess
One of the drawbacks of being an immortal Ancient Guardian and a Phoenix Cookie, is that even though you're Immortal, Its a good idea to recharge after millennia of being active to upkeep your powers, whether you like it or not. That's why Cheese Cinder Cookie, Founder of Scovilia and self-proclaimed Phoenix King of legend, has been in a near-eternal slumber at the heart of the hottest active volcano on Earthbread, right in Dragon's Valley. It was a very risky venture for Celestial Cheese Cookie and her guards, going straight through Dragonberry's territory to the dragon's valley, not just because it could be seen as an act of war, but because of the sheer amount of Dragonberry Soldiers headed by a fearsome commander that were stationed in search of Pitaya Dragon's secrets hidden in the underbelly of their caverns.
That wasn't going to stop the Golden Goddess from getting the Phoenix King for herself before Dragonberry could get her hands on him. Nothing could stop her in her conquest for the entirety of Earthbread, even meaning going through scalding hot tunnels deep underground, narrowly avoiding the cheese magma that permeated the entirety of the great volcano. At long last, the heat had started to pick up, and many of Celestial Cheese's Guards were forced to stay behind, lest they'll melt in the heat of the volcano as the Golden Goddess and her entourage approached the heart of the volcano, a vast cavern mostly covered by a deep pool of blinding, bubbling molten cheese magma, slowly pulsing as it moved through the cavern, and by extension the volcano itself.
"Cheese Cinder Cookie, show yourself!" Celestial Cheese demanded, her voice echoing off of the back walls of the cave. Silence, save for the bubbles of cheese magma popping. From the corner of her eye, she saw a golden glitter, reflecting off of the light of the cheese magma. a spear. But not just any spear, it was the Firestorm- Cheese Cinder's weapon of choice bearing his Spirit Jelly. "Bring me the spear." If Cheese Cinder won't awaken, Celestial Cheese might as well try to use the power of the Spirit Jelly of Growth for herself. But just as one of her attendants attempted to lay hands on the legendary weapon, movement came from the pool of molten cheese.
"You mind not getting your crumbs on that? I would hate to burn some cookies to a crisp. The scent sticks for ages!" A figure rose from the bubbling pool of magma, a silhouette against the blazing light. at once they stuck their hand out, and Firestorm flew into it, bathing the figure in enough light to be seen properly. "ah, yes. Golden Cheese, or more namely Celestial Cheese cookie. one of many whom asked for the Immortal Phoenix King's aid in their goals. What do you want?" Cheese Cinder slowly approached, the rivulets of magma giving his an ethereal glow.
"I offer you a chance at glory and riches never seen before, if you aid me in the growth of my kingdom." Cheese Cinder's interest was seemingly piqued at the word growth. he paused, seemingly dwelling on Celestial Cheese's statement.
"how about we make a deal, Golden Goddess?" Cheese Cinder swam up to the rim of the magma pool. "You bring me Burning Spice Cookie and let me take his Soul Jam, and in return, I utilize my powers as an Ancient Guardian for your conquest." the phoenix cookie offered. "Do we have a deal?" he proffered his hand, rivulets of glowing molten cheese magma still dripping off.
Without hesitation, Celestial Cheese Cookie took the Phoenix King's hand and shook, ignoring the scalding temperature.
The alliance was an invaluable one. With the aid of Cheese Cinder, swaths of land came under Celestial Cheese's rule, cookies submitting to the Golden Goddess in fear of her powers, or having their homes and loved ones burned to the ground by the Phoenix King if rebellion ever dared to come across their minds.
Its only a matter of time before the forces of Celestial Cheese and Dragonberry clash, and the Phoenix King may have to fight an old friend on the battlefield, on opposing sides instead of allies...
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koolades-world · 1 year
Random Obey Me! Headcannons
Lucifer really likes human world blue cheese but refuses to admit it because he knows he will be made fun of for it by his brothers
Mammon has his first dollar he made in the Devildom framed and when Mc found it while looking for condoms he was really embarrassed
Idk it’s so funny to me to think of Mc and Mammon about to have sexy time and they need to go look for a condom. Mammon swears he has some so Mc goes digging though a drawer and finds a framed dollar bill while butt naked
“Mammon what is this-”
Levi has neck and back pains from all the gaming he does and really loves massages but is too scared to ask
Satan once stole a pair of Lucifer’s underwear and hung it from the RAD flagpole
Asmo made it a point to introduce Mc into his nightly routine as his face mask buddy, even to the point of doing it over call if they’re separated
This also sounds funny as shit imagine someone like Levi walking in on that
“So anyways, I stomped their skull in and got blood on my new boots. My hands also hurt from wringing the neck of that-”
“Asmo, Lucifer wants to know- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU”
“A face mask, Levi. You could use one”
Beel loves kids and likes it when they use him as a jungle gym
Belphie always kicks people in his sleep without fail. Mammon swears he does it on purpose but knows he doesn't
Simeon does the best hair braids and is regarded the best in the Celestial Realm
Luke hates girl scout cookies since he thinks homemade cookies are so much better
Solomon can be seen leaving Asmo's room at any point during the day but nobody ever sees him going in. Imagine hanging out with Asmo and Solomon just fucking appears and then disappears just as fast
Diavolo's favorite color is pink
Barbatos has a succulent garden and Mc will bring him a new one every time they come back from the human world
Thirteen definitely loves Mexican food and spice in general
Raphael is convinced soft blankets are the best thing to ever exist
Mephisto once accidently knocked over one of Luke's cakes and felt so bad that he sent Purgatory Hall a buttload of money and wrote an article in the RAD newspaper about how great the angels were at baking
Mammon and Lucifer openly hate white chocolate (because it's not chocolate). Satan does too but pretends to like it because Lucifer likes it
Whenever Satan needs a parter to go to the events he gets invited to, Mc and Asmo are his first choices. He's closest with Asmo (Belphie is a second close) and doesn't mind the fanfare
Asmo and Beel often travel around the Devildom together. Asmo can't eat everything he orders since he just wants pictres so Beel is the ideal companion. Beel is also the perfect body guard
Solomon's current favorite liquor is Fireball and always has some on hand, but Luke always hides it because he thinks drinking is a bad habit
Barbatos definitely listens to heavy metal but everyone thinks he listens to classical music
If my grandmothers met the brothers, Beel would be their fav because he would clean his plate but if it was everyone, Simeon would take it home because he’s so charming even though he’s barely clothed
Everyone is so downbad for Mc I think it might scare off other people how much they hover. Like, a lower demon bothering you? Literally anything could happen to them, like they could be thrown in an endless loop of suffering, they could be made dirt poor for eternity, or they could be torn limb from limb <3 gotta love it
Asmo and Belphie make a deadly duo when to comes to trapping people/demons/angels. They both have the power to lure you in, and would probably take turn luring in victims for an evening as some sort of strange brother bonding. They both remind me of angler fish in a way. Asmo lures them with the pretense of sex and Belphie with relaxation, two things people can’t get enough of and they can stay calm enough to pull it off
Solomon has definitely made the brothers swap bodies or something crazy like that, on accident or not, you decide
Whenever Mc is feeling down, Diavolo offers his man titties as a nice pillow to relax on because he read somewhere once humans liked that
Beel is like a bull in a china shop so do not take him anyway where you need to be delicate. Belphie knows this, and will put him to sleep and carry him when they need to go somewhere like an antique shop by promising him a snack afterwards
Beel thinks Satan, Belphie, and Mc make the best weights out of everyone. Satan will just read, Belphie will just sleep, and Mc is like his personal cheerleader. However, he can and will lift all his brothers and Mc and the same time if he wants to, it’s just difficult to get them all in the same place at the same time
Thirteen, Belphie, and Satan got in a prank war once and it had to end in a draw since one party could not best the other. In the end, they made a final, collaborative prank and pulled it on Solomon
Mc once fell down the stairs in the human realm, ended up in the hospital, and sent the entire cast into panic so much that they took turns watching over them
Mephisto and Mc once had a night out drinking together and (somehow) returned to the HoL but were totally smashed. Lucifer forbid them from doing it again, but they still sneak out together and just crash at Mephiso’s place instead
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daytaker · 7 months
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aoife2official · 3 months
Beast Ancient AU!
This AU belongs to @cuppajj
Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie and Vanilla Orchid Cookie belongs to @aoife2official
Part 2 with the gentleman this time!
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Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie!
The adopted nephew of the new and improved Celestial Cheese Cookie and one of the living survivors who lives the prosperity of the avaricious Golden Cheese Kingdom.
Now that Caciocavallo Podolico is older, Auntie Celestial Cheese is a prideful and definitely greedy cookie who wants everything valuable that caught her eyes, he mostly fends for himself-having fun in the streets while being able to go home and live in luxury.
He's a little dense but not enough to get his identity known. For his second identity, he's known as Pule Cheese Cookie for strangers.
While Celestial Cheese is the sun that shines the brightest, Caciocavallo Podolico is the star that sparkles. ✨
Perhaps the reason she caught her eyes on her nephew because in reality, he's unaware that he's actually ⅓ dragon in his dough.
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Vanilla Orchid Cookie
The exact opposite of his father, Saint Vanilla Cookie.
A stone cold wall of a cookie with very little empathy for any cookie outside his flower garden of his very existence and a few creatures who Vanilla Orchid became accustomed to. Maybe or maybe not the followers he has to interact..or his other half siblings..rather what he calls them 'half spawns". He couldn't care what happens to them as long as they leave him alone.
He was born between Saint Vanilla Cookie, the Beast of Penance, and a faerie cookie who resides in the Silver Kingdom, Sweet Galium Cookie, out of wedlock, deeming him to be the illegitimate offspring. However, despite being a bastard mixed with the two different cookies, Vanilla Orchid is quite the intellectual with a special interesting in how the world works. He wants to know why the clouds move, why the trees are were they are, how the entire universe was created.
History's walking and talking mistake, doomed to follow a path taken once before.
Because he's a half faerie, he has semi-immortality and the knowledge of magic, he's exceptionally talented with the wand that transform into a sword.
I am aware that there are plenty of Vanilla Orchid Cookie, but please...bear with me.
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cuppajj · 4 months
All I've Ever Wanted - Beast Ancients AU
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alex-frostwalker · 2 months
Heh. 🤡
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art-of-the-sea · 8 months
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" Apathy "
Thought I'd do some fanart for day 3! This took soooo long, but ended up worth it. The new thematics in Cookie Run are super inspiring, and the color palette of the turkey tail mushrooms reminded me of Golden Cheese. Other versions under the cut!
Funguary Week 1 theme: Celestial
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chocxy-prince · 3 months
How would The First Generation react to the Neobeasts if they were…to fight per say? (beast ancient au by @cuppajj )
(this is hypothetical to say but i think to write how pissed off/sad each might be.)
content in the undercut
I’ve been kinda thinking about this a bit (but to also sponsor my own parents a little bit/silly)
Vanilla Bean To: Saint Vanilla: Rightfully pissed off. Who does he think he is? She had raised him so well, to not put himself above others, To not be selfish, establishing a cult surrounding himself and calling himself the only true savior to the cookies of earth bread. But she’s also quite sad. What could she have done. When she was born from sunlight and gold, She swore as the goddess of heaven and purity, She’s going to take this faker down, Even if it’s her own son. She cannot allow the people to deceived by a fake.
“You…HOW DARE YOU?! You have NO right to be vanquishing this poor innocent souls. You are not any saviour, or a god. You are a cult. You are nothing. I swear by the heavens pearl white clouds, you will die by my hand.” (internally sobbing inside because she doesn’t want to do this to her own baby)
White Cocoa to: Frigid Cacao
If you haven’t read the most recent part published of The Runaway series, You probably know how she feels already. Mixed feelings….shes upset, angry, confused. What could she have done? She wasn’t in control…He had locked her temple up and wouldn’t let anyone inside, even disciples of her old cause. Both evenly matched, old versus new… She ain’t going let him return her to his prison and continue being rogue.
“…my son…oh my boy…What happened to you….? When i was told you went rogue…I couldn’t believe my ears. But it is really true. How could you do this…destroy the history and cultures of people who were here before my time…during…” *a pause* “…If it is a fight you want, a fight by the true monarch and builder of the citadel you will get. Bring it on, Boy.”
Burnt Parm to: Celestial Cheese
He’s not entirely shocked, He figured something like this would happen, just not so soon. The old eagle and God Of Prosperity hopes to just talk it out and come to a solution..But he knows, Greed makes a cookie stubborn and unwilling to give up power. He will wrench it from her and save the people, and earthbread. He wants to return her to her former glory, unlike some of the others who may not have a choice…Maybe with her there is one…
“…oh precious daughter… the greed is not worth it…I would never wish to pull my own weapon, on the same cookie i loved, cared for…and baked…Im sorry it came to be this way, But I will do what i must.”
Cranberry Ale to: Dragonberry
Also pissed off. Well, He’s debating his feelings a lot. Well she was cocky, caring and loving in her younger years, it seems it’s caught up to her big time. His old trading capital from his pirate years turned into a ruthless dictatorship…This won’t stand. He knows she won’t budge without a fight, so he’ll bring the fight to her.
“It seems things have caught up to you…Maybe for your benefit, kid. But unlike the others…I have sympathy. I want you to change…I don’t want you like this anymore.” (if the talking out solution does work)
)if it doesn’t): “You seem to not understand the damage that you’ve reckoned upon the world, along with your little friends. I will put a stop to it, even if i have to put my hands on you.”
Wildflower Cookie to: Midnight Lily:
To be totally honest, he’d join forces with her and infact would help the neonates kill the rest: cocoa esp. he hates her guts. Keep Vb alive tho…that’s my wife.
“Perhaps we can join together and spread our ideas and fruits of prosperity to the world…Maybe the others don’t understand…”
(Divine Goddess is not included because she is associated with the republic, and therefore her children aren’t really an issue.)
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snowleopardcrk · 3 months
Jumping onto this cool train as well
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This is the Beast AU that the talented artist (Love your Transformers art btw) @cuppajj made! This is Moonflower Cookie, she narrowly escaped being vaporized by her dad. She was originally running away with Strawberry Crepe but they got quickly separated, but Moonflower managed to make her way to the Creme Republic. Yes, she has one single Raisin crow with her. But lets just say, she hunkered up in a random location in the under city to do her research. While her research has made some useful contributions, she is not very approachable or friendly to anyone who knocks.
Anyway, next OC, more of a rough draft for her. Sweet Dream Cookie!
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She's been with Golden Cheese since long before she ever obtained her soul jam, and when Golden Cheese became the Beast we know now, Sweet Dream followed her every step of the way with unwavering loyalty. If Celestial Cheese wills something, she helps to execute it down to the last word. Here she hopes to rebuild the kingdom anew and for it to flourish across earthbread, from the deserts to the cold tundra no matter what it takes. What a good wife /silly
And the final Cookie on the list is just Snow Leopard Cookie, she apprentice to Crunchy Chip. Not much to say about her aside from shes following Crunchy Chip in trying to help Caramel Arrow Cookie </3
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skyler1290 · 1 month
Right, I'm bored and it's late in the night, so I wrote down some random stuff about each of the neo-ancients. Also, there may be a few hints (and one outright saying) of some of their powers down below.
Dark Choco Cookie
- Remember how I said Dark Choco wanted to hide any and everything reminding him and the people around him about his father? Well, he once dyed his hair (of course, to hide its color since it looked really similar to his father's hair). He dyed it blonde (it was the only color he could find), and Choco absolutely regretted it the moment he looked in a mirror. After a day or two, he removed the hair coloring and vowed to never do such a thing again. Stormbringer teases him about this from time to time.
- Choco doesn't react very well when his father is mentioned. That's something him and Frigid have in common.
- Every sword he's felt after the Strawberry Jam Sword hasn't felt right. He can still fight well, sure, but it's like his full potential can't shine through.
- Him and Kouign-Amann sometimes switch swords, just for funsies.
- "What do you mean I can teleport, now?"
- Unsure. He's unusure. About what, you ask? Everything.
Kouign-Amann Cookie
- She's not a Paladin in this AU, but she's aware of them. Kouign likes them and holds admiration for the Crème Knights, however. Not like they'd ever accept her with her parentage, though.
- The cult is after her, and though she acts brave, deep down, paranoia has become a recurring feeling.
- "My father's a cult leader disintegrating people. Do you think I'm ok?!"
- She's always up for a spar with her fellow neo-ancients. Sword fighting is one thing she's really passionate about, after all, and a certain daughter of Dragonberry Cookie shares such an interest.
- Ambition is good. After all, she literally holds the Light of Ambition. But, it also serves as her fatal flaw.
- Healing was never something Kouign-Amann thought she'd be good at. That was more of Saint Vanilla's thing, right? Her Soul Jam may have changed her mind on that.
Raspberry Cookie
- Loyalty is her fatal flaw. It's the same concept as Kouign-Amann having ambition as her fatal flaw while being the holder of the Light of Ambition.
- Her and Royal Berry aren't close, but she does worry about her older brother. She also isn't close with Jungleberry, though she definitely finds her as a respectful figure. Princess Cookie is the only one she's interacted with regularly. They're ok with eachother, and Raspberry is definitely glad to also have someone who finds her freedom important. She views Princess Cookie more like a younger sister than a niece.
- Despite not being blood related to anyone in House Raspberry, she's usually counted as part of it anyways. This is due to a few things she has done for them which has helped significantly. She is aware of Raspberry Mousse Cookie, and she's definitely still proud like canon (that doesn'r change the fact she'd never say it out loud).
- Unlike Dark Choco, Raspberry cut her hair right before she ran away from the kingdom, leaving the cut off hair on her chamber's bathroom floor.
- Just to add more onto it, there's a lot of things she wouldn't say out loud. Each reason is either due to pride, hurt, or even both. The topic of Dragonberry Cookie falls under the last reason mentioned.
- "I miss the kingdom. Was this what Dark Choco felt?"
Mercurial Knight Cookie
- Mercurial is the most calm and stoic out of all of the neo-ancients.
- The other neo-ancients are still unaware of Mercurial Knight's original flavor. The cookie himself is still working that out. Does he want to stay with the identity he has now? Or did that imply that he was loyal to Midnight Lily's cause?
- He misses Elder Faerie, deep down. He had been something that filled the void Midnight Lily had left. But now he's gone, and he accepts that. He holds the Light of Detachment, after all.
- Though, he feels guilty. Mercurial Knight Cookie knows what he's doing is right, but that doesn't lessen the fact he may have grown some sentimental attachments. He misses the Faerie Kingdom. He misses his mother. But he doesn't show it. It's all in the past now, and it's time to move on. Surely time will heal everything.
- "My flavor, you ask? My apologies. I'd rather not say."
- He finds the Light of Detachment's voice as something that brings him up and reminds him of his one true goal: to save Earthbread from the former ancients and protect his fellow neo-ancients while at it. This was an oath he took silently. Unlike the last one, he would not break it.
Stormbringer Cookie
- If you want to know her personality, I'll first have to ask you a question. Do you know what 'EPIC: The Musical' is? If you do, she's almost exactly like Hermes.
- Stormbringer is a demigoddess, but she acts as if she was a full goddess most of the time and refers to herself as the latter. One day, she hopes to ascend to true godhood in a good way unlike her mother.
- Her Soul Jam provided her with less powers than the others since Stormbringer already had quite a few to begin with. The witches wouldn't want someone else becoming too overpowered now, would they?
- "What do you want me to do? Scare them off by sounding some thunder?"
- Connecting to the info above, Stormbringer possesses the ability to sound thunder (but that doesn't mean lightning will strike).
- She often brags how her weapon is the coolest out of all of the equipment the neo-ancients have. They all can't help but agree when it comes to that.
Sorry for any typos. I'm tired so I'm not going to be rereading this post. I could've written this tomorrow, but I love the BAAU so much, I couldn't help myself.
Beast Ancients AU by @cuppajj
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