celisart · 11 months
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In love with how cute he looks here
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thedeliverygod · 4 years
A holiday gift for @celisart! They wished for unprecedented agony and I hope I delivered or else I need a new username lmao. 
 “Hey, Hiyori.” He greeted weakly, coughing before he finished, “I told you I could do it.”
She threw off her jacket and scarf, pressing as much fabric as she could against his injuries. As the tears came to her eyes, she forced a smile, “I never doubted you could, Yato.”
He looked between her and Yukine, “What are all the sad faces for? I did it, I beat my dad!”
“Yeah, but you’re really hurt, stupid.” Yukine answered from his other side, looking to Hiyori, “And he probably shouldn’t even be talking, should he?”
She gently shook her head but Yato failed to notice.
“What, this? Just scratches. I’m a god, remember?” He gave a grin before falling into another coughing fit, “It does kind of hurt like a bitch, though.”
“You really should try and save your energy.” Hiyori pressed, her voice practically a whimper.
“I want to do something though,” He shakily raised a hand to her face, cupping her cheek, “Even if you think I’m joking or delirious.”
She swallowed, “…Okay.”
“I love you. Not just as a friend, I mean I’m in love with you. I have been for a while. I want go on dates and hold hands with you a-and kiss you.” He stuttered before his eyes flickered to Yukine, unable to see Hiyori’s tears double. “And Yukine. I love you like a son. I’m sorry I never managed to say it before. I just care about you so much that I never wanted to overstep and I wasn’t sure if that was something you actually wanted from me. You both mean everything to me.”
Hiyori couldn’t take it anymore and reached up one of her hands to cling onto his arm that was outstretched towards her face, sobbing harder, “I love you too.”
Yukine also grabbed tighter onto the fabric of Yato’s jersey, his head down, “Me too.”
Yato closed his eyes and smiled serenely, “I’m so happy.”
Shaking her head, Hiyori bent her head down and gently pressed her lips to his, “Please don’t leave us. There’s so much more I want to do with you. With all of us, together.”
He barely returned the kiss, but smiled more as he answered, “We’ll always be together, no matter what happens. You’ll never forget me, right?”
“I won’t! But… I want this you here with me.” She could feel his hand growing cold to her touch, so she kissed it as well.
“I want that too. But I dunno at this point. Guess it’s not looking too good.” He admitted with a small sigh.
Yukine gave a sharp inhale, “Don’t give up on yourself like that!”
“Believe me, I’m fighting.” He smiled back, “But I’m… also facing the facts here. Yukine, I know this isn’t what you want either. But if, you know… please try to love my new self just as much as you loved me, okay? I know it’ll be hard, but he’s gonna need you.”
Yukine wiped harshly at his eyes, muttering, “…Fine…”
“Yato, I can’t… I can’t even think about it.” She answered tearfully.
“You don’t have to interact, just… promise me you’ll keep praying to the god named Yato? Even if… it’s not exactly your Yato.” He finally teared up a bit himself as he finished.
She threw her head back in frustration before agreeing, “I will. Of course.”
“Thank you.” He whispered.
All three started crying harder and Hiyori lifted Yato up so that she was holding him, and Yukine quickly embraced them as well. Their comforting words and last stolen kisses only lasted a few more moments before their visions were filled with red.
“You can just call me Kofuku, remember? And what is it Yato-chan?” The pink haired god tilted her head at the small boy.
“You’re a god too, right?” Yato looked up at her with bright blue eyes.
Kofuku smiled widely, “Of course.”
“Do your believers always seem sad?” He asked curiously.
Coughing and trying to deflect the question, she asked back, “What makes you say that?”
“Hiyori always seems really sad any time she sees me.” He looked down, twiddling his hands together in thought.
“Oooh, that’s what you’re worried about.” Kofuku hummed thoughtfully before suggesting, “You should try asking Yukki about that. He and Hiyorin are really good friends.”
“Okay!” Yato replied excitedly before scurrying off across the house to find the blonde. Finding him in the laundry room, he called out loudly, “Yukine!”
“What’s up? I’m kinda busy.” He answered back as he loaded the washer.
Huffing loudly, he declared, “I wanna talk about Hiyori!”
Yukine froze up and nearly dropped the clothes he was holding before he caught himself. Putting the last of the clothes in the washer, he stepped out and asked, “Oh yeah? What about her?”
“Why does she always seem so sad when she’s around me?” He put on a deep pout.
“Well, just like me… she knew your previous incarnation. Do you remember how emotional I was when I first met you? It’s kind of like that, but Hiyori’s taking a longer time to deal with her feelings. But she’s really trying, I promise.” Yukine gave him a gentle pat on the head.
Giving a thoughtful look, Yato asked, “Do you think she’ll feel better if I do something for her?”
Yukine’s eyes widened in shock as he thought of his master’s previous crazy ideas, “Um… Like what?”
“Um…” The little boy chewed on his lip before he answered, “Maybe I’ll pick some flowers for her? Do you think she’ll like that?”
Yukine let out a sigh of relief and nodded, “Yeah, I think she would.”
“Great!” Yato immediately took off for the backyard.
When Hiyori came over that afternoon, Yato was hiding behind Yukine’s legs.
“He, uh, has something for you.” Yukine laughed sheepishly.
Hiyori blinked in surprise before she knelt down to Yato’s level and asked in an intrigued voice, “Oh really? What is it?”
Peeking out from behind Yukine, Yato sheepishly held out the tiny handful of flowers of Hiyori while Yukine made a mental note to apologize to Daikoku for the god mauling his garden.
“They’re so beautiful.” She commented, but before she knew it, her lip was trembling and the tears were flowing down her cheeks.
Yato’s shoulders dropped in disappointment as he said, “I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t make you sad.”
Hiyori reached out to hug him tightly, her voice breaking, “These are happy tears, I promise. I do miss him a lot, but this is really sweet. Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.” He gave a small smile and hugged her back with as much force as his small body could muster.
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re-unknown · 4 years
Your doggie is so cute * v *
Thanks! She is indeed really cute
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millenniumzine · 4 years
Hi, I read the updated post with all the information and I still have a question: will the participants be able to submit more than one work? (For example if I'd like to make an artwork for all of the three themes past/present/future can I? Or it's one submission per person?) Anyway sorry if you already answered this somewhere else and I didn't see it and thank you for your hard work 💚 I am so excited~
(answering publically in case others were wondering the same)
Hi, thank you for your excitement and interest!
We were discussing having both single page and spread page illustrations in the zine. Most spreads would follow the theme of 1 chapter, but we’d like to have 2 special spreads that encompass more than 1 chapter. So there would be a spread bridging the gap between “Past” and “Present” and another one between “Present” and “Future.”
However, this is all TBA since we’ll see how the applications pan out and how many people are interested in doing spread illustrations. So, tl;dr answer is that we’re not sure yet. That said, we’re happy to hear you’re interested in doing more than 1 illustration!
By the way, if you want to check if we’ve answered a question already, head on over to our FAQ or the #ask tag on our blog.
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sengad · 6 years
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A collab with the amazing @celisart !!! 💕
She did the drawing and i colored it ✨💖
I was so excited when she sent it to me bc the lineart alone was just amazing 😭😭💕💕💕
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dreildream · 6 years
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delta doodles
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royxart · 7 years
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Be your own lucky charm... for come ti pare @celisart xD
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miraculeanonmezine · 7 years
Hi! I'd love to apply but I'm really dumb with this things so I have a few questions: I never heard of 'Discord ID', what is it? Where do I found it? And does the artist have a theme to follow for the drawings? Btw Thanks for making such a beautiful things like this to help them! :)
Hello! Your discord ID is your discord username and number. If you don’t have a discord account, you can join here! It is a platform where the admins will be able to keep in contact with the accepted participants. Accepted participants will be invited to the server once they are announced.
The theme of this zine is support/underdogs. Pieces should surround around the characters lending a hand, bringing up one another, standing against injustice, etc,.
Also, thank you! We’re happy and eager to send donations to a worthy cause!
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shikonotama · 4 years
Hello @celisart​, I was your @noragamisecretsantas this year! I hope you have some sweet holidays this year  🎄 🎅
You told me, that you’d like something Yatori related. So I decided to write something about them. I hope you like it. 🤗
Silent night
The days had gotten a lot colder recently. Even during the sunny parts of the day, the warm sunbeams just barely made it all the way to the ground, therefore not able to properly heaten neither animals nor humans anymore. Despite the weather being close to freezing the whole day, you’d never consider to call it bad at all. Only the lack of pure white snow throughout the city’s streets caused all the children to stay at home, meeting their friends or playing games inside their parent’s house. Adults and elders on the other hand were busy making their way to the city and back, trying to get everything ready for the upcoming holydays at least.
Just in between all those people walking straight to their destinated place to get what they needed and then hurrying back to their houses, a young man ran through the shopping mile; not even sparing a glance on one single storefront even once. His outfit did not quite fit the weather nor was it suited for celebrating the upcoming holidays in the slightest. Despite wearing a pair of brown boots, he did not wear a coat or jacket. All that covered his body was a black tracksuit and a greyish scarf tied around his neck.
His vision was sharp and clear, his mind focused on something ahead, as if he was chasing after a thief that stole his wallet – no one around seemed to notice neither him nor the one he was chasing after, though.
“Yato, it’s no good! If we continue like this, it will-…”, the voice of a young boy reached the young man’s ears, even though there was no one right beside him.
»I know…«, he murmured, biting his lips. His fingers already felt numb and the cold wind blowing in his face caused his nose and cheeks to turn slightly red. »… but that’s the last one.«
“You sure ‘bout that?”
»Tzck…«, was all he had to add before he jumped straight off the ground and landed on top of the next building’s chimney with no struggle at all. As he stood up there, his bright blue eyes were directed to a point at about two hundred meters straight ahead of him. The bright sunlight was reflected from two blades he held – each in one hand. Their handles were both wrapped in bandages that didn’t seem to be tightened very well.
»Get ready, Yukine.«, was all he added to their conversation, as a big squirrel shaped cloud of dust rose just where Yato had been staring at the whole time. »We’re gonna finish this with just one blow.«
»Smells good!«, the big and cloudy animal turned itself around to face the black haired man, still standing on top of the chimney, firmly holding both blades. Just one moment later, without any further indication, Yato lifted himself high into the air. In the blink of an eye, he then rushed straight to the Ayakashi facing him, directing both blades to the squirrels head.
»You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun! With my advent, I, God Yato, lay waste with the Sekki... and expel thy vast defilement! – Rend!«
His two blades cut right through the Ayakashi’s body, leaving nothing but blurry dust behind. With ease, the self-proclaimed god stood up in the middle of all those busy people that were still walking by as if nothing had happened the past few minutes.
»Good job, Yukine. You’ve become really strong. Just as expected from my Hafuri.«, he grinned proudly, as both blades started to glow.
»You should be more careful, you know? If we only made the slightest mistake, some of those people might get hurt. You do know that, don’t you?!«, a blond boy had appeared right before Yato’s eyes, giving him a warning look before he sighted in relief. ‘After all, everything went well, didn’t it?’
»I knew you could do that, that’s why.«, answered Yato still grinning, then rubbing his hands to get them warm, at least a bit warmer than icy. »Let’s get going. It’s freezing cold. I’m sure Daikoku got us something to warm up again!« Again, Yukine sighted, tightened his jacket and followed Yato on their way back to Daikoku’s and Kofuku’s house, where they had been living for quite a while now – more than one year to be precise.
Kofuku and Daikoku: the goddess of poverty and her Shinki that was able to open up a vent that summons a huge amount of gloom. But thankfully, Kofuku was not the kind of god that got into a fight very easy. On top of that, Daikoku did not allow her to leave the house and explore the town or other places frequented by many people. She was not allowed to leave very often and never on her own, because her Shinki knew things would not turn out very well, as his master was known to cause disaster, wherever she went. Nevertheless, both of them lived a more or less quiet life, running a small store during the day that was very popular among children and passersby.
As it was already around half past five in the afternoon when Yato and Yukine made it back, the store was already closed for today.
»We’re back!«, Yato shouted while Yukine already closed the door behind them and they both immediately got rid of their shoes. »Time for something warm to eat!«
»Ah – Yato-chan and Yukki!«, a high-pitched and happy voice echoed through the house, right before one of the doors burst open. A young woman with bright pink hair and a big smile on her face showed up to greet them. »You’re late.«
»I’m sure he got them into some serious trouble – AGAIN!«, continued the deep voice of a man from behind her.
»Tse… what do you mean, ‘AGAIN’?«, Yato snorted and hastily turned his head to the left with a sour face.
»Common you guys, don’t start a fight on Christmas eve!«, Kofuku intervened with a smile, while she walked to the two incomers and grinned, then she observed them both and continued with a small amount of worry in her voice: »It’s gotten quite cold, didn’t it?«
»Well… yeah.«
»Doesn’t matter quite that much, does it? Just need, some fresh meal and a beer, and everything will be fine already.«
»And why do you think, you will get any of those?«, Daikoku wondered, watching every single one of Yato’s steps, as he made his way to the kitchen door.
»Ah, common! Don’t tell me you didn’t prepare some delicious food for tonight? No need to lie, Daikoku, I can smell it without any doubt!«, Yato giggled and stretched out his hand to open the door right in front of him. Daikoku on the other hand, crossed his arms in front of his chest, a mean grin on his face. »Don’t have to lie. Why would I even bother to cook for a freeloader like you?!«
»Well then… explain – THAT!«, just in time, Yato pushed the door open and stumbled.
»H-Hiyori?!?«, both Yato and Yukine looked at the brown haired girl, standing in front of the kitchen unit. When she heard the two of them shouting out her name, she turned around. After the first moment of surprise vanished from her face, a big smile returned before she answered: »Welcome home.«
»What are you doing here?«, Yato asked, still standing there as if he did not know how to react.
»She came here around one hour ago.«, Kofuku explained while Hiyori was still busy with something neither of the four was able to get a glimpse of.
»Okay, ehm… and why exactly are you here?«, he wondered, not having moved the slightest.
»She is the only one helping out, so don’t complain!« Daikoku was the one raising his voice this time.
»I’m not complaining at all! And by the way: We were busy, you know? Hunting Ayakashi to keep the people save on Christmas!«
»That does really look delicious, Hiyori!«, Yukine interrupted and stepped right beside her to get a closer look on what she was doing.
»Thanks, Yukine.«
»So… do you still need help…?«, he wanted to know, unsure what to do next.
»I’m fine, thank you. I just helped out Daikoku. But I think you could set the table?«
While Yukine walked over to the other side of the kitchen to grab the dishes, Yato finally entered the room himself, walked straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a can of beer. He immediately opened it up and took a big gulp. With a satisfied grin on his face and his eyes half closed, he turned around and said: »Ahhh~ that’s what I needed! I’m sure with all the delicious food Hiyori made for us, it’s gonna be the best Christmas eve so far!« Hiyori let out a soft giggle: »You’ll always love celebrating, whatever it may be, right?«
»Wh-… y-yeah, guess so.«, mumbled Yato and from one second to the other his big satisfied grin had vanished from his face.      He did not even manage to maintain direct eye contact with Hiyori. Instead, he put the can back on and took another big gulp from it.
»Whatever, just call me, when your preparations are done. Can’t wait to taste it!«
»You could help us, at least with the dishes, Yato!«, said Yukine, not even trying to cover the slight anger in his voice, as Yato walked past him. He did not reply anything, just raised his Hand into the air, before disappearing from everybody’s view.
»Argh… he can be such a jerk!«
»Calm down, Yukine. We are almost done with the preparations. You too can wait in the living room. Or maybe you should take a bath or at least a shower first? I’m sure it would help you to get warm again, plus I don’t want you to catch a cold.«
»Yeah, she’s right, Yukki. Just take your sweet time.«, Kofuku smiled, »I will help with the dish-….«
She wasn’t even able to finish this sentence properly, because halfway through it, she grabbed the plates, just to let go of them only one moment later. Neither of the tree bystanders was able to react quickly enough to prevent everything from scattering after hitting the floor.
»I told you to leave the preparations to Hiyori and me, didn’t I?«, Daikoku shook his head, while Kofuku shook of the surprised expression on her face and grinned again. »Oookay!« Her Shinki sighted and started to clean up the mess she was responsible for.
After leaving the others, Yato climbed up the stairs and entered the small room he and Yukine were given by Kofuku to live in. He walked across the room to reach the big window over on the other side. He then opened it up and shortly after he climbed outside, the can of beer still in one of his hands, to reach the roof. It was not that unusual for him to be up here. Sometimes, when he could not sleep and did not want to disturb the boy sleeping in the same room, he climbed here.
It had gotten quite a bit colder since he and Yukine arrived at the house, but for now, he did not feel cold at all. With ease, the god found his way over the tiles, right beside the house’s chimney, and sat down on the ridge. From up here, one had a great view at the city and thus it was already dark outside, all the sparkling lights. The latter were even brighter than normal tonight, because a lot of Christmas decoration had been put up.
‘This time, it’s gonna be different, huh?’, he thought and could not hide the fact, that his lips formed to a decent but honest smile. Throughout the last years he found himself wondering from time to time what it was like for all those families and friends to have a proper feast.
»Well… not too long ago we had this flashmob for Yukine’s first birthday, hm? … « ‘… that was a lot of fun, too!’ Yato tried to suppress a short giggle, while placing the can he just drank of between his legs and looked up into the clear sky. There was no cloud anywhere so all the stars above shined brightly tonight and even if the sky changed since Yato was born a long time ago, it never failed to touch his heart.
‘Damn… they really do take a lot of time. What are they even doing down there?!’, he wondered while listening to all the strange sounds and some yelling in between. »Well… whatever.«, he shrugged and put the can back up to his lips.
»There you are.«, the calm voice of a woman could be heard. Shortly after that, Hiyori appeared at the edge of the roof. It looked like she had hastily wrapped a warm jacket around her body, because none of the buttons were closed. So she tried to keep the jacket from going wild with her left hand and used her right to not lose her balance.
Quickly, Yato gulped down the beer in his mouth and sat up straight.
»I thought you’d be in your room, being lazy till we’d be done with all the preparations, but seems I was wrong, hm?«, she continued to talk while struggling to properly climb to the top.
»So… you’re complaining, too?! We fought countless of Ayakashi the whole day!«, Yato replied but as he looked into her face and seeing her smile he got confused. ‘She’s not complaining?’
»Yeah, I know that. You both are trying hard to help, by slaying the calamity. I’m sure many children can celebrate a great feast just because you two were there today.«
»You think so?«
»Huh? … Mhm!«, Yato answered with a nod, still sitting on the roof, his eyes focused on the girl that carefully made one step after another to come closer. One may say her words were just a praise to make a friend feel better, but Yato knew by the way she looked into his eyes that it was not just her comforting him, but an honest answer how she felt about his latest actions. Maybe his goal, to become a god of fortune, finally came within reach! Coming to this conclusion, even if the roof was only barely lit, his cheeks turned visibly red. It may be due to the cold that started to affect his body, but why had his nose not gotten red as well?
Yato reached out for the can to get the last gulp and took his eyes of Hiyori, when he heard her scream and raised his head again.
In the blink of an eye he jumped up, the can fell out of his hand, rolled over the tiles and hit the ground. Not noticing any of this, he reached out his hand to grab hers, »Gotcha!«, he sighted in relief.
»Thank y-… Whoaaa…!«, but the roof was slippery and cold and because he already lost his balance too, the only way to prevent the both of them from falling was to pull her back in his direction.
»Ow…«, his back, as well as his head, were knocked against the roof tiles underneath, but as he was a god it did not bother him that much.
»Are you hurt?«, he asked the girl whose hand he was still holding. When he had pulled her back against his body, the both of them had fallen backwards with his back being hit against the roof and his body softening the impact of her fall. Now, as she tried to straighten herself up, their eyes met again, quite close.
»I- I’m fine, sorry… I’m not used to climb up houses while still in my human body.«, she replied with an excusive smile.
»Idiot… that’s dangerous!«, Yato breathed out slowly.
»I’m sorry.«, Hiyori repeated her apology in a more serious way than before, by lowering her voice. After a moment of silence, she spoke again: »Thanks for saving me, Yato. Not just tonight but throughout the whole year.«
Her face was pretty close to his. Who knows if he had heard her, had her face been any further apart, as she spoke quite softly. Her big, purple eyes looked directly into his, some strands of her long brown hair fell onto his face and there was no way he would be able to look anywhere else now. He did not even know how long they had been like this now. Some seconds? Several minutes? Maybe a whole hour had passed?
It had never felt that difficult to come up with some words to say to her. He was not even able to get a grasp on his own thoughts.
»You-…«, was all he was able to come up with, but as he saw the silhouette of her face, surrounded by the pale moonlight and a beautiful gentle smile her lips had formed into, he was no longer able to continue even that.
»Thank you, god Yato – god of fortune.«, she giggled, but he could tell that she totally meant what she said. ‘Fortune…?’ He had no time to think about that little word any longer. Just before he could sort out his thoughts, he felt something slightly tickling and soft touching his right cheek. At the same moment his heart burst out and started to beat uncontrollably fast. The Doki-Doki that echoed in his ears made it impossible for him to listen to anything else. Meanwhile, Hiyori placed her left palm on his right cheek while watching him closely. Her fingertips had only touched his skin for a split second, when her smile turned onto a slightly worried look.
»Are you okay? Your cheek fells chilly...«
»Y- yeah… I’m not cold at all.« ‘Not at all!’
»… and your face is all red. Maybe you caught a cold while staying outside all day?«, Hiyori continued without listening to his words. Yato shook his head. »I’m a god, remember? We don’t get ill.«
»Is that so?«
After his quick reply, her features softened again. She kneed on the roof, then stood up and grabbed his hand to lift him up, too.
»Let’s head inside anyways. I’m sure something warm to eat is better than standing in the cold, be it humans or gods?!« He nodded still trying to get back control over his heartbeat. Hiyori smiled in return and turned around to make her way back to the lower floors. Before she could make any step forwards, Yato reached out for her right wrist to turn her back in his direction again.
»Wait a minute…«
»What is it?«
»…« Yato looked at her with his deep blue eyes trying to find the right words he was looking for. Almost as if he was a shy teenager.
He closed his eyes for a mere second. As their eyes met again, a fresh but gentle gust blew through their hair. »Merry Christmas, Hiyori.«
»Merry Christmas, Yato.«, she smiled back, when she suddenly opened her eyes widely and directed her gaze into the sky right on top of them.
»It’s snowing…«, she whispered, but despite his heart still running wild, he could hear every single word she spoke, »… just in time.« There were not many snowflakes falling down but those that came close to them danced beautifully through the sky as if they were to celebrate with everyone.
»Let’s get back down, shall we?«
»Yeah.«, Yato agreed as she took his hand and kind of dragged him back down.
They stood in front of the foot of the stairs, so technically right in front of the living-room door, when they heard some strange noises from inside followed by two male voices giving the impression of not knowing how to deal with the situation any longer.
»Jeez… what are they even doing?«, Yato wondered, meanwhile Hiyori had walked to the door to open it. When she was just about to do so, all the lights went out and left a confused Yato standing in the dark corridor. »What happened? … Hiyori?! … Yukine?!«, he screamed, but got no answer at all.
Yato opened his eyes and jumped to his feet. ‘Hiyori?!’ He looked from left to right, but neither Hiyori nor Yukine were anywhere to be found. »What the-…?«
He moved two steps forwards, but did not notice the body of a young man lying right beside him and stumbled over.
»You-…«, he started to complain, but shortly after he hushed. ‘Kazuma?’
When he recognised the Shinki lying on the ground, he once more looked around. He was not in Kofuku’s house anymore but in one of the city’s back roads. ‘A dream?’ The cold that had increased over night crawled over his back and made him shiver a bit.
After looking down again to check whether Kazuma was still asleep, Yato put his hand into one of the pockets of his tracksuit. With a sigh of relief on his lips, he put his hand back out again and looked at a small statue in the shape of a capybara, Hiyori made for him some days ago. A saddened smile appeared on his face, as he closed his eyes.
»I’m sorry...«, he whispered, holding the sculpture in both hands, tightly pushing it to his chest, »… we shall meet again. I promise.«
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peachcitt · 4 years
ml positivity week day 1: artist appreciation
hey everyone!! it’s the first day of ml positivity week and i wanted to make a list of a whole bunch of art from some really cool artists!! now i linked my personal favorite/underappreciated pieces from these artists, but i highly recommend checking out every single one of these artists’ whole blog!!
follow them, like and reblog their art, and give them some love!!!
without further ado, here’s the list of some absolutely wonderful art pieces made from some absolutely amazing artists:
this art from @ayushkii​ of lb and cn that honestly? haunts me in the best way
this art from @pevellyne of adrien and marinette modelling the lb and cn collection
this art from @celerydays of all the main mlb girls lookin stylish
this art from @disney-n-stuff of chat with black lipstick (!!!)
this art from @xiriline of ladybug and volpina facing off
this art from @eliseybug of ladybug looking pretty intense
this art from @gelljc of nino and marinette looking cute
this art from @naimea-fanart of adrien and marinette as ranma 1/2 characters (so cute!!)
this art from @gimme-that-felix-content of felix in marinette’s clothes + marinette being savage
this art from @celisart of lady noire being just generally very nice to look at
this art from @aerequets of ladynoir based off of one of the lovely @rosekasa‘s headcanons
speaking of rosekasa, here’s this lovely art of lady noire giving mister bug a very sweet hug
this art from @leviaana of ladrien with ladybug!!!! in a!!!!! suit!!!!
this art from @chickography of little baby nino and carapace with wayzz
this art from @yummiestseven65 of marinette at the beach that genuinely lives in my mind rent free
this art from @byaurum of love square shenanigans (aka the different ways the lovesquare might kiss)
this art from @panonne of chloe and marinette being stunning at the beach
literally all of @fizzyarts’ mlb redraws/edits (i linked the whole tag because!!!! they’re literally all so cool i couldn’t choose just one!!!!!!!)
this art from @lpartworks of the infamous ‘are you lying’ scene with some fantastic expressions
this art from @thelastpilot of ladybug!nino and chat noir!alya which, honestly, what more could you possibly want
this art from @ilambwhatilamb of a ladybug protecting adrien (with a super cool lb suit redesign!!)
this art from @snacc-noir of marinette looking cool and intimidating and pretty
this art from @mymiraculoussideblog of ryouko and ladybug being absolutely adorable
this art from @crusanite (im gonna be honest with this one.....this art is 3 years old and it haunts me TO THIS DAY,,,,,not a day goes by when i am not thinking about This)
here’s more recent art from crusanite of multimouse and chat just because all of the other art on this post has been pretty recent so im being fair
and that’s the end of this list!! this is far from a comprehensive list of all the artists that i get inspired by/really admire, but these are the ones that i found myself yelling about in the past 70 pages of my blog lmao and i really do think that they deserve all the love and appreciation!!
so once again, check out the posts ive linked here, but also check out their whole art tag because all of these lovely people are so so talented<3<3<3<3
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celisart · 2 years
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He is finally free..
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sammypompeius · 4 years
Tagged by: @celisart thanks ^^
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Three ships: Destiel, Shirbert, klance(😅) (not necessarily my favorite ones just the ones that came to mind)
Last Song:  White Winter Hymnal (Fleet Foxes)- it's awesome please listen to it
Currently Reading: The Golden Compass
Currently Watching: Too much stuff jagaukwh Boku no Hero Academia, Demon Slayer are the first 2 that come to mind
Currently Consuming: a "rapadura" idk the name in english, sorry
Currently Craving: rapadura KAHSKJ and chinese food
Tagging: @all-or-nothing-baby @notwithd @the-light-from-your-eyes @see-0-through @my-mom-says-ive-got-talent @my-arttt
You can ignore this if you want lovelies
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re-unknown · 5 years
Heya! You don't have to if you don't wanna but I'd really love to see your oc more ;; v ;; pls draw her more in the future, I need T v T
Awn, yeah I actually like to draw her a lot ;v; I’ll try to draw her more frequently.
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shefsart · 4 years
Here you have @celisart 's kids. Be nice to them cause they've stolen my heart (the same thing will happen with yours)
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milimaaa · 4 years
tagged by @mezzy303​ ❤ luv u
Rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: single and ready to mingle :P
favorite color: pink (but I dislike no color)
three favorite foods: ahhh how am I supposed to choose?! Salmon, Taco and um any dish with bearnaise sauce lol.
song stuck in my head: none at the moment
last song i listened to: Ai no Scenario (cover) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUZy-ArTCYM
last thing i googled: how to say in English that something is worth repeating aka "bears repeating" because I forgot what XD
time: 20:00 (8:00 pm)
dream trip: right now it's Japan (yeeeah I know, what about it? lol)
anything i really want: to get through this semester
tagging: @swatato @celisart @ikis @star-shapedfruit and anyone else who wants to play!
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sengad · 6 years
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I can't function w/ backgrounds rn but @celisart i fiNISHED IT BOO 💕💕 HOPE U LIKE IT AKSJSKDJS
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