cuicuit · 2 years
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Some cross sections of plant's stem 🌱
The transparent cells in the middle are parenchymatic cells ; green-coloured tissue in the corners is xylem ; in the borders, between two green lines, you also could distinguish a pink tissue : phloem ; finally, there is a thin layer of parenchyma, covered by epidermis.
Xylem transports raw sap (essentially minerals and water) from roots to leafs, while phloem carries elaborated sap (rich in carbohydrates, like sucrose), produced in leafs and distributed in all the plant's cells. Parenchyma is mostly here to maintain the structure and to make the plant grow.
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immunobiz · 24 days
🌟 Découvrez les secrets du glutathion avec Dr. Jimmy Gutman ! 🌟 Apprenez ce qui fonctionne vraiment et ce qui ne fonctionne pas pour booster ce puissant antioxydant naturel.
Immunocal, la meilleure méthode naturelle pour augmenter le glutathion 👉
👉 Regardez maintenant et transformez votre santé ! 🍃💪
🌟 Discover the secrets of glutathione with Dr. Jimmy Gutman! 🌟 Learn what really works and what doesn't to boost this powerful natural antioxidant.
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jumanjijumanjijumanji · 7 months
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Mimosa Echard
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conatic · 1 year
Plusieurs types de cellules sont cependant référencés :
La "cellule de police" : une infrastructure destinée à la détention d’une personne pour une durée maximale d’en principe 24 heures
La "cellule d’attente" : une l’infrastructure destinée à la détention d’une personne pour une durée maximale de 3 heures
La "cellule mobile" : une infrastructure mobile destinée à la détention d’une ou de plusieurs personnes
La "cellule collective" : une infrastructure destinée à la détention de plusieurs personnes
Le "local de surveillance" : une infrastructure spécialement aménagée pour la surveillance d’un ou de plusieurs mineurs
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Source RTBF
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aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
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L'appareil circulatoire du cheval
Le distributeur des métabolites et de l'oxygène...
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
cellulitis adventures
So on Friday I was cleaning in the barn, hosing rotting meat out of a floor drain. I tripped over the hose, and fell on the hand holding the hose sprayer, in a pile of moldy rat shit I'd tried to clean earlier but hadn't done a great job on. The hose sprayer scraped my thumb, opening up a little cut and tearing the skin, which was annoying and hurt a lot.
Naturally I was like, listen I need to clean this really well, so I did. But I was busy, so I washed it really well and then didn't bandage it, because I had a lot more grubby shit to work on and a bandage would just get soggy. I cleaned it again when I was done, but still forgot to bandage it. it was not a serious cut, it was more of a scrape, and it hadn't really bled much, it was mostly just sort of scabbed over. Not a big deal.
Drove home to Buffalo on Saturday, and noticed it was a little sore, maybe a bit puffy. Ah, not great. I cleaned it again, put neosporin on it this time. Went to bed. In the morning I reapplied antibiotic gel and put a band-aid on it, and went off to work, off to Dude's aunt's house where his mother is clearing it out. (Aunt had to go into a long-term-care apartment downstate near her daughter, after a stroke left her with poor working memory, and nobody's happy about this but the house needs to be gone through and her sister is the one to do it. And we are the ones to help her; her children live a few hundred to a thousand miles away, and wouldn't know what to do with the things in Latvian anyway.)
Anyway. Finished with that, took a nap, ran some errands. My thumb was a bit achy under that band-aid, but I was busy. It wasn't until I was making dinner and noticed a red line on my wrist that I realized I ought to give this more attention.
I finished making dinner, sat down, took off my watch to look at the red line a bit better. Now, I have really pale skin, and it shows red marks from everything; I expected it was red from steam from the cooking. But no, the line curved and went unaltered under where the band of my watch had been, and out the other side. It was under my skin, not the surface of it.
So I took a picture of it and sent it to an online buddy who is a nurse, who said immediately to go to urgent care, not to wait and see if it cleared up overnight because it was not going to. And now that I've come out the other side of this with some antibiotics, I thought I would write a little post and tell y'all what to worry about, because it was no big deal in my case but if I had waited it might well have been. So behind the cut will be a very non-gory photograph, which possibly will look more dramatic than it would on your skin because I have so little pigment in mine. But mine was a very clear textbook case, so I figure it's a good example. Again though, no gore, so I do encourage you to look even if you're squeamish, because it's really good to get an idea in your mind about danger.
For the record, urgent care turned me away so I went to the ER and while I waited a long time, the staff, rushed off their feet and far too busy, was still kind and reassured me I had done exactly the correct thing in coming in. This is the kind of thing it's trivial to fix up with a routine course of oral antibiotics if you catch it, but if it goes too long it can get into all kinds of bodily systems and become very difficult to safely eradicate, and can cause lasting, even permanent complications.
So I thought, for other dumbasses like me who would ignore a throbbing cut, here is a little PSA about Shit To Definitely Not Ignore, and thanks times several million to my online nurse buddy who told me so.
Behind the cut, a photo that does not include the actual injury or any gore or disfigurement, but very clearly shows the telltale sign, which is redness from inflammation from the infection traveling through the lymphatic system, and is like, a prime time danger sign and if you see this seek care and do not delay. I haven't been able to find good pictures of what this looks like on darker skin, alas, but here it is on me.
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[Image description: the right forearm and hand of a pale-skinned person, lying on the edge of a table with the fingers loosely closed, thumb upward. The thumb goes off the top of the frame, and a bandage is just visible circling it. A red line wavers from the side of the thumb down along the back of the heel of the hand, curves down along the inner edge of the wrist, and then curves down to the underside of the arm. Several blue veins are also dimly visible through the skin, not following quite the same path as the red line, which is wider and blurrier than they are. The red line is quite blurry and hard to see in some places, clearer and more distinct in others, and in one place clearly but briefly splits to follow two channels before reuniting into one. There's also a faint dent visible in the skin at the side of the wrist, where the buckle of a watch was; the red line is not otherwise interrupted by where the skin had been covered by the watch.]
Again, the injury itself was a little gnarly but not anything I would have sought treatment for on its own; it was a bit sore to bend my thumb, it was getting a bit red and swollen but I had it under a bandage and wasn't monitoring it. The red streak was what made me look, and it's good I did. For the record, i don't know if this is typical, but pressing down at the point right on the side of my wrist where that red streak was widest was tender, like pressing a bruise, and isn't this morning; that was what really convinced me this was something from the inside and not a weird mark left by touching something from the outside. I don't know if that would be universal, and it wasn't tender along the whole length of it, but right there it's going over bone so I could really feel it. It's not raised at all, not a rash, it felt like bruising deep under the skin but if you pull your finger across it didn't fade or change color or have any kind of texture to it at all. This morning it's not tender anymore either, though the injury itself is a bit more painful than it was.
They gave me a dose of antibiotics last night around 10pm, and the streaking has faded, but the injury itself is more angry and swollen and is affecting my grip strength with that hand. I plan to follow the course of antibiotics, of course, and am grateful for modern medicine, which makes this mostly just an amusing anecdote. Who knew scraping your hand in a barn full of rat shit was dangerous! (Well, I did.)
Anyway-- off to see about filling this prescription. I gotta take it four times a day but like, y'know, I can handle that in exchange for not having sepsis, LOL.
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celluliteloverboy · 1 year
Isabella Davis
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“Tu stesso crei il tuo stato di salute ogni giorno, attraverso i tuoi pensieri, il tuo atteggiamento e le tue credenze. Le tue cellule credono ogni parola che dici.”
— Christiane Northrup
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wetslug · 5 days
takes a lot at work to make me genuinely disgusted/disturbed but i think it finally happened yesterday
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philcollinsenjoyer · 5 months
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smoked-away · 2 years
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Guess who has cellulitis in her foooot 😍☺️
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immunobiz · 5 months
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It may come as a surprise, but our bodies are unable to produce Omega-3 fatty acids naturally. These essential nutrients, found in foods like fish and nuts, are vital for maintaining a healthy heart and optimal brain function. They also support the overall well-being of our cells. Swipe to discover the astounding significance of Omega-3 fatty acids in our everyday lives. Cela peut surprendre, mais nos corps sont incapables de produire naturellement des acides gras Omega-3. Ces nutriments essentiels, présents dans des aliments comme le poisson et les noix, sont vitaux pour maintenir un cœur en bonne santé et une fonction cérébrale optimale. Ils soutiennent également le bien-être global de nos cellules. Faites glisser pour découvrir l'importance stupéfiante des acides gras Omega-3 dans notre vie quotidienne.
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altfire · 1 month
i know i set my own difficulty and created this situation on purpose but idk maybe this is too far
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moldycorpse · 2 months
my bf having cellulitis the 2nd time and taking it as a joke??? how can I convince him that it's EXTREMELY serious???? I've tried to tell him but he's just like yeah yeah its going away on its own
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historian-in-pearls · 10 months
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Slept from 1 AM until 4:45 when the pain meds wore off. This is definitely a four-extra-shots kind of morning. Praying I get through my workday in one piece.
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megachirottera · 1 year
Quali sono le cause della malattia di Alzheimer?
Le cause e i trattamenti della demenza sono fondamentali da comprendere per l’era in cui viviamo. Source: 13 NOV 2022; by A Midwestern Doctor on The Forgotten Side of Medicine Continue reading Untitled
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