#centaur Mirabel
addaxus · 2 years
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Thought I shoulda drawn Mirabel as a filly, so here she is!
Her color is a darker bay than Bruno’s standard bay. She a seal brown/black dilute, or whatever you’d like to call it, but I LOVE that color so much.
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rook-specter · 20 days
time for another AU idea!
Of Tides and Dreams
It takes place in the Subconscapes, where the people who were frozen in time reside. the Subconscapes are. practically fantasy backrooms and the Subcon Sadnesses are the entities. but there's also Figments, based on people who aren't frozen in time.
It stars Nille, Yvon (an OC), Euphrasie, one of the frozen Housemaidens (idk which one yet), and a Figment named Hellion (based on Bonnie)
Cheerful - the Siffrin Figment. looks like Siffrin but his mouth is stitched to always be a smile. He's an absolute jokester and they sometimes speak in grayscale GIFs Wilting - the Mirabelle Figment. her face is covered with vines, except for her left eye. a carnivorous plant is visible above her head. She speaks kinda like the Change God but speaks in ⚠️ instead of kaomojis Thread - the Isabeau Figment. he has no face, instead having a large hole instead. one of the nicer and even smarter Figments, but his appearance is very unnerving. Shattered - the Odile Figment. kinda like Isabeau, but instead of a hole, her face is entirely shattered off except for two glowing eyes and glasses. probably the scariest Figment. She's cold and emotionless, and doesn't really talk much. Hellion - the Bonnie Figment. they look just like Bonnie but their bottom half is that of a scorpion, like a scorpion centaur. they're much unlike the other figments, as they act just like Bonnie. The Gentleman - the King Figment. despite being based on the King, he's literally the nicest Figment. he's also a shut-in cuz the people inside the Subconscapes don't really like him
yeah this idea is exciting
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In occult AU, which species/creatures the Madrigals are?
Pedro - Centaur
Alma - Vampire
Julieta - Human
Pepa - Siren
Bruno - Siren
Isabela - Dryad
Dolores - Gorgon
Luisa - Werewolf
Camilo - Werewolf
Mirabel - Human
Antonio - Faun
Additional notes under cut.
Pedro’s centaur half is specifically a paso fino horse.
Alma has been a vampire since birth; she was born that way. (Vampires and werewolves can be both genetic or you become one via bite).
Julieta is, yes, a human. As is anyone not mentioned. But she is a practicing witch from a high-class witch family.
Pepa’s fish half is specifically a lionfish.
Bruno’s fish half is specifically a mandarin fish.
Luisa was a human. However, was attacked by a werewolf and became one.
Camilo has been a werewolf since birth; comes from a very large pack. No, it was not him or his family who attacked Luisa.
Mirabel was a human, but she’s dead. She’s an angel.
Antonio’s faun half is specifically a taruca.
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cursedonyx · 9 months
Could you write one where the professors have been drinking. There is an attraction between Aesop and Mirabel that has been growing for some time. With the help of alcohol they pick up the courage to act on it. One of them makes the first move and it goes on from there ... It can be quiet explicit 🫣 (it's of course consensual. No one is too drunk to make things they do not want to)
Thank you :)))
Well, this was fun to write! Hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!
Word count – 3.5k
Warnings – Smut (🔞 MDNI), PiV, Oral F!Receiving, M!Receiving, alcohol, consensual mutual longing fulfilled
The Christmas holidays arrived not a moment too soon, and Aesop Sharp sat comfortably in the company of his fellow professors in the Three Broomsticks, sipping slowly from a tankard of butterbeer, listening as Abraham regaled them all with a hilarious tale about a Hippogriff and a Centaur.
Though it was tradition for the professors to get together at the end of each term to drink away their stress, this year’s gathering was somewhat more forced than those previous.
Some student or three, clearly overtaken with festive joy and embodying the spirit of Peeves, had decided to plant several hundred Dungbombs throughout the entire school and set them off simultaneously. Aesop had a very good idea who the culprits were, though without proof, there was little he could do other than glare at the Sallow twins and their Gaunt friend as they left the castle for Feldcroft, the three of them in fits of laughter.
The stench had permeated the castle, causing a mass evacuation. Only Mr Moon remained behind, armed with the Bubble-Head charm and a mop to clean up the mess. The stampede of students had almost caused injury, and it was fortunate that only a handful of students were staying over the Christmas break. The kindly villagers of Hogsmeade had happily agreed to house the professors and students for the night, and the professors were rooming in the Three Broomsticks.
Aesop glanced across the table, his eyes lighting on the lithe Mirabel Garlick, barely twenty and giggling as Abraham finished his tale with gusto, arms flung wide to emphasise the punchline. Aesop chuckled politely, but if he was being honest with himself, his attention had not been on the Charms Professor at all.
Over and over through the night, his gaze had been drawn to the young Herbology Professor. She had rid herself of her usual green robes and wide-brimmed hat, wearing instead a beautiful little number of peach and cream that complimented her skin and hair beautifully. And Merlin… her hair. Down to her hips and a luscious, almost fiery red, she’d taken it out of her traditional plaits and wound it into an elegant braid that wove around her head, thin tendrils escaping as the night wore on to frame her face prettily.
Aesop caught himself staring and busied himself with his tankard as his fellow professors continued laughing at Abraham’s tale. He shouldn’t feel this way. Mirabel had been his student three years ago, for Merlin’s sake! Even then, her graceful movements and measured, gentle speech had caught his attention, and he’d had to take special care to be as gruff and stoic with her as he was with all his students. Perhaps moreso than usual.
But she wasn’t a student any more. She was a woman, a beautiful, elegant woman, passionate about her subject and fearless in the face of deadly plants. He’d known women like her before when he was an Auror, quietly confident and full of vigour, until the demands of the job left them haggard, insane, injured or dead.
No such dangers presented themselves to a Herbology Professor. Aesop raised his tankard to his lips, irritated to find it empty. He waved to Sirona for a refill, his gaze landing on Mirabel again.
Merlin… she was enchanting. But he was twice her age, scarred and limping, grumpy and irritable. Though their brief conversations over breakfast or in the hallways indicated that they were nothing more than friendly colleagues, he couldn’t help but wonder if such a beauty would ever look at him in any other way than simply contemporaries.
He winced, accepting the tankard Sirona handed him. He shouldn’t think like that. She was too young, too pure, too beautiful for the likes of him. But all the same, images slid into his mind. Images of her amongst her plants, images of her carrying a basket of ingredients to his classroom, images of her doing so wearing absolutely nothing at all.
“Well, this has been delightful as always,” Matilda said, jerking him out of his musings. “However, I feel I must retire, I have a long journey ahead of me tomorrow.”
“Ah, the famous Weasley family Christmas,” Abraham chortled. “Do give Garreth my fond regards, he’s certainly been inventive with his charms this year.”
“Inventive is definitely a word for it,” Aesop muttered, remembering the six melted cauldrons and eighteen explosions the Gryffindor had caused in this term alone.
Matilda chuckled, raising a hand in farewell as she made for the stairs. Beside him, Chiyo Kogawa stretched and yawned.
“It is getting late,” she said. “I don’t really want to be hungover for my flight tomorrow.” With a wave, she rose and followed Matilda.
One by one, the other professors finished their drinks and made their way up to their rooms, until it was only Aesop and Mirabel left. She nursed her gillywater, nibbling her lip, before casting a shy glance his way.
“I suppose we should get to bed too,” she said.
Aesop nodded, trying hard not to picture her lying naked in the long grass of the fields just outside Hogsmeade, her form highlighted in silver moonlight. “I’ll be here a little longer. Don’t stay on my account.”
A smile touched her lips. “I’d like to,” she said. “I have to say, I don’t really want to go up yet. I’ve been enjoying the conversation.”
Aesop tightened his grip on his tankard. Now he wanted to think of a topic, a conversation starter, something that would keep her here with him. But what could he say? What would she find interesting? He barely knew a thing about the young professor, much less anything that would keep her here, sitting opposite him in the dimly lit tavern. As if she’d be interested in an old cripple like him.
Mirabel drained her gillywater and passed him a shy smile, before rising and heading to the bar. Aesop cursed under his breath. He mustn’t think the way he’d been thinking all evening, she was too young, too sweet, too pure for him to do all the things he wanted to. She wouldn’t even be interested. She would be entranced by some young buck her age, someone fresh and eager and wholly inexperienced.
But then… perhaps he’d imagined it, but the way she’d look at him sometimes, the soft, lingering glances she passed him in the Great Hall, the shy smiles she’d gifted him when she brought him ingredients from her greenhouses… perhaps he was reading too much into it. A man his age shouldn’t indulge in fancies of the mind. He should know better.
Mirabel returned with two generous glasses of firewhiskey, grinning a little. Aesop raised a brow as she set them on the table.
“I guessed you might like this,” she said, sliding one over to him, bending over and gifting him a generous glance of her cleavage. She’d guessed right. He was surprised. He was even more surprised when she didn’t take her seat again, but elected to squidge up beside him on the bench, despite there being several empty chairs around the scrubbed wooden table. Aesop’s breath caught as her slender thigh bumped up against his own, and she turned to him.
“Sorry,” she said. “That’s your bad leg, isn’t it? I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“It’s fine,” he managed. “Thank you for the drink.”
“It’s a favourite of mine,” she said, picking up her whiskey. “I try not to indulge too much, but it’s the holidays. Why not?”
“Why not indeed?” he said. Merlin, she was incredibly close, her leg resting against his, her shoulder rubbing against his arm as she set her glass back on the table. He turned his head, inhaling subtly. Her hair smelled of roses and fresh earth. He caught himself and turned away, busying himself with his drink.
Silence bloomed between them, their hands wrapped around their glasses, a slow tension gathering in the air around them.
“Forgive me,” Mirabel said, her voice so low it was almost lost in the chatter of the pub. “I… I feel like if I don’t say something, I’ll burst.”
Aesop swallowed. “What would you like to talk about? My knowledge of plants is limited to their uses in potions, I’m afraid.”
She loosed a soft laugh. “Not that,” she said. “Not work. Although… I suppose it’s related to work, in a way.”
“Trouble with students?” Aesop said. He felt he knew where the conversation was headed, and a part of him pushed out, eager for it to continue, keen for her to say what he needed to hear. The other, larger part tried to be sensible, telling him not to get his hopes up, to stop mooning after her like a lovestruck diricawl, that it could never happen, it shouldn’t happen, it was impossible-
“I like you,” Mirabel said, softly. “As more than a colleague. More than a friend. I have for a while, now.” She glanced at her glass. “It’s just a shame it’s taken until now for me to find the courage to say it.”
Aesop sat stunned. He’d been right. The glances and smiles and lingering looks hadn’t been his imagination. She liked him. Another vision of her naked before him rose in his mind, only this time, she was writhing under his hands, caught and wailing in ecstasy on his cock. He shook himself. Merlin, she was so young and beautiful, he’d almost forgotten what suppleness a youthful body had…
“Aesop?” she shifted, turning to him. He’d been silent for nearly half a minute. “I… I’m sorry, if I’ve made things awkward, I didn’t mean to. I-I’m sure I can get over this, it’s just a crush, I don’t want to be unprofessional, or-”
Aesop set his glass down on the table with a thunk. His hand moved from the glass to her cheek, turning her face to his. Her darkly green eyes went wide as the pads of his fingers slipped behind her ear, the corner of her jaw, sliding into her hair.
His lips parted, a storm of words fighting to be let free, to stumble over his tongue and entrance her, but they jumbled and jammed behind his teeth, rendering him mute. With nothing else to do, he leaned in and kissed her.
It was soft, it was hesitant, and it was perfect. Her lips were pillowy and firm, curving around his, lighting a fire in his belly that he hadn’t felt since he was her age. But he pulled back, acutely aware of the stubble on his jaw, wishing he’d shaved, cringing inside at how scratchy and uncomfortable it must be for her.
Then her hands were winding into his hair and she was pulling him close again, kissing him passionately. He loosed a soft sigh, his hand dropping to her hip, feeling the soft cotton of her dress, the heat of her skin beneath it as her breath rushed over her lips.
“Oh… Aesop…” she whispered. “I hadn’t dared to hope… I-I’ve liked you for so long…”
He couldn’t speak. If a wand had been held to his throat, he couldn’t conjure a single word to say. He let his actions speak for him, drawing her close to kiss her again, elated by the gentle sigh she released, his hands roving over her back, her hips, her legs, legs that parted as she leaned into him, her hand digging into his hair, his neck, her fingers slipping under his collar.
“N-not here,” she whispered. “Aesop… upstairs, quickly.”
With the speed of a much younger man, he was on his feet, drawing her up, a hand at her waist, drinking in the sight of her flushed skin, her wide, bright eyes, her parted, perfect lips.
“Are you certain?” he asked.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” she replied, gazing at him with such longing that he almost bent her over the table right then and there. “Please, Aesop, I want you.”
He set his jaw and took her hand, leading her to the stairs, bounding up them with an energy he didn’t know he could possess. Even his leg didn’t seem to pain him, the only sensation he was aware of being her hand in his, her delicate fingers wrapped around his.
They tumbled into his tiny room, with space enough only for a narrow bed, a wardrobe and a miniscule beside cabinet.
“Mirabel…” he whispered as she wound her arms around his neck, the word a song, a sonnet, a perfect poem he couldn’t have versed without her there before him. “We shouldn’t.”
He kissed her fiercely, his words contrasting sharply with his exploring hands, feeling each tender curve of her figure, flying over her hips, her back, and Merlin, her breasts. Small and perfect, barely fitting in his hands. He tightened the curve of his palms, and she moaned softly.
Aesop shivered, his lips insistent against hers as she melted under his touch, and he didn’t think he could stop if he tried. All the same, he tried to resist, tried to remind himself of her inexperience, her youth. All was lost as he was captivated by her beauty, her grace, her elegance, and her complete and total need for him.
Her hands were in his hair again, kissing him with a near desperation, pressing her body against his.
“I want to,” she almost whined. “Aesop, please, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
With a low growl, he walked her back to the bed, his hands catching her as her knees hit the mattress and she lost her balance with a squeak, clutching his shoulders. He laid her down, climbing atop her, staring down at her stunning form, breathless and needy beneath him. Her hands rose, scrabbling at his shirt collar, his waistcoat, his suit jacket. He shed these last two and tossed them aside, unable to keep his hands off her for more than a moment.
She whimpered softly as he brushed his hands over her breasts again, her hair coming loose from its braid, her nipples stiffening even through the cotton. Giving himself over to temptation, Aesop took hold of the boddice of her dress and tore it apart, revealing the perfect rosebuds to the cold winter air, flushed and red at their tips. He didn’t wait, but bent his head to her breasts, taking each of the soft peaks into his mouth, winding his tongue around them as her back arched, a symphony of eager sounds rising from her throat.
He fought a low groan as she gasped and writhed under him, trying to ignore the insistent hardness growing in his trousers, begging to be attended to as she whined and bucked under him, her hands in his hair again, holding him against her breasts. But that wasn’t all he wanted from her. If this was going to happen, if he was going to cross the boundary between colleagues that should never be crossed, he shouldn’t just dip his feet in the water. He should throw himself body and soul over the threshold, and damn the consequences.
He raised his head, finding her lips again and pressing his chest to hers, kissing her desperately as her legs fell apart, her hips tucking up to him as she fought with his shirt buttons.
“Aesop… Aesop… please, I need you…”
The words were music, a spell, a captivation. He tore his shirt from his frame, and her hands fell to his chest, digging into his flesh as she explored over the dark hair spreading over his muscle, flickering over his nipples and dipping down to his stomach, losing some definition with his age, but tensing all the same.
Merlin, what was he doing? Kissing an eager young woman that wanted him, some scarred and limping ex-Auror, as if she truly wanted what he was giving her, and not acting out of some cruel joke. He gritted his teeth as her hand found its way into his trousers, gracing along his length and sending sharp lines of fire over his back. His hips flexed instinctively, pushing into her hand as his breath rushed over her neck, and he bit at her soft skin, drawing it into his mouth and sucking hard enough to leave a mark. Mirabel gasped, her grip tightening on his cock as he slavered over her neck.
It wasn’t enough. He had to show her he was better than any of those inept louts that might seek her affection. He tugged at the skirt of her dress, drawing it up over her hips, revealing slender, pale legs, perfectly shaped, encased in luscious, white stockings that almost sent him into a stupor.
Growling under his breath, Aesop took hold of her white, cotton underwear and pulled it down, revealing velvety folds almost hidden by soft brown curls, darker than her long plaits, but hiding a fire nonetheless. Mirabel gasped and whimpered, pushing her hips up.
“Aesop, please…” she whined. “Please, touch me, I need it, I need you.”
He was only too happy to oblige her. He’d fantasised about it for most of the last calendar year after all. He brushed his fingers over the silken folds, gently pushing them back to expose her clit, already engorged and begging for attention. No young wizard, wet behind he ears and thinking with his cock could do this for her. He dipped his fingers over the slick at her entrance and drew it over her nub, easing the soft swirls his fingers made against her.
And Merlin, the sounds she made as he pleased her. Mirabel threw her head back to the pillow, her mouth agape as she gasped and moaned, and Aesop allowed himself a small grin. She hadn’t seen anything yet.
He lowered his head between her quivering thighs as he slid two fingers into her dripping entrance, sealing his lips against her clit as he curled his fingers up, pressing against the place he knew would give her the most pleasure.
Mirabel almost screamed, her hips jerking up to meet him as Aesop thrust his fingers inside her, his tongue working over her clit, captured and held prisoner between his lips.
“Aesop… Aesop… Aesop!” she gasped, her voice rising in pitch and urgency as she rutted against his lips and fingers, her delicate hands gripping fistfuls of the bedsheets, and his name on her lips lit the fiercest fire in his chest, his own need for her almost overwhelming until she howled, her whole body tensing under his ministrations, clenching around his fingers.
She fell back, gasping as he rose to her, his stubble slick with her pleasure as she kissed him.
“Let me…” she panted, a hand braced against his chest, turning him, lying him down. “Please, let me.”
A sudden nervousness rose in him as she laid him down, her bright eyes clouded with lingering bliss. Her hands fumbled at his belt, and he was reminded of her youth, her inexperience, her…
Aesop gasped as she drew his cock out and dived down, wrapping her plump lips around the head of him. Merlin, she’d either sucked a thousand cocks or read enough books to give her the same experience, for each movement against him was glory personified, each swipe of her tongue a jolt of electricity, each gentle suck and breath enough to drive every coherent thought from his head. He sank back to the pillow, his eyes rolling back, his hand finding the silken strands of her glorious hair as she drew sounds he never knew he could make from his throat.
He tightened his fingers in her hair, drawing her back up to his face, his cock sliding from her lips with a gentle pop. He kissed her ferociously, winding his arms around her, turning so she was on her back, pushing her beautiful legs apart. He had to fuck her. He had to make her his, now. Nothing could stop him, not fire, not snow, not even Merlin himself.
He tucked an arm under her head, gracing her with eager, passionate kisses as he aligned himself.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
“Merlin, yes,” Mirabel whined. “Aesop, I need you.”
He didn’t dare stop to think. He slammed his hips forward, entering a heaven of fire and sodden satin that sent his mind scattering to a place he had no hope of pulling it back from. Aesop thrust into her, encouraged by her soft yelps and exclamations, taking care to angle up, hitting every core inside her as his own pleasure built, each pump of his cock sending thrills rushing over his stomach and chest, drawing together and condensing in his balls as he slapped them against her perfect arse.
His orgasm was sudden and intense, driving the breath from him as Mirabel wailed and writhed under him, her hips slamming up to meet him as she tightened around his cock, increasing his pleasure as they came together, his face in her hair, her nails digging into his back.
He shuddered and crumpled atop her, trying to control his breathing as Mirabel whimpered and gasped in his ear, her arms locked around him.
“Aesop… oh, Aesop, that was…” she let loose a soft laugh. “Oh, Merlin, that was everything I ever hoped it would be.”
He raised his head, grinning a little as he graced her soft lips with a gentle kiss.
“That was only the beginning,” he murmured. “We have the rest of the year yet, my dear.”
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Monster Girl Mirabel Au! Centaur day
Poor Mirabel, she didn't understand what she has done wrong to make her Abuela so upset. All she wanted is to show her that she has a gift like others but in the end it make Abuela shock and told her parent to lock her in the house. They had a huge fight because of her. The little girl don't want this to happened, all she can do is curled up in her nursery room and listening the argument her parent and Abuela.
The sound of argument had quite down, someone enter her room and it was her Mami. Mirabel want to hug her but due to her new body, she doesn't know how to walk. Gladly her mother understood and lower down to hug her daughter. "Mami, what did I do wrong?" Hearing sad question from her confused daughter make her heart ache. "No, mariposa. You didn't do anything wrong." Julieta tried her best to cheer her daughter up. "But Abuela don't like my gift and everyone afraid of me. Am I bad daughter?"
Julieta so sad seeing her daughter going to cry. "You're not bad daughter. Sometimes unexpected thing happen in life. All we can do is learn to accept thing like... I remember the day when we got our first gift and we tried to understand what happen and what should we do. Well... Sometimes things not as good as we thought but we still learning to accept." Even though Julieta tried her best to explain her daughter, this was the only thing she could say.
"What if I done something wrong or worse... Everyone see me like what Abuela see me." Julieta know what her daughter mean, she remember the expression of her family when they first time saw Mirabel form. She never forget the face of shock, fear, confusion and most of all, the way Abuela tell her and her husband that they had to lock Mirabel in the house in fear and disgusted. She doesn't want her daughter felt as what they see her as just like her brother Bruno.
"Mirabel, it doesn't matter what they see you. What matter is who you are not what you are. You're strong, kind and most of all despite everything you're still my mariposa I know" Julieta told as she hug her which make Mirabel much better. "So if I learned my gift will I make my family proud?" The word Mirabel ask make Julieta feel concern her daughter condition but keep smiling. "Yes, you will. How about we figure this together, it seems you can help carried something heavy and run faster than anyone could run. You want to try your gift." Mirabel nod agree ready to learn her gift with her mami.
Kudos to Julieta for being a. Great mom. Because what was Alma thinking. And Agustín of course, duh. BUT ANYWAY. Last thing Mirabel needs is to be locked in a room with no support. Like she can’t even walk, what hypothetical harm can she get into.
I LOVE THEM🚴‍♀️💨💨💨
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Think you can draw Mirabel, Isabela, and Luisa as a genie, mermaid, and centaur respectively (Or any fairy tale creature that you think fits with them)?
Here Ya go!
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(Sloppy sketching is my style, i hope you don't mind!)
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
Dweller Bruno: We need to distract these guys.
Decay Isabela: Leave it to me.
Decay Isabela: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Distort Camilo & Wanderer Mirabel: *immediately begin arguing*
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axlaru · 2 years
Okay just saw a blazed post of some Encanto centaur art. Not my jam, but you know do your thing. Except they made mirabel skinnier than she is in the movie. Like they made her half horse but still drew her too thin like wtf. Like i know mirabel is not a fat character at all but still, stop that shit.
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Onmund: We need to distract these guys.
Brelyna Maryon: Leave it to me.
Brelyna: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Tolfdir, Faralda, and Mirabelle Ervine: *Immediately begin arguing* *also this close to pulling Urag and the Archmage into the argument*
Phoebus, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
J'Zargo: This one enjoys this immensely.
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Mirabel: We need to distract these guys.
Y/n: Leave it to me.
Y/n: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects, discuss.
Camilo, Luisa & Isa: *Immediately begin arguing*
Dolores: *watching in horror* Oh this. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
Villain!Mirabel: Hey, where's Observer's and Scrap's Creator? You know? Akuma?
Candle!Mirabel: Reading a fanfiction of a mute mirabel, they're currently screaming from joy actually.
Candle!Mirabel: Oh! Observer and Scrap are with Child!Mirabel, I think they were going in a My Little Pony AU?
Candle!Mirabel: They're in a peaceful AU so those three are safe-
Villain!Mirabel: Candle, the show has villains.
Candle!Mirabel: So? They can just-
Villain!Mirabel: One is a demonic centaur that was much more scary when the first generation was created.
Villain!Mirabel: One wants to create eternal night, possibly killing most living things from lack of sunlight
Villain!Mirabel: One is a banished evil unicorn from the Crystal Empire, and will slave said Empire
Villain!Mirabel: Actually no- he already did in one timeline.
Candle!Mirabel: IN ONE WHAT-
Villain!Mirabel: One time-traveled, one caused chaos, one stoned the princesses, and one was a child who wanted to rule the kingdom, possibly the entire fucking planet.
Villain!Mirabel: We don't even know WHAT season they might be in, maybe season 1
Villain!Mirabel: You know where I'm going at?
Candle!Mirabel: Oh no.
Villain!Mirabel: Yeah.
Villain!Mirabel: "Oh no" it is.
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addaxus · 2 years
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In the many piles of unfinished pieces lay this gem. I love these two beyond words.🥺🥺
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burning-quesadilla · 2 years
Mirabel: We need to distract these guys
Camilo: Leave it to me
Camilo: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Antonio, Isabela, and Luisa: *Immediately begin arguing*
Dolores, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
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How do Madrigals look? Like centaurs from the Greek mythology?
Well, I haven’t assigned specific species yet, so I couldn’t answer this.
Except Mirabel, who is obviously going to be a doe. (For once she was the easiest person to assign an animal to). So I don’t plan to make anyone else a deer because she’s gotta be the odd one out and it would really fit anyone else anyways - though maybe Julieta? Let’s just confuse Bruno even further!
By all means, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to educate me!
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xfriki26 · 2 years
✨Encanto monster au madrigal sisters✨
Isabela: 🌺nymph/dragonfly fairy🐞
•She is a little taller than its original version.
•She has compound eyes.
•She also has four arms and four dragonfly wings.
•Yes, she can fly.
•Has a better relationship with Mirabel.
Luisa: 🏋🏻‍♀️centaur🐴
•She has horse ears because I thought he was very cute.
•She is very protective whith her family.
•DONT, approach her from behind.
•As a child she used to take walks with Mirabel.
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Monster Girl Mirabel Au!
Alma was cursed by the jealous shaman girl who fell in love Pedro which reject her love proposal due he consider her as friend not much.
Shaman girl told that the curse she cast on Alma is the curse that will transform her offspring turn into monster each day. The only the way to break curse is to show how much she accept them as much as she love Pedro with her heart.
As time pass by, after Pedro death, there no sign of transformation of her kids. She thought the shaman girl was prank her that was until Mirabel ceremony happen. Mirabel didn't receive gift, Bruno disappeared, Alma blame her for that and she thought Mirabel was the source of magic problem.
In the next morning, little Mirabel woke up as centaur. She was happy, she thought she has gift and show her to her family. Which make even worse, Alma reminder of the curse and want to lock Mirabel in the house so that she won't ruin Madrigal reputation. Thanks to Agustin and Julieta stuborness and determined to protect youngest daughter, Alma give up and allowed Mirabel roam free and helped the community.
Mirabel will transform into random monster on each day. For example, Mirabel turn into centaur on first day. The next day, Mirabel turn into Pixie and so on. Mirabel find annoying when she keep transforming each day, at least she find useful depend what monster benefit she become.
Look her getting cursed technically wasn’t even her fault. So you can’t really place all the blame on her. BUT. BUT she had a way to avoid it?? And didn’t? Like I know she saw Mirabel she remembered the bs she had to do and just. Didn’t do it⁉️ Screw the reputation, shout out to Julieta and Agustín for standing up for her.
Someone needs to help that poor girl 😨 like yeah, it was cool at first, but now it’s more of an inconvenience.
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