hopetorun · 10 months
i see your sexual arousal abstract and raise you a case report titled "A not so happy ending: coital cephalgia resulting from an acute non-traumatic intraparenchymal haemorrhage in a female with no comorbidities", which makes me laugh every time i come across it
oh my god.
mine was very much like, normally when you google a random sex question you get reddit or quora which is fine for the level of research i'm doing for fic but today it was not even the freaks at quora have asked about this. however the freaks at pubmed dot ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov have got your back.
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lyrics365 · 2 months
Rhabdovirus (The Pitbull's Curse)
Sharp encephalitis, almost always fatal the beginning is marked by a sensation of anguish, cephalgia, fever uneasiness and undefined sensorial alterations many times referred to the bite of the aminal the inter-human transmission is possible, caused by the spittle of an infected human being that can held the virus however wasn’t informed, until now the disease evolves to palsy and paralysis the…
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lovethatlaiduslow · 5 months
gonna start using medical terms in my daily life because of my med terminology class like i got killer cephalgia, arthrodynia, AND dysmenorrhea rn free me
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crossover-enthusiast · 7 months
Experiment log - 1996 - 2
1996 was placed into a completely empty room. A reality anchor was placed outside said room.
1 minute
Scp-1996 has begun "bouncing" on the balls of its feet to keep itself stimulated. It has also begun fiddling with its hand and the zip on its hoodie.
2 minutes
Scp-1996 has started humming to itself while continuing previous behaviours. Occasionally,it has begun glitching, likely from boredom.
5 minutes
Scp-1996 has begun clutching at its head, apparently suffering from cephalgia. It has begun breathing heavier whilst attempting to continue previous behaviours.
10 minutes
Scp-1996 is clutching at its head still, and shaking. Scp-1996 is attempting to create a radius around it, which the reality anchor is preventing. Scp-1996 has stopped moving as much
30 minutes
Scp-1996 appears to be beginning to cry and is attempting to create a radius around it,which is seemingly casuing it pain. One researcher requested to conclude the test.
40 minutes
Scp-1996 is muttering to itself indecipherably. The glitching around it has worsened significantly. Scp-1996 is scratching violently at its face and neck aswell as clutching its head.
50 minutes
Scp-1996 has curled up into the fetal position, glitching significantly. It is clutching at its head and audibly sobbing in pain. Scp-1996 has been noted to be begging for the experiment to stop and for the pain to go away.
1 hour
Experiment has been called off and reality anchor was switched off. Scp-1996 involuntarily created a large radius around itself. Scp-1996 has been observed to have suffered from migraines for the next two weeks
Aww :[
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sinnershavesoulstoo · 2 years
Ooof every now and then I get a wild urge to read my journals from the past 👀
On this latest adventure I read about
Cringe times I had a crush and was mad about them liking someone else
One of my first mentions of disassociating
My first written (I think?) mention of feeling suicidal
My uhh pretentious ass using 'cephalgia' instead of headache
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sowelimaxima · 2 years
"fibromyalgia" isn't a disease btw, it's a symptom. it literally just means "muscle and nerve pain". if a whitecoat says you have fibromyalgia that is as useful as them saying someone with migraines has "cephalgia".
something that both "has no known cause" and is "more common in women" is automatically suspicious (why wouldn't the cause then be narrowed down and easier to find?) and here it means "doctors don't care about women so they invented a fake diagnosis to fob them off with".
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Night ??? of riding the insomnia train with a headache for some spice.
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Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Kaidan Alenko/Male Shepard Rating: General Audience Word Count: 1018 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Kaidan tries to help Shepard with his migraine after speaking to the Leviathan Warnings: N/A Author's Note: This is for Day 2 of Mass Effect Trilogy Appreciation Week! Please enjoy! Prompt: Day 2 - Migraine
Meeting the Leviathan — or at least hearing about them through Shepard since he's the only one that went down into the murky water — had been an eye opener for Kaidan. It makes Kaidan wonder what else is out there that they don't know about, not only in their own galaxy but in other galaxies as well. Or even on Earth. How many creatures are lurking in the deepest depths of the ocean on Earth?
The mission was also a reminder to Kaidan to not let time slip by him or Shepard, to enjoy it while it lasts or else run out of time all together. That was one of the main reasons why Kaidan even confessed to Shepard about his feelings despite the very real possibility of getting heart broken by a rejection. The reminder that Shepard could die again was an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach that has yet to leave him.
Maybe that’s why, with pain pills in one hand and a cup of water in the other, he goes up to Shepard’s cabin where he knows the man retreated to after the mission. He needs to see him, be able to feel him with his hands, and make sure he actually is okay. The tightness in his gut squeezes painfully as he closes in on the door and Kaidan doesn’t even bother knocking, knowing he’s always welcomed now. It’s not until Kaidan strides up to the bed and actually sets eyes on Shepard, lying on his bed with only the glow of the fish tank to light the room, that the knot releases and Kaidan can let out a breath of relief.
Shepard stirs when he hears Kaidan’s approach, twisting a little to peer at him with squinted eyes. Kaidan sits down on the edge of the bed, closest to Shepard and holds out his hand. “Here, these should help a little.” He keeps his voice low as he knows Shepard is probably sensitive to sound right now.
Shepard grunts as he sits up, pressing his back into the backboard of the bed. He takes the painkillers and swallows both at the same time with a gulp of water. When done, he closes his eyes and rests his head back. “Those yours?”
Kaidan chuckles, setting the cup off to the side. “Yeah, so don’t tell Doctor Chakwas.”
One of Shepard’s eyes peaks open, studying him. “Is this how it feels for you?” Kaidan shrugs and Shepard closes his eye again. “God, Kaidan, I don’t know how you can go out and fight with one of these.”
Kaidan places a hand where he knows Shepard’s thigh is under the covers. “I manage somehow. Some days are better than others.”
“And now?”
“Fine. No Banshees to set one off.” He cracks a small smile. “Guess the Reapers decided to play nice with me this time.” He’s lying, of course. Just the stress of worrying about losing Shepard to the watery abyss was enough to cause a dull ache to form behind his eyes, threatening to get worse and turn into a full migraine. He has already taken something for it, though, a precautionary measure. If he’s lucky, it’ll work. If he’s not… well, he’ll be in the same boat Shepard is in now; bed bound and wishing his head didn’t feel like it was about to explode.
Shepard chuckles at Kaidan’s comment and then immediately winces. “Never thought I’d hear those words uttered,” he says softly.
“I know, right? Reapers being nice? It’s a miracle if I’ve ever seen one.” Shepard huffs with laughter, lips curling up into a smile. Kaidan gives his thigh a few pets. “Are you nauseous at all?”
Shepard takes a deep breath before answering. “A little. Any sort of light source makes it worse.”
Kaidan hums in acknowledgement, knowing exactly what Shepard is talking about. “Here, lie down again.” Shepard does as he’s told and Kaidan pulls the blanket back over him, tucking him in.
“Is this also how you wish to be treated when you have a migraine?” Shepard inquires before burying his face into his pillow.
“You don’t have to,” Kaidan mumbles and it’s the truth. He’s been dealing with migraines for many, many years. He knows how to handle them.
“I certainly have a new appreciation for when you are having one and you still come out with me on missions,” Shepard says, voice muffled by the pillow. He groans in obvious pain. “I don’t think I could.”
“Yes, you could,” Kaidan says, going to the other side of the bed and crawling in under the covers after kicking his combat boots off. Maybe if he takes a nap, his own migraine won’t get worse. “I’ve seen you bloody and half dead out on a mission and you still keep going.”
“Somehow this is different.” Shepard turns so he’s now facing Kaidan even though he still has his eyes shut. “More distracting.”
Kaidan shakes his head in amusement. “If you say so.”
Shepard is looking at him now, eyes roaming over Kaidan’s shadowed face. The look is so soft and welcoming, that for a second Kaidan thinks Shepard is finally going to tell him that he loves him, that maybe almost dying by an ancient creature that lives under so much water pressure that it could crush you, has put things into perspective for Shepard too.
Kaidan’s chest tightens in anticipation, his heart rate spiking with excitement.
“I want you to know I really appreciate you, Kaidan,” Shepard says and there’s a small smile showing on his face.
Kaidan ignores the sinking feeling in his chest and reaches out to take Shepard’s hand. He squeezes it, three times, and Shepard’s smile grows a tad bit larger. “You too, Shepard.”
Shepard sighs, closing his eyes, and Kaidan wonders if the painkillers are finally starting to do their job. Soon, he relaxes, still holding onto Kaidan’s hand, and Shepard squeezes four times back. Kaidan scoots closer, kissing Shepard on his forehead, and then finally closes his own eyes, ready to fall asleep next to the person he loves.
A/N: Kudos to anyone who understands the hand squeezes. ;)
Thank you for reading!
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trusted-medications · 2 years
Cephalgia or commonly known as headache is a common occurrence for most of us. They are usually harmless and would just pass by but there's another type of headache that could already be a sign of other underlying conditions.
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lorcantips · 3 years
Sinus Drainage & Headache Relief Exercises | Maxillary & Frontal | #2
Sinus Drainage & Headache Relief Exercises | Maxillary & Frontal | #2
Sinus and allergy headache relief exercises that you can do daily to help yourself feel good when dealing with sinusitis, runny … source
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valgasnewsthings · 3 years
Male migraine.
 As my hubby suffering of the strong headaches, but am always though,that migraine is female problem, does it risk here too dangerous?
Yes in male meeting too migraine as on 9 percent as harder displaying by characteristic peculiarities,and in women's meeting often and tied with hormonal background  shares neurologic Michailova.
Genetical predisposition is migraine in males,as mum with migraine is transferring her to him, and males sometimes are not using healthy life mode as eating lots of fat meal, fast food,alchkokol, and provoking factors here are poor sleep,or long sleeping time, over loading mental, stress,strong smell, hot places, changes temperature, clear light and also sportsman shaving migraine too. As very actuality who working with a big weight, as re check again your attitude to loads ,as of systematical cephalgia attacks,they are not giving for you a benefit.
As especially peculiarities for males are not having, and males enduring her  worsely   and localization hurt is not constant as right,left sides are changing. As harbingers for migraine with aura are irritability,sleeepiness, hear, vision, smell destroys till hallucinations, as running flies before eyes, muting  sounds, numbness, sickness,gastrointestine problems, and without aura  hurt is one side pulsing, if strong, thus a short memory lost having. As take attention headache and migraine here are different as especially headaches loading,as they are having after mental work, stress to the day ending,and doctor diagnosis putting clinically as by complaints and patient checker, but for serious diseases   excluding,as serious headaches reasons,thus and adding MRT test, ultrasound vessels of neck.
As trying to helping itself with physiotherapy, remedies, herbs are empty results, as on attacks time using NSAID as ibumax, paracetamol, combining remedies with caffeine as solpadeine, pentalgin, sedalgin , triptans affecting on serotonin containing as almotriptan, sumatriptan and sedative, anti vomiting remedies too using.As relieving conditions are sleeping in dark room, light head massage with a pressing on points,where is hurt, warm or cool compresses on forehead or occiput as temperature depending from organism reaction. As sometimes lots of male are not serious attitude to headache, but migraine if not hurts, results are hard. As if attacks keeping three days,thus talking about migraines status ,as with vomiting,leading to dehydration and electroite destroys,this is needing in hospitalization. As in long spasms of vessels brain and his cells enduring in oxygen failure,that risk for ishemic stroke. And if attacks happening as more,that 15 times in month, thus diagnosing is chronic migraine.As in hard and long conditions, chronic stage prescribing preventing curing with anti convulsants as topiramate, anti depressants amitriptyline, venlafaxine.
And frequently attacks shortening if finding provoking factors for migraine, correcting life regime, as less stressing, worrying, avoiding smoking, spirit drinks, avoiding staying in hot places,avoiding meal, as provoking attacks.
And migraine is a not full curing,but leading a long remission and relieving condition is on attacking time you can.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3veUNHT
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wearyourdictionary · 4 years
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Cephalgia - (medicine) Headache.
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finlaure13 · 4 years
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[Image Description:
Are You Aware...
Cluster Headache Syndrome Is Widely Regarded As The Most Painful Condition Known To Medical Science Yet in the Last 25 to 30 years only 2 to 3 Million Dollars Has Been Designated to Fund The Research & Since First Recognized in 1641 No Medication Has Ever Been Created To Help. Change is Long Overdue...
End description]
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seijungii · 4 years
gojo satoru x reader | hypoglycemia
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chapter 8: cephalgia
“Come on, at least I’m not the one who--” Satoru freezes as you slap a hand over his mouth, staring at the door to your apartment that’s currently hanging ajar.
You turn your head ever so slightly to give him a worried look, lowering your hand from his mouth as you whisper at him. “I locked the door before we left, right?” 
He blinks, sliding off his sunglasses and slotting them over his collar as he glances between you and the door. “I think so…?”
read on ao3
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viptower · 4 years
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cephalgia, histamine: a distinctive syndrome of headaches, also known as cluster headache or migrainous neuralgia.
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zdlski · 4 years
A bit more of my background. I’ve been chronically ill for 2/3s of my life, when my cluster headaches started as a 9 year old. Over the years, I’ve collected an assortment of problems, exacerbated by living in poverty and high stress environments. The past 10 years I’ve learned a LOT about how my body works.
In 2013, I got the flu and I never fully recovered. In February 2020, I was traveling and was in close contact with someone for many hours who was coming from a US city know to have had community spread of Covid. Soon after, I was very ill with bizarre wide ranging symptoms, and because of the timing, I can’t find out if it was covid. All I know is that it kicked my ass for months and sent me back to feeling as poorly as I had after the flu so many years ago.
The past 6 months have been a haze of fatigue, confusion, and sudden/bizarre histemic reactions. But after taking 8 weeks to do as little as possible, I’m finally feeling like I have energy again. I’m not crashing like I used to. My heart rate isn’t erratic and I have no arythmias.
I live with:
Autonomic cephalgia (cluster headaches)
Delayed sleep phase syndrome
Food intolerances
Joint hypermobility syndrome/probable hEDS
Traumatic brain injury/ post concussion
This is important! I do not have ME/CFS! While I experience fatigue and I do crash after exertion, graded exercise for people with ME/CFS can be VERY dangerous. If you had covid and you have unshakeable fatigue, oh my god, please be kind to yourself and rest. There’s a very good thread on twitter from doctors, medical writers, and ME/CFS patients with information on this.
Rest is an activity. Recovery is an action. It is not doing nothing. If you experience fatigue, it is your body begging you to rest. Not resting can damage you as permanently as not sleeping, not eating, or not breathing.
Im starting at square 2 now. I know more than I did in 2013, I have tools to use, and people to ask for help.
This blog is an account of how I’m pursuing diagnoses and starting to add activities to my life again now that I’m at a point where it is SAFE for me fo move around more. It is not a medical recommendation or a fitness plan, because every body is different. I just want to share this in case it can help someone feel less alone in their journey to a new stable place. ❤️
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