Earwax, or cerumen, safeguards the ear but excess buildup can lead to discomfort and hearing issues. Proper removal techniques are crucial. Consult an ENT doctor, use eardrops, and clean the outer ear gently. Avoid cotton swabs and sharp objects. Professional removal may be needed in severe cases. Prioritize safe ear care with ENT Specialist.
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chandademi · 2 years
candle-rise wax
Up and drizzled in cerumen Now Listening 🎵 Related posts: Grainy-oon colour clouded MUSKY ( a:l / a:d ) tornado fluff
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
my red flag is that i watch earwax removal videos to fall asleep every night tbh
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cupofwater6 · 1 year
one more thing while it's fresh in my mind, but having played two extremes of harry, there doesn'f seem to be any "good/goodest" play style, roundhouse kicking measurehead & thinking you're avoiding propaganda still leads harry to act differently with certain npcs. unless i missed some hidden check, getting info from siileng is way more forceful racist and demeaning compared to just greeting the other (white) lorrydrivers. harry isn't a blank slate and you can't fully bend him out of saying shit. and going down the paranatural obsessed harry route cropped up all that "i need to return to the good old times" thinking and objectification of the in-game cultures. lena on my first run was a cool grandma and on the second one i read all her cryptid lines and got the takeaway that concepts like colonization/eradication of peoples cultures was nothing but a fun backdrop to her cryptid passion plus the dialogue after she explains the green ape pen. i mean so many npcs single out kim it's insane
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criminalgays · 10 months
being a vet tech is cleaning out your dog’s ears at home and then taking a picture of all the chunks that come out and sending it to all your coworkers
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market-insider · 1 year
Rising Awareness Are Major Factors Contributing To Expansion Of Cerumen Removal Market
The global cerumen removal market size is expected to reach USD 3.7 billion by 2030 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.2% in the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Significant rise in the prevalence of cerumen impaction as well as rising awareness are the major factors contributing to the expansion of cerumen removal market. As per the report published by WHO in 2021, the average prevalence of cerumen impaction is between 7% and 35% across various age groups. Also, with rising geriatric population across the globe is anticipated to raise the market for cerumen removal as cerumen impaction is very common in the geriatric population. Moreover, it is more prevalent in people using hearing aids & earplugs.
The increasing infection rates and people facing problems such as ear itching and irritation have raised the awareness of cerumen removal. The adoption of correct methods for cerumen removal and the availability of various tools and cerumen removal drops is positively impacting the market growth. Also, the market players are introducing innovative products for effective and inexpensive cerumen removal. For instance, Safkan Health introduced Otoset, a cerumen removal device. This device resembles a headphone and breaks down cerumen by using an irrigation method by providing irrigation solution through disposable ear tips.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Cerumen Removals Market Report
The micro-suction segment is estimated to dominate the market throughout the forecast period. Micro-suction is the most common procedure adopted for cerumen removal and can provide immediate wax clearance when an urgent clinical need arises. the adoption of micro-suction devices in ENT clinics has raised owing to its benefit’s over-ear syringing. The major benefit is that it does not damage the lining which can be a risk factor during the ear syringing and is gentle on the ears. Also, the device usually has a camera attached that gives the audiologist a clear view of the inner parts of the ear and the amount of wax.
Based on consumers, the geriatric segment is witnessing lucrative growth owing to the increasing number of geriatric populations. As per the data published by United Nations in 2020, the global geriatric population is estimated to exceed 1.5 billion by 2050. Hearing loss is prevalent in older adults and hence they are the major consumers of hearing aids, thereby raising the risk of cerumen impaction. This is anticipated to positively impact the market growth.
Based on distribution channels, retail pharmacies dominated the market owing to the increasing number and expansion of retail pharmacies. Moreover, the increasing adoption of automation and digitalization is positively impacting segment growth. For instance, in May 2018, McKesson Co. entered into an agreement with Discount Drug Mart, to provide dispensing automation platforms which will help to optimize prescription processing.
For Any Questions or Inquire please visit @: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cerumen-removal-market-report/request/rs5
Grand View Research, Inc. has segmented the cerumen removal market report based on product type, consumer group, distribution channel, and region.
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detyan · 4 months
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52 Magic Items For Troika (Or Other OSR Games!)
-Share the dried cysts of a saint! -Pass cerumenal superfluity aurally! -Receive an insectoid enema! -Use a fleshmagnet to tear holes into people! -Unleash psionic Oedipus complexes!
Designed after an old Victorian adverts catalogue, with a distinct weird-fantasy flair.
It was great fun to work on these and I think they'll be a blast at your table. FREE while community copies last!
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My patient was complaining that he couldn't hear. I then pulled an entire foam ear plug out of his ear that he had wedged in there, a giant impacted cerumen plug, and an insect. Yeah. No wonder, dude. When I asked why he had an ear plug in his ear, he said he put them in before bed so the "fire alarm wouldn't disturb him" if it went off at night. Needless to say we had a VERY long conversation after this.
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er-cryptid · 9 months
-- a type of lipid
-- lipids are a type of macromolecule
-- made of      -- fatty acids      -- long-chain alcohols
-- functions      -- waterproofing      -- protection against elements
-- examples      -- cutin      -- suberin      -- cerumen      -- beeswax
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doctorcrusher · 9 months
trying to make an appointment to get the earwax sucked out of my ear because my "cerumen" is "impacted" or something and I've been on hold for 15 goddamn minutes. god why
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krisis-krinein · 2 years
Merci à @oscar-cerumen-45
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raccoonzinspace · 2 years
Shadowbugs and Their...Ears?
Yes, Shadowbugs do have eardrums on each side of their head right below their antennas. However, they do not have earlobes like humans do and their inner ear is much more hidden. Likewise, a Shadowbug's eardrums are far more sensitive than a human's.
Much like any other type of ear, the inner ear of Shadowbugs produces cerumen in order to keep stuff out of it. Sometimes their ears do get blocked up by dry skin and impacted cerumen, thus requiring a professional cleaning by a trained veternarian.
How Each of the Main Bugs Reacts to the Cleaning
•Nibbles: *Grins and chuckles as his ears are ticklish*
•Chunk: *Sits there like a good girl, occasionally emitting an "Oh!" and twitching a bit*
•Cookie: *Loves this process*
•Zimmy: *His head goes wiggling from side to side as he enjoys this (especially the irrigation)*
•Wraith: *Absolutely hates this process and tries to get away*
•Minty: *Is pretty indifferent to this, but could do without the irrigation as the water is cold*
•Chubbs: *Same as Zimmy, albeit much more subtle*
•Baby: *Is spooked by the noise at first, but laughs as his little ears are very ticklish*
•Cloud: *Hates the metal tools that dig the cerumen out, but enjoys the irrigation*
•(Concept) Shadowbug Takie: *Try not to lose your hand challenge*
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volodin12452 · 3 days
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health-earwax-about · 13 days
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starhearing · 16 days
Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound waves can’t pass through to the inner ear. This can be due to blockages in the outer or middle ear.
A hearing exam is an important part of diagnosing conductive hearing loss. An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or otolaryngologist can help determine the cause of your hearing loss and recommend treatment.
Earwax, or cerumen, is an important substance that protects and lubricates your ear canal. But excessive earwax buildup can cause conductive hearing loss by blocking the outer or middle ear.
This can make conductive hearing loss seem quieter or muffled, especially in noisy environments. It can also interfere with the transmission of sound waves from your ears to your inner ear and brain.
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Over-the-counter earwax removal solutions can help soften earwax and encourage it to move out of your ear canal on its own. For more stubborn earwax, your doctor may recommend irrigating or syringing the ear canal. This involves applying a highpressure flow of water to the ear with a small syringe. This is generally a safe and effective procedure. However, you should never try to remove earwax yourself using home methods like ear candling or ear vacuum kits; they have been shown to be ineffective and can damage your ear.
Ear Infections
Ear infections that aren't treated promptly can cause conductive hearing loss in children, especially if repeated episodes occur. Such loss is usually temporary, and a child's eardrum and middle ear can function normally again once the infection clears up.
Eardrum and middle ear infections can also affect the sound vibrations that travel from the outer ear to the inner ear. These can reduce the amount of sound the cochlea receives, making it harder to hear.
A physician should conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of a sudden hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry may be helpful, as will a visual inspection of the ear canal. An otolaryngologist or neurootologist should be consulted, and the patient should be seen as soon as possible to minimize the risk of permanent damage. The physician should recommend a treatment plan, including antibiotics or antifungal medications, depending on the circumstances. In some cases, a surgeon can remove malformations or abnormal growths that might be causing conductive hearing loss.
Malformations of the inner ear can affect hearing by preventing sound energy from reaching your cochlea (the part of the inner ear that converts sound into electrical signals). A conductive hearing loss means that sounds are blocked from getting through your outer or middle ear, or that one or more of the three small bones in your inner ear do not work correctly. This type of hearing loss may be temporary and can often be improved with medicine or surgery.
A CT scan of the temporal bone helps diagnose problems in your outer or middle ear. This type of imaging also helps your doctor understand what is causing a conductive hearing loss.
The most common conductive hearing loss in children is caused by a blockage of the ear canal or of the tympanic membrane, which can make it hard to hear soft sounds. It is also common for children to have a problem with the middle ear or with one of the three small bones in their inner ear, which can affect their ability to hear.
Bone Growth
In this type of tinnitus assessment, sound is unable to pass from your ear canal and middle ear through the ossicles and into the inner ear. This can happen because of blockages or damaged anatomical structures in the outer and middle ears or any combination of these. The ossicles and little bones (malleus, incus, stapes) turn sound waves into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.
Conductive hearing loss can occur because of problems in the ear canal, the ear drum or the middle ear and its little bones. It can also result from head trauma that damages the ossicles or from a disease process such as otosclerosis.
When conductive hearing loss occurs, you may experience muffled speech or find it difficult to understand sounds in noisy environments. People with this type of hearing loss often say their own voice sounds strange or that people seem to be mumbling. A conductive hearing test with pure tone audiometry will help identify a potential underlying cause of the loss.
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In this episode of ‘Coffee with Coker,’ hosts Erika and Jaci dive into the intricacies of Modifier 25. They discuss its meaning, typical situations for its usage, and the subtleties of paperwork needed for appropriate billing. The discussion discuss numerous examples like preventative medication gos to, small treatments, and particular usage cases such as cerumen…
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