#ch 308
sunflowercider · 3 months
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
marbella completely ignoring the massive bone dragon in the background because lloyd is finally home and she wants to make sure he's okay because that's her child and nothing matters more to her than him coming back home safe i'm
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kikyocaps · 4 months
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every-chopper · 6 months
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 4 months
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blue-lock-rocky · 1 year
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seidou’s batting line up for koshien🔥🔥🔥
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 308
Brief summary: Cale discusses plan with his allies. Cale tells Rosalyn she could help in the next world by being the mage of the hero's party. Cale and his band of thieves arrive at Neo's lair.
Today was mostly discussion about the plan. To note was the possible result of destroying the device that had the control point. Once the energies of the world were freed, mana and aura would greatly fluctuate, affecting mana and aura users regardless of ally or foe.
Fortunately, Cale's side were not that affected by that.
CP people use chi and not aura
Beastkin people could fight like usual
Mary and the dark elves could use dead mana
CH learned how to use his aura even with the restrictions
Clopeh could use dead mana now
Ally dragons could use their attributes
The biggest problem was Rosalyn. She and her mages were out of the fight. Cale tried to reassure her that she could help in the next world by being the mage of the hero's party. She smiled, but still knew that she was weak in this world.
It was funny to see Cale having a hard time explaining what his role was... 🤣🤣🤣
Cale: Do you know the hero's party? Rosalyn: …Pardon? Cale: There's the hero who's a swordsman. There are the tank, healer, and the most insignificant but indispensable role - the overtime worker. And the mage. You'll be the mage. Rosalyn: Mage? Cale: You're the best mage I know. Rosalyn: What's your role then? Cale: …Umm. Well, I'm the overtime worker. Rosalyn: ??? (Does this guy think so little of himself? Of course, I know that the work of an overtime worker isn't easy, and it can even be harder. But an overtime worker in that frail body? Is that even possible?) Cale: Ah, well, that is-… (How can I tell her I'm a hidden boss!) brightly smiles It's a secret. Rosalyn: That's a deceptive smile. Cale: !!! Rosalyn: laughs before leaving
Ending Remarks Well, the talk with the CP people did happen, with HD joining in the plan discussion, and Tang Yu asking Cale if she could use poison on the enemy dragons to avenge her clan. But the chapter ended with Cale and his band of thieves (Cale, Raon, the kittens, and CH) arriving at Neo's lair. So the DHB and Ron scenes got delayed again. 😑
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devikyu-wishii · 1 month
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(Ch. 308)
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ORV Quotes Tournament Round 2
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Plain text:
Ch 308: Context of the Constellations, IV: A girl sucking on candy suddenly pointed at me and declared, "Squid." I briefly lost my soul at the mental attack.

Ch 440: Dokja's Incarnation, II: Finally, her hand touched the ends of Kim Dokja's fingertips. One hand covered in scars wrapped around yet another, also covered in wounds. It hurt as wounds rubbed against each other. Even then, Shin Yoosung didn't let go of that hand.
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taki118 · 1 year
IruClarAzz Master Post Part 9
Just collecting all of the cuteness of the Love Trio and adding my commentary. Spoilers ahead very current with the manga but with ch 308 I just HAD to post. (Also warning I may make jabs at the IruAmeri ship here and there just small comparisons showing why I don’t like it as much, no hate but if you don’t like your ship being talked about even slightly negatively probably look away.)
If you didn’t see it Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 here Part 4 here  Part 5 here Part 6 here Part 7 here Part 8 here Bonus here
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So Iruma wants to go to super important demon ball but Opera says no after heartbreaker incident so he asked for outside help in persuading them and his choice says a lot
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SO he asks Azz, but the thing is Iruma’s mind when he hits this Opera sized wall and thinks about who can rely on. Thing is you gotta wonder why it wasn’t his super capable upperclassman who invited him in the first place, Ameri? put a pin in that
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Opera acknowledges Azz abilities and his short comings
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Which is why his mom is also watching over them. Now to the question I asked earlier you could say this is the reason however Ameri’s dad is also one of the 13 crowns and if you think from a purely practical standpoint you’d consider the guy who’s basically in charge of the police first wouldn’t you? 
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But Iruma asks Azz for help because time and time again Azz has been a consistent place of knowledge and support when he’s in need of help this is where he looks to. You could say “well Ameri’s dad hates Iruma of course he wouldn’t seek him for help” however Iruma never considered Amu that was Azz’s thought he swallowed his pride and asked him mom to help them out. (and if that ain’t love I don’t know what is) So again I ask why Azz? Why did Iruma’s mind immediately go to Azz when it could have just as easily been Ameri? and this is more so if Ameri is the intended love interest wouldn’t you want more reason for the two to interact? Just some food for thought.
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Why does this look like boyfriend telling girlfriend he can’t make date night? cause it does
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Clara asks to go with them but they know she can’t (side bar I am actually sad we didn’t get a training montage of Clara maybe another time)
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Iruma describes the difficulty he had to go through and I just adore how Clara offers comfort
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Iruma says that even though its tough he doesnt regret his choice and wants to see things through and aww look at Clara I love how they just let her do this and move to support her.
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I hate that we don’t get love trio but of my god the softness of this yeah its totally drawn like a platonic scene yup what are you talking about there’s no romantic implication here.
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But they both say how they have been thinking of Clara all this time making her captain of the magitools club for the work of the festival since they can’t be there.
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Iruma compliments Clara on how easily she’s able to connect with others, and our girl sure haas come far like cause her development isn’t as flashy people tend to ignore it.
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Azz even agrees that she really is the most suitable for this even though he teases her. 
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Once more the trio are front and center
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Side thing Iruma has a dream of those close to him becoming like kalego but whats interesting is that an Ameri fluff isnt here
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Hes actually a little disappointed
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So at the ball while Iruma does escort Ameri in the two only dance briefly before being pulled apart by the other grandsons in fact Iruma spends more time dancing with him than her. I think he’s also implying here that Iruma goes both ways which facts dude
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Making small talk Iruma is asked about demons he’s close with and he once more first goes to Azz and Clara their descriptions top tier.
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It almost looks like Azz is holding his hand
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Shit goes down and these two just insync working together
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I just find this spreads placement interesting 
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And again gotta question why just Iruma and Azz like Iruma I get but once more I need to question if Ameri is usppose to be the love interest why is she not here?
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So Kirrio shows up separates Azz from Iruma and as he’s taunting Iruma with the knowledge he has Azz looses it enough to break through the barrier just saying very much a romantic lead move
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And thats a hell of a statement (not sure Ameri could handle that if she were to date Iruma just sayin)
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Azz asks a very.....normal question again I wonder why it wasn’t Clara along with Azz, also I don’t tend to sniff my friends and notice how they smell.
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Kirrio threatens to reveal Iruma’s humanity to Azz and he’s so desperate to keep his secret and tell him and clara (Specifically he wants to tell them) on his terms he’s ready to kill Kirrio
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And oh my god you don’t know how happy this made me cause I knew I just knew
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It was Clara, and oh I was missing her, to me at least there was Clara sized hole that couldnt be filled when Iruma is just with Azz. But also I’ve noticed this trend of Clara seems to pop up just when she’s needed.
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She fills Iruma in on whats happening with the club cause she thought the ball was over and her small words set Iruma back to normal.
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She brought him back to normal so much that Kirrio is now disappointed. 
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I like the thought that she tells her siblings stories about Iruma and Azz Coughfuturebrotherscough
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So after returning and recovering We get our trio back together and oh my god this chapter healed my heart
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I like that Clara went to get Azz first before Iruma you can either see this as A: Azzs house is on the way to Irumas from hers, B: she talked to iruma already and wanted to see Azz or C: she wants to keep things even so she got Azz first. No matter what its cute
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So this is something I’ve noticed for a while, I’ve seen people question what CLara brings to the trio and this is it. 
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Clara out of all of them has the best empathy she sees Iruma and instantly knows something is wrong and so she figures out a way to help him deal with it and Opera understands that
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This is what Clara brings to the trio Azz and Iruma are not good at expressing themselves but Clara is 
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She turns them into kids and puts them in a place all alone so they can say the things that are bothering them and not feel bad about it. Like both Azz and Ameri either can’t read people the way Clara does or can’t push like she does and Iruma (and Azz) need that. 
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Like had she been at the ball the other crown wouldn’t have needed to step up and while she did help its obvious Clara wouldve helped better
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Not only does Iruma let it all out Azz does too. 
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And Clara gets angry for them and its all so sweet
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Iruma confesses that he has a secret he wants to tell them but isn’t ready
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Not only do they tell him its ok they both confess they have something their keeping too. (my guesses Azz its his bloodline magic and Claras is something with her wings)
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Awwww they proceed to play to their hearts content 
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Opera does as asked and sees the bond the three share, and again yeah this is a totally platonic scene. yup just friends snuggling each other and hold hands in a not at all intimate way yup. Anyway I’m dead I needed to do this as soon as I saw it but once more we gotta wait.
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sunflowercider · 11 months
Lloyd choked up once more. He then made a decision. He would protect them. He would work harder from now on as he wanted to be with them for as long as possible. With that resolution, he flashed a big smile as he held back his tears. Then he spoke the words he always yearned to say when he had a family.
"I am home..."
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thecrowperson · 4 months
Kaidou manga panels I like: (pt 308)
Mysterious Lump: feat. Nendou and Kuboyasu
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From: vol 17 ch 175
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kikyocaps · 4 months
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every-chopper · 5 months
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 4 months
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