#ch: bobbi morse
mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
[ LICK ] : your muse licks something from their thumb in front of my muse. TO TRISTAN / FROM BOBBI.
Tristan swallowed hard as he watched the woman lick the cream from her finger. After the subtle hints earlier on in the day, he couldn't help but think that there was more to what she was doing than simply cleaning her thumb, though he was far too shy to say anything. Instead, he cleared his throat, taking a sip of his coffee quickly to try and distract himself. "How was the cake?"
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skyler10fic · 2 years
Reveal - Ch. 8: Shift
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Summary: An unexpected visitor starts Daisy and her friends on the path to their future. But first, they have to earn it.
Read on Ao3
Just as Phil got out the ice cream, the doorbell rang. It sat there on the counter, melting, as the Johnson family’s lives turned upside down.
“Not yet,” Phil said steadily to the agents at the door. “We were supposed to have more time.” 
“We don’t have more time.” Bobbi Morse stepped into the porch light. “Hey, Daisy.” 
Daisy waved from behind her parents. “What’s up?” 
Bobbi exchanged wordless communication with Melinda. Something was going on and Daisy didn’t like how nervous it made her parents. 
Melinda settled her shoulders, putting on a calm but serious demeanor. “It’s time. Remember your training. Whatever happens, remember everything we’ve said tonight.” 
Daisy’s heart raced. She looked to her dad for assurance that this was just a normal school thing. His eyes were too full of emotion, however, and he had to swallow it down before speaking. 
“You’ve always been special, my sky, and so strong. No matter what, we love you so much. And we believe in you. You’ve got this.” He gave her a little hint of a smile. 
Bobbi held out her hand to Daisy but spoke to Melinda and Phil. “We’ll call you in when it’s time.” 
Daisy stepped out onto the porch and followed Bobbi, trusting her mentor wholeheartedly. Still, it unsettled her that no one was telling her what was going on. She turned back to her parents, but they urged her forward. Bobbi’s hand lightly touched her back, steering her toward a familiar black standard-issue Shield SUV. 
As ominous as this was, being practically abducted at night with no information, she lit up when she climbed inside. 
Carol was there with a manic grin. “It’s finally happening!” 
“What’s happening?!” Daisy demanded. “No one’s telling me anything!” 
Carol rolled her eyes. “You’ve said it all along and now falling short at the finish, Johnson? Powers! We’re getting our powers!” She grabbed Daisy’s hands and squeezed like they were going on a surprise trip to Disney World. 
“Mooorse!” Daisy shouted to the front seat. Bobbi was giving instructions to a transportation agent Daisy didn’t recognize. “Are you serious?” 
Bobbi turned around and grinned to match Carol’s. “You’re not supposed to know that. It ruins the fun. This is an initiation ritual, kid. You’re supposed to be confused, in embarrassing pajamas, and praying that we’re not about to make you swim an icy river or steal an academy heirloom.”
“You’ve been watching too many sorority movies.” Daisy folded her arms. 
“Uh no, I lived it. I got a normal biology degree before coming to Carter, remember?” The SUV pulled out of the Johnsons’ driveway, and Bobbi faced the road again. “Compared to sorority initiation, getting superpowers will be a walk in the park.” 
Carol raised her eyebrows. “See?” 
Daisy relaxed into her seat but held tightly to Carol’s hand. They had seen the machine. She’d held it in her hands. But no one would say what it was really like to use or what it did exactly to a person. She decided to wait with her barrage of questions. Presumptively, getting those answers was the point of this little hazing bit.
Carol changed the subject before they arrived at the next cadet’s house. 
“So, how did it go tonight?” she squeezed Daisy’s hand. 
Daisy relaxed a bit at the foundation Carol provided her and at the memory of her parents’ acceptance. “Really, really well. I’ll tell you more later, but they’ve basically adopted you. Hope that’s okay.” 
Carol laughed. “More than. But besides me, they were totally cool with you…?” 
“Yeah,” Daisy hesitated, trying to say it in a way that wouldn’t rub it in. “They not only understood but apparently had been waiting for me to tell them for a long time. And for us to get together. It was painfully obvious, according to them and they were, and I quote, glad they didn’t have to keep it a secret anymore.” Daisy raised an eyebrow and Carol returned it. 
“We’re not very good spies yet,” Carol confirmed. 
“Nope.” Daisy laughed and then added softly. “And did you text yours?”
Carol rolled her eyes. “Uh, yes, and they hope I find a nice man someday.” 
“Hold on! You told them I’m your girlfriend and they said…” 
“Yup.” Carol popped the “p” and shrugged. 
“Damn, that’s messed up. I’m so sorry.” Daisy resisted the urge to take Carol’s phone and yell at her mom. Instead, she stroked her thumb over Carol’s. 
“Hey,” Carol brightened, “on the bright side, at least we don’t have to fight over whose house to go to for Thanksgiving!” 
Daisy couldn’t help but bark out a laugh at the unexpected humor, though she knew Carol was playing it way too cool. When they had a moment to themselves next, whenever that would be, they could unpack it more fully. For now, she let it go and focused on the road ahead, literally and figuratively.  
They picked up more cadets along the way, all from the Secret Warriors program. As the cadets and Bobbi disembarked from one SUV and the Program’s often-absent executive director, Agent Gordon, and his cadets disembarked from another, and another agent, Gordon’s assistant, with more cadets from another, Daisy noted that Jemma and Fitz, however, were nowhere to be found.  
“Hey.” Daisy caught up with Bobbi as they walked from the parking garage to the Secret Warriors building. “FitzSimmons were at a conference. Are they back?” 
“Not yet,” Bobbi answered cryptically. Knowing that Daisy wasn’t going to back down that easily, she added. “They are on a slightly different path. The conference is part of their initiation into their roles in the Program. Don’t worry. They’ll be back for the main event.” 
Bobbi unlocked the door once they were all assembled and handed them each a VR headset as they went in. “Don’t put these on until you’re seated.” 
Giant bean bags sat in the middle of the gym along with papasan chairs and a few small sofas and chairs. 
“What you’re about to feel with these connected…” Bobbi held up a headset “...is going to hurt. It’s training, but on a level you’ve never experienced before. My job is to get you mentally ready for a transformation in your life. Every cell in your body will be altered. That includes how you think and feel and perceive the world around you. If that’s too vague for you, sorry. That’s all we can know until you emerge on the other side.” 
A hesitant cadet began to raise a hand but quickly lowered it when Bobbi stopped in front of him. 
“When I say we can’t know, I mean it’s impossible. No one knows your powers until you show or tell them. They might change your appearance. They might be difficult to control. But there’s no test to determine it beforehand. If you choose to become a Secret Warrior, you do so no matter the outcome.” 
The giddy excitement faded as the seriousness of this decision sunk in. They’d been warned all along the way. But now it felt more real. 
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darkholmes · 4 years
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started from here @mxckingbirdsings​
“Are you not supposed to send those things over text?” Dinah said with a grin. She only barely lived undercover. There wasn’t some official statement on her identity like there had been with Ollie as the Green Arrow, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the world figured it out. Dinah just had never much cared, being on her own for so long. But now? Maybe it was time she was a bit more tight-lipped when she had others to look after -- like Olivia and Dylan. Besides, Babs had always hated when she forgot to use codenames over comms. “Two birds at one bad guy? Hardly seems fair to them... I’m in.”
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ofcosmicwonder · 3 years
❝I read somewhere that it’s bad luck to say goodbye in the dark.❞ @mxckingbirdsings​
“It’s even more bad luck to sneak up on an Amazon,” Donna said, whirling around to face the sudden voice in the dark. She eyed the woman suspiciously. “Do I know you?” She didn’t think she knew the woman personally, but it could have been one of Diana’s friends. “And who is saying goodbye besides you?”
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incorrectphoenix · 4 years
Daisy Johnson: They ask me how I manage my agents so easily.
Daisy Johnson: The secret is, I don’t. I have no control over them whatsoever.
Daisy Johnson: Earlier, Trip called my name and when I showed up to see what was going on, Bobbi shot me in the throat with a nerf gun.
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lancexhunters · 6 years
Mercy by Brett Young is probably about Huntingbird
Change my mind
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marvelsrp · 4 years
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S.T.R.I.K.E. TEAM The Special Tactical Reserve for International Key Emergencies, or STRIKE, is a team composed of the agency’s very best. The all-women STRIKE agents are deployed on the most dangerous, and most critical missions S.H.I.E.L.D. has to offer. Often times their missions are so secret that no one other than their members and Director Fury are privy to them. Loyalty and secrecy is paramount only to bravery and skill. THE DEPUTY
Deputy Director Hill is second-in-command of S.H.I.E.L.D., and indisputably the agency’s most capable and loyal spy. Any moment she’s not at Fury’s side, she is working ops with STRIKE, where she serves as commanding officer. The commander is tough, pragmatic, but dependable and steady. While she has a reputation for being demanding of her team, she’s level-headed through the most dire moments. THE CAVALRY
The most senior agent and main pilot for the team, Melinda May is a mystery. “The Cavalry” is an urban legend whispered in locker rooms throughout the agency, though few dare to use the moniker to her face. The story to how she got the name changes with every iteration, and none know the truth other than May herself. She seems to have little interest in the past, but instead stays focused on the present: mothering her team, offering her counsel, and executing the extraction. Despite her cold exterior, no one would go as far as the cavalry for her team. THE QUAKE
Agent Johnson was always a star performer, excelling in marksmanship, espionage, and especially hacking information systems. But now she has something new to contend with: the emergence of a latent mutant ability. Thanks to her father’s unstable DNA, she’s developed the ability to cause tremors, and hence been nicknamed Quake. These powers are not only new to her, but to the agents around her who now have to adjust to a new normal. THE MOCKINGBIRD
The main bruiser of the team, Bobbi Morse started her career as a biology PhD looking to serve. Her talent brought her to S.H.I.E.L.D., where she was part of the development and execution of their own super-soldier serum, granting her superhuman strength and durability. After taking the serum, Morse was trained in espionage by the agency to serve them further. Her bright mind combined with her augmented brawn brought her through the ranks into the most elite strike force that’s ever graced the earth. THE SPIDER
As a child, Jessica Drew was became victim of a debilitating condition that threatened her life. Out of desperation, her father treated her with an experimental injection derived from spider DNA in order to combat her sickness. The treatment worked, with the side-effect of granting her spider-like abilities. Unfortunately she was later discovered by HYDRA, who took her into their organization. When S.H.I.E.L.D. broke into the HYDRA facility, Drew was found, and taken into the fold. While she has worked her way through the agency, taking on some of the most life-threatening missions possible, many within S.H.I.E.L.D.’s ranks disagree with her enlistment and refuse to trust her. This ad is brought to you by Marvels, a unique Marvel RPG coming soon to Jcink Premium. Join us on Discord for more information.
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sapphicpersephones · 7 years
"just kiss me, touch me" + lancebob
somewhat nsfw under the cut
bobbi hobbles into her bunk, wrinkling her nose as her crutches scrape against the door.
“hello, love,” lance calls from the bathroom. her frown quickly turns into a smile and she leans up against the wall. it’s one of her better days, in terms of how she’s feeling, and she wants to spend it with him.
he peers out when she doesn’t respond, a grin splitting his face when he sees her. bobbi looks happy. truly happy. and it’s wonderful to see.
“hi,” she says softly, her eyes alight with a spark he hasn’t seen in a long time.
he crosses the room to her, only aware that he’s just in a towel when he stops in front of her. her gaze never drops, she just loops her arms around his neck and holds him close.
“everything alright?” he asks, careful not to overstep, sighing in relief when she nods.
she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip before leaning in to kiss him. lance inhales sharply, frozen for a few seconds. she stiffens and tries to pull away, whining in the back of her throat when he kisses back, nearly pressing her against the wall.
“shit, bob,” he breathes, pulling back and looking her over. she shakes her head and cups the back of his neck, trying to pull him in once more.
“i’m fine, baby, just…” she trails off, searching his eyes almost shyly. ”kiss me.”
he leans in warily, still worried about her, and the air stutters into her lungs as he presses his lips to hers. bobbi whimpers as she tugs him against her, his bare chest pressed to hers.
lance doesn’t stop kissing her as he pushes her crutches to the side, not even caring when they fall to the ground with a loud clatter. he’s gentle as he lifts her up, careful about her knee as he walks her to the bed.
he settles her onto the mattress and chuckles as she loosens the knot of his towel, pushing it from his hips.
”please, hunter,” bobbi begs, arching up into him. she takes his hand and brings it down between her legs, where she’s hot, even over her jeans. ”touch me.”
he shudders against her and her eyes roves up and down his body, the flush spreading down to his chest, his muscles bunching and flexing under his skin. she feels him against her thigh, hot and heavy and hard.
“please, baby.” she kisses along his jaw and curls her hands around his hips. his fingers nimbly delve inside her jeans, down the waistband of her underwear, and she jerks as his fingertip nudges over her clit.
“like this?” he asks lowly, a sensitive note to his voice, like he’s still a bit wary. she nods and pushes up into his touch, screwing her eyes shut as she pants against his mouth.
“more, i—.” she cuts off with a strangled moan, slamming her fist against the bed. “i need you inside me.”
lance’s eyes widen and he can’t get her pants off fast enough, his mouth following the denim as he drags it down her legs. he slows as he reaches the mess of scars along her right leg, planting soft kisses to the tender skin, and it makes bobbi shudder.
he hums a quiet laugh as she impatiently tugs at his hair, not even trying to get him just a few inches higher, she wants to lose herself in the wet heat of his mouth as he presses deep inside her. she needs him, needs to hold him as close as humanly possible.
she just needs him.
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jemmasimmons · 7 years
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You know what I should have done? Is toss him from the plane.
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arthurmorgon · 7 years
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comic characters  → Bobbi Morse as Mockingbird
When I was a kid, I did everything I could to get super-powers. I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to be Captain America. Sometimes I fall short.
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rebuilddailybugle · 6 years
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@mocklngbirds @spydcrwoman
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Just. Babies
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ratherdieasthedevil · 3 years
She's American by the 1975 is Hunter's song for Bobbi, I take no criticism on this thank you
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aosficnet2 · 7 years
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Writer to Writer #10 [October/November]
Thanks again to @whatlighttasteslike for the banner, and of course to you all for participating in another round of the Writer to Writer!
Below is a sample of our members’ work, chosen and summarised/reviewed by their fellow members. For more fantastic works, sorted by your favourite relationships, see our tag database (x), and if you want to join in, all you have to do is sign up! Meanwhile, I hope everyone can find something they enjoy!
Any questions? Ask or message the Net.
A Bench with a View by @the-nerdy-stjarna (ship: Fitzsimmons) When Jemma’s bench is stolen by a mysterious, crying Scotsman, she has no idea how much her routines are about to change. This beautiful, fluffy meetcute AU featuring gift-giver extraordinaire Jemma, “But what if she doesn’t like me?” Fitz, and their shipper friends is a must read for every FitzSimmons fan!
Chapter 6 of Fitzskimmons drabbles by @theclaravoyant (ship: fitzskimmons) Daisy isn’t sure whether her choices are destructive or helpful—when she starts having nightmares, she just wants to keep Fitz and Jemma safe from her powers. But she should know that all they want to do is help, and together they’ll find a way to get her through the nights. Little bit of angst with a happy ending.
FitzDaisy meet Jemma at a carnival (Chapter 1 of the Fitzskimmons Drabbles Collection) by @florchis (ship: fitzskimmons) This meet cute is as sweet as (if not more than) the cotton candy Jemma’s eating. FitzDaisy isn’t one of the most common pairings, which is why this rare gem, which begins with FitzDaisy and pulls Jemma into the mix, is so wonderful. It’s cute, funny, with plenty of Sassy!Daisy and NoChill!Jemma and SlightlyScaredbutClearlyInterested!Fitz and full of beautiful possibilities.
Autistic Bus Kids bullet fic by @unlessimwrongwhichyouknowimnot (brotp: bus kids) This is a bullet point fic but you really get the story of it and what’s happening. We love seeing autistic representation in fics and this is really well done. Daisy is being a good helpful friend, and Fitz having a shutdown is written well and respectfully.
Both / Other
Meltdown by @agentofserenity (ch: Bobbi, ship: huntingbird, brotp: Bobbi&Mack, brotp: Bobbi&May) Life can get overwhelming for autistic people, even some of the most elite spies in the world. Fortunately Bobbi has a family that loves and supports her, including the oft-underappreciated Mack-Bobbi friendship that really shines through in this fic.
Where You Belong by @buckysbears (ch: May, brotp: bus kids&trip) For the final instalment of the Adoption AU, we get to share May and her kids’ first weekend together- and at the zoo! You can not miss this part–and this universe in general–for family feelings and good people trying to do their best for each other and overcome the initial bad hands they had been dealt.
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incorrectphoenix · 4 years
Daisy Johnson: The antidepressants aren't working.
Bobbi Morse: Here, try this. *plays some music*
Daisy, jamming out: I'm cured now.
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