#ch: briar crouch
killinbills · 4 months
which of your ocs would date each other?
mia and briar there’s no other answer
ask me questionsssss🩷
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world-of-horrors-au · 4 years
Horrors AU - A Jealous Hand [Pruning Roses Ch 3]
Part 3 of the Briar vs Proxies series Part 1 Part 2 Ao3 Mirror Wattpad Mirror
TW: Violence, burns, drugging [though not fully detailed], torture [I guess?],  mentioned eye trauma, just... fucking Toby man. What a terrible person he is.
The door opened. Briar’s head jerked up.
She’d lost track of time. Maybe she’d even fallen asleep. There was no time in this closet, only a silent darkness, low scrapings in the wall and loud, distant laughter. Maybe this was punishment enough, trapped like an animal until her thoughts drove her insane.
Behind the figure was darkness, allowing Briar to see the woman without pain. The proxy, Kate, stared back at Briar, and it was impossible to tell if the dark circles under her eyes were natural or some kind of paint. Her hoodie was different, not like Jeff’s infamous one now, but one that zipped up. Still white, though, and left open, revealing a pastel blue shirt that said ‘invincible’ in all caps. Briar’s eyes fell to the woman’s hands, and the item she held.
Without a word, Kate tossed the plastic bag, bearing the name of a long vanished grocery store chain, into Briar’s lap. Briar looked into it. Her stomach rumbled. Food, still warm, in little plastic baggies.
“Eat all of it,” Kate said, and her voice held no emotion.
Briar looked up at her. Her mouth was watering, but her mind worried.
“What is it drugged with?”
Kate placed a hand on one hip. “Weakeners,” she said. “So you can’t fight back or break out of here until we’re done with you.”
A shiver went up Briar’s spine. “How do you know they work?”
“They worked on your boss Jeff,” Kate said. “And you’re a younger Horror than he was when we caught him.”
Swallowing, Briar looked down at the bag and its contents. Her stomach ached, like it did when she was a refugee during the War. She’d never wanted to feel that way again.
“If you don’t eat willingly,” Kate said, “I’m allowed to do whatever I want to make you.” She tilted her head back, her eyes cold. “What’s it gonna be?”
Briar exhaled. She looked at the bag, and ate. Wherever the drugs were in the food, whether in the sandwich or the fries, or in the bottle of water, she didn't taste anything. Actually, she barely tasted the food at all.
When she finished, Kate pushed away from where she leaned against the door.
"Don't bother throwing it back up once I leave. The drugs work fast and we won't feed you again if you do. Leave the bag on the floor, we'll pick it up after we move you."
Kate turned away, only to look over her shoulder.
"You're lucky Hoodie gave you to Masky," she said with a grim smile. "If it were me, I'd spend tonight seeing all the colors that pretty face of yours can turn."
The door shut, and the lock clicked. Briar listened to the footsteps until they faded away. She looked down at the bag in her lap and picked it up. Squashing it into a ball, she threw it as hard as she could into the wall across from her. It was better than nothing.
Briar pulled her legs into her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The darkness suffocated, she closed her eyes so she didn't have to see it. She let out a shaky exhale.
"I want to go home," she whispered.
If the guys were okay, would they come rescue her? If they were free, and intact, would they track her down? Would they find out who took her? Would they even be able to find this manor to take her back? Briar set her teeth. There was no telling how long the Proxies would keep her here. What if they never let her go?
She shivered. Her clothes weren't meant for temperatures like in this manor. She was dressed for summer nights spent around campfires, listening to insects and the laughter of loved ones. She didn't even have a jacket. If she asked for a jacket, would they have enough pity on her to give her one? Or was this just another form of torture?
Stop thinking, she told herself. Worrying won't save your life. You've been cold and hungry and desperate before. You can handle this.
I can handle this, she thought.
Pulling her arms into her short-sleeved shirt, she wrapped them around herself like she did as a teen. The rags smelled like dog as she laid down on them but they were still softer than leaves and grass. Closing her eyes to the darkness around her, Briar counted backwards from 100, picturing the shape of each number in her mind. Sleep didn't come easily, but it did eventually come.
Something cold wrapped around her wrists. A soft click reached her ears. Briar grunted, a similar chill wrapping around her heart as she awoke. Handcuffs, she thought. Her blurry eyes looked between her wrists, the door left half open, and the vague, crouching human shape in between her and the door.
Someone chuckled. Briar snapped awake. Toby.
"Morning," he said, and in the darkness she saw the smile on his face. "Did I wake you? Course I did. I thought you'd wake up when I opened the door, but you were sleeping pretty hard. Guess you haven't developed your war instincts yet."
He reached out a hand. Briar winced back, cringing as he patted her head.
"You'll be sleeping even better once Masky gets done with you," Toby said. "If I let him."
What was that supposed to mean? She really didn't want to find out.
"Wh… why are you here?" She whispered.
"What a good question!" Toby said with false approval. "Didn't say you could speak, though, but whatever. I'll let it go this time."
Toby reached into his pocket. Briar braced. Instead of a weapon, he pulled out a single cigarette and an old pewter lighter. He placed the cigarette between his teeth, and lit the end. Toby took a deep breath, and coughed, hard. He pulled the cigarette from his mouth as he coughed, Briar's eyes widening with alarm. After a deep breath, he laughed.
"He's gonna kill me when he finds out I took one of his cigs," Toby said. "Fucking whatever though. He owes me."
He shifted his legs, sitting cross legged on the floor. Toby tilted his head, and looked down at her. Briar swallowed
"I came because I wanted to see what Jeff sees in you," he said. "You know you're not the first Horror he's trained, right?"
Briar nodded. His lips curled up
"So he talked about me? That's good. I hope he's said nice things about me."
The man took another drag of the cigarette.
"I bet it's nice having a girl around, for Jeff and his gang. I haven't seen a girl Horror in… ages. A different perspective, a different hole…"
Toby lifted his head up and exhaled the smoke into the air. Briar's eyes watered at the smell.
"But let's be real here, Briar," he said. "There's no contest. Between you and me, I'm the better one. The better hunter, the better forager, the better lover. He's too stubborn to see it."
Sucking in a breath, Briar pressed back into the wall. No conversation that started like this was going to end well for her.
Leaning back on one hand, Toby sighed and took another breath on the stick. "He's so damn proud. He doesn't know it but he is. It gets in the way of everything. If he'd stop fighting God, everything would go great, for all of us. But he won't let go. He thinks he can fight God and win." He laughed lightly. "I used to find that arrogance attractive, but now, I just want to lock him up somewhere until he sees the light."
He looked down at her. "You get me, right?"
Briar shook her head. They'd told her Toby was insane but she never thought this was how it showed.
Toby rolled his eyes. "Kids. Can't expect too much out of you. You're, what, not even two years old yet? Pathetic." He tapped the ash off the end of his cigarette onto the floor. "If Horrors weren't sterile you'd have a use, but right now? No way. It would be better in the long run for Jeff to kill you."
Tears formed in her eyes. Briar grit her teeth against them and looked away. Jeff would never…
"He doesn't need another useless mouth to feed. You're two years old and you're a complete unknown. No track record, no enemies, no urban legends about you. Have you even killed ten humans? Five? Get real. When I was your age, I'd killed fifty. Well, give it take. Who was counting?"
"I'm not useless," Briar said, looking up at Toby. "Just because I don't have a reputation doesn't mean-"
His hand whipped out. Briar cried out in pain as his hand slapped her cheek. Her head hit the floor, sending more pain through her skull, and she bit down a desperate sob.
"Did I fucking tell you to talk?" Toby said. She heard him take another drag on the cigarette. "Anyway, like I was saying: people like you are better as compost. You'd grow great roses."
Briar closed her eyes. Maybe she could just shut him out…
"But I'm not allowed to kill you," Toby said. Briar's eyes opened. "Nobody is. God wants you left alive."
She looked back at him, hoping her eyes would say enough. The Slenderman wanted her alive? Why?
"I don't get it either." Toby tapped out the ashes again. "Far as Hoodie can tell, you're a part of some big plan. Or maybe he's gonna turn you into a proxy later." He shrugged. "Who knows?"
Her, a proxy? She shuddered.
Toby laughed. "Yeah, I hope not! That's gonna make all of this-" he waved the hand holding the cigarette around. "Really awkward, eh?"
He looked down at her, his smile turning into a predator's grin.
"Really, really awkward."
His hand snatched out again, digging into her hair and yanking her head back. Briar cried out, twisting. The rags she laid on curled into knots under her, and the slick floor didn't give her any help. She looked up at him, at his sharp smile, and her eyes widened. He was bringing the cigarette towards her face.
"No-" Briar said.
"Shut up," he said.
The cigarette was still red on the end, heat burning through it. Oh god, she thought. He's trying to put it out in my eye. Briar squeezed her eyes closed, jerking her head as much as she could. She felt the heat of it just under her eye and twisted her head up-
She screamed.
Toby twisted the cigarette into her cheek, putting it out on her skin. He pulled the butt away but she couldn't see what he did with it. Tears streamed down her face, hot liquid burning the singed flesh under her right eye. She sobbed. It hurt.
"Aww, I missed," Toby said. "That would've made you a lot more interesting as a person."
He dropped her hair and she hit the floor. Briar tried to swallow her cries. It hurt. It hurt worse than any burn she'd ever gotten. Worse than any stabbing she'd ever received. It hurt. It hurt.
"Oh, whatever," Toby said. "Not like I'm here trying to improve you anyway."
The punch rattled her teeth, pain shooting through her jaw. Briar opened her eyes. She thought, if I were human that would've killed me. It was the only thought she had before another punch followed.
Blood spilled from her nose, coating Toby's bare hands. He laughed and the sound pressed against the walls of her skull. Another punch, pain spilling through her upper chest. She gasped for air but it was too late, the next punch hit her lungs. Briar sucked in as much air as she could, and began to scream.
He didn't tell her to stop. If anything it felt like her screams encouraged him. The bruises formed moments after his fists landed. Her gut, her chest, her face, her neck. Briar screamed through the pain. She raised her cuffed hands to protect her face but he yanked them down, bruises forming under his fingers, and punched her nose until she heard the crunch. Pain merged with her mind until there was nothing left. Until there was nothing but her screams and the muted crack and crunch of breaking bones.
He's going to kill me, she thought, but she knew it was worse than that. He wouldn't disobey the Slenderman. He was getting her warmed up for the rest of her stay.
Her throat gave up. Briar slumped onto the ground. Through the darkness she saw Toby raise his fist again.
Another hand caught it.
"Toby! What the fuck are you doing?!"
Her head was full of blood, but she recognized the voice. Briar watched, gasping for air as the second person threw Toby back away from her.
"Oh. Hey Masky," Toby said, impossibly calm. "You're back early."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Masky shouted. "What the hell did you do to her?"
"Don't be so pissy," Toby said. "I wasn't gonna kill her. I was just having some fun. What, don't you like your meat tenderized? She'll probably be healed up in a week and it'll be like nothing happened."
"You bastard," Masky hissed. "You waited until I was gone to break in here. You wanted me away so you could fuck her up, and for what?"
Toby didn't answer. Briar looked at the ceiling.
"For what Toby?" Masky shouted. There was still no reply. "... Are you jealous?"
"Fuck you!" Toby shouted, anger in his voice. "Fine. Fine. I'll take my cuffs and get out of here. But you should know better than to get attached. We're not keeping her."
"I don't want her as a pet anyway," Masky snapped.
Toby grumbled something, but she heard him stand up. Briar closed her eyes and lay limp. His fingers were sticky with blood from her nose, but they forced the cuffs off anyway. Toby made a sound like he was going to say something to her, but he seemed to change his mind.
Briar opened her eyes and looked up as he walked away. Toby vanished through the door, but Masky lingered. She couldn't see his eyes through the mask even without the tears still falling from her eyes. For a moment, she almost thought Masky was going to say something. But he shook his head and closed the door behind him.
In the darkness, alone, Briar closed her eyes again. She sobbed. Oh god, it hurt it hurt it hurt. The pain burned through her, throbbing and aching and swelling. There wasn't a single part of her that didn't hurt, even her legs.
The tears came again, flowing fresh down her face. Briar tried to pull her limbs into her body, but doing that just made it all hurt worse.
"Eyeless," she whispered. "Jeff. Guys. Help me."
I miss you, she thought. I miss you all so much. I wish you could hear me.
But no one could hear her. No one but her.
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trashpandaorigins · 7 years
Halfworld Reckoning 89 Ch 1
“Are you done with love so they can’t hurt you tomorrow? You don’t wanna keep on swimming in the ocean you’ve cried But I won’t let you drown, I’ll pull you back to the shallow.” -Done with Love, Zed
Present Day: 
“You told me you escaped from a mad scientist lab!” Peter Quill shouted over the gunshots,
“not a Guantanamo Bay!”
“What can I say?” Groot heard Rocket scream from his shoulders, “I’m flarking special!” Another round of gunshots and curses punctuated his best friend’s remark as three more black and purple things sped towards them. Peter called them drones. Hearing them zoom closer Groot grew a long, barbed vine and without looking behind him, swung, giving a satisfied grin as he heard the explosion.
“Why would he want to escape from a bay?” Drax wondered, deftly picking up his knife from the body of a masked human. Where pity would have been, Groot felt none. No pity for those who had hurt Rocket so. He watched Peter roll his eyes before ducking behind a boulder and shooting. He missed two but one craft faltered in the air. Rocket’s guns took care of the rest.
“…and you didn’t think…” Gamora cursed, spinning and slicing through two more humans with her sword before joining Peter crouched under the large stone, “….to tell us they might come looking for you?” Rocket scrambled down Groot’s torso quickly, but not quick enough that Groot couldn’t feel the tension in his friend’s little body. Groot shoved Rocket into Gamora and Quill as another round of fire peppered against his bark. It burned, but it did not bleed sap, he grimaced,
“I am Groot!” Shooting out his left arm he stabbed through the feeble steel, thrashing the drone into two more and watching them crash. Rounding infront of his friend’s Groot grew out his vines, each long arm attached to the boulder. Drax ducked, into the makeshift shelter just in time before Groot’s branches wrapped around the stone.
“I did tell yah, yah morons!” Rocket loaded his gun, squished between Peter and Gamora Groot had to resist the urge not to laugh.
“You told us you didn’t ask to get made,” Drax reminded him. Rocket’s eyes narrowed but the flora colossus saw the shimmer of hurt and embarrassment streak across his face for a moment.
“It’s called deductive reasoning numb-nuts! I also said I’d broken out of 22 prisons, so ergo you can deduct that I escaped from the place they made me,” he cursed fiddling with his gun, “ergo they probably would come after me sooner or later!” Groot winced, hot bullets hitting against his back though none struck his core, the thorns and briars grew too thick.
“I do not understand,” Drax’s brow furrowed. “I do not have nuts. How could nuts be numb even if I did have them. Nuts are food.”
“It’s a metaphor dude!” Peter’s sap pulsed through the veins in his neck as he screamed. Groot looked to his friend.
“I am Groot?”
“I’m working on it!” Rocket stressed through gritted teeth.
“I am…” Groot’s vision flashed, white metallic agony skewered through his back.
“Groot!” Gamora’s eyes widened as Groot felt himself being pulled back, branches snapping destroying the protective shelter he’d created.
“Subject 89P13 and companions, lower your weapons.” Groot heaved forward pulling on whatever held him. His eyes pinched shut as another flashing rod of pain rammed through his side. In one sweep he was wrenched back, and looked around at the strange humans and their strange ships. Rocket’s gun aimed just above where Groot now knelt, his knees buckling against the hot misery.
“Surrender your weapon, get down on your knees.” Came an omnipresent order, the voices sounded to Groot like it was made of metal and bad things. Sick things. It sounded like rot.
“Let our dumb tree go!” Drax thundered, rushing at a human man with both knives out. Groot tried to suppress a scream as the pain now came through his chest. A white rod, like a spear pultruded through him.
“I am Groot!”
“Drax!” Gamora frantically shouted, “stop!” Drax looked confused but halted where he stood.
“Come any closer and we’ll shatter this….this…thing.” Groot watched Rocket’s hair go up, he hefted his gun on his shoulder. The flora colossus, tried to grow his arms out, but the same strange white rods stuck through them and he watched as his long limbs, normally lush green and soil brown now looked black and charred. They did not grow.
“You flarking touch him…!” Rocket cursed, Peter, Gamora and Drax starred helpless.
“Put your weapon down. Come with us quietly and we’ll let him go.” Groot struggled, every leaf and twig within him screaming. The hot rod radiated heat like a burning sun, even as he made to lift his arm it was as though a fire was ravaging him. But one look at Rocket’s terrified face and Groot swallowed. Long before meeting the rest of them, in some divvy bar on Erkeet, Rocket-wasted off two much Asguardian Whisky had told Groot some hint of what had been done to him on Halfworld. After years as partners Groot learned the rest nightmare by nightmare. Rocket escaped Halfworld once, never in his wildest night terrors could he ever fathom being brought back.
“I am Groot!”
“Shut up!” Rocket snapped, gun still pointed at the strange creatures. There was a bang, and Groot braced himself for the pain. It came. A wail escaped him though he tried to use every power within him to suppress it.
“Stop it!” The desperation in his friend’s cracked voice nearly shattered him. Groot watched as even Gamora lowered her sword and swallowed painfully. Rocket sighed,
“I am Groot!” The strange rods stuck in him flared with white light and Groot felt himself fall, crashing to the hard ground. This weapon, it ate at him. He tried once more to grow his vines, to extend himself, to grow more thorns but with each attempt he only met shriveled brittle wood. Rocket looked at him, eyes wide and rimmed with wetness. The horror that steamed in his best friend’s feverish red eyes as a horror Groot could only guess.
He knew that Rocket was petrified. Terrified because he had barely escaped the first time, terrified of what they would do to him again. Terrified he would die. Terrified he wouldn’t.
“I am Gro….Groot…”
Rocket looked at his feet, then for a moment to Groot’s eyes. His best friend nodded. And threw down his gun.
“I AM GROOT!” One of the figures motioned for Rocket to come forward as more guarded Peter, Gamora and Drax from a distance. Rocket came, arms above his head, eyes never leaving Groot. A metal cage was put down by one of the drones, Rocket watched it with wary eyes.
“In,” instructed one of the men. Groot struggled as Rocket looked at him, over his shoulder and mouthed something unmistakable.
You. Are. Groot.
Groot’s heart clenched in his wooden chest. Rocket spat at one of the men, watched the cage open and moved forward.
“Rocket!” Peter shouted, Gamora grabbed him by the arm.
“They’ll hurt Groot! You saw that weapon! It kept him from regenerating. If they kill him, he won’t grow back this time!”
Rocket hesitated before the mouth of the cage before being patted down and kicked roughly in the back, stumbling in. The latch slammed shut. Rocket let out a small whine that only Groot could hear.
“I AM GROOOOT!” Groot reached his vines towards him as the rest of the men took off, Peter, Gamora and Drax grabbed onto his torso and around his arms. He fought and thrashed but Rocket sailed farther and farther away. Until he was out of site. Leaving the empty silence.
“We’ll get him back!” Peter promised, releasing Groot. The large humanoid tree only stared at the sky. “We’ll get him back.” Star-Lord repeated, reassuring himself. Groot only closed his eyes, in his mind he could still see Rocket make that decision. It was not out of fear. It was out of love and Groot knew how hard it was for Rocket to love.
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killinbills · 4 months
did briar and fred have kids?
yesss! i did this years ago but i wanna re-do it so:
Tumblr media
meet sophie weasley
born a month before her cousin james (making her an aries, like her dad), sophie’s the only child of fred and briar. (her parents wanted more, but the pregnancy and then parenthood was difficult with briar’s curse, and they decided that even if she was an only child, her ridiculous amount of cousins would mean she’d never be lonely.)
sophie’s sorted into gryffindor, naturally, and takes the school by storm. her and her cousin james are the best of friends, and they end up befriending two other boys shortly into first year.
she’s ginger like her dad, and shares his love of pranks and quidditch, whilst her and her mum love going shopping together, plus she loves bowie too. she isn’t a seer, but her mum’s powers has passed down to soph in her dreams; the only time her mind is calm, her inner eye can finally speak. she wakes up with predictions, and if she remembers, she writes them down. if not, she has a bad case of deja vu a few days later.
i don’t know about love interests, but i’d like to think she dates someone unexpected? so either a slytherin or a muggle. or maybe both at different times. (i feel like she would be bi too??)
her favourite song is boys keep swinging by bowie and her favourite outfit is a big knitted cardigan (remus got into knitting after the war) with vintage (her mum’s old) jeans and docs, accessorising with her aunt mia’s stash of gold jewellery.
and her face claim is emily carey 🩷
ask me questions!
(or... ask me about my fics & their children!!<3)
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killinbills · 4 months
who else would you pair your oc with if they didn't end up with their main love interest?
briar — cedric
holly — viktor
izzy — andrew garfield’s peter lol or pietro if he lived
mia — cedric obvs (or maybe oliver if ced’s still dead lol)
fianna — ……. would it be controversial to say sirius
ruby — either robin or eddie
ask me questionssss!!!
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killinbills · 1 year
What perfumes would each of your characters wear? Like their signature scent?
oooh i love this!! i’m gonna base this off of ones i’ve got (my job is to do with this so i got carried away hehe🫶)
briar: burberry her. like, chic and pretty and floral, and it gives me beauxbatons briar vibes especially (idk if lily james did an ad for them once because it’s always reminded me of briar hahah)
holly: marc jacobs daisy, and daisy love (depending on her mood, but i can picture her using a muggle popular but pretty scent — which won’t really matter at hogwarts anyway) (she’d also have the little capsules of these littered in all of her bags, and people at school would think she’s magically making herself smell nice throughout the day)
ruby: maybe prada paradoxe? i was tied between this and alien but both are quite ambery and really stick to the skin. they’re strong and hypnotic without trying too hard (and steve would have a calvin klein aftershave. like the fuckboy he tries to be lol)
fianna: either gucci bloom or viktor&rolf flowerbomb. i’m not 100% sure but something cute, although she’s forget to wear it most of the time and would only really use it on special occasions
isabelle: idk know how they smell but either viva la juicy or vera wang princess. something suuuuuuper 00s BUT she has a soft spot for ariana perfumes
mia: black opium. i like to think she got it because her surname’s in the name but ended up becoming obsessed over it. plus it’s quite a strong and moody scent which describes her lol
livvy: jean paul gaultier scandal. (it’s my favourite aftershave EVER)
ask me questions!!🩷🌺
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killinbills · 1 year
i know a lot of your fics are connected and i wanted to know if margo valen is connect to swan song?? or if it’s a different au??
swan song isn't related to any hp i've written before! i might include briar in the epilogue (if that even works) but i'm not fully decided yet -- i kinda like the idea that it's a completely new au! but i love the similarities between briar and fianna, so we'll see. as for margo, she's got nothing to do with swan song. fee and reg all the way🥰
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killinbills · 2 months
whats your favorite oc ship and non oc ship?
i love all of my oc ships but i think it’s a tie between briar and fred/ruby and steve. but i do also love fee and reg so i don’t know!!
non oc ship i have no clue of my all time fave but rn im watching the oc so im going to say seth and summer 🥰
ask me questions!
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killinbills · 2 months
what do you think would have happened if your hp ocs weren't put in their original house? would things have changed?
ooooh fun!!
fianna famously would’ve been in slytherin, which defo would’ve changed things. i think she would’ve still become friends with georgia because their brothers were friends and fate and stuff, but i think salome would’ve influenced her waaaaay more. maybe she’d get a little bit cocky for a while and feel super paranoid about living a double life as a slytherin it girl and a half-blood. i don’t think she would’ve been friends with regulus (i feel like he would’ve given her the cold shoulder when they were younger, and she would’ve found his friendship group arrogant) but the swan song plot would still happen — i think fee would’ve just felt more conflicted about helping in case she accidentally outed herself to salome as a half-blood. (but then she would’ve broken away from them anyway bc death eaters are bad lol)
holly would’ve been in ravenclaw! so her plot wouldn’t have involved her stuff with the slytherins as much. i feel like she wouldn’t have been friends with pansy and maybe even with draco? and she would’ve been way more open about being friends with harry because she wouldn’t have the slytherins’ pressure
mia probably would’ve been gryffindor. i’d like to think she’d still be friends with cedric but i’d imagine she’d end up in the same friendship group as briar and the twins.
briar would’ve been hufflepuff! so maybe her and mia would’ve swapped friends? (an enemies to lovers for briar and fred where she’s cedric’s bestie would’ve been so cute omg)
livvy would be ravenclaw, so i doubt he’d be friends with draco and the slytherins? i can’t think of any ravenclaws in his year so idk who he’d be friends with lol (maybe just him and holly are besties)
emilia would’ve been gryffindor (still a disappointment to her family lol). i feel like she would’ve been really close with lily and her friends. she probably would’ve found sirius annoying because he’d be constantly near her lol but i’d imagine he’d start to fancy her around fifth year and make any excuse to spend time with her. i think sirius would pretend he wasn’t as down bad as james for lily, but secretly he was and just tried to be more discrete about it (like he’d never admit it, but he’d always be disappointed if she didn’t show up to parties etc). then maybe the mean spirits plot would happen but they’d already be automatically more acquainted than in the fic
ask me questions!🩷
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killinbills · 2 months
how do you think briar!briar and clueless!briar would have interacted with each other?
i think clueless!briar would look at briar!briar with a lot of compassion. like gal went through it and tbh a big reason i wanted to rewrite briar is because i wanted briar to have a happier ending
ask me questions!🩷
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killinbills · 3 months
who's your favorite oc?
omg this is so difficult to pick!! i love them all for different reasons but i think my top two are briar and ruby
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killinbills · 1 year
What aesthetics would all (and I mean all if you could 🙏) of your characters be? Like clean girl, rockstar gf, etc? 🩵🩵
oh god let me think
laurel dark academia
briar pink pilates princess but like… without the pilates lol
livvy dark academia too tbh
emilia camila dunne core (this is an aesthetic i personally think we all should enforce). that or whimsigoth
holly reputation era (again. not really an aesthetic but go w it lol)
mia rockstar’s girlfriend ofc ofc — or whimsigoth (i love whimsigoth)
izzy 00s but in a devon lee carlson vlog/bratz kind of way
ruby final girl in a jen’s body femme fatale way
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killinbills · 1 year
how do u think your ocs would get along if they all were in the same universe (at the same time lol) ??
okay okay so:
- fianna is briar’s aunt anyway, but i can see them being really close since they’re so similar. fianna would visit all of the time growing up, and get giddy there was a mini her running around. i can also see fianna taking mia and holly under her wing too. holly because they’re arguably the most similar (fianna is a mix of briar and holly, but i feel like she leans more holly — plus, with reg, she’d want to look out for someone who could quite easily become swayed by their family’s beliefs) and mia because she’s essentially fee’s niece too.
- ruby and isabelle would also be really close; i can imagine isabelle being ruby’s friend in nyc when she drops in for work, and they go out together. i don’t know if they’d tell each other about their powers (why would they lol) but they frequently get into instances where one thinks something’s up with the other.
- i also think ruby and mia would get along? their powers are relatively similar, and their boyfriends are the same in different fonts lol. i think ruby is just the more self-assured version of mia lol. apart from that… honestly i think ruby would find all of my hp ocs annoying lmao. (but then, maybe that’s why she’d get along with mia so well)
- and, of course, fianna and emilia would get along SO well!! fianna is seen as sirius’ lil sister, and i think emilia would definitely adopt her too in that sense
i’ve done this ask before i think so i thought i’d focus on my two newest ocs, ruby and fianna🩷
ask me questions!🍒🩷
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killinbills · 2 years
What tiktok aesthetics do you think your characters would be? Like I can see Briar being a clean girl but with a cottage core vibe??
omg i LOVE this question!! i'm an absolute sucker for different types of it girls and aesthetics (i'm literally doing a whole series on them for my magazine lmao) so i'm excited!! i did this more as like the types of vids they make but i hope this answers ur question!
briar -- i don't know if i'd class briar as clean girl but i'd definitely say she'd make videos like iris law? i absolutely love hers and a lot of them are these unique food combinations (the other day she made these cute earl grey and orange blossom cookies?) but just like what's she doing. i can definitely see briar making these cute videos sharing her life, but definitely the essence of clean girl! clean girl before it was a thing lol (same as cottage core, like both are just her style naturally)
mia -- she'd make those really cool 'day in my life' ones but she's a fashion student doing all of these fun things. and she'd do videos of her getting dressed. like lilrotini vibes?
izzy -- she'd be old olivia neill vibes where she shares every thought to the world. like she tells slightly classified info to her followers and eventually the avengers ban her from the app lol... but then she keeps on making accounts just with more obscure names. every so often her account's deleted and she makes a new one. at one point she was sp1dermonk3y. another time bratzillaz666. she's a fan of an ayesha erotica audio.
ruby -- omg so ruby would definitely be bella hadid/devon lee carlson vibes? i wrote a ruby's body social media au a while ago and it was rockstar's girlfriend to the max! so she'd be that sort of vibe, like randomly making lil videos when she thinks she looks cute. but then i also think she'd have a second account that's her hanging out with steve n robin.
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killinbills · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
💜💖 Witch Weekly, circa 2001, ft. cover stars Mia and Briar
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killinbills · 4 years
have you seen that lily is dating chris evans? my thought was "oh my god briar is dating captain america"
honestly i love that because that’s the exact same thing i thought omg
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