#fianna lupin
killinbills · 3 months
would you do a sequel of swan song? like fee and reg daughter/son? i would love to see how you’d cast them!!!
i’m not sure if i’d write a whole sequel (like i have an idea but idk if i have the time!) but i defo wanna do an extended epilogue/have a short sequel, like 10 chapters or something. (if reg lives lol)
and yeahhh i have the possible child casted and their love interest too 😌 i wanna keep it a secret for now BUT i think you guys will love it hehe, it would be way different to what ive written before but in a good way <33
ask me questions!!
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lovinlikeloki · 1 year
Canis Lupus 03 Teaser
A/N: I rediscovered last night that I thrive on attention so being the attention whore that I am, here's a snippet from the next Canis Lupus chapter :)
Warnings: Name calling?? ig
Word Count: 571
Full Chapter Word Count: 3.8k and climbing
“Hey, Fianna, so lovely of you to pick up. I know that you’re good with technology, so I thought that you’d know, when the phone rings, someone wants to talk to you. And when my name pops up on the screen, that means it’s me,” Tony rants the second I put the phone to my ear.
I roll my eyes at his dramatics, “Hey, Anthony, what the fuck? Yes, I know how mobile phones work, do you know how the American school system works? Essentially, I was in class, in which taking phone calls are typically frowned upon, you bawbag. So keep that in mind next time.”
“Wow, okay then, calm down,” Tony starts, “Also Anthony? How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?”
“At least another five.”
“Great. Well, you know how I told you a few weeks ago that I was thinking of selling the tower?” he asks. I think back to the conversation we had.
He told me about his idea of moving everything upstate, said that the tower was far too big, that there were other locations that the employees would be relocated to. He mentioned something about the tower being far too isolating, for me as well as him and Pepper.
He had made it very casual and hypothetical so I never really thought about it, especially since he never mentioned what would happen to me. He’s laid off me a bit lately and I haven’t heard Thaddeus Ross’s name in weeks, that paired with the possible move worries me. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“Yeah... I remember,” I say, quietly. Things have been good lately; I’ve had more stability in my life in the past couple of months than in a long time.
“We’ve found buyers. We’re selling up and packing up, Anna,” he tells me, using the nickname he’s claimed for me.
“So... you’re moving upstate? You and Pep? All the employees are being relocated?” I start to ask a string of questions, before quieting, “What does this mean for me?”
“Don’t you worry about that, I’m working everything out. I just wanted to let you know what’s happening. Wanted to keep you in the loop, Anna, make sure you don’t hear from someone else,” Tony explains himself and while I’m still left in the dark about what’s going to happen to me, it warms my heart.
He's keeping me in the know. Making sure I’m aware of what’s going on every step of the way. Other than Eoghan trying his best, I’ve never had someone care for me like this. He makes it really hard to dislike him when he does things like this.
“...Thanks Tony. For letting me know,” I practically whisper. “Just, tell me when you know what you’re going to do with me.”
“I’m not going to do anything with you, Fianna. I’m going figure out the course of action that will best benefit you. I’m working it out with Pep and making sure everything follows the requirements you have for your parole. I’m figuring everything out,” the man reassures me.
I can’t help but melt, “Thank you, for everything. I might not say it, practically ever, but I do appreciate all you’re doing for me.”
“Of course, now get back to class sweetheart. I hear it’s frowned upon to take phone calls during class,” Tony snarks.
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faundlydreaming · 7 months
Sweetly Wicked Dreams
Ao3 Link
Characters: Spawn!Astarion x Named Tav (Fi, female) Rating: Mature Warnings: Mental Illness, Psychosis (Tav), angst, psychological hurt/comfort, trauma, tragic romance Word count: 1978
Summary: What happens when you finally find the love of your entire soul and you both are finally happy? Sure, things may not be perfect, but what's important is that you both have found home in one another. That, in itself, is a form of freedom, isn't it? What happens when that happiness slowly slips away in the form of mental illness, when your love no longer recognizes you, and neither of you can do anything about it? Author's Notes: This takes place about 10 years post game :) Spawn!Astarion and Fi have been together since then, but unfortunately they're not out of the woods yet with Astarion still not being able to walk in the sun and Fianna slowly losing her sense of self.
Fi sat on their shared bed, unaware of the hours she spent staring into the elaborate patterns painstakingly sculpted into the ceiling of their room. Astarion’s voice sounded hard, eager, with a sorrow-filled hint of desperation that was beginning to become all too common. It sliced through her delirium like a blade through smoke, but just like smoke, it settled back into place with nary a sign of ever having been disturbed.
Once again, her brain was filled with a fog that made the world slow, her head pulsing with something akin to a headache without the pain, but all of the disorientation included in it. The world was dream-like this time, the light within their bedroom too bright and haze-filled, and the shadows clear without the usual haunts that pushed her into absolute terror. For now, the silver moonlight that danced with the flickering orange of candlelight poured through the window and bathed the pair, adding to the unearthly realm that Fi’s weary mind resided in.
 Beside of her, Sasha slept on the bed, Fi’s hand finding perchance in the lupine’s soft, creamy fur in an unconscious attempt to ground herself to this reality. Fianna’s eyes slid to Astarion slow and curious, the white-haired elf a beautiful relic of their history that at the moment, she did not remember. As her vision focused on the stranger, the realization of his presence cumbersomely caught up to her and a cavernous fear struck through her like a mace to a skull. 
Things weren’t so slow anymore. 
The tiefling’s body tensed, her eyes once soft and ethereal now stoney and rabid. She dipped her chin into her chest, shoulders hunching as her tipped ears lowered like the familiar animal she slipped into when her mind lapsed like this. 
 A longer than typical whip-like tail slashed behind her as she crouched on the bed, baring her sharpened teeth at Astarion with a growing rage that switched instantly from her previous hazy state. Her thin, white chemise clung to her body like a vice that she dragged her claws across to tear through with how restricting it was, anything to bring down the threat that stood fearfully in front of her with his muscles equally tensed and a jaw set tight. 
“Fi!” He yelled. “It’s me, it’s Astarion. Please, darling.” 
Her snarl roiled into a low growl. She didn’t move, but she didn't relent either. Astarion’s throat bobbed with a hard swallow as he waited by the door, his fingers gripping the frame so tightly that his knuckles went white. This stranger knew when to back away from a predator. Smart. Her legs ached with how long she crouched on the soft mattress and glared her victim down. The murkiness of her mind grew into a storm of confusion, of animal instinct, that same instinct screaming at her to attack this being if she could not chase him away. There was no thought aside from a creature’s analytical prowess in order to survive. No clarity in her mind told her that she recognized this man, that they had traveled and loved and suffered with one another for years now. 
That he was the love of her entire being.
“My love,” he said. His voice was a quiet caress onto a wild beast that held no effect other than for her to tilt her head at him quizzically. “Please, snap out of it. You’re home, you’re safe. I’m here. I’m real.”
For just a moment she paused, her wide, disk-like eyes regarding him with a confusion that held a flicker of recognition as she raised to stand clumsily on the bed. 
A trick. She crouched again as her fingers gripped the bedsheets, ready to snap, ready to lunge at this man who claimed lies, who tried to fool her in order to capture her. She would not be fooled, he would not detain her. She would rend flesh from muscle and bone and claw and bite and scream and rage and-
“Ah!” She hissed as the pain struck like lightning through her hand. Blood began to bead on the back of her hand and on her palm as the pain of the bite mark grew with rushing heat. She snapped her eyes onto Sasha who raised her lips in a snarl, ears pinned back while the whites of her eyes overtook her amber irises. She too was balanced on the mattress with an awkward stance, her four legs spread unevenly as the claws of her paws dug into the softness below her. Sasha’s face was not one of threat, but of eyes wide with fear, her head low and tail lashing. She let loose a whine of anguish with blood that decorated her ivory teeth.
“Mother?” It was a simple question in the wolf’s singular utterance. Was Fianna there? Or was she somewhere else lost in a hells of utter terror? 
Fianna fell back onto her legs as she kneeled. The fire of her hand turned into a dull ache as lines of red trailed down her fingers and onto the white sheets of their bed. She stared at the starkness of the crimson liquid against downy alabaster sheets, so different from one another, just like the shattered sides of herself. She nursed her wound absentmindedly with her other hand as she tried to force sense into the situation. 
One moment she was in the spiraling dream that clutched her mind and lured her into a state of unreality. The next moment, it was the living nightmare as something vicious within her mind whispered sick and terrible lies. It was a wicked poison under the guise of a promise to ease her mind, to lose herself to full on psychosis. It was a promise that however horrid the consequences were, she wished she could guzzle that poison and finally end these episodes that often hurt her and the ones she loved the most. Like Kilbern and Sasha, who had no concept of what was going on. Like Astarion, who had lived through his own unrelenting madness for centuries before the pair met. Now he had to live through hers.
She did this to them. She forced them to walk as carefully as one would on ice as thin and as final as a wooden plank over the depths of the ocean. If it weren’t for her, they’d be free of her mental ailments that caused her to see things that weren’t there and threats that weren’t real. They would be free of her. She could finally stop the war between cognition and the mire of false dreams.
“Are you here, darling?” The vampire spawn’s voice was soft, trembling as he kept his distance while his fingers untensed. He stretched them open and closed to ease the ache that undoubtedly built up from the intensity of the moment. These were moments that were all too common, now. In her childhood, the lack of lucidity was a familiar and deceitful friend. At the apex of her thirties, it had come back with a hungry vengeance. 
Her world switched once again and the fog disappeared, leaving her alone with Astarion, Sasha, and her cursed self. The torrential rain of emotions followed after.
“...Stary?” Something within her filled with the warmth of relief and the keening anguish of regret. It was Astarion, her Stary. The moon-glow of his hair, the scent of  bergamot and brandy, his porcelain skin, the graceful way he carried himself like a prince or a feline. Both, really. It was all him. The recognition was a squeezing chain around her slender throat as the relief spilled into a confused whirlpool of terror and pain.
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so-” Fi broke into body-wracking sobs as she curled in on herself and continued to mutter her apologies. Her tail curled tightly around her like a shield filled with shame as the knowledge of her once again losing herself came hand in hand with the returning of her normalized reality. Sasha adjusted to lean herself tightly against her tiefling mother, her long, wet kisses wiping away the blood on Fi’s hand. If it were not for Sasha, Fi didn’t know what she would have done to Astarion. She knew the elf would have allowed it, if it meant that his beloved would return to him. 
Strong arms wrapped around Fianna by her waist and pulled her into his strong chest. Astarion whispered the sweetest of words into her frizzled hair, as he always did when her life pulled these wicked twists and jests. She buried herself into him, wishing that she could meld with his unbeating heart and lose herself forever within him, into the safety of his beautiful mind and out of her own.
 She was poisoned, spoiled, rotten, and broken. 
But he was here with her, and she believed her beloved’s promises of remaining by her side despite being so useless.
“There, there, my sweet. It’s over. Sasha’s here, I am here, and everything will be alright. I promise you.” Astarion pulled her even tighter against him as he lowered himself onto the bed, laying on his side and pulling her to fit her small body against his own. She cried into his chest, her hands balling into the crisp, white cloth of his shirt as she shrunk herself into a ball and this time, lost herself into the baneful sorrow that still yet plagued her well into her adulthood. 
“It won’t stop. It’s just getting worse! I can’t live like this, Stary. I can’t put you all through this.” The words came out like a chortling stream filled with choked intonations and ragged gasps between.
“Darling, I choose this. I choose you. Weren’t you the one who stubbornly said that you wouldn’t leave my side for any reason? A pest like you wouldn’t even allow me to use the chamber pot in peace.”
“But I am leaving you. And I can’t control it. My mind is slipping, I’m forgetting days, forgetting who I am. Forgetting you. I can’t bear it any longer. Please, you’re not the only one who is losing someone. My children see this,” she motioned to herself and patted the back of Sasha’s back, who had laid down and nuzzled into her other side, “and don’t understand what is happening to me. And if you lose me, I lose you too.”
The silence was thick and heavy with the grief that played at their door. Astarion said nothing, a grimace on his face as he clenched the back of Fi’s head and planted kisses on the white of her crown. She felt the even strokes of his elegant fingers slipping through the locks of her hair, now grown from the nape of her neck down to the middle of her back. The strands splayed out behind her like fronds, mixing with the cream-white of Sasha’s fur as the wolf’s tail curled around the top of Fi’s head, Sasha’s own pointed towards their feet. 
“I love you, my heart,” Astarion said, at last bending the silence between them. “We’ll find a way out of this, just like you’ve promised me that I’ll step in the sun again someday. I promise you, we’ll be happy. We’ve come too far for our little family to fall now. Besides, Karlach would never forgive me if I failed you. Us.” Words vanished from her mouth as soon as she pushed for them to spill. Instead, she nodded into the cold of his chest, rubbing her cheek against the tear-stained front of his shirt. Her tail curled around them both, and her mind spun with webs and webs of ideas, solutions, plans, anything at all that could help them both escape from the cruel fox’s trap their life had surrendered them to.
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wraithowl · 6 months
Onyx Facts
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-She was born to a family of werewolves that were cursed thousands of years ago.
Her mom died in childbirth with her stillborn sister and her father and brothers were killed right in front of her by Fenrir Greyback. She escaped with an unconscious girl that Greyback tried to abduct into his army. She sealed the girl's werewolf bite and set up an impromptu shelter in a rotted old tree stump. Greyback eventually located them , so Onyx transformed into a wolf in order to fend off Greyback, suffering many severe injuries in the fight. The fight managed to get the attention of the girl's parents, who then managed to ward Greyback off. Onyx left before they could mistake her for a member of Greyback's pack.
She was barely alive when she was found by an elderly faun, who proceeded to nurse her and to train her in the ways of ancient magic and combat. The faun became her surrogate father and eventually reunited Onyx with her beloved grandparents. Eventually, she received a visit from Dumbledore and Remus Lupin, who explained that she was to attend Hogwarts. After some negotiating, she was eventually sorted into Hufflepuff.
After arriving at Hogwarts, she was given her own room due to various reasons. Her grandmother sent over a kneazle kitten she named Púca to serve as a therapy animal. Hagrid and Professor Kettleburn noticed she had a unique gift when it came to magical creatures, so they allowed her to help on the creature reserve. Hagrid even allowed her to adopt one of the nifflers.
Onyx had a very intimidating appearance due to her goth aesthetic and facial scars. Only a very few were willing to be friends with her. She became very close to Bill, Tonks, and Charlie, who found out her secret but were more than willing to keep it. She and Rowan were friends but not very close.
She was eventually reunited with the girl she had rescued, Chiara Lobosca, who sadly didn't remember her. They started to investigate rumors of a werewolf attack which turned out to be false. After confessing each other's secrets, Chiara eventually regained her memories of that night and recognized the girl that rescued her, but said nothing. That morning after the full moon, the two started to fall in love.
After Greyback attacked Hogwarts, Onyx broke down and told Chiara everything, to which Chiara replied that she knew Onyx saved her years ago. She then proceeded to let Onyx cry in her arms. After that, the two proved to be quite a battle couple. Some of Greyback's followers didn't survive the fight.
After R and Hogwarts, the two became members of The Order of the Fianna, a group of werewolves that dedicated themselves to protecting the innocent. The two eventually left for Romania after Onyx opened up a sanctuary there and Chiara was forced to quit her job and had a falling out with most of her family. She now serves as the sanctuary's lead healer. They also go on missions from The Order of the Fianna, but they only kill if they need to.
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jynxes · 2 years
me: hmmm, what tropes do The Lupine Saga follow when it comes to "X to Lovers?"
me: *takes a minute and does the math*
me: strangers to enemies to friends to lovers to exes to "it's complicated" to acquaintances to lovers to strained relationship to "it's just a break" to lovers to strangers
me: good job ☺️👍🏼
@thedragonemperess : what the fuck do you plan on doing to Fianna and Peter?!?!?!??
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theanarchistsocs · 3 years
Hi, I'm Nyx/Jynx/Pyre and this is a sideblog for my oc group The Anarchists. The posts on this blog will be incorrect quotes, posts by the characters and more!
Basic Introduction:
Fianna - 17, she/her, bi, irish, mercenary, Lupine
Mack - 18, he/him, pan, scottish, arsonist, Burnout
Mel - 17, she/they, lesbian, viatnamese-american, assassin, Black Rose
Niko - 18, he/him, bi, russian, gambler, Roulette
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talesfrombarovia · 5 years
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Curse of Strahd: Death House Pt. 1
In which Sacha and Fianna meet two Barovian children, enter a house, and steal things.
Cast: Litza as Sacha and the DM in black, Fuzzbox as Fianna in |blockquote.
Fianna and Sacha have been traveling together for some time and have entered the village of Barovia a little after nightfall. The gravel road leading through the village is flanked by tall houses dark as tombstones. Nestled among the solemn dwellings are a handful of closed-up shops. Even the tavern is shut tight.
A soft whimpering draws your eye toward a pair of children standing in the middle of an otherwise lifeless street. The 7-year-old boy is weeping and clutching a stuffed doll. The 10-year-old girl is attempting to shush him.
Fianna strides towards the two children. She carries herself with an easy confidence. Athletic but not bulky. Her hair is a messy tangle of ashen blonde, and despite her best efforts, a wild strand always manages to fall in front of her eye.
Her voice is a little wary but her eyes are kind and honest. "Why that's a nice doll you have.  Tell me, why do you cry while holding it?"
Sacha follows after Fianna, her gait more reminescent of a wild animal, wary and feral.
The girl looks up as Fianna approaches, her gaze immediately trusting, if a bit frantic. "There's a monster in our house!" she says, turning to point to a house a distance down the lane, its windows dark. It has a gated portico on the ground floor, and the rusty gate is slightly ajar. The houses on either side of it are abandoned, their windows and doors boarded up.
Fianna kneels down so that her eyes are level with the little girl. Her voice calm, "My name's Fianna, what's yours?"
"Rosavalda Durst," the girl replies, in a voice that is soft and almost trembling. She lifts her chin, though, attempting to be brave. "This is my brother, Thorn." The boy sniffs, hugs his doll tightly, and peers up at Fianna with teary eyes. Their clothes are old and worn, perhaps fine generations ago, but now darned and patched and leeched of all color, as is common in the village. "Please, you have to help us!"
Fianna tilts her head to the side as she regards Rosavalda and then Thorn. "You've both been very brave, but I can't do this alone, so I need to ask you to be brave just a little longer. I need to know where your parents are.  Are they still in the house?"
Her messy hair tumbles to one side of her face as she turns towards the distant manor. Her voice darkens, as if she's speaking from the back of her throat. A hushed growl, "And what can you tell me of this monster?"
"It screams," Rosavalda whispers, sounding fightened just to speak of it. "We can hear it in the basement. Our parents trapped it down there, but now they're gone, and Walter is still in there." Her throat closes up for just a second, and she quickly blinks back the prickly beginnings of tears. Thorn clings to her side. "Please get our baby brother out. Please."
Sacha gives Fianna a sideways glance before looking back at Rosavalda. "Gone where?"
Rose's voice sounds choked. "I don't know."
From her tone of voice, she doesn't seem to imply that her parents are dead, but perhaps that they abandoned them and the house.
Fianna nods when Thorn mentions their baby brother. It's a cocky and confident nod with a slanted smile that tells him everything will be okay.  "We'll take care of it, kid."
She stands up and turns to face Sacha directly before speaking. She moves close, "You okay with this?"
"Do you think these kids will be safe out in the streets while we take care of.. whatever is in there?"
Sacha glances at the two kids, then shrugs. "I mean, probably?" She leans slightly to the side, addressing Rose. "Hey, you guys come wait close to the house while we go in, yeah?"
Rosavalda looks nervous, and doesn't move.
Fianna walks behind the children and doesn't even ask.  What she does is more akin to herding, her voice stern but steady, "Move along now, we can't save your brother while you're out in the streets like this.  Up there on the porch you go!"
Rose blinks, but quickly obeys Fianna's suddenly adult-like tone, Thorn in tow. She moves through the rusty gate, pushing it open and heading up the dusty path to the front door of the house and onto the porch.
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Fianna will take a moment to pace from right to left along the front of the house, taking a brief peek in through the center window.  And as she approaches the door, she stoops down low for a moment, graceful and lupine, and quietly sniffs near the entryway.
The front archway of the house where the children stop is filled with a wrought-iron gate with hinges on one side and an unlocked lock on the other. Oil lamps hang from the ceiling of the porch by chains, flanking a set of oaken doors.
Through the window you see an oak-paneled room that appears to be some sort of living room or den, filled with chairs, a table, cabinets, a fireplace, and at least one stuffed wolf.
The place beneath the door smells clean. The only scents you can detect are wood, dirt, and other scents of the outdoors. The house itself seems to give off very little smell besides the wood and metal that it's made of.
Fianna turns to Sacha while still low to the ground, makes eye contact and shakes her head, "Nothing here." She stands and reaches her hand out to the door, slowly turns it and enters without much caution.
Sacha's eyes narrow slightly as she glances over the house, suspicious of Fianna's assertion. "Weird," she mutters, then follows Fianna inside.
The children stay on the porch, huddled together. Inside the door is a foyer leading to a set of mahogany-framed double doors set with stained glass. On one wall hangs a shield emblazoned with a coat-of-arms, a stylized golden windmill on a red field. On either side of the shield are framed portraits of stony-faced aristocrats, four in total.
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Fianna gazes at the four portraits. "This house seems so huge. Really, these people, whoever they are, they must be so wealthy."
"And you're right, this is all just really... weird.  Should we just go inside?"
Sacha shrugs, approaches the wall, and takes the shield off it, testing its weight on her arm. Turning, she poses for Fianna, grinning. "I think we should rob 'em blind. After getting the kid, of course."
While holding Sacha's gaze, Fianna turns her head slightly down and to the side.  Her eyes narrow warningly. But she can only hold it a second before a devious smile spreads across her face, laughter behind her eyes. "You read my mind."
She turns with confidence and opens both of the two heavy wooden doors and swings them open like she owns the place. She saunters forward and sweeps her eyes back and forth.
Sacha's eyes are bright and happy in response to Fianna's reply, and follows her as she throws open the doors to what appears to be a main hall. It spans the width of the house, with a black marble fireplace at one end and a sweeping, red marble staircase at the other. Mounted on the wall above the fireplace is a longsword with a windmill cameo worked into the hilt. The wood-paneled walls are ornately sculpted with images of vines, flowers, nymphs, and satyrs. The decorative paneling follows the staircase as it circles upward to the second floor.
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“A black marble fireplace and red marble stairs?  Rich and a flare for the dramatic.” She says as she runs her fingers along the grooves of the carved wooden figures. She works her way towards the sword and reaches for its hilt!
Sacha cracks another grin as Fianna reaches for the sword. It comes off the wall easily, a perfect match for the shield. “Hey, now we match,” Sacha teases. “Too bad we can’t take the stairs and the fireplace too.”
Moving over to the wall, she runs her fingers over the satyrs and nymphs, tracing them with a focused curiousity.
“Hey–” She peers closer at the wall. “Look at this.”
Fianna laughs but then grows curious and moves close to Sacha and examines the wall carefully.
Sacha moves her finger over a satyr, a nymph– and then, cleverly and inconspicuously woven into the design– serpents and skulls are carved alongside the cavorting humanoids and flowers. She turns, raising an eyebrow to Fianna. “Creepy folks, eh?"
Fianna runs her fingers along the carving too, "Ooo this is honestly so pretty though.  Snakes and skulls I’m used to. I actually really like this house. Maybe we can move in here after we get things sorted out with the kids?"
Sacha laughs, a sudden sharp breathy sound, surprised and amused. "Yeah, sure,” she says, in a tone that doesn’t make it clear whether she’s quite taking the request seriously or not.
Truthfully, the house looks in very good shape. The house is free of dust and signs of age, the floorboards and wall panels are well oiled, and the drapes and wallpaper haven’t faded.
Fianna steps away from the wall and brings her hand to her chin in thought.  Her eyes dart about the room.  She walks over and peers into the black marble fireplace, looking for signs of a recent fire.
There’s fresh wood in the fireplace, but no sign of a recent fire, no trace of ash, not even a lingering smell. It’s very, very clean.
“This is… strange. Someone set this fire to burn but never lit the spark. That’s a sad sight, don’t you think?”  She strikes flint to steel, igniting kindling, and holds it low beneath the dried wood. As the tender catches flame, a warm glow radiates out upon her face.
“If there’s a monster here, we’ll fight better with light on our side.”
“Say, do you think we should go upstairs or downstairs first? The kid said something about their parents locking the monster in the basement? This is all so weird.  Don’t you think?”
She walks towards one of the unopened doors at the back of the room, “Or maybe we should check things out here first.”
“Weird,” Sacha mutters, crouching beside Fianna and running a finger over the black marble. It comes back clean. “Have they never used it?” She sounds bewildered. “Or maybe they just clean it really well.”
As Fianna lights the fire, Sacha stands and steps back, taking a moment to admire the flame, and shrugging as Fianna speaks again. “Better to avoid the monster while we can, I think. Assuming there is one. Weird that their parents just left them, yeah?” Dick move, even for Barovians.
Sacha trails behind, taking her time to look at the walls, the ceiling, the staircase again. “Yeah. Kid must be hiding somewhere.”
The door opens easily to a large dining room. A carved mahogany table is surrounded by eight high-backed chairs with sculpted armrests and cushioned seats. A crystal chandelier hangs above the table, which is covered with resplendent silverware and crystal-ware polished to a dazzling shine. Mounted above the marble fireplace is a mahogany-framed painting of an alpine vale.
The wall paneling is carved with elegant images of deer among trees. Red silk drapes cover the windows, and a tapestry depicting hunting dogs and horse-mounted aristocrats chasing after a wolf hangs from an iron rod bolted to the south wall.
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Fianna runs her hand along the red silk, imagining the lavish lifestyle of those who live here.  She chances a peek out of a window before turning and taking the whole room in.
She pauses before the grand tapestry in particular and a low growl builds from the back of her throat.  Her fingers graze over the wolf.
Sacha’s eyes widen slightly as she follows Fianna into the room. For a moment, she’s possessed by the urge to jump up on the table and rip pieces of crystal from the chandelier, but she resists when she sees Fianna pause in front of the tapestry. Padding softly across the floor, she comes to a quiet stop beside Fianna. For a moment, she lets the moment stretch, then she reaches up, dragging the tapestry and rod off the wall and to the floor with a great clatter. Pulling the tapestry off the rod, she wads it up, giving Fianna an impish crooked smile. “Ours now.”
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makerofrunevests · 8 years
Tagged by @aliceaviatrix Thank you! :)
Nickname: none
Sign: Yes, sometimes I sign my name.
Favorite music artist: Enya
Last TV show you watched: BBC’s Miss Marple
Last movie you saw in theatre: I’ve never watched a movie in a theatre.
What are you wearing right now: Night attire
What do you post: Loki posts and pro-life posts, mostly.
Do you have any other blogs: No
Why did you choose your URL: I make knitted vests with runes on them.
Do you get asks regularly: No
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Patronus: Deerhound
Pokemon team: I don’t play Pokemon.
Favorite color: Cranberry red
Favorite fictional characters: Loki, Frigga, Faramir, Pippin, Balin, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Lightsong, Freckles 
Hobbies/crafts? reading, writing, digital painting, knitting.
Collect anything? Antique prayer books.
Current challenges you face? OCD and going to college.
Things you’re looking forward to? Thor: Ragnarok, visiting a large antique store near where my grandparents live
Anything you want to promote: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Ties-Modern-Fianna-Tales-ebook/dp/B01BTPAO7S/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488606613&sr=1-1 A very good adventure novel!
Tagging @smol-overlord, @eruvandi-elf-fancier, @gods-little-punk, @elly-hiddlesherloki​, @hobbitsetal​, @avengerwho​, @praise-the-lord-im-dead​ Only if you want :)
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killinbills · 4 months
who else would you pair your oc with if they didn't end up with their main love interest?
briar — cedric
holly — viktor
izzy — andrew garfield’s peter lol or pietro if he lived
mia — cedric obvs (or maybe oliver if ced’s still dead lol)
fianna — ……. would it be controversial to say sirius
ruby — either robin or eddie
ask me questionssss!!!
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killinbills · 10 months
Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly are like an AU version of Regulus and Fianna??
but also he would be the cutest Regulus
omg so true, i was getting mega fee/reg vibes with him in the feather music video🥰 maybe their au child can be played by milo hahah
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killinbills · 1 year
I remember a while ago you did Briar, Izzy and Mia’s self care/makeup routines, I’d love to see ones for Ruby and Fianna! Plus any other characters if you wanted!
ok so since writing that original post i have in fact started working for a makeup company and fallen back in love with makeup and all of that so i'm SO excited to write about this!!
(again, i can only really comment based on stuff i used/am aware of so take this with a pinch of salt. also this is not historically accurate in any way lol)
my update from the last one is that briar would be a charlotte tilbury gal through and through. she'd also be a diehard brown mascara user
ruby is one of those people that infuriatingly doesn't need to wear makeup, but, at school she'd wear it because she liked the routine of it. after she leaves school though, she gets super into wellness (this starts with her grandpa making her take extra vitamins and she's like, 'well if i'm taking all of those, which ones are good for hair/skin/etc) and as a result i can imagine her getting really into skincare. that and she's a model so she's like 'ugh i just need my skin to BREATHE on days off' (she says, under layers and layers of serums lol). robin finds all of this horrendously unfair; steve however wishes his bathroom cabinet wasn't filled to the brim with serums and face masks etc, but sometimes he'd 'give in' and do a lil face mask with rubes. (also, if clinique black honey was a thing in the 80s, it would be ruby's fave and she'd go through tubes and tubes of it. and like madison beer, ruby would love blush.)
fianna has mild acne in swan song, and so she tends to wear concealer etc because she chooses to cover it up. but, i can imagine she likes a bit of a full face. i'm biased because i love sabrina carpenter's makeup lol but i can imagine fianna having a cute little collection of muggle brands. she loves a shimmery shadow for special occasions, especially when she can match it to the rest of her outfit. as head girl extraordinaire, she's the girl to go to for face paint on quidditch match days (but gryffindors only... and reg, if in an alternate universe he allowed it). this is not accurate in the slightest but fianna would also be a fenty lipgloss girl too
ask me questions!🍒
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killinbills · 1 year
What perfumes would each of your characters wear? Like their signature scent?
oooh i love this!! i’m gonna base this off of ones i’ve got (my job is to do with this so i got carried away hehe🫶)
briar: burberry her. like, chic and pretty and floral, and it gives me beauxbatons briar vibes especially (idk if lily james did an ad for them once because it’s always reminded me of briar hahah)
holly: marc jacobs daisy, and daisy love (depending on her mood, but i can picture her using a muggle popular but pretty scent — which won’t really matter at hogwarts anyway) (she’d also have the little capsules of these littered in all of her bags, and people at school would think she’s magically making herself smell nice throughout the day)
ruby: maybe prada paradoxe? i was tied between this and alien but both are quite ambery and really stick to the skin. they’re strong and hypnotic without trying too hard (and steve would have a calvin klein aftershave. like the fuckboy he tries to be lol)
fianna: either gucci bloom or viktor&rolf flowerbomb. i’m not 100% sure but something cute, although she’s forget to wear it most of the time and would only really use it on special occasions
isabelle: idk know how they smell but either viva la juicy or vera wang princess. something suuuuuuper 00s BUT she has a soft spot for ariana perfumes
mia: black opium. i like to think she got it because her surname’s in the name but ended up becoming obsessed over it. plus it’s quite a strong and moody scent which describes her lol
livvy: jean paul gaultier scandal. (it’s my favourite aftershave EVER)
ask me questions!!🩷🌺
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killinbills · 1 year
Super weird ask, but I was re-reading Clueless and Briar’s go to shoes are converse. I was wondering what your other characters go to shoes are?
oooh not weird at all, i love this question!!
holly — would wear something similar to the prada loafers as her school shoes, then i guess out of school plain converse? like she’d wear loafers in the winter and converse in the winter — also loafers with her friends, and converse with harry
ruby — her aunt once upon a time worked in the city, and would get ruby all of the new clothes, including shoes. but i think the upside down stuff would lead her to have a chunky pair of doc martens. she’d also have a pair of reeboks she wears on the semi-regular. a modern day ruby would have tabis though
mia — would be a boots girl. i also think in the summer when it was too hot for them, she’d grumpily switch them out for black platform sandals, like the lizzie mcquire shoes lol. if most noble was set in the present day she’d also have those mary jane docs from their collab with heaven x marc jacobs
fianna — i’m ngl i don’t know yet, but i like to think boots with a bit of a platform. like very classic 70s, but maybe wears like mary janes to school
i can’t think of any others haha so i’ll end it there!🫶
ask me questions!🩷🍒
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killinbills · 1 year
i know a lot of your fics are connected and i wanted to know if margo valen is connect to swan song?? or if it’s a different au??
swan song isn't related to any hp i've written before! i might include briar in the epilogue (if that even works) but i'm not fully decided yet -- i kinda like the idea that it's a completely new au! but i love the similarities between briar and fianna, so we'll see. as for margo, she's got nothing to do with swan song. fee and reg all the way🥰
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killinbills · 1 year
how do u think your ocs would get along if they all were in the same universe (at the same time lol) ??
okay okay so:
- fianna is briar’s aunt anyway, but i can see them being really close since they’re so similar. fianna would visit all of the time growing up, and get giddy there was a mini her running around. i can also see fianna taking mia and holly under her wing too. holly because they’re arguably the most similar (fianna is a mix of briar and holly, but i feel like she leans more holly — plus, with reg, she’d want to look out for someone who could quite easily become swayed by their family’s beliefs) and mia because she’s essentially fee’s niece too.
- ruby and isabelle would also be really close; i can imagine isabelle being ruby’s friend in nyc when she drops in for work, and they go out together. i don’t know if they’d tell each other about their powers (why would they lol) but they frequently get into instances where one thinks something’s up with the other.
- i also think ruby and mia would get along? their powers are relatively similar, and their boyfriends are the same in different fonts lol. i think ruby is just the more self-assured version of mia lol. apart from that… honestly i think ruby would find all of my hp ocs annoying lmao. (but then, maybe that’s why she’d get along with mia so well)
- and, of course, fianna and emilia would get along SO well!! fianna is seen as sirius’ lil sister, and i think emilia would definitely adopt her too in that sense
i’ve done this ask before i think so i thought i’d focus on my two newest ocs, ruby and fianna🩷
ask me questions!🍒🩷
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killinbills · 2 months
whats your favorite oc ship and non oc ship?
i love all of my oc ships but i think it’s a tie between briar and fred/ruby and steve. but i do also love fee and reg so i don’t know!!
non oc ship i have no clue of my all time fave but rn im watching the oc so im going to say seth and summer 🥰
ask me questions!
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