#ch: jacen solo
tenelkadjo · 5 months
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⤁ Jacen Solo
Happy Star Wars Day! [ past HSWD boards: Zekk // Tenel Ka Djo ]
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1000voicesrising · 5 years
Jacen's Application (chrxnicempathy)
Name: Jacen Solo Age: 28 (their canon is so long okay let’s skew pre Caedus at least) Do you like to cuddle?: Absolutely! Can we make-out?:  Of course A night in or dinner out?: Night in, you need some peace and quiet. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Why not both? What makes you a good Valentine?: Well I’ve been sending you Valentines cards since were were like, fifteen, so I like to think I know you pretty well and what you’ll like. Would you cook for me?: Any time you like. Would you let me cook for you?:  Sure, if you want to.
“You do know what I like. As long as the night in involves you and the lounge or bed, I approve.”
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firewvlk · 2 years
jaina solo vs darth caedus
0 notes
damn-stark · 4 years
Dark Temptations
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Ch.1 of the Dark Temptations series
A/N- first chapter and I’m VERY proud of how it turned out! I hope you enjoyed it too! Leave your thoughts?! Before I go, I do want to say that this series will be uploaded every two weeks instead of weekly! Just cause I want to take time writing this series!!
Warning- Violence, swearing, slow burn, long chapter, soft Ben solo
Pairing- Dark!Poe x Skywalker!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“What are you going to do?”
The blue light shining behind him seeps in and lightens the room in its soft light, the shadow of Ben carefully pacing towards you covering the red light that covered the room.
A moment passed until you reacted to his entrance, blinking up to meet his own brown eyes with a determined gaze. “I’m going to avenge Jacen. I will be what I’ve trained to be.”
Ben presses the cold metal of your mask against your palms, his eyes following the slow movements of your hands as you bring it over your head and hide your features inside the cold black metal. He tries to see through the visor hiding your eyes, but the only thing he sees is his own reflection basked by the red and blues hues shining from both rooms.
You swallow thickly, “the first order is my enemy. Nomad is my enemy.” You push yourself off your seat and grab the lightsaber hilt off the table, your thumb pressing the button to activate and see a green blade burst out from within. The green vibrating light overpowering the red and blue hues the room, the soft buzzing sound tuning out at the sound of your voice.
“I’m going to kill Nomad for what he did,” even if your eyes were hidden behind your visor, once you look up to meet Ben’s gaze, he meets them perfectly, his soft smile unknowingly matching yours, “are you with me?”
Ben doesn’t hesitate and nods with determination, “always. Every step of the way.”
After years of rigorous training, of mentally preparing yourself, of thinking of nothing but what you wanted to do, it was finally time. It was finally the day that you could put Jacen’s memory to rest by killing the man that killed him with the sole reason of just being a cold hearted son of bitch.
It was something you needed to do right, because if you didn’t, then who knows what you would do.
You knew your fight wasn’t going to be done completely, but this was a task you needed to finish so you could finally heal the strain in the relationship between your father and you. So you could finally know some peace, some small amount of happiness.
“How are you feeling?” You heard a deep voice ask behind you, breaking you away from your never ending ocean of thoughts.
You sighed and looked over your shoulder to see your cousin Ben leaning by the door, an assuring and what seemed to be a sympathetic look replacing the usual smugness that he showed on a daily basis. Something your father said Ben inherited from his own father. That and the scruffy hair.
“Truth?” You spoke up as you looked back at your reflection from your helmet placed in front of you. “Terrified.” As eager and prepared as you were, that was something you couldn’t help but feel.
That and nauseous, and like you couldn’t breathe.
“It’s going to work out.” Ben assured you as he walked to sit beside you. “I promise you it is.”
You offer him a soft smile before speaking to him in the same soft manner, “thank you for coming, for putting up with me and my outrageous revenge path.”
“You’re my sister, y/n.” Ben smiled, “you know I’m with you a hundred percent of the way. All the time. No matter what.”
Tears filled your eyes and you exhaled, the deep breath sounding shaky at his words.
“Jacen was like my brother. I understand what you want to do, I always have.” Ben finished.
“Still, thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You smiled softly, wiggling your hand out from underneath your poncho and forming your hand into a firm fist to then extend it out by Ben, his eyes seeing the gesture and copying your actions to lightly bump the side of his fist with your own.
Ben’s smug smile returned as he stood up towering over you. “You would probably be sulking, and be bored out of your mind without me.”
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes at the man’s stupid comment, “sure, whatever you say.”
Ben began to walk back towards the cockpit, his words trialing off as he walked but still loud enough that you could hear. “A Solo and a Skywalker heading towards an enemy capital ship. Are we stupid or just turning this into a family tradition?”
You quickly followed behind him and dropped on the co-pilot's seat to place your boots on top of the control board. “Both?” Ben met your gaze, half of his face basked by the soft blues hues of hyperspace, while the other half was shadowed by the darkness of the room. His amusement overall seen through both lights. “Definitely both.”
“Definitely.” Ben agreed, combing a hand through his dark hair before he remarked on your current position. “Boots off the board, kid.”
You rolled your head to the side and showed him a smug smile of your own, folding your hands over your chest under your poncho, before pulling one foot off at a time and placing them on his lap instead.
“You do know we’re getting in trouble for this right?” You comment before looking back at the rushing stars outside the transparisteel.
Ben sighs, “I know.”
“Hell,” Ben groaned, “I’d never thought I'd be smuggling myself in these things.” He pushed himself onto his ship's platform, his hand outstretched to help you up, but stopping mid-way as he seemed to suddenly zone out.
His eyes remained fixated on the hall as a short gasp left his lips. Having no option you pulled yourself onto the platform next to him, carefully studying his face to understand why he had suddenly given such a reaction. He didn’t seem scared, or nervous, there was nothing in the ship yet to shock him, but he reacted in that matter, almost seeming to be in disbelief or taken back by something.
As to what that was? No idea.
You carefully placed a hand on his shoulder to pull his attention back in this room. “Ben? Are you okay?”
Ben blinked and looked at you, his reaction remaining exactly the same. “Did you feel that?”
Your eyes narrow on him, “feel what?”
“Cold…” he trailed off before he could finish the rest of his sentence as the sound of multiple footsteps reentered the ship.
Quickly turning on your feet, Ben and you pressed your backs against the wall, hearing the footsteps get louder the closer they got. Neither of you needing to share a word, just a simple nod to communicate what needed to happen.
In a move faster than lightspeed, Ben and you pulled the officers approaching to the side and with a simple wave of your hand knocked them out.
“Let’s go.” Ben shared.
You shared a short nod and followed him out, suddenly feeling the anxiety you had been trying to push aside smack you in the face and engulfing you in that cold, dreadful feeling. Years of training was finally going to pay off in this one battle. All the pain was going to be over with the death of one man…
“Ben, the communications room is through here.” you pointed back, “where are you going?” You were slightly out of it by being here, but you were focused enough to know what you were doing. Apparently not Ben though.
“Trust me.” He shared as he strode through the halls as if he knew the place.
Regardless of his weird behavior you followed after him, passing down bright halls that all looked the same and luckily avoiding being spotted by any First Order foot-soldier. And because of your cousin's weird behavior there had been no time for you to really react or take in the fact that you were in a First Order capital ship. What exactly did you feel?
Cold...like Ben expressed before.
Something else that was unexplainable and strange…
Fear...but as your father would always say “it’s okay to be afraid. Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi.”
Damn how much you’ve missed that old man; but this was for him too. What you were doing. After it was done he’d be proud….right? You hoped.
The only comfort until you could finally see him was feeling his force presence. When it would get too lonely that was the only comfort. Feeling his presence. Knowing that he would never leave you. You also knew he felt yours. Hopefully he found comfort in your presence as you did with his. Hopefully.
Anyhow returning to a now odd Ben. You trusted him enough to follow, but this was weird. He has never been here. Neither of you have. And yet it seemed like he had..
“Excuse me, but—���
Ben suddenly came to a sudden halt, his eyes lingering on huge metal doors down the hall before he shifted them to meet your visor. “In that room. That’s the place.” He explained.
Even if he didn’t see, you were shooting him weird looks. “How do you know?”
“You trust me right?”
Without hesitating you nod, “always.”
Ben swallowed thickly, “it’s time.”
It’s all that was felt.
Not a cold that one would get from being on a cold planet like Hoth for example, or in a cold room, per say, but a cold that related to a darkness that you were always warned against. It was so powerful even with the smallest crinkles of warmth, of light, it was a cold that was felt all over your body, it made the little hairs on your arms stand up under your clothing, and made you go rigid.
Ben must’ve felt it too, or at least felt the disbelief within you at the cold feeling because he tried to assure you through your shared force connection, but for once in your life it didn’t work. Perhaps it was the room you now figured out was a throne room that made everything much worse; the red drapes surrounding the room, the dimly lit lights above, the bright almost blood red lights that illuminated the path to the only thing that stood out, caught anyone’s eye the moment you walked in. A circular metallic throne in the center of it all.
On it. The cause of the dooming cold feeling. A brunette with an icy stare. One of Snokes apprentices, his prized possession. Rey.
At her side, or more better, standing inches before the throne, the man of the hour. The man you were here for, another one of Snokes apprentices. Nomad.
It took a lot of restraint not to rush and tackle him to the ground. Not to just force choke him on the spot. Good thing he had a helmet covering the face that was yet still a mystery, or else that restraint would’ve only been a dream and you would have punched his face. Hard.
“Ben Solo.” Rey greeted in a cold monotone voice, her eyes drifting to you and narrowing to figure out who you could possibly be. As if trying to see through the material of the helmet you wore. Finding no answer, not through your force signature, nor through her impossible quest. “And…” she trailed off so could answer.
You straightened out your shoulders and lifted your head up high. “None of your concern.”
Nomad scoffed at your comeback, making Rey roll her eyes to later focus them on Ben. A small moment of hesitation at the simple shared look.
“What brings such an important man here?” Nomad spoke, his voice deep and metallic because of the helmet. “Especially with such a mysterious person at your side? Here to finally join?” His face was hidden, but the cockiness was heard through his voice. It was annoying. It ticked you off.
Ben scoffed and before he could get his response out, Rey cut him off. “Snoke will be happy to see you.”
“We’re not here to see him.” You finally spoke up bluntly, “or you.” You tilt your head in the direction of the man close to her, shooting him a burning glare under your mask. “We’re here for him.”
The light above reflects off Nomads black helmet as he cocks his head to the side. A smug grin almost visible through the helmet's material. Whatever he looked like, whoever he really was, you knew there was a grin under that mask. “Me?” Even if he directed his next comment to Ben, you could still feel his piercing gaze on you. “Ben, revenge is not a Jedi’s way. You of all people know that.”
“For you I’m making an exception.” Ben seethed, “you’re going to pay for what you did, Nomad. You and your gang of assassins.”
He hummed as you caught Rey standing from her chair, her face now twisted. “If both of you want to leave with your lives, I recommend you leave now.”
Ben glowered, “our fight is not with you, girl, so why don’t you run to your master and leave us be.”
“You made it my fight when you threatened him.” She remarked as she unhooked her lightsaber hilt from her belt, making Ben and you do the same with your own hilts.
Making Nomad step down until he stood on the main ground, a gloved hand slowly unsheathing his vibroblade.
“Again.” You continue with your thumbs hovering the buttons of your lightsaber hilts, “our fight is not with you.”
Rey feigned a smile and revealed two crimson red lightsaber blades. “It was the moment you both walked through those doors.”
Sharing a quick knowing look with Ben, you look back to Rey and ignite one lightsaber, the right side of your body illuminated by the purple blade, while a second color basked your left side as you ignited your green lightsaber. “Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”
Rey pulled her arm back, before thrusting it forward and turning her saber into a double-bladed lightsaber, the object spinning in her hand as she walked towards Ben. Her eyes focused on the man she intended to fight. “We’ll take him. Kill that one.”
Nomad gripped onto his hilt as he stalked towards you, his inflated ego obviously doubting you. Huge mistake.
“Nice lightsabers,” he quipped, “I’ve been on the lookout for one, guess my search is finally over.”
You scoffed and began to pace around him, a smirk playing on your lips under your mask. “yeah, guess it is.”
Every slight movement he made you followed like a predator watched over its prey. Watching and learning every move, building patience to catch it by surprise without giving yourself away. Just quietly stalking it.
But as quiet as one is, theirs points when the prey thinks itself as more, thinks it’s brave and strong enough to face that trying to kill it. It tries to huff out its chest and look strong, but with that comes impatience, it’s ego blinding its rational senses and making it go wild and stupid. Just like Nomad.
One of his many flaws was his impatience, something you on the other had been taught to have a lot of—with his impatience he attacked first, lunging forward to only meet his vibro-blade with your purple saber. You began to push back, discreetly moving your other weapon to catch him off guard; but he was quick to push you back with his own strength, making you slide back on your boots.
Nomad tsked, “don’t put up a fight. Trust me, everything will be much easier if you don’t.”
Spinning your green lightsaber in your hand you swing down, his blade clashing with yours and creating bright sparks at impact. “Oh, trust me sweetheart, there won’t be much of a fight.” You remarked coldly.
Nomad brought both hands to his hilt, a form of distraction and trickery to make you believe that you were getting the best of him. A mistake on your part as he swiftly pulled one hand away to take out another hidden blade. The vibrating metal creating a long gash on your arm.
You let out a hiss, but didn’t let your hold falter, instead flung him back using the force—he hit the ground with a loud thud, a proud grin growing on your lips. Using that distraction though, you are only able to get a quick glance at Ben, who was fighting with Rey. A close fight that played off one another, each move quickly met or dodged. Like if they had fought before.
“Smart.” Nomad taunts while he slowly begins to push himself off the ground, his head cocking to the side in curiosity, “who are you?”
You hold your head up high and trudge forward, “you’ll know soon enough, don’t worry.”
Nomad tries to stand on his feet, but you quickly react and push him down with the force. A couple grunts escaping from his helmet at the added force on his body.
He grunts, “revenge is not the Jedi way.”
“No.” You deadpan, “it’s my way.” Again you do a spin trick with your green saber, placing either foot on the side of his body to look down at him with a hidden scowl under your helmet, the memory of Jacens death rushing through your mind and making you angrier, making you sad. Making what you were about to do nothing you were going to regret…..
This was for Jacen, it’s what you needed to keep reminding yourself, keep trying to make that objective loud enough to block out the voices that tried to convince you otherwise. There was going to be no peace in your mind if this didn’t happen, if you didn’t obey the darker, much more tempting voices.
But even through the blinded, clouded mind of yours, there was the small part of yourself that was feeling remorse. He was a man with faults. A man that only followed orders….no.
He killed Jacen.
Fuck him.
The remorse is just the light side, the Jedi, your father, the Skywalker within you. The real you, trying to talk you out of it.
Not now.
Focusing on your anger and the painful memory, you pulled your lightsaber up before swiftly swinging it down, a soft ‘I’m sorry’ that wasn’t audible to anyone but yourself—but as you closed your eyes shut, you missed the way the blade stopped inches from impacting Nomad. Not by your choice, but by his actions.
You peeled your eyes open and saw the green blade hovering inches from his body armor, a silent gasp leaving your lips. “What the hell?”
Nomad pushed your arm up, slowly pushing himself to his feet before speaking in a cocky voice. “Surprise.” Without hesitation he flung your lightsabers off your hand, your eyes widening as you barely managed to avoid a swing from his dagger. You tried to summon your lightsabers, but he was quick to attack, actions you were quick to block or dodge, for a brief moment just a hand to hand combat.
All until he swung his vibro-blade to end this fight. A move you avoided by stopping the blade with your hand, ignoring the sharp pain that began to spread around your hand. He gasped at the contact, his helmet turning from the impressive sight in front of him to you. “Who are you?”
You only smirked, quickly kneeing him the stomach before letting go and moving to lock your arm around his throat. Bringing your knee up to hit the back of his legs and making his knees buckle, but not causing him to fall as you held onto him. “I’ll tell you.” You whispered. “I’m—”
Before you could say what he asked, you were thrown over him, a yelp leaving your lips as your back hit the ground harshly with a loud clash—Nomad was quick to move in front of you, straddling your waist to then spread his fingers firmly around your throat.
An action that you were ashamed to say, would have thrilled you, aroused you in any other case. And if he hadn’t lifted your head off the ground to then slam it, your mind would've shamelessly wondered. Now all it did was spin, little stars dancing in your peripheral view.
Your hands flew to grip onto his wrists, to pull it off. But this son of bitch was strong and made it impossible to fight his hold off; Even with your force ability, since he kept you frozen to the ground using his own. All you could do was gasp for air and listen as Nomad leaned in to whisper. “Whoever the hell you are, it’s a shame I didn’t get to know you. Maybe in another lifetime.”
With a new found adrenaline rush, you wrapped your legs around his waist to try and flip him over. Keyword try, since it didn’t work! Nonetheless your mind was quick to think of an alternative as your lungs were running out of oxygen by each passing second.
With the little strength you could manage, you peeled one hand away from his wrists and inched your body forward, your fingers wiggling to secretly pull out your hidden dagger within your boot. It was hard, but you were able to contort your arm in a way you came out successful in your attempts.
Before you blacked out, you spun the dagger between your fingers and stabbed the weak and open spot on his suit, stabbing his arm and immediately making him pull back with a groan. You gasped for air in the little break you had, coughing violently as you were freed from his hold. But before he could finish the job, you summoned your green saber, igniting it once it reached your hand—just as he was going to react, you throw your arm up, slashing half of his helmet and cutting deep enough to slash his flesh, a nasty gash now traveling from his dark eyebrow down to his tan cheekbone.
You gasped and crawled back, your eyes widening as you saw only part of his face exposed. A brown eye widened in horror, and pain at what happened, at the gash that throbbed with pain. You swallowed thickly, feeling an inkling of remorse for what you did.
Nomad stumbled back, his hand on the wound—shamelessly taking that as your opportunity, you jumped up, flipping your saber around to thrust back and stab his chest; before the tip of your blade could make contact, your eyes caught Rey forcing Ben on his knees, a lightsaber blade ready to stab him and contradicting her previous command.
“STOP!” You bellowed. Both Rey and Ben turned their heads in your direction, her blade hovering over his throat. “Leave him! Just leave him alone.” Hastily you moved around Nomad and had your own blade threatening at his throat. “Kill him and I’ll kill your friend.”
Rey’s hardened gaze faltered, her eyes drifting from an injured Nomad and the blade threatening his life. She swallowed thickly and pressed the blade closer to Ben, in ways taunting you, playing to see if you would actually do it.
“PLEASE STOP!” You cried, your hands immediately reaching your helmet to rip it off your head and finally revealing your face. “Let him go and I’ll surrender.”
“Y/N, no.” Ben muttered.
You shook your head, and briefly shot Ben an apologetic look.
“Why would I want you?” Rey seethed.
“Because.” You swallowed thickly, letting Nomad go, “I’m Y/N Skywalker. Luke Skywalker's last living child.”
Nomad expressed a soft gasp, “you’re supposed to be dead.”
Ignoring his comment you inch towards Rey, “let him go and take me. Please.”
“No, y/n.” Ben repeated.
You glanced at Ben, tears rolling down your cheeks and sharing soft words within your force connection—you trust me, right?
Rey let Ben go and moved towards you, instantly making Ben try and fight what she intended to do. “No. No, leave her alone! You touch her and I’ll kill you!”
Rey looked over her shoulder and smirked, a hand waving over him to knock him out before she turned to you with the same devilish smirk.
A soft set of groans escape your lips as your eyes begin to flutter open. Welcoming in the dim lights and the red hues from the ground. Your head pounded, and the strange, yet soothing woodsy, smoky smell didn’t help at the moment.
“What the—” finally your brain grasped where you were, caught the restraints around your wrists and legs. “What the hell?”
“Language.” A strange, yet familiar voice spoke, making your shoulders jump and your head to snap towards the direction of the voice. Seeing nothing but shadows and a figure very softly lit by the red lights below. “You’re finally awake. I was beginning to worry that Rey took it too far.”
The heel of his boots clicked against the metal floor as he slowly walked up to you, a thick tension felt as he just stood quietly in front of you, his head cocking to the side, letting you feel and know that his eyes were roaming your face behind his new helmet, silently just studying every inch of it. You didn’t say anything, just let your head drop and hang loose. Let the tension remain until he broke it with a click of his tongue.
“Who knew,” he mused as he tilted your chin up with his gloved knuckle, “I had such beautiful and valuable cargo on my ship.” The only thing you could see when you looked up at him was your own reflection through the visor of his helmet, but you didn’t need to see to know he had a smug smile on his face, that fact was detectable by the sound of his modified voice. That and the way his gloved thumb brushed on your bottom lip made it very obvious.
What an asshole.
You scoff and pull away from his touch, “because that would’ve changed the way you treated me?”
He leaned in closer and whispered in a way that made chills travel down the bottom of your spine. “Would’ve given you the royal treatment. Red carpet and everything.”
“I’m not some trophy nor your play thing that you can just show off.” You retort sharply.
He pulls back and straightens his shoulders, an amused tone heard under his helmet, “sure you are. You’re Luke Skywalker's last living child. You’re my best trophy yet.”
“Is your face okay under there? Hmm?” You chuckle forcefully, feeling a heat begin to take over your face. Feeling your head now lightheaded, like if you were floating up in the stars. Feeling braver in a strange yet fantastic way. “I got a good hit on you.”
Nomad stays quiet and clenches his fist, the material rubbing loudly as he did.
You lean your head forward and smile sweetly, feeling an urge to say anything that came to mind. “Shame really. You had such a pretty brown...eye.” You shrug, “I was always a sucker for big pretty eyes.”
Nomad throws his hand forward to slam your head back against the headrest. “Shut up!”
You chuckle and briefly shut your eyes, your subconscious wondering what the hell was going on with your body and your head. Feeling sweat beads roll down your forehead.
“You feel it don't you.” Nomad began smugly, “it’s working.”
You swallow thickly and loll your head to the side, “what are you talking about?”
Nomad leans in closer, “tell me Skywalker. Where is your coward father?”
It’s strange. You couldn’t feel his force presence.
A groan leaves your lips, feeling the urge to reveal his location, but finding enough courage to fight what it was that made you want to talk about everything. “Fuck off.” Managing to lift your head, you look at him through his visor, noticing your own reflection through it, but unable to meet his eyes or identify who was under it.
You smirk and lean forward, “I don’t know who you think you are. But I know exactly. You’re nothing but Snokes puppet. Something he will get bored of soon. You’re. A. Monster.”
Again he slams the back of your head against the headrest, this time a hand gently wrapping around your throat, making you swallow thickly.
“My cousin will come back for me.”
Ben? Ben. You couldn’t feel his force presence either. What in the maker is going on?
Nomad let out a huff of air, his head leaning closer to your ear. “Just like Jacen?”
A small growl leaves your lips and your eyebrows furrow as you try to attack him using the force. An action rendered useless as nothing happened, as you felt nothing. Not even a spark of light.
“What the hell did you do to me?” You scowl.
Avoiding your question, Nomads hand leaves your throat and he steps back, “darling I’m not the monster you think I am.” Nomad steps into the shadows of the room, his gloved hands slowly reaching up to his helmet, a silent click heard as he unlatched the black helmet, tucking his head to pull the helmet off his head, his face remaining hidden behind the room's shadow.
His boots only audible as they clicked against the metal floor, as he slowly stepped in front of the light.
A quiet gasp escaped your lips as you saw the man you once knew years ago “Poe Dameron?”
A/N- soft Ben Solo? Yes because I love that and I needed more of him in the sequels. Also this is not my art, but I saw this and thought it would be nice concept for first order Poe (Nomad) So I’m using it! Nomad (Poe) and his elite squadron!
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Tagged- @thescarletknight2014​ , @softly-sad​ , @golden-guide​ , @abysshaven​ , @a-dorky-book-keeper​ , @kit-jpg​ , @mybarnesmyhero​
Permanent taglist- @ms-dont-care​ , @commondazy​
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hopetwin · 5 years
tag drop i
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
0 notes
blue-mint-winter · 7 years
BFC 1: Before the Storm - ch 1&2
I started reading Before the Storm today. Prologue was about Yevetha taking over Imperial ships during their evacuation and killing unarmed workers and their families on shuttles in cold blood. We get the picture that Yevetha are murderers and a future threat.
First chapter started with New Republic’s Fifth Fleet attacking a planet, I skimmed the battle description, but from what little I read it was quite competently written. It was just hard getting into the battle if I had no idea who they were fighting and why. Next scene was a debriefing of Defense Council on Coruscant, and Ackbar explained that it was a test for the new fleet. Interesting point was raised that NR fleet is used to deep space operations but they aren’t good at attacking or defending a planet - a conventional war, example of failure was Hoth (though it could be argued they succeeded at evacuation before the planetary shield failed and there was no point in staying in Echo base).
The political discussion was a delight. Peramis, one of new Senators on the council, accused Leia of sinister plans, that she’s going to oppress and invade Republic planets because she’s Vader’s daughter. Everyone is shocked at the guy’s insinuation and senator Yar demands apology. Leia gets the respect that she’s earned for the years in the service of Rebellion and New Republic. This is so refreshing :)
Next we go to Yavin, where Luke is in the ruins of a Massassi temple. He gives Streen a final test by sending bats at him when he’s climbing to the top. Streen passes the test and they discuss Massassi and their extinction because Streen is translating their sacred books. Massassi wanted to become like gods and that’s why they pursued the dark side. Then Luke tells Streen he’s leaving because he needs to follow the Force. Basically he needs a break from everyone hassling him with every little thing. Streen is going to take over the Academy.  Then Luke is Extra by jumping off the temple’s top and using his robes as wings to fly down :)
After The Crystal Star it turns out that Han is just a regular house husband with a government position as liaison military officer with Leia, so he’s at her beck and call. We don’t know if he gets salary and how big it is, but we know Ackbar got him or even invented the position so Han can have clearance for classified information and talk to Leia about it.
Solo kids are another delight. Jacen and Jaina were rebellious against Han, but in the end they learned he’s now in charge of the house. Only Anakin was a little angel. There’s also talk of their Force abilities and how playing with them makes the kids go to sleep. Han is worried about Jacen avoiding physical exercise and only concentrating on the Force because he wants to be like Luke, that is get things done by just thinking (Jacen is 100% most relatable to me, again, I didn’t think it was anymore possible XD). Han thinks that Luke should show Jacen that training body is as important as training the mind.
Solo family unwinds by playing together in a swimming pool!!! soo cute
Next we learn that Luke is hiding in plain sight, that is on Coruscant, where he is Extra again - he reconstructed Vader’s castle on the beach using only the Force and he made it camouflaged from both sea and space! But Leia felt Luke’s presence. Han suggests that they invite him to dinner. For the moment they decide that Luke deserves his vacation.
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tenelkadjo · 11 months
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       Tenel Ka Djo // Jacen Solo
             [ young jedi knights series ]
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tenelkadjo · 2 years
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    “I didn’t come here to… to become your paramour.”     “You won’t. Paramours are playthings.” She stopped in full view of the pond’s far bank and gave him a long, warm kiss. “And I would never play with you, Jacen Solo.”
                        Dark Nest: The Joiner King
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tenelkadjo · 3 years
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Jaina: "Are you even marginally aware of what's going on around you?" Jacen: "How about you? How's the vision coming back?" Jaina: "Well, for one thing, I'd forgotten how big your nose and chin are getting."
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tenelkadjo · 4 years
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So I had a Luke Skywalker Unleashed figure in storage and I’ve been trying to cull my collection but when this idea came to me I couldn’t pass it up. Since Jacen Solo and Luke Skywalker share the same lightsaber color I thought I could do a little something on the hair, eyes, and jumpsuit with some paint.
Then suddenly: Jacen Solo Unleashed figure!
(ง ˙o˙)ว
(I posted this a good while ago on my personal journal but didn’t want to dig for the reblog cause it was years ago but since it’s an SWEU project of mine I knew it needed to be added here, hehe.)
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tenelkadjo · 5 years
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Among the Yuuzhan Vong, twin births are considered a portent. One twin battles the other, and the winner goes on to an important role in a pivotal event.
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tenelkadjo · 6 years
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                     Jacen Solo  ⇸  Darth Caedus
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tenelkadjo · 6 years
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𝓭𝓪𝔂 + 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 jacen solo + darth caedus
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tenelkadjo · 6 years
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⥇ Jacen, Jaina & Anakin Solo // New Jedi Order: Star by Star
  This was one of the SWEU first edits I made. Probably around ‘03 - ‘04 at some point? I would have to dig through my old livejournal to find the exact date and that is a giant hot mess that would most likely take forever. If you click it, you should be able to read the text better. :B
  This was back when I used River Phoenix as Jacen (who would still be perfect, if I hadn’t used every photo of him at least 8 times already), Eliza Dushku as Jaina and Kevin Zegers as Anakin. (I still love these three as the Solo kids, even though I use others now -- these three remind me of the days SW books were being released and everyone was still going batshit for book spoilers~ good times.)
  Things I didn’t need today: These really heavy Solo kids feels.
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tenelkadjo · 6 years
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Happy National Siblings Day!
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hopetwin · 7 years
New Tags Part One
Name A Hero That Was Happy // You Can’t {TLJ Verse}
There Is A Reason I’m Still Standing {TFA Verse}
You burn with the brightest flame // And the world's gonna know your name {EU/Legends Verse}
We Are The Wild // We Are The Reckless Youth {Praexum Verse}
We Are Infinite As The Universe We Hold Inside {Teen Verse} 
I Think There’s A Fault In My Code // These Voices Won’t Leave Me Alone {Sith Verse}
There’s Magic In Our Bones // A North Star In Our Soul {Re: Jacen Solo}
His Heart Was Born Out Of Fire {Anakin Solo}
Cross My Heart And Hope To Die // I’ll See You With Your Laughter Lines {Re: Anakin Solo}
All The King’s Horse Men and All The King’s Men Couldn’t Put Us Back Together Again {Re: Jacen & Jaina & Anakin}
There’s A Hole In My Soul // I Can’t Fill It {Re: Ben Solo}
All This Bad Blood Here // Won’t You Let It Dry {Kylo Ren}
Justice And Vengeance Aren’t The Same // To Me They Are {Re: Kylo Ren}
Mother Is The Name of God On The Lips of All Children {Leia Organa Solo}
Don’t Worry Mother // Your Daughter Is A Warrior {Re: Leia Organa Solo}
I Never Dreamed I Would Meet Somebody Like You {Re: Jagged Fel}
I was born in a thunderstorm // I grew up overnight {Ch. Study}
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