#res: free images
tenelkadjo · 2 months
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⤁ Jacen Solo
Happy Star Wars Day! [ past HSWD boards: Zekk // Tenel Ka Djo ]
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thingsnpngs · 6 months
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skitty-kirby · 5 months
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Part two of my doodle endeavor, as I continue to avoid my ever-piling uni homework :'D A follow up of this previous doodle dump, they're really proving to be fun to work with- Yeah, I think Blade would love horror games ngl xD
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yaz-the-spaz · 2 months
I just came on here to share something of note related to my job that I felt was somewhat relavent to fandom. I don't tend to like to reveal too much about my personal life on here especially as it relates to my job since I don't necessarily want anything irl connecting back to me on here so I'll keep this very, very general but I currently work for a nonprofit that centers around a very specific subfield within an acronym of the STEM umbrella. Most of what we do involves public outreach and education on that specific field through online articles, videos, magazines/journals, and events, etc. (as well as helping fund research, grants, and mentorships/job opportunities for people in the field, particularly of underrepresented groups).
Anyways I'm saying all this to say that today I saw we'd made arrangements to pay for media training for a few of our more higher up volunteers to help prep them for media interviews and to be good brand ambassadors for our org. The training includes things like reviewing talking points and going over sample interviews and interview tips and is expected to encompass at least a couple of hours per person. We dropped well over 10k on this expense. And this is all just for a few VOLUNTEERS for a relatively small nonprofit org in a very specific subfield/subject. Like I said we're a non-profit so we're obviously not just in this for the money or the good PR it may bring, even if we do still realize that those things are integral to our success as an org. And yet we still dedicated a sizable chunk of money and time to this endeavor for people who are not even technically employed by us. I just want y'all to let that sink in for a second and think about how much the scale of that extrapolates to ppl like celebrities doing what they do on the world stage.
Imagine how much more intense and in-depth something like media training gets when you/your image is literally the brand you're acting as ambassador for, and a shit ton of ppl behind the scenes all have their own stake in your success as a brand in the particular image/version of you (accurate or not) they want portrayed. now imagine you're a young impressionable child being made to sit through potential hours of mock interviews, being drilled with questions and "appropriate" talking points and the like until the ppl in charge of you are satisfied (tbh it's not hard to see how/why rebecca ferguson described it as akin to being brainwashed), and being foisted with all that responsibility/pressure in every single thing you do or say in front of a camera. Is it any wonder that you might eventually get to a point where you just paste on a smile and say/do whatever you're told to like a wind-up robot playing along with the role you've been given even to your own detriment (liam)? Or that you might get to a point where you just stop wanting to do almost any interviews at all cause you're sick of being party to all the fakery and bullshit (z@yn)? It's two sides of the same coin but both could very much be read as a trauma response
Anyway I just needed to rant a bit cause the stuff with work brought all this to the forefront of my mind and it forever infuriates me to no end that people still don't see (or don't want to see) how much of what we're shown and/or told is fabricated in the name of staying on brand for whatever version of their image a celebrity may be trying to sell in that moment
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songbirdreal · 1 month
ssigh i was contemplating posting this one because the quality is so stinky & it's messy
roblox free draw is a blessing & a curse
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lorebird · 9 months
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DRAGON ADOPTS!! Since July I've been working on a giant project, designing 81 dragons on a grid based on 9 different colors. Unfortunately, half of the files were lost when my tablet bricked. To replace it, I'm putting the few I could salvage up for sale!
The dragons on sheet 1 cost $15 each. I have a spreadsheet to keep track of availability, so check it out to see what's up for grabs! It'll be in a reblog! To purchase, you can DM me here or on discord @azikenn (or email [email protected]). I'll send the full res image after payment! (also 1G is $25 bc I'm attached to the design lol)
I could only get low res pictures of the dragons on sheet 2, so they only cost $5. I figured I may as well add them here so the work doesn't go to waste. For an extra $10, I'll redraw them at full resolution!
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quailclaws · 1 year
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*points* i love that skrunkle 
[og pic]
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nabaath-areng · 8 months
Fuck Sweden as a nation for turning the woobification of our history and culture into one of our greatest exports, pretending to be wholesome and peaceful while profiting from conflicts elsewhere. For never having the fucking spine to take any stance ever and acting high and mighty for being "neutral", all while frothing at the mouth to get a piece of that colonial cake from the cool kids table where the superpowers are seated. For recognizing Palestine's sovereignty only to then consider a withdrawal of said recognition in response to the current genocide. For allowing islamophobia to get to the point it is now and then pointing fingers at jews as a whole. For giving less of a flying fuck about swedish jews during WW2 and until now, yet patting ourselves on the back and taking credit for heroic deeds done primarily by individuals.
I wish nothing but absolute hell and misery for Ulf Kristersson, who is even more spineless about his inaction than I thought possible. Who had nothing to say about the burnings of the torah and quran, only to claim that he stands for fighting antisemitism. Who puffed up his chest and was acting so tough about the things he would do once he became prime minister, only to hold up on none of his lofty promises in true conservative fashion. Both he and his lackeys (as well as their fanclubs of raging screaming bigots) deserve nothing but hurt and hell for continuing to destroy the lives of all marginalized groups in Sweden, all while shamelessly increasing their own salaries blatantly in the open, to then have the sheer and utter gut to declare that actively supporting genocide is within our best interests.
This country's audacity is one that only became possible because we sacrificed our neighbours safety for the sake of maintaining our own, because when your most recent war was in 1809 it's apparently not possible to even try and comprehend the horrors of modern warfare. That is, besides producing the tools for it to happen elsewhere.
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✨ someone ✨ broke their oath the other night
#this poor woman has had A Time. killed cazador got oathbreaker'd had her act 3 romance scene all in one day#i was kinda hoping it would happen b/c it fits how her story's been going#but i wasn't willing to ascend astarion to guarantee it#and i didnt want to fudge it by looking it up#but i figured freeing the spawn *might* do it since she's oath of ancients and i was Correct#and it's in character for her anyway. 'anyone sentient deserves a chance' is a *big* part of her moral beliefs#i want to see if aylin has any comments re: oathbreaking but i doubt it#i've got some half-baked ideas bouncing around my head for interactions b/wn them after loroakkan though#guess i dont have to worry about whether pretending to go along with mystic carrion will break her oath now lol#the 'gods dont give a shit about you' themes have been hitting her hard. and like. yeah#even growing up in a region not totally under lolth's thumb she was explicitly taught that the gods she knew were to be feared#and even following corellon the only choice she's been given is forget everything & literally become a different person#or (presumably) be in lolth's clutches after she dies#and seeing the clear manipulation from mystra & vlaakith & shar was doing a number on her#so something she viewed as the obvious correct choice breaking her oath was her last straw#im thinking about changing her epithet but idk what it would be so im keeping it as a tag for now#diodore#the star's shield#bg3#bg3 screenshots#bg3 spoilers#oathbreaker#bg3 oathbreaker#drow paladin#i love how they handle oathbreaker in bg3 btw. i've always thought it wasnt an inherently bad thing & i feel vindicated#image id in alt text#bg3 tav#my post#blood cw
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
just read chapter 10 of stormbreak *cue surprised pikachu*
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low-res-hermits · 2 years
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[Image ID: A screenshot of docm77 standing idle outside of the hall of goat at the perimeter at night. He is wearing enchanted diamond armor and an elytra. Above him there are four phantoms flying downwards to attack him. End ID.]
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tenelkadjo · 1 year
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⤁ Zekk
Happy Star Wars Day!
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lieutenant-pisces · 1 year
first one is courtesy of ArcadiaAK and their friend from Twitter, Aurelia and Ariel of the Third House!
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was very happy to see Locked Tomb oc's, and incredibly flattered that Arcadia followed me first.
originally made on july 4th!
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villainesses · 9 months
tbh taylor swift and sana of twice have the same energy when it comes to their reactions to girls they're attracted to
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wingsforthewicked · 15 days
Woe, my passion project be upon ye-
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And that's it! For Now!!
Thank you so much for reading and i hope it comes in handy for any of your wingies needs :3 This took me... a While, more than it should've, but is finally here! And maybe i've been slacking a little on the tagging for this blog specifically, but i recommend besides reading all of this, to go check my Guides tag, as i'm missing a few little things here and there that i couldn't for the life of me find a way to explain, and i've already re-done this Way too much for my liking o(-(
But you can also just go around this blog to get some inspiration :o I got a Lot of different wing styles here, and again i gotta go back to tagging (and fix my blog web theme, don't worry about it—) but other than that, you're free to explore this lil blog of mine
Two last things—First, i did all of this for free, i want it to reach as many people as possible (which is why soon-ish i'll translate the entirety of it to spanish and add image descriptions to both versions, i need a break....), but if you liked this enough and would like to leave a lil' tip on my kofi (@/rainbowpinyata), i would appreciate it a lot... Second, my inbox is always open if you or someone you know is in need of a more in-dept explanation on any of the parts of this, as i had to resume most of the info, or just needs a little bit of advice. I'm gonna explain wings Much more than i already have on the next part, but that... is going to take a bit, so...
Anyways, many thanks to my friends for always being there for me, i don't think i would've gone past the first draft or the many others after that without their encouragement, suggestions and general help with keeping me going. It means everything to me.
Also, click for better quality pls, the pages are pretty big but... this site....
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tacabanda · 11 months
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(via Re e regina. Immagini 8k 3D. Free Pics 1536x1536px - FEDERICO BERTI)
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