#ch: myrtle
moondust-bard · 1 month
It’s Myrtle’s birthday!
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friendofcars · 1 year
sorry to all the essays and notes and everything (an apology to myself really) but im doing the td3 pov data now instead
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wakeofvultures · 1 year
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This started out as me wanting to draw my version of Caius' hair (because I imagined it differently from the last illustration I posted) and then turned into this.
This was just going to be Caius yelling at an idiot (a guard? Aro?) and then I drew Myrtis from my fic because she's my babygirl (also new pfp for me!). Anyway, don't ask her for help when Caius is yelling at you, she'll ignore you (unless she cares about you and she thinks the issue is worth her time).
Ultimately, despite my intentions, this just gives 'excuse me, she asked for no pickles.'
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devilsmenu · 2 years
@cquity continued from here​
"I can't imagine how hard it is for you" Irene replied. She knew how studies are very hard for the younger people. "Why don't you take a break for now?".
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phantomato · 2 years
44, starting a war…
A timeline of the relevant dates in Voldemort/Tom Riddle’s life pre-canon—
Dec. 31, 1926: born
Sept. 1938: Matriculates for his first year at Hogwarts
June 1943: Kills Myrtle (age 16)
Likely Aug. 1943: Kills family (fight me, ring-first people)
June 1945: Finishes school at Hogwarts, applies for DADA post the first time, is rejected, starts work at B&B
1970: First wizarding war begins (As per Dumbledore in Ch. 1 PS: “We’ve had precious little to celebrate for eleven years.”)
Oct. 31, 1981: AK backfires and he loses his body
Which leaves a big ol’ gap between 1945 and 1970 to fill in, 25 years of his adult life to be accounted for. But, we’re not without clues! In particular, we know:
He worked at B&B, until
he killed Hepzibah Smith and took two of her artifacts, after which
he disappeared from Britain for a decade (Dumbledore in Ch. 20 HBP: “Ten years separate Hokey’s memory and this one, ten years during which we can only guess at what Lord Voldemort was doing”), and then
he came back to interview for the DADA position a second time, under Dumbledore as headmaster.
Which isn’t a full picture, and we need one more fact, which we’ll have to borrow from Lupin: in PoA Ch. 18, Lupin states: “I was a very small boy when I received the bite… But then Dumbledore became Headmaster, and he was sympathetic." Given Lupin’s age, the bite must have happened at some point during the 1960s, and Dumbledore became Headmaster at an unspecified point afterwards. Pottermore/Wizarding World canon sets the age that Lupin was bitten at 5 years old, giving us a range of ~1965 to ~1971 for Voldemort’s second DADA interview.
And so we can begin to fill in those missing 25 years:
Voldemort spent 10 of them abroad, and
at most 5 of them in Britain prior to the start of the first war but after returning from his travels, and
at least 10 of them working at Borgin & Burkes.
Personally, I love a 15-year tenure at B&B for Tom Riddle, because I think it’s fascinating if he spends a huge chunk of his adult life in the working class of Knockturn Alley, building up a great deal of resentment and impotent rage and dissatisfaction with his own life. I think it’s a lot of fun if his first war starts in his middle age, and represents something of a crisis for him: anxiety about whether he can still make the most of his potential, bad decisions like recruiting opposed stakeholder groups (e.g. purebloods and werewolves) from feeling rushed along, and a decade of building paranoia manifesting in the choice to believe and chase down a prophecy.
I also think there’s plenty of wiggle room in here, and a Voldemort in his late thirties starting to recruit for his Death Eaters is perfectly compatible with the canon text. And, of course, it’s always valid to just say fuck it, this is fanfic, I want to write Voldemort at 25 starting his group of supporters. It’s fic; do what makes one happy.
But: I run into this confusion and curiosity a fair bit, given I mostly write Voldemort as starting his first-war effort, including the Death Eaters, in his forties, and that timeline isn’t used by a majority of the fic I’ve read in HP fandom. So it’s interesting to put forward what the textual evidence actually says about his lost years, and consider that there’s a lot of interesting room to work with a Voldemort who doesn’t get his start for at least two decades past when he finishes school, and who might have to create his movement from nothing when he finally starts it. Also, like, starting a war as a midlife crisis is just fun.
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labratofthemonth · 6 months
i completely associate the entirety of ICIMI by Will Wood and CH&T with Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and no I will not elaborate. i can not think about those two things without thinking of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
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theerrorofmylife · 2 years
Witch Queen Ch.3
Thorin x Witch!Reader 
See Masterlist for chapter listings and descriptions as well as other fics and series I have in progress, requests are always welcomed and let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list :) 
Hahaaaaaa I really like this chapter, its just so.... gah. Cuteness, Thorin and the reader lowkey acting like a couple already, and trolls. What a lovely concoction; please enjoy ~ Error
Warnings: Mentions of death, grief, PTSD, Thorin being a simp for the reader, soul-crushing cuteness, Gandalf being a little shit, injuries, mentions of nausea and broken bones, etc etc
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That night there was singing. The dwarves had gathered by the hearth, each staring hauntingly into the fire. They sing of that day, when Smaug came and destroyed Dale, when he destroyed the mountain… that day… The more time that passed since then, the more I remembered. In dreams I saw things more clearly, I saw what really happened. I saw the fire, buildings falling all around me, bodies piled in the streets… Nightmares were a recurring problem, and I knew some small things that helped, but they never really went away. Over time it just got… easier. It was better to rationalize that everything I saw was in the past, that it couldn’t hurt me, that it was all over. But it never really was over. It’s never over when Smaug is still alive.
I don’t remember falling asleep, but I woke with someone’s hands lightly patting my arm. I had to blink several times to clear the blurry haze of dreams from my eyes, but when I was finally able to focus, I looked up to see Thorin. He gave me such a soft, sad smile before telling me they were getting ready to leave. Nodding blearily, I began mentally preparing to leave when I noticed daylight had only barely glinted through the windows.
Navigating through the small space full of dwarves, I made my way back to my stuff tucked away in a corner. As I situated my bag on my back, tucking my satchel to my side, I noticed that Bilbo was missing from within the mix.
“Thorin…” whispering, not to draw too much attention or disturb anyone, I held my hand out to motion him towards me. “Is he not coming with us?” Thorin sighed heavily, his eyes closing.
“No, I do not believe so. We are down to 14 members.” I sighed. Our odds weren’t great, even with Bilbo. But at least we had the element of surprise because he didn’t smell like a dwarf. Now,
we have nothing, nothing but brute force and maybe Gandalf if he didn’t leave us halfway through.
“Then we leave… maybe he will catch up, change his mind,” Thorin rolled his eyes at this, and I lightly hit him in the chest. “He might! He deserves the chance to change his mind. He’s not like you and I; I came here for you, and you had no choice but to go on this quest for your people. He has a choice; he has a life here that means something to him. And if he stays, if he chooses not to come with us, then we respect his decision.” He tilted his head as he listened to me, watching me with mock offense and astonishment. In truth, no matter how much he’d act like he was upset with me, he knew I was right. And besides, I doubt he could be upset with me for long.
“We are leaving now. If he joins us, then so be it. If he stays here… I will do as you ask.”
Within the hour we had loaded our ponies up with bags and sleeping rolls, and slowly made our way out of Hobbiton. While neither Gandalf nor I rode here he assured me that he told a few of the company members to bring two extra ponies for us, and I was not disappointed with my gray one. She was sweet, clearly well into her age, a bit snappish at the boys but she got on well enough with Myrtle and Minty. Balin called her Fenen. Morning had broken and covered the woods of the Shire in beautiful golden light, flittering down through branches, warming my back.
“Wait! Wait!” The young hobbit came running up behind the group, “I signed it.”
“Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”
“Give him a pony.”
“No, no, no, no. That…that won’t be necessary. Thank you. I’m sure I can keep up on foot. Yeah, I…I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frog Morton once.” I have no idea what he’s talking about, and I don’t think I’ve ever met a frog named Morton, but as I looked back to the hobbit, he was lifted off the ground and placed on a pony. It was like they had practiced it; the action was so precise and seamless.
“Come on, Nori! Pay up!”
“What’s that about?” Bilbo road up beside Gandalf and me.
“Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you’d turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn’t.”
“And what did you think?”
“Well…” He paused as a small pouch flew in his direction. He caught it effortlessly, gauging the amount by the sound of the coins clicking together, “My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second.”
Days passed, and with them the beautiful peace of the shire. We went east, across open plains stretching for miles, the golden hills tumbling ahead, and the land faded into thick pine forests and sharp juts of stone. Night hung heavy over the company. We were tired, not to the point of exhaustion, but definitely tired. We had climbed up a small cliff side, settling ourselves on a vantage point looking over the treetops. While the ground was covered in pine needles, I found a way to roll out my bedroll and lay down without dragging any in with me. I laid on my stomach, cloak rolled up as a makeshift pillow under my chest, my mother’s spell book open in front of me as a flick through the pages. Along the margins, little scribbles, tips, and doodles littered the pages, all in my mother’s handwriting. Time had faded the paper yellow, and the ink was gray instead of black now. The leather cover was faded, the edges worn down and fuzzy, the latch on the front no longer closing completely. I missed her, in a deep, strange way that only comes with losing a parent you loved. I don’t know what drew my attention to him, but I looked up to see Bilbo silently walking up to his pony Myrtle. He gave her an apple, smiling fondly at the small horse and I couldn’t help but grin. No wonder Gandalf loved Hobbits so much; if all of them were like Bilbo, the Shire must be an absolutely wonderful place to live. In the darkness beyond, howling echoed in the distance, disrupting the peaceful silence, and turning it tense.
“What was that?” He looked to Fili and Kili, a bad choice of informants in hindsight.
“Orcs.” Kili whispered, as if merely saying their name would call them to us.
“Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there.” Fili built off the tense atmosphere his brother had created. These two will be the death of me, I swear.
“The lone lands are crawling with them. They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood.” Bilbo was afraid, and these two couldn’t seem to get enough enjoyment out of it. They laughed as Bilbo glanced around, terrified that the orcs were closer than they sounded. As cruel as they were for making it out to be a joke, I knew there was some truth to what they said. It had been years, 20 something to be not-so-exact, I had made to mistake of traveling east along the forest river to get to Framsburg, a small town on the edge of the Misty Mountains. It was abandoned now, long since, when the Éothéod left to make their home in the Calenardhon. I didn’t make it far outside the Greenwood before I was attacked. I don’t remember much about it, but there were a lot of them and only one of me. I tell myself I did what I had to, and that’s the truth no matter how you look at it. It was ugly, THEY were ugly, I barely got home afterwards.
“You think that's funny? You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?” Thorin spoke up, and I was suddenly reminded that the orcs weren’t close, and that as far as we were concerned, they weren’t our problem. My eye shot up from where I had been staring at the ground. Thorin was pacing across the camp, making his way to the edge of the cliff.
“Ara nín… please.”
“We didn’t mean anything by it.” Kili lowered his eyes, guilt written across both of their faces.
“No, you didn’t. You know nothing of the world.” He was being harsh, and I don’t blame him, but it reminds me how much he’s changed. I always see him as the young prince sneaking through the city, desperately trying to swoon the naïve little witch he’s guiding. It’s not fair to him, I know. Thorin has grown as a person and a king, to see him as anything less would be an insult.
“Don’t mind him, laddie.” Balin spoke from his place by the fire. “Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy got there first. Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs, led by the most vile of all their race: Azog the Defiler. The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began...by beheading the king.” For the first time, I was hearing the story that started it all 56 years ago. “Thrain, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing. Taken prisoner or killed...we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us. That is when I saw him. A young Dwarf prince facing down the pale Orc.” This wouldn’t have been too long after Dale. He still would have looked the same as before. “He stood alone against this terrible foe. His armor rent, wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces rallied and drove the Orcs back. And our enemy had been defeated. But there was no feast, nor song that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived. And I thought to myself then ‘there- there is one who I could follow. There is one...I could call king’.” A stunned silence followed, a reverence for everything Thorin had done for all of us, for his people. Bilbo broke the silence, finally.
“And the Pale Orc? What happened to him?” I looked to Thorin before looking to Gandalf. Something about the way the old man’s eyes darkened told me that we didn’t want to know.
“He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago.” Thorin walked back to his bedroll, passing mine as he did, and he looked down at me with tired eyes. He swept the foot closest to me out to the side, gently brushing my elbow as he did, and I smiled only a little. I guess that was enough because he also began to smile just a little too. That night, the darkness around us seemed alive, violent, like the air itself was trying to crawl into camp and suffocate us. The next couple of days consumed us in thick pines and narrow paths. And rain. So…much…rain. I was never a fan of being IN the rain. Sure, it was beautiful, and quite peaceful at times, but being IN the rain, freezing and dripping with a runny nose and no feeling in my fingers, this was not ideal.
“Here, Mr. Gandalf? Can’t you do something about this deluge?” Dori piped up from the near end of the party trail. We were all soaked, hoods up but not doing much anymore. I wish I had done something, cast a spell to keep us dry, or perhaps enchanted our cloaks to keep us dry, but little could be done when it rains for 4 days straight.
“It is raining, master dwarf. And it will continue to rain until the rain is done! If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard.” Gandalf was far ahead, riding near Thorin and Dwalin in the front.
“Are there any?”  
“Other wizards?”
“There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, The White. Then there are the two blue wizards. Do you know, I’ve quite forgotten their names.”
“And who is the fifth?”
“Well, that would be Radagast, The Brown.”
“Is he a great wizard or is he…more like you?”
“I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way. He’s a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forestlands to the East, and a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world.” He slowed his horse to ride alongside mine. He lowered his head, leaning over to whisper.
“My dear, I must ask something of you.” By his tone, I immediately looked over to Thorin. He was far ahead, leading us forward, and there was little chance he’d hear us from back here.
“Mithrandir, why are you whispering? There is no secret worth keeping from him, you know that.”
“Yes, well, this is more of… a favor. Because we both know how stubborn he can be, and his distaste of Elves will be a hindrance soon enough.” Now this caught my attention.
“What does this have to do with the Elves?” He pulled the map to the mountain from his pocket.
“I may or may not… have asked for Bilbo to borrow this from Thorin last evening. You still read Sindarin, Quenya, and some ancient Dwarvish, yes?” I was fluent in the common tongue as well as Sindarin, the dialect of the Elves of the Greenwood, however my Quenya was iffy at best and I could only read ancient Dwarvish, not speak it.
“I don’t understand what that has to do with this, it’s written in modern Dwarvish, not any dialect of Elvish.”
“Yes, but there are hidden pieces to this map, and I believe there may have been some Elvish tricks used to hide them.”
“So, you want me to try and decode this? Wouldn’t it be better to stop at Rivendell? It’s along our way and would make things a lot easier.” He sighed.
“Thorin will not go to Rivendell, not of his only volition anyhow. No, it would be best if you could decode the map yourself.” I sighed, tucking the map into my cloak.
“I will try, but I make no guarantee of success.” He nodded, seemingly pleased, and rode ahead. This felt like going behind Thorin’s back, but the more I thought about it the less harm I found there. I was helping, I had convinced myself, and as long as I was helping and not hindering then maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. That evening we stopped at an abandoned farm some miles up the hillside. Moss and vines had grown wild over the broken stones, the roof heavy with shattered wooden planks.
“We’ll camp here for the night. Fi­li, Ki­li, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them.”
“A farmer and his family used to live here.” Gandalf muttered, examining the remains of the house. If I didn’t see the house for myself, I would have thought he meant recently. 
“Oin, Gloin, get the fire going.”
“I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley.” I knew Gandalf would try to convince Thorin to go to the Elves. 
“I’ve told you already. I will not go near that place.” 
“Why not? The Elves could help us, we could get food, rest, advice.” I placed my things down on the ground, kicking my bag to keep it from tipping over. I wouldn’t mind going to see Elrond, I had not seen him in a long long time. 
“I do not need their advice.” Never mind. 
“We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us.
“Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing! You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father.” I felt a punch in my gut at that. Thranduil was the one who abandoned him, not Elrond. 
“You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past.” 
“I did not know they were yours to keep.” Gandalf left in a huff, stomping away without a word of where he was going. Thorin moved on from the conversation entirely. He kept giving out assignments, making sure food was going, the ponies were taken care of, etc. My legs were killing me from the ride, but I approached him all the same. 
“Ara nín…” He turned to me, and his eyes lit. The way he had to look down slightly to meet my eyes gave me a chill. I need to stay focused. 
“You heard us then,” I nodded. “I know the elves are like kin to you, but I cannot go to them. They will try to stop us…” 
“Or they will aid us.” He rolled his eyes at me, but I ignored it. “Gandalf is trying to guide you to Rivendell, to Lord Elrond. He is a good man, a great man even, who has aided others in Middle Earth so many times. He was a good friend of Durin the 4th, he knew his children and his wife, Disa. Elrond is my friend, he will be yours as well, but you must trust me.” 
“My Lady…. I trust you, but I do not trust elves.” I felt the conversation slowly die and I knew I could not convince him… so I pulled the map from my pocket. His eyes went wide with confusion and shock, but thankfully not anything close to betrayal.
“Don’t be alarmed, Seronil, Gandalf had Bilbo lift it from you a few days back. He asked that I investigate it, try and find its secrets that may have been invisible to the eye. Thorin…” He was so close to me, a few inches between our chests, and his eyes were soft again as I looked up at him. “There is hidden text, but I cannot see it. I know you hate them, but if there is a chance we come across the Elves, even by accident, I beg that you take advantage of their tools and knowledge. I could not do it, but maybe they can.” He sighed but lifted his hand to brush my jawline with his knuckles.
“I will do what you ask, but do not hold it against me if I retain my distaste for them.” I sighed with a smile. Only a dwarf could be this stubborn, truly.
“Is he coming back? He’s been a long time.” We turned to look at Bilbo, who was watching in the direction that Gandalf left with growing anxiety.
“He’s a wizard! He does as he chooses. Here. Do us a favor, take this to the lads,” Bofur reassured him, but I saw it didn’t ease Bilbo’s nerves in the slightest. Quicker than a flash, Bofur turned and smacked Bombur’s hand away from the pot, “Stop it, you’ve had plenty.”
“C’mon,” I laughed a little, “Lets eat. There will be time for talk of your distain for elves later.” He smiled, and it was a tired, happy smile that I could imagine seeing only late in the evenings, after a long day. The kind that I’d look up and see as he crosses the doorway into the room, his eyes brightening as he sees I stayed awake, waiting. Heat moves up my neck straight to my ears. I’m getting too ahead of myself. Far, far too ahead of myself. We sat together, eating and speaking of times we lost while apart. I spoke of my times in the forest, dedicating every moment I could spare to expanding my abilities. I elected to keep the fact that I became a horrible recluse during that time to myself. He spoke of his time traveling with his people, moving from place to place, working where he could. He spoke highly of many of those he met along the way, those who helped his people where they could or offered them work for decent pay. The other members of the company recalled their own stories, and even reminisced about their families they would return home to see. Then, Balin began recalling Erebor, the great city under the mountain, the glittering emerald halls, the mines burning so bright you could feel the warmth from anywhere in the city, and the beauty that the dwarves dedicated to their homes. I found myself lost in the wonder of what Erebor must look like, and suddenly felt sick. I felt robbed, without having a right to feel robbed in any way. Erebor must be such a glorious place and it was taken and destroyed before I ever got to see it. I wonder if Thorin would have walked with me through the thousands of halls like he did in Dale. I wonder what kind of people we might have been if Smaug had never shown up. I would have continued to wonder, if not for the sound of Fili and Kili dashing into camp.
“Trolls!! Irak’Adad! Irak’Amad! Trolls have taken the ponies!” Thorin was on his feet within seconds, and he rallied the others as well.
“Weapons! Now!” time felt like it was moving too fast, and suddenly we were all running at three, very large, trolls. Ducking past Dwalin as he swung his ax high, I moved my hand in a sweeping motion, starting from holding it straight out in front of me and ending directly to my side. A small blade that had been dropped to the ground stuck itself into the ankle of the troll closest to me. He stumbled back, shrieking and making a weird squealing sound, and in his flailing he knocked into one of his brothers. I didn’t see it, in hindsight, but I probably wouldn’t have been able to avoid it either. An arm the size of a large horse hit me and knocked me into a tree, crushing my ribs and causing my head to snap forward into the bark. Rolling to the ground, the stillness that followed was soothing in a way. Nothing moved, and not moving was preferable. After a few seconds, the stillness became nausea became the dizzy spinning sensation as I tried to push myself off the ground.
“Lay down your arms! Or we’ll rip his off!” Bilbo was above the fire, arms pulled out in either direction, and with a great huff every dwarf threw down his weapon. Still holding Bilbo hostage, they picked each one of us up and put us into what looked like Potato sacks. I was still trying to stand when a large hand grabbed the back of my head and lifted me up in the air before dropping me into a sack. Being dropped like that made my stomach turn and  my head hurt way worse. They didn’t have enough for everyone, but I was lucky to get my own. I was tossed down onto the ground near the others, and if I tilted my head back far enough, I could just barely see Thorin. Everything was still so blurry, and my chest hurt when I tried to breathe.
“Don’t bother cooking ’em! Let’s just sit on 'em and squash ’em into jelly!” Gross. Gross, gross, gross. I tried to stop listening, tried to think of a way to get out of this. If I could, I’d cut our binds, but even moving my shoulder hurt.
“Wait! You are making a terrible mistake.” Bilbo was standing in his own potato sack, hopping around and talking with the trolls. “I mean with the…uh, with the…with the seasoning.” I understand he’s trying, at least he’s putting up the effort to be cunning in the face of being turned to food. But arguing about the type of seasoning was not a good start.
“What about the seasoning?”
“Well, have you smelt them? You’re gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up!” This was hardly the time to be offended, but nearly every dwarf, including those spinning on the spike above the fire, began yelling about how they don’t smell and how rude Bilbo was being. I couldn’t bring myself to disagree with him though. I had spent weeks with these men, and I could attest to the nasty smell we were all slowly accumulating.
“What do you know bout cooking dwarf?”
“Shut up, and let the…uh, flurgerburbur-hobbit talk.” I felt shock, like my heart was falling into my stomach but in reverse. Maybe they would listen to him.
“It’s, uh…” No… no don’t hesitate now.
“Tell us the secret!”
“Ye-yes, I’m telling you. The secret is…to…skin them first!” Oh, Vanar help us. He was going to kill us faster.
“Tom, get me filleting knife.”
“What a load of rubbish! I’ve eaten plenty with their skins on. Scoff ’em I say, boots and all!”
“He’s right! Nothing wrong with a bit o’ raw dwarf. Nice and crunchy.”
“Uh…not…not that one, he…he’s infected!”
“You what?”
“Yeah, he’s got worms in his…tubes.” That… was worse. That was so much worse, it’s a wonderful plan, but the concept of worms in tubes was just… worse. “In-in fact, they all have. They’re infested with parasites, it’s a terrible business, I wouldn’t risk it, I really wouldn’t.”
“Parasites? Did he say parasites?” Oin spoke up from behind me. The others began protesting loudly, contradicting Bilbo’s claims, and I felt hope die a little inside me. If the stubborn pride of dwarves is what kills me today, I swear I’ll never forgive any of them. Suddenly they all stopped talking altogether, and after a quick pause began agreeing with Bilbo.
“I’ve got parasites as big as my arm!”
“Mine are the biggest parasites, I’ve got huge parasites!”
“We’re riddled! -”
“Yes, I’m riddled!”
“What would you have us do then? Let ’em all go?” The largest of the trolls asked, wiping his hand under his nose.
“You think I don’t know what you’re up to. This little ferret is taking us for fools!” Damn it, this one actually had some brains. Our transformation into tonight’s dinner began again and the shouting and jostling was making me sick.
“The dawn will take you all!” Looking up, Gandalf was standing atop the great stone behind the trolls, his staff raised. He brought it down into the stone and cracked it in half, light glaring though the two halves. The trolls screamed in pain, trying to shield themselves from the sunlight as it turned them to stone. In seconds the trolls were nothing more than statues, and the danger had passed. Wiggling out of our potato sacks was a slow process, and I elected to sit and try to fix myself. I heard Gandalf walking near and looked up just as he kneeled beside me.
“Hello my dear.”
“If I could lift my arm, I would smack you.”
“Ah,” he chuckled, “Let’s see what’s the matter.” He lifted his hand with his palm towards me and let it hover where my collarbone would be.
“What is wrong, is she hurt?” Thorin was on the other side of the mayhem and he still managed to notice that I wasn’t standing like the rest of them.
“Just some cracked ribs and a small head injury. How in the world did you manage this though?”
“I was thrown into a tree. Where were you?”
“I had gone to look ahead.” He wheezed as he stood to his full height. Thorin walked over and offered me his hand. I wrapped my hand around his arm, crossing our forearms together, and he pulled me to my feet.
“Sanâzyung…” He moved his hand up to my shoulder, looking down at me as he assessed what he could not see. He turned to the wizard. “What brought you back?”
“Looking behind,” He went to poke one of the stone trolls with his staff. “Nasty business. Still, they all are in one piece.”
“No thanks to your burglar.” I kicked Thorin’s foot with barely any effort.
“He had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that.” He was right. Without Bilbo we’d all be dead, made into barely tolerable food, being eaten by barely tolerable trolls. At least we weren’t dead.
Some translations for you: 
Ara nín = Sindarin for “My King” 
Seronil = Sindarin for “My love” yes I added this in, Thorin doesn’t speak Sindarin hehe 
Irak’Adad = Khuzdul for Uncle 
Irak’Amad = Khuzdul for Aunt
Sanâzyung = Khuzdul for “Perfect Love”
@mrsdurin, @dontaskmehowdontaskmewhy, @emmapotato88, @capricorn-anon, @undecided-about-everything-ever, @dark-chxos, @artemis-the-ace, @floatingintheshire, @kingkamiou 
(If tags aren’t working, let me know <3) 
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cutie4560 · 11 months
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Ch 4: Troll Trouble
Bilbo crept into the campsite like a mouse scrounging for crumbs. Around a fire sat three behemoth trolls cooking their evening meal. The biggest of the three carried in Myrtle and Minty. He placed them into a makeshift pen with Bungo and Daisy. Another troll, wearing a dirty leathery apron, stirred some green substance in the cauldron. "Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it doesn't look like mutton again tomorrow Will."
"Quit yer' griping Bert. These ain't sheep. These are West Nags!" William snapped back at his ungrateful companion.
"Oh, I don't like horses. I never `ave. Not enough fat on them." The youngest whined picking his toenails.
"Better than the leathery old farmer, Tom. All skin and bone, he was. I'm still picking bits of him out of me teeth." Bert said, pulling a piece of shirt from his mouth. Tom accidentally released a vicious sneeze into the pot. Bert looked at the green boogie floating around as if it was a break in culinary history."Oh, that's lovely, that is; a floater."
"That might just improve the flavor!" Will laughed as he sharpened his carving knife. Coming from the back, Bilbo snuck over to the pen.
"Ah! There's more where that came from." Tom said in joy from the compliment.
As he went to suck back more snot, Bert grabbed hold of his nose. "Oh no you don't. Sit down."
In the bushes, Kili stayed low and hidden to keep an eye on Bilbo. If the hobbit were to be seen he would be there for the rescue. However, the halfing was holding his own and remained unnoticed while trying to untie the four captured ponies. Kili couldn’t decide whether this was stupid or brave. Either way, it was impressive. A hand suddenly grabbed onto his shoulder, spooking the prince. Armed, Kili turned around and hauled himself towards the source. He hooked an arm around the figure and pulled them down to the ground, pinning them in place. Kili pressed his sword against the stranger's clavicle. His defense still remained heighted after he identified the stranger in question. "What are you doing here?"
"Out for a lovely walk through the forest. Wanted to get some fresh air, enjoying the fireflies in the moonlight." Shail answered sarcastically before shoving him off. "I came looking for that hobbit."
"How'd you find out?...You followed us, that's it. I knew we couldn’t trust you.” He aggressively accused through a whisper.
Shail rolled her eyes, becoming bugged by his stupidity. "Kili, you and your brother were watching the ponies, right?” She asked. Kili gave a nod yes. “Do you see your brother here?” Kili stuttered before answering. Shail groaned and covered her face. Dragging her hand down in frustration, she continued to explain. “Fili came charging into camp rambling about trolls. The others took a straight path, but I was clever. Snuck right around" she whispered tapping the side of her temple. Before Kili could make another comment, Shail walked past him to investigate the troll commotion. She crouched down and silently prowled. Kili sneered, she wasn’t going to take his role as “hobbit watcher” without a fight. He was doing a fine job without her pair of eyes. Kili kneeled beside her and watched. He tried to assure Shail there was no immediate danger, but he was shushed instantly. They saw Bilbo slowly move towards a troll who sat in the middle. His method of untying must not have worked, but the watchers had no clue what his new plan was. "He's gonna be seen, let's get out there." Shail started to stand, but was stopped.
"Wait, you can't go running out there. We have to wait for the others. For Durin’s sake, you're like a feral fox." Kili hissed, holding her back by the forearm. Shail gritted her teeth to show how feral she could be. She then pulled her arm from Kili’s grip and huffed in irritation, but stayed put as ordered. Her patience was running thin and action needed to be taken. They watched as Bilbo successfully moved behind the middle-seated troll. It seemed the halfling was aiming to steal a contoured make-shift knife hanging from the troll’s belt of rope. He would use the monster’s knife and cut the ponies free. Kili nodded and decided Mr. Boggins was not only brave but clever too. Bilbo was about to grab the tool, but was suddenly hoisted into the air. The troll had reached around for a handkerchief and grabbed the halfling as well. Before he could comprehend what had happened, the hobbit’s body became covered in the troll’s snot. Kili groaned in disgust then gasped at his unexpected volume. With eyes wide open, him and Shail both quickly covered his mouth and laid down in panic with their backs to the trolls.
"Argh! Blimey! Bert! Look what's come out of me 'ooter! It's got arms and legs and everything." Tom said, holding Bilbo in his hand. The other trolls gather around, asking what it was. "I don't know, but I don't like the way it wriggles around!" He shook Bilbo off the napkin onto the ground.
Will stopped Bilbo by pointing his knife to the smaller creature’s chest. "What are you then? An oversized squirrel?"
"I'm a burglar- uhh, Hobbit." Bilbo quickly said.
"A Burgla Hobbit?"
"Can we cook `em?" Will asked.
"We can try!" Tom said, grabbing at Bilbo.
Bilbo dodged it only to be cornered by Bert,"He wouldn't make more than a mouthful, not when he's skinned and boned!"
"Perhaps there's more Burglar Hobbits around these parts. Might be enough for a pie." Will said, pointing his knife at the frightened hobbit.
"Grab him!"
"It's too quick!" Tom said as Bilbo ran around trying to dodge them. Bert accidentally hit Tom with his ladle while trying to get the hobbit. Bilbo was caught by his leg and held upside down. "Come here, you little... Gotcha! Are there any more of you little fellas `iding where you shouldn't?" Will asked.
"Nope." Bilbo answered out of breath.
"He's lying." Tom said.
"No I'm not!"
"Hold his toes over the fire. Make him squeal!"
The threat was enough to push Kili over the edge. This was the immediate danger he feared. Without thinking, he stood and ran out of the bushes striking Tom in the calf. Standing up, Shail waited before charging in. Using Kili as a sacrifice could determine how much danger they were actually in. Maybe his lack of wits would be of some use. Kili held up his sword. "Drop him!"
"You what?" Will asked, looking down at the dwarf.
"I said, drop him." Kili repeated. The expression of anger warned the troll that he wouldn't repeat himself a third time. Will, with a maniacal smirk, tossed Bilbo at Kili. It knocked them both to the ground. Thorin and the Company then emerged from the brushes charging into battle. Thrown off guard, the trolls struggled to defend themselves. They yelped and screeched while being prodded, sliced, and chopped.
Shail went charging, but stumbled back as Dwalin gripped onto her tunic. "I told you to stay back at camp!"
"Let me be! I can fight…WATCH!" She yelled, pulling away. The “Tom” troll was unsteady, so Shail seized the opportunity. As the monster tried to regain his balance, the she-dwarf got a good grip on her mace, let out a battle cry, and took a big swing. Surprisingly it missed by a few inches.
The momentum of the swing caused Shail to stumble back, nearly taking out Dwalin instead. Frustrated at already having to save the hobbit, the muscular dwarf pressed forward. “Take out the trolls, Not me! Watch out!” Dwalin shoved her opposite of himself as the troll’s foot came barging down between them. He watched as Shail fell into the dim-minded beast’s hand. Nabbed up by the waist, her legs flailed around. She grunted and punched at the massive fingers, trying to break from their grip. The troll looked at Shail closely, but far enough to miss getting an eye full of fist.
"Oi, he’s a girl! Never ate a girl dwarf before." Tom said, licking his lips.
"And yer not going to!" She yelled, punching the hand with no effect. Kili and Fili ran from behind Tom, swinging their swords in unison. They cut the back of the troll's knee causing Tom to wail out in pain and release Shail.
Fili tossed his sword to Kili and swiftly caught Shail in his arms. He couldn’t help himself and gave her a cheeky smirk. Her body was held securely by his strong arms, a feeling of support she had not experienced before. His callicky fingers gently dug into the sides of her shoulder and thigh as he re-gripped his hold. “I’ve got you…” the older prince assured. Fili’s golden hair and lightly scarred skin were highlighted from the troll’s campfire. The metal charms in his braids shined from the warm light. In contrast, Shail’s raven hair was messily framing her face. Her eyes were brightened not only against the dark locks, but by the blush which swept over her cheeks as well.
"Put me down, I had that under control” Shail grumbled, pushing out of his hold. Getting her footing, Shail moved the hair from her face and picked up her mace. Charging back into the fight. Fili grabbed his sword back from Kili, his attention back on the fight.
As the dwarves fought, Bilbo took the opportunity to grab Tom's knife and cut the horse’s ropes. Will’s attention drew to the hobbit. The large troll trampled over like a gorilla and took the small being as a hostage.
Seeing their burglar held in the air, the dwarves halted their strikes. "Bilbo!" Kili yelled. Thorin stopped his nephew from advancing, afraid it would endanger the hobbit’s life.
"Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off." Will demanded pulling at Bilbo’s arms. Thorin stared down the troll and quickly assessed before making a rash decision. How replaceable was this burglar? Was the halfling worth all of this trouble? The king was contractually obligated to look out for his well being to some extent. Thorin looked at the hobbit and saw his eyes were full of fear. The king made his choice, planting his sword in the ground in surrender. The others followed their leader and dropped their weapons too.
Holding Bilbo hostage still, the entire company was ordered to disrobe their top layers. Bert didn’t want any more shirt stuck in his teeth. Several of the dwarves would comply while others hesitated. Oin looked around extremely confused as everyone began to strip. He had left his hearing trumpet at the campsite so both hands could wield a shovel. The medic did a double take once his brother informed him about their instructions. There was no way he heard Gloin correctly.
Everyone took their time removing their layers, each one trying to come up with their own escape plan. Bilbo kept his eyes averted out of respect. It was difficult to ignore the movement below as he was still held above them all. After accidentally catching a glimpse of a shirtless dwarf king, the hobbit fixated his stare at the trees ahead and nowhere else.
Shail removed her belt tossing it aside then began to untie her corset. She contemplated just retrieving her mace and having a frenzy. Before she did something stupid, Dwalin threw a sack at her with no words. Immediately, he held up another sack in front of her for cover. While holding the sack, Dwalin slowly examined it to ‘find the opening’ and did not dare to check if the she-dwarf was finished. It wasn’t right for her to be exposed, wildlander or no. Shail quickly undressed standing in her undergarments. No words were exchanged between the two, but the purpose was understood by both. Shail muttered a ‘thank you’ once she was in the sack, covered up to her neck. Dwalin was going to step into a bag, but a troll hand pushed him to the spit’s skewer. He was tied to the giant skew along with Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Nori, and Ori. The six dwarves yelled in panic as they were lifted into the air, placed unto the spit, and began to rotate. The rest of the company were tied up in their sacks and pushed aside into a pile. Satisfied with the dwarves' compliance, Will scooped Bilbo into a bag, tied it up, and tossed him into the mound of squirming bags.
"Don't bother cooking them. Let's just sit on them and squash them into jelly." Tom suggested impatiently.
"They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage." Burt said, throwing some seasoning on the turning spit. A few of the rotating dwarves coughed by the sudden spices in their faces.
"Ooh, that does sound quite nice." Tom agreed.
"Never mind the seasoning; we ain't got all night! Dawn ain't far away, so let's get a move on. I don't fancy being turned to stone." Will warned. While the others were occupied trying to escape their holds, Bilbo listened to the troll’s warning. Hearing what Tom said, the hobbit knew exactly how to stall them until day break. "Wait! You are making a terrible mistake."
"You can't reason with them, they're half wits!" Dori said as he turned on the spit.
"Half wits? What does that make us?" Bofur asked as he passed by.
"Uh, I meant with the, uh, with, uh, with the seasoning." Bilbo stuttered, hopping up off the ground.
"What about the seasoning?" Bert asked skeptically.
"Well have you smelt them? You're going to need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up." The hobbit said. Small grunts and scoffs from the dwarves were made at the insult.
"What do you know about cooking dwarf?" Will asked.
"Shut up, and let the, uh, flurgaburburra hobbit talk." Burt said, genuinely interested.
"Uh, th-the secret to cooking dwarf is, um " Bilbo stuttered trying to figure what to say. Burt pushed for an answer, making the hobbit even more flustered. "Ye-yes, I'm telling you, the secret is toooo skin them first!" Bilbo finally answered while nodding his head and smiling. The suggestion caused an uproar from the company.
"Tom, get me the fileting knife." Burt said, gesturing with his hand for it.
"I won't forget that. I won't forget that!" Dwalin threatened. He pointed at the halfling as he spun.
"What a load of rubbish! I've eaten plenty with their skins on. Scuff them, I say, boots and all." Will said.
"He's right! Nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf! Nice and crunchy." Tom said, picking Bombur up and holding him over his open mouth.
"Not not that one! H-he's infected!" Bilbo said. Tom looked at the hobbit in confusion. "Yeah, he's got worms in his … tubes." Tom quickly dropped Bombur back into the pile of Dwarves in disgust. Shail felt the air leave her body as the large ginger dwarf landed on her. "I-in fact they all have! They're infested with parasites. It's a terrible business; I wouldn't risk it, I really wouldn't."
"We don't have parasites! You have parasites!" Kili yelled as the rest of the dwarves rambled on about how they were clean. Bilbo rolled his eyes, those damned dwarves were screwing with his plan. Thorin, catching onto Bilbo's trick, kicked his nephew in the back to silence him. The dwarven king raised his brows at the surrounding dwarves, signaling them to agree with the charade. The simple-minded dwarves understood and went along with it. Kili changed his tone completely and declared "Mine are the biggest parasites, I've got huge parasites!" Everyone joined in.
"We're riddled." Nori said.
"Yes, I'm riddled." Ori said after his brother.
"Yes, we are. Badly!" Dori added.
"So be it. Then we’ll eat the girl." Burt said, lifting Bombur up and throwing him aside to get to Shail.
"No you can't. I mean...along with parasites, who knows what else she’s got. Fleas, ticks, other contagious deadly insects crawling around in the rat nest she calls hair. And she’s a lass! She’s got the most tubes of us all, more room for… hosting." Bilbo reasoned. Red in the face and short of breath Shail was unable to yell at the halfling.
"What would you have us do, then, let 'em all go?" Bert asked Bilbo
"Well..." Bilbo shrugged, hoping the trolls would choose that option.
"You think I don't know what you're up to? This little ferret is taking us for fools!"
"Ferret?" Bilbo asked, offended at the comment.
"Fools?" Burt questioned.
"The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf declared. He appeared on top of a large rock above the clearing just in time. Striking the rock with his staff, the wizard split it in half. Sunlight poured into the clearing. Soon, the rays touched the trolls' skin and began turning them into stone. Letting out final screams of pain, the monsters transformed into stone trolls. All of the dwarves cheered out in joy.
"Oh, get your foot out of my back!" Dwalin said in pain.
Gandlaf un-tied Bilbo then tousled his hair hello, relieved his hobbit had not only survived but used his wits to do so. The halfling began to help the sacked dwarves while the wizard freed the others from the spit. Bilbo looked up to the morning sky when tending to the knots, considering each member was indecent under the bags. Each member thanked him once freed, then began to dress.
An awkward silence grew when he had difficulty untying Thorin’s strings. Who knew a troll's giant fingers could make such an intricate knot. Bilbo contemplated making the comment out loud, but decided his full focus should be on the task at hand. The hobbit’s eyes traveled from the sky to the ground then to the tree line when fumbling the tie. His brow furrowed in concentration and annoyance. Thorin’s glare remained down on the hobbit’s hands. Both could only withstand so many throat clearings, exhales, sniffs, and lip smacks before saying something. They were growing agitated.
“Could you untie me faster Master Baggins?” Thorin asked impatiently through a sigh, standing over the hobbit.
“I do apologize, it’s a bit tighter than the others.” Bilbo struggled with the knot. He prayed it would just loosen already.
Thorin groaned and muttered a curse in Khuzdul. The two began to lowly speak over each other in frustration. “I don’t know why you’re looking everywhere else but in fro-“
“Out of respect for your indecent state, I thought-“
“Well, that isn’t working. Just hurry up an-“
“I’m trying-“
“‘I’m trying’?” Bilbo sternly repeated, giving Thorin a look of challenge. He was a king, but a rude one at that. The hobbit would not stand for such blatant disrespect. Thorin straightened his posture and raised his brows a bit in surprise.
“Here, try this.” Fili suggested, holding a dagger handle out between the two. The sudden offer disrupted their stare down.
Bilbo took the weapon from Fili’s hand without hesitation. He nodded to the prince and kept his eyes down to the knot, not only to avoid cutting anyone but out of embarrassment for snapping at their leader too. The hobbit, slightly flustered, began to stumble his words “Thank you. Yes, this will suffice. Alright. All done. Excellent. Here you are, thank you again.” Bilbo gave a small bow to Fili then stiffly walked away, rubbing his hands in desperation to find something to do.
Both dwarves looked at the small being walking away. Fili joked “He’s a foolish one, he is”.
Thorin, not joking, agreed “A fool indeed”.
Nori was admiring a burgundy shirt, rubbing the quality fabric with his thumbs, and even held it to his torso to check the size. “That’s mine.” Gloin growled, standing behind the company’s thief. Alarmed by the tone, Nori turned around and held the garment behind his back. His face formed a sheepish smile while Gloin’s held a sneer.
“Oh, it is?...Oh, it is! My sincerest apologies. I‘ve got one just like it, but it seems I failed to realize the big difference in size.” Nori insisted as he took a few steps back. He then held out his arm, holding the clothing out as a peace offering. Gloin snatched it then stomped away, unaware that his shirt’s breast pockets were now empty. Nori smirked, placed his newly obtained coins in his own pockets, then left to check on his younger brother.
Bofur helped his brother dress Bifur, but took a small break as he saw the thief approaching. “Getting into trouble, are we?” He asked with a cheeky grin, hearing Gloin still grumbling about the ‘untrustworthy bastard’.
Nori simply answered “I don’t know what you’re talking about” as he passed by. Bofur shook his head then counted with Bombur to 3, pulling their cousin’s trousers up together.
Once Dwalin was down from the spit, made his way to Shail. The wildlander was trying to gnaw her way out of the bag with no success. Picking through the pile of clothes, Dwalin found his attire. Seeing Shail’s tunic he gathered her clothing too. “Stop that.” Dwalin said, scooping her up over his shoulder. She kicked and grunted in protest, uncertain what he was up to. Ripping the rope off her sack, the large dwarf flung her over some bushes then threw over the clothing. Dwalin quickly dressed, he turned his back to the shrubbery to give the lass some privacy. He remained on stand by as the others finished up, ready to head out. “Are you re-” Dwalin started to ask, peering over his shoulder. As she was slipping on her under shirt, Dwalin caught a glance of dwarven tattoos on her left shoulder. From what he could see the ink looked like a family tree. The name furthest to the left had a scar through it. Nervous of being caught, Dwalin looked away with a cough. "Ready?" He asked.
"I'm comin." She answered, emerging from the shrubs. Shail tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear. "Let's get goin." She said, but was stopped. Dwalin grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face him.
"I told you to stay back, why didn't you listen? You nearly got yourself killed." He asked in a hushed tone.
"Excuse me? I've been living on my own for ages, I know how to handle a fight. So I don't need you ta act all fatherly." She hissed back and pulled away from his light hold, poking at his chest.
"How do you expect to defend yourself when you can’t hold your weapon properly? This wasn't fighting off a wild animal, lass. You're gonna be facing bigger enemies."
"I don't need you, nor anyone else, to protect me. That weapon was forged by me, so I know how to handle it." She stated, grabbing her mace off from the ground. Shail began to walk away from the conversation, but turned back to add "You only know me for, what, a day now? Why are you acting like I matter to you?"
"Did you forge those tattoos?” Dwalin asked. Shail was too stunned to speak, but maintained a face of anger. Dwalin continued “Telling by that scar, you've already lost a fight to something bigger…or was that scar put there on purpose?" Dwalin whispered. Shail’s scowl dropped to an expression of unease. "I know where you really came from, who your kin is…" The nervous look of her lips traveled to her eyes, a slight quivering of her pupils. Dwalin softened his harsh glare and promised "I won't say a word." He gave a pat to her shoulder then went off to join Thorin and the others.
A hundred questions began to flood Shail’s head instantly. How did he know or even find out? Would he really keep his promise? No. He’s just waiting for the opportunity to use it to his advantage. Would anyone really believe that she could be who he says she is? Why did she even care? Watching as the dwarves scattered to round up the ponies, Shail kept her eyes on Dwalin. He, along with Thorin, Nori, Bofur, Gloin, and the wizard, traveled down into a troll cave. She kept a far enough distance to spy, but saved her nostrils from the rancid smells seeping from the hole.
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rosie-love98 · 4 months
"The Great Gatsby" As A Miniseries:
As much as I adore the adaptions (specifically the '74 version), I can't help but think that a faithful adaption would be better as a miniseries (be it theatrical like the "Dune" films or on TV like the '98 "Worst Witch", or "Box Of Delights"). Granted, the book is not very long but there's a lot that's often left out in the adaptions.
There's the Finnish maid Nick had throughout the story (would've been nice to have more time with her along with the others servants like the butler Gatsby still kept around at the end), along with the stress that Nick had felt due to being a bondsman (which didn't seem to pay much if he considered himself "too poor" to marry. Even Gatsby brought this up to him.), along with his "distortion" and dissociation (most likely due to being a WWI vet).
There's even the passage in Ch.3 where Nick looks around New York and brought up his attempts at romance (a secretary he fancied but broke off due to her brother giving Nick bad looks, and a girl back home he sent letters to before moving on to Jordan). With this in mind, you'd understand why Nick valued Gatsby despite not really liking him much before the incident with Myrtle. They were Westerners, war vets and their struggle with money/social classes left them stuck. They were lonely and wanted to marry, but wealth got in the way. Gatsby did/tried what Nick, himself, couldn't. From this, Nick found a brother in Gatsby and denied the latter's actual wrong-doings llike how Catherine denied Myrtle's actual affairs.
Still, that's just my thoughts. What say you; woul you rather "Gatsby" be a miniseries or just one film?
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torchwood-99 · 3 months
Descriptions of Ithilien
Description: "...a fair country of climbing woods and swift-falling streams. Before them, as they turned west, gentle slopes ran down into dim hazes far below. All about them were small woods of resinous trees, fir and cedar and cypress. and other kinds unknown in the Shire, with wide glades among them; and everywhere there was a wealth of sweet-smelling herbs and shrubs. The long journey from Rivendell had brought them far south of their own land, but not until now in this more sheltered region had the hobbits felt the change of clime. Here Spring was already busy about them: fronds pierced moss and mould, larches were green-fingered, small flowers were opening in the turf, birds were singing. Ithilien, the garden of Gondor now desolate kept still a dishevelled dryad loveliness.
South and west it looked towards the warm lower vales of Anduin, shielded from the east by the Ephel Dúath and yet not under the mountain-shadow, protected from the north by the Emyn Muil, open to the southern airs and the moist winds from the Sea far away. Many great trees grew there, planted long ago, falling into untended age amid a riot of careless descendants; and groves and thickets there were of tamarisk and pungent terebinth, of olive and of bay; and there were junipers and myrtles; and thymes that grew in bushes, or with their woody creeping stems mantled in deep tapestries the hidden stones; sages of many kinds putting forth blue flowers, or red, or pale green; and marjorams and new-sprouting parsleys, and many herbs of forms and scents beyond the garden-lore of Sam. The grots and rocky walls were already starred with saxifrages and stonecrops. Primeroles and anemones were awake in the filbert-brakes; and asphodel and many lily-flowers nodded their half-opened heads in the grass: deep green grass beside the pools, where falling streams halted in cool hollows on their journey down to Anduin. TTT, Book IV, Ch 4, Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
Great ilexes of huge girth stood dark and solemn in wide glades with here and there among them hoary ash-trees. and giant oaks just putting out their brown-green buds. About them lay long launds of green grass dappled with celandine and anemones, white and blue, now folded for sleep; and there were acres populous with the leaves of woodland hyacinths: already their sleek bell-stems were thrusting through the mould.
TTT, Book IV, Ch 7, Journey to the Cross-roads
Ithilien - Places - Henneth Annûn (henneth-annun.net)
Just sounds like a really gorgeous place. Love imagining Eowyn arriving for the first time and exploring every corner of it with Faramir.
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moondust-bard · 11 months
Potent Poison, Treasured Tonic: Character Intro Masterpost
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Queen Ileana
King Karlens
Lady Aisling
Lord Adair
Lady Katrina
Leondra, the knight
King of Spring
Queen of Spring
Hessina of Summer
Annika of Winter
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Learn about the wip here
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polarisgreenley · 7 months
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A Bouquet of New Beginnings Ch. 16 "Peony I"
Floriography - Life & Honor
Summary: The First Trial of the Keepers and Other Traumatizing Events
Below is an excerpt of the chapter. Full chapter can be viewed from AO3 link above!
*There are trigger warnings listed within the end chapter notes on AO3, but the below excerpt is the section without any of the triggers involved.*
The steam smelled of honey and peony as the silver ladle created calm ripples across the magenta liquid. Sleeves rolled up of her sky-blue uniform, Artemis hummed her mother’s lullaby as she leaned over the Potions station before she stopped stirring and picked up the pestle and mortar. Mornings when she was tasked to brew and restock the apothecary were a boon, wherein she required just enough focus on a straightforward objective to not be distracted by unwanted thoughts.
“Professor Fig informed me that you were going on an exhibition this afternoon for your independent study.”
Her heart thudded loud against her ribcage as she lifted her gaze from the crushed myrtle petals. The gruff Potions professor’s eyes were lifted as he sat at his desk - a silent insistence to observe her brewing.
“Yes, sir. He was kind enough to offer to show me some of the ruins in the area for History of Magic,” answered Artemis succinctly.
That was technically true – Professor Fig did in fact state that the destined tower was heavily weathered, and they were going under the pretext of catching up on some sections of History of Magic. They couldn’t very well say that they were going to an old, abandoned tower that served as some sort of trial for ancient magic.
“I presume you are aware of the increased activity in the area?”
Again, Artemis nodded as she sprinkled in the crushed myrtle petals and adjusted the fire. The liquid was brought to a roiling boil as the mixture slowly rendered into a viscous pink whilst she stirred seven times counterclockwise.
The inversion magic left her wand, and the viscous pink shimmered before the colour dissolved into a milky white. Potent fertility inverted to a potent contraception – a simple idea with complex application. The binding spell in place, and the potion was complete. She poured a sample and gave it to Professor Sharp to test. A single drop of the potion coated the testing strip, and offered the visual of an upside-down peony – a success.
“Good,” commented Professor Sharp as he corked the vial. “Not many would get this potion right to this… potency.”
Artemis bit her inner cheek and bit back her comment; Professor Sharp lifted an eyebrow as he waved for her to finish up. The potion vials clinked together as she packed up, though her mind was now on the trial she’d undertake that afternoon. She hoped that whatever it was, she was ready.
“Miss Loreley,” cut in Professor Sharp as she was about to leave with the box filled with cushioned potion vials balanced on her hip. The professor made his way to her, a sealed roll of parchment in his hand.
“You are to work on this for the upcoming weeks. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be concerned but you… you ought to be prepared.”
The parchment was tucked into the box.
“You are to work on these during the next few office hours. It would do well to bolster your arsenal other than just spells and Healing potions.”
Artemis blinked twice as she managed to dumbly nod.
The parchment was unfurled amidst Professor Binns’ monotonous review on a goblin rebellion in the 1300’s. Snores weren’t bothered to be concealed, and once again Artemis and Amit were the only two that seemed to remain remotely awake. Leander and Andrew fell asleep within five minutes. Poppy and Natsai made valiant efforts before they too succumbed; Ominis’ dark blond locks glowed softly in the spilled sunlight as he lasted perhaps a minute. Garreth and Sebastian, once again, did not show up.
Her eyes scanned over the parchment as she read the harsh calligraphic handwriting of Professor Sharp, and tilted her head. Sticky Solution was written on the top with a list of ingredients and directions. This looked like an original recipe. Giddy excitement bubbled in her chest at the prospect.
Ominis shivered slightly next to her even as he slept. She envied that he, and frankly every other person, could take a nap. Professor Binns glided by, and a pleasant coolness settled around them. Or rather, it was pleasant to her; everyone else seemed to shiver in their varied states of slumber.
She snuck another look at Ominis, who’d taken to using his arm as a standing pillow. He’d kept her request to keep silent about her embarrassing panic; she knew Sebastian would have relentlessly asked otherwise. She still wondered what she’d missed between the two of them when the topic of where to practise the spell came about, but that was beside the point. The point was that Ominis didn’t need to keep silent, and yet he did.
Her mind flitted to the purple hyacinth that now stood atop her desk in its vase. She sent a gentle warming charm from under her desk toward him, and Ominis’ shoulders relaxed. With a small smile, she continued to read up on the new potions recipe.
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quackquackcey · 2 years
Ch. 4: Hedgehogs, Honey, & Hazelnut-Covered Strawberries
Written for @hdcandyheartsfest day 4 prompt: bouquet. Many thanks to my beta @wqtson​! 💛  
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Start from beginning on AO3 here, or click the #fic: HHHS tag.
A chance meeting—or is it a setup?—leads to the start of a relationship filled with buttery baked goods, sweet smelling flowers, and hedgehogs.~ 🌹🦔
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Draco took a deep breath.
The bell chimed as he pushed the door open.
“Hi, welcome to— Oh, Malfoy!” Potter stared at him in shock from where he stood arranging flowers. 
“Hullo.” Draco looked around at the brilliant clusters of flowers and greenery seemingly growing everywhere along the all glass walls, which showcased even more flowers and plants outside, along with a sizable greenhouse in the near distance. 
He had to admit—Potter’s flower shop really was quite gorgeous.
“Sorry, I’m just surprised to see you,” said Potter after shaking himself from his stupor. “How can I help?”
“I’d like a small bouquet for my bedside table,” said Draco.
Potter wiped his hands on a towel. “I can do that. Are there any specific flowers or colours you have in mind?”
“Er, that.” Draco pointed at the nearest flower, because no, he did not have anything in mind—he’d only come after stewing over Potter’s whole spiel about him the other day.
Of all the things he’d thought about Potter after the war, he’d never once even imagined that Potter had, well, wanted to be friends.
Odd how fate worked.
“…This?” asked Potter. “The Venus Flytrap? Are you sure?”
Draco took a good look at the flower he’d pointed at for the first time and his whole body visibly cringed away. “Oh, Merlin, no,” he burst out.
Potter laughed. “I can pick something out for you if you don’t have anything in mind.”
Draco immediately agreed, lest he end up embarrassing himself once again, and in return, he got to watch a stunning bouquet come together in Potter’s hands like magic as a variety of flowers floated towards him, all the stems neatly trimmed just so by flying sterling scissors.
“What do you think?” 
The small bouquet floated towards Draco. Magnificent, white magnolias shone as the centrepiece, adorned by light pink and baby blue clusters of tiny flowers. Sprigs of green interspersed the elegant flowers, and on the outside of the bouquet, larger leaves artfully surrounded it like the frame displaying a masterpiece. 
Something in Draco’s heart stirred.
For a bouquet made for him by Potter, it looked much more…charming than he’d thought it would. He’d thought Potter would pick bold colours, scarlet reds and blacks, but this….
This was elegant, classy. 
“I arranged it based on colours and meanings that remind me of you,” said Potter. “It’s magnolia, verbena, sweet alyssum, eucalyptus, and myrtle leaves. If there’s anything you don’t like or you want to add, I can change it.”
Draco blinked in surprise—he hadn’t expected Potter to put that much thought into the bouquet.
“No…,” he murmured after a moment. A small smile graced on his lips. “It’s perfect.”
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saiilorstars · 1 year
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Ch. 14: Valentine’s Day
Fandom: Harry Potter (Hogwarts years 1-7) Pairing: Draco x OFC
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​ @arrthurpendragon​​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​​ @foxesandmagic​​
Story Masterlist // Romina’s Masterlist
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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When school began, everyone noticed Hermione Granger's absence in classes. It was blatantly obvious considering she was always the first one in class. Rumors of what could have happened to her were quick to arise, but since she was still moving and talking within the nightwing, students had to rule out the Heir of Slytherin had struck again. Romina, Harry and Ron were just grateful Hermione's cat-like appearance wouldn't be permanent. It was quite a sight seeing their friend turned half cat thanks to the mix up with the polyjuice potion. Romina felt monumentally guilty for never mentioning Millicent had a cat. Maybe that could have spared Hermione from the tail.
In the night wing, Hermione accepted the new pile of books each friend brought her. She was doing her best to keep up with every class and the respective assignments.
"Madam Pince asked that we relay a message to you, Hermione," Ron grumbled as he rubbed his wrists after setting down his portion of the book piles, "She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school."
Hermione rolled her eyes and passed another page of her Transfiguration book. "I've got to keep up, haven't I?"
"Honestly, at the rate you're going, I think you're weeks ahead of us," Romina scratched her head. Her eyes swept over the mountain of books on the bed. "Maybe several years."
Ron spotted Hermione's tail twitching from behind. "Is that thing ever going away?"
"Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls. Now. What about the Chamber of Secrets? Any new leads?"
"Nothing," Harry bitterly responded. They hit a dead end after getting nothing from Draco.
"And has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you?"
"Neville asked to borrow a tubeworm in Potions yesterday. I suppose that's something."
Ron had spotted something poking from Hermione's pillow and pulled it out. It turned out to be a get well card from Lockhart. "To Miss Granger. Wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.'" Ron made a gagging motion. "You sleep with this under your pillow?"
Hermione flushed a deep read and snatched it from him. "Of course not. I don't know how that got there. Now go. I still have six hundred pages to read in Transformation Through the Ages."
"C'mon, boys," Romina smirked at Hermione as she pulled the two boys out of the room.
"I know Hermione's mental, but can you believe she falls for that smarmy nonsense of Lockhart's?" Ron was still complaining even as they headed for the staircase.
"He's her celebrity crush, Ron," Romina shrugged. "We're all fools for one person in this world of higher ranks."
"Yeah, and who's yours?" Ron inquired curiously.
Romina would have answered had it not been from the splash she heard below. There was yet another flood overtaking the hallway and it wasn't long before they listened to Myrtle's moaning from her bathroom.
"Looks like Myrtle's flooded the bathroom," Harry crinkled his nose. He turned for the bathroom and led the other two in.
When they entered the restroom, they saw all the taps were running and streaming down water like there was no tomorrow. Myrtle's moans filled the room but stopped the moment she heard them coming in.
"Come to throw something else at me?" she asked in a childish, squeaky voice.
"Why would we do that?" Romina made a face.
"Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me…" Myrtle raised a hand to her head.
"But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it?" Ron cluelessly asked.
Myrtle was outraged and offended. "Oh sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head!"
Romina elbowed Ron in the ribs, muttering, "Way to go."
Harry tried to cut in before Myrtle entered another screaming fit. "Who threw it at you anyway?"
"I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head."
Harry looked around the girl and noticed a small, black book lying on the ground.
"Fifty points if you can get it through her nose," Ron had the genius idea to say.
"I HEARD THAT!" Myrtle lost it and screamed at them.
Terrified, the three students ran out of the room as fast as they could.
"Way to go, Ron!" Romina smacked the ginger upside the head.
Harry looked the book over, much more calm than the other two. "This is a diary. And it's old…"
Ron rolled his eyes. "It's a diary, it's old... and was most recently in a toilet, Harry." Harry didn't seem to mind since he was opening the book. "Are you mad? That could be cursed. Dad once told me about a book the Ministry confiscated that burned the eyes out of anyone who tried to read it."
"I'll take my chances…" Harry said, and Romina swore she saw a hint of mischief in his eyes.
As soon as he opened it, Harry cried out. "MY EYES! MY EYES!"
Ron gasped, completely terrified but Romina bit her lip to not laugh. Harry stopped to flash a smile at his ginger friend, almost to the point of laughing. He caught Ginny, however, at the end of the corridor, looking terrified.
"Ginny!" Harry called but the girl had ran off so fast it was impossible to catch her. "I was only joking — brilliant. Even your sister thinks I'm the monster now."
"Who doesn't by now, honestly?" Romina took the diary from him and read the name on the first page. "Tom Marvolo Riddle. That's such a weird name."
Ron snorted. "This coming from Romina Aline Oswell." He received a punch in the arm. "Listen Ronald, you don't want to play a game you'll lose at."
Ron rubbed his arm and glumly looked down at the book for a moment. His eyes widened after a couple of seconds. "Tom Marvolo Riddle? Hang on. I know that name. The night I had detention...my job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. I remember because I kept burping slugs all over Tom Riddle's trophy. I must have wiped slime off his name for an hour."
Romina passed pages and pages, a frown quickly making its way across her face. "Well, there is nothing here. It's empty."
Harry snatched the book to see for himself. "That's odd. He never wrote in it?"
"Who's this guy anyways?" Romina glanced at Ron for a better understanding.
Ron gave a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know. I just know he won the award like fifty years ago. Least that's the date on the trophy."
Deciding it was better to see Hermione again to consult with her over the book, the three headed back to the night wing. Of course Hermione was still deep in her transfiguration book.
"You said fifty years ago?" Hermione asked from Ron, now skimming the book herself. "Don't you remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened was—"
"Fifty years ago!" Harry soon remembered. "That means—"
"Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts, when it happened," Hermione confirmed. "What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they?"
"That's a brilliant theory, Hermione. With just one tiny little flaw," Ron tapped the empty diary in her hands. "There's nothing written in this diary."
"I was thinking it could be invisible ink but I was wrong," Romina sadly said.
"Well...I think we should definitely be careful with this," Hermione gave the diary back to Harry. "Something tells me Ron might be right. It could be dangerous."
"You don't think I'm dangerous, do you, Hermione?" Harry genuinely asked. "I mean, you're not scared. Of me."
"Harry, we're afraid, but not of you."
Weeks flew by and since there hadn't been any more attacks from the Chamber's beast, things sort of simmered down in terms of rumors. People still hardly talked to Harry more than they had to, but it was a start that rumors were quieting down. Still, many people were taking precautions and being extra quiet. One wrong word or move and the beast could be unleashed on them.
In Lockhart's mind, this called for his 'help'. The fourteenth of February saw the grand master plan of his to help the students. It all started with the Great Hall…
"What the hell…?" Arden took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of the pink decorated room. Pink flowers covered the four walls and from the ceiling fell heart-shaped confetti.
Even Romina was taken aback by the sight. The two girls were mesmerized by the hall that they slowly slipped in and walked to their designated table without even noticing.
"Isn't it sweet?" Carolinha asked with a dreamy sigh once the girls joined them for breakfast. "I hope they do this every year."
A couple seats down they all heard Angel's loud snort. "If that happens, make sure to kill me." Beside him, even Draco was looking horrified as he peeked into his goblet that held a pile of confetti. Blaise and Theodore looked no better.
"It's safe to say Lockhart is behind this," Romina said once she caught sight of the blonde wizard in ludicrous pink robes.
"I don't know if I like it or I want to throw this confetti-covered oatmeal at his head," Arden muttered.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart began the daily announcements. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards!"
"Alright," Angel shot a look to every girl around him, "Which ones of you did it?"
"Oh you're just mad cos you haven't gotten any card," Carolinha shushed him and continued listening to Lockhart.
"Yes, Carol, thank you for your confession," Angel shook his head and said something about disowning her.
Their attention was taken by the surly-looking dwarfs matching into the place. They were all donning the traditional Cupid golden wings and harps.
"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" Lockhart declared happily. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"
"How ridiculous," Arden declared once they were allowed to continue eating.
"King is the first to make sense, that's a sight to see," Draco gave her an odd look, just to make sure it had been her who said it and not someone else.
"I don't know, it sounds kinda fun…" Romina shrugged and reached for a piece of toast. She had to dust it off to get rid of the confetti.
"It is!" Carolinha agreed with a smile. "I'll send one!"
"To who?" Pansy curiously leaned forwards to catch sight of her.
"None of your business," Carolinha blushed. It was clear she had a person in mind.
"You're all ridiculous," Blaise concluded and began to eat.
"Oh c'mon, just because no one will send you a card doesn't mean it'll be the same story for everyone else," Romina shot him a smirk. "If you'd like, I'll send you one."
That was enough to put Blaise on high alert. "You do that and I'll kill you!"
Romina burst into laughter.
"I mean it! I'll kill you!"
Romina twirled her fork in the air, pretending to write the card for him. "Dear Blaise, I think it's so lovely when you nearly self-combust each time I annoy you…"
Blause pulled out his wand but, much to his shock, Draco pushed it down. The blonde was busy laughing with Angel and Theo to notice Blaise's murderous looks.
"You'll regret that, Oswell," Blause got up and stormed off.
"Counting on it," Romina finally dug into her breakfast to eat, though with her laughter it was a bit tricky.
The day passed slowly but surely interestingly. There were thousands of interruptions in each class from Lockhart's cupids handing out Valentine cards. It had been exceptionally funny for Romina to see Arden receiving one from a mysterious sender. Although, Romina was sure it had been Pansy who sent it as a joke since Arden fumed for the rest of the day about her "biggest embarrassment ever!". Romina had to give Pansy her proper points for that one.
Carolinha wouldn't tell anyone who had been her mysterious sendee but assured that she had indeed sent a card to someone anonymously. Romina was sure Hermione sent Lockhart a card but the brunette refused to admit it.
"Your face is red, Hermione. You suck at lying about these things," Romina laughed as they walked down the hallway for Charms. Her laughter was short-lived when a dwarf called out for Harry and, just to get to the boy, elbowed Romina in the ribs. "Ah!" she fell into Hermione.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Hermione helped Romina stand straight again.
"Looks like Harry's about to get a card…" Romina smirked then hurried with Hermione to see the spectacle.
It appeared Harry was trying to flee from the site, failing miserably as the dwarf turned out to be way stronger. His backpack fell from his arm and dumped all of his belongings onto the floor in the process.
"I don't think this could get any worse," Hermione leaned on her hip, sighing at their friend who seemed to be walking thin on the lucky department.
"What's going on here?" Draco pushed past several of the first years in the way.
"You just had to say that didn't you?" Romina shot Hermione a mock accusing glance to which the brunette meekly shrugged.
The dwarf paid no attention to Percy Weasley trying to get everyone to move and began to sing Harry's valentine message.
His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, His hair is as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine, The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."
Despite knowing how badly Harry must be feeling, Romina and Hermione snickered behind their hands. The message was too funny to ignore.
"Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now!" Percy ushered the students, though some of them were laughing so hard it was impossible to move in that moment.
"Oh no, Romina, look," Hermione pointed Romina to the black diary that Draco was now picking up from the ground. "If he gets a look…"
"It's empty," Romina reminded her calmly. "Even if he wanted to make fun of Harry - which at this point I find completely pointless - he wouldn't get anything out of it."
"Wonder what Potter's written in this?" Draco let Crabbe and Goyle see over his shoulder to the diary he'd yet to even open.
Harry balled a fist on his side and quietly asked for the book back.
"Hand it over, Malfoy," Percy held a hand for the book.
"When I've had a look," Draco promised, waving the book in the air.
"As a school prefect—"
Harry had no patience to hear another perfect lecture. Using his wand, he yelled 'Expelliarmus!" and re-acquired the diary in a snap.
"Harry!" Percy turned to the boy. "No magic in the corridors! I'll have to report this, you know—" But Harry bolted from the scene without looking back.
Draco was furious and because he couldn't let the score go unevenly, he called to Harry one last time with, "Hey Weasley," he looked at Ginny, the girl so terrified she was pale, "I don't think Potter liked your valentine much!"
Ginny whimpered and dashed into her class, presumably.
"We should go too," Hermione shook her head at the scene. "We'll be late for class."
"Believe me, after this there won't be much paying attention in Charms," Romina muttered as they continued on their way.
The day passed with many more interesting sights of people receiving cards in the middle of classes, hallways, courtyards, even lunch! Romina used a free period to look more into the possibilities of the empty diary in Harry's possession. She figured there had to be something in that damn book but because of their lack of knowledge, it was staying a secret. She was just coming out of the library with a 'Vanishing Ink' 101 book in her arms when a dwarf stopped her.
"Oh no, you are not singing anything to me," she warned him with a wagging finger. "I have a book and I will use it on your head."
"It's a card, sweetheart," the dwarf replied in a sourly tone. He pushed the red card into her hand then went on his way.
"So much for the Valentine spirit," she rolled her eyes and continued walking. It was indeed a card but it was full of mushy compliments that at times she laughed.
She brought the letter over to dinner, still laughing when she sat down in her usual spot. "Alright, you know what, I'll give Zabini props for his attempt of revenge but he shouldn't have given me such mushy compliments."
"What are you talking about, Oswell?" Draco stopped eating for a second. "Blaise up in the night wing." And yet he didn't look very concerned.
"You got a card!" Carolinha reached over the table and snatched the letter from Romina's hands to read it herself. Even Pansy leaned over her shoulder to get a glimpse. "Aw, how romantic!"
"It's stupid," Romina laughed again. "Honestly, I don't know if Blaise was aiming to embarrass me or make me think I have a secret admirer. Either way, he loses."
"Oswell, I am telling you it wasn't Zabini," Draco reiterated, "He got sick. He couldn't talk, much less write. It wasn't him."
"But if it wasn't him...then who was it?" Romina now made a face and took the card back from Carolinha, re-reading the words. Her face suddenly went warm now that she knew the compliments were very much real.
Arden and Angel joined them a moment later and as Arden was sitting down beside Romina, she noticed the Valentine card. "Oh God, not another one!" Pansy snickered under her breath.
"Who's it from?" Angel asked as he began to put food on his plate.
"I don't know but whoever it was...has some good writing, I guess," Romina shrugged and put the card down beside her plate. "But low move not writing their name. I'm not much for secret admirers."
And she wouldn't dwell on the secret writer. Earlier that day, Ron received one too, but it was soon found out to be a joke from Fred and George who now wouldn't stop teasing him over it. Just because it wasn't from Blaise didn't mean Romina's letter wasn't a joke from someone else.
~ 0 ~
The next day, Harry would come to his friends with astounding news of the Chamber. He told them how he had spoken to some sort of version of Tom Riddle and how he had been sucked into the past - literally - and allowed to see for himself who had opened the Chamber fifty years ago.
"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be," Hermione couldn't finish processing what she hears.
"Honestly, that idea is just as laughable as when you thought Draco was the Heir," Romina waved her hand at them.
Even Ron agreed with them there. "We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me."
"The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done?" Harry asked the three.
"Look," Hermione stopped in the middle of the courtyard. "Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it?"
"Hermione I can't believe you just asked that," Romina was flatly staring at her. "You really think just asking Hagrid straight up if he's been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately would be a conversation topic?"
"Mad an' hairy?" Hagrid's voice startled them all. "Wouldn' be talkin' 'bou me, now would yeh?"
"No!" went the students in the next second.
"What's that you've got, Hagrid?" Romina asked once she eyed the canister in his hand. They needed a quick subject changer and she was great at those.
"Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the hospital un-Petrified. 'Til then, you four best watch yerselves, all righ'?"
"Go ahead Hermione, ask him," Romina spoke after Hagrid had gone. Hermione shot her a look, understanding this hadn't been her best idea.
"Harry! Harry!" Neville came running towards them out of breath. "Harry, I don't know who did it, but... you'd better come."
"Come where?" Harry asked, confused, yet a tiny gut in his feeling told him it would be better to stay right there lest he want to be blamed for a new attack.
"To our room! Someone's gone through your stuff - they ransacked it!"
"You should go," Romina motioned the Gryffindors, getting a feeling of what could possibly have led someone to do that sort of thing. "Tell me afterwards at dinner."
With nods, the Gryffindors left with Neville. Two hours later, Romina would come to learn that Tom Riddle's diary had been stolen from Harry.
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sofiiel · 1 year
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Ch.34 | The Shortest Division
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Warnings: 4222 words - some angst.
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Myrtle lay nestled on the edge of the bed that she shared with Amy and Kali. She gazed at the ceiling. Her mind endlessly ran, "Did Mom and Dad get my message? Are Robin and Chrissy really ok? Are they mad at me?  Is Shelob ok?" were just a few.
"Did the boys go back home? or, did they follow?" It was endless.
She watched the popcorn ceiling willing sleep to take her, though it didn't want to. Myrtle sighed, giving up she carefully sat up in the bed, and in doing so. The lamp that Mick had on to read by went out.
The room became dark, "Mick? are you off to bed?" Myrtle asked quietly. She received no answer, "Mick? Myrtle questioned. However, as she looked at the small table in the corner of the room she found no one sitting there. 
"M-mick?" She stammered.
The air became cold and thick, Myrtle could feel goosebumps creeping up her arms and legs. A familiar dripping down her spine.
"N-no....I'm awake....this isn't happening again." Myrtle whispered, turning to shake Amy awake her hands landed on the sheets of the empty bed.
"What!" she gasped. 
Kali and Amy had vanished as well.
The familiar ghostly particles trickled down from the sky like snow and Myrtle looked around to find she was alone in the bed, alone in the room.
She drew the covers to her chest and crawled to the center of the bed, like a child trying to keep the monsters away.
Myrtle's heart raced as she saw the thick vines slither across the floor, snaking slowly as if to taunt her. 
"I welcomed you home, and you fled. I offer you a kingdom, you silly simple thing." spoke a child's voice.
At the foot of her bed stood a familiar face, though as always she could never fully recall where she'd seen the odd child before. 
He looked clean through her with cold blue eyes.
"Excuse me?" Myrtle questioned.
A deep bellowing rumble echoed from outside of the motel room windows. In the cover of the night, a large shadow lingered outside,
"It looks like the thing that was coming for the building beyond the gate." Myrtle thought.
"It is, you shouldn't be afraid." The boy said in his high monotone voice. Myrtle's eyes turned to him.
"You could create something to rival it, let us teach you." He said.
"And if I don't want to learn?" she asked, the air was starting to make it hard to breathe it felt something like actually being there.
Looking down at her arms an uncanny pain crept up them slowly, a vibrant red membrane took the form of a rash, glowing and pulsing up her arms in the rhythm of her heartbeat.
"No, I don't want it, stop!" Myrtle cried out crawling backward, her back pressed to the headboard.
"It's not about what you want." said the boy, "rather, what you are made for." His voice changed into some distorted thing. "You will become your truest self," it said. 
The world flicked with a flash of red as a vibrant storm brewed outside, Myrtle's head snapped to the windows as creatures outside screeched and rammed into them. The glass groaned and cracked under the pressure.
"If you will not obey through a gentle hand I will  call you home by force." The child vanished, and the voice became harsh and deep. Something heavy landed on the bed near Myrtle's feet as if it had fallen from the sky.
Myrtle's hands clasped over her mouth as she muffled a scream, her eyes frantically scanning over the gnarled body before her. Blood came from his mouth and his skin was fading into a cold blue.
She shut her eyes tight, "It's not there....it's not him... it's a trick." She whimpered, but painful groans and small breaths filled her ears, and though she tried to cover them, the sound still broke through.
"If you listen...." The voice said.
The groans turned to screaming. Tears slipped down Myrtle's cheeks, "I will let you keep him," said the voice.
Myrtle's eyes shot open, watching the vision of Eddie at her feet, the screaming was gone, and now with the light gone from his eyes and the color from his skin, he lay silent and motionless.
Myrtle was afraid to move as she watched the body blow away like ash. The glass started to break, and soon noisy winged beasts rushed in. 
With a shrill cry, Myrtle made to get away, falling off of the bed in her panic. The vines took hold of her swiftly, curling around her arms and the trunk of her body.
"Stop!" Myrtle cried out.  Her wide eyes looked down at herself in horror, just as her arms had done within the Gate, her legs doubled in number. And as she struggled, so too did her arms.
"You will learn, there is no running - or going back." said the voice.
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"Myrtle!" Angel called,  knelt over the seizing girl on the floor.
One hand held the top of her hand and the other held her still by her stomach. "Hey!" Angel shouted to her.
"Shit..." Amy whispered hopping out of the bed and dropping to the floor. 
"Wh-whats happening?" She asked, her hands carefully resting on Myrtle's arm. 
Doris walked over with cautious steps, she watched the lights flicker within the room, "He's here." She said.
Angel glared, "and he's got her..." He growled.
"Who has?" asked Axel as He, Funshine, and Mick watched over them from a distance, as if afraid to get any closer.
"One." Kali whispered.
"Her eyes are wide open," Funshine muttered.
Kali looked around the room, "maybe it's an illusion?" She asked.
"No, it's not out here, it's in her head," Doris said.
Myrtle's eyes began to bleed, red rivers slipping out of the corners of her eyes and down the side of her face.
Angel's heart raced, "He won't kill her, she's to serve him a purpose....so what's he doing?" He thought.
"Come on Fairy, it's not real. I promise it's not." Angel called to Myrtle while he and Amy struggled to keep her still.
Amy's eyes were large as her teeth dug into her lip, "who the hell is One?" she asked quietly. "what the hell is he?" 
Angel glared and both Doris and Kali fell silent.
"What do we do?" Amy asked turning to look to Doris.
"If we can calm her down, we might be able to get her to sleep, it can shut her mind down to him for a while," Doris said thinking quickly.
"I've never heard of that," Angel said.
"Well....that's because it's just a theory. It's worth a try, but what would calm her?" Doris asked looking around.
Everyone, however, seemed at a loss.  Amy looked to Angel who held an ever-growing frown on his face, "fuck." Angel sighed shutting his eyes.
"Doris we need to try another kind of tether." He said.
"Uh yeah s-sure what'd you have in mind?" She asked him, quickly stepping over the seizing girl to sit on the floor near him.
"I need you to tap into Eddie's head, I'll tether him to Myrtle. It's the only thing I can think of." Angel said.
"But...she wouldn't want him involved," said Amy.
"Look at her, does it matter what she'd want right now?" Angel snapped, his eyes thinning into a sharp glare.
"uh...guys," Funshine voiced tentatively, "what's happening with her skin?" He asked.
All eyes fell back on Myrtle, a faint red glow lingered beneath her skin, something like seeing the sun through one's eyelids. The shadow of her veins left a spidery pattern against the red. 
"He's trying to force a transformation," Angel said quietly.
"And that's...bad?" Axel asked.
Angel looked to him flatly, "Put it this way, when I do it - I hunt, I trap and I kill,  you'll all be prey." he said.
"Really bad then," Axel muttered going to his bag.
Rummaging through its contents he pulled out a small black pistol and loaded it.
"Doris?" Angel asked,
"On it just...give me a second. It's hard to focus." Doris murmured, closing her eyes. Angel doing the same.
"What are you doing put that away!" Kali shouted at Axel who had his aim trained on Myrtle.
"Look if she turns into some hungry thing, you'll thank me." He said.
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Eddie jumped, falling over in the bed of the truck, "shiii-" He hissed wide-eyed as he looked around.
"Who?" Eddie asked.
"Doris, idiot we don't have time for you to be confused. We need you." Doris said in his mind.
"I'm sorry did you just call me an idiot and then say you need me? Why the hell should I help?" Eddie said.
Gail watched as Eddie apparently talked to himself. "Please tell me someone is doing some freaky mind thing or something." She muttered. 
"It's Dodo," Eddie explained quickly.
"Tell me where Myrtle is or get out of my head," Eddie demanded.
"Oh, you know, seizing on the floor, about to transform into... well we're not sure what. Put it this way, Pete is nervous and he's never nervous." Doris said quickly.
"Hold on what happened?!" Eddie called out.
"Hell if we know, look. I just need you to say something to her - Angel's going to tether our connection to Myrtle. Think fast, he doesn't have a lot of strength to expend." Doris spoke so fast that Eddie wasn't sure he'd heard everything right.
Suddenly Eddie's mind felt crowded, "Speak Munson." Angel's voice said.
"And say what? - wait..." Eddie started to panic, his word faded to black, the world around him gone in an instant.
"What just happened?" He asked.
"You're in her head with me." Angel replied.
Eddie jumped, and looking to the side he could see Angel come into view, side by side they stood in a world of endless black. Clear darkness, In the distance Eddie could see Myrtle on the ground. Amy and Doris held her down as her body threw a fit. 
Eddie followed Angel to them, kneeling carefully next to Myrtle.
"What...do I do?" Eddie asked calmly though he looked lost.
"If we can calm her down, we can get her to sleep as she will be exhausted that should- might stop this," Doris explained. Her lips didn't move in the vision Eddie was viewing, although her voice still echoed all around them.
"How do I do that? Can she even hear me?" Eddie asked as he took Myrtle's hand. He'd expected his hand to go right through, holding tight when he felt both their hands were solid.
"She can," Angel said. 
Eddie watched Myrtle's face, the drying stream of red curving down her eye line and rolling over her cheekbones and jaw.
"Hey..." He started lightly, squeezing her hand in both of his, "I'm here, I know you thought you'd gotten rid of me." Eddie said trying to force a small smile, "Looks like it didn't really work, did it?" He asked.
Eddie gave his drying lips a lick, unsure of what to say, or what would help. 
"I, ah, I found the change. You know, I told you I didn't want you to pay me back. Remember?" He said to her.
"You're always trying to give me nothing short of a heart attack." Eddie said.
He looked at her and leaned forward, "Can you hear me?" He asked.
Lost in the waking nightmare, Myrtle struggled against the vines, flailing every limb she had. "Can you hear me?" Eddie's voice asked muffled and far away.
"Is this the boy or is this my mind doing this?" Myrtle thought past the pain that grew as the rash did.
"I can," Myrtle answered voice strained. "I can hear you," she repeated.
Eddie smiled faintly surrounded by the dark, "You know what you did kind of sucked," Eddie said playfully.
"I'm sorry," her voice called to him.
"I understand, but I'm about to prove to you - I can help," Eddie said.
"First....stop struggling." He said calmly. Eddie rested a hand on her shoulder. 
"But...the vines..." Myrtle called.
"There are no vines." Eddie replied. "Stop fighting, I wouldn't tell you to stop if you really needed to be." He reasoned.
"H-how do I know you're actually Eddie?" She asked. 
Eddie stayed quiet for a moment and thought, "I can't prove that to you without my guitar." He said simply, "I could flood you with every feeling built up inside - and hopefully, they would be ones you remember." He said.
"But I'm here, in the dark with you. I can't  see enough to play even if I had a guitar with me." Eddie said.
Myrtle looked at the ceiling above her as the white spores fall down on her. "I'll choose to believe." She whispered closing her eyes. Myrtle tried to relax her body and stopped flailing.
Angel sighed in relief as the seizing stopped.
In the motel room, Amy searched Myrtle's body with her eyes. "It's working," she said with a smile.
"They still need to snap her out of it and get rid of that creepy glow," Axel muttered gun still aimed.
"Good, now...you must be tired right? It's just been nonstop." Eddie said to Myrtle. 
"A little, but, there are monsters here. They're in the room, watching." Myrtle said, turning her head to look at the strange winged beast that opened its round mouth to show splinter-like teeth.
"I know it's not really here...But things hurt, so - part of it has to be real." Myrtle said.
"We won't let them hurt you," Eddie said firmly as he shook his head.
"We?" Myrtle asked.
Eddie looked at Angel, "Hey Fairy....you hear me now?" asked Angel. He didn't get an answer.
"Uh..." Eddie tore his eyes away from Angel as he grimaced. "Angel is here and Doris....I can see Amy. " Eddie said. "I'm sure there are others, I can't see much." 
"Close your eyes, if you want out you need to sleep." Eddie said. 
"Yeah? Then....I've got an idea. Can you just, just keep talking?" Myrtle asked.
Eddie nodded, "Sure, I won't stop," He said before clearing his throat. "Uhhhh, so....back when I was in junior high my dad thought it would be cheaper to just buzz my hair down." Eddie started to ramble.
Myrtle closed her eyes and exhaled, "It's the very same as going to see Pastor Alvin, or the Fords. Its just a waking dream..." Myrtle told herself. Laying still, listening for Eddie's voice.
"He was watching the game while trying to shave down my head and his team really messed up a play. He got so mad his hand veered off and left a big bald spot right in the center in the back of my head." Eddie went on.
He laughed, "I wore baseball caps for weeks, My uncle Wayne would buy me all sorts of them. Not that I ever actually like them that much. They never really covered the spot well unless I wore them backward." Eddie said.
"Which really ruined the look I was working on." He laughed.
Myrtle cracked a small smile, "...so go to sleep." Myrtle sighed.
Eddie watched as Myrtle's breathing began to even out. "Pst...you still awake?" He asked her. 
"Yes," Myrtle said quietly.
Eddie held tight to her hand. "About your Corroded Coffin shirt, when summer's over, the boys and I were thinking about starting an afterschool club. Jeff and I thought maybe you wouldn't mind helping with the Club shirts. Scott can help you with the mascot." Eddie said, "and um...what's your favorite color? It's important for...reasons..." Eddie said.
He didn't get a response, "Myrtle?" He asked.
Angel checked over Myrtle quietly and soon a faint smile came to his face. "Well look at that, you aren't completely useless." Angel said to Eddie.
"She's sleeping?" Eddie asked. Angel gave a nod of his head and got to his feet.
"You can go now." said Angel.
With one last glance at Myrtle, Eddie got to his feet, "wait!" he called to Angel.
"No, you tell me where you guys are. What if this happens again?" Eddie reasoned. 
Taking a step forward he glared, "You're power, sorry, powers are fading. That's why she couldn't hear you. You couldn't talk to her and keep the tether up at the same time, right?" Eddie questioned.
Angel glared at his feet, keeping his back turned to Eddie in the darkness.
Taking a few more steps forward Eddie sighed, eyes pleading, "I can help, you've  seen it." He said quietly.
"Tell me where you guys are." Eddie said again.
Angel glanced over his shoulder, the pitiable expression on Eddie's face caused Angel to groan in frustration at himself as he scowled. He could never stand up well to that face, "East Side." Angel muttered.
Eddie's eyes shimmered happily, "East Side where?" He asked him.
"Chicago Illinois." Angel sighed.
Eddie smiled a small grin, "Thank you, and please don't tell her..." Eddie said, "She'll only tell the others and hit the road again." he added.
Angel rolled his eyes, "And I suppose you'll want me stall too." He said in annoyance.
"I mean.....yeah, I thought that was implied," said Eddie.
"I'm done." Angel muttered as he cut the tether.
The real world dropped around Eddie so suddenly that it made him dizzy.
"What just happened?" Gail asked him loudly, leaning towards him with wide eyes.
"I was in Myrtle's head...I think, or they all were in mine? I, I don't know." Eddie said with a shake of his head.
"And? is she ok?" Gail asked.
"She is now, and I know where they are," Eddie said, turning around he knocked on the glass of Rick's truck and opened the small square window in the center.
"Rick! they're in East Side Chicago." Eddie said.
Rick glanced at the gas meter, "We've got enough for that, sure." He said.
"Now will you two come in here? I can't find a good station and the beeping of this tracker is driving me crazy." Rick complained.
"Sure, Rick, pull over." Gail chuckled.
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"You can lower that thing now." said Amy, she had a fierce glare trained on Axel.
"Calm down, it was for everyone's safety." He sighed, taking the ammo out and heading back for his bag.
Amy exhaled and looked to Myrtle who was now sleeping peacefully. "You keep drama like a stray does fleas." she said to her.
Angel exhaled shakily and without a word lay down beside Myrtle. He curled on his side and watched her.
Doris frowned, "How you holding up, Pete?" She asked.
Angel kept his eyes fixed on the sleeping girl, "I'm holding." he muttered softly, reaching out to move a few flyaway hairs from Myrtle's face.
"Mick, pass me that water bottle," Doris called reaching out. Of course, he would say it was ok, Pete was prideful like that, but the already pale boy had drained of even more color.
Mick passed the water bottle to Doris, "Thanks" Doris said before turning to Angel with a stern face. "You need to drink this," she ordered.
Angel chuckled, "what are you, my mother?" He asked.
"No, Worse, I'm Doris. Now take it," Doris demanded, rolling the bottle across the floor to him.
Angel sat up with a bit of a struggle to push his tired body up and reached for the bottle with his fingers. Quietly he drank the water, wiped his mouth clear, and then lay back down.
"Everyone should try and get some sleep, we still have a few miles to go." Kali advised.
"And we just leave her on the floor?" Funshine asked.
"It's probably best not to wake her," Doris answered.
Funshine shrugged and made his way toward the old armchair in the room. Axel made himself at home on the floor, and Mick went to the second bed.
Amy took to the first bed,  and lay down, Doris and Kali getting into bed with Mick to give the girl her space. Axel lay out a solitaire round on the small table as he prepared to take the first watch for the night.
Angel's eyes struggled to stay open as he focused on Myrtle and eventually, he gave up on trying to keep them open.
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Eddie's eyes focused on the road ahead of him, He'd taken Rick's place at the wheel as the man was exhausted having run so many days on very little sleep.
The beeping of the tracker seemed distant in his ears as he honed in on the white lines in the asphalt, hand tapping with the music on the radio.
"So what's the plan once we get there?" Gail asked from the passenger seat.
Eddie shrugged, "Try my damnedest to get them to let me stay." He said glancing towards her, "Angel's a pushover, no matter how much he'd like to deny it." Eddie snickered.
Gail had to laugh too, he wasn't wrong. "You're his soft spot, it's true." she hummed.
"Sometimes, anyway," Eddie said.
"So what? We stay with them until they finish what they set out to do? We don't know how long that'll take." Gail said.
"No." Eddie said with a long sigh, "We don't, but I'm drawn to this fucking girl and I can't fully explain why." Eddie looked to Gail.
"Like a mosquito to a bug zapper." Eddie chuckled.
"Yeah it'll probably kill me, but it's so damned bright..." He sighed looking out at the road.
Gail turned to watch the road as well, "It's what the Special K was to me back when." Gail muttered, she turned to Eddie and gave him a teasing smirk, "She's your drug, mister dealer." she said.
Eddie laughed lightly, "Ugh, never using that one. I'm not going down as being that cheesy." He said.
Gail tilted her head, "Girls like that love cheese. She's probably never had a date in her life, and dreams of all the sparkles and fluff of a boyfriend." she said.
"And then there's me, rusted and full of metal studs." Eddie said.
Gail smirked, "Oh no, you're full of fluff, you're just a teddy bear and you know it." She shot.
"You'll need to be tough though if they want to stop these people. You'll need to be nails." Gail murmured.
"It's not just because the fight we just faced. I feel I know these people, or people like these people." Gail spoke quietly.
Eddie watched her for a moment in silence. "Gail." he called.
She looked up at him waiting as he glanced back her way.
"Thank you for this." He said a shakey smile formed on her face at the sincerity in his voice.
Gail gave a deep nod, "Of course, I ruined what we had. But I'll always be your friend." she said. "I won't  let you face that level of regret while I'm still here." Gail said, "call it my shot at redemption." she added.
Eddie looked back at the road and shook his head.
Gail smiled, "See, teddy bear." she hummed in amusement seeing his eyes glisten with a thin layer of water.
"I'm not crying." he muttered.
"Might as well be." she snickered.
"Shut up." Eddie grumbled sulking.
"Stop pouting," Gail sang, "I'm done teasing I promise," she said.
"So was she happy to hear from you?" Gail asked, she could see Eddie was getting sleepy, but she also knew there was no way he'd pull over.
Eddie gave a faint smile, "I think so, or at least she didn't seem annoyed. But she was scared so...she probably didn't have time to think about what was going on much." Eddie said.
"God, you just light up when you talk about her," Gail whispered squinting. "I'm almost jealous," she admitted.
Eddie looked at her nervously, "Of  you, not her." Gail said looking out onto the road. "To feel that would be amazing." she said.
Eddie did a double take, "Wait...you didn't...feel that with Me?" He asked.
Gail shrugged, "I guess at first, yeah." she said.
"And with Angel?" he asked.
Gail fell silent, "Not really. It was never about feelings with Angel. I thought I loved him because  he gave me the thing that made me feel good." Gail confessed.
"But really, I just clung to him for the special K, you wouldn't give me any, he would." She released a long loathing sigh "it was just that simple. It was never anything against you." Gail said.
Eddie gave a nod, "Somehow, that makes it a little better." he said.
Gail reached forward and turned up the music. "At this rate we'll both fall asleep." she said.
Eddie laughed and his eyes creased as they smiled out unto the road. "Did I tell you I met Myrtle in person because of a crash?" he asked.
"That's....what?" Gail asked making a face. "That's awful!" she shouted.
"I didn't cause it!" Eddie said quickly. "Let me tell the story before you yell at me please!" 
"Talk fast because I can see you, fortunately unfortunately wrecking that girl's car and trying like hell to flirt anyway," Gail said.
Eddie fell into a peal of silent laughter, leaning against the steering wheel.
Gail turned to him wide-eyed, "That's what happened isn't it?" she asked flatly.
"No," Eddie said catching a breath. "I helped her out, she was stumbling through the trees after the crash and I found her," he explained.
Pinching his thumb and index fingers close to each other he gave a silly smile, "I was flirting a little bit, when I tried to help her get back home." He admitted. "but I'm kinda bad at that and she didn't notice. she thinks I play too much." said Eddie.
"You absolutely do." Gail agreed.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 1 year
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🍃🕊🍃 Imam Reza (as) quoting Imam Ali (as):
God's prophet (S) gave me red rose with his own blessed hands. When I brought it close to my nose, he said;
"After the leaves of the myrtle, this red rose is best of the flowers of Paradise".
🍃 Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha (as) 🍃
🍃 (vol. 2, ch. 31, no. 128) 🍃
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