#ch:john rogers
renegadesfanfic · 5 years
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“You both have heard this your entire lives, but you are the spitting image of your parents. Maybe not physically, it’s in the way you both carry yourselves, that’s Jackie and Steve’s doing. You have your mother’s resilience, your father’s integrity, and their anger. For you, that’s a lethal combination and you two need to use it to your advantage.”
- Sharon Carter, excerpt from book six
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missbb8 · 6 years
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The children and their parents
Jackie Lewis
John Rogers
Madison Lewis Rogers
Steve Rogers
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
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JANNIE + this is me trying 
I just wanted you to know that this is me trying
tag list: @ahsokatonas, @paulsmunskys, @freakingbradleys, @kenobi-jinn, @prophecy-grrl, @iron-parkr, @luucypevensie, @darknightfrombeyond, @nellie--crain, @tv-writes-ff, @bravadoseries, @foxesandmagic [want to be added? let me know]
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
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RENEGADES:: Steve & John Rogers
When people think of my father, it’s always the same thing. The martyr, the most honorable man in the world. The guy who sacrificed his life to save the world. The dutiful and quiet captain who follows the rules. It’s not true. Dad followed his own terms, did whatever he thought was right which got him into trouble. But what I remember the most was how angry he was. Angry at himself for the choices he made that hurt people he loved, angry at the world for taking so much away from him. He was good at keeping it from us. But sometimes I would get a glimpse at what was residing inside of him. It would always come out during our training sessions. He’d let it get the better of him. And he’d always apologize to me and my sister. To my mother. He never forgave himself. As a kid, seeing your father so angry at himself and at the world for what it threw at him, that stuck with me. I guess I’m like my father more than I’d like to admit.
tag list: @ahsokatonas, @nellie--crain, @kenobi-jinn, @prophecy-grrl, @iron-parkr, @luucypevensie, @foxesandmagic, @bravadoseries, @lostinwonderland314, @paulsmunskys [want to be added?]
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emiliachrstine · 3 years
Give me some John headcanons bc I love my disaster son
ask and you shall receive
hates how people go on and on about red velvet cake and how it’s amazing when to him it’s just red chocolate cake and he will fight anyone who argues with him
ABBA stan. periodt.
turns into complete mush every time he’s around his rescue cat fernando
loves cooking and is always trying to better his skills on his days off
favorite meal to cook: jackie’s homemade chicken soup with rice
he’s angsty and lethal boi to the max but would also take pole dancing lessons with thomas without hesitation
actually has a decent singing voice (oh yeah i just went there have fun thinking about that when you go to bed tonight)
avid reader with a extensive library in his house
has, on more than one occasion, dressed in a button down shirt, boxers and socks and danced around his apartment. he won’t admit it but he has. 
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emiliachrstine · 3 years
give me john and madison hcs i miss my fav siblings
bitchhhhh i miss them too i miss this universe so much
madison totally gives john relationship advice and convinces him to ask annie out because her little bro deserves love and happiness we STAN ONE OLDER SISTER
john really gets shook when he and his men meet up with another faction who try to hand off a group of young women who were being trafficked. he agrees to take them but then he and madison work together to get the girls to safety and take down the faction group responsible (this is a whole story point that is pretty heavy and i’m always willing to go a little further in depth with it)
this experience kind of brings john and madison closer because, even tho john is real angsty and badass, he is actually a fairly sensitive individual and seeing those girls so scared really hit a nerve with him and madison is really the only one who was able to get him through that
john is the first person that madison tells about her being bisexual and it doesn’t faze him at all. just like how it didn’t faze him when thomas came out to him. john loves them both so much so matter what
madison experiences an event on a mission that really sends her spiraling and john spends a lot of time at her apartment, staying over and keeping her company because she really goes through the ringer during this story arc
madison is the first one to piece it together when annie and john first sleep together and she can’t help but tease him relentlessly about it
god, just imagine the two of them storming through an enemy warehouse just taking out bad guys left and right. that’s HOT
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emiliachrstine · 3 years
Tell me more about your current muse??
my currently muse is actually split between game of survival and renegades. I came up with a new idea for gos, not sure is i’m going with it because it really depends on if there is a time jump between season 2 and season 3. But i will say it’s definitely something that I think a lot of people wouldn’t expect. 
And with Renegades I have developing this new villain that will appear in madison and john’s story. While i see this new character (their name is Rorik) as a villain for both of them, they definitely go after john and unfortunately my son is going to suffer quite a bit. I talked about this idea with one of my mutuals and it involves some heavy subject matter. It also is a catalyst for hector possibly getting injured and dying. It’s gonna be a dark and heavy story arc for john but if I plan this out right and with the right amount of sensitivity, I hope it will be a storyline that everyone will love to read
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
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renegades memes + text posts (1/?)
john gets a call from jackie after a tense meeting (inspired by this post)
tag list: @ahsokatonas, @iron-parkr, @luucypevensie, @aftcrnoon, @prophecy-grrl, @foxesandmagic, @kea-jones, @nellie--crain
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
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“We could name him after you, Steve.” 
“I think one Steven in this family is enough. Let’s name him after your Dad. Let’s name him John.”
tag list: @ahsokatonas, @kenobi-jinn, @iron-parkr, @lostinwonderland314, @foxesandmagic, @kea-jones, @luucypevensie, @chantelroyal, @dieorfight
(want to be added to the list?)
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
Ooh, I’d be very interested to hear what the fandom discourse would be about with Steckie/Madison and John!!!
Oh buddy. Okay buckle up because there would be a lot of discourse with this
steckie discourse:
the age gap would be a big argument with the antis, saying that it’s weird for jackie to be in love with a man who is technically old enough to be her grandfather or even great-grandfather
because of steve’s connection to peggy and addie the antis would use that as an argument to prove that the relationship was incest in some way because tumblr LOVES to pull that freaking card even though the relationship is not even close to being incestuous
not to mention a certain person, miss a*well, would definitely fuel the hate like she did with staron. saying that since jackie was like family to peggy that her being with steve is disgusting and incestuous and that peggy would absolutely not be supportive of it (like surprise bitch she actually is supportive of it)
part of the fandom would claim that marvel putting steve with jackie is them trying to dismiss stucky and that they were just trying to make steve hetero and like... I’m not even gonna get into this point a lot but I know it would happen I’ve seen that argument on several anti-sharon/anti-staron posts, it would definitely happen with steckie
claim that their relationship is “toxic” because they would keep secrets from each other and get into arguments here and there but most of the hate would definitely directed towards jackie
madison/john discourse:
madison would get hate for trying too hard to be like the perfect model child and most would think she’s too perfect and that makes her boring
her getting into arguments and fights with john always earns her hate because tumblr would always be like “THAT’S ABUSE” and like how dare she hurt “our precious boy, what a terrible sister”
would be viewed as weak because she’s reserved with her anger and holds it back
whereas I think most would absolutely love john because he is an anti-hero but there would definitely be the selective group who are like uhh no??? he’s a complete asshole and has no reason to be like that
then when his backstory is shown and all the trauma he’s experienced he’ll be singled out as like a “wuss” and “not man enough” and that his trauma is not valid and unrealistic like oh great another white boy with trauma #whiteboystruggles (y’all know I’m right)
john and steve’s fractured relationship I think would kind of bring back some steve discourse and some people would criticize steve for being a horrible father and for favoring madison over his son
send me an oc or a ship and i’ll tell you what the fandom wank/discourse would be like if they were canon.
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
if you had to choose one meme reaction/vine/tiktok that can perfectly articulate my baby boy john’s energy, what is it 🤔
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emiliachrstine · 5 years
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I act just like my father and I hate love it
tag list: @samwilsonns, @chuck-hansens, @luucypevensie, @kea-jones, @chantelroyal, @aftcrnoon
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emiliachrstine · 5 years
late night talk
summary: After losing their father, the siblings enjoy a night filled with alcohol and tears.  characters: madison rogers, john rogers word count: 1785 Notes: It’s not perfect but I really wanted to get some angst out there because I love torturing my ocs. Also I know the summary sucks, please don’t come at me!
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tag list: @chuck-hansens, @samwilsonns, @kea-jones, @luucypevensie, @chantelroyal, @dieorfight​
Madison pushed her glass towards John, signaling for him to give her a refill. He did just that, filling the glass halfway and then poured him one more as well. The two drank silently, both casting solemn glances around their childhood home. It felt different being here now. It no longer had that warmth and security. No, it felt cold and empty. The mere action nearly brought Madison to tears. She swallowed down what was left of her drink and sucked in a breath. “It’s so quiet.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. She glanced up at John, who was staring at her with glazed eyes. “I keep thinking Dad’s gonna walk through that door any minute.” She said, sparing a quick glance at the front door. 
John kept his eyes focused on her, not permitting himself to indulge in the same mindset as her. No, he couldn’t. It would drive him crazy. But as he sat there, John found himself agreeing with her. She was right. The house was too quiet for his liking. Usually, his parents would have a vinyl playing on their record player. John eyed the record player in the living room, wanting so badly to walk over and put one on. But he didn’t have the strength. All of his energy had been sucked out of him. Ever since they buried Steve, neither could bring themselves play music. All of the records in the house reminded them too much of their parents. It was too soon for that kind of nostalgia. 
John finally allowed his eyes to wander around the room. They immediately settled on a family photo, situated on one of the end tables. He pressed his hand to his mouth, choking back the knot that had formed in his throat. 
“You think they’re together?” 
Madison’s question made John center his focus. He gave himself a few more seconds to gather himself before looking over at her. Her eyes were red, brimming with tears and he saw her lips tremble. “What do you mean?” He cringed at hearing how hoarse his voice was--the way it faltered at the end. Dammnit, keep yourself together. 
“Mom and Dad,” she clarified. “Do you think they’re together now… in Heaven?” 
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, then gave a shrug. “Yeah, I mean that’s what everyone believes.” John felt his stomach twist in a knot, his answer was so cavalier. He didn’t mean for it to be. But the question threw him so far off. He wasn’t sure how to respond to it.
Madison reached for the bottle and poured out a decent amount into her glass. For a moment, she sat in silence, staring at the liquid and thinking about her question. “What if there’s no such thing?” There was no response from John, prompting her to continue. “What if there’s no Heaven… what if when we die there’s just nothing. No paradise. No afterlife, just emptiness.” 
“Why are you even thinking about that, Madison?” John interrupted, he felt his stomach twist at having to hear her talk about it. After just losing their dad, that was the absolute last thing he wanted to talk about. 
“Because it scares me.” She admitted, tears finally spilled onto her cheeks when she looked up at him. “We were always told that we would see our loved ones again, that we would be reunited with them. What if it’s all a lie? What if Heaven was something we created to help us deal with grief, to help make some sense of it. It’s comforting when you think about reuniting with them once you’ve passed. The idea of mom and dad being together again is comforting. But what if it’s all bullshit?” 
John leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, then washed his hands down his face. “Madison,” 
“I don’t want it to be bullshit,” she continued. “I want it to be real. I want to see mom and dad again, I want to see Uncle Tony and Aunt Nat, I just--” She was cut off by a sharp intake of breath. Her hands flew up to cover her face in a vain attempt to prevent John from seeing her cry. But he’s seen it all. “I miss them,” she barely managed to say those words before her body was wracked by a violent sob. “I miss them… I want them back.”
John immediately reached over and took hold of Madison’s hand. She turned her hand so that her hand was firmly resting in his. The two didn’t say anything. John remained quiet so that Madison could have her moment, his grip tightening every time he felt her shake from a sob. Tears burned at the back of his eyes, his chest ached at hearing his sister breakdown. He wanted to join her. He wanted to cry out and curl into a ball. Like he did when he was a child. 
He ran a hand down his face, feeling that his cheeks were wet. When had he started crying? 
Madison finally gathered herself and sucked in a few deep breaths. She had to pull herself together. She felt as if she had been crying non-stop and, frankly, she was exhausted. Madison scoffed at herself, thinking about how ridiculous she must look and sound. Her hand still clung onto John’s, afraid to let go--fearing that she would break down again if she did. “I’m so stupid.” She said, wiping away the stains on her cheeks.
“No,” John shook his head. “You’re not.” 
“No, I am.” She responded and huffed out a wet laugh before continuing. “I was naive… I always thought that Dad was gonna be with us forever.” A painful smile crossed her lips when she finally allowed herself to look at her brother. “I thought it was gonna be the three of us for… a long time.” 
“It’s okay,” John’s thumb rubbed soothing circles on her hand. “Because I thought that same thing.” 
Madison hummed and raised her glass, the smile was still evident, “Look at us being absolute suckers.” She said before emptying the entire glass. 
“Our Dad was Captain America, he was larger than life--makes sense that we would think like that.” 
“He escaped death once by being frozen in the ice for seventy years, you’d think he could’ve avoided death at all costs.” 
John went to reach for the bottle, frowning when he saw that it was empty. He got up to retrieve a new bottle from the cabinet. He pulled the whiskey bottle out and unscrewed the lid, pausing momentarily when he noticed a photo of his parents on the refrigerator. He pulled the photo off and turned it over, the date October 2015 was scribbled on the back in his mother’s recognizable handwriting. When John sat back down at the table, he handed the photo over to Madison who took it after hesitating. 
“I found that on the fridge,” John said, pouring out another round for them both. He could only guess the photo was taken on some kind of trip they went on together. “I don’t remember ever seeing that photo up there.” 
“Dad must’ve put it up not too long ago,” Madison smiled as she examined the photo, then turned it over to read the date. “This was well before I was born.” 
Looking at photos of their parents before they were born, was always a strange experience for Madison. She always thought of them as Mom and Dad which was normal. But there was a time when they weren’t her parents. When they were just two people who, under very unlikely circumstances, found their way to each other and fell in love. It was a rather unconventional love story, one that Jacqueline lamented to her daughter when she was much older. She heard it all. All the good and all of the bad, including the chaos that went down when Jacqueline was pregnant with her. She knew about the way her parents hurt each other, how Steve wasn’t there when Madison was born due to poor choices on both her parent’s parts. The relationship wasn’t perfect, what relationship is? Despite the ups and downs, Madison was always sure of how much her parents loved each other. 
“You know when we lost Mom… Dad wasn’t the same anymore,” she placed the photo down, keeping her gaze focused on it. “He didn’t smile as much, didn’t listen to his records. The only time he was ever happy was if we were with him. But I saw it every time I was with him. He wasn’t the same after she died. It’s like he lost a part of himself. The only thing he wanted was to be with her again.” 
Losing their mother was already painful enough. But Madison and John would agree that it was worst having to witness their father grieve the loss. Steve became withdrawn, unwilling to hold up conversations. Sam and Bucky tried their best to pull him out of it. To get him focused on other things, even getting him to help plan a few of their missions. Steve would help with the planning but it did nothing to pull him from his grief. 
“He just needs time,” Bucky said to both Madison and John. “The only thing you can do for him is just… be there when he needs you.” 
It was a long and painful process for the three of them. While it did get better, they never fully got over what happened to Jacqueline. Then again, grief isn’t something that can be forgotten. 
John’s eyes lingered on the photo, his teeth bit down on his lip in an effort to keep himself in check. God, he really didn’t want to cry anymore. He’s done enough of that the last few days. But like his sister, he missed them. They didn’t deserve to have them taken away so soon. He wanted them back. “I hope you’re right,” John twirled his glass and looked up to see his sister giving him a confused look. “I hope you’re right and that there is a place we go to when we die… because I hate the idea of mom and dad not being together again.” 
Madison reached for her brother’s hand again, already feeling a sting in her waterline. “Guess we won’t know the truth until we bite the dust.” Madison raised her glass, prompting John to do the same. 
They gave a silent toast in honor of the people they lost. For Tony. For Natasha. For their parents. And to the hope that one day they’ll see them all again. 
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
angsty john idea that may or may not happen. potential spoilers for renegades: next gen
john turns his back against the faction he’s been working with. leaks some info or some shit, not too sure what. then he goes into hiding because they trying to find his ass. he warns madison and steve to isolate themselves just in case. somehow, the leader of the faction learns that john is the son of steve rogers and they end up tracking down steve and madison, who was hiding with her father. long story short, they kill steve and nearly kill madison to try and get john out of hiding. 
it works. john hunts them down and almost kills the leader but a few people convince him to just let the asshole rot in jail. John doesn’t want that, he doesn’t trust the justice system. but he reluctantly agrees. The trial becomes the biggest thing ever. it lasts for like a week. 
after all the evidence that shows this motherfucker CLEARLY killed steve and almost killed madison, he gets a not guilty verdict. 
and just imagining the look on john’s face at hearing that literally breaks my heart. he lost his best friend when he was younger to a murder and the killer never got sentenced due to lack of evidence. he was told to trust in the system to get justice for his friend. justice was never given. now he’s in the same position only this time, his father’s killer is free. and the reason why he’s free is because he has power and money and people are easily bought. the man who killed his father and nearly killed his sister gets to walk free.
he was close to avenging his father by killing the person responsible. but he was convinced by his family to let the system take care of him. like when he was a kid, steve told him to do the same thing when it came to his best friend’s murder. he was let down that time and he was let down this time. and he feels foolish because he though this time would be different. that steve rogers being murdered would enrage people enough that it would ensure a guilty verdict. he feels like a naive child thinking that anyone would do the right thing. he feels so stupid.
so imagine this boy getting up and attacking this guy and gets held in contempt. then my boy thomas (who I think is gonna be a lawyer in my story OH YES) represents him and is all like DUDE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
but like john is just a broken kid at this point. 
Again idk if I’m gonna do this idea but like...it’s very tantalizing.
also this probably makes no sense im sorry i’m rambling. 
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
can I have some john rogers headcanons? I literally love him SO MUCH (also hope you’re taking care of yourself love, work stress can be a lot 💛)
Aww thank you hon!! Answering this on mobile so the format might be weird
- The happiest toddler to ever exist
- Extremely affectionate with the people he knows
- We first see this in endgame, but john and steve start a tradition that involves sleepless late nights spent in the kitchen eating cookies and drinking milk
- that tradition means so much to steve and it becomes more important to them as John grows older
- john breaks his arm while he and thomas are messing around in the woods behind his home and like it's comedic gold (they are the chaotic dumbasses after all)
- john is the epitome of "fuck the american government" and also "justice system??? We have a functioning one in this country?!?!)
- a ruthless motherfucker if I have ever known one
- literally unbothered with killing someone like he could care less (no innocent victims on his part)
- thinks the answer to all his work problems is to beat up or kill someone (I love my son)
- has a secret soft side that I love so freaking much
- I have an idea, not sure if its gonna happen, where he falls for someone HARD but doesnt get into a relationship with them because he knows his work is dangerous and doesnt want to risk them getting hurt or killed by association so he breaks his own heart by never admitting he loves them but tells himself that it's for the best
- the biggest mama's boy and it's not the annoying or creepy kind. He genuinely loves and admires his mother so much, jackie is John's idol and hero
- in terms of his physical looks, john takes after Jackie and his grandfather John, both of whom have dark features and john has a great love and admiration for his grandfather who he never got to meet (kind of a fun note: I had always envisioned john to be the representation of the Lewis dark hair and dark eyes whereas madison represented the harris/rogers more fair hair and lighter eyes)
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emiliachrstine · 5 years
the night he arrived
summary: in honor of John’s birthday (Nov. 15th) I decided to post a small snippet of John’s birth that takes place during Renegades: Eschaton. If you don’t wish to be spoiled with what happens then don’t read this snippet! characters: jacqueline lewis, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, bruce banner word count: 1458 notes: I didn’t do extensive editing on this since there are still details I need to finalize with this scene. But I hope you guys liked this sneak peek of what’s to come! Also, just a side note, I know that John’s one gifset said that he was born in 2020 but I’m actually changing it to 2019. So on this very month, day and year in the Renegades universe, John Rogers is born! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! up next: Bucky and Sam take Madison and John on a trip to the zoo tag list: @samwilsonns, @chuck-hansens, @luucypevensie, @susiesamurai, @foxesandmagic, @kea-jones, @chantelroyal, @dieorfight
“She’s almost there, just one more push.” 
Steve nodded slowly, feeling his stomach twist at the pensive expression on Bruce’s face. He focused his attention on Jacqueline and brushed away the hair that had fallen in her face. She was exhausted, and her breathing was labored. “Jacks,” 
Steve’s voice caught her attention, helping to ground her focus. “Almost done,” she choked out. 
“Yeah, you’re almost done,” he brushed his thumb against her cheek and smiled when she looked up at him. “Just one more push.” 
She breathed in before scrunching her eyes closed. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. She wasn’t supposed to give birth at the compound. This wasn’t the experience she wanted for Steve. But this kid had other plans. Just one more push. Jacqueline reached for Steve’s hand and tried to pull herself up. Steve’s hand immediately went to rest against her back to give support.
Natasha took hold of Jacqueline’s other hand and settled closer to her, “You got this, kid.”  
Jacqueline looked over at Natasha, huffing out a tired laugh at the faint smirk on the red head’s face. “I got this,” she repeated, her head lolling towards Steve. Just one more push and it would be over. She would be able to rest. 
“Okay, Jackie,” Bruce spoke in a calm and calculated voice, his face still but his eyes gave away with how anxious he was. This was definitely not something he planned on doing today. “When I say, I want you to push as hard as you can.” 
Jacqueline nodded at his words, then whimpered as she tightened her hold on Steve and Natasha’s hands. She took in several deep breaths before nodding at Bruce again, signaling to him that she was ready. 
“Okay, you ready?” Bruce asked, then said a silent prayer to himself when he saw her nod at his question. This kid was almost out, nothing bad should happen. At least, that’s what he was hoping for. He braced himself, took in a quick breath, then said, “Push, Jackie.” 
Steve felt her fingers curl around his hand as she inhaled a deep breath and began to bear down as hard as she could. The exhaustion was already getting worse. It didn’t take her one more push, it was several more pushes. She was too weak to put all of her strength out at once. Natasha, while still holding onto Jacqueline’s hand, inched closer to Bruce to help survey the scene. Jacqueline had tried to bite back her cries, but the longer this ordeal went on her fortitude started to break. She cried out, her nails dug into Steve’s hand prompting him to wince. He could only wonder how much more would she have to endure this. Bruce said one more push--that clearly wasn’t the case. However, judging from Bruce and Natasha’s encouraging words, it was all commencing the way it should. Instead, Steve focused on rubbing Jacqueline’s back and offering what little encouragement he could. 
It felt like an eternity before it finally came to an end. Jacqueline tightened her grip on Steve’s hand, to the point that her knuckles went white, and she gave one last push while releasing an agonized scream. She went limp and her head fell against Steve’s shoulder, her body completely overcome with exhaustion. Steve secured his arm around her to keep her close to him, the grip on his hand finally loosened much to his own relief. He flexed his hand before looking over at Bruce and Natasha who were busy cleaning up the newborn. The baby was too quiet for Steve’s liking. But once Bruce cleared the baby’s airways, the newborn let out an ear-piercing wail. Relief immediately flooded through Steve’s body. The baby was fine. “Is the baby…” he trailed off, too overwhelmed by the scene of it all. 
“It’s a boy,” Natasha commented while gently wiping the newborn clean, she was grinning from ear to ear. “And he’s a real trooper too.” 
“Jacks,” Steve glanced down at her, seeing that her eyes were barely open. She wanted nothing more than to sleep. “Did you hear that?” 
Jacqueline barely nodded her head, the faintest smile appeared and then was gone. Their son continued to cry as Bruce and Natasha worked on cutting the umbilical cord. Jacqueline slowly pushed herself to sit up, but Steve was quick to guide her.
“I think you should lie down, Jacks.” 
She shook her head. “Not yet.” With help from Steve, Jacqueline was finally sitting upright. She bit down on her lip at how sore her entire body was, just screaming for her to lie down. When it appeared that Bruce was done, Jacqueline reached her arms out. Bruce, knowing exactly what needed to happen, gently picked up the crying newborn and placed him into her arms. Jacqueline, despite how exhausted she was,  was quick to place the baby to chest and, with Steve’s help, was able to finally lie down. 
“We’re gonna go get the car ready,” Bruce stood up from his spot and took a moment to watch his friends with their new child. He did it. He actually delivered a child--a safe delivery. The tension in his shoulders finally subsided. “You did a great job, Jackie.” The woman could only smile, too tired to say anything at that moment.
“Thank you, Bruce,” Steve spoke up for both of them. “For everything.” 
“Well, let me get you to the hospital first. I don’t want to take any chances.” With that, Bruce and Natasha left the trio to get the car ready for the short journey. 
Steve felt like he could breathe again. He looked down at his wife, watching as she comforted their son. She seemed to be in her own trance, rubbing at the baby’s back and softly shushing him. He imagined it was the same way when Madison was born. The newborn quieted down rather quickly though he was still quite fussy. Steve rested a hand against her cheek, smiling when she closed her eyes at his touch, “how are you feeling?”
She huffed out a laugh, “I’m so exhausted but I’m okay,” For a moment, she went quiet and focused on her breathing. Yes, she was beyond exhausted but she refused to sleep. Not until they got to the hospital. Not until their son got checked out by a doctor. She kissed the hand that was on her cheek and opened her eyes to look at Steve. And all she could do was snicker. “Are you okay?” She asked with an amused smile crossed her face. Steve’s face was almost drained of color and his eyes were glistening. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” 
The comment was incredibly random. But the only thing Steve managed to do was laugh. “This wasn’t the way I thought it would happen.” 
“I know,” her expression turned somber. She imagined that it would take place at the hospital. They would have to endure the long wait before the pushing came. But no one was more surprised than her with how fast it happened. The baby moved and began to whimper, causing both his parents to focus on him. “It’s okay,” she traced her finger down the baby’s cheek, smiling when she saw his face scrunch up. “You really couldn’t wait to come out could you?” She watched as the baby moved in her hold, eventually, he turned his head in the other direction facing Steve. “He’s a lot quieter than Madison was when she was born.” 
“That’s probably not gonna last long.” Steve brushed his finger over his son’s hand. This made the baby grasp onto his finger. He actually felt a breath hitch in his throat. It was then that he realized this was a first for him. He had missed this with Madison. He wasn’t there for her birth, unable to experience this blissful moment with her and Jacqueline. Steve swallowed down the ache that had formed in his throat. There was a lot he had missed with his daughter. But this time it was going to be different. He would make sure of it. 
Steve maneuvered himself until he was lying beside Jacqueline, making sure that he didn’t pull away from his son’s grasp. He then paused when he saw his son open his eyes halfway. The baby opened and closed them several more times before he managed to fully open them. Steve inched closer until his chin was resting against Jacqueline’s shoulder. The infant merely stared at the person before him but his grip on Steve’s finger tightened. 
Steve could only smile, his eyes now gleaming with tears. “Hey, bud.” The baby scrunched his eyes closed and Steve could’ve sworn that he saw his lips curl into a brief smile. 
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