#chaines de television
buzznolimit · 2 months
Jeux olympiques : suivez l’actualité en vidéos
Alors que les Jeux olympiques approchent à Paris, Buzz No Limit se positionne en première ligne pour offrir une expérience exclusive de l’envers du décor aux membres. Lorsque vous naviguez dans la rubrique Actualités de notre plateforme, vous trouverez une sélection passionnante de reportages à télécharger. Le dernier rapport décrit en détail le déploiement massif des forces de sécurité prévues…
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applepieshy · 5 months
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I had an idea to redesign vox because I didn't love that a character obsessed with modernization would wear a top hat and bowtie. then after a brief stint into madness where I read my partner's historic costuming textbook I drew.... all this.
(side note: the idea of vox being a trans man who transitioned AFTER death was super compelling and absolutely inspired by @prince-liest so while this is not direct fanart of their series I wanted to give a shoutout anyway!!!)
okay some TRULY unhinged rambling about historic costume below the cut YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
1950s: for this design I very much did not want to go to the typical a-line housewife look, because I feel that is unfitting for vox's character. instead I went for a more business look, but there is still a level of femininity that he would have been expected to perform. i wanted to express his discomfort with that through the pose and expression, though at the time he wouldn't necessarily have a framework for why he hated it
1960s: this one was very fun. i loved the idea of vox beginning to eschew some of the expected feminine presentation, and he no longer wears makeup, jewelry, or hose (though its hard to tell in black & white); however, he's kind of at war with himself in this time period. he's obsessed with seeming perfect and having a respectable image, so he would not go in for the counter-culture movements that were so big in the 60s. he's still kind of riding those coattails though, pushing those boundaries while still not acknowledging his queerness.
1970s: to me, it was very important that the gender hit as he entered the world in color. in my mind the gender euphoria is physically manifested in a wizard of oz situation - he can become who he always has been. anyway, gender aside, I think it was very important to me personally that he wore an ascot. it was for my mental health.
1980s: I wanted the 1980s to be the period where he began to gain some power and notoriety because of the de-regulation of television during this period to allow more ads, mirroring real-world history. I think if the 70s were when vox gained some real confidence, the 80s are when he got an Ego (tm). "business casual" also began to become more acceptable in this time period, and the t-shirt/suit jacket combo was very important for me to include, as to me it epitomizes the commercialism and machismo of the 80s.
1990s: this was actually the decade I was the most nervous to design, and yet I think it turned out the best? the 90s are known for grunge, which I think is NOT vox's style at all. I decided instead to lean hard into the yuppie look, which I know is more associated with the 80s but was definitely still a thing in the 90s. I also allowed a little hip-hop influence in the form of a gold chain from val, which is not something I think vox would ever pick on his own.
2000s: if the 90s were the decade I was worried about and turned out great, the 2000s are the decade I thought I had down SO GOOD and then totally floundered in execution. I still love the bubble-mac inspired head, and I tried to make his clothes as "round" as possible. I also like that this is the time where his saturation got cranked. however, I don't know if I'm in love with the vest and super bright sneakers, because again, looking back on it, he kind of looks like he works at a movie theater or best buy or some shit lol,,,
2010s: I think it's telling that this is by far the closest to his canon design (2014 tumblr lookin ass). I really wanted to pull from that hipster tech bro era, but unfortunately that aesthetic has a veneration for "retro" which again, is not fitting for vox. I still think he would wear the bowtie during this time because, well... he sure does in the show!
2020s: this was fun because I had an excuse to pull from haute couture design rather than street fashion because of the introduction of velvette into his life. I truly do not think velvette would let vox and val walk around in the outfits that they do because it would be an actual embarrassment LMAO. for this, I wanted his decorative "robes" to be evocative of the time he depicted himself as a priest AND of a cape/robe of an emperor. he does think of himself as that bitch, after all.
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reve-de-sang · 18 days
for @vamptember -- the Sept. 5 prompt "meet cute," with a soupçon of a second prompt, "Romeo and Juliet."
louis discovers an embarrassing new problem.
lestat discovers a young human man with a most disagreeable disposition waiting for him for breakfast.
gabrielle does not discover her son is a boy-crazy lunatic: she already knew that.
Given the power in his blood, Lestat always rose earlier than most. Right now the sky was still a searing pink in the west with one of those gorgeous pollution-enhanced sunsets.
He headed down to the basement. When they were in cities, lately basements were where Gabrielle seemed to feel most comfortable sleeping away the day free of a coffin. She liked to sack out on a sofa while the television murmured the dialogue of TV shows a streaming service would cycle through in an endless “recommended next!” chain.
There was a knocked-out teenage girl blocking Lestat’s way at the foot of the stairs. She looked like she had been thrown.
A soft gasping drew his attention to the sofa.
Gabrielle was still in her daytime sleep, and she had one clawed hand locked around the throat of a man who was awkwardly half crouched by her side. He obviously couldn’t get free, and Lestat suspected he was trying not to trigger Gabrielle into unconsciously finishing the job of crushing his throat. His breathing was careful and labored. He was looking a little blue around the edges, though.
Lestat eyed the bag at the man’s feet; wooden stakes spilled out of it.
“It’s an automatic response,” Lestat drawled as he stepped over the girl and sauntered over. “We may be asleep, but we’re not defenseless. Are you new?”
The man tried to appraise him from the corner of his eye without turning his head. “Yeah,” he whispered.
Lestat stopped in front of him, and kicked away the bag and its stakes. They clattered against the far wall like bowling pins.
Lestat rested a knuckle under the man’s chin and studied him. “You are too handsome to be this stupid.”
That got an ugly expression. Lestat laughed in delight. 
“Well. Pray to your god that this works?” Lestat smirked. He gently took Gabrielle’s wrist in his hand. She was like marble. Still, he pressed his thumb carefully into the meat of her palm. “Gabrielle. Gabrielle, let go. It’s fine now. I will take care of this.” After a moment more of soft words and firm massage, her unconscious fingers relaxed infinitesimally enough for the man to pop loose and scurry away, sucking in greedy gulps of air.
“You gon kill us now?” the man rasped, falling to the ground.
“Your name?”
That got Lestat narrowed eyes.
“Oh please. You attempted to murder my companion. I feel like we’re on a first-name basis now.”
“Louis!” Lestat beamed. “Beautiful. It suits you. I am Lestat--Lestat de Lioncourt--which you may already know?”
Louis shook his head, rubbing his throat.
“Oh dear.” He sighed and crossed to perch on the arm of a recliner. “Though perhaps it’s best my reputation does not precede me.”
“…We’re outta New Orleans. Never encountered something like this before,” he said defensively. His eyes slid back to Gabrielle.
“Am I to understand you have run out of vampires to kill in New Orleans and made the trek to Shreveport to carry on the work.”
Louis started to speak, thought better of it, and gave a grudging nod. 
“Well then, I must thank you. New Orleans is where I am headed,” Lestat declared. “And other vampires tend to be tiresome.”
“Although,” Lestat added, shifting to make himself comfortable by curling up in the chair itself, “I admit it will be very lonely. My companion and I were parting ways tonight. I’m determined to make ‘The Big Easy,’ as they say, my home. But she hates the idea of a place without basements.”
“How sad.”
“Ouias hein, t’as vu,” Lestat huffed. Yeah, you get it.
The girl by the stairs groaned. 
“Did you want to be breakfast, my beautiful Louis? This,” Lestat gestured at the debacle, “wasn’t particularly well thought out. Should I be concerned you have a death wish?” He thoughtfully dragged the pad of his thumb over the point of one long incisor.
“No. Just, uh. Stupid. Apparently." Louis cleared his throat. “How about you just let us get out of your hair. Pretend this never happened.” He gave a wry smile. 
“What is it Westley says in The Princess Bride? ‘I would sooner destroy a stained glass window than an artist like yourself’? Though in our case, you are more like the beautiful Buttercup.”
Louis looked offended on several different levels, but was obviously trying not to escalate the situation. 
“Thanks. Admit I always pictured myself as more of a Westley if we’re picking roles.”
“Oh, I would be your Buttercup anytime, Louis.”
Louis furrowed his brow. “Well you got that hair going for you.”
“Perhaps next time? I hope you won’t abandon the profession, Louis. You should definitely hunt me in New Orleans. I could give you some tips when next we meet.”
“I know I have the disadvantage here, but. Anyone ever ask you what’s wrong with your head?”
“I am perhaps foolish around pretty men,” Lestat reflected, his eyes lingering on Louis's bare forearms.
Gabrielle snapped awake just then, and gained her feet in a swing of blonde hair; Louis wasn’t near her anymore, but he still lunged back a couple yards. She started to advance on Louis, but paused at the sight of Lestat.
“Don’t worry about him, love. This is my new friend, Louis. And his little assistant…” he narrowed his eyes at Louis, seemingly deep in thought, “…Claudia.”
Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “I’m going to go take care of this,” she said, grabbing her fall of hair in one hand and shaking it hatefully. “Start the fire on your way out.”
“Yes, yes,” Lestat sighed, watching her go. He smiled at Louis. “The previous occupants are starting to stink up the place.”
“I want to live in the French Quarter,” Lestat said, standing. “Perhaps I can convince someone to sell. You must visit me!”
“Kinda feel like I need to study up, first.”
“Study quickly, Louis.” Lestat glanced over at Claudia’s body. “She’s not exactly bouncing back. Do you think she needs some healing blood? I don’t suppose you’d like to make a pact, let me tempt you into being my immortal companion?” Lestat purred, swaying a little closer. “I would throw your friend in as a gift, possibly save her life.”
Lestat smiled. “Well. You know where to find me, my Louis.”
He backed toward the stairs, eyes covetously on Louis, stepping over Claudia without a thought. “The fire will begin in the second floor bedrooms. You might have about ten minutes. Louis, do you want my number?”
Louis cautiously got to his feet. “Oh, no. Why ruin the mystery.”
Lestat grinned. “Quite right. Until we meet again!”
He took the stairs three at a time as he listened to Louis rush to Claudia’s side, and her fuzzy responses to his worried questions.
Lestat could be in New Orleans before dawn.
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
Dulce de Leche Glaze: Lotería
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Summary: You had been chained up by Marco and Leonel for ten months. You just want to make the best out of the worst.
WC: 3592
Based off the Leonel Salamanca x Dulce!Reader x Marco Salamanca by @richeeduvie  - their work really got my creative juices flowing <3 check ‘em out!!
Warnings! NSFW (18+), kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, and MMF threesome. Reader has an internal conflict about how to feel as a kidnapping victim. Proceed with caution.
Your relationship had been a slow burn, increasing lingering touches that made you burn hot were becoming more common. 
At first, you were furious with yourself for allowing it to progress so far. Your time with the boys was filled with tentative touches that left your blood running cold. It’s worse that they’re both standing next to you - their towering frames hovering and casting a shadow over you from the dim glow of the staticky television behind them; Legally Blonde was neglected. The shortness of your breath only emboldened the men. You had entertained lingering touches, letting them cuddle you at the same time on the sofa. Your hips pressed taut to Leonel’s hips while you laid your head on Marco’s chest more times this month than you could count like it was a nightly routine.
That slow grinding, you had felt Leonel’s cock strain through his pajama pants as it pressed into your ass for the first time when you first turned on the movie. His hot breath in your ear as you clutched at Marco’s chest with small gasps. It was demeaning to do this, to not just let them touch you but to… but to want it. It had been a long pleasureless ten months with them, a lot of fits of anger and throwing gifts in their face. It was sickening when you realized the gentleness they exhibited with you; that there was in fact care there. The wordlessness became a part of your routine as you adapted to what it meant to be comfortable with them.
It was beyond comfort, what you felt now, looking up at them from where you sat at the end of the sectional with your sock clad toes with the frills and ruffles at the ankle like a girl at communion grazing the plush rug on the floor. The tented fabric of their cocks in the navy plaid pajama pants were big, intimidating to see. You had done some … dry humping with them in moments of weakness where you just had these demented needs to be fulfilled and promised yourself it wouldn’t happen again only to wind up in the other brother’s lap not even ten minutes later; you felt beyond debauched at this point. You would never do something like this back home.
But nothing else derived pleasure. Even before they took you away, you had a long dry spell without sex and any sex was mediocre and unsatisfactory. Briefer than brief, never long enough to make you cum.
Nonetheless, the growing tension despite anticipating mediocrity remained. It was a pleasureless ten months and you had the choice to make it into a pleasureless lifetime; they had zero intention of letting you out and their clever nature made it sure that any lapse in their common withholding protocol was intentional (made sure by the numerous times they had left something unlocked only for you to turn a corner and find them anticipating your escape attempt). The escape attempts lessened as time droned on. It was useless and you only had the option to make the best of it and make amends with them. It removed a lot of worry from your life if you looked on the optimistic end of things; you never had to worry about a bill or your next meal like you did when you scraped by at Casa Tranquila. It was a humble salary and you never lived above your means as they allowed you to. Everything you asked for was always followed through wordlessly, something you never enjoyed outside of the walls of their compound. Nobody really stuck to their word with you except them, who ironically rarely said any words.
It only complicated the looming feeling of affection blooming in you. You had started not just accepting their touches but seeking them out, inviting them in, leaving the spaces on the sectional you sat on open unlike how you used to sprawl out to prevent them from encroaching on your private space. If only the woman you were when you first got here, fussy and belligerent, could see you now: eager and submissive. You would’ve wept for all you were worth. You wouldn’t believe what you were seeing.
Their shirts discarded, the tattoos lining their chests and the shadow of the bulging muscles highlighted by the dim shadow of the quiet playing of the DVD that just barely tuning out the hum of your own heartbeat in your ears as you stared up wide-eyed at the duo that were palming their cocks looking down at you from where they stood. The sectional is like a sofa bed you note, anticipating something more than just a blowjob after so many months of them waiting for you to give the go ahead. Given they were kidnappers, you were thankful in some way that they never forced you into something you didn’t want beyond the holding you hostage part. Everything else was tailored to try and give you comfort. Each complaint was rectified the next day be it a new blanket, pillow, or DVD of an old classic. 
Just… this is just a thank you. It’s more for you, you reason internally trying to bite down the burning lust in you that wanted to just strip bare and beg them to do what they want and hope that the feeling just goes away so you can be normal again and go back to hating them. You want so badly for the feeling to go die down as you reach out with both hands to take each of their erections in your hand to palm at through the pants. Their circumference was thick, you could tell that much from circling it (or trying to) with your hand over the pants and you couldn’t gauge the length from the fabric keeping it restrained. You were curious, nothing more, you reason even further in spite of the pooling slick in your dolphin shorts. You didn’t really wear panties anymore, they kept vanishing anyway, so you fretted if these shorts would be ruined. At least the boys would follow through if you asked them to get you new ones. You’d have five new dolphin shorts with varying colors and designs by dusk tomorrow if you asked.
You can tell they’re good at reading you, which gives you some comfort that they didn’t try to push you more. Marco’s hand is gentle, petting your hair when you pause at their waistbands looking unsure, while Leonel’s hand comes to rest on your cheek and stroking your face with his thumb. This is too gentle for you. It’s only complicating the fuzzy feeling that moved from your pussy to your chest, stomach turning uncomfortably at the affectionate touches. You sigh, a deep breath to reset your breathing as you tug the waistbands down: they both spring up, the warm beige skin hitting the strip of hair that went from their belly button to the groin.
 Long. Scary, you think. It’s bigger than you ever had really seen besides those pornos you stumbled on back in high school, the ones with some tiny skinny lady with a six-foot something monster of a man toting a member thick like a coke can. It didn’t even look like it felt good, you remember as you try to swallow the lump in your throat. It had been a really long dry spell, busy with work and school and the Albuquerque dating pool was not something you wanted any part in anyway. You can barely circle them with your palms granted how much smaller you were but, you try. You really do try, staring hard at Marco’s and glancing at Leonel’s with flitting eyes like you were nervous and they could tell it. The petting of your hair ceases as Marco’s hand flattens to a palm at the back of your head and pushes it toward his twitching dick. Was this even gonna fit in your mouth? Your jaw hurts just looking at it… 
You still pump at Leonel, who was trying to stroke your face and console you as the anxiety was becoming obvious to them both. Your face draws closer to Marco’s dick, but you don’t open your lips as you get close to it. Your lips settle on the tip and Marco doesn’t push further, looking down at you as you whimper a little and look up at him with puppy dog eyes, all glossy and watery. Your lips twitch a little, still trying to figure out if it’ll hurt your jaw; this was bigger than anything you had ever seen in real life (not that you were really experienced given your schedule). Your hand settles at Marco’s base, as you look up and smile nervously and kiss the precum off his tip. I can do this, you think, I can do this. 
The first inch is a bit difficult but you just try not to think of how it’s stretching your mouth as you take him in a little over half to meet your fingers closed in a fist at his base, still giving Leonel slow pumps as you focus. Not that hard just go up and down and suck, you think as you bob your head while listening to the small breaths of Marco above you from where you sit on the sectional sofa bed’s end. A couple of moments pass before you move to Leonel, feeling brazen and considerate given how soft and sweet Leonel’s stroking of your face was. It was repetitive, switching back and trying to both get them wet enough to do… to do whatever. You didn’t even wanna think of the words. It was too fuzzy in your head anyway to even think anymore: you didn’t want to think, only wanted to do. 
You let them go, the wet gleam of your saliva on their shafts reflected in the dim light of the television, and a long line of spit follows Marco’s tip to your lips before breaking and landing a line of spittle on your pointelle camisole as you scoot to the head of the sectional sofa bed. They pause, wondering if it was pushing you too far, but their eyes widen a little bit as you strip off the camisole and discard it. Followed by you nervously pulling down your dolphin shorts which had a large dark mark at the groin where your wetness was accumulating a humiliating amount, more than you ever had done in your life. You only sit at the back of it, palms pressing into the puddle of your favorite blanket that had been left at the sofa back and spilled down the arm to the plush rug on the floor. Your hair was a mess. Drool was on your chin and your hands were wet with the amount of gagging you had done on them. 
Dressed only in your frilly socks, you glance between them and swallow. Gulping, all nervous, like trying to get something out of your throat. Legally Blonde is going to end soon. “I started with Marco so - so Leonel, y-you can go first. C’mere, Marco…” you mumble in broken soft words, spreading your legs and reaching your arms out to Marco to have him come near your mouth. You hadn’t done it in so long and never with two guys at once. Inside, you had no ounce of shame around the situation. It was trying to scratch an itch, making the best of the worst. You just hope it’d feel good. That they’d be gentle.
The pair of navy pajama pants pooled on the floor by the television, left behind by both as your attention turned to Leonel. He was climbing over you on the sofa, hard breaths cut off as he went to kiss your forehead. The greatest way to tell them apart during this moment was the way Leonel always sought out these small ways to soothe you whereas Marco tended to be more emboldened to go the next step with you. You grip Marco in your left hand, pumping him as your eyes stare down at the part where you and Leonel are about to meet. He’s nudging the hole, seeing it was already sopping wet and ready, and your breath catches in your throat as he pauses to look up for confirmation that it was okay.
“Ju-just… gentle, okay…” you breathe like the wind was knocked out of you. He nods with a low hum and pushes forward, just enough to slip the head in but it’s enough - the way you yelp makes him pause as you lean back, hands moving from Marco’s cock to hold his waist and bury your face into the skin between his hip and belly. You grip at his hips, seeking Marco out to have to hold onto as Leonel inched in, his dick still hard and pressed on your cheek as you let out a choked sob into his skin all muffled. His right hand goes to the back of your head again to console you as his left starts to brush up and down your arm, grazing it to ground and reassuring you that you were safe. You hiccuped a bit as he slid in a little deeper, your hips bucking pathetically as you tried to take it without complaint. When he bottoms out, you breathe a long sigh into Marco’s side as you pull back with tearful eyes and look to Leonel while still gripping Marco’s sides as he keeps at his movements to console you. 
“You - you can keep going, ‘m okay now… just l-let Marco use my mouth ‘til you’re done…” you murmur, eyes glazed over without thought and only considering the pleasure. His veins pushed into your walls as you squeezed him with your twitches, your heartbeat clear as day in your pussy, as you went to bob your mouth on Marco with a nod to show him you were okay. It’s bliss for them both, the way you use both hands and holes for them. Your mouth worked at Marco’s shaft with a bobbing motion as you sucked at it, pumping the base of it that you couldn’t reach without gagging, while moaning around it in high-pitched whimpers and squeals when his tip nudged your cervix. Your right hand was gripping the back of Leonel’s neck, to keep him close mostly. You looked spent and you had just started. It had been a long ten months in Leonel’s defense when he suddenly drew back and spilled his spent all over your belly quicker than he would’ve liked. He looked down at the pooling milky liquid glazing your skin and glanced at your hole: it was twitching and still asking for more. He glanced up at Marco with a nod, who tugged your head back by the hair (gently) to get you to pull back. The string of spit is lewd, your eyes half-lidded and foggy with pleasure, lined with watery tears at the size of him and the sensation of tending to two men at once. You whined at the emptiness of you, almost huffing as your mouth and pussy were suddenly both empty. You look at Leonel with a quivering lip and hold your arms out to him when you realize Marco was going to replace his spot in your pussy, almost like you wanted an innocent hug. His heartstrings tug a little at the sight of you giving into your base needs from where you used to be so combative and belligerent. It was like winning the lottery after playing the same number over and over.
Leonel doesn’t stand like Marco, but instead drops to his knees next to the sofa to kiss you, your chest pressed against the sofa’s arm to meet his lips over it. You squeak at the sudden movement only to grab his shoulder with a vice grip when Marco suddenly dips into you and sets a harsher pace than he did. You moan into his mouth, the air from your nose panting in short hard breaths as you gripped his biceps with eyes screwed shut. Unlike Leonel, the force of Marco’s thrusts were enough to make you bounce a bit. Leonel probably only started slowly to see how well you could take the length and Marco went to work seeing how hard you could take it. Clutching Leonel and panting in his mouth aren’t enough, you need something sweeter: you pull away and nuzzle into Leonel’s shoulder, kissing at the nape of his neck with peppering pecks that you struggle with as you feel your insides twitch more and threaten to spill - spill something. You pull back from peppering kisses along his neck and stare at him with tense and knit brows, eyes big as you try so hard to verbalize the feeling. It felt - you weren’t sure. You didn’t know how to say it; no, you just didn’t want to admit what was happening: the first time you were cumming is because you let both your kidnappers fuck you at once.
“Le-Le-Leo-” you breathe in a strained voice that trembled with each of Marco’s thrusts, “think ‘m gon-gon - aahh, ‘m cumming…” your voice trails off as you dip back into his shoulder to hiccup pathetically, your hips shaking and bucking under the loud squelching sounds it was making as he kept scraping his cock along your walls and prodding at your cervix with his deep hot huffs of breath that grew strained. He didn’t need to keep holding it in if you had already cum: they got what they wanted.
More cum pools on your belly, dribbling translucent white splattered across your tits, chest, belly, and groin. So much it was dribbling a bit. You had to be cleaned up after being coated in two loads of two sexually frustrated men. Empty again, you still twitched as Leonel peppered kisses along your hairline as you whimpered into his shoulder trying to settle the aftershock of what had just happened. Many months ago, you had been beating their shoulders as they dragged you back in the house after testing if you’d run away for the third time, crying feverishly and yelling about how much you hated them as they secured the chain around your ankle in the basement again. You had been behaving lately and were able to join them upstairs (albeit on the living room chain) and it set you back again. It was never going to end. 
It was a pleasureless ten months. It is making the best out of the worst and although a part of you still wants to feel that regret or hate coming back up as Marco tenderly collects the cum off your midsection with a washcloth as Leonel presses warm kisses to your cheek, the regret never comes. It’s washed away in the riptide of pleasure and gone in the deep sea. It was like a message in a bottle to be swallowed up by some sperm whale and never seen again. You hum happily into Leonel’s shoulder and reach out to stroke Marco’s hand when he comes back clad in his pajama pants. 
You had a lot of dreams about a beach during your stay there. Waking up in a cold sweat tied to the radiator, you often started off dressed inappropriately: overheating in hot sweats. You were alone and a lot of the time it looked like a storm was rolling in. You were starting to hate the beach, not that you went there often, and only sometimes you would wake up to one or both of the boys looking at you with those hard faces of concern as you mumbled and rolled in your sleep on the futon in the basement. Their faces made you wake with a start the first few months, a yell or a push, then a holler at them to leave you alone or you’d start another hissy fit of tears and pleading. The past three or four months (you had no calendar to know what day it was or a window to gauge how much time had passed), the sight of them in front of you didn’t drive you to tears after the dream of the dark beach in your sweats. Staring back questionably, you would just turn toward the wall to not look. Only recently you started letting them console you… reaching out for them to sit with you. It’s dim in the basement even if the chain is long enough to go to the lamp and make it brighter, it’s more comforting to feel someone else’s warmth. When you doze off, the credits of Legally Blonde, the beach is sunny and bright with cool waves and you feel the perfect water on your toes nice and warm. It’s a sundress, a maxi one that’s thin and colored a deep maroon. The ends get wet with your feet. You look down, but if you look up there is no land for miles, marathons away, stretches of isles to never be explored beyond the island. It’s just you and this beach, forever. It is making the best out of the worst. 
You wake up on the futon already consoled by Marco, your head in his lap, as Leonel silently folds your favorite blanket. You nuzzle into his lap and don’t even remember there is a chain tying you to a radiator: there is something that changed in the room and it was not the furniture nor was it the boys.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Resistance Fighter – Nancy Wake
She killed a Nazi with her bare hands.
Nancy Wake was a gutsy journalist from Australia who became a leader of the Allied resistance and killed a Nazi with her bare hands.
Born in New Zealand in 1912, Nancy was raised in Sydney. She ran away from home at age 16 and went to London, where she became a self-taught journalist.
As a young woman, Nancy described herself as someone who loved nothing more than a “good drink and handsome men, especially French men.” In 1930 she married Henri Edmond Fiocca, a wealthy French industrialist.
During the 1930’s Nancy worked for Hearst newspapers as a European correspondent. Stationed in Vienna, Nancy witnessed the rise of Nazism. She was shocked to see roving gangs of Nazis beating up Jews, and never forgot the sight of Jews chained to massive wheels and rolled through the streets. She later said, “I resolved there and then that if I ever had the chance I would do anything to make things more difficult for their rotten party.”
Nancy became a courier for the French resistance. Speaking perfect French, she worked with the “maquis” – guerrilla bands of resistance fighters. After Germany invaded France, she helped Allied POW’s and other personnel escape the country.
The Gestapo called Nancy the “White Mouse.” They tapped her phone and intercepted her mail. Nancy’s life was in constant danger.
Nancy described her method of avoiding detection by the Germans: “A little powder and a little drink on the way, and I’d pass their German posts and wink and say, ‘Do you want to search me?’ God, what a flirtatious little bastard I was.”
Nancy led repeated attacks on Gestapo headquarters. By 1943, she was the most wanted resistance fighter, with a 5 million franc price on her head.
After Nancy’s maquis network was betrayed, she fled France. Her husband stayed behind, and he was captured, tortured and killed by the Gestapo. Nancy, on her way across the Pyrenees to Spain, was unaware of her husband’s death until after the war.
In 1944, Nancy parachuted into France. Her assignment involved collecting and distributing arms and equipment that were sent in by parachute. Nancy was a highly successful recruiter, and is credited with bringing 7500 fighters into the resistance.
From April 1944 until the liberation of France in August 1944, Nancy’s band of maquisards fought 22,000 German soldiers, causing 1400 casualties while sustaining only 100 of their own.
At one point, Nancy killed an SS guard with her bare hands to stop him from raising the alarm during a raid. She later described how she did it, “They’d taught this judo-chop stuff with the flat of the hand at SOE [special operations training] and I practiced away at it. But this was the only time I used it – whack – and it killed him all right. I was really surprised.”
Another time, Nancy’s wireless operator was shut down in a German raid, and she rode her bicycle over 300 miles through German checkpoints to deliver the secret codes.
After the war, Nancy was awarded the United States Medal of Freedom, the Medaille de la Resistance, and the Croix de Guerre, among many other honors.
Nancy continued to work as an intelligence agent. She married a Royal Air Force officer in 1957 and for the next several decades they divided their time between London and Australia. Nancy’s autobiography, The White Mouse, was published in 1985 and became a bestseller.
Nancy’s husband died in 2001, and she returned to London permanently. She lived at the Stafford Hotel near Picadilly, her expenses largely paid for by the hotel’s owners, who were honored to host a renowned heroine. She could be found every morning at the hotel bar, drinking her first gin and tonic of the day.
Nancy died in 2011 at age 98. Her remarkable story has been the subject of multiple biographies and television mini-series.
For fighting the good fight against the Nazi war machine, we honor Nancy Wake as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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1997thebracket · 1 year
Round 1
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Into every generation, a Slayer is born: for ours, Sarah Michelle Geller stars as Buffy Summers, a supernaturally-gifted and interpersonally-burdened former cheerleader who loves a pithy one-liner, a night at the Bronze, and a chic taupe lip color. What began as a promising but critically divisive 1992 film would blossom into one of the biggest television hits of 1997, and a cult franchise for decades to come. As a story, Buffy didn't just work for the simplified impression of "girl power" that sold well in the 90s, but for its complex themes of morality, identity, the isolation of responsibility, and the echoing effects of laying the world like a chain on the neck of a child. ("Girl power" was however a fundamental part of the puzzle, and that would expand through the show's run to explore the strength of Slayers, witches, vampires, demons, Gods, girls made of bugs, girls made of nothing at all, and most potently, lesbians.) Buffy's recognizable dialogue and time capsule-like preservation of the era's fashion and music gives the show a sense of style and vibrancy against the frequently dark cemetery backdrop.
Daft Punk's Homework: If the pop world knew then what we know now, we would've invested even harder (better, faster, stronger.) Homework is the debut album by the French electronic duo Daft Punk who would come to be known not only as pioneers of house music, but for many, as the masked face of it. Featuring the singles Around The World and Da Funk, the album brought the then-underground progressive house music out of the clubs and into the homes of millions. Band members Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo had originally given their demo to the DJ at a Eurodisney rave, and in a few years would see bidding wars between major labels before ever releasing a studio album. Homework, which by the duo's admission is comprised of a collection of singles rather than a planned album tracklist, could have been inaccessible to pop music fans disused to instrumental electronica-- instead, it found success Around The World and paved a path forward for the genre.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Snarry Recs: Inspired By
The beauty of stories is how they touch us, inspire us, live within us, shape us. That need, that drive, to mold and create. Fanfiction is such a beautiful thing, for how touched we are and driven we are by the stories we are, to create more stories from them. And, naturally, yet other inspirations can slip into the mix. I'm always excited to see fanfiction inspired by other stories, too; even material I'm not myself familiar with.
And with that...here are a collection of some Snarry fics inspired by other stories, be they television shows, movies, books, or plays!
Severus Snape and the Ghostwritten Romance
by Cluegirl. Rated E. 65k. Drarry. Cyrano de Bergerac (play.)
Voldemort is gone, but his Death Eaters remain a threat. Until the day their youngest member, Draco Malfoy, returns to England to try and save Harry Potter's life, if he can find him, and get through Harry's formidable, self appointed guardian; Severus Snape.
Ghost Story
by drawlight (@ripeteeth.) Rated M. 32k. Jane Eyre (book.)
All love stories are ghost stories; Severus Snape has seen a ghost.
After the war, Severus Snape takes a position as a tutor at a strange house in Cornwall with a stranger master.
I Dream of Harry
by Dementordelta. Rated E. 33k. I Dream of Jeanie (show.)
Severus Snape finds a magical object, or does a magical object find Severus Snape? AU.
Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds
by eldritcher. Rated M. 10k. The Man Who Fell to Earth (film.)
An alien kidnaps Snape. Harry to the rescue.
Soul Stained Hands
by lesyeuxverts. Rated E. 4k. Marat/Sade (play.)
The streets of London are drenched in blood and the casualties of the war haunt Harry as he makes his third attempt to kill the Dark Lord.
Sudden Light
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated E. 42k. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (film.)
Seven years after the war, in the dead of winter, Severus Snape meets a beautiful stranger on a train. Inevitably, he falls in love.
Just Visiting
by Lilian. Rated E. 65k. Everything Everywhere All At Once (film.)
Post Canon. Harry goes universe hopping. He doesn't know how it starts, or why it's happening - but one day he wakes up as a Slytherin, then he is being chased by Death Eaters, then he is the lover of Severus Snape - and things only get more bewildering. 
An exploration of love, family, and finding your feet in different life paths through the eyes of a 26 year old Harry Potter, who thinks he only wants to be left alone, but just can't help but be intrigued by all the ways the Severus Snapes don't make sense.
No Place Like
by OldDVS. Rated M. 38k. The Wizard of Oz (film.)
Snape gets to deal with one of the least magical places on earth when Voldemort’s clever plan takes a wrong turn. Kansas, it turns out, handles magic pretty well.
by Svartalfur. Rated E. 14k. Snucius. The Count of Monte Cristo (book.)
When trapped in Azkaban, despair seems to be the only option. Help, however, can come from the most surprising of places.
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olympic-paris · 27 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 27
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1943 – Luis Caballero Holguin, born in Bogota on this date (d.1995) was a painter, watercolorist, pastellist and lithographer. Caballero is known for depicting masculine fugures, and his works often include both erotic and violent imagery.
Caballero was raised in a conservative Catholic household. He studied at the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia) in 1961-62, where he met and was influenced by etcher artist Juan Antonio Roda and art critic Marta Traba. He continued his academic studies in Paris at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere, graduating in 1964. It is during this time that he discovered Willem Dekooning and Francis Bacon. Back in Colombia, in 1968, he won First Prize at the First Ibero-American Biennal of Medellin.
Caballero returned to Paris where he found more freedom in 1969 and lived there until 1995, when he returned to Bogota for a special exhibition of his work at the Luis Angel Arango Library.
His figurative works are usually large scale mixed media oil, ink, watercolor washes on either canvas or paper, sometimes incorporating fabrics or rope in a limited range of muted sepia colors, often representing male nude figures, in a contemporary style marked by classic training.
His work was briefly censored by those who considered it “obscene, pornographic and immoral”, even though Caballero himself said: “Maybe the creative impulse is the same as the erotic impulse,” and: “I paint the bodies I would like to possess.” 
He died in June of 1995 at the age of fifty two.
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1947 – The Washington Post editorializes in favor of an expanded sodomy law for the District of Columbia, complaining that the city had become 'more or less a haven for sexual perverts and degenerates.'
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1952 – Today's the birthday of Paul Reubens, (d.2023), best known for his character Pee-wee Herman, he starred in the television series Pee-wee's Playhouse from 1986 until 1990. He also starred in an HBO special called The Pee-wee Herman Show, the 1985 movie Pee-wee's Big Adventure and the 1988 movie Big Top Pee-wee.
In July 1991, after deciding to take a few years' sabbatical from Pee-wee, Reubens was arrested for indecent exposure in an adult theater in Sarasota, Florida. The arrest set off a chain reaction of national media attention that changed the general public's view of Reubens and Pee-wee. The arrest postponed Reubens's engagement in big projects until 1999, when he appeared in the big-budget Mystery Men and Blow and started giving interviews as himself rather than as Pee-wee. He has since gone on to take roles in darker themed movies like Blow. Reubens appeared as the Pee-wee Herman character for the first time since 1992 at Spike TV's 2007 Guys Choice Awards in June 2007.
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1961 – Tom Ford is an American fashion designer. He is well known within the fashion industry for his legendary turnaround of Gucci, one of the most influential fashion houses in the world.
Ford was born in Austin, Texas. After graduating from the Parsons School of Design in 1986, initially having studied architecture, he took design jobs with Cathy Hardwick and Perry Ellis. In 1990, he was recruited by Gucci to design women's ready-to-wear, and Ford later moved on to become the chief director for Gucci. Ford called french editor Carine Roitfeld and photgrapher Mario Testino and asked them to help him revamp the old fashioned house. His own film star looks probably helped re-invest Gucci with its lost glamour. By 1999, Ford had helped propel Gucci into a fashion powerhouse. When Gucci acquired the house of Yves Saint Laurent, Ford was named the creative director of that label as well.
Tom Ford is openly gay, and he and his partner, journalist Richard Buckley, have been together since 1986. Buckley was the former Editor in Chief of Vogue Hommes International. Buckley was diagnosed with cancer in 1989 and after his recovery the two moved from New York to Italy.
In 2004, Ford stepped down or was asked to step down from both of his positions, amid rumours he wished to direct films. Following his departure from Gucci (and YSL), Ford opened the fashion house, Tom Ford. Ford began with accessories; his line of eyewear was the first to become successful. The Tom Ford line now covers menswear, beauty, eyewear, and both men and women's accessories. In 2006, he also established a fragrance line called Tom Ford Beauty.
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He gained a lot of publicity when in 2007 he stripped down for a new boxing-themed photo shoot in the November issue of Out magazine and jumped in the shower with two burly boy models. (The above is a "before" shot.) Ford said he made sure to compliment his fellow models' natural endowments in the shower but assured the mag that it didn't make the pair uncomfortable. "They sense from me that I'm not going to give one of them a blow job," he said. "I just don't do that."
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In March 2005, Ford announced the opening of his film production company, FADE TO BLACK. In 2009, Ford made his film directorial debut with A Single Man, which was based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Isherwood. The film stars Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Nicholas Hoult and Matthew Goode. The screenplay was adapted by Ford and David Scearce. Ford also produced the film, which premiered on September 11, 2009 at the 66th Venice International Film Festival and was nominated for a Golden Lion. Colin Firth, who plays the protagonist George, was awarded the Volpi Cup as Best Actor for his performance and was also nominated for an Academy Award, Golden Globe, Independent Spirit Award and Screen Actor's Guild award. He won the BAFTA for Best-Actor in a Leading role. Julianne Moore was nominated for Best Supporting actress at the Globes. Tom Ford was nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards in 2009 including Best First Feature and Best First Screenplay.
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1964 – Stephan Elliott is an Australian film director and screenwriter.
Elliott began his career as an assistant director working in the boom of the Australian film industry of the 1980s.
His feature films, Frauds, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Welcome to Woop Woop were all officially selected to screen at the Cannes Film Festival, with "Priscilla" winning the Prix du public as well as an Academy Award for Best Costume Design, among numerous other accolades.
In 2004, Elliott was involved in a skiing accident which saw him hospitalised for several months. He credits the accident with rediscovering his sense of humour. This may go part way to explaining why, in 2007 Elliott worked with Fred Nassiri to create one of the most expensive music videos of all time. Shot in over 15 countries, with seven directors the song "Love Sees No Colour" aspires to spread a message of peace and love.
His latest film Easy Virtue, was written with co-writer Sheridan Jobbins, and is based on the Noël Coward play of the same name. He is currently in the post-production stage of his next film, A Few Best Men starring Xavier Samuel and Olivia Newton-John.
Other writing credits include 'the book' (i.e.: the script) for the stage play of 'Priscilla' which premiered in 2007 at Sydney's Lyric Theatre in Star City to excellent reviews.
Elliott came out as gay during his presentation at the inaugural AACTA Awards in Sydney on 31 January 2012.
"I've been offshore for many, many years for another reason," he said. "Basically it was because I was scared of who I was. I basically was scared that I was gay. Even after Priscilla I stayed offshore basically because I was frightened of my family. And tonight I'm coming out."
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1994 – Jendrik Sigwart is a German Musical singer and actor, who appeared on Eurovision Song Quest.
Jendrik was born in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. He grew up in Hamburg-Volksdorf, Hamburg, Germany and is the second eldest of four siblings. As a teenager Jendrik learned to play piano and violin. He also plays the ukelele. Later he studied Musical singing and acting for four years at the Institute for Music at the University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, Germany.
While he was a University Student he discovered his own homosexuality.
Jendrik Sigwart appeared in various musicals, including German productions of My Fair Lady, Hairspray and Peter Pan.
Since September 25 2016 he ihas been publishing his own Music on YouTube, where he was found by German Eurovision Song Contest Representatives of NDR, Hamburg. In February 2021 NDR announced that Jendrik Sigwart will be the Singer for Germany on the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands.
As of May 2021 Jendrik Sigwart has been in a stable relationship with his Boyfriend Jan Rogler for more than 4 years.
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louisupdates · 1 year
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The physical article via soyannemona [1.10.2023]
[article translated via Google Translate.]
Louis Tomlinson, a world idol in Miribilla
The former member of One Direction starts this Sunday at the Bilbao Arena the peninsular section of his 'Faith in the Future' tour
Josu Olarte | Sunday, October 1, 2023, 08:39
The individual emancipation of a successful group is always a complicated issue, especially when that process is gestated in the sparkling and feverish universe of the 'boybands', which only rarely lead to long-distance solo races. Of course, every rule has exceptions as well— notorious, as those starring global stars such as the former N'Sync, Justin Timberlake; Robbie Williams (Take That); or more recently, Harry Styles, with whom Louis Tomlinson (Doncaster, 1991) coincided in One Direction, the quintet that emerged from the television contest 'X Factor', which happens to be the most successful boyband in history, after having sold more than 70 million copies of the five albums they released between 2010 and 2015.
With his band gestated from television, Louis Troy Austin (he took the last name Tomlinson from his stepfather) learned about the hysteria of the fans and the challenges of fame (he was even speculated to have a relationship with Styles), and had six years of dazzling success, which reportedly earned about 50 million euros to each of its members.
Tomlinson— who on Sunday night will give one of only three concerts of his tour in Spain at the Bilbao Arena (21.00 hours)— may have always been seen as the most disposable boy in the band, but like his companions (Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne), he has tried to continue his career on his own since 2016. "With One Direction, I gained confidence on stage and vocally. Now I have to find my style and my place in the industry," he acknowledged, shortly after chaining a series of solo singles that although he says he is proud of them now, does not consider them musically representative.
Overcoming the death of his mother and an 18-year-old sister, Tomlinson continued to fight for emancipation as a singer and composer who, apart from Styles who is already at the top-level pop league, seems to be consolidating more solidly than his colleagues. Despite this, with "Walls", his debut in 2020 in which he included new songs and solo singles such as 'Just Hold On' [ed. This is untrue. Just Hold On was not included in Walls.], he seemed to explore all possible directions with choral production, from electronic music to sensitive ballads or Oasis-esque pop guitar, whom he covered in his first student band, from which he would be expelled.
Emulate The Indie Sound
With the ground paid by his television screening (linked to the 'X Factor' program [ed. 2018] as a mentor for new talents), Tomlinson embarked in 2020 on his first global tour of 80 concerts to promote his debut, 'Walls'. It was a massive and very profitable tour, given a pandemic situation and the forced stoppage caused by the virus. Louis took advantage of this time to offer a concert via livestreaming from London, becoming the soloist with the most virtual tickets sold (more than 160,000), a record ratified by the 'Guinness Book of World Records'.
After the tour and the break with Syco, the label of Simon Cowell, the head of 'X Factor', Tomlinson focused on the gestation of his next job with the support of the multinational BMG. Preceded by the single 'Bigger Than Me', the album 'Faith In The Future' was harshly criticized by the British press, but topped the sales charts in the United Kingdom in November last year. If his debut 'Walls', considered 'irrelevant', was criticized for his lack of musical definition, his new work has also been the subject of criticism for unreservedly emulating the sound of the British indie of the millennial era, pointing towards festival pop rock.
Perhaps in response to this recurring criticism in his solo career, Louis has included in the Deluxe edition of his latest album an ironic song entitled 'Copy Of A Copy Of A Copy'. In his concerts, Tomlinson presents himself with an organic and guitar-style band that evokes indie pop. In addition, it offers a great display of lights and sound, along with an unbridled enthusiasm of its followers.
Exceptional measures to avoid camping
The expectation raised by Louis Tomlinson has led the organization to take exceptional measures for access to the concert venue, and thus avoid the camping that, in recent days, dozens of fans from different parts of Europe had formed in the vicinity of the Bilbao Arena. Thus, the tour promoter has warned that attendees will be able to start queuing from nine in the morning this Sunday, but never "before." Those who arrive earlier will not only not receive the bracelets, but will also be moved to the end of the queue. Security members will place "sequentially numbered" wristbands on the wrists of the spectators "on a first-come, first-served basis." Fans must return to the queue at three in the afternoon and go to the access of the track located at gate A. "Security will respect the wristbands for one hour - from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. From four o'clock, the followers will line up as they arrive.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Neil Patrick Harris’ debut as The Toymaker delivered a chilling performance that elevated the third Doctor Who special in truly surprising ways.
“The Giggle,” now streaming on Disney+, quickly ditches the whimsy that characterized the previous two specials. Its opening minutes acquaint us with The Toymaker, who runs a toy emporium in Soho circa 1925. An assistant to the real-life inventor John Logie Baird purchases a ventriloquist’s dummy named Stooky Bill from the off-putting clerk (very clearly the Toymaker) and hurries off to help his boss run tests on a prototype for a live television system.
Baird pops off Stooky Bill’s head, fixes it to a crude-looking contraption, and starts the test. The experiment is a success and Stooky Bill becomes the world’s first televised image. Baird notes that to prove his invention works, he will next need to produce moving pictures. Gazing upon the now-melting dummy’s head in awe, Baird and his assistant hear distant maniacal laughing.
The focus returns to Donna and the Doctor in present-day London, where, if you recall, things have escalated dramatically. The people of London have suddenly and inexplicably turned on each other, brawling with strangers, stepping in front of careening cars, and setting fire to newsstands and storefronts. As the Doctor tries to talk down an especially unruly pedestrian, the Toymaker flits into view behind him. The enigmatic villain now sports a slick black suit, a top hat and liberally applied makeup, epitomizing fashionable evil.
UNIT soldiers arrive and whisk Donna, the Doctor and Wilf across the city to their headquarters.
Returning from “The Star Beast” is UNIT scientist Shirley Anne Bingham, who again proves to be a valuable ally to our heroes as they navigate this new threat. Shirley and UNIT Science Director Kate Stewart lead the Doctor and Donna to the control room, where former Companion Melanie “Mel” Bush greets them.
They wrap up the pleasantries and break down what’s happening: Every person on the planet suddenly believes they are right, and any attempt to convince them otherwise is met with violence. Everyone at UNIT wears a metal armband called a Zeedex to keep them from going mad, too. They don’t know exactly what’s going on, but they suspect a signal (triggered days prior to humanity’s collective snapping) is behind the chaos. They’ve identified a specific satellite as “a link in the chain,” but the Doctor suspects something deeper.
Eventually, the Doctor discovers that the signal setting the world on fire is actually a hidden recording of Stooky Bill’s crazed giggling. Shirley traces the recording back to October 2, 1925, prompting Donna and the Doctor to board the TARDIS and travel there. They quickly find the Toymaker at his shop, but finding him and beating him are two very different challenges.
The Doctor recognizes this old foe and tells Donna to return to the TARDIS. “You never ask me to do that!” Donna protests. She realizes that the Doctor is afraid of the Toymaker, but before they can do anything else, they find themselves trapped in a maze. Donna and the Doctor are separated, the former being forced to fight off a bunch of walking, talking dolls while the latter encounters Baird’s puppetized (not a word but we’re running with it) assistant. After overcoming their respective trials, Donna and the Doctor end up together again in a theater, where the Toymaker treats them to a puppet show recounting the Doctor’s adventures with various Companions.
The Doctor challenges the Toymaker to a card game and loses. Recognizing their very immediate predicament, Donna and the Doctor escape the Toymaker’s shop as it noisily converts to a tiny music box.
Back in the present, UNIT uses a galvanic beam to target and destroy the problematic satellite that’s boosting Stooky Bill’s malicious signal. The Doctor and Donna return to headquarters moments before the Toymaker appears, indulges in lively song and dance, kills a handful of soldiers, and abruptly flees.
The dastardly villain reappears and uses the galvanic beam to shoot this reincarnation of the Doctor, saying his next game must be played with a new Doctor. As this Doctor falls to his knees and starts dying, Donna and Mel rush to his side and promise to be with him until the end.
But the end doesn’t come. Instead, the Doctor, still David Tennant, makes a bizarre request: “Could you…pull?”
Donna and Mel tug on each of the Fourteenth Doctor’s arms, “pulling” the Fifteenth Doctor (played by franchise newcomer Ncuti Gatwa) from Tennant’s body. The Fifteenth Doctor explains that they can both exist at the same time because of “bi-generation,” which was previously thought to be a myth.
The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctor face off against the Toymaker in a final game: don’t drop the ball. The Doctors manage to beat the Toymaker and banish him from existence.
Donna and the Fifteenth Doctor convince Tennant’s Doctor to retire, and after using the Toymaker’s toy hammer to knock another TARDIS out of the TARDIS, the Fifteenth Doctor departs.
“The Giggle” concludes on a touching note: the Doctor, having “retired” from Time Lording, spends a quiet afternoon with Donna and her family. Is this the actual end of his story? Probably not, but it’s a much-needed change of pace for the guy….'
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my-chaos-radio · 9 months
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Release: August 1, 1991
Every little move you make
It's poetry in motion now
And every little turn you take
It's causing a comotion now
If words could never convey
The message you're sending my way
But every little move you make
Oh, it's poetry in motion
Though I tried so hard
To play a waiting game
Although I tried to keep my heart
Under lock and chain
'Cause ever since you walked
Into this life of mine
Oh, this life of mine
It's never be the same
'Cause every little move you make
It's poetry in motion now
And every little turn you take
It's causing a comotion now
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Hope of Deliverance
Paul McCartney
I Put a Spell on You
Bryan Ferry
Dancing Into Danger
Inker & Hamilton
If words could never convey
The message you're sending my way
With every little move you make
Oh, it's poetry in motion
You're making all move
Poetry in motion
You walk in motion
Poetry in motion
You say it in time
Poetry in motion
A physical rhyme
Oh, it's pure poetry
Poetry in motion
'Cause ever since you walked
Into this life of mine
Oh, this life of mine
It's never be the same
Oh, you that every little turn you take
It's causing a comotion now
Oh yes, if words could never convey
The message you're sending my way
With every little move you make
Oh, it's poetry in motion
It's pure poetry in motion
You know it's poetry in motion
Songwriter: Dave Inker
Inker & Hamilton, English-New Zealand pop duo, consisting of Dave Inker and Hilary Hamilton, based in Munich. Her career, which lasted around 15 years, began in Munich in 1979. In the same year, her first album “Highs and Lows” was released under her own direction. The next two albums, “Person to Person” (1981) and “Double Feature” (1983), were released by Sony Music. When their fourth album “The Mind And The Body” was released by Metronome in 1984, the two had just completed a successful European tour supporting Chris de Burgh and were welcome guests on radio and television. Four years later they had their greatest success with the album “Dancing Into Danger”, which was released on WEA Records. Thanks, among other things, to the help of successful producer Michael Cretu, they made it into the top 50 of the official media control charts. Their title track Dancing Into Danger stayed in the singles charts for a full 14 weeks and reached the top 20. The sixth album “Poetry In Motion” was released in 1991 and was a kind of synthesis between their previous albums and the successful collaboration with Cretu. The duo was now able to record chart successes in other European countries for the first time. To this day, Poetry In Motion is one of the most played singles in Europe.
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buzznolimit · 6 months
Buzz No Limit propose des tutos en tout genre
Le catalogue de Buzz No Limit offre une multitude de rubriques accessibles en illimité pour ses membres. Ces derniers ont la possibilité de se connecter au site à tout moment afin de découvrir les vidéos, films et chaînes de télévision qu’il regroupe. Il convient de noter que les titres sont soigneusement classés dans différentes catégories en fonction de leurs thématiques. En plus de la section…
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currentmusings · 1 year
excerpt from “fragments from a midwest summer”
Under the scorching summer sun, Marcos’ ankle got stuck in a bike chain, riding on the pegs of a neighborhood kid’s rusty bike. His skin was shed right down to the bone, and his cries rang out like no other. Like he was crying for all of us. The neighborhood kids said they were going too fast. One said they could’ve sworn Marcos was flying. Another said Mexican kids can’t fly. Another said it’s just a miracle he made it that far. We wanted to call 911, but we knew better. We waited, hand in hand, on a dusty curb before my uncle could come pick us up. Marcos got a red, frozen Slurpee as consolation and had to go to the hospital. Mama made him stay inside the house for the rest of the summer, and I was left alone with the neighborhood kids. With no brother, all I could do that summer was keep biking around the cul-de-sac, until it became too boring. Until sitting inside the house with my mom, peeling potatoes in front of the daytime television became my favorite pastime. No one tells you how dry the starch from potatoes makes your hands until you feel it for the first time. Flaky, scaly, and white, almost like your brown hands are being stripped down to the bone.
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Mesmer's Bauble
Episode Recap #46: Mesmer's Bauble aka The Secret Agenda of Mesmer's Bauble
Original Airdate: May 6, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Vanity as Angelica Martin Neufeld as Howard Moore Laurie Paton as Anita Devon Eve Crawford as Mrs. Burns Jennifer Cornish as Girl #1 Sandra Brown as Girl #2 Tim Gannon as Jogger Tony De Santis as Roger Zimmerman Patrick Brymer as Kirk Bill Vibert as Security Guard David Clement as Henry Pinkman Evelyn Kaye as Woman Bystander
Written by Joe Gannon Directed by Armand Mastroianni
We open on a sexy woman singing a song. It is the superstar Angelica, and it turns out we are seeing her on a television set, in a room covered with posters and photos of her. A man is applying makeup to his face in the mirror, then he walks through the room, caressing her image on the walls. He seems obsessed and sad, mouthing "I love you" to a poster, then he begins to sob.
Cut to the outside shot of the Vinyl Museum Record Depot, where the man, Howard, works. He is busy filling a display for Angelica's music, and his boss tells him a PR rep for Angelica's label will be stopping in. She also gets Howard's hopes up by hinting maybe the rep can even get Angelica to stop by herself.
Some teen girls are shopping, and an overzealous Howard tries to help, wanting to show of his knowledge of Angelica. They mock him and leave.
That night, Howard is walking home and looks at his reflection in a window. As he does, two men jump out of a car and smash a store window, grabbing items and fleeing as the alarm sounds. Howard walks over and finds a chain with a crystal bauble. He picks it up just as a bystander grabs him, thinking he is the burglar. Howard tells the man to drop dead, and the bauble kind of puts the man in a trance. He walks off, we can hear his heart pounding and he collapses. Howard goes to check on him, but the man is dead. The cops arrive.
Later, Howard is finally at home and examines the bauble in front of the mirror. He asks it to fix his skin, and his face instantly looks smoother. He then asks it to fix his face, but nothing happens.
At Curious Goods, Ryan is excited to have to tickets to Angelica's concert. Ryan really likes her, but Micki pokes fun at him. Jack then finds the bauble in the Manifest, and shows the cousins the police report of items stolen, and it includes Mesmer's Bauble. Jack tells them Mesmer was a hypnotist, and they wonder what Louis' curse did to the item. Micki and Ryan leave to investigate.
At a club called The Copa, fans eagerly await as Angelica arrives. Howard among them. She waves and signs a few autographs then is ushered inside.
Howard arrives at the record store and his boss introduces him to Anita Devon, from Angelica's label. Howard is excited to meet someone who actually knows his crush. His boss comments on his face looking clearer.
Howard shows Anita their storeroom and she gives him an autographed photo of Angelica. He also spies her backstage pass. Howard continues to ask questions, and it quickly gets too personal. Anita thinks he is a wacko fan, and is uncomfortable. She wants to go, but Howard pushes, and she says Angelica wouldn't be attracted to someone like him. He pulls out the bauble and puts her in a trance. He tells her to go for a walk. She obeys, walking out of the store, only saying goodbye to Mrs. Burns at Howard's insistence. Howard walks out with Anita and tells her to walk into the traffic. She is hit by a semi. His boss runs out and tells him to call an ambulance.
That night, Howard rushes home and again holds the bauble, asking it to make him beautiful and someone Angelica would notice. He writhes on the floor in pain.
At The Copa, Howard arrives with Anita's backstage pass. He looks more attractive, and even his hair is flowing. He heads backstage, where Angelica and her crew are rehearsing. Howard follows the monitors and soon he is within feet of the singer, watching her. Roger, Angelica's manager, is ushering her out when they encounter Howard, who says he is there replacing Anita. Roger says he better do better than her, to Angelica's chagrin. Howard and Angelica shake hands. Roger takes her away, saying they can talk business later. A stagehand says there is an issue with too many fans and asks if Angelica will come out and sign some autographs. Roger tries to blow him off, but Angelica goes to them. Howard wanders backstage.
Later, Roger is ranting about lost time as he and Angelica finally get to her dressing room. He says she is too good to her fans. As she goes to change, Howard watches from the clothing rack. Angelica says Roger is too possessive, and Howard realizes they are a couple.
Micki and Ryan arrive at the store that was burglarized. They talk to the owner, and tell him the cops caught the thieves and got most of his items back. They ask about the bauble. He thinks the crooks fenced it, but Micki says there wasn't time. He mentions the kid who talked to the police, and Micki asks if he means Howard Moore. The man calls him and ugly kid, and talks about the jogger that died. Micki and Ryan head off.
At another rehearsal, Howard watches Angelica perform. He then approaches as Angelica and Roger go to leave, but Roger rudely tells him he should be working and not hanging around, and then takes off as Howard seethes.
Micki and Ryan are at the record store and talk to Mrs. Burns. She said Howard called and quit this morning, and tells them kids were always giving Howard a bad time over his looks. Then she tells them about Anita getting hit. Micki says to Ryan that everywhere Howard is, someone dies.
Howard lies in bed, listening to Angelica's music, and says out loud that he knows she wants him. A knock on the door and Micki and Ryan are there. They ask about the robbery and if he noticed the bauble. He says no, but Micki spies all the Angelica photographs before he shuts the door. She comments to Ryan that he is not at all ugly. They wonder if the cursed antique is already at work. Micki thinks he wants Angelica, so they leave to find where she is staying.
In his apartment, Howard holds the bauble.
At the hotel, Roger stops shaving to answer the door. It is Howard, who holds the bauble up and entrances the man. Howard tells him to finish shaving, really close, with no water. He keeps telling him to go closer and closer, and not to forget his throat. Blood hits the sink and Roger collapses. Howard looks in the mirror and tells the bauble he wants to be Angelica's lover.
In the hotel lobby, Micki and Ryan see a body wheeled out. A woman says it was Angelica's manager. Then, Angelica and Howard get off the elevator, together. Howard has instantly replaced Roger, telling the assembled group to give her privacy.
Jack is reading about Roger's death, with a quote from Howard saying Roger was depressed. Micki says Howard spent the night planning Roger's funeral. They are sure he has the bauble. Jack tells them about his research, that the bauble fulfills fantasies. Ryan wonders if Howard will hurt Angelica. They head to the club.
Angelica is crying in her dressing room when Howard arrives with a rose. He tells her he took care of Roger's funeral, and she cries on his chest. She wants to cancel her show, but Howard insists she must go on, for all her fans. She is unsure. A man knocks on the door, and Angelica says she will go on. Howard tells her he wants to show her something.
We cut to him taking Angelica to his apartment with all the photos of her on the walls. She asks if he wants her and begins to undress.
Micki and Ryan burst into the club, wanting to find Angelica. A man stops them, and Ryan asks where she is. The man says she left with her new manager.
Howard and Angelica are naked, and he is caressing her body. He keeps looking from her to her photos, then he is touching his own chest, then the bauble. Angelica asks what's wrong, and kisses him. She pulls him to the floor on top of her, but Howard says he can't do this, it isn't what he wants. He says he wants to be her. She struggles, as he holds her down. The power of the bauble works on his wish, melding their bodies. Later, Howard who is now Angelica looks in the mirror and laughs.
That night, the stagehand tells Howard/Angelica it is almost showtime. She admires herself in the mirror.
Ryan and Micki arrive at Howard's apartment and bang on the door. Ryan forces the door open. Micki sees weird slimy ooze on the floor, and they rush off to the club.
As the show is about to begin, the fans fill the club. Howard/Angelica prepares to go on stage. Micki and Ryan head in with the other fans, looking for Howard. Angelica/Howard is introduced and comes on stage, singing and dancing.
Micki notices the bauble around "Angelica's" neck and as the singer makes her way around the stage, Micki reaches up and grabs the bauble, pulling it off without their knowing. Suddenly, Howard/Angelica's voice goes deep, his body and face change. He is transforming into Howard again in front of a freaked out crowd. He hears the mocking voices in his head, backs up in a panic and falls into a floor panel of lights, sending sparks into the air. Micki, Ryan and the club all watch in horror.
At home, Ryan is listening to Angelica on the radio, and Jack and Micki tell him to try and make sense out of it. Micki says the bauble is in the vault, but they blew it this time, lamenting being unable to also save Angelica. Jack says there was no way to know what was going to happen, or what was going on in Howard's mind. Ryan looks at the ticket stubs and thinks of Angelica.
My thoughts:
Wow. What an episode. I remember the first time I saw this one, I was really confused as to what happened. Makes way more sense now, but quite the twist here.
One thing that is nuts is how much is made of how 'ugly' Howard is. Are all the people around him so superficial and mean to that extent? Sadly, I can see it being true. Might be a bit played up for the drama, but people can be real jerks. Still happens to this day. So maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
The antique is quite a powerful one, basically acting like a genie's lamp in granting wishes, as long as you give it deaths, and don't let it go. Howard obviously wanted very specific things, but he could have had literally anything from it, it seems.
Our group is getting real good at investigating things, but you have to wonder if the cops have questions about these people always wanting information on things. A recurring cop or someone on the inside would have helped with this.
Glad to have the three of them back together after three episodes with them apart.
The final transformation on stage in front of the crowd and the at home viewers had to have been big news. No way to keep that a secret. I assume Micki and Ryan just took off, but all those people watched Angelica transform into Howard, who then fell and died. And Angelica was gone, too. Had to be huge news! But they make no mention of how it was explained to the world, at the end.
Do appreciate their melancholy, though. They did their best, but Angelica still died. Not easy to live with, I'm sure.
Next week: Wedding in Black
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cleoenfaserum · 5 months
OSCAR’S OASIS (English/Español)
Apr 21, 2023
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Oscar’s Oasis (known as Oscar & Co in French and Oi! Osgar in Welsh) is a computer animated comedy television series consisting of 78 7-minute episodes. It was produced by TeamTO and Tuba Entertainment, in association with a long list of contributors.
Oscar’s Oasis (conocida como Oscar & Co en francés y Oi! Osgar en galés) es una serie de televisión de comedia animada por ordenador que consta de 78 episodios de 7 minutos de duración. Fue producida por TeamTO y Tuba Entertainment, en asociación con una larga lista de colaboradores.
Sit back, forget the world, and enjoy… Siéntese, olvídese del mundo y disfrute…
Tengo que admitirlo, el dibujo animado es tan divertido como disparatado, es tan disparatado como volverse loco, como te puedes imaginar, un montón de monerías.
I gotta admit, the cartoon is as enjoyable as it is crazy, it is as crazy as going bananas, as you can imagine, a lot of monkey business.
Oscar’s Oasis
“Bad Trip”: A thirsty Oscar & the Trio battle for a bottle of water to releave themselves. However, the reality in shortage of water that the future of the world is finding itself in, should give us the shivers and food for thought. We definitely need the comic relief, we should never forget that comedies are based on the exagerations of some aspect of humanity.
“Mal Viaje”: Un sediento Oscar y el Trío luchan por una botella de agua para aliviarse de la sed en el desierto. Sin embargo, la realidad de la escasez de agua en la que se encuentra el futuro del mundo debería darnos escalofríos y mucho que pensar. Definitivamente necesitamos el alivio cómico, nunca debemos olvidar que las comedias se basan en la exageración de algún aspecto de la realidad humanidad.
Chasing the chicken around reminded me of Fioana Apple’s PURE IMAGINATION.
A film of a scarecrow’s haunting journey through a dystopian fantasy world where all food production is controlled by a sinister industrial giant called Crow Foods aims to educate people about how processed their food is.
Mexican grill chain Chipotle created the film that exposes social issues by showing scarecrows that have been displaced from their traditional jobs on the farm and are now relegated to working in factories creating processed food.
Grammy-winning artist Fiona Apple has remade the ‘Pure Imagination’ track from the 1971 ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ movie to support the short film, which is driving awareness of an App Store game called ‘The Scarecrow’.
Persiguiendo al pollo me recordó a la canción PURE IMAGINATION (la imaginación pura), de Fioana Apple. Una película sobre el inquietante viaje de un espantapájaros a través de un mundo diatópico de fantasía en el que toda la producción de alimentos está controlada por un siniestro gigante industrial llamado Crow Foods (Alimentos Cuervos), cuyo objetivo es educar a la gente sobre los elementos químicos que están procesados en nuestros alimentos. La cadena mexicana de parrillas Chipotle creó la película que expone los problemas sociales mostrando espantapájaros que han sido desplazados de sus trabajos tradicionales en la granja y ahora están relegados a trabajar en fábricas creando alimentos procesados. La artista Fiona Apple, ganadora de un Grammy, ha versionado la canción “Pure Imagination” de la película de 1971 “Willy Wonka y la fábrica de chocolate” para apoyar el cortometraje, que está dando a conocer un juego de la App Store llamado “El espantapájaros”.
Ref: 574
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supatainmentbuzz · 7 months
🌟💍👸🕺💃🎥 This is the money they have accumulated 'Chain reaction' It's a television contest presented by Ion Aramendi Last December it celebrated its first anniversary, and it seems that it will continue to be on the air for much lon...... 🎶🏆💔📸🎉
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