uhm-okaythen · 1 year
Can i just say something?
in the walking dead game season four...my favorite character is chairles. His name is amazing. I'd use him as a weapon.
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someguynamededdie · 3 months
Biggest tragedy of this years arc: nobody ever found chair </3
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hell world in which it is late and i am sleept and gthere are no sheets on mmy bed and i do not have access to sheets and als o it is too dark to see k7 ke7board (also known as real lief)
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Door burst open
livnc "its me mh god this place is shit now wheres lucifurs little shit of a daughter"
Charile"that's me oh you here to join the hazbin hotel"
Livnc *laughs* "this silly thing no I have a deal"
Vaggie "we aren't selling our souls to you you might be even worse then Alostor"
Alostor "hmmmmmmmm I dought that"
Livnc "I think you know how I run thing but I can't do this shit to many sinners are signing this fucking contract and their starting to question my power"
Angle dust "oh boo who your power is shit"
Livnc "SHUT IT SLUT so as I was saying here's the deal I'll give you some of my souls got and put my name good for your daddy"
Vaggie "that's not how things work around here"
Chairle "sinner have to choose to stay here to you know redeem"
Husk "well you heard us get lost"
Livnc "how many sinners joined willing to come here only one won't be popular if no one's here even your staff dont want be here"
Husk "got that right"
Niffty "I like being here"
Husk "yea because you love being forced"
Vaggie "you better get going before Alostor makes you leave"
Livnc "suck a shame I was going vist someone Alostor loves being a leash to like a pet it would be a shame if she heard about this"
Alostor *just glares*
Charile"ok everyone calm down how about you give us one soul and if they want to they can"
Livnc"just sign my contract"
*livnc throws a ring turning into a contract mid way threw air*
Angle dust "hold up Chairle read the contract just in case"
*Chairle and vaggie read the contract Then Chairle signs it*
Livnc "lovely signature"
*Livnc grabs her cloak and pulls a random sinner*
Livnc"this one will do now toddles"
*livnc throws her ring turning into a portal  livnc pick up her cloak and walk into the portal*
My oc in hazbin hotel
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prapaiwife · 7 months
I'm rewatching as per usal this time. It's episode 2, and I keep replaying this scene. lol, I love it, babe. Is so serious and spitting out so much racing knowledge, and charile is 😍😍😍 at him lmao. He's so enamored by babe and his passion clearly like that's just one of the many reasons why he came to him in the first place. Cause to him, babe is the best at this and wants to know more about him and how he came to be the person everyone wants.
But like, u can see Babe being like a little like he doesn't know how to repspnd lol cuase he's obviously used to praise from ppl. But like this is different cause charile as he can tell from ep 1 is this optimistic naive bright person, and hes not used to haivng someone like charile around so he's teaching him but also is I think curious as to how chairle is already melting his coldness when no one eber has before. Which leads to why they kiss in episode 3 cause charile is different and he can see the sicnery behind his words.
Also, pooh in the helmet, he's so🥺🤏🏽
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
Chairles Cloven
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To piggyback off of the person who submitted Lee and Clementine, Here's Louis!
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He's a survivor from the final Telltale Walking Dead game, a resident of the Ericsson Boarding School where he was a student before the apocalypse.
Despite being several years into a zombie apocalypse, Louis is still upbeat, cheerful, and tries to live in the moment. He even named his signature weapon (a chair leg); its name is Chairles.
He loves music, particularly song-writing, singing, and playing the piano. Louis is honestly the heart of the group, a little glimmer of light in an otherwise dour and tired world. He believes that it's important for his fellow survivors to have some kind of entertainment.
We're first introduced to him playing the piano to calm down AJ (a frightened, agitated toddler), who he also encourages to try pressing a key to show that noise isn't always scary.
Behind all his jokes and smiles, Louis is just as scared as everyone else, something he might admit to the main character if they get closer to him.
Depending on your choices, you get to see Louis go through (and then begin to recover from) some very intense trauma with the support of his friends.
And, finally, he's one of two romantic options for the main character (who, herself, is a Black girl), and their relationship is honestly really sweet and soft.
He looks like someone I used to know as a kid 😂 the kid was a biter, but I'm sure Louis is a much more pleasant person 😤 but yes Louis must be protected at all costs. Especially since y'all spoke about how bad the track record for the show is with Black characters 😭
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Hello!! I was wondering if you could do twdg Louis (and anyone else you'd like) where their s/o is immune to the bite?
Please and thank you 💖💖
(Heyo! Just finished it so here ya go. Enjoy!)
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"Hey, Y/n!" Louis called out, popping his head into your guys' dorm room door. "Yeah?" You asked, looking up at him from the floor as you tied your shoes up.
"There's some walker's on the fence, care to join me, M'lady?" He joked, pushing the door open fully to see him with Chairles over his shoulder with his other hand in his jacket pocket.
You laughed a bit, nodding your head and standing up off the ground. "I would be honored, sir Louis." You joked along, him tipping the edge of his fake hat at you.
You picked up your knives off the nightstand, joining him as he held his arm out to you. You raised an eyebrow at him, looping your arm through his as he smiled.
"And we're off." He said, guiding you down the hall, down the staircase and outside the admin building. 
"Just in time." Vi looked at you both, raising an eyebrow at you both as she saw your arms.
"Do I wanna know or is it another dumb lovey dovey couple shit thing?" She asked, you and Louis looking at each other before proudly nodding your heads as she rolled her eyes.
"Hey, we do our thing and you do whatever it is you have with Miss Clementine." You stated, walking past her as she froze.
"I heard my name?" Clem askes, confused as she walks up and joins you guys. "Oh, nothing." Louis waved her off, her growing moe confused as she looked at Vi who avoided eye contact.
"Okay, let's get out there and not die!" You sarcastically smiled, turning to them and opening the gate before running out to the yard.
"Right back at ya." Vi followed after you, it was usually you and Vi back to back when outside. 
You both worked well together and Louis would do his own thing and Clem was being the badass herself usually.
You took out a walker with your knife, turning around and kicking another's knee in before stabbing it in the head. 
You looked to the right and saw Louis knock one over the head, Clem setting off a trap that trapped a walker to a tree with a log.
You felt yourself being grabbed, turning around quickly to see another walker trying to take a chunk out of you. You pushed it off, kicking it into a tree as it was impaled by a sharp tree branch.
"Y/n! Look out!" Vi called out, catching Louis and Clems attention as you turned around and yelled as you were grabbed by a walker.
"Shit!" Louis called out, the walker pushing you down onto a shark rock and some glass. 
You felt blood begin to trickle down your arm but you paid it no mind as you struggled with the walker on top of you and a new pain introduced itself in your leg.
'Must've fallen the wrong way.' You cursed under your breath, most likely a sprain now.
You then felt the walker go limp, pushing it off of you to see Clem standing over it as she held a hand out to you. "You okay?" She asked, you taking her hand.
"Yeah, all good." You said, standing up before wincing as a throb of pain came from your ankle. "You okay, babe?" Louis asked, joining your side as he checked your arms.
"Probably a sprain, I'll be fine." You waved it off, Louis nodded before throwing your arm over his shoulder. 
"Well, we cleared it so it should be good for now. Let's head back." Vi said, beginning the walk back to the school. "Okay." Clem nodded, you and Louis following them.
"Do we have a first aid kid in our room?" Louis asked, looking at him. "Think so, why? I'll just wait till Ruby gets back from the run." You said.
"No, I'll help you." Louis stated. "Do you know any medical information?" You retorted. "Enough to keep you alive." You nodded your head, you all arrived back at the school gate. 
"Eh, I'll take it."
Clem held the gate open for you both, Louis thanking her before helping you back up the stairs, into the admin building and back to your guys' room.
"There ya go." He said, helping you sit on the bed after he helped you through the door. 
"Thanks." You watched as he looked around the room, finally finding the first aid kid under the bed.
"Took you a while." He waved his hand at you, sitting on the bed and placing your leg in his lap. "Nonsense, I take no time at all." 
"Sure." You laughed, shaking your head as Louis rolled up your pant leg. 
"We'll have to disinfect your arm too, don't want it getting infected." He stated, not looking up but laughing as you groaned.
You hated the burn when you had to disinfect your wounds that came from the hydrogen peroxide.
Louis began wrapping up your ankle. "I am so good at this, Ruby should worry about me taking her job." He smirked, bragging as he finished up wrapping your leg.
"Yeah, she's really worried." You smiled, Louis winking at you before moving beside you to get your arm.
"What's this?" He asked, looking at you confused as he held up your arm which had your sleeve rolled up. Your eyes widened, you forgot about that.
He started taking off the bandage. "It looks pretty old, want me to change it?" He asked, moving it as you tried to stop him. "Louis! No!" You tried to take your arm away but it was too late.
Which lead you to now staring at your boyfriend wide eyed, your arm in his hand as he stared shocked at the old scarring walker bite on your arm.
"Y/n…" he trailed off, his hand shaking as he dropped your arm and stood off the bed. "Is that a fucking bite?" He asked, slowly and quietly as he looked at you on the bed.
You winced as you saw the small tears gather in the corner of his eyes.
 "Did that happen today? Shit…I tried to get to you sooner! This is all my fault!" He began pacing the room, his hand covering his mouth.
"No! Louis, just calm down." You stood up, taking his arm and stopping his pacing. "Calm down?! Y/n, you've been bit!" He exclaimed.
"I know that, Lou!" You placed your hands on his shoulders. "Look at it." You said, him looking at you as if you're crazy. "What?! Why?!" He asked, shocked. "N-no, Y/n, I can't-" 
"Louis. Just look at it." You said, holding up your arm as he hesitantly looked at it. "What?" He asks, confused. "It's old, Lou. It's scarring. I'm not gonna turn, I don't know how." You state.
"Y/n, everyone turns when bit! It's the way you most definitely go out!" He argued, nothing making sense as he tried to find reason.
"Yeah, I know. But I haven't, if it was fresh it would be bleeding and all gorey. But I'm fine, it's faded." You explained.
"But how?" He asked. "Nobody is immune to this shit. How can you be?" He asks, you shook your head as you sat back down on the bed. "I don't know! But what I know is that it's old and I'm fine!"
He stopped for a minute, looking around. "Does anyone else know?" He asked, you shook your head. "I don't go around telling people I was bit. Now do I?"
"Okay, if you're telling the truth- which I hope you are! We have to see." He stated, sitting beside you as you looked at him confused.
"See? How?" You asked. "We wait for a few days. See if you're fine, then go from there." He sighed, shaking his head. "Okay, if you're fine with that, Louis." 
You shrugger, you both falling into silence as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You leaned your head against his shoulder, him placing his chin on top of your head.
He really hoped what you were saying was true, because if not, he would lose you. And that was one of the few things he was terrified of.
Over the next few days Louis stuck to you like glue. Wherever you were he was there, doing chores, going on small runs, going out the fence or eating dinner he was beside you.
He wanted to make sure that even if it wasn't true he would be beside you if something happened. But as the days went by nothing did.
You weren't tired, you didn't sweat like people did when they turned. 
And when he looked into your eyes they were still the (h/c) color he loved and not clouded up like they usually would be.
He walked to your guys' room, opening the door and peeking his head through. "Y/n? Walker Y/n? Lovely soon-to-be wife who I hope is still alive-" 
"Still up and kicking, Louis." You cut him off, sitting up from the bed as you heard him sigh and open the door.
He sat on the bed, beside you as he looked over at you. "So you're immune. That's…incredible." He smiled, laughing as he tackled you in a hug which sent you to laying on your back with him laying on your chest.
"That's good because I felt like I was going insane." He sighed, you laughing as you patted his back.
"Yeah, well, buckle up because you and me are in it for the long run." You smiled, Louis chuckling, hearing your heartbeat under his ear which he was grateful for in this moment.
"Yeah, I'll never complain about that."
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clemster · 9 months
Who's weapon would you rather have? (Not including guns)
i think my top choices are javi's bat, marlon's bow and chairles (louis' chair leg). so many good options tho i love how creative the writing team is with weapons
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I'm going to be using jollmaster art as I have asked permission that they granted
https://www.tumblr.com/jollmaster/760988628005634048/redesign-trivia-broken-stone-aka-flaming?source=share here you can find their hazbin rewrite arts
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Chairle will still be a happy to go character that uses her status to her advantage
She is not yet in a relationship with vaggie as I want them to get together slowly in the fic
She may be naive but she is not dumb, she know when people are using her
She will have a Toxic positivity mindset
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She will have trust issues with all the cast
In the beginning she will see the hotel as a way to get in touch with her sisters up in heaven but soon learns to tolerate hell
She has a "I'm above you" mindset do to being a fallen angel while the rest are hellborn or sinners
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Not much is known about him
Does not like the hotel and it's people but still stay to get favors
Has a "you don't bother me because to me you do not exist"
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She is in her 60s in this but choices a kid form so people are more comfortable around her
She is not into any kinky stuff but likes the idea of pretending to make it more funnier
She is not babied bye the group but instead acts more mature
Has a grandma mindset
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He does not want to be here and will act like it
In the beginning he couldn't stand any of them especially angel dust but later has a fatherly mood?(How do I word this) Around angel dust
Is seen drinking but never drunk
Has a "my problem is my problem and your problem is your problem" mindset
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He is still into his job
In the beginning he liked annoying the characters with his jokes not knowing it makes them uncomfortable
Sees husk as a father later on
In the beginning does not give to craps about the total but later changes his mind
Has a "the problem is you not me" mindset
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He's a very sly character
Will act dumb to fool everyone into thinking he's stupid
Is very smart
hated the hotel in the beginning but slowly grows on him
Does not die In this
The whole war they had with heaven will not happen in the fic
Has a "sly snake" mindset
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pianomanlou · 8 months
sender  claps  a  hand  over  receiver’s  mouth  to  silence  them .
Louis was a loudmouth. He knew it, everyone knew it. He loved to talk and sing and joke around, and of course, that also resulted in not knowing when to shut up. Especially when he was alone. He had to do something to entertain himself, didn’t he? Otherwise it would get boring fast, and he definitely didn’t want that. So, he pretended he was filming an animal documentary. Only…the animals were the walkers roaming around. Well, you could technically call them animals. The only thing they cared about was finding their next meal, and they wouldn’t hesitate to get their next meal. Once they’d find it, they’d tear into their meal like they hadn’t eaten for years. Well…that did make sense…and now it left him wondering how their digestive system worked. It probably didn’t…considering they were walking, rotting meat bags. They’d never sate their hunger. Always looking for the next best thing.
“And now as we look here…the walkers are vicious animals, eating away at whatever they can get. If they spot me, I’d be done for, they’d tear into me, like I’d tear into a good steak. Technically, I’m their steak for them, and I think that’s an interesting thing to think about. We eat the food and at the same time, we are the food! Now, that’s something to think about, folks! Nature is brutal, but it’s also so fascinating!” Louis switched accents from an Australian one to a British one to an over-the-top old-timey American one. He was enjoying himself with this, he was a simple man. He was ready to speak even more when suddenly a hand clamped around his mouth, and he widened his eyes in shock. He quickly ripped the hand off his mouth and turned around, ready to swing Chairles straight into the thing that grabbed him when he suddenly stopped in his tracks upon recognizing the person in front of him. “James?! What are you doing here, and why did you scare me to death like that?” Louis glanced down at James’ hands and suddenly remembered he had those gloves…made of walker skin…he suddenly felt very nauseous.
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Louis x Immune S/O
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"Hey, Y/n!" Louis called out, popping his head into your guys' dorm room door. "Yeah?" You asked, looking up at him from the floor as you tied your shoes up.
"There's some walker's on the fence, care to join me, M'lady?" He joked, pushing the door open fully to see him with Chairles over his shoulder with his other hand in his jacket pocket.
You laughed a bit, nodding your head and standing up off the ground. "I would be honored, sir Louis." You joked along, him tipping the edge of his fake hat at you.
You picked up your knives off the nightstand, joining him as he held his arm out to you. You raised an eyebrow at him, looping your arm through his as he smiled.
"And we're off." He said, guiding you down the hall, down the staircase and outside the admin building. 
"Just in time." Vi looked at you both, raising an eyebrow at you both as she saw your arms.
"Do I wanna know or is it another dumb lovey dovey couple shit thing?" She asked, you and Louis looking at each other before proudly nodding your heads as she rolled her eyes.
"Hey, we do our thing and you do whatever it is you have with Miss Clementine." You stated, walking past her as she froze.
"I heard my name?" Clem askes, confused as she walks up and joins you guys. "Oh, nothing." Louis waved her off, her growing moe confused as she looked at Vi who avoided eye contact.
"Okay, let's get out there and not die!" You sarcastically smiled, turning to them and opening the gate before running out to the yard.
"Right back at ya." Vi followed after you, it was usually you and Vi back to back when outside. 
You both worked well together and Louis would do his own thing and Clem was being the badass herself usually.
You took out a walker with your knife, turning around and kicking another's knee in before stabbing it in the head. 
You looked to the right and saw Louis knock one over the head, Clem setting off a trap that trapped a walker to a tree with a log.
You felt yourself being grabbed, turning around quickly to see another walker trying to take a chunk out of you. You pushed it off, kicking it into a tree as it was impaled by a sharp tree branch.
"Y/n! Look out!" Vi called out, catching Louis and Clems attention as you turned around and yelled as you were grabbed by a walker.
"Shit!" Louis called out, the walker pushing you down onto a shark rock and some glass. 
You felt blood begin to trickle down your arm but you paid it no mind as you struggled with the walker on top of you and a new pain introduced itself in your leg.
'Must've fallen the wrong way.' You cursed under your breath, most likely a sprain now.
You then felt the walker go limp, pushing it off of you to see Clem standing over it as she held a hand out to you. "You okay?" She asked, you taking her hand.
"Yeah, all good." You said, standing up before wincing as a throb of pain came from your ankle. "You okay, babe?" Louis asked, joining your side as he checked your arms.
"Probably a sprain, I'll be fine." You waved it off, Louis nodded before throwing your arm over his shoulder. 
"Well, we cleared it so it should be good for now. Let's head back." Vi said, beginning the walk back to the school. "Okay." Clem nodded, you and Louis following them.
"Do we have a first aid kid in our room?" Louis asked, looking at him. "Think so, why? I'll just wait till Ruby gets back from the run." You said.
"No, I'll help you." Louis stated. "Do you know any medical information?" You retorted. "Enough to keep you alive." You nodded your head, you all arrived back at the school gate. 
"Eh, I'll take it."
Clem held the gate open for you both, Louis thanking her before helping you back up the stairs, into the admin building and back to your guys' room.
"There ya go." He said, helping you sit on the bed after he helped you through the door. 
"Thanks." You watched as he looked around the room, finally finding the first aid kid under the bed.
"Took you a while." He waved his hand at you, sitting on the bed and placing your leg in his lap. "Nonsense, I take no time at all." 
"Sure." You laughed, shaking your head as Louis rolled up your pant leg. 
"We'll have to disinfect your arm too, don't want it getting infected." He stated, not looking up but laughing as you groaned.
You hated the burn when you had to disinfect your wounds that came from the hydrogen peroxide.
Louis began wrapping up your ankle. "I am so good at this, Ruby should worry about me taking her job." He smirked, bragging as he finished up wrapping your leg.
"Yeah, she's really worried." You smiled, Louis winking at you before moving beside you to get your arm.
"What's this?" He asked, looking at you confused as he held up your arm which had your sleeve rolled up. Your eyes widened, you forgot about that.
He started taking off the bandage. "It looks pretty old, want me to change it?" He asked, moving it as you tried to stop him. "Louis! No!" You tried to take your arm away but it was too late.
Which lead you to now staring at your boyfriend wide eyed, your arm in his hand as he stared shocked at the old scarring walker bite on your arm.
"Y/n…" he trailed off, his hand shaking as he dropped your arm and stood off the bed. "Is that a fucking bite?" He asked, slowly and quietly as he looked at you on the bed.
You winced as you saw the small tears gather in the corner of his eyes.
 "Did that happen today? Shit…I tried to get to you sooner! This is all my fault!" He began pacing the room, his hand covering his mouth.
"No! Louis, just calm down." You stood up, taking his arm and stopping his pacing. "Calm down?! Y/n, you've been bit!" He exclaimed.
"I know that, Lou!" You placed your hands on his shoulders. "Look at it." You said, him looking at you as if you're crazy. "What?! Why?!" He asked, shocked. "N-no, Y/n, I can't-" 
"Louis. Just look at it." You said, holding up your arm as he hesitantly looked at it. "What?" He asks, confused. "It's old, Lou. It's scarring. I'm not gonna turn, I don't know how." You state.
"Y/n, everyone turns when bit! It's the way you most definitely go out!" He argued, nothing making sense as he tried to find reason.
"Yeah, I know. But I haven't, if it was fresh it would be bleeding and all gorey. But I'm fine, it's faded." You explained.
"But how?" He asked. "Nobody is immune to this shit. How can you be?" He asks, you shook your head as you sat back down on the bed. "I don't know! But what I know is that it's old and I'm fine!"
He stopped for a minute, looking around. "Does anyone else know?" He asked, you shook your head. "I don't go around telling people I was bit. Now do I?"
"Okay, if you're telling the truth- which I hope you are! We have to see." He stated, sitting beside you as you looked at him confused.
"See? How?" You asked. "We wait for a few days. See if you're fine, then go from there." He sighed, shaking his head. "Okay, if you're fine with that, Louis." 
You shrugger, you both falling into silence as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You leaned your head against his shoulder, him placing his chin on top of your head.
He really hoped what you were saying was true, because if not, he would lose you. And that was one of the few things he was terrified of.
Over the next few days Louis stuck to you like glue. Wherever you were he was there, doing chores, going on small runs, going out the fence or eating dinner he was beside you.
He wanted to make sure that even if it wasn't true he would be beside you if something happened. But as the days went by nothing did.
You weren't tired, you didn't sweat like people did when they turned. 
And when he looked into your eyes they were still the (e/c) color he loved and not clouded up like they usually would be.
He walked to your guys' room, opening the door and peeking his head through. "Y/n? Walker Y/n? Lovely soon-to-be wife who I hope is still alive-" 
"Still up and kicking, Louis." You cut him off, sitting up from the bed as you heard him sigh and open the door.
He sat on the bed, beside you as he looked over at you. "So you're immune. That's…incredible." He smiled, laughing as he tackled you in a hug which sent you to laying on your back with him laying on your chest.
"That's good because I felt like I was going insane." He sighed, you laughing as you patted his back.
"Yeah, well, buckle up because you and me are in it for the long run." You smiled, Louis chuckling, hearing your heartbeat under his ear which he was grateful for in this moment.
"Yeah, I'll never complain about that."
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oceanlue · 2 years
Chairle: hay guys what's up
y/n: just writing up this file
Auron : me too
Charlie: oh I came to ask about something
Charlie: I was reading an article about how our first draft of a book is always s&%×, And I heard that Ernest Hemingway said that, and I kind of wanted to know what he was talking about or what his life story was, so I came to ask you guys instead of the internet cuz you guys make things fun.....
y/n: well you came to the right place
y/n: okay guys sit back and relax while I tell you the life-long Journey of Ernest Miller Hemingway in about 3 minutes
Auron: 3 min huh....ok I'm intrigued let's see you try to pull this one off...rook.
Y/n : Born in Chicago in 1899. Son of a physician and a musician. Reasonably uneventful childhood. Decided to study journalism. Enlisted with the Red Cross during World War 1. Got blown up in Milan and spent 6 months in hospital with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. Fell in love with a nurse. They decided to get married. He came home to prepare. She stayed there and ditched him for an Italian soldier, which initiated a lifelong pattern of him rejecting women before they had a chance to reject him. (Take note,alphonse.)
(Everyone laughed)
Y/n : Got a job as a foreign correspondent. Fell in love with his roommate’s sister, married her and moved to Paris. They hung out with Gertrude Stein. They kicked it with Pablo Picasso. He started writing in earnest, no pun intended. Moved to Toronto, had a kid, moved back to Paris. Published a couple of books.
Jessie: oh wow
Y/n : Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Converted to Catholicism. Cut his head open after pulling on a cord thinking he was flushing a toilet and instead, ripped a skylight from the roof and smashed it onto his face! Moved to Kansas City, had another kid, his dad committed suicide. He shot a lot of bears for some reason. Had a car accident, had another kid. Went to Africa to kill some wild animals and got dysentery.
Y/n : Published another book. Moved to Cuba. SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG WHILST AIMING AT A SHARK! Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Published “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, sold half a million copies in a couple of months and got nominated for a Pulitzer prize. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman.
Seth : oof
Y/n : Became the self appointed leader of a band of village militia outside of Paris and was subsequently brought up on charges for contravening the Geneva Convention, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT LIKE A &%$#*&^ CHAMPION! Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spare time on his boat, tracking Nazi U-Boats with a machine gun and a pile of hand grenades! (I AM NOT MAKING THIS #$%& UP.)
Faust: .........0_0
Trish: ...*looks at auron* so when you gona ask her on a date
Auron: *spits out coffee* TRISH
Y/n : Had a few more car accidents, three more concussions, GOT CLAWED WHILE PLAYING WITH A LION. Got depressed, drank, got fat, published a couple more books. Went back to Africa to shoot some more wild animals and barely survived two separate plane crashes in the space of 24 hours; winding up with a fractured skull, internal bleeding, cracked spine, ruptured liver, first degree burns, and a paralyzed sphincter muscle.
Finn : that's not good
Y/n : (Karma!) Won a Nobel Prize. Had a file opened on him by J. Edgar Hoover, left a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba, and moved to Idaho, paranoid that the feds were following him WHICH THEY WERE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WORKING FOR THE KGB. (AGAIN, NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP.) Suffered from hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, hemochromatosis, anemia, and impotence. (Karma!) Got committed.
Y/n : Received way too much electroconvulsive therapy and came out all f^%$#* up, started hinting at suicide. So immediately got recommitted. Received another couple of months’ worth of electroconvulsive therapy, got released, put both barrels of his favorite 12 gauge shotgun into his mouth and blew his fucking head off! 
Charlie:.....well I be damned
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chmydarling · 1 year
❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜
questions [x]
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after everything. after the raiders, after vi. and clem...
they weren't any less the people they were. they'd just been through so much. they had all been through too so much.
so he wants, no he needs, to step up. it's what they would do. without a second thought, making sure the other kids are safe from any dangers. without a thought for themselves.
that doesn't mean he isn't scared shitless. i mean, a n y t h i n g could be lurking out here. on second thought, e v e r y t h i n g is most likely lurking out here... unseen. but never far.
he freezes. dread stops him dead in his tracks when he hears words spoken into the quiet, quiet which is generally a false sense of security.
it's quiet. the voice. soft. with it's own kind of power. it's strangely familiar, somehow.
❛ wh- who's there? ❜ what's there?
brandishing Chairles, he's kind of definitely regretting refusing aj's offer to accompany him now. he'd just wanted some time to think. time to not think, or talk, or mess around. that was most likely going to be a mistake.
after some moments and some difficulty, when he finally determines the source of that strangely quiet, soft voice, he is slightly more reassured. slightly.
❛ dude! you scared me. it's james... right? ❜
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❛ i am trying and most likely failing, to be less useless... but, enough about me. how have you been, man? uh, where have you been? ❜
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thechairlord · 1 year
My wife is a chair
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sakurachan7734 · 15 days
I’m bored so here is what my SCP fan kid’s voice are
Aristotle sounds like stolas but with a Echo tone
She sounds like Laura but with a echo tone
https://youtu.be/-c3tP1JzIYA?si=wrcDbxo7mYXGBpBu (ignore James lol)
https://youtu.be/zM-CLTluKeM?si=wxs3Ezisn8ba_P_j it sounds like Leon but with a very creepy tone(ignore everybody else in this video just pay attention to Leon’s voice)
If you seen the 2019 animated moves for the Addams family He kind of sounds like Pugsley and the reason why I didn’t put a video is because I could not find a good one
All though Sarah doesn’t talk often this is what she sounds like during more of the very rare time she actually does talk
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