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chakracentralny · 4 years
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Chakra Communications Inc works directly with clients to provide marketing services including digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services, content creations, email marketing in Buffalo, NY that does more than increase traffic and help you increase your brand awareness and profits. For Inquiries, 716.505.7300, [email protected]
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trendingfunnygifs · 5 years
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Chakra Communications Inc
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live-infographic · 5 years
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Chakra Communications Inc via @ http://www.liveinfographic.com/ chakracentralny, August 20, 2019 at 11:36AM
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betusharapatusha · 4 years
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The throat chakra is associated with the color blue. It's thought that blue has a calming effect on the body. Some people also associate blue with communication, honesty, and empathy. Inc on a4 paper Www.betusharapatusha.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZ1zPTgJ5G/?igshid=946jzyugf8gn
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timegal25 · 5 years
The Odd Side of Youtube
     YouTube, the popular video sharing website, has been around for over a decade. It’s had it’s over abundance of videos themed around Fortnite, “emotional apology videos” stuffed to the brim with ad revenue, a disturbingly high number of poorly animated nursery rhymes, and surprisingly graphic skits targeted at kids. But it’s also been an outlet for creative expression and connection for those outside the mainstream. For a socially awkward and isolated kid who found companionship in watching YouTube, fandom videos offered a sense of connection, belonging and reassurance that there were “odd people” out there who shared his interests and passions.
While the vast majority of people know about things like “Gangnam Style” and “Let’s Plays,” not as many can say they have extensive knowledge of the various niche fandom videos that make up a good portion of the website itself. These are the odd clips that either you only come across by looking up directly, or have randomly pop up in your recommended feed with no real reason as to why.  In my case, I remember a majority of these from watching them when I was younger, and then rediscovering them when looking deep into the site on late night nostalgia binges. It’s  a common hobby of mine, and it usually leads to me finding some of the strangest things as a result. Oddly, a great many of these strange finds just so happen to include Sonic the Hedgehog.
Let me preface this by saying what follows is in no way an attack on any of the creators of these videos, nor is it a call for others to go out and harass them. In fact, that’s part of the point. Many of the people who create some of the more odd or innovative content on YouTube are doing it as creative expression of who they are or what interests them. It’s a place to express a part of themselves, and it takes courage to do it. It’s easy for those who aren’t so brave to attack the creators.  I actually enjoy a lot of the content I’ll be referring to because the people behind it are genuine and clearly having a ton of fun making it. This is all done in good fun, and shows just how strange and odd fandom culture as a whole can be. And for some of these innovators who dared to put themselves out there, it paid off big time just by how fondly remembered they are by those who talk about them. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin.
Part One: Hedgehogs and Dragon Balls
To start things off, let’s look at a project that is fully animated. Before YouTube, there was the popular website Newgrounds, a place where you could watch videos, play games, and just mess around. This is where a lot of influential and important creators got their start by posting their little animations on the site. On August 14, 2006, user Chakra-X (real name Aaron Cowdery), posted the first part in a three-part movie called Sonic: Nazo Unleashed with part two coming a week later and part three following in 2007. All three parts were later uploaded all into one HD remaster under the title of Sonic: Nazo Unleashed DX on YouTube in 2014. The film follows Sonic and his friends as they take on the mysterious and powerful Nazo, an unused form of Sonic from a promotional video for the anime Sonic X.
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Now what makes this special from say the dozens of Sonic themed fanfics that follow a somewhat similar premise? Chakra-X did something no one had dared to do before. The animation was very heavily inspired by the anime megahit Dragon Ball Z and its then airing sequel Dragon Ball GT . The sound effects used and the presentation of special moves were ripped right from the series and even parts from the climax are just ideas presented in the show such as two characters fusing to make one new powerful being. In 2006, it was unheard of to see Sonic characters perform such high speed anime action. What was even more notable is that it was created by one single guy on the internet.  The professionally produced Sonic X TV show that was airing at that time paled by comparison, even with a team of professional animators with high tech equipment.
In the decade since Nazo Unleashed originally came out, Chakra-X has been a part of various animated collabs and now works for Titmouse Inc , an animation company that has done work for companies like Warner Bros., Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and even Disney. What was even more inspiring for me, Chakra-X is a young black man . This was the first I’d become aware of anyone who looked like me being a much sought after animator. It told me that I could be him, I could be in his position if I put in as much effort and love into a creative project. And with how amazing the upcoming sequel he’s working on looks, I feel that kind of hopeful inspiration even more.
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The next piece I’m going to examine is another well known series in the Sonic fandom community that also is heavily influenced by Dragon Ball Z. While it is also animated and is full of high speed action packed fights, this one has its own amazing identity. The series I’m talking about is the always spectacular Super Mario Bros. Z by Mark Haynes, aka Alvin Earthworm, starting in 2006 and going until 2009. While this series was originally created on Newgrounds, it’s real exposure and popularity came from being uploaded to YouTube.
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The series follows Mario, Sonic and friends as they go on an epic race against time to secure the powerful chaos emeralds from the clutches of the evil Mecha Sonic. Much like Nazo Unleashed, the influence of Dragon Ball Z series is anything but subtle, with the plot of “good guys need to find powerful objects before bad guys” being one of the key ways to describe Dragon Ball as a whole. One of the key things that makes this stand out on its own is the fact that this entire series is animated using sprites from the games. Just about every character that wasn’t made specifically for the series has their models taken right from their games. Mario and Luigi for example come from the Mario and Luigi role playing game (rpg) series on the Gameboy Advance (GBA), while the Sonic and Shadow sprites come from Sonic Battle also on the GBA. An extra step is taken by having the characters act like they do in their retrospective series. Mario and Luigi never actually use dialogue boxes in their games, with other characters still understanding them. The same is true here with the brothers’ words never actually being seen on screen. Going that extra step to emulate the games made the videos feel more authentic.
I was relatively young and new to the internet when Super Mario Brothers Z  (SMBZ) started popping up. I wasn’t fully aware of what sprite animations were, as they weren’t as easy to make or common back then as they are now, so I would see all the action and Sonic and Mario on screen together and I thought that it was an actual game. I wanted to play it so badly on my Gameboy Advance SP. On one trip to a Gamestop, my young self boldly walked up to the lady working the register and asked “Hey, do you have Super Mario Bros Z ?” She gave me this look that said either she knew exactly what I was talking about or didn’t have a single clue at all and just nicely said that they didn’t. I went on to repeat this at several more gaming stores before I realized that it wasn’t a real game, nor did it ever claim to be. It was then that I started looking for games I wanted myself because sometimes just saying a title out loud can make you look like the strangest person around.
What made the SMBZ series so attractive and so entirely different from anything found on YouTube at the time was the animated action. You might think  that since the series is using pre-made assets and models, that there must be some limitations on what can be done. However, with a bit of help from some custom new sprites as well as some fast editing and sound effects, things can get insane . Being able to translate the speed and intensity of a Dragon Ball Z fight is hard enough to copy with regular animation, yet Mark was able to do this with 2 dimensional sprites and flashing lights. And even that pales in comparison to the pure adrenaline of fights concerning the series main antagonist, Mecha-Sonic.
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Originally starting off as a mostly side boss in Sonic and Knuckles , Mecha Sonic became a fan favorite thanks to this series. Like any good antagonist, he can easily prove himself as a threat to the heroes while also being able to take the hits himself. This comes across easily in the series most popular episode, Brawl on a Vanishing Island . This 30 minute episode has a variety of characters going up against each other, but the mood quickly turns the second Mecha Sonic arrives and absorbs the power of the Chaos Emeralds. What follows is an absolutely brutal beatdown of another team of antagonists, the Axem Rangers X. The speed, the sound effects, alongside an amazing remix of Sonic and Knuckles’ Doomsday Zone playing in the background, this is a simply amazing bit of animation that can’t really be put into words without it sounding absolutely ridiculous. And much like with Nazo Unleashed, so much of this was done by just one guy.
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After episode 8 in 2009, things basically ended on a cliffhanger with the series being presumed over. Haynes had his own life and things to deal with, and something that took up so much time to make could be easily seen as poor use of it. In the years following, many others tried their hand at sprite animations with heavy action scenes with that becoming its very own subgenre on YouTube. Then, in 2016, Mark made a glorious return with the first episode of what was basically a reboot of the series. Fans loved it, amazed to see how far things had come. And then..there was basically nothing else. Originally, Haynes had a Patreon set up so that fans could fund him making this as well as possibly being a way for him to make this his job. It was shut down, most likely due to him directly saying it was going towards the series and Nintendo seeing it as someone else profiting off their IP. With any funding that could go towards rewarding all this time and effort being taken away, as well as Haynes having more important personal things and depression, it is unlikely that we’ll see an update anytime soon. It’s been three years since the first episode went up on YouTube, and while I still hope someday he’ll return, but as someone who knows that forcing yourself to make something others want even if you don’t want to is like, the personal happiness and health of Mark Haynes is so much more important.  He’s already left an amazing legacy on the net, and the stuff he’s given us is already great enough as is.
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And now to go from flash animation, to sprite animation, we’re reaching the next logical step. Out of all the series discussed in this part, this one is my absolute favorite. And it is one of the weirdest things out there. Another crossover series featuring the world of Mario and Sonic, alongside a few notable others. One that’s full of action and character, and it’s all animated in PowerPoint (no, I’m not kidding), this is Chocobro Cinemas’ The “Dimension” Saga. Strap in, things are gonna get really, really weird.
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The series started in 2007, with Dimension Mix-Up as it followed various characters from Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Frogger, Invader Zim, and Calvin and Hobbes. That was all 100 percent serious, and to the credit of both this and Super Mario Bros Z, there is a feeling of self-awareness running throughout the whole series. I unironically love this entire series from start to finish, mostly just due to the fact that there’s so much creativity and love being put into something that most people would just brush aside as another cheap fanfiction. When I originally found this back in 2007, it was like the most amazing thing ever. The computer I had at the time took forever to not only load flash animations, but even playing them took like 5 years for just a few seconds. I hadn’t really known what Newgrounds was fully back then either, so Super Mario Bros Z also wasn’t something I watched at the time, and I came across this. An action filled adventure that had characters not only from Sonic and Mario, but also Invader Zim which was still super huge at time, and Calvin and Hobbes?! To a megafan of all those things who would actually spend their time on Fanfiction.net reading stories about this stuff (Yes, even Calvin and Hobbes), this was like the holy grail. Also Frogger was there, so...that was cool?
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This story should not work, these characters all being together on screen expecting viewers to care for them all should not work, this idea of using powerpoint back in 2007 to simulate animation of any kind should not work. Yet somehow...it does. Even with the fact that this is clearly just a camera recording a screen at this point, there’s something rather entertaining about it all. And the action isn’t half bad for something made with a tool that clearly was never meant to be used in this way. It can actually be creative with how some fight scenes are done. The whole of episode 6 is able to show off a giant robot boss battle with some pretty decent speed, while episode 8 can trick viewers with its looping backgrounds. The best part of this comes just from watching how not only does the quality of the video improve over time, but so does the writing and the story. Dimension Takeover and Dimension Obliteration are amazing and admittedly addicting watches that have the same level of love and care put into them as the previous two series discussed in this. Giving the fans such high quality action and adventures while also doing a really great job of making all the interactions feel like they’re from their source material. Well, at least as close and one can get when you have a hedgehog talking to an imaginary tiger and a group of cartoon frogs. I can’t say thank you enough times to the people who’ve made all their series, as my love of writing stories based on my own favorite series probably wouldn’t be as strong today. And hey, one can surprisingly do a good job with powerpoint. At least it wasn’t just a slide show.
Part Two: These literally are just slide shows!
Sticking to the topic of Sonic, he seems to be a super popular subject for crossovers. Besides Mario, he and his friends have appeared in both official and nonofficial meetups with all kinds of pop culture favorites. The one series that seems to dominate the realm of Sonic crossovers online is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic . The series itself has had quite the impressive run of nine years, with its final episodes airing this year. What probably would have been seen as just another cheap product placement by the majority of people if it hadn’t been for the rather large audience of grown up fans that for a time basically ruled the internet. While in the later years the fan base has shrunk as all fandoms do, there are still those that happily enjoy watching cartoon ponies and doing various things related to them online, myself included.  
Now how does a super fast and cocky blue hedgehog that saves the day from an evil egg shaped man and his army of robots have any kind of connection to a cartoon about six colorful and talented ponies as they go through their lives learning about and solving problems with the power of friendship? Well, both are series that have similar characters with Sonic and Rainbow Dash both being blue,fast, and cocky. Both series deal with giant world ending disasters by using powerful gems and the power of teamwork. And both believe in the real power of friendship. So, yeah. There’s bound to be a ton of fan series based on seeing these two worlds meet up. And hoo boy, Youtube sure seems to love hosting a ton of them.
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The common theme in all the Sonic/My Little Pony Crossovers in this part is that they’re all going to be slideshows. There might be a few clips from the shows or games, maybe a piece of fanart or two, but 99 percent of the stuff in these videos is just going to be static text. Let’s start with the...highest quality one of the three brought up in this part, Sonic X Equestria by Speedstar Productions . The plot is nothing new. Eggman shows up to wreak havoc and Sonic must team up with the cast of My Little Pony, or Mane Six as they’re called, to help stop him. When I said most of these are just slideshows... I wasn’t kidding. The entire series will go from random screen cap to random promotional images, with text overlaid on the bottom. There is no original voice acting either, with the only voices that occasionally can be heard coming from the clips or sound bytes. There is no promised sense of consistency either, as photos of the characters can be pulled from different seasons, games, comics and shows all together. In this, Sonic is supposed to have his normal modern look but some screenshots are from Sonic Boom which is a show with different designs. Another example of this comes from shots of Twilight Sparkle. This show takes place in the My Little Pony world after Twilight becomes the princess of friendship and gets her own wings. Even shots from the first episode will use photos of her without them. It’s never actually a thing that matters to the show, as it acts like everything is on model, and that we can perfectly see everything that’s going on.
Another thing that this and many others like it seem to have in common is the idea that Sonic is the one doing all the work, while all the ponies just kinda...watch in the background. Sure, Twilight will pitch in with her magic every once in a while, but if Sonic’s taking on Eggman? He’s mostly going in solo. Sure, these ponies have easily taken on things like chaos incarnate, and powerful tyrants with black magic. But a man in a giant robot suit? Too unpredictable . Sure, one could argue that it’s because the mech being used in the fight only has images of Sonic fighting it...but in a later episode , the girls join in a fight that’s entirely animated! I shouldn’t be mad about this, yet I am!
Though..despite the rant, I still find myself enjoying watching this series. I can’t fully explain if it’s ironic or if it’s unironic. Maybe it comes from the fact that everyone still acts in character to their on-screen counter parts, leading to interactions that fans wanted to see. We want to see the ponies talk to Sonic characters, and help take down Eggman. The use of actual pictures from the shows and games helps too, making us help visualize it as if it were an actual episode.  Maybe it comes from the fact that it feels like something I would watch in the early days of Youtube. The kinda low effort yet also decent attempt of trying to make events appear coherent in some way, even if the images shown aren’t the most in continuity. Though, episode 11 is literally the Shadic vs Nazo fight from Nazo Unleashed. Those things aside...this is still kind of a guilty pleasure watch that I’ll binge from time to time.
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Sometime last year, I was looking up Nazo Unleashed videos late one night, due to that time bringing out a large sense of nostalgia for days gone. As I was looking, I saw a thumbnail that stuck out to me. Or rather...a title that stuck out to me, as well as a runtime that had my interest set to max.
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The Adventures of Sonic in Equestria Nazo Unleashed The Movie HD , by Adam Selvig, is a title that feels like it should be one of those videos that promises an upload of a current movie in HD that only links to scam sites that will give your computer a virus. It isn’t that. This is a slideshow that’s the length of a movie. College lectures aren’t this long. The best way to describe this one is that Sonic and the ponies must come together to defeat Nazo as well Tempest Shadow, a character from the My Little Pony movie. Also, Sonic and Rainbow Dash have a daughter called Sondash, which is literally just art of a child Rainbow Dash. This series is weird. Another strange thing is that a lot of the channels posting Sonic / My Little Pony stuff in series like this...usually have around 1K subs. That’s nothing to any major Youtuber, but the idea that even just one thousand people subscribe to watch this stuff as soon as it comes out..is just mind blowing.
This film is part of a series, one that started all the way back in January of 2018. The playlist for this thing says that the series as of March 4th, 2019...is 103 videos long?! And with seemingly all of them in the 20 minute range...the question becomes, how long has Selvig been working on this thing, and does he have others help him with it? And again...why is it always Sonic that seems to be doing everything around here? Are the ponies just lazy now that an outsider is here?
The odd thing is that there are so many Sonic/My Little Pony crossover videos on Youtube, but when looked into, so many of them are the exact same content. Stills and transparent photos with clear backgrounds with text overlaid. And so many are able to get these creators at least a few hundred subscribers. In a surprisingly deep sea of similar executions, are there any left that stand out above the rest? Good news, there is at least one series that goes in another direction. In more mixed news, well…
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This is Harmony and Chaos by Michael Evans. While originally popping up as text on gradient background sometime in 2017, the whole series is now being voiced over by its creator. That’s all this is. Text on a background while one man narrates over it in various voices. And for the most part, there isn’t much there at all in terms of action. Now, I’m only nine episodes in this seemingly sixty plus episode run with multiple seasons series, so I might be wrong. The main focus of this series is romance, and boy is there a lot of it. If there’s a male character from Sonic and a female character from My Little Pony that interact a lot in this thing, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll end up smooching somewhere on down the line. This sounds exactly like what many seem to see fan bases as general as, writing overly long amounts of fan fiction that are also chock to the brim with romance and needless drama. In this series, Rainbow Dash is getting a divorce from her husband who she thought was cheating on her, when really he only made it seem that way so that she wouldn’t have to know that he was dying from a deadly disease. It’s a move right out of the soap opera playbook.
Despite all of this, I find myself coming back to all of these series and watching them in huge chunks. It comes from a sense of odd curiosity on how the story is going to play out.  It also helps that the people behind this stuff seem like just genuinely nice people that want to post their creations online and share it with the world. It’s just that the stuff they make is really weird, not bad, just strange. And even then, it’s not the most strangest thing on the net that’s out there.
Part Three: Big Adventures, Bigger Casts
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The best way to start this final part was with an image. An image that perfectly tells someone everything they need to know, as well as absolutely nothing at all. Welcome to Pooh’s Adventures , a seemingly endless number of movies and tv shows that are “edited” to include characters from Winnie the Pooh, My Little Pony, Transformers, Thomas the Tank Engine and so, so many more. I put edited in quotes because really, does this count as editing in any way, shape or form? To give a basic plot outline of just about every single Pooh’s/Thomas’/Insert Character name here’s adventure, large group of characters are inserted into popular movie or show, where they help the main character of said movie or show against the antagonist who is now usually joined by other villains from various forms of media. Rinse and Repeat for every movie ever with vague hints of events from previous adventures running into this one.  Take any movie, and there’s a good chance there’s at least the idea for a Pooh’s Adventures on it. Like for example Winnie The Pooh vs. Jaws , which while not a real movie as of this writing does have a devoted page on the fan wiki . And it seems to promise quite the cast of characters.
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It can actually be somewhat hard in trying to find some of these, due to the fact that they’re just full movies with other copyrighted clips put in at random intervals. Those that are still up on Youtube seem to be the ones that use the most obscure of movies as their source . And just like with the Sonic/Mlp stuff, all of these channels seem to have at least a few thousand subscribers thanks to it. Of all the adventures that still remain on Youtube, Winnie the Pooh Goes to Hotel Mario / Pooh’s Adventures of Batman Forever is the one I’m most proud still remains. There is no connection between the two, besides the fact that both Hotel Mario and Batman Forever are both seen as surreal experiences that have very little connections to their source and are enjoyed in a “so bad it’s good” way.
There are still ways to find both older and newer uploads of the various adventures online. Many of the members will just upload their older stuff to Google Drive or Dropbox , and more recently, a lot of uploads are being moved to Pandora.tv, a mostly Korean based website where they can run ads on the video.
The wiki for this fandom is massive, with there being over thirty five thousand articles as of the time of this being written, with new ones being added or updated seemingly every few minutes. Most fantasy wikis can’t reach numbers that high! Though, most of the pages on it are bare-bones with only a single line or two for a ton of characters while others are pages clearly ripped right from other fandom wikis. There’s also ideas for series that are just the title and then nothing else, along with transcripts and posters put next to dozens of dead or empty links. For a site that seems so bloated and full, it’s actually pretty empty and hollow upon closer look.
I wanted to share all of this because so much of this resonates with me in some way, even Pooh’s Adventures , since I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought up crossovers with insanely large casts that really should have nothing to do with each other.I guess in a way...I saw these all as the things I wanted to make but never knew how to. I’ve always wanted to animate, to tell my stories with these characters that I know and love to as many people as possible, to hear their feedback on all of it. That’s why I got so passionate talking about all certain moments or episodes, it’s all the things I would do! They’re people just like me, and that’s why I wish Mark Haynes the best in his life, why I’ll say the guys who work on the Sonic and My Little Pony  seem like nice people. That’s why I’ll be so amazed by someone having a thousand subs or more. I see myself in these creations and the experiences of their creators. The pains of depression, the joy of seeing how their work has influenced others, the effort and care put into these things. I want to see them succeed and be supported, because that shows me that I can succeed too.  
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chakracentralny · 4 years
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Whether you are looking for a large format printing company in Buffalo, you will want a company that has the level of experience that will create your products professionally. Chakra Communications Inc is an experienced marketing  and printing company that provides high quality printing solutions for your business. For Inquiries, 716.505.7300, [email protected]. You can also visit our official website as below-: https://chakracentral.com 
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voltlin · 3 years
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Our Star of David Pendant is a versatile Lightworker's power tool that serves as a receiver, amplifier, and transmitter of Universal Life Force energies which can strengthen the bearer's bio-field or aura. This particular cut was developed by Marcel Vogel. (IBM’s leading research scientists and the founder of Psychic Research, Inc.) This is an excellent crystal to wear while meditating or facilitating concentration on higher chakras. Siberian Blue Quartz can help to strengthen the connection between our Throat and Third Eye Chakra which helps to facilitate eloquent communication from an elevated perspective. When the Third Eye is fully activated, our communication infuses with the wisdom and love of our Higher Self. Used the code ‘NAMASTE’ at checkout for 10% off your first purchase! https://www.instagram.com/p/CQcYcWKHhGR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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live-infographic · 5 years
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Chakra Communications Inc via @ http://www.liveinfographic.com/ chakracentralny, August 20, 2019 at 11:46AM
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miki-agrawal · 4 years
Originally published on Apple podcasts by Julie Jancius.
Friends, you are going to love today’s guest! We have Miki Agrawal on the show today. Miki is a serial social entrepreneur who was named “Fast Company’s Most Creative People”, “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum, and INC’s “Most Impressive Women Entrepreneurs.” In addition to building her companies THINX, TUSHY, and Wild to a collective valuation of over $200 Million, she is a #1 best-selling author of Do Cool Shit, a step-by-step guide to building your dream business and now Disrupt-Her, a modern manifesto that questions & confronts thirteen major areas in our lives (money, career, relationships, friendships, the culture of owning “more stuff”, perfectionism, takedown culture etc etc), and disrupts them one by one.
Miki and I are discussing the incredible shifts that can occur when you disrupt the status quo. She shares what she learned about money mindset from her immigrant parents and why spending less than you earn was one of the most important lessons taught to her.
We also dive into:
How you can transition from a lack mindset to an abundant mindset
Removing yourself from the constant “chirping” to find your joy
Becoming the gatekeeper of your own mind
What happens when we neglect our core emotions
Connect with Miki:
Website/Blog: mikiagrawal.com
Instagram: @MikiAgrawal
Twitter: @twinmiki
Facebook: Miki Agrawal
Community Text #: 917.933.3036
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For full show notes, head to theangelmedium.com
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fearsome14 · 7 years
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Day 6: Third Eye Chakra Intuition. Knowing and trusting yourself...confidence. Purpose. Connection. 📣 #EnergeticYogis !! ・・・ 🌟Announcing a new yoga challenge! Join me and several other amazing yogis in the first seven days of December for #EnergeticYogis ! Each day, we will sharing poses that balance our individual chakras. A chakra is an energy center where matter and our consciousness meet. Join us to balance out our subtle body and delve deep into ourselves and our chakras! ❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜 _______ Hosts: @regen_yoga @_loca4yoga_ @thisgoatslife @tovasana_yoga _______ Sponsors: @eyeamlivingproof @mamarooyoga @faithfoxdesigns @treelanceyoga @yogapaws @karmawellnesswater @meranda_shop @solauradesigns @aspoonfulofcolors @chakratiedye .... Line up: all yogis choice so all levels welcome! Ideas are given but definitely feel free to make it your own on pose choices and variations 🙏🏼Dm with any questions 🙏🏼 12/1 - Root Chakra / Muladhara Any rooting pose Mountain, tree, eagle, downward facing dog 12/2 - Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana Seated or strong pose butterfly, balancing bear, boat, warrior , goddess 12/3 - Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura Powerful side angles, triangles, warrior 2 and 3, wheel 12/4 - Heart Chakra / Anahata Any heart opening pose fish, backbends, cow face, cobra 12/5 - Throat Chakra / Vishuddha Poses related to communication lion, plow, shoulder stand, mantras 12/6 - Third Eye Chakra / Anja Breath work, facial massage, savasana, palming the eyes 12/7 - Crown Chakra / Sahasrara Meditation poses. Moving or still🙏🏼 . .... To join: *Re-post this banner and tag some friends to join *Follow all hosts and sponsors, tagging them in daily posts *Have FUN! . . ________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * #challengethyyoga #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #igyogacommunity #decemberyogachallenge #IGYoga #yoga #decemberyogachallenge2017 #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #practicenotperfection #yogalife #yogagram #yogacommunity #practiceandalliscoming #yogadaily #yogastrong #instayoga #yogainspiration #myyogalife #yogaeveryday #igyogafamly #terratoolsandtreasures #pauldingcountyyoga (at Terra Tools & Treasures Inc,)
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shantiyogalove · 5 years
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Mindful intent (bhava) is a cornerstone of yoga practice. We start every class by setting an intention, calling the attention to it through the physical practice. *. When you set Intention do you create it from a place of loving kindness toward self? Do you tend to set intentions that apply to others instead (offering happiness, love or serenity to them)? Or, do you use negatives in your intention (don't, won't, stop)? *. Practice with us this week & work on intentional loving kindness toward self. Schedule this week: Mon: 4:30 Gentle yoga @rainbow_farms 7:00 Intermediate Slow Flow Yoga Tue: 4:00 Slow Flow Yoga 5:30 Beginner Yoga 7:00 Gentle Yin Yoga (stretch) Wed: 6:00 Community Yoga All Level Thu: 4:00 Mindful Yoga 5:30 Yoga & Chakras 7:00 RESTorative Yoga Jamboree Open House Sat & Sun. Sat 1:00-3:00 FREE classes 3:00 Drumming Techniques w/Bob $10 4:00 Drum Circle $10 (inc w/workshop) Sun 2:30-4:00 FREE Classes & Meditation Shanti Yoga Love is located at 10 E. Main St. in downtown Geneva, Ohio. (at Shanti Yoga Love LLC /Yoga Practice With Leah Hartman) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wY2vBHuFC/?igshid=1j3xngtnsjoln
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freeminimaps · 5 years
Chakra Central
Chakra Communications Inc is a comprehensive marketing company that provides a huge range of strategic solution to business in Western New York. Chakra develops creative strategies that increase brand awareness and build meaningful relationships all while ensuring our clients’? need and goals are constantly being met.
Chakra Central was originally published on Business directory and remarkable travel blog!
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chakracentralny · 4 years
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Chakra Communications Inc can help you to achieve results by working closely with your marketing department or by customizing a compelling campaign for you within your budget! Chakra services cover web designing, mobile app development, marketing, printing, mailing, photography, email marketing, etc. For Inquiries, 716.505.7300, [email protected]
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micaramel · 4 years
Artists: Chrysanne Stathacos, Tim Jocelyn, Robert Flack, Andy Fabo
Venue: Cooper Cole, Toronto
Exhibition Title: There are more than four
Date: April 11 – May 30, 2020
Curated by: Jacob Korczynski
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Cooper Cole, Toronto
Press Release:
COOPER COLE is pleased to present There are more than four, a group exhibition curated by Jacob Korczynski featuring the works of Andy Fabo, Robert Flack,Tim Jocelyn, and Chrysanne Stathacos.
For me, life in this city begins and ends with artist-initiated networks, where energies and programmes are constantly opening and ending, keeping pace with the rate at which artist’s studios are closed and relocated. These networks establish where work is developed, shown, or both, and they affirm what is missing as much as what is made. The affective affinities that enable these associations also produced this exhibition. More specifically, it is anchored upon the long-term friendship and dialogue between Andy Fabo and Chrysanne Stathacos, and expanded to incorporate the work of two artists who are no longer with us due to the ongoing epidemic of AIDS: Andy’s lover Tim Jocelyn (1952-1986) and Chrysanne’s close friend Robert Flack (1957-1993). The result is a kind of doubled portrait, like catching your own gaze on a reflective surface in close proximity to another.
From the earliest stage of his interdisciplinary practice, Andy Fabo has asserted his queer subjectivity in his work. The Wild Ones (1975) performs as a painting, yet acts as an assemblage with acrylic, velvet, leather and metal studs framing the troika collaged at its centre. Made in the aftermath of his partner Tim’s death when Andy was facing an impasse with painting, Sisyphus on the Plains (1988) features the eponymous mythological figure exposed naked upon a landscape, turning upwards to face their burden. Silverado (2001), is a series produced with ink on silver card, and here the medium leads the image. Pooled or bubbled ink comes together to form moments of fluidity, at times contained, and at others nearly sliding off the surface.
In his practice, Tim Jocelyn developed a body of work for which textiles were the primary material. In doing so, his work was not so much medium-specific as it was subject specific: textiles always suggest bodies, either present or absent. He produced tapestries and garments alike and both are represented here through one of the many folding screens he produced in the early 1980s as well as two clothing pieces. The geometrical abstraction present on the three panels of the former foregrounds adored art historical references that Tim pointed to throughout his practice. With his Skyline jacket and Gordon’s shirt, two opposite milieus of artistic production are contrasted: a rising cityscape made manifest in the hot, bright colours of neon lights, and pastoral elements of nature rendered in earth tone hues.
Throughout her practice, Chrysanne has expanded the medium of painting via printing. Take for example her Broken Glass series, in which the cracked remnants of a pane are transferred to the soft surface of canvas or linen, forming a new object. Her experimentation with printing on different surfaces with various objects is further demonstrated by 1-900-Mirror-Mirror (1993). An interactive installation that can be physically entered by the individual viewer, this work invited viewers to ask a question about the future, as a way to look ahead at the height of the AIDS crisis. Through her groundbreaking use of early video communication technology, Chrysanne’s engagement with the future also anticipated the current moment we find ourselves in, when we look towards the reflective surfaces of our screens not only to see one another, but also ourselves.
Where Chrysanne considered the way the bodies of the viewers were reflected onto the surrounding surfaces, in his photographic works presented here Robert Flack took the body itself as a site of projection. All three were produced after he was diagnosed with AIDS and are inextricable from the psychic and physical transition he was undertaking at that time. With his series Love Mind (1992), he photographed multiple subjects as saturated coloured light was cast upon their chakra centres. Produced prior to the advent of digital photography, the two selections from this expansive series requires the viewer to look, and then look again, expanding an image of the body outside of the corporeal. In his earlier work Etheric Double (1990), a male nude is rendered in negative, suggesting a spectre. With both the body and the background pulsing with radiant auras, the inversion of the image suspends the figure between legibility and ephemerality, between the radiance of life and the threat of death. Faced with fragility, Robert and Tim posed a question, one that Andy and Chrysanne continue to ask: where do we locate the body and what lies beyond?
– Jacob Korczynski
Toronto March 12, 2020
  Andy Fabo (b. 1953, Calgary) is an artist, art critic, independent curator, AIDS activist, and art educator. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Alberta and the Alberta College of Art before moving to Toronto in 1975. He received his MFA from OCAD University in 2013. Fabo’s paintings, drawings, and films have exhibited widely nationally and internationally. In 2005 he had a retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art that featured over thirty years of work. The exhibition spanned the first mixed media paintings that he exhibited in his 1979 A Space show, Studs- a landmark for Queer art in Toronto- through the paintings from his time as a founding member of the influential ChromaZone collective (1981-85), through his activist and memorializing response to the AIDS epidemic of the late 80s and early 90s. In the former period Fabo began to make collaborative videos with his late partner, Michael Balser, and also expanded his practice into digital media. The video he made with Balser, Survival of the Delirious (1988), won numerous awards including ‘Best New Narrative’ at the Atlanta Film Festival and Kijkhuis Festival in Holland. It is also included in the Art Against AIDS anthology that V Tape in Toronto and Video Data Bank in Chicago co-produced. A retrospective of their collaborative work mounted at Oboro, Montréal in 2003.
Robert Flack (b. 1957 Guelph, Canada; d. 1993 Toronto, Canada) was an artist based in Toronto. He received his BFA from York University in 1980 and attended Sheridan College in 1984. Flack’s work was deeply concerned with internalized realms of psychic energy, the chakras, and the etheric body, which was influenced by the experience of his HIV seroconversion in 1988. In 1980, Flack began working at Art Metropole. Soon after, he began to exhibit at Toronto galleries and in 1982 was included in a two-person exhibition with Chrysanne Stathacos at Chromazone, a space co-founded by Andy Fabo. Flack was soon invited to exhibited nationally and internationally at spaces such as Das Institut Unzeit, West Berlin (1982); Artist Space, Sydney (1983); Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver (1989); the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford (1990); Rutgers University Museum, New Jersey (1991); and W139, Amsterdam (1993). Notably, his exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum was an iteration of Group Material’s iconic AIDS Timeline exhibitions. He also lived and worked in New York, showing regularly in solo and group exhibitions with Hudson at Feature, Inc. Flack’s work has also been posthumously included in noteworthy exhibitions including Time is Thirsty, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2019); Tributes and Tributaries 1971-1989, Art Gallery of Ontario (2016); Par Amour/Paramour, curated by Jonathan Shaughnessy, National Gallery of Canada at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (2014); Standing Ground (with Will Munro), Paul Petro Contemporary Art (2014); The Temptation of AA Bronson, Witte de With (2013); and The Cold City Years, The Power Plant (2005). Flack’s estate is represented by Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Toronto.
Tim Jocelyn (b. 1952, Ottawa, Canada; d. 1986, Toronto, Canada) was an artist and designer. Jocelyn’s primary medium was textile, in which he made clothing garments, tapestries and folding screens. Through his works’ references to the body he was able to explore his own queer subjectivity. Jocelyn was a central figure in the 1980s art and fashion scene in Toronto’s Queen Street West neighborhood. During his lifetime he exhibited internationally in both art and fashion contexts including Ontario Crafts Council, Toronto (1979); Julie Artisans Gallery, New York (1981); Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto (1983); and Galerie Walchetürm, Zurich (1985). He met Andy Fabo in 1980, and in 1983, they co-curated Chromaliving at Chromazone, Toronto. In 1985 he moved to New York City with Fabo and received the CIL commission for the Canadian Pavilion at Expo 86. Posthumously, his work has continued to be recognized through exhibitions at the Power Plant, the Textile Museum, the Art Gallery of Ontario, and Mercer Union in Toronto, as well as the Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga; the McMichael Art Gallery, Kleinburg; and Visual Aids, New York. Jocelyn’s work, specifically that which was presented in Chromaliving, was foregrounded in the exhibition Chroma Lives in Toronto in 2016.
Chrysanne Stathacos (b. 1951, Buffalo, USA) is a multidisciplinary artist of Greek, American, and Canadian heritage. Her work is heavily influenced by feminism, Greek mythology, the natural environment, eastern spirituality, and Tibetan Buddhism. Stathacos is widely known for her public interactive artworks which include 1-900-Mirror-Mirror (1993) which was first presented at Andrea Rosen Gallery and traveled to Art Metropole, Toronto and Franklin Furnace, New York. The artist also creates performances—one of which was included in the public program The Parliament of Drawings in Documenta 14— as well as paintings and prints that have been featured in numerous exhibitions including Gold Rush at Cooper Cole, Toronto (2018). Stathacos has exhibited for over 40 years in museums, galleries and public spaces internationally, living and working in New York for much of that time. Stathacos will be included in the 13th Gwangju Biennale / Minds Rising, Spirits Tuning directed by Defne Ayas and Natasha Ginwala this fall. Most recently, she created a series of works from her Rose Mirror Mandala Series for exhibitions curated by AA Bronson at Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam (2013); Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (2015); Grazer Kunstverein, Graz (2015); and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2018). A major Installation “Five Mirrors of The World” is currently on view at The Sculpture Park, Madhavendra Palace, Nahargarh Fort, Jaipur, India. Her work is included in numerous public collections including the National Gallery of Canada, the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Albright-Knox Gallery, the Burchfield Penney Art Center, and the Royal Bank of Canada. The Chrysanne Stathacos fonds is located in the Archives and Library at the National Gallery of Canada. Stathacos is represented by The Breeder in Athens, Greece and currently lives and works between Athens and Toronto, Canada.
Jacob Korczynski is an independent curator based in Toronto. He has curated projects for the Stedelijk Museum, Mercer Union, Western Front and the Badischer Kunstverein and his writing has been published by art-agenda, Flash Art, Frieze and Camera Austria. With curatorial projects taking the form of exhibitions, screenings and publications he is also the editor of I See/La Camera: I (If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution), Andrew James Paterson’s Collection/Correction (Kunstverein Toronto & Mousse Publishing), Jimmy Robert’s Revue (Leopold Hoesch Museum), and Nour Bishouty’s 1-130 (forthcoming).
Link: “There are more than four” at Cooper Cole
from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/3bXz2lE
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meganlclickfl · 6 years
Psychic Life Readings Santa Monica
States census bureau
Readings. psychics. life
Blvd medical services
Palm readings/Tarot card. psychic readings /crystal ball. detoxing Reiki and. meditation. About Monica. I am a gifted psychic and an Ordained Minister. Being a clairvoyant and a spiritualist have made me a skilled and perceptive life coach with insight for all matters of the heart and spirit.
Medical Services Organizations Santa Monica Bookkeeping Services Santa Monica Walking At Night In Santa Monica Army And navy stores santa monica Software Training Santa Monica Santa Ana / ˌ s æ n t ə ˈ æ n ə / (Spanish for "Saint Anne") is the county seat and second most populous city in Orange County, California.The United states census bureau Chabad Santa Monica Blvd Medical Services Organizations Santa Monica Bookkeeping Services Santa Monica Walking At Night In Santa Monica Army And navy stores santa monica software training Santa Monica Santa Ana / ˌ s æ n t ə ˈ æ n ə / (Spanish for "Saint Anne") is the county seat and second most populous city in Orange County, Santa Monica College 2016 Calendar Storage Containers Santa Monica Algeria back to top of page. Nait Meziane, Amor Certified in: 2005 . Company: Allmarine SarL, 72 Cooperative Immobiliere El Falah, Ain Naadja, Algiers, 16000, Algeria The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. Top Ads. Labels. Label Links Audi Wework Santa Monica Apr 24, 2018  · Travis VanderZanden says scooters should ease traffic and be fun. But lawmakers from Santa Monica to San Francisco say they’re a public nuisance. Santa Monica College 2016 Calendar Storage Containers Santa Monica Algeria back to top of page. Nait Meziane, Amor Certified in: 2005 . Company: Allmarine SarL, 72 Cooperative Immobiliere El
Home > Links > Animal Communicators > United States. The links included in this category are hand-compiled, annotated, and listed by state and then alphabetically by the animal communicator’s surname, if known.
Psychic Goddess Ascending (720) 378-2807 – Solaris BlueRaven – P.O. Box 1801 – Nederland, Colorado 80466 Profile: Ms. Solaris BluerRaven is a Published Author, Public Speaker, Timeline Astrologer, MT Healer, Remote Viewer, Clairvoyant and an assessment specialist in psychotronic warfare, synthetic telepathy and covert technology.
Day 407: April 10, 2016 While exploring the Santa Monica pier we stop for a psychic reading! Have you guys ever gotten a psychic reading or had your fortune…
The following is a list of fictional characters in Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels. The title character, Anita Blake starts as a human with the power of necromancy.She joins the organization Animators, Inc. as an animator: a person who raises zombies) and a vampire executioner.In later volumes, she acquires some powers that are …
Past Life Psychic Readings by Phone for Spiritual Understanding of Your Life Purpose. Psychic Readings by Phone: one seemingly single random "by chance" meeting has the extraordinary power to change Mary, Santa Fe, NM. "I didn't agree when you said my new boyfriend would be in the military.
Supernatural readings. psychics. life Coach. Serving Santa Monica and the Surrounding Area. Phone number (310) 699-7752. I found Shirley through Yelp (because it's 2017), and decided to book a reading with her because I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and I just wanted some spiritual…
Monica is a Psychic, Reiki Master, Paranormal Psychic, Chakra Healer, and Love Therapist that can help you in all matters of life: love, money, health, addictions, and more! Or email Monica to setup an appointment [email protected]. I will come to you! For travel under 25 miles…
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source https://santamonicaday.com/psychic-life-readings-santa-monica/ from Santa Monica Day https://santamonicaday.blogspot.com/2018/10/psychic-life-readings-santa-monica.html
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carlasdolphaz · 6 years
Psychic Life Readings Santa Monica
States census bureau
Readings. psychics. life
Blvd medical services
Palm readings/Tarot card. psychic readings /crystal ball. detoxing Reiki and. meditation. About Monica. I am a gifted psychic and an Ordained Minister. Being a clairvoyant and a spiritualist have made me a skilled and perceptive life coach with insight for all matters of the heart and spirit.
Medical Services Organizations Santa Monica Bookkeeping Services Santa Monica Walking At Night In Santa Monica Army And navy stores santa monica Software Training Santa Monica Santa Ana / ˌ s æ n t ə ˈ æ n ə / (Spanish for "Saint Anne") is the county seat and second most populous city in Orange County, California.The United states census bureau Chabad Santa Monica Blvd Medical Services Organizations Santa Monica Bookkeeping Services Santa Monica Walking At Night In Santa Monica Army And navy stores santa monica software training Santa Monica Santa Ana / ˌ s æ n t ə ˈ æ n ə / (Spanish for "Saint Anne") is the county seat and second most populous city in Orange County, Santa Monica College 2016 Calendar Storage Containers Santa Monica Algeria back to top of page. Nait Meziane, Amor Certified in: 2005 . Company: Allmarine SarL, 72 Cooperative Immobiliere El Falah, Ain Naadja, Algiers, 16000, Algeria The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. Top Ads. Labels. Label Links Audi Wework Santa Monica Apr 24, 2018  · Travis VanderZanden says scooters should ease traffic and be fun. But lawmakers from Santa Monica to San Francisco say they’re a public nuisance. Santa Monica College 2016 Calendar Storage Containers Santa Monica Algeria back to top of page. Nait Meziane, Amor Certified in: 2005 . Company: Allmarine SarL, 72 Cooperative Immobiliere El
Home > Links > Animal Communicators > United States. The links included in this category are hand-compiled, annotated, and listed by state and then alphabetically by the animal communicator’s surname, if known.
Psychic Goddess Ascending (720) 378-2807 – Solaris BlueRaven – P.O. Box 1801 – Nederland, Colorado 80466 Profile: Ms. Solaris BluerRaven is a Published Author, Public Speaker, Timeline Astrologer, MT Healer, Remote Viewer, Clairvoyant and an assessment specialist in psychotronic warfare, synthetic telepathy and covert technology.
Day 407: April 10, 2016 While exploring the Santa Monica pier we stop for a psychic reading! Have you guys ever gotten a psychic reading or had your fortune…
The following is a list of fictional characters in Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels. The title character, Anita Blake starts as a human with the power of necromancy.She joins the organization Animators, Inc. as an animator: a person who raises zombies) and a vampire executioner.In later volumes, she acquires some powers that are …
Past Life Psychic Readings by Phone for Spiritual Understanding of Your Life Purpose. Psychic Readings by Phone: one seemingly single random "by chance" meeting has the extraordinary power to change Mary, Santa Fe, NM. "I didn't agree when you said my new boyfriend would be in the military.
Supernatural readings. psychics. life Coach. Serving Santa Monica and the Surrounding Area. Phone number (310) 699-7752. I found Shirley through Yelp (because it's 2017), and decided to book a reading with her because I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and I just wanted some spiritual…
Monica is a Psychic, Reiki Master, Paranormal Psychic, Chakra Healer, and Love Therapist that can help you in all matters of life: love, money, health, addictions, and more! Or email Monica to setup an appointment [email protected]. I will come to you! For travel under 25 miles…
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from SantaMonicaDay via Santa Monica Day on Inoreader https://santamonicaday.com/psychic-life-readings-santa-monica/
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