#chameleon charm webcomic
chameleoncharm · 27 days
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New Home Soon!
Just a reminder to everyone that soon Chameleon Charm will be moving to a new home. I'm working on getting things switched around, but soon ChameleonCharm.com will take you to the new home of Chameleon Charm instead of the old Tumblr that I was posting on before.
As a reminder, starting Sept 18 - the 12th anniversary - I'll be relaunching the comic over at a new ComicFury page. The old Tumblr will stay up for archival purposes, and I may still post new comics to it when we get there, though maybe at a staggered rate from the ComicFury.
Hopefully the change over should go off without too much of a hitch, but if you'd like to register for #ComicFury so you can leave comments and subscribe, please check out the landing page for CC:
Again, no pages yet (queuing them up now so I'm ready to go), but take the time to get nice and cozy for the relaunch in a few weeks.I hope you all have a safe and fun Labor Day if you're doing anything this weekend!
Take care, Fil
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oddygaul · 6 months
Girl Juice and Michael DeForge
Girl Juice
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P good. It has some absolutely hysterical, standout moments, but overall didn’t leave as much of an impression as I was expecting it to. I dunno, I might’ve just been expecting more of an ensemble thing, when in fact everything’s more or less centered around Bunny. She’s a pretty commanding character, for sure, but the humor loses a bit of its luster when she’s the punchline nearly every time.
I think the format contributed to this wear a little bit. Girl Juice is structured a bit like a comic strip / webcomic compilation, where each page is ostensibly its own standalone story; when they’re more straightforward gag strips with a payoff, they usually kill, but there’s some bits on the first half where it tries to be a bit more narrative / slice of life, and the layouts start to feel stiff and restrictive.
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I did appreciate the ending story for branching out a bit in that regard, with deviation in both the paneling and the pacing.
Overall, the art and vibe and character designs are incredibly charming, and I quite like the author’s voice for dialogue, I just think medium-wise it’s a bit clumsy at times.
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Also the slow drip feed of clownlore about Nana was fucking wild. The first time it dropped the clown fetish thing it was a fun one-off gag, then we see her clown boyfriend and hear about her clowning aspirations, and things start snowballing - by the end she’s wearing full-on clown outfits with ruffs and buttons, and suddenly I realize that her red nose, which I assumed was an artistic choice and didn’t think twice about, is a big ol clown honker she puts on / paints every day?? yo.
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Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero
Reading Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero consistently filled me with the same delight that first reading the title Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero did. which I consider a success story
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This is probably my favorite thing I’ve read from Michael DeForge. I think (unintentionally) everything else I’ve read from him are collections of shorts, so it was kind of a shock to get something with this much of a throughline. DeForge is so confident with his style here, and I felt the longer format really gave him time to fully explore the tone and visual style of this setting.
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The art is gorgeous throughout, and remains cohesive while still featuring lots of experimentation and playfulness. The tritone coloring is eye-catching, and DeForge really makes the most of it by constantly messing with line variation and texture, adding a huge variety of middle values even between each of the three printed colors. The book, generally, is incredibly lavish - while heavily stylized, both the characters and backgrounds are popping with detail and incredibly graphic, and it feels like DeForge rarely repeats himself with his visual effects. Lots of cartoonists making a strip-based story like this find a trick for certain elements then put them on autopilot; as if to make up for the book’s general artstyle not changing for once, DeForge instead finds new tricks for each element constantly.
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All the designs are incredibly memorable, too, from the geese with their mouths constantly agape to the fuckin constantly sweating outline bear.
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“Why should [she] be the exception? Penance is her birthright, just as this mushroom is mine.”
Heaven No Hell
So yeah, after the relatively cozy Sticks Angelica, hopping straight in here was a fuckin trip.
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This is DeForge back on his short story bullshit, and totally nailing every one. The man is a style chameleon - if not for the titling, I genuinely think you could convince someone this was an actual anthology. Visually, not every style resonates with me, but there’s no denying the sheer variety of aesthetic inside Heaven No Hell.
On the recommendation of some internet rando, I held myself to only reading one or two stories a day, leaving time in between to digest them, and… if anything, it only made collecting my thoughts on the book more difficult. Each of the stories is so short, maybe ten pages on average, and they’re all so drastically different - the voice of the writing, the artstyle, the setting - yet they all, to a one, left me with a sense of unsettling bemusement I couldn’t shake. It’s as if you see only a brief snapshot of a story, and are yanked away before you can fully come to grips with what’s going on. Heaven No Hell is almost short comics done as poetry rather than prose, which is a rarity in a medium so tied to narrative.
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Some of them come off lighthearted - Soap Opera is one of the funniest shorts I’ve read in a minute, and the middle school murder mystery is surprisingly jovial for its subject matter (and the anti-carceral solidarity that all of the 11-year olds inexplicably share). Some are heady - the title track’s ridiculous tiered heaven system manages to strike a melancholy chord despite its flippancy (honestly bronze tier fucks tho), and the impostor syndrome society, where not a single person is who they claim to be, feels a little too real to be comfortable. Some are surreal and delirious - the war of the unreasonable, New Museum, was an incredibly potent tone piece that fully swept me up in its conceit. And then some are just legit actual nightmares, like the girl whose new ant stepdad keeps knocking up her mom, leaving clusters of giant squirming eggs rampant around the house, hatching and dying and crawling.
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Fun panel but also this story is about a skeleton afterlife where the skeletons of every dying thing end up, their skin slowly blooming off them and collecting into a giant shell of flayed skin that girds the planet like a fleshy atmosphere
“When the crowd cleared out and the snow off everyone’s boots had melted, we realized that at some point in the night our bodies had crushed and killed Barnaby. Barnaby was the littlest among us. He died the way he lived: misremembering the lyrics to a Hole song. We held a service for him, just a few of us stragglers–the ones tasked with cleaning up. It ended the night. We said a few things. Everyone knew the words.”
In a few words: exhaustingly creative.
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chameleoncharmau · 2 years
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I hope you like HF!AU, cause there’s a lot of it. We’re just getting started, really. But for now, having some cute family portraits with matching outfits, because that’s cute and corny and that’s... my taste in a nutshell.
Also for Ferdinand and his family, they’re all wearing the same thing, yes, but they’re just sharing the one scarf, because... they can. Also brb, printing these, framing them, hanging them in my house, and crying now.
Find useful links, such as the Patreon, here!
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forte7 · 2 years
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Hello hello everyone! Letting you all know that downloads for some WIP materials for the comic project I've been working on recently are now available for everyone to download on both of my Patreons!
Please check out the posts are either of these two links: - Main Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/trapped-wips-and-70008120 - Chameleon Charm Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/trapped-wips-and-69992572 I was trying to get it done for the Webtoons contest but ran into some issues that impacted my workflow - mainly having Covid last month - so to make it up to everyone, I'll be posting WIPs, designs, and related materials for the comic for everyone to view! I do plan on eventually finishing the comic later this year, but for now I hope these will do as I focus on other projects - namely Chapter 6 for Chameleon Charm and some animation projects I've been woefully neglecting.
Patrons on both of my Patreons will also be getting high-res versions of at least the PDF files, so if you're interest, please consider supporting me on either of them!
If you would like to see more behind the scenes stuff, either for my general art projects or my webcomic, please, again, consider supporting my Patreons. Every little bit does help!
- Main Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/filromeroart - Chameleon Charm Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chameleoncharm #chameleoncharm #chameleoncharmwebcomic #patreon #artistsonpatreon #trapped #trappedcomic #WIP #WorkinProgress #BehindtheScenes #chameleoncharmferdinand #chameleoncharmsigfried #comics #webtoons #webcomics
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bamfas · 7 years
Fil Romero Art
Guest Info Appearing: Fri l Sat l Sun   Guest Bio Fil Romero is a Michigan based animator and comic artist. She currently works as a freelance artist, but also does a variety of commission work and personal work, including her webcomic, Chameleon Charm.
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chameleoncharmcomic · 9 years
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Chameleon Charm Page 166 - Chapter 6 - Strained Reunions
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chameleoncharm · 8 days
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In just 3 days, on Sep 18, is the 12th Anniversary of Chameleon Charm and our relaunch on our new home on ComicFury!
Just as a heads up though, the ChameleonCharm.com domain is currently in the process of being rerouted to the new home, so when we do finally start posting pages again, for the time being, visit our ComicFury site at:
The domain should hopefully reroute to this site soon, so thank you for your patience and your support!
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chameleoncharm · 1 month
Aug 2024 News!
Hello hello! Meant to get this up a bit sooner, but had some family things come up and I've been down with Covid the last bit of time. If you're a paid member, this will sound like a repeat of things I said a little earlier this month, but please bear with me, as I try and get everyone caught up with my plans. First off, major apologies again for falling off the face of the Earth the last... bit of time. Life has been hectic, but in between the crazy, I've managed to catch a few moments to come up with game plans for the comic. I won't go over everything right now, but just cover the up and coming things on the docket. The biggest thing to note coming up in the next month though is the relaunch of the comic.
I've been putting together a new home for Chameleon Charm over on ComicFury. You can actually view it here: https://chameleoncharm.thecomicseries.com/
There's no pages up yet and the extra pages - like the Cast and Fan Art pages and the like - aren't fully functional yet. I'm not actually very good at coding, or rather no good at all, cause I know nothing about code, so it's been a struggle getting the page to look the way I want it. It looks pretty good now though, so hopefully nothing breaks going forward, hahah. If it does, it because of my spaghetti coding and I apologize. Anyway, the plan is that starting Sept 18 - the comic's 12th year anniversary - I will be re-releasing the comic over on the new ComicFury page. I hope to get my custom domain to point to the ComicFury soon, though the Tumblr will remain up, for archival reasons/purposes. What I mean by a re-release is that I will be trickling out all the past pages over the next bit of time; all five chapters. There will be minor differences, as I'm doing some editing on the pages to readability and consistency, will some minor art edits.
The release schedule will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and once I get everything posted, will revert to the Tuesday and Friday release schedule I had back in the old days when I was hosted on Cup of Comics.
With what I have in terms of page count, for Chapters 1-5, it should neatly gets us to September of 2025, where then, I will finally start getting into Chapter 6, for real. I know that's still a long time, but this way, I have a built in buffer and time frame in which to work. Since I've gone on hiatus because of life and writer's block, I had not solid time frame in which to get back on the horse, so I'm setting one with the relaunch. So, short form, the plan is this: - Starting Sept 18, 2024, I will release Chapters 1-5 on the new ComicFury webpage, with a "new" page released on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - By Sept 18, 2025, I should have things all set to roll smoothly into the long awaited Chapter 6
I've alluded to this before, but really, the time to think things through as really actually helped when it's come to story developments. Handing things on a page-by-page basis really wasn't a good idea, but hey, when I started the comic, I was young, dumb, and stupid and didn't know better. I'm older now so like to think I've learned some kind of lesson, lol. Anyway, the rest of the month is dedicated to the aforementioned edits so I can get pages queued up. I hope you'll enjoy revisiting the series through this relaunch and maybe have fun playing a game of Find the Difference on what I change. Again, they won't be big changes, but you know; for those people who like to keep track of such things (one reason why the Tumblr will remain). All I ask (aside from beseeching more of your continued patience and support, which I am eternally grateful for) is for you guys to help spread the word of the comic's release. I'll be putting up posts on the social media pages whenever a page goes live on the ComicFury (see here for all the official Chameleon Charm social media pages) and if you could like and share them around to get the comic in front of fresh, new eyes, that would be extremely helpful. But that's all for me for right now! I'll check in with everyone next month when the relaunch finally happens and to celebrate the 12th Year Anniversary. I'm sorry again for the absence, but I hope the stuff I have planned for the future will be worth it. I've been doing a lot in terms of world building and story development and I can't wait to share it all with you. Thank you again for your continued patience and support. For advanced news and behind the scenes, consider joining the Patreon! Take care now! - Fil
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chameleoncharm · 7 days
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It's almost the day! Just 1 more day and Chameleon Charm relaunches over at our new page on ComicFury! Check it out at chameleoncharm.com!
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chameleoncharm · 8 days
Sep 2024
Hello hello!
Sorry that this is coming in the middle of the month. I meant to post this at the start, but was out of town for Labor Day and then have been busy with work things and getting ready for the relaunch.
Speaking of, relaunch in 3 days!
I will be relaunching the comic staring Wednesday, September 18, 2024, which is also the 12th year anniversary of Chameleon Charm!
A "new" page will be released every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, around 2pm. Again, this will add Chapters 1-5 to the new ComicFury webpage, and Side Chapter 1 will eventually be available on another page dedicated specifically to Chameleon Charm side chapters and stories.
I am also thinking of doing a 24 Hour Comic Day challenge this year. That's the first Saturday of October, so would be Oct 5-6.
If I do, I might do a stream on Twitch and while I know the rules say I'm supposed to come up with everything within that 24 hour period, I am considering doing something Chameleon Charm related, but just decide that day what it is.
Side Chapter 1 was a non-traditional 24 Hour Comic Day thing, though hardly followed the rules. I just find it useful to use those 24 hours to dedicate to any kind of comic creation period.
I'm still not entirely sure though, as it depends on what I have going on elsewhere and I'll be sure to let you guys know what I'm doing in regards to it. If I do, I'd love to see you at stream c:
That's pretty much for this month though, so hope you're ready for the relaunch in a few days. I'm really excited and hope to get some momentum going for the series again.
Thanks much and have a good one! -Fil
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chameleoncharm · 8 days
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So, in the process of editing, I'm trying to make the overall comic a bit more consistent. A lot of Chapter 1, because I was just winging it, has some changes in stylistic choices across singular pages. Later chapters, I settled on specific "settings" so I'm trying to "fix" Chapter 1 to match. In the course of establishing these "settings", I've created this style guide, at least for sound effects and word art and other similar things. It's also around to serve as a reference for myself in the future, so I can keep things consistent through out, though hopefully my notes can lend some insight to my thought process to outside parties that may come across it. It was fun to put together and hopefully you also find it interesting or maybe useful in some way.
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chameleoncharm · 8 days
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2 more days until relaunch!
And some good news! The domain's been shifted over properly finally, so you'll be able to catch the relaunch at our new ComicFury home at chameleoncharm.com!
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chameleoncharm · 8 months
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Again, he likes cake (and for you to catch up with the comic c:)
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chameleoncharm · 8 months
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Hey look! It's Ferdinand's birthday and he'd like you all to know! Celebrate as you will, but maybe with a slice of cake and a quick read through the comic? c:
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chameleoncharm · 1 year
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Hello hello! Happy 11th Anniversary for Chameleon Charm! And Happy Birthday to Veronica! Again, apologies for being so quiet again - I said last year we would hopefully get back on track and though I haven't gotten things completely on track -YET- I have been working on things over the year to... do it soon, again lol. The last year has been a little rough for me, but things are getting a bit better and I hope to get Chapter 6 going again real soon. I've been working on the script and pages and putting together some things for some CC related projects. That includes, of course, getting Chapter 6 back up and running, working on the Chapters 1-5 omnibus book, and hopefully, migrating the comic from the Tumblr site it is currently hosted on to a standalone site that has better mobile accessibility. I hope to have news for you all soon, but again, if you'd like to support the Patreon (sorry for that being quiet as well), you can find the link here: https://www.patreon.com/chameleoncharm Any other social media links you may want for CC, such as Instagram or Twitter, don't forget we also have a LinkTree! https://linktr.ee/chameleoncharm Speak to you all soon and thanks again for your continued support for Chameleon Charm! Thanks, Fil
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chameleoncharm · 6 days
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Happy 12th Year Anniversary to Chameleon Charm! Unfortunately, I had some family things going on, so don't have a fancy image for today... BUT! The comic is relaunching at Comic Fury today! Check it out at chameleoncharm.com!
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