#chameleon charm au
edwardnebula · 7 months
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half-oz-eddie · 7 months
I am so utterly obsessed with rag-tag team heist movies so I made a Stranger things heist crew AU roster
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Steve "Moneybags" Harrington's heist crew used to be a team of 2, the other being Dustin "Phisher" Henderson. Steve was the only person Claudia Henderson trusted to look after her son, and as Dustin grew older, the two of them became close friends.
Steve watched Dustin hack into all sorts of databases, uncover the truth behind town conspiracies and even hack a few of his bullies.
When Mr. harrington cut Steve off financially, he wanted to get back at him, and pull a "prank" with Dustin to empty out an offshore bank account that his father kept hidden from Mrs. Harrington.
The plan went smoothly. A little too smoothly, maybe. Or perhaps Dustin was a natural at this, that's what Steve believed. And since it was that easy for Steve and Dustin to get their hands on $1.5 Million, they decided to take their pranks to another level.
Steve proposed for their next prank, they should clean out one of Mr. Harrington's friends' cryptocurrency. He explains to Dustin how the asshole keeps his assets on a physical drive in his house that they could wipe while he was away on vacation.
Dustin agrees and suggests they bring Eddie "Safecrack" Munson into the fold. He tells Steve Eddie's trustworthy and knows how to pick locks and hotwire cars, y'know, just in case.
Eddie, of course, is thrilled by the idea. Not only does he love a little mischief, he'd love to get his hands on some money and a fast car. "However," Eddie told them "we'll need someone to drive one of those fancy cars outta there. We may be good drivers...but we're not that good. But not to worry, I know a guy."
The guy in question? Billy "Wheels" Hargrove. A California bad boy who knows plenty about fast cars and fast cash, so he's in without question. He also doesn't mind hassling pretty boy Harrington. (there's so much sexual tension between them. Billy's the one who gave Steve his code name. He said 'the hair' didn't quite fit.). But Billy's not doing anything unless his stepsister, Max "Sticky Fingers" Mayfield can come in and swipe whatever isn't nailed down for a cut.
They used to have a complicated relationship, but they bonded by shoplifting whatever Billy's dad wouldn't let them have. Max was a skilled thief. She could get out of any store with anything that she wanted, and Billy would drive away like a bat outta hell. She lifted consoles, games and even a little lipgloss, for Billy.
So their first heist goes without a hitch, and after wiping millions in crypto off some hard drives, swiping some expensive paintings and a 2020 Mclaren, they can't resist the urge to plan bigger heists together.
Billy suggests they call up his coworker Heather "Chameleon" Holloway. "She's got more wigs than personalities" He joked. When they brought Heather onto the team, she showed them her massive walk in closet, full of clothes, wigs, shoes and more. Not to mention, she could use her charm and distract anyone. Heather was bored at home, spending time perfecting her hair and makeup skills. She could change her appearance to look like a completely different person. It was all the fun she had. Her mom was always wine drunk, and her dad was a jerk who ignored her because he wanted a son, so she was happy to be part of a team that didn't treat her like she was invisible.
Under normal circumstances, they'd never spend time together, but now? They're an inseperable friend group.
They've made some friends (and enemies) in their line of work, but everyday is an adventure.
They recently took on a half a billion dollar heist job for a mysterious man by the name of Henry Creel, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead...
Tagging some people: @shieldofiron @adelacreations @dragonflylady77 @harringroveera @bigdumbbambieyes
Because I love your writing and I'd love to hear how y'all would include some other characters/ships in the mix. I just love heist AUs so much~
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kiwiaok · 10 months
even more things from my aftg hungers games au:
• allison being a mix of cinna’s and effie’s characters: she’s neil’s stylist but she’s also with the rebels and accompanies them to district 13
• matt and dan are the capitol’s darlings, the only pair that was ever allowed to win together; during 75th hg they drop the baby bomb except dan actually is pregnant
• renee is the one with the bow and it’s her that destroys the arena
• andrew was involved with the rebelión (as were most tributes during 75th games) but he didn’t share any info with neil, still not trusting him enough to endanger the fate of his family. later, when andrew is saved and neil is taken by the capitol and drew watches videos of neil’s torture he wishes he told neil. he doesn’t believe in regret but when neil from the video starts crying and murmuring “pleasepleasepleasestopnononoplease” the bad taste in his mouth tastes like regret anyway
• during 74th games neil acts like a chameleon. he does what he always did best and accommodates to his surroundings. he fits seamlessly with the capitol, he’s charming, funny, stealing the hearts of sponsors. during 75th games he’s angry, he’s spitting and throwing punches, unwilling to try to get into anyone’s good graces as he’s a dead man walking either way. andrew likes him much more this way
• nathan sending neil a cleaver as a gift during games and not just any cleaver - the exact one neil was forced to use as a kid and that had been used on him. thus: neil absolutely losing his shit and going batshit crazy in the arena
• unhinged, bloody neil, panting and curling his hands around the cleaver as he stands among bodies he just ripped apart (this one scene is very vivid in my mind and it makes me all kinds of hot and bothered tbh)
• jerjean arc hehe. and I ain’t tellin you nothin more
• kevaaron!! aaron becoming a doctor in district 13 like prim did. aaron meeting kevin and teaching him what a healing, gentle touch is. teaching him how it is to belong with someone not to someone. both of them teaching each other how to step out of their brothers’ shadow and become their own people
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months
I wonder what would a mix of Cryptid seeker au and first contact au would look like?
I’m just saying people would be all over these weird creepy robot aliens
That's a good question
Where we last left off, Starscream was brooding on Mars with his newborn twins. Cybertronians haven't actually interacted with humans or earth, just the occasional rover. If they still have their intense cryptid like tendencies, the most visceral ones probably aren't on display. Like, the sparklings had already hatched undisturbed so there's no worry of them climbing down someone's throat. They're not in an uncontrolled survival situation so Starscream doesn't need to hunt live mecha to feed them. The most of what the humans are witnessing are the twins unstable chromatophors, fading in and out of visibility, and they're clambering along the walls like little lizards. Occasionally their carrier will perch on something while deep in thought, and they sleep upside down.
Earth goes crazy, likening them to a robotic mix between chameleons and bats. They're so charmed by the weird aliens, and it probably won't be long before they start trying to send radio messages to communicate with them
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Pssst... pssssssst...
I have another Platonic Yandere Wings of Fire/X-Men AU ~ ! How about an au where Reader is a dragonet who is an outcast of their tribe due to a rare condition in their tribe that they hatched with? (a la Chameleon from Book 8: Escaping Peril)
They were outcasted, looked down upon, ostracized, possibly bullied and abused, due to their rare condition... Yet one day they either leave or are banished or chased away, and they stumble on a rare animus-touched item that can grant them a power they've always wanted...
To be a normal dragon with normal powers, or even a dragon with rare, mighty powers.
They end up creating a form/mask for each tribe, one that is enchanted to highlight certain parts of their personality in that form and to be able to fit in without sticking out too much... They keep the enchantment in a necklace or bracelet that is always on them, and has a different gem or charm that will spread its color to the rest, to indicate they are that tribe that at the moment (ex. red ruby or garnet means a SkyWing, opal means a RainWing, orange/yellow amber for HiveWing, etc.)
Ideas for what rare condition they could have ranges like this:
MudWing: blood red egg makes them fire/burnproof; snout deformity makes it so they can't hold their breath for an hour; was born without fire; hatched without sibs...
SandWing: hatched without their venom barb; hatched with albino/melanistic/dark golden scales; hatched with six claws...
SkyWing: hatched with too much fire/hatched with too little fire; has crippled/deformed wings; has paler scales than most SkyWings...
SeaWing: hatched with a deformed tail; has trouble swimming; hatched with odd scale colors (bright acid/lime green, indigo, extremely pale blue/green, etc.)...
RainWing: snout deformity where they can't change colors; inability to produce acid/venom...
IceWing: melansitic/darker scales; difficulty breathing frostbreath; odd patterns/eyes/colors...
NightWing: albino/pale scales; not hatched with any full moon powers; hatched under three full moons...
HiveWing: odd scale colors (bright gold-green, greenish-black, reddish-pink); albino/melanistic, odd power or no powers...
SilkWing: melanistic; deformed wings/wingbuds; inability to produce silk/is a flamesilk...
LeafWing: odd scale colors (amber brown, pink-red, gold); odd leafspeak/no leafspeak; deformed tail or wings...
Reader would have a mask (enchanted form) of each tribe, with its own name, color, size, abilities and personality, all a little different if not completely different, and each with a carefully crafted backstory. Reader made sure each of these forms were more or less "perfect" (undeformed/common/accepted). Some forms have fun powers, some are more down to earth, but all are crafted to match Reader and hide them, transforming them into a new dragon each time they change.
I'm going to call this the 🎭Jekyll and Hyde🐉 AU... And it's 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 variation is called the 🥚Tiny Rainbow🌈 AU...
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watermelonwarehouse · 16 days
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I signed up for Stony bingo! Ngl, I had to look some of this stuff up. Looking forward to putting some fills together!
Somnophilia - fanfiction. "There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." — Mark Twain
A twist on the 'Tony falls asleep in his workshop' trope. Please heed the tags. This is not one for everyone.
Sharing a Bed - fanart.
Karma Chameleon - fanfiction. For 'Karma.' Steve listens to 80s music and makes a discovery. He’s determined not to let karma-justice get the better of him. Which means manning up and making his feelings known.
The Lion King - fanfiction. For 'Kids/Babies.' Many thanks to the POTS Discord Server for help with this one! AU where bearded and tattooed Steve Rogers is a zookeeper with a speciality in lions, and Tony is a hornball who jumps at the chance to get onto that. Silly puns and generally sweet, with a little PWP sex at the end.
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aka-trashrat · 10 months
It's so sad that the books had so little content about Kom'rk, Prudii and A'den. What's your take on them, could you share some headcanons?
Right?? I wish there was a bit more on them, but like so many characters with little interaction, we can glean some info from the canon and extrapolate from there.
Bear in mind that my headcanons (below the cut) are my interpretation and they're subject to change at any given moment if someone has a better idea! I'm always rotating these boys in my brain like rotisserie chickens.
he's an insufferable asshole 80% of the time
and yet somehow he comes out quite charming when he wants to be
not terribly chatty by default, preferring to let his marks do the work for him
but he does a good job of taking subtle command of conversations and getting them moving in directions that suit his needs.
Physically, I like the idea of him growing his hair out a bit while in the field with Jaing, but I doubt it's accurate given Kal's weird obsession with Boys Must Have Short Hair that was probably drilled into him from a very young age.
I still give him longer hair because fuck you Kal Skirata
I've assigned him black and navy (and red accents??) as his Mando Beskar'gam colours
I think that in a sniper/spotter team, Kom'rk would be the spotter and Jaing would be the sniper
Oh!! He's really calm under pressure. Very hard to crack!
A social chameleon but on the opposite end of Mereel's style. He prefers to wait and see while Mereel seems to be more about poking the bear to see what it will do.
He's apparently a glib cynic, but I see him as more of a realist with a dark sense of humor
He's got a bit of the gallows humor going on, but that's an expected coping mechanism for... well, his whole life
Working alone makes him a bit weird and reintegrating socially is definitely an interesting experience
He pairs nicely with A'den, with how casual they are about rank and all that shit
I dunno, I just think he's neat and I'm still getting to know him
The most dateable Null ARC
Legit, he's so normal (for a Null ARC) and has a wicked sense of humor (dark gallows humor like everyone else in their situation)
Has a red hot temper but he keeps a good lid on it (this is canon)
Sharp tongue, quick wit, can and will murder you with words
Looks good in coveralls
Sneaky stealthy man (I mean, they all are)
He might actually enjoy homesteading or bushcrafting if given the opportunity after the war
Whiiiiiich is making me think of Beekeeper!A'den which is adorable lol
Give him a little hobby farm and he'd be good as gold.... definitely not thinking of a postwar AU where he does just that
A mystery man rolls into town and puts down roots, says he's Nobody Special and has a vegetable garden and some nuna and some honeybees and a significant arsenal of weapons stashed all over the farm. It's ok though cuz he's a good neighbour who helps out when a tractor breaks down or whatever. (and he operates a Rebellion numbers station but shhhh, he's a good man)
I think something's awakened in me.......
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womaninwinter · 5 months
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I'm NOT stopping that and I'm here to actively enable it the same way I hope to be enabled in my inevitable Letters to Juliet locklye au
Letters to Juliet?? Please say more??
Also, I have to admit the tangled AU is not formed in my head beyond Penelope as Gothel and wouldn't it be funny if the Skull were the sassy chameleon character. Although now I'm thinking Tangled AU but replacing the magic hair with ghost hunting talent in some way and oh dear Lockwood as an overly charming adventurer thief, it works a little too well doesn't it
would y'all kill me if I made Quill the horse character
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2346khith · 5 days
AU retcons
So I decided to make a few retcon to my au either because of new ideas or past mistakes.
Sub Zero family name change: So I've been referring to my version of the Sub zero sister as Lisa Liang as I though that was her canonical name and that Liang was the family name. However I was just confused as Conquest Lisa last name was never stated and I just thought it was Liang from an unreliable source on reddit, @Laismoura-art aus and my own imagination because as stated in my bio, I'm a dumbass. So in order to avoid confusion with my version of Lisa I'll be referring to her as Kuai Lisa, using the Chinese tradition of putting the surname first though I may change this later down the line. Also, also, @laismoura-art, if your seeing this I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. While my version of Lisa was inspired by yours it was never my intention to copy her nor is it my plan too. You've work so very hard visualizing Lisa into your own image, making her into such an amazing character and I don't want to ruin that for you. If you have anymore grievances about my version of her please let me know and I'll change them right away.
Sub zero's personality: Okay, this technically not a retcon but more like addon I forgot to mention in a pervious post So I made this long ass post about how my version of sub zero's personality is different from canon.
Check it out for better context. Everything said in there is true though there are some slight changes/add ons I'm here. Sub Zero personality is exactly the way I describe it in that post but basically, when I talk about my version of Sub Zero I want you guys to picture his personality as a combination of Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes(specifically Falcon and the winter soldier era) and Tom Ellis Lucifer Morningstar.
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Basically he would have Bucky's tired of everything mentality, sarcastic wit, headstrong fortitude, loyalty, emptiness, major guilt, distance from others and Lucifers charm, impulsiveness, curiosity, insecurity, brutal honest, aloof of certain social cues, and persuasive nature mixed in with a calm demeanor, diplomatic mentality, calculative mindset and chameleon like acting skills. Again not exactly a retcon but something I wanted to mention.
3. How the reunion went. So originally had it so that Sub Zero reunited with his sister after he ran away from the cyber initiative, fled to America to find the other Earthrealm fighters, got jumped by the black dragon and left for dead in an ally way, until he was found and nurse back to health when Lisa found him. However after I wrote my Bi Han Irony and Pain, I wanted to implement some parts of Iwhat I've wrote there into my au so now in this timeline Bi Han was the only one who remember their childhood in America and told Liang about it and even told him about his plan to run away with him also wanting Liang to run away with him too though he didn't pay much attention to it, since he didn't have any attachment to his mother or sister that Bi Han would gush about. When the cyber initiative happened though, it was the only place he though be safe to go to so he actively search for it. This time he bad hurt from the Lin Kuei Cyborgs but he was saved by a mysterious figure(spoiler it scorpion) and manage to escape though still very injured and made his way to an address that Bi Han kept saying was there childhood home, lying there on the door step bleeding out until the door open and his sister rescues him. I not only wanted to change this because A. it wouldn't have made sense for sub zero to be taken down by a bunch of black dragon goons and B. I saw more story potential in this as unlike the previous concept he has no real connection towards his sister so there could be an ongoing arc from the start to the end of the story with them growing as siblings originally only be family through blood but growing into a true family.
4.What Bi Han gets up too. As stated before I wanted to implement some of my og timeline Bi Han theory into my au so I had to change Bi Han mentality and motives here.
Check the post I linked for more details about what I meant. But the long story short of it is that I thought Bi Han as a mama's boy that hated working for the Lin kuei and was going to use bounty money to run off but got "toasty" by Scorpion and is butt hurt his baby bro decide to stay with the Lin kuei. In this au his origins is the same as the irony and pain theory, being raise in America for most of his childhood until he and his baby brother were kidnapped by the Lin Kuei and forced to be assasins until Bi Han decides to plan that he would use bounty money he collect to save up on necessities and possibly property in America so he could run away and find his mother. Just like in the original timeline however he fails and gets killed by Scorpion. Just as he was previously in my au he was worked on Quan Chi to be revived as the perfect weapon only to get out of hands and escape though this time it wasn't because he remembers Scorpions killing and was pissed but because he the resurrection process alter different aspects of him including his desire for freedom causing him not wanting to be a slaved for Quan Chi. He still has scattered and altered memories but this time his motive is to find out who he is and the most common memories in head just so happen to be from America. So basically he goes off backpacking across the U.S.A hitch hiking through the states which could make for some funny moments. I also wanted to mention a way to explain why the lin kuei wouldn't play a big part in the first act of this au as in this au they do search for Liang in the U.S.A but they don't know where exactly he at and occasionally they end up running into Bi Han who just so happens to remembers hating people who wear the same symbols as these flying machines and so he ends up taking them down over and over again. One day he walking along the street until he walks past a cemetery and spots a name on a tombstone. He walks towards the tombstone to see it has his mother's name on it. All his memories end up rushing back towards him. And then he kneels, lay his head on the tombstone and cries. And cries. And cries. And cries. And Cries. For days on end he just cries at his mother's resting place never moving until one day Lisa is doing her daily visit towards her mother's grave until she sees a man crying there. She assume that it an old friend of her mothers and goes up to ask who is until she actually sees him. His skins gone dark, he thinner than he was and he was way older than the last time she saw him. But she knows what her brother looks like. The two lock eyes with each other. Then the hug and collapse. And they cry. And cry. And cry. And cry.
5. Black Dragon territory expansion. Originally I stated that the Black Dragon was spreading simply because they wanted more territory. However now I made it so The Black Dragon form an alliance with outworld for power and so the territory expansion is actually just a set up for preparing station for outworlds invasion.
So yeah those are all the retcons I wanted to make in my au. Again if you have any concept ideas or constructive criticism, I'm all too happy to take it as stated over again, I'm not a professional writing and I lack writing knowledge.
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
It is Wolf 359 day (also known as Christmas for some) and since I saw a stoat photoset on my dash I feel compelled to post about daemon hcs.
Eiffel - Word of God is raccoon, and it fits. The poor thing probably looks like she has mange during the season 2/3 timeskip, since there's no way astronauts are stuffing their daemons in spacesuits - they must have to go through some kind of pre-mission training to lengthen their range. They are not trained to get blasted lightyears apart though, rip. That's gotta hurt. Once he's recovered from his ordeal though I'm sure he takes advantage of their massively extended range to cause problems. There's no way I stole those donuts from the Urania's stores, commander! I was here in the comms room the whole time.
Minkowski - white-tailed eagle. This bird is found in Poland, and some versions of the Polish flag have a white eagle. It's also similar to but not exactly like a bald eagle - showing how Minkowski aspires to assimilate into Americanness but can't completely abandon her Polish heritage. Plus pilot = bird, it tracks.
Hilbert - rosencrantz-draws-things did a series of daemon paintings for the characters and while I don't agree with all their choices, I did like chameleon for him. He changes roles and faces when he needs to, whatever helps him survive.
Lovelace - The painting series I referenced gives her lioness, which I don't hate, although the logistics are a bit messy for a space station environment. Given the backstory I've envisioned for her I kind of want to spend more time reading about Puerto Rican fauna and get back to you on this one. How does the daemon situation work with her being a surrogate? Unclear but it sure keeps her up at night!
Maxwell - Ferret! The wonder twins have mustelid vibes to me, and I am always charmed by the story of the ferret who cleaned out the tubing of a particle accelerator.
Jacobi - Stoat to match Maxwell. They are the mustelid twins now. It just feels right.
Kepler - idk I don't care about him.
Pryce - Coconut octopus. Something a little bit unusual and unexpected, requires specialized care and upkeep, and octopi are extremely intelligent, with this species actively modifying its situation via tool use. She can carry him around in his own special tank.
Cutter - I never settled (lol) on anything for him, but given I like the idea of him bodyhopping (this has been thoroughly debunked by Word of God but oh well) I imagine that he keeps around the old body's severed daemon as a smokescreen. This leads to a very animated, lively guy with a strangely inert, unfocused daemon which makes him even more unsettling to everyone. He's impossible to read.
Hera - I saved her for last because she's a special case. When AI reach sentience a block of code just pops up in their programming, and that's their daemon. They're not physical in the same way humans are - why would their soul be? However, product testing indicated humans preferred to see something daemonlike, so customer-facing AIs get holographic projections of cute, non-threatening animals like puppies or songbirds. Hera has a bird until Hilbert takes her offline. When she comes back, she has control over the projection and can make it look however she wants. It's not actually her daemon but she can use it to express herself in a similar way, including projecting her humansona, which scares the crap out of people the first few times they see a random stranger on board.
Daemons in microgravity would be their own headache. I imagine crewmembers get velcro pouches on their uniforms or toolbelts sized for their daemons to keep them from floating away. Smaller daemons are preferable in the same way that there's a height range for astronauts - this is why I'm conflicted about Lovelace. Also, you know I am a #hater of 'daemon touching = sex' in AU settings and believe there are multiple kinds of intimacy, and spaceflight involves everyone getting real cool about a lot of stuff real quickly, so I think by season 3 Minkowski and Eiffel at least are hanging on to each other's daemons when they're out on spacewalks both for convenience and emotional support. (Eiffel is still stressed out about it but more because he is really bad at holding a raptor and scared of getting slashed by talons.) Hera occasionally perches her projection on their shoulders which again doesn't mean the same thing to her but gets the message across. If Jacobi is working on something fiddly Maxwell will be wearing both their daemons around her neck, and vice versa.
Bob does not appear with a daemon while wearing his Eiffel suit. The alternative would probably be more upsetting.
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unohanabbygirl · 9 months
Hi!! I’m not sure if you are still writing the nights watch Luke fic or if it will even be jaceluke, but I have tidbits that I’d like to share that you are welcome to use. You previously answered my ask about this au so felt the desire to share more. First: I am HERE for Arrax losing his tiny bit of color as a reaction to living up north. This dragon is going to be a chameleon up there. I also am someone who is really interested in the magic of the wall and the reactions dragons have to it. It makes me wonder if they are reacting to the different flavor of magic that built the wall OR are the dragons actually sensing the others and that’s what causing their negative reaction. If it’s the former, I think the magic of the wall would act as a sort of vaccine for Arrax’s own magic. Sort of like exposing him to the virus gives him stronger protection against it…and in this case the growth of Arrax’s magic causes him to grow at the same rate that Dany’s dragons do. I’m talking Arrax being the size of Syrax when Luke is 8, Seasmoke by 10, and Meleys’ size by the time the Driftmark trial occurs. Jokes on ALL of the greens. Up there in the north, with that magic burning itself into his brain, it’s a grow or die situation. Also? The best part of this au with Arrax magically growing? Luke has to learn to ride him without a saddle. There’s no dragon pit and no dragon masters were sent because Arrax was such a tiny thing and they all believed he would perish in the cold. They also all believed Luke would send word when Arrax was big enough to ride to request a saddle (he didn’t want the greens knowing about Arrax). Luke also begins to wear wildling clothing in order to camouflage himself against archers. Him wearing Karsi’s outfit makes me squeal. The brothers hate seeing him in these clothes but they can’t deny the safety it brings him.
Okay more tidbits you are free to use: I love the idea that the commander assigns Luke to grow up at Eastwatch by the Sea because that’s the easiest way for Corlys to visit him. This leads to him interacting with the wildling fisher folk of that area. More politically minded: I have this idea that when Viserys punished Luke this way, Daemon can’t help but be his chaotic self and interject. He states that Luke will not be made to swear the oath’s of the brotherhood until Rhaenyra’s unchallenged ascension to the throne; he will be a ward of the watch till then. This is something Viserys immediately agrees to because Luke is still a child and he is dumb enough not to read into the ‘unchallenged’ bit of that contract. Otto only agrees because he severely underestimates the way Luke will charm the night’s watch making them all but immune to Otto’s machinations. (They send Otto fake reports and act their asses off when it comes to being loyal to the greens). Basically this contract Daemon creates provides an excuse for Luke not to be bound by oaths and the second the greens make their move he is no longer obligated to be a brother. This is also a loophole that Corlys uses to the fullest, stating that since Luke is not to be sworn in then he can still remain heir until that point. Daemon and Corlys all but insure that Luke’s future and position in life is not stolen from him because they both know the greens will rebel, freeing him from Viserys decree. And it means that if Aemond says Luke is still in debt because he left the watch, well…Aemond’s family stole away that payment themselves. Luke would have done his duty and repaid the debt but the greens broke faith first. Luke is no longer beholden to him.
Finally: because I can’t help myself and I am utterly obsessed with the way you talk about Daeron…let’s include this little guy. Can you imagine that while the greens are keeping Viserys death a secret from the blacks, Otto instructs Daeron to fly north and escort (capture and take hostage) Luke? He must force Luke to swear his oaths with the maw of Tessarion behind him. No doubt the commander of the watch will heed a command from the hand of the king and everyone knows the child’s dragon probably froze to death because it hasn’t spotted so taking Luke will be met with no resistance. Cue Daeron landing and seeing a snowy hill move, only for giant white wings to burst out, stretching to block the sun against a stark blue sky. OR…hear me out…Tessarion throws Daeron from his saddle the more Daeron tries to force her closer to the wall. He passes out and is found none other than our pearl of eastwatch who brings him back to the castle to treat his injuries (conveniently finding the letter and learning of Viserys death and Aegon’s crowning). While I am firmly of the mind this would be a great au for jaceluke, I do love Daeron softly falling in love with a sad boy and his feral giant dragon. Feel free to use/adopt ANY of this is you so wish. You’re writing is lovely and I’m so excited if you decide to continue with this au
Nights watch Luke and the eventual Jaceluke that’ll bloom within is still in progress albeit coming along very…very slowly, lol. Let me tell you something anon, your interest with the magic of the wall is a dream come true for me since I too have been fascinated with the outright mysterious nature of it. What really solidified this fascination for me was Silverwing straight up refusing to cross that boarder the wall built to the other side. It really makes you wonder exactly why dragons refuse to cross it and what emotions did Alysanne feel coming from Silverwing that disturbed her. Did she sense danger and go “nope, not doing that. Sorry babes” or did the walls magic make crossing over physically impossible??? This fic is basically giving me a chance to take that mystery, throw in my own theories and run with it since I have several theories and let me tell you babe, you’re basically a mind reader seeing as I’ve already made some outlines predicting Arrax’s enhanced growth! It only makes sense since out there in the cold its basically do or die for a baby like him. Arrax has no choice but to adapt not only in more natural ways like his color leaving so he’ll be able to blend in with his new environment, but in more supernatural ways such as going from a babe that can’t yet be ridden to challenging Syrax in size in less than three years even though such a thing is practically unheard of even for creatures that can live for hundreds of years. That mysterious magic from the other side tearing its way through this small thing like a sickness leaves Arrax to start exhibiting symptoms akin to a human fever almost immediately. It leaves the brother’s downright confused for a multitude of reasons. These men know little of dragons but what they do know is they aren’t known to get sick unless death is on the horizon… at least not like humans do.
Baby Arrax hobbling his way into the cloudy snow in the middle their third night there and disappearing for weeks leaving little Luke an outright mess. Crying, shaking, and basically mourning his dragon as even as young as he is, Luke knows the cold would likely kill his bonded. At this point the watchmen have already decided to protect him and do what they can to calm the little prince down (who in the hell would even damn a boy barely weaned off his wetnurse to such a fate *stares daggers into Viserys*) However, when the sound of heavy wings rings thick through the air weeks later and the sight of a slightly larger and much less orange dragon comes into view Luke nearly passes out.
And omg, I never thought of Luke learning to ride without a saddle?! Originally I planned for Rhaenyra to have a few commissioned in the weeks before Luke’s final departure all sized appropriately for when the time comes, but I like your idea so much better. It ties in with the almost beastly, boaderline raised alongside the wolves atmosphere i’m trying to create. Riding without a saddle is like eating with your bare hands to people like the Targs. For them it’s seen as inappropriate— unsophisticated and all around dangerous. I can just imagine fifteen year old Luke riding into Dragonstone on Arrax’s bare back and leaving everyone except Corlys and Daemon absolutely stunned. (Also picture mommy Nyra nearly having a heart attack at the sight) He’s older, growing into his height, slowly growing this thick unkempt beard, and dressed like a damn wildling of all things, all the while holding onto his dragon’s bare horns like they’re proper reins without a care in the world?? Oh this is gold.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I love these ideas. Especially the tidbit about Luke growing up at the Eastwatch-by-the-sea! Not only is it great for Corlys frequent visits which have been allowed due to Luke still being his heir, but because it feels the most like home after being torn away from it. Daemon would absolutely be quick on his feet and five steps ahead of Otto by insisting Luke remain a ward until he’s of age so they can make sure his spot is still solidified and Vaemon’s ass can’t immediately go for the throne. Alicent is upset by this but it’s not even about the politics for her until Otto tells her the implications of what Luke’s position as heir remaining secure means for them, it’s about Luke still keeping his privileges despite having harmed her son.
Daeron visiting on the greens orders to scope the surroundings as they ready to crown Aegon only for him to get thrown off Tessarion’s back like a crash test dummy due to the wall setting him off is just *chefs kiss* This would actually be a perfect parallel to what would’ve been Luke’s death as Aemond loses control of Vhagar
Think of it; whereas Aemond is much too cocky to honor the emotions his bonded feels which are separate from his own, he ignores them and overpowers that with his own need to send Luke cowering which results in disaster. However, as soon as Tessarion begins sending waves of unease through their bond Daeron immediately begins to question his route. Coming so close to successfully turning them around in worry only for that unease to morph into outright fear before he can even think and boom…all of a sudden he’s falling and lands right in the middle of Castle black, broken bones and everything.
Now here I am imagining Luke who’s just been informed of the death of the man who sent him to the wall in the first place. Already making plans to gather his brothers as he’s throughly read through Daeron’s messages all the while peering over the bed his injured uncle is stuck in.
Oh anon, please accept my virtual smooches 🥰
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fhannehii · 6 months
Introducing another oc
Leonard the so-called charming bitch :D
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Let's say Leonard doesn't have any major importance in the au other than trying to piss off Aya and her friends just by being there.
he is also Aya's ex and a very distant relative of Revvit
Leonard is quite a good manipulator and is quite clever and mischievous but he has his "moments of being nice"
Leonard is basically a mix of a chameleon and a lizard/iguana
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aamaranthiine · 1 month
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I have returned with more headcanon details about Amalthea's One Piece au because it forever rots my brain. I'll probably compile a master post of my detailed hcs later this weekend honestly.
Details below the cut feature an explanation regarding Amalthea's skill with Haki. Long Post Ahead
What types does she have?
Amalthea can successfully wield Observation and Armament Haki, and she did inherit Conqueror's from her mother's Lunarian lineage. She also created her own unique type of Haki, which she calls Color of Concealment.
Where / from who did she learn Haki?
Far before current OP canon, over a century and some decades ago, Amalthea spent about 40 years in the Land of Wano. She masqueraded as a young man and won the favor of a sword-master, whom tutored her in many fields but primarily refined her combat skills and taught her Observation and Armament Haki.
Her Conqueror's was trickier, as she had no one to identify or help her refine it. She has done what she could on her own to hone it into something usable.
How skilled is she with each type?
I wont lay down exact specifics for this, given how flexible the OP world is with power scaling but generally:
Observation is her best and strongest ability; her perception of the world and beings within it is exceptionally keen, from being able to determine individuals unique haki signatures to sensing and reading the emotions of others within proximity of her. She can See and Sense for up to two leagues in any direction, and has a limited form of Clairvoyance that manifests in brief glimpses of the future and strong intuition. Thea almost constantly has Observation active in a low capacity.
Armament is nearly as developed, with Thea being able to coat her entire body in varying layers of defense as needed. She can coat weapons with armament with ease and can maintain concentration on this ability for up to fifteen minutes at a time.
Conqueror's is her least refined for several factors. Thea does not have a particularly dominating mindset, being docile and conflict avoidant by nature. She also did not have any kind of proper mentor and kind of figured it out on her own - to an extent that she can manifest her conqueror's haki in subtle ways. She uses her willpower to be more persuasive, swaying others to agree or obey her if they are susceptible to such suggestion. (This pairs exceptionally well with her Devil Fruit, which grants her an innate enchanting presence that charms people.)
When under duress, Thea can knock out weaker-willed individuals and dominate beasts; if pushed to her current limits, she is able to drive people insane by focusing the full brunt of her Conqueror's haki on their mind. This currently only works on a single target at a time.
There is so much potential for this to grow further if she had the right guidance.
Concealment is the last type of Haki that Thea can use, it being one she developed herself over decades of experimenting and testing her own limits. She took the concept of Observation's perception of the world and went in a different direction. Concealment allows her to manipulate how her own haki is perceived by others, whether or not they have a refined sense of Observation. She can effectively dampen and disguise her presence from detection, typically giving the impression she's a regular civilian.
She can chameleon her haki signature to read as someone else's, as long as she is familiar enough with them and they are nearby for her to effectively cloak herself in their willpower. This can also be done if she has a possession of theirs that is infused with their haki.
When actively concentrating, Amalthea can erase her haki from being detected entirely. There is nothing to sense when she does this, completely eliminating the possibility of being perceived and avoiding Future Sight for a limited amount of time. This specific skill when paired with her Devil Fruit's ability to turn herself invisible, makes for an incredibly deadly combination.
Some drawbacks to note
It's established that one's Haki grows stronger when pitted against more powerful opponents and in Amalthea's case, she has allowed herself to grow stagnant. There was certainly a stretch of time after leaving Wano that she strived to improve but then she became focused on developing her Color of Concealment.
She is a strong and skilled user in her own right, enough to comfortably travel solo and protect herself as necessary. But she hasnt sought to actively strengthen her Haki further for a long time.
There is too that because of how Concealment functions, Thea forgets the true limits of her own strength and just how powerful she can or could be. Her stamina for maintaining haki can be somewhat inconsistent due to this. It's a complicated topic for someone who has genuinely grown to want to avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary.
Another notable drawback is the delay between using each type of haki. Thea can only use Observation and Concealment simultaneously, otherwise she needs several seconds to adjust herself mentally to refocus between them individually.
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usagirln12003 · 2 months
Camilo Madrigal: Hogwarts AU
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Camilo Madrigal is a Pureblood (Metamorphmagus) wizard that was born on the 28th of December 1971 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1983, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
He has a Spruce wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
His Patronus is a Chameleon.
His favorite subject is Transfiguration and his least favorite subject is History of Magic.
He was one of the Ravenclaw Chasers from his fourth year onward.
Described as a "theater kid" and natural entertainer, Camilo is a fun-loving, easy-going, and energetic teenager. Unlike his quiet older sister and his timid younger brother, Camilo is more extroverted than them and the one that takes after their spirited parents the most. Social and charismatic, he is on good terms with many at Hogwarts, displaying a charming attitude when he interacts with them and having several friends in his year. While not boastful or vain, Camilo enjoys the spotlight and has a good sense of humor with a penchant for dramatic movements, such as twirls or exaggerating stories based on rumors (his tales about Bruno) for flair. Camilo likes to use his Metamorphmagus abilities to entertain and prank people, constantly trying to impress everyone. He is noted to enjoy eating, particularly food by his aunt Julieta, and is seen trying to sneak seconds by pretending to be Dolores and serving herself much larger plates than any adult in the family. When he is not playing pranks or helping his friends and loved ones out, Camilo loves quidditch and enjoys playing mostly with the company of Casa Madrigal or friends from Hogwarts.
Young and still discovering himself, Camilo enjoys using his shapeshifting ability to try different personas and playing pranks or playfully teasing his relatives. Of all the family members, his cousin Isabela is notably the person he enjoys teasing the most, acting like an annoying younger sibling towards her. He consecutively mocks Isabela for her relationship to Mariano and every time the man is mentioned, Camilo shapeshifts into him to annoy her, much to her frustration. Another person that Camilo likes to tease and mock is his father Félix, as seen before Antonio's Hogwarts letter arrives when he transformed into him and repeated his father's words in an amusing manner. Also to some extent, he may enjoy dramatizing about his uncle Bruno as a creepy and evil monster, though it's possible they are not out of any truly malicious feeling towards him. While mischievous and a bit impertinent, Camilo's antics are harmless and are simply playful in nature, often taking to being caught or scolded by his father in good stride, such as responding with a good-natured "worth a shot". When Isabela jinxes him for his teasing, he merely chuckles a sheepish look on his face, showing no annoyance when caught when he does mischief.
Despite his wisecracking and impish demeanor, Camilo has a very tender, sweet, and responsible side, especially towards his family. Much like Mirabel, Camilo is good with children and infants, frequently using his shapeshifting abilities to play with them and care for them as a way to make quick cash during the summer, and also a caring brother to Antonio, as he tries to help him relax when he is awaiting his Hogwarts letters by jokingly impersonating their father. In a family photo, he has his arm lovingly around him and then, when the family loses their house during the Fourth Wizarding War, Camilo pushed past his own pain of losing his home to worry over how Antonio was feeling. Unlike how he constantly teases his father, Camilo is very sweet to his mother Pepa and it is clear that he is very close to her, to the point of being nicknamed "Mamá's Boy". While dealing with his emotional mother, he treats her in a soothing manner when trying to get her to calm down and puts up with being accidentally cursed by her without complaining. When Mirabel tries to go after the families' Candle heirloom in the crumbling mansion, Camilo (along with Isabela) runs after her to help her get it and save the heirloom because all his life Abuela Alma has told them that it is the most important object in their family, demonstrating his protective drive to help his family.
While not addressed often, Camilo does suffer from pressure and has insecurities like much of his family, though he hides it under his cheerful demeanor. Although he enjoys his life at Hogwarts, it makes him questions his sense of self, and constantly shapeshifting for others does tire him out. When the secret about Bruno's vision and the impending destruction of the family mansion is revealed, Camilo is visibly stressed and was clutching his entire head in fear. His rare moments of stress can affect his Metamorphmagi magic, such as him involuntarily changing into a baby's head. Although he likes to exaggerate his expressions when he transforms into other people, Camilo himself displays a dry wit. After being sad about losing their home, Camilo snarkily emphasizes that the family is left homeless and protested not being allowed to speak the truth as he points to the rubble of the house with an incredibly neutral expression. During his first years at Hogwarts, Camilo's personality was notably more rude, sassy, sarcastic, and arrogant than during his later years at Hogwarts. At Mariano and Isabela's failed proposal dinner, Camilo happily tells his father about Bruno's vision and Mirabel hears him wondering if she's going to make him lose his quidditch trophy, but in reality Camilo was nervous because the family was in danger. After the mansion collapses, Camilo makes an unflattering and cruel comment about Mirabel when they are in the ruins of the house, but he later starts regretting this while worrying about Antonio.
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caeserfroggysalad · 1 year
Okay it’s about time I actually explain my team and i wanna say au?? To put it safely. I’ll answer some questions and add my personal Head-cannons on the team and their dynamics.
I will say now that I don’t intend to add a lot of romantic relationships with them since I’m
Not exactly interested in shipping unless I really can get into it. But anyway here’s the team and it’s glory
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My main team for both area and story. I’ll explain them by the first cookie I choose to the last. Starting with
Raspberry cookie
She was the first cookie I saw when installed playing the game, the first epic I got, and shares the same birthday as me. So she’s very special to me as a character.
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Genuinely afraid of being replaced
Spanish not first language but is learning
Allergic to strawberries
Pet chameleon named Boysen
Closest friends with licorice
Least close with eclair
Next off
Purple yam
If you know me for awhile now tan has become my favorite characters. I think his arc can have so much potential if devsis gave him some time to fully grow as a character
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Only talks when it feels necessary, otherwise very quiet
Cooks a good ass meal
Gets confused by internet culture
Burn scars on back
Closest with licorice
Least close with raspberry
Third in the time span of my team
I don’t even know how that happened- he just become too powerful. Next to black pearl of all things.
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Only one to be open about having a romantic relationship
Takes iron supplements
Spends time with alchemist when able too
Closest with eclair
Least close raspberry
To the fourth cookie in the team we have
Orginally i was his biggest hater mostly because it took me to long to get him. And I really wasn’t a fan of his Korean voice. Then the English dub made me appreciate the character more for being more of that ridiculous fragile ego cookie he is.
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Reanimated corpse
Wears eyeliner
Chronic joint pain
Unable to survive in the summer heat
Part time seamstress for extra cash
Closest with all of the team
And finally!
Respectfully I wasn’t expecting him to be on my team. But I found his excitement of history to be charming and I can relate to in a deeper sense.
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Cut contact with family
Ironically the least mature
Near sighted
Closest with licorice
Least with raspberry
So there you have it! If you have any questions let me know In my question box!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
I love the darker take on The Last Animus
I like to imagine the Animus’s to come back the same age they died as, and with their memories just more power, cause I like the idea of the Animus’s seemingly having grown cold to the dragons yet they still try to repair the world
also the cults are insane, do they literally see them as gods?-
To the cult question: Yes, they kinda do see them as gods of some sort, or moons-blessed or something like that😅
The Animus dragons get their memories back once they've reached the age they died at in their past life, but their powers are discovered on their their time (they have them at birth, they just have to accidentally use them for the first time to know about them/realized they have magic)
And if this had a 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 AU, I'd call it the 🥚Tiny Animus🔮 AU.
Reader hides their true self/form by making a charm/necklace/accessory that makes it so they have a "mask" (a form) for a dragon from each tribe. So, they'd be able to disguise themself as a MudWing, a SandWing, a SkyWing, a SeaWing, a RainWing, an IceWing, a NightWing, a HiveWing, a SilkWing, and a LeafWing, complete with a special name an color and appearance for each one. This idea is based on the character Chameleon from Wings of Fire. Watch Jekyll and Hyde Chameleon PMV on YouTube, to get an idea with fun music, as to how it works and appears.
But, yeah. Reader could choose one form to have more if their confidence and be stronger, have another form be smaller and meeker, have one form be tall and lithe, choose one one be short and stout, they could even choose to have any gender or appearance they want as long as it made sense to the new tribe they were appearing as!
Should I hold a small poll to decide what each form Reader can take on is named and what color they are? I think it sounds fun!
(Do you have any questions, @crowwithguns? Feel free to ask them! Especially if it is about any of the 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 AUs! I love them so much😭🥰💖💛🧡)
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