#chandrayaan 3 launch video
awarenesstraffic · 1 year
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khabarwala247 · 1 year
Chandrayaan 3 Mission चंद्रमा को छूते ही लगे भारत मां की जय के नारे ….
भारत ने चांद की सतह पर अपना कदम रख दिया है। चंद्रयान 3 (Chandrayaan 3) की सफलता पर हर भारतीय का सीना गर्व से चौड़ा हो गया है। पूरा देश जश्न में डूबा हुआ है। चंद्रयान 3 (Chandrayaan 3) के लैंडर विक्रम (Vikram Lander) ने जैसे ही चांद की सतह पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग की हर कोई खुशी से झूम उठा, कहीं ढोल नगाड़े बजने लगे तो कई लोग नाचने गाने लगे। हर किसी ने अपनी तरीके से इस सफलता का जश्न मनाया। आइए आपको सुनवाते है चंद्रयान तीन की सफलता पर लोग क्या बोले।
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thinkandretire · 1 year
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khabri · 1 year
Chandrayaan 3: Pragyan rover comes out of Vikram lander, walks on Moon, ISRO shares video
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Chandrayaan 3: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released the much-anticipated video of the Pragyan rover ramping down from the Vikram lander and walking on the lunar surface.Pragyan rover coming out of Vikram lander
The rear wheels of the rover, have imprints of the space agency ISRO and the Indian emblem, depicting the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath. Faint marks can also be seen in the first video shared by the Indian space agency.
Chandrayaan-3 mission detailed timeline
Here is the detailed timeline of all the developments in the Chandrayaan 3 mission.
• July 6: ISRO announces Mission Chandrayaan-3 launch date of July 14 from Sriharikota's second pad.
• July 7: Successful vehicle electrical tests completed.
• July 11: Comprehensive 24-hour 'Launch Rehearsal' simulating the entire launch process concludes.
• July 14: LVM3 M4 vehicle launches Chandrayaan-3 into designated orbit.
• July 15: First orbit-raising manoeuvre successful, reaching 41762 km x 173 km orbit.
• July 17: Second orbit-raising manoeuvre places Chandrayaan-3 at 41603 km x 226 km orbit.
• July 22: Fourth orbit-raising manoeuvre establishes spacecraft in 71351 km x 233 km orbit.
• July 25: Another successful orbit-raising manoeuvre.
• August 1: Chandrayaan-3 inserted into translunar orbit (288 km x 369328 km).
• August 5: Successful lunar orbit insertion (164 km x 18074 km).
• August 6: Lunar orbit lowered to 170 km x 4,313 km.
• August 9: ISRO carefully moves the spacecraft's path lower in its orbit around the moon. It has achieved a lunar orbit of 174 km x 1437 km
• August 14: Chandrayaan-3 gets closer to the moon's surface in another controlled bringing it in a orbit of 150 km x 177 km
• August 16: The Indian spacecraft performs the fifth and final Moon-bound manoeuvre positioning itself in a near circular Lunar orbit of 163*153 km.
• August 17: The landing module, comprising the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover, gets separated from its propulsion system.
• August 18: Chandrayaan 3 successfully completed a 'deboosting' operation that reduced its orbit to 113 km x 157 km
• August 20: The Chandrayaan-3 will make the final orbit adjustment by reducing it to be around 134*25 km, the farthest and nearest point from the moon respectively.
• August 23: ISRO marked history with the successful landing of the Vikram lander. All the systems are performing as intended.
for more information: khabri
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poemoholic · 15 days
Chandrayaan 3
Chandrayaan 3 was launched by Indian
Space Research Organisation under the series of lunar moon missions from
Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.It was
launched on LVM3-M4 Rocket and it
entered on the earth’s parking orbit which
is 45 degrees north west of the earth’s
equator on 14 July 2023. The point nearest
to the earth(perigee) was 170 km and its
farthest point was(apogee) was of 36,500
km.On 5 August the spacecraft of
Chandrayaan 3 was placed successfully in
earth’s orbit.On 23 August 2023,the
propulsion module came back on the
earth.The main function of the propulsion module was to ferry the Lander into the final lunar polar circular orbit and then separate
itself.Chandrayaan 3 had better
communication system and hence it softlanded(landed with control) on the
moon.Some of the major aims are
● Conducting scientific research on the
moon using instruments available .
● Demonstrating soft landing near lunar
south pole region.
Major findings are:
●Sulphur is present on lunar surface
● Estimation of ejection of 2.06 tonnes
epiregolith that is lunar rocks,soil etc
was displaced over an area of 108.4m2
around the landing site.
●ILSA(Instrument for Lunar Seismic
Activity) listens to movements on
landing sites.
● RAMBHA-LP on board Chandrayaan 3
measures near-surface plasma content.
●APXS(Alpha Particle X-Ray
Spectrometer) on board Ch-3
ROVER(Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver)detects the
presence of minor elements on the
moon’s surface.
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Vikram Moon Lander’s Latest Moves: Chandrayaan-3 NewsPatrolling.com Update
India - NewsPatrolling.com – 7th September, 2024 : After an unfortunate crash of Chandrayaan-2 back in 2019, ISRO recharged its attempts to get to the moon. And, on 23rd August 2024, the nation felt pride as Chandrayaan-3 landed on the moon’s south pole making it the fourth country to make a lunar landing after Russia, China, and the United States. Not just that, it was also the first one to land on the moon’s south pole, a feat for the nation. Now, it has been more than a year since this successful mission. The journey from Chandrayan-1 to Chandryaan-3 has been nothing less than epic. So much so, that it has also inspired a movie named Chandrayaan Chandrayaan in 2010 that tells the tale of India’s first successful mission to the moon. If you wish to watch the movie before learning about Chandrayaan-3, you can look for free movies download websites.
So, what has Chandrayaan-3’s Vikram Moon Lander been up to? What is the progress of the mission? And what do experts have to say about it?
Let’s find out!
Before ISRO successfully launched Chandrayaan-3 (read Chandrayaan 3 quotes from famous and popular people), the primary evidence of any kind of magma oceans on the Moon was presented by NASA’s Apollo program. However, after months on the moon’s south pole, the ISRO team with the help of Chandrayaan-3, has detected the presence of a ferroan anorthosite.
Now, what is ferroan anorthosite?
As per scientists, when Earth’s natural satellite was formed and it started to cool, ferroan anorthosite, a lighter mineral, started to float and settle on the surface. However, the moon lander has also confirmed the presence of magnesium on the satellite planet which could essentially contradict the ferroan anorthosite theory.
However, on 22nd August 2024, the mission ended permanently after both the rover & lander went into a planned sleep mode and never reverted into action. If you wish to relive the epic moment when Chandrayaan-3 landed on the moon, you can check it out on YouTube or even opt for a YouTube video download if you want to store this unforgettable memory forever.
Recalling these feats, on National Space Day, on August 23rd, let us take a look at the quotes from the team that made this a success story. And, while you are at it, do not forget to bask in the glory of our nation and look for MP3 songs from the movie adaptation mentioned earlier. Trust us, you will get teary-eyed. Especially when the song “Saabaashiyaan” plays on screen!
S Somnath, ISRO chairman, recalled that the entire mission from start to the landing connected deeply with everyone making it a “moment of glory for Indians.”
“It is a moment of glory for India and a moment of destiny for all of us who are as part of the history in making,” said, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister For Science and Technology.
The Chandrayaan-3 moon mission has surely been nothing short of epic. A saga of the ISRO bravehearts one can never forget. And, if you too wish to be a part of ISRO and want to build your career in science and mathematics, you can check out https://www.youtube.com/@eduspace360
 to get access to comprehensive education like never before. And yes, it’s available for free!
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Unlocking Lunar Mysteries: Mission Chandrayaan Reveals the Moon's Endless Enigma
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Explore Chandrayaan's groundbreaking mission, uncovering the Moon's hidden secrets. From water molecules to lunar evolution, journey into lunar mysteries that defy centuries-old beliefs.
Since ancient times, the Moon has captivated people's attention, spreading its silvery shine over many civilizations, myths, and scientific pursuits. Both explorers and scientists are captivated by the moon, whether it's the romantic allure of moonlit nights or the deep mysteries concealed within its craters and valleys. In the current era of space research, Chandrayaan, India's lunar space probe, stands noteworthy for its exceptional contributions to solving lunar mysteries. This remarkable achievement also highlights the 'Make in India' initiative, emphasizing India's growing capabilities in technology and space exploration.
Khul Ke, a prominent video discussion app in India, has organized an insightful virtual group discussion on the subject matter.
Chandrayaan: A Leap into Lunar Exploration
Chandrayaan, which means "Moon Craft" in Sanskrit, symbolizes India's daring foray into space and resonates with the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative, emphasizing self-reliance and innovation. The 2008 launch of Chandrayaan-1, India's first lunar probe, was the starting point for later missions. The Chandrayaan-2 mission, launched in July 2019, made substantial progress.
Peering into the Past: Discovering Lunar Evolution
A major accomplishment of Mission Chandrayaan-2 was expanding our knowledge of lunar evolution. Scientists have learned more about the moon's origin and early processes by examining its geography, mineral makeup, and geological history. The finding of water ice in the southern polar area of the moon was a game-changing discovery, upending accepted knowledge and creating new opportunities for further study and possibly, colonization.
Mapping Lunar Topography
The orbiter part of Chandrayaan-2 was crucial in producing accurate 3D maps of the moon's surface. This project has aided scientists in their understanding of the moon's geological properties and in selecting potential landing locations for the next expeditions. Planning secure lunar landings and maximizing resource use benefit greatly from these maps.
Unravelling the Moon's Water Secrets
The existence of water molecules on the moon was one of Chandrayaan-2's most astounding discoveries. This discovery dispelled ingrained notions that the moon was devoid of water. Though in trace amounts, the discovery of water molecules has significant ramifications for future lunar research, including the possibility of extracting and using these resources to support more lunar missions and space discoveries.
Cosmic Time Capsule: Studying the Moon's Surface
The surface of the moon serves as a cosmic time capsule, documenting the solar system's evolution. With the help of Chandrayaan-2's equipment, including the Dual Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar and Terrain Mapping Camera-2, researchers have been able to dig beneath the lunar surface, revealing buried geological strata and giving insight into the moon's development over billions of years.
The Dark Side Illuminated: Shedding Light on Lunar Mysteries
The moon's near side has received much attention, but until recently, its far side was mostly unknown. Vikram's successful landing on Chandrayaan-2 close to the moon's south pole offered a rare chance to investigate this unknown region. Despite the lander's loss of communication during descent, the orbiter's instruments continued to produce useful data, providing an understanding of the makeup and properties of the lunar far side.
Prospects: Chandrayaan's Enduring Legacy
Chandrayaan's legacy is still developing as humankind's desire to explore space and find out the moon’s hidden secrets rises. The mission's accomplishments and learnings have opened the door for challenging new initiatives. India's current Chandrayaan-3 mission intends to fix Chandrayaan-2's problematic landing and advance our knowledge of lunar geology. International partnerships motivated by Chandrayaan's accomplishments also promise to advance lunar exploration.
A Global Inspiration: Collaborative Lunar Exploration
The influence of Chandrayaan transcends national boundaries. Its accomplishments have encouraged international cooperation and knowledge exchange among scientists and space organizations. By combining knowledge and resources, humanity may advance the frontiers of understanding, solving mysteries surrounding the moon and resolving issues regarding future space travel and settlement.
The Lunar Enigma Persists
The moon continues to capture our attention and inspires us to discover its mysteries with its quiet, cratered surface. We are gradually removing the layers of the lunar mystery, solving the riddle that has lingered for millennia, thanks to missions like Chandrayaan. Each discovery advances our knowledge of the moon's development, its capacity to support upcoming expeditions, and its function as a cosmic time capsule. Chandrayaan's contributions demonstrate our unquenchable interest and commitment to solving the deepest mysteries of the cosmos as humanity's space mission progresses.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] This screen grab made from video footage from ISRO via AFPTV taken on July 14, 2023 shows an Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) rocket carrying the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lifting off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, an island off the coast of southern Andhra Pradesh state. (AFP/File)India's space agency, ISRO, is gearing up for its next ambitious mission, Aditya-L1, set to launch today. This significant endeavour aims to explore the Sun's outer layers, marking a pioneering effort by any Asian nation to be placed in solar orbit.  Aditya-L1's primary mission is to study coronal mass ejections, powerful discharges of plasma and magnetic energy from the Sun's atmosphere. These phenomena can reach Earth, potentially disrupting satellite operations. The spacecraft's mission is twofold: predict these solar bursts and deepen our understanding of how they occur.To accomplish this, Aditya-L1 will embark on a four-month journey, covering a distance of 1.5 million kilometres. It will launch atop ISRO's trusty PSLV XL rocket, known for its reliability in powering previous lunar and Martian missions.ISRO's remarkable achievements in space exploration have been achieved on a comparatively low budget. This cost-efficiency is attributed to adapting existing technology and harnessing the talents of highly skilled engineers who earn less than their foreign counterparts. Notably, last month's successful lunar landing, a feat previously achieved by only Russia, the United States, and China, cost less than $75 million.India's space journey began in 2008 when it sent its first lunar orbiter. Since then, the nation has consistently matched the achievements of established spacefaring nations, culminating in its successful Mars orbiter mission in 2014. In the near future, India is poised to launch a crewed mission into Earth's orbit, with plans for joint lunar missions with Japan and an orbital mission to Venus.Aditya-L1 is another step forward for ISRO, poised to expand our understanding of solar phenomena and enhance our ability to protect satellites from the Sun's powerful outbursts.  [ad_2]
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dotengine · 1 year
Watch India’s successful landing on the Moon
India’s Chandrayaan-3 becomes the first space mission to land near the south pole of the Moon. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the launch event via video conference from South Africa where he is attending a summit of Brics nations. India’s space agency broadcast a live simulation of the touchdown. Watch how it all unfolded. #Watch #Indias #successful #landing #Moon
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buzz-london · 1 year
Chandrayaan 3 vs Luna 25 - Russia and India RACE to the Moon 17/8/2023
In this video, Abhi and Niyu explain how Russia's Luna25 is racing with India's Chandrayaan 3 to reach to the moon. Why has Russia launched a space mission to the moon after a long gap of 47 years? Is Russia trying to send a message to the world? And does this have any impact on Geopolitics? Let's learn and explore in this video.
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khabarwala247 · 1 year
Chandrayaan 3 Mission चांद पर लहराया तिरंगा, मेहनत लाई रंग
भारत ने विश्व में इतिहास रच दिया है. बुधवार की शाम को Chandrayaan-3 ने चांद की सतह पर सफल लैंडिंग कर ली है. भारत का नाम अब दुनिया के उन चार देशों में जुड़ गया है, जो सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग में एक्सपर्ट हैं. इस सफलता को हासिल करने वाला भारत दुनिया का चौथा देश बन चुका है. पिछली बार चंद्रयान-2 की क्रैश लैंडिंग हुई थी. तब भारत को बहुत मायूसी हाथ लगी थी, लेकिन इस बार तगड़ी तैयारी की गई थी और नतीजा सफलता के रूप में हासिल हुआ है. ISRO ने चांद पर परचम लहरा दिया है. Chandrayaan-3 ने चांद की सतह पर अपने कदम रख दिए हैं.
India has created history in the world. Chandrayaan-3 has made a successful landing on the lunar surface on Wednesday evening. India's name has now been added to those four countries of the world, which are experts in soft landing. India has become the fourth country in the world to achieve this success. Last time Chandrayaan-2 had a crash landing. Then India was very disappointed, but this time strong preparation was done and the result has been achieved in the form of success. ISRO has hoisted the flag on the moon. Chandrayaan-3 has put its steps on the surface of the moon.
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kuriousmedia · 1 year
ISRO Launches Chandrayaan 3 Full Story!!
ISRO Launches Chandrayaan 3 Full Story!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9sAWATwzvs ISRO Launches Chandrayaan 3 Full Story!! India just sent its third mission to the Moon. They want to be the first country to land near the south pole of the Moon. The Chandrayaan-3 mission, which was made up of an orbiter, a lander, and a rover, left the Sriharikota space center at 14:35 (9:05 GMT) on Friday with all of its parts. The lander is supposed to land on the moon between August 23 and August 24. If everything goes well, India will be only the fourth country in the world to land softly on the Moon. It will join the U.S., China, and what used to be the Soviet Union. Commentators used words like "majestic" to describe the rocket "soaring in the sky" to the thousands of people who watched the launch from the viewer's gallery. Cheers and loud applause came from the people watching and the scientists as the rocket started to rise into the air. Arunoday Mukharji of the BBC was at the launch, and he said that everyone in the hall was shouting "Bharat Mata ki jai" (which means "Victory to mother India"). ✅Stay Connected With Me. 🔔Unlock The Mysteries Of The Universe. Hit That Subscribe Button And Join Kurious Media In Exploring The Galaxies And Beyond: https://ift.tt/5O60mF1 ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉Best of Kurious Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUBu5pyukRg&list=PLVxoycF8A9gKy-lbyhJ_-5gC_A-i2DJm1&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 The Largest Supernova Explosion In The Universe Is Happening in 2023! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PuzFBFp1-A 👉 The Universe Is Full Of Scary Things. Here Are The 10 Scariest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrEX008AACY 👉 What You Didn’t Know About The Universe! You Will Be Shocked! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfXnhurAbKI 👉 Top 7 Most Unusual Structures In The Universe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBPZ13eo338 👉 Massive Unidentified Object Twice the Size of Milky Way is On the Lose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9iOnyToffk ============================= ✅ About Kurious Media. Welcome to my cosmic journey on YouTube. Dive into fascinating research, and uncover the universe alongside me. As an avid space enthusiast, I want to see what lies beyond our blue planet. Join me as we learn and discover the mysteries of space together. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Journey Beyond The Stars With Kurious Media! Subscribe Now For The Latest Discoveries And Research In Space: https://ift.tt/5O60mF1 ================================= #spaceexploration #jameswebbtelescope #lhs475b #exoplanet #nasa #astrophysics Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Kurious Media. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © Kurious Media via Kurious Media https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmq-4Z9MC2uipzlrGtTkbw July 21, 2023 at 01:54AM
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parentnashik · 1 year
Viral Video: IndiGo Passenger Captures Chandrayaan-3 Launch Mid-Air
Viral Video: IndiGo Passenger Captures Chandrayaan-3 Launch Mid-Air
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ruadsshorts · 1 year
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guruarticle · 1 year
आखिरी पलों में थम गईं थी सांसे..| Chandrayaan 3 launch Video Full | ISRO...
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manaandhravlogs · 1 year
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