chobistudio · 9 months
【Wushu】1991-3 Changquan Compulsory Routine (4/4)
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no because literally a good teacher/professor can make or break how you feel about literally anything that you're learning
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sifu-kisu · 5 months
No Death, No Injury, No Illness.
In the early 1960s, during my middle school years, I studied Mei-Hua Changquan (Plum Blossom Long Fist) at the Wu Ti Pang Guoshu School. One day, my master, Yang Baozhen, inquired about my reasons for learning martial arts. My response was likely a typical one about defending my homeland. Master Yang smiled and shared a timeless insight: "In an era dominated by firearms, the relevance of hand-to-hand combat and bladed weapons has waned. Today, martial arts are more akin to a sport, yet we must adhere to three guiding principles: no death, no injury, no illness."
At the time, I merely listened, not fully grasping the depth of his words. After decades of practicing and teaching Kung Fu, I truly understand Master Yang’s wisdom. The goal of martial arts extends beyond mere self-defense; it encompasses preserving one's safety through heightened awareness and avoiding unnecessary confrontation.
Practicing kung fu involves mastering defense techniques, conditioning the mind, and sharpening sensory perceptions to better assess and navigate potential hazards. Additionally, a comprehensive practice of Qigong should incorporate fundamental knowledge of healthcare and traditional Chinese medicine, thereby bolstering immunity and reducing the likelihood of illness.
Avoiding injury entails more than minimizing risks during physical encounters—it also involves practicing martial arts wisely to prevent harm from ignorance or improper technique. Traditional Chinese martial arts are deeply intertwined with broader Chinese cultural practices and represent a holistic approach to wellness and self-preservation.
Thus, the true purpose and criterion for practicing martial arts in modern times are encapsulated in these three objectives: to live without dying, to fight without injury, and to practice without falling ill.
中學時代我在吳體胖國術舘學習梅花長拳, 有一天,我的師父楊寶珍突然問我,你學拳的目的何在?我的回答打概是保家衛囯之類的陳腔濫調。 楊師笑笑:“進入火器槍炮時代,赤手空拳和冷兵器已成歷史,現今武術已趨向體育化,但要記住這三句,不死,不傷,不病”。 我當時聽聽而已,並沒有完全領會他話裡的深意。。數十年來,從練拳與教拳的生涯裏我終於體會到楊師的智慧: 不死是自衛與明哲保身(戰或逃),練拳不僅是掌握防禦技術更要懂得調整意念和銳化感官知覺,能識別環境而不易陷入危險。而正確練功更應該包括保健養生與中醫的基本常識所以抵抗力強不易生病。不傷不只是如何降低格鬥時受傷機率,但更重要的是練功不可因無知或技術不當而受傷。中國傳統武術與中國文化牢不可分,是全方位的武術文化。不死,不傷,不病是我們在現代練武的目的與準則。
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mudaship39 · 10 months
Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen Bio
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen:
Name: Zhou Zhen (the National S Rank Hero and Adventurer of China)/Zhou Chen (the Half Human Half Phoenix Firebird Lightning Bird Monk S Rank Adventurer and Guild Member)
Metahuman with pyrokinetic fire powers and electrokinetic lightning powers
Celestial/Stellar bipedal humanoid Phoenix Firebird Fenghuang and Lightning Bird 
Racial Identity: East Asian Chinese, East Asian Korean, & East Asian Japanese 
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130
Body Type: Lean and athletic 
B,H,W: 32 B
Pre-colonial East Asian hairstyles. 
Short hair 
Long hair tied in a medium or long ponytail
Hair color: black
Eye Color: light brown
Skin color: terra cotta brown
Extra: Red, orange, and yellow phoenix feathers grow on her chest, back, arms, & legs. In her full phoenix fire bird form she has wings, a beak, a tail, feathers on her entire body, & she has talons on her hand and feet. She has golden raptor-like eyes.
Age: 27 
Birthday: Taurus Horse
Tattoos: Celestial and stellar colored and black and white East Asian tattoos of tigers, phoenixes, dragons, fish, buddha, qilin, etc that glow when she uses her firebird and lightning bird powers especially electrical fire fusion elemental powers 
Piercings: Piercings with gemstones on her ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, & face
Jewelry: East Asian buddhist bracelets, jade gemstones rings, Buddhist necklaces.
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis 
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: He him, she her 
Religion: Shinto Buddhist
Common, Undercommon, Goblinoid, Giantkin, Gnomish, Halfling, Dwarvish, Fey, Elvish, Sylvan, Underdark, Draenei, Draconic, Aarakocra, Auran, Celestial, Fiendish, Deep Speech, Serpent Tongue, & Primordial
Disabilities: Autistic. 
Nuerodivergent: ADD, ADHD, OCD, 
Mental Illnesses: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD
Father: Lei Chen 
Mother: Eun-a Choi
Aunts and Uncles: Miyoko Kobayashi, Ha-min Choi, Liya Chen 
Nephews and Nieces:
Marital Status: Married
Relationship model: Polyamorous
Love Interests: 
Elsa Johansson, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Afro South Asian Desi Afro European Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro West Asian Maysa Uzun, Latine Native Valerie Nadia Torres Garcia. Artist Dancer Yuli Li, Madam Brothel Manager Sunrita Maheshwari, Swordswoman Xiuli Chang, Grandmaster Weili Yang, Military Captain Soldier Chunyu Liu, Government Official Kanako Takahashi, Scholar Miyoko Kobayashi, Police captain Saruta Chaiyasan, Noble Lady Hyo-jin Jung, Warlord General Sae-hyun Park, Jonin kunoichi assassin Nanako Yamada, Samurai Lady Kiyoko Nakamura, Merchant Myeon-ji Kim, Shogun Tomiko Satou, Princess Lady Minh Nguyen
S rank
S rank Adventurer:
S Rank Hunter
S Rank Hero
Level: 300
Stat Points:
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Class: Monk (Magical melee and unarmed martial arts) 
Disgraced Noble. Fallen Noble. Arranged Marriage. Exile. Academy Dropout. Unseen Academy Reject. Acolyte. Apothecary. Artisan. Attention Addict. Chef. Chosen One. Craftsman. Dauntless. Destined to be a Hero. Doctor. Duelist. Farmer. Fortune Teller. Government Official (Imperial Civil Servant). Hermit. Isekai. Lesser Scion. Librarian. Matchmaker. Merchant. Mercenary. Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Nurse. One Soul Two Bodies. Otherworlder. Poet. Primogenitor. Prodigy. Retired Hero. Roamer. Sage. Shaolin Monk. Scholar. Sealed One. Second Soul. Smith (Metal, Gemstone, Blacksmith). Soldier. Tourist. Town Apothecary. The Chosen One. Time Frozen. Time Traveller. Trader. Vendor. Wanderer. Warlord. Warrior. Weaver (Fabric). Wise One. 
Martial Arts: 
Magical martial arts (imagine bak mei, wushu, changquan, hung gar, xingyiquan, shuai jiao, wing chun, san da, choy li fut, shaolin kung fu, & wuzuquan)
magical mixed martial arts (imagine karate, capoeira, krav maga, savate, muay thai, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, hapkido, judo, aikido, taekwondo  
magical kendo, sai, kobudo, spear, kalaripayattu, escrima stick fighting, bo staff, silat, tonfa, & nunchucks 
Patron: Sun Wukong
Sage of the Stars. Young Master of the Chen Family. Grandmaster of the Way of the Fire Fist Lightning Fist Martial Arts School. Sword Empress. Sword Saint. Owner of the Auctionhouse. Owner of the Lotus Medicinal Pills Apothecary. Marquis of the Imperial Military.
Shanghai, China. Kyoto, Japan. Seoul, Korea. Human Federation of Magical Human Kingdoms and Indigenous Magical Human Confederacy of Nations 
Murim Alliance. Xiao Lei: Poison Master (Master in poison arts). Jonin (assassination, ninjutsu, & shadow arts). Yuan Jian: Swordmaster (Melee Martial Arts Mentor). Himi Satomi: Array Master. Shimada Tokuma: Pills Sage (Medicinal Pills mentor). Grandmaster Ch’u Min-Hee (Martial Arts mentor).
High School Graduate
High School Diploma
Associates Degree in Biology
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Masters Degree in Anatomy and Physiology
Certificate in Calligraphy 
Certificate in Arrays
Certificate in Pill Making 
Seoul National University. The University of Tokyo. Peking University
Korea Military Academy
U 13 or Under 13 for full contact Magical mixed martial arts
U 15 or Under 15 for magical melee combat with tonfa, escrima sticks, sai, nunchucks, & bo staff
Under 18 or U 18 for magical melee combat with magical swords, spears, clubs, axes, and sledgehammers
Military. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Officer. Gym trainer. Olympic Level Athlete. Martial Arts World Champion. Stunt person. Producer. Stunt double. Director. Stunt coordinator. Martial arts actress. Fighting game voice actress. Celebrity. 
Beggar. Bandit. Farmer. Fisherman. Gardener. Courtesan. Matchmaker. Fortune Teller. Chef. Painter. Dancer. Artist. Actor. Musician. Flute, Piano, Violin. Chinese Stringed Instruments. Craftsman. Artisan. Poet. Smith. Shaolin Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Martial Arts Grandmaster. Doctor. Nurse. Scientist. Cartographer. Astronomer. Librarian. Apothecary. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Swordsman. Archer. Calvary. Officer. Warlord. Merchant. City Guard. City Watch. Trader. Vendor. Business person. Mercenary. Armed Escort. Shinobi/Kunoichi assassin. Genin. Chunin. Jonin. Samurai. Ronin. Shogun. Professor. Scholar. Sage. Philosopher. Government Official. Aristocrat. Noble. Lady. Hired Guard. Bodyguard. Royal Guard (Human Empress) Lady in Waiting. Judge. Royal Advisor. 
Economic Class: Aristocratic 
Base of Operations: Firebird Fire Fist and Lightning Bird Lightning Fist Style Martial Arts School and Shaolin Monastery
Place of Residence: Manor of her Noble Chen Family 
Transportation: Horse drawn carriage. Car. Plane.
Mounts: Qinlin, Dragon, Griffin
Lightning bird 
Pets: Hellhound, shadow cat, phoenix, kitsune nine tailed fox demon
Facemask and bandana, spiked arm gauntlets, t-shirt, martial arts gi uniform, vest, obi belt, fingerless gloves, kung fu pants, spiked knee gauntlets, & combat boots
Red blue Silk uniform and Qingdai guanmao or mandarin hat with phoenix feathers as an imperial officer. Accessories to denote rank such as a phoenix and qilin.
Close fitting top with elbow length sleeves that is fairly tight fitting but allow room for movement. It is a kind-of-faded saffron color similar to the breast color of the Fenghuang. Over which she wears her leather and metal armor. Then over that, layers of very thin (almost diaphanous cloth) that are very loose fitting so it is easy to slip out of or just shuck off when needed. That builds up in colors until the outer layer where the skirt section splits off into separated 'tails' of colors. That way, in terms of movement and flow, the clothing picks up the slightest breeze and floats. Creating the illusion of effortless gliding and flight while allowing the character's movement with her clothes to punctuate her body language as she herself moves. The idea being that just the act of movement portrays elegance and effortless poise. When Zhou Chen moves with purpose all the outer layers will immediately flows behind her. Also heightening the impression of a hunting bird striking at its target. The robes are made of two layers of thicker material that doesn’t have the same flow to it. The upper layer would be smaller than the lower layer to create a two-tone color effect. The robe could be belted at the waist. It is form-fitting so that it contours to the body down to the waist. The upper section would be held in place by the armor over the top. As opposed to Zhou Zhen who would have the armor underneath the robe and the skirt of the robes flared somewhat so that when Zhou Chen moves it forms something of a sem-circle around his/her calves. In terms of color maybe the robes for Zhou Chen could have the lower layer the same blue as the second and fourth tail plumage on a Fenghuang with the upper layer the blue/gray/green of the outer feathers in the wings.
Hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, high top sneakers
Weapons: Great Sword, bojutsu bo staff, nunchucks, long swords, daggers, short sword, sai, escrima sticks, broadsword, tonfa, magical composite bow, & spear
Leather and metal medium class armor 
Plated chainmail military armor with helmet with Phoenix firebird and lightning bird feathers (based on the helmet of her patron Sun Wukong the Monkey King)
Power origin: 
Fire accident as a superhero.  When saving civilians from a house fire caused by fire magic. 
Lightning accident as a superhero.  When being attacked by a supervillain with electrical lightning powers. 
Lightning bird 
Electrical Fire Fusion 
Fire manipulation
Lightning manipulation
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fiixer · 1 year
Things I do on my third fifteen hour shift of the week: finally put a name to Jordi's fighting style.
I've mentioned him being a martial artist and never put a name to the style he follows. While he's got one he mainly focuses on and puts a majority of his efforts into, it's not just that one on its own; even in the short clip of him fighting, there are hints from two points that stuck out and hint at an influence of different styles, and the more I think on and look into it, the more it makes sense: What he does is Changquan. "Long Fist". As the translation might suggest, as a whole, it's a style that focuses on longer movements - fully extended kicks and striking. Here's a little blurb on it:
In some Changquan styles the motto is that "the best defense is a strong offense," in which case the practitioner launches a preemptive attack so aggressive that the opponent doesn't have the opportunity to attack. Others emphasize defense over offense, noting that nearly all techniques in Changquan forms are counters to attacks. Changquan uses large, extended, circular movements to improve overall body mobility in the muscles, tendons, and joints. Advanced techniques include qin na joint-locking techniques and shuai jiao throws and takedowns.
The style Jordi studied definitely had more focus on a strong offense, preemptive attacks, and so forth. In any case, it's the point about 'fully extended movements' that really struck a cord, because through that whole little fight scene we got, that seemed to be ingrained in him; fully extended kicks, a big follow-through with the punch he threw - although that ties into the second point down below - not to mention the joint lock (locks, if you count each arm separately) and manipulation and the way he threw Anton around like a goddamn ragdoll. In part, that could be explained as Jordi just being strong, which...I mean, he is, but Anton was also struggling and trying to fight back where he could, which should have made tossing him around a bit more difficult without a little..finesse, I guess would be the word, especially when you consider the fact that he wasn't exactly a tiny dude.
That doesn't mean Jordi couldn't have pulled it off with strength alone, but it all happened so smoothly which leads me to say, Jordi had a some technique tied in, too.
Anyway, all that said, there is definitely another influence in his style, which shows in the way he throws a punch. He doesn't just follow it through - he throws a little weight into it. It doesn't look as pristine and polished, if you will, as one might expect from a seasoned martial artist -- it looks more like a punch a boxer, or kickboxer, would throw when they're done wearing their opponent down and go for the KO. Jordi is definitely not a boxer, but a kickboxer? Now, that's more up his alley.
It's not something he studies religiously or anything. It's something he'd picked up for the stress relief, for challenging exercise, for the opportunity to hone his skill against a living opponent that isn't trying to kill him (it's better to practice with those than the ones who are, after all), that sort of thing. It's a hobby, but it's definitely had its influence on his fighting style.
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inquisitoradaar · 1 year
[@distinguished-turtle-enjoyer ]
whats Tang like in your waterlogged au? and also im DYING to know which human Mikey runs into after he puts on the cloaking pin thing aknsksnsjsn
shen, similarly to yoshi, was trained how to fight from a young age. her family comes from hebei province in china but moved to japan because of their history of martial arts (specifically changquan) and the belief that it would help aid in the effort to keep what was believed to be a "rampaging spirit" at bay.
after becoming an adult she joined the battle against the rogue spirit and ended up meeting yoshi, who she quickly became friends with, which eventually turned into a relationship. she was always incredibly well-prepared for battle, but had a tendency to be a bit frazzled outside of it. her and yoshi's house was always a mess, but they were a real force to be reckoned with.
shen was the one who dealt the final blow to the spirit that had been terrorising east asia, but especially japan, for half a millennia, but doing so came at a great cost to her health. she'd go on to live a few more years, but frequent bouts of illness eventually took its toll on her. yoshi would end up moving to new york soon afterwards in an attempt to try and run from his own grief.
she isnt entirely removed from the narrative (for reasons which are actually fairly important, especially towards the end) but that is where her story ends in the physical realm.
as for mikey and his cloaking pin... the human he meets may or may not have a name that starts with c and ends with asey jones <3
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diavolaangelica · 1 year
Virginia Cai 8th World Junior Wushu Championships Group A Changquan Poetry in motion. I admire anyone who has the discipline and fortitude to train in any field of martial arts. In my teens, I studied Muay Thai, and was taught boxing from the age of 4...but I gave it up. I didn’t want to fight anymore after I seriously hurt someone during a sparing match, besides, I ruined my knee and broke my hand. You can’t train when you’re broken, and when you don’t train, you lose condition. To this day, my knee is screwed up, and I have injury related arthritis in my hand. My elbows sometimes lock (it’s painful), and I am dealing with a rotator cuff injury. 
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feilien · 1 year
Matt and various weapons...
Guns — Not his preferred choice of weapon, but he does carry a concealed one at all times (if he's out on a mission, he tends to wear a shoulder holster), just in case. He's a decent enough shot, but Matt prefers to go the quiet/stealth route, so it's a last resort for when shit goes down and there's no other option.
Knives — His go to weapons. He tends to carry several of them at any given time, concealed throughout several parts of his body. There's usually a normal knife/dagger, several throwing knives, and one slender bladed knife.
Poison Darts — Unlike the other two, Matt doesn't usually have those on him, unless he anticipates needing them. The poison he uses (concentrated cone snail poison) is just a little too dangerous to be carrying around casually. That being said, it's definitely one of his most effective weapons. As long as it hits its target, it's guaranteed to take it down within moments.
His hands — Not a weapon per se, but Matt is incredibly skilled in martial arts and therefore a serious threat in close combat; even without his knives. His chosen discipline is changquan (長拳) (though he's also dabbled in jianshu (剑术), but there's very little practical use for it), and he's been training since he was old enough to understand and take in lessons.
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2019: China's Border Defense Policies Past and Present
PRC border policy of implanting new villages adjacent to its international border described in the August 10, 2024 article China’s Great Wall of Villages reminds of similar practices two thousand years ago during the Han Dynasty. Map from August 10, 2024 New York Times article China’s Great Wall of Villages Ma Changquan is a professor at at the School of Immigration Management of the People’s…
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goriaucom · 1 year
Tim Review NOC Rekomendasikan Edgar dan Peraih Emas SEA Games 2023 Kamboja Tampil di Asian Games 2023 Hangzhou
PHNOM PENH - Ketua Tim Review Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (NOC Indonesia), Jovinus Carolus Legawa memberikan apresiasi terhadap kesuksesan Edgar Xavier Marvelo yang sukses meraih medali emas nomor Changquan Putra cabang olahraga wushu SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. http://dlvr.it/SnxcML
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chobistudio · 1 month
【Wushu】1991-3 Winner interview (Men's / Women's Changquan All-round)
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ninja-weapons · 5 years
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Caption this photo! . . ↩️ @girls_martial_arts 📸 Credit to @fox_yong 👏💞💪🥋💋 From #usa ❤ . . . #straching #strach #kungfu #martialarts #martialartscoach #teaching #kicks #sword #performance#gongfu #武术 #功夫#weapon #swords#changquan #broadswords #excercise#girlsmartialarts#taichi #taichisword#cudgel#kungfugirl#martialartsgirls . . 👍 by @katana_sword_reviews https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CH91UpYh0/?igshid=3k62p7wdaszw
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Kung fu~
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mudaship39 · 9 months
Character Bio of the East Asian Half Human Half Firebird and Stormbird Monk character 
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen:
Name: Zhou Zhen (the National S Rank Hero and Adventurer of China)/Zhou Chen (the Half Human Half Phoenix Firebird Lightning Bird Monk S Rank Adventurer and Guild Member)
Metahuman with pyrokinetic fire powers and electrokinetic lightning powers
Celestial/Stellar bipedal humanoid Phoenix Firebird Fenghuang and Lightning Bird 
Racial Identity: East Asian Chinese, East Asian Korean, & East Asian Japanese 
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130
Body Type: Lean, lithe, slender, & and athletic. Body type similar to a martial artist or gymnast. 
B,H,W: 32 B
Pre-colonial East Asian hairstyles. 
Short hair 
Long hair tied in a medium or long ponytail
Hair color: black
Eye Color: light brown
Skin color: terra cotta brown
Extra: Red, orange, and yellow phoenix feathers grow on her chest, back, arms, & legs. In her full phoenix fire bird form she has wings, a beak, a tail, feathers on her entire body, & she has talons on her hand and feet. She has golden raptor-like eyes.
Age: 27 
Birthday: Taurus Horse
Tattoos: Celestial and stellar colored and black and white East Asian tattoos of tigers, phoenixes, dragons, fish, buddha, qilin, etc that glow when she uses her firebird and lightning bird powers especially electrical fire fusion elemental powers 
Piercings: Piercings with gemstones on her ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, & face
Jewelry: East Asian buddhist bracelets, jade gemstones rings, Buddhist necklaces.
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis 
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: He him, she her 
Religion: Shinto Buddhist
Common, Undercommon, Goblinoid, Giantkin, Gnomish, Halfling, Dwarvish, Fey, Elvish, Sylvan, Underdark, Draenei, Draconic, Aarakocra, Auran, Celestial, Fiendish, Deep Speech, Serpent Tongue, & Primordial
Disabilities: Autistic. 
Nuerodivergent: ADD, ADHD, OCD, 
Mental Illnesses: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD
Father: Lei Chen 
Mother: Eun-a Choi
Aunts and Uncles: Miyoko Kobayashi, Ha-min Choi, Liya Chen 
Nephews and Nieces:
Marital Status: Married
Relationship model: Polyamorous
Love Interests: 
Elsa Johansson, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Afro South Asian Desi Afro European Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro West Asian Maysa Uzun, Latine Native Valerie Nadia Torres Garcia. Artist Dancer Yuli Li, Madam Brothel Manager Sunrita Maheshwari, Swordswoman Xiuli Chang, Grandmaster Weili Yang, Military Captain Soldier Chunyu Liu, Government Official Kanako Takahashi, Scholar Miyoko Kobayashi, Police captain Saruta Chaiyasan, Noble Lady Hyo-jin Jung, Warlord General Sae-hyun Park, Jonin kunoichi assassin Nanako Yamada, Samurai Lady Kiyoko Nakamura, Merchant Myeon-ji Kim, Shogun Tomiko Satou, Princess Lady Minh Nguyen
S rank
S rank Adventurer:
S Rank Hunter
S Rank Hero
Level: 300
Stat Points:
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Class: Monk (Magical melee and unarmed martial arts) 
Disgraced Noble. Fallen Noble. Arranged Marriage. Exile. Academy Dropout. Unseen Academy Reject. Acolyte. Apothecary. Artisan. Attention Addict. Chef. Chosen One. Craftsman. Dauntless. Destined to be a Hero. Doctor. Duelist. Farmer. Fortune Teller. Government Official (Imperial Civil Servant). Hermit. Isekai. Lesser Scion. Librarian. Matchmaker. Merchant. Mercenary. Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Nurse. One Soul Two Bodies. Otherworlder. Poet. Primogenitor. Prodigy. Retired Hero. Roamer. Sage. Shaolin Monk. Scholar. Sealed One. Second Soul. Smith (Metal, Gemstone, Blacksmith). Soldier. Tourist. Town Apothecary. The Chosen One. Time Frozen. Time Traveller. Trader. Vendor. Wanderer. Warlord. Warrior. Weaver (Fabric). Wise One. 
Martial Arts: 
Magical martial arts (imagine bak mei, wushu, changquan, hung gar, xingyiquan, shuai jiao, wing chun, san da, choy li fut, shaolin kung fu, & wuzuquan)
magical mixed martial arts (imagine karate, capoeira, krav maga, savate, muay thai, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, hapkido, judo, aikido, taekwondo  
magical kendo, sai, kobudo, spear, kalaripayattu, escrima stick fighting, bo staff, silat, tonfa, & nunchucks 
Patron: Sun Wukong
Sage of the Stars. Young Master of the Chen Family. Grandmaster of the Way of the Fire Fist Lightning Fist Martial Arts School. Sword Empress. Sword Saint. Owner of the Auctionhouse. Owner of the Lotus Medicinal Pills Apothecary. Marquis of the Imperial Military.
Shanghai, China. Kyoto, Japan. Seoul, Korea. Human Federation of Magical Human Kingdoms and Indigenous Magical Human Confederacy of Nations 
Murim Alliance. Xiao Lei: Poison Master (Master in poison arts). Jonin (assassination, ninjutsu, & shadow arts). Yuan Jian: Swordmaster (Melee Martial Arts Mentor). Himi Satomi: Array Master. Shimada Tokuma: Pills Sage (Medicinal Pills mentor). Grandmaster Ch’u Min-Hee (Martial Arts mentor).
High School Graduate
High School Diploma
Associates Degree in Biology
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Masters Degree in Anatomy and Physiology
Certificate in Calligraphy 
Certificate in Arrays
Certificate in Pill Making 
Seoul National University. The University of Tokyo. Peking University
Korea Military Academy
U 13 or Under 13 for full contact Magical mixed martial arts
U 15 or Under 15 for magical melee combat with tonfa, escrima sticks, sai, nunchucks, & bo staff
Under 18 or U 18 for magical melee combat with magical swords, spears, clubs, axes, and sledgehammers
Military. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Officer. Gym trainer. Olympic Level Athlete. Martial Arts World Champion. Stunt person. Producer. Stunt double. Director. Stunt coordinator. Martial arts actress. Fighting game voice actress. Celebrity. 
Beggar. Bandit. Farmer. Fisherman. Gardener. Courtesan. Matchmaker. Fortune Teller. Chef. Painter. Dancer. Artist. Actor. Musician. Flute, Piano, Violin. Chinese Stringed Instruments. Craftsman. Artisan. Poet. Smith. Shaolin Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Martial Arts Grandmaster. Doctor. Nurse. Scientist. Cartographer. Astronomer. Librarian. Apothecary. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Swordsman. Archer. Calvary. Officer. Warlord. Merchant. City Guard. City Watch. Trader. Vendor. Business person. Mercenary. Armed Escort. Shinobi/Kunoichi assassin. Genin. Chunin. Jonin. Samurai. Ronin. Shogun. Professor. Scholar. Sage. Philosopher. Government Official. Aristocrat. Noble. Lady. Hired Guard. Bodyguard. Royal Guard (Human Empress) Lady in Waiting. Judge. Royal Advisor. 
Economic Class: Aristocratic 
Base of Operations: Firebird Fire Fist and Lightning Bird Lightning Fist Style Martial Arts School and Shaolin Monastery
Place of Residence: Manor of her Noble Chen Family 
Transportation: Horse drawn carriage. Car. Plane.
Mounts: Qinlin, Dragon, Griffin
Lightning bird 
Pets: Hellhound, shadow cat, phoenix, kitsune nine tailed fox demon
Facemask and bandana, spiked arm gauntlets, t-shirt, martial arts gi uniform, vest, obi belt, fingerless gloves, kung fu pants, spiked knee gauntlets, & combat boots
Red blue Silk uniform and Qingdai guanmao or mandarin hat with phoenix feathers as an imperial officer. Accessories to denote rank such as a phoenix and qilin.
Close fitting top with elbow length sleeves that is fairly tight fitting but allow room for movement. It is a kind-of-faded saffron color similar to the breast color of the Fenghuang. Over which she wears her leather and metal armor. Then over that, layers of very thin (almost diaphanous cloth) that are very loose fitting so it is easy to slip out of or just shuck off when needed. That builds up in colors until the outer layer where the skirt section splits off into separated 'tails' of colors. That way, in terms of movement and flow, the clothing picks up the slightest breeze and floats. Creating the illusion of effortless gliding and flight while allowing the character's movement with her clothes to punctuate her body language as she herself moves. The idea being that just the act of movement portrays elegance and effortless poise. When Zhou Chen moves with purpose all the outer layers will immediately flows behind her. Also heightening the impression of a hunting bird striking at its target. The robes are made of two layers of thicker material that doesn’t have the same flow to it. The upper layer would be smaller than the lower layer to create a two-tone color effect. The robe could be belted at the waist. It is form-fitting so that it contours to the body down to the waist. The upper section would be held in place by the armor over the top. As opposed to Zhou Zhen who would have the armor underneath the robe and the skirt of the robes flared somewhat so that when Zhou Chen moves it forms something of a sem-circle around his/her calves. In terms of color maybe the robes for Zhou Chen could have the lower layer the same blue as the second and fourth tail plumage on a Fenghuang with the upper layer the blue/gray/green of the outer feathers in the wings.
Hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, high top sneakers
Weapons: Great Sword, bojutsu bo staff, nunchucks, long swords, daggers, short sword, sai, escrima sticks, broadsword, tonfa, magical composite bow, & spear
Leather and metal medium class armor 
Plated chainmail military armor with helmet with Phoenix firebird and lightning bird feathers (based on the helmet of her patron Sun Wukong the Monkey King)
Power origin: 
Fire accident as a superhero.  When saving civilians from a house fire caused by fire magic. 
Lightning accident as a superhero.  When being attacked by a supervillain with electrical lightning powers. 
Lightning bird 
Electrical Fire Fusion 
Fire manipulation
Lightning manipulation
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wushushaolin · 6 years
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alessandrolenzini · 6 years
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Cowboy doing wushu #wushu #kungfu #mask #shaolin #changquan #qixingbu #chinesemartialarts #chinesemartialart #tao #yinyang #divertimentoeimpegno #disciplina #precision #intention #intenzione #yi #yishen #ccaa #ccaawushu #valtrighe #mapello #ternodisola #bergamo (presso Terno d'Isola, Lombardia, Italy)
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