#chapter 4: bottom of the river
chiefdirector · 6 months
Bottom of the River Masterlist
Tim Bradford was known to be many things. Hardass, stickler for rules, vengeful, angry. Words like these had been tossed around tirelessly to describe him. If anyone met him today, they would think he was born stuck in his ways, a man destined to be encompassed by the negatives in life. 
But, contrary to popular belief, he wasn't always like he is now. He wasn't like this when he still had his wife.
Tim Bradford x Reader
Act One - Rebirth
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Chapter One - Missing
Chapter Two - Searching
Chapter Three - Preparing
Chapter Four - Discovering
Chapter Five - Shooting
Chapter Six - Questioning
Chapter Seven - Waiting
Chapter Eight - Hurting
Chapter Nine - Bargaining
Chapter Ten - Returning
Chapter Eleven - Remembering
Chapter Twelve - Breaking and Entering
Chapter Thirteen - Risking
Chapter Fourteen - Storing
Chapter Fifteen - Realising
Act Two - Revolutions
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Chapter Sixteen - Adjusting
Chapter Seventeen - Talking
Chapter Eighteen - Noticing
Chapter Nineteen - Conversing
Chapter Twenty - Hostage Taking
Chapter Twenty One - Photographing
Chapter Twenty Two - Looking
Chapter Twenty Three - Briefing
Chapter Twenty Four - Conspiring
Chapter Twenty Five - Beginning
Chapter Twenty Six - Listening
Chapter Twenty Seven - Playing
Chapter Twenty Eight - Mirroring
Chapter Twenty Nine - Planning
Act Three - Reaping
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st-eve-barnes · 10 months
You know that I'm no good (chapter 4)
(Modern Aegon x fem Reader, Modern Sihtric x fem Reader)
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Summary: You want Sihtric. Aegon wants Skade. There's only one small problem: Sihtric and Skade are dating each other.
This chapter: Aegon takes you out on another date and Helaena's concerns grow. Lots of fluff in this one ;)
Warning for the entire series: 18+ for explicit language and smut. Angst/comfort/fluff. Fake dating and so much mutual pining. Mentions of depression/drinking/self harm.
This is an Aegon x Reader fic with a bit of Sihtric x Reader on the side. I've wanted to write a modern AU that combines The Last Kingdom and House of the dragon for a while now so here it is!
Word count: +2400
All my fics are also on AO3
You didn’t see Aegon, or Sihtric, for another week and your initial excitement had soon died down when you realized a potential invite to do something together wasn’t an actual invite to do something together. Sihtric had probably already forgotten he ever mentioned it, and he most likely just said that to be polite to you, not because he really wanted to do it.
So you let yourself get absorbed by work that week, only texting Helaena every now and then. When Friday night came along and you hadn’t heard from Aegon you were getting ready to install yourself on the couch with some pizza and catch up on some Netflix shows you’d been missing out on.
The knock on the door made you want to smack whoever was on the other end and for a moment you contemplated just ignoring it. But then they knocked again.
“I know you’re home, buttercup, I can see the lights on,” Aegon’s voice reached through the door, making you sigh.
You stumbled to your front door and opened it.”What are you doing here?”
“I was in the neighborhood.”
“People usually call before they drop by.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t planning on it but Aemond just texted me there’s a movie festival over by the river, it’s like right there in front of your apartment.”
His eyes took you in from top to bottom, checking out your pink Hello Kitty top and sweat pants and then meeting your eyes with a little grin. “And it definitely looks like you didn’t have any plans tonight,” he concluded. 
“Doing nothing and watching Netflix is my plan,” you answered while giving him an angry glare.
“Come on, please,” he begged,”It’s like the perfect couples activity, I bet Sihtric and Skade will be there.”
You sighed dramatically but also opened the door to let him step inside your apartment.
“Remember when I said I’d regret dating you? This is the moment.”
Aegon just smiled and plopped himself down onto your couch, browsing through the Netflix menu while you moved to your bedroom to start changing.
Your dread about going out disappeared as soon as you arrived by the outdoor cinema, its cozy lights and comfortable seating by the water looked so inviting. You hated to admit it but this looked a lot better than your stuffy couch and Netflix.
Aegon got you both some drinks and popcorn while you looked for a suitable spot. You settled for one of the blankets right by the water and you quickly scanned the area for any sighting of Sihtric or Skade but to no avail.
Aegon found you just in time for the commercials to start.
“I never asked you what movie they’re playing,” you suddenly realized.
“Oh, Notting Hill,” he mentioned casually and you hit him on the arm with the biggest grin on your face.
”If you had just said that right away I wouldn’t have objected!”
Aegon smiled at your enthusiasm,”That one of your favorites, is it?”
“Of course! God, I love that movie, you have no idea,” you squeezed his arm,”Thank you so much for taking me.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he smiled and shook his head, unable to look away from you for a moment.
You both watched the commercials and then the movie started. You sighed annoyed at several couple arriving late and blocking your view but your irritation faded quickly when you recognized Skade’s long blonde curls and saw that Sihtric was right behind her. They found a seat not far from where you both were sitting.
“Told you,” Aegon grinned.
“Alright, you were right, now shut up and let me watch the movie.”
He laughed at your obvious irritation and took advantage of how focussed you were on the screen to let his eyes roam all over you again. Skade was right there yet he could’t tear his eyes away from you, what was up with that? He took another long sip from his drink and tried to shake it off.
You’d been so engulfed by the movie you hadn’t realized Aegon hadn’t touched you at all yet tonight until your eyes caught sight of Sihtric and Skade halfway in the film. They were cuddling up together and making out and behaving as an actual couple should behave and suddenly your good mood just dropped.
You forced yourself to look away from them and just watch the screen again but you were unable to hide the disappointment on your face. Aegon noticed the shift in your mood.
“You okay?” he asked,”Do you need me to get you another drink? Some ice?”
“No, I’m good,” you answered, not taking your eyes off the screen to look at him. You both continued watching the movie in silence for a while until Aegon noticed you were shivering.
“You cold?” he asked softly.
“A little bit,” you confessed,”I should have brought a sweater or something, it’s my fault.”
Aegon took off his jacket without giving it any second thought and gently placed it over your shoulders.”Put it on.”
You looked away from the screen to give him a grateful smile and did as he suggested.”Thanks, what about you though?”
“Targaryen blood, the cold doesn’t bother me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh,”Okay, Elsa.”
This made Aegon laugh as well and he bumped his shoulder against yours, moving to sit a little closer to you.
“You gonna eat all that popcorn?” you asked, pointing towards his cup that was still half full while yours was empty.
“Oh, you’re going to take that from me as well now?” he teased,”You’re such a needy girlfriend, jesus.”
But he didn’t hesitate to put his cup in the middle so you could reach in.
“Sorry,” you grinned up at him and you both stared at each other for a moment.
You broke eye contact first and turned to watch the screen again. Aegon grabbed a handful of popcorn and then offered some to you. He kept doing that throughout the rest of the movie, letting you eat out of his hand, smiling quietly every time your fingers brushed his.
Without even realizing it you’d been leaning closer and closer to him until your head was resting on his shoulder.
Aegon’s arm moved around you, his hand softly caressing your hair while you watched the movie and he fed you popcorn.
It happened so naturally, you were both just playing of course, just doing what couples were supposed to do. A quick brush of his lips against your forehead, your hand grabbing at his shirt to hug him a little closer, just to keep him warm (or so you told yourself). 
Him reciprocating, pulling you even closer to him. His hand moving from your hair down to your neck to turn your face towards his, and then his lips were on yours, kissing you so softly and so slowly you felt like your entire body was suddenly on fire. 
His tongue teased your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you opened up for him so easily and eagerly.
The ending of the movie was lost on you both, nothing else existed apart from his lips on yours and his hands grabbing at your waist, holding you so close and so tight as if he was afraid you would pull away from him the second he let you go.
But you didn’t pull away at all, you got so lost in his kisses the rest of the world around you both disappeared, even your favorite romcom didn’t matter anymore.
The movie was long over by the time you both came up for air. Aegon breathing hard and fast, you unable to stop from smiling and biting your lip. He cupped your cheek again, gently while pressing his forehead against yours, giving you a tiny smile before he leaned in and kissed you again. Softer this time, drinking in every little sigh and whimper from your lips before his tongue slipped into your mouth to deepen the kiss, devouring you with a hunger that left you breathless.
“Aegon,” you moaned softly and he hesitantly pulled back.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered,”God, sorry, I got carried away a little…sorry.”
“No, I…I didn’t mind,” you reassured him and when your eyes met his you both smiled.
“I should have asked if you were okay with that first,” he whispered.
“I’m okay with it,” you answered quickly, making his smile even brighter and he broke eye contact, biting his lip.
His hands were still on you, caressing your neck and your hip. Your hands were firmly tangled into his shirt. Neither of you making any attempts to let go of the other.
Your head felt dizzy, your lips still burning from his kisses and your heart was pounding in your chest. You couldn’t bear to look at him right now knowing it would only make you want to kiss him again. And at the same time you couldn’t not look at him.
Aegon’s eyes were soft but his pupils were dilated, he seemed to have trouble focussing on your eyes, his gaze dropping down to your lips every few seconds. He softly pressed his forehead against your temple, nuzzling your cheek. His breath was hot against your skin as his lips inched closer and closer to yours again, obviously still craving more.
You had never wanted anyone so bad and in that moment the realization hit you like a freight train…this had nothing to do with being touch starved anymore, and it no longer had anything to do with making Sihtric notice you either. 
You were falling for Aegon, hard and fast.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
You pushed him back and shook your head,”You should take me home now.”
It was Wednesday and you were having your weekly lunch with Helaena by the town’s square. It had been almost a week since the movie date, you hadn’t seen or heard Aegon since. He’d behaved like a true gentleman that night and walked you home without laying another hand on you. 
You hated it. 
Because it made everything very clear, he was still just following the plan, his affection for you disappearing as soon as your audience disappeared. And you felt like a fool for thinking anything else. 
Skade was the girl he wanted, you knew that and you also knew that wasn’t going to change. You weren’t Aegon’s type, just like he wasn’t yours. Sihtric was the one you wanted. Even if you had to remind yourself of that fact right now. You tried to visualize Sihtric’s beautiful eyes and smile but all that filled your head was Aegon’s sweet moans as he kissed you and the way his tongue felt against yours.
“Y/N!” Helaena hit you in the face with one of her fries, eyeing you suspiciously from behind her plate,”What’s with you today? You’re a million miles away.”
“It’s nothing, I’m fine, it’s just pms,” you lied through your teeth. 
You hated lying to Helaena but you also didn’t want her to lecture you right now and you knew she would if you were going to admit you were developing feelings for her idiot brother.
“You sure?” she insisted.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just not hungry.”
“Then you’re not fine, babe.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“How’s fake dating my brother going?” she then asked.
“It’s fine.”
Helaena just kept staring at you,”You use the word fine one more time and I’m hitting you with my burger.”
“It’s fi…it’s going alright, that better?”
“No, it’s not because you’re lying to me.”
Your eyes met hers, suddenly afraid of what she was going to say next.
“You don’t need to worry, it’s nothing,” you tried to reassure her but Helaena knew you better than that.
“You can tell me, you know, I’m your best friend. Even if it’s about Aegon, you can tell me.”
Hearing her say his name was enough to make you feel emotional, it was just a few seconds but it was enough for Helaena to catch on and she sighed deeply.
“Oh no, babe, I warned you about this.”
“I know, okay,” you sighed.
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him,” she begged.
“Of course I didn’t sleep with him, Hel!”
“Please tell me you don’t want to sleep with him.”
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
Helaena covered her face with both hands, shaking her head with a desperate sigh.
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say.
“You don’t have to apologize to me,” she then said and she reached for your hand across the table,”Look at me for a second and give me your hand.”
You did as she asked.
“You’re my best friend,” she continued,”and I need you to hear me, okay, really hear me.”
You nodded your head, mentally preparing for what would follow.
But she just squeezed your hand and met your eyes with a serious look,”When I say you shouldn’t get involved with Aegon I mean it, babe. I know he’s nice and I know he’s probably being really sweet with you right now because that’s what he does, he’ll make you fall for him and he’ll make you believe you’re the one that’s going to change him, or fix him. But trust me when I say my brother is unfixable.”
“Nobody is unfixable,” you disagreed.
“Aegon is,” she answered and there was a sad tone to her voice now that somehow scared you more than her words,”He’s…there’s so much you don’t know, Y/N.”
And now her words were scaring you as well.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
You could see the hesitation on her face and after a while she shook her head.”It’s not my story to tell,” she eventually opted and gave your hand another squeeze,”Just please trust me on this. Have your fun with him, fuck him if you must but do not fall in love with him because it will not end well. You’re my best friend and I don’t want that for you.”
“Okay,” you nodded,”I will try, that’s all I can promise, okay?”
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe her, you wholeheartedly did, but you couldn’t make a promise you didn’t trust yourself to be able to keep.
Helaena nodded but you could see the doubt in her eyes, she let go of your hand and leaned back,”So how are things with the Viking then?”
You smiled,”I wouldn’t know, he hasn’t spoken a word to me since that one time at Jace’s party.”
“You should probably get on that then,” her look was so uncharacteristically serious you couldn’t help but throw one of your fries into her face. At first she didn’t react but then she burst out in laughter anyway, hitting you with her napkin.
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itsagrimm · 1 year
He who Comes from under the Water
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Chapter 4 - Deep Waters
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN mentions of sex, mentions of sexual assault and rape, trauma and fear of water, sexism and patriarchy, reader get’s insulted and attacked, nearly drowning and panic, talk of murder, planning murder, nudity (both sexualised and unsexual)
Notes for better understanding at the bottom!
Also I wrote this sick and being kept alive by aspirins so sorry if 'this not peak.
Beta-read by @queenquazar. Check out her beautiful writing!
The tea in front of you was too hot to drink yet. Its smell pleasant and its dark colour flowed around as you stirred the steamy liquid, lost in your thoughts.
You missed your family and friends coming over for tea. You remember talking while trying the freshly made berry jam in summer and sharing laughs, advice, and a shoulder to cry on. Your giggly girlfriends talking about gossip they had heard, lips they had kissed, tears that had to be shed. Or your mother, calmly but steady, laying out her thoughts and judgement in front of you and your brother, dissecting those who dared harm her or her loved ones down to the bone.
None of that anymore.
Just one cup of the dark brew.
No one else at your table to talk about König. You assumed your mother would approve of you marrying a king just out of pragmatism, but object massively to you marrying a king of under the waters, a man of powers no human could understand. 
No, absolutely not, my daughter. What do you expect to do when I want to visit you, hm? Turn myself into a frog to swim to you, hm? Or will he live with us and command the buckets to water the fields on their own? Don’t be ridiculous. That is dangerous magic and I’ll not have you harmed. Also, he needs a haircut. No, I don’t care what your grandfather has said. I will fight this König off with the wood axe if needed. King or not, he is not getting my beloved daughter. No, no, no.
You smiled softly at the thought of your mother taking one look at König and his wet, algae tangled hair and being utterly unimpressed.
He is tall. Do you think he has a big dick?
The thought of your friends musing about your fiancés cock made you grin, warmed your cheeks and remember you had tea to drink.
Oh, hot!
You nearly spit out your tea as you grimaced from the burn. You should not have been distracted. Instead of thinking about your fiancés dick, you should be thinking about what you had to do until he came by. In a strange moment of unsteadiness, you had invited him over. The man you weren’t entirely sure was safe to be around.
Besides, he said he just needed a queen and would never touch you.
The memory filled you with a strange feeling you could not place – hot and excited, but also afraid and insecure.
I have other things to do, you thought to yourself and got up, leaving your cup and your confusing thoughts behind at the table.
I don’t need to worry about that, he said so himself.
Strangely, you believed him. There was so much you questioned about König- who he was and what he wanted from you. But, he was not out to harm you this way felt like certainty.
It was a lot of work to clean the house by yourself and prepare everything for the visit. You scrubbed the wooden floor, cleaned the kitchen, and set the table in preparation for later.
The only thing left to clean was you.
You looked down at your worn dress and your stained apron.
Yes, all that was left to clean was you and your clothes. Indecisive, you balanced back and forth from your toes to the ball of your feet. You could just not do that.
König maybe wouldn’t even notice.
But you had to clean your clothing at some point and needed to wash yourself with more than just the water from the well, no matter how much you feared the deep waters after nearly drowning.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before collecting your laundry in a basket and grabbing a little piece of soap.
“Master Heron!” you called, stepping out of the house, “I am going down to the river to do some washing.”
The bird, dosing in the shadow, opened his eyes.
“Let me go with you, maiden,” It spoke as it staggered up on its twiggy legs.
“It’s fine,” You heard yourself say with a security you did not feel. “I should be back soon.”
The bird tilted its head as if giving you a judging look but said nothing as you waved and walked from the house.
Normally, you would wander through the village, calling for someone to come with you. Maybe one of your friends that wanted to wash themselves as well or a tired parent in need of having to do some quick laundry for the little ones. But you could not do that anymore. All of them had agreed to shun you because of the rumour of your curse. Or maybe they laid in wait for you to die or vanish to steal your family’s house and fields. The veneer of civility had grown thin, and you did not know anymore what monstrous act would come out of the village next.
The day was warm, and it was almost pleasant to wander at the edge of resting fields and through the woods with the jays singing and playing high above your head in the trees. Instead of going to your usual spot, you decided to walk up-river to make sure you would be alone and not accidentally meet someone from the village. At a spot with shallow waters and lots of gravel and stones, you decided to dare enter the water. With a quick glance around the waters and a firm stare at the water, you undressed and stepped inside.
Fear and pleasure instantly fought inside of you.
The water was warm from the sun and the sun kissed gravel filled riverbed. But it was water, and you felt the soft but steady flow tugging around your ankles. Carefully and with clenched teeth, you tiptoed on until you were in the water to your knees and deep enough to start washing your clothes. Putting down the basket onto one of the bigger stones rising from the water you paused. Your breath was laboured as if fighting again for air. Heaving and gasping you stood there, until your mind slowed down enough for you to grab your little soap and start scrubbing the first piece of fabric.
Banning all other thoughts from your mind you worked through your pile of laundry and distributed your clothes onto warm stone for drying until you were done.
Now all you had left to do was wash yourself in deeper water.
You opened your plaits and raked through them a few times with your fingers as much as you could, massaging your scalp to calm yourself just like your mother and friends had done for you like you had done for them.
With your little soap in your hand, you stepped further into the water. At half your thigh you stopped, the water getting dark and deep before you.
Just like the pond.
“What a whore! Presenting your ass to the world and running around naked. Do you want to be taken that much? Is that how you got this König?”
You jumped around.
At the edge of the riverbed stood Ivar, arrogant and with a furious look in his eyes.
“You lied,” he accused, and you twitched from fear under the hatefulness of his words. “You lied, did you not? Who is this König?”
“Did you follow me, Ivar?” A different kind of fear rose in your throat.
“Answer me, whore!” he shouted, pointing an accusing finger towards you. ” Did you present yourself to this man like you do to me now?”
You glanced at the water in front of you. There was no escape except for the dark swirling river.
“I did not and have never presented myself ever to anyone, Ivar. And even if, what would that be to you?” You answered with more calm than you felt, “You are the one creeping around and staring at me washing myself. It’s in your mind not mine.”
You turned around, facing Ivar, “What is wrong with you, Ivar? Have you nothing better to do? Can you not see that I have nothing, am nothing and will never be anything to you? Leave me!”
It was as if those words, despite your fear and nakedness, resonated from somewhere deep inside of you, not out of fear or pride, but from the continuous exhaustion of having to fight.
He stared at you, speechless and with a surprised face before anger and hatred twisted and scrunched his features again.
“Whore!” Ivar screamed. “How dare you? I will teach you how to talk to me!”
Not caring about the water and his shoes, he stepped into the river, reaching forward and for you. Whimpering and stumbling, your foot slipped on one of the smooth river stones underneath the watery surface, making you fall.
Your head hit the river and you screamed, swallowing water, not air.
In a panic you scrambled to get up again, your foot slipped again, and lost purchase on the stone littered river floor.
A hand snatched you, your hands swinging and scratching, trying to land kicks in Ivar’s direction – the fear of Ivar bigger than the fear of water.
Instead of letting you go, the hand yanked you from under the water and you coughed, gasping for air. Water ran over your face, blinding you, blood rushing through your ears, making you lash out again at Ivar.
Instead of a hit, Ivar gripped your hands and pressed you closer and held you steady.
The water dripped off your face, clearing your vision slightly.
“Shhh, shhhh, shhhh, it’s me. It’s me, beautiful. It’s okay. You are safe,” König mumbled above you. König held you in his arms, hushing you and keeping you lifted out of the waters. Safe. 
Your gasping for air turned into sobs, shaking your body as you clung to him.
“Where do you come from?” You heard Ivar shout from somewhere.
“Leave!” König growled, “Leave or die, Ivar.”
Ivar screamed something but you weren’t listening. Your sobs too loud for you to catch the man’s words as you cried.You had done nothing wrong and kept to yourself. Only once had you dared leaving your house on your own and it brought you nothing but misery. Frustration and exhaustion rolled down your checks.
After a while, your shaking and your sobs grew less violent, and a tired calm settled into your bones. König still held you, not moving or saying anything, just keeping you close and swaying around slightly like a boat on a lake.
“Is he…”
“He is gone,” König hummed. “Fear nothing, my bride.”
Shifting around you remembered that you were naked in his arms.
“König, can you let me go please?” you croaked.
He nodded and started to move you down, but as the water splashed against your legs, you shrieked and jolted back up, away from the dark water.
“Sorry, could you let me down on land?” you asked while fighting to calm your breath once again.
He waded out of the river and put you down onto the stony beach before turning around, checking your left out laundry from the stones.
“They are still wet, dear.” He called over, “Are you okay with waiting a bit more for them to dry? I can keep you company and get them for you once they are done.”
You nodded and sat down, covering your naked form as much as you could with your arms and angled legs.
König returned and sat down next to you, leaving a bit of space between you, and stared at the water in silence. Exhaustion crept up your body, a lull of calm from the rush of adrenaline.
“Thank you.”
König only nodded at your words. He looked human, naked, as if he was here to bathe in the river. His skin tanned and touched by the sun, his hair open and wavy from the water.
It felt normal sitting next to him as if it meant nothing that neither of you was clothed, just two people enjoying the summer days without expectation or judgement.
Your eyes fell onto bloody scratches on his arms.
“Did I do that?” you asked, feeling guilty pointing at his arms.
“You were in a panic. It is nothing. It will heal.” König waved it off as if it meant nothing. “Are you feeling better?”
You considered the question, how much it asked and how you felt alone, broken, and abandoned by everyone you had known. You were trapped hanging onto a house reminding you of all you had lost, trapped with the villagers wanting you gone or dead, trapped in a promise of marriage you never really agreed on. And now you have discovered more things to fear than ever before.
The loneliness.
The water.
König lifted his arm at your continued silence, and you moved closer to lean against him. It was simple. König was part of the trap around you. He was strange and there were many things you did not understand about him.
But he was warm and there for you.
His body solid against your shattered frame and you felt no shame leaning against him and enjoying his comforting arm around you.
“How did you know I needed help?” you asked.
“The water.” König said, “I rule all that flows. I knew you were here and wanted to give you some space. But as soon as Ivar stepped into the water, I knew something was wrong.”
You hummed in acknowledgment.
“Dear,” König paused carefully, “with your blessing I will kill Ivar. He has tried to harm you too often. He will not cease unless he is stopped but no one will do that except us.”
You felt nothing as you heard those words, no shock or surprise or fear.
All your once blooming kindness for Ivar as a friend of your father was gone.
You did not even feel happiness at the thought of him feeling a twinge of fear or pain like he had caused you.
“They will say I have cursed him too.” You stated monotonously.
For a brief moment you thought about Ivar’s family and all the others grieving and pointing at you, calling you his murderer - death by curse. You couldn't care less anymore what the village might say about you anymore.
“Let them talk.”
Cultural content notes:
Black tea or just ‘tea’ is very popular in many eastern European, Asian and north-west German regions. It’s not super correct timeline wise but we’ll ignore that. This is just a not so subtle way of including tea culture stuff.
“Мыть кости” is Russian and means to gossip about someone. Its literal translation is to wash someone blank to their bare bones.
 Soap (the item not the character) is not a modern invention. I remember my family buying this tallow-based soap for cleaning which is from one of the simplest soap recipes I know of and likely would fit into the geographical space this story is set in. It’s essentially just the oil from the tallow and ash, making a simple but effective cleaning product which theoretically could be made at home everywhere. I would like to add that Aleppo, the city in Syria, has had a somewhat continuous production of fine soap made from olive oil since the 8th century. I found that remarkable.
@thesinsoflust @kdkj122920 @die-prophetin @lillianastuff @fatedeniedhope @queensidillasworld @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore
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The Dragon’s Spoil (Aemond Targaryen x Rivers! Reader) Part 2
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Part 1   |   Part 2   |  Part 3   |   Part 4  
Summary: The baseborn daughter with little knowledge of who your Lord father was, your life is caught in the midst of war. The Riverlands are the base for the Greens and the Blacks, dragons loom in the skies, and men die daily, especially within the walls of the cursed Harrenhal. It’s only when a certain one-eyed dragon comes for his retribution. The year is 130 AC and war endures.
A/N: It was good to see people liked the first part, so I’m continuing with this. If you’re not aware, this series will be around 4 parts, sort of following what happens at the end of the dance of Dragons. 
I also changed the ending to the final part as initially, Vhagar was going to eat the corpses instead or burn them, but it made me think that Aemond wouldn’t do that. Despite killing pretty much all of House Strong, he will still respects their bodies to give them a respectful funeral rite similar to the cremations Targaryen family members get.
I also promise the next chapter is when it gets most spicy.
Tags: slight mention of threat, some gore at the end.
Wordcount: 1,817
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The Dragon’s Ruin
It feels like an eternity when you next see the Prince.
Criston Cole has you dragged away into the kitchen of the castle, throwing a cleaner apron that is not stained in mud. “I’m sure one of the ladies has a spare gown for you to wear.”
There are no true ladies of Harrenhal, only those that were dragged to live here by the husbands if they were willing. You gritted your teeth, finding some reprieve when the Hand leaves the room, only to allow you a short moment to change.
You can’t do much apart from try and drag the mud out from the bottom of your gown, already was it stained and appropriately dirtied from days of labour around the castle. The castellan had made sure you were occupied in cleaning: especially in places that had little to no to see you.
You wipe at your brown kirtle with some water in a bucket close by, changing your previous apron with one that is just as messy as the previous one, except the stains seemed more appropriate for a cook. You tie your long black hair up in a bun, loose ringlets fall and frame around your face and fail to fall back behind your ear.
You’re appropriate when the Hand comes for you again, muttering along the lines of “the Prince wants to see you in his chambers” before you’re dragged by the arm again, through the corridors you’ve known all your life. 
It’s not hard to find him: he’s in the same apartment you had previously been cleaning, its fireplace still unlit and ash messily strewn in a manner that had looked to of been discarded. He would be displeased to have his room not the cleanliness of one in the Red Keep.
The One-eyed Prince is situated in a chair by the unlit fire, idly preoccupied in waiting for you as if he had been called to see you and not the other way around. For a moment when you both enter the room, he does not look to address either, and you see in the split second how he does not seem as calm as he usually is.
His hair is thrown forward past his shoulders, long and graceful, he is caught staring with a stare of longing and unknown thoughts. It makes you wonder just what he is thinking, whether he is proud of his doings, or if war has strengthened him into becoming the man he was meant to be.
He is playing at war. You think, staring at him. Boys as green as summer, they think they’re untouchable.
“My Prince,” Criston addresses and the split moment of being with his thoughts bring him back, his eye turning just enough to see you both in his peripheral, “the bastard you called for.”
“Thank you, Cole,” Aemond speaks calmly, though one hand is squeezing his thigh with might that you think he’ll rip the fabric. “You may leave us both.”
Cole obeys like the loyal dog he is, leaving through the doors and closing them shut, leaving you with the man who killed all in a minor House, and what he could do with a girl like yourself.
You could only imagine what Perra was feeling, how she had been lucky to escape with her life. If Aemond had found out that her uncle had been working alongside the Blacks, you were certain her head would have been sent over to him in a lavish box. 
She was the daughter of a knightly house. She escaped because her name was important, not yours. You think, and sadness spreads through your chest. If you had been born a lady of some house, you wouldn’t have to worry about the judgement, the hatred. It burnt in the back of your skull knowing they stared when you walked past, whispering the lies about you.
Witch. Sorcerer of Harrenhal. Killer of babes and men.
They had all been lies, though, if you had been a witch, you wished your stares could burn through a man’s skull. The part about killing babes was false when you had rarely seen children born in a place such as this. Harrenhal was not the place that would bring life but take it. 
You had been warned that bastards were sterile, never able to create life. It was “to curse them for their unfaithful parents.” Though you did know some bastards could reproduce, you dared think the rumour had been true just for yourself.
Though, you feel rather relieved that you wouldn’t be able to, the constant reminder is enough to make you believe so. You wished you were the witch people called you by, just so you could curse the Prince who had waltzed in and dug up everything root and stem. House Strong could never come back and if they could, the baseborn girl that came from the line could certainly not be legitimised to restrengthen its line.
Aemond is standing from his seat when you blink out of your thoughts, staring at his lips move when you realise he is asking you something. “Who was your father, my Lady?”
My Lady. It stings when you hear that come from him, and you almost laugh at the absurdity. You were everything but a lady. Witch. Sorcerer. You think he uses it to humble you, to remind you of what you were.
“I did not know who,” you answer coolly, “many whispered it had been Ser Simon or Lord Lyonel. Some even said Harwin or the Master of Whispers himself, though I would believe they would be similar in age to me the same way a sibling or cousin would be.”
“How old are you?”
“I am three-and-twenty, my Prince.” You grit your teeth when you say his title.
“And your mother?”
A sad smile appeared on your features, hoping that he did not see it appear before you look away from him. “My mother too, was a mystery I never got to know.”
Aemond hums at your word as he slowly stalks closer towards you. “It is not right for a child not to know their parent.” He speaks causally. “The Mother above can be cruel in most ways.”
“It is the sins of the parents that bring bastards into the world, my Prince, not the Mother.” You say, and when he turns his head to you sharply, you dart away to look elsewhere. 
You curse at yourself for overstepping and speaking when you shouldn’t have.
He stares you down with fascination, humming lightly in a singsong tone. “You’re familiar with the Seven, but you were never brought into the Faith?” 
“A novice life would not suit me well,” you shrugged, smiling to yourself. “I simply could never remember the prayers. Harrenhal is cold but I would rather prefer these walls than those of cold and dreary Oldtown.”
Aemond chuckles at that and it takes everything not to gawk at him when you hear it. It’s soft and subtle, but it sounds surprising and oddly nice to hear come from him. “I suppose you’re right. My mother always thought I would make a great knight, fighting in tourneys.”
“I suppose we were put here for greater purposes.” You speak, trying not to look as intimidated under his purple-eyed gaze.
He stares at you, not saying much, but his eye flicks through emotions as if flicking through a book. It’s unnerving but it draws you in ever the same as a moth to flame. You’re intimidated, but you’re intrigued to know more about him, even when you feel such conflicting feelings of wanting to see him and the entirety of the Greens burn.
You find your words come easier, and you ask the crucial question that had plagued your mind since the moment he landed in the courtyard. “If you aren’t going to kill me, my Prince, why am I here?” 
honestly to him before you find yourself lost in his gaze and you forget everything about hating him. 
 Aemond draws his hands behind his back to straighten his back and appear taller, towering over you with ease. It’s as if just staring at his features makes you feel lost in his Valyrian beauty, and you forget everything about hating him. 
“I need a handmaiden and someone who is most familiar with Harrenhal. You would fit both best, am I correct?” He speaks earnestly.
“That… would be correct.”
He is close enough that you can smell the oils on him, the smell of musk that any proud warrior would wear. It's powerful and overwhelming, but it’s almost as if the way he's standing so close to you is his ploy to make you subservient to him. “My brother will only ask that the prominent line of House Strong is destroyed, not of its baseborn. After all, he had taken… to creating some of his own.”
Oh. He was far from a faithful man, and certainly fit the role of a sloth and licentious King. “My condolences to the Queen.”
Aemond hums amusedly as he traces back to his seat, “I require a fire. I expect you know how to work one?”
“Indeed, my Prince.”
“Very well,” he spoke, his face turning just enough that you see his visible eye, burning with something that makes your heart flutter and your stomach twist, “you will have my undivided protection from all the men in this castle. I swear it on my life.”
It doesn’t make you feel any better to know that, rather you think of one thing that you wish you could ask him aloud, and what about you?
You curtsy rather clumsily, forgetting your footing but playing it off as you leave his chambers, hurrying past Cole who awaits just outside. You almost bump into him as you catch him scowling down at you.
You’re blinking away your confused thoughts, muddled in a worry of feelings and mixed emotions. You hate him, and you should hate him for everything, but his looks and charm were everything that made you feel lured to him. 
Standing back in the place you recalled not long before, the courtyard is a sore sight. Blood still cakes the ground, but the bodies are all replaced with a large pile of ash, some mixed with plates of metal and burnt articles of clothing.
Your stomach twists once again as you back away from the sight, turning back as your vision catches something perched on the walls above.
Thinking it was a raven at first, your heart drops when you recognise that no, they’re not birds, but the heads of every member of House Strong.
Your fists clench into your apron and you’re nearly quick to tears as you look away, remembering your job was to collect firewood for Aemond’s chambers.
Hurrying away, you think if there was any way Targaryens were immune to fire.
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Sun Wukong's Final Battle
Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592) chapter 99 describes the Monkey King's final battle as a fierce, stormy confrontation against demons wishing to steal the hard-won scriptures for themselves. This takes place shortly after the pilgrims and holy texts are dumped into a river by an annoyed river turtle spirit:
Master and disciples had just climbed up the riverbank when suddenly a violent gale arose; the sky darkened immediately and both thunder and lightning began as rocks and grit flew everywhere. What they felt was One gust of wind And the whole world teetered; One clap of thunder And both mountains and streams shuddered. One flash of lightning Shot flames through the clouds; One sky of fog Enveloped this Great Earth. The wind's mighty howl; The thunder's violent roar; The lightning's scarlet streaks; The fog blanking moon and stars. The wind hurtled dust and dirt at their faces; The thunder sent tigers and leopards into hiding; The lightning raised among the fowl a ruckus; The fog made the woods and trees disappear. That wind caused waves in the Heaven-Reaching River [Tongtian he, 通天河] to toss and churn; That lightning lit up the Heaven-Reaching River down to its bottom; That thunder terrified the Heaven-Reaching River's dragons and fishes; That fog covered the shores of Heaven-Reaching River with a shroud of darkness. Marvelous wind! Mountains cracked as pines and bamboos toppled. Marvelous thunder! Its power stirred insects and injured humans. Marvelous lightning! Like a gold snake it brightened both land and sky. Marvelous fog! It surged through the air to screen the Ninefold Heaven [Jiuxiao, 九霄]. So terrified were the pilgrims that Tripitaka held firmly to the scripture wraps and Sha Monk threw himself on the poles. While Eight Rules clung to the white horse, Pilgrim twirled the iron staff to give protection left and right. That wind, fog, thunder, and lightning, you see, had been a storm brought on by demons of yin energy" [yinmo, 陰魔], who wanted to snatch away the scriptures the pilgrims had acquired. The commotion lasted all night, and only by morning did the storm subside. Soaked from top to bottom and shaking all over, the elder said, "Wukong, how did this storm come about?" "Master, you don't seem to understand," said Pilgrim, panting heavily, "that when we escorted you to acquire these scriptures, we had, in fact, robbed Heaven and Earth of their creative powers. For our success meant that we could share the age of the universe; like the light of the sun and moon, we would enjoy life everlasting for we had put on an incorruptible body. Our success, however, had also incurred the envy of Heaven and Earth, the jealousy of both demons and gods [guishen, 鬼神], who wanted to snatch away the scriptures from us. They could not do so only because the scriptures were thoroughly wet and because they had been shielded by your rectified dharma body [zhenfa shen, 正法身], which could not be harmed by thunder, lightning, or fog. Moreover, old Monkey was brandishing his iron rod to exercise the nature of pure yang energy [chunyang zhi xing, 純陽之性] and give you protection. Now that it is morning, the forces of yang are evermore in ascendancy, and the demons cannot prevail." Only then did Tripitaka, Eight Rules, and Sha Monk realize what had taken place, and they all thanked Pilgrim repeatedly (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 363-365).
師徒方登岸整理,忽又一陣狂風,天色昏暗,雷閃並作,走石飛沙。但見那: 一陣風,乾坤播蕩;一聲雷,振動山川。一個熌,鑽雲飛火;一天霧,大地遮漫。風氣呼號,雷聲激烈。熌掣紅銷,霧迷星月。風鼓的沙塵撲面,雷驚的虎豹藏形。熌晃的飛禽叫噪,霧漫的樹木無蹤。那風攪得個通天河波浪翻騰,那雷振得個通天河魚龍喪膽。那熌照得個通天河徹底光明,那霧蓋得個通天河岸崖昏慘。好風,頹山烈石松篁倒。好雷,驚蟄傷人威勢豪。好熌,流天照野金蛇走。好霧,混混漫空蔽九霄。 諕得那三藏按住了經包,沙僧壓住了經擔,八戒牽住了白馬;行者卻雙手輪起鐵棒,左右護持。原來那風、霧、雷、熌,乃是些陰魔作號,欲奪所取之經。勞攘了一夜,直到天明,卻才止息。長老一身水衣,戰兢兢的道:「悟空,這是怎的起?」行者氣呼呼的道:「師父,你不知就裡。我等保護你取獲此經,乃是奪天地造化之功,可以與乾坤並久,日月同明,壽享長春,法身不朽。此所以為天地不容,鬼神所忌,欲來暗奪之耳。一則這經是水濕透了;二則是你的正法身壓住,雷不能轟,電不能照,霧不能迷;又是老孫輪著鐵棒,使純陽之性,護持住了;及至天明,陽氣又盛:所以不能奪去。」三藏、八戒、沙僧方才省悟,各謝不盡。
I really like the idea of a battle between a divine force of yang energy and demonic forces of yin. This is a common occurrence in Chinese Folk Religion—e.g. a Tangki spirit-medium channeling a god to exorcise evil spirits.
But the above description really sets my mind alight with images of the confrontation. Monkey peers through the pouring rain to see an unfathomably large demon army the likes of which the cosmos has never seen. It contains innumerable commanders, vanguards, and an ocean of spirit-soldiers armed to the teeth. This demonic force would be the joint effort of demon kings and jealous gods wanting immortality and salvation for themselves. [1] Monkey takes this assault on the scriptures as a personal insult given his great effort in helping procure them.
A demon commander might say something like, "Leave the scriptures and the priest if you value your life!" Then Wukong would scream:
Who said that? Who the FUCK said that? Who's the slimy, little, demonic shit, twinkle-toed, cocksucker up there, who just signed his own death warrant? [Surprised silence from the army] Nobody, huh? The fairy-fucking-godmother said it! Out-fucking-standing! [pounds chest three times in a row] I WILL BEAT YOU ALL UNTIL YOU FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Adapted from dialogue spoken by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket (1987).)
In all seriousness, though, his speech should be a chilling threat similar to Subodhi from chapter 2:
[Y]ou can be assured, wretched monkey, that you'll be skinned alive. I will break all your bones and banish your soul to the Place of Ninefold Darkness, from which you will not be released even after ten thousand afflictions! (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 125) ... 把你這猢猻剝皮剉骨,將神魂貶在九幽之處,教你萬劫不得翻身!
Anyway, the army commences its attack, the commanders sending forth wave after wave of spirit-soldier units wielding thunder and lightning as their weapons. In response, Monkey's body explodes with millions or even billions of hair clones to meet the oncoming storm. Each one wields the magic iron rod, which dispenses pure yang energy along with every ass kicking. The resulting battle is beyond imagination, with various units of Great Sages working to both defend the scriptures and Tripitaka but also drive back and decimate the malevolent force. Wukong succeeds in routing/destroying the entire demon army by dawn of the next morning.
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1) The Buddha states that the scriptures of the Great Vehicle are "for the cultivation of immortality; they are the gate to ultimate virtue" (Wu & Yu, vol. 1, p. 205).
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.) Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press.
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gothushi · 1 month
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pairing: rob x photographer!reader
warnings: mild decsription of injuries, hurt/comfort
note: here u go!! next chapter will be All Porn🩷
word count: 6.8k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | this is part 4! | part 5
It’s so cold, heavy, as your limbs flail uselessly.
The rushing current drags your body, feet knocking into the bottom of the river as you finally surface above water, gasping and coughing hard. Your heart is pounding in your throat, you feel like you might get sick or faint, maybe both, hands pawing out to feeling around for anything to grab onto. You twist, turn, this way and that, trying to find Rob.
His head is bobbing above water just ahead, gasping, and your eyes catch sight of.. red. He’s struggling to keep himself afloat, blood staining the back of his shirt that gets carried downstream, washing away the scents of your bodies. A distant roar is heard but that’s not the concern for now, not as Rob yells out and his eyes lock with yours.
Out of pure strength do you manage to push yourself forward and latch onto his hand that reaches out, holding on so tight you think your nails break skin. The water carries you further down the river for another moment, to a more shallow part until you can wash up onto the side of the rocky shore.
The weight of your soaked backpack weighs you down, Rob on his front gasping for air as you cough, crawling and dragging him up, letting the bag hit the ground with a thud. Absolutely exhausted, your limbs tremble, soaked to the bone and shivering.
His hand tightens on yours, he’d rather lose the hand than let go. The current washed over his legs, carrying your scents away downstream. Wheezing a panting breath, cold adrenaline runs through your veins. Another cough, rough on your throat, and then your eyes focus on Rob.
His shoulder is torn up, bleeding from lined gashes that ripped his shirt, “Rob-” His eyes are lidded, temple stained red with blood, wounds on his shoulder blade at least a foot in length.
For a moment he doesn’t respond, but as your hand shakes his, his eyes flutter open and he takes in a shuddering breath, grimacing. His other arm twists under his head, trying to reach back and touch his shoulder but you stop him. His eyes are unfocused, vision hazy as he looks up at you, “Y/N..?” His voice is hoarse, breathing quick.
You’re not even thinking right, on autopilot as you let go of his hand and start digging in your soaked pack. C’mon, where is it? It was at the bottom, it has to be- here! Shaking hands grab the white box, a first aid kit you always thought might be a bit silly but has essentials in it to help. The blood keeps flowing as you snap the lid open, finding the contents dry, gauze pads sticking to your wet hands. His hand reaches out, saying your name again, disoriented and in pain.
“Hang on-” You press the gauze pad down onto his shoulder blade, drawing a throaty groan of pain from him, your body slowly steeling your nerves in favor for pure survival panic. You press hard, needing to try and stop the bleeding, hoping it isn’t too deep. Blood keeps dripping as you add more gauze pads, almost immediately having gone through all of them, keeping them pressed down as one hand fumbles with the bandage wrap.
He says your name again, “Y/N.. Y/N look at me,,”
“You’re- you’re bleeding! What?! What is it!” You snap, panting with panic, unraveling the thin bandage wrap and letting it roll around on the rocks.
“I’m fine,” he manages, rapsy, his hand trying to grab at you, “Y/N it’s okay..” He struggles to focus his vision, his breathing heavy as he continues to watch with lidded eyes as you panic, “Just keep.. pressure on it.” The blood drips down his skin, temple bleeding down his cheek.
It’s now that you realize hot tears are wetting your cheeks, blending with the water dripping off your skin, “Okay, okay,” Your voice is wavering, barely choking out the words. He must’ve hit his head when you fell. What if he passes out? God. What are you gonna do?A hand gathers the wrap and loops it under him, doing a messy job of wrapping and wrapping around his shoulder and neck, trying to keep the gauze in place.
His eyes start to flutter, like he’s struggling to stay awake. His hand finds your knee, trying to grab on as dizziness swarms his skull. Words come out slurred, “I’m gonna pass out,” he mumbles, eyes closing again, “just.. keep pressure.”
“No- no Rob please.” This is your breaking point, panicked and scared, “Don’t, please stay awake, where do I go? Wh-” You’re panting, crying, “What direction do we go? The car?” You tie off the wrap the best you can, fishing out one of your tank tops to dab at his bleeding temple, trembling hand cradling his head.
His breathing seems to be more shallow, his grasp at your knee wavering. His lips part to speak but he falters, brows raising as he coughs. His eyes close again and his strength begins to fade, “Car is.. down. Down.. down stream.”
No no no no, “No please- Rob! No I need you to-” You whimper, shaking your head quickly, petting over him, blood smearing on his skin from your fingers.
His head weighs down on your hand as he loses consciousness.
“No! Rob no- I,” You can’t do this by yourself, please. The sun has set by now, the jungle turning dark with minimal moonlight shining through the clouds and trees. Sniffling, you press onto the wound in his temple. He’s fainted, and you’re left in the middle of the jungle, at night, no shelter in sight.
The sounds of the night echo out, the calls of wild animals and the rush of the water grow louder now without the thudding in your ears, or without the roar of the dinosaur. Sniffling, you will yourself to not break down fully. You barely feel anything, not the various wounds your body carries, the sprain in your wrist, nor the chill from being soaked from the water.
Leaving his vest and your pack is an easy choice, camera bag staying all because it was too much work to undo the strap tangled around your arm. Shifting over to kneel fully beside him, you lift his arm up, dragging his front onto your back. Sheer adrenaline powers your body to lift him on shaking legs, arms over your shoulders. His feet may drag on the ground but.. he’s up. You’re carrying him.
Hunched forward to keep the pressure even so you don’t drop him, it all weighs on you as you walk forward, following the stream of water. Your heart pounds up in your ears, eyes straining to see in the dark, hands keeping a firm grip on his forearms. His weight makes you stagger, nearly falling a few times, but you press on.
What feels like five minutes, has really been an hour and a half. You don’t know how you do it. Your legs ache and tremble with every step, carrying his deadweight along. You must black out or something, become possessed with some other force. At one point you stumble away from the stream, continuing forward when you find dirt road. Panting with tears welling in your eyes, blurring your vision, you see the outline of a jeep maybe 100 feet away.
Whimpering in pure relief, rushing towards it with a limp in your step, you let go of one of his arms to open the passenger door. Getting him into the car is much less of a struggle than the last hour has been, situating him with the seatbelt on. You shut the door and have to brace yourself against the hood, walking around the car to clamber into the drivers seat, key still in the ignition. Sticky blood covers your clothes in various spots, wounds that you barely feel starting to peek through, surface over the adrenaline.
When Rob next wakes, he’s in a bed. As his eyes blink open, he sees he’s in a… hospital room. Dark, a sliver of light coming from what must be the hallway. He’s in a white gown, IV in his arm, multiple bandages on his body. He can feel a deep ache in his muscles, smaller scrapes that are clean littering his arms and hands. His head is bandaged, thick gauze covering his shoulder blade, a cut stitched together on his forearm.
As if on cue, the door squeaks further open and a nurse walks in with a few items in her hands. She glances up and is surprised yet pleased as she speaks, “You’re awake!”
He stares at her as she walks in, “Where am I?” is the immediate question, voice hoarse.
“Casimiro Ulloa Hospital.” She answers softly, walking to his IV pole to change the bag on it.
“How long have I been out?”
“You’ve been here for six hours. It’s early in the morning now. I’m Layla, your nurse.” She takes down the empty saline bag and hangs another, administering some other medicine within it as well, the cool liquid felt in his veins.
But… how did he get here? The last thing he remembers is the dinosaur.. grabbing you.. falling..
“Six hours?” He groans softly, watching her movements. “How did I end up here?”
Layla fixes a bandage coming loose on his arm, “A gentleman named Mark brought you and your friend here, you were both in pretty bad shape.”
Mark, from the research lab? “Where’s my friend?” Blue eyes study her, flashes of memory slowly coming back.
“Your friend,” she starts, “is a very lucky lady. She was worse than you. She was asleep last a nurse checked on her.”
“That’s…” he trails off, staring as she writes down the time on the whiteboard on the wall, for his latest pain medicine dose, 8:23AM. “Worse than me? Is she okay?”
“Exhaustion, several contusions, a few other injuries like yourself but nothing fatal.” She shakes her head as she turns back to him, smiling.
Rob gives a sigh of relief, nodding a little, “So.. how badly am I hurt?”
“Well,” she steps back over, grabbing the clipboard at the end of his bed, “a few contusions and scrapes, nothing serious. Your left shoulder blade was cut up in the animal attack, and you hit your head, a minor concussion. We did some scans and everything is okay, you just need rest now.” She speaks softly and explains in simple terms. He’s just so confused as to how he got back, what happened?
“We’re giving you our best care, and the gentleman who brought you both in requested I call when either of you woke up, so I’ll be doing that. I have some other patients to check on so I’ll be back in a few hours, try to get some more sleep.” She smiles at him and then leaves, pulling the door halfway shut.
His eyes follow until she’s gone, and takes a moment to understand it all. It’s fuzzy, but he remembers you both hiking as the sun set, trying to get back to the car. He remembers the growling of the dinosaur, the way it stalked you two down. He remembers how… how tightly you held onto his hand.. before it all became blurry. Pain, coldness, the water.
He knows he should stay put, but his worry overpowers logic. Slightly disoriented from the fresh pain medication, he pushes himself on weak limbs to sit up. Socked feet find the tile floor, taking his time to get up and out of bed. The IV tube dangles as his hand grabs the pole, dragging it with him as he ventures out into the hallway. The pain is numbed due to the medication, fuzzy in his muscles that he knows he’ll be feeling later. Pulling the pole along, he shuffles along the brown tile, into the hallway. A nurse station isn’t too far, and a dark haired girl gets up and walks over to him, “You should still be in bed.”
He’s stubborn though, and he hears himself grumble, “Where’s my friend? Is she awake?”
The nurse in pink scrubs seems to hesitate, before sighing through her nose and moving back to the counter, “What’s her name?”
“Y/N.” He says simply, mildly impatient. “Y/N L/N.”
She glances at some charts before walking back over to him, “C’mon, I’ll help you.” She holds his arm gently, helping him walk down the hallway a few doors down.
Knocking lightly, she leads him into the dim room, “She must still be asleep.” The nurse informs softly, rounding the corner and.. oh.
You’re laid in the hospital bed, sleeping, leg propped with a pillow under your right knee. A thin cast is on your left wrist, bandages covering small scrapes, purpled bruises on different parts of your body. Rob’s eyes widen, taking in the sight. He’s.. relieved but still so worried, coming a bit closer, “Is she..? Is she alright?”
The nurse steps over and takes a look at your chart, reading over it quickly. “She had extensive injuries but she’s been treated and will recover. A sprained wrist, she tore a tendon in her knee, she was exhausted just like you. But she will be okay. Looks like they ran a few tests and everything came back good.”
He gives a sigh, “Nothing life threatening..” He confirms softly.
“No,” she shakes her head, setting the chart back down, “contusions, scrapes, just surface wounds same as you. We don’t know the full story obviously but.. all the nurses on this floor know you two were in the jungle. I heard some talking about how she carried you back to your car, we don’t know exactly how you both got your injuries though.” It clicks in his brain that it must’ve been from falling.
She sees how worried he seems, and crosses her arms. “I’ll make you a deal. They serve breakfast in fourty-five minutes, if you’re back in your room before then I won’t tell your nurse you got out of bed, okay?”
He glances at her, surveying her expression before nodding, trying to give a smile, “Yeah.. Thank you.” She leaves with that, leaving him alone to walk to the other side of your bed and tug a chair closer, sitting down.
He tries so hard to remember more. Remember anything that happened after you fell, but nothing comes to mind. You’re so still, motionless besides your chest rising and falling with each breath. He just stares, his hand slipping into yours as he looks over the bandages and bruises. In the quiet sense of solitude, Rob struggles with an odd feeling of guilt.
It feels like forever passes, but it’s only been ten minutes before you stir, brows furrowing before your eyes flutter and blink open. It catches his attention immediately, sitting up a little more to lean forward, thumb rubbing over your own. Your eyes look at the ceiling, seeming to orient yourself, looking towards the light that comes from the hallway before you feel warmth on your hand, turning your head.
There he is.
He swallows, adjusting in the chair, “Hey…”
“Rob.” You breathe out, wincing when you try to move. As a reflex your eyes shut and your head pushes into the pillow some.
“Easy..” He fusses softly, hand sliding over yours in a comforting manner. He wants to hug you, to take away your pain, make this all better somehow. But he can’t.
You exhale slowly, looking back at him, down at your connected hands, “You’re okay..” You mumble out, eyes flitting over his body.
He nods, managing a small smile, a chuckle escaping him to cover up the pure worry he feels, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit beat up.”
Your eyes linger on the edge of the bandage that covers his shoulder blade and you swallow, looking to the bandage on his head. You aren’t sure what to say, nor can you really think straight right now, so exhausted.
Rob can tell, can see it in your face, brows furrowed a little. He lets go of your hand to reach up, brushing some hair from your forehead, “I’m glad you’re okay..” He whispers, voice soft.
That seems to be the tipping point, because tears well up and your throat tightens, lip wobbling and voice wavering, “You too.”
You start to cry before he can comprehend it, his hand cradling your cheek and delivering a soothing warmth to the otherwise chilly flesh. “Hey..” his thumb swipes at a few salty tears, “I’m okay.. I’m more worried about you.” He murmurs, and the words carry truth in them.
Trying not to cry too hard, you lean into his hand, keeping your eyes on his face, “‘m fine.. I was- I was worried about you..”
“Shh..” The guilt and concern is palpable, “I’m okay.. You don’t need to worry about me.”
Sniffling, you hiccup on a sob, “I was-.. so scared… we fell and you- you hit your head.. I cari-carried you t’the car..” All the panic, fear, adrenaline, it’s all washed away now that we’re safe, flooding your emotions.
“You carried me?” he asks quietly, a bit surprised. Sure the nurse told him what others heard, but he wasn’t fully sure. But hearing it from you.. and on that injured knee? “Sweetheart..”
You must see the way his eyes flit to your leg for a moment, your hand curling onto his forearm, “I didn’.. didn’ feel it.” You shake your head a little, breaking down into more whimpers, “I didn’t feel anything, I was so scared.” Pure adrenaline powered you to.. to save him.
“Sh sh shh.. It’s okay. You did such a good job..” He whispers softly, in pure awe of the strength you displayed, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone.
He sits and soothes you for about five minutes, before the tears finally slow down to sniffles, and he dries your face off with some of the tissues on the small bedside table.
“‘m tired..”
“I know..” he whispers back, tucking hair behind your ear. The physical exhaustion, the emotional weight of it all, it’s taken a toll on both of you. He feels guilty, like he should’ve done better, been better, but he doesn’t feel like apologizing is right, “Y’did so good.. you got us both out of there.. I’m so proud of you.”
If you had any more tears left, they’d be flowing again. But it’s all gone for now, too tired, eyes lidded as they look at him. He smiles softly, reassuring, “Go back to sleep, they’re gonna make me go back to my room but I’ll come back, okay?”
“Okay..” There’s no room for argument, you’ll need to sleep for two days to regain the strength you used up.
The next couple hours prove to be a bit boring, stuck in his own room with nothing but the TV to keep him company. His nurse agreed to only let him visit you later on in the day, because you both need plenty of rest, and he really had no choice but to obey. However, a knock on his door catches his attention as Mark walks in, a bag in his hand.
“Thank God you two are okay.” He sighs, coming over to Rob’s bedside.
“Mark? What happened?” The nurse said he’s the one who brought you both to the hospital, so he figures he can get more answers.
“How much do you remember?” Mark pulls up a chair, taking a seat next to the hospital bed.
“Well.. I think just up until we fell.. did she tell you about that?”
“Yeah she..” Mark hesitates, “She told me everything. I’m so glad you guys are okay.” He reiterates his point, “Y/N said you two fell and she had to carry you back to the car, she said Carlos left you guys?”
“Yeah that first night he-.. he took off when we heard something in the forest.” Now we know what that something was..
“He came back and said there was an attack.. said it was a pack of big cats. He said you guys were dead.”
“He what?”
“Yeah I-.. don’t worry he’ll suffer the repercussions of that decision. I promise.” Mark assures softly, clasping his hands together, “She said it was a dinosaur. Is it really true?”
Rob hesitates, because honestly it probably hasn’t settled in for him. But he nods, “Yeah.. really.”
“God.. it’s a miracle you two got out.. she drove all the way back and came to the lab, it’s even more of a miracle she didn’t faint behind the wheel…” He glances towards the door and then back at Rob, “We have a search team out right now, we’re keeping radio contact for updates. Don’t worry, if the others are still out there, we’ll find them.”
That eases Rob’s worry somewhat, especially because he knows he can’t help. It’s difficult to wrap his head around the entire thing, but that’ll take time. “You’ll let me know the moment they find anything..?”
Mark nods, “Of course. Oh- I brought your personal items, and Marissa went and bought some clothes for you guys. They’ll discharge you tomorrow.” He lifts the bag he previously sat down on the floor and starts pulling a few things out. Rob’s cell phone, wallet, keys, the personal items they leave behind when setting out on an expedition. He sets those on the table along with a t-shirt and a pair of thin sweats and some slides.
“She didn’t have to-”
“Oh don’t. You almost died. Some cheap clothes was the least we could do.” Mark mutters, brushing off Rob’s worry.
“Well… thank you. And thank you for bringing us here. Are you gonna check on her?”
He nods in reply, “Yeah, I got her stuff too.” He stands up, reaching to put a hand on Rob’s uninjured shoulder, “I’ll call you with any updates, okay? Just get some rest.”
“Yeah..” He manages a smile in response, nodding, “thank you Mark.”
The day is spent resting, and he sneaks off to see you for a bit longer, even though you’re asleep, before he gets caught by his nurse and scolded. The next morning however, he’s just finished getting dressed after a nurse gave him his discharge papers and was told a cab was waiting down at the lobby for him. Must be courtesy of Mark. Peeking into your room proves no luck because it’s already empty, and he finds you down in the lobby stood with some crutches.
“Hey..” The air between you two is tense, but not in a bad way. Now that you’re not in immediate danger there’s… other things left to confront. Like the obvious feelings for each other, the kiss.. but now doesn’t seem like the correct time.
Your eyes meet his, dressed in similar clothes to him, managing a small smile, “Hi..”
“Y’ready to get outta here? Do you have somewhere to go?” Rob’s hand finds your back, being mindful to not outstretch his injured arm too much.
Nodding, you respond softly, watching the people and workers go by, “Yeah.. the company rents a hotel for me.. you?”
“I rent, yeah, near the edge of the city.” That means it’s a bit farther than you, and in the opposite direction. So much for your small hope of sharing a taxi. You notice a white car pull up and gesture slightly.
“I think that’s me..” You glance up at him, color in your cheeks due to the warmth felt from the doors opening and closing as people come and go. “I’ll um..” Call him? See him later? You’re about to part ways and you don’t really know when or where you’ll see each other again. You don’t even-
“I’ll call you.” He smiles softly, rubbing your back. He can tell you seem relieved with his answer, a sheepish smile spreading on your face.
“Okay.. yeah, sounds good.” Adjusting on your crutches, you hesitate before reaching out and tugging him down to kiss his cheek, “Bye Rob.” And then he watches as you step outside and get into the cab.
Processing everything is.. hard. You spend a lot of time just laying in bed in your hotel room, hours having spent bathing to try and wash away the anxiety and fear you feel. Well into the night it hits a little, and you sob for quite a while. So worried for the others, grieving Lisa, even spending time looking through all the pictures you took, camera connected to your laptop. The television keeps you company through the night because you swear you can still hear that snarly growling.
The next night around 7:00PM, you rouse from your sleep due to your phone ringing. Blindly reaching for it, light of the TV flashing over the otherwise dark room. Almost missing the call, you find the answer button and slide the phone to your ear, groggily speaking, “Hello?”
The sound of your voice immediately makes Rob’s mind and body rush with emotions, his heart skipping a beat. A little smile grows on his face, speaking softly, “Hey.. it’s me.”
He hears some shuffling over the phone, as if you’re sitting up in bed, “Mm- hey. Sorry- I just woke up.” Clearing your throat, you rub a hand over your face.
His heartbeat increases a little with each second he hears your voice, and he can’t help but smile. You sound sleepy, which he finds absolutely adorable, “That’s fine. I was just, uh..” He tries to think of what to say, he didn’t plan this far ahead, stumbling over his words a little.
Keeping the phone to your ear, you yawn, sitting upright and massaging the muscle of your thigh, sore and aching. You feel more bashful now, in this somewhat normal setting, almost like a middle schooler with her first crush.
“So, you got some sleep?” He finds his words finally, a slight chuckle leaving his lips.
“Mmm.. yeah.” You answer, and Rob can hear some more shuffling and light footsteps as you walk around your hotel room. Seeming to hesitate, you ask, “Did you?”
“I.. didn’t. Not much anyway. My mind was too busy.” He feels himself falter a little, though he quickly recovers, “I’m just.. Thinking about a few things.”
“I get it.” You mutter. Your own mind has been a mess, between all that happened, a fucking dinosaur, worrying for the others, to how you feel about him, it’s all a scramble that won’t quiet down.
Rob wishes he could take it all away, could help ease your mind. He feels like the only thing he wants right now in this moment is to hold you, to not let go. He exhales before speaking again, a little softer, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m.. I’m okay.” You answer after a moment, “Just.. still a bit tired. The medicine they gave me makes me kinda groggy, but.. honestly it’s helping me sleep.” You aren’t sleeping very peacefully at all but.. honestly without the medication you might not be sleeping at all.
You sound exhausted, and he feels so bad. “I’m glad they’re helping you at least,” he says, “I’m, uh..” He starts to speak again before he hesitates, taking a breath, “Are you.. free tomorrow?”
Flushing a bit at his question, you lean against the kitchen counter, looking at the pattern of the granite, “Tomorrow? Um- yeah, yeah I wasn’t.. planning on doing much. Why?”
He perks up a little at the admission, a little flicker of hope in him. “Would you like to, uh..” He hesitates, tone becoming softer, “Would you like to have dinner?”
Your heart skips a beat. It feels funny hearing Rob like this, usually so stern and forward, being so.. bashful now. You swallow and nod even though he can’t see you, “I’d.. yeah I’d like that..”
“I can pick you up around seven.” He suggests softly, his heart still beating wildly in his chest.
“Okay..” You smile a little yourself, “Um.. I can text you the hotel I’m at..”
“I’d appreciate that.” He’s smiling himself, sat in his living room grinning like an idiot, “I’ll.. see you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah- see you tomorrow.” Swallowing down your nerves, “Bye.”
Tomorrow night rolls around soon enough. You make sure you’re down in the lobby of your hotel, resting on your crutches as you watch the traffic out the front window. Just a few minutes before seven you see another car pull up, and he steps out dressed in a plain white shirt and some cargos, taking a look around the courtyard. He pulls out his phone, probably to call you.
Walking out of the front doors, he spots you, lowering his phone from his ear. You’re dressed in a fitted tank top, a little flowy skirt and a thin flannel overtop with some sandals. He thinks you look absolutely darling. “Hi.” You smile a little, nervous.
His eyes scan over you, a little smile growing on his lips. It’s refreshing to see you in normal daytime clothes after the expedition, especially since you look so cute to him. He approaches closer, reaching an arm out to hold onto your upper arm gently, “You look..”
Glancing down at your outfit, you flush a bit, partially due to the humidity, grimacing up at him, “I didn’t really.. bring any fancy clothes. It was the best I could do.” A little brown purse hangs from your shoulder, dainty necklace on your collarbones and a ring on your finger, and if he stares hard enough there might be a hint of makeup on your eyes.
You look incredible to him, stunning. His eyes flit back up to yours as he shakes his head, “You look pretty.”
The compliment makes you flush deeper, smiling a little as a breeze blows by.
You end up getting helped into his car, figuring it’d be easier to just pick up some take out and take it back to his apartment rather than try to deal with a crowded restaurant. Settling on a Thai place near his apartment, he takes care of going in to order and pick up the food, fussing over not wanting you to be walking as much on your knee. He aids your walking with a hand on your back, heading into the nice apartment building he lives in which has you staring in awe. The elevator ride is quiet, but not in an uncomfortable tense way, just.. content.
You admire the inside of his apartment, walls painted olive and white, dark flooring turned to carpet for the other rooms, a balcony that lets sunshine cover the living room. A small hallway to the right gives way for the bathroom and laundry system, kitchen to the left, and a door that must be his bedroom past the hallway. You can hear the traffic below in the busy street, balcony door open to let in the breeze and warm air.
Photos and different art pieces line the walls, a larger piece above the TV, a bookshelf beside the door to his room. Very.. homey. It isn’t what you would have expected for Rob, not that you’ve imagined it or anything. Anyway, you clear your throat and stand aside, watching him at the kitchen counter taking out the food containers.
You both spend some time on his couch eating, making small talk, turning on a movie to watch afterwards. Injured leg propped up on the couch, you’re leant against him slightly, not meaning to, but your eyes are starting to slip shut, head tilting towards him. He says nothing though, arm stretched out along the back of the couch, stealing glances at you here and there.
He can see you’re tired, exhausted even, and doesn’t mind letting you wander off to dreamland for a little bit. His eyes scan over some of your injuries, the bruises and scrapes making his heart ache even though he looks the same. You can barely keep your eyes open, trying to pay attention to the movie that plays. But you’re losing the fight, so he slips his arm around you, tucking you into him
Should he get some ice for your bruises? Your knee? Should he let you lay down in his bed? He has no clue what to do, opting for letting you rest on him as he doesn’t move a single muscle, continuing to watch the movie as it plays.
Maybe ten minutes later, he sneaks another glance, using a couple fingers to pull hair from your face, when he notices you seem.. uncomfortable? Brows furrowed, tucking into him a little as you shift. Concern grows as he watches, petting over your head lightly, “Y/N..?”
Only a moment later, you jolt awake. You jerk as if something scared you, a quiet inhale sounding from you as you bring your good hand up to rub over your face, moving to sit up a little as you look up at him, “Shit- did I fall asleep? I’m sorry.”
Rob smiles softly, trying to put you at ease, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind,” he shifts, sitting up a little more, arm resting around you, “do you want some ice for your knee?”
“It’s okay, it’s just sore. As long as I don’t put weight on it, it isn’t bad.” You decline the offer, but feel a bit sheepish nonetheless. Your heart is racing, you haven’t slept well since getting back.
He can’t help but notice the way you’re breathing, slightly heavier than before. He reaches out with a hand to your forehead, “Are you okay? You don’t have a fever or anything, do you?”
The sudden question makes you huff a laugh, shaking your head, “I’m fine.” You seem to brush off the concern, shifting to sit up some more so you aren’t slouched on the comfy couch.
Rob frowns though, moving his hand away, “Are you sure? You look exhausted..” He feels a small pang of worry in his chest. He wants so badly to help, to do something for you but he doesn’t know what.
“Well don’t you know how to compliment a girl.” Joking softly to ease the tension, your eyes turn back to the TV where a scene flashes over the room. Yet again, you don’t directly address his concern.
He manages a laugh as well, trying to calm himself down. He notices how you avoid actually answering his question properly, and moves his hand from around you to reach and brush your hair back, “I’m just worried about you,” he says softly, “you look so tired.”
You bring your good hand up to rub under your eye, sighing with a laugh, “Ugh I get it.. My concealer didn’t do a very good job covering up my eye bags.” You don’t want to face the reality that you’re not fine, trying to sweep the worry under the rug.
“That’s not what I’m talking about and I think you know that,” his tone goes softer, more serious, “you haven’t been sleeping well have you?”
“I’m.. I’m alright.”
“I don’t believe you for a second.”
“‘m not a very good liar am I?” You muse softly, glancing up at him.
“No, not at all.” It’s more lighthearted now as he chuckles, brushing your hair back again. He doesn’t want to berate you for lying, his finger lightly grazing over your cheek, “Just be honest with me.. please.”
Your face flushes a bit at his touch, swallowing. You don’t want to admit it, but you’ve been caught and have to now. There’s no use in lying. “I-.. I just haven’t been sleeping well. I guess like- I can’t relax..” Sometimes all you can hear is the growling of that dinosaur, even in the comforts of your hotel room.
“You’ve been through a lot..” He soothes softly, gazing at you with empathy in his eyes, “I can’t expect you to just snap back like nothing happened.”
“I guess..” You mumble, agreeing softly. It isn’t even all over yet, not for the others anyway, as you have to wait to hear word from the search team, if anyone else will be found alive.. and it’ll take a long time to heal from this. At least for you, you aren’t even sure how Rob is handling this.
He’s frowning softly, hand twisting to cradle your cheek, “D’you wanna talk about it?”
“I-.. it’s fine. I guess I just need to get some more sleep or something..” He was there too, so you don’t want to seem dramatic about it all.
“Y/N.. it’s not fine.” He sighs softly, “You’ve been through a lot.”
“Well-.. It’s not easy to admit you’re terrified a dinosaur’s gonna pop up when you’re in a hotel room, is it? It sounds silly.” You admit, looking down at your lap, “I haven’t-.. anytime I try to sleep I hear it.. like it’s still looking for us..”
His heart aches as you confess this, nodding a little. It makes perfect sense, and he understands that. “I’m sure you can hear it, just like I do.” His hand moves from your face, curling around yours, leaning into your space a little, “You’re not overreacting.”
His own admission makes you look up at him now, a bit sheepish. You know it’s reasonable but.. “I can’t even sleep without the TV on because it’s just.. so quiet. Even then I’m tossing and turning..”
He sighs and nods his head, taking it all in. Rob’s aware of how you feel, understands the trauma completely, and hates that you feel like this and he can’t help. Or maybe he can. “What about being with me.. would that make you feel safer? Not alone?”
You falter a little, staring up at him. “I- you’ve just had almost a week in the jungle.. I doubt you want to be around anyone else right now..” You try to use that as an excuse, even though he literally invited you over for dinner.
His heart squeezes again, hearing how you try to deny him. He is tired.. but that’s not a good enough reason for him to not want to be around you. He smiles softly and gives your hand a squeeze, pulling it up to his lips so he can give your knuckles a kiss. “I want to be around you,” he whispers, “I don’t care how tired I am, I’d rather spend time with you.”
Your eyes stare at him, a bit confused but affectionate, cheeks flushing a bit as he kisses your hand. Pressing your lips together, you aren’t sure what to say to that. He smiles back, just adoring the way you look currently. He takes a breath and speaks again, “How about this.. you can spend the night here with me. You can take my bed.”
You shake your head quickly, “I couldn’t kick you outta your own bed.. no.”
“Alright, then we both share the bed.” The solution comes naturally, no fuss about it. “We don’t have to be close if you don’t want to, but.. the fact that you’d be there would help a lot.”
That catches your attention, “It’d.. it’d help you?” Yes, all he needs to do to convince you is say it’d help him as well, make him feel better, and you’ll agree.
Rob nods again, gaze soft. He seems to be able to know this would help him, that having you around in his personal space would make him feel more at ease. Glancing off to the side to consider it, lips pressed together, you nod, looking back at him, “Fine..” You agree softly, “I’ll stay.”
So, you two finish the movie, and around nine you both head into his room to get ready for bed. He changes in the bathroom, crawling into bed as he watches you remove your jewelry and flannel. It feels intimate, sharing a space together. His bedroom window is open, letting in a cool breeze and the nighttime traffic sound below.
Climbing into his bed under the covers in just your tank top and skirt, you lay on his bed, trying to get comfortable. There’s a space between you both, but his head is facing you, admiring your features. The dimmed light of a little colored lamp on his bookshelf manages to reach the bed, casting a dull color changing glow over the room. Some light comes from the window, other buildings nearby still awake. But you stare up at the ceiling, feeling.. tense. Not uncomfortable.. but just.. you’re in Rob’s bed.. with him.
He averts his gaze to the ceiling as well, unable to sleep just yet. The thought that’s going through his mind repeatedly is just that.. you’re in his bed with him. He’s feeling so many things in this moment; happiness that you stayed, but also nerves about being so close to you. He shifts slightly, trying to distract himself.
Here you’re both.. safe. Not running for your lives, hiding away in a cave.. just two people who most definitely have some sort of feelings for each other helping to try and ease the trauma you both have.
Eventually though, you succumb to the tiredness, drifting off to sleep.
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littlxpxtal · 3 months
Little Dove | Chapter 4
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Smut :p
You stepped off the train, finally stretching your legs after sitting for hours, arriving at an unknown destination. As you scanned the scenery, you stood in awe of the large mountains and their waterfalls cascading around you. 
Turning, you gleamed at Coriolanus, placing a kiss upon his lips. 
“Cmon, there’s more to see.” He lifted the bag off your shoulder, placing it on his and reached down to grab your hand.
Leading you down a gravel path, a few avoxes that were attending the trip - mandated by the capitol, carried the other bags you had brought along with you. 
At the end of the long path was a two story cabin with a river flowing behind it. 
You gasped in astonishment, squealing with glee before running up to the front door. He retrieved a key from his pocket and let you inside. The avoxes placed the rest of your bags inside by the front door, and waved good bye.
“They’re staying in a cabin about 2 clicks down.” Coriolanus assured you as he door closed behind them. 
Coryo disappeared, leaving you to explore the cabin, pleased with the space you two got to share, alone.
The first floor had a large living room, with floor to ceiling windows on the west side, perfect for viewing the sunset. It held a square conversation pit in the middle of the room, something you had only heard about the rich people of Panem having, a great place for them to boast and brag to their confidants. The fireplace was massive, and already hard firewood placed inside, ready to be lit. The kitchen had a large island, and you find the fridge fully stocked. 
Finally making your way upstairs, you find two bedrooms. One was the normal size of a guest bedroom, with fresh white linens placed. 
You moved along to the master bedroom, and found Coriolanus laying down on it, sprawled out like a starfish. He had moved all of your luggage upstairs and already started to unpack his belongings. 
“Hi dove” he murmured with eyes closed.
“Hi Coryo” you crept up to the bed, realizing you still hadn’t removed your shoes. 
Placing them at the foot of the bed you crawled ontop of him, placing small kisses on his neck.
His eyes fluttered open and he reached out to your face, brushing your hair behind your ears. You moved closer to his face and met his lips with yours. Putting your full body weight on his body he adjusted his hands down to your waist, gripping you tightly.
He greedily pulls you closer, groaning slightly into your mouth. It had been weeks since you two had been intimate due to the dispute you two had just reconciled.
You pulled back, bringing your legs up to straddle him, pushing yourself up on his chest.
“Thank you for bringing me here Coryo”
He smiled and placed his hand on your back, brinding you down to meet his face again.
“Mhm why don’t you show much how thankful you are, love?”
You smirked, leaning down into his mouth again, this time sweeping your tongue across his bottom lip before tugging on it with your teeth. He groans again and settles back into the pillow he was laying on before. You lift your body up to deepen the kiss, your tongue deep in his mouth as his hands ravish your body, breaking the kiss quickly to pull your top off. Your lips crash together again, with more fierceness. He smiles into the kiss. 
Unable to keep still, he sits up, holding you in his firmly on his lap. You begin to grind against his crotch and start to kiss down his jawline, licking and tugging at the base of his skin with your teeth, sucking just enough to get a sound out of him before moving to another untouched spot of his neck. He leans his head back, one hand on your waist, the other on the small of your back. You lick up and down his adams apple, peppering it with kisses and lovebites.
His hand travels up your back and he undoes your bra, tossing it across the room. His hands grasp your breasts, fondling them with care. Lightly squeezing your nipples, you moan in pleasure letting your head fall back. He begins to return the favor, attacking your neck with his mouth, rougher than you had expected - you gasp. He chuckles and keeps working on arousing you with his touch. You lift his shirt over his head, his hands releasing from your body, reluctantly, and immediately returning to their placement. 
You place your mouth back on his, desperately kissing him , with your fingers running through his hair. Your bare stomachs pushing up against each other with each grind you made against his crotch.
Your hand trails down his chest down to his pants unbuttoning them. Breaking the kiss, you move yourself back to pull them off . He pushes himself to the back of the bed, pressing his back against the headboard.
Pulling your shorts off, you reveal a red thong you wore in preparation for this moment.
“Fuck baby” he groaned, palming his hard dick at the sight of you. You crawl over him, sticking your ass up high enough for him to see it behind you hard as you duck down to kiss him over his tight fabric. 
You reach back up to his face, leaving a sweet kiss upon his lips before you work your way down his chest, leaving sloppy, wet kisses trailing down to the band of his boxers. Teasing him, you play with the band licking up and down his v line and using your finger to slowly pull it down. His breathing become heavier as you pull the band down to release him.
“Suck it” he demands.
You grab his hard cock with your hand and place a kiss on his leaking head. 
“Yes sir.”
You begin licking up and down his shaft, trying to make his dick as wet as possible to make reaching his base easier for you. You glance up at him and his eyes are glossed over with lust. Wanting to see his reaction, you spit on his dick.
“Good Girl” he replies unphased . You take his cock into your mouth, maintaining eye contact as you forcelf yourself to take all of him. His eyes roll back and his hands reach to hold your hair up. Bobbing up and down he lets out soft moans of praise. Using your left hand to hold yourself up, you place the right on the base of his shaft, twisting up and down against the movement of your mouth. 
“So fucking good for me” he grunts, Writhing underneath you. You begin to go at a faster pace, tears brimming from his cock hitting the back of your throat.
“Just like that baby” you keep the same pace, moving your right hand down to fondle his balls, feeling how wet they have become from your spit dripping down his dick. He moans in pleasure, bucking his hips up into your mouth. The sounds of you gagging echo around the room, making your toes curl. 
He pulls your head off of him, and leans over to kiss your wet face. “Such a good girl baby you sucked me so well. Now let me fuck you.”
He grabs your waist, flipping you onto your back. His lips trail down your abdomen to the top of your red patnies. He removes them swiftly, running a finger inbetween your folds. 
He brings himself up to meet your face placing his finger between his lips. He pops the finger back out, and whispers in your ear “Taste so good baby. So fucking wet for me already.”
You whimper in response, staring intensely into his eyes.
“Please fuck me Coryo, I need you so bad.” you plead as his hands rake up and down your sides.
“Not before I taste you a little more. be patient dove.” He moves back down, spreading your legs open as far possible. Dipping his head between your thighs, you isntinctly try to squeeze your legs together, but he places his hands firmly on them to keep them in place. 
Flicking his tongue up and down, you wriggle around at the sensation of his warm mouth. 
“Please” you beg. He chuckles into your cunt. 
“So fucking impatient” he grumbles before slurping loudly on your pussy. You squeal in response at the provocative sound. He tongue laps your clit up and down methodically as his hands rub your thighs. You feel your self tremble under his touch, letting moans fall from your mouth, much louder than usual since you didn’t have to worry about your roomates or his attendings hearing. 
He places one last kiss on you cunt before moving himself above you. Lining his cock up with your entrace, you reach for his biceps, digging in. 
“You want me to fuck you baby?” He coos. Rubbing his tip between your folds, you desperately reach up to his mouth with yours in an attempt to kiss him. He raises his head up, and shakes his head.
“Use your words”
He lines his tip back up and begins to put pressure on your entrance before locking eyes with you. 
Unable to form coherent words, you begging to whine.
“Use your fucking words baby. Tell me what you want.” He demands.
“Want you to fuck me Coryo” you finally get out. He leans down to kiss your forehead. “Good girl” he praises before pushing himself fully in. 
You moan out in pleasure at the feeling of his cock fully inside you. He takes a second to adjust himself to the feeling fo your tight pussy before beginning to thrust. One of your hands move from his bicep to grasp at his hair, tugging his face back down to yours. Once again your tongue is deep down his open mouth as he lets out soft grunts, rhythmically pounding into you. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder to get deep and you throw your head back against the pillow, crying out 
“Fuckkkk” you gasp. He digs his head into your neck, peppering you with kisses and soft praises.
“Feel so fucking good, so wet for me. So nice and tight”. After a few more thrusts he pulls you out of you, grabbing your hips against and roughly flips you over, pulling your ass against his chest.
“Such a pretty ass.” he murmurs before placing a kiss on your left ass check, and slapping the other with his right hand. He fills you up again, and you whimper at the feeling of the deepness as he fucks you from behind. He reaches over to grab a fistfull of your hair, making your back arch and uncontrollable profanities start slipping out of your mouth. Thrusting at a faster pace, you feel yourself slipping into a mindless state, letting your body go limp, the only thing holding you up is his grip on your hair. 
He grunts and grabs your chin from behind, turning your face as far as possible to look at him, He leans in, using his thumb to try and open your mouth. You comply, and he spits into your mouth. You swallow, letting out at a moan at the vulgar act. Before you can make another sound he pushes your head down into the mattress, pounded your cunt at a slower speed. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum baby” he groans, sloppily thrusting until he finally releases himself into you.
As he pulls out, he lays down next to you, pulling you against his back. Fixing your hair he lifts himself up to palace a kiss against your cheek. 
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to finish love, I got too ahead of myself. I’ll make it up to you.”
The light from the sun rising wakes you up, and you look over to see the sunshine cast on Coriolanus’s pale skin. His chest moving slowly up and down, you admire your lover in such a peaceful state. After laying awake for 10 minutes, not wanting to move from the comfort of the bed and Coryo’s arms, you finally wiggle out to use the bathroom. 
After completing your morning bathroom routine, you walk back into the room to find Coryo sitting up, back against the headboard. 
“I missed you dove” he says in his sweet, sultry morning voice. 
You move onto the bed curling up against him. 
“I missed you too hun.” you reply and place a kiss on his lips. 
“Pancakes?” He asks, raising his eyebrows. 
“Yes please!” 
You two make packages and bacon, with coffee. Coriolanus’s took his black, and you liked yours with milk and a dash of flavored syrup. Something coryo was very familiar with, and had 10 different falvors available at the cabin for you. This morning you chose lavender. 
Sitting out on the deck, tummies full, you reach out to hold Coryo’s hand.
“I really needed this” you whisper. He smiles and squeezes your hand in response.
“The plan for today is to go on a hike to check out those waterfalls, and then we takes train to this art gallery I found, with a nice dinner to accompany it. How does that sound?” He asks.
“You made a plan! Coryo thats so sweet. Sounds perfect!” He leans over and kisses you, cupping your face with his hands.
“Before we go, I have to make something up to you.”
You looked confused at him, and he quickly stands up, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, leading you up to the bedroom to finish what he didn't last night. 
After a long trek up the nearest mountain, you hear the rumble of a nearby waterfall. 
“This way, Y/N” Coryo calls out. 
You trail behind him, eyes widening at the large plunge pool he led you too. He drops his bags down and takes his shirt off before running to the edge and jumping in.
“CORYO” you call out after him. He resurfaces seconds later and lets out a triumphant shout.
“The waters fine baby, join me” he yells out.
You slowly slide your book bag off and step out of your shoes. Peering over the edge of the grass into the water, amazed at the sight of freshwater looking so clean. Before stripping down to your bathing suit Coryo swims up to the bank and splashes water against your legs.
“Stop being a chicken” he snorts.
You scrunch your nose at him before you cannon ball into the water.
Resurfacing you let out a gasp at how cold the water is.
“Coryo its fucking freezing.” he laughs and paddles over to you, wrapping his arms around you under the water.
“Let me warm you up then.” he kisses you sweetly, bringing a hand up to move the hair that was stuck to your face. You wrap your legs around his wast, pulling him closer. He holds you tight for what feels like forever before your curiosity of your surroundings gets the best of you. 
Releasing yourself from the kiss you hold onto him and scan the beautiful scenery.
“I can’t believe this is real. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
He kisses your cheek and readjusts his grip on your body before spinning you around so you don’t have to crane your neck. 
“Just for you baby. All for you” he whisper into your beck as you admire the waterfall. 
“Bet I can swim faster than you” you playfully tease.
“We’ll see about that” you push off of him, gaining a head start, front crawling to the base of the water fall. He catches up just as you reach the rocks.
You step onto a rock and look down at him “I win!” you boast. He reaches up, pulling you back down into the water before pulling himself up on the rock, laughing at the pout on your face. 
“No I win.” he grins, before plunging down into the water next to you. He grabs your body against his again before kissing all around your face 
“Don’t be sad baby” he teases. You let a smile creep on your face and kiss him back.
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gasolinerainbowpuddles · 11 months
𝑭𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑾𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵 ║ Chapter 4 - I'm Standing on the Ashes of Who I Used To Be
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| FERAL WOMAN | series masterlist | main masterlist | | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 5.3k | CHAPTER WARNINGS: none | CHAPTER SUMMARY: With your solo trip to the market taking a jarring deviation from what you’d planned, you find yourself alone with Joel in his house for a moment of reprieve. The one-on-one setting grants you the opportunity to get more insight into the man who is quickly becoming something of a fascinating and commanding companion.
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Please read with caution if you have difficulties with works concerning: SA, physical violence, torture, captivity, trauma, and similar topics as they are discussed throughout the series. All highly sensitive portions WILL BE MARKED with my sensitive material banner if you wish to skip the more challenging portions. The sensitive material banner looks like this:
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Joel and Ellie’s house was much different from Susan’s. The usual tidy and bright space she kept was a far cry from the laid back atmosphere of the one you currently found yourself in. Jackets were draped on the stair banister. Boots were jumbled along the hallway baseboard. Comic books were strewn about the floor of the living room in your periphery. An empty glass sat dangerously close to the edge of the console table next to you. Susan’s mantra “a place for everything, and everything in its place” would be more of a “this is our place, so everything’s all over the place” here. It wasn’t dirty or cluttered. Just, very lived in. While it was obvious there wasn’t a lot of coming and going from Susan’s - yours and Susan’s, you mentally amended - Joel and Ellie’s home reflected the flurry of constant movement of its inhabitants.
“You can hang Tommy’s jacket on that hook over there or jus’ keep it on, whatever’s your preference. Same for boots. Kick ‘em off somewhere to your left if you want,” he signaled as he began shucking his jacket from his shoulders and hanging it on a hook.
“I didn’t take it,” you declare abruptly.
“Take it? Huh? Take what?” Joel looked up from shoving off his boots. His furrowed brow and downturned mouth signaled pure confusion at the sharp left in the conversation.
“Tommy, he gave me this. This jacket. And I can, well. As long as, until Maria can bring me- get me a new one. But I didn’t s-steal it,” you stressed.
“Yeah, I wasn’t really thinkin’ you managed to nick his favorite jacket from him,” Joel quipped with a snort. 
“Favorite?” you mumble.
You frowned and looked down to the jacket you had been wearing almost constantly since it had been lent to you. Your face twisted in displeasure at the stain along the buttons where you had spilled your drink  a few days ago. A dark tea Susan had urged you to drink. 
You weren’t usually in a situation where you had to worry about food or drink being too hot - or even warmed, for that matter - so you weren’t thinking when you raised the cup to your lips and burnt your tongue almost immediately. The tea had dribbled out from your mouth, followed by more drops sloshing from the mug. It all joined in a splotch of brown that had already ruined Tommy’s jacket. His favorite jacket.
“He’ll recover,” Joel ragged. “Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
You brush aside the fledgling awareness that your hyperexcitability today was a showcase of your absolute lack of sensibility. Forming your own movements and thoughts felt unbearable, so you mimicked Joel’s actions and removed your jacket and boots. Joel stood with his hands firmly on his hips. The corner of his bottom lip was neatly tucked under his incisors as if in thought. Noticing you had made yourself comfortable, he cleared his throat and shifted his weight.
“I can, uh … Do you want me to sit outside? I don’t mind,” he offered.
“No. S’your house.” 
Him offering to sit outside in the cold sank into your mind like a fallen tree into a torrential river. A hard stop in your internal turmoil, shifting your refractory thoughts yet again. Although it was a considerate gesture, it only underlined the extensive accommodations you required to just fucking exist. 
You weren’t going to force him to sit outside in the cold. Not after all he had done for you today. 
“Alright. Just tryna gauge the situation. Want you to feel comfortable,” he admitted. “Know you’ve had a mornin’.”
“I’m fine,” you lie.
“Couch.” You motion vaguely to the living room where you could see the open seating. A shrug of your shoulders was intended to offset the rude demand and distort it as more of a question, but Joel didn’t seem to mind your choppy communication.
He nodded and planted himself comfortably onto the far left side of the couch. He turned his head to look over his shoulder at you when you hadn’t moved. Before you could entertain your hesitations too long, you hurled your leg out to set yourself in motion towards the couch. When you rounded the right side, you were presented with yet another dilemma: where to sit. 
If you sat all the way to the right, Joel might feel offended that you wanted so much space between you. If you sat in the middle, you’d be uncomfortable. And maybe he would be, too? As usual, you were left without an obvious place where you belonged.
“Just take the other end, darlin’,” Joel drawled. 
Your eyes snapped to him. You tried to identify any impression of offense that you clearly didn’t want to sit too close to him, but there was nothing to discover except his unfazed, neutral disposition.
You turned and plopped down into the opposite corner of the couch from Joel. You tugged the lifted edges of your sleeves down in an attempt to cover your wrists. It seemed pointless to do so when your fully visible face and neck had plenty enough evidence of imparted violence, but you couldn’t eschew the way it made you feel exposed. You wanted to hide away as many parts of yourself that you could.
Joel pivoted to face you more directly, clasping his hands together loosely between his knees as he rested his elbows on his thighs and leaned forward. “You’n Susan gettin’ on alright?”
It was an innocent enough question. Probably just an attempt to make small talk while the two of you waited for Ellie to return. But none of that stopped the onslaught of reminders about everyone’s opinions about you. Your supposed splintery, temperamental nature. Your delicate balance between calm and chaos.
A flush of irritation swept across your cheeks. You played back Tommy and Maria’s conversation from earlier today in your mind. The heat spread to your chest, mingling with your thundering heartbeat, when you remembered how Ellie had shown up at the door to speak with Susan after the unorthodox introduction you’d had with her and Joel.
“Did you send Ellie to the house the other day?” you challenge.
Joel didn’t answer right away and instead paused to absorb your brusque charge. It was all you needed to confirm he had indeed enlisted Ellie’s surveillance of you.
“I did,” he admitted.
“I’m not going to hurt Susan,” you snip. 
A constricting sensation wrapped your lungs. Everyone assumed you were ready at a moment’s notice to harm other people. A primal defense. A ticking time bomb. You weren’t that person. 
Why did everyone think you were that kind of person?
“Huh? Hurt Susan?” Joel parotted, a perplexed inflection in his voice.
“You sent Ellie. That’s why you had her, told her– That’s why you sent Ellie. Isn’t it? Because you–you think after the other day, in the snow, that I’m– Because I’m not in my right mind, and I will hurt Susan?” you protest.
You words came out a jumbled mess, but you didn’t care. You were sticking up for yourself. Or something like that. Tommy and Maria freely discussing how much of a catastrophe you were only instigated round after round of residual anger. Each recounting amassing with the others, snowballing into a pit of fury in your gut.
“WELL?” you demand.
You ignored the bile licking at your throat as you recklessly addressed Joel, a man who could slam your head in one swift strike against the stone fireplace a few feet away and kill you instantly, if he wanted to.
 “I sent Ellie, yeah, but it wasn’t Susan I was thinkin’ we needed to check up on,” he snorted in disbelief. He glanced at your hands folded in your lap and back up to you with a frown. “You’re shaking.”
“No I’m not,” you argue immediately. The tremor in your voice was clear even to your own ears.
“Alright,” he drew the word out in a mumble, not paying any mind to your awful lying.
When he stood up without warning, you flinched with such a frenetic motion that you knocked one of the back cushions out of place and over top your legs.
“Whoa, whoa now. Hold on,” Joel implored. He took a large step away from the couch and raised his palms out and up to his shoulders. You wanted to sink into a hole in the floor. He was interacting with you like he was trying to pacify a startled animal.
“Wasn’t thinkin’. Sorry ‘bout that,” he apologized earnestly. “I was gonna get you some water. You keep lickin’ and bitin’ at your lips. Gonna bleed if you keep it up.”
Trembles wracked your entire frame as you willed yourself to sit upright and return the cushion to its rightful place along the back of the couch. “S’f-fine.”
“Do I, I mean, should I announce myself? Coming back in?” he suggested.
You shrugged and cast your eyes to the ground. Apparently you were never short on finding new ways to make yourself appear more demented and disturbed.
Heavy footsteps sounded down and back up the hallway, followed by Joel’s clear call that he was behind you and coming up on your right side. As promised, he appeared on your right-hand side and passed a full glass of water to you. You whispered a thanks and emptied its entire contents in a few, rapid gulps. Joel repeated his trip to the kitchen and his words of notice as he brought you another glass of water, which you downed a touch less voraciously this time.
You finished the last sip and turned the glass in your hands. Your stomach gurgled at the rapid ingestion of liquid with no solids present to settle it.
“Hungry?” he prodded. 
You dipped your head “yes” even though it hadn’t been that long since you ate breakfast. Usually your appetite wouldn’t build so quickly, but it was yet another thing you were coming to accept as your new normal.
“C’mon,” he instructed, turning and walking back into the kitchen. You followed with slow, gradual steps. Your nerves were still on fire from all the events of the day, and Joel’s surprise departure from the couch had set ablaze an entirely new fit of anxiety.
“Dunno what you like,” he said from behind the fridge door. He straightened and sighed, seeming dissatisfied with the offerings. He closed the fridge and opened a few cabinets. He pulled down a container that had a variety of bagged nuts and some jerky.
A little noise escaped you when you saw the jerky, and you cringed when Joel noticed. 
“Somethin’ you see? Can have whatever you want.”
“I - I would – if it would be – some, some of the jerky,” you whisper, pointing feebly to the container.
Joel didn’t hesitate to grab the packet and hand it to you. Your eyes widened as you extended your arm and carefully extracted it from his grasp. Joel sent an amused smile your way, and the thin line of your mouth twitched up at the corners in response. You opened the packet and looked back up at Joel for permission. 
“Go on,” he insisted. “Knock yourself out.” Your smile fell flat at his harmless idiom.
“Oh. Somethin’ I said?” He frowned in consideration at your shift in mood.
“It’s .. not you. It’s me. It’s my problem, I mean. You didn’t. You didn’t do anything.” You worried your bottom lip between your teeth and stared at the jerky. It was ridiculous how nervous you felt to just reach out and take a piece.
You couldn’t shake the memory of the night at the cabin. The dirty, forgotten piece of jerky on the floor underneath the cabinets. Getting caught by Sam’s men. How you didn’t get the jerky or anything else to eat, but instead you just ended up–
“I appreciate you wantin’ to spare my feelings and all, but it clearly was somethin’ I did,” he contested. “If I knew what it was, I could avoid doin’ it again.”
Your eyes met his searching gaze. Your heart jumped into your throat when you saw the sincerity he held for you. Maybe he deserved to know. He had done more than enough for you today.
If telling him the truth was all you had to do, maybe you should just do that. Return the kindness. Like you were trying to do with Susan. Give something to these people showing you kindness and help. Offering way less in return for all they were doing for you. It wasn’t like he didn’t have a rough idea of your previous living situation. Your roughed up appearance and skittish demeanor did very little to obscure the extent of the challenges you’d faced.
“Well. I-I don’t know how to. How to say it, exactly,” you confess.
And you didn’t. You were still struggling with basic small talk. How were you supposed to explain your apprehension in a way that wouldn’t be awkward or too personal? And without getting completely tongue-tied?
“Then don’t think about it. Jus’ say the first thing that comes to your head,” he suggested. 
A deep pull of air. A reaping of your determination. A categorical allotment of your trust in Joel. 
You had to try.
“When you said ‘knock yourself out’, it reminded me of the-the last time I tried to sneak a piece of jerky, because .. because I was so hungry... Sam didn’t feed me. And thirsty. He was asleep. Drunk. I snuck. Wasn’t roped to the bed. I got out. Got out.”
Your voice became more uneven the further you got into recounting that night.
“And they- they had dropped on the floor– the jerky, a piece on the floor. But they were asleep. The men. I thought. Distracted because I was hungry and thirsty. And. It was- but they caught me. That’s how I ended up … that’s how I got my…,” you trailed, gesturing towards your cheek when your words failed you. 
You blinked a few times as you processed how amazing it felt to have just managed to get most of that out without tripping over every other word.
When you focused back on Joel, the unbridled rage in his face made you freeze. He looked dangerous. 
“M’sorry,” he gritted, shutting his eyes for a moment. “Not mad at you,” he assured you, picking up on your trepidation at his incensed state.
“Just … Makes my blood boil. That somebody did that to you.” 
Your eyes flitted down to Joel’s fist clenching and unclenching. Rather than feeling frightened, the tight spot in your chest loosened ever so slightly.
“Can’t imagine…how anyone could do that.. to you…” He shook his head in angry jerks. 
You were secretly pleased that you weren’t the only one who had trouble expressing difficult feelings and thoughts. Maybe Joel was someone who understood how hard it was for you to just get things out there in a way others could understand. 
His eyes snapped open. His expression was still furious, but didn’t hold the same lethal bite from before.
“Fuck ‘em,” he bit out in a humorless laugh. “Glad Tommy killed that piece of shit. Glad they all got their shit wrecked up on that mountain. Bunch of dumbasses couldn’t even keep a low profile. Bound to die sooner or later, so fuckin’ stupid. Deserved worse than they got, though. Wish they woulda suffered more.” 
You stared in wonder at Joel’s circling thoughts and felt little prickles of exhilaration blooming over your skin at the way he had responded to the circumstances you had endured. It sent a thrill up your spine so forceful you shivered slightly.
“I… Me, too,” you agreed.
“You’re gonna eat as much fuckin’ jerky as you want, you understand? And you’re takin’ that with you when Ellie gets back with your food. Keep it in your room, eat it whenever the hell you want to,” he demanded, pointing a stern finger at the packet in your hand.
“Okay,” you breathe. A wide grin rearranged your entire face into an expression of fiendish delight. You felt a surge of adrenaline over Joel’s impassioned appeal to your wellbeing and the sheer potency of his defense on your behalf.
He huffed a small laugh through his nose at your impish expression and seemed to shift away from the anger directed at the monsters in your history. 
You sat in the kitchen together as you nibbled at your jerky. Joel helped himself to a piece, and you sat in a comfortable silence until Ellie returned with the groceries for you and Susan.
“Here ya go,” she puffed with a smile as she dropped the bags onto the table. “Ooooh, jerky!” She nabbed a piece beside your hand, and you felt a rush of pride when you didn’t even flinch. Your lips knit together as you tried to contain your self-conscious but elated smile.  Joel grinned at you, noticing your reaction and making the connection to its catalyst.
Your efforts to contain your glee dissolved, and you directed your proud smile towards the table. Maintaining eye contact was too much with these kinds of strong reactions you were fielding. Sometimes you just had to look away to help level yourself.
Even the good moments like this inundated you with thoughts and feelings that needed to be processed - just like the blanket Susan was making you. It would have to wait until tonight for you to mull it over.
As if he had a front row seat to your inner workings, Joel announced he would help to carry the food over to your house. He snatched the bag of jerky from Ellie, who promptly let out a, “Hey what the fuck, man?!” You snickered quietly at her accusation that held no real hostility.
“Well well well, glad to see somebody’s feeling better,” she chirped and jutted her chin at you. You shrugged once into your shoulder but didn’t shy away from her assessment.
“Shut up, Ellie,” Joel grumbled.
“Hey, come back over some time! It’s so fucking boring with just Joel around,” she heckled, twisting her way to Joel’s side when he tried blocking her off from you.
“Pain in my ass,” Joel mumbled theatrically, but you caught the way he held back a smirk.
“Oh. Oka- Yes. Def-Yes,” you titter. The blush on your cheeks wasn’t from anger this time, instead a giddy relief that you somehow hadn’t managed to drive these people away from you. Even your fluctuations between every point on the spectrum of human emotion at a moment’s notice hadn’t been too much for them. They seemed to just take it in stride. They seemed to handle it better than you did, if you were being honest with yourself.
When Joel walked you back, refusing to let you carry a single thing, you worked up the nerve to discuss something with him that had been weighing on you.
“Hey. Did you … the other day. With the snow. And everything,” you rambled. “Did you say .. to Tommy and Maria? Say anything to them?”
“No,” he replied. You paused in surprise at his answer. You had been so certain he must have gone to tell them all about your erratic behavior.
“No?” you repeat. 
“None of their business,” he asserted. “And none of today is their business, either.”
You took a moment to digest the meaning of his words. He hadn’t told anyone about your first meeting and how bizarre it was. He wasn’t going to say anything to anyone about today. Your attention shifted to your front door only a stride away and then back to Joel.
Seeming to understand your unasked question, he added, “And Susan doesn’t need to know all your business, either.”
Your hunched shoulders relaxed, and you closed your eyes as you culled a full breath into your lungs. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. You just keep on. You’ll be okay,” he asserted in that same confident tone that had a rapid sedating effect on your nerves.
You patted his arm in gratitude with three quick taps before snapping your hand back to your side. The corner of his mouth twitched up at your friendly gesture. 
“Here, take these now.” He handed the bags of food to you before rapping his knuckles against the door. You bounced on the balls of your feet just a little when you managed to not jerk away from the noise. Joel gave you the same grin from the kitchen table when you had your last moment of pride. You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip to keep your smile from growing bigger.
“And, what Ellie said earlier, about comin’ over sometime, we’d enjoy the company,” he said. You didn’t have a chance to answer him other than a soft gasp of disbelief and delight before the door swung open.
Susan stood in the doorway and remarked on Joel’s surprise appearance, expecting to see Maria with you. Shit. The next time Maria came over, Susan was bound to talk to her about your outing and find out you had foolishly gone alone.
“Me’n Ellie caught her just as we were headin’ out. Goin’ to get our shoppin’ done, too. She did real good, Susan. Whatever you’re doin’ is helpin’, I think,” he said as he jerked his head in your direction. 
You nodded with enthusiasm at Joel’s cover for you. Bless this man and his skillful lying! you sang to yourself. “Oh, Bug! That’s wonderful!” she lilted. Her excitement was palpable.
“You know, Joel, usually Maria stops by about once a week to fetch me some things, but it might just work out that Bug could start doing the shopping when you and Ellie go out. Now with two people in the house, we’ll need to keep more food around. I’m sure however often you and Ellie go would be about the same we’d need to do our shopping, too.”
An eyebrow shot up to your hairline at Susan’s estimation. Joel, the bulky, broad man next to you? That could probably eat a Thanksgiving tier meal three times a day, every day? You doubted you and Susan’s intake combined would put a dent in Joel’s diet. If he and Ellie didn’t make multiple trips a week to the store or the canteen, you were certain they were lugging back more than just two measly fabric bags of food. 
“Sure thing, Susan,” Joel replied. You looked up at him in surprise. “That is, if you’re alright with it?”
“I, of course. Of course. That sounds good,” you agree. Maybe going with him and Ellie would be better than Maria. After all, today’s outburst at least gave them an idea of what to expect if things went south again.
“Alright, great. I’ll let y’all two get inside where it’s warm.” Joel stepped aside for you to enter and gave a quick wave before heading off.
You tucked the carrots into the fridge while Susan unpacked the second bag.
“See, Bug? I promised you that they were great to have around for some help. Isn’t Joel such a nice man?” she asked. “Yes. Yes, he is,” you answer.
It was the only thing you had said today with swift, unconditional certainty.
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The next week rolled around, and you made your way to Ellie and Joel’s for your market trip. Joel answered the door and started to lock it and head out. “Ellie’s at some school somethin’ or other today. Bitched about it all mornin’. Just you and me today if that’s alright,” he explained.
“Oh. Sure. That’s-That’s fine,” you reply.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” He paused for a moment before adding, “And I’dda had you come in while I finished up the dishes, but I wasn’t sure you’d be okay with that or not.”
“I-I think that would’ve been okay,” you lie. Joel’s lip twitched, but he was kind enough to not vocalize the fact that you both knew you weren’t telling the truth.
“I’m-I mean it. I do. Being around you. It’s fine. I like it. Being around you,” you blurt out unceremoniously. Embarrassment started to creep up your spine at your tactless social etiquette, but you pushed it down. You refused to feel shame for your lack of decorum aftering spending so many years alone or worse yet in the company of those you’d hesitate to even call human beings.
Joel didn’t say anything at first, although his quirked brow and upward tug at the corner of his mouth gave the impression that he was at least amused by you.
“I’m glad t’say it’s the same for me,” he chuckled. His lack of reaction at your awkward outburst made you feel like you should explain yourself.
“Thanks.” The conversation lulled, and you tried to steal a few furtive glances at Joel. Not satisfied with the glimpses you were managing, you settled into a loop of peeks that you knew were much too close to gawking for it to go unnoticed.
 Joel didn’t shift or seem uncomfortable under your watch. It was as if he didn’t have a care in the world. 
You’d give anything to feel like that.
“My people- My social skills aren’t too great. Sorry,” you excuse yourself in a hurry.
Joel simply shrugged, clearly not going to engage in your negative self-talk.
“Guess that’s what being kidnapped and kept prisoner for two years does to you,” you laugh hollowly.
Joel did stiffen at the casually lobbed statement you offered up as if it weren’t absolutely gut-wrenching and devastating. You blatantly stared up at him, wanting to see his reaction.
“Honey, you’re better company than just about anybody I’ve met in Jackson, so I’d encourage you to not get stuck on shit like that,” he contended firmly with an unwavering gaze set on you to match.
“S-Sure you don’t just-just put up with me? Because you, ‘cause you feel sorry for me?” The words came spilling out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“I wouldn’t put up with somebody if I didn’t want to,” he corrected. 
You felt a warmth in your chest at his admission. You wished you could also claim you wouldn’t be around somebody if you didn’t like them, but you had just spent month after month after month of your life doing just the opposite.
“I’m just, you know, just trying to learn. Learn how to be… around people?” Again, the words spilled over without thought. Joel’s low reactivity somehow made him into a sort of sounding board.
“You and me both,” Joel chuckled.
You tilted your head in question. He seemed to interact with people just fine. He didn’t seem anxious at all whenever he spoke to anyone. Sure, he didn’t say much usually, but you never got the impression that he felt nervous. 
You’d give anything to feel like that.
“But you talk to everyone just fine,” you counter.
Joel laughed some more and shook his head in disagreement. “No. I simply do what I have to in order to get by. Simple as that.”
Your body flexed in response to his offhand remark. If that’s what Joel was doing, did that mean you were going to have to do the same? More fakery?  More saying whatever people want to hear so that your life is easier? More forgoing your own wishes just so you aren’t in danger? Being a different person entirely just because it kept you safer than being yourself and listening to your own desires and wishes?
You curled and uncurled your hands at your sides in frustration. “Somethin’ I said?” Joel leaned over to get a better view of you.
You averted your face so you didn’t have to look at him. “S’nothing.”
He walked silently for a moment before it seemed he had an idea of what you had reacted to.
“Nothin’ wrong with doin’ what you have to, to survive,” he said sternly. 
You glanced back up at him. The mist over your eyes clouded your vision slightly, but you didn’t risk blinking it back and sending it spilling over.
“But you don’t have to do that sorta thing here, you understand me? Talk to who you wanna talk to. Say what you wanna say. You don’t owe anybody shit.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing the gathering wet in your eyes to recede.
“Hey.” Joel’s voice was so soft you would’ve missed it if you weren’t on such high alert already. You sniffed back your frustration and turned to look up at him when he stopped. You really didn’t need to cry in front of this man. Again.
“I’m gonna say somethin’, and you need to listen to me,” he said slowly. His hand sort of hovered near your shoulder as if he had intended to place it there but thought better of it at the last minute. “You can keep me company any time you see fit. You might feel self-conscious at the way you talk with people, but I like it.” 
You blinked and stared back at him, unsure if he was telling the truth or just trying to make you feel better. 
“I mean it. Half the time people talk around what they’re really tryin’ to say, and it drives me nuts. You? You just say it. You try to, even though I know it’s hard for you. You say what you’re thinkin’. You got the guts to say what’s on your mind. I like it. Takes the guess work outta things. Makes it easier to talk when it’s somebody like that.”
The tears you had tried so hard to keep in check were now teetering on your lashes. “I hope you like how I talk freely with ya, too.” His tone took a questioning turn, and you could only laugh at his unwarranted uncertainty.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do,” you warble. “Trying to trust people. You’re doing a- doing a pretty good job of m-making that easier for me, Joel.”
You dug your nails into the palms of your hands to keep from crying even though you were sure Joel could see the wet lumps brimming along your eyes.
“And thanks for saying that you, um, that you like b-being around me.” It came out more pitiful than you had intended, but it was out there now.
“Not a hard sell when somebody’s easy to be around,” he shrugged.
The movement of your face rearranging into a smile pushed the teetering pools onto the curves of your face in little rivulets. Joel’s thumb twitched as though he was considering brushing them off for you, but you shook your head in warning and scrubbed the heels of your palm over your face to dry them up before he could.
A small frown curved into the line of Joel’s mouth as he lowered his hands to his sides in an almost apologetic motion.
“Too much still,” you reminded him. “Nothing to-to do with you.”
He nodded in understanding and motioned for the two of you to continue walking.
You waited a few beats to collect yourself before trying to start up a conversation again. 
“You know that, uh, you’re-you’re in big trouble, right?”
Joel’s head snapped to attention, and you worried you had overplayed your joke.
“Yeah, I hafta use some of the slips for s’more jerky,” you tease. “Your fault.”
Joel cracked a wide grin when he realized you were trying to give him a hard time.
“Already polished off the bag I gave you, huh?” he taunted with equal levity.
“Actually, yeah. I-I did. Is that bad?” you ask in earnest.
Joel sniffed a laugh and replied, “Nope. Already told’ya you’re under strict orders to eat as much of it as often as you want.”
You were glad it wasn’t actually a bad thing that you were having to use some of Susan’s slips just to support your jerky habit. 
“A-Affirmative, lieutenant,” you giggle. You hoped your play on Joel’s wording of “strict orders” landed.
“Christ you’re a mess,” Joel laughed, and you gladly joined him with a timid one of your own.
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Turns out Joel's struggles with communicating feelings improve greatly when presented with somebody who's even worse at it than he is lmao.
Also, I know it's not really funny considering the context, but Joel angrily commanding somebody to eat jerky is hilarious to me.
What are y'all's thoughts on the story so far? Would love to hear from you. :)
And thank you to everyone who has been interacting and even reblogging my silly little fics. It's so kind of you, and I appreciate it!
Catch ya later, 
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Soft Spot
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CH 4
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: You have just graduated with your Bachelor’s degree and decide to stay at home with your dad to save some money before graduate school. The thing is, he is moving from California to Texas to live next to his best friend/college roommate, Joel, along with his daughter, Sarah. Growing up, you heard so much about him from your dad. It’s almost like you know Joel, but you don’t. You’ve never actually met him. This Summer will be interesting…
Warnings/Tags: Dbf! Joel, slow burn, eventual smut, kinda mean Joel, explicit language, references to death, struggles with depression, reader is younger than Joel (22/43), lowkey creepy Joel?
Note: Don’t you stress - they’ll have their first kiss next chapter🥳
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
You wake up Sunday morning to someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to remember if you had another dream about Joel, like the past couple of nights. You hadn’t. A bit disappointing but you’re also relieved. “Come in”. You sit up in your bed
“Hey.” Your dad walks in the room and sits on the foot of your bed. “We missed you last night. Where did you go?”
You take a deep breath. “Joel hates me. And I think I’m beginning to hate him back.” 
Your dad looks confused. “Why would you say that?”
“He never speaks to me, and when he does some rude shit always comes out of his mouth. He doesn’t treat me the same as you or Sarah.” 
“Honey, he didn’t like me either when we first met. But now he’s my best friend. Just give it some time, he hardly knows you.” He replies. 
“Okay.” You say. This conversation with your dad doesn’t give you any clarity, but you’re done talking about the topic. You’ve made up your mind, you’re done with being nice to Joel. 
Your dad pauses for a moment. “Want me to talk to him?” 
Your eyes widen. “Please, god, no.” 
Your dad chuckles. “Okay, then.” He then walks out of your room and shuts the door behind him. You quickly shower and get ready for your date with River. He’s supposed to pick you up at 11 am. You decided to try to dress up. You know what they say, look your best, feel your best. You’re wearing a light blue sundress that brings out your eyes with brown sandals. Hopefully you don’t look like a little girl going to church. However, the dress is maybe a little too short, because you can see your small thigh tattoo poking out from the bottom of your dress. Your hair is curled and makeup looks great. You’re ready to distract yourself and have some good conversation. 
You walk downstairs to see your dad grabbing his car keys and an energy drink from the fridge, looking like he is about to leave. 
“Where are you going?” You ask. 
“Work called, they have something wrong with their shipment.” He said, sounding annoyed. “I’m not even supposed to start until tomorrow and they’re already bothering me with this shit.”
“Well, I guess that’s what it means to be a manager.” You say back. Your dad was a carpenter back in California, he accepted a job as the manager of a flooring company when he decided he was going to move here. 
“I guess. See you later, hun.”  
“Bye, dad.” He walked out the door. You were a little surprised that he didn’t notice you were all dressed up and asked where you were going. But you’re not complaining, he would just be constantly texting you if he knew you were on a date. You take a seat on the couch and wait for Rivers ‘I’m outside’ text. 
Your phone dings about 10 minutes later, and yup, it’s River saying he’s outside. Funny how you just assumed he wouldn’t come to your door, and you were right. You say bye to Obie and lock your front door. You look in your driveway to see a red truck. It looks a bit beat up, but not super old. You wave hello to him and hop in the passenger seat. 
“You look great.” He says looking over at you. 
Just as you say “thanks”, you notice he’s just wearing a white shirt and jeans. He’s not even dressed up, even though when asking River what you should wear on the date, he said “maybe something like a dress😍”. Boys are idiots. Whatever, you try to brush it off. At least you look really cute. Not that he doesn’t look cute, but your expectations were maybe a bit too high. 
“So where are we going to brunch?” You ask him. 
He begins reversing his truck out of the driveway. “There’s this spot down the street called Huckleberry’s. They have great brunch and mimosas.” 
You chuckle at him. “I’m always down for a good mimosa.” 
He smiles in response. 
When he said down the street, he really did mean down the street. It only took like 5 minutes to get there. Which you were glad about because it saved you from most of the small talk on the drive over. You both walked in and grabbed a table. 
Brunch went pretty good, you have to admit. You only had two mimosas and Belgian waffles. He scarfed down a whole breakfast plate. You two had good conversation, got past the small talk pretty quick and got into deep stuff. You shared about your dreams, going into grad school, what growing up was like, etc. You learned that he has one sister and two brothers, he goes to a community college nearby but plans to transfer to the university to pursue criminal justice and that he wants to be a police officer just like his dad. After learning all this stuff about him, you think that you like him a bit more than before. Before he was just a face, now he’s a face with a story. During brunch, he held your hand and you let him. It was nice to be touched. You hadn’t been touched since your last boyfriend, Jackson. You never really liked Jackson all that much, either, but he kept you from being lonely. Brunch went about two hours before you both decided it was time to leave. 
River pulls into your driveway and puts his truck in park. He turns to you. 
“That was a great time, thanks for hanging out with me.” 
You blush. “I had a great time, too.” 
“Um, can I… kiss you?” He asks hesitantly. 
You think about it for a second before nodding your head ‘yes’. 
He leans in to kiss you and you kiss him back. He slips his tongue into your mouth, but you wish he hadn’t. He shoves his tongue down your throat. ‘Does he even know how to makeout?’ You think to yourself. You agreed because you thought ‘what the hell’ but you’d rather be making out with Obie at this point. 
You pull away before it can get any worse. There’s saliva all over your mouth and you put your arm up to your lips to wipe it off. 
“I guess I’ll see you later.” You say putting on a fake smile. 
“No, wait. Let me walk you up.” River says quickly. 
You let him, it’s the most gentlemanly thing he’s done all day. 
He gets out of the truck and you both walk up the short path to your front door. You turn to face him to say goodbye. 
Just as he leans in for another kiss, you think you’re saved when River stops abruptly. Until you realize why River stopped. You turn to follow where River is looking and see Joel standing a few feet from you on the sidewalk. He’s standing with his arms crossed like some suburban mom. He’s staring at you like usual, completely silent. When Joel realizes you see him, he walks up to meet you both on the porch step. 
“Who are you?” Joel asks River harshly, completely ignoring your existence. 
“Um, I-I’m River.” He reaches out his hand, “Nice to meet you, sir.”  
Joel looks down at his hand and back up to his face, clearly dismissing his attempt for a handshake. 
“Sir?” Joel asks. 
“Uh, yeah?” River turns to you. “Isn’t this your dad?” 
You let out a small huff of air in amusement. “No. No, he’s not my dad.” 
“Get the fuck out of here, kid.” Joel says motioning his hand toward River’s truck. 
River looks at you, as if he is scared, and says “I’ll, uh, s-see you later.” He practically fast walks to his truck and pulls away. 
You turn to Joel. “What the fuck?”
Joel has his arms crossed again staring at you. He says nothing while you wait for an answer. 
“Why do you keep telling me what to do? You don’t even know me!” You shout. 
He uncrosses his arms. “Because I know your dad isn’t here and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like you fucking a scrawny little boy in his house!” He raises his voice back. 
You’re taken aback by his accusation. You scoff, “Fucking? I don’t even like him! He was just saying goodbye.” 
“Don’t lie to me, I saw you two making out in his truck and then you both just coincidentally walk up to the house? Bullshit.” 
“What do you care anyways?” You ask with your arms crossed now. 
He looks at you and doesn’t answer. 
“The only fucking around here is fucking aggravating, and it’s you.” You don’t give him a chance to speak. You bolt inside and slam the door. 
You walk inside and head straight for the couch. You couldn’t even make it all the way upstairs because you were so pissed. You sit on the couch and put your knees to your chest. You’re so angry, this guy sure has the balls. Joel just likes to boss people around, you think. He’s controlling. Just because he saw you and River making out… wait. Joel saw you making out. Did your dad put him up to this? But your dad didn’t even know you were going on a date. It couldn’t be that. You begin to wonder if Joel saw River pick you up and waited until you both got back on purpose. Why was he watching you so closely? After pondering for a little while, you attempt to shut that thought out of your brain. The thought that Joel actually cares about you. Thinking that he cares about you will only make you more hurt when he’s an asshole to you like usual. 
You go about your day, watching movies in sweats and making brownies. Your dad is still nowhere to be seen. He should be home from work soon. As you finish watching ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ on cable TV, there’s a knock at your front door. You open the door to find Sarah standing on your porch. 
“Sarah? What’s up?” You ask. 
“Hi! Do you want to come over and watch a movie with me?” 
You check your phone, 7:30 PM. “It’s getting late, don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“School's out for the summer!” She says excitedly. “I officially do not have a bedtime.” 
“Oh, then sure that sounds fun. Is it okay with your dad though?” You want to make sure you don’t piss Joel off even more today. 
“Yeah he said as long as we don’t make much noise. He’s already getting ready for bed anyways since he has to be up super early for work.”
“We’ll, let’s go then.” You say smiling. 
You and Sarah walk across the street over to her house. You both walk in and sit on the couch to pick a movie. Joel’s nowhere in sight, he must be upstairs. You prefer not to see him anyways. 
“Want to watch Mean Girls?” Sarah asks, holding the remote in her hand. 
“Hell yeah! It’s a classic.” You just finished watching a movie back at your place, but you don’t care. You love watching movies. 
About a quarter through the movie, as you’re both lounging on the sofa, Sarah says your name. 
“Are you hungry?” She asks. 
“I could eat. What do you want to get?” 
“Sounds good.”
Sarah points to the kitchen counter, “You get my dads card and I’ll call the pizza place.” 
“Are you allowed to use his card?” You ask. 
“Yeah, he doesn’t care.” 
‘If you say so’ you think. You get up and walk over to the kitchen counter. You see a ring of keys and a brown wallet laying on the counter. You open the wallet to see a bunch of cards and his license. He looks just as cold in his license picture as he does in real life.
“Which card is it?” You call over to Sarah. 
“The blue one, in the front.” She responds. 
You see the blue card and carefully pull it out. As you’re pulling out the card, it reveals a small sliver of paper in the back of the wallet. You’re curious what the paper is. You look at Sarah quickly to make sure she isn’t paying attention. She is googling the phone number to the pizza place on her phone. You turn your attention back to the wallet and slowly pull out the piece of paper. Only it’s not a piece of paper. It’s a small picture. ‘It must be a picture of Sarah’ you think. You pull it out all the way and hold it in your fingers. Your heart drops. It’s a picture of you. On your college graduation day. You're smiling big, holding your diploma and wearing a black gown and cap. How did he get this picture? More importantly, why is it in his wallet? You barely have time to process what’s in front of you before you hear Sarah calling your name. You quickly put the picture back, close his wallet, and bring the card over to her. You think about that picture in his wallet the rest of the night. 
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Control, Chapters 1+2
Halsin/Tav (Named Original Male Character)
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Dayan | Seldarine drow Ranger
Rating: Explicit 18+
PWP, D/s, Sub Halsin, Bottom Halsin
CW: Rough Oral (hair pulling, deep throat, gagging), Light Bondage
Kinks: Scent kink, face-sitting, face-fucking, biting, scratching, knotting, inappropriate use of Polymorph
Read Chapters 3+4 on Tumblr
Read on Ao3
Approx. 5300 words
Dayan (Tav) needs some time to himself after the victory against Ketheric, the win a bittersweet one after learning the truth about the Absolute. His lover Halsin goes after him however, reluctant to leave the troubled drow alone. They decide to relax together and share a pipe --though due to Dayan's special blend, relaxing soon becomes the last thing on their minds. Dayan decides he wants to give a bit more than receive this time around, and Halsin obliges happily. Dayan takes time to indulge in his lover's body in way he hasn't gotten to really experience -- at least, not for a very, very long time.
Light D/s fic where Halsin gets to experience submissiveness in safety and love and Dayan gets some catharsis for the very, very difficult month he's had.
Dayan knew he was in desperate need of a break.
There was a restlessness under the ranger's skin that no amount of exertion or excitement could quell; not the fighting nor hunting nor near-death misses of Reithwin, nor victory beneath Moonrise, nor even the difficult hike to Baldur's Gate. Whatever physical exhaustion he pushed his body to, Dayan’s heart and soul remained gripped in anxiety.
It made the drow feel unsettled and ill at ease even in camp, even in this quiet moment when his beloved group of unlucky misfits could set down tents and relax without worry of goblin or githyanki or cultist attack. At least he was rather good at keeping his discomfort hidden from his companions, for a little while.
But when the stalwart little family finally made it through the trials of the shadow-cursed lands and arrived at the abandoned outpost on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, Dayan found his usual calm mask cracking a little. It was quiet their first night there and when the moon rose, he found himself standing atop the outpost's makeshift tower, staring out over the Chionthar. Watching and quietly shivering in the dark.
The twinkling lights of the city illuminated sparkling dots of gold and silver across the wide river, stretching far into the distance until they were swallowed up by black. Dayan thought of how far they'd come and how far they had yet to go...and what was awaiting them on their arrival. A chill ran down his back, brows furrowing as he stared at the huge expanse of civilization. Rows upon rows of buildings and streets and people, so crushingly close.
His fingers twitched, a jolt of sudden claustrophobia making his nerves hum uncomfortably even as he was surrounded by nothing but crisp evening air and stars overhead.
Dayan turned away quickly and got himself back down to solid ground. The view was causing bile to rise up in the back of his throat; his skin felt like it wanted to crawl off. He didn't say anything though, knowing everyone was struggling with their own thoughts. There was no need to add his own troubles.
Supper was quiet, conversation dying after a few words, giving over to the crackling of the fire. When everyone finally bid each other good night, Dayan just nodded in turn with a forced smile and slipped into his tent without a word.
Tonight he was sharing it with Halsin, the two’s dark history driving them closer than Dayan could have hoped for during the fight to free the shadow-cursed lands. The drow smiled to himself, thinking of it. Halsin on one hand, and Astarion on the other -- his past and his (hopeful) future come together. Dayan and the vampire were already in the midst of their complicated dance when Halsin came along, but he joined the steps easily. The three of them fit together like a well-worn puzzle – most of the time – much to the delight and teasing of their friends.
However, Astarion was in his own tent tonight. They learned quite quickly they couldn't all sleep together in a singular tent without elbows and knees in uncomfortable places -- or even collapsing the thing entirely, to the hilarity of everyone else the first morning they tried. Dayan had taken to bed hopping, which suited for now. Sometimes though, they all snuck away to the edge of the camp and slept together under the stars.
He was going to sorely miss that.
Dayan sat on his bedroll as the moon waned overhead, waiting in silence for a bit until he was assured his companions were asleep and Halsin was deeply in trance, then slowly rose. He slipped out of their tent quietly, gathering his weapons and his pack before heading away from camp towards the river, alone.
At first Dayan just wandered the woods, thinking of nothing much at all. Breathing the air, listening to the sounds of the wind in the trees, the crickets, the night song. The trees gathered thickly together down the barely-forged path, and he inhaled deeply, smelling pine sap and loam. The canopy overhead made the moonlight shine though the leaves in narrow beams that lit everything with an ethereal glow. Something about it reminded him of home and he felt oddly homesick, despite their recent adventures reminding him so starkly why he left the Underdark long ago.
Pine slowly gave way to birch, and he smiled as he wove between the narrow white trunks, realizing at last he'd been idly meandering his way closer and closer to the sound of rushing water. Instinct, honed sharp by his years as a ranger; or perhaps a stronger desire. He felt pulled by the lazily moving stripe of darkness that bisected the land below them.
There was a break in the treeline right at the edge of the steep incline to the river, the far off mountains visible in the distance. They were faint through the haze of moisture-laden fog, the air pleasantly chill and crisp. Dayan beelined straight for it and crested the edge of the drop, dew-wet leaves slippery under his boots.
The hillside sloped sharply downward, ground soft and uneven beneath tangles of mossy roots; but the ranger was sure footed and confident as he skipped his way down, following the scent of algae and cattail. He didn't notice the large shadow that appeared at the rise of the hill behind him, nor saw it ease itself down the hill, following his laid trail with matching dexterity, though slightly more restraint.
Dayan sighed as the calm silver water finally slanted into view, fingers already undoing the buttons of his leather breeches before his boots hit the muddy riverbank. He dropped his bow and quiver beside an ancient fallen tree that had settled deep into the embankment as a permanent fixture, its skeletal limbs jutting out over the water. His scimitars came next, points plunged into the earth so they could be snatched up in a moment's notice, just in case. He set his pack down, his jacket flung carelessly over the trunk, gloves following moments later.
Behind him, that shadow came into relief, revealing an extremely tall, broad frame that slipped in behind the fallen tree, glimmering eyes locked on the drow.
Dayan gripped the waistband of his breeches, whipping the garment down his narrow hips to the tops of his boots, then lifted to try and pry his boot off along with the pants, too eager to feel the cool breeze on his skin. He hopped awkwardly in place, then heard a throaty chuckle behind him that made him spin around, his skin prickling in sudden warning. He'd been followed?!
"Who's there! I'm not to be trifled wi--wooAHH--!!" He'd made to reach for one of his scimitars, forgetting his legs were still tangled up in pants and half-removed boots. His arms pinwheeled as he lost his balance, falling hard to the ground with a muddy splash, wind knocked out of him. "Oof!!...Oww.." Whoever had chuckled burst into full laughter now and Dayan blinked, recognizing that warm laugh anywhere. "Wh--Halsin!"
"Hahaha...I am sorry, my heart! I didn't intend to startle you." The tattooed face of his favorite druid popped over the fallen tree, hazel eyes aglow with mirth. His hands rose in surrender and Dayan noted curiously he was, apparently, shirtless. "Are you all right?"
"Tch!" He halfheartedly glared at Halsin as the wood elf chuckled cheerfully, then sighed and laughed himself, giving in. "Sneaking up on me like a thief in the night, sunstone? Astarion's been a terrible influence, I see." He took the opportunity to sit up and finish peeling off his boots and pants, leaving only his smallclothes.
Halsin grinned and walked around the tree, revealing that yes, he was indeed only clad in his leather tights, even barefoot despite the chilly ground. He bent and reached for Dayan, offering a hand up. "You underestimate the cunning of an old druid; I've more experience in skullduggery than you would believe."
Dayan grumbled but took the hand, unable to hide the smile that played over his lips. "I doubt that. I can believe a great many things about you."
He was hauled up with ease, huffing as he got his footing and surveyed the mud caked over him. Well, this wasn't the first time he'd been covered in mud in only his underwear. It hardly bothered him and he turned his attention back to the much taller elf. "What are you doing here?" His eyes flicked up to meet Halsin's, pursing his lips a little. "Were you following me?"
"I...I was," Halsin admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, shoulders raised almost sheepishly. "I awoke when you slipped from our bedroll, out into the night. I apologize for not calling out to you, but when I saw you take your weapons, I was...well..."
"Worried." Dayan finished for him and then exhaled a long breath, his brow furrowing a bit. “That explains the lack of dress – did you hurry out right from the tent?” His expression softened a little as he stepped closer and put a hand on one of those broad forearms, squeezing it affectionately.
"I'm sorry,” he continued sincerely. “I never meant to worry you. I just -- I needed to go for a walk. Be away from camp for a little bit. Be..."
Dayan trailed off and then gestured around them, hand sweeping around as if presenting the wilderness and the lake and the night. He smiled when he saw full understanding in Halsin's eyes, and a knowing smile on his lips.
Not for the first time, the ranger thanked the Moondancer that Halsin was there. He loved Astarion, truely, with his whole heart, but getting the vampire to enjoy the wilderness with him was somewhat of a challenge most days. But Halsin was someone with whom Dayan could run free when he felt savage and wild, understanding when walls became too close and confined.
The drow lifted hands idly and began to undo the bands that held his hair in a tight tail. "Thank you, though. For worrying," he said softly, his gaze flicking back to meet those wise hazel eyes. "It means you're here now, and I'm glad for it."
"Something has been troubling you, my heart," Halsin replied, his tone low and gentle. He watched Dayan struggle with the tangle of his wet hair, the leather strips of his bands knotted tight, and lightly nudged his hands away to take over. Deft fingers worked the knots out as he slipped Dayan's hair free of the leather straps wound around it and then began to comb fingers through to smooth the long silvery-white strands. "I can see the tension in your shoulders and neck even now. You've felt like a cord stretched taut and vibrating."
Dayan sighed, long and soft, though from Halsin's words or the gentle motion of his fingers through the drow's hair, was unclear. "I feel like a cord pulled tight," he replied quietly. He started to rub his upper arms with his hands as if he was cold, though he wasn't. "Uncomfortable and thrumming. I'm restless under my skin, I can't get comfortable. I've begun jumping at shadows, been unable to sleep or even find true rest. Ever since we left the tower--" his words spilled from his lips, tumbling over each other. A lot to say built up over time, he supposed, and nobody to say it to.
"--Ever since we found out the truth." He gritted his teeth and tilted his head back, feeling that surge of nervous energy in his limbs. He bounced on his toes, fighting to keep down the sound that wanted to explode from his throat, not knowing if it was going to be a growl or a strangled scream.
Halsin stopped brushing fingers through his hair and placed a hand on his shoulder, but Dayan twisted away from it and grabbed his wrist, holding it aloft, tightly. Their eyes met, the druid's brow furrowed; Dayan stared into the wood elf's gaze a beat and then let out a slow breath, lids lowering.
"I'm sorry. I don't think --" He paused and sighed, his grip easing. "I feel like an electrical storm, sparking and dangerous to be near." He paused and then slid his hand up grip Halsin's and pressed his lips to his knuckles. "Stay though? Share a pipe with me. I was going to sit at the water's edge and smoke, try to...clear my head. Maybe calm my nerves a little, if what I brought helps." Dayan chewed his bottom lip, dark brows rising as he fixed Halsin with a soft beseeching look. "Only if you wish to, of course."
Halsin's smile was warm. "I do. I sought you out because I knew you were troubled. I would not abandon you now." He chuckled at the visibly relieved look on the drow's face and followed Dayan to his pack, craning his head curiously to see what 'help' his love had brought to ease his mind. A pipe, thinner and more elegantly curved than his own was produced, along with a leather bag, drawstring tight.
“Come,” Dayan murmured, taking one of those big paws in hand, fingers curling to hold it tight. He drew Halsin to a rather comfortable looking perch of mossy stone surrounded by cattails overlooking the river. The top was worn smooth by eons and covered in a soft bed of green. He lay down, clothes be damned and waited for Halsin to climb up and join him before he started packing the pipe. “This is your blend, that you gifted me,” he said softly, smiling warmly at the memory. “But I added a little something special.”
Halsin sniffed it discerningly and blinked. “Is that – Dayan, is that a reverie stick?”
The drow grinned, glancing up to meet his eyes. “I knew you’d catch it. Do you still want to…? I won’t be offended if you say no. It is something better shared, but I don’t mind flying solo. So to speak,” he chuckled.
Halsin laughed, himself. “Mmh, it has been a bit of time for me, but – perhaps just this once. We’re safe enough.”
Aye, I’m with you, sta kha'sik. Safe as houses. “Well then…” When he had packed it properly, Dayan slid the end of the thin elegant pipe between his lips and leaned close to the druid, the only one between them with fire at his fingertips.
“Light me up~”
“Oh, I think –” Halsin sat up suddenly, his voice slightly breathless. “I think that might be enough for – for one evening.”
His hand moved to clutch Dayan’s upper arm in an effort to steady himself. The drow was perched at the edge of the rock, elbows resting on his knees as he stared out over the water. He didn’t know how long they’d been relaxing here, sharing the pipe between them, but the moon was directly overhead now. The whole river valley was awash in gentle silver-blue light. It was so peaceful and serene, his favorite time of the night. Dayan wished some of that peace had found its way into his restless veins.
The pipe clenched in his mouth, Dayan looked to Halsin, smoke swirling lazily from between his teeth. His bear had been stretched out and contentedly staring up at the stars until now. He wondered if anything was wrong.
“Too much?” Dayan asked gently, shifting a knee down to turn towards his lover and grip his arm beneath the elbow supportively. Halsin gave a soft laugh.
“Not yet, but I’m getting close, I fear. It has been a while since I’ve indulged. The usual euphoria is leading to…a different kind of intensity,” he finished in a low mumble and Dayan blinked and looked Halsin over, slowly grinning as his eyes flicked downward and found the cause for the druid’s concern. The stark outline of his erection bulged beneath taut leather.
“Where did that come from, all of a sudden?” he teased, sliding closer to Halsin and settling on his knees beside him, plucking the pipe from his lips a moment. Dayan’s skin had begun to prickle under the cool breeze coming off the river, but as he pressed closer to the huge elf he instantly felt warmer.
Halsin’s hand lifted to Dayan’s cheek, their eyes meeting. Dayan felt his face warm at what he saw there, his own amethyst gaze glistening as he blushed like a schoolboy and lowered dark lashes. He wrapped Halsin’s hand in both his own, bringing it to his lips to brush a kiss over the scarred knuckles.
“You,” Halsin said simply, and Dayan’s lips twitched into a smile he couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to. “The moonlight, when it touches your skin...the fine lines of your back in glowing relief…a sight so beautiful before my eyes, my words fail to capture it.” His tone was gentle, reverent; husky with need and desire.
“And – well, my heart –” Halsin chuckled low and sultry. “Your smallclothes are rather tight you know.”
Dayan bit back a laugh. Halsin was pressing even closer and he could practically smell the druid’s rising pheromones – that heady musk that was such a perfect mixture of sweat and heat and woodsmoke and something intrinsically Halsin, it always aroused him instantly.
“When you sit like that, there is very little I cannot see between your spread thighs.” Halsin’s voice was an octave or two lower, a rumbling that Dayan could feel quake in his own bones. The larger elf was nearly whispering in his ear as he pressed closer.
“You may as well be presenting for me…”
Dayan shivered but not from cold. He met Halsin’s eyes and gave him a slow, languid grin.
“Perhaps I was,” he mused, then lifted the pipe again.
“One more?” he asked hopefully, and after a moment of thought, Halsin nodded. Dayan exhaled a sound that could be a noise of agreement, or could be a moan. Either way he felt Halsin’s reaction, fingers twitching against his arm.
Dayan took a deep inhale of the pipe, breathing the smoke into his lungs, and held it. Then he turned to Halsin, gripping his jaw in a clay-colored hand, and gently pressed his thumb over his lips to keep them shut. He leaned in and blew the silvery smoke into Halsin’s nostrils, as the wood elf sucked it down deep, in an almost shuddering inhale.
After a beat, when he felt those powerful lungs expand and hold – Dayan’s thumb slipped into Halsin’s mouth and gently pressed, urging his lips to part until Halsin exhaled their shared smoke in pale, glimmering swirls that disappeared into the night sky.
The reaction was instantaneous.
Dayan felt Halsin’s arms grip his hips, yanking him onto the druid’s muscled thighs. His own had to spread wide to straddle them and he gasped, Halsin’s tented bulge pressing right into his own soft groin – well, it had been soft, but he was getting hard, quickly, only the thinnest cloth separating him from Halsin’s grinding. Not even enough to keep Halsin’s warmth away as the druid’s big hands cupped Dayan’s ass and squeezed two big meaty handfuls of plump cheeks. The drow groaned, dropping his pipe in the wet mud and wrapping his arms around Halsin’s shoulders.
The dreamy euphoria of a reverie stick only enhanced the sensation of everything, Halsin’s fingers nearly burning through the cloth of Dayan’s smallclothes. He felt a hard grip, the fabric stretching tight against his skin, and then suddenly there was a snap and the pressure fell away, a quick snaking of cloth between his thighs revealing the reason as Halsin yanked him free of any confines with a muttered apology.
Dayan gasped against the druid’s lips and moaned, not even bothered by losing yet another pair of underthings to his bear’s passion and need. His cock was free now and that felt much better, after all. They rutted with soft grunts for a moment, Dayan’s fingers scrabbling at Halsin’s waistband to free him of his own annoying barrier.
But something here, in the heat of Halsin’s mouth on his, their tongues together, those hands on his bare skin – muscles sliding beneath his legs, even in the euphoria he felt, something was not quite right…
“Mmh…” He groaned against his lover’s mouth and exhaled a sharp breath. “...Wait…” His voice was barely audible, but Halsin immediately stopped groping the drow’s pert ass and slid his hands to Dayan’s waist, pulling back from their heated liplock. The druid’s cock trembled, trapped and poking up beneath a waistband half-yanked down. Dayan’s mouth practically watered as the scent hit his nose and he exhaled a hard breath.
“My heart…?”
“This – isn’t what I–” He pulled back a little and Halsin’s hands left his waist. Dayan frowned and grabbed the right one by the wrist, pulling it closer. “No, I – I want you close, I want your touch, I do. I just–” He dropped his head and sighed, shaking it slightly. How to say what he really wanted? How to push past the conflicting sensations in his body to know?
He felt calming fingers in his hair, brushing through the long strands and gently rubbing the prickly fuzz of his undercut. He looked up and the care and love that stared back at him made his throat feel thick.
“Speak as you will, beloved. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, not a step.”
Dayan relaxed, his head turning a little to rub his cheek against Halsin’s palm.
“Even now, with the sky above me and you in my arms – I still ache for solid ground. I, I want you! I want this," he clarified. "But I – I can’t – I don’t think I want to be–” He paused and then closed his eyes, easier to speak from the dark well of his mind.
“I feel bereft of any control," he mumbled, lifting his hand to press against Halsin's that still lay resting on his cheek. His head turned, lips pressed to the rough, warm skin and then slowly bit into the fleshy mound of his thumb, hard enough that it drew a gasping breath from the druid. Halsin's lower eyelids twitched and Dayan watched them him bright eyes, easing his teeth off when satisfied and slowly drawing his tongue over the ridges they left behind.
"Gods I wish I could wildshape," he continued, his voice lower, husky in his throat as he leaned closer, pressing to Halsin now, still holding onto his wrist. The taller elf was looking at him with heavy lidded eyes, his breath shuddering again as Dayan pressed a firm hand into the swell of his muscular chest and squeezed, forming half-moons into the tough skin. That hand then slid upward, slow and firm, making Halsin shiver as it planed his collarbone and wound around the back of his neck to grip his hair.
"This nervous skin, this fear would be silenced if I could run through the trees on all fours."
"My silver wolf," Halsin murmured, his lips curling, smile edged and trembling with a rising heat, a need Dayan could practically scent. The drow grinned as he watched his lover's pupils expand and felt that trapped cock grow even harder and thicker against him as he pressed closer. It made his own twitch and he angled his hips so Halsin felt the hot, firm press of his length. The groan that pooled in his bear's throat was like a song. He felt a slick wetness slide against his shaft and had to swallow down his own moan and instinct to grind.
Dayan exhaled a slow breath and let go of Halsin's wrist, hand moving to join its twin in his hair, tangling around thin braids and golden brown locks. His thumb grazed a strong jaw. "I love you," he said, so softly, and slowly drew the druid close, bending him like a willow sapling.
One hand clenched in Halsin’s hair, Dayan moved the other to press lightly beneath that finely-cut chin, his thumb braced against a bottom lip as he pressed closer.
"Everything's a mess, sta kha'sik." My light in the dark. "Nothing feels stable, nothing feels solid," he whispered against the druid’s mouth. His eyes locked onto Halsin's, the spring green of his eyes a narrow rim around lust-blown black pupils. Dayan wondered if his own were as wide, a black void circled with amethyst.
"I need something I can direct and shape without uncertainty. I need something I can control," he whispered.
"Then you have it, my heart," Halsin said, his next utterance a breathy groan. "You have me. Take me...shape me as you will, direct me and I will obey." There was a pause, Dayan’s eyes locked onto Halsin’s, searching deep. He saw nothing there but love and desire, in equal measure. No shadows haunting his words.
”Please…” Halsin whispered and Dayan almost groaned at the sound of so much need.
He exhaled and bit the druid's soft lower lip, gentle pressure turning to sharp pain as his teeth clamped, drawing a copper taste and making Halsin twitch and gasp. He suckled on the lip, practically feeling the heated throb in it and let go. Halsin groaned, mouth still parted and slightly panting, his eyes hooded.
Dayan grinned then, mischievously and pulled away suddenly, causing Halsin to sway and have to grip the rock to avoid tumbling forward after him. He actually whined a little at the drow, which nearly made Dayan change his plan and push him down in the mud right here, after all. He inhaled to get control of himself again and then gave Halsin a smirk over his shoulder.
"Let's get the blood pumping, shall we?” He crooked a beckoning finger and chuckled as Halsin blinked, and then matched his grin as he scrambled down off the rock and paced after. He couldn't help but notice there was a subtle stalk in the druid’s movements. The bear stirred, it seemed.
“You’ve roused my blood hotter than you know, my proud wolf,” Halsin said, his voice a soft, low near-growl.
Dayan smirked and met the advancing elf, catching him between hands gently cradling his head. Halsin instinctively sank to his knees and Dayan murmured approvingly, bending to kiss him deeply, fervently. Even on his knees Halsin was tall enough the drow barely had to tilt to meet his lips, but even this small difference was arousing. Halsin kept his hands down and a thrill went through Dayan. He knows the rules.
“Patience, sunstone,” he whispered against Halsin’s bruised bottom lip, tweaking it with his teeth just once.
“There's an islet out there, see?" he cocked a thumb back towards the water. There was indeed a small hill of land a little ways out from the edge of the river, a few clinging trees visible. "Race me, and if you win -- I'll do one thing you want. A request," he teased, though they both knew he was already going to do many, many things Halsin would absolutely want. The druid perked at the idea of making a special request though.
“Now?” Halsin asked, breathless, and Dayan nodded. He kissed his forehead and let go, stepping back.
Dayan didn't even have to count off. Halsin stripped in seconds -- Dayan felt a brief pang of regret, making the druid strip for him would have been enticing -- and barreled toward the water.
The drow laughed and darted to the fallen tree instead, jumping up on it gracefully and running down the length as it jolted beneath his pounding feet. He heard Halsin let out a growl of annoyance as he waded to deeper water, Dayan's little trick giving the drow a good head start. Dayan grinned wider in triumph as he neared the end of the makeshift springboard and jumped, diving smoothly into the river with barely a splash.
The two of them were both excellent swimmers, Dayan's lithe form against Halsin's powerful strokes. The ranger could hear Halsin gaining on him off behind to the left, churning up much more water than he was. He smirked and put on an extra burst of speed, the islet already in sight.
That is, until he heard the unmistakable sound of channeling magic behind him, and felt the water suddenly violently ripple, something darting below and almost pulling him down in its powerful wake. Water surged up his nose and he had to stop to cough and clear his sinuses, stinging eyes lifting just in time to see a narrow fin rise from the water.
"Whu--" Dayan blinked and then shouted in frustration, slapping the water with both hands.
"For the love of--!! HALSIN!! A shark is CHEATING!" He growled and kicked into a sprint, huffing. Druids!!
His eyes narrowed as he saw the fin quickly approaching the bank of the little islet and in a flash of golden, leaf-strewn light, Halsin splashed out of the water. He was red-cheeked and laughing, joyous at his certain win.
Dayan muttered an incantation just as his feet hit rock and suddenly with a spray of water, the ranger misty stepped just as Halsin spun around to look for him. Dayan dropped atop the druid and with their joint momentum sent the bear man crashing into the mud, the smaller elf landing atop him.
Dayan growled softly down at his love, eyes narrowing as he watched Halsin bite his lip to try and keep more laughter from bubbling. Dayan was straddling Halsin's abdomen, all his weight propped on his hands, which were pinning the druid's wrists to the slick mud of the isle's shoreline.
The river lapped at their legs as he grinned like a wolf down at his prey, both of them panting, flushed...and growing hard despite the chill of the water they just left. Dayan's cock was nudging into Halsin’s body as he straddled his ribs, adjusting his grip on his wrists subtly.
He wasn't as thick as Halsin -- he didn't know anyone who was -- but Dayan was fairly lengthy, slightly curved, with a small plush cockhead already half-exposed past a thin foreskin. The swim only heightened the heat pooling in his loins, and Halsin’s felt so warm Dayan almost expected the water dripping from his body and hair to sizzle when it hit the druid’s skin.
His love lay beneath him, flushed, breathing hard, and beautiful -- beads of water and sweat both glistening on his skin, his hair come undone, a loose wild mane framing his face. Wet tendrils clung to his forehead and cheeks and Dayan had an urge to run his tongue along those snaking strands.
"Misty Step? Who's cheating, now?" Halsin rumbled and Dayan had to laugh.
"Fair enough. We both win."
Suddenly his lips were on Halsin's in a heated, hungry kiss, tasting deep and claiming the druid's mouth for his own. He nipped and bit those lips until they were tingling and swollen, then pushed his tongue past them. Halsin moaned, a husky, rumbling sound that made Dayan's belly flip and his head swim. His cock pulsed and dribbled a few drops of precum onto Halsin's chest. When he finally pulled away to let the wood elf breathe, the tips of Halsin’s ears were pink, his face ruddy and warm and lips parted as he panted softly.
Gods, he was so lovely Dayan could weep.
He moved his lips to Halsin's ear. "You remember the words, the signal, if...?" he breathed and Halsin nodded. "And this is all right?"
"I want you, my heart," the druid moaned quietly. "I want–”
“--please," he broke off suddenly, a soft desperation seeming to seize him. "Take me, Dayan." His eyes flicked to meet the drow's, dark and liquid with desire. "Roughly. Harshly, even. Give me claws and teeth…break me if you must…but I need you…I’ve needed you for so long."
“Gods," Dayan groaned and let go of Halsin's wrists to grip his hair in both fists, body dropping flush to Halsin’s to kiss him fiercely again. Stocky arms made to embrace him but he yanked on those thick brown locks, jerking Halsin's head back as a warning, making the druid's breath catch.
"Ah-ah," he whispered. "Hands down. Keep them there." Halsin obeyed immediately, his arms dropping back in place. Dayan smiled and kissed his jaw. "Good boy."
That got a moan and Dayan swore he felt Halsin's cock jerk against his naked rear. It'd have to remain neglected for now.
His hands needed to be busy elsewhere.
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headsincloud9 · 10 months
For a request how about Aonung and black fem reader, I could just imagine his awe when seeing the reader and then wanting to learn everything about reader and then eventually courting and mating with them!
Thank you so much for the request you are my first Ao'nung girlie and let me tell you I had and am having a blast writing this. So this kinda got away from me, a one shot turned multi chapter that's how much I love this request I suppose!. Any way here at least chapter one of Sun-Kissed Siren
Sun-kissed Siren
Chapter 1 His Tsawksyul
Paring: adult ao'nung x fem!dreamwalker adult reader
Word count: 8.8k
Warning: suggestive language and a fastish burning bright love trope, but there will be smut,
Y/n sat  with the other scientists the only one without an avatar, it wasn’t by choice you had to wait another month or 2 before it was ready as one of the last scientist to arrive your avatar had to be made on planet nearly 6 long years ago. You watch the other avatar drivers interact with the Na’vi while you in human form swung in a hammock  anchored by 2 floating mountain pieces above the main hut of the avatars wishing you could have gone with Neytiri and Jake not that you  didn't like it here, It was just painfully obvious how different you were but similar that and you really couldn’t help much outside helping Moat with post raid injuries. 
“Y/N!!”  A voice calls out causing you to look over the edge down below to see Norm. You make a loud chirp from the back of your throat to get his attention and  jumps down “ there you are come on get changed and grab whatever you need we are going to the reef clans to meet up with Jake and to check in on things” If you had a tail it would have been thrashing in excitement Norm giving a smile at your obvious elation he had to admit out of all the scientists you were the most fascinated by this world  but you adapted well to pandora as if you were born on the wrong planet. “Give me 30 minutes i swear i will be quick” you grab your bag stuffing the myriad of things you had made for not only your best friends Jake and Neytiri but for their kids who had taken to calling you their aunt. You knew from what Norm and Max had said about the reef of pandora and the clans; by the sea , sunny, something different from the humid forest. 
You quickly change clothes from your normal wrapped halter crop top and double slit skirt to a simple black cropped tube top  with a matching bikini bottom and a hand woven sarong kiri helped her make one hot summer day as they sat cooling off by the river and your bare feet even before getting to pandora you hated shoes and now in a clan that saw no use for them you ditched them day one. You kept your hair out the hip length mass of waves and curls would take too long to wrangle you can maybe get Kiri or Tuk to help. 
Norm looks at you trying to hold in a laugh “ going to the beach y/n?” You punch his Navi form in the leg “shut up Norm until my avatar body is ready im a freaking recluse let me have this, breathing implant or not it sucks being stuck here 90 percent of the time “ you protest as the helicarrier took off to the reef clans. 
Ao'nung was walking along the beach clan duties had been cut short though he had no idea why until he saw his sister chatting with the 4 sully kiss who looked excited "Y/N is coming today" Tuk said excited her voice reaching his ears. "It's been so long I wonder if she brought us gifts she said she would" she says. His sister Tsireya looks confused but happy for their excitement as she touched Lo'ak's arm. "Who is Y/N?" Loak smirks looking genuinely happy when he spoke "our Aunt she is very close with our dad and mom even helped fight against the sky people which is a lot seeing how she is a sky person"  he says. Ao'nung scoffs a sky demon betraying its own kind. "Well she shouldn't be here she can't even adapt or connect." He mutters, before anyone could answer the loud sound of the helicraft flew over them to a open spot on the beach. Tuk runs happy "come on come on let's go she's here" she calls the others trailing behind.
Y/n stepped off the craft jumping down humming feeling the soft sand and salty air on your skin you could sunbathe and bask in this for hours "I'm in love already" you murmurs your honey brown eyes sparkling with happiness. "Y/N!!!" You smile hearing Tuks voice and look around seeing a much larger Tuk as well as Kiri, Neteyam, and Loak. "TUK TUK!!!"  You call back running as fast as you could kicking sand as you went hugging her she was now almost a foot taller than your 5ft 9inch form. She hugs back "I've missed you….there are so many things….. you're hair it's longer its not up" she says. You laugh and greet them all "well it's been cooler up in the mountains I can afford to let it out I would have braided it but it would take too long." She gives them each a hug before looking over seeing Jake and Neytiri talking with Norm "well I'll say hi later how about you show….." you trail off seeing the two Metkayina standing off the first thing you noticed was their hair it was just like yours you also noticed the difference between them and the omatikaya. Your heart does pick up when you meet eyes with the male his hair was in braids that were contained in a tight bun a part of you wondered what it looked like loose your eyes travel down taking in the rest of his form; the x rib cage broad shoulders and chest strong arms one bare the other covered in intricate beautiful tattoos as ypur eyes traveldown to the same leg covered in eaqually as unique tattoo although a portion remained a mystery as it dipped passed his v line down behind his tweng unconsciouslyyou licked your lips. You tried to control your staring eyes slowly taking him blinking to regain some type of decorum before you quite literally began to drool. "Tuk why are they staring" You whisper your brown eyes meeting with his aqua one your heart picking up nervously looking away still feeling his heated stare.  
Ao'nung was speechless he didn't know what he expected but it wasn't this…. You were kissed by the sun your hair hung like a mass of untamed dark waves an curls like the crashing tides at night the same ones he loved to dive into when the tides would change. He heart raced as his ears pressed back to his skull as he watched in literal awe of this sky demon. His eyes trailed down to your outfit her top was simple covering just your chest his tail sways noticing you curves as he takes in your what he assumed was your tweng hanging from your voluptuous hips. He was stunned how could someone so different be yet so suited for the sea?! 
"My name is Tsireya and this is my brother Ao'nung welcome to our village"  his sister's voice causes his ears to twitch and he looks away slightly "Oel ngati kameie" his ear flick to you a soft smirk came to his lips,your voice was so refreshing and you spoke the language like a true Na'vi. He gave the motion responding silently fearing if he spoke he'd embarrass himself. 
Y/n smiles softly looking to the two "it's nice to meet you, I'm y/n". Tuk then pulls your arm "let's swim come on let's jump in" her excitement taking over "Wait wait Tuk let me put my bag down in your pod" she laughs being dragged by the child. Everyone followed you turns around your step bouncing slightly on the walkway catching up with the sully kids before putting her things down. You turn eager to enjoy the change of scenery and allows tuk to lead the way to the edge. You pick up speed and dive under perfectly nearly choking in amazement seeing the life under the surface. You look around seeing the 6 had followed and continue to swim taking in everything following them around.
He watched you swim and explore the water around you and even then he found more to admire the waps your hair cradled and swirled around your face when you moved, how your eyes shined seeing something new, how well you took to the water. He had to know you. He couldn't explain why but the pull to you was almost aggravating. He watched you slowly come up to the surface taking a deep breath before floating on the surface of the water on your back he waded to you the water only reaching his waist as he watched the waves rock and shift your body to its rhythm. 
You open your eyes the sun now blocked by a shadow, it was Ao'nung. You quickly stand and male your way to some rocks in the shallow wringing your hair the water splashing onto the wet rocks before you let go your "you are Ao'nung" you sit your feet still in the water "I'm glad to see they made friends here" you say smoothing your slowly drying yet shrinking hair "how are you so good?" You stop his voice deep voice filling your ears. "Good at what exactly? If you mean the language I refused to speak anything else for a while…" you says pulling one leg from the water shifting positions as he moved closer. "No not that you dive like metkayina" he says leaning in closer now in front of you.
You look him over for a moment speechless at his comment cheeks becoming hot. "Why are you in the forest when you belong here." You look up at him heart rushing in your ears like crashing waves. "I…. Swim a lot in the rivers and where I'm from the diving you do is a past time a hobby really…. But me I just like the water it calms me" you say. 
He looks you over listening to your words…. It was clear you were better suited for his home than the forest. He had to find a way for you to stay he wanted more time with you. "Let me teach you the customs of my people y/n" he said unable to stop himself as he reached up playing with the curls of your drying hair. He gives a smirk his mind conjuring your hair in metkayina styles before dropping his arm. "Are you sure the olo’eyktan and tsahik will be okay with that" he smiled wondering how you'd react knowing he was the clan leader's son. "I mean I'm not exactly suited for reef life…. And my avatar isn't ready also I'm only visiting." You ramble as much as you'd love to spend months by the water, Some things are just not possible "easy ma tsawksyul I will make it happen" he says smirking watching your face  flush under his words. You watched him leave unable to ask anything else as he dove under the water and out of sight. You slip into the water swimming over to the shore, sinking under one last time to wet your hair and wring out the excess water flipping it over your shoulder as you made your way to the sully’s home tilting your head to the warm sun smiling softly knowing that despite what Ao’nung stated you would be leaving soon so why not ingrave the picture in your mind before returning back to the lush forest. 
Ao'nung spoke to his father his eyes following you as he spoke following your form as you vanish and reappear in his line of sight before his attention is pulled back to his father to explain is case when all he wanted was to take you back out to enjoy the water. 
Speechless you sat in Jake and Neytiri's mauri looking over the water and the bustling life of the Metkayina she already missed it. Their kids went off to ride their ilu and since you were not equipped for deep water you stayed behind "I know that look y/n come on talk to me" a familiar voice breaks your thoughts and you smile looking up to see her surrogate brother who fit well into the life ever the adaptable idiot marine. "jake you look good old man" you tease watching him roll his eyes feeling his tail smack your head. "Shut up short stack" he chuckles and sits with you returning to his previous question "what has you looking like that, haven't seen that look in a while." He nudges you. Sighing you lean back "I should've come with you this last year and a half doing nothing is killing me… but without my avatar I am a beacon for danger" your voice a bit sad as you explain your dilemma. Jake sighs putting a hand on your shoulder "I understand. I think your desire to join the people is stronger than mine was…. Want me to talk Norm into letting you stay a few more days?" You laugh and shake your head knowing Jake could do it too. “I wish but my avatar should be do in the next couple of weeks they refuse to let me see or even look at the data…but i want to be there as soon as its done” you sigh hopeful the next time they meet you will be on an ikran. 
"Jake sully and y/n" you look up your heart leaping into your throat from the deep voice above you. You look up staring at the huge metkayina warrior, one that knew your name. You took a closer look seeing his attire extravagant colorful, your eyes widen and immediately you knew the olo’eyktan of the clan. "Oel ngati kameie olo’eyktan" you say a bit frantic bowing your head giving the hand gesture for respect looking almost pathetically embarrassed for looking at him so rudely.  "He was right," he says with a soft almost kind tone as he gave the gesture back. "Tonowari, what can we help you with?" Jake speaks tapping your arm. "Come we can talk in my mauri," he says. 
You look at Jake confused but get up walking with him, seeing who could only be his wife and the Tsahik. You bow your head "oel ngati kameie" you murmur and sit hoping you weren't being told to leave. 
"My son asked me to let you stay he claims you belong here and should learn our ways." Tonowari says looking at you. Y/n looks shocked hair falling in your face as your head jerked to look at Tonowari "I….me but…I'm sorry I'm not understanding. Who was right and about what." You start confused "and I don’t think I've met your son" you say keeping your head down. There was a chuckle causing you to look up in confusion at the amusement in the olo’eyktan's eyes "his name is Ao'nung" he states "and he knows you". Y/n blushes harder than she thought possible "I…. Just…." Your voice died along with your words "speak girl you are to be metkayina you must be able to come to your olo’eyktan and tsahik." A stern voice pierces your ears. You look up see the tsahik staring at you "I am human, I can not connect to anything I am a pretty good diver but that is the extent of my skills besides the bow" you say taking a deep breath "I don't want to seem like I'm disrespecting your culture."  You look to Jake who looks shocked by your words "eywa is open and accepting of you being here she is in fact eager for you to stay" Ronal hums.
You walks from the leaders home with Jake and looks up at him "don't say anything jake" you grumble. He chuckles "oh you mean the fact you are here one day and the chiefs son likes you should I be expecting him courting you soon." You roll your eyes and punch Jake in the leg before seeing ao'nung with the sully kids and she walks to them "TUK TUK!"  You smile seeing her turn and run to you "y/n y/n I thought you left we saw the others leave" she asks the rest looking curious while ao'nung looked smug. "I was given a pass to stay and learn the best I can the ways of the Metkayina" you say and look to ao'nung seeing him smirk. 
"Come y/n let me do your hair" tsireya chirps happily taking you to sit down and style your hair. You smile softly and nod letting her guide you and sit happily the first time someone has done your hair in years it felt nice you felt at home. 
“Oh y/n you are going to love it here i have seen you swim you are well suited for the way of our people don’t let anyone here tell you differently.” You smile looking back to tsireya and laugh “i really hope so I've always loved the water I would let the river currants guide me when I floated on my back I lost how many times I fell into the pull of a waterfall" you giggle hearing her laugh "I think you and I are going to be good friends and my brother well don't think I didn't notice." You blush at her words and looks down "I….. you" you stop seeing Ao'nung with some of his friends but his eyes were clearly on you. You blush and look away stealing a glance seeing a dangerously amused smirk accompanied by a tilted head. 
You quickly look away wondering how you would be able to focus on anything with him around but you wouldn't know until tomorrow resolved to make an effort not to become enthralled with the chiefs son, a small part of you not wanting to hear Jake joke about it running in the family as it didnt take you long to realize tsireya and Lo’ak were a mated pair. (Apples and trees am i right). You look over again to sneak a glance at Ao’nung unable to help yourself only to see him still staring and just gives a nod chuckling. You look away trying keep the burning smile on your lips at bay.
Ao'nung waited anxiously in the water for you he had volunteered himself to train you now he was drawing a blank on what to teach first… better diving techniques, fishing, making a net, hunting there were so many choices, but what he wanted to know what you liked what you'd be impressed with he succeeded in having you stay now he had to keep his tsawksyul happy. "Ao'nung I'm so sorry I'm late tuk and kiri had me up late weaving with them and I slept pass my time" he chuckles seeing you dive into the water and pop to the surface. He couldn't help his smile seeing you in a metakayina hairstyle it suited you so well despite your bun falling undone. "It is alright tsawksyul hold still."  He hums in your ear now behind you.
Y/n stops feeling his body pressed to hers wildly aware of how tall he was compared to you in human form it made you blush "ao'nung what are you…" you  stop feeling his hand trace the back of your neck before fixing your hair "the waves would have taken your bun apart” he murmurs fixing your bun. 
In reality Ao’nung didn't need to do what he did he loved your hair up or loose as long as it was you but something compelled him to do this. A hairpin made of a greenish blue iridescent shell he made to keep his own hair in place but now he wanted you to have it, in a subtle way marking his claim on you by tradition he was now courting you. His eyes darting to the others of his clan watching with surprised expressions as they passed he tucked it making sure it was secure yet visible “next time make sure its secure even if you have to rebraid it” he stand back admiring his work on you
You look into the water seeing a tightened bun and a shell in your hair it was pretty and shifted in the light "thank you ao'nung" you say you touching his arm. Seeing his tail sway in delight. "I'm going to teach you how to breath and dive better y/n you said you wanted to go into deeper water I can help you learn" he says and you smile brighter "I'd love that ao'nung." He begins to walk deeper into water with you "why did you want to come here from your planet" you stop hearing his words 
"I had nothing left back home and that world didn't fit me…. There is no green, no natural life and I well that's all I wanted…. To bring back the fresh air and green tree to swim in water that wasn't heavily polluted or chlorinated" you push off onto your back letting the current carry you father out into the water. "When I arrived I did 3 things…. I threw away every pair of shoes I owned, spoke nothing but the native language and I think I spent 5 days doing nothing but swimming in the rivers close to where we were staying. I nearly lost my job" you laugh "but humans, sky people wanted to do more of the same hurt, destroy, pollute and I turned my back on my own kind for this… swimming, nature, life."  He smiles letting you float enjoying your answer he watched your hair carry in the current, your content  bright smile, the shell pin in your bun, his tsawksyul. "Come we need to start you're training." 
You watched ao'nung dive into the water and follow him seeing him use his fingers to communicate something. You tilt your head having no idea what it meant but follows him anyway making an assumption. You noticed the soft frustrated look in his eyes before they soften and continue to swim. You watched how well he moved with the water. It was effortless, you smiled swimming above him slowly floating to the surface. You blush softly see him turn on his back swimming to look at you giving that infamous smirk of his making you blush and look away coming up for air as your heart raced your head became light as if your air was gone  . 
You see him come up only a few seconds later pressing his large hand to your torso on your diaphragm "breath ma tsawksyul breath" his deeply accent voice vibrates against you. You all but melt into him your heart racing in your chest. You bite your bottom lip to hold in whatever squeak or noise clawing it's way past your throat. You try to breath normally but he was so close engulfing you in his warmth and his hand never moved from your diaphragm. "Your heart beats fast, concentrate and calm yourself" he murmurs. You let out a soft whimper in protest "you are distracting" you gasp slowly looking up at him. It wasn't a lie this voice, his looks, that mischievous yet inticing smirk make every bit of your heart race and now with him this close your body felt like it would shut down from the nerves. 
His smirk widened his tail splashing in the water from those words he pressed his face to your shoulder to suppress the chuckle bubbling in his throat. he made your heart race he could barely contain his elation from that information and manages to contain himself "I, apologize" he purrs but the tone of his voiced stated he was not even a bit remorseful. "But I can not leave you here alone so tell me things you like get your mind calm and your body will follow" he hums. 
You look up at him and told him the things you like  fruits and foods, the colors you've grown to love here, the things you did when you unwind even the shells you've come to love here just from spending a few hours weaving with your family. The things you used to do the things you wanted to do that scared the living hell out of you.  Slowly but surely your body relaxed you leaned into his touch as he held you. To anyone on the outside it looked like the most unlikely of a pair in a romantic embrace enjoying the water. "Now ma tsawksyul breath deep" he purrs against your temple and with a deep breath in your lungs you slipped under the water with him smiling happily.
Slowly as your nerves subside you find it easier to stay under water diving down your goal to reach the floor of the reef which was 5 maybe 10 feet below you, a force of habit from the river to lay at the bottom and watch the world float up around you loving the way the light swirled in the water. You look down at Ao’nung swimming below you on his back, you cover your mouth trying not to laugh at how relaxed he looked. You push yourself  through an opening in some rocks and appear right above him giving a smile before going up for air once again. You take deep breaths wiping the water from your eyes as you felt the heat of the sun on your face. “ you are doing well better than your family did when they got here” he smirks poking fun at them.
You squint and splash him “ well id like to see you try navigating through the forest bet you would look just as lost “ she shoots back her eyes shimmering with a feisty heat that reminded him a little of his mother. 
He couldn’t stop the smirk spreading on his face he couldn’t deny he liked your sweetness but that spark of fire had his heart hammering not many girls here did that seeing he was the olo’eyktans son. “Oh is that so little tsawksyul, and will you be the one taking me to the forest to prove this statement” he states feelin his large hand on the small of your back pulling you closer. He watched as that feisty glint melted into an adorable flustered look he could get used to pulling from you. His smile grew wider as you seem to fumble and trip over your own words. He chuckles feeling the heat of your frustrated and embarrassed look causing him to back off just a little.
You huff at his laughter and shake your head trying not smile before looking back to shore.  your eyes follow follow the sound of squeaks and chirps and smile seeing ilu you laugh "they are like dolphins" you say more so to your than to ao'nung swimming a little closer. 
"What is that a dol- fin" his deep voice makes you turn to face him "a dolphin is a ocean creature  from my planet they are very intelligent creature,like the ilu" you start " but they can be mischievous up to the point of being an asshole but when you are that smart I suppose it happens." You laugh remember the articles you used to read about it. You look over to him meeting his eyes surprised he was already looking your way “could you swim with them,” you nod 
"Mhm as in you just interact not use them as a mount"  you hum leaning back kicking your feet up to tread water on your back "would you like to ride one" he asks. 
You look at him gently falling underwater before popping back to the surface. "You mean right now" you looked confused there was the issue of the creature not listening or even liking you. "Scared it might be too smart" you squint as his joke. "Are you calling me stupid you skxawng" you growl and reach out smacking him on his head like you would lo'ak. He looks at you in shock and then you realize what you've done "oh fuck I am so sorry" you say frantic dipping under the water swimming away face flushed with sheer horror. 
He felt  your hand make contact with his head and stared at you with shock and maybe anger but when he saw your face nearly laughed and he watched you flee following after you up until you reached the shore.
He did hand back just to admire you as you emerged from the water. He chokes the smirk dies in his throat watchin your curls bounce and drip from the water it held the way your body seemed to glitter as water clung and slid down your curves. He tilts his head unable to stop his shameless staring. He had forgotten his retaliation for your assault on his head, almost now he wanted something else.
You squeal as you make the first steps to the shore of the beach feeling a wet 3 fingered hand grip your ankle and pull you into shallow surf. "Where do you think you're going hmmm you think im going to let you get away with that” he growls and yanks you back watching you fall into the sand and surf. You squeal and try to crawl away only to fall again being turned on your back your hair flowing in the shallow water as you look up at him still struggling to escape the unknowingly playful wrath of Ao’nung. He chuckles watching you press and push on his chest and arms as you tried to move away. He grips your wrists and presses them to the sand "I have you….now” he growl his voice rumbling in your ear. You look up at him  heart racing, eyes wide staring into his eyes wondering if he was searching for something. The tension that formed between you both became thick and heated. Your heart begins to race becoming a bit shy under his gaze searing into your body, watching as he is expressions shift and change darkening a haze coming over them “ i have you” he growls again as if the repetition would realign his thoughts, something had his focus.
 You stare at him, heart still in your throat as his eyes burn over your body, a dangerous smirk playing at his lips as he flickered over the length of your form still wet from the ocean and a sand in your hair. You gasp feeling his hand leave your wrist as he leans closer to you his smoldering gaze making your stomach tighten uncontrollably “i… have” he breaths out his fingers tracing over the side of your ribs down your waist pulling a whimper from you desperate needy “mmmnngh” you whine a bit ticklish but his fingers shot hot waves of nerves and arousal through your body straight to your core. You couldn’t deny since your laid eyes on Ao’nung he had every bit of your attention sure you had a crush on other Navi but nothing like this, you had no control over it. "I…" his voice rasps you stare up at him eyes wide as his rake over your panting form your faces now inches apart his large arm around your waist pressed to his torso as he pressed closer you you. "Ao'nung…." You whisper. You watch the way his eyes cloud over dilating “y/n” he growls back pressing his nose right below your ear inhaling. “You are lucky” he pulls away chuckling leaving you to calm your pounding heart and flushed face.
You walk around the village keeping as out of the way as possible you were only a few inches taller than the size of a Na’vi child so it wasn’t hard to duck and slip through others with little effort the motions distractions you from the whirlwind of events that happened on the beach just moments ago. “Y/n” you stop hearing a voice and turning to find the source seeing Ronal staring expectantly at her.  “ come here you need to learn how to heal i will not be able to care for you all the time you should learn” she says firmly it lacked any coldness but had the tone of a strict mother who didnt take any form of no as an answer.  You quickly walk to her seeing Tsireya and smile with a wave helping as well, you crouch down only to have a mortar and pestal shoved into your hands “mix” she says. You nod and start to work putting all the effort you had into to moving the ingredients together into a smooth paste. You handed it to Ronal who gave a approving hum and gave you another task. You felt right back in the heating tent with Moat and you couldn’t help but smile despite complaining of doing this in the forest doing it here made you smile not that you didnt like the forest, here you were learning something new. “ y/n you are doing well and learning quickly” tsireya smiles. You smile and nod “ i was tasked with healing the injured warriors with the omatikaya this comes naturally but learning the way your people do it is a new journey and makes the wait a little easier. 
Eclipse came quicker than you expected and you look up looking to the sullys "I'm going for a walk ill be back in 2 hours" you call wanting to see the ocean at night… you'd seen the forest and every time it made your heart race but your heart soared in anticipation to see the ocean in darkness what came to life under bioluminescence. You walk past many pods trying to navigate in the dark before you missed your opportunity as the sun started to disappear the sky becoming a deep mystical purple. A hand grabbed your wrist casusing you to stop and you look up your heart jumping into your throat seeing Ao'nung realizing you walked right in front of his home he lived a bit off from everyone probably for privacy,his hair was out of its bun yet still braided the rest hanging loose down his back you nearly swoon now becoming greedy your  wish changing wanting to see it this way more often.sure he looked good with the bun but his hair loose and free paired with the full sleeve of arm tattoos and the matching leg…. You let out a choked whine unable to suppress the desperate need you felt to once again trace your tongue over the dark lines that curve up his hip and down his pelvis past his tweng your mouth watering as your mind conjured sinful images of the base of his cock being tattooed. Your eyes rake over his body taking in his form in the darkness and the tahni that dotted his skin sparkled in the darkness displaying its pattern like trail on his teal skin. He looked good enough to eat and still beg for more.
Ao’nung had to will every part of himself not to let his tail sway and wag watching you stare and eyefuck him preening under you heated gaze tilting his head letting you taking you in himself how good you looked in metkayina clothing the shell pin your hair his first gift to you tilting his head crossing his arms chuckling while his question went on deaf ears. Had you been a Na’vi the subtle body language would have been a loud declaration of your feelings for him. But he could smell how he effected you, taking a deep breath his ears pressing back he wills his self control back in check deciding to ask the question again.  
 You stare at him blushing unable to stop your staring. "and where do you think you are going yawne" he asks his voice smug all the indication you needed pulling you close to him. You look up at him wanting nothing more than to trace the sparkling tahni on his face but instead answer "out to swim I want to see the ocean at night" you say.  He chuckles and shakes his head "not by yourself and not out there come on" he says as you sigh now wishing you had just said nothing your plans ruined but you don't think you could have said anything different if you had a chance to answer again. 
You go to protest only to get a sharp look up and down as if to say ‘do you really think you can get away from me’? You sigh following until he stops at the edge of the walk and slips into the water. You look down at him confused taking his outstretched hand letting him pull you into the water. “I’m not going to let you get hurt out there yawne, if you want to see the water at night i can show you right here where its safe” he hums treading water with you. You sigh gently knowing deep down he was correct as you feel your toes gently brush the sand you wade in the water it was perfect for watching the world change slowly you look up in the sky watching as the sun slip behind the planet that orbits pandora. You look around smiling your eyes going wide watching as everything came to life in vibrant colors. You couldn’t contain your amazement looking around light giggles of amazement escaping your throat. You look to Ao’nung and beam moving your arms and fingers through the water mesmerized by the way the dark water would burst and churn bright blue. You dive under water looking at everything waiting the fish that swim around you following them as your movements created more light. 
Ao’nung watched you with an amused smile as you marveled and fawned over the glowing ocean and the animals as if they weren’t the same during the day. But watching you fall in love with his home made his ego swell in ways he didnt know possible to know that you preferred here to the forest prefer him to anyone else. His ears flick to the sound of your voice your laugh and sound of amazement always loving how breathless you become. He watched the light of the ocean swirl and caress your body with each movement his mouth running dry no matter what you did you were graceful more so in water. He watched your hair burst to life turning blue and aqua against the dark water a smile on his face as you played in the bioluminescence of the water letting the fish that dance. Around you travel through your open fingers and around your floating form. 
You turn and swim to Ao’nung taking his hand in yours your fingers lightly tracing over the tanhi that dotted his hand “thank you Ao’nung” you say sweetly looking up at him gasping when you feel his arm snake around your waist and pull you closer to him “next time you want to see something tell me and i will show you okay yawne” you nod looking him over admiring his features your eyes captivated with his hair you reach up and run your fingers through his loose curls saying nothing slowly tracing down following the black lines on his shoulder down his bicep with your finger.
Swimming no matter how hard you practiced exhausted you and with the excitement only served to speed the process. You try to climb back of the walkway and make the long trek home but your body was heavy and tired. Making the simple task harder. You barely register the amused chuckle and the hand that help you up by your hips. “ another reason why you shouldn’t go out alone you can barely keep yourself up after only a few minutes of this” he teases picking you up bridal style as you begin to protest but make no effort to truly move him body instinctively pressing into his. “I’m sure you tire too after swimming for a long time.” You murmur feeling tired eyelids drooping “we aren’t talking about my stamina because if we were id still be going” he looks down at you marking “ well into sunrise.” You blush turning your head away at the double entendre he had just put into the air around them hearing his deep amused chuckle now somehow wide awake. 
You look around the trip back to your home shorter than you realize before coming to the realization this was Ao’nung marui making your heart race “ im not sending you back when you can barely walk “ you cut him off shaking your head. “ no i just need to sit down and catch my breath and i will be fine” you lie your body was becoming lead unable to move the safeness you feel wrapped in his arms mixed with the late night swimming a lethal sleeping draught. “ fine sit down for 5 minutes then try to go home” he insists sitting you down before laying in his hammock. You watch him lay down bitting your bottom lip racking over his form, on his back one arm behind his head his loose hair messily cradling his face. His broad chest moving up and down with his slow breathing his tattooed arm on full display your eyes tracing the dark lines down to his hands before skipping to the dark lines that followed the defined v line down below his tewng…oh what you wouldn't give to be held in his arms all night it was probably comfortable. You lean on the side of the hammock for support another wave of exhaustion washing over your consciousness your eyes drooping as you wanted nothing more than to lay on his chest sleep. The world shift causing your eyes to flutter open and look into Ao’nung’s eyes seeing he’d pulled you into his hammock and onto his chest. “Just relax and sleep” he mutters running his fingers through your long hair admiring the softness. You press your face into the curve of his neck now suffocated in him; salt, water, sun,the floral scent of pandora soap a combination you took to memory as you curled your arm around the back of his neck “i promise to be gone by…..morning” you sigh your body slowly relaxing as you sprawled yourself on his chest. 
He chuckles wrapping his arm around your back pressing his face into your head his ears pressing to his skull as unconsciously hold you closer inhaling your sweet scent closing his eyes taking a deep sigh falling asleep your smaller form pressed against his.
Morning came faster than either of you liked but it didn't break the little bubble in Ao’nung's mauri. You were still sleeping last night taken so much of the little energy you had, snuggling closer to his body you nuzzle deeper into his neck your lips presssed to the skin in the crook of his neck. Ao’nung slow emerged from sleep immediately aware of you on his body and fingers immediately urn through your thick mass of hair curling and looking his digits as he massages your scalp and caresses your hair. This moment he now greedily craved every morning to be the first thing you wake up to and vice versa. But as much as he wanted to hold you hostage his mother would come looking for you if you missed your lessons. He stares at you taking another selfish minute to admire you his tsawksyul and the way your skin came to life under the sun as you slept tracing his finger tips down your spine and over the curve of your hip down your thigh. His ears twitch hearing a soft moan leave your lips before nuzzling closer to him taking a deep breath and settling back into sleep. Now he really didn’t want to let you go but the longer he sat the more likely someone would ruin this moment and he rather do it on his own terms. “Wake up tilor” he mutters tapping your back gently as he shifted “ wake up you have lessons with my mother today” he says chuckling when you groan and snuggle deeper into his body “ no comfy 5 more minutes” your sleepy voice grumbled causing him to flat out laugh “bold aren’t you hogging my bed then asking for more time to sleep when my mother is going to come looking for you soon… wake up" he murmurs in your. Your eyes flutter open after adjusting to the sunlight you jolt up right now straddling his torso. "Oh fuck I'm late" you gasps your hair a wild mess half covering your face but a wild fro of waves and curls as if your hair had just awoken too. 
You hear a deep chuckle and look down at the smirking metkayina warrior below you looking smug "yes you are by maybe 30 minutes you have about 10 more before my mother comes looking" he says in an unbothered tone. You groan great way to show respect y/n show up late to lessons. "I shouldn't have stayed out so long" you grumble smoothing your hair down back arching as you stretch a high-pitched whine escaping your lips. "You should be fine my mother is quite fond of you" he hums out his voice breathless.  You feel his gaze burning into you suddenly making you feel shy and a bit self conscious unable to make full eye contact. 
He smirks but reaches up his fingers brushing your cheek guiding your face to look back at his watching as you hastily pin your hair into a half up half down do using his shell pin to keep it together. "And how do you know that." She says softly looking at him. He chuckles his hand now softly resting on your hip "she has a way of saying it without saying it you are learning healing techniques of our people from her personally" he hums rubbing his thumb on your hip bone with his eyes grazing over your form. You shiver and blush "I suppose that is true" you say softly and look down at him smiling "thank you Ao’nung for letting me stay and for last night it seems every new experience I have is with you" you smile and move to get out of the hammock. You gasp feeling his grip tighten a silent command not to move. You stare at him confused watching as he sat up slowly shifting the angle of your hips pushing you forward hands now on his chest. 
You blush feeling his face press into your hair inhaling only to exhale saturating the strands of your hair in his scent before pressing a kiss behind your ear "I hope to give you many more tsawksyul now go" he murmurs in your ear nuzzling his nose into that junction one more time before letting you go. Quickly you run as fast as you can back to the sullys Mauri for another sarong to tie around her hips. "Hi sorry I missed breakfast I overslept I need to get to Ronal" you rush tying it around your hips. They stare at you a bit shocked Jake had a stupid grin on his face so did Lo’ak. You roll your eyes and shake your head seeing a amused Neytiri "y/n after your lessons we need to speak" she says softly. She says as you move to leave. "Okay tiri I promise" you call rushing out unaware of the reason for their looks. 
You arrived to lessons with tsireya and Ronal seeing a slightly irritated Ronal. "Sorry I'm so sorry I overslept after swimming too long last night I'm so sorry" you begin bowing your head trying to look as remorseful as possible only to be met with a look of surprise and was it amusement or mild happiness. You looked to Tsireya who was practically shining like the sun with happiness "next time be more cautious with your time" Ronal murmurs before giving them lessons and tasks to do.
You walk with Tsireya knowing she had to talk to Neytiri before she could join them for a swim. "So why were you and your mother looking at me like that when I was late your mother doesn't seem like the kind to allow that." You say to her laughter "normally no but its because of what you did or rather what you didn't say you did." She says. You stop confused "I'm not following,"  tsireya smiles "so how was your night sleeping with Ao'nung?" You blush brightly and covered your face "how the hell did you even know that holy fucking shit" you exclaim face flushed she laughs again "you can't smell it but everyone one can you reek of Ao'nung's scent from head to toe even your hair your hair having the strongest scent." You blush remembering how he exhaled into your hair and how you slept in the same hammock. "He….. he I'm going to pluck his eyeballs out from his skull" you hiss trying to calm your raging embarrassment. 
She laughs and pats your shoulder "but I did hear from the other hunters he reeked of you as well….honestly I've never seen him this territorial so quickly." She murmurs as your part ways.
You enter seeing Neytiri and Jake and you instantly turn red “ before you say anything” you groan hearing Jake begin to chuckle and you feel like drowning in the deepest part of the lagoon reefs. Neytiri giggles “ since you know then i have to ask is he courting you” Jake seems to stiffen a little from that notion as not everyone liked the concept of Neytiri and him getting together not too long ago. You shake your head the shell pin in your hair glittering as you move. Neytiri glances in your hair and then sighs “ that is all after all the reason i wanted to talk to was about the fact his scent covers yours. You groan and walks away but you never really made an effort to wash it away as you swam and interacted with others unaware of the pleased set of eyes following you as you wore his scent all day making a point to scent mark you in some way. 
3 weeks went by quicker than you expected. Maybe it was the constant diving lessons by the chief's son Ao’nung, or the other days with the sullys helping Neytiri with meals, watching tuk and helping her pick out shells on the beach. Your favorite was with kiri you never judged her and her strong connection to Eywa in fact you admired and supported her for it. You even found yourself in healing lessons with Ronal and Tsireya. That always made you nervous being around Ao’nung mother and father you know how much they do not trust sky people and yet they are never not kind. There is never any disdain but you do receive Ronal’s sharp tongue when you are distracted or underperforming in lessons it reminded you of the way a mother would scold her child. Tonowari even helped you in the basics of making a fishing net which was the easiest to master the material was a little bit more flexible than the material of the omatikaya nets.  Despite not being able to connect with Eywa hunt or ride an ilu you are fitting in well not even minding the little clothing which you just saw as versatile swimwear. As well as said chief son taking up every moment of free time you had that wasn’t already claimed from taking long walks to night swims in the shallowest parts of the lagoon, somehow slowly making sleeping in his arms such a regular occurrence that no one even bats an eye anymore if anything everyone seems to be waiting for something.
You sit on the beach looking out at the water relaxing a part of you trying not to focus on the fact a month was over knowing that you’d have to wait a but longer before you could have your avatar but in reality you could wait a little longer its not like you didnt enjoy your time here. You stand deciding to take a walks and find a few shells not only for herself but for tuk and kiri to weave. 
You came back from your walk to see the helicraft from high camp and something in your heart told you don't run over there it's bad news. You looked over seeing Norm talking to Jake and Tonowari watching as all 3 made eye contact with you. You quickly start walking again not wanting to face the potential bad news….. 50/ 50 chance but when did you become so scared you went head first into battle against her race saw battle wounds even hunted in the forest but the concept of avatar driving now sacred you. You sit by the sand looking out to the water missing Ao'nung tasked with helping a hunting party today you needed him right now was it for emotional support or as an excuse to escape. You sigh laying back closing your eyes willing your fears to subside. 
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drakiandh · 5 months
Shifting Jewels, Chapter 4 - A Promise
Hi Hi wassup. @cosmicrain-draws @otherxagnela, I finally got to the good part, so this'll be my last tag of you guys. Hope you enjoy! Oh! Also, bonus art of what I imagine Star to look like at the bottom!
Words - 4,827
The surroundings around them gradually brightened as they reluctantly opened their eyes. A hiss escaped them as the initial sting subsided, and they blinked until the sunlight revealed the forest around them. They slowly sat up, finding themselves adored with a surprising second pair of arms when their lower hands dug into the soft earth. Cross-legged, they raised all four hands, examining them in fascination. The top pair boasted sharp claws and armor-like plating on their arms, contrasting with the unadorned lower set, leaving them perplexed. Dismissing the thought for the moment, they shifted their attention to the world.
Four eyes allowed them to perceive the environment with a unique perspective. First, they took in the burnt-out remnants of a campfire, the wisps of smoke dissipating into the air. Then, their gaze wandered through the trees, appreciating the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. A low hum emanated from their chest as they absorbed the details of their surroundings, and finally, they directed their focus inward, contemplating their newfound form.
A lingering thought prodded at their consciousness, a subtle reminder of an important task they were meant to fulfill. Tilting their head back, they gazed up at the clouds overhead, trying to recall the specifics of their purpose. It dawned on them—future vision. Whose future were they supposed to witness? Their gems. Yes, their gems. A sensation, entirely novel to their experience (which wasn’t surprising given their new form), enveloped their body, prompting their eyes to instinctively close.
As they surrendered to this unfamiliar force, a river materialized within their mind, winding its way through mountains of images and thoughts. Emotions surged through them—confusion, pain, anger, happiness, love. Countless tributaries branched off from the main river, resembling the intricate veins that carried lifeblood on Earth. The paths of existence intertwined, forming a complex network that ultimately led to a significant confluence. The main vein, the one they recognized as their own, extended towards an unforeseen destination, and an unsettling emotion clung to it.
Was it pain? No, it felt like something more profound, something surpassing mere betrayal. What could be worse than betrayal? The answer eluded them, tied to the fates of others, notably entwined with Rose Quartz. Their eyes fluttered open, and a burgeoning headache throbbed in their skull. Frowning, they pressed their hands into the ground, attempting to ignore the whirlwind of emotions engulfing them—mainly confusion and apprehension—and focusing on the more immediate task of standing. Internal voices wrestled within them—one urging analytical assessment, attempting to decipher the potential alteration of the river’s course, while the other, overwhelmed with the sheer thrill of existence, yearned to explore. Yielding to the latter, they wobbled a bit before finally finding their footing.
“There we go,” a voice muttered, causing them to freeze and scan their surroundings. No one was in sight, only the silent company of the towering trees. Their eyes narrowed, tension tightening their posture as they cautiously surveyed the area. The urge to call out won over the impulse to remain silent, prompting them to open their mouth. “Who’s there?” The familiar voice echoed, startling them into a stumble that sent them crashing to the ground with a yelp.
Realization dawned— the voice had been their own. Chuckling at their brief confusion, they sat up, scanning the surroundings once more. Convinced they were alone, they attempted to speak again. “Hello?” The same voice resonated from their throat, eliciting a delighted smile. “Awesome!” they exclaimed, trying to stand once more. Their voice was perfect, boosting their confidence as they took a step, stumbling but managing to stay upright. A laugh bubbled forth as they walked around the clearing, crossing one set of arms while the others planted firmly on their hips, reveling in the simple joy of their newfound existence.
Two of their hands instinctively went to the purple gem on their chest, their sharp claws tapping gently on its smooth surface. The Gem of a Star Sapphire. A low hum emanated from them as they contemplated the gem, tapping it twice before their attention shifted. Moving their hands to their back, they discovered another gem nestled just below the juncture of their neck and body. As they touched it, a fleeting shock of pain prompted a subdued hiss. They traced the cracks on the gem’s surface, a frown forming as they realized it was the broken gem of a Painite—one hit away from shattering. So why would they-?
A sudden gasp escaped them, urgency flooding their entire being, as a blinding white light enveloped them. In an instant, their consciousness split, returning to their respective owners. Star groaned, collapsing ungracefully to the ground as he reformed. Shaking his head to clear the haze, he rubbed at his eyes before looking around.
“Pain!” The cry tore from his throat as he witnessed the red gem desperately trying to prevent his destabilizing body from poofing. Star scrambled to his feet and rushed over to Painite, falling to his knees in a panic. He hovered his hands anxiously over the destabilizing red gem, muttering curses to himself. “Shit, shit, shit, why the hell did I—?” He berated himself, bringing one hand to his gem. Summoning the ancient healing tears he had learned to perfectly mimic, the liquid gathered in his hand, radiating a brilliance brighter than gold. Leaning forward, he attempted to pour it onto Painite’s gem.
However, Painite reformed just enough to slap Star’s hand away, his hiss carrying a harsh tone. The red gem glitched for a moment before settling into a form, revealing the dull red armor of corruption that had grown.
“You idiot!” Painite’s ragged voice reached Star, who turned to the other in concern. “I told you I don’t want to be healed by you!”
“Pain, you were literally destabilizing in front of me!” Star weakly protested, assisting the other in sitting up. “I couldn’t just do nothing!”
“I’m fine, Star,” Painite hissed, groaning slightly at the movement. Star failed to notice the unusual use of his name without hatred for the first time in 5,000 years. Painite glared at him, baring his teeth in a clear but heatless threat. “Why the stars did you do that?!” he demanded, his voice rising slightly.
“Do what?” Star asked innocently, wincing when Painite snarled at him.
“Fuse with me, you idiot! You could’ve gotten corrupted!” Painite shouted. Star winced and quickly tried to think up an explanation.
“It was in the moment! Honest!” He said, raising his hands in a surrender gesture. Painite’s expression shifted into a displeased frown as he crossed his arms. “That fusion, they were supposed to be so you’d have future vision for a minute too. I forgot you were corrupted, really!”
“Forgot? Fusion with a corrupted gem always ends up with the other becoming corrupted as well, Star. Everyone knows that.” Painite hissed, tapping his claws on his armored arm.
“I know, I know,” Star sighed, digging a hand through his hair. “Really, I didn’t think. I’m sorry.” Painite turned away. Silence passed between them, while Star became more and more nervous.
Scarab’s voice was soft when he next spoke. “Why did you fuse with me? Just to give me future vision for a moment?” He asked, his hands falling into his lap. “It’s… wrong.”
“Are you saying it’s wrong because it didn’t feel right, or because Homeworld had told you fusion is only for those of the same gem type?” Star asked, tilting his head a bit. Painite remained silent for a long moment before answering.
Star smiled, putting his hand over Painite’s. The red gem’s gaze lifted to Stars. “Homeworld can’t control you anymore; you don’t have to stick to anything they told you. There’s no right or wrong on Earth.”
Painite scoffed. “Ironically, since I’m Earthborn.”
Star paused for a small moment. “Wait, you’re Earthborn?” He disregarded the new detail when the moment ended. “Nevermind, that doesn’t matter. What matters right now is me answering your question.” He paused and took a small breath. “You asked what you saw in our future, and to be honest, it’s really hard to try and see more than one gem’s future when you’ve got such an accurate read on it. And I’ve never read my own future; normally it’s just to see events of horror. Nothing so… simple.”
Painite remained silent, rubbing circles on the back of Star’s hand. “I’m so used to blood and death that at this point I’ve started searching for it. I saw so many paths when I poofed you—sorry about that again—and so many of them led to one of us shattering. I couldn’t even look at the few that didn’t. So, I thought, uh, I thought by fusing with you when you asked that question, I-” He cut his words off, looking down at their entwined hands as a blue blush bloomed on his face. “I thought I wouldn’t be so… scared if you were there to see it too.”
“Star…” Painite whispered, the name coiling around his tongue and sounding so perfect without his anger and hatred coating it. Star loved to hear it. The red gem unlinked their hands, bringing one to cup the other’s cheek. Star leaned into the touch, adverting Painite’s eyes. He saw the other frown. “I’m sorry for pushing you. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you.”
Star quickly shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine. I’m- I’m used to it.”
That only made Painite’s frown grow deeper. “It’s not fine, Star. I’m sorry I never saw how badly Pink was treating you.” A laugh bubbled out of Star, short and sweet. The secret behind Pink burned at his throat, begging to be released, to tell Painite the truth. But unfortunately, no one can go against a Diamonds command; it was made in their very mineral. No one can know. His mind was pulled from his thoughts when Painite began speaking.
“I know I’m pushing again, but had you ever seen that…” He paused, looking nowhere as he thought. “…emotion?” Star hummed, assuming it was when they were fused. The vision they saw. Familiarity bubbled up in him at the memory, but was quickly squashed down when he could compare that odd feeling to something other gems had felt so long ago. He shook his head, shaking away the other’s hand.
“No, I haven’t,” He said, bringing one of his hands up to cup Painite’s fallen one. “I’ve seen something similar. When I first saw the shattering of Pink-” Painite tensed, but didn’t otherwise react, giving Star the go-ahead. Star hesitated despite himself. “I was curious, curious to see how others would react to her… death. So I looked into the future of some Quartz and found something similar. But this- us, this is different. It’s more… personal.”
“Personal?” Painite repeated, adorably tilting his head.
“Yeah. Like before, with those Quartz, it was more like a boss/worker relationship death. Like their parent died, or something along those lines.”
Painite looked away. “I remember Pink Diamond’s death. I was there to see it happen, I wasn’t fast enough to stop it. It was… excruciating,” Star winced and lowered his head. Maybe he’d take the news well if Rose ever told him? But Pink’s words echoed in his head. No one can know. “And our future, it supposed to be like that? But, closer?” Painite paused and looked at him, a sadness Star was well familiar with growing in his eyes. “Are we always destined to be shattered?”
The question caught Star off guard. “What? I-” He cut himself off, looking towards their intertwined hands once more. “I-I can look… if you want.”
Painite hummed. “Only if you want to. I will not push you, and we can deal with it when we get there.”
“No no, I- I want to. I want to see,” Star hesitated, pulling his hands free and scooting himself back, giving them plenty of space in between them. “Okay, it’s been like 5000 years since I last did this, so I might not be as accurate as before.”
“That is alright,” Painite said, hands falling gently into his lap. “Just do your best.”
Star nodded and took a deep breath, his eyelids slipping shut as he immersed himself in the vivid imagery of the rivers and streams surrounding him. The darkness of his mind came alive with intricate veins, and he concentrated on pushing them outward. From his gem emerged his weaponized shadows that enveloped both him and Painte in a grand dome, spacious enough for them to stand comfortably. A surge of power coursed through him, a kaleidoscope of emotions, thoughts, and actions coiling just beneath his closed eyelids, seen by none but himself.
With determined focus, Star extended those shadows, compelling the intricate visions to materialize on the inner surface of the dome. Veins appeared, gracefully intertwining and pulling from the shadows, creating a mesmerizing display of pathways he had seen countless times before. A final, deliberate push from his gem bathed the dome in a soft blue light, coalescing into a luminous ball at its center. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Painite looking around, captivated by the intricate veins and paths that now adorned the inside of their ephemeral sanctuary.
“Impressive,” Painite’s voice resonated, somewhat obscured by the whispers of a thousand voices in Star’s head, but comprehensible nonetheless. “I can understand why you’re so valuable.”
Star smiled and raised his hands, palms open. In a deliberate motion, he took a deep breath, and shadowy hands emerged from the dome’s surface at his command. They gracefully twirled around specific veins, coaxing them towards the blue ball in the center. As the veins connected seamlessly, images flashed on the ball’s surface. Star, due to his ability to peer far into the future, had to compromise visual quality for accuracy.
“Our future is one of the more advanced I have seen,” Star began, his voice echoing slightly with subvocals as he slipped back into the habit forged by years of envisioning victories. “Before we had reconnected, I had seen only pain and death.”
The images on the dome began to move as Star spoke, depicting the figures of the two gem beings clashing together. “For five thousand years, I had seen only shattering.” The image portrayed Painite thrusting his spear forward, piercing through Star and shattering him. In another, Star squeezed Painite enough to break his gem, resulting in shattering when it fell. “But for some odd reason, the path changed suddenly.” A larger vein appeared, pulled into the dome and resetting the images, showing a simplified version of when they were at the creek. “Something changed, some small thing that set us both on a new path. I do not know what it is, nor do I care now.”
“You speak much differently when you do this,” Painite noted, tapping a claw gently on a passing vein, which glowed slightly at his touch. Star laughed.
“Yeah, weird, isn’t it?” He responded before pulling a few new veins towards the ball. “Now, there are so many paths that are equally shattering and life. In one, I see you shattering me in a last-ditch effort to realign yourself with Homeworld, only to be shattered when you return because of your corruption. In another, I see separation, where we both go our own ways.”
“Which is the path that is ours?” Painite asked. Star smiled.
“They all are,” he responded, earning a confused look.
“I thought there was only one river, and that all streams lead back to it?” Painite asked.
Star laughed. “To a normal Sapphire, you’re correct. They see as far as 100 or so years into the future. In one hundred years, not a lot can happen to us gems. It is just one big river that is the present, and little streams split off that are your choices, before eventually either leading to a lake of either death or forever contentment, or rejoining the main river. But for me-” He gestured around at the veins hovering around them, then to the ball that had shown his words visually, which had zoomed out, revealing a web so much bigger than a simple river. “I can see thousands of years into the future. The rivers of the present are so much smaller for me, acting as just simple streams in the grand scheme of things. I can see all the rivers that flood into yours, see all the little streams that lead to a lake, see all the little things that shift your river of time. It’s beautiful. All these veins around you now are all the little paths and directions one simple decision can make. And once, just a day or so ago, you would’ve stuck to your vendetta for so long that it would lead to death.”
A vein, cut off and dull, was brought before Painite. Then the larger vein, still feeding into the ball, was moved for a slightly better view. “This larger vein is the future of both me and you combined. So very easily it can split off and flow into one of these dead paths, where one of us, or both, can die. It’s so complex that I had to take a moment to process it when I first saw it.”
“Yes, it is very complex, but what is our current path?” Painite asked, wrapping a hand around one such death path and tugging it slightly. Star smiled when Painite flinched as it broke off easily and quickly hid it behind himself. His smile fell, however, when he saw the future of their current path.
“I see… only pain. Pain and death.” Again, the ball showed them fighting. It showed Star squeezing Paintie so hard he shattered.
���How can I change it?” Painite asked, worriedly looking at the ball.
“Hang on, lemme-” Star concentrated, pulling all the spare veins back into other shadows of his mind before pulling the main one closer, bigger. “There are two steps I can see so far. I can’t really get the details for it, though.”
“That’s alright,” Painite responded. “Just tell me how.”
Star hummed. “First, we get you to the fountain. And then… then we rush to Rose.”
“What?” Painite replied, confusion coursing through him. “What does the rebellion’s leader have anything to do with this?”
Star gazed at the visions appearing on the ball, showing the fountain and them near it, then rushing towards the temple that held the Crystal Gems. And then it just cut off, repeating it over and over again, as if the path was too split to decide. He’d only seen it once before. The day the Diamonds corrupted Earth. “I-I don’t… know,” He said, trying to force it forward, but it only cut out and repeated over and over. “There are too many options, too many chances, too many-” He cut his words off, his eyes widening as he looked at Painite.
“What?” The red gem asked, staring back at the other.
“You’re corrupted,” Star muttered.
“Yes, we’ve established that already,” Paintie said, crossing his arms.
“No no, like you’re corrupted. Corruption works by consuming and distorting the light that is our bodies. If you hadn’t gotten cracked… then you’d have been corrupted.”
Painite scowled. “What are you getting at?”
Star hesitated. “If your gem gets healed, then the corruption will finish its path and corrupt you fully.” Painite’s eyes widened in realization. “That’s why we have to go to Rose; she might be able to heal you if-” He bit his words off, Pink Diamond’s command halting his tongue and burning his soul.
“If what?” Painite prodded. “Star, please tell me if Rose Quartz, a simple Quartz, has the ability to heal me.”
“I-I can’t,” Star responded, shaking his head slightly. “I just can’t.”
“Why not?” Painite pushed. “Why not, Star?”
“I can’t, Painite,” Star replied, surprising the other with the use of his full name. “I just can’t.” Painite remained silent, then nodded.
“Fine. But you will tell me when I have healed,” he said, earning a nod from Star. They sat in silence for a moment before Painite spoke again. “Now, is there a warp pad where the rebellion’s leader is?” Star nodded. “Good. Then we’ll fix the warp pad, and you’ll try to convince the Quartz to heal me.”
Star nodded, but a thought crossed his slowly headache-induced mind. “Wait. Fix the warp pad?”
Painite shrugged. “I figured out the base minerals for healing a warp pad. I wasn’t able to get enough to heal the Homeworld Warp, so I just used it to fix any broken pads I came across.”
Star lit up, a smile breaking over his face. “Awesome! Then let’s get started on getting to that pad.” With a simple thought, the shadows surrounding them fell, pulling the veins of the future back into them as the ball of light fizzled and went out. Star hissed softly, digging a hand through his hair as a pounding headache made itself known.
“Are you alright?” Painite asked, standing and walking over to him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. This migraine will end in just a few hours,” Star responded, shrugging off the other but taking the offered hand to stand. Star tried to pull away, but Painite didn’t let go. Turning, he saw Painite turning his head away. Star waited for the other to speak, their fingers entwined more comfortably.
Painite’s voice was hesitant when he spoke, red blooming on his cheeks. “The fusion…”
Star blinked. “Oh, sorry about that again. I’ll make sure-”
“No,” Painite cut off, his grip growing tighter. “They… they were… nice.”
Star was stunned into silence before excitement bloomed in his chest. “Really?” he asked, a smile breaking over his face. “Do you, maybe, wanna, I don’t know, do it again, maybe?”
Painite remained silent for a long moment before hesitantly nodding. Star smiled as brightly as he could, wrapping his hands around the other’s waist and lifting him up into the air. “Star!” Paintie’s words were cut off when Star began spinning, laughing. A laugh bubbled from Painite as well, even more so when Star dropped him and caught him in a hug.
“Oh man, you’ve got no clue how happy that makes me,” Star said, his eyes slipping shut. Painite sighed and hugged him back.
“How could I have ever hated you?” Painite muttered into his shoulder, and Star giggled.
“I don’t know, man, I’m pretty lovable.” Painite pulled away and swatted at Star’s chest, earning a laugh from the Sapphire. Star leaned his head on the other’s, a bright smile almost as radiant as the white light that enveloped them both.
“Just over these mountains,” They muttered, their clawed hands digging into the rugged rocks as they hoisted their weight onto the ledge. Standing tall, they moved to the edge, peering down at the landscape below. The terrain was a rugged expanse, a patchwork of rocks and intertwining vines. Amidst the natural chaos, a shimmering glint of blue emanated from a distant warp pad. With a scowl, they muttered to no one in particular, “Must it be such a steep fall?”
Without waiting for an answer, they stepped off the precipice. Claws bit into the rock, slowing their descent until they were near enough to leap safely onto a massive boulder that had damaged the warp pad. Planting their hands on the rocky surface, they positioned their feet against the stone wall. With a small groan, they exerted force, tipping the boulder off the warp pad with a muted boom.
Gracefully landing on the warp pad, they stood with a tap of their foot on the large crack that marred its once-blue surface. “Fixable,” they muttered before turning away, embarking on a journey down the path lined with thorns of roses. As they advanced, the thorns began to disperse, revealing a vast depression in the Earth. Processed stone enclosed the area, leading to a grand gate, its star-shaped design guarding the entrance to a massive pool of glittering water—the foundation of the Crystal Gems. Adorning the pool’s center was a statue of their leader, frozen in the act of shedding tears that sustained the pool. They rolled their eyes. “How modest.”
They began a cautious circuit around the fountain, their sharp eyes scanning for any potential threats that, logically, should not have been present. Yet, prudence dictated an extra layer of caution. They couldn’t dispute the wisdom in that, so they meticulously traced the entire circumference of the pool, their fingers grazing the smooth, white stone wall. Satisfied that there was no imminent danger, they retraced their steps back to the warp pad.
Once standing on the blue device, they gracefully crouched, reaching behind to summon a viscous green substance from their cracked gem. Grimacing at the goo’s uncomfortable texture adhering to their fingers, they pressed on, generously applying it within the prominent cracks marring the pad’s surface. After a patient wait of a few moments, the green substance began to emit a soft glow, seamlessly melding with the blue material. Soon, the cracks healed and vanished from sight. A triumphant smile curled on their face as they nodded in approval, crossing their top pair of arms with a sense of accomplishment.
Content with their work on the warp pad, they returned back to the fountain, casting a final, scrutinizing gaze over the area before finally focusing on the shimmering water. Seating themselves on the bottom steps of the pool, they dipped their clawed feet into the water. A delightful tingling sensation coursed through their limbs, prompting a soft smile to grace their features. With a serene expression, they closed their eyes as a cascade of white light enveloped their form, their consciousness seamlessly returning to their respective owners.
Star’s eyes fluttered open, finding Painite seated beside him. Sensing a subtle hesitation in the other gem, Star extended a comforting hand towards Painite. However, he froze right before making contact, a sense of horror seizing him as he peered at his arm. Beneath the sleeve of his jacket, red armor was manifesting on his skin.
The realization jolted Star, and he quickly shook away the disconcerting feeling. Refocusing on comforting Painite, he laid a hand over the other’s, adjusting his sleeve to conceal the emerging corruption. “It’s okay,” Star reassured, his voice steady despite the underlying worry. “Trust me, I’ve healed myself in this pool before. It works.”
Painite hesitated, voicing his concerns. “But what if it doesn’t?” He paused. “What if it does?”
Star furrowed his brow. “Isn’t that a good thing if your crack gets healed?”
Painite nodded. “Yes, but it also clears the path for the corruption.” Star had momentarily forgotten about this aspect, and a wave of regret washed over him. Painite turned to him, a serious expression on his face as he took his hand away and stood. Star mirrored the movement, standing patiently, though an underlying tension crept into his demeanor.
“Star,” Painite began, and the Sapphire straightened, anticipation tingling in the air. “If the Quartz is unable to be convinced to heal me, or if she can’t heal me, I want you to poof me.”
Star’s stance faltered. “What?” Confusion seeped into his voice.
“Poof me,” Painite repeated casually, as if discussing the weather. “I want you to poof me if the corruption cannot be healed, even if it hasn’t fully taken over yet.” He paused, allowing Star to absorb his request. “I have seen it take over gems. I do not wish to experience that pain.”
Star stared at Painite for a moment, his mind racing to process the gravity of the request. “I-I can’t just poof you, Pain! I-”
Painite cut him off, his tone firm and resolute. “Star, I was an incredibly powerful gem during the war. I was stronger than the Beta Kindergarten’s top Jasper. If that corruption fully takes over, then I can be a serious threat to you. I can shatter you, Star. When the time comes, and I trust you will know when, I want you to poof me. Got it?”
A long moment hung in the air, the weight of Painite’s request sinking into Star’s conscience. Though justified, the idea still pierced through him with a painful realization. Painite’s unyielding gaze demanded a response, compelling Star to make a decision. With a heavy sigh, Star nodded. “Okay… Okay, I will,” he said, his voice laden with a sense of vulnerability. Painite acknowledged the response with a soft smile, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Good. And when you do, make sure to keep me close, okay?” Painite requested. Star nodded in solemn agreement. Painite reciprocated the nod before turning his attention back to the shimmering water.
“Good luck,” Star murmured, his eyes fixed on Painite, who took a deep breath.
A beat of heavy silence enveloped them, and then Painite dove into the pool, disappearing beneath the glittering surface.
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thelaurenshippen · 25 days
this month's mixtape is Desperate Hollow! I write notes to all of my playlists and this month, I also wrote a ton about the process of working on this story, so if y'all are interested in that too, I'm happy to post that writing here! just let me know. but for now, music and rivals-to-friend-to-enemies-to-lovers feelings.
here are the basics that you need to know: Tex Bullock (a name he chose at 11) joined the notorious Barlowe Boys after he was orphaned at 8 years old, with Barlowe taking him under his wing. Sawyer Watson was similarly orphaned years later and fell in with the gang when he and Tex were both 14. they did not like each other at first. but fast forward thirteen years and they've become the best of friends, with feelings beyond friendship buried in both their hearts, when a confrontation with Barlowe leads to Sawyer shooting Tex in the chest and leaving him for dead. 
fast forward again, seven years this time, and Sawyer has been living in a dead-end town (Desperate Hollow, of course) when who should roll into town, horseless and clearly running from something, but Tex. 
that is, more or less, everything you need to know that happens in the first few chapters. okay, let's get into it: 
1. "Bottom of the River" - Delta Rae
This playlist was started so long ago, in 2019, and since then I've honed so much about the story, even though I haven't touched this playlist. As a result, a lot of the songs are seeking a vibe that I hadn't quite clicked into - this is definitely a vibe song. It sounds to me like dragging yourself across dusty plains, hoping that salvation will come find you soon, either in the sight of civilization or in death. Essentially: where Tex begins.
2. "Born This Way" - Bear and a Banjo
Though both Sawyer and Tex have their own playlists (which I'll be sharing over the next two months) as well as several different ship mixes, there are certain songs that are more one or the other on this playlist. Sawyer's life before joining the Barlowe Boys was fairly peaceful - as a Black man living in Montana, he didn't exactly have it easy, but he had parents who loved each other and loved him. That sense of family is something he never quite gets back with the gang.
What happened to my freedom, separated my family/Bringing me to the foreign place/Now I'm focused on surviving in the midst of evil/Don't think it's ever gonna be the same
Fun fact! This song is actually from a fiction podcast about a fictional musical collaboration. 
3. "Devil's Backbone" - The Civil Wars
Meanwhile, Tex was raised by a criminal father, his mother having died when he was eighteen months old. So when Barlowe found him and showed him the kind of affection and guidance his father never did, it was easy for Tex to fall into line on the criminality side. Sawyer is a lot more moral than Tex in a lot of ways - he's never killed anyone, whereas Tex has earned himself a pretty fearsome reputation. Sawyer doesn't always approve of what Tex does but...that doesn't mean he doesn't have a weakness for him all the same. 
Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not/He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Also, Sawyer was raised in the church whereas Tex's dad was probably? Irish Catholic but I don't think he ever talked about God with Tex. Neither one of them is very religious anymore, but I love the line Oh Lord, oh Lord, what do I do?/I've fallen for someone who's nothing like you
4. "Tell That Devil" - Jill Andrews
I found this song because it's the theme for  Wynonna Earp, a delightful supernatural Western with lots of queerness. 
I gave you all I got to give/I know that ain't no way to live/so I told that devil to take you back - so much of the conflict between Tex and Sawyer is about loyalty, to each other and to Barlowe. I think this could work in multiple ways--either one of them saying it to Barlowe, or Sawyer saying it to Tex. 
5. "I'm a Wanted Man" - Royal Deluxe
This is a Tex song - both how the world sees him and the way he sees himself. 
I would kill again to keep from doing time is more or less a plot point, and you should never ever trust my kind is a central conflict within him. 
If you asked me to change/I don't know if I can/I'll always be who I am
Royal Deluxe is all over these playlists - they make "outlaw rock" which in my view, is essentially cowboy-outlaw roleplaying fanfic. I'm so glad it exists. 
6. "I'm Bad" - The Last Vegas
More of a vibe song, but I do think this is a little bit how Tex sees himself sometimes. He doesn't relish violence, doesn't actually really want to be an outlaw, but it's pretty much all he's ever known -- this is my note from 2019 or whenever I first wrote the notes and I don't have much to add to it (other than to say I'm not sure Tex doesn't relish violence. It's complicated. I did tell you the story got darker). Hindsight being 20/20, if I were to remake these playlists now, this would go on the Barlowe playlist. But this and the Tex and Sawyer playlists have been so baked for so long, I can't conceive of any other song placement. 
7. "Raise Hell" - Brandi Carlile 
If Tex has an anthem this is it. For some reason, I didn't end up putting it on his personal playlist, because I think it fits the ~vibes~ better.
I've been down with a broken heart/Since the day I learned to speak/The devil gave me a crooked start/When he gave me crooked feet - This is sort of the companion to "Born This Way". Tex's father took a lot more shape since I wrote this initial note, but it applies even more now. Tex was never going to walk straight (dual meaning intended). 
I dug a hole inside my heart/To put you in your grave/At this point it was you or me/And mama didn't raise no slave/You took my face in both your hands/And looked me in the eye/And I went down with such a force/That in your grave I lie - I was coy with my notes on these lyrics previously, but it does work on multiple levels - Tex and Sawyer both have to bury each other in their hearts after that deadly confrontation and, for seven years, Sawyer thinks he put Tex in his actual grave. Which, from his perspective, might as well be his own grave for as much as he wants to exist in a world without Tex. Anyway, yeah, graves are a thing in the book. 
8. "Dangerous" - Royal Deluxe
Mostly a vibes song - I like to think of this as a theme song of sorts, for when Sawyer and Tex were in their early twenties, perfect partners, taking the West by storm and becoming figures of legend. 
9. "Blood on My Name" - The Brothers Bright
As I said, Sawyer is the less violent of the two, doesn't like being an outlaw at all really but that doesn't mean he isn't deadly. Tex wears his anger like a well-worn coat, but Sawyer's rage is buried deep.
Yes, Sawyer's rage is buried deep, but it's also different from Tex's - it's a simplification, but Tex spends most of his life angry at himself, Sawyer spends that time angry at the world. After Sawyer shoots Tex, those positions switch. Tex is the one who has blood all over his reputation, his name, but Sawyer's one kill (so he thinks) haunts him in a way killing never bothered Tex. 
There's a reckoning a-coming/And it burns beyond the grave/With lead inside my belly/'Cause my soul has lost its way/Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid? - brain goes brrrrr at this re: Sawyer, but I've got to save some thoughts for the actual book. 
10. "Gun in My Hand" - Dorothy
Why did love put a gun in my hand...Why did love put a knife in my heart - I mean, that really says it all.
All the talk of redemption, revenge, opening up scars...delicious. 
Was it for the thrill of pushin' my hope to the edge - if I think about this too long I'll spontaneously combust. 
11. "Desperado" - Rihanna*
Okay, okay, okay - this is the keystone song of both this playlist and their relationship. I love it. It's modern and cool but has that old West swag and, okay, look, this might be a stretch, but "Desperado" sort of sounds like "Desperate Hollow" said with a drawl and GAH. I love this song.
I'm not tryna go against you/Actually, I'm going withcha/Gotta get up out of here and/You ain't leaving me behind/I know you won't, 'cause we share common interests/You need me, there ain't no leaving me behind - the premise of this story initially really hinged on one fact: that Tex and Sawyer needed each other to get out of Desperate Hollow.
There ain't nothing here for me anymore/But I don't wanna be alone - I have so much to say about this lyric but I don't think I can without writing an essay that gives away the whole book, so I'll shut up.
If you want we could runaways/running from any sight of love - again, if I speak--
12. "Heaven and Back" - Emily West
I don't know, I just wanted to end this playlist on a kinda romantic song! this is one of those songs that just feels like them and I can't describe why.
A big reason this song is on the playlist is that, back in 2019, I was building a pitch for a big studio that ended up going nowhere, but the exec I was working with sent me this song at the same moment I was putting the final touches on this playlist and it just clicked in my brain. 
I want you to be my man/I want you to be more than a friend/I dare you to break our plans
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sixhours · 3 months
Chapter 4 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
Jackson welcomed you with open arms.
They found you on the other side of Elk River, as you expected. It was easy to play the part of the weary traveler because that’s what you were for the six-weeks-on-foot trek from Kansas City to Jackson. When they sat you down in the interrogation room, you didn’t have to lie about the arduous journey. You turned in your weapons willingly and they didn’t ask to search your bag, which was fortunate–most of your cargo was repurposed radio equipment.
You got the impression the people of Jackson weren’t especially concerned about FEDRA’s influence. Being a thousand miles from the nearest QZ probably had that effect. What they didn’t know was that FEDRA had been setting up outposts for years; dotted along the highways, creating rough paths for delivery routes between the QZs, often cloaked as run-down gas stations or abandoned radio towers. The FEDRA network had grown slowly and stealthily thanks to people like you.
You were offered a home in exchange for work, given the pick of several empty houses that had been cleared for resettlement. You chose a light green, two-story cottage, drawn by the old-fashioned TV antenna springing prominently from the rooftop. That would come in handy.
You joined the town’s only other doctor, a 76-year-old man named Eric, at the tiny clinic just off Main Street and saw plain relief in the man’s eyes on your first day of work. It was clear they needed your experience. They didn’t have much compared to the hospitals in the QZ, but the clinic was efficient and clean. 
It was a straightforward assignment and you slipped into a familiar pattern: Ask around, ingratiate yourself to the community, find the people who made the decisions, and then…listen. You’ve learned that it rarely takes coercion to get people to talk here.
You sigh and drop your pen on the workbench, rolling your head on your shoulders. It’s two in the morning, and you have to be up at 5:30 to take over for the night shift, but you already know you won’t be able to sleep. You’re not used to it yet. Jackson is too quiet, too easy, too safe . Like a mirage in the desert, you keep waiting for it to evaporate into thin air, and yet, a month into this assignment…it’s still here.
You’d told your superiors about the girl on a hunch, and now they want more information. It’s not unusual for you to be asked to dig deeper into an individual, but you’ve never targeted someone so young. You suspect she’s the kid of some high-level Firefly but you don’t ask questions, you never do.
You spin slowly around in the creaking office chair, surveying the dormered attic where you’ve set up the radio and recorder. It’s filled with someone else’s memories, the usual forgotten fodder. Old trunks of graying yellow linens, a broken bicycle, a moldy dress dummy, and dozens of boxes packed with papers and books. Occasionally you paw through the latter looking for reading material–not that you’ve had much time to read.
Tonight your eyes settle on a box near the foot of the workbench, and you begin leafing through it, flicking aside dusty exam papers and report cards, drawings, construction paper turkeys and candy canes.
At the bottom of the box, you unearth a short stack of comic books. You take them out, brushing a thick layer of dust off the top, revealing the first cover: a monstrous creature with white wrinkled skin over a bright red mouth and four sharp teeth. The next book has a glowing UFO soaring across the starry sky and what looks like a fetus in a test tube, and the third shows a ghostly smeared handprint on a window.
You wrinkle your nose but tuck the comics under your arm, thinking they might be the kind of thing a 15-year-old would enjoy.
In the days after meeting Ellie and her father, you do some research. The pair first arrived in Jackson last winter, then promptly disappeared, the circumstances surrounding their departure mysterious enough to become a source of gossip. They reappeared the following spring, but no one can tell you where they’d been.
You learn that Joel works as a contractor and patrolman. He’s surprisingly well-connected in the Jackson hierarchy as Maria’s brother-in-law. He’s respected, but not exactly well-liked; he’s too reserved for that. You know he has an itchy trigger finger and a short temper, and the prominent opinion among many in Jackson is that his daughter is one of his few redeeming qualities.
And you know you don’t stand a chance of getting close to her without gaining Joel’s trust.
You’re turning this over in your mind during your shower one morning, staring at the water-stained floor in your tiny bathroom when you have a flash of inspiration.
Joel is visibly surprised to see you at his door that evening. His eyes widen, then narrow in suspicion.
“Just wanted to check in on my patient. How’s she feeling?”
He sucks in a breath, staring down at you with a sneer like you’ve crossed some deeply personal line.
“She’s fine,” he says.
Ellie pokes her head out the door and sees you standing there with the comic books in your hands. Her eyes go wide. “Is that for me?”
“Hey,” you smile. “And yeah, I found these in my attic and thought–”
The girl shoves her way past Joel before you can finish, grabbing the books from your hands. She flips through the pages, frowning. “Aww man, I was hoping it was…something else. But these look cool.”
“I think this was some sci-fi show back in the 90’s,” you shrug. “I used to watch reruns. Seemed like the kind of thing you’d be into. If you like them, let me know. There may be more up there.”
“They look gross,” she beams at the cover with the white fanged monster, and you decide that’s a mark of praise.
“You done?” Joel snaps, still glaring at you.
“Actually, I have a question for you,” you say, turning back to him. “May I come in?”
Another pause, long enough for Ellie to dig an elbow into the man’s side. “C’mon, man. She’s a doctor . What’s she gonna do, bandage us to death?”
You smirk at this, raising your eyebrows in a silent question.
Joel makes a low sound in his throat. “Fine.”
The house is warm; spartan, but tidy. Not the bachelor-pad-slash-teenage wasteland you’d expected. You step into a small living room with an overstuffed leather couch, a small fireplace, and a coffee table. It smells like pine wood and fresh coffee.
Before you can look around, Joel is standing in front of you, broad-shouldered and scowling.
“So, I heard you’re a contractor,” you begin.
He blinks, expression blank, not offering anything further.
“And I…might have a job for you,” you continue. “My kitchen has some water damage on the back wall and ceiling. The bathroom floor feels soft, and I’m worried it’s not structurally sound.”
“Jobs go through the labor committee,” he says flatly. “Take it up with them.”
You wrinkle your nose. “I know…but it’s such a small thing. I don’t want to waste the committee’s time if it turns out to be nothing. And I don’t even need a builder, necessarily, just someone to take a look at the damage and confirm that my tub’s not going to fall into my kitchen next time I take a bath.”
Another long pause, Ellie looking back and forth between you as the pause unfurls into awkward silence.
“Ugh, he’ll do it,” she says to you.
“Ellie–” he growls a warning.
“God, and you say I have no social skills,” she mutters. “Just fuckin’ do it, Joel. Go help the lady with her kitchen or whatever.”
“She saved my life, right?”
Joel rolls his eyes. “She didn’t–”
“And didn’t you try to, like, shoot her?”
He glares at you before turning back to her. “I didn’t–”
You watch this exchange with fascination, the easy way the young girl neatly dances around his protests.
She smacks him lightly on the arm. “When do you want him?”
The question is so abrupt, it takes you a hot second to realize she’s asking you to name a date. “Tomorrow? I have a shift until 7 but I can take a break to show you my place.”
Joel seethes at Ellie, but she grins, entirely unintimidated.
“Fine,” he mutters through gritted teeth. “Tomorrow. Five.”
“Great. It’s on Coburn, the third house on the left.”
He nods but doesn’t say anything further.
“Guess I’ll show myself out, then,” you say, turning back to the door. As it shuts behind you, you overhear Joel’s low growl.
“What the hell’d you do that for?”
Ellie’s laugh is the only response.
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
The Irish Currach
The currach is a traditional Irish boat built from a light wooden frame covered with tarred leather or canvas. They were usually 4.80 to 5.50 m long and slightly less than 1 m wide. Depending on the purpose for which they were built and where they were built, they could be seaworthy with a keel and sail or flat as a river or coastal vessel. It is not known exactly when they first appeared on the coasts of Ireland, but they seem to have been around since the Neolithic period.
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A modern Kerry currach 
Used for fishing or transport, they could also be used for other purposes. Pytheas of Massalia is said to have used one around 340 BC during his exploration of north-western Europe. Whether he actually did so is questionable, since his account of the voyage has been lost and other ancient authors like to portray him as a liar and label his observations as fictitious. Today's researchers, however, believe him to a large extent.
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Pytheas on his voyage to Thule in 340 BC, by Stephen Biesty 2011
In chapter 4 of the Navigatio Sancti Brendani, the author describes how St Brendan and his monks built a curragh for the planned sea voyage in 565 and 573 AD across the open sea to the "Isle of the Blessed". The material is described in detail: resin-soaked ox hides tanned in oak tan for the covering, ash wood for the frames and oak wood for gunwale, oars, oars and mast, all made waterproof with (sheep) fat. Then a hull was constructed from longitudinal and transverse frames joined with leather strips, the skins pulled over them and sewn together with flax fibre threads. Oars, mast, leather straps (for the shrouds and sheets), leather sails, as well as spare skins, woods and grease completed the equipment.
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Book illustration Manuscriptum translationis germanicae Cod. Pal. Germ. 60, fol. 179v (University Library  of Heidelberg, Germany), written around 1460 AD. St. Brendan in a currach.
A similarly constructed boat is described in the mythical tales Immram Curaig Maíle Dúin ("The Voyage of the Boat of Máel Dúin") from the 10th century and Immram Brain ("Bran's Voyage") from the 8th century. The currach survives to this day and caused quite a stir in the 17th century when an attempt was made to recreate a seagoing one. Captain Thomas Phillips, described and drew it as follows: "A portable vessel made of wicker, commonly used by the wild Irish". The ocean-going vessel is about 6m long, has a keel and rudder, a ribbed hull and a mast in the middle of the vessel. Because of the keel, the ship is built from the bottom up. A fairing (probably made of animal skins) was added, with the sides supported by poles in the gaps.
The mast is supported by stays and double shrouds on each side, the latter sloping down to an outer plank which serves as a chain stay. The forestay runs over a small fork above the yard, which carries a square sail: a branch is tied to the top of the mast. The stern is topped by double half-rings which could support a cover.
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Captain Thomas Phillips - Currach, 17th century
Phillips' sketches suggest that such a vessel was by all means common in his time and probably in use earlier. The keel would improve the handling of the boat, but the hull would remain flexible.
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A modern Donegal Sea Currach
Today's currachs are sturdy, light and versatile vessels. Their framework consists of a truss formed by frames and stringers and surmounted by a gunwale. There is a stem and stern post, but no keel. For this it is rowed but can also have a mast and sail, but with a minimum of rigging. The outside of the hull is covered with tarred canvas or calico, a substitute for animal skin. They are used for, recreation, fishing, ferries and for transporting goods and livestock, including sheep and cattle.  
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. Thank you for this wonderful blog!! It's such a fantastic resource and I really appreciate all the work you put into it <3
I'm in the mood for soulmate/arranged marriage/etc. fics where wangxian is paired up and LWJ is not happy about it (at first! happy endings only, please). Maybe he doesn't like that WWX is so boisterous. Maybe WWX marries into the Lan Sect and keeps breaking rules. Maybe LWJ rejects him on principle because he doesn't want a soulmate/arranged match. Anything in that vein! Thank you!! @kirk-spock-in-the-impala
Deconstruct by flowercity (FaoriE) (T, 11k, wangxian, soulmates au, fluff, light angst, pining)
Fated Series by LtLJ (G, 31k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Post-Apocalypse, Magical Apocalypse, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Canon Diverted via Volcano, YL WWX, Badass LWJ) but it's locked so you have to be logged in to AO3
Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 45k, WangXian,Arranged Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, lwj’s mother is here but only briefly, RIP, Shenanigans, Fix-Itof sorts, Canonical Character Death, but not all, did i forget to tag pining, because this fic is like 90 percent pining, Hurt/Comfort)
the river and the sea by sasamelons (T, 7k, WangXian, Soulmates, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Mutual Pining)
Rebuttable Presumption by @/sarah-yyy
2. itmf fics where jc strangling wwx has consequences? i.e. seizures, loss of/impairment of voice, panic attacks, etc that kind of thing?
a star called sun by thelastdboy (E, 120k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Heavy Angst, Self-Worth issues, Amputation, Situational Mutism, Slow burn, Angst with a happy ending)
🧡 the river brought you here by chilianxianzi (Not Rated, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, POV Outsider, Amnesia, Past abuse, Strangulation, Found Family)
Obscuring the Sun by Karmiya (E, 3k, WIP, WangXian, WWX & WQ, WWX & WN, the sunshot campaign, Past Domestic Abuse) only 1 chapter so far
3. itmf jealous lan zhan pls!! he instantly hates anybody who flirts with wei ying or vice versa. thank you :)
A Heart Needs a Beat  by EmBlu (IcyDeath) (Not rated, 6k, wangxian, modern, misunderstandings, jealousy, ABO, alpha WWX, beta LWJ, oblivious WX,   fluff, omega LWJ)
Snow Burns and Fire Falls by Liebing (T, 12k, wangxian, fluff, fox wangxian, childhood friends, orphans, lan WWX, happy ending, sweet, soft, cute, time jump, jealous WWX, oblivious WWX) 
Bite and Bruise and Bind by ReformedTsundere (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Jealous LWJ, Biting, Friends With Benefits, Or Is it?, Idiots in Love, Pining, Like VERY Slightly Dubious Content, Begging, Blow Jobs, Marking, slight angst, Slight self-loathing, Happy Ending, little bit of crying, Barebacking)
Of Bunnies and Sleeves and All Happy Things by moonwaif (G, 3k, wangxian, mutual pining) 
4 times LWJ was Jealous and 1 time it was WWX by cylnire (T, 3k, WangXian, Jealousy, Jealous LWJ, Jealous WWX, Cute, Funny, Attempt at Humor, Fluff) 
nobody else but me by wqngji (E, 1k, wangxian, smut, jealous LWJ, bottom WWX, possessive LWJ, PWP, fluff & smut)
(there is a jealous lan zhan ao3 tag that the requestor can filter through! these are ones that I've read and liked)
4. Hello!! I'm in the mood for fics where the Lans are protective of WWX, and are equally dark when someone hurts him. Long fics (at least over 10k words) would be appreciated, but shorts are also fine. Thank you for your time.🐇 @utxqia
Hey this is #4 on the recent IITMF. I was wondering do you have any other recs than "Stunted, Starving Juvenility" for my req? Because it's an amazing fic and I've already read it several time and it's not even completed. I apologise for bothering you 🫣
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 548k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) I love being able to rec this fic, it's one of my favorites!
Truths Laid Bare For All by Preludian_Staves (T, 40k, wangxian, arranged marriage, not Jiang friendly, truth serum, love confessions, golden core reveal, implied referenced abuse, getting to know each other, genius WWX, falling in love, courting, WIP (hiatus)) these three doesn't have like the dark lans thing in them iirc but hopefully are a good read still!
An Obsidian Among Jades by Blackbeads461 (T, 12k, wangxian, canon divergence, lan WWX, child abandonment, Self-Worth Issues, trauma, BAMF LQR, angst w happy ending, protective lans, found family, politics, not YZY friendly)
Bright Voice Roughly Rendered Softly Silent by Preludian_Staves (T, 26k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, Muteness, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Not JC Friendly, Choking, Red String of Fate, Appearances by Paperman!WWX, Inventor WWX, Good Uncle LQR, WWX goes to Cloud Recesses, Feelings Realization, Supportive Lan Family, Genius WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Protective Lan Family, Character Death (not wwx or lwj))
A Righteous Facade by RenaFair (T, 5k, wangxian, protective lans, mildly dark, JL learns a lesson)
Cluster of Clouds by Nika_Raven_Celeste (T, 20k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, JC & WWX, time travel, post-canon lans time travel, cloud recesses study era, confused WWX, soft LQR, soft LWJ, not JC friendly, not YZY friendly, genius WWX, horny LWJ, oblivious WWX, WIP) again, not a dark one, but hopefully still to your taste
5. Hey mods! Wondering if you have
a) non-Jiang WWX
b) WWX is tired for being the punching bag for the Jiangs, so he either resent them or left them to go on his own rogue adventures/get adopted by other sects (bonus point if the Jiangs also needed his help in the future that he refused/reluctant to help)
c) although I am a wangxian-heavy reader, I'd also like to read some WWX and WRH moments, bonus points if both WWX and WRH are dominating the cultivation world (slashfic or gen is acceptable!)
d) always a demonic cultivator WWX
e) HuaLian + WWX family
every cloud has a silver lining by thelastdboy (G, 8k, WWX & Wen remnants, WQ & WWX & WN, wangxian, canon divergence, wen remnants live, WWX pov, wen WWX, friends to lovers, childhood friends wangxian, angst w happy ending, homelessness, volcanoes, earthquakes, natural disasters, genius WWX, healer WWX, pen pals, fluff)
tall as the mountains that sheltered us by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously, childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov)
Inkstone by PorcelainBlue (T, 7k, WangXian)
The Debts of a Child Series by Hauntcats (M, 115k, WWX & Jiangs, wangxian, not Jiang friendly, angst w/ happy ending, dark)
Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
6. Hi! This is my first time using this method, but do you know any fics where wangxian time travels and then leaves the sect to become rouge cultivators? It can just be one of them leaving the sect too.
7. Is there any fics where Wei Wuxian is vegetarian? I know there's plenty of Lan Wangji ones but I want to read one where Wei Wuxian is 🥰 Thank you in advance!
my life's journey is far from over by lastdboy (E, 148k, wangxian, modern, canon divergence, everyone lives au, Madam Lan lives, post-sunshot, selectively mute LWJ, wen remnants live, LWJ saves the Wens, whipping, neurodevergent LWJ, stimming, hurt/comfort, angst, coming of age, slow burn, recovery, mental health issues, references to depression, single parent WWX, eventual smut)
star, sweet, treasures by handwritten (onefromanotherworld) (G, 2k, WangXian, Fluff, Family Fluff, Winter Solstice, Dongzhi Festival, Modern with Magic) it's very blink and you'll miss it but vegetarian wwx is there
Seen and not heard by eatmyass (E, 51k, WangXian, Case Fic, No Sunshot Campaign, AU in canon setting, Kid Fic, dadxian, Strangers to Lovers, Found Family, POV LWJ, Pining, Sharing a Bed, Fake/Pretend Relationship, First Time, Falling in love in metaphors) I believe it's more out of necessity than ideology but I think it counts
So You Accidentally Kidnapped A Qilin by Mikkeneko (T, 83k, WangXian, Juuni Kokki | Twelve Kingdoms Fusion, yzy's a+ parenting, Identity Issues, Cultivator Politics, Yin Iron Poisoning, Most people live, by 'most people' i mean xy lives, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, Getting Together, Temporary Character Death, Happy Ending, Pacifist WWX)
8. Cuddle fics. I am on the hunt for the most emotionally fluffy and domestic and sweet cuddle fics that exist, please. It is a very Mighty Need. Please and thank you!! (also, tysm for keeping this blog going like you have!) @amynchan
Just You, Just Me (Just Us, Just We) by wincechesters (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff, Pining, Misunderstandings, professional cuddling, now with added papapa, Anal Sex)
rain. you are here. by thelastdboy (G, <1k, wangxian, pov WWX, rain, insomnia, fluff)
Stargazing (and a bit of rain) by handwritten (onefromanotherworld) (G, 984, WangXian, Fluff, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Modern with Magic, Slice of Life)
💖 hello my old heart, how have you been? by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, wangxian, post-canon, temporary amnesia, hurt/comfort, fluff, trauma, pining, hair washing & brushing)
Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground (E, 39k, WangXian, Case Fic, Intimacy, Curses, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Cuddling & Snuggling, Getting Together, Romance, Sexual Tension, Scent Kink, m.. maybe??, its not as intense as a kink, wwx Loves To Teach, Fluff, Scars, Sharing a Bed, Nonverbal Communication)
💖 You, Asleep and Dreaming by etymologyplayground (M, 9k, wangxian, post-canon, 5+1. LWJ pov, sharing a bed, cuddling & snuggling, intimacy, getting together, fluff)
A-Zhan is Three by westiec (T, 1k, LXC & LWJ, wangxian, post-canon, twin jades of lan dynamics, LXC in seclusion, hair braiding, sleepy cuddles)
2:08AM, softly by astronicht (T, 1k, wangxian, modern, cuddling, pre-relationship)
do you mind if i stay by perfectlyrose (G, 2k, wangxian, modern, hurt/comfort, non-sexual intimacy, cuddling & snuggling, pre-relationship)
9. Hi mods!! For the next itmf can I ask for fics where WWX isn't all that sane? Like, he comes out of Burial Mounds a little bit crazy? Or even after MXY makes the ritual. Not crazy as in YL-murdering-everyone crazy (but I'm fine with that too), more like he isn't completely aware of what he does or where he is (maybe hallucinations and hearing voices?) and his siblings and LWJ take care of him (or the juniors). I want some family fluff and angst with wei ying not being ok and being cared for, just no JC or LXC bashing, please. Thank you!!! @jiangclaritybell
Helping Yourself by nirejseki (Not Rated, 1k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Temporary Amnesia, Short-Term Memory Loss)
You are what you eat by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 17k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, canon divergence, eldritch WWX, horny LWJ, body horror, possession, cannibalism, teeth, gore, fluff and humor, eldritch horror, smut, dead WWX, implied/referenced torture)
10. Hii, do you know any fics where A) wwx is adopted by hualian from tgcf? B) Or a fic where basically everyone is protective over wwx while he thought his wellbeing didn't matter? Thankss
Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 112k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, canon divergence, not Jiang friendly, madam lan lives, WWX adopted by hualian, WWX with different name, overprotective hualian, hurt WWX, WIP)
Love Like You by HisRedEmpress (T, 88k, WIP, HuaLian, XuanXuan, WangXian, Families of Choice, Family Fluff, Hualian adopts WWX, Love at First Sight, Post-Canon TGCF, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Genderfluid SQX, HC and HX are bros, TGCF Spoilers, Not so accidental baby acquisition, Canon Divergence, POV Multiple, Angst and Feels, Pining LWJ, Is it slow burn if Wangxian technically didn't meet until chapter 12, Slow Burn)
11. hi! i went through basically all the truth serum/curse/mirror/etc as well as telepathy, core reveal, body swap fics ahaha but i still feel like there are ones im missing!!! i just want ppl to shake wwx for his secrets (homelessness, treatment by mdm yu, burial mounds, core, anything!!) and then care for him about it. im sure people came up with a bunch of creative premises that i couldnt find.. thank you so much 💚💚
12. Hi, I would like a wangxian fic where madam yu marries Wei wuxian to lans for alliance and think Wei wuxian won't be happy but is shocked and hates seeing him happily married
Alliance AU by Ilona22 (E, 17k, wangxian, ABO, arranged marriage, intersex omegas, canon Jiang family dynamics, not JC friendly, matchmaking, night hunts)
13. im the mood for lbh hc and wy as siblings. wy is the youngest and lbh and hc are so protective of him @ooosamness04
14. Are there any really good fics that has Jin Ling and WWX family bonding?
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL)
Linger by the Door (I’ve Always Been Yours) by piecrust (T, 78k, wangxian, slow burn, canon compliant) Wwx travels around and makes homes post Canon, including with Jin ling
An Evening Well Spent by Admiranda (G, 2k, WangXian, Post canon, Fluff, Canon Compliant, wwx and jl bonding, Drunk LWJ)
of past and present by Here_For_This (This_Rocks_My_Socks) (T, 6k, JL & WWX, wangxian, underage drinking, implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced torture, not JC friendly, implied/referenced character death, self-care, hopeful ending)
15. hi! can i request some recs for fics of Nielan (exclusive) where it shows Nie Mingjue just being absolutely smitten with Lan Xichen 🥺 @makkachiin
16. hii!!! for an iitmf, i’ve been wanting to read something lan jingyi centric; he’s just too under appreciated!! (i’ve already read “The One Body Problem” and “Lan Jingyi’s Sixth Sense” so they don’t need to be recommended). :D
Give Me A Reason by useless_slytherclaw (M, 251k, ZhuiYi, heavy angst w happy ending, post-canon, friends to lovers, pining, violence, night hunts, travel, death, PTSD, dreams & nightmares, rogue cultivator LJY, injury recovery, Love confessions)
Why Not Me? by Eleanor_Fenyx (G, 26k, LJY & LQR, LQR & LWJ, LJY & LSZ, LJY & LWJ, good uncle LQR, LJY pov, war orphan LJY, character study, LJY has ADHD, found family, rejection sensitivity dysphoria)
The Best I Can by Zephyr (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 26k, LJY & WWX, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Light Angst, Drama, Recovery, Coming of Age, Secret Identity Fail, Friendship, Rogue Cultivator LWJ, Road Trips, Sort Of, POV Multiple, Happy Ending) has 2 jingyi pov chapters, and it's also lovely
17. hi, do you know any fics where everyone is just mesmerised by how pretty Wei Ying is and I mean everyone, but Wei Ying only ever pays attention to Lan Zhan, making everyone else super jealous.
For the Sake of a Smile by Reikosama7716 (Not Rated, 94k, WIP, WangXian, Minor everyone/WWX, CSSR/WCZ, Older!WWX, Oblivious WWX, Top LWJ, Jealous LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Protective!JC, JZX's Attempt in Public Confession, WWX and his ducklings, Everyone is young and gay for WWX, WWX and Jiāng siblings are cousins, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Character, Death Third wheeling of unfortunate sect disciples, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Disciples peeking at WWX, Cinnamon Roll WN, Shameless WWX, Implied "Everyday is everyday", Sect Leader WQ, JYL being dark and maybe a secret sadist?)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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