#chapter 9 is coming s l o w l y
trulybetty · 11 months
Sunday Week in Review XI
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This week's header is dedicated to @legendary-pink-dot for the idea of Dieter being his own 80s sitcom 😝💕
Is everyone okay this morning? Have we all recovered from last night? Do we need to hydrate, grab a snack (not that kind of snack) and recoup? Any welfare checks we need to send out? Phew 🫠
It's been a slog to get through this week, and I didn't get to as much reading as I wanted, which you'll see below. These daily prompts have been taking up more time than I expected and work has picked up (rude). But I'm also realising as I read through people's weekly round-ups, that I've missed a lot this week that I haven't seen come across my dash.
So if you've posted something this week (fanfic, thots or anything else) and you'd like to share it - feel free to drop it in my DM's or as an Asks!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
oct' x 15 - first wine (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 16 - flying kites (frankie x reader)
oct' x 17 - whispers (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 18 - picking apples (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 19 - ghosts (dieter x f!reader)
oct' x 20 - sweater weather (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 21 - acorns (tim rockford x f!reader)
birthdays, besties & bravos (celebrating the lovely @wildemaven)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
A Safe Haven | Chapter 9 (Joel) (Check TW’s) by @joelsgreys This was the update I've been so patiently waiting for and it did not disappoint! This is a fantastic series that I never thought I'd get so emotionally invested in - but that's how good Vee is! This is always one of my top recommendations when suggesting Joel fanfics to read!
Working Title | Chapter 14 (Dieter) by @rhoorl Another great update for Dieter and Belle - I'm rooting for these two from the sidelines and I'm exciting to see how things play out for them!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 8 (Triple Frontier + Pedro Characters) by @rhoorl Okay, there's not one, but two Pedro Character appearances this week and I'm trying to figure out how I can move to Mule Falls Court like yesterday - because it's all going down over there and I highly recommend this be added to your reading if you haven't read it yet. A Month of Sundays (Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I'm living for all of these prompts and I can't choose one or two because they've all been soooo good!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
I'm on edge as @for-a-longlongtime shares more of their WIP that is Peña x Rockford x Reader, with that line up you know it's going to be good!
Self Care with Dieter & Jett (@morallyinept) - this week it's emotions and highlights some important stuff!
More Dieter and his hippo table shenanigans delivered by @i-love-movies to @gnpwdrnwhiskey, this made my week 🤣
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
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Bit of a personal one, but we got to do a little Halloween festive trip out yesterday with the little Truly's. Something you're not always able to do when you have a child with extra needs, as events such as these can be a bit overwhelming for a multitude of reasons. So when we're able to attend ones that are specially catered for families like ours, it's always a special occasion - even if it does make you realise how unfit you are wrangling two kids 🤣 Also, keeping on brand, Baby Truly adored all the Halloween decor and was waving and saying hello to her minions the props.
Watched the new Goosebumps on Disney+ not expecting much, and I actually enjoyed it. Little Betty would have been all over this as a kid.
Also, watched my annual viewing of Practical Magic, which thanks to the wonders of the digital age I own to stream to my heart's content regardless of the season.
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Matchbox Twenty feels this week 💛 - this one has been in heavy rotation while writing!
Hope everyone has had a great week! Here's to a new week ahead! Hopefully, if Pedro makes another appearance we'll all be ready for it, or at least recovered by then! 😝🫠
Happy Sunday all! ☀️💛
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marriiemeii · 1 year
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My never ending list of SVT fics
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Circles Universe
The main story is Circles and the rest are spin offs based in that same universe.
Circles (jeonghan x oc x seungcheol)
genre: drama, angst, romance, comedy, professor au (jeonghan and seungcheol), oc owns a cafe, oc has trauma
Love Letter (jeonghan x oc)
Simple (wonwoo x oc)
Smile Flower (joshua x oc)
Pretty U (mingyu x oc)
Light a Flame (seungcheol x oc)
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Stray Series
Stray (wonwoo x oc)
genre: romance, slice of life, comedy, fluff, university au, slight badboy wonwoo, other ocs dating svt members
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Husband and Wife Universe
In which, this is all one universe but it doesn't necessarily go by chapters. They're just random stories about some seventeen members and their wives (ocs I've created)
Some background about this: Ikaya (Scoups' wife) and Serena (Joshua's wife) are the sisters of Jeonghan. Cami is Jeonghan's wife, Niki is Mingyu's wife, and Minah is Chan's wife.
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Victorian Era Universe (wonwoo x oc x soonyoung
Oneshots, scenarios, and blurbs about victorian era wonwoo and soonyoung that follow this universe i created. Additional background may need to be read in order to understand the stories, which will be included in the beginning of posts.
genre: victorian era, polyamorous relationship, romance, fantasy, magic, supernatural, drama, angst, university for magic and knights, magical creatures
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Endless Moment Series (svt x multiple ocs)
genre: romance, drama, comedy, supernatural creatures, vampires, witches, abilities, fantasy
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Carat Publishing House (svt x multiple ocs)
genre: romance, comedy, fluff, office, drama, maybe angst
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Oneshots/Short Series
Random oneshots and drabbles that come to mind c:
[5:27] || fluff, cute
Even if it's not Him || angst
Afraid || angst, smut
[1:48] || fluff, cute
[9:18] || fluff, cute
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ampleappleamble · 4 years
There was 'too strange to be true,' and then there was 'too strange not to be true.'
The former was usually easy enough to determine, at least for a woman of Sagani's age and experience: she'd be a piss-poor mother, hunter, and leader were she to give credence to every tall tale a guilty child or unscrupulous trader told her. But sometimes a situation was just unusual enough, skirted that line between plausibility and absurdity just so, that Sagani found herself well and truly baffled. Like now, with these kith.
They'd seemed like a regular bunch of adventurers at first glance, although a motley one. They'd been chatting amiably amongst themselves when they'd noticed her, and if she hadn't heard them talking about a carved bear-- and if Itumaak hadn't nudged her hip and whined, pointed eagerly at the strangers with his whole body-- she probably would have ignored them entirely and let them disappear down the road, over the horizon.
Leaving her alone. Again. And still at square one.
So she had cast her line, and had been completely knocked off guard at the response she'd gotten. She had been expecting the folk man-- the big blonde with the country drawl-- to do what Dyrwoodan men tended to do, and bloviate at her until he lost interest and herded his mismatched crew off to their next thrilling adventure. But instead, he had crouched down to regard Itumaak with childlike delight while, to Sagani's mild surprise, the redheaded orlan had stepped forward and taken the conversational lead.
What with all the bigotry against orlans she'd heard tell of since arriving in the Dyrwood (and the handful of incidents she'd witnessed firsthand), Sagani hadn't anticipated the leader of this little pack to be one-- and a woman at that, although her foreign accent cleared up some of the confusion. Listening to her bold, clear, confident voice, Sagani had been unable to stop herself cocking an eyebrow and cracking a bemused smile at this strange little encounter.
And it had only gotten stranger the more they'd conversed. While answering the orlan's questions about her hunt for Persoq, Sagani had noticed the giant aumaua behind her scribbling frantically on a sheet of vellum, his excited eyes darting between the orlan and herself. She'd also noticed the folk man ignoring the conversation entirely to focus on trying to get Itumaak's attention, as well as the elf standing alone in the back who may or may not have been talking to himself behind his grimoire. And here she'd been, expecting more slack-jawed farmhands. Gods, these people were odd.
Yes, Sagani, they're a bunch of freaks. Not like you, a middle-aged female long game hunter from an isolated village on an island in the arctic who's searching for a dead man with her snowy white fox.
Maybe that was what made her put Persoq's bear in the other woman's hands, that guilt at thinking her and her companions odd when Sagani had such an unusual story herself. And at least these people were actually friendly, for once. She still hadn't decided whether they were necessarily trustworthy or not, but she could fairly confidently tell that they weren't about to pull some kind of shit. Body language was too relaxed, atmosphere was all wrong for violence or trickery. Hel, this girl wasn't even asking for coin. So why not let her have a go at it?
And now, watching the little woman sway on her feet and stare like a sleepwalker, Sagani was starting to wonder if she had made the right decision after all. She wasn't normally an easy woman to rattle, but something about the orlan had changed, something behind her eyes, and it lent her an eerie, uncanny quality that made Sagani's skin crawl.
"What's going on?" she blurted, hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. "What's happening to her?" Itumaak finally snapped at the annoying folk man, curling his lip and snarling, and the big blonde backed off as the fox leaned into Sagani's side.
"Oh, uh, yeah," the man stammered, "prolly shoulda warned you about that. She gets like that when she's doin' her Watchin', or whatch' call it." He dug his thumb into an itchy spot between his eyebrows, side-eyed Itumaak. "...Your fox bite?"
"Yes," she muttered, eyes still fixed on the orlan woman, on Persoq's bear.
"Can I pet him anyway?" The man's blue-green eyes shone with sincerity.
"Worry not, madam! She'll come out of it soon enough," the aumaua interjected, tucking his writing tools away in his satchel before peering intently at the adra carving in the orlan's hands. "At least, she seemed to come out of it rather quickly when she spoke to the spirits in Caed Nua. This might be an entirely different experience, as far as I'm aware." He chuckled and gently waved his gigantic hand in the redhead's face, and she stared through him, completely unresponsive. "Fascinating, isn't it? I wonder what she sees..."
Sagani glanced up at the huge man, careful to keep the orlan and Persoq's bear in her peripheral vision. "You're telling me you all came from Caed Nua? That old keep west of here? I was told that place was nothing but a wraith-infested death trap." She felt her heart drop, just a little. Yeah. I thought these folks might be too strange to be true.
"Sure's Hel was," the folk man grumbled, his tone suggesting he knew from experience. "'Course, that was before we showed up."
The little huntress narrowed her eyes at him. "Care to explain exactly what you mean by that?"
The shy elf finally spoke up, cringing with embarrassment as he drew near. "Er-- begging your pardon, madam; what my cohort meant to say is-- Well, come to think of it, actually, perhaps introductions are in order--"
"Cliffs," the orlan gasped, and Sagani's focus was back on her in an instant, Itumaak yipping softly with surprise. To her credit, everyone else jumped too, startled by the little woman's sudden return to consciousness. But still, she couldn't afford surprises like that, especially when it came to Persoq's bear. Never again. Beast's Hooves, woman, never take your eye off your quarry...!
The orlan shook her head and blinked, finally seeming to come out of her reverie. "By the sea, I think," she continued, trembling slightly as she placed the adra carving back into Sagani's waiting hands. "Pretty high up, but that salty spray still reached my face."
Sagani's gaze flicked rapidly between the green-purple lump in her hands and the woman in front of her. "...What? I-- what just-- what did you do?" That was nothing like the last "Watcher" she'd dealt with, and she knew he was full of shit. But it didn't necessarily mean this girl was on the level, either...
"I... watched, I suppose. Well, not just watching. It was more like... being inside someone else's head, feeling what they feel as well as seeing what they see." The redhead rubbed her eyes, smiled wearily at Sagani. Reminded her of her oldest child after a prematurely terminated nap. "In this case, I was inside Persoq's head, or his reincarnation's, anyway. Damned disorienting, I have to admit. And it tends to make me look a bit foolish at times."
"Right. I'll bet." Too strange not to be true? ...Maybe. Maybe not. The ranger stuffed the carving back into her pack, not quite ready to admit defeat yet. "Y'know, after my story about that charlatan Watcher, I'd have thought a 'real' Watcher like you would have more to say about the experience than that."
"A woman after my own heart!" The aumaua butted in again, looming up behind the little orlan like a sunrise. "I'd love to hear more myself. She only ever gives us the barest hints of what she sees, what the spirits tell her! ...Although," he added sheepishly, "I understand sometimes the scenes that play out before her are... not exactly easy to talk about."
"Yes, Caed Nua and the Endless Paths are not exactly places with happy pasts, Kana," the elf reminded the aumaua gently but firmly before turning to Sagani. "I know we must seem... an unusual bunch, madam, and you've no reason whatsoever to trust us. And we were each just as skeptical when we met her, and just as shocked as you the first time we saw her peer into the aether. But she has proven multiple times over to each of us that, ultimately, she is telling the truth: she is a Watcher."
Gods, they're persistent! If they're liars, at least it seems they've got their story straight. "You realize I don't even have any coin to offer you for... for whatever that was." She knew how dangerous this could turn out to be, but she could feel herself wanting to believe them, wanting her long, difficult search to finally yield a solid lead...
The little woman shrugged, unconcerned, and turned to the road in front of Sagani, shouldering her pack once more. "Didn't ask for any coin," she stated simply. "Although, if you've a tent, we'd trade you for it. Someone ruined ours."
The folk man tore his attention away from Itumaak's fluffy, rapidly swishing tail to regard the orlan with indignation. "Hey, c'mon, Axa, I said it was an accident--"
And as if on cue, he was silenced by a crack of thunder. All of a sudden, the humidity and the smell of ozone was overpowering, and the gathered kith all turned their faces to the heavens.
The first drop of rain hit Itumaak on the nose, and he sneezed.
"Welp," the big blonde sighed, "Sun was settin' anyway. Guess I'll get started on a lean-to for us." He trudged off into the nearby brush, and as the others followed behind him, the aumaua and the elf gave Sagani polite, awkward little smiles. The orlan woman-- Axa, as Sagani knew her now-- watched them go and then turned to her, raised her eyebrows in an unspoken question. The rain was starting to come down in earnest now.
Oh, come on already--
"I... There's... a little rock outcropping about 15 minutes' hike southeast. Should fit five and a fire 'neath it." Sagani reached down and scratched Itumaak behind the ears, and he pressed himself into her strong, steady hand. His reassurance comforted her, and she smiled. "And a fox, of course."
Axa smiled back at the dwarf, her cohorts turning back toward the two women. "Well! I never thought I'd say that that sounds more appealing than my current projected sleeping arrangements, but here we are. You'll lead the way, I trust?"
Just remember, Sagani: if you wake up tomorrow and Persoq's bear is gone again, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
The huntress shook her head and chuckled. "Sure will. Follow me."
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 9: A Long Awaited Arrival
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Pairing: hitman!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, drama, fluff
WC: 5.7k
Warnings for this chapter: language, feelings of anxiety, I think that’s it...
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @mwitsmejk @ggukkieland @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies @moon-asia @bangtannie7 @yoonchrisgull @njkbangtan @higashikatasgf @jksbbyfacebunny @kookiesxbananamilk @voidswan @sadxaries @bts-junseagull @jinfused @taehyungiev13 @jadethd @kimnamjoonluvbot @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn @surilirani @patpus @crypticsabbat @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
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"M-Mina!" You scream happily when you see your best friend's beautiful face. 
Then you lunge forward and wrap your arms around her, making her stumble back as she laughs, wrapping her arms around you. 
"I missed you, girlie," She mumbles into the crook of your neck. 
"I m-missed you t-too," You sniffle in her shoulder. 
Mina finally pulls away, a smirk on her face, "You couldn't have missed me that bad. You're too busy dating this Jungkook guy!" 
Your face turns red as a tomato as Mina laughs at your embarrassment. 
"Mina, it isn't l-like th-that," You sputter in humiliation as her smirk just gets bigger. 
"Mmhm, sure it isn't. Do you have a picture of him? I'm dying to see how hot he is."
"I'm kidding!" Then she winks, "Unless I'm not."
You shake your head and move so that she can come inside, "W-Well, too b-bad for you, I d-don't have a picture."
"Drat the luck."
When you both walk in and you're shutting the door, Mina looks at the picnic things on the floor, "You having a picnic by yourself in here and so early in the morning?" 
You giggle, "N-No, silly. Jungkook a-and I had a picnic y-yesterday."
"In here?"
"No! O-Outside. I just f-forgot to put the th-things away." 
"You forgot?" Mina asks, something like doubt flashing in her eyes. 
"Well, I m-might have had an e-episode last night..." You mumble hesitantly. Mina takes your chin and lifts your face to look her in the eyes, "You had an episode? Did you call Dr. Choi?" 
"N-No...I just- it was th-the first time in a w-while..." You hate being scolded by Mina, but you know it's going to happen. It always does when you fail to take care of yourself. 
Mina looks extremely displeased and you find yourself pouting at her with puppy dog eyes, "I'm s-sorry. P-Please don't be mad at- at me." 
She sighs and ruffles your hair, "Don't give me those puppy eyes. I'm not mad at you, I'm worried. Hold on," Then she's pulling her phone out of her purse and dialing a number before holding it up to her ear. 
You watch her in confusion until you hear her speak into the phone, "Hello, may I please be transferred to Dr. Choi? Thank you." 
Your eyes widen and you shake your head frantically, "N-No, Mina! No!"
She puts a hand out to quiet you, her face set in determination. 
You pout again and cross your arms, but she ignores you. 
"Hello? Hi, Dr. Choi, it's Mina Kim. Yes, ___'s friend."
You bite your lip and start cleaning up the picnic stuff on the floor. 
"I'm doing well, thank you. I called about ____, actually...Yes," Mina looks back at you and you stick your tongue out at her. She sticks hers out back at you, "Yeah, she just told me that she had one of her episodes again last night."
"M-Mina..." You grumble. 
"Hold on a second," She covers the phone with her hand and looks pointedly at you, "How long ago was the last one?" 
You think for a second, then you say quietly, "Three y-years ago."
She nods and uncovers the phone again, "She said it was three years ago...Yes, that's what I thought...Today?" She looks at her watch, "Yes, that works...Alright, thank you, Dr. Choi, see you soon."
When she hangs up, you bombard her at once. 
"W-Why would you call h-him? I t-told you not to. I'm f-fine!"
"____, calm down. I want to make sure you're alright." She says calmly. 
You glare at her fiercely, but you only end up making her smile at how cute you are. 
"I w-won't go see him."
"You will."
"I- I won't!"
"Don't argue with me, ____! You have no say in this."
"I have e-every say!" You shoot back grumpily. 
"Not right now, you don't," Mina growls. 
You fold your arms over your chest again and stomp your little yellow socked foot, making Mina bite back a laugh at how childish you look. 
Your mouth twists in anger but you don't say another word. 
Mina puts a hand on your shoulder, "We're going to see him at noon, okay? I'll be right there with you."
"I'm f-fine," You seethe. 
"Then he'll tell us that and you can tell me you told me so," She reasons with you gently. 
Your brows are furrowed and you stomp again, "I w-wanted to hang out with y-you today." 
"We can still hang out!" Mina laughs, "We'll get breakfast, go shopping, get lunch, then go to the doctors."
You look away, trying not to give in. 
"We can go to the pet store~" Mina singsongs.
That makes your face light up and you finally smile at her again, "O-Ok!" 
Then you scurry back to your room, calling over your shoulder that you'll only be a minute. 
When you come out a few minutes later dressed in a big yellow t-shirt with white overall shorts and pale yellow frilly socks, Mina smiles. 
"I'm r-ready," You say, standing in front of Mina, who's almost a head taller than you with her heels on. 
She gestures at your head, "You forgot something."
You reach up to feel your knotted hair. 
"Oh...I d-don't want to b-brush it. It h-hurts." You pout again. 
Mina shakes her head, "I'll do it. Go get me the brush."
A minute later, Mina is seated on your couch and you're kneeling in between her legs as she gently brushes through the knots in your hair. Then she takes the scrunchie that was on your wrist and pulls your hair into a high ponytail. 
"All done," Mina declares soon enough. 
You smile shyly and turn to look at her, "Th-Thanks, Mina."
"Anything for you. Now let's go, I'm starving!"
You two get breakfast at your favorite cafe, then you head right to the pet shop. 
The sight of puppies and kittens playing with each other and yipping happily makes your heart burst. You run over to a pen and point at a tiny black dog that's wagging its tail excitedly at your arrival, "M-Mina! Mina! L-Look at him!"
Mina laughs at the huge grin on your face. 
"He's adorable, you should get him!" She says enthusiastically. 
You look at her with wide eyes, "Sh-Should I?"
Mina shrugs, "If you want to." 
You look back at the puppy, your mind racing. 
Then you frown and look at Mina again, "I d-don't think I h-have enough money to c-care for a doggy right n-now." 
Mina smiles sadly at you as she nods, "That's a very responsible decision ___." 
You nod sadly, then Mina taps you on the shoulder, "Hey, you can still play with him!" 
You ask the worker there to get the puppy out for you and you and Mina end up sitting in an empty pen with the pup. You both giggle and play with the little black fluff ball until he gets sleepy. He's asleep in your lap a few minutes later, much to your delight. 
Your body is practically humming with excitement and Mina can see it in the way you bounce slightly and try your best not to touch the dog as you stare at it lovingly. 
You two only leave when the worker comes by and says it's time for the dogs to eat. 
You reluctantly hand the little one over and try your best not to tear up as you two make your way out. 
Mina nudges you in the side with her elbow once you leave, "Aye, why the long face? Just remember the good. Only the happy memories. Okay, ____? Can you promise me that you'll only remember the good times?"
There's something in the way she says it and looks at you that makes you furrow your brows. But you shrug it off and nod with a smile, "I always d-do that anyway."
"I know you do," Mina says softly before looking away. 
You clear your throat to mask the tension in the air and then point at a tteokbokki stand. 
"I'm h-hungry."
Mina laughs, "It isn't even lunchtime yet. Let's shop around a bit and then we can grab a bite to eat."
"O-Okay," You sigh dramatically. 
You go into several different stores until Mina has four bags on her arms and you have two. Mina has always been more of a shopper than you, you never really know what to get. Her fashion sense is extremely classy and beautiful. Yours is more colorful and childish, but you don't realize it. 
The last stop you make is at a make-up store. 
You hold the door open for Mina seeing as she has her arms full of bags. She smiles and thanks you as she slips in. 
The girl at the front offers to let you two set your bags behind the counter as you shop so you don't have to lug them around. 
You gratefully accept. 
Then you two browse the store, looking at all the different shades and testing them on your wrists. 
Mina grabs a tube of lip gloss and holds it up for you to see, "This would look amazing on your pretty little lips."
You blush at the comment, then shake your head. 
"I d-don't have pretty l-lips." 
"Lies. They're so adorable and some boy is gonna wanna kiss those lips someday."
"M-Mina!" You look at her in shock, then glance around to make sure no one heard her. 
"Maybe it'll be Jungkook~" She teases, poking at your side playfully. 
You try to scowl but you're blushing so bad that it doesn't have the same effect. 
"H-He won't." You say seriously, once your embarrassment has gone down. 
Then, you turn and walk to a different aisle. Mina frowns in confusion, then follows you to where you're looking at mascara. 
Neither of you says anything for a minute, then Mina nudges you gently, "You should try this mascara," She points at one in a shiny pink container. 
You shake your head, "N-Nah."
"Why not?" She drawls, grabbing at your arm. 
"I d-don't like m-make-up." 
Mina frowns, her pretty lips turning upside down in a pout. 
"You should wear it. Just try."
"I d-don't want to. I a-already t-tried it. It's t-too much work."
"Come on, ____," Mina tugs on your sleeve, "Jungkook would fall head over heels for you if you did."
That makes your heart pinch as you look at her, offended. 
"Y-You think that I n-need make-up?" You ask, hurt. 
"No, I didn't mean it like that. But boys like it when girls try to get fancy for them." Mina assures you. 
You shake your head, "I don't c-care what s-stupid boys think."
"What about Jungkook? Is he just a stupid boy?"
You purse your lips and glower at Mina, "I t-told you it isn't l-like that."
"But it could be if you just try-"
You turn and walk away before she can finish. 
Mina frowns, not having meant to upset you.
You grab your bags from the front, thanking the girl before taking your leave. A second later, Mina comes out of the store and walks over to you as you're sitting on a bench outside. 
"I'm sorry, ____. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just wanted to help you."
You look up at her, squinting because of the bright sun in your eyes, then you sigh. 
"It's o-okay. I forgive y-you."
"Thanks, bestie," She grins. 
You give her a half-smile, then rub your tummy, "I'm r-really hungry n-now."
Mina laughs, "Okay, let's get some food. We'll have enough time to grab a bite before we see Dr. Choi."
You scowl at that, but follow Mina to a food stand anyway. 
Mina offers to pay since she hurt your feelings in the make-up store and since she's dragging you to the doctors. 
You accept her offer happily, then stuff your face when you two get your food. 
Mina laughs at the sauce all over the corners of your mouth, wiping them for you with a napkin that you got at the food stand. 
You couldn't care less, as long as the food is delicious (which it most definitely is).
"Ok, girl. We have to go now," Mina says as she cleans up her food trash and gets up to throw it in the trash can nearby. 
You make a face but quickly finish your food and throw your stuff away, your cheeks stuffed with rice cakes as you pout at your best friend. 
She laughs and grabs her bags, gesturing for you to do the same. 
You grab your own bags and follow Mina to her car. 
By the time you two pull up to the hospital, your stomach is in knots. Mina can sense your anxiety, so she touches your knee gently after pulling the brake on the car. 
"We're only here for a quick check-up, ____." 
"He's g-gonna want to p-put me in that m-machine again," You say anxiously, fiddling with your fingers. 
Mina sighs, "____, I know it can be scary, but that machine won't hurt you. It's just taking a picture of your brain," She taps your head with her finger, "You can ask them to play music for you too if you want."
You nod, "I w-want that."
"Okay, now put that brave face on and let's go," Mina encourages you, smiling when you finally nod and unbuckle. 
You make your way in, letting Mina check you in and only speaking a little when you have to. You sign the consent for them to see you, then you finally get to sit down.
The smell of the hospital is bringing back flashes of images you don't want to remember, then you feel Mina grasp your hand. 
"It's okay, ___."
You nod again, squeezing her hand back. 
A few minutes later, a nurse comes out with a clipboard. 
"_____?" She calls out your name, much to your dismay. 
You stand up reluctantly, keeping a hold on Mina's hand as she follows you. You walk with the nurse to the back where she takes your weight and temperature and measures your height. Then, she leads you to a sparkling clean room. 
Mina sits in one of the chairs as you clamber onto the exam table, biting your lip nervously. 
"Dr. Choi will be in to see you shortly," The nurse says kindly after taking your vitals, then she leaves. 
Mina tries to make conversation with you, but you're so anxious you might throw up, so she stops trying to make you talk. 
"It s-smells bad in h-here," You whisper at one point. 
Mina sniffs the air, "It smells like disinfectant to me."
"E-Exactly," You say quietly. 
Mina knows you're thinking about when you were in the hospital four years ago, and she bites her lip, not knowing how to comfort you. 
A few minutes later, Dr. Choi comes in with a clipboard just like the nurse. 
"Hello, Miss ____! Miss Kim! It's been a while since I've seen you two." He smiles brightly and pushes up his glasses. 
You force a smile and nod. 
He notices your discomfort as he takes a seat. 
'You know, ____. I won't admit you into the hospital tonight if it isn't something serious," He glances between you and Mina, "And I have a good feeling it isn't too serious." 
That makes you breathe a sigh of relief and relax, knowing that you will be able to go home tonight. 
You never disliked Dr. Choi, he's always been a kind soul, you just hate the hospital in general. 
Dr. Choi claps his hands, "Shall we?"
You nod slowly. 
"Alright then," Dr. Choi stands up and washes his hands before pulling on a pair of gloves. He takes his stethoscope and gently presses it to your heart. After checking your heartbeat and your breathing, he puts it back around his neck. 
"So, what happened last night, ___?" He asks kindly. 
You shrug, "I j-just passed out, I th-think. When I w-woke up, I was dizzy and sh-shaking. My h-head got a sharp p-pain...I fell a-asleep on the f-floor again until morning." 
He nods, a look of concentration on his face, "Alright, and how long were you unconscious for? Do you have a guess?" 
You shake your head. 
He looks at Mina, "And you weren't there?"
She shakes her head too, "No, I just got home from a business trip this morning."
Dr. Choi nods again, then takes out a little flashlight from his coat pocket. 
"Ok, ___. I'm going to have you look straight at my nose okay? Don't follow the light."
You nod and he flashes the light over each eye, checking the dilation of the pupils. 
"Good," He smiles. 
After he checks your tongue, throat, and knees, he steps back to sit on his stool again. 
"Alright, everything looks okay on the outside. Would you mind if we do a CT scan today, ____?" 
You shake your head solemnly, knowing it needs to be done. 
"I'll send the nurse in with the gown you can put on, and then we'll get this over with, hm?" He sends you an encouraging smile and you smile back anxiously. 
You hate hospital gowns. 
The nurse comes in soon after with the gown. 
After you change into it, Mina helps you tie it in the back so that no one can see your panties from behind. You smile at her gratefully, then wave goodbye as the nurse leads you to the room to get the scan done. 
You ask them shyly if they could play some music for you, and they readily agree, putting on your favorite song at the moment. You then lay on the table and breathe deeply as the bed moves into the little ring so they can get an image of your brain. 
A few minutes later, it's all done.
Easy peasy. 
You stand up from the bed and walk with the nurse back to your room, missing the two young men behind you, one of their eyes trained on you, narrowing in confusion. 
Back in the room, you change into your normal clothes. 
You both sit for a while, chatting. 
Then the doctor comes in with your checkout papers. 
"Well, ____. They didn't see anything major as of this moment, but the radiologists will keep reviewing them to look for any abnormalities. All I can assure you of right now is that it isn't anything dire." He hands you your appointment summary papers with a smile, "I'll call you in a few days if I get any more news."
"Th-Thank you, Dr. Choi."
"Yes, thank you, doctor," Mina chimes in.
He nods at you both kindly, "Anytime. ____, for now, make sure you're staying hydrated and do your best to keep your stress down. This episode could have been a result of anxiety. Please call me right away if it happens again, alright?"
You nod, looking down at your papers to scan over them. 
He leaves you two to gather your belongings. 
Once you and Mina are all ready to go, you walk out and down the hall, following the EXIT signs. 
That's when two men step out from an exam room, one of them grumbling as he holds his nose gingerly while the other one blatantly ignores his moans with a look of exhausted annoyance on his face. 
You stop in your tracks when you recognize the one not holding his nose.
"J-Jungkook?" You say breathlessly. 
Jungkook groans loudly as the sun filters through the blinds and right into his eyes. 
"Shut the hell up," Taehyung growls in exhaustion. 
"You shut up," Jungkook mumbles, stuffing his face back into his covers. 
"You are literally the one breaking my eardrums at the ass crack of dawn, bitch." 
"Mm," Jungkook smiles sleepily in satisfaction at being able to irk the older boy. 
"My nose hurts."
"What?" Jungkook lifts his head out of the blanket to hear better. 
"I said my nose hurts. All thanks to you, no less," Tae spits bitterly. 
"Yeah well my left eye is still blurry, so fuck you too," Jungkook says before yawning tiredly.
They lay there for a couple more minutes, then Jungkook hears Tae getting up.
That's when he shoots up and throws the covers off. 
"Oh no you don't, you shit!" Tae shouts as Jungkook runs for the bathroom and slams the door shut.
Haha, got 'em.
Tae grinds his teeth in frustration, then he goes back to the couch and lies down with a soft grunt. 
Might as well get a little more sleep while the twerp is washing up- 
Taehyung flinches when he hears Jungkook scream, then he shoots off the couch and runs to the bathroom just in time to see Jungkook coming out, covering his left eye with his hand. 
"I'm going to kill you," Jungkook seethes quietly. 
"What did I do?" Tae exclaims, "You got the shower first!"
Jungkook takes his hand away from his face and Tae holds back his laughter at the sight of a nasty black eye. 
"Shit dude, oops." 
Then Jungkook's frown slowly turns into a smirk as he actually looks at Tae. 
The older boy frowns and touches his face, "What?" 
"Your nose."
Tae touches his nose, "What about my no-shit, ouch, fuck!" Tae hollers at the sharp pain that flares from his nose when he touches it. 
Then he runs to the bathroom, horror seeping its way onto his face at the sight of a big bruise around his nose. 
He turns to look at Jungkook, his gaze filled with sorrow and fury, "You- you've broken my nose! You fucking asshole!"
"You gave me a black eye!!"
"You started it!"
"Your nose isn't broken, drama queen!" Jungkook throws his hands in the air in exasperation. 
"I hate you, Jeon."
They have an angry stare down for a minute before Tae moves back to the couch with a permanent scowl etched onto his face as Jungkook goes into the bathroom to shower. 
Almost half an hour later, Jungkook comes out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel, another wrapped around his waist. 
Tae looks over at him and squints in annoyance, "You took a thousand years."
"Yeah, yeah. There's still hot water."
Tae gets up, pretending to dust himself off as he tilts his chin up and struts past Jungkook, "You're a whore," He says simply, then closes the door to the bathroom. 
Jungkook chuckles, then he gets dressed quickly.
By the time Taehyung has come out of the bathroom, Jungkook is beyond hangry. 
"Why did you take so long? I'm starving."
"I took way less time than you, shit." 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Let's just make breakfast." 
Taehyung chuckles dryly, "You couldn't make breakfast all by yourself? You're that much of a baby?" 
Jungkook glares at him, "You know, I wanted to ask you what you wanted for breakfast but I guess I'll just make my own and you can fuck off."
Tae smirks and shakes his head, "You're too nice to me, JK."
"Eat shit."
Almost an hour later, they're finally sitting at the table and ready to eat, Jungkook having made the pancakes and Tae grumpily doing the eggs. 
They eat in silence, both of them still trying their best to wake up and to not kill the other for tainting their most prized possessions.
Tae looks up, chewing on a bite of pancake as Jungkook takes a drink of milk.
They glare at each other for a minute before looking back down at their food and continuing to eat.
After they're finished, Jungkook walks over to lay on his bed, grabbing a book and flipping it open to a random page. 
Tae glares at him childishly, until Jungkook has no choice but to acknowledge him. 
"What do you want?" He grunts, glancing at Tae. 
"I think my nose really is broken." 
Jungkook sighs and sets the book open on his chest, "Are you sure, or are you just being dramatic?"
"It's been kind of hard to breathe through it since yesterday and it hurts like a bitch." 
At that, Jungkook reluctantly sits up, moving the book to his bed and walking over to get his shoes on. 
"What are you doing?" Tae asks in confusion. 
"We're going to the hospital," Jungkook says simply, "To see if your nose is actually broken or not."
"Fucking hell," Taehyung mutters angrily as he stomps over to pull his shoes on too. 
When they arrive at the hospital, the lady at the check-in gives them a weird look. Jungkook knows they must look comical, one of them sporting a black eye as the other gingerly holds his bruised nose.
He tells her that his friend thinks his nose is broken and the lady nods slowly as she takes Taehyung's name and has him sign a consent to treat. 
While they sit in the waiting room, Taehyung doesn't fail to give Jungkook an earful of how he'll kick his ass worse than the other night if his beautiful nose is broken. 
Jungkook just rolls his eyes and grabs a magazine, flipping through it while trying to simultaneously ignore Tae's rants and the other people in the waiting room watching them and snooping. 
The nurse finally calls Tae's name and he gets up to follow her. 
Jungkook stays seated, and when Tae notices this, he nudges him, "Come on."
Jungkook gives him a look, "Hell no, I am not going back there with you. I'm not your mother."
"Get your ass out of that chair and come, you're going to witness exactly what you did to me," Tae spits. 
Jungkook gets up if only to escape the prying eyes of the people in the waiting room. Sitting in the back can't be worse than them. 
He reluctantly follows Tae and the nurse down a long hallway. 
At one point he looks up and sees a girl in a hospital gown, her hair in a high ponytail. She follows a nurse, turning the corner before he can get a good look.
She looked familiar.
Jungkook shakes his head and continues to follow the two in front of him. 
They turn down the same hallway that the girl did, but he can't see her anywhere. 
The third exam room down the hall is empty, and the nurse leads them into it, telling them they can have a seat while she gets Taehyung's vitals. 
After she leaves to get the doctor, Tae immediately trains his glare on Jungkook. 
Jungkook just crosses his arms and relaxes into his chair, manspreading so that he's comfortable. 
It isn't too long before the doctor comes in. 
She looks to be in about her early-forties, and she's absolutely gorgeous. 
Her long black hair and almond-shaped eyes make Taehyung blush instantly.
Jungkook resists the urge to laugh at his friend as he clearly struggles to stay in his seat and not bolt out of there faster than lightning.
"Hello, you must be Taehyung. I'm Dr. Park," She holds out her hand and Tae takes it before shaking it quickly and letting go as if she burned him. 
Then she turns to Jungkook, "And you must be his...?"
"Friend," Jungkook finishes with a smile, reaching his hand out to shake hers firmly, "I'm Jungkook."
"Pleasure to meet you both," She smiles brightly, then it's all business from there. She immediately begins to examine Tae's nose, commenting on how it looked quite painful. 
After her examination, she pulls off her gloves, washes her hands, and takes a seat. 
"Alright, well it isn't broken."
Tae sighs deeply in relief. 
She smiles at that, "Yes, you can relax now. It is clearly badly bruised and it's swollen, that's why it feels hard to breathe. You should ice it a few times a day and that will help the swelling go down. I'm afraid the bruising will go away when it chooses to, for now, you can cover it with a concealer so you feel better." Tae nods solemnly, trying his hardest not to death glare Jungkook again. 
Then Dr. Kim looks over at the younger boy, her brow raised. 
"You can also use concealer to cover up your eye. I understand that you're both young men with testosterone, but please try not to fistfight your friends because of it," She gives them each a look of disapproval. 
Both men turn red as tomatoes as she bids them goodbye and takes her leave. 
"I'm going...to kill you...Jeon," Taehyung hisses lowly, his humiliation at a peak. Jungkook bites his lip and touches his sore eye, his embarrassment from being called out by the pretty doctor almost unbearable. 
"Let's just go," He mumbles, standing up and making his way to the door. 
They step out into the hall, Tae still babying his nose as he moans about how much it hurts and Jungkook trying his best to ignore him. 
That's when an unfamiliar voice calls his name. 
"Jungkook! Jungkook over here!" 
He looks up in confusion to see a girl with short black hair waving at him. He has no idea who she is, but she seems a bit familiar. 
When he sees the girl next to her, hiding her face in embarrassment, he knows exactly who the pair is. 
His heart leaps to his throat at the sight of you peeking through your fingers at him.
Your hair is in a high ponytail. 
So, it was you in the hall earlier. 
What were you doing here?
And with Mina, too?
At least, he assumes this must be Mina, seeing as she looks a lot like the girl in the photos. 
Taehyung touches his shoulder and Jungkook looks back at him, "Who is that hot girl calling you over?" He asks in confusion. 
Jungkook shrugs, "I don't know her, lets go."
Tae stops him, "She obviously knows you. Fuck dude, I didn't take you for a heartbreaker, you really have grown up," He smirks at Jungkook annoyingly. 
"I told you I don't know her-"
Jungkook grabs Tae's arm, trying to pull him the other way, but Taehyung resists him as he waves back and starts making his way over to the two girls. 
Jungkook tries to control his breathing as he walks over, and stops a little in front of you. He fights the urge to cover his ridiculous black eye, feeling a bit foolish now.  
Tae puts on his best smolder, and it kind of works, even with his bruised nose. 
"Hey," He says, looking the tall girl with short black hair up and down. 
She gives him a tiny smile before turning to Jungkook, "So, you're the famous Jungkook?"
Jungkook raises an eyebrow and looks at you, who's still hiding in your hands, then he looks back at Mina, "And you are?"
"I'm Mina! _____ has told me so much about you, I'm glad we can finally meet!" She sticks her hand out. 
If possible, you shrink back even more, not daring to face him. 
Jungkook on the other hand is too shocked hearing that you talk about him to Mina, he shakes her hand, but his eyes stay trained on your figure. 
That's when Tae speaks up.
"____? You're ____?" 
Jungkook's stomach drops to his feet at the realization of this situation. 
"Ok, well it was nice to meet you, Mina. Good to see you, _____," Then he grabs his friend's arm and yanks him away, "We need to get going."
"Wait!" Mina calls out to Jungkook's annoyance. 
He turns back, his only comfort in knowing Tae hasn't seen your face yet, seeing as you're still hidden. 
"We should all hang out sometime," She says brightly, "What do you think, _____?"
To your and Jungkook's horror, she pulls your hands away from your red face, giving Tae a clear view of your face. 
You pull away from Mina and run past the two young men, trying to get to the exit as fast as you can. 
Mina frowns, "I'll talk her into it. Well, see you boys later!" Then she walks past them, the strong smell of her perfume wafting in the air. 
Jungkook feels like he's going to throw up and he doesn't know why. 
Taehyung smiles brightly, "She was fucking hot."
Jungkook looks at him like he's crazy, then he turns to walk towards the exit. 
Taehyung jogs to catch up with him, "____, on the other hand. Shit, I don't think I've ever seen a more plain and boring bitch. I don't understand what you find so hard about getting it done."
Jungkook grits his teeth, resisting the temptation to punch Taehyung in the fucking nose again, making sure to break it for real this time. 
You're standing by Mina's car, trying to catch your breath after running all the way here. 
You're so mad at Mina you don't even know what to do. You told her not to call him over after she heard you say his name, but she didn't listen. 
You were humiliated and it seemed like she didn't even care.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Jungkook.  
You look down at your outfit, trying not to cry at how embarrassed you are. You feel like an idiot after that, and Jungkook must see you as one too. 
The doors unlock as Mina walks up to the car and you get in immediately. You buckle up, ignoring the way she looks at you when she climbs in the car. 
It's silent for the first five minutes of the ride, then Mina speaks up tentatively, "I'm sorry, ____. I thought you'd be happy to see him and for me to finally meet him-"
"I t-told you not to c-call to him."
She looks over at you, uneasy at the tone of your voice. 
You've never been actually mad at her before. 
"I don't understand why-"
"I m-made him promise n-not to fall in l-love with me," You whisper tearfully as you stare out the car window. 
"What do you mean? He actually promised you that? Why would you say that?" Mina bombards you suddenly, not aware of the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. 
"I d-don't know! Because I w-was scared!" 
"Scared of what, ____?"
"Scared o-of someone c-caring about me," A single tear slips out and Mina looks over to see it roll down your cheek. 
She's never seen you so vulnerable. 
"I m-made a fool out of m-myself. Of course, h-he wouldn't fall for me, and I m-made it seem like I th-thought he would. He h-hates me, Mina." 
"He doesn't hate you."
"He d-does," Another tear sneaks out and down your soft cheek. 
Mina pulls the car over and turns in her seat to look at you, "_____, I saw the way he looked at you."
"W-What do you m-mean?" 
"He was so blatantly obvious, it looked like he wanted to hug you right then and there."
You look at her tearfully, your eyes wide. 
“I don’t think he even knows it himself, but he likes you, _____.”
a/n: and I oop-
269 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 18]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, car sex, filmed sex videos, using panties as a gag, but also panty stuffing, choking, domme!reader for like .3 seconds ☠️, after all the mess of last night(iykyk) i think we need this lol, but also a bit of a filler chapter for… reasons. 💕 but also came out raunchier than I anticipated but that was maybe just a me thing LOL 😭 as always, thank you for all the love and support with cherry bomb💕💕 only two more chapters left, I cant believe it... 😭😭😭 also again, another inbox roundup tomorrow! For now, enjoy ch 18 and have a great weekend! Be safe! ❤️🍒
not me editing the notes to include the ❤️🍒 that cheol just used on weverse 😩
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - x - x
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“Did you get it?”
Jun looks around the diner as he nods, “Yeah. It got to my house yesterday but I still don’t understand why I had to help you get this… Does Seungcheol-hyung not know? I’m confused.” He laughs nervously, somewhat concerned he’s helping you do something you shouldn’t be doing.
You grin back at the confused male, blinking innocently at him while he chuckles under his breath.
“Not… for now. But don’t worry. He’ll find out! I just… Haven’t brought it up to him yet, is all! But I will! ‘Cause we’re planning something~”
Jun’s lips fall into a surprised ‘o’, eyes flitting to the group of people that enter the diner.
“I’ll be with you in a moment!” He yells, smiling before he turns to face you again. “So you’re scheming something but hyung’s just not part of the scheming… yet?”
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“Hey, what do you say we go on a picnic date on Saturday?”
You tilt your head at Seungcheol, eyebrows raised. “I mean, I’d love to but we need to… post on Saturday? We haven’t filmed anything yet so I thought we’d film early on Saturday and then… y’know.”
Seungcheol grins at you from the opposite end of the sofa; eyes glimmering with a playfulness that has you mumbling a quiet ‘I see’ before rolling your eyes jokingly at the male.
“I see you’re scheming so the answer is yes, ‘Cheol, I’d love to go on a date with you on Saturday.”
“Good, ‘cause I already have everything set up for us so it would’ve been a waste!”
The two of you share a laugh before you’re remembering what you needed to bring up to Seungcheol. “Hey, by the way… about the channel rebranding thing.” Pausing, you wait for him to give you his full attention before you continue. “I thought maybe, we skip next week’s Wednesday show and instead we do a Friday show and for the last time, do a Saturday show and that’ll be, like, the rebranding? Is that confusing?”
Seungcheol nods along slowly, “No I know what you’re goin’ for. Any ideas for the shows?”
Your face and cheeks feel hot as you squirm, “Well… I had this idea. Why don’t we each… come up with a show concept. I’ll pick Friday’s show and you can pick Saturday’s and we’ll go with each other’s idea. Not, like, a competition but y’know, I thought it’d be fun for our viewers too! They can see what we come up with when each of us have control of the theme.”
Seungcheol goes quiet, contemplating his options. “And neither of us will know what the other’s concept is until the show?”
“Mmhmm! All within our hard limits though! That’s the only rule.”
A grin finds its way onto Seungcheol’s face. 
Oh, did he have ideas.
“Sounds fun. Can’t wait to see what you come up with, baby.”
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‘Jeongguk I have a favour.’
Jeon 🥴: always favours wit u but ok, i havent been disappointed yet
Jeon 🥴: u keep me on my toes, it makes me tingly 
‘Shut up’
‘Do you have Jimin’s phone number, by chance?’
Jeon 🥴: I mean yea i do but…
Jeon 🥴: nvm i dont wanna kno
Jeon 🥴: but actually i wanna kno before i give it to u
‘Just give me the number and you can find out next Saturday’
Jeon 🥴: cryptic but i like it
Jeon 🥴: 82 13 1013 0613
Jeon 🥴: ur welcome
‘Thanks, Jeongguk, I owe you.’
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The week continues with you and Seungcheol continuing to plan without each other; sly smirks and hushed giggles passed between you both even when Friday’s show comes and goes.
Saturday morning greets you with cloudy skies and pouring rain and you pout at Seungcheol as soon as you manage to get the curtains open to watch the downpour.
“‘Cheol, it’s raining… How are we gonna go on a picnic date now?” He bites the inside of his cheek as he thinks.
“We can still go on our date, we’ll just… stay in the car. It’s not as romantic as I would’ve liked but I already had everything set up for us and even packed a basket.” He laughs under his breath, a little deflated that the rain had suddenly come and ruined his plans.
There went his idea of fucking you on a big picnic blanket out in the open.
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“I gotta say, even though we’re just chilling in your parked car on the hillside… It’s actually quite pretty out here, ‘Cheol! Kinda calming with the rain and all~”
The two of you stay bundled up underneath a blanket in the backseat; the car windows already fogged up with the warmth the two of you radiate.
Seungcheol had packed a picnic basket filled with various snacks and premade food; a sheepish smile on his face when he told you he wasn’t sure what to bring.
“I would’ve made food but I wanted it to be a surprise and I also wasn’t sure what would’ve been good to bring. Although, now I’m thinkin’ we should’ve packed a thermos of hot chocolate or something.”
You pull away from him slightly, pouting. “That would’ve been good to warm us up a bit. I totally didn’t think of it either…”
Seungcheol grins, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Speaking of warming up…” He leaves the comfort of the blanket as he leans over to the side, placing his phone precariously on the phone holder that he’d set up on the backside of the driver’s seat to catch a side view of the two of you. He opens the camera app and quickly starts recording before he settles back into his place across from you.
“Well? Give it to me, baby. Right now.”
You feel a thrum of arousal pour over you at his sudden demand, “I--but--but I’m not p-prepped yet, I--”
Seungcheol chuckles, shaking his head slightly before he leans over you; making sure the two of you are within the camera’s line of filming.
“Baby, I just wanted a kiss.” Your entire face goes hot, all the way up to your ears. “O-oh.”
He leans in, soft lips pressing against your own as he tangles a hand in your hair to deepen the kiss. You melt into his touch, lips parting on their own as you let out soft moans that mix in with the pitter patter of rain outside.
His lips leave yours and before you can even get a word out, a shiver runs up your spine when he starts pressing soft kisses against your jawline.
“So pretty and all mine.” He mumbles; voice muffled against your warm skin. “And now everyone knows who you belong to, right, angel?”
You nod shakily, throat dry at the gentleness in Seongcheol’s voice. “Y-yeah… ‘m all yours, ‘C--Cheol…”
“Should I leave some reminders? Just in case anyone forgets.”
You mewl in response, eyes rolling back when you feel Seungcheol starting to leave love bites on your neck. He sucks on the skin, only to soothe it with his tongue moments after.
“A-ah, don’t l-leave so many or e-else…” Whining, you rub your thighs together under the blanket; already feeling the arousal starting to take over your body.
“Or else…? I wasn’t aware you were giving me orders now, baby.” He smirks against your skin, leaving one more love bite on the column of your neck before he pulls away.
He kisses you softly on the lips once more before he’s pulling the blanket off of you and tugging you onto his lap; a gentle, warm smile on his plush lips. Your lust filled eyes meet Seungcheol’s before they’re flitting down to your lap where he pushes your skirt up to reveal your panties and before you can fully comprehend, he’s already tearing at the material before he tosses it to the side.
“I want you to ride my cock just like this, baby. Forget the camera’s even rolling, I wanna see you getting off in the backseat of my car and I wanna see your pretty face when you’re falling apart from how good my cock fills up your pretty cunt.”
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You rock your hips against Seungcheol’s; hands placed on his shoulder as you chase your pleasure.
“You look so pretty like this, angel. So fuckin’ cute when you’re getting what you want.” You moan in response, head thrown back when the head of his cock taps your g-spot.
“So fuckin’ wet for me.” Seungcheol pauses; hands snaking down your body until you feel them on the skin of your ass.
He squeezes your ass as you whine loudly, fingertips teasing at the puckered rim. “Ah, we should’ve brought a toy with us. Bet you would’ve liked both of your needy holes filled, huh?”
“Y-yes, fuck! S--Seungcheol!” You clench around his cock, bouncing in his lap harder when he pulls his fingers away.
“We’ll save it for another time~ Wouldn’t want to rock the car too much, y’know? And I’d want you to be comfortable when you have all your needy ‘lil holes filled, not in the backseat of my car.” He grins at your somewhat disappointed face; feet planted on the floor of the car before he’s thrusting up into you and matching your erratic movements.
“Oh, g-god, it feels s--so good! I, ah, w-wanna cum!” Whimpering, your brows furrow as your hazy eyes meet Seungcheol’s.
“Aww, my sweet angel wants to cum already? So fuckin’ easy. Only a few minutes on my cock and you’re already falling apart?”
When he smirks back at you; there’s a sudden pang of confidence that pours over you and in an instant, you move a free hand up to the column of his throat. You squeeze down slightly, only enough as a warning as he licks his lips at you.
There’s a beat of silence as the two of you stop your movements while you sit perfectly still on his cock.
“Hmm? Gonna choke me to shut me up, baby? Go ahead. Let’s see if you can.” He taunts, hands still on your clothed waist. You start swiveling your hips again, except this time you keep your hand loosely wrapped around his neck; fingertips only just pressing into the sides as he lets out a soft groan in return.
“I bet you’d like it t-too much, ‘Cheol…” He chuckles softly; nodding when he feels his cock throbbing inside of your pussy.
“Not as much as you do.” He starts thrusting up into you again, momentarily making you lose your hold on him when your body jostles from his harsh movements.
“Mmh, gonna cum in your pretty cunt ‘n then I’m gonna make you sit pretty with your fingers keeping my cum inside while I drive us both home. Fuck, bet you’d cum again just from that too. Sitting in the passenger’s seat, fingering my cum deeper into your needy cunt.”
Before Seungcheol can say any more, your other free hand quickly reaches for your discarded, torn panties; shoving them into his parted lips as he lets out a surprised noise around the fabric.
“You, ngh, t-talk too m-much…” You mutter.
Seungcheol can’t help but laugh around the fabric, quickly pulling your hand from around his neck as he swiftly maneuvers you off of his cock to switch your positions.
He presses you down into the backseat as he pistons his hips into you; his hands keeping your legs spread obscenely wide as he fucks you hard and fast.
The car rocks back and forth with his harsh movements and your moans only get louder and louder with each thrust of his hips that has the head of his cock slamming into your g-spot.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, ‘m gonna c-cum!” You feel your walls getting tighter around Seungcheol’s cock and he finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your body starts to tense with your impending orgasm. He growls around the fabric in his mouth; eyes silently ordering you to cum as his hips start to lose rhythm.
“Ah, S--Seungcheol!”
His name rolls off of your tongue in quick succession until it turns into muddled, broken whines and cries and he fucks you right through your orgasm as he chases his own. He feels his cock throbbing inside of you as your walls flutter around him and he only manages a drawn out groan before he’s unloading all of his cum inside of you; head thrown back as he lets the waves of pleasure wash over his body.
You stare up at him through glassy eyes, chest heaving as you ride out the remnants of your high. “Ngh… gonna, mmh, make a--a mess on the s-seats…” Muttering, it takes a few quiet moments before Seungcheol is slowing down his thrusts to a complete halt but the glimmer in his eyes lets you know he’s not completely done with you just yet.
Seungcheol starts to slowly ease his cock out of you as you groan softly at the emptiness, waiting for the second you close your eyes to blink to make his move.
He takes his chance; pulling the soaked material from inside of his mouth just as the head of his cock is at your entrance and he quickly places the torn panties right where the head of his cock was, just a second ago.
“That was really cute of you, baby.” You breath hitches when you feel his fingers starting to press the material into your spent hole. “Really, really cute.”
Your thighs shake at the feeling of Seungcheol slowly pushing your panties into your cunt; eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let out shaky whimpers. “Oh, fuh--fuck, Seungcheol, mmh!”
“I actually packed a spare pair of panties for you, y’know? I was gonna play nice and eat your pretty ‘lil cunt out instead of letting you sit in cum soaked panties but I guess you had other plans, hmm? Got a little too greedy, perhaps?”
He smirks down at you, watching as your face contorts in unadulterated bliss when he pushes more and more of your panties into your pussy until only a small piece of fabric is left hanging out.
Seungcheol turns to face his phone that’s still recording, plucking it from the holder it’d been in before he flips the camera and films your body instead. He lets it linger on your fucked out expression before he brings it down to your pussy, filming your squirming body as you clench around the fabric keeping Seungcheol’s cum from spilling out of you and onto the backseat.
“Mm, and now you get to sit in the passenger’s seat, your own panties stuffed into your pussy while I drive home. But I bet it feels good, huh? Your needy ‘lil hole plugged up ‘til I can get you home so I can fuck you again. Unless you get really desperate, then I’ll let you take the panties out by yourself and you can finger your cunt and make yourself cum again.”
Goosebumps rise on your skin at his filthy words and you can’t help but bring a shaky hand down, fingertips already on your clit as Seungcheol raises a brow at you.
“You should get to d-driving then, ‘Cheol… Don’t you wanna find out what, ah, I choose?”
He shakes his head as he ends the recording on his phone; tossing the device to the side before he leans over you again.
“You’ve been getting really cocky with me, angel. Something I should know about?”
You blink up at him innocently, lips in a pout. 
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heatherlucky29 · 3 years
Here's the cracked cipher for the chapter titles of Mackenzi Lee's Gamora & Nebula: Sisters in Arms:
(proceed at risk of my mistakes and a bittersweet Hamilton reference)
A=26 B=25 C=24 D=23 E=22 F=21 G=20 H=19 I=18 J=17 K=16 L=15 M=14 N=13 O=12 P=11 Q=10 R=9 S=8 T=7 U=6 V=5 W=4 X=3 Y=2 Z=1
Prologue: Death Be Not Proud
Chapter 1: Born Lucky
Chapter 2: Lucky to Be Born
Chapter 3: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 4: The Everlasting Arm
Chapter 5: On The Edge of The Devils Backbone
Chapter 6: You Probably Didn't Recognize Me Because of The New Arm
Chapter 7: Were Going to the Green Place
Chapter 8: The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Chapter 9: Don't Be Suspicious
Chapter 10: The Mine The Mill The Machinery
Chapter 11: The Young + The Reckless
Chapter 12: I've Made a Huge Mistake
Chapter 13: Battle Dress
Chapter 14: It's Not Easy Being Green
Chapter 15: I Once Loved
Chapter 16: We Are Not Broken Things
Chapter 17: Let's Be Bad Guys
Chapter 18: Like A Madwoman
Chapter 19: I Know How to Blow Things Up
Chapter 20: You've Been Fighting Far Too Long
Chapter 21: I Hear The Revolution
Chapter 22: The Pointy End Goes In The Other Guy
Chapter 23: Everyone Has Heard Stories of Women Like Us
Chapter 24: You're in a Cult Call Your Dad
Chapter 25: If You Please
Chapter 26: I'm Coming With You
Chapter 27: A Contender
Chapter 28: I Wish I Could Make Your World Want You
Chapter 29: Too Late To Die Young
Chapter 30: She Aims Her Pistol at The Sky
Chapter 31: I Got A Skyful
Chapter 32: Death Thou Shalt Die
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Authors Note: whats popping I'm back. Sorry it took so long. 😅 I have no clue if that's the same gif i used before whoops. Also I hope you enjoy "Brain-Wrecker3002" the best console in the Devildom. So bare with me and Mario kart. Just do it for the sake of the story.
Warnings: none
Pairing(s): Diavolo x Reader, Leviathan, Barbatos
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Diavolo wasn’t kidding when he said he had set up a gaming room. You had yet to know all of the castle’s layout, but you were certain that this was one of the biggest ones. “For me?” You questioned, not necessarily intending for it to be said out loud. “For everyone, but I imagine you will be spending quite a lot of time here, My Lady.” Barbatos seemed too nice, as always, but you didn’t have time to worry about it. You were staring at a gigantic screen half the size of the wall. Red cushioned floor beds were made into seating areas with snacks and drinks right beside each one. Consoles for days, both from the human realm and the Devildom itself, along with games that you both loved and couldn’t wait to try, “this is amazing.” Honestly, your jaw was on the floor and you had to look around the room one more time to make sure it was real. Barbatos chuckled behind you, but excused himself for duties soon after, and for a while, you just stood there in the massive room. 
Although amazement seethed through your body, you had to take this opportunity and realize that you were finally alone and not locked up in his room. You weren’t going to be completely alone, no, but you were going to be with an outsider, and Leviathan nonetheless. Of course, none of this meant the coast was clear, and you were almost certain that Barbatos, and or Diavolo, were watching you, somehow, someway. You needed to be smarter than them. You needed to find a way to tell Leviathan something without them noticing, or at least noticing right away. 
“(Y/N)?” You jumped at the voice, turning to see Levi standing there with Barbatos, who was still smiling way too casually. “Levi!” Happiness ran through you and you immediately ran toward him, engulfing him in a humongous hug that had him stumbling back before he caught you. Of course, it was very awkward, for him anyway, but especially with Barbatos just standing there and it took every fiber in your being to pull away and not stick to him like glue. “I missed you.” It was an honest sentence; you did miss him. Actually, you missed everyone, and even if it was Mammon coming to visit, you really wouldn’t have minded at this point. “I… missed you too…” Awkward as ever. You laughed softly, nudging his arm when his cheeks started to become darker than the seating area of the room. “I will leave you two alone, then.” Barbatos bowed, slowly exiting the room. 
Both of you stood there for a moment, staring at each other but keeping silent in fear of Barbatos coming back. “So… what do you think of this room?” Honestly, it wasn’t until now that the so called hardcore Otaku third-born has had a chance to really look at it, but just like you, his jaw dropped in amazement and he immediately ran around looking at everything, “You have this?! And you didn’t invite me sooner?!” “W-Well---!” “Oh my Lord Diavolo, you have the new brain-wrecker3002!! Why didn’t you tell me?!” you tried to explain several more times that you only found out about this room today, but Levi was more excited than a little kid and honestly who are you to deny him these simple pleasures? “If you ask nicely, I’m sure Diavolo would let you take it.” 
A loud gasp erupted from within him, his hands immediately holding onto your shoulders, “You think?!” You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction; he was more excited than a little boy during Christmas and yes, it was cute. “Yes. Maybe. I’m sure he can get another one. Doubt he would miss it. But come on! As much as I love to hear you nerd out, let’s actually play something.” Of course, that was the keyword he looked for; play. You still pondered how you were going to tell Leviathan anything without it being too obvious, or at least in a way that took anyone else a while to figure out. “Levi… Let’s play Mario Kart.” Confusion strung across his face, “what? You have all these amazing games and you want to play Mario Kart?” You nodded, smiling softly as to hide the seriousness of why you would want to play it. In your mind, it made sense. In your mind, it would work out. And in your mind, Leviathan would catch on sooner or later, hopefully at least. “Yes. I want to play Mario Kart, you know? Take a trip down memory lane.” Leviathan frowned but he also knew that he was in no position to fight you. If you were unhappy, he had to take it up with Diavolo and that’s something he doesn’t necessarily want to deal with, “Okay…But we’ll play other things too, right?” You chuckled.
It took you a while to figure out exactly how you wanted to do this. You knew you could turn and mess yourself up in pretty much any way, but you needed it to be discreet. That’s where you were grateful for Levi’s competitiveness and his quick thinking on banana peels. Every time he threw one at you, you barely dodged it, and every once in a while you would hit a few back to back, four back to back to be specific. Instead of just spinning out of control and moving on, though, you somehow managed to pull through with your plan. H. E. L. P. The last letter was the hardest one but after doing the same pattern twice, Levi caught on. No one can say again he’s just a dumb Otaku. He side-eyed you, giving you a raised eyebrow, but all you could really do was discreetly nod and hope he believed you. After that, you continued to mess up a few more times so as to not draw suspicion. “Let’s… change the game. This might be a trip down memory lane for you, but it’s boring to me if you’re so terrible at it and I keep beating you.” 
You pouted, nudging him again, “fine… I had fun though.” Levi chuckled this time, obviously nervous, “I did too… let’s maybe try and play---!” “Leviathan!” A cold shiver ran down your spine and from the looks of it, it ran down Levi’s too. The poor demon didn’t even have time to turn around before Diavolo engulfed him in a hug, “hghn…!!! T-too tight, Lord...Diavolo…” Diavolo let go of him with a laugh, turning to you and reaching out his hand. Of course, you took it so he could pull you up. “Did you have fun?” You could feel Leviathan’s nervousness mingle with your own, but you smiled up at him nonetheless, “Yes! Levi beat me pretty much every game, but I’m just glad we got to hang out.” Levi chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, “You tried your best… It’s just hard to beat the best.” You looked at Levi with disbelief before sticking your tongue out at him, a gesture which he returned. “Whatever. Keep telling yourself that. I let you win.” “Hah!” He genuinely laughed at you, and for a moment you debated on taking offense, but he was your only hope so you let it slide.
“Well, I’m glad you two had fun. Please do tell me anytime you two want to do it again. I hate to leave my darling all by herself, and seeing as you two are such good friends, I think you should come around more often.” It seemed too nice. He was being too nice. A facade he put up in front of others, but you knew all too well what lied beneath. “O-Of course! Thank you, Lord Diavolo.” It was awkward after that, with the two only smiling at each other, Diavolo’s grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. Barbatos cleared his throat, “My Lord, I will be escorting Leviathan back to his house now.” You quickly let go of Diavolo’s hand to hug Levi one more time, which he returned almost too stiffly. “It was good to see you… “ You mumbled, before letting go and watching him walk off with Barbatos, hoping that he could deliver the message. 
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wu-xie · 3 years
rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
thank you for tagging me @vishcount 🥰
Three Ships:
Pingxie - now that I’m caught up on pretty much every adaptation, I’m amazed that every season has its own unique pinxie theme, from love at first sight in the pilot to widowed spouse gone mad with grief in tomb of the sea. Like I’m not quite at the point where I’ll write fic for it, but it’s getting there. 
Songxiao - I’m still obsessed with the whole - Helian Yi/Jing BeiYuan style - karmic allocation when it comes to Xiao XingChen and Song ZiChen, especially since they were nothing but a side story in mdzs. I’m determined to write a freaking novel featuring their entanglement across seven reincarnations, all set post mdzs.
Fengciu - it’s been like a month since I’ve finished Peerless and I’m still obsessed with them. I don’t understand how any two people can be so brilliant and so stupid at the same time. 
Last Song:
I just recently finished watching Vincenzo so I’ve been obsessed with Sung Hoon Choi’s version of Ombra Mai Fu (and have probably listened to Lacrimosa waaay more times than it’s healthy for anyone lol)
Last Movie: 
ugh, I don’t really watch movies? I think the last movie I watched was The YinYang Master with Chen Kun
Currently Watching:
The Lost Tomb 2 - I never actually finished watching it the first time around, but had started watching Tomb of the Sea anyway so now I’m watching both sort of simultaneously?
The Long Ballad - it’s not a bad drama, although I’m noticing that people who are WAY more invested in it are people who just REALLY like Wu Lei? And he just... doesn’t do anything for me. The drama is def not bad tho
Thousand Autumns donghua - now that the first season is all out, I’m rewatching from the beginning with mandarin subtitles. It’s taking a LOT longer that way, but at least I’m not subjected to english subtitle atrocities like “fetal weakness”
L.O.R.D. Critical World - literally my third time trying. There’s something about the first few episodes where my ADHD brain just refuses to stay focused, but everyone says it gets better in later episodes so I’m determined to power through it
Currently Reading:
The Wife Is First - still being translated like one chapter a week, but it’s so worth the wait
Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect - chichi is moving right along with this translation so I’m paused on like chapter 90? waiting for her to finish (I think there’s only like 9 more chapters left out of 109)  
Nan Chan - I’m moving right along with this one, but I honestly still don’t know if I like it or not. So many people recommended it, and I keep waiting to get really invested, but it’s just not happening yet
I’m also s l o w l y working my way through the pingxie tag on AO3 which like, I know 1.5k fics can seem like a lot to people but I’m an old timer used to filtering through a decade worth of fics featuring 45k works for a side-pairing so like, I’m taking my time bc I’m afraid I’ll run out quickly and then will actually have to WRITE stuff myself 😭
I’m gonna tag @xantissa @scifikimmi @merinnan @orion-key @ashenlights @humanlighthouse @jockvillagersonly @chirpybirdy and @foxofninetales
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intoanothermind · 4 years
Beauty Queen - Chapter 8
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B E A U T Y   Q U E E N
Synopsis: You are the Ice Princess of Narnia during the Long Winter. Your sister Jadis, the White Witch, hates that you’re always helping Narnians escape prision. She decides to hunt you down and you have to run away from the palace. What happens when you find the four humans lost in Narnia?
- Edmund Pevensie x reader
<Chapter 7 | Chapter 9>
C H A P T E R   E I G H T
When everyone was asleep, Y/N got up slowly and silently. She left the makeshift camp just long enough not to wake any of them. She moved away a little among the trees and hid behind a bush. She spread her white dress around her, camouflaging it from the snow on the floor, and sighed. She had intended to do so since she handed the other part of the glass over to Edmund, but she wouldn’t know how to react to the possible questions he would ask. To say that she was Jadis' sister, to say that she was the Snow Witch. It was one thing to open the game with others, quite another to Edmund. And she didn’t even know why.
Y/N took her own piece of glass from the white fabric, and watched it closely. The surface was cold, blue and irregular like ice, allowing you to use spells. Both pieces were taken from the ice mirror she had in her palace room. She approached the glass to her lips and whispered the spell to her reflection. Then came the well-known image of the ice castle dungeons. In one of the cells was Edmund, with tousled hair and a scratched face. He was huddled in the corner, with a chain around his ankle. Y/N felt her heart tightening, but did everything to shake this feeling. At least for now. She then whispered a communication spell and the image became dark. With the spell activated, she saw only the literal reflection of the mirror - at the time, it was Edmund sweatshirt pocket.
“Edmund! Edmund!” She called.
Edmund shifted. He clearly heard a voice close to him. Did he really hear Y/N's voice or was that dungeon driving him insane? Perhaps neither option nor another, perhaps only longing and regret were creating illusions in your mind. But then he heard your name a second time. He frowned, suspicious. Until he finally realized where the sound of that melodious voice came from. From your pocket.
“Finally!” cried Y/N seeing the boy's face appearing in the reflection.
“Y/N? What is that?” asked Edmund, clutching the piece of glass where he saw Y/N reflex in obscurity that of a forest. Was this all a dream?
“A reflex and communication spell.” and she said hastily. “The piece of glass I gave you comes from the same one I have. They were taken from my ice mirror in my room in the palace.”
“Spell? Reflection? Palace? Y/N, what's going on?” He asked, scared. What was that after all? Who was that mysterious girl really?
“I don't have time to explain now, Eddie.” she told him, trying to escape the questions. Y/N didn't want to tell him who she was. She knew she would have to do it at some point, she just tried to put it off as long as she could. “Just hold on tight that we're going after Aslam.”
“Can Aslam really help with all this?” Edmund asked wistfully.
Y/N nodded firmly. “Aslam is our hope. I may not be a person worthy of being faithful to him, but I will do everything for the Narnian people. And I will fetch you from the hands of that poisonous snake that insists on hunting me!”
Y/N had spoken so firmly and imperative that Edmund unconsciously compared her with a queen - even if he didn’t know more than your name. She was firm, confident and majestic. But then he finally heard her words. She had spoken with such hatred and bitterness that he could almost be certain that it was much more personal.
“Do you know her?” he asked, and was sure when she looked away.
“That is not the case.” Y/N said firmly, praying that she hadn’t made it very clear in her eyes. “You must try to eat and stay strong. And please try not to say too much to her. Give only informations that will keep you alive, but no more than the necessary. As soon as she decides that you are disposable, you will have no chance.”
“How do you know all this?” Edmund asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew there was so much more to that girl than she let out .
“Just trust me, Eddie, please.” Y/N said almost pleading and smiled when he nodded. “Now try to eat something to save your energy.”
Edmund wanted to know why she was so concerned about his health. She looked almost desperate, and he noticed that it was atypical behaviour. He looked around his frozen cell, and found a tray. He took the bread from the tray and took a bite. He crumbled over his mouth, but it was better than nothing. He was very hungry. He choked on the bread and started or coughed.
Y/N started or really despaired when she saw it just by reflection. She wishes she could be there to help you, but if she went, she would be caught, for sure.
“See if you water still in the isn’t frozen!” she said, trying to remain calm.
He took the mug from the tray and saw that the liquid there was frozen. There was nothing to quench the thirst.
“If...” he heard a noise beside him. It came from the cell next to his. He looked and came across a tired and injured faun. “If you won't eat more...”
Edmund then took the bread he had left aside and dragged himself to the hole that was between the cells.
“I would get up, but...” said the faun, also crawling through the cell to get closer. “My legs...”
The man came closer and took the bread.
“Mr... Tumnus?” asked Edmund.
“What's left of him.” replied the faun, savouring the bread as far as possible.
“TUMNUS!” exclaimed Y/N, to see a friendly face.
The faun looked around for the sudden voice, and Edmund held out the glass of ice. And he was astonished to see that the faun was not even surprised by all that... Bizarrity.
“Oh, Y/N!” exclaim or the faun, with a tired expression becoming a little more cheerful and. “Always with the impressive antics!”
“I needed a way to communicate with Edmund and find out what my... What Jadis intends!” Y/N corrected herself quickly when she realized that she had almost slipped her relationship with the Witch in front of Edmund. She just prayed that he hadn't noticed. “Ah, I still haven’t forgotten you locking me in with that chair!”
“It seems that not even the ice was able to release that.” said the faun. But Edmund just got more confused. “How you get out of there?”
Y/N smiled sarcastically . “It was your cellmate, he was kind enough to get me out of there with his siblings.”
“Siblings?” asked Tumnus, a little confused, returning the glass to Edmund. The faun analysed him well and saw some physical similarities with someone he knew. “Your sister is Lucy Pevensie.” he stated.
“My name is Edmund.”
“Yes... You have the same nose.”
“Edmund...” Y/N was about to say when a noise was heard on the other side. She practically knew what it was. “Put this glass out of sight!”
She then undid the communication spell, while the boy's glass was put back in his pocket. And the vision became external again, as if seeing through a window.
They heard a noise outside the cells, like someone coming down to the dungeons. They saw the Witch opening the doors of Edmund's cell and the faun turned on his back, while Edmund crawled again near the tray.
"So..." said the Witch. “My police broke up the dike, you know?! Your little family was not found.”
Edmund was happy with that, but he couldn't let it show. The Witch then took him by the collar of her blouse, lifting him up on his fee.
“Where did they go?” she asked.
“I... I don't know” Edmund said, with difficult breathing.
“So you don't have any use anymore.” growled the Witch, playing it back to the tea it.
She raised her staff.
“Wait!” Edmund said, remembering Y/N's words. “The beaver said something about Aslam!”
The Witch lowered her staff, gaping.
“Aslam?” She asked. “Where?”
“He is not from here, Your Majesty.” the faun intruded quickly. “He can't know anything.”
He was kicked by the dwarf that accompanies the Sorceress.
"I asked..." said the Witch, turning to Edmund again. “Where's Aslam?”
The faun looked pleadingly at the boy and he finally realized that he could not give the information he had. It would be the end of Narnia, the end of Aslam and worse: the end of his family and Y/N.
“I don't know.” he replied at last, preferring to lie. “I left before they said.”
The Witch looked at the faun, who bowed his head in thanks.
“I really wanted to see you!” said Edmund in a hurry.
“Guard!” cried the Witch.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” said a hoarse, gravelly voice. Soon afterwards, Edmund could see a hideous orc entering the cell.
“Free the faun!” ordered the Witch.
The orc tore the chains that bound Mr. Tumnus's hooves with an ax, while he whined and was dragged to the Witch' feet.
She turned to him and said.
“Do you know why you're here, faun?”
“Because I believe in a free nation.” He replied with difficulty, as swollen cheeks were a problem.
“You’re here...” she said and pointed the staff at Edmund. “because he handed you over. For sweets.”
The man looked at Edmund in amazement, who bowed his head, ashamed. The Witch lowered the staff and ordered the orc.
“Take him upstairs.” while the faun was dragged out, she turned to the dwarf. “Prepare my reindeer. Edmund misses his family.”
She turned and left the cell, leaving him there locked and alone. Or so they thought. As soon as he found himself alone there, he quickly picked up the piece of glass, seeing the girl there with a sad expression and almost in tears.
“Y/N, what do I do?” he asked, almost desperate.
Y/N had been thinking about it since she saw him coming out of the beaver dam. She would have tried, without a doubt, if I had not known that this was the destiny, that the ancient prophecy could not change. But now, nothing could stop her from trying.
“Now? You wait.” she said in a determined voice, as he stood with the glass still in hands.
“Wait?” Edmund asked, confused. “Wait to die?”
Y/N broke into an almost sadistic smile. “Wait for me. I'm already coming.”
And then she undid the spells and went to the camp to get her sword.
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Kerensa Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa Part 1 which you can find here
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Kerensa (Part 2)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The GP took Kerry’s details and suggested, given her age and history, that she use her private medicine to see a pregnancy specialist to get an early scan and review her care.
A week later, Kerry found herself sitting in the waiting room at St Mary’s Hospital Paddington. The consultant was a lady in her early 60s who asked her history and took all the details of the 2 miscarriages. Then she asked Kerry to pop up on the bed ready for a scan. She eased her jeans and knickers down and the consultant smeared on the cold jelly and started to move the wand over her belly. Kerry held her breath looking at the screen, remembering the times when nothing could be seen or a still image of a dead embryo was there.
After a few moments, the consultant announced
“There you are, little tyke hiding.”
Tears fell then as Kerry looked at the tiny kidney bean shape on the screen flickering away.
The consultant squeezed her hand, understanding the emotion of the moment.
Measurements were taken and they aligned with a pregnancy of 8 weeks. She could also see the signs of a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome which does come with a slightly elevated risk of miscarriage, possibly explaining the first 2 lost pregnancies years ago as well as the struggle previously to get pregnant and the occasionally irregular periods. Kerry’s biggest fear was that it would happen again. The consultant’s main advice was folic acid and rest but based on how anxious Kerry was, she also suggested that she didn’t fly back to LA until she’d reached 12 weeks. This wasn’t due to any real risk but having experience of many pregnant women with fertility and or loss issues, she knew that they could blame themselves for a loss based on the tiniest thing that probably had nothing to do with it, but they would beat themselves up all the same.
“So go somewhere you feel calm - you said you’re a writer didn’t you?So I guess you can do that anywhere” Kerry nodded thinking of her argument with Keanu.
“and we’ll book you in for another scan at 12 weeks and after that, you can head back to LA and your partner”
A few days later, Kerry was on the train headed for Penzance. She’d had a few quick phone calls with Keanu since being back in UK – she was relieved that he hadn’t been able to video call as the only time that worked was when he was heading out to set at 7am their time as he wasn’t getting back til 10 at night when she would be asleep again, so quick phone calls were the easiest thing along with the odd text when he was waiting around on set. He had another couple of weeks on location which took them, unbeknown to him, to her 11th week. She said she’d try to schedule her return to coincide with his, counting on saying later that she couldn’t get a flight with the dog travel in time to get around why she wasn’t going to make it.
The consultant was right that being somewhere where she felt calm would help and Kerry settled back to her old Sennen routine of walks on the beach and writing. The sickness was pretty bad during weeks 9 and 10 but was settling as she headed into week 11. She even found herself hopeful enough to work out the due date of December 1st though she didn’t dare write it down anywhere!
The shoot was over and Keanu was due home, but she hadn’t spoken to him in a few days since the end of the shoot was frantic, followed by a wrap party and then he had to travel home. When he finally called, from LA this time rather than Florida, he was disappointed that she hadn’t made it back. Kerry finessed her excuse about the flight saying she’d been about to book the one to be there by now but Scout had got an abscess on her paw and she wanted to be sure he was fully recovered before booking the flight. He accepted this and offered to get his PA on the case to help secure something as soon as she was confident that Scout was OK. When he did call his PA though, he had a different idea. He hoped Kerry would like it. She hadn’t been very chatty on their call and he worried that absence hadn’t made the heart grow fonder or that she’d realised she preferred life in Sennen alone to life in LA with him.
Truth be told, she was still concerned about their relationship, could they make it work with their work commitments? Had it been a flash in the pan, a whirlwind romance and not true love? But she missed him so much and she could see the care in his eyes when they spoke – her worries based on Autumn’s comments had eased and she planned to make arrangements to fly back to LA as soon she’d had the 12-week scan.
3 days later, Kerry took Scout for her usual late morning walk and tired them both out with the fresh air and exercise. After a quick sandwich, she lay down on the sofa for a nap and Scout curled up in his basket.
Keanu’s car pulled up at the house in Sennen at 2pm. He thanked the driver, hauled his bag from the car boot and made his way to the kitchen door. It was a warm day and he found it open. He called out but nobody answered so he dropped his bag and went in search of Kerry. He found her still sleeping on the sofa, a snuggle blanket draped over her and her hair held back in a loose ponytail. Scout was still sleeping, fortunately, so there was no excited barking to disturb Kerry’s sleep. She looked different to him somehow but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He thought it was probably just being out in the sea air more that had given her cheeks a soft glow.
He decided to leave her sleeping and make himself a coffee so he crept back to the kitchen. The sounds of him finding a cup and filling the kettle floated through to the living room and Scout stirred making a quiet bark as he trotted through.
“Hello boy, it’s just me” Keanu cooed in a low voice giving him a rub on the head. He went to the fridge to fetch the milk and stopped in his tracks.
That’s how Kerry found him as she stumbled through sleepily wondering what the noise was.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee
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Me: re-watching ATLA in 4x speed so I can take notes and scowl menacingly at the moon and (to a little less of a degree) Katara while muttering “You” under my breath like I’m about the avenge the slaughter of the uchiha clan
Also me: on edge from chasing a coyote away from my house I am ascared of them critters. Also too wired but too tired and don’t drink coffee kids it’ll  y e e t  your mind into the future and expect the world to catch up to it
Also also me trying to think and breathe at the same time but also trying to keep my third eye from opening too fast because atla is so gorgeous it’s blinding:
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My madness and the further progression of my burning curse:
Courage and Caution are Yin and Yang💕
ATLA is an amalgamation of so many different cultures and religions and beliefs and philosophies (and from different periods throughout history as they evolveD WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME, SHOW??) that idk if I can do them all equal justice but imma try
The Lion King is an awesome movie I need to re-watch it more
No psychologist/psychiatrist/philosopher past or present has a name I can pronounce or a book I can comprehend hahaha why do you bring physics into this I do not want physics there should be no physics wHY IS THERE PHYSICS
Jeong-Jeong is either a liar or wrong or both and I think evidence tips him towards the latter but idk yet...either way he TELLS THE WRONG HOW DARE YOU YELL AT AANG
Flopsy???? Hello????
June is a goddess
Aunt Wu is also a goddess
Honestly Koh can just eat corn the long way or something I stg he can jump right into the river
The frickin lotus flower is hidden in the Southern Air Temple and I am absolutely overjoyed and just beyond belief with where it is you have no idea I LOVE--
Knowledge-seekers👀 what awe u doing ovew thewe? UwU
Gran Gran what are your secrets gran gran shARE with the cLASS GRAN GRAN tElL uS GRAN GRAN
Azula my sweet demon child, you are a mystery wrapped in an enigma and I will never look at your fall from grace the same way again c’mere you demon spawn lemme hug u I don’t mind the staby stabs 
👏Mai👏and👏Ty Lee👏are👏best👏girls👏
8+4=12 but 1+1=3 but a l s o 2+1=4 AND 3-1=3 BUT THEN 2-1=3
Everything is water. You’re water. I’m water. He’s water. She’s water. They’re water. The ocean is insidious and beautiful and full of sharks and I don’t like sharks
Airball score??? Hello???
Wait hold up Sokka was 9 when Kya was killed oh my gawd oh ynmcwrbuvaeliuvbf
I’m gonna have to toss out or re-write the last chapter of my whistle-speak fic because I wasn’t kidding when I said my writing comes from TSR and so I’m basically re-writing the fic in the analysis...and it’s making me cry just as hard or I just need some sleep idk I need a fluff-aid-kit hello
Hinduism and Buddhism share a lot of festivals because the philosophies/logos of their beliefs are pretty dang intertwined, and while the July moon (Thunder Moon) for Buddhism is Dharma Day (the first step of the 8foldpath), it is also something for Hinduism and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hinduism and Buddhism are absolutely wild and I love them but they are making smoke pour outta my ears
The Great Divide episode is a Buddhist parable but it’s not the only one hnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
The Dao and the Tao and Confucius oh my are going to end m e
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asfaltics · 4 years
subfluence merged in an ornamental lake
  but these very subfluences       1 subfluence over boundaries or lands       2 subfluence which natural causes have on the limity of the reflection       3 subfluence, recording occurrences       4 subfluence over ennui. I had not the       5   subfluence. What do we do? What does the       6 subfluence, discoverable or unexplained       7 subfluence, at nights       8 subfluence in production or waste, used freely       9 subfluence literally incalculable, the principle on which       10   the heart-beat is subfluence.       11 subfluence diffused       12 subfluence full of romance       13 lies, and other caustic or irritant subfluence       14 subfluence, the signaling, the adjustment of huge mechanisms       15   subfluence merged in an ornamental lake       16 subfluences subdued       17 his special subfluence, for he was an omnivorous reader, and had a picturesque and even romantic outlook on       18 subfluence, with the colors still       19 subfluence the entire cotton trade       20   subfluence spread far and wide.       21 subfluence, the possibility of human flight       22 subfluence for lack of language : error       23 Subfluenz-Prozesse       24 Subfluenz, einer varistischen       25  
sources (most, and mostly OCR misreads)
1 OCR misread for “substances,” at “Of points wherein we and Papists differ, viz., Transubstantiation, &c.,” in John Rawlet (1642-86 *), A dialogue betwixt two Protestants, in answer to a Popish Catechism (Third edition, corrected; London, 1686) : 82 2 ex “A sketch of the life and public services of Gen. William Henry Harrison.” in (Isaac Rand Jackson?), General William Henry Harrison, Candidate of the People for President of the United States (Baltimore, 1840) : 6 Harrison (1773-1841) would have a short (31-day) tenure as president, but had done enough damage in previous roles, particularly with regard to indigenous people. see wikipedia 3 ex “Scripture and Geology” (by N), in The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction (Saturday, August 14, 1841) : 99-103 (100) see wikipedia for its publisher John Limbird (1796?-1883) 4 ex “Druids and Bards,” being an extensive notice/review of three books — J. B. Pratt The Druids Illustrated (1861), John Williams, ed., Brut y Tywysogion (1860), and Godfrey Higgins, The Celtic Druids (1829), in The Edinburgh Review, 118 (American Edition; July 1863) : 20-36 (35) 5 ex “A Rolling Stone.” By George Sand, translated from the French by Carroll Owen, in Library of Famous Fiction 2 (1879) : 1-113 (109) 6 OCR cross-colum misread, involving M. H. Cobb, “Common Sense Applied to Living” (pp 5-7) and “A Parlor Drama, in Two Acts” by Augusta De Bubna (pp 7-13), in The Brooklyn New Monthly Magazine, Henry Morford (1823-81), editor and manager; 1:1 (January 1880) : 7 7 ex A. Ernest Sansom, “The Dyspepsia of Infancy,” in The New York Medical Times 19:2 (May 1891) : 33-37 (34) 8 involving obituaries (memorials) for James Holmes and David Wright, in the section “Connexional Biography” in The Primitive Methodist Magazine 73 - London, 1892) : 51 on “Connexionalism” (and its relation to “network”), this, from wikpedia — “The United Methodist Church defines connection as the principle that ‘all leaders and congregations are connected in a network of loyalties and commitments that support, yet supersede, local concerns.’ Accordingly, the primary decision-making bodies in Methodism are conferences, which serve to gather together representatives of various levels of church hierarchy.” 9 ex “Brief Gleanings : The treatment of Leanness and Obesity” in The Medical Brief (A Monthly Journal of Scientific Medicine; J.J. Lawrence, Proprietor) 20:10 (St. Louis, Mo; October 1892) : 1240 10 ex W. Garden Blaikie, “St. Paul’s Pastoral Counsels to the Corinthians.” in Exegetical and Expository Section, The Homiletic Review 29:5 (May 1895) : 451-453 11 Aloysius O. J. Kelly, “Essential Paroxysmal Tachycardia — Report of Four Cases.” (Read October 14, 1896), in Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Medical Society 17 (Session of 1896) : 166-180 (171) Kelly (1870-1911) obituary at Boston Medical and Surgical Journal (now NEJM) March 9, 2011) : 360 12 out of chronology (and unlinkable snippet, only), mea culpa, ex The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle 21 (1813) : 328 13 snippet only, evidently from Chapter 9 “Signs and Tokens” of Charles Dickens, Bleak House (1852-53), here ex Works Volume 3 (1899) : 374 14 misread involving “Milk a Universal Antidote” and “School-Meals for Underfed Children” in The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette (A monthly journal of physiological medicine) 16:1 (January 1900) : 20 15 ex Edward Nelson, “Electricity in Service on British Battleships,” in Electricity 29:23 (December 6, 1905) : 311-313 16 preview snippet only, at (Commonwealth of Australia) Parliamentary Debates 57 (1910) : 3207 17 ex index of volume, Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research (Section “B” of the American Institute for Scientific Research) vol. 5 (New York, 1911) : 771 18 ex entry (by “C. L. G.”) for Meredith White Townsend (1831-1911), in Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Sidney Lee. Second Supplement vol. 3, Neil – Young (New York, 1912) : 532 19 preview snippet only, ex The American Year Book 5 (1915) : 300 20 § 816. Corners... in William Herbert Page, The Law of Contracts Second edition; revised, rewritten and enlarged with forms. Volume 2. (Cincinnati, 1920) : 1441 21 ex “Balboa Day, September 17th, 1919 in Honolulu,” in Bulletin of the Pan-Pacific Union (January 1920) : 6 22 misread, involving report on “The Langley Flying Machine” (and some controversy between S. P. Langley and the Wright brothers), and “The Impurity of Pure Substances” (review of A. Smits, Theorie der Allotropie (1921)) in Nature 108 (November 3, 1921) : 298 23 misread, involving Booth et al v. Floyd (No 2358) and Blackstone v. Nelson, Warden (No 2457) in The Southeastern Reporter 108 (August 27 - December 3, 1921) : 114 24 H. J. Behr, “Subfluenz-Prozesse im Grundgebirgs-Stockwerk Mitteleuropas.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 129 (1978) : 283-318 25 K. Weber, “Das Bewegungsbild im Rhenoherzynikum Abbild einer varistischen Subfluenz.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 129 (1978) : 249-281 referring to the Variscan Orogeny (wikipedia)  
There is no word “subfluence,” or only barely one. This started with the self-written biographical note of poet Jack Hirschman, in A Caterpillar Anthology (Clayton Eshleman, ed., 1971) —
“They are lyrical poems, in verse or free-form, as distinguished from the poems in this anthology, which are breath forms reflecting a more total slavery to the conditions of the spirit’s war-torn years. The major influences on my works are influence itself, in as many levels of order, disorder, disaster, paranoia, joy and ecstasy as the deathless magic of being alive permits a vessel now of fire, now of air, to spark, glow, flame and ember according to the law of nature.”
“Influence” — that word — led to thinking about variations, e.g., effluence, outfluence, pre-fluence... “subfluence” — an underground stream a less-than fluency (stammering, stuttering) a brittleness?
Little — or nothing — surfaced in a google books search, save for errors — typically a “sub” at the end of one line, a “fluence” at the start of the next (in a different column). Quite enough for present purposes. And so these subfluence derivations are built around a word that isn’t quite a word. Some license has been taken with the text in this post: dispensing ellipsis or [brackets] where text is erased (or rather, dropped); in some instances, some words that preceded the subfluence, are moved to follow it.
And yet, the word does appear, in some (and only a few) geological texts, typically having to do with the geotectonic unterströmungshypothese (undercurrent) concepts — and field work done in the Northern Calcareous Alps — of and by Otto Ampferer (1875-1947). More on Ampferer to come. For now, these references —
Wolf-Christian Dullo and Fritz A. Pfaffle, “The theory of undercurrent from the Austrian alpine geologist Otto Ampferer (1875-1947) : first conceptual ideas on the way to plate tectonics,” Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56 (2019) : 1095-11 here
Karl Krainer und Christoph Hauser, “Otto Ampferer (1875–1947): Pioneer in Geology, Mountain Climber, Collector and Draftsman,” in: Geo.Alp Sonderband 1 (2007) : 91–100 here (pdf)
wikipedia (in German)
Dr. Otto Ampferer. “Über das Bewegungsbild von Faltengebirgen” (On the movement pattern of folded mountains), in Jahr. Geol. Reichsanstalt (Yearbook of the Austrian Geological Survey), 56:3-4 (1906) : 539-622 “Mit 42 Zinkotypien im Text” here
“Subfluence” also surfaces as a company name, social media handle, &c., &c.
all tagged subfluence  
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years
writing asks. all of them. ( for 50 uhh just write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you </3 )
this is gonna be long asf click keep reading at risk of death or boredom
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
not usually, it's distracting
 2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
naturally pantser but if i wanna actually finish smth i gotta plot it hh
 3.     Computer or pen and paper?
computer i'm not a boOmer /j i so am
 4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
bitch i wiSh
actually technically i was published in this anthology thing once? and i think i have a piece in a magazine somewhere on the internet i forget those are cool
but yeah bye getting a novel published is my d r e a m (gotta write a novel first tho lawl)
 5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
n o t  m u c h
unless i get one of my bUrsts aka finishing a 2.3K almoons chapter before 8am the other week after procrastinating it for like two months 
but yeah jdsghliuedskj it um depends often none
 6.     Single or multiple POV?
i answered that for kiri so i'll just copy paste it over loll
mmm it depends. usually i do single? but i do do multiple occasionally. i almost never do alternating chapters, though, it’s usually more like part one is narrated by person a, part two person b etc.
 7.     Standalone or series?
baha like i could ever write a series (please, please be jinxing yourself rn refster) aside from that one trilogy when i was 7 but uh yeah atm just standalones but a series would be so cool in future 
 8.     Oldest WIP
the aforementioned trilogy. chronicles of clara. it is incREDIBLE. 10/10. so good. so, so good.
 9.     Current WIP
i haven't actually mentioned it on tumblr yet but hehehe it's called the wordweaver's apprentice it's fantasy and i'm v excited about it :DD that was ooc but :DD
 10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
(also answered for kiri, copy-pasting over)
i? try?
it does not go well?
but then i never finish my projects?
send help pls im dying
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
lmao the list is too long
 12.  Describe your perfect writing space
somewhere w/o distractions
 13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
hm. idea. that's cool. that's cool. write it down. hype myself up. forget about it within a week.
el em mayo
but like
f r LMAO
okay but fr fr idk i don't usually finish stuff but it'd be idea, brainstorm, plot (sort of), write, agonize, write, finish, throw in the other direction and never touch again bc revision whos she
 14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
cry and spam my friends
 15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
i don’t - mm. i don’t tend to get writer’s block? or like - idk what to classify as writer’s block? bc sometimes i get blocked for a certain story, but then i get really into like poetry or sum for a week so it’s fine idk
 16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
o n e as i said i don't - revision is a no
 17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
uHhHhhhhh idk???
 18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
*laughs in gfc*
 19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
i don't. if you have any ideas please hmu i need it.
 20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
m a n y.
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
mmmmmmmmm i love cass i haven't written her in too long but i think she's probably my most well-done character to date and i'm so proud of her badkghewiludkjs
 22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
c y i l l
though possible imeini (ship name needs revision) in future we shall see (from twa) (the aforementioned newish wip)
 23.  Favourite author
there are Many
 24.  Favourite genre to write and read
fantasy maybe? ooh dystopia is fun
 25.  Favourite part of writing
everything about it when i'm motivated hh, my problem is getting more motivation
 26.  Favourite writing program
oh idk huh?
27.  Favourite line/scene
 28.  Favourite side character
j o o s t
 29.  Favourite villain
i def have one but i forget
 30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
too many
31.  Least favourite part of writing
motivating myself :/
 32.  Most difficult character to write
mmmm i'm not really in the throes of a wip atm so idk
 33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
 34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
drunk will was surprisingly difficult in a fun way. def not the hardest but yeah
 35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
god idk
36.  Last sentence you wrote
And then Mei was gone, and in the space that she'd filled, Imani whispered, "I wish I was like you."
 37.  First sentence or your current WIP
It is said that when we came to this stretch of Tatys land, it was empty.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
mm there was one about anthropomorphic chickens battling sentient fruits, the fruits in question also being six-year olds
 39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
s e e  a b o v e
 40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
cass's mom used to have a drug problem & she would leave her alone for long stretches of time, she went to rehab and is now sober but it's where cass gets her abandonment issues from
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
just write! no one taught me how to do anything, and there's no rules per se, aside from basic grammatical stuff. do what you wanna do, don't worry about others' reactions. this is cliche asf but true.
 42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
mostly gross, but they can be good.
 43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
adapt. i  g o  w i t h  t h e  f l o w.
 44.  How much research do you do?
not much usually, depends on the genre of story. i do as much as i feel i need to. and ofc i have the random writer search history.
 45.  How much world building do you do?
in the past, not much. twa (once again my new wip) is fantasy, though, so i' m attempting to remedy that.
 46.  Do you reread your own stories?
i do! it's fun to look back at them after a few years and see how much i've improved.
 47.  Best way to procrastinate
random character headcanons/doodle writey spurt thingies
 48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
bAHA this one scene in the cHrOniCLeS of cLaRa book two when this girl lisa who was 100% self-insert got annoyed at her little sister daisy (sister-insert) for chewing too loudly and then proceeded to use her wAtEr pOwErs to like flood the house. that part was less self-insert.
 49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
bye that's so hard. c a d m u s & l a u r e n t tho cinnamon rolls are liFE.
 50.  Write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you
i don't gotta write my own bitch i have everything i need to plagiarize from right here
"Raver-Lampman’s enthusiasm is contagious. So is her laugh. It comes from deep inside, just like her voice, and it rings out — ricocheting off furniture and walls. Her head is shaved, all except for a distinctive swath of tight curls on the top and left side of her head. She has the tiniest septum ring in her nose, and a tattoo of what looks like a musical note behind her right ear."
- the clearly gay jessica belt
thank you for the ASKS darLING and thank you if you read this idk why or whether you're okay but yup
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two years too late, chapter t w o 
When your alarm went off on Friday morning, you were sure that it had all been a dream. Your feet hit the floor and you looked out the frosted window. The snow was still there. Your coat was still in the living room where you’d left it, your tea cup still on the coffee table--an empty reminder of the night before. 
Your commute was longer than usual but not nearly as bad as the way home yesterday. The subway was in better condition and people seemed less miserable, likely because it was Friday, and the city always seemed to have a bit of a buzz at the end of the week. 
So now, as you stood in the office kitchen waiting for the Keurig to spit out your coffee, you recounted the events and sorted them into the good and bad categories that your brain so easily made. 
Good: he didn’t bring it up. He seemed excited enough to see you. He didn’t mention any other embarrassing events. He was nice to Alyssa. He paid for the Pad Thai. He didn’t overstay his welcome in your apartment. He said he’d see you again. 
Bad: there were plenty of awkward moments. He used your stupid nickname multiple times. He didn’t take the hint that you didn’t even want him in your apartment in the first place. He told you he’d read your stories (which likely meant he read your tweets and those were all sorts of a mess). You felt stupid most of the time you were with him. He said he’d see you again. 
You couldn’t really decide which category that last one fit in, so you saved it a spot in both. 
“Did you see that Harry Styles performed a super small concert at Spotify last night?” Your coworker, Carly, slithered up to your cubicle and smiled toothily at you. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, her casual Friday look still put yours to shame.
You were used to her excitement about anything Harry did, but this time it was harder to feign interest. You licked at your lips and willed away the heat that tried to rise to your cheeks. “I’ve always been more of a Liam girl myself,” you said nonchalantly, keeping your eyes on your computer as you pulled up The Scoop’s homepage. 
“Oh come on, the hair and the eyes and those tattoos,” she laughed a little, lowering her voice as if this wasn’t typical workplace dialogue. In fact, it was regular workplace dialogue. Carly was obsessed with One Direction (but mostly Harry) and she never kept that a secret. She was the one who wrote most of the articles about the band--her live tweeting of Harry’s album release were some of the The Scoop’s most popular moments.
And besides, your job revolves around talking about this type of shit. You had to be up to date on whatever celebrities were doing and you always needed to have something quick and witty to say about it. 
But you were also used to avoiding conversations about Harry in the workplace. Seeing as he’d released his album right after you started your job meant the first month was like tiny dodging bullets--an article here about his record sales, a list assignment there about the best lyrics. (You passed that one on to Carly though, claiming you hadn’t even listened and couldn’t possibly take joy away from her by writing about something she loved so much). 
Your coworker Max walked by, offering a smile to both of you as he headed for the kitchen. 
The Scoop’s office was modern and sleek, filled with standing desks and conference tables surrounded by balance ball chairs. You had common spaces with brick-red couches and vending machines for when you needed a change of scenery or a snack--all of the makings for a trendy workspace and happy employees.
The gym downstairs was open late into the night and early in the morning--though you’d managed to wander in there once and it was only by accident. You heard rumors that they had deodorant and toothbrushes for the staff to use, but that still didn’t do it for you. 
“How’d you fair in the snow? I saw your tweet last night,” she rested her arms on the wall of your desk, her chin falling to rest on top of them as she waited for your response. 
“Fine--the subway was shit but my roommate made a good dinner,” you said, dropping the details of your late night snack as you sipped at your coffee. “How ‘bout you?”
You turned to her now, offering her your full attention after checking to see yesterday’s story count. She rolled her eyes a bit. “Fine--I would have rather been at his concert, but whatever. You win some, you lose some.”
You smiled, Carly’s sense of humor was one of the main reasons you loved working here. She was friendly and funny and she was always in support of your desire to cover more real news. She’d been working there a whole year longer than you, and she regularly reminded you that eventually, you’d get to a place where you were covering the types of stories you had your eyes on. She also regularly reminded you that you were one of the most popular writers and regularly received the most digital fan-mail out of everyone on staff. 
You’d connected with her quickly after coming on board, and you were thankful for the fact that she was your go-to work buddy. Topic question? Carly could help. Needed to know whether or not it was cool to work in a conference room when you needed a change of scenery? Carly knew. 
She offered to grab lunch with you later on but soon left you alone at your desk, hunting through twitter to find some good topics for the day. Your phone buzzed beside you, signaling a message from Jessie. Your stomach knotted and you picked it up to unlock it. 
You’d messaged both her and Bryn this morning to inform them of the night’s events. While you might normally include Jake and Adam, you decided that the matter was best suited for the separate chat you had with your girlfriends: one that often had secrets and memes and emojis that weren’t necessarily appropriate to share with the boys. At least not these boys.
Y/N L/N (9:04am): Saw Harry last night….
Jessie Alby (9:26am): What?! How’d it go?? Was he in town?
Y/N L/N (9:26am): He texted me last night and asked if I wanted to go see him play somewhere. Brought my roommate. So weird. 
Y/N L/N (9:26am): And before you ask, no, he didn’t bring it up. 
Bryn Miller (9:27am): Hold on. Weird why? 
Y/N L/N (9:27am): Because we’re not really friends anymore! I haven’t seen him since that night and seriously even seeing him then was weird because he barely speaks to us now. 
Bryn Miller (9:28am): I mean, I’d probably have trouble keeping in touch if I were as busy as he is 🤷
Jessie Alby (9:32am): Still shitty of him. But it’s nice that he reached out!
Y/N L/N (9:34am): I didn’t even know he still had my number. I would have deleted it after that night if I were him 🙃 
Bryn Miller (9:35am): It wasn’t that bad, Y/N! If it makes you feel any better, you’re probably not the only person who’s done that to him.
Y/N L/N (9:36am): Not helpful!!!!!!
Jessie Alby (9:37am): So wait. Where did you leave it? Did he say he’d see us all soon?
Bryn Miller gave Jessie Alby’s message a thumbs up. 
Y/N L/N (9:40am): He said he would but he’s said that a thousand times. We’ll see!
Y/N L/N (9:40am): He did say that he’d love to see us all over Christmas 🎄
You set your phone down on your desk, staring at the photo of the three of you that was thumb-tacked to the side of your cubicle wall--a muted office-gray that reminded you of a stormy sky. It was pinned up beside a picture of all six of you: Jake, Bryn, Adam, you, Jessie, Harry at the end. You’d folded it over right between he and Jessie, fearful that coworkers would catch a glimpse and recognize the mop of curly hair. He looks familiar, they’d say. Is that Harry Styles? You know Harry Styles?! 
Before you started at The Scoop, you’d gone through your instagram and rid yourself entirely of any traces of him. Facebook was another matter--most photos of the two of you had been uploaded by others nearly ten years ago--but you’d untagged yourself and set your settings to as private as could be.
You looked back down at the screen of your phone. While the prospect of seeing Harry around the holidays seemed to excite both Bryn and Jessie, you couldn’t decide where you landed on the matter. 
Seeing him wouldn’t be miserable, you guessed, especially if it was with the rest of them. Two years ago there were too many people in Kenny Tilley’s basement, which is probably what led to you drinking more than you should have. A more contained setting with only the five other friends who’d seen your highs and lows felt more comfortable. Even if Harry was there.
So you put it on the back burner for now--not obsessing over whether or not you’d see him again and doing your best to quell the butterflies that erupted in your stomach when you thought about the fact that he’d thought of you and invited you and apparently didn’t hate your guts. It felt all too similar to being fifteen again. 
Later, you were sat at an afternoon meeting with Carly to your left as Whitney, your boss, detailed the new search engine optimization settings. Whitney was 35, single, and probably the coolest person you’d ever met. She oozed the type of confidence that you could only dream of, and being the Editor-In-Chief of The Scoop seemed like a sick gig. 
She wrote whatever she wanted, managed the other writers and editors, and still had time to go to hot yoga three times a week and run a wildly popular bagel-rating instagram account. She had dark brown hair and her lips were always the perfect shade of pink. She wore hoop earrings that were big enough to be bracelets. She was cool. 
On top of that, Whitney was caring and compassionate, never one to shame her employees on their mistakes or necessary areas of improvement. Talking with her about work made you excited and hopeful and made you feel like she believed in you. You knew she did.
Carly was busy doodling a flower on her notebook page when your phone buzzed. Harry’s name on your screen--even in it’s abbreviated form of Harry S--sent a jolt of panic down to the tips of your fingers as you reached for the phone and pulled it into your lap. 
She pulled her eyes up from the blue ink on her paper, a sideways glance before you mouthed sorry, and turned your attention back to Whitney’s speech on tagging. The aluminum shell of your phone felt like it was burning in your lap, especially when it buzzed for a second time. 
You flipped it over slyly, careful to not let Carly see your screen. 
Harry S (2:43pm): Tell your coworker Carly I liked her story this morning on my show last night 
Harry S (2:43pm) 🙂 
You shut it quickly, worried that if she saw her own name she’d only be more intrigued about the message. You turned it over in your lap again, eyes wide as you waited for a lull in the conversation to quietly excuse yourself to the bathroom. 
Your heart was pounding faster than it should, tiny thumps that matched your footsteps on the geometric carpet as you wove through other cubicles to find a private place. 
The truth of the matter was this: you’d been telling yourself one version of this story for the last two years. You embarrassed yourself in front of him, made a complete fool of yourself, really. So the narrative in your head was along the lines of this: he’d never want to speak to you again because you ruined a perfectly good friendship. 
The thought that he didn’t feel that way left beads of nervous sweat on your forehead as you found safety in an empty emergency exit stairwell. 
A door shut a few flights up. Voices echoed off of the concrete before another door opened, closed. You looked at the message again as your thumbs hovered over your phone’s keyboard.
With minimal thought, you created a string of syllables that maybe wasn’t exactly the nicest response you could have come up with. 
Y/N L/N (2:46pm): Definitely not telling her that. She doesn’t know I know you. 
You watched as the blue line danced it’s way across the top of the screen, the word beneath your message immediately turning to read. You waited for the three dots to appear, but instead, you were met with a vibrating phone and an obnoxious picture on your screen of Harry, age 16, standing in your mum’s kitchen with an apron on, fresh off a shift at the bakery.
“I’m at work,” you whispered into the phone after sliding your thumb along the bottom of the screen. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry--I just--you’re keeping me a secret?” You could hear the suggestive tone in his voice, causing you to roll your eyes as you ran a hand through your hair. He spoke again, a chuckle escaping his lips. “That’s hot.”
“Okay, ew, gross. Glad to see you’ve grown up over the last few years,” you spoke sarcastically, causing him to laugh harder now on the other end of the line. 
“Why don’t you want to tell people you know me? You’re that ashamed?”
You weren’t ashamed. You’d been proud and excited at first--your friend was successful and talented and was taking the world by storm. So what happened, people would ask. Why don’t you talk to him now? 
You didn’t have time to get into it with him. “Harry, I’m at work.” 
“Right--are you in the middle of something?”
“Yes, a meeting.”
“You’re in the middle of a meeting right now on the phone with me?”
You could hear the smirk on his lips. “Well, no.”
“So you don’t have five seconds for your longtime friend?”
Your eyes went wide at his label. Friend? Longtime? Neither felt necessarily true in the current moment, but you decided not to push it. 
You looked around the empty stairwell, left without a good excuse. “I mean--I can talk for a second, I guess.”
“What are you up to tonight? I had radio stuff this morning but I’m done now. Probably gonna nap for a bit to be honest,” he thought aloud. You were so content just listening to him talk that you didn’t respond. “D’ya want to do something? S’Friday.”
You made a face at him through the phone when he reminded you what day it was. You knew what day it was. You were a working adult. You had a calendar on your email server and a physical one on your desk. Another pause as you mulled over his proposal. 
“Sorry, um, yeah--I guess so,” you said, knowing deep down that you wanted more than anything to hang out with him. You wanted it to feel normal and goofy and just plain fun--the way it felt before. 
The next question crawled up your throat and out of your mouth before you could really process it. “Can it be low key, though? Like--without paparazzi?”
He laughed to himself, you imagined that he had that shit-eating grin on, wherever he was. The backseat of a Chevy Suburban like last night, a dressing room, a hot tub filled with models. You didn’t know where he was and you decided you weren’t going to ask. “Yeah, Smalls. Got it. No paparazzi. So--midnight then?”
“Midnight?” You asked incredulously, your head pulling back from the phone in confusion.
“It’s New York City. There was no one out to see us last night because of the weather and the time. Pair that with the big coats and we were undercover, pretty much.”
“So we can only hang out at midnight now?” Some sort of sinking feeling in your stomach, you tried to swallow it away.
“If you really don’t want to be seen with me--which apparently is incredibly important to you,” he teased, a blush rising to your cheeks when he kept speaking. “This will have to be our secret.” 
Your heart did a flip. It was just you, Harry’s voice on the phone, and your adrenaline alone in the stairwell. “Okay.”
“Alright,” his voice was quieter now, almost as if he sensed the shift in the air, too. “Get back to work, then.” 
“I’ll text you, and--yeah, we’ll figure something out.”
“Bye, Smalls.”
“Bye, H.”
Alyssa fell asleep on the couch at 11:29pm just as the third consecutive Friends episode started. You got up quietly, pulled on a sweatshirt, then your coat on top of that. You slipped out the door and down to the foyer of your building where you waited on the front step. 
The snow had melted a bit from the night before, but the air was still cold enough to prompt you to pull your hood up over your ears. It was quiet in the Village for a Friday night, a couple passed by on their home from some type of evening out. Eventually, a taller figure with the same flat hat from the night before strode up to your steps. 
His head was down to block the cold, but when he lifted his eyes and met yours, you raised your brows in greeting. This prompted Harry to chuckle. 
He lifted his arms to motion to the emptiness around him, looking up at you from the sidewalk, gray cement beneath his black boots. “As promised--no paparazzi.”
You fought the smile that tried to creep onto your lips. “A rare sight, m’sure.”
He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets as you climbed down the three steps to meet him at ground level. “Night time is usually the best for exploring, anyway.”
“Exploring?” you pulled a face. “You said yourself last night that you have an apartment. Haven’t you done enough exploring?”
“I can always do more.”
“Where’s your apartment from here, anyway?”
He threw a thumb over his shoulder. “Seven blocks up and one blocks west towards the river.”
Seven blocks up and one block west towards the river. That was practically your backyard. Instead of addressing the fact that he lived so close (and yet still didn’t bother to reach out), you started walking in that direction, he fell into step beside you. 
“How was work?”
“Fine, how was the radio stuff?” You used the term he’d applied earlier, looking up at him as you passed the wash and fold on the corner.
“I asked first,” he looked at you with knitted brows, playfully offended that you’d turned the question around. You seemed to have a habit of doing that. 
“It was fine. Had a meeting in the afternoon that you interrupted me from. Wrote seven different stories today. Most of them were lists. I hate lists.”
“You hate lists?”
You looked both ways before crossing the street. A few cars passed by and Harry seemed to shrink into his jacket--you didn’t know if it was to avoid the cold or avoid being recognized. 
“Hate them,” you nodded. “It’s all I write. Dumb lists about dream vacations or things I’d rather be doing at any given moment. People love them, though.”
He laughed a little bit, eyeing you sideways as you made contact with the sidewalk on the other side. “If people love them then why do you hate them?” 
“Because I want to write real news!” 
“I think you are writing real news,” he said quietly, clearly deep in thought about your statement. You passed by Walker Park and he looked down at you. “That list you did--10 things we know about Ariana Grande’s new music video--that’s real news. Everything she does is news.”
You let out a small laugh, appreciative of his reassurance. He’d always been kind and thoughtful, but his words crawled into your heart as you waited for the walk-sign to flash white above your head. 
“I guess I just want to cover more than just that.” 
He nodded, his lips pushing out told you he was still pondering your words. You felt uncomfortable, so as you entered into the crosswalk, you changed the subject to his day.
He told you about the radio hosts he’d sat with, the questions they asked. His eyes wrinkled at the sides when he talked about the nice things his fans said on twitter. Three more blocks, then a big glass door with a doorman out front. Harry stopped short. 
“This is my building.”
“It’s--” you searched for the word like it was hidden in sand at the beach, your formal education in wordsmithing suddenly out the window when confronted with the smooth lines and modern accents. “Nice.”
“We don’t have to go in,” he shrugged, looking down at you. 
You spoke at the same time as he did, again. 
“We can go in.”
“We can keep walking,” a change of direction for him when he heard your words. “Yeah, no, I can give you a tour.”
You wondered about his walk on the way over. Did he listen to music in headphones like most millennials heading for a friend’s place? Did he count the yellow taxis that passed by, slipping into the night as their shifts came to an end?
He greeted the doorman by name and unbuttoned his coat as you waited for the lift. He told you he bought the apartment in April, claiming he stayed in hotels or at a friend’s place when he was in town before that. 
He swiped a card and pressed a button, and when the elevator opened, you were face to face with the back of a brown leather couch and two rustic end tables. Round-top windows across the room showed the night sky, white-oak floors sat beneath an oriental rug. 
“Wow,” you stepped forward, assuming, since he seemed pretty comfortable, that the lift had actually deposited you straight into his apartment. 
“Yeah, well, can’t take credit for the decorating. My mom and Gemma helped--and Erica, too, actually.”
He took off his coat and set it on the couch, leaning against it as you stood in the center of the room. The lift closed behind you, a hum of a mechanical sound let you know it was slinking down it’s shaft. 
Before long you were settled on the couch with a glass of wine in your hand, Harry in a chair to your left with his ankle resting on his knee. He dressed in black from head to toe--his shirt, his pants, his shoes. 
“So the rats are the worst part,” he laughed, his fingers running through his hair as he looked up at the ceiling. “Makes sense.”
“I didn’t really buy it at first--you hear people say they’re terrible but until you see one pulling a piece of pizza up a staircase in the subway station, you just don’t understand.”
“May or may not take over the city, kind of thing.” 
You let out a belly laugh, throwing your head back as he smiled over at you, swirling his wine in his glass. “Exactly. But I guess the best part is just,” you exhaled a big breath, wondering how to sum up your love for dirty, tough, soul sucking New York City. “My friends here, and Alyssa, and my job.”
He tilted his head to the side, eyes scanning over you for a second. When he spoke, his voice was quiet--curious--and almost like he didn’t want to know the answer. “Do you ever miss home?”
“Holmes Chapel?” You said it as if you weren’t quite sure where home was. You thought of the fields, the small downtown and the roads that led you out of that universe. “Not really.”
He nodded, tugging at his lower lip. 
“I mean, I miss the people, of course. My parents, my sister. My house. Not the town, really.”
He hummed a noise of understanding, a sip from his wine as he stared at the eggshell white ceiling. “I do.”
He didn’t bring his eyes back down to you. Instead he avoided your gaze, giving you permission to study his features as if you hadn’t studied them your whole life. As if even now, when you saw him on a magazine cover, you didn’t pause for a second to evaluate the eyes looking back at you or the one piece of his hair that always seemed to fall onto his forehead. 
When he let his eyes trail back to you, your lips curled upwards. “We left on different terms, I guess.”
His eyebrows rose and fell, a look of amusement crossing his face. 
“While you were signing record deals I was finishing a-levels.”
It wasn’t the first time the thought had crossed your mind. There were other moments like this when the differences between your life and Harry’s felt incredibly staggering. Like when you found out he was dating Taylor Swift. Or when you learned he’d met Paul McCartney. 
There were always small reminders that the two of you existed in separate worlds, even if those worlds hadn’t collided in a long time. 
“I meant what I said last night, y’know.” He watched you closely, his eyes an emerald green in the dark lighting of his posh living room. “About being a shit friend.”
You didn’t know what to say. He was a shit friend at times. But so were you. At least, you had been that night. You remembered the time he helped you roll your bicycle back to your house after you got a flat tire at Jessie’s. Year 7. 
You remembered the time he warned you that Peter Moore was going to ask you to the school dance and pretended to be your date so you didn’t have to go with him. 
But then you also remembered when he missed Adams birthday party because he got drunk the night before with Ed Sheeran and couldn’t bother to call. You also remembered when he didn’t text Jake after his grandma died because he was in Tokyo. 
You understood that fame happened. You didn’t ever expect him to pass up his chance--especially seeing as you’d always known how talented he was. But sitting here, with your feet on his couch and a snow-covered New York outside, you just wished he’d kept in touch. 
“I get it,” was all you said. 
He kept his eyes trained on you, and you wondered what it would be like if he’d never left. Maybe he would have moved to London like the rest of you did. Or maybe his fate had long been determined. All you knew, as you watched him tilt his wine glass back to finish the last sip, was that you wished life was like a snowglobe. One that you could shake, and drop, and flip upside down to watch the snow and glitter dance, the scene inside completely still, never to change. 
You felt uncomfortable in the Chevy Suburban by yourself that night, the heat on high because you made small talk with the driver about how cold the night air was. A text from Harry saying he enjoyed your night together was the last thing you saw before closing your eyes in bed. 
You reasoned with yourself at the kitchen table the next morning over a bowl of oatmeal. Maybe being his friend wasn’t terrible--you’d done it before and maybe it would be just like that. Maybe you could keep your teenage feelings in check. 
You’d barely gotten a bite of breakfast down before your phone buzzed beside you, a FaceTime call from Jessie coming through. 
“Good morning,” you laughed after swiping your thumb across the screen to answer the call. 
Jessie--her auburn hair up in a bun and the freckles on her cheeks more present than ever--had her face smushed up against Bryn’s. 
“Hi Brynie,” you waved your spoon at them, knowing full well what they were calling about. 
After a second glass of wine, Harry had decided to send a snapchat of the two of you--your cheeks smushed together just like your friends’ were, now--to the rest of the group. 
“Good morning my arse--you’re lucky we waited until a decent hour to call you and demand some fucking answers, woman,” Jessie’s accent was thick, her energy palpable through the phone as Bryn let out a laugh. 
“What she means is, how was your night?”
You rolled your eyes. “It was fine--I don’t know why he suddenly wants to hang out with me.”
“And he seriously still hasn’t brought it up?” Jessie’s eyebrows pointed together like an arrow. 
“Nope,” you popped the ‘p,’ adjusting in your seat as you took another bite of your breakfast. Mushy oatmeal wasn’t necessarily your first choice, but you hadn’t been shopping since the beginning of the week. You and Alyssa had planned on heading to the grocer down the block, but that was only if she ever woke up. 
“I mean, I also have avoided the conversation like the plague, to be fair. M’not about to just say, ‘hey, remember that night when I was really drunk and acted like a fucking idiot?’”
“I don’t think he thinks it was that bad,” Bryn tried to reassure you. 
“Right!” You let out a quick laugh, careful to not be too loud in your quiet apartment. The morning was still somewhat untouched. Unopened mail on the coffee table, the candle Alyssa had bought a few weeks ago still uncapped beside it. 
The blanket your roommate had fallen asleep with the night before was still balled up on the couch. You wondered what time she made the semi-unconscious trek from this room to her bed. You didn’t know because you were busy drinking wine with Harry and pretending that all of this wasn’t weird. 
“Listen,” you told them. “I don’t know why he wants to hang out with me or where his head is at about that night, but--I don’t know--I’m just trying to be normal.”
Jessie raised her eyebrows, a small smile coming across her face. You could read her mind. After being friends with her for more than half of your life, you knew exactly what she was thinking when she opened her mouth, looked at you, looked away, and then closed it.
“Just say it, Jessie,” you rolled your eyes, another spoonful of oatmeal into your mouth, waiting for her lecture to ensue.
“I dunno, Y/N, I just think that you and Harry--” she looked over to Bryn, who immediately continued on for her. 
“You might always have a schoolgirl crush on him, and we just, we don’t want you to get hurt again.”
You licked at your lips, your eyes falling to the wood of your kitchen table. Knots of dark maple stared back at you, providing no insight or guidance on how to respond to the sudden shift in the conversation.
“I know,” you said quietly. 
You hadn’t meant to get hurt the first time. It wasn’t your fault that the week you finally had the guts to tell him how you felt was the same week he left for bootcamp. You thought he’d be home in a few weeks--those shows didn’t really make people famous, right? Certainly not your friend with an obnoxiously loud laugh and a penchant for using embarrassing nicknames. 
So maybe you sulked around for a while after he left, especially when it became clear he wasn’t coming back. 
The first call was to tell you he’d been rejected, but, wait for it, there was good news. A group was formed. You and Adam joked about how long it would take for one of Harry’s new bandmates to punch him when they realized how annoying he could be. 
A call a few weeks in had him excitedly telling you that he was going to Spain. Then he was moving into the house, then they made it further and further each week. The calls slowed down and soon the majority of your interaction with him happened through a telly screen. 
You’d sit around in Bryn’s living room, smacking Jake on the head with a pillow whenever he talked too loud, arguing that you all needed to pay close attention, voting as much as your mobiles would allow. While Jessie and Bryn were totally in the know about your growing crush for one of your best mates, Jake and Adam remained relatively in the dark. 
He was home that first Christmas, telling exciting stories of the celebrities he’d met and the places he’d been, casually letting it slip that he’d lost his virginity and was likely moving to London--the band was going to try to go even further. 
You’d kind of given up at that point, recognizing that your lives were two threads being pulled in opposite directions. While you’d once been part of the same cloth, you were building your own tapestries now. 
So you let it go. Bryn and Jessie offered their love and support and everyone kept going with their own academic endeavors. You’d see him at holidays or maybe once in the summer when the band came through town, laughing in empty venue hallways and being ushered to the best seats in the house. You’d have a glass of wine or a pint when you knew you’d be seeing him, quelling the nervous knot in your stomach that often lodged in your throat. 
“He still calls me Smalls,” you said, pulling your eyes up to see them again as a smirk tugged at your lips. “Such a stupid nickname.”
“S’not stupid,” Bryn objected, her face twisting into one of irritation. “S’cute--and Adam and Jake still call you that sometimes too.”
“S’different coming from Harry,” Jessie answered for you, a silence passed and you let your spoon clank against your bowl as you set it down. 
“He knows he’s been a shit friend, by the way. Both nights he’s admitted it to me, so, I think he feels guilty, I guess.”
“I mean, I get it, y’know. I get that he’s been way too busy and running in a thousand directions.” Bryn shrugged her shoulders and let a sigh escape between her lips. 
“But it’d be nice if he could at least see us when he’s home, respond in the group, text us on our birthdays,” you finished for her, knowing by heart the places in your life where he was missing. 
You’d done your grocery shopping, cleaned the bathroom, and you were now seated on the couch in a pair of sweatpants. Slivers of nail polish fell down like the snowflakes from two days before as your thumb scratched wildly against your pointer finger. 
Alyssa was seated on the floor in front of you, rifling through a bin of DVDs--artifacts of her teen years. “Mean Girls, Sleepover--that one’s a throwback,” her messy bun pulled wisps of her loose brown hair away from her face. 
A knock on the door had her leaping to her feet, a look on curiosity crossing her face as she danced on bare feet towards the door. She pressed her eye to the peephole, her face a ghostly white as she turned around and pushed her back to the door, barricading it shut. “Harry Styles is at our door.”
“What? Why?” You stood from the couch, crossing your arms over your chest as you closed the distance between the two of you. 
“Oh, he called and said he was going to stop by for tea,” she whispered at you, sarcasm dripping from her words as she stepped aside so you could take a look for yourself. “If celebrities are going to start showing up at our door we need warnings, Y/N!”
“I didn’t know he was coming--he didn’t say anything!” You pulled the door open before she could respond, revealing Harry, hands in his pockets, leaning back on his heels. An awkward smile on his face as he spoke.
“I’ll try and give a better warning, next time,” he made eye contact with Alyssa, playfully letting you both know that he heard every word you’d said. 
But that was nothing compared to the level of embarrassment you were used to when it came to Harry and things that came out of your mouth. So, you looked him up and down, noticing that he was dressed more formally than the night before. Same black pants, but this time a black button down shirt, undone just enough at the top to show flecks of black ink on his chest. 
You reached forward and tugged at the fabric, pulling him into the apartment and closing the door behind him swiftly. “Did you walk in the front door? Did anyone see you?”
He smoothed out his shirt with a frown when you let go of him, Alyssa staring wide eyed at the two of you when he responded. “Someone was walking out and held the door, didn’t even look up, though, s’New York, for you.”
You padded over to the window on the opposite side of the room, looking down at the street below. The last thing you needed was a photo linking you and Harry together. Young journalist uses childhood friend for career success, they’d say. 
“No paparazzi,” Harry answered for you as he hung his coat on the back of your front door. 
He was right--there was no sign of lenses or flashing lights on the curb below, just white cigarette butts and hardened sidewalk gum. You turned to face him, still completely uncertain why he was standing in your living room at 5:30pm on a Saturday.
You didn’t have to say that, though, because he soon offered an answer. “I uh--I was gonna go to a concert tonight, was just wondering if you wanted to come. You, too, Alyssa,” he turned to your roommate, who’s eyes were wide despite the smile on her face. 
You cleared your throat, hoping to make Alyssa snap back into her regularly functioning self. Harry brought his eyes to you. “Sara Bareilles--do you know her?”
“Do we know her!” Alyssa laughed, her excitement only growing as you made your way to the couch. “I cried so hard to Love Song in the shower when I was twelve.”
Harry chuckled at this, letting his eyes settle on you. Alyssa did the same--clearly hoping that you’d acquiesce.  
You stuttered over your words, uncomfortable with the power they were both affording you. “What--I don’t--we’re just supposed to tag along to her concert? Do you have three tickets?”
“She invited me,” he shrugged. “Said I could bring friends.”
“Bring friends?” You repeated his words, letting that sink in. Right, okay. This is how it was to be a celebrity. Free things, show up places and get VIP treatment. “How do you know her?”
“Her manager is friends with Erica. Saw her at a party about a week ago.”
“Y/N, we have to go. It’s Sara Bareilles. She’s like, on Broadway and is amazing.” 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to go. If anything, a Sara Bareilles concert with Alyssa was something you would have jumped at a few days prior. Adding Harry to the mix--and using him as the ticket in--felt weird.
“You really think it’d be okay with we come?” Alyssa turned to Harry, shoving her hands into the front pocket of her maroon sweatshirt. 
He nodded, his eyes flickering back to you. “S’fine, if you’re busy.”
“We’re not busy,” you said, letting a sigh brush past your lips. “I just feel bad, I don’t want to use you for tickets.”
“I’m inviting you,” he laughed, walking to sit beside you on the couch. “And I’ll make you a deal, Smalls. You can totally buy me a drink when we’re there.”
You rolled your eyes, simultaneously bothered and enchanted by the way he winked at you. 
You’d been to Irving Plaza before. You’d seen two shows: one with Alyssa and one on a bad Tinder date. The bar that they had inside was decent (thank god, especially for that date) and the bathroom stalls were covered in drunken sharpie doodles. It was right next to Union Square, making it accessible and easy to find. 
Tonight, however, instead of shuffling through subway gates and dark tunnels, you’d been dropped off by the same man in the same black Chevy Suburban and you learned his name was Roger. 
Erica met the three of you in the back--an alleyway entrance that seemed much less glamorous than you’d imagined fame to be. She gave you a hug this time, seemingly excited to have two civilians along for the night. You wondered what her life was like: did she have to schedule Harry’s dates with models and influencers? Did she have to memorize their phone numbers or worse, their astrological signs or favorite colors? She must have had tons of awkward encounters with beautiful and boring girls--ones who were latching on to Harry for the money or the fame, or, apparently, the free invites to concerts. 
Harry’s manager, Jeff, made an appearance backstage when you and Alyssa were busy photographing the signed posters of previous acts that hung on the white cement wall. Snapchatting them to Bryn and Jessie seemed like an obnoxious, yet totally acceptable thing to do. You couldn’t explain why Harry was suddenly interested in being friends again, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy it. 
The most exciting moment pre-concert was when Alyssa subtly grabbed your hand, nearly cutting off circulation as Sara greeted both Erica and Harry with a kiss on the cheek. She introduced herself to Jeff and then to you and Alyssa before offering to take a picture, one that Harry insisted on being in. She left the group behind to finish preparing for her show, thanking you all for coming and promising to play Harry’s favorite song. 
And you learned something else: famous people wait for the lights go down in a venue before heading to their post. They slink in between bodies and find a secluded corner to spend their night, sending others to the bar so they don’t have to risk being seen. 
Which was fine, you owed Harry a drink anyway. So you got five Moscow Mules and headed back to the group before doling them out. One for Harry, one for Alyssa, one for Erica, one for Jeff, and one for you. 
You measured the night in songs, wondering how many you’d sing along to before having to part ways with the boy with a big smile and an even bigger heart. Alyssa, with her drink up to her lips, wiggled her eyebrows at you as if she knew exactly what you were thinking. 
You figured she probably did. 
So when Harry slinked an arm around your shoulder, drunkenly swaying to the music, you let yourself relax. He wouldn’t--no, couldn’t--do this if he really hated you, right? December 29th was a night that you both likely wished to forget, but if he really felt like you’d ruined your friendship, he certainly wouldn’t invite you to a concert, get drunk on Moscow Mules, and then whisper into your hair that he was glad you were here. 
Which is what you told yourself the entire ride home, hoping to counteract the anxiety that the liquor brought on. Alyssa giggled in the backseat and swiped through photos of the show on her phone, showing them to Harry, beaming like a proud parent. She slipped into her bedroom after you all rode up in the elevator, insisting that she was exhausted and sleep-deprived, but you knew it wasn’t that. She hoped that more alcohol and late night chatting would lend itself to a different night entirely, one that you knew wasn’t possible between two people like you and Harry. 
So when her bedroom door shut and the both of you were left standing awkwardly in the middle of your living room, you offered the only solution you could think of: wine.
“Does it turn on?” you heard him call from the living room as you sifted through the drawers in the kitchen. Spatula, no, can opener, no. Your hand landed on the wine opener, pulling it out of the heap of other kitchen utensils before rounding the corner back towards the couch. 
“Hmm?” the bottle clinked against the glasses in your arm as you tried to deliver them all safely to the surface of the coffee table. 
“The Christmas tree,” he said, but you didn’t see him. 
He’d left his spot on the couch--trading it for a place beside the tree--kneeling and reaching for the wire in the back as he tried to shove it into the socket. 
“Oh, yeah, just--”
He succeeded before you could give him any pointers, the room illuminated in different shades of greens, reds, yellows, and blues. He turned his head to look at you before getting up, a smug twitch of his lips as you let out a laugh. 
“I’m quite handy, y’know,” he said casually, pushing himself off of the floor before sinking into the couch. “Leaky faucet? I’m your man.”
You rolled your eyes as you cut open the foil around the cork, his eyes on your fingers as you inserted the screw, fighting a smile. “I’ve got a super, but thanks.”
“A super?”
“Superintendent. S’a person who lives in the building and does all of the handy work. New York thing, maybe.”
“Your loss,” he reached for the wine glasses and held them up, letting you tip the bottle into them. 
You cheersed and took a sip, the quiet of the room settling around you as he lifted an ankle to rest on his knee. “I talked to Adam the other day.”
You didn’t mean to make a face like it surprised you, but it happened before you could stop it. 
“You act like he wouldn’t answer my calls or something,” he laughed, clearly amused by your intrigue.
“No, it’s not--” a sigh as you searched for the right phrasing. “I just know he misses you. Jake, too.”
“Yeah--well, was good to talk to him. I told him we’d been hanging out. He said he already knew.” He smiled at you playfully, using his words to accuse you of talking behind his back.
You bit your lip and gave a dismissive blink of your eyes. “S’not my fault I keep in touch,” the  words fell out of your mouth, landing in the air between you, maybe too harsh. 
He was quiet for a second, nodding slowly. “I’ll text them all tomorrow. We’ll set something up for the holidays. When are you back, again?”
“The 20th.”
“Eleven days,” he thought aloud. “We should fly together.”
“Yeah--I know you already booked, maybe you can get credit or something to change flights or seats.” He rested his head on the back of the couch, his eyes closing for a moment.
“When are you going?”
“‘Round then as well. I can have Erica look into it tomorrow,” he said. 
You let it go, too tired to push or pull or do anything besides listen to him tell you about his time off. He’d been busy with tour and promo and all the things that apparently came along with his lifestyle. He was excited for some down time. Family meals, hometown pubs, and you believed him when he said you’d be a part of it. 
While there had previously been a don’t ask, don’t tell attitude about him being back home, it felt different. He promised to see your parents and to head to Red Lion with the gang, a smile through sleepy eyes after a half hour of planning.
“You should go,” you laughed at him, reaching forward to take the empty wine glass from his hand.
He pushed his lips out, his eyes glued on a framed picture of you and your sister. “Don’t wanna.”
“Don’t wanna?” Your lips quirked upwards, unaware that he had a say in the matter.
He turned to look at you. “M’having fun, Smalls.”
It dawned on you then that he was tired and slightly intoxicated. Maybe not the worst you’d ever seen him, but definitely a little buzzed.
“Well, bedtime. And you can’t stay here.”
Another frown, his eyes flashing to yours quickly. You tried not to overthink it. 
“Come on,” you said, standing from the couch to fetch his coat from the hook on the door. He made a face at that--one that looked bothered and disappointed all at once. He pulled himself off of the cushions, as if every movement was painful and exhausting. 
“Dunno if I’ll make it,” his accent was thick, you didn’t know if it was the wine or the lack of sleep, likely both. He took a few steps towards you and reached for his jacket, taking it from your arms and shrugging it on. 
You watched him for a second, the dim light of the Christmas tree kept the room glowing and warm. The stubble on his chin looked more pronounced than yesterday, his eyes a deeper green in the night. 
“You’ll make it,” you said quietly, the words barely above a whisper as he shoved his hands into his pockets. 
He looked down at you, blinked twice, and leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll call you in the morning, yeah?”
He didn’t need to. He didn’t need to call you or text you or even promise to see you again if he didn’t want to. But you didn’t say that. You swallowed the anxiety that lodged in your throat, the voice that gnawed and chanted two years too late as he stepped around you.
“Okay,” you said. 
He pulled the door open, offering another smile before pulling it shut. You heard his footsteps head for the stairs, only four flights down to the sidewalk out front. 
There was no car, no Roger. He didn’t call ahead. You wondered if he liked walking the snowy streets, and you wondered if he’d also trace the night in reverse, each step until now. You wondered what he’d say if you brought it up. 
You wondered, but you decided you could live with the not knowing as you climbed into cool sheets and clamped your eyelids shut.
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read the other parts here
tag list: @clorenafila​ @ainsleesolareclipse @castawaycths @harryspirate @wanderlustiing @ursamajor603 @thurhomish @omgsharry @jdcharliewhiskey @stepping-into-the-light @rachkon​ @jdcharliewhiskey @sad-little-asshole
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Home- Chapter 10 (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x F!Oc)
Words: 2,077
Chapter 9 // Chapter 11
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At a new first-order base, some soldiers are on alert for a new attack, others are roaming around ordering supplies and weapons. Everything under the cautious gaze of Kylo Ren through a huge window that separates him from the others.
His eyes analyze each person that passes in his field of vision, men and women shout orders, fix ships, nobody wants to disobey the leader. But Kylo's mind is too far away to pay attention to detail.
The last words his prisoner said before they boarded an escape ship haunts him.
The person I love– Her? He can't believe it, not after everything that happened, it's impossible.
Kylo turns, but before continuing on his way, the image of Rey confronts him.
“Why is the Force connecting us? You an I."
From the first interaction he had with both girls, his thoughts kept throwing up questions. He can understand the connection to Kiara, after all, many years ago they had a strong bond, oddly though it's only through memories. But with Rey... he kept asking.
"Killer Snake!" Rey answers angrily. "You're too late. You lost, I found Skywalker.”
"Did he tell you what happened?" He takes a few steps forward. "The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why?"
"I know everything I need about you.”
"You know?" Kylo enters Rey's mind. Sees her memories. "Oh, yes you know,” He says in a mocking tone. "You have that look in your eyes, from the forest,” He raises his head. “When you called me a monster."
"You are a monster."
"Yes, I am." The connection ends and Kylo touches her cheek, watches the drops on her glove. Rey must be in a humid place, near sea.
How is it possible that he still has these situations? Why can't he see past the scavenger?
His head is messed up, he must concentrate on his work, must be informed about the attack on the resistance fleet, he must be careful with the scavenger, the training with Kiara... her words.
“No…” He growls shaking his head.
Kylo Ren was not the only one with an internal debate. Kiara finds herself walking back and forth in her new room, her heart in her throat.
"The person I love, why did I tell him that? It was all a lie, I really don't know why I saved him…” The girl scolds herself. "I'm an idiot, I don't even feel anything for him... just disgust, yes, that's it–” Kiara stops and growls as she hides her face with her hands. “I should’ve run away when I had the chance. Surely, he could easily be saved…”
That made her think.
Kylo is an advanced apprentice, in fact, he could have defeated any creature and avoided the fall, something must have happened.
"I shouldn't have saved him!" She complains. "It was a trap, he knew I was there... he knows my weaknesses and he pretended,” Kiara can't help but feel betrayed, every time she believed that everything could change, a blow stopped her to face reality.
Finally, she sits on the floor with her back resting on her new bed.
“I'll never be able to have a quiet life…” Her breathing shakes, until a new memory invades her mind.
Kiara has always been uncomfortable when visiting day comes. Although not all the parents of their peers come, the simple fact that they make an effort to communicate with their children by means of a call or hologram, causes her heart to shrink, but what hurts the most, is seeing her best friend Ben with his two parents. They never miss visiting day, and today was no exception.
From one of the gardens she can see how Leia hugs and kisses her only son's cheek while he complains and his father laughs. While she just plays with the grass, away from everyone.
"I can't believe my son’s already sixteen…” Leia squeezes the boy's face.
"Mom," He says, pulling away.
"Come on Leia, you shouldn't embarrass him, that's my job!" Ben rolls his eyes.
"Where's Kiara at?" Leia asks.
"I don't know,” Ben replies uncomfortably "She usually leaves during this day…”
Both adults share a look, knowing the situation of the girl.
"Well, you must go get her, Ben. I’d like to invite her to the dance organized by the senators,” Ben raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"I don't think she’ll want to go, mother.”
"You don't know that, I’d say yes, especially if you go as his partner,” adds Han. Ben’s cheeks turn a little red.
"No, definitely not– I won’t be her partner, mom," He says, Leia laughs at the reaction.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything, Ben. Just invite her, please,” Ben grimaces but finally nods.
"I've never been to a dance before," Kiara says, biting her lower lip while Leia brushes her hair. The girl is sitting on a bench in front of a dressing table.
"It's not a big deal, darling. Only adults talking about things of no importance to a teenager. Although, if you want to know, you can ask me anything,” Kiara nods.
Leia's skillful hands gently place each lock of hair to create a high ponytail with several strands loose on the sides of Kiara's face.
"I'll give you the dress and the jewelry you can choose from,” Leia disappears for a few seconds and when she returns, she has a beautiful slim navy blue dress for her. Kiara can’t believe how beautiful it is. She lightly touches the fabric.
"Are you sure I can use it?" She asks.
Leia knows that this is the right dress for her. Sleeveless neckline, the rest falls to almost touch the ground with just a slim belt to create shape.
"Of course, you’ll look beautiful." She observes the girl's reactions in detail, despite not knowing her completely, she can feel Kiara's innocence. Maybe it's the Force, or the maternal instinct, but she knew that this girl had the whole galaxy ahead of her.
“Thank you.”
Han and Ben are a little apart from the great room, both uncomfortable and knowing almost no one. Han cordially greeted those who recognized him for being Leia's husband with a fake smile, sometimes asking about Ben, who imitated his father's actions. The two look forward to the only two people they could be comfortable with.
When they enter the room, Ben can’t believe what he sees. It isn’t possible that the girl who approaches him with a smile is Kiara. Not in a million years.
"It seems that we arrived at a good time," says Leia, kissing her husband, knowing that her two men would be apart from everyone.
"You're good?" Kiara asks when seeing the strange reaction of her friend, who can’t stop seeing her.
Ben can only think of how beautiful she looks in that blue dress, it’s very different from the beige, white and brown colors that she always uses on the island.
Han notices his son's attitude and gives him a little push to get him back to reality, which works. Ben glances at his father and nods at him, turning to Kiara.
"What?" She laughs. 
"You're good? You look tense.
"Yes, it's just that I don't know anyone," He says nervously.
Since when did he act like this? It's still Kiara, the girl who always talks to him, the one who always has a comment for everything. That girl who manages to get the good side out of everything.
"Don't worry, little Ben. I’ve rescued you,” She smiles.
There she is. Ben laughs as the adults watch everything with a mocking smile.
"Well, Han and I must do other things, you’re free to explore the palace and eat all you want. Be careful,”Leia orders and both agree.
When they are alone, Kiara takes a chance to look at Ben's outfit, much like Han's. A white shirt with a black vest and baggy black pants. Her hair is combed back.
"You look very different," She says, drawing his attention.
"You... you too, I've never seen you in a dress,” He says rubbing his neck.
She looks down and moves a little to show the dress.
“It's beautiful… you are, too.”
She looks up and can feel her cheeks burn.
"I mean, yeah, it's not like you weren't before, it's not just because of the dress, it's just that–” Ben rambles and she laughs.
"You also look handsome, Ben.”
They both at look each other directly in the eye. Something they never thought could happen... none had thought before how fast their hearts could beat when seeing or thinking about the other.
During training, some students practice meditation, but not all are focused.
"Stop watching him, just stop, it's not like he’s got something special," Kiara thinks trying to close her eyes.
She can't help but open one in the direction of her friend Ben.
"It is true what the other girls say, he’s grown and now he looks stronger, and he’s very skilled and... his hair is longer, sometimes he gets frustated when he has it over his eyes... those brown eyes... No!" Kiara shakes her head and closes her eyes again.
“Can you turn down the volume of your thoughts? I can't focus,” says a different voice.
Kiara opens her eyes and looks back at Ben, who now has a sly smile. The girl blushes and returns to training listening to the male laugh in her mind.
"I don't understand why you're upset, I was just talking to Rid!"
"That's what bothers me," Ben answers through clenched teeth. "Why did he need you so badly?"
"I just wanted help with some combat moves!"
Ben raises his eyebrows.
"Oh yeah? Hand-to-hand combat– to be close to you, of course,” He says sarcastically. “Why didn't he ask me for help or Luke or anyone else? ”
"Are you kidding? Although you’re the best in the class, not in a million years would ask you for help, you’d only criticize him and in the end you would not help at all. The others aren’t that good, I was his only option– and Luke? The poor boy barely talks to his friends!”
"Those are not good excuses, I know what he wants!"
“Ben," She complains. "Please stop acting like that, it wasn’t a bad thing.”
"That is your problem," He says, approaching. "You don’t see evil in people, you think that everyone has good intentions, and that’s a serious problem that will bring you more problems."
“What the fuck are you talking about? You're so dramatic about something so unimportant…”
"Unimportant? So you didn't mind that the idiot touched your waist?” She rolls her eyes.
"That's not–” She stops mid-word realizing the situation. Frustration is replaced by a huge wolfish smile.
"Now what?" He asks.
“You're jealous?" She approaches and the boy takes a few steps back surprised by the change of subject.
“Of who? That idiot?” He huffs, making her laugh.
“You're jealous!" She exclaims with a laugh.
"Of course not!"
"You're jealous, little Ben.”
“Enough! You changed the subject, this has nothing to do with–”
"What are you jealous of?" Ben groans. Suddenly the laughter stops and Kiara notices her friend's embarrassed look. She grabs the boy's face forcing him to look at her. “If it bothers you so much that I’m with another boy, it means you have feelings for me. More than platonic.”
They’re both confused, they’d never felt anything like this for anyone. Since the dance, everything is different.
Ben now notices –the freckles on her skin, her sweet smile… The young Solo can’t stop thinking about how she never knows how wonderful that smile can make someone like him feel.
While Kiara would go out of her way to make Ben see how special and unique he is, she knows that her friend can't see how great he is, with every detail he does for her it just shows how big his heart is, even if he appears to be a confident, serious and strong boy, she knows the real insecure Ben, but she’s willing to help him.
"I don't know how I feel," Ben whispers. They’re close, their noses almost touching. "I've never felt like this…”
"Neither did I.”
"What are you doing to me, Kiara?" He whispers again, then joins his lips with hers in a delicate and tentative kiss.
Their first kiss.
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shy-marker-pliers · 5 years
The Adventures of Eric Derekson Chapter 9 | Nightmares
Relationship: Heric
Warnings: physical abuse from a parent, crying, nightmares (obvi)
Taglist:  @ericdereksonprotectionsquad @random-awkward-person @salty-sadness22 @allidrawsstuff @weretiger19 @jackthekit-kat @cute-anxious-kitten @i-am-a-losercorn @skepticeye @muntiller @djpaige13paige @mysepticheartfan1 @bashfulmusician @mayelamker @russellhowell @little-frying-pan @friendlyphantom @mutechild @supreme-meme-machine @caori-azarath @lamiasluck
“You’re useless.”
“you’re worthless.”
“I wish you’d never been born.”
“You should have died instead of your brothers.”
Eric couldn’t see. the world around him was dark, and he couldn’t tell if it was just the room or if he had gone blind. Not that it was his main concern right now.
Derek’s voice was all around him, booming, yelling. he covered his ears, but the voice seemed to find its way into his head, even louder than before. He was screaming and screaming and all Eric wanted was for it to stop-
Suddenly, he was in his room. All was quiet, except for the sound of his breathing. He nearly sobbed in relief, but then...
There Derek was, standing in his room just like he had been weeks ago. All Eric remembered after that was pain. His father was hitting him and screaming and god Eric just wanted it to be over. he wanted it to stop hurting, he wanted to get away, he wanted to die-
Eric fell onto his bedroom floor, tangled up in his blankets with the salty taste of tears on his lips. Then he was sobbing, unsure if it was from fear, relief, or a mixture of the two. He carefully freed himself from his blankets and stood up on shaking legs, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself.
After Eric had used a tissue to dry his remaining tears and washed his face with some cool water, he went to the place he always did whenever he had a nightmare.
The Host’s library.
Checking the clock, he saw that it was about 2 AM, which meant that he would be finishing up his radio show right about now. He had told Eric that he was welcome in the library anytime, but he still knocked. Being polite was important after all.
He heard the sound of static, then a click of a machine being switched off.
He carefully pushed open the large oak doors that gave way to the library. “H-Hey Host. ‘s me.”
Host rounded the corner. His usual getup of a trenchcoat, collared shirt and dress pants was abandoned in favor of a large grey sweater and pajama pants that had little blue stars on them.
“The Host had a feeling Eric would be coming tonight, so he dressed accordingly.”
Eric blushed. The Host never let himself be seen in anything but his normal outfit. To be honest, Eric didn’t think he even had any other clothes until that moment. And yet, here he was.
“O-Oh, you didn’t have to do that...I mean, i-if you wanted to that’s okay! And i’m not saying you look bad, you l-look really good- er, not that you don’t look good normally! You a-always look good, I just- (Shut up Eric, you’re blowing it!) ...you look different, is all. A good different.”
The Host put a hand over his mouth to hide a small laugh.
“The Host understands what Eric means. He thanks him for the compliment.”
“y-you’re welcome...anyways, i’m guessing since you knew I was coming you know w-why i’m here too.”
Host’s expression turned solemn as he nodded and wrapped an arm around Eric’s shoulders.
“Come on, Eric needs to get some rest. it’s only 2 in the morning, after all.”
The Host was warm as always, and Eric found himself snuggling into his side. His tiredness hit him like a tidal wave, and he let out a big yawn, stumbling a bit. Host smiled softly and picked Eric up, carrying him to the big leather couch in the center of the library.
“The Host apologizes for the clutter.”
Eric chuckled. “You always say that. Don’t worry ‘bout it, it makes it more homey.”
Host set Eric down. “Tea?”
“Not tonight, thanks.”
“Sleep it is, then.”
Host laid down on the couch first, stretching out similarly to how a cat would. Then came Eric, curling up on his chest and wrapping his arms around his middle. finally, Host pulled a blanket over the two of them and rested a hand on Eric’s curly black hair, combing his fingers through it absently. The other sighed, leaning into The Host’s touch.
After a few minutes, Eric asked in a small voice, “Host? C-Can you tell me a story? My mama used to do that whenever I couldn’t sleep. i-it helps. Being able to hear someone else’s voice, I mean.”
“The Host doesn’t see why not, It is his job after all. Is there any story in particular Eric would like to hear?”
“I dunno, something nice. A h-happy story.”
“Alright, give The Host a moment to think.”
He was silent for a few seconds before he began to speak.
“Once, there was a giant named Simon. He lived all alone in a huge forest with only the wild animals to keep him company. Though he had clothes, shelter, lakes to swim in and enough food and water to last him forever, he wasn’t content. In fact, he was very lonely. After all, what good is a paradise when there is no one to share it with?
“So one day, Simon decided to go into town. For the first time, he left his forest and ventured out into civilization. But when he got there, the people all ran for their lives. They all thought that he would kill them, or destroy their village. Though Simon was big enough to crush their houses with a few steps, that didn’t mean he wanted to. In fact, all he wanted in life was a friend, someone to help his forest home feel less lonely. He looked all around, but all the villagers had hidden, and he certainly didn’t want to take one of them away if they didn’t want to go. So he went back to his forest.
“Simon cried enough tears to fill a lake that night. He sat on the ground, not wanting to go anywhere or do anything. The wild animals were worried for him, but when they came to try and help him feel better, he just ignored them.
“Later that day, he heard yelling. it was two men, The bigger one chasing the smaller and calling him things like ‘street rat’ and ‘dirty theif.’ he was carrying a loaf of bread and some fruit, and Simon guessed that he had no food at home. So he hid behind a tree, and when the men ran past, he scooped up the small one and scared the bigger one away. He thought that the smaller would run too, after the danger went away, but to his surprise, he stayed and thanked Simon for saving him.
“The man’s name was Charlie, and he had no home and no family to speak of. Simon offered to let him stay in the forest with him, and Charlie agreed. So the two became friends, and spent the rest of their days together in the forest. The end.”
Eric squeezed Host a bit tighter when the story was done. “That story’s about us, r-right?”
“The Host may have...drawn some inspiration from reality, yes.” He said with a small smile.
“I like that story. s’nice.”
“The Host is glad Eric thinks so.”
Eric was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a huge yawn. Host ruffled his hair.
“Eric needs to get some sleep. It’s far too late for him to be up.”
“okay. g’night, Host.”
Host didn’t have an alarm clock because he found that he woke up at about the same time every day anyway, but Eric needed one if he wanted to wake up anytime before 10. So when The Host woke at the usual time and Eric was still sleeping, hugging him like a giant teddy bear, he had no choice but to wake him up. He gently shook his shoulder.
“Eric needs to wake up, it’s almost time for breakfast.”
Eric grumbled and smushed his face into Hosts stomach. “Nooooo...I don’ wanna get up, y-you’re warm...”
“The early bird catches the worm.”
“I don’t want w-worms, I want sleep and hugs.”
Host sat up, causing Eric to have to do the same.
“Because Wilford is making french toast, and The Host will die before he misses Wilford’s french toast.”
The Host stood up and disappeared for a few minutes before coming back wearing his usual clothes. Eric was still in his pajamas and his hair was a mess, but he had put on his glasses. Host put his arm around Eric and steered him towards the kitchen.
“I don’t see why I couldn’t have gotten a few more minutes of sleep.”
“French toast waits for no man, dear.” The name slipped out before Host had the chance to stop himself. He froze, but to his relief the only reaction he got from Eric was a smile and a slight blush. The two continued on their way to the kitchen.
Eric wasn’t sure what he would call him and Host. Great friends definitely, maybe even best friends, but neither of them had made a move to make it anything more than that. Though they were much more affectionate towards each other than they were with anyone else, neither of them had said anything about it. If Eric weren’t so anxious he would have, but that obviously wasn’t the case. So friends they stayed.
Eric liked The Host. Of course he did, or else he wouldn’t have spent almost all of his time with him. If he didn’t like Host, he wouldn’t come to him whenever he had nightmares, he wouldn’t talk with him for hours, and he definitely wouldn’t be thinking about how strong he was, or his laugh, or that lopsided smile of his, or his perfect voice, or how damn gorgeous he had looked in that sweater the previous night-
Eric needed to stop before he turned into a living tomato. At the moment, he and Host were friends. Nothing more, nothing less. And that was enough.
For now.
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