#character mail
Finally getting around to mailing this letter
Dear Reid,
As you are a guy who never or rarely sleeps, I would love to know your morning routine. Do you have one or just accept the fate that it’s morning and carry on?
- <3 a concerned “normal” fan
Hello dear Bridgeoverstrawberryfields,
Firstly, I am delighted to have a "Normal" fan. Usually I am a firm believer in the notion that no one is normal, but I understand that you are saying it with the intention of distinguishing yourself from "fans" I've had in the past. The declaration is much appreaciated. Especially considering that you are asking about my routine. Which, as you probably know, being a fan of mine: showing interest in another person's routine can be associated with stalking. But you seem genuinely interested and concerned for my well being, so I will reassure you that I am doing well.
You seem concerned that I am not getting enough sleep and I can understand why you may think that. As you may know, my sleep is heavily affected when I experience high levels of stress and emotional distress. Even on a good day I would never call myself a morning person, but the type of insomnia I experience (Acute Maintenance Insomnia, if you like specifics,) means I don't find much relief in staying asleep longer. Sometimes I'd rather face the day.
But I am happy to report I do experience that less of late. It is actually rare that I don't sleep. I prioritise it, because of my predispositions to certain neurological conditions. Repeat lack of sleep puts me at a higher risk of developing these. But also sleep is essential for brain function, and I in particular, need my brain to be at its best. Believe it or not, studies have shown it is actually just as bad to drive drunk as it is to drive tired. Not that you should do either. I am just using that to support my point, that it is important to me. I am dedicated to my sleep hygiene and I try my best to get the recommend 8 to 7 hours. But this was not always the case.
Also to add to that, I really prefer to stick to routines. I actually admire people who can just be spontaneous with their mornings and can adapt to each day as it comes. But for me, trying to keep things consistent feels more comfortable. With my job back at the BAU sometimes I couldn't stick to my routine, or now, sometimes I just have off days. These are days that as you so eloquently put, I have to accept fate that's is morning and carry on, incorporating as many elements of my ideal morning routine as I can.
So without further preamble, here is my 'ideal' Morning routine:
Wake up before 7 am, preferably (more like rarely,) at 6:00 am, but I will admit this is harder to do in winter.
Light stretch, this has been proven to help wake up the body, but also help the brain to forget any bad dreams had during the night by engaging it in movement rather than retention and filing of memory
I like to get changed into clothes before breakfast. Again, the change of clothes further helps the brain by signalling that sleep is over because the sleep clothes are off and the day wear clothes are on. Also this is when I put on my socks. I choose them randomly. I think of my socks draw as a daily lucky dip.
I brew my coffee. I did go through a stage of trying to limit my caffeine intake and drink herbal teas, but benefits of not having caffeine were outweighed by the discomfort and utter misery not having a morning cup. And actually there's plenty of benefits to having 1 or 2 cups a day. Sometimes I do have tea, but only if Garcia makes it. I don't know, what she does that I don't, but I can certainly taste it.
I make a light breakfast, this is usually toast or a plain cereal. I'm not much of a breakfast person unless I am eating out with friends, ( I will have pancakes if that's the case.)
I also grab a glass of water to have along with my breakfast and coffee. This keeps me hydrated (because I forget to drink water, a lot.) and helps me take my vitamins as well.
I take supplements proven to be beneficial to people like me. I take magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, Omega 3, Vitamin C, Echenasia and probiotics (which I know I could get naturally but I hate the mouth feel of yoghurt )
With my coffee, breakfast, water and supplements, I will sit at the table and eat while reading about 4 physical newspapers and then I try to complete the crosswords. People think I'm good at them, but I'm actually not too proficient at it. Although I most likely know the answers in my vocabulary, it takes me a while to get my head around the wording of the clues, they are often quite vague, so I like the challenge.
Afterwards, I wash up and then go back to my room and make my bed then brush my teeth. I use this time as a sort of quiet reflection and run though what I've got to do that day. This is also when I look in the mirror and decide whether or not I should attempt to style my hair. These days I am usually happy how it is.
Before I leave for the day, I do last minute errands like check my fridge and shopping list, if it is an even day, I will water my plants that Garcia gifted me. If it is the end of the week, I will check that the automatic feeder for my fish tank is full so my tetras won't be left to starve if I get called away suddenly.
So there you go, very mundane. But I find being able to do this provides me with a sense of order and domesticity to my life that I didn't always get to enjoy.
-Sincerely yours, Dr Reid
Taglist: @bridgeoverstrawberryfields @cultish-corner @pleasantwitchgarden
Sorry for that being super long but if we are honest Spencer would absolutely write a response this long. As I was writing, he just kept wanting to say more. I let him cook.
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⭐- doing a self indulgent one for myself as an example and also BC I need comfort from being in hospital
From: Apollo Justice
To: Admin (⭐)
Subject: You're Doing Fine!
To ⭐,
I heard from someone that you were in the hospital today! I've been in a lot of hospitals before, they're not fun, but you did great! If I was with you in person, I'd tell you that you are doing fine! I know my chords of steel would help you feel better, but as I'm not able to see you I'll tell you how I motivate myself so if you ever feel down you can feel better quicker! Take a deep breath, close your eyes and scream "I'm doing fine!" As loud as you can!
Mr Wright says it's a bit nerdy but I promise you, it works, I always do it when I'm at my lowest and I feel better from it all the time. I'm rambling now about it, aren't I? I guess it's because I've not been able to talk to anyone apart from my cat, Mikeko today. Mr Wright and Athena were out investigating a crime scene and Trucy was at school so I was left to hold down the fort.
Anyways, I should go, Mr Wright and Athena will be back soon and they'll need my full attention to help them solve the case! As always, I'll give Mikeko love from you!
Hope you feel better soon!!
(Remember to do your vocal exercises, I promise they'll help!)
Apollo Justice
Defence Attorney, Wright Anything Agency
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puppyeared · 3 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
I know it's a comedy manga, but the ww manga probably has one of my favorite manga interpretations of Link. Mainly because he feels accurate to his games. He's quiet, he can talk, but he mostly just communicates his thoughts through his actions and body language. He's also just a silly little guy.
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paxcallow · 3 months
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desire to draw raz's hair unhatted and uncombed spiraled into imagining an extended gag about some emergency situation forcing all of the psychonauts out of the motherlobe into the quarry in their jammies at like 2 am and judging each other's clothing choices instead of getting actual work done.
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chaepink · 7 months
can u write about sub!yan being punished for doing something a yandere would do?
- 🌝 anon
dom!gn!reader, sub!yandere, bondage, overstimulation
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"ah ah i-i'm sorry! ngh p-please [n-name]!"
you click your tongue in disappointment, not caring to take a glance at where the voice is coming from. instead, you only use the small remote in your hand to increase the toy vibrations and you can tell that it worked when you hear your yandere let out a cry.
again, you caught your yandere roaming through your closet earlier today. you assume it was to steal another piece of clothing that he could jerk off to later. after all, he's done it before when he must've thought you went out and you saw him jerking himself off as he sniffed your tshirt.
your yandere's loud whimpers and whines fill the room and you suddenly hear crying. you take a quick glance in his direction.
there he is, hands tied to the headboard and naked as his body shakes from the toy in his ass and the vibrator against his limp dick. you notice cum on the sheets around him and on his chest.
your yandere mustve sensed your gaze on him because he suddenly lifts his head up to look at him, his eyes practically begging you to give him pity.
though you only increase the vibrations more, a grin appearing on your face when cum spurts out of his overstimulated dick.
"dont think you can get out of this punishment so easily, baby."
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
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kofee-o · 6 months
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Messenger Bird! ✉️🐦
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valfeathers · 1 year
the extended wammy family!
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littlexdeaths · 1 month
hi mari!!
first of all i LOVE the way you write! i love how you write eddie so much and i had a request for whenever you get the time and if you want to write it… so, i saw this spicy video (iykwim) and there was this thing that honestly made everything so much hotter. when the guy took off his girls panties he hung them on himself (he was already hard obviously) and he then f*cked her like that until they finished even on different positions……. i was speechless i have never seen anything like it and it was hot as hell!
so i was thinking of maybe you writing something like that where eddie surprises the reader by hanging her panties/thong on his hard pack and doing the reader like that. i just thought that was such an eddie/dilf!eddie thing to do i had to tell you hehe tell me what you think👀🤭
hi darling!!
and thank you so much, that really means a lot to me 🥹
also, im so sorry this definitely isn’t what you asked for, but this thought is just stuck in my head and i had to get it out. besides i needed something to make me giggle today.
so i hope this okay 🥺
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warnings: eddie is the biggest dork of all time, allusions to oral & sex, dick talk lmao
“Eddie, take them off please?” you whine, as he continues to brush his fingers over the elastic band.
He’s been at this for the last twenty minutes, touching you over your now soaked underwear. Before teasingly running his fingers back up along the seam.
And in turn driving you absolutely mad.
His eyes meet yours, mischief clouding his irises as he hooks his fingers beneath the elastic. He tugs them down slowly, letting his fingers graze along your thighs as he goes.
Once they are finally off you breathe a sigh of relief, spreading your legs wider for him. But he’s not looking at you now. Instead his gaze is focused on the pair of panties he has hooked around his index finger.
He swings them in a circle, ignoring your groan of annoyance, “Come on, Ed, what are you doing?”
If he hadn’t been teasing you for so long you might find his actions funny, but right now all you wanted was his face buried between your thighs.
“Just… hold on a second, babe.” He says, attempting to hold back a laugh. “I wanna try something.”
You watch in confusion as he suddenly pulls his hardened cock from the confines of his boxers. That confusion turns to mock horror as he hooks your panties around his shaft.
Eddie places his hands on his hips as he begins to swing them in a circle. The article of clothing begins to swing slightly, but it’s his cock that is gaining more momentum.
“Seriously, what are you doing?” You can’t help but laugh at the utter ridiculous display in front of you.
Your boyfriend peeks up at you from under his lashes, as he continues to swing his dick around even faster. His tongue pokes out from between his teeth, as a familiar look of concentration passes over his features.
“What’s it look like, sweetheart? Tryin’ to see if I can swing ‘em in a circle.”
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apt502-if · 5 months
Hey! Can you tell us what the ROs handwriting looks like?
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*cal's should honestly be illegible but that's the closest in my head*
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I scoured fonts to find ones that fit. I wrote them using notes that they 90% likely have written before :P
for those who can't read the pictures:
I wrote you a song - Atlas/Athena
reminder to self (aka rainn): meeting at 2pm
please take out the trash - cal
ending my shift early. dont bother me - mason/mona
has to leave early, I had fun last night from L xx
sent in my final draft tell me what you think - G
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For Grace!
Hi there, thank you so much for asking me a question! I'm very excited to meet all you guys and I'm just honoured that you guys want to ask questions! And.... the author is looking at me cause I'm rambling so I guess I better answer the question.
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important?
Ooooh good question. A few come to mind but the best gift hmm... It feels weird to say this, cause I feel like he was so much more than a gift, he was my best friend. But Spud, my dog. My dad got him for me for my 12th birthday. He was a birthday present and then his collar, bed and bowl where my Christmas present. (I'm used to the combined presents because... well my birthday is on Christmas.) I don't think dad told mom about him, and hid him in the garden shed for a few days. I'm also pretty sure he found Spud on the side of the road on the mainland during a job cause he was very skinny and I couldn't tell what breed he was. (neither could the vet when we finally got him mirco chipped and desexed) But I didn't care, I was in love.
Spud was important because that was a time in my life I didn't have many friends. I was being bullied pretty badly in middle school and that was also when my nightmares started. I had to change schools to a private catholic school for all grades. I mean there isn't much you can do on an island with only two other schools to choose from. At my new school I wasn't bullied, but everyone there knew each other from since they were in Pre K soo... I was excluded from a lot. The closest relationships I had were with the teachers... ( 0_0 I-I I don't mean... not like that... I meant they were friendly and tried to make sure I was included in things.) But Spud was a life saver. He was always so happy to see me, it really brightened up my day to see him. He was also a very well behaved dog, very loyal. He would follow me everywhere. I used to go walking a lot around the Island, and sit some where and paint, we'd play fetch while I painted, and he'd never wonder too far. He also used to sleep at the foot of my bed and snore. His little snuffles helped me sleep at night.
tag list: @bridgeoverstrawberryfields @cultish-corner @pleasantwitchgarden
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seeminglydark · 2 months
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Monster Boyfriend trying to teach you his language.
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stabberghost · 2 months
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say hi to the company ! or. companies.. or the mailing company and the.. gambling ring.... yea. um. say hi
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lcs-scar · 3 months
The meme thing I made is based after this comic!!
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I think this is the only instance of seeing her apart from the sibling chart Ryōko Kui did, and there is mention of Kabru & her relationship in the Adventurer's Bible.
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fluoridosulphonic · 9 months
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Good job!
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chaepink · 9 months
oh my god hi chae!! i'm that anon who asked about nanami, and i'm so glad. could i reuqest a little drabble or anything you're willing to write about just taking care of nanami. he's just stressed and wants to be taken care of, he wont say it out loud but once you give him a peck to the lips, he'll chase after it. he'll be so needy just by his actions but he can't say it aloud :(!!
dom!reader, pegging, praise, ooc nanami(?), soft sex
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when you see nanami enter the room you're in with a small pout and dark eye bags under his eyes, you're quick to open your arms for a hug. he falls into your hands like putty and lets out a sigh when you wrap your arms around him. he places his chin on your shoulder.
"stressed about work?" he nods and when you softly kiss his cheek, he whines, turning to look at you and you swear you see him pucker his lips a little. with a small smile, you peck his lips but he surprises you when you pull back by leaning forward to try to continue to kiss you but you gently pull back on his hair, a grin on your face.
"lemme take care of you, yeah?"
"you're doing so good for me, darling." you coo at him, making nanami blush at your praise. with another thrusts of your strap, he lets out groans and grunts, a whimper here and there that fuels the fire within you.
"such a good boy for me, right?" he quickly nods as he lets out another one of his pretty noises.
"don't worry, baby. just lay there and let me do all the work for you."
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
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