#character: Tom Paris
wcrpbubble · 3 months
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incorrect quotes pt 10 of ?
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muiromem · 6 days
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Needed to make a version of this that encapsulated My Whole Deal
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stargatesimp · 3 months
Can I just talk about how much I love Star Trek friendships?
Shipping is fun and all, ship whoever you like! (Starship? I don’t know if that’s a term used in this fandom but if not it should be)
But I don’t think platonic friendships and platonic love are talked about enough. God I love adorable friendships in shows. Give me two best friends who would die for each other. Found family is where it’s AT.
VOYAGER: So. many. Good ones.
Janeway and Tuvok. Tom and Harry. Chakotay and B’lanna. The Doctor and Kes. The list goes on!
I just love them all dearly. Voyager has such a great found family dynamic. I grew up watching this show with my family every day after school and it holds such a special place in my heart. I could spend a million hours talking about it.
Not to mention DS9.
Sisko and Dax, Miles and Julian, Kira and Dax, Jake and Nog, Odo and Quark (best frenemies. Sheriff and outlaw)
DS9 is my absolute favorite of all Star Treks. The writing and development is insane. If you told me what these characters would go through after watching season one, I don’t think I’d believe you. Another one I could talk hours about but this post is long enough just listing the dang names.
Those two are the majority of what I rewatch, but man, the others have amazing ones too.
Enterprise was just Archer being a father to literally everyone on the ship. And him and Trip being another of my favorite friendship duos.
TNG is a classic, a lot of people’s favorites. I always loved Geordi and Data. Guinan and literally everyone. I think I need to go back and rewatch it soon to fully appreciate everyone in the crew.
And as controversial as it may be, I never really got into the original series. But obviously some great friendships there too.
But man, I love Star Trek. The feeling of hope it gives you, the despair, the moral quandary, the wonder and magic. The wonderful mix of witty and fun humor balanced with severe stakes and serious narratives. A balance I feel a lot of modern sci-fi lacks. And I just love the characters that go through it all together. The journey they take.
Tell me some of your favorite Star Trek friendship moments! Let’s talk about em.
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avoidingdestiny · 8 months
What I love about Threshold is it’s a Tom Paris Daddy Issues episode, and at the end he isn’t even upset that his own children got left behind. Gotta love unaware men continuing the cycle.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
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Hello, Linnis Paris. [Patreon | Commissions]
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maliwart · 2 years
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What if we were horrible lizards and in love
I'm sorry, but happy Threshold Day!
[image ID: A digital drawing of the two lizards from the episode "Threshold" of Star Trek Voyager and their offspring. The lizards are holding hands and their tails make a heart shape. The three babies are in a hold in the center of their "heart". The background is a dark blue. End ID]
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tea-earl-grey · 10 months
Voyager character dnd classes
see the other series here!
Janeway: paladin. literally no question she literally made an oath to get her crew home, she is a prototypical paladin. i started this series of posts because i realized how much of a paladin Janeway is.
Chakotay: paladin. i struggled a bit with Chakotay but he is obviously someone very dedicated to truth and justice and was willing to go off on his own path to fulfill that dream of justice when he joined the Maquis and that's very paladin of him.
Tuvok: monk. i think a lot of Vulcans have big monk energy due to their intense almost monastical studies and devotion to logic and Tuvok is a prime example who is highly trained in both physical and mental discipline and sought to help others (Kes, Suder) exercise that same discipline.
Torres: sorcerer. Torres very much lacks the formal training that a usual Starfleet engineer (or wizard) would have but (in my opinion) has even more natural talent for ambitious engineering and manages to be a miracle worker not through some pact or intelligence but just through sheer force of will.
Kim: wizard. look in the show, Torres and Kim were kind of presented as opposites (the Maquis vs Starfleet) with the personality differences to match despite having a vaguely similar set of skills and capabilities. so it really makes sense that if Torres is a sorcerer, Kim would be a wizard with all the traditional by the book learning that entails.
Paris: fighter. Tom Paris is a fighter and i don't have much of an argument other than ~vibes~ and the fact that only a fighter would think he could tank the damage from going warp 10 and then start turning into a salamander.
EMH: cleric/bard multiclass. look the EMH was literally designed to be a doctor. when he was first activated that was his entire purpose and nothing else so i don't think i can really argue that he isn't a cleric. but as he started to exist for longer, he consistently wanted to be something more (specifically a singer, see Virtuoso). i need to emphasize. he's not a good bard. he doesn't provide inspiration or support to anyone. but the fact is that he needs to prove he can be something more.
Neelix: bard. do i have to explain myself? Neelix is very much a jack of all trades master of none kind of character. he dabbles in pretty much everything and 90% of his scenes exist to give support and encouragement to other characters.
Seven: warlock. even in-universe, the Borg (when they're at they're best) are portrayed as this eerie eldritch entity so i think it would make sense that in dnd mechanics, even though Seven broke away from the Borg, she maintained that pact with them in order to keep performing sorts of magical acts (like her increased strength and like. bringing people back from the dead). but she also very much has that same darkness and melancholy that a warlock has from a pact with an ambiguously evil being.
Kes: druid. no question about this one. she has an affinity for plants and vague but powerful supernatural abilities drawn from the literal energy of the universe.
please feel free to reply with your own headcanons! i'd love to read them.
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pilots-and-protons · 1 year
I wish we could have had some fun with Janeway’s and Tom’s (sadly brief) body-swap in “Vis à Vis”. It would have been really fun if the Doctor took a while to reverse the process and therefore a bunch of silliness got to ensue.
Like Janeway being very annoyed that she keeps getting heartburn and Tom explaining that his body isn’t used to surviving on five cups of black coffee every day thank-you-very-much. Usually he likes to eat actual food.
Tom constantly tripping and incorrectly pressing panels at the helm. Half of his flying is muscle memory, and every sense of balance and physical space is off because Janeway’s body is so much smaller than his. He also abandons her heeled boots for more comfortable shoes within the first hour and it makes him even shorter.
It’s also very bizarre to see himself sitting in the Captain’s chair, or floating around the bridge with his hands on his hips while asking for status reports.
Janeway keeps bumping into consoles, hitting her head, and accidentally knocking over objects on her desk. Tom’s body is so goddamn tall compared to hers and he’s got (in her words), stupidly long arms. She knocks over two padds and a cup of coffee before it’s even lunchtime.
Also both of them just feeling generally kind of weird because their perspectives are so drastically different .
”I admit, I never really noticed quite how shiny the Doctor’s head is until now.” 
“Yeah well, turns out B’Elanna’s death glare is a lot more affective when she doesn’t have to look up at you.”
And bonus for Harry being very confused and slightly uncomfortable because Captain Janeway is sitting in his quarters, lounging on his couch, and asking about the local gossip. He knows it’s Tom, technically, but he just can’t get past the fact that Tom looks and sounds like his Captain - even if the grin on her face is 100% Paris.
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clementine-kesh · 11 months
kudos to robbie duncan mcneill’s inability to play a convincing bad boy and the voyager writers inability to write one for giving us the most pathetic tryhard incredibly repressed gay man ever
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divinemissem13 · 18 days
The Shots You Don't Take
2024 Eight Character No True Pair Challenge Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pair: Kathryn Janeway & Tom Paris Word count: 379 Prompt: one in a million
Kathryn watches the look of panic rise on Tom's face as he analyzes the pool table and she can't help but tease him a little. "I'll tell you what, if you can make this shot, you can have your second pip back."
"Seriously? That shot is nearly impossible! One in a million, at least!"
"I could make it," she declares.
"I'd like to see you try," Tom huffs in response. He knows she's a great pool player, but this shot? There's no way!
"Alright," she agrees confidently. She leans over the table to set up her shot but before taking it, she looks up at the ensign. "What do I get when I make it?"
"Uh… replicator rations?" A raised eyebrow tells Tom that was the wrong answer. "What do you want? My last pip??" Tom groans in frustration.
Kathryn focuses her attention back to the table, lining up the cue just right as she responds. "For the next talent night, Tuvok asked me to read a scene with him from a play he's been writing." She leans over the cue and looks up at Tom. "When I sink this shot, you'll volunteer to read with him instead."
If Tuvok's poetry is any indication, this could be quite the punishment. But Tom looks at the balls on the table again. The eight ball sits directly between the pocket and the last stripe. There's no way to get one in without the other. Tom boldly meets his captain's eyes with a confident, steely gaze. "Deal."
Without even looking back at the table, Kathryn sinks the shot.
Tom's mouth hangs open like a fish while Kathryn orders the computer to reset the table to the previous configuration. "Your move, Ensign," she grins, offering him her stick.
Tom is so flustered that he not only misses the shot but he also rips a hole in the felt with his pool cue.
"Tuvok will be expecting you for a rehearsal tonight at 2000," Kathryn smirks, patting Tom consolingly on the shoulder. With that, she exits the holodeck, leaving Tom to contemplate all of the mistakes he's made in his life to bring him to this moment: a Starfleet ensign, lost in the Delta Quadrant, about to star in the latest Vulcan contemporary theatrical experience.
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i love how rodney keeps calling john "kirk" when hes very clearly tom paris
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catgirljaneway · 11 months
Master Voyager Ship Tierlist
I present to you the fruits of my labor, a Star Trek Voyager ship tierlist including as many ships and rarepairs I could think of. Please do it and reblog with your answers! It would bring me joy
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
wildest thing about threshold is that sandwiched between some of the most random corniest dialogue you will ever hear in an hour of television is just this gut-punch of a character moment
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curator-on-ao3 · 5 months
Some more character options:
Seven of Nine
Tom Paris
La'an Noonien-Singh
Thank you so much for asking, anon! ❤️
For Seven of Nine, my question is borne of the question Seven asked Picard: “After they brought you back from your time in the collective, do you honestly feel that you regained your humanity?” (With both of them indicating they’re “working on it” as their answer.) So my question to Seven is, “What does humanity mean to you?”
For her answer, I would hope Seven would begin with some Trek-style platitudes about humanity as curiosity, exploration, and betterment … and, as she answered, I hope Seven would hear herself, truly hear herself, and recognize that “regaining humanity” doesn’t need to be a goal for her. Instead, humanity is intrinsic to the person Seven is — we saw it in the human girl she was and we see it in the xB woman she has become. The Borg repressed who Seven is for a very long time, a horrifically traumatic experience. Yet Seven’s humanity is clear in her thoughtfulness, in her kindness, in her expansive love and loyalty — and it would be my fervent hope that Seven would see that humanity within and for herself.
So that’s Seven.
For Tom Paris, I would ask him what motivates him to do so much for other people. I mean, this is a guy who created multiple holodeck programs for the entire crew to enjoy (Sandrine’s, the resort, Fair Haven; also, iirc, we only see Tom alone on the holodeck when he’s depressed), he also designed and helped build the Delta Flyer and he risked everything to try to save the Moneans. Plus! Tom rooted out the traitor at significant personal cost to Tom’s reputation and even his ability to stay on the ship, then Tom worked with the Talaxians, the Doctor, and Lon Suder to rescue the crew from Hanon IV.
So this guy has done a lot for other people (not to mention risking his life to fly at transwarp, piloting a ship at warp farther than anyone else, and even fucking a starship not to mention his captain).
And I want to know why.
I think Tom’s answer would make me sad. I think he’s an extrinsically motivated person and words of praise are a love language for him. (From Threshold: “When I was a boy, my father used to tell me that I was special, that one day I’d do something significant. My teachers at school, all the kids, everyone used to say, ‘Tom Paris is going to do something important when he grows up.’ Obviously, that didn't happen.”) So I think Tom would say he likes to make people happy, it brings him joy to know others are benefitting from something he’s done or enabled. (Maybe there’s an effort to atone for Caldik Prime in there? I don’t know.) And I think Tom might even get a little irritated that I asked him why he wants to do nice things for nice people because what’s wrong with trying to be nice? And he would be right. But also wrong in that I would like for Tom to have an intrinsic measure of self-worth, too, because he’s … worth it?
So that’s Tom Paris.
For La’an Noonien-Singh, if I put aside questions canon should eventually answer (e.g., how much Augment DNA does La’an have, anyway, and what does that signify in terms of her abilities?), then I would ask La’an what safety would look like in her life. Because even with her Jim Kirk crush, I wonder how much of that was about seeking safety, in part with (at first) someone who wouldn’t be prejudiced against her.
For La’an’s answer, I would hope she would say things about confidence she was good at her job giving her a sense of safety, and that she had friends and loved ones who help her feel safe. I hope La’an would reflect on what happened in the premiere episode — pretending to be prey to trap people — and how that sort of behavior may work for security, but vulnerability in real life is something La’an is working on … because maybe safety to be vulnerable is the ultimate safety and La’an will get there? She will get there. She will.
Send me a Trek character and I’ll reply with a question I would ask them — and, if you want, my hoped-for answer.
If you want people to send you character(s) to play this ask game, here’s the post to reblog.
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aquamonstra · 10 months
Watching Before and After and is there a character that Tom Paris DOESN'T have kids with???
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yueasuka · 7 months
Hmm... Many people say Reverse!Gabriel doesn't pay attention to Emodrien but is it true or is it him giving Emodrien a space for griefing? I'm more to the later actually. 🤔
This is because I saw their relationship like Adrien and Gabriel relationship but reversed situation. In canon, it's Gabriel who refused to move on and in the reverse, it's Emodrien who refused. So I think just like how Adrien give Gabriel space to grief while also doing what he can for his father, the same thing happened in the other world but role reversed. That and the fact Griffe Noire's rant about how reverse!Gabriel just continue designing, came off as the same thing with Gabriel's reaction in Felix episode when Adrien give him his blessing to pursue Nathalie just further proof of it for me. The kind of "How dare you move on this fast!! Did she meant little to you?????!" Type of rant.
Since Emodrien finally decided to move on thanks to Adrien's pep talk, I'm sure if these son and father talk things through, things will get better and perhaps this time the Agreste will be the one "adopting" Marinette and save her from the tower of loneliness.
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