#character: dagon
hallowedmuses · 2 years
NADIA & DAGON & BELGIREL  ( @offallenfeathers​ )
Dagon had no idea how they got here. nadia was only supposed to be here to drop off a care package and then go home, but when she arrived she noticed the gingerbread house gears was working on. she started asking him questions about it and so now, naturally, here they were both seated on the floor talking about ways to pimp out the gingerbread house. nadia even had clips pulled on her phone to show gears some designs that could be made with pvc piping and fondant. dagon leaned against the doorframe and admired their concentration for a moment. 
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it seemed natural that they’d bond over this. the activity was equal parts baking which nadia enjoyed and equal parts crafting which gears liked. prior to this they’d only had a handful of interactions with one another at parties and gatherings but due to the size of their family and the fact that everyone wanted to talk to the celebrity that was belgirel even dagon found it next to impossible to have any kind of meaningful conversation with her boyfriend at those kinds of events.
“it’s perfect!” nadia exclaimed as she reviewed the plans. dagon set a mug of hot chocolate before each of them and tried to peer over nadia to see what she was talking about. “i’m not part of the judges committee this year. i overbooked myself, but i think your kingdom has a real chance of winning finally,” she told dagon.
“finally? it hasn’t been that long since our last win,” the older demon replied as she settled down beside gears. she took one of his arms and draped it around her before cozying up.
“if you count three centuries as not that long,” nadia replied and took her designated mug of hot chocolate into her hands. dagon made a face at her that made her grin because she knew she was right. she turned her attention back to gears and their plans. “if you need any help with the construction, you can have belphegor or cupid come get me. i’m only one realm away and i have tons of tools and supplies back at my shop that i can bring. my dad and i do these kinds of competitions a lot. we’re so good at it that we’re not allowed to participate in this one, but the rules said nothing about helping.” like a true demon she was an expert at locating the loopholes.
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tikattu · 8 months
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prince of destruction, mehrunes dagon
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ell-dordo · 10 days
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actual-changeling · 9 months
bear with me here but i think michael would actually be quite a nice person if they were alone with someone they're not in a power struggle with.
we see what heaven is like, the higher your position, the more influence and power you have over the other angels, archangels included, and being a low ranking angel fucking sucks.
there is michael and uriel hashing it out over gabriel's position and they never STOP doing that, every single time we see them they're still competing to see which one will take the empty throne/have the most to say. it's michael bringing up being duty officer, it's uriel being the one to turn off the alarm with that smug little look and voice, it's the entire scene with the match box - all of it.
gabriel has no one to fight for power and he makes the others feel it. especially his arrogant, almost mocking "you can ask but i don't have to answer". the fact that they all let him go and only belatedly are like "fuck me he doesn't have a desk".
and then how absolutely terrified they all are when they realize who the metatron is. did we do something wrong and suddenly all power struggles with each other fall away because holy shit he can hurt us in a way we cannot (and never would) hurt each other.
i think an interesting little tidbit is also michael's behaviour when they bring the holy water to hell for the trial in season 1. that aura of smug superiority to defend their status and be the person with the most power in the entirety of hell in that moment.
all of this does have a point, and we're getting to it now.
get michael and dagon alone in a room, and, after the initial awkwardness and once they realize there's no reason to play tug of war with power, i am certain they'd bond. angels are lonely, and dagon honestly seems like fun (their fake vomiting gets me every time), and give michael the room to just relax for a fucking second and a person to catch them, and they will.
we see it happen with crowley and aziraphale, we see it with gabriel and beez, even with muriel in their initial conversation in the bookshop.
dagon and michael having somewhat secret meetings because their companies are a fucking mess, and it's nice to share the responsibility with someone, to not have to keep up a mask. a few meetings in, michael's had a horrible day, and right before they leave for heaven, they hesitate.
it's a i don't wanna go back and it's nicer here with you and i'm exhausted and it scares the shit out of them. but there's that moment during which they just look at each other, and dagon is a demon, they're not supposed to feel any good feelings, let alone love or care, yet they reach out and squeeze michael's hand, and they're both so shocked they let it pass without a word.
then michael spreads their wings, dagon mutters "fucking show off" because it isn't actually necessary, and with one last thankful little smile, they're off.
(somewhere in heaven, the metatron gets a sudden headache.)
(somewhere in... somewhere, god smiles)
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erigold13261 · 5 months
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"JJK Doodles"
While drawing these, I realized that I'm pretty sure Hanami didn't kill or significantly injure a major character of the series like Mahito, Jogo, and Dagon did (though I could absolutely be wrong).
She really out here not doing much, and I love that for her. Go girl! Give us nothing! <3
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andxlusian · 6 months
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character prompt; (effects of trauma)
it's wild how much characters can change with you over the years
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goddess-mixmi · 4 days
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“Curse of the serpent Lady, Hissette the Boa”
Meet Hissette the Boa, an unregistered special grade cursed spirit. She takes on the form that’s a mix of a Gorgon and a Naga with the ability to turn into any form of a snake to attack/ use the abilities of them, her namesake is a “ Boa constrictor ”. But she does have a form where she had human legs but she prefers her naga form since she’s bigger. She can control snakes / create snake eggs as well. Her domain is called “Medusa’s Den” which allows her to turn her opponents to stone with her snake heads and eyes. She loves to sing, shiny things, rats/mice and fluffy warm places, despite her killer capabilities she can be as tame as a pet snake. She is good friends with Ryuusei Sukuna but during her fight during the culling games she was turned to stone
I got inspired by Megan thee Stallion for her tbh
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Dreaming about a snuggle pile with the cursed family :((
Mahito would probably kick and snore lots XD, Dagon babbles in his sleep, Jogo is warm af and hates being touched (bro actually joins the pile after while he dreams, or he is just dragged in without his consent LMAO he just gives up), and Hanami literally keeps everyone close with their arms protectively like a mom🥺 It may be chaotic, but you love it nonetheless. It gives the best ever sense of comfort. Best nap buddies in my opinion, never felt safer, would recommend 9/10
(I love them all so much- Best family ever😢)
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aaamike · 1 month
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Oh… Kenjaku knew how it would all turn out. He never planned for any of the cursed spirits to make it out of Shibuya or into the culling games… he just wanted Sukuna revived for his merger plan.
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That’s the smug look of a man who knows that regardless of the outcome, he’s won. He’ll be riding this high until he meets Yuki.
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hallowedmuses · 2 years
STARTER / @offallenfeathers​ (Belgirel)
She’d spent about a week in the empty now, but she checked in regularly with seir and tenacity. after the holiday, she was going to start to balance out her time between this place and her kingdom, but for now she wanted to spend as much time with belgirel as she could. today, gears was introduced to ruby and mazikeen and re-introduced to nadia. the latter, who’s love language happen to be making trinkets for people, gifted him with some kind of turtle and sea shell bracelet that she’d made. dagon hadn’t gotten a good look at it because she herself was being re-introduced to a few of her other deceased friends. 
all in all, it had been an emotional day and she was tired. she could tell by the end of it gears was burned out too but he didn’t say anything so she’d made up an excuse for him to take her home. dagon wanting to leave an event early was something people hardly batted an eye at these days. 
they were in belgirel’s suite in the castle now, and she was drawing up a bath to help her decompress. she released a milky bath bomb into the warm water and was sprinkling in rose and lavender petals when he walked in. “hey,” she smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “do you want to join or are you sitting this one out?” there was plenty of space near the tub if he preferred to just sit out and talk to her. 
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lilpuffyart · 2 months
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ref thingy or whatever for dagon coming this week hopefully
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mircalla-tepez · 2 months
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~Asenath Waite: Cult of Dagon~
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's work we tried to go for a Cthulhu cultist themed session. Based on the only really remarkable (at least seemingly) female character by Lovecraft, Asenath Waite, I wanted to create a glamorous look with only one single detail that would seem rather offputing. To emphasize with the fish people theme, I dropped Asenath's huge, fishlike eyes and rather went for gills - except for the one picture where I tried to make my eyes pop as much as humanly possible... ^^° _ Model+MuA: Mircalla Tepez Foto+Edit: _soulcatcher_photography_ Neronomicon: Naruvien
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snaakesnack · 4 months
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“I am pleased, mortal. I will give you my Razor. Use it to wreak havoc on Tamriel.”
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crashingyourmother · 5 months
Chicken sandwich
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erigold13261 · 7 days
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"Sleep Pile"
Finally finished this piece! It's based off of [THIS] post that I absolutely loved so much! Decided to add in some people's self inserts/OCs as well, so I hope you didn't mind me drawing them! (and tagging you) :D
Kaze belongs to @flowey-apologist
Genesis and Enmei belong to @hanamisofficialspouse
Kuro belongs to @rabbitcyclops
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birdgirl22 · 5 months
He does things to me <3
I love him/her so much <3
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That face <3
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