#character: j4-n3 (jane)
z0mbicide · 2 years
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Lízia/Blue - Anri/Gold - Torr/Black
Jane/Pink - Sarkan/Purple
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calamitycons · 7 years
Sorry! But I really do want to know why you hate J4/n3 Cr0/ck3r? Sorry if I'm bugging you.
You’re not bothering me, I’m just trying to be considerate to her fans. ^^
Context: I began reading Homestuck in 2009. I was very invested in the adventures of the Beta Kids specifically, and their carapace/chess people friends who helped them and were involved in a fantastic story about war and creation. However, with the introduction of the trolls so was Teen Romance Drama(tm), which I found was a poorly written and infuriatingly stupid distraction from the narrative I actually cared about. With that in mind...
Jane’s immediate character motivation being romance based around wanting to get into Jake English’s pants rubbed me the wrong way immediately. I was already of the opinion that the romantic love triangle drama was not enjoyable, and watching the “new leader of the NEW FOUR KIDS!!!!” being primarily romance motivated just made me really damn mad.
Finding out that ALL of the Alpha Kids wanted to get into Jake English’s pants, despite Jake English being dull as a fucking SPHERE and a complete fucking jackass whose only character traits were “””adventure””” and having a funny way of speaking? Pissed me off EVEN MORE.
When Jane did not have the spine to admit to her feelings for Jake when that was her PRIMARY MOTIVATION, and even Jane herself realized that she was being utterly stupid pissed me off EVEN FUCKING MORE.
Realizing that it DIDN”T make sense for Jane to be that fucking stupid and it was only there because it made for more useless fucking romance drama that I DON’T FUCKING LIKE made my anger boil over.
As the Alpha Version of Nanna, a lovely and silly old woman side character who I liked a lot and loved watching interact with John, Jane was insulting. Nanna was an intelligent and loving old woman that John treated with the utmost respect and kindness, who was an encouraging force for John and a very lovely side character. Jane was a fucking idiot who had no competent ability to pursue her motivations.
Her skeptical attitude toward the fantastical elements of her friends’ stories came across to me as a huge fucking waste of time. At that point in the story, reading from the very beginning all the way to her introduction, the fantastical elements of Homestuck were already well established and part of the Status Quo. Jane being skeptical about it served no purpose other than to pad out the length of her introduction by making her seem like even MORE of a fucking idiot than I already found her to be.
TL;DR: In my opinion, J4/n3 Cr0/ck3r is an overly-skeptical idiot who is so pathetic and spineless she cannot even pursue her main goal without sabotaging herself for no logical reason. She is a vehicle for shitty love triangles that I have an open contempt for. She is an insult to the character of Nanna Egbert from my perspective because of the sheer disparity between the intelligent helpful and silly old lady in the Beta World and her complete bullfuckery in the Alpha World.
Basically, I feel betrayed and disappointed in Homestuck as a whole for focusing on poorly written love triangles between the Trolls and the Alpha Kids in Acts 5.1 and Act 6+ instead of on the mythical and FANTASTIC war drama, superhero, and cosmic horror elements from Acts 1-5.2 that I adored so much. I’d be here all day if I went into that in more detail though. 
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z0mbicide · 2 years
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Amaru - Bisexual Transgender Man
J4-N3 (Jane) - Transgender Woman
Torr - Gay
Jaclyn-Scarlett Davenport - Lesbian Transgender Woman
Caesar Paxton - Gay
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z0mbicide · 3 years
Jane: What’s sexting?
Areli: I'm not having this conversation with you.
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z0mbicide · 3 years
*at a zoo*
Jane: What are they in for?
Kardos: Jane, this isn't prison.
Jane: So they can leave?
Kardos: No, but-
Jane, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
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z0mbicide · 2 years
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insp. by squirrelstone & wokenhardies
"Galaxy take off!"
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z0mbicide · 3 years
Jane: Guys, you heard what Karma said! "You can't keep this in the closet any longer"...
Areli: So.. should we check the closet?
Jane: It could mean that Kardos is gay!
Anri: Well, he is the only one of us who gives a rat's ass about Olympic Figure Skating -- NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
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