#character: amaru
z0mbicide · 2 years
"Hey, Amaru.. can I ask y'somethin'?"
It was unusual of Anri to hesitate this way. They usually ask whatever questions they have without even thinking about it. Amaru can feel his anxiety surfacing.
What did they do?
How much trouble will they be in for it?
How bad was it?
These thoughts began to pile up, until Anri spoke again.
"'m not in trouble this time, if you're worried about that." GOOD. Amaru breathes a sigh of relief, letting go of the tension in his shoulders and loosening the grip he held on his magazine.
"What is it?" Amaru looks up from his reading. Again, Anri heistates. Amaru sets aside the magazine, sitting up on his bed.
"Weeell.. I wanted t'ask you about, um.. what happened t'your chest." His chest?
"What do you mean?" To say Amaru was confused would be an understatement. Nothing's ever really happened to his chest, other than a few strikes to it from battle. Thankfully, those were pretty harmless because he was morphed.
"So 'member that time I accidentally walked in while you were puttin' your shirt on?" Anri rocks back on their heels. Amaru half nods.
"Well, I saw y'had these.. lines," Anri motions with their fingers horizontally over their own chest. "right here." Amaru is silent.
"Did somebody hurt you? 'Cause I'll kill 'em."
When if finally hits him, Amaru laughs. He physically can't stop himself, even if he wants to. Anri, confused, shakes Amaru by the shoulders.
"Why're you laughing?! I wanna help you get revenge on the monster that did this t'you!!" This only makes Amaru laugh more.
Once he calms down some, Amaru puts his hands on Anri's shoulders. He still has a smile on his face - that's a rare sight.
"Anri, I wasn't hurt by anyone." This bewilders Anri further.
"I had a surgery done. That's why those are there." Amaru has never shyed away from talking about transitioning, but he seems to have forgotten to explain to Anri that surgeries can be apart of it.
"Wait, so you got those on purpose? No one did it to hurt you?" When Amaru nods, Anri sighs in relief. They tap him on the forehead with a huff before properly hugging him.
"I was real worried, ya know! I thought you were hiding somethin' serious from me."
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gritpyre · 8 months
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don't draw them as often anymore but they still remain very precious to me
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strawberryangel6667 · 7 months
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rolplay sketch
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flower-radio · 9 months
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updated radio reference sheet
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battampria · 4 months
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this is day 4 of @herrscherofmemories' event! :3
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the prompt was a pink character or a blue character!
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f2u w/ credit
graphics w/o gif here
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benidryl-art · 3 months
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Ik I've posted a ref sheet of this character before but I made some updates to their design so uh yea
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uglygrievous · 7 months
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drtenebrisxii · 9 months
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"Onírica - Train Trip!"
Gaspar, Athalia and Luminis (ans his pet Iuris) travelling in one of the many trains that constantly take the inhabitants of Onírica from one city to another through the mysterious Onirical Enclaves, natural portals that connect the different cities of the universe.
Hope you like this! :D
Gaspar, Athalia y Luminis (y su mascota Iuris) viajando en uno de los muchos trenes que continuamente lleva a la gente de Onírica de una Ciudad a otra, a través de los misteriosos Enclaves Oníricos, portales naturales que conectan las distintas ciudades del universo.
ojalá guste! :D
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instaquarius · 1 year
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Another commission done by my fiance @theonephun211 (along with 20 others he still owes) for me with permission to repost Surimi is the daughter of my version of Shinachiku Uzumaki (Narusaku child) and Itako Uchiha (daughter of my crackship Itachi Uchiha and Amaru from the Naruto Shippuden Bonds movie)
New Shinachiku designs:
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Old designs of Shinachiku from 2017-2018 before Mickey helped me with the redesigns):
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Also a reference of Itako Uchiha and her parents and stuff in case anyone's curious what she looks like: (also old design from like 2017-ish)
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cucumbercigarettes · 1 year
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Probably after this the events of the comic began. Amarus, shame on you!
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herrscherofmemories · 4 months
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𐔌 +200 FOLLOWERZ ALREADY ??!? I dont even know where to ztart ;3
﹏ I'm zo grateful for all the zupport everyone haz given me during theze 2-3 monthz ♡♡ )) I've been delaying thiz event for over a month zo it'z time to hozt it !!1!
Thiz event ztartz tomorrow ((June 2)) and endz on June 14 !! Winnerz will be announced between June 15 & June 16 .. the event waz extended to the 18th ,, winnerz will be announced on the 23th but I'll notify them through azkz ! ^^
All info iz under the cut !
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𐔌 Rulez ::
﹏ You can make anything related to editing (( ex. Layoutz ,, graphicz ,, PSDz ,, mood/ztimboardz )) and (( az long az it fitz the prompt )) coiningz and NPTz !
When pozting your entriez pleaze @ me (( @herrscherofmemories )) and tag the pozt with ' #amaru+200 ' ,, if I don't reblog it after 2 dayz feel free to re-@ me az I may mizz out zome poztz !
𐔌 Prizez ::
﹏ There will be 3 winnerz for thiz event ,, they will be choozen by a wheel . Anyone who pozted at leazt 3 dayz will have a chance of winning AND people who do all dayz will have x3 chancez of winning !
1zt prize :: 1 layout ,, 1 zet [3] of graphicz & 2 PSDz ;; 2nd prize :: 1 zet of graphicz /or/ a layout & 1 PSD ;; 3rd prize :: 1 zet of graphicz /or/ a layout .
Promptz ::
TYZM to @.whisfer & @.yuumebow for helping out !!
✦ Day 01 :: your favorite character from a media you like or a character you love with a colour you don't edit with often .
✦ Day 02 :: a character related to the sea or a character related to the space .
✦ Day 03 :: a dragonic character or an angelic character .
✦ Day 04 :: a pink character or a blue character .
✦ Day 05 :: free day !!
✦ Day 06 :: something cute you find horrifying or something horrifying you find cute .
✦ Day 07 :: a platonic duo you love or a character that reminds you of me .
✦ Good luck to everyone who participatez in thiz event and remember that the mozt important thing iz to have a great time !! ♡♡
𐔌 may I requezt a promo ?
@kiochisato @rrozeta @battampria @cherryshh @meowrette @hiddencircus @lavendergalactic @c-ralique @vamp-q @necroangelz @otoripink @frillara @mischiefesse @whisfer @dollrelicz @pink-sugar @fouldays @fwus & any other being :3 )) if you want to be removed juzt zend a dm/azk !
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I just realized, I don't think I ever posted my Cattails Wildwood art
(Did I intentionally make my player character look like Amaru? Oh absolutely)
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gritpyre · 6 months
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drew this a while ago but i've been forgetting to post anyways, the bffs
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bluewings55 · 9 months
So I recently watched the entirety of Lolirock
And it was... Okayish
The story itself wasn't bad, but a lot of it feels very incomplete.
So let's break down a few points:
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The story itself wasn't too bad. I liked a lot of the ideas. But since this is directed to a younger audience, a lot of story plot was very predictable sadly enough.
And it didn't bother me that much that Iris was in the centerstage most of the time. Unlike later season Bloom, the creators didn't make things that aren't related to Iris about Iris. There were a few moments yes, but I never thought "wait, why is it about Iris, it's not about her!" Unlike (sadly) with Bloom in Winx where she gets the Spotlight for no reason
I do really like the transformation and animations for the princesses. Although I do feel odd about Lyna and Carrisa having different animations and songs. They look good, but since they don't have a similar transformation like Iris, Thalia and Auriana, I feel like it just says that they aren't part of the group. Which is kinda true since they are absent for 75% of the time in season 2. (Fr, where are these two the entire time?)
And I get Iris is the main character and all, but the creators make Talia and Auriana look so useless and weak for most of the time. And then Talia is able to beat their asses on her own, yet struggled to do so five minutes before.
Also Talia is the best, defo my fave from all of them.
Like her transformation? Goregous
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dark princess's
Omg, I love their design, I need more of them
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Magic and Ephidia:
Similar to the story: it felt incomplete. Like things aren't being explained:
What's Ephidia? Is it a continent, is it the capital city? Who created it, what's so special about it?
What are the oracle gems exactly? Are they amplifiers or a key, WHAT ARE THEY? and why do they only show up in front of Iris? Is it cus she's the crown princess or why? Who knows: things aren't getting explained.
And how does the magic work? Is it just crystals? Can they use elemental powers as well? We see them use levitation and time spells as well soooooooooo?
And what about Dark magic? Do you have to be born from it, is it an emotion you redirect, how does if work?
And can we talk about Iris's different transformations? They look epic af but.... How? Can only she do it? What exactly is it? Like a different stage or is it a temporary a power up? Can other princesses do them as well or not?
And what exactly is Amaru? A dog, a pegasus? A shapeshifter animal? How does his magic work? Why can he summon a giant battlefield out of nowhere?
And what about the other magic kingdoms? We only saw a tiny bit of Xeris, but what about the others?
I wish they not only explained a little more about the magic, but also showed us more about the magical world. By doing that, it feels more alive, more
Alright imma say it:
Gramorr is the most useless fucker there is
He's being portraited as this all mighty powerful wizard but then he just sits in the throne room doing God knows what, maybe looking at tarot cards with Banes who knows....
He doesn't do anything, just screams when an oracle gem gets to the crown, and yells at Praxina and Mephisto bc they are so 'useless'
Like dude.
If they are so terrible at their job and you are "oh so powerful":
Also, stop blaming everything on the twins cus of your laziness!
Speaking of blaming
Praxina is the worst.
Her newest design is amazing tho.
She looks more threatening then Gramorr ever could
And the butterflies? Amazing, I'm really excited about how she's gonna act in season 3
But if there's a problem she immediately blames it on her brother, but as soon as there's something she can be proud of, she steals the credit, like, bitch stop being so toxic.
And stop blaming Mephisto for everything???
He's the one literally working with the enemy to save your ass TWICE and even almost died a few times (or just.. died after what happened) and what does he get? Not even a thank you. Girl, your bro almost died, wdym? You're siblings, he supports and helps you multiple times yet here you are scoffing, rolling your eyes and blaming him for every inconvenience happening in your life.
Don't give me the "that's how twins act" or "that's cus she's evil" bullcrap cus I got siblings myself, I know what it's like.
So yeah, I'm here in the Mephisto support group.
I also decided to adopt him.
He doesn't know that yet tho.
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I'm personally not a fan of the comedian character, but I just feel really bad for him with all the crap he's going through: A shit boss and a shit sister.
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Also he's so sweet? If u can look past all the evil things he did, you realize that he's really sweet and not that evil and he really cares for his sister (even tho she's a bitch).
And the time he and Iris worked together and said that he would be honored to serve her if he was on her side?
Listen, if he's not on Team Lolirock and just dead in season 3 imma be so pissed.
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flower-radio · 9 months
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redraw of the two slow dancers piece from 2020
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battampria · 3 months
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brah i forgot to do day 7 yesterday but now THIS IS DAY 7 OF @herrscherofmemories' EVENT LETS GOOOO
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the prompt was a platonic duo I love or a character that reminds me of amaru!
mobius is genuinely a cool looking character but i know nothing of hi3 💀 bros gorgeous
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f2u w/ credit
graphics w/o gif and words here
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