jxckspxcer · 4 years
Does your muse always rationalize errors? How does your muse accept disasters and failures? (Source: painted-bees) (Please tag @characterdevelopmentasks in your answer!)
random asks | always accepting
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Jack does in fact rationalize errors, in a way this ask doesn’t quite address how he perceives failures in total. He doesn’t consider a failure to be an ending. If he’s not DEAD, it’s not OVER. 
His bigger issue is a lack of clarity when it comes to his goals & options in general. Jack runs with whatever seems the most fun/advantageous at the time, and that’s not an easily quantifiable measure. Jack really lacks a lot of insight into why he does things or wants things, because it takes too much psychoanalysis that makes him uncomfortable and owning up to his main sources of defensiveness (fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, stifling loneliness, a superiority complex the size of the moon with a inferiority dark-side to match, being a neurotic control-freak) make him feel more ‘broken’. 
So he’s really out here doing things without completely recognizing why he does it, so the failures don’t sting as hard as the need to well... Keep doing things to cope with the other things he doesn’t want to think about. Which is really unhealthy on one hand, but on the other, it’s not unfair to say he learns a lot from it. His love to create, his affection for machines, his thirst for skills, his need for a challenge. He’s learning about himself, even if he doesn’t want to think too hard about it, but he’s a strategist and life is his second favorite game. Not to say he’ll ever be good or healthy, he’ll always be chaotic, but he might be a little more content with himself over time, and a little less likely to drastically PWN people or be unnecessarily harsh cause of his own hangups. 
He can be rather messy when he loses. Depending. Usually he’ll always want a rematch, so it’s never really over as I said. But if he thinks it was unfair, he’ll complain as much. But eventually he transitions to adaption over wallowing. When he was younger, Wuya had to drag him out of wallowing in self-misery a lot more often. But he bounced back faster as time passed. Nowadays, he might not even accept a loss (a loss insinuates that there’s some kind of immovable barrier in his way! ha! laughable he says! laughable!!), and just disobey rules to take what he wants, or accept it graciously, if he had enough fun in the effort, and move onto the next impulsive goal of millions.
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ask-the-maniac · 4 years
What does "home" mean to your muse? (Source: feed-your-inbox) (Please tag @characterdevelopmentasks in your answer!)
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“Before getting dragged to this fucking place, I would’ve just associated it with my house. ‘s still kinda the case now, but it’s not like it’s really my house. Just an incomplete replica made by the Entity; incomplete since the basement’s gone.”
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abitofafatass · 4 years
Does music inspire you to write? (Source: rpmemediary) (Please tag @characterdevelopmentasks in your answer!)
((Sort of? There are definitely certain songs that help me get into a certain mindset for writing, or songs that I associate with a character, but I cant write and listen to the song at the same time. I usually have to type in silence.
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creation-is-chaos · 4 years
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@characterdevelopmentasks​ inquired:                                                                
To the muse: What's a natural talent you have? (Source: rppanda)
Simple. Direct. Elusive with an explanation at the first thought but the android is far from offering more than he should. Strangers wish to know secrets. Those are the same things used against him by Cyberlife. “I have a talent for ending my obstacles. There is always a talent to murder. It takes precision and intelligence. No one traces back to me but I am a myth among other androids. They do not know of my existence. Neither do the ones who came before me.”
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heartfulmind · 5 years
Does your character have any birthmarks? (Source: The Novel Factory)
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                    Shinsou possesses quite a few beauty marks more than anything. Only perceptive eyes could catch the spots on his skin and even fewer can see the ones distributed around his body, on the skin that isn’t shown to the world. The locations of these birthmarks are in his face, neck, arms, and one on his chest.
one is tucked underneath the corner of his left eye. the purple around his eyes makes it a challenge to spot.
a very tiny dot is underneath the right end of his lips.
his nape of the neck is home to a few more, another one underneath his left jaw-line.
his arms, however, are a bit more noticeable. it isn’t a constellation of them, but are easy to point out if near.
more obscure places like his thighs and backside have a moderate amount combined. a noteworthy one is at his lower back, right-side.
the most prominent beauty mark rests at his chest, right around where his heart is.
                  ♡   . art by feliville
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fcrgedstrcngth · 4 years
To the muse: Are you sassy? (Source: rppanda)
A ghost of a smile slid onto Angrboda’s face. “When I feel the situation calls for it.”
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Has your muse ever screwed someone over to get ahead? (Source: historical-rp-memes)
Oh hai! I was wondering when one of these would pop up.
The answer is no! Both Mal and Izadia are gentle goody two-shoes who would rather chew off their own arms than harm another. In fact, Izadia operates on almost the complete opposite paradigm, where she will organize other students/nurses/ext to support one-another so everyone wins. In her dnd ‘verse she is known to organize unions because generally, business owners are not going to argue with an 8ft tall woman on a dire wolf...
Mal is quieter, but he will actually sacrifice himself to help others, often to an unhealthy extent, which is why he benefits greatly from having his brother Tyrus around. 
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oceanicmaster · 4 years
Talk about a character your muse refuses to talk about. (Source: recyclmeme) (Please tag @characterdevelopmentasks in your answer!)
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“...Xehanort was a plague on all of our lives, for so long... He might be the one person in existence who I just truly, deeply despise. My family has been hurt, so much, by him. Not to mention his numerous crimes against the worlds in general.”
“And yet, somewhere deep in the past... My father, Master Eraqus, thought of him as a friend. So much so that he let Xehanort preside over our Mark of Mastery exam. I can’t even imagine how strong that bond of trust must have been, especially since Master Eraqus once confided in me about how he got his face scarred. And even through all my hatred, all I can think is... Why would you betray that trust? Master Eraqus was your friend... Your brother, even. What madness sent you on the path to Darkness, and hatred, and destruction?”
“For that betrayal alone, of the one man I can ever call my father... I can’t forgive anything he’s ever done.”
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sanguinibus · 4 years
How does your muse express enthusiasm?
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When Baird is excited or enthusiastic about something he tends to show it by rambling. If he created an upgrade or something to the DeeBee’s he will talk about it while flailing his arms wildly while trying to explain something to someone who is not vaguely interested.
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ask-the-maniac · 5 years
Use this space as a platform to let your muse talk about whatever they want.
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“I’m sure I’ve ranted about this before, but I’m incredibly disappointed in the horror movie industry in the 2000′s and 2010′s. Going off the films I’ve got from that time, at some point they veer from good practical effects to an over-reliance on CGI, and it’s fucking abysmal. Too many damn franchise reboots, too. I’m happy to have the entertainment, but sometimes the quality leaves a lot to be desired.”
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What quality does your muse most value in a friend? (Source: The Novel Factory)
“What I value most in a friend is loyalty, honesty and someone who can make me laugh, and of course, a good listener is great as well,” Sheila replied. 
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moysolovei · 4 years
Talk about someone who your muse would have loved to meet. (Source: occasionalrpmemes)
Well, I do know that Michael Jackson is his idol, so it’d probably have to be MJ. If I’m not wrong he went on to some sort of talent show thing as an ‘impressionist’ when he was younger and did all his dance moves, including the moonwalk, even dressing up in his style. It was on an interview that showed this, called “The First Interview” and it was cool to see!
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(Don’t take my word for it though, this is just what I think. I really think he would of liked to meet Michael)
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detectiverickitubbs · 4 years
A Character Tubbs Wants to Know Better
‘Por favor, Marty, let us in.’ Tubbs eagerly implores. 
Lieutenant Martin Castillo is an enigma. A fearless leader, a man of few words, and one with a deeply unexplored past. Castillo enters the series like a whirlwind after the abrupt death of Lou Rodriguez. He is capable of saying so much with one single look. It’s suggested that Castillo reviewed all the case files on his employees and it enables him to unwaveringly express his confidence in them. He also, in every way, becomes the squad’s father figure. 
The only times we get glimpses behind the curtain can be found in the episodes Golden Triangle and the Heart of Night. But from those episodes, we gather he’s had an exciting, perilous, and adventurous life before Miami. Tubbs definitely wants more than the crumbs we’re given!!!!! Especially, about his time with the DEA. Hell, she’d kill to know about his days in the academy and where he learned his style of martial arts. 
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remorseful-fugitive · 4 years
How clean is your muse's room? (Source: kipsrph)
Well... she’s a homeless criminal soooo... XD
Though, as a child, Snowy almost always had a neat and tidy room. She made it a habit to clean her room as often as possible, mainly to please her mother in particular.
This habit carries over to her young adult life as, whenever someone lets her stay at their place for the night (either out of pity or someone befriended her), she would clean the room early in the morning just the way it was, if not tidier before she thanks them and leave.
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crimson-warrior · 4 years
What's your muse's favorite way to give affection? (Source: mostly-sentence-starters) (Please tag @characterdevelopmentasks in your answer!)
If we’re talking romantically, then Hakuro’s favorite way will be hugging and kissing his partners.  Like a hug from behind in the morning and a kiss on the cheek.  Or snuggling them in bed before they have to get up.
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duelingfutures · 4 years
Describe your muse’s voice.
Smooth, nasal, sometimes squeaky. But at the same time, hoarse, rough, throaty. 
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