#charlotte dutch
sweetsndreams · 5 months
A young woman with glasses and pigtails greets the baker with a small smile "Evening, Charlotte. How's Business?" - 📘(Ava)
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🍪: "Oh Ava! It's wonderful to see you again! Everything has been going swell on my side dear!"
- Charlotte gave a kind smile before turning to Ava and offering the tray of freshly made cookies
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🍪: "Oh- before I forget; Would you like one? This batch of cookies are fresh out of the oven!"
((Part 1))
((part 2))
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wildflowerdoeeyed · 4 months
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how many shots would i have to drink to get with rdr2 characters mostly vdl gang and side characters (for sillies) (from a lesbian)
disclaimer - i’ve only played rdr2, i only know rdr1 from tt and the characters being on rdr2 online.
ladies first;
sadie - 2, she intimidates me
karen - 1, same as sadie
marybeth - sober
mary - sober
abigail - sober
charlotte - sober (i need to return to her as john but im early in the epilogue)
susan - 5 shes a bit old buttt 👀
black belle - 3 for confidence she’s scary af
molly - SOBER (dutch didn’t know how to handle all that)
bonnie - sober big smooch for her
(i won’t put tilly in here because i feel like she’s like a younger sister to arthur most the time so i can’t see her like that)
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okay so now the guys
arthur - 2 he scares me
dutch - 5 as long as he shuts upppp
micah - alcohol poisoning (6 feet under)
hosea - he reminds me of my papa
uncle - he’s my pookie would drink with him
sean - 2, i don’t think i can get over “maguire jr”
john - 3 he’s a bit too greasy
javier- 1 people forget the bar scene in valentine man was awkward af
charles - sober.
kieran - 1 he’s a bit stinky but i get what marybeth saw
eagle - sober
rains - sober
reverend - 1
lenny - 2, don’t let him drink because i’m not running around for him again
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huariqueje · 11 months
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Charlotte Rasperry  - Arnout van Albada, 2023.
Dutch, b. 1968 -
Oil on panel, 38 x 40 cm.
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Your MBTI your character pt2
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The Royal Fandom Summer 2024 Photo Challenge!
Day Twenty Four: Favourite photo(s) of royals at the beach
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nofatclips-home · 1 month
Live version of Nothing Left by Delain featuring Marco Hietala
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virgovirgo · 6 months
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Sir Peter Lely (Dutch/active in England, 1618-1680) Charlotte Fitzroy, probably 1677 National Inventory of Continental European Paintings York Art Gallery A young girl richly dressed in red silk and a white chemise is seated right, taking grapes from an Indian servant who kneels on the left. Behind, on a stone wall, there is a bas relief of putti with a goat, that repeats the composition of a drawing (assumed to be after Correggio) in the Devonshire Collection at Chatsworth. Charlotte (1664-1717/8) was the fourth child of the Duchess of Cleveland, Barbara Villiers, by Charles II, formally acknowledged by the king in 1672. In May 1674 Charlotte was betrothed to Sir Henry Edward Lee (1662/3-1716), who was created Earl of Lichfield, Viscount Quarrendon, and Baron Spelsbury. Charlotte married Sir Henry in 1677 (when she was 12) and later gave birth to 18 children. She was famous for her beauty, and she was subsequently painted by Verelst and at least twice by Kneller. Later depictions show similar facial features, which support the proposal that she is the child sitter in the YORAG : 18. On the other hand, judging from her other portraits (both as a child and as an adault), Charlotte had dark hair. However, she might have been depicted by Lely as blonde to better fit the personification of Beauty that she represents, and also to strengthen the contrast with the dark-haired servant boy. The painting was probably created on the occasion of her marriage in 1677, as she looks older than in her betrothal portrait painted in 1674 by Jacob Huysmans and in the presumed portrait of her with her mother by Gascars, probably from the early 1670s.
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kundst · 9 months
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Charlotte Mouwens (Dutch 1981)
The wash' mum (2024)
Inkpainting (70 x 50 cm)
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artemispt · 1 year
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Ahahahah Charlotte 🧡
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mathsandwhiteroses · 1 month
Royal Summer Challenge 2024: Day 14
Favourite photo of royals on planes
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Victoria looking adorable and window shots!
Going clockwise from the top left the photos were taken in: January 2020, July 2017, June 2024, 2002.
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sweetsndreams · 4 months
"Oh,absolutely, you know I can't say no to your cookies."
Ava's hands gingerly take two of them, then she glances behind Charlotte.
"Oh? Is that Francis? I don't want to interrupt you if you're getting a delivery." -📘
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🍪: "Oh Ava, you're so swe-- Wait- Francis is here?"
- The petite, ebony-haired woman looked behind her - the plate of fresh cookies still in her hand as she made eye contact with the now nervous milkman.
🥛: "A-ah, yes-- Good evening Miss Charlotte, Miss Ava."
- Francis cleared his throat; throwing a bit of a side eye to the librarian who basically made his presence known before adjusting his bowtie and approaching the two women, lifting up the milk crate for the confused baker to take.
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🥛: "Here is your shipment for the day"
- Sheepishly, Charlotte does - putting the plate of cookies on the nearby table to free up her hands. Her gaze filled with confusion as the short, plush woman looked up to the milkman who was breaking out in a slight sweat. Perhaps he was tired from his delivery route?
🍪: "Ah, Dear you--"
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🥛: "My apologies ladies, but I can't stay to chat - I have many more deliveries to make. I hope you two have a good day"
- Those were his final words to them as he walked away. Nervously lowering his hat to cover his ever growing flustered face as he walked over to his van, got in and drove off.
🍪: " But . . . I already got my milk shipment earlier this morning though . . . "
Bonus Image:
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((Poor Francis - you did this @n-anon))
((Part 1 here))
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astralbondpro · 6 months
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Delain // See Me in Shadow
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huariqueje · 10 months
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Sinterklaas , Saint Nicholas - Charlotte Dematons , 2008.
Dutch , b. 1957 -
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acrossthewavesoftime · 7 months
"My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]."
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Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd (1649-1702) (detail); created between 1675 and 1694, though the hairstyle would suggest a date in the 1670s; in the collection of the Rijksmuseum.
For Valentine's day, here's a tale of a romance that did not quite turn out as expected, but left a string of interesting documents.
Let's picture the scene: you're in love. Who do you tell? Well, obviously, you might confide the butterflies in your belly to your best friend, and it just so happens that the lady who's quite turned your head is a distant cousin of his.
This is the situation one Hans Willem Bentinck (1649-1709) found himself in during January and February 1675. His crush was Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd, a distant relation (their grandfathers were half-brothers) of his closest friend, then-Stadtholder of the United Provinces and future King of England William III (1650-1702).
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William III of Orange and Hans Willem Bentinck; dated to 1676. Collection of Stichting Kasteel Amerongen, via RKD Research.
William interceded on his best friend's behalf, and seems to have taken "Lotte", as he called her, aside when the latter, living with one of her sisters who had married an English noble, paid a visit to the Netherlands.
The Stadtholder, who was friends with Lotte as she was one of the few people who would engage him in some good, old-fashioned banter and, her love for a good joke aside, was an extremely intelligent conversationalist, made her promise to give a reply as to what he should tell his best friend; but that reply never came and so, William, writing to Lotte's brother-in-law, Thomas Butler, the 6th Earl of Ossory (1634-1680), with whom she lived, added a few P.S.-s to his usual (largely political) letters to Ossory:
In late January or early February, William wrote to Ossory:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to tell Lott[e] that, all her cruelty aside, I love her with all my heart, and to reproach her that she has neither written, nor even replied to my letter, as she had promised when we parted. I also hope that she will soon declare herself on that which she had promised me to think on when we parted, for Bentinck is very impatient to know how he stands, which seems very reasonable to me. G.*
(* In case you're wondering why William, or Willem in Dutch, signed as "G.", in his private correspondence: it's the abbreviation of the French equivalent of his name, Guillaume.)
However, it looks like Lotte was still ghosting both Bentinck and William, because he signed another letter to Ossory, datable to February 1675, off as follows:
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My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]. G.
A third letter to Ossory lastly mentions Lotte in March 1675:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to assure Madame the Countess [of Ossory] of my very humble services, and [Lotte] as well, regardless of my not having any reason to be pleased with her. G.
One imagines that William may have taken his best friend aside and told him to forget about Lotte. Sadly, we have no information on how Lotte reacted to these messages.
If there is anything to be taken from this tale of historical heartbreak, it is that this sort of thing happens. If this Valentine's Day you find yourself unhappy because you're celebrating it alone and rather would not to, remember that you're not alone. Maybe also talk to your best friend, even if they're not a powerful noble in charge of a country.
Oh, and don't be a Lotte and ghost someone with an (romantic) interest in you. Just tell them in polite, but no uncertain terms that you're not into them.
From a historian's perspective, I find it fascinating how the Lotte-letters to Ossory highlight a part of William III's personality that is largely overlooked; posthumously often regarded as a guarded, almost robotically emotionless man, the young William in his early 20s who tries to play cupid for his best friend and adopts a very domestic tone in his missives going so far as to utilise nicknames paints a rather different picture.
Lotte was evidently forgiven, because she became a member of William and Mary's court, and briefly served under Anne as well. She never married, and her motives for doing so have been lost to history.
As for Hans Willem Bentinck, he met a woman called Anne Villiers (1651-1688) two and a half years later: she was, her mother having been the governess of William's bride Princess Mary, the future Mary II, a sort of sisterly figure to the Princess, and the two met through the marriage of their friends/employers. Contrary to William and Mary, for whom love only developed gradually in the aftermath of a fairly traumatic arranged marriage (especially on the then-15-year-old Mary's part), for Anne and Hans Willem Bentinck, their romance was much more organic: they fell in love at their workplace, so to say. To crown their personal happy end, William III stepped in to provide Anne, who was of a respectable family, yet had no fortune to speak of, with a dowry.
For the letters from William to Ossory, see: Japikse, Nicolaas [ed.]: Correspondentie van Willem III en van Hans Willem Bentinck (1927-1935), Vol. II, ii, letters 4, 15 and 16.
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ashmp3 · 3 months
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on repeatttt playlist my dear @moiorchidea tagged me for something similar i can’t find the post but okay isn’t it sweet when we all share our playlists! tagging @gstringsurvivor @wantbytaemin and @milflover3000 if you wanna and also kat do it again if it changed… Kiss and love and peace
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