zonezerogeek · 6 years
Hi Everyone! 
It has been a while since I last posted to the blog, though the Twitter account is still going strong. I want to revamp the blog. I started Zone Zero Geek with the goal of bringing my unique perspective on geek culture, and I want to continue to do that. But, what do you want to read? What do you want to hear about? Do you want short stories or episode/movie reviews? Do you want tech news or commentary on product releases?
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Football Season is Over...
Football season over…. That’s for sure.
If you watched the Super Bowl over the weekend you were treated to a fairly decent year of commercials. We had the standard Coca Cola and car commercials. We also had some unique politically motivated commercials, from companies like AirBNB. One of the best commercials of the night was very simple and straight to the point landing at 16 seconds long. The Walking Dead will be back this weekend and it looks like it is going to be an amazing continuation to the Negan storyline. 
Expect more Walking Dead live tweeting and episode reviews with the return of everyone’s favorite zombie apocalypse.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Star Wars Episode VIII - Title and Teaser Poster Released
It is official! Star Wars Episode 8 will be…. (pause for dramatic effect)…. The Last Jedi.
So, this poster is a fairly standard teaser poster for the Star Wars franchise. Black, starry background with simple lettering and design seems to be an attempt at a throwback to the original Star Wars poster for the first installment, A New Hope. In case you have never noticed, Star Wars titles all have deeper and, sometimes, double meanings. 
The Prequel Titles:
The Phantom Menace is most obviously Darth Maul, but can also be foreshadowing to the future that awaits the young Anakin Skywalker. Attack of the Clones pretty much sums up the clone army, but they aren’t the initial attackers, are they? So, it can also mean the droids that are so identical they look like clones. Revenge of the Sith is clearly Anakin’s revenge for… um… for thinking Padme was cheating with Obi Wan? I’m sorry that was the best of the prequel trilogy but that sudden turn to the bad needed a bit more. Revenge of the Sith could also be a deeper revenge for the prominence the Jedi had and what the Sith wanted. It was also a bit of a throwback to the fake title, Revenge of the Jedi.
The Original Trilogy Titles:
A New Hope is tricky because it didn’t receive it’s title until later. It was originally just called Star Wars. However, A New Hope is clearly Luke. He is not just a new hope for the rebellion but also for the Jedi and for his family. Remember, Star Wars is either a story about the Skywalker family or about two droids who seem to be indestructible. The Empire Strikes Back is fairly clear. It is the striking back against the fighting of the rebellion. This is likely the clearest title of the franchise. Return of the Jedi is kind of not accurate. Obi-Wan was a Jedi and was around not long before this, Yoda was still around for a while, and Luke was developing his skills with Yoda. Was there ever really a time when there were no Jedi?
The New Trilogy:
The Force Awakens is a bit tricky. Was it sleeping? Luke looked pretty tired at the end of the movie. All kidding aside, it is more likely that this was intended to allude to the force awakening in Rey as we see in her fight with Kylo Ren. It could also be the awakening of Luke to get back in to the fight. The Last Jedi instantly sparked debate at my dinner table. Who is the last Jedi? Is Luke the last Jedi because he was on that island and Kylo Ren murdered the others when he left the order? Or, is Rey the last Jedi? Titles like these are begging for lengthy debate and discussion. We will likely never get a solid answer. That is how this typically plays out, but that is okay. It’s part of the fun.
I am looking forward to seeing the next poster. The real poster. One of these years I would love to see them change the aesthetic. Star Wars posters always keep the same layout and feel. It is great for consistency, but it would be nice to see what new design they could come up with.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
The Case for Podcasts
Let me set the scene for you: You are commuting on a packed to the seams train and can’t reach your book. Or, you are at the gym and music is just not doing it for you today. Or, you are at work doing a mundane task (we all have them at some point, no matter your job) and need a more stimulating component to your day. What do you do? What is your best option? What is sometimes your first option because a new episode of your favorite show came out? Podcasts! 
    I love podcasts, and listen to them daily. There are so many great podcasts out there. No matter what you might be interested in, there is something for you. There are, of course, technology related podcasts, like the Accidental Tech Podcast, a.k.a. ATP. But, there are also podcasts related to everything from wrestling to pens, i.e. The Pen Addict. (Seriously… it is life-changing.) And, from starting a business to quitting your job, i.e. Quit. There are podcasts produced from large companies like The New York Times, NPR and the BBC. Then, there are also ones from newer podcast producing companies like The Incomparable, 5by5 and Relay FM. The variety of podcasts out there for your listening pleasure is unbelievably vast. From the informative to the entertaining to the thought provoking.
    I find it interesting how polarizing the topic of podcasts can be. When I mention to some people that I listen to podcasts I get very interesting reactions. Even if the person doesn’t say a word. It isn’t like saying “Oh, I’m listening to music”. Most people have really interesting, and even strange, reactions to the notion of podcasts. Sometimes I will get a dumbfounded face as if they have never heard of them. This can be understandable for some but podcasts are certainly not a new form of media. Podcasts became widespread in 2004 and have been featured on iTunes since the beginning. That is how I discovered them. Often, I will get a reaction that tells me, either verbally or by expression, that the person does not listen to podcasts and feels strongly about that, for some reason. I have even suggested podcasts to friends and sometimes been met with “I don’t listen to podcasts.” and a swift change of subject, or “Listening to podcasts is just about technology and doesn’t interest me.”, or even “That’s too high-tech for me. I don’t have time to figure it out.” But, podcasts come in all shapes and sizes, as noted above, and are extremely accessible to everyone.
    The first podcast I every listened to was from the BBC and it was the recordings of that day’s World Have Your Say. I listened to a few podcasts, at first, and I found The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show. It was so entertaining. I had to find more. I found Chris Hardwick at the Nerdist and Brad Dowdy and Myke Hurley at The Pen Addict. Yes, a podcast about pens and it is amazing! I discovered podcast networks like 5by5 and The Incomparable. Then, a new comer, RelayFM, which has become one of my favorite sources for discovering new podcasts. My other favorite resource? My podcast app of choice, Overcast, designed by Marco Arment, a podcaster and host of ATP. Who else would be better to design a podcast app than a podcaster? I continue to discover new podcasts and believe that is one of the best parts of being a listener. I recently discovered one related to being a foodie, Sporkful, another about urban legends, Lore, and even one that discusses the musical Hamilton. The ability to have a variety of topics and interests collected in one place and the passion of the people who produce them is part of what makes podcasts so enjoyable. Podcasters are some of the most passionate people on the internet. This is particularly true for the independent podcasters and those who have made it their full time job. Believing in their work really shows and makes fans of podcasts that much more interested and entertained.
    If you have never listened to a podcast I strongly encourage you to give it a try. Pick a topic in your mind. Something that interests you. Then go to iTunes and search it. Or, go to the top downloaded lists. Find a podcast in that area and listen. It will be worth it. Give it a shot. What do you have to lose? 
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Cars 3: Almost like Rocky?
The Cars 3 trailer has dropped on us and it looks awesome. It will be another great installment but, unfortunately, nothing can beat the original. A true classic! This one looks like it has a bit of a Rocky, under-dog tone to it, which can be kind of interesting. Hopefully, they take that under-dog story and elevate it a bit. The design of Lightning McQueen’s nemesis, Jackson Storm, has a bit of a Tron light cycle aesthetic. Hopefully, that is just from the quick first impressions and they didn’t pull that design from Tron too much.
One thing I really enjoy about the Cars movies is that they are timeless stories. They are truly some of the best animated movies to come out in recent years. They have a little bit of something for everyone and I hope Cars 3 will live up to its legacy. Of course, the animation looks like the great work we have become accustomed to seeing from Pixar. Overall, Cars 3 is looking like it is on the right track to being another hit for the studio.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Classic (-ish) TV Shows: Volume 2 --- Sliders
      The year was 1995 and it was quite a year for television. The History Channel was launched, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys first aired, Star Trek Voyager debuted on UPN (remember UPN?), Xena: Warrior Princess first aired and Sliders premiered. That’s the part I want to focus on today: Sliders, which first aired on March 22, 1995 and ran for five seasons, was one of the best shows to come out of the 1990s. The first three seasons were on Fox and the last two were on SciFi Channel, before it “transformed” in to Syfy. It was one of the best science fiction shows of the mid to late 1990s. It had all the great elements: including action, science, fantasy, adventure and a cast that meshed so well together you couldn’t help but feel a connection to them like you were part of the team. After the first episode aired an article in the Orlando Sentinel said “The show builds such good will, through its engrossing plot twists and its likable stars, that you sit back and enjoy the ride.” 
This post may include spoilers, but for a show that ended over sixteen years ago I don’t know if a spoiler warning makes sense anymore.
    The premise of Sliders was that there were an infinite amount of parallel worlds. Where you are still you but everything else is a little bit different, as the opening says. Can we all take a moment to remember a time when shows had real opening credits? It is something lost in today’s television. Why? For more advertising time? It surely isn’t for more storyline time. But, back to the topic…
    In the worlds of Sliders, green lights suddenly mean stop, Elvis can still be alive, geeks are the jocks of the world and adults over the age of thirty are second class citizens. A version of the Earth for every scenario that could happen to a situation. Quinn Mallory, played by Jerry O’Connell, is a highly intelligent college student who, while working on a machine in his San Francisco basement, inadvertently develops a portal to a parallel universe. While demonstrating this to a professor, Maximillian Arturo played by John Rhys-Davies, and his friend Wade Welles, played by Sabrina Lloyd, something goes wrong. When they jump through the portal it also pulls in a singer Rembrandt Brown, played by Cleavant Derricks. Before this scene, Quinn is visited by himself from another world, that wants to give him some pointers but isn’t able to finish telling him an important detail about the timer used to open the wormholes to go home. When Quinn, Arturo, Wade and Remy get to world in the state of nuclear winter they are supposed to stay for an extended period of time. Quinn, not knowing the potential repercussions, resets the timer to go through the wormhole to get back home sooner. This causes the setting to get out-of-wack. They come out of the wormhole to a world that looks similar to home but is very, very different. They need to keep sliding in order to find their way home. All of that, and the first episode wasn’t even halfway in. I could keep going. 
    The original four main cast members worked amazingly together and made the show what it was. Jerry O’Connell is a great lead and is perfectly supported by the amazing John Rhys-Davies, who was an unexpected addition to a sci-fi/fantasy show but a pleasant surprise. Sabrina Lloyd provides a vital role of the inquisitive best-friend who allows for the lead character to explain things to the audience. The believable friendship of O’Connell and Lloyd’s characters is another element of the show that makes it so great to watch. The curve ball of the group is soul-singer Remy, played by Cleavant Derricks. While unexpected, his character just works. Derricks and Rhys-Davies develop a type of bromance on the show, before we called it that. They really played well off each other and Derrick’s character has a great way of interacting with all of the characters. They all do, in fact. Each character has a unique connection and relationship to each of the others. It was part of what made the show work so well. While other actors came in, like O’Connell’s brother Charlie, and some left the show, like Rhys-Davies, the show was still compelling. That being said, this original cast was the best combination the show ever had. 
    Sliders was a show that could grab your imagination and keep you engaged episode after episode. The stories were compelling and entertaining. The first three seasons, by far, were the best. After the third season the show took a bit of downturn in storylines and lost its former glory. This is really surprising, given the move to SciFi Channel from Fox. In an article from Cult Times, in 1998, the decision behind this downturn was described to be an unfortunate move. “Unfortunately, to fulfill its enormous potential, Sliders would have to be revamped… Consequently, when the show’s third season premiered… viewers were treated to an action-adventure series which bore little resemblance to the show’s earlier offering.” While I don’t benchmark this change to season three, or at least not until the later half, this isn’t far off. The show was a fantastic show and it truly had the potential to have lasted even longer if it hadn’t been for that shift. Those first three seasons, though. They were gold! Amazing stories and wonderful acting. We need more shows like Sliders. 
Cult Times Article
Orlando Sentinel Article
IMDB - Sliders
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Movie Review - Passengers (Spoiler Free)
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt
Released: December 21, 2016
Rating: PG-13
Run Time: 1hr 56min
I took some of my vacation time and saw Passengers starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. Here is a quick review. There aren’t any spoilers. As part of my plan to post more content with greater diversity in topics I want to include more that are spoiler free for movies and television. I hope you all had a Happy New Year and great holiday season! I am excited for what this year has to offer and what I hope will be some great changes to the blog and where I want it to go. Enjoy!
The best part of the movie was how nice it flowed from scene to scene and between each element of the storyline. Lawrence and Pratt are wonderful together and are not only believable as a couple, but they are great as action co-stars. They both equally held their own in the major action sequences of the climax of the film. I really enjoyed the description and details provided for the Homestead company, which seems to have a monopoly on the colonization of other planets and has turned the endeavor into an extremely lucrative business. 
Pratt was very impressive at the beginning of the film, where he is alone with the exception of the android bartender played by Michael Sheen. It is difficult for some actors to be able to hold down a movie by themselves for an extended period of time and Pratt made it seem effortless. Speaking of effortless, Sheen was an excellent part of this movie. He was the right balance of computer program, companion and comedian. He handles his role so well and the combination of all three of these actors made for a great story. Lawrence Fishburne, as a deck chief awoken near the climax of the film, was also a nice edition but didn’t flow as well as the other three. His character was brought in to provide a useful tool and some important knowledge but his part was so quick it felt strange. It had a feeling of “wait… we need this information for our lead characters. bring in a crew member.” All of that being said, there were some negatives coming away from Passengers. Without giving any spoilers, as I want this to be a spoiler free review, the ending left me a bit disappointed and was the part I really thought could have been extended by another 20 minutes to really complete the film.
Overall, I have to say it was good. I did come away with some questions, as I said, and a feeling of wanting more, but some might say that is the sign of a good movie. “Always leave them wanting more.”, as the timeless saying goes. If you enjoy an entertaining science fiction movie that, in under two hours, is able to fit in some action, suspense, and a love story, I would recommend checking out Passengers if you are looking to go to the movies. 
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
REVIEW: The Walking Dead - Season 7 Episode 1
The premier of season 7 of The Walking Dead was this evening and it surpassed expectations. Everyone was on the edges of their seats, jumping off their chairs, screaming, gasping, crying, begging for it to end, and begin for it not to end.
That’s it for the intro because let’s get in to the review and, it goes with out saying….
The Suspense
Since the end of season 6 fans have been hunting for answers. We knew Negan killed someone. Fans analyzed the scene, the sneak peeks, the comics and the interviews with casts. Theories were thrown around and argued. Recently, we started hearing rumors that it was two people. The sneak peeks were released and more analysis and studying. People devoted hours and hours to figuring it out.
Throughout this episode we continued the suspense for over 15 minutes before we received the first answer. Fans on Twitter were screaming. Some were even wondering if we would find out this episode at all. The multiple flashbacks that Rick experienced added to the drama, suspense and pure emotion behind it all. When nothing happened after Abraham’s death we all breathed a hesitant sigh of relief and then… Glenn. 
Glenn was one of my favorite characters of not only The Walking Dead but of television as a whole. The suspense then continued with Carl and the potential loss of his arm at the hand of his father, Rick. I was in complete tears at this point and grasping a pillow. I think I can speak for fans everywhere when I say we all had a really high pulse this entire episode! It makes you wonder was precedent this sets for the rest of the season and future seasons of the show.
The Power Struggle
Ultimately, this episode was about power. It was about the fight for power between Negan and Rick. It was about Negan wanting to assert his power over Rick and Rick’s need to maintain power over his own emotions for the well-being of his “family”, if nothing else. By the end of the episode I was left wondering what makes Negan this way and what did he do before the zombie apocalypse. What makes a person grasp an opportunity to not only gain power, but also become sadistic and brutal? I believe this is something that will continue to develop throughout the season. 
Moving On
How will our group, our family, move on from what they just experienced? They have lost two amazing characters and one of which was part of the core characters and personalities of this show. Glenn was such an important part of The Walking Dead and of what made this show so amazing. The characters will need to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on from this in order to survive. Maggie will have the opportunity to move on and become stronger but will also have the opportunity to go the other direction and break-down. It will be necessary for her, and the others, to move on and stay strong, in order to overcome this adversary.
The group is facing it’s toughest adversary ever and will need to stay strong and together in order to overcome this toughest of tests. Picking up the pieces of what has happened with Abraham’s death, Glenn’s death, and Rick’s toughest choice.
Rest in Peace Glenn.
Rest in Peace Abraham.
You shall be missed.
It has been an honor.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
WooHoo! No more headphone jack!
I am happy the headphone jack is gone!
There. I said it. 
Okay, maybe that is a bit drastic. I should really say that I don’t care too much that the headphone jack is gone from the iPhone 7. I have been using bluetooth headphones for almost a year and I love it. Of course, I still use my non-bluetooth headphones from time-to-time. I have a great pair of Skullcandy I like to use when I want good surround acoustics while writing or watching something on my computer, a pair of older style behind the neck ones I use for the gym, and, of course, the standard Apple earbuds as a back-up in my everyday carry or in my desk at work.
 I discovered the need for bluetooth headphones a while ago. I loved the idea of not getting a tangled cord in my bag or pocket and not having issues with the cord getting snagged on anything. The final point for me was, after reading some blogs, how great it would be for my commute. I really enjoy not worrying about cords and being able to put my phone in my backpack and still listen to music or podcasts. If anyone remembers those pockets some backpacks have that allow you to leave your device in your bag and run your cord through a hole in the top? Those were awkward to say the least. I have not seen anyone actually use that little hole since middle school.
Bottom line… give it a chance. Don’t complain because you hope Apple will give in. Let’s face it. They won’t. Embrace the future! haha!
But, seriously, give it a chance. It will be hard to go back. And, for the love off all that is holy, don’t drill a hole in your new phone!
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Classic (-ish) TV Shows: VOLUME 1 --- Quantum Leap and My Brother
We all have those shows. The ones that make a difference in your life. The ones that have an impact on you and stay with you forever. The shows that change the way you act, think, and view the world. I write this blog for the love of these type of shows. The shows that changed my life and the shows that had THE impact. 
Here we have is one of my “classic” shows. I came of age in the 1990s, being born in the late 1980s, so most of my favorite shows are mainly from the 1990s/2000s. They are the ones that really affected me. They are shows like Quantum Leap (this installment), Sliders, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek Voyager, and so on. What makes them “classic”? Simple enough… they are no longer with us outside of the world of re-runs, DVD box-sets and Netflix. 
This series is something that is close to my heart. Let’s get to it…
My brother, Sean, introduced me to science fiction. One of my earliest memories is of watching Quantum Leap with him in our living room. I was probably in elementary school and he was explaining the concepts of the show to me. I was fascinated. The ability to go back in time and change anything was awe inspiring to elementary school me. By the time I was introduced to Quantum Leap it was living in reruns. The show, which began in 1989, was only on television for four years and was cancelled in 1993. Taken far too soon from us. I never cared about that. To me it was all new and absolutely amazing. 
Quantum Leap focused around the scientist, Sam Beckett, played by Scott Bakula. Beckett finds himself trapped in time, “leaping” from person to person and time period to time period. Beckett is being sent to “repair” history. The premise of the show is that he can not control where he goes and it was a consistent mystery of the show. Why that place? Why that time? Who is controlling the seemingly uncontrollable ride? The top theory was that it was a higher power. With the help of his team, Al (Dean Stockwell) and Ziggy, he figures out the puzzle of why he is in that place at that time and what he needs to fix. At first, Beckett is unable to remember or understand why he is there, because of his "swiss-cheese memory" from leaping. With Al's help he is able to rebuild much of his memory and work towards completing his goal and mission. The ultimate goal is to get back to his time and to his life. The show included storylines like the JFK assassination, protecting Marilyn Monroe, Beckett’s brother’s death in Vietnam, and the creation of Michael Jackson’s moonwalk. It also covered social issues like infidelity.
So why would a little kid, no more than 6 years old when introduced to this show, be so interested and so fascinated? I would ask my brother questions about what was happening with the leaping and the sci-fi portion of the show. But, I would also be fascinated by the history and cultural challenges the show faced. Looking back, I learned so much from this show and it influenced my later fascination with history. It also deepened my bond with my brother. Many have said an 8 and a half year age difference must have made it difficult for us to build a relationship, but it is shows like Quantum Leap that helped that to develop. He taught me about the scientific theories of time-travel as it related to the show. He explained the conspiracy theories of JFK’s death and the importance of John Lennon. Some of the best memories of my childhood are with my brother in our living room watching Quantum Leap, Star Trek, Sliders, SG-1, and SeaQuest DSV. Those moments helped make me who I am and, no matter what, I will treasure those moments and these shows forever.
Quantum Leap on IMDB
Quantum Leap on NBC
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Gigahoes - Comedians Bring Sex Robots to Life... Again!
Imagine this, if you will… you get home from a long day at work. You pour a glass of (insert relaxing/alcoholic beverage here) and open your computer to decompress on YouTube for a bit. What do you go to? So many options… videos of epic fails? Vlogging? Top ten lists?
Then, like the light at the end of a funny, sexually charged tunnel, you find a show about an escort service of sex robots. That’s right. Adam Lash and Kevin Gilligan are preparing to bring us season 2 of their hilarious and sexually awkward mockumentary, Gigahoes!
When I first wrote about Gigaoes, back in January 2015, I thought it was smart and funny, and that was just with one episode. I later watched the whole first season and couldn’t wait for more. Lash and Gilligan have given us a gem of an internet show and want to bring us another season. They have launched a Kickstarter campaign, ending on August 5th, 2016, in order to get the funds to bring an even better season of the show. Season one, according to the video on the Kickstarter page, was made on a “shoe-string budget” and the creators want to provide fans with a better quality show; using better cameras and a bigger crew. Hey, who doesn’t like some good old fashioned job creation?
For those who don’t know, Gigahoes is set in the mid-2030s and focuses around Steven (played by Gilligan) and the sex robot escort service/family business he inherited, Artificial Intercourse. The show lends itself very well to the mockumentary style is portrayed in and provides a raw look at the behind the scenes of Artificial Intercourse. “Having sex with a human can be funny. Having sex with a robot is hilarious.’ said co-creator Adam Lash. If you haven’t checked out Gigahoes yet go check it out and, if you like it, support them and the creation of season 2. “Season 2 is going to be bigger and better, with new escort calls, new robots, and shocking revelations!”, says Lash.
Kickstarter Campaign 
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Custom Keyboard - Gboard
I must admit that I have been on the more skeptical side of things when it comes to the custom keyboard you can have on iOS. I tried a few when the option was first launched and was not a big fan of it. Now, I have found the keyboard that has changed my views on this completely. The keyboard I am writing the first draft of this very review on my iPhone 6s. That keyboard is Gboard. The Google Keyboard for iOS. I downloaded it the first day it came out and have been using it ever since. I absolutely love it and have even gotten friends into it. Anyone I talk to has said that they love using it and when the default keyboard comes on, which happens far too often with Apple, it feels weird and uncomfortable. So what makes GBoard such a must have?
It has a clean interface. Appearance is a big part of the choice to use any app. When it comes to a keyboard the appeal of the interface, ease of use and options are extremely important. Particularly if you use your phone for a variety of tasks. 
Performance is arguably the most important criteria in choosing a keyboard. If it is slow or delayed or crashes you won't want to use it and it will slow down your productivity, not to mention annoy you. The Gboard performance is excellent. It's fast and responsive. You can even glide to type, though not my type of thing. It offers suggestions and quick button response. All keyboards take a bit of getting used to and Gboard was no different. But that process went very quickly and the whole thing seems so natural now. 
Features are key to a keyboard and that is one of the things that sold me on Gboard. You can easily do Google search in the keyboard and copy links without ever changing screens. You can also easily add gifs and images, which my friends think I have become a bit obsessed with. Having these kinds of features that work properly are key to a good keyboard and making it so you set yourself apart from the others. 
Google is a support powerhouse in many ways. They are a company you know builds good products and, if they keep then around, maintain them. I don't want to use a service that gets thrown up on the app store and never touched again, which is all too common with free apps. 
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Top Five: Apps for iPhone
I don’t know about all of you, but my phone is always with me. No matter your opinion about whether this is what will lead to the end of civilization or not, it is a fact of life that most of us live this way. We use our phones for everything. We use them for work and play, productivity and goofing around, shopping and paying bills. While we all have many apps (maybe too many at times) there are those that we always jump to. Our most used apps. Here is a list of the top five apps I use and why. Why did I choose five? Seemed like a manageable number. Why iPhone and not Android? Because… Apple.
5. Wunderlist
What makes it a top app: I’ve written about Wunderlist before. I used to use Todoist, another good task app, but Wunderlist’s versatility is what attracted me to it and what keeps me using the service. The ability to keep lists separate and have sub-tasks, notes and attachments makes this service one of the most useful task managers. Not to mention the fact that you can access it on the web, which is great for my day-job, too.
Why number five: I use the app a lot and it is a quick interface that makes it simple and fast. It is just a very smooth experience. That being said, I don’t use it more than a couple of times a day from my phone. I use the Mac app or website far more often.
4. 1Password
What makes it a top app: Nowadays every site has a password. This leaves you with two options: first, use the same password which makes you extremely vulnerable to hackers, or you can get 1Password. It keeps everything in one, secure place. It is easy to use and touch ID makes it even easier. I currently only store passwords, but you have the option to store secure notes, credit cards and other identity information as well.
Why number four: The app is easy to use with a simple and straight to the point interface. I use it at least once a day, if not more, and don’t even have the Mac app.
3. Fantastical
What makes it a top app: One of the main reasons we all keep our phones on us is to stay organized. Wunderlist helps with tasks, 1Password keeps us sane and Fantastical keeps us on schedule. Fantastical has a reliable calendar and multiple view options. My favorite part of the app is the ability to simple write something like “doctor’s appointment at 5pm on Monday for 30 minutes” and it will put in a doctor’s appointment at 5pm to 5:30pm on Monday, April 25th. Simple. 
Why number three: Fantastical keeps me on time and I use it all day. I have it linked to Google, where I keep my personal and website related events, and my Outlook, for work. I very rarely, if ever, have a problem using the app. The iPad one is great, too, and they recently added new features to the Mac app.
2. Citymapper
What makes it a top app: Citymapper is most-often the first app I open in the morning. It keeps me on time and is very versatile. The app is a great service for anyone who commutes or uses public transit to get around your city. Citymapper is continuously adding new cities and currently supports commuters in 31 cities around the world; including Boston, Hong Kong, New York, Rome and Tokyo.
Why number two: It is the first app I open in the morning and you know you have a good app on your hands when you feel lost without it in bad signal areas on the subway.
1. Overcast
What makes it a top app: I love podcasts. I used to use the Apple podcast player and tried a few others over the years. Nothing beats Overcast’s interface and reliability. There are also many cool features, including, my favorite, Smart Speed and the ability to adjust the speed beyond that. The app even tracks how much time you have saved from using Smart Speed. I have been using the app for all of my podcast listening for a little over a year and have saved 59 hours. The app is always being kept up to date and recently added a patron option allowing you to support the app. This comes with a couple of cool features, including the dark theme for the interface.
Why number one: If Citymapper is the first app I open, Overcast is typically the second. Unlike Citymapper, which I may not use 7 days a week, I use Overcast every day. I currently subscribe to 35 podcasts and I only use this app to listen to them. 
So that’s the top five iPhone apps. There are a couple of honorable mentions, however. I use Reeder almost daily for RSS, but use the Mac app more. I also like Quartz for some light news consumption.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 8 years
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Official Teaser Trailer Released
It has arrived! Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is here. Well, almost here. 
The teaser trailer for the prequel to Star Wars: A New Hope was released this week and it looks awesome. One of the most fundamental components of the original Star Wars trilogy was the obtaining of the plans for the Death Star. This mission received a few mentions in A New Hope and a brief blurb in the opening scroll for the film. While there has always been fan speculation of what happened and how, nothing has ever been solidified within the official universe. So, it goes without saying that this movie has a big reputation to live up to. This adds to the fact that it is outside the “standard” Star Wars mold of a trilogy. 
After the success of The Force Awakens, the Disney-owned Star Wars franchise is continuing with the strong female lead in the form of Felicity Jones playing Jyn Erso. Jyn is a rebel without a cause kind of character here and there is absolutely some tension with respect to the circumstances around her role within the mission to obtain the plans and within the rebellion as a whole. It will be interesting to see how her role plays out, especially since we need to believe in her as a character and, hopefully, as someone to root for. All fans love a hero. One wonders if Jyn is, in fact, our hero in this movie. The trailer also begins to introduce us to other new characters, who may or may not be part of Jyn’s team. 
What do I like about this trailer? The fact that it doesn’t really feel like a pointless teaser telling me the movie will exist at some point, which can be the potential issue with teasers as a concept. It gives us a taste of the story. Let’s hope that subsequent trailers don’t give away too much of the story.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story comes to theaters December 2016.
 Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 9 years
Review: The Adventures of Merlin - A must watch.
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In 2008 the BBC premiered a show which promised to show viewers where it all began. Where the legends and myths lead way to tales of honor and magic. The tale of King Arthur, and the sorcerer Merlin, is an old one. As a child, I read the books, watched the movies. As a teenager, I was fascinated and delved deeper in to the mythos that is Arthur and Merlin. The Once and Future King, by T.H. White remains one of my favorite books of all time. All of the movies, cartoons, and books focused on Arthur. The boy who became king because of sword and a stone. The allure of The Adventures of Merlin is that the focus is on Merlin. His perspective, his complexities. Of course, Merlin is a show that diverged from the more widely accepted mythos behind the tale of Arthur. Despite that, it fits beautifully into the stories and myths behind the legendary duo. Elements from the historic legends remain present in this telling of Merlin and Arthur.
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Truth be told, I did not watch the show when it first aired and cannot for the life of me explain why. Thanks to Netflix, I have watched the entire series from start to finish and will say that I missed out on experiencing it the first time. The Adventures of Merlin is a must watch for any fan of the legends and myths of King Arthur, Merlin and Knights of the Round Table. The youthful perspective demonstrated in this show is refreshing rather than off-putting, as can sometimes happen in a youthful retelling of an iconic legend. While it tells the stories of their adventures it encompasses all of the elements we value in the original stories. We see the formation of the Round Table and the love story of Arthur and Guinevere. The evil Morgana and Mordred are both present and add to the rollercoaster of emotions this show brings out of it’s viewers. While there is a great deal of action and swordplay there is also an element of playfulness about the show. In a single episode you can go from laughing to crying to cheering and it all fits together beautifully. This review has intentionally omitted spoilers because you should enjoy it for yourself and enjoy the moments for the first time, though you may find yourself with a sense of familiarity from the stories and legends of your childhood.
———————————— Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2016
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zonezerogeek · 9 years
Weekend Update (Issue #2)
New App I’m Using: Notes
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Like everyone who has had an iPhone I have dabbled in the Notes app from the beginning. It just never offered the things I needed most in a note-taking app. After trying many alternatives, I eventually settled on Evernote for all of my note taking needs because of the syncing functionality. When the Notes app was updated recently I was still pretty skeptical. After hearing some good things about the app I began testing the functionality of the app with regard to syncing and the ability to add quick notes, something that Evernote is not as good for. I have been using it all week for my quick notes and for working on blog outlines. I have to say I am impressed. The simplicity is great for those quick notes and for the ease of syncing.
My issue with Evernote is that while it is still a great app for storing information and keeping track of things, it has become complicated. There are a lot of great functions within Evernote but the main thing that keeps me there is the syncing, the various options for notes (which are particularly useful for work) and ability to access from a PC (which I use for work) without much difficulty and a with a nice interface. I keep a lot of lists and notes that I regularly update for work and need the access on a PC. At first, I thought it would be complicated with using both apps, but I have really been able to easily work the Notes app into my workflow. I think it is the simplicity of the interface and the ease of syncing that allows for that. I recommend giving the updated Notes app a try.
New Show: Into the Badlands
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Into the Badlands, a new show in the Sunday line-up of AMC, premiered last week. This show is good and has the potential to be great. There are absolutely some corny parts but it goes with the territory of this type of show. The martial arts sequences are everything you would expect; well executed and extremely choreographed. But, that’s all forgivable because the post-apocalyptic storyline and cool visuals are worth it. I highly recommend watching Into the Badlands. At least, give it a try if you are the least bit interested because it offers a lot of potential.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek​ for updates, live tweeting and more!
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2015
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zonezerogeek · 9 years
Weekend Update (Issue 1)
It has been a while since I have stayed on the regular schedule for the blog. I am sorry for that. Now that my life and day-to-day schedule has begun to normalize I can start to get back to a normal schedule again. What better way to get back to the fun stuff than adding a new segment. This is the debut of the Weekend Update. I’ll cover new apps I’m trying, shows, movies, news and more.
“New” App of the Week: Wunderlist
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Wunderlist is far from a new app but it is new to me. Up until a week or so ago I was a firm believer in Todoist, which is still a good app. A coworker suggested Wunderlist would be worth a try. I have been actively using it for a week and it has been an easy transition. When you are moving to a new app that holds your professional, personal and blogging life, you want it to be as easy as possible. The different features took a little while to get used to but once I did, it was great.
There are a lot of great features in Wunderlist. It, of course, has a lot of the usual features in to-do apps; separate projects, due dates, reminders and so on. But, it also has more available for free, but you can pay for more features, it has great Mac, PC and iOS apps along with a easy to use website, and it has great personalization features. Why are the personalization features important? Well, if you are going to work on something that will be so much a part of your daily life don’t you want it to be aesthetically pleasing and something that just makes life simpler? That is the whole point of productivity apps like Wunderlist: simplicity, so you can get back to doing the things you love and don’t get bogged down in the complicated systems that can sometimes take over you life.
Wunderlist is available on iOS, Android, Mac and PC. This versatility only adds to it’s appeal. I highly recommend you give Wunderlist a try for your task management needs.
Tech News Round Up:
There have been some great things going on in technology this week; including the iPad Pro, Apple TV and Twitter’s new updates. Here are some links to great stories/reviews:
The MacStories iPad Pro Review: https://www.macstories.net/stories/ipad-pro-review/
The Verge Apple TV Review: http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/28/9630952/new-apple-tv-4-review
Mashable’s Coverage of Twitter’s Hearts: http://mashable.com/2015/07/31/twitter-ios-hearts-stars/#h9hc0n9bsEqg
Star Wars The Force Awakens has a new TV spot: 
Into The Badlands series premiere, tonight after The Walking Dead: 
In music: I love soundtracks! This blog post was written to the sounds of the awesome John Williams’ Hook soundtrack.
Thanks for reading! Check back for more of your favorite geek news, reviews and more! Follow me on twitter at @zonezerogeek​ for updates, live tweeting and more! 
© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2015
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