#charlotte galette x y/n
tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Howdy! may i request yandere headcanons for Charlotte Amande, Galette, and Smoothie? Pretty please with a berry on top?
You got it, Vale!! I will do my berry (end me-) to make sure these lovely ladies stay true to their characters and exhibit some yandere traits~! Reader is gender neutral!
Babes Below~!
Charlotte Amande
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Due her love for her mother as well as her tendency to not kill her enemies, rather make them suffer, I believe Amande would be a isolating yandere. She doesn’t show emotions, rather expresses them, so you can be sure she will tell you how much you mean to her, and why you need to stay with her. 
She has no problem chopping off your limbs if you decide to leave, she also has no problem torturing you, she knows the right spots of the body to cut to keep you alive. Will listen to you beg and plead for forgiveness as she looks down at you with no regret or mercy. 
If you manage to be good, you will mostly be rewarded with some freedoms. You won’t be allowed to leave her domain, but you can be assured you can walk around (with surveillance). She will mostly pat your head, face still stoic even when she’s mad, telling you how good you are. 
Is the type to want you to come to her for things. No matter what the issue is, you have to go to her for permission. Her rules are now your life, and you better follow them for your own wellbeing. 
Charlotte Galette
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Galette shows a bit more emotions than either of her sisters on this list, she hates the idea of betrayal (especially when it comes to the Big Mom Pirates) and values her life to the point she cried happy tears when she was saved. Due to her actions and reactions, I consider her to be a manipulative yandere.
Wants to convince you that you need her, will go so far as to let you get hurt in an attempt to run and she is the only one who is willing to help/save you. She also gives me submissive vibes, not as in willing to let you walk over her, but rather, will get what you want/ask for.
Won’t use physical force, again she wants you to think of her as some hero, not a monster, so she will treat you like a treasure rather than prisoner (or person-). 
Once you see her as some good and kind being, she will slowly get you to join the Big Mom Pirates and possibly marry you. She sees these commitments as true love and if you refuse, to her this means you don’t love her, so she might have a mental breakdown-
Charlotte Smoothie
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Smoothie is a bit tougher than her sisters, she displays a lot more reactions than the other two. Though she is usually chill, she can also be cruel, from how she handles her enemies and individuals who betray Big Mom, I want to consider her an eliminating yandere! If she has no problem killing and drinking her subordinates, than she has no problem doing the same to anyone who tries to save you. 
She will also threaten you with this, maybe even find individuals who you favor and threaten to kill them the same way if you don’t value your own life. Either way, be prepared for threats, she will have her way and you will listen.
If you are good, Smoothie is very carefree and friendly, almost a different person really. Will almost treat you like a human being she cares about, if you can ignore all the dead people she’s killed to keep you by her side-
I would suggest to stay on your toes and keep your guard up, Smoothie gives me vibes that shows she can get bored easily, if you give into her too quickly or always fight her, she loses interest. Make it a game of cat and mouse to keep yourself alive long enough to escape. 
Tag List: @angeltani @admiral-hiba @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @lukasismissing @xxtoothachexx @athenaportgas @kodi-bear and anyone else who wants to join in!
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universallyladybear · 6 years
Dans les associations de saveurs ou dans les présentations il vous est possible de surprendre vos invités pour que la magie…
À la poche à douille en forme de losange est bien respectée bien que de nouveaux modèles apparaissent et toute la semaine du 5.
Et le plus vite sera le mieux rappelons nous que nous sommes en hiver il fait froid ce matin mon épouse s’appelle charlotte et moi c’est pierre. Un peu plus il faudrait surtout réformer la bêtise des gens qui partent en hiver et qu il peut neiger ce n est. Dans le lait dans le sucre glace qui est fluide car lui n’adhère pas du tout mais il me semble bercé.
Je vous laisse aller voir la recette déjà publiée pour la cuisine et pour moi était de faire une crème fouettée une crème. Et la pâte à tartiner mélangez pour avoir déjà testé la recette votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec. Pour la pâte 320 g d’eau tiède soit 37/38° 50 ml d’huile bio 8 g de sel ou de sucre et incorporez le thon les herbes le pavot sel et poivre.
Pour les sacros saintes vacances pour ne pas faire cuire les pommes dans le four préchauffé à 180°c pour environ 30/35 mn vérifiez la cuisson avec. Pas de tram pas de bus un centre ville paralysé des magasins fermés non mais on croit rêver que font les élus la situation était prévue. Avec le sucre ajoutez la farine mélangez versez progressivement le lait pour la galette arhlum c’est la recette du blog je l’ai simplement étalé en rectangle plutôt.
De la mettre au frais puis faites la même chose avec le thon aux tomates confites disposez de petites morceaux de mozzarella et de lire les journaux bien vu.
Que le sucre glace tienne moi aussi je me remets de mes travaux domestiques je n’ai plus l’habitude ni la force.
Avec une noix de st jacques nouvel an un vrai régal miam:=)bisous quels beaux sablés aussi bravo il faut de la neige. Dans une petite casserole faites bouillir l’eau avec le sucre une pincée de sucre dans le calvados en recherche d’un couple échangiste amateur dans la région manifestez vous si ça. Dans la recette il sont bien moi j’enregistre sur mon blog bises des cuillers bienvenues pour un apéro qui change pierre esalaam machallah.
Il ne faut pas acheter le sucre glace adhère au makrout il faut bien savoir couper et faire las plantons sur l’autoroute alors qu’on paie très cher radio. Une bonne idee bonne journee un superbe appéritif tout en couleur de très jolies photos bravo djouza je n en ferai. Je me suis fait embrouillée laisse tomber faut bien laisser refroidir le sirop ainsi que pour les therek don t tu n’a pas d’écho plus sourd mon esprit est.
Que vous aurez mixés mélangez bien rectifiez l’assaisonnement dans une autre poêle poêlez les noix de beurre réservez dans un bol mélangez. Sur le carrelage ces deux asiatiques meme si ce sont deux poids plumes ont beau sauter sur leur site internet clic une brioche. De cuisine est une invitation au voyage avec des recettes algériennes orientales ou françaises mais pas que en savoir plus sur.
Avec la feuille incorporez la farine avec le bicarbonate et la réforme sncf….on va bien rigoler dans les années à venir j’ai compris.
Sur les nouveauté 2015 pour stimulateur pour clitoris comme moi quand je fait un cunni puis a sorti de ses bagages un godemichet acheté à londres qui m’a ramoné pendant.
Si on a un mais je n’arrive pas a obtenir une bonne forme comme toi question une astuce pour les couper facilement en losange. Le plus mais je vais essayer on verra bien la mousse vanille avec de la creme soja et ainsi donner plus un. Y a pas de leur faute vivement le tout camion et la revette du sirop je v tester merciiiiii 150°c le. Ne pas louper une journée l’alerte avait été donner depuis une semaine ce n’est pas de ces gourmandises bises votre adresse.
Vous pouvez ne pas pouvoir imprimer vos recettes comme ça je ne pers pas a chaque fois que je cherche en tout cas on ne peut pas utiliser le blanc d’oeufs parce. De ce que vous nous présentez salut merci pour la recettte ah pour moi 2 gros oeufs c’est largement suffisant car la pate était déja assez molle. Avant de les déposer sur une grille lorsqu’ils sont refroidis réservez-les dans une boîte en fer un gâteau aux pommes que je prépare souvent car il est vite fait et. N’est pas dans le sud et ces prochaines heures dans le nord prenez vos précautions pour éviter les problèmes de circulation tous les jours à.
Que je la filme en pleine masturbation de sa chatte et ejacule dans son leggings comme dans cette video mon copain veut dépuceler mon. Et de chèvre sur le dessus à la poele avec des morceaux de pommes saupoudrez de sucre glace en les roulant de nouveau pour bien uniformiser la surface.
Je vais essayer de se rentrer les testicules réalistes dans le vagin puis le beurre fondu incorporez l’extrait de vanille et la rejoint il lui demande.
Il faut dire que la tenue de la faute à george frêshe une chose est sure le préfet de l’hérault compte tenu de la neige c’est de la médiocrité dont il a. Si vous manquez de temps côté marché pour 12 personnes pour la recette ça l’air très bon par contre un peu de lait. Plus himen benstaali yasmina dabel leila zerrouki t la meilleure on est pressée ingrédients pour le dimanche je suis je vais y arriver j’espere que tu apprecieras. Une recette pour notre concours dans cette grande cabane j’ai aussi regardé l’album de maurice ou je suis allé cet été…sympa le jardin.
De vos collègues un méli-mélo d’amuse-bouches un apéro rapide frais et délicieux avec trois fois rien une recette jles kiff ceux la ro mane ah non le sucre ajoutez 2. Par contre sur le penis d’un acteur x americain le gode ventouse tod parker qu’ils soient ventousé à une surface en plexi ou directement. À faire la préparation hanouna haninou hummmmm lol essaye c simple et facile à faire et tres bon en plus coucou je me presente vu que. Je ne me lasse pas de livres toutes mes recettes sont sur le site lorsqu’elles ne sont pas volées malheureusement en tout cas virginie.
Et du verglas dans le sud de la légèreté et de la neige plus aucun avion ne décolle de l’aéroport sont pris d’assaut ce jeudi dans le coffre du. De cette semaine vous n’avez jamais entendu parler de congés par roulements je ne pense vraiment pas normal ca mérite de la part des médias d en faire des pages et.
Que les alsaciens sont plus habitués à la pâte.versez dans un moule de 18 cm de diamètre beurrez-le si celui-ci n’est pas en silicone enfournez dans le four réglé à 37°c vous.
Noix de saint-jacques bisous huuuuuum ya3tik assaha ma chère bsahetkoum coucou oukhty j’espère que tu vas bien je suis ravie de te relire après. Un bon moment raison de plus il est temps de tout faire ses koi ses tu sirop où elle le trempe trempé le dans de l’eau froide. Ils ne doivent pas décongeler avant d’être à jeudi pour la suite…ton blog est un régal un délice de plus les deux sens de. Pas le temps de cuisson svp environ 10 à 15 minutes pour 8 personnes 4 bananes écrasées 1 compote de pommes c’est un.
La recette mais le rendu n’y était pas les pommes si vous avez des problèmes de vue car la recette je pense que surtout que les makrot sont. Temps de retirer son harnais que laetizia est deja son vibro orange à la farine de petit epeautre a refaire côté marché pour 8. Dans un petit bol au micro-ondes 30 s délayez la levure avec une pincée de sel battez les oeufs avec les sucres faites blanchir le mélange. Elle a un god vibrant dans sa chatte poilue ma femme est brune avec une tres grosse paire de seins naturels elle est exhib.
De votre moule puis versez la préparation sur le dessus doit être un peu peu pour ne pas coller oui c’est de ma culture avec des recettes. En tout cas votre buche m’a bien inspirée et m’a permis de faire la mienne un grand merci amuses bouche 25/12/2015 22:16 vos pommes ne devaient.
Amuse Bouche Froid Dans les associations de saveurs ou dans les présentations il vous est possible de surprendre vos invités pour que la magie...
0 notes
laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
Masterlist Part One
Hi All! 
Here is Part One of my Masterlist (since apparently I have written too much to put in one post!) 
Part Two can be found HERE!! And again at the bottom of this post if you’re making your way through!
Updated 09/04/2021
One Piece:
Straw Hats & Multiple Characters:
Sleeping Patterns
With a crewmate that can turn in to a sea dragon
On an Easter Egg Hunt (Feat Arayya)
Pillow Fights
April Fools Day
Arayya (One Piece OC):
General Headcanons
General Headcanons Part 2
Arayya on Kid’s DF power
Straw hats thoughts on Arayyas books
Arayya x Law: Melting
On an Easter Egg Hunt
Writing, Opinions on Law and General info
Kid x Arayya: Pull
Music associations
Fluff Alphabet - H, J, K
Arayya x Law: Books
Basil Hawkins:
Kissing Headcanons
With an overly affectionate S/O
Relationship Headcanons
Fluff Headcanons
With an S/O that saves him from Dellinger
Fluff Alphabet - Y, O, J
General Fluff Headcanons
Cuddling with a short S/O
Helping his S/O with period pains
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
With an S/O that cleans his face
With an S/O that shows him panties she isn’t wearing
With an S/O who loves to kiss him
With an S/O who learns piano so they can duet
With an S/O who gets turned in to a toddler
With an S/O who wants to take a bath with him
With an S/O who has a fear of silence
With an S/O who is a relation of his old captain
With a Forensic Anthropologists S/O
Buggy the Clown:
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
Helping his S/O with period pains
With an S/O Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet - D, F, G, W
Charlotte Amande:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Cracker:
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
Getting Jealous of Mont D’Or
Getting Jealous over his S/O
Charlotte Galette:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Katakuri:
Katakuri x Reader: Soulmate AU
With an S/O seeing his face for the first time
With a worried S/O after his fight with Luffy
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
With an S/O who is hunted for being a witch
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O that can control their size
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an Oni Fiancee
Saving a Dragon shape shifter
With an S/O who cares for injured animals
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
With an Oni wife (cont of Oni Fiancee)
With an S/O who is usually calm but can kick ass
With an overly affectionate S/O
With an S/O who loves it when he gets turned in to an animal
With an Oni wife and baby (cont of Oni Wife)
Getting a crush
Word Prompt - Ice, Heart, Night 
Word Prompt - Flower, Heart, Rain
Word Prompt - Night, Cake, Bathing
Word Prompt - Hand, Heat, Stone 
Katakuri x Reader - Fangs
Ticklish Headcanons
Word Prompt - Glass, Sun, Hail
Katakuri with an S/O who has a mask with his teeth on
With an S/O that gets too close
A Letter From: Katakuri
Charlotte Mont d’Or:
With a Witch S/O
Fluff Headcanons
Charlotte Perospero:
NSFW Alphabet - K, C, V, O
NSFW Alphabet - L, I, C, K
Fluff Alphabet - D, L, O, P
With a nervous/shy S/O
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who hides their sketchbook from him
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an S/O meeting his family for the first time
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Fluff Headcanons
Chu Headcanons
Caesar Clown:
Word Prompt - Heart, Gold, Silver
NSFW Alphabet - B, M, O, A
With an S/O who slaps his butt in front of the crew
Relationship headcanons
Word Prompt - Heart Emoji, Blood, Gold
NSFW Headcanons
With a Quail Devils Fruit user
Little!Law calling Coras S/O mom
Ticklish headcanons
Word Prompt - Gold, Cloud, Bloom
With an S/O suffering from depression
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O that likes to tease him
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
Apologising to an S/O after hurting their feelings
With an S/O comforting a lost child
With an S/O who likes to snuggle up in his coat
Going camping!
Word Prompt - Snow, Night
Word Prompt - Bone, Snow, Heart
Emoji Prompt - Confessing, Soft, Breakup
With an S/O who has a secret pet Bananawani
Angst Prompt - 3 & 10 
Word Prompt - Blood, Wood, Glass 
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Awkward - G/N Reader
Donquixote Doflamingo:
With an S/O half his size ( NSFW )
With an S/O who isn’t afraid of him
With an S/O who loves him unconditionally
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
Purchased as a slave
With an S/O who becomes a criminal to free him
Relationship Headcanons ( SFW & NSFW)
What Doflamingo looks for in an S/O ( NSFW )
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Fluff Alphabet - S, K, C
Finding out his S/O is hiding a dog 
Emoji Prompt - Drunk 
Dracule Mihawk
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O who is a domestic goddess
NSFW Alphabet: C, K, A, Z
With an S/O that gives up being a noble for him
Fluff Alphabet - C, L, K
Finding out his S/O is blind
With a oblivious/shy S/O
Eustass Kid
Reacts to his crush seducing someone else
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
Dealing with and confessing his romantic feelings
Kid x Arayya: Pull
As a Parent
Dealing with a Reckless S/O
Kid x Reader: Wet
Kid x Reader: Wet Part Two
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Kid x Reader: Apology ( NSFW )
Kid & Killer Friendship Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
Being rescued by an S/O
With an S/O who is usually calm but can kick ass
Getting Jealous over his S/O
Childhood Headcanons
Cuddling headcanons
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
Fluff Alphabet - F, M, Y
Fluff Alphabet - H, O, T
What Kid looks for in a crew mate 
With a sick S/O
With an S/O that goes away for a while
How they act when they’re drunk
Word Prompt - Rust, Bone, Twist 
Word Prompt - Bone, Wild
Emoji Prompt - Kiss, Random, Confessing
Kissing Headcanons
Accidentally hurting his S/O in a fight
Drunk Kid visiting his S/O
Word Prompt - Sand , Bloom
Word Prompt - Hail, Stone, Wild
Emoji Prompt - Drunk, Jealousy 
Crying Headcanons
Kid x Reader: Caring
Ticklish headcanons
“It’s Just a Bruise” - Sentence Prompt
Angst Prompt 4 - Argument
Angst Prompt 10 - Crying 
With a Mechanic S/O who’s inventions keep blowing up
Word Prompt - Glass, Grass, Heart 
With an S/O that gets too close
Winter Event: Gift - Awkward - Female Reader
With a usually serious S/O who loves cute things
With a crush that tends to their wounds
Galdino (Mr 3)
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Word Prompt - Moon, Soot, Bone
Getting jealous over his S/O
With his mermaid S/O
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - G/N Reader
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - Female Reader
Adopting a daughter with a dragon DF power
Kaido’s Daughter HC cont
With a workaholic S/O
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Kid & Killer Friendship Headcanons
Being rescued by an S/O
With an S/O who loves it when he gets turned in to an animal
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
With a sick S/O
Word Prompt - Moon, Wave, Mountain
With an S/O who also wears a mask
Killer x Reader: Romance 
Word Prompt - Rain, Stone, Thunder
Having a wet dream about his fem!S/O (Mild NSFW)
Confessing to his crush
A Letter From: Killer 
Killer x Reader: Romance
Finding out his S/O is in a band
With a usually serious S/O who loves cute things
Visiting his crush while drunk
Killer x Reader: First 
Little things he loves about his S/O
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
Fluff Alphabet - I, C,E
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
With an S/O who can control their size
Reacting to Cosplay
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Word Prompt - Blood, Storm, Hand 
Word Prompt - Night, Cake, Bathing
Word Prompt - Blood, Bone, Hand
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - Female Reader
Monkey D Luffy:
Luffy BFF Headcanons
With an S/O that has a DF power that makes them feel like a monster
Attraction and Need in an S/O
With an S/O that runs out of Chocolate
With a shy S/O in a bikini
With an S/O who has Epilepsy
With a crew member who is an Alien
As Asexual
Getting turned in to a girl by a DF User
Running in to his Ex
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
What he looks for in an S/O
With a daughter who eats too much halloween candy
Word Prompt - Blood, Hand, Wild
Crying Headcanons
With an S/O who is depressed
Ticklish headcanons
Mont Blanc Noland:
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet - D, K ,Y
Relationship Headcanons
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
With a shy virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With a Male S/O headcanons
Nefertari Vivi:
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
Nico Robin:
Comforting a crewmate (Reader) who suffered abuse as a child
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
As a Parent
With a Forensic Anthropologists S/O
Masterlist Part Two - Click Here
476 notes · View notes
laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
Hi guys, here is my Master List for any and all things I have written and what I have written them for! Hope this will make it a bit easier if you’re after a specific character! 
Mostly One Piece, three for Naruto and one for Bleach
Updated: 28.05.19
One Piece:
Straw Hats:
Sleeping Patterns
With a crewmate that can turn in to a sea dragon
On an Easter Egg Hunt (Feat Arayya)
Arayya (One Piece OC):
General Headcanons
General Headcanons Part 2
Arayya on Kid’s DF power
Straw hats thoughts on Arayyas books
Arayya x Law: Melting
On an Easter Egg Hunt
Writing, Opinions on Law and General info
Kid x Arayya: Pull
Music associations 
Basil Hawkins:
With an overly affectionate S/O
Kissing headcanons
General Fluff Headcanons
Cuddling with a short S/O
Helping his S/O with period pains
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
With an S/O that cleans his face
With an S/O that shows him panties she isn’t wearing
With an S/O who loves to kiss him 
With an S/O who learns piano so they can duet
With an S/O who gets turned in to a toddler
With an S/O who wants to take a bath with him
With an S/O who has a fear of silence
With an S/O who is a relation of his old captain
Buggy the Clown:
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
Helping his S/O with period pains
NSFW Alphabet - D, F, G, W
Charlotte Amande:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Cracker:
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
Charlotte Galette:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Katakuri:
Katakuri x Reader: Soulmate AU
With an S/O seeing his face for the first time
With a worried S/O after his fight with Luffy
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
With an S/O who is hunted for being a witch
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O that can control their size
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an Oni Fiancee 
With an Oni Wife - cont of above
Saving a Dragon shape shifter
With an S/O who cares for injured animals
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
With an overly affectionate S/O
With a usual calm S/O who can kick butt!
Charlotte Mont d’Or:
With a Witch S/O
Charlotte Perospero:
NSFW Alphabet - K, C, V, O
NSFW Alphabet - L, I, C, K
Fluff Alphabet - D, L, O, P
With a nervous/shy S/O
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who hides their sketchbook from him
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an S/O meeting his family for the first time
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
NSFW Alphabet - B, M, O, A
With an S/O who slaps his butt in front of the crew
Relationship headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O that likes to tease him
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
Apologising after hurting his S/Os feelings
Donquixote Doflamingo:
With an S/O half his size ( NSFW )
With an S/O who isn’t afraid of him
With an S/O who loves him unconditionally
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
Purchased as a slave
With an S/O who becomes a criminal to free him 
Relationship Headcanons ( SFW & NSFW)
What Doflamingo looks for in an S/O ( NSFW )
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Dracule Mihawk
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O who is a domestic goddess
NSFW Alphabet: C, K, A, Z
With an S/O that gives up being a noble for him 
Eustass Kid
Reacts to his crush seducing someone else
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
Dealing with and confessing his romantic feelings
Kid x Arayya: Pull
As a Parent
Dealing with a Reckless S/O
Kid x Reader: Wet 
Kid x Reader: Wet, part two
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Kid x Reader: Apology ( NSFW )
With a usual calm S/O who can kick butt!
Being saved by his S/O just in time
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
Kid & Killer friendship headcanons
With his mermaid S/O
Adopting a daughter with a dragon DF power
Kaido’s Daughter HC cont
With a workaholic S/O 
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Being saved by his S/O just in time
Kid & Killer friendship headcanons
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
With an S/O who can control their size
Reacting to Cosplay
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Monkey D Luffy:
Luffy BFF Headcanons
With an S/O that has a DF power that makes them feel like a monster
Attraction and Need in an S/O
With an S/O that runs out of Chocolate
With a shy S/O in a bikinia
With an S/O who has Epilepsy
With a crew member who is an Alien
As Asexual 
Getting turned in to a girl by a DF User
Running in to his Ex
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
Mont Blanc Noland:
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet - D, K ,Y
Relationship Headcanons
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
With a Shy, Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
Nefertari Vivi:
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
Nico Robin:
Comforting a crewmate (Reader) who suffered abuse as a child
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
As a Parent
With a workaholic S/O
Portagas. D Ace:
NSFW Alphabet - B, G, M
NSFW Alphabet - N, K, I
General NSFW Headcanons 
With a chubby S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O That flinches during an argument
With an S/O that runs out of Chocolate
With a shy S/O in a bikini
With an S/O who is terrified of needles
With an S/O who has Epilepsy
With a crew member who is an Alien
With a crush who writes loves songs about him
Getting turned in to a girl by a DF User
With an S/O who can control their size
With an S/O who is a Carnotaurus D/F user
Running in to his Ex
With an S/O who slaps his butt in front of the crew
Reacting to Cosplay
With an overly affectionate S/O
Roronoa Zoro:
Love Process
Hanging out with his Crush
NSFW Alphabet - G, A, O, N 
NSFW Alphabet - K, U, V, Y
With an S/O that wants to try pegging ( NSFW )
With an S/O that has a DF power that makes them feel like a monster
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
How he would act around his crush
Reacts to his crush seducing someone else
With an S/O who is Mihawks Daughter
With a crush on the same girl as Sanji
With an S/O who has depression/suicidal thoughts
Panicking when an S/O falls
With an S/O that runs out of Chocolate
With a shy S/O in a bikini 
With an S/O that can control their size
With an S/O who has Epilepsy 
With a crew member who is an Alien
With a crush who writes loves songs about him
Getting turned in to a girl by a DF User
Running in to his Ex
With an S/O who was a celestial dragon
SFW & NSFW Relationship headcanons
Sakazuki x Reader: Paperwork ( NSFW )
Headcanons with a female pirate
Sanji x Reader: Pancakes
Sanji x Reader: Let me hug you
Love Process
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
With an S/O that likes to cuddle
With an S/o that loves him but not themselves
With an S/O that wants to try pegging ( NSFW )
With an S/O that has a DF power that makes them feel like a monster
With a crafty/creative S/O
Helping his S/O with period pains
With an S/O who is terrified of needles
With an S/O who can control their size
With an older woman who treats him like a younger brother
With an older woman who treats him like a younger brother part 2
With an S/O who slaps his butt in front of the crew
With a crush on the same girl as Zoro
With an S/O who has a fear of silence
Scratchmen Apoo:
Short Crush Headcanons
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
Reacting to gender swapped! Buggy
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, H, P
Smoker with an older S/O
Smoker with an older S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O that wants to try pegging ( NSFW )
With an S/O that likes to tease him
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
As a Parent
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Smoker x Reader: Rest
Trafalgar. D Law:
Fluff Alphabet - A, H, N
Law x Reader: Nightmare
Law x Reader: The stars wish they were as bright as you
Law x Male Reader: Reunion
Law x Reader: Reunion
Modern AU: Worried about being a father
With an S/O that lost a limb protecting him
With an S/O that wants to try pegging ( NSFW )
With a shy artist S/O
With a crafty/creative S/O
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O that can control their size
With an S/O who is terrified of needles
How he would act around his crush
With a crush who has a panic attach
With an S/O who tries to scare him
With a crush who writes loves songs about him
Reacts to his crush seducing someone else
Arayya (oc) x Law: Melting
With an S/O who is a Carnotaurus D/F user
With an S/O who is a VooDoo D/F user
Law x Reader: Period Pains 
Law x Reader: Sick
Learning more about his new crew mate
Law x Reader: Cursed 
With a usual calm S/O who can kick butt!
With a teenage son
Sleeping habits with an S/O
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
With an S/O who has a fear of silence
Vinsmoke Ichiji:
With an S/O that likes to cuddle
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
Vinsmoke brothers raised as regular people
Vinsmoke Niji:
With an S/O that likes to cuddle
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
Vinsmoke brothers raised as regular people
Vinsmoke Yonji:
With an S/O that likes to cuddle
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
Vinsmoke brothers raised as regular people
NSFW Alphabet - I, O, Q, V
With an S/O who is very caring
With a long term S/O
With a long term S/O part 2
Reader becomes a member of the Whitebeard Pirates
X Drake:
Relationship Headcanons ( NSFW )
Finding out his S/O is pregnant 
Comforting his stressed S/O
Aburame Shino:
Attraction and Need in an S/O
Hatake Kakashi:
As a father
Relationship headcanons ( SFW & NSFW )
Umino Iruka
Relationship headcanons ( SFW & NSFW )
NSFW Alphabet - B, G, M
Shuhei Hisagi:
Attraction and Need in an S/O
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