#charlotte smoothie x y/n
portagas-chan · 5 months
Yours Forever and Ever : Part 1
Yandere Katakuri x Isekai Reader
Summary: [Y/n] is part of the Strawhat Crew. She followed Luffy and the others to retrieve Sanji. However, she was separated from her friends and was kidnapped by Big Mom's children. Luckily, she wasn't going to be killed but held as a hostage by none other than 'Charlotte Katakuri' who is considered to be the strongest sweet commander in the Big Mom Pirates.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portagas-chan/748738024063516672/yours-forever-and-ever-part-2?source=share
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Nobody knew she was from another world, not even the straw hats. She never told anyone and when she first arrived here, she came up with a lie and they all believed her, even Zoro which was surprising. The straw hats accepted her and welcomed her to their crew. She felt joyful.
Anyways, that's not important. [Y/n] was in trouble. She got separated from Luffy and the others in the Seducing Forest. She would be doing okay if she encountered an opponent who was not a sweet commander. However, she would stand no chance against them if they were a sweet commander. She hoped Lady Luck would be on her side today.
[Y/n] walked and walked, she didn't know where she was going but it didn't matter. It wasn't like she could fly. There was nothing she could do. Suspicious enough, the trees shifted to form a path where she found herself outside the Seducing Forest. All the thinking was giving her a headache and she decided to be meh.
[Y/n] looked around in awe at her surroundings. The whole island was literally made up of sweets. It was even crazier seeing this in person. Suddenly, she felt her leg go numb and fell onto her knees. The last thing she saw was the triplets -Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon- staring down with Flampe laughing at her.
She widened her eyes in realization, 'I knew it was too good to be true. This was a trap made by Brulee.'
A harsh splash of water stung her face as she scrunched her nose and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Flampe who had a now empty bucket of water, glaring at her, "Was that necessary?"
"You were sleeping so soundly. I thought you weren't going to wake up," Flampe retorted to which she rolled her eyes. She was tied up in a chair.
[Y/n] analyzed her surroundings. Sitting in front of her was Big Mom who stared at her with that creepy grin on her face. It was frightening to see her in person.
Then there was Katakuri and his triplets -Oven and Daifuku- looking intimidating as ever. There was Perospero licking his lollipop and Smoothie with her triplets and of course, Flampe. All attention was on her and it was not in a good way.
"[Y/n] from the StrawHats. I will admit, your captain is a brave one but to survive in the New World, bravery is not enough. Mamamama!" Big Mom laughed.
[Y/n] stayed silent. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared at all. In fact, she was terrified. Terrified of what would happen to her. But she had faith in Luffy. Even if she was kidnapped, she knew Luffy would eventually come and save her. He would never abandon his crew member. That's just how he is.
"So, what do you think we should do with her, my children?" Big Mom asked.
"I say we kill her!" Flampe demanded.
'Bitch,' [Y/n] cursed in her mind.
"Now, now, don't be hasty. Taking her hostage can give us so much advantages in many ways," Perospero suggested.
Big Mom's expression seemed to brighten a little. It seems she likes Perospero's suggestion. "Taking her hostage? I like that! Which one of you would like to take on the job?"
Katakuri stepped up, "Mama, please allow me to deal with her. There's no way she can escape me."
"Katakuri?" Big Mom looked at him, studying his face. When she saw that he was dead serious, she laughed, "You're right! Then it's settled!"
[Y/n] didn't expect Katakuri to voluntarily choose to deal with her. She thought he wouldn't bother with this stuff. Either way, Lady Luck seems to hate her. She knew Katakuri had a soft side behind that mask of his perfect demeanor but it wasn't like she could suddenly bring out his soft side to her. If she ever saw what was under that scarf, he would be blinded by anger and accidentally kill her before he could even hear her out.
Big Mom placed cuffs on her wrists that explode if she disobeyed Katakuri. Crazy, right? She didn't even know you could give certain commands to the cuffs.
One thing she noticed about Katakuri was that he never let her out of his sight. She must always be with him but of course, she was left alone when he had something important to do but he always made sure it ended quickly. But she paid no attention to it, shooking it off as him doing his job and that it was due to the loyalty he had for his mother.
Sitting across him, she could feel the hard stare Katakuri was giving her. He always had that kind of stare whether he was doing it intentionally or unintentionally. Nevertheless, it made her feel nervous as she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.
"Why did you join the Strawhat pirates?" Katakuri started.
She looked up at him, "Are you using your observation haki thing again?"
Katakuri closed his eyes before opening it again, "I asked you a question."
"I will take that as a no," She muttered. "There's no deep meaning behind it, actually. They seemed fun and interesting, that's all."
Katakuri raised his brow, "That's all?" She nodded her head.
"Then will you join our crew under my wing if I promise to make it fun and interesting? I will make sure you stay happy too," Katakuri said.
[Y/n] was puzzled. Why would Katakuri want her to join the Big Mom pirates and be under his wing at that? She tried to think of a good reason but there simply was none. Sure, she could fight but she wasn't all that strong. She wasn't special at all. So, why?
"Why would you want me on your crew? I'm not strong," [Y/n] said.
"You don't have to be strong because I will protect you," Katakuri said and he meant it. He was not joking around. He was being serious.
To [Y/n], this was weird to see Katakuri acting like that. It was out of his character. It has just been a two days since they first met and he's acting like they have known each other for years.
[Y/n] remembered something important. "Why are you asking me that when you already know the answer?" She raised her hands to show the cuffs.
Katakuri smirked behind his scarf and [Y/n] could tell because his eyes changed a bit.
Katakuri stood up from his chair and walked towards [Y/n]. She tensed up when she saw him approached her. He sat on an empty chair beside her and dragged it closer to her.
He suddenly picked her up and placed her on his lap. His hand on her thigh slowly rubbing it while the other hugged her in place.
Don't get her wrong. She loves Katakuri but being this close to him like this and having no choice but to obey him in real life was scary. He was so huge too and it didn't make it any better.
"Katakuri?" She called out nervously.
"Are you scared?" Katakuri touched her hair, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
If she were to answer him honestly, it would be a yes and a no. He looks intimidating and scary, but she knows he's actually a cutie inside. He was getting touchy with her and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about it.
In the end, [Y/n] is unable to answer at all.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you," Katakuri reassured her. "And I promise you, no one will lay a finger on you."
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
Sweet, Deadly Family (Yandere Charlotte Family x Child Daughter Reader) - Chapter 1
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Warning: No warnings for now, but the only warning is that Big Mama would literally kill everyone, including her children, if reader isn't found in one day
"Where is she?! Where is she?!"
A booming voice called across the room. Servants and the Charlotte siblings quickly came inside the large pink bedroom.
"My baby! My beautiful baby girl! Where the hell is she?!"
"Mama! What happened?!" Oven asks in a panic tone.
Linlin turns to her son with an angry expression.
"Where's Y/N?! My beloved baby! Oh, my sweet, lovely baby Y/N!" she yells out in an angry, worried tone.
"Mama please, calm down! We can find her and bring her back, we promise!" Smoothie called out, trying to calm her down.
She turned around and glared at her children.
"If you don't find her the next day, I'll kill everyone in this island. Do you understand me?" she told them in a dark tone.
They all nodded and quickly left the bedroom to find their troublesome little sister.
The straw hats arrived at the Whole Cake Island and were looking around the filled sweets island.
Nami was scolding her teammates to stop getting distracted by almost everything they lay their eyes on.
However, when crossing a bridge, something was shaking beneath them. And underneath was an enormous crocodile coming out of the water. Luckily, the straw hats dodged the attack on time.
"Who are you, people?!"
A voice calls out to them.
The strawhats looked up to see a young girl whose hairstyle is tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a white dress with pink details on it and a big red heart on the center of the dress. Along with a pair of pink boots.
The girl was also wearing a pink helmet to cover her head.
The strawhats began to observe the little girl, following every detail on her. She doesn't look over than sixteen.
Before they could say anything else, a sound of bells could be heard from the distance that caught the young girl's attention.
"Crap. It's the search alert again."
She then turns to the strawhats with a stern look on her face.
"You guys are lucky that I didn't capture you guys yet."
The girl said before she ran off.
"Hey! Hold up!"
Luffy calls out to her, but she was already long gone.
The girl returns back to the palace of the island and sneaks through a window.
She drenched her dress a bit because it was raining once she entered the palace grounds.
Once she sneaks back in, she quietly walks through the halls before she goes inside a room where laughter could be heard.
Then, a bunch of children voices could be heard once the girl enters the room.
"Oh, it's big sister Y/N!"
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 25
The first thing (Y/N) noticed was the unbelievable warmth around her body. Slowly her eyes opened and she found herself in Katakuri's strong embrace. Looking up to his peaceful, sleeping face, she smiled slightly. The first raise of the morning sun shone through the window. The warmth tickled on her skin and let her face snuggle deeper into his strong bare chest. Sighing in delight (Y/N) felt her husband moving. Compared to her, he wasn't a morning person and moaned frustrated of the sudden light. Smiling her gaze wandered up to his tired expression which lighted up after seeing her.
"Good morning…", her sweet voice reached his ears and let him smile. It wasn't a dream. Their shared night together really happened. He always thought how amazing it would be to wake up next to her. That the first thing he was able to see was his beloved wife. He had to admit that reality was much sweeter.
"We have to get up Katakuri…", she spoke with a hint of sadness.
"Sadly yeah…", he whispered and brushed her rosy cheeks lovingly. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to have her by his side every single night. How cruel to taste heaven and the next moment it was taken away from him.
Turning (Y/N) got up from his embrace and crawled out of the bed. The blanket loosened around her and with it her carefree attitude. Realization hit her after feeling a cold shiver ran down her naked back.
"I totally forgot!", she hushed and quickly grabbed the blanket to hide her body. Red as a tomato she was met with a smirking General Charlotte who was laying on his side and enjoying the view.
"Shy? After what we did?", he spoke amused and his smile grew even wider after she become a stuttering mess.
"Maybe I should take you again to remind you.", he spoke in a seductive way. God was he making her nervous right now and embarrassed. Most of all embarrassed.
"Pervert…", (Y/N) replied and quickly ran into the bathroom to get ready. Sighing in delight Katakuri got up as well and stretched his arms. It was a wonderful morning. A perfect day with, what it seemed, also with a beautiful weather. Nevertheless he felt strained.
"Let's start this awful day…"
If (Y/N) would have known what was about to come, she sure would have take much more time to come to whole cake. And mostly would have stayed as long as possible in Katakuri's arms. Standing before his mother who had an evil grin plastered on her face, Katakuri looked down to his beautiful wife and struggled to say goodbye. Not because they weren't alone. At this moment he really didn't care about that, even if it meant to come out of his comfort zone. Not only that. It was also the realization of not knowing how long he wouldn't be able to see her.
"Katakuri I can't wait to finally have this treasure in my hands. You will leave immediately. Do whatever is needed to get it.", his mother's voice broke the silence and let him look up. That his mother already got a duty for him wasn't surprising, but that it would be such a dangerous one, even for his standards, let him get quite uncomfortable. On top of that he had to leave for god knows how long.
" Mama this Island is far away. Wouldn't it be better if someone supports him out there? It's brother Katakuri yeah, but all alone?", Smoothie stepped next to them with a worried expression on her face. On the other hand, Big mom just let out a laugh. Katakuri gave his sister a dangerous glare, which let her shiver of fear. Never would he take one of his siblings with him to such a suicide mission.
" He will do as I say and he will bring me this hidden treasure like it's described on this map here. I found it in one of the few treasure chests, which I got at Pudding's wedding. How sweeeeeet and exciting. Katakuri has to prove his loyalty and strength. I lost some of my presents, because of this damn Gummy boy. So I need this….. I want this treasure!! ", she shouted angered and let her daughter step back scared.
" Smoothie, You should prepare yourself for your own duty. You will go to Wano. The straw hats will soon get there….", Big mom added pissed of thinking about Luffy.
" I will go Mama. Don't worry.", Katakuri cut in to calm his mother's mood, which gladly lighted up immediately. Her look wandered to (Y/N) who felt devasted after hearing about Katakuri's soon to be journey. She knew that they get separated, but this was beyond her imagination.
"And you cupcake. My top chefs are already waiting outside. Go to the kitchen and surprise me with one of your doughnuts.", she sang happily and hushed her out of the room. Quickly (Y/N) took Katakuri's hand who pulled her closer and lead her out and away from his mother.
"I will guide her. You can leave."
Giving the top chefs an angered look, they quickly grabbed (Y/N) 's bags and rushed forward to the kitchen. Before she was able to let out her desperation, she was ingulfed into a strong embrace.
"Katakuri….", she whispered, while tears rolled down her face. Looking into her sad expression he brushed her cheeks lovingly.
"I am glad we could be alone for a moment…", he whispered and pulled his scarf down. Quickly he pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. She didn't want to stop. She couldn't imagine being here all alone while he was out there, risking his life for a stupid treasure. Grabbing his jacket by its collar he could feel her desperate try to hold him in place, to keep him by her side. Smiling bitterly he ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.
"(Y/N)…you still have my vivre card.", he spoke and kissed her cheek.
"I don't care. It's not the same…", she whispered exhausted and let him chuckle of her sweet words.
"I know.. But for now we have to endure this till we could be together again.. Do as you are told, then nothing will happen. My siblings will help you. And…", he spoke with a sad smile.
"wait for me (Y/N)…", he kissed her passionately which let her knees go weak and tears fell down even more. She knew that there is nothing to stop this nightmare. Breathing heavily they seperated and looked into each other's eyes. Giving him a weak smile she nodded, while brushing her tears away to calm down. Sighing Katakuri pulled up his scarf and looked around if anyone was in sight. Relieved that their moment was unseen he got up to take her hand in his.
"I will give my best Katakuri. But promise me to come back save..don't be reckless out there…please.", (Y/N) looked up to his intimating expression, which nodded seriously.
"I promise. I will come and get you as soon as possible back into my bed.", he spoke and let her gasp flustered.
"Katakuri!", she spoke embarrassed and avoid his amused expression. How he loved to see her like this. It pained even more to let her go, but it was worth it.
Slowly they walked along the corridors and (Y/N) could already hear the sounds of clashing pots, shouting people and excited footsteps. The sweet smell ingulfed their senses and soon she was met with a unbelievable baking show. The kitchen was huge. There was no place without spotting sweet ingredients or big machines. Gasping she stepped into the room and got the attention of the others.
"There she is! His wife in real!", the workers sang happily and took her hand to guide her. Quickly (Y/N) looked back to the door and got a short image of Katakuri who waved torwards her as a goodbye and left the scene. She couldn't stop, couldn't run back. How awful to let him go this way. Now she was really alone. Biting her lips to surpress the tears, she was pushed before Streussen who was sitting on a big chair made by a cookie and ordering everyone around. Wrapped up in bandages he seemed stressed. After he laid his eyes on (Y/N) his face lit up and he smiled more relieved than happy to see her. (Y/N) wasn't really paying attention to his outburst of joy, because she still felt her body shaken of her husband's leave. In a way it felt unreal.
"Here is the list.", Streussen pulled her back from her thoughts, while he shoved a long paper roll into her hands. Irritated her look fell onto the different described doughnuts and mostly on the delivery date.
"That's what Mama wants?", she asked in disbelief and looked into the amused expression of the head chef.
"Oh and don't forget the specials. You have to make some to support me.", he added amused to have all time in the world while (Y/N) was already late.
Looking back onto the list (Y/N) already knew that she would stay in this kitchen all day long. But in a way she didn't complain. It was a time killer. An exhausting one yeah, but she would be able to focus on something else than her husband's whereabouts. Sighing she nodded and took the cooking apron from one servant to put it on. Normally she was motivated after wearing this special piece of fabric, but this time everything seems dull and colorless. Nevertheless she obeyed, because that was the only way. Reaching into her pocket she touched Katakuri's vivre card for a mental support. Wherever he was, she had something to relay on, even if it was just a piece of paper.
On the other side Katakuri was packing a bag in front of his ship. He couldn't see that far into the future, but still he had a bad feeling about following this mysterious map.
"Katakuri!", Oven and Daifuku rushed to his side worried. Stopping he waited paitently for them to go on with his all too familiar cold expression.
"Is it true? You have to follow a map which leads you out of our territory?", Oven asked shocked, while Katakuri just kept his emotionless look. Sighing he lifted his bag and turned towards his ship.
"Mama is obsessed to know what treasure is hidden on this island. I will get it for her to gain her trust again and most of all my status. I want my wife back. At any costs.", he spoke seriously and was about to leave, but stopped in his tracks to give his brothers one last glance. Feeling completely helpless they watched him worried.
"I want you to keep an eye on (Y/N). Help her as much as possible.", he spoke strained and got onto his ship. The wind gave it a kick start and quickly Katakuri made his way out to the open sea. His look fell back to his home, which got smaller and smaller with every minute. He was wrong about the weather. It was a cold day. Droplets of rain landed on his face and fitted perfectly to his mood. Looking down onto his map he knew that things would take awhile, but hopefully successful in the end.
Whispering her name let his heart flutter. Just the thought of their sweet night together let his body shiver of excitement. God he would miss her. Every single minute would be a torture.
"Don't worry (Y/N) … I will be successful. "
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Howdy! may i request yandere headcanons for Charlotte Amande, Galette, and Smoothie? Pretty please with a berry on top?
You got it, Vale!! I will do my berry (end me-) to make sure these lovely ladies stay true to their characters and exhibit some yandere traits~! Reader is gender neutral!
Babes Below~!
Charlotte Amande
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Due her love for her mother as well as her tendency to not kill her enemies, rather make them suffer, I believe Amande would be a isolating yandere. She doesn’t show emotions, rather expresses them, so you can be sure she will tell you how much you mean to her, and why you need to stay with her. 
She has no problem chopping off your limbs if you decide to leave, she also has no problem torturing you, she knows the right spots of the body to cut to keep you alive. Will listen to you beg and plead for forgiveness as she looks down at you with no regret or mercy. 
If you manage to be good, you will mostly be rewarded with some freedoms. You won’t be allowed to leave her domain, but you can be assured you can walk around (with surveillance). She will mostly pat your head, face still stoic even when she’s mad, telling you how good you are. 
Is the type to want you to come to her for things. No matter what the issue is, you have to go to her for permission. Her rules are now your life, and you better follow them for your own wellbeing. 
Charlotte Galette
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Galette shows a bit more emotions than either of her sisters on this list, she hates the idea of betrayal (especially when it comes to the Big Mom Pirates) and values her life to the point she cried happy tears when she was saved. Due to her actions and reactions, I consider her to be a manipulative yandere.
Wants to convince you that you need her, will go so far as to let you get hurt in an attempt to run and she is the only one who is willing to help/save you. She also gives me submissive vibes, not as in willing to let you walk over her, but rather, will get what you want/ask for.
Won’t use physical force, again she wants you to think of her as some hero, not a monster, so she will treat you like a treasure rather than prisoner (or person-). 
Once you see her as some good and kind being, she will slowly get you to join the Big Mom Pirates and possibly marry you. She sees these commitments as true love and if you refuse, to her this means you don’t love her, so she might have a mental breakdown-
Charlotte Smoothie
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Smoothie is a bit tougher than her sisters, she displays a lot more reactions than the other two. Though she is usually chill, she can also be cruel, from how she handles her enemies and individuals who betray Big Mom, I want to consider her an eliminating yandere! If she has no problem killing and drinking her subordinates, than she has no problem doing the same to anyone who tries to save you. 
She will also threaten you with this, maybe even find individuals who you favor and threaten to kill them the same way if you don’t value your own life. Either way, be prepared for threats, she will have her way and you will listen.
If you are good, Smoothie is very carefree and friendly, almost a different person really. Will almost treat you like a human being she cares about, if you can ignore all the dead people she’s killed to keep you by her side-
I would suggest to stay on your toes and keep your guard up, Smoothie gives me vibes that shows she can get bored easily, if you give into her too quickly or always fight her, she loses interest. Make it a game of cat and mouse to keep yourself alive long enough to escape. 
Tag List: @angeltani @admiral-hiba @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @lukasismissing @xxtoothachexx @athenaportgas @kodi-bear and anyone else who wants to join in!
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
May I ask for a male reader who is about 10 and the son of Charlotte Smoothie? He loves cheese and ate a devil fruit which allows him to make many identical clones of himself.
Of course you may anon.
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Well, what do you know, Smoothie has a son. This tall woman was once seen with a kid around her, and nobody, except her siblings knew who you were
Enter Charlotte Y/n, the son of one of the Sweet General and most calm child
Of course you had your hobbies, like tasting different kind of food, especially cheese, playing chess and so on
You had a fondness for cheese and you quickly became a conosseuir and a master of the fondue
So, one day, while you were hanging out with your mother, you found a strange looking fruit, and you ate it. Mind you, you were ten, still you quickly went to your mother to complain about the nasty taste of the funny looking fruit
She was a bit shocked, cause you weren't supposed to eat it, but now it was already gone. But to say she was curious is nothing
Cause, she had seen her fair share of DF powers in her family and in the world in general. When she asked how you felt and what you could do, you answered by creating a clone of yourself. You sneezed and it happened
You looked at now the other you, while your clone looked at your mama like there was nothing strange about the situation
She was quite surprised and she asked you a few more questions, like could you control it or was it an indipendent clone? Would it disappear if you want to or does it need to be destroyed? Do you feel what he feels?
Still, you spent the following days trying out your new power... And she was pleasantly surprised (not so cause, you know, she had seen child prodigy in the family) to see how well you adapted to the new power
Of course, you had to test the limits yet, but managing to control it was a good start
After a month or so, other members of the family began to discover your new ability. Be it because your mama used it to tell multiple message to multiple people at once, or by simply coming in to see Smoothie and seeing two or three you working around
Legit, it made Mont d'or go mad, cause he was already so stressed and now there was his nephew who could clone himself? Man he was too old for that
Even your granny liked your new power, given the fact that it was useful indeed. You liked working around food, and this helped you a lot.
Btw you gave a lot of scares to some of your younger aunties and uncles, cause they didn't expect to see you a minute before and then talking to the real you after
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omegaworld · 2 years
Wishes and Wrongs [Alpha Charlotte Perospero x omega reader] - part 3 - final
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Final 
Word count: 1011
Perospero has been dragged into the training area by Brulee, they both stop where you can see Y/n and Smoothie training. He looks at Brulee not understanding what Y/n's training has to do, but ends up watching in silence. For a while it's just a normal fight, Y/n and Smoothie get dodges and counter punches, he can tell that Y/n is used to it by now.  
Perospero was about to question Brulee when Y/n transforms into a huge wolf that bites Smoothie's sword preventing his blow, as soon as the sword is driven away it returns to its human form. Now mesmerized by the fight he watches as she switches between her human and wolf form so deftly, this couldn't be the first time she had done this. Turning around he asks his sister 'How long has she been doing this?' 'Almost since she started training with Smoothie.
Brulee watches the gleam in Perospero's eyes flicker and smiles 'Mama didn't find her, she found us' his brother's confused look prompts him to continue 'She is the daughter of the navy admiral Akainu' Peros rolls his eyes, he didn't know that, Brulee continues 'She was never sold, but her father spent his life forcing her into different alphas because he believed her mate belonged in the navy. He was ashamed of her and believed that was the only purpose she would have, she grew up constantly relegated to her omega status' Perospero twitches his nose at the thought of his omega being abused and offered to other alphas 'One day he stumbled across the file room where they keep the posters and found your poster' he didn't understand how she came to Totto Land, he doubted his father had brought her or even allowed her.
'Peros-ni, she escaped from the navy HQ and traveled alone through the new world for months until she got here. When she got here she faced Mama and passed the tests she post even if we initially cheated.' Of all the possibilities he certainly didn't expect this one 'She was never forced on the contrary she ran after this marriage' Brulee smiles and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder still very shocked.  
'Does she love me?' Perospero asks still unable to believe it, Brulee looks at the giant wolf and back at his brother as if mocking him before sighing 'Don't you love her?' 'Of course I do' 'Then you should stop keeping your distance and tell her that'  
Perospero sighs happily 'Thank you Brulee'
Perospero and Y/n return home in a comfortable silence passing to eat in the same trailer as the first time Y/n tried to make dinner.
While she took a shower he waited lying in bed still not quite sure what to say or do. When he hears coming out of the bathroom and passing his room he calls out to her causing her to turn back to look at him.  
Perospero still didn't know what to do, but using what he saw and what Brulee told him to allay his fears he opens his arms in a silent invitation for her to join him. For a moment Y/n looks hesitantly between him and the open arms before smiling and running to the bed jumping into his arms and hugging him. Perospero smiles feeling his body instantly relax at the omega's reaction he wraps his arms around her pulling her closer to him.
After a moment Perospero pulls away looking at Y/n and placing a hand affectionately on her cheek. Looking into her eyes he breathes contentedly 'I love you Y/n' her eyes light up and she barely has time to reply an 'I love you too Peros' which is smothered by surprisingly soft lips on his. Pulling away Peros begins to distribute kisses down to the junction of her shoulder and neck, he takes a breath before biting down deeply marking her as his. He can hear her moan softly when he bites her and relax when he begins to lick the mark to stop it bleeding.
When they are both nestled and ready to sleep in each other's arms Perospero speaks 'Thank you' Y/n lifts her head to look at him 'Why?' Peros smiles 'Because it's you' 'Me?' 'Yes, if it wasn't you, if you weren't an omega, if you weren't a beast, if you didn't have the courage to put out to sea looking for me. Mama would never marry me, I would never know you or find love'  
Y/n buries her face in Perospero's chest to hide her crying. It was not a sad cry, it was one of happiness, her father had always hated and demeaned her for her omega nature and boldness, but still these were things her alpha loved, he was thankful that she was like that. Perospero not knowing this scared himself tremendously to think he did something wrong.
Y/n stands up from his chest facing him with tears in her eyes 'If it wasn't you, if you weren't a strong pirate, if you weren't a bunch of a younku, . I could never run away from my father and live safe, I could never be free or even loved.'
Y/n stands up from his chest facing him with tears in her eyes 'If it weren't for you, if you weren't a strong pirate, if you weren't gang of a younku, . I could never run away from my father and live safe, I could never be free or even loved.'
Perospero crying? Never. At least that's what he would tell everyone because at that moment he really cried hugging his omega tightly. His omega, the one that fate had chosen for him and a choice that couldn't be more right.
Perospero had been wrong for a long time, there was indeed a companion for him, one who didn't fear him or dislike his pirate side. She loved him.
Already Y/n had her wishes heard, her mate was not a mate and with him she was free, valued and loved. He loved her.
70 notes · View notes
desbravandookp · 2 years
Lista de Avatares no KaizokuProject
Total de avatares: 175
Aokiji (Kuzan)
Avalo Pizarro
Baby 5
Basil Hawkins
Benn Beckman
Borsalino Kizaru
Boa Hancock
Bon Clay
Caesar Clown
Capone Bege
Charlotte Chiffon
Charlotte Cracker
Charlotte Daifuku
Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom)
Charlotte Oven
Charlotte Perospero
Charlotte Praline
Charlotte Pudding
Charlotte Smoothie
Charlotte Snack
Denjiro (Kyoshiro)
Doc Q
Don Krieg
Don Chinjao
Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon)
Donquixote Doflamingo
Douglas Bullet
Dracule Mihawk
Edward Newgate (Barba Branca)
Eustass D. Kid
Fisher Tiger
Gecko Moria
Gild Tesoro
Gol D. Roger
Hody Jones
Jesus Burgess
Jewelry Bonney
Kozuki Toki
Kozuki Oden
Kozuki Hiyori
Lao G
Lucky Roo
Lucy (adm meteu essa)
Marshall D. Teach (Barba Negra)
Miss Valentine
Monkey D. Dragon
Monkey D. Garp
Monkey D. Luffy
Montblanc Norland
Nico Robin
Portgas D. Ace
Oars Jr.
Rorona Zoro
Rob Lucci
Sakazuki Akainu
San Juan Wolf
Scratchmen Apoo
Señior Pink
Silvers Rayleigh
Sobamask (adm meteu essa)
Sogeking (sim, adm também meteu essa)
Tony Tony Chopper
Trafalgar D. Law
Van Augur
Vasco Shot
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Vinsmoke Judge
Vinsmoke Niji
Vinsmoke Reiju
Vinsmoke Sanji
Vinsmoke Sora
Vinsmoke Yonji
Warden Hannyabal
Whitey Bay
X Drake
Zephyr (Almirante Z)
12 notes · View notes
Masterlist for my writing- 2019 (aka THE WHOPPER)
This one took forever to make, so I desperately hope that every link works!!! 
Tumblr media
‘Ace doesn’t die’ AU where his crush tackles him down and tearfully confesses to him on the battlefield- scenario
Ace reuniting with his pirate!s/o- headcanon
what Ace’s evening/night routine with you is like- headcanon
University!AU where you get down and dirty with Ace at a frat party- NSFW headcanon
Ace comforting his upset!s/o- scenario
Ace with a s/o who has a panic attack during sex- (somewhat) NSFW headcanon
Ace’s reaction to his crush climbing into bed with him- headcanon
is Ace a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- B E F G I
NSFW Alphabet- D J K W
Fluff Alphabet- A C E
Fluff Alphabet- D J M
Akainu raising a little girl- headcanon
Tsundere!Akainu headcanon
Akainu falling in love with a pirate- scenario
cuddling headcanon
Barto’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- K L O
Basil Hawkins
NSFW Alphabet- D M
Hawkins’ reaction to his girlriend showing him the ‘how is pregnant formed?’ video- modern!headcanon
Hawkins’ reaction to the World Government capturing and executing you after they spread some nasty rumors- headcanon
Hawkins with a muscular!s/o- headcanon
Hawkins with a male!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Hawkins getting a blowjob from his usually quiet and shy!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Benn Beckman
General NSFW headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- M Q S
Bellamy’s reaction to his girlriend showing him the ‘how is pregnant formed?’ video- modern!headcanon
Big Mom
Highschool AU- headcanon
how the Charlottes would deal with an amnesiac O-Lin- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- H K T U (for young!Linlin)
Blue Gilly
Blue Gilly finding out you’re pregnant- headcanon
Boa Sandersonia
General Relationship headcanon
Brook with a short s/o- headcanon
cuddling headcanon
Brook with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
some fluff headcanon
Brook with a pregnant!s/o- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- D M W
NSFW Alphabet- G J K P S
NSFW Alphabet- U V X Y Z
SFW Alphabet- C D J
Buggy D. Clown
Buggy with a crush on someone shy and younger- headcanon
General NSFW headcanon
Caesar Clown
Caesar’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Charlotte Amande
General SFW and NSFW headcanon
Amande with a male!s/o who has a Master/Slave kink- NSFW headcanon
Charlotte Broyé
Little Katakuri and Broyé visiting Brûlée at the hospital, shortly after she got her scar- scenario
AU where Brûlée dies and her sister Broyé takes her place- scenario
how Broye would act around Brûlée’s children- headcanon
Charlotte Brûlée
Highschool AU- headcanon
Little Katakuri and Broyé visiting Brûlée at the hospital, shortly after she got her scar- scenario
AU where Brûlée dies and her sister Broyé takes her place- scenario
how Broye would act around Brûlée’s children- headcanon
Charlotte Cracker
Cracker with a short s/o- headcanon
Yandere!Cracker headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
cuddling headcanon
what Cracker, Angel and Custard were like as children- headcanon
what kind of clothes Cracker would like to see his s/o in- headcanon
Cracker’s reaction to his smaller s/o hiding behind his back- headcanon
Cracker finding his (small) girlfriend trying on his clothes and pretending to be him- headcanon
Cracker meeting his biological father- headcanon
Cracker meeting Nojiko(CRACK)- headcanon
Cracker finding out you self-harm headcanon (trigger warning!)
Cracker’s reaction when you slap his ass(CRACK)- headcanon
Cracker’s reaction to you getting blinded by an enemy- headcanon
cockwarming with Cracker- NSFW headcanon
Cracker’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Cracker masturbating for you- NSFW scenario
what Cracker would be like as father- headcanon
Cracker’s reaction to the World Government capturing and executing you after they spread some nasty rumors- headcanon
Cracker meeting his biological father pt. 2- headcanon
Cracker’s sexuality- small headcanon
is Cracker a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- H
Charlotte Daifuku
General Relationship headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- C G P
Charlotte Katakuri
Katakuri with a normal-sized s/o- SFW and NSFW headcanon
Highschool AU- headcanon
Katakuri with a younger s/o who likes older men- headcanon
Yandere!Katakuri headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Little Katakuri and Broyé visiting Brûlée at the hospital, shortly after she got her scar- scenario
Katakuri with a badass s/o- headcanon
Katakuri with an introverted s/o- SFW and NSFW headcanon
Katakuri spending Valentine’s Day with his s/o- SFW and NSFW headcanon
Katakuri’s reaction whe his s/o (who usually can’t cook) makes donuts for him- headcanon
Katakuri’s reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
what kind of clothes Katakuri would like to see his s/o in- headcanon
Katakuri being in love with a maid/chef- scenario
Katakuri meeting his biological father- headcanon
Katakuri finding out you self-harm headcanon (trigger warning!)
Katakuri’s reaction when you slap his ass(CRACK)- headcanon
getting sexy in the bathroom with Katakuri- NSFW headcanon
Katakuri with a little sister who loves him as well as horror-related stuff- headcanon
Katakuri’s reaction when his little sister says she wants to date Luffy- headcanon
Katakuri with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Katakuri’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
is Katakuri a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Katakuri being jealous- headcanon
Katakuri’s reaction to his girlriend showing him the ‘how is pregnant formed?’ video- modern!headcanon
Katakuri masturbating for you- NSFW scenario
what Katakuri would be like as father- headcanon
Katakuri’s life after Brûlée’s death AU- scenario
Katakuri’s reaction to the World Government capturing and executing you after they spread some nasty rumors- headcanon
Katakuri struggling to ask out his shy!crush- scenario
Katakuri meeting his biological father pt. 2- headcanon
Katakuri dealing with his siblings who bully his s/o- headcanon
Katakuri’s sexuality- small headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- K N
NSFW Alphabet- U V W
NSFW Alphabet- C H X
Fluff Alphabet- A E S
Charlotte Mont-d’Or
Mont-d’Or’s reaction when someone burns books infront of him- headcanon
how Mont-d’Or feels about romance novels- headcanon
Mont-d’Or’s reaction to you falling asleep in his lap while he reads you a story- headcanon
General NSFW headcanon
Charlotte Oven
what kind of clothes Oven would like to see his s/o in- headcanon
General Relationship headcanon
what Oven would be like as father- headcanon
Charlotte Perospero
Yandere!Perospero headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
General NSFW headcanon
Perospero with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- A I L U
Charlotte Raisin
General SFW and NSFW headcanon
Charlotte Smoothie
what kind of clothes Smoothie would like to see her s/o in- headcanon
Smoothie meeting her biological father- headcanon
Smoothie finding out you self-harm headcanon (trigger warning!)
Smoothie meeting her biological father pt. 2- headcanon
Smoothie’s sexuality- small headcanon
Charlotte Snack
Snack falling in love with his enemy- headcanon
reaction to accidentally hurting his s/o during a battle- headcanon
‘Daddy’ and Carol Masterson
General headcanon
Dalton’s reaction to his smaller s/o hiding behind his back- headcanon
Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo falling in love with his favorite ‘girl’ headcanon
Dofla’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- D O
Fluff Alphabet- Z U
Donquixote Rocinante//Corazon
General NSFW headcanon
Corazon catching you while you’re about to commit suicide- headcanon (trigger warning!)
Corazon’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- A C M S
Fluff Alphabet- C L Z
Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk with a blind!dandere!s/o- SFW and NSFW headcanon
General SFW and NSFW headcanon
Mihawk teaching his wife how to use a sword- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- A I X
NSFW Alphabet- B C D F K
Eustass Kid
Kid crushing on a dandere- headcanon
Kid’s reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
Kid finding out that his girlfriend is pregnant... while he’s in prison- headcanon
Kid’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Kid needing to be restrained during sex- NSFW headcanon
Kid with a botanist!s/o- headcanon
Kid catching you while you’re about to commit suicide- headcanon (trigger warning!)
getting sexy in the bathroom with Kid- NSFW headcanon
Kid’s reaction when his little sister tells him she wants to date Luffy- headcanon
what Kid’s evening/night routine with you is like- headcanon
Kid’s reaction to an s/o who looks like a total cupcake but has the mouth of a raunchy old sailor- headcanon
Kid ‘helping’ you with your studies (gone sexual)- NSFW scenario
Kid’s reaction to his girlriend showing him the ‘how is pregnant formed?’ video- modern!headcanon
Kid’s reaction to you getting hurt because you tried to save him- headcanon
is Kid a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Kid opening up to you- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- D J O W X
NSFW Alphabet- C G
NSFW Alphabet- A B M
NSFW Alphabet- I K
Franky fighting with his s/o- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- A B C S
Gecko Moria
kissing headcanon
cuddling headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- A C D F I
NSFW Alphabet- G J K P S
NSFW Alphabet- U V X Y Z
Ideo finding out you’re pregnant- headcanon
General headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- E K Y
Jinbei’s reaction to getting romantically pursued- headcanon
Jinbei’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
General NSFW headcanon
Kaku fighting with his s/o- headcanon
Killer’s reaction to the World Government capturing and executing you after they spread some nasty rumors- headcanon
Killer with a muscular!s/o- headcanon
Movie Night with Killer- headcanon
Killer’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Killer accidentally revealing his laugh during a date with you- Oneshot
is Killer a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Christmas with Killer- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- D E F Y Z
Fluff Alphabet- N L Y
Fluff Alphabet- G W
King stealing you away- in a Hades/Persephone fashion- headcanon
Kizaru dealing with a younger and affectionate marine girl- headcanon
Marco the Phoenix
SFW and NSFW headcanon
Marco with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
getting sexy in the bathroom with Marco- NSFW headcanon
Marco’s reaction whe you’re on your period- headcanon
Marco’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Marco with a s/o who’s also a Division Commander- SFW and NSFW headcanon
Marco with an empath!s/o- headcanon
Marco pissing off a witch, getting an ‘impotence’ spell cast on him as result, and coming to his s/o (another witch) for help- headcanon
is Marco a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Marco ‘helping’ you with your studies (gone sexual)- NSFW scenario
Marco with his newborn daughter- headcanon
Marco falling in love with a former Celestial Dragon slave- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- C E F O X
Fluff Alphabet- K N P
Mister 3
NSFW Alphabet- E F I M Y
NSFW Alphabet- E F I M
Monkey D. Luffy
what qualities he would look for in a potential s/o- headcanon
reaction to accidentally hurting his s/o during a battle- headcanon
depressing scenario where the young chemist of the Strawhats messes up an experiment and gets terribly injured as a result
Luffy tells the ‘ugly barnacle story’- headcanon
The Strawhats’ reaction to finding out that you’re dating Law(CRACK)
Yandere!Luffy headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
NSFW Alphabet- C O
NSFW Alphabet- B D G L U
Nami using toys on her girlfriend for the first time- NSFW scenario
Nefertari Vivi
General Relationship headcanon
Page One
Page One falling for a member of the Strawhats who ate a Snow Leopard Devil Fruit- headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- E G Y
Fluff Alphabet- P W X
Rob Lucci
General NSFW headcanon
is Lucci a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Lucci’s reaction to the World Government capturing and executing you after they spread some nasty rumors- headcanon
Roronoa Zoro
what qualities he would look for in a potential s/o- headcanon
Zoro’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Zoro’s reaction when you ask him to ‘make love’ to you for the first time- slightly NSFW headcanon
Zoro with a chubby, usually introverted s/o who has a secret adventurous side- headcanon
Zoro reuniting with his pirate!s/o- headcanon
Zoro working out with his s/o- headcanon
Zoro’s reaction to an s/o who looks like a total cupcake but has the mouth of a raunchy old sailor- headcanon 
Yandere!Zoro headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Zoro reuniting with his s/o on Zou- NSFW scenario
Zoro’s reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- D T X
NSFW Alphabet- S
NSFW Alphabet- B C O W
NSFW Alphabet- U Y
is Sabo a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Sabo fighting his s/o- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- C D F W X
Fluff Alphabet- D N R
Fluff Alphabet- B E O
what qualities he would look for in a potential s/o- headcanon
Sanji taking his babies to his mother’s grave- scenario
Sanji making up with his s/o after a fight- NSFW headcanon
Sanji with a super horny/kinky s/o- headcanon
Sanji finding out that his s/o is secretly making food for little animals- headcanon
Sanji finding out about your abusive family- headcanon
Sanji’s reaction when you ask him to ‘make love’ to you for the first time- slightly NSFW headcanon
Sanji cooking with his s/o- headcanon
some fluff headcanon
Sanji’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Yandere!Sanji headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Sanji with his newborn daughter- headcanon
Sanji with a s/o who has a panic attack during sex- (somewhat) NSFW headcanon
Sanji’s reaction to his s/o being the child of a former enemy- headcanon
what kind of sugardaddy Sanji would be- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- E N
NSFW Alphabet- C O
Scratchman Apoo
Apoo with a short s/o- headcanon
cuddling headcanon
Apoo with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Apoo with a muscular!s/o- headcanon
Apoo with a male!s/o- NSFW headcanon
NSFW headcanon
Shanks’ reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
Shanks’ reaction to not being able to get an erection- headcanon
Shanks with a s/o who is his polar opposite- SFW and NSFW headcanon
Sanks’ reaction when you ask him to ‘make love’ to you for the first time- slightly NSFW headcanon
getting sexy in the bathroom with Shanks- NSFW headcanon
Shanks with a blind!dandere!s/o- headcanon
Shanks’ reaction when his little sister tells him she wants to date Luffy- headcanon
what Shanks’ evening/night routine with you is like- headcanon
some fluff headcanon
Shanks with a crush on someone shy and younger- headcanon
Shanks with a traumatized muslim!girlfriend- headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
NSFW Alphabet- C X I V Y 
Fluff Alphabet- A J K
Silvers Rayleigh
General SFW and NSFW headcanon
Rayleigh with a crush on someone shy and younger- headcanon
Sir Crocodile
NSFW Alphabet- J D C S
NSFW Alphabet- V M I E
NSFW Alphabet- G
Fluff Alphabet- F J M
Fluff Alphabet- K Y
Fluff Alphabet- R L
Fluff Alphabet- W
Fluff Alphabet- another W
SFW and NSFW headcanon
what kind of sugardaddy Smoker would be- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- D J O W X
Fluff Alphabet- J L U
General NSFW headcanon
Spandam falling for a gold digger- headcanon
Spandam getting dumped headcanon
General headcanon
Thatch helping a new member of the Whitebeard Pirates who is also a germaphobe- headcanon
is Thatch a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Thatch teaching you how to cook- headcanon
Fluff Alphabet- C J Y
Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper meeting a girl that also studies medicine and ate a Raccoon Devil Fruit- headcanon
Trafalgar Law
Law’s girlfriend protecting him from Doflamingo- scenario
Law’s reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
Law’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- headcanon
Law having a huge crush on you- headcanon
Law needing to be restrained during sex- NSFW headcanon
getting sexy in the bathroom with Law- NSFW headcanon
Law’s reaction when his little sister tells him she wants to date Luffy- headcanon
Law with a virgin!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Law pissing off a witch, getting an ‘impotence’ spell cast on him as result, and coming to his s/o (another witch) for help- headcanon
is Law a breast, leg, or ass man?- small headcanon
Law’s reaction to an s/o who looks like a total cupcake but has the mouth of a raunchy old sailor- headcanon
Law ‘helping’ you with your studies (gone sexual)- NSFW scenario
Law’s reaction to his girlriend showing him the ‘how is pregnant formed?’ video- modern!headcanon
Law getting turned on and touching his s/o while she’s asleep- NSFW scenario (possible trigger warning!)
The Strawhats’ reaction to finding out that you’re dating Law(CRACK)
what kind of sugardaddy Law would be- headcanon
Law getting his dick stolen by his s/o(literally)... and he’s not having it- NSFW scenario
Yandere!Law headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
NSFW Alphabet- K I D
NSFW Alphabet- A B E
NSFW Alphabet- C S W X
Fluff Alphabet- I O Q
Fluff Alphabet- T V W
Usopp with a girlfriend that loves danger- headcanon
Usopp's reaction to his s/o being the child of a former enemy- headcanon
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Ichiji with a short s/o- headcanon
Ichiji finding out that his s/o is secretly making food for little animals- headcanon
‘fluffy’ headcanon
Yandere!Ichiji headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Ichiji finding out about your abusive family- headcanon
Ichiji’s reaction to you getting kidnapped and tortured- headcanon
Ichiji with a sexy and cuddly s/o- headcanon
Ichiji’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Ichiji with a chubby!s/o who is rather insecure about it- headcanon
Ichiji’s s/o confronting him about what he did to Sanji- headcanon
Vinsmoke Niji
Niji with a short s/o- headcanon
Niji finding out that his s/o is secretly making food for little animals- headcanon
Yandere!Niji headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Niji finding out about your abusive family- headcanon
Niji’s reaction to you getting kidnapped and tortured- headcanon
Niji with a sexy and cuddly s/o- headcanon
Niji’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Niji with a chubby!s/o who is rather insecure about it- headcanon
Niji’s s/o confronting him about what he did to Sanji- headcanon
how Niji behaves around his ‘crush’- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- B F L M Y
Vinsmoke Reiju
Fluff Alphabet- I L X
Vinsmoke Yonji
Yonji with a short s/o- headcanon
Yonji finding out that his s/o is secretly making food for little animals- headcanon
Yandere!Yonji headcanon (possible trigger warning!)
Yonji finding out about your abusive family- headcanon
Yonji with a chubby, usually introverted s/o who has a secret adventurous side- headcanon
Yonji’s reaction to you getting kidnapped and tortured- headcanon
Yonji with a chubby!s/o who is rather insecure about it- headcanon
Yonji’s s/o confronting him about what he did to Sanji- headcanon
fluff headcanon
General NSFW headcanon
X Drake
General NSFW headcanon
Drake with a male!s/o- NSFW headcanon
Drake’s reaction to not being able to get an erection- NSFW headcanon
Drake’s reaction when you’re on your period- headcanon
NSFW Alphabet- B I M
NSFW Alphabet- A C J V X
NSFW Alphabet- D S
NSFW Alphabet- F K Y
Crachelle Stuff (lol)
“Be my Sweetheart”- (CRACK) scenario
jealous!Cracker demanding attention- scenario
being naughty in the bathtub- small scenario(kinda crack)
selfship game
kink list
our babies<3
my relationship with Angel + Custard (a quick summary)
‘pass the salt daddy’
my thoughts on Mama xD
a vampire!AU
touching,,, scars
Happy Birthday Cracker<3
commission- the whole family ;^;
1K notes · View notes
lunarliza · 4 years
JJ Maybank Must Die | Chapter 2: Ping Pong Balls
fuckboy!JJ x Reader
series masterlist | chapter one
JJ Maybank is the island’s most infamous fuckboy- not that you ever cared. But when a group of tourist girls come to your surf shop crying to you about him, you agree to help them plot revenge. Sabotage is all fun and games, until you find that the playboy you were sworn to ruin happens to be falling head over heels for you.
Yes, this is based on John Tucker Must Die lol
Tumblr media
Problem not solved.
You and Sophia eagerly sipped on your smoothies, waiting for the trio to show up to their five-o’clock session the Monday following the party. Alas, they piled through the front door with deflated shoulders. 
“Well?” Sophia perked, eyes gleaming, “How’d it go? Did you make him cry?! Please don’t spare any details!” Her palms clasped together in front of her like a kid who just came up with an evil-genius plan.
“Tell them what happened,” Annalise ordered Arabella, clocking the fiery-haired girl’s shoulder. 
Arabella sighed dejectedly. “Well... not exactly. So I went to the party, hoe clothes on and everything like we planned. Saw him, used my signature look and look away move, and it worked! He came over and we started talking and-”  
“She fucked him,” Maia finished bluntly, prompting a betrayed gasp from Sophia and face-palm from you. 
“Mhm,” Annalise added, “He whisked her away before me or Maia could get the chance to interfere.” 
“I couldn’t help it!” Arabella cried, covering her face in mortification, “He was just so... smooth and sweet. And those eyes! We started talking about sea turtles! You guys know they are my weakness.”
You couldn’t help look on your face. Arabella was sweet, no doubt, but boy, the girl sure was spineless. It was a good thing she was pretty.  
“He is the devil!” Sophia enunciated each word of her sentence and huffed. “This is going to be harder than I thought!” 
“We just need someone stronger! Someone with a heart of steel unlike this one,” Annalise added, smacking her friend on the back. 
“We could give it another go,” you agreed, “but who’d be our guinea pig now?”  
You pondered at the ceiling until you felt all four pairs of eyes practically stab at you. It was like jumping into a vulture’s nest. 
“Oh no, not me!”
“Why not?” Maia questioned, frustrated. “You’re the only available one left. Plus, you couldn’t give two shits about him. It’ll be like busy work to you.” 
“Yeah not gonna happen. Find someone else, please. This is non-negotiable.” 
Out of nowhere, Sophia seized your hand and tugged you into the back room of the shop. “Excuse us for a minute,” she said to the girls before shutting the door of the crammed space.
It was a good thing your supervisor left early for the day, your asses would be toast if he were to witness the scene. 
“I think you should do it,” your best friend urged.  
“Have you lost your mind?!” you yelled-whispered. 
“Oh come on, y/n! Do it for me. For Annalise. No! Do it for all the girls on this island who has ever shed a single tear for him!” 
You sighed heavily. “I can’t do it, Soph. I’m sorry. He’s terrible and Karma has her kiss for him, but not me. Also, you know how I feel about those parties at the Boneyard.” Your look grew to one of disgust. 
“Mhm,” she crossed her arms, “This wouldn’t be because of Pope would it?” 
Yes. It absolutely was. 
So you might’ve maybe use to have a teensy tiny little crush on Pope Heyward-one of JJ’s best friends. It wasn’t your fault he was so cute and smart... and respectful! 
The boy stole your heart and ran away with it when you were paired up for science lab sophomore year. Him, being the genius he was, always did the experiments so gracefully while you royalty fucked everything up. 
One day, you poured the wrong solution into the beaker and the goopy liquid exploded everywhere. However, without an ounce of complaint, Pope offered to stay after with you to scrub down the walls and tables. A modern day romance if there ever was one. 
After months of daydreaming about him, you finally worked up the courage to ask him to the end-of-year dance. Sophia and your other friends hyped you up as you approached his locker after school.
Much to you dismay, he said no. But he did it in such a nice way, you couldn’t hate him for it. If anything, it made you hurt even more that you got rejected so kindly. Ever since then, you never stepped foot near him or his friends, too humiliated to even think of it. 
“You’re a terrible liar, y/n,” Sophia stated. 
She then grabbed onto your shoulders to stare you straight in the eyes. “Look, I know you swore never to see Pope again, but, honestly, fuck him! He missed out on a kick-ass date. But think- you could kill two birds with one stone! Go to the Boneyard, look hot as fuck, dance on JJ a bit and then vamoose! Pope’s jealous and JJ gets a bite in the ass!”  
Your brows furrowed in annoyance. Leave it to Sophia to convince you into her petty ploys. “I don’t know...” 
She persisted further. “Okay, I wasn’t going to tell you this because I knew you’d be super jealous, but my cousin got me front row to Venus Panic in Charlotte at the end of the summer.” 
Your eyes jolted out of your head. “No fucking way!” 
You loved Venus Panic with a dying passion. They were your favorite band who never ever came to the U.S. 
Sophia let out a long breath. “Yes. If you do this, y/n, the ticket,” she paused, “the ticket is yours.” 
It was like pulling teeth from her to make that kind of offer. Damn her for being so conniving! 
“Alright. For Venus, I’ll do it.” 
“Thank the gods!” Sophia leaped up and down in the confined room, hugging you and thanking you a ga-zillion times. 
She looked as if she sealed a million dollar deal when you two emerged from the room. You, on the other hand, were ready to fling yourself to the seagulls. 
“Operation JJ Maybank must die is a go girls!” she announced before the group started frolicking up and down, earning stares from people looking through the glass. 
“Alright, alright,” you said as they settled down, “Now that we have that done, can we please actually surf now?” 
The night of the next Boneyard party, you and Sophia drove to the condo the girls were staying at. Pulling up to the building, both yours and Sophia’s eyes widened. You knew the complex was on Figure Eight, but you didn’t know it was that luxurious and huge. They even had valet at the front, and you were greeted by doorman on your way in. 
Apparently Annalise’s dad was an important rich man in Virginia. He remarried, and was currently honeymooning in some exotic island. Sending his condolences, he let her choose whichever one of his condos she wanted to stay at for the summer with friends. For some unknown reason, she chose the Outer Banks. 
“Party’s here!” Sophia sang when Arabella answered the door. 
You entered into the spacious unit, in awe. The endless kitchen was lined with white Italian wood while the counters were topped with the fanciest marble you had ever seen. The living room was the size of your house with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the island. And the view was spectacular. 
So this was how the other side lived. 
Maia and Annalise squealed when they emerged from their rooms and hugged you and Sophia hello. They had on silk robes with their hair up in rollers. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show had nothing on them. 
They handed you two some seltzers from the fridge before Maia dragged you to the gigantic vanity in her room. Eyeshadow palettes, brushes, and compact powders littered the surface. She sat you down and fiddled with the ends of your hair. 
“So, y/n, what kind of look do you wanna go for tonight?” 
You were taken aback. “I’m not sure. Maybe something natural since we’re gonna be outside?” 
Maia scoffed playfully and shook her head. “Y/n, it’s a party! If you’re not glamming you’re not scamming. Actually say no more! I know exactly what we’re gonna do.” 
And so, she worked her magic as you watched through the bulb-lined mirror. You asked her about the products she was using while she gave you the rundown of the importance of each item and step. She was very knowledgable and swift with her hand- especially when it came to the winged liner. 
You got along with Maia. You learned that she had a successful makeup channel and wanted to start her own brand one day. She also told you about her boyfriend and how he was in Thailand for the entire summer. 
After two hours of searching for lost lip glosses, waiting on Annalise to change for the tenth time, and chugging your fifth seltzer, the five of you finally made it to the Boneyard at its peak hour. 
Linking arms, you all strutted down the beach, ready for your mission. 
The four scattered when you reached the sea of people, leaving you to locate the blonde target. After a few minutes of searching, you couldn’t find a single trace of him or any of his friends. 
Heading over to the keg, you poured yourself a drink in hopes it would loosen your raging nerves. It also didn’t help that Maia’s bikini top was hardly covering your nipples. You knew a nip slip was just waiting to happen at some point in the night. 
You casually sipped your drink and circled the party again, catching a glimpse of the wavy-haired boy at the beer pong area. 
JJ slammed his fists on the table after landing another shot. 
“Fuck yes! One last shot and your ass is grass!” he belted to his competitors: two random tourist boys who were chugging at a ridiculously slow pace. JJ then proceeded to high-five his friend, John B, who you also recognize from school. 
“Don’t be a coward,” you muttered to yourself before striding to the crowd clamoring around a fold-out table. 
From the sides, you attempted a few of the “flirty glances” Arabella taught you but no luck. The boy would much rather bounce a ping-pong ball.
You resorted to crossing your arms and waiting for the game to be over. With no surprise, JJ and John B won as the tourons groaned and withered away to the bonfire. 
“That’s right baby! Undefeated!” JJ gloated with his hands smugly flung in the air. 
“Alright who’s next?” John B shouted, earning no response from the herd. 
Welp... it’s now or never. 
“I’ll play,” you volunteered and stuck your hand up. You could feel JJ staring at you quizzically.
“Alright, alright we have a challenger! But who’s your partner?” John B asked. You wanted to slap yourself for not thinking this through properly.
“I’ll do it,” a deep voice spoke behind you. You whirled around to meet eyes with none other than Pope. He stood cooly behind you with a beer in hand. 
You originally planned to avoid him at all costs during the party. But that all went down the drain as he set down his drink and started ordering the cups in a pyramid formation. 
“You’re going down Heyward!” JJ hollered, taking the first shot. The ball glided into the first cup with ease. John B’s shot followed, but bounced off to the side. 
Your partner grabbed the beer and hurled it down instantly, using his wrist to wipe his mouth. You snatched the fallen ball on the ground while Pope nodded for you to go first. 
So this might have been the first time you’ve every played beer pong in your life. But, in your defense, you’ve done it a million times on your phone. It couldn’t be that hard. 
You tossed the first shot and it wheezed over all the cups. Whoops. 
“This is too easy,” JJ jeered, eyeing Pope as he made the next throw. It landed in one of the back cups and John B swallowed the contents down. 
“Sorry, I’m just off my game today,” you mumbled to your partner. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You wanna know my trick?” Pope raised as another one of JJ’s balls flew into one of your cups. You raised your brows as he handed you the beer. 
“The more drunk you are, the better you play.” 
Guzzling down the liquid luck, you fingered another ball and took your aim. Flinging it towards the mass, you gasped when it actually landed into the center cup. 
“Oh my God!” you cheered as Pope’s face mimicked yours. He high-fived you with both hands as you bounced up and down in glee. 
“That’s what I’m talking about y/n!” 
For the rest of the game you and Pope played neck-and-neck with the other two, continuously making shots and chugging down beer. His tactic worked. You were on fire. 
The flock around you chanted your name every time you scored. You could see your friends hanging around in the far corner hollering your name and sending you thumbs ups. 
It was game point as both teams had one target left. It was their turn. JJ took the stage, chucking the ball skillfully. Much to your demise, it swirled along the rim before plopping in. JJ roared out in victory. 
“Hold your horses,” Pope interjected with a finger in the air, “We still have redemption.” 
“Let’s see it then,” John B panted, worn out from the tension. 
“You got this.” Pope patted you on the back and handed you the ball. 
Your eyes bursted. “W-What? No no no, Pope you go.” 
“Relax, y/n! I believe in you. Just focus.” 
You gulped and turned to the boys taunting you across the table. Saying the quickest Hail Mary in your head, you launched the ball and had to shut your eyes. 
A sudden rush of shrieks alarmed you. Peeling your eyes open, you saw both JJ and John B’s jaws plummet to the ground. 
It went in. 
“Now that’s what the fuck is up!” Pope hurled his fist at this chest. You were frozen in utter disbelief. Maybe the Gods were in your favor. 
Pope added two more cups to your side of the table as John B copied his actions. The four of you went at it a few more times before you were one-and-one again. Both John B and JJ missed and the balls rolled back over to you. 
Taking the first shot again, you slung the ball, but it flew off the rim. You were chattering on your nails as Pope proceeded to make his attempt. 
One swish and the ball landed straight in the hole.  
You both jolted up in the air, doing a little victory dance. JJ shushed you- ready to go for his redemption kill. His ball missed the cup by a hair and John B’s slid off the table, deeming you and Pope the winners. 
In your exhilarated drunken state, you threw your arms around Pope, and he let out a soft chuckle. You hastily pulled away after you realized what you were doing. Thankfully, the crestfallen losers immediately came over to shake your hands and say “Good game.” 
JJ’s hands hung onto yours a moment longer. He studied you with his eyes before treading away towards the bonfire. 
As winners, you and Pope stayed a few more rounds before getting beat out. You noticed JJ come back to watch you for a few rounds, eyes fixated on your every move. 
After shaking hands with the girls who beat you, you waved a confused Pope goodbye and jogged over towards the drink area for water. In the corner of your eye, you saw JJ hurry up to you with giddiness. 
“That was some game you played out there,” he complimented as you swigged down your water. 
“Thanks! Guess I just got lucky back there.” 
He leaned both arms on the table, raising his brows suggestively. “Might just be your lucky night then.”
Oh brother. 
You threw him an uneasy smile and treaded away to the dancing crowd. Of course, he followed you, struggling to keep up with your pace. 
“Hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around before.” 
You scoffed low enough to where he couldn’t hear. Never seen you? You’ve been in the same classes since second grade. 
“I’m y/n.” You slowed down a bit, remembering your sworn duty. 
“Well I’m JJ. JJ Maybank.” He flashed you a toothy smile. 
You stopped amidst the dancers as a popular, high-beat electronic song came on. You flung you hands around JJ’s neck and pulled him close. “Dance with me, JJ Maybank.” 
The two of you rocked back and forth for a while before the music transitioned to a provocative rap song. Both you and the light-haired boy rapped the entire first verse with ease, giggling once the chorus hit. 
“So... how come I’ve never seen you at one of these parties?” 
You shrugged tossing him a look of disinterest. “Not really my thing.” 
He tugged you in so his forehead was on yours. “Then what is your thing then, hm? What’s a cute girl like you up to all summer?” 
“I’m a surfing instructor.” 
“Is that so? You know, I’m a pretty good surfer myself...” His hands traced down to your swaying hips. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you retorted, running your hands up and down his biceps flirtatiously. 
It was probably the alcohol doing all the work, because in that moment, you knew you were being absolutely irresistible to the boy who’s hands were burning to stay in the... respectful areas. 
“Maybe one day I can show you,” JJ rasped. You barely heard him through the booming of the speakers, but still locked eyes with him alluringly. 
“Mmm, don’t really have time for amateurs.” 
“Ouch... feisty aren’t we?” His lips were millimeters from yours. 
“Please, you know you like it.” You decided to close the gap. 
Boy, were his lips soft. His chiseled hands made way to tangle up in your hair as he expertly kissed you amongst the throng of people. He slid his tongue into your mouth, and you could feel how hungry he was. 
You stopped after a minute, purposely cutting it short. His eyes were aching for more, but you refused. You wanted to starve him. 
“Wanna get out of here? There’s a cool place on the beach I can show you,” he asked, fingers toying with the back string of your bikini. 
You shrugged. “Why not.”
Smirking, JJ’s hand snaked around your waist as he led you to the back trees of the Boneyard. You approached a small patch of sand enclosed by a circle of trees, and it all clicked in your head. This was his sex hideout. 
You glanced around the spot. The moon beamed straight into it, and the leaves of the trees hung down fancifully. In its own weird way, it was kind of romantic- if you didn’t think about how many times he’s taken people there to fuck.
He tugged you towards the center, wrapping you in his muscular arms. 
“You’re the cutest girl I’ve ever seen. I could just eat you up,” he muttered seductively, nipping at the sides of your jawline. 
You were beginning to understand it now- his irresistibility. The guy was charming. You let him kiss you for a little bit until you felt him undo your back bikini string. 
You quickly jerked away, tying it back into a bow.
“You know what, I think I’m good,” you said abruptly, backing away. 
JJ looked as if someone offered a kid ice cream and knocked the cone off the second he was about to dive in for the first taste. “Wait! Where are you going?” he urged.
His face flooded in disbelief as he let out a loud scoff, darting after you as you jogged back to the dancing pack.
“Wait! Y/n come back!” he called out. 
“What for? I’m not sleeping with you JJ!” you shouted, making sure everyone around you heard. 
When his face went beet-red you knew you work was done. 
You sped up the sand, out of sight, to Annalise’s car where your friends were circled. They whooped and cheered at your presence. 
“We saw everything!” Maia exclaimed, hauling you in for a bone-tight hug. 
“That was so awesome! Y/n, you’re my hero!” Arabella chimed in while you all crammed into the Mercedes. 
“Ladies, ladies,” Annalise began before pulling out of the parking lot, “Tonight we celebrate the fall of JJ Maybank!” 
The car erupted in drunk glee as everyone swaddled you from their seats. 
As you drove back to the condo, Sophia rolled down her window from the backseat and stuck out her head. 
“Fuck you JJ Maybank!” 
note: dw there is even more D R A M A to come lolz 
chapter 3
tags: @obxlife​ @rudyypankow​ @yeehaw87​ @ilymarkchan​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @tangledinsparkles​ @toloveortobeinlove​ @pixelated-pogues​ @normatural​ @teamnick​ @drizzlethatfalls​ 
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Slowed Response.
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Request by anon: Can you do a Harrison fic please where he doesn’t realize that he likes her when she told him and it’s all angsty but with a happy ending??❤️
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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Finding old photos and videos on your phone was always a nostalgic moment. You did it all the time and scrolled back through your camera roll to look through all of yours forgotten memories. It didn’t really seem like much more than that today as you passed time in the flat on your own.
That was until you stumbled upon more and more photos and videos of the boy you’d been trying to forget.
Allow me to backtrack.
You and Harrison had been friends for years, having met him, Tom and Tuwaine when you were all at the Brit School. You’d quickly become close friends with all of them. It had been that way ever since. Though, something along the line had always been different with you and Harrison. You’d always just been a little closer with him than you were with the other two. He’d just always been that one person in your life. That one that knew literally everything there was to know about you. The one who picked you up when you were feeling low, who knew all of the right things to say when everyone else was saying everything wrong. He was Harrison. And, in him, you’d found everything good there was to find in a person. You weren’t quite sure when your heart had twisted that into anything more than a good friendship.
There are far too many videos that melt your heart into more unfixable pieces as you scroll back through. One of all four of you on holiday and were dancing by the pool. Harrison had come up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and starting off the boys’ attempt to throw you into the water. You’d somehow managed to pull him in with you and both of you ended up in stitches.
The next video was oddly enough one of your favourite ones of him. It was from when you’d first moved into your flat, when you’d managed to successfully achieve your goal of living in your own London property. He’d been so proud of you for your accomplishment. And he’d been there to get the keys with you. Later that day, he’d sent you a short video of him grinning in your new place along with a message about how excited he was for you to have your own place - he’d told you he was already planning your first mega movie night and had already found some great places for hide and seek.
Instead, you now lay on the couch in that flat completely on your own. It had been two weeks since you’d confessed how you felt to Harrison and you hadn’t even spoken to him since then. You’d thought you were good at handling rejection, especially as an actor. But clearly that rejection coming from your best friend was a completely different experience. He’d tried to make things better, defending his uncertain reactions to try to ease the pain in your eyes. You’d left before he could try to explain himself anymore. It wasn’t worth putting yourself through any more pain.
Since then, Tom, his brothers, Tuwaine, even Charlotte, had been ringing you relentlessly to try to get some sort of contact from you. You’d instead reply to their missed calls with a text to tell them you were fine and that you just needed some space. It wasn’t worth anything more than that. Nobody of them would be able to tell you what you wanted to hear. And that one conversation with Harrison had already given you enough of things you never wanted to hear again. He felt so guilty, so gut wrenchingly awful for having to reject you. That’s what made it even worse. It just felt like he didn’t have it in him to feel that way for you. It was nothing to do with you. It was just not something he felt.
You didn’t realise how many times you’d replayed that same video of him in your flat until you flinch at the sound of someone at your door. Maybe it was just a neighbour - probably requesting that you stop crying at 3am, or leaving Netflix on overnight because they can hear it from next door. Though, when you drag yourself from the sofa and go to open your apartment door, it’s Tom stood on the other side.
“Hey,” He sighs as he sees you, “Somebody let me in downstairs, I didn’t know if you’d let me in otherwise.”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re not the friend I confessed my love to and then got rejected by!” Sarcasm seemed like a good way of dealing with things recently, or all of the time for that matter.
He wants to laugh but the words are too heavy to find any sort of jovial response, “I brought smoothies?”
You smile a little, “Then you may enter.”
Tom smiles and steps into your flat, still clean despite your low mental state.
“Sorry I’ve been a bit... absent,” You comment, fiddling with the waistband of your joggers, “I just needed some space.”
“Yeah, no, I know. It feels weird not having you at the house all the time,” Tom mentions as he sits down on the side of the couch that had been claimed as his from the start.
“Just because you need people there to make sure Tuwaine doesn’t burn the house down,” You roll your eyes, taking a drink from the smoothie he’d handed to you. Your favourite, thankfully.
Tom swallows the lump in his throat, “I’ve barely seen Harrison.”
You look up and frown, “Where’s he gone? I thought he was staying with you guys.”
“He is,” Tom scoffs, “That’s the problem. The boy’s practically confined himself to his room. He won’t really talk much, eats upstairs, sleeps in late. It’s like he’s punishing himself or something.”
“For what?”
“He knows he hurt you, (Y/n).”
“However I feel isn’t anything that he can control, he can’t feel guilty for not feeling the same way,” You shake your head, “He’s just confused, I’m sure.”
Tom sets down his drink and shifts in his seat, and you know this is about to be a moment where he shares some level of advice that is meant to be helpful.
“Me and Harrison have been best friends for years, I treat that boy like a brother. Same goes for you and Tuwaine. And I’d like to think that I know you all pretty well,” He begins, “I never expected things to happen the way they did.”
“You know I didn’t intend to fall in love with my best friend, Tom?” You raise your brows.
“No, no, I meant the way that he reacted,” He quickly assures you, “Every part of every way that he acts told me it was pretty much certain that he’d tell you he felt the same. I just think it took him by surprise, and he didn’t know how to respond.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Yeah, well, his response seemed pretty clear to me. If he doesn’t feel the same way, there’s nothing I can do to change that.
Tom sighs and pulls you into his side to wrap an arm around you, “I’m so sorry, (Y/n).”
You let out a shaky breath. Today wouldn’t be another day full of tears for that boy. It couldn’t be.
“Did you mean that?” Tom mumbles after some time, “Have you really fallen in love with him?”
You sit up and purse your lips before responding, “With every part of me. And it terrifies me to think I’m going to have to force myself out of that.”
Tom can see it in your eyes, the most clear way of proving your words. You did love Harrison. More than you’d ever be able to compress into the short confession you’d given him. It wasn’t just the love ya’s you’d give to Tom or Tuwaine or Harry or Sam. It was a deepset three words that held a weight you’d been carrying for far longer than you should’ve done.
“You know there’s always a place for you at ours, nothing’s changed there. And I don’t want this all to change anything between me and you, or you and any of us. You know that, right?” Tom squeezes your arm as he pulls you back into his side.
You let out a shaky breath as you rest your head on his shoulder, “I know.”
He hears the way your voice cracks at the words and watches as your bottom lip starts to tremble.
“I just need some time to figure out how to get over losing him.”
With that, a tear slips from your eyes and falls helplessly down the length of your bare cheek.
“Shit, you’re going to make me cry,” Tom says shakily as his eyes well up too.
He shifts and turns to wrap both of his arms tightly around you as you cry into his chest.
“You haven’t lost him.”
But you’re not even sure that he believes the words as they fall flat into the tear stained air around you.
- - - - - -
It’s already way past dark when Tom gets in that night. He’d been so reluctant to leave you but you’d insisted constantly until he finally had to give in. He tries his best to keep quiet as he slips off his shoes at the door and locks it behind him.
Cautiously, he creeps toward the staircase of the house - only pausing when he sees the low light still coming through from the lounge. What were the odds that Harry had fallen asleep on the couch again?
Instead, it’s Haz he finds in the room alone.
“Hey,” Harrison speaks quietly, drained of energy, “Theres some leftovers from dinner if you want anything.”
“Oh, no, I’m okay man, I’ve already eaten,” Tom nods, scanning over the boy who was slowly slipping away from being his typical self.
“Where’ve you been?” Harrison asks, trying to inject some sort of life into the words.
Tom scratches at the back of his neck, “I... um, I went to see (Y/n).”
At that, Harrison perks up as his head whips round at the sound of your name being spoken, “(y/n)? How’s she doing? Is she okay?”
“She’s... getting better,” Tom nods, walking properly into the lounge and taking up the seat on the couch beside his best friend, “Still sarcastic as always.”
Harrison finds it in him to smile at the thought, “Did you talk about...”
“A little, yeah. She got pretty emotional so I avoided talking about you too much after that,” Tom admits, he didn’t want to lie and get caught in the middle of a situation already difficult enough, “It’s hard for her, you know it is. She feels like she’s lost you and that’s making her distance from everybody.”
“She hasn’t lost me, man,” Harrison interjects, “Come on, (Y/n)’ll never lose me.”
“That’s not the way she sees it, Haz. Come on, you rejected her after she told you she’d fallen in love with you. That’s not going to be easy for her to just bounce back from,” Tom encourages, his protective side towards you shining through, “You seriously don’t feel the same?”
Harrison gulps, “If I’m honest, I don’t know if I do. I’ve never felt that way about anyone before and (Y/n) seemed so sure of herself when she said it.”
Tom lets it sit for a moment as he looks at his best friend beside him. There’d always been something more between you and Harrison, all of the boys knew it. There was something about how upset he got after you argued, how excitedly he spoke about you whenever you were off doing something incredible, how he remembered every detail you’d told him. Tom knew that was way beyond the friend status that you and him would always have. It was just... obvious. He’d always expected something to happen, he’d never even questioned it. And he was reluctant to do so now - he knew Harrison too well.
“Well, then, how do you feel about her?” Tom persists.
“She’s incredible, of course she is. And we have the same sense of humour, we could talk for hours, she balances me out which is always good...”
“Okay, so do you see her in the same way you’d see any of us?”
“What?! No, no of course not,” Harrison is quick to defend, “It’s different with (Y/n).”
“Harrison, what did you tell your Mum about her when she was off filming last year?” Tom cocks a brow.
Harrison can’t help but swallow the lump in his throat and blink a few times before responding, “I told her that (Y/n) was the best person I’d ever meet. That she was like the better half of me...”
With that, Tom clasps Harrison on the shoulder and stands up, “Get some sleep, mate. Looks like you’ve got somewhere to be in the morning.”
- - - - - -
That night after Tom came round was probably the best you’d slept in a long time. You wake up at a reasonable time and even find yourself having a productive morning. Today’s coping method was positive. You put on some music in the flat and let the songs trickle loudly into every room as you went about a cleaning day for the apartment. You were just washing the dishes when there was a knock at the door. Quickly, you pause your music and grab a fresh kitchen towel to dry your hands.
Again, you expect a neighbour or something when you open the door.
Not him.
“Hey (Y/n),” Harrison smiles lightly, bags under his eyes suggesting he’d been coping just as poorly as you had. You’d gone two weeks without speaking a word to this boy and, for you two, that felt like a lifetime already.
“Hey...” The word sounds weaker than you’d like it to, “How are you?”
“I’m good, you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” You nod, “Um, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I just wanted to come round and see if you were okay,” Harrison mumbles, looking down to his feet that he scuffs on the floor to find any way of distracting himself.
“Come on then, at least make yourself useful,” You pull the teatowel from your shoulder and hand it out to him, “You dry and I’ll wash.”
Both of you return to the kitchen sink and start back up with washing and drying the dishes. He still remembers where everything goes as he puts it away after drying. There aren’t any words spoken between you two but a million thoughts colliding all at once. All you can think of is the last words you’d spoken to him and you were terrified of where things would pick up from if this was the next time you were speaking.
As you hand over the last plate, Harrison dries it and hands you the kitchen towel to let you dry your hands. Accidentally, his hand brushes yours as the exchange occurs and you find yourself reluctant to flinch away from the touch as your mind was telling you to. You wanted to still feel some connection to him.
“Im sorry I took so long,” Harrison comments, unsure as to whether he’s talking about coming to your home or to his realisation.
“No, that’s okay. I’m glad we gave each other some space,” You nod, folding your arms over yourself.
He glances around your kitchen like he’s trying to find anything to strike up a bit of conversation. His eyes fall upon the script left on your table, “What’s this?”
You go to respond but he picks it up and flicks through before you can.
“You got the part?!” His eye brows raise at he looks at you in half-shock.
“Yeah, um,” You tuck your hair behind your ear, “I got the first script through last week so I could get a feel for the character. But the part’s mine if I want it.”
Six weeks ago, it had been Harrison sat across from you helping you to run lines for the audition. Now? You hadn’t even told him when you’d got the part you’d been waiting for.
“God! That’s great (Y/n), that’s really great. I’m so proud of you!” He beams with that pride he always did at any success you had, though it’s more temporary than it normally would be, his sincerity returns, “You should’ve told me.”
“I didn’t really think that the next time I spoke to you, I’d just be calling to tell you about a role. That hardly seemed like a good way to start.”
“That’s the best way to start,” Harrison laughs, “I’ll help you run lines whenever you need.”
“That’s okay, I spoke to Tom about it yesterday and he’s already offered so-“
“I always help you with lines,” Harrison frowns.
It shouldn’t be such a big deal. But in that two weeks, his incomplete thoughts had caused him to lose that part of you. And he was realising more and more that his response two weeks ago was the worst response he could’ve possibly given you. And it might be too late to change that.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for either of us to spend too much time alone together for a while Haz. We’re both in different places and I don’t wa-“ You stop and swallow the fear in your throat, “I don’t want to let myself get hurt by you.”
If your closed off posture and averted eyes didn’t kill him already, those last words were enough to deliver the final fatal blow.
“I was an idiot two weeks ago (Y/n). I shouldn’t have reacted how I did,” He starts with caution as he sets the script back down onto the table and turns to focus all of his attention on you, “There are a thousand things I should’ve said and I instead chose to say none of them.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself Harrison, it’s my fault.”
“For what? Saying everything I was too scared to admit to myself?”
“Don’t say that Harrison,” You snap, turning away from him like even the look in his eyes was enough to break you again.
“No, (Y/n), it’s the truth and you know it deep down too. I was just so scared of admitting it to myself. And for the past weeks I’ve been thinking of everything I did to lead up to this point, where you’d fallen for me. What I hadn’t realised was that I’d got to that point at the same time, my mind just took a little longer to catch up - as always,” He half laughs, “So I’ve spent every day trying to think through everything I could say to you to make things better after what I’ve done and that’s when I realised that I didn’t need to make things better for you. I needed to make myself realise what I’ve been slowly getting to since we were fifteen.”
Your eyes brew a fresh set of tears at his words, your heart close to tearing at the thought of him saying all of this just to lessen his guilt. But the rest of you is praying for it all to be true.
“How could I not fall for you, (Y/n)?” He steps close behind you until you can practically feel the words touch your hair, your skin.
His hands reach out and he brushes his fingertips gently up your arms, slowly like he’s taking in every inch of you.
“How could I not fall for the girl I’ve been adoring since the first time she hugged me and convinced me to stop worrying about everything so much? Since she first met my family and treated them like she’d been a part of them forever. Since she first held my hand and somehow sealed every wound and every crack in my heart that was never going to break for anybody but for her,” His voice cracks and it becomes impossible for you to not turn around and face him.
It feels like the two of you are closer than ever now, after what felt like so long of being apart.
“I was an idiot (Y/n), and it shouldn’t have taken all of this for me to realise how I felt about you. But, if you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day making up for every day that we’ve lost, every day where I couldn’t have kissed you and told you I loved you in a way that I’d never love anyone else,” He smiles gently as his tears well up with tears to mirror your own, “You’re everything to me, (Y/n).”
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nastybuckybarnes · 5 years
Distrust  -  Ten (Final/Epilogue)
Pairing: Past!Steve Rogers X Reader, Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: After Bucky gets ‘taken’ on a mission gone wrong, Steve blames you for it, casting you out. HYDRA takes advantage of your vulnerable state and is quick to capture you, the team knowing nothing of anything that’s happened.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Language, Abortion talk, Fluff, Injuries, Angst, FLUFF
Word Count: 4.1K
A/n: All done y’all. God, I'm kinda upset that this series is over! Here you go, the final instalment of Distrust.
Edited Poorly Series Masterlist Masterlist
“You’ll be back soon, right? It’s not gonna be a hard mission or anything?” Bucky smiles down at you, cupping your cheeks in his large hands.
“Of course. It shouldn’t be more than two days, tops. Then I’ll be back home with you.” You smile and press yourself up onto your toes, kissing his lips gingerly.
“Ew! That’s gross!” 
You pull away with a giggle and look over your shoulder to where your four-year-old daughter stands with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Really? You think it’s gross when I kiss mommy?” Charlotte nods and runs over to the two of you.
“Daddy’s going again?” She asks, hugging your legs and looking up at the two of you. “Only for two days. But that’s gonna be the last time for a while.” She smiles brightly, brown eyes sparkling.
“I’ll miss you this much!” She spreads her arms as wide as she can and your heart warms.
“Really?! That much? Wow, I must be important for you to miss me that much.” She nods vigorously, squealing as he scoops her up in his arms and tosses her into the air once then tickles her sides.
“Daddy! Daddy sto-o-o-op!” You smile lovingly at the pair, not bothering to look away when Bucky catches your gaze.
“I gotta get going, sweetheart. I promise when I get back I’ll take you and mommy out for ice cream.” She gasps and hugs him tightly.
He wraps one arm around her back then wraps the other around you, pulling you into a hug with him. “I love you, (Y/n).” You smile and kiss his lips gently, “I love you, Bucky.”
He pulls away reluctantly and sets Charlotte on her feet. “Okay ladies, I’ll see you on Friday. I’ll call or video chat tonight. Tell me what happens at your doctor's appointment tomorrow, okay?” You squeeze his hand and smile.
“Of course. Now go, before Nat takes your head off.” He chuckles and kisses your cheek once then hurried out the door.
“Hey, mommy? Can we watch movies and eat Chinese food? The kind that daddy doesn’t like?” You smooth down her raven hair and nod. “Of course. What do you wanna watch?” She shrugs, running over to the couch and plopping down in Bucky’s usual spot.
You sit down next to her and put the TV on while grabbing your phone, letting Lottie pick a movie as you order food.
“Mommy?” Charlotte asks as the two of you lie down in the bed you and Bucky share.
“Yes, Lottie?” She puts her thumb in her mouth, a nervous tick she has.
“Why didn't my bio...biological mommy want me?” You hug her tightly to your body and kiss the tip of her head. “I bet she did, she was probably just scared. But she wanted you. And because she gave you up, you’re here with your daddy and I. Out of all those kids, we picked you because we knew you were the one we wanted. You’re our Charlotte and we love you with all of our hearts. We wouldn’t ever want a different little girl.”
She sniffles and clings to you tightly. “I’m glad you’re my mommy.” You feel a wave of pride wash through you and you kiss the crown of her head.
“I’m glad I’m your mommy too.”
You remember when you and Bucky decided to adopt her. A year into your serious relationship, a year and a half into your outpatient recovery. You decided together that you were ready for this. And it was one of the best decisions of your life.
“Well, (Y/n). You’re in excellent health.” You smile at Doctor Cho, eyes flashing over to where Lottie is colouring absentmindedly at the desk.
“I’m just gonna check your blood, routine and everything.” You nod, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Are you still sick, mommy?” You look at Lottie and smile. “Not super sick, baby. Mommy’s tummy just hurts a little bit.” Doctor Cho looks up at you. “You’re sick?” You shrug, scratching your arm nervously.
“I threw up last night and this morning. Pretty sure it’s just the Chinese food from last night. Bucky’s always telling us we should eat less of it.” She purses her lips and nods, looking back at her computer as she waits for the results of your blood test.
“Daddy comes home tomorrow!” Lottie exclaims, suddenly remembering.
“Yes, he does. And we’re gonna celebrate and be happy and eat ice cream and drink smoothies and eat pancakes and waffles for dinner!” She giggles, “breakfast for dinner? That’s silly!” You smile at her as she resumes colouring.
“(Y/n)... Your blood test is different than expected. And I think I know the reason for your sickness.” Your stomach drops. You have an idea of what she’s gonna say, and that idea terrifies you.
“No. I... I can’t be. There... the damage to my uterus was too extensive, wasn’t it?” She shakes her head and grabs a paper from your file.
“Your uterus healed mostly. Permitting you to potentially have children. And from the looks of things... you’re-” “don’t say it.” She looks down solemnly.
“But it’s the truth. You can decide what you’d like to do with it and let me know. If you want to abort, I’ll have it done promptly. But I’d advise discussing it with Mister Barnes first. Just think about it for a moment, alright?” You nod hesitantly, your stomach churning.
“Here’s your results. If you’d like another scan or an ultrasound, we can have that arranged. But wait until James is home to make a decision because I want someone with you if you decide you don’t want to keep it.” You nod again and stand up, taking the file from her and grabbing Lottie’s hand.
“Drive safely, (Y/n). And please, consider everything.” You nod for a third time then walk out of the office with Lottie at your side, wide-eyed and oblivious to the life-changing news you’ve just received.
“Hello?” Bucky waits for an answer.
“Daddy? It… It’s mommy. She’s... she’s crying in the bathroom. She’s been in there f-for a long time and I-I’m scared.” Bucky jumps up and starts quickly packing his things.
“Okay, Lottie. I want you to call Uncle Tony. I’ll be home in a few hours and then I’ll help mommy, okay?” “Okay, daddy. Is-is mommy okay?” Bucky tosses his bag over his shoulder and looks at Nat and Clint.
“Yes baby, I’m sure mom’s fine. But call uncle Tony just to be sure. I gotta go now bay. Call me if anything else happens okay?” She sniffles and her voice wavers, “okay daddy.”
He hangs up and rushes to the door of the motel. “Is (Y/n) okay?” Nat asks. Bucky takes a deep breath and bites his bottom lip. “I fucking hope so.”
You hold your legs to your chest and cry softly into your knees, unsure what to do as you stare at the positive pregnancy test.
“(Y/n)? You in here?” The door opens and Tony walks in, Bucky a few steps behind him.
“I-I...” you trail off as Bucky drops to his knees beside you, carefully pulling you into his chest.
“What is it?” You look up at him with teary eyes. “I’m pregnant.”
The entire room stops as you whisper the dreaded words out loud.
“Oh god.. (Y/n)...” Bucky kisses the top of your head and Tony rubs his eyes, unsure what to do.
“Mommy? A-are you okay?” Lottie asks from the doorway.
“Lottie, your mommy-” you cut Tony off, “c’mere baby. Mommy just needs a hug. She’s got a booboo and just wants hugs from you and daddy.” Lottie runs into the room and jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly. Bucky rocks the three of you back and forth slowly, calming you down and easing your anxiety.
“Have a good day at daycare, baby! Uncle Tony is gonna pick you up and bring you to the park after too!” Lottie smiles and grabs Tony’s hand, letting him pull her to his sports car.
When they drive away, you turn to Bucky, your hands shaking wildly.
“So... you’re pregnant.” You nod hesitantly. His arms wrap around your frame and he kisses the top of your head.
“If you don’t want to keep it, you don’t have to. I know... how hard it’ll be for you. I know how hard... it was. So if you don’t want to keep it... if you can’t keep it... I’ll support you. The decision is entirely up to you and nothing will change that. It’s your body, so it’s your choice.”
Tears stream down your cheeks and you hug him tightly.
“A part of me... a part of me wants this baby. But I know how hard the pregnancy will be on my body. I know how hard it’ll be on my mind and stuff. So, I don’t know if I can do it. I kinda want to, but I’m not sure if I can handle it.”
He kisses your temple and then your cheek. “Think it over. Just know I’ll be here for you through every single decision you make.”
You pull out of his embrace and bite your bottom lip, thinking about what to do.
“Well... I mean I’m sure Doctor Cho could help me with any complications... but I don’t even know... nine months? God, I promised myself I would never have kids after Sarah. I...” Bucky takes your hands in his and kisses each finger gently.
“You have Lottie. We have Lottie. If you don’t want to have this baby then don’t. If we really want another kid, we can adopt another one. I don’t want you to strain your recovery, your body, or your emotions for a baby that you don’t want.” You sniffle and look up into his eyes.
“He’s affecting me, even now,” you whisper. He kisses your cheek then rests his forehead against yours.
“The decision is yours. I’m not going to tell you what to do or what not to do because this is totally and one hundred percent up to you.”
You take a deep breath in and nod. “Sarah... was my first daughter. My first child. And she’ll never be forgotten by me. I’ll always remember her. But she was a child meant for a different woman and a different man. The old me and Steve. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a baby for you. With you. I mean, Lottie could use a sister or brother... but fuck. I just don't know!”
He holds your hands in his again and silences you with a kiss. “No one's saying you have to choose now. Give it a week. When you have your answer we’ll go talk to Doctor Cho about it. Risks for aborting and risks for keeping it. Because all I want is for you to be happy and healthy. With or without a baby. Now, go get dressed up. I’m gonna take you out on a date.” Your worries get pushed aside and you kiss his lips softly.
“I want Lottie to have a sibling. She’d love to have a younger brother or sister and I’m not totally against raising another child. In fact, I think it would be good for all of us. It’s something I want. But... I just don’t know if I can have the baby. I feel like... it’s almost a betrayal to Sarah.” Bucky nods, understanding where you’re coming from.
He mulls over your words while walking with you hand-in-hand to the park where Tony is watching Lottie.
“You’re not the same woman as you were when you were pregnant with Sarah. You’re not the same woman who couldn’t see a future for herself. Sarah won’t be forgotten. We’ll always remember her and, regardless of how many years go by. Nothing will ever change that.”
You lean against him as you get to the park, watching Lottie play tag with a few other kids.
“She wants a brother or a sister. How would she react if I got pregnant instead of adopting another one? Would she be upset?” You wonder aloud. Bucky shakes his head and wraps his arms around your waist.
“She’s been talking about having a younger brother or sister on the rides to daycare. She’s seen pregnant women before and knows that that’s where a baby grows. I think she’ll be good. She’s so sweet and kind, I’m sure she’ll be happy.” You nod along with his words, pursing your lips for a moment.
“I wanna meet with an Ob-Gyn and Doctor Cho. Find out about how many complications there might be with either the pregnancy or abortion. I don’t want to go into either blind with no information. Then I think I’ll be ready to make my decision.” He kisses your temple then takes your hand again, walking with you over to where Tony is sitting on a bench, watching his goddaughter closely.
The door closes with a soft ‘click’ and Bucky and Charlotte perk up from where they sit on the couch.
“Hi, mommy!” Lottie exclaims, jumping up and running to you. You scoop her up in your arms and kiss her cheeks. “Hi, baby! How was your day with daddy?” She smiles brightly, “amazing mommy! We went to the zoo! And I felt animals! And then we had chicken nuggets!” You raise your eyebrows and walk with her into the living room.
“We had a fun day together. After lunch we came home and watched Lilo and Stitch and coloured some pictures,” Bucky says, standing up and kissing your lips gently.
“How were the appointments?” He asks after a moment, helping you to sit down. You keep Lottie on your lap and gently comb your fingers through your hair.
“I’ll have to be monitored carefully. And Doctor Cho has recommended a few midwives and nurses to be with me at all times. My uterus is stable enough to support a fetus and my body is healed enough to carry one to term. She wants me to be on a stricter diet and have bi-weekly visits with her or Doctor Richards. My Gynecologist.”
His eyes widen as he takes this all in.
“Wait... you’re...?” You smile softly at him.
“Just at the borderline of abortion time. And... we’re keeping it. I think I knew I was going to keep it all along.” He hugs you tightly, laughing as Lottie squeals. “Daddy you’re squishing me!”
The two of you break apart and he looks at you lovingly.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” You bite your bottom lip and take a deep breath. “It won’t be easy. I’ll probably be hospitalized for a while. Doctor Cho thinks I might go into early labour too. But they think that we’ll have a healthy baby.”
Lottie pushes your hands away from her head and turns to you with wide eyes. “You’re having a baby? When? Where? A boy?” You laugh and kiss the tip of her nose. “We’re planning on having one. But they won’t be here for nine more months. By that time you’ll be starting kindergarten. And we don’t know if you’ll have a younger brother or sister. But we do know that you’ll be the best big sister in the world.”
She smiles proudly. “I can’t wait to be a big sister!” You kiss her cheek then rest your chin on her head. “I’m so happy, doll. So happy. Thank you for doing this. For letting us have this chance.”
~ Six months later
“Bye Lottie! Have a good day at school!”
She stops before running to the bus and turns back around, running to you and kissing your tummy. “Bye!”
She runs back to the bus and you watch with a smile as she climbs onto the bus and sits beside her friend.
As you walk back into the house, two hands are gently placing themselves on your large stomach.
“Two of my three favourite people. How’s baby doing today?” Your fiancé asks with a smile.
“We’re doing good. Kinda antsy. We hit exactly thirty-three weeks today. Two more months and the newest addition to our family will be here,” you muse. He kisses your cheek then your stomach.
“The team took my... retirement well. Tony says he’s got a more paperwork-based position for me.” You smile at that and rub your belly. “That’s good. How’s everyone doing?” He grabs two cups out of the cupboard and places them onto the counter.
“Good. They’re all really happy for us. Found out through Tony, cause God knows he can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.” You giggle and shake your head, knowing Bucky’s beyond right.
“Well, they were bound to find out at some point.” Bucky nods. “Steve’s real happy for you. Probably the happiest.” You raise your eyebrows at this but otherwise disregard the comment.
“Now, how about some fresh organic fruit juice to help in the development of our baby?” You groan and shoot him a pointed look. “You’ve gotta stop reading those parenting books!” He simply chuckles and pushes a glass of juice towards you.
Just as you lift the glass to take a sip, a sharp pain rips through your abdomen. You drop the glass and it shatters on the floor, its contents spilling everywhere.
You double over, holding your stomach with one hand and bracing yourself on the ground with the other. “(Y/n)? What’s happening?” He’s by your side in an instant, lifting your hand out of the broken glass and supporting your weight.
“It hurts!” You cry, holding onto your stomach and groaning in pain.
“I’m gonna call an ambulance, just breathe, okay?” You nod and take shallow breaths, then deep ones, trying to remember what the midwife said to do in this situation.
“Ambulance is on its way. Are-” “I’m scared!” You exclaim, grabbing his hands and ignoring the pieces of glass embedding in your flesh. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” You shake your head, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Bucky it hurts so much! I’m so scared.” He holds your hands and quickly inspects you, his gaze zeroing in on your sweatpants. There’s a dark stain between the legs, trailing down, making the grey fabric an eery black-ish grey.
“Honey... Please don’t panic.” Your eyes widen and you follow his gaze, a strangled choke leaving you. “No! Wh-why’s there so much blood?! Bucky!” He strokes your hand gently. “It’s okay. You’re okay. The baby’s okay.” You shake your head, tears flying. “Why is there so much blood?!” You gasp as another wave of pain attacks your abdomen.
You open your eyes as you feel hands on you, not remembering closing them.
“The paramedics are here. They’re gonna take us to the hospital. Tony’s gonna be picking Lottie up from school soon too. You’ll be alright.”
You’re lifted onto a stretcher, and you make the mistake of looking back. There’s a puddle of blood where you were standing.
“Is my baby okay?” You ask the paramedic by your head. She looks down at you, her lips pressed together in a tight line.
“We’ll find out in a moment.”
And then you’re in the ambulance, people hovering over you.
“She’s losing a lot of blood!” The voices seem distant.
“(Y/n)? Can you hear me?” Your eyes find Bucky’s and you nod as an oxygen mask gets placed over your face.
“You’ll be okay. I swear.” You squeeze your eyes shut as another bought of pain overtakes you.
“I think it’s the placenta! Placental abruption. Have them ready with an OR and as many people from the maternal-fetal and Ob-Gyn wings as possible.”
Your eyes start rolling and everything gets blurry.
“She’s going into shock!”
The last thing you think before everything goes dark is
‘I’m going to lose my baby. Again.’
~ beep
~ beep
~ beep
~ beep
You want that fucking noise to stop.
Wait, no you don’t.
You peel your eyes open and blink a few times, not expecting the yellowish dim lights to be pouring in.
“(Y/n)?” You look over to your right, eyebrows furrowing.
“What happened? Where... where am I? Where are we?” He holds your hand and you wince as something tugs. A glance down shows you that it’s an IV.
You must be in a hospital.
“We’re in the hospital. You were in a lot of pain and... there was a lot of blood. You passed out from blood loss and shock in the ambulance.”
Your free hand instinctively moves to your stomach and you whimper. You’re significantly smaller than before coming here.
“Where... is...” He opens his mouth to reply but the door opening cuts him off.
“Good, you’re awake. You gave us quite a scare for a while. I’m Doctor Fletcher. You... wow. We’re all so proud of you for pulling through. I’m going to check your vitals and tell you what happened, okay?” You only nod.
“Well, your placenta had ruptured a bit. We don’t know the exact cause, but we do know that that led to a small tear in your uterus. From there it started to rupture and there were some... complications.”
You take a few deep breaths then look up at him.
“Where’s my baby?”
“Miss (Y/l/n), I know some of what you’ve been through in the past. Your troubles with birth and pregnancy. And... I'm very pleased to tell you that you have a healthy baby boy resting in the NICU.”
A sob bubbles out of you and you cover your face with your hands.
“He’s okay! He’s a boy!” Bucky wraps his arm around you and squeezes. “We have a son.” You bury your face in his chest and cry softly, so relieved and overjoyed.
“Yes, you do. And in a few hours, you’ll be okay to go see him. But you'll need to be wheeled there. And you’ll have to be with a nurse.” You nod, eager to see your son.
“Lottie and Tony are here. Lottie wasn’t told about your condition or her new little brother. But she knows that you’re okay.” You nod slowly and take a few deep breaths.
“I had a baby. And he’s okay.” Bucky nods, a tear-filled smile on his face.
“Yes, you did. And you did so well!” You smile and wipe your nose.
“Can Lottie come in? I wanna see my baby girl.” The doctor nods and writes something down on his clipboard, then opens the door and peaks out into the hallway.
Your daughter comes running into the room, tears filling her eyes as she sees you.
“Mommy?” You smile at her and pat the spot next to you. “Come here, Lottie.” She carefully gets on the bed next to you and hugs you as gently as she can.
“Are you okay?” She asks, her bottom lip wobbling.
“Yes, Baby. I’m okay. I promise.” She kisses your cheek then looks down to your stomach. “Where’s the baby? is it still in here?” She touches your stomach and frowns.
“No baby. But if you want, we can take you to him.” Her face lights up. “I have a baby brother?” You nod with a smile. “What's his name?” You and Bucky exchange glances.
“We haven’t picked one yet, but you can help us choose. In a few hours, a nurse is gonna come and bring us to see your brother. And then we can pick a name.” She smiles excitedly and leans her head against your chest, sighing deeply and lying down with you.
“I was scared for you, mommy. But daddy and Uncle Tony told me not to worry cause nothing bad would happen to you.”
You kiss the top of her head and look over at Bucky.
“They’re right.”
You can hardly sit still as Bucky wheels you to the NICU. Lottie is no better.
“Okay, your son is right over here.” The nurse leads you to his little incubator and your heart fills with adoration.
“He’s so small,” Lottie whispers. You nod and put your hand into the incubator, smoothing his hair away from his little pink face.
“He’s so soft,” you whisper. Bucky stands behind the two of you, staring at his son in absolute awe.
“I love him so much already,” he says softly. A tear slides down your cheek and you put your hand on his chest, rubbing his soft skin.
“He should be out of here in a week. Make sure you bring him back for his vaccinations. Avoid going into super public areas until he’s been vaccinated and make sure you check him for anything abnormal.” You nod at the nurse and stare lovingly at your son.
“What should we name him?” You ask. Lottie looks up at you with big eyes. “Can we name him Gabriel? Gabe for short.” You smile and look over at Bucky.
“I think that’s a perfect name. Welcome to the family, Gabriel.”
@smolbeanbucky  @wildefire @inumorph @impalatobakerstreet @nanna022 @mummy-woves-you @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001 @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs  @swoonhui @destiel-artemis @frozenhuntress67 
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flyinghetfield · 4 years
Chapter 11/Part 2 Violin Girl If you haven’t read the first part of violin girl. Here is the start [x] Enjoy x. *This is based 6 Months later after the San Fran story.* also the name of this might change as its a second part now, haven’t made my mind up about that yet.
---------------------------------------------- The applause seemed thunderous as you and the orchestra bowed, the concert finally coming to an end. The past few months had seemed like a blessed whirlwind as you had been touring around Europe playing with some of the most best classical musicians in the world. Tonight? Amsterdam. The orchestra waits until the maestro walks off the stage, the house lights finally coming up as everyone starts to file out of the room. Walking off the stage you nod politely to some of the patrons standing around, their formal suits and evening dresses making you slightly jealous as they seemed to mold in with all the beauty around them. Finding your way back to the dressing rooms, you walk over to your bag and start to strip off the now sweaty black clothes you had worn on stage. “Charlotte, seriously has to get her shit together on sheet 20. She keeps coming in a second late and if stuffs John up every time.” You duck down to your little compartment, grabbing out your jeans and a nice shirt while tucking away your violin in your bag “Y/N what do you think?” “Hmm?” Glancing up, you shake your head as you pull your fresh shirt over your head. “Charlotte? She’s got her heart in the right place, just needs a little practice is all.” Dawn was always very strict on how everyone performed each night having been in this symphony for over 8 years. Don’t know why she want’s my opinion though.  “The only thing she’s practicing on every night is the maestros blowpipe.” Snickers erupt in the room and you resist the temptation to roll your eyes at dawn, settling on a tight smile as you sit down to put your shoes on.  as a fierce red head walks in the room, her hands on her hips, clearly peeved at over hearing what was just said. “Dawn, seriously, you were young once.. Charlotte is just having fun.”  Dawn makes a tch sound, before turning back to her clothes as Ruby smiles over in your direction. Ruby, was also a violinist and had been a world of help to you while traveling, taking you to all the cool little places in each town, as well as helping your drunk ass get back to the hotel each night. “Y/N, are you ready? Let’s go and enjoy the night while we’re still young.” Smiling, you grab your bag and follow Ruby out of the room. Ruby claimed that she had been touring since she was 16 and had been enjoying the spotlight for almost 10 years, the perks of being a wonder child. As the two of you walk in the corridors, people stop to congratulate the two of you on a wonderful performance. Well.. mostly Ruby. The two of you head out of the building and you breath a deep breath of relief at the cool night and take in the scenery around you as Ruby lights up a cigarette. “So my little protégé” Ruby blows a gust of smoke in your direction and you cough. “Where shall we go tonight?” “Do I actually have an opinion on where to go or have you already made plans like last time?” “I like to make you think you have some sort of opinion.” Laughing, she grins as she reaches down and grabs your hand, tugging you into the streets of Amsterdam. You still have to mentally slap yourself as you take where you currently are. It had been a fluke that you had been invited on the tour, since the Violinist who was meant to be in your spot had come down with some sort of illness and Kamen of all people had thrown your name in the hat, when people had asked about a replacement. A few weeks after, one soppy cry fest from Eric. “Bring home an exotic boyfriend!” and you were in business class, flying off to Italy of all places. It had been there on that flight that you so happen to sit next to the fiery red head who was now inseparable from you. “Here Y/N, wait here. I’m going to go grab us a drink. Don’t wander off.” You watch as Ruby walks off and you lean against the railing by the canal, admiring the couples as they lounge casually in their boats. Sighing as one of them kisses their lover, your mind drifts off back to San Francisco and you feel a pang on home sickness settle over you. Eric would love ruby, he would love being here, especially the red light district.. Looking over you notice a bridge and see two buskers standing there, playing acoustic guitars, serenading people as they walked past. I wonder... what’s he up to? You shake your head violently at the thought. It had been months since you thought of him, so why did he have to appear now? “I always have that reaction when looking over the canal.” Startled slightly, you glance over to your left to see a guy leaning against the railing as well. Well hello...This one is cute. Blonde hair.. tied back in a bun, Blue eyes, Boyish smile... I swear if he’s name starts with a J... “You stare at canals often?” “Only when I have to talk to a stunning girl.” You can’t help the sudden snort that comes out of the back of your throat and shake your head. “Ok.. ok yes that was corny but I had to try.” He extends his hand out. “I’m Kris.” Oh thank god. You look down at his hand and back up at his face. “Come on, don’t leave me hanging here.” Rolling your eyes, you shake his hand. “Y/N.” “Ah what a beautiful name to add to the cute face.” Sighing you stand up straight and pull a really? face at him. He throws his hands up and smiles. “I can’t stop, i apologize.” Oh why do you have to be cute? “Clearly this isn’t your first time here, if you have a habit of picking up girls along the canal” His eyebrows shoot up at the sentence and he smiles slightly. “How do you know i’m Foreign? Maybe I live here.” That makes you laugh out loud and you shake your head. “I can spot a danish accent a mile away.” As you nod in the direction of some of the natives walking around, talking. “You? I’m going to say good old U-S of A.” He stands there for a moment, staring at you before smiling. “New York.” You grin back, as he finally gives in. “What about you?” “San Fran.” “Ah, I've never been to San Francisco. Is it really as hilly as the pictures show?” “If you want a good cardio work out, it would be the place for it.” “I keep telling her to move from there.” Ruby finally reappears, scaring you slightly and you smile as she hands you a smoothie, which you happily start to suck away on. “Ruby we have only known each other for a few months, I’m not going anywhere and also you live in London, so you have no input in this.” She laughs and casually wraps a arm around your waist. A protective thing to ward of any unexpected attention when traveling around. This wasn’t the first time the two of you had received attention from some of the locals and had both agreed on some rules to help get each other out of trouble when needed. Girl code so to speak. “I’m Kris.” He extends his hand out to ruby, who shakes it firmly. “I know.” You almost choke on your drink as you whip your head towards her. “You guys have met?” “No but I have seen him before. This guy is quite a shark in the music industry.” Your eyebrows fly up as you look back over at Kris, who now has a smug smirk on his lips. “I just know how to do business, that’s all.” He looks back over towards you and winks, making you divert your eyes back over to the canal as your face starts to heat up. “So is it business or pleasure?” Now you look over at Kris, who is smiling at Ruby’s question. “Business.. I’m here closing out a deal before flying back home. Knowing.. I’m always down for a little bit of pleasure.” You swear you could see his eyes dart over to you and you lean against ruby at bit more, which doesn’t go unnoticed by her. “Well.. I was just about to take my protégé here down to the red light district, since she’s never seen it before..” Ruby pulling away from you, grabs your hand once more as you look at her Are you crazy!? “..You can tag along if you wish.” Kris smiles and you blush once again as he stands up fully, showing his full height. Jesus he would have to be over 6ft. “I would love to.” ~~~~ The three of you walk through the Red light district and you can’t help but be enticed by the neon lights bouncing off each shop, their red lights dazzling and flashing. There are people everywhere, and you grip on Ruby’s hand slightly tighter as you weave through a lump of people standing in front of a club with Exotic females dancing in each window. Oh Dorthy, your not in Kansas anymore. You giggle slightly as you walk past a fountain with an interesting sculpture piece sitting boldly on top. “I don’t think that would fit.” Jumping at Kris’s sudden voice in your ear, you turn your head and give him a smug smile. “Not if you don’t try.” He laughs and shakes his head. Ruby suddenly stops in front of one of the many bars open and turns back around to you, a grin on her lips. “Want to go for a drink?” She points up to the neon sign. “Do you remember the last time that happened!? You were dancing on top of the bar and almost cracked your head open when you slipped!” “Exactly! I need to keep practicing my dance moves, so I don’t slip again” You have no chance to rebut as Ruby walks down the stairs. You turn to look at Kris and shrug before following into a underground bar. The music is loud and pumping as you walk down the steps, which you know either yourself or ruby will be falling up or down at some point through out the night. Stopping on the bottom step you look around the full room and try to glance over the tops of people, looking for that particular shade of red hair. “Lets go to the bar” Kris yells into your ear and you blush as he grabs your hand, you give him a questioning look and he grins “Ruby would kill me if you were left alone” Yeah your probably right. The two of you weave through the dance floor, towards the bar and you can feel Kris squeeze your hand for a sense of comfort. Finally emerging from the pool of sweat and god knows what else bodily fluids, the two of you stand against the edge of the bar. Glancing down the bar itself you see Ruby up the other end shouting and pointing towards some particular bottles on the wall. “Anything in particular catch your fancy?” Kris voice is in your ear once more and you shake your head laughing. “Ruby usually orders for me, she knows all the hidden gems” You look up at his face and see him pondering what to order. “Well are you wanting something sweet like yourself?” Eye roll “Or hard and heavy like myself?” You can see the challenge rolling off of him. You were never one to resist a challenge. “Hard and heavy” “Excellent” He grins as he tries to get the bartenders attention. A cute danish guy finally notices and comes walking over. Kris throws his hand up “Two Genever’s please”  “Young or old?” The bartender questions and you throw your eyebrows up. “Old” He nods, before walking off to grab a bottle off the shelf. “Genever?” You lean against the bar looking up at Kris. “Pretty much the Quintessential dutch drink to try.” You shake your head smiling. “How many times have you been here?” “Let’s just say this isn’t my first rodeo.” You laugh as the bartender puts down the drinks and after a quick argument of who was going to pay, Kris hands over the money. “Come lets find somewhere quieter to talk.” Grabbing your hand he pulls you towards a sitting area, towards the back. Looking around you notice that most of the booths are filled with lovers, lustfully kissing or whispering temptations to each other as the two of you find a booth for yourself. Kris sitting down first before pulling you in next to him. You take a drink of the glass in your hand, and cough as it hits you. “I told you it was strong.” Laughing you wave your hand. “So Mr. Hard and Heavy” You put the glass down and smile at him “Ruby said you are in the music business, what do you do?” He runs his hand along his jawline. “I manage musicians, bands etc. and help with the booking and making sure those musicians make it to the next concert, interview, photo shoot etc.” “Ah a tough life indeed.” He laughs as he takes a sip of his drink. “Oh you don’t know the half of it, how many times I've pulled half naked rock stars out of motel rooms at 6 in the morning because we have to make a 8 am flight to a 10am photo shoot for, let’s say Rolling Stones.. well let’s just say I could probably buy myself one hell of an expensive yacht.” The both of you laugh and you notice Kris moving in closer to you. “But enough about me, a pretty girl like yourself, in Amsterdam of all places, you must have a story to tell?” “Not really, I mean it’s not always like this -” You wave your hand around “-I’m usually living my life in San Francisco or playing with a symphony less.. exotic.” “Symphony? What do you play?” “Violin.” “Ah” Kris raises his hand and traces along your neck, making you shiver “No wonder you have such a pretty neck, the violin has made it all the much sweeter.” You feel his lips kiss the edge of your jawline, your eyes fluttering to a close. Ok. Cute guy, kissing my neck, not exotic like Eric wanted but better than nothing. You feel his hand on your thigh, his thumb doing slight circles on the inner part. “Kris..” “Shh” His lips softly kiss on yours and you kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he deepens it, you feel his hands move to your hips and you instantly pull back. “What’s the matter?” Staring into his blue eyes you take a deep breath, The last time I was in this situation.. I was with him. You can recall the way his hands gripped into your hips leaving marks, the way his eyes shone as he kissed you, his moan, his scent. “I need to get out of here.” Standing up suddenly, you wobble and lean against the chair, holding yourself up. How much alcohol is in that drink?? “Are you sur-”  “She said she needs to get out of here, let her go.” You feel an arm wrap around your waist, and comfort his you as you lean into Ruby. “Let’s get out of here, I’m bored of this place already.” Once Ruby knows you are able to walk, she grips your hand once more as she pulls you back through the crowd of people. Looking behind you, you try to see if Kris is following but don’t spot him anywhere. Climbing back up the stairs - slowly so neither of you would fall - you find yourself once again leaning over the railing of the canal, taking deep breaths as Ruby lights up another cigarette. “How.. how did you find us?” “Not that hard.. I saw you two at the bar talking and saw him drag you off the back. Told myself I’d give you at least 15 minutes before coming and checking up on you.” She blows out a puff. “Good thing I did cause he was all over you.” You chuckle before going quiet again, a shiver vibrating through you as the night air really hit you. “Look stay here, Let me go see if i can find a taxi rink so we can get your drunk, ass home.” “Ruby I can function by myself” “Ah my protégé, that��s not how this works.” She grins and kisses you on the cheek. “Stay, hold my cigarettes so I have an incentive to come back and get you.” You laugh as she walks off towards the street. Looking down at her cigarettes, you smile and shake your head. Eric was going to kick my ass for making out with a random guy in a night club, who wasn’t even danish. You run your hand along your jawline where Kris was and hope no bruising will show. Dawn will have a field day. “You just can’t stay away from me can you Violin Girl.” The flood of ice that runs through your body hits all at once as you take in a gasp of air. That voice.. I’m hearing things.. this can’t be real. Slowly you turn around to meet a pair of, now amused, green eyes and let out a shaky breath. “...Lars.” ----------------------- < Previous                                                                    Next>
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 14
Sitting on the wall of the wedding's entry, Katakuri's look fell onto his two brothers which were coming back from fighting the intruders.
"Great warm up.", Oven stretched his arms proudly and looked up to him to give him a thumps up. Watching the field of defeated enemies he laughed out loud.
"Know your place losers!"
"To think that they really try to attack us. Unbelievable…", Daifuku spoke bored beside him.
Katakuri played with some jelly beans in his hand and jumped down from high above the wall. His spurs clinking with every step he made,while slowly reaching his brothers.
" Their fail was already settled after showing up at the entry. To attack directly with their level of strength is like running into a knife. Ridiculous.", katakuri spoke coldly and headed back to the party, followed by his brothers.
Cheering guests and dancing desserts were making loud noises after spotting the sweet generals of the Charlottes. It didn't take long that Katakuri was surrounded by fans after he sat down at one of the seats close to where his mother would be. He was used to their talking and questions about his training and how great he was, but deep inside him it also stressed a lot. Because he knew it was all fake admiration.
"Katakuri we saw you at the gate. You are so strong. I love your ability to shoot someone just with sweets. That's incredible.", some fangirls tried to get close to him, but his look alone cold and demanding let them keep a safe distance. Nevertheless they looked at him with charming smiles and kept up their talking. How he hated the way they use such a strong word like it meant nothing.
To kill someone shouldn't be something to love. It's a solution to get rid of enemies. Sighing of their helpless flirting he gave short answers and tried to stay as polite as possible. They didn't know him in the slightest, didn't know what was underneath his scarf, but tried to get close to him. He knew why and it disgusted him. It was his rank, his name and blood, which made him this popular. Plus his outstanding strength and always be the loyal, perfect brother for his siblings. His look fell onto some desserts on the table with small doughnuts. Since (Y/N) made him these unbelievable creations of dough, he always had to think about her after spotting them.
Was she alright? Hopefully eating his fruit?
Thinking back to their long conversation on the ship, he had to smile. She was in every way special to him.
Sighing he knew that he couldn't see her till tomorrow or sadly longer. Watching his siblings fulfilling their duties in entertaining the guests, his look stopped by Smoothie. She was making drinks and welcoming arriving guests. Watching in awe everyone was impressed by her talent and having a good time, but something was off. Quickly Katakuri got a glimpse of the future to find Smoothie looking shocked and gasping.
Maybe new intruders who wanted to disturb the wedding? Were there really so many idiots out there?
Annoyed he turned to Oven, who was sitting next to him, to tell him about it, but was stopped by his appearance. Mouth agape his look was focused to the entrance and let Katakuri's eyes narrow in irritation. Believing that something bad was about to happen he quickly turned back and was about to jump up, but his body froze in the spot after his eyes were met with the source of Oven's shock.
Smiling shyly towards Smoothie, who was shocked at first, but then more than happy, his wife (Y/N) entered the party. From the beginning Katakuri thought she was beautiful, but standing there in this long dress, her hair styled up in an elegant way with curls and her sparkling eyes, let his eyes go wide. It felt like his heart was about to jump out of his ribcage. If he didn't already fall for her, now she had catched his heart again.
"(Y/N)! You look absolutely stunning. Would you like a drink?", Smoothie presented her extraordinary creations, which let her get clueless of what to take, but declining would be unpolite.
"Thank you. I am not so sure…i will try the giraffe.", (Y/N) answered as calm as possible, because the pained growl of the poor animal made her feeling quite bad. Getting the glas with the mysterious liquid into her hand she smiled up at Katakuri's sister.
" I hope you are feeling alright. My brother was really worried about you to leave you alone after what happened. He wasn't focused on his work like he used to.", she spoke while smiling happily, but (Y/N) felt her fear raise that her kidnapping story wasn't a secret anymore. Smoothie understood right away after glancing down in those beautiful but now fearful eyes. Taking her hand she smiled brightly.
" No need to worry. Mama doesn't know. I am glad you could make it. Who knows what would have happened if not.", Smoothie spoke and noticed new guests. (Y/N) noticed too and she said her goodbye to attend the party.
"Lady (Y/N). The present.", a servant stopped her in time and gave her the basket with the self made desserts. She would never attend such an event without a present. So she was able to make some of her doughnuts and other desserts before she headed to sweet city.
"Thank you for everything. Have a nice day.", relieved she took them, while the servants flew out of the entrance with hearts in their eyes. Chuckling about it (Y/N) suddenly noticed the feeling to be watched. It gave her the creeps and it made her uneasy. Looking around she did not only find the source…it made her hands sweating and body shiver. She was surrounded by people who were gasping or shocked to see her. Like she was some kind of criminal.
Questions like "who is that" "absolutely stunning" "this bitch is stealing my show" were thrown against her in whispers, followed by "that's her." "this is his wife."
Dumbfounded (Y/N) collected herself and focused on her target. Her husband. Finding him and be by his side. Katakuri could see her nervous expression, the way she was looking for something or better for someone. It made him even more excited. Yeah he was worried sick. Yeah maybe furious deep inside that it was clear that she pushed herself too much to come here.
She was coming all the way here because of him. Because it was important for his family. And now her family.
Feeling this warm sensation deep inside, it sparked after her look found his usual emotionless one. He loved it how her eyes light up. He loved her relieved and smiling figure headed to his side, while trying hard not to run. Now he could see it clearly. Her shown attractions were completely honest and pure and making him unbelievable happy.
Stopping by his side the female fanclub of his were getting jealous. How on earth did (Y/N) dare to just come here and take all the attention. They were working on their style the whole night, inclusive trying more than 20 dresses to get the perfect one. And now she was there, kicking them out before they were able to get more connections with the Big mom pirates.
"Katakuri….",nervously (Y/N) was about to go on but was interrupted quickly.
"Excuse me. Who are you?", one of the woman asked annoyed by her beauty.
"She is my wife. (Y/N) Charlotte.", Katakuri cut in calmly and let the others gasp and bite their lips in anger.
"I am sorry. Did I disturb your conversation?", (Y/N) spoke politely and took everyone's breath away with her sweet nature. With a quick no they left immediately and also left a confused (Y/N) behind.
"Why I am not surprised that you are here.", Katakuri spoke shortly and got her attention. Her look met his. She tried to hide her nervousness and shyness towards her intimitating husband. On her way here she was fighting with her inner thoughts, if she was doing the right thing and not playing with fire again. His look alone gave her a shiver. But seeing him now in real made her realize how hopeless lonely she felt without him. He gave her the feeling to be safe, protected and after everything they had been through, she felt more connected to him. His eyes softened and gave her an impression of not being afraid.
Sitting beside him, (Y/N) didn't want to have an awkward situation like staying in silence for hours so (Y/N) tried to be a bit more comfortable around him and start a talk.
"Why? Did you see me with your special skill?", she spoke interested, which let his heart jump of her shy tone.
"No there is no need. I know how stubborn you are.", he spoke shortly and smiled under his scarf after seeing her pouting.
"I… I don't want that you get in trouble because of me.", (Y/N) spoke quickly back while getting a dessert.
"There it is again.", he loved to tease her and it surprised him how easy the words flew out of his mouth. Their talk back then let their relationship get better. Far more better than at the beginning. Mostly because Katakuri swore to himself to trust her more in her abilities and intentions. Observing her beautiful appearance beside him, he couldn't take his eyes off from her. Still sitting and arms crossed he tried hardly to be unnoticed. His look fell onto her back covered with the lace pattern fabric. Damn it this dress was underlining every curve possible. It suited her perfectly, but in this close position he also was able to see a scratch on her beautiful skin. He would lie to himself if he said he wasn't worried. Thinking that she just woke up some hours ago after surviving a nightmare and then getting to a wedding with desserts, which she sure made herself, didn't help either. But her smile and the way she looked up at him eased the urge to order her back home. She was happy. She was enjoying the event, overwhelmed by the decorations. It seemed that it was supporting her better, than alone at his home. Nevertheless he sighed deeply of his inner conflict.
"You feelin' alright (Y/N) ?", his worriness in his tone let her butterflies in her stomach fly. The way her name left his lips gave her a warm feeling inside her body.
"Yeah Katakuri..don't worry. I am feeling fine…", she spoke while enjoying the view.
Looking straight again, he could see how the other guests were staring at her beauty. In a way it made him proud to call her his wife, but on the other side it felt difficult. She sure would never be stolen by anyone else. No one would dare to, but what if she saw someone more suitable. Physically she couldn't escape ever, but her mind was free to see and think whatever she longed for.
Would she still smile up to him if she knew his face?
Feeling his jealousy raise and trying to get these disturbing thoughts out of his mind, Katakuri decided to focus on her. Fighting with his inner self he thought about what to say. Actually he knew it, but was hesitant to do it.
"You… You look very beautiful today.", he spoke uneasy and avoid her flustered look. It took him much effort to say it. (Y/N) was shocked at first to hear these words from him, but felt beyond happy to get a compliment. Playing with her fingers shyly she avoid his intense look.
"You… You too look handsome yourself. ", she stuttered embarrassed, while he coughed surprised, but quickly fell back to his frozen state.
"What are you saying… I look like always.. ", he tried to hold his composer, but her hand on his muscular arm gave him a shiver.
"Maybe it's the wedding of your sister. You look happy and excited. It suits you well.", she spoke up to him with those lovingly smile.
"It's because of you.", the words left his mouth too quick to stop them. That he would say that so bluntly and straightforward wasn't planned. Embarrassed he avoid her and looked away into another direction. Only his red ears showed what was going on underneath his scarf. His mind was racing of what to do. (Y/N) touched her beating heart, while her look was focused on him. Her body was moving on her own and she got up from her seat.
"Katakuri?", (Y/N) 's voice got his attention and let him look down to her. Before he could comprehend what happened he already felt her soft lips on his cheeks. Her gesture was so quick that he needed time to react to it. Eyes widened for a moment he looked into her smiling face, cheeks tinted red of excitement and apologizing to maybe went too far. Quickly sitting down she looked to the side and was met with a mouth agape Oven, who had eyes like saucers. This didn't make things better.
"no.. It was okay. Don't worry..", he spoke quickly, hiding his excited smile, while Oven, who watched the scene, got a coughing attack.
"how? Why he and not me….?", he cried fake tears and shoved chocolate into his mouth frustrated. Chuckling and rubbing his back for comfort everyone got interrupted by singing flowers and a laughing Big mom who attend the party with an excited smile on her face. Welcoming her guests her eyes sparkled of seeing her decorated table. In an instant (Y/N) felt scared a little, but was pulled back by her thoughts the moment Katakuri tapped her shoulder. Looking up to him he pointed to himself with a short nod. She knew right away.
"He was there. Don't worry"
Smiling brightly (Y/N) saw guests greeting her and placing presents in front of her. Looking at the basket with her doughnuts she suddenly felt anxious.
"You can go if you want. Mama loves sweets more than every treasure.", his deep voice spoke next to her and gave her the push she needed. Getting up she took the basket confidently and headed to the line with the other guests.
"I see you two get along well. I am happy for you brother. Do you think she can handle Mama alone?", Oven asked unsure.
"She will. I trust her to choose the right words this time.", was all Katakuri spoke and stunned his brother once again.
Oven smiled from ear to ear.
"(Y/N) you really made it. You broke through his hard shell…."
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corazonstealer · 6 years
Healing scars - Katakuri x Reader [1/?]
What am I even doing starting a new mini-series? Anyways, [spoiler] I found it a bit odd that Katakuri would call Big Mom by her epithet instead of “Mama” like her other kids? I hope we get a backstory to this lovely man but in the meanwhile, I made up my own ♡
In his presence, feeling a sense of safety was a given. Reacting immediately to any sign of danger before it could even happen, you were always heavily protected. His fearsome name of Charlotte had very few foolish enough to challenge him if his exorbitant height hadn’t chased them off beforehand.
Being afforded the luxury of a rather carefree life, few things gnawed at you. All except his stressed caused by others to desperately hide a large part of him.
Few knew about his tight-lipped secret hidden behind thick layers of dark fur. Only close members, his older siblings accepted his true self without a second thought. Caring for their older brother no matter the case, they became his only support.
While they raised no issue about his uncovered face, his own mother furrowed in disgust. Despite carrying him for months and giving him life, she didn’t hold back on her ill words. Urging him on from a young age to cover and hide his given glasgow smile, he began to spiral into a rut of deep hate. Years of tormented mocking, none could blame him.
Internalized hatred, he sought to cover himself from others and especially to himself. Heavy stitching bringing together his slit mouth could only momentarily solve his problem. Although he reassured of no pain in the moment, his faltering voice spoke of another deeply rooted pain.
Despite having no fear for facing the roughest pirates, he dreaded the thought of someone new seeing his uncovered face. You being no exception, his stomach churned to a list of your potential reactions.
When he had realized that the relationship would lead him down the aisle, he had to come clean.
You had seen those stitches peeking out from his heavy scarf before. Never questioning, you had assumed that it was simply from an accident. Not one of strict intention, you felt nothing but sadness to hearing the reasoning behind the scars.
Lightly grazing over the raised skin from the scarring, you took in his full face for the first time. Embarrassing discomfort twisted his expression while you smiled accepting all of him no matter what he my look like.
 “E-Excuse me, Smoothie?” You called out for the third time as the statuesque woman had a hard time hearing you from below. Seeking her equally height proficient brother, she should surly know his current location.
“Have you seen Katakuri anywhere or heard from him?” You asked before receiving a single ‘No’ as a response.
You sighed taking your search for him somewhere else. How a man of such a grand size could be lost so easily was beyond your comprehension sometimes.
Though the streets of his governing island, you looked around for any sign of him. A double worrying glance into various shops only stirred up whispers as you continued your anxious search.
Being rarely seen without your protective husband, residents began to pick up on the strangeness of the day.
Worried questions of an unknown war pulling him away began to telephone amongst the worried souls. One innocent detail quickly becoming a serious straining issue.
“O-Oh n-no! Nothing is wrong!” You tried to calm their worries before an unnecessary panic could be caused.
In the middle of the increasing chatter, you paused sensing a heavy presence nearby. Turning back, his missing figure finally stepped forward trekking up to your figure waiting to see him.
As silence over took the noise amongst the group, his clinking spurs rang with each one of his heavy steps.
Taking a breath of relief, you had no time to question as he abruptly scooping you up without a word.
“W-Wait! What are you doing?!” You huffed from being picked up as he knew your distaste for it. Protesting to not wishing to be treated like a child, he knew better.
“I can – Katakuri?” You looked up, catching a close look of his sunken pale expression putting a quick pause to your protest. Only in urgent situations did he disregard your pleas.
“W-What’s wrong?” You questioned after a silent agonizing few minutes to return home.
Gently setting you down, he spoke his first words, “Pack your things, we’re leaving soon.” He quickly demanded as he walked away preparing for his part seeking a quick leave.
“Pack?” You stood muttering his words in a soft whisper as he walked away. Continuing to watch his long strides leave, you finally ran after him.
“W-Wait! What do you mean?!” You called a loud hoping that your soft voice would reach him high above. Your consistent questions went unanswered as you tried to keep up with his feverish steps. Pulling upon his darkened jeans as he wasn’t answering, nothing slowing his pointed steps as his mind was made up.
Shutting the door once more upon your shared room, your fists clenched as he continued his irritating silence on such an important issue.
“I’m not going to do anything until you tell me what’s going on!” You tried to voice your concern once more finally getting him to stop his feverish front. Watching him rattle around your words, you could only deeply gulp as his silence became worrisome.
“P-Please? What’s going on?” Your strong hold broke simply wishing for an answer.
“[Name].” As he took his first calm breath, he approached. Crouching down coming eye level with you, he didn’t wish to spook further.
“Y-Yes?” You froze in place, fearing not him but what he feared.
Pulling a bit of his large scarf down to expose his mouth, he placed a gentle peck upon your forehead. “Trust me,” he could only offer as he extended his hand outwards hoping that you’d accept without a further fight. A silence he must keep for a bit longer although he didn’t wish to.
You looked up, searching through his softened magenta eyes for the reason for his behavior. Any sign, yet to no avail forcing you to hold your tongue from the continued vague calls.
Purpose unknown, you could only believe that he had he best for you both in mind. Accepting with a nod, your faith was fully placed into his hands, “I trust you.”
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
What kind of pet would Katakuri, Smoothie and Cracker would like, if they wanted one?
Mmhhh. I see them as animal lover but Cracker and Smoothie might be a little complicated to crack out
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I guess if he had to choose an animal, it will be something not of high mantenace and something that he can actually take with him
I have this weird idea that he might have birds to keep with him, and I mean majestic birds like falcons and hawks and eagles. I don't know I see him as one that will definitely train his pet to be useful
They are animals that can and definitely will be taken with him, and they are birds, so he could use them to track people without getting noticed. Birds also can carry messages and are spot on badass
Ego boost over the sky for this man. Man's grin will not only be plastered on his face 24/7 but he will brag, yeah you damn right he will
He let's out weird guy vibes and I'm not surprised if he had one just because
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May very well be a cat lover as well as a dog lover. He is neutral about it. But if he were to have one, he may have it when he has a s/o, cause man doesn't have time to have a pet
If his s/o managed to get him around the idea of having a pet, he will let them choose. Dog or cat, they still need time so I guess it's okay to have both
If he had a dog, he will definitely train it to be a guard dog, and it would be a big breed, he needs to have it big cause man is fucking huge. Then he will take the dog, with him sometimes, and just spend some time when he is in the archipelago
If he had a cat, then he would most likely train it the same, but he may take it and/or let it roam around the house /office. Chances are the cat will be left at home to do what it pleases and keep company to his s/o
Either way he's gonna love the unconditional love he receives from them, it's a good way to relax after a hard day
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Lady's classy and powerful, so the pet needs to be just like her
I see her with elegant breeds of both cats and dogs, but mainly cats. It's easier to have them in her office and generally with her. Indipendent yet affectionate and loyal, just like her
Anyway, you will see her chilling in the poignegliff room with a cat laid on her legs, just sitting there. From time to time she may stroke the fur, or give it a scratch.
Still, the image that comes off is one of regal beauty. But don't think that the cat is innocuous. Little fur ball is a beast of an animal. Loyal and protective of their owner
It's trained to be like a Charlotte, so it is by default an additional member of the family. I wouldn't mess with it if I were you
But like Katakuri, she may think about keeping an animal when she's either older or if she has a s/o, she's a busy lady so I don't think her first thought would be about having a pet
But she may be swayed to have one. You just have to be the right person to ask her to do it.
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