#charlotte smoothie x reader
kobb4ni2 · 9 months
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Just imagine. Sea Serpent! Reader who is EXTREMELY HUGE/TALL. Like this is one piece man everyone is tall a$$ fvck bro, but like in Google it says that a sea serpent is 60.96 metres or 200 feet in my research so uh.. IMAGINE Sea Serpent! Reader who just woke up from a hibernation and already started going attention from the World Government, they try their best to recruit you so they sent the admirals but ohhh boy.
Since Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan were the first person you've met after a very long time, you picked them up on their coats like how a mother cat picks up their kittens and how they tried their best to get out of your grasp but when you put them on your hands near your BIG BWEEBIES (I LOVE BEWBIES :3 I'm a fucking lesbo) . They really tried their best not to look on your chest (Kizaru is trying his best.) Akainu being the more professional one he tried his best to follow his orders while Kizaru and Kuzan were just basically using the devil fruits around you.
Kizaru could just be in your palms and in a second next to your shoulders, while Aokiji was secretly using the highest temperature he could do so he can see your reaction (kinda kinky ngl). Akainu is out here trying his best not to melt those two. You really tried your best to listen to Akainu's proposal yet you can't when you're out here squishing each of the Admirals cheeks:3
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Let's say you agreed to be in the marines cuz why not? It's been a long time since you felt the thrill of an adventure! And somehow you were already high ranked because of your brutal strength, plus your fishmen karate you could practically control tides. The world government tried their best to not let your presence be known in public cuz bro. YOU ARE BASICALLY A WALKING HISTORY BOOK FOR HOW OLD YOU ARE.
You were immediately given a high ranks as a Vice Admiral, the world government then gave you a house...or beach?...Body of water? I DUNNO but a big place with water that's your home :3. You only spend most of your days, there only being visited by higher ups and the forced isolation were already yandere tendencies to the Admirals + Platonic Yanderes such as Sengoku and Garp.
Corazon and Coby (Sea Serpant! Reader was found way before) were only exeptions to see you, and they were immediately HEAD OVER HEELS. Corazon could not think straight or THINK whenever you're mention in a conversation, he would just immediately day dream. Size difference? I mean yea the only smallest form you can turn is like 20 feet or something BUT IT CAN WORK IT WILL WORK (take that as you can 😈) Sengoku is Corazon number 1 hype man🔥 While Garp is Koby's hype man lol :3
Now if you were lucky enough to even have some kind of freedom but if some kind of MIRACLE you were placed as a Vice Admiral picking up the Warlords when it comes to a serious meeting it would be an interesting sight, let's just say that they went to the meeting not because they were interested in the shit show of a meeting but they do want to see the 200 feet tall Sea Serpent again...
AND QIQBAIA8 And since you were found long before, let's imagine that you were a Rocks Pirate. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA YET SO SORRY IF MY INFORMATIOM OF THE ROCKS PIRATES SUCKS). You were the eye candy of the Rocks Pirate. Big Mom, Kaido, and Newgate would always be 24/7 ON YOUR SIDE, they will one make you join their family one day !!
After many years they are still doing so, Kaido making you marry one of his calamities. The Tobi Ropo even tried some flirty moves on you, but Yamato. Dear lord. Even with or without his father's consent YAMATO. WILL. MARRY. YOU. END. OF. STORY.
You and King got really close after you tell some brief mentions of the Lunarian race back on your days, and that's what bonded you guys, yet everytime he was near you and you started talking about his race, he can only day dream of you with a traditional Lunarian ring (or any courting object), on your hands with....children around you with brown skin, black wings with fire, some has some long tails that suspectedly looks similar to yours...Wait. IS HE THINKING THAT YOU AND HIM CAN RE POPULATE THE WHOLE LUNARIAN RACE WITH A MIX OF YOURS! END HIM NOW!!
While Yamato is out here telling you that you are his Toki to his Oden, (corny, but its Yamato I forgive him :3) and since he's Oden, he must create a family with you! He would thunder bagua anyone's ass if they tried to even break his dream! No more of that!!
And you know the drill YEAA BIG MOM, RAGGH. Big Mom out here making you marry any of her children especially her Sweet Generals, the best for you ♡
You and Katakuri connect when it comes to your sharp teeths, plus Katakuri never felt so small in someone eyes until he met you, the very first time he layed his head on your cheek or your long tail as you sweetly careless him telling him to let go of his stress, he never felt this way..he felt so well treated, he now just Katakuri, the Katakuri that didn't need to hide his sharp teeth, instead loved from you. He never felt this way of submission...
Cracker and Smoothie too felt the same, their mother is a bad one indeed so when they are on your presence they could just relax and be caresses by you while they lay on your chest ♡ (Cracker isn't looking, he swear he isn't 👀)
Whitebeard is the same as those two but more cunning perhaps (in his own way). Both Kaido and Linlin are evil yes. But Whitebeard might be a pirate but he is far from evil, he is an honorable pirate the clashed with the greatest Pirate of all time, he has that (DAWG IN HIM) sense of respect, his opinion and decisions are always noble ones too, so what ever he says must be true and reasonable...right?
Do you like Marco, his first division a healer who would take absolute care about you, or Ace his second division, you would never get bored with him while he is around! Izo? The Samurai who was a follower of the Great Kozuki Oden! He dances so elegant from his homeland! Choose my dear, he just wants you to be apart of his family so badly!!
I can yap about this all day but I got school yall plus I don't really think any of you will like this idea. Also whoever tries to even have sex with Sea Serpent! Reader, their ass would NOT be walking the next day💀👆🔥
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Hide yall ladies/manz Sea Serpent! Reader is in town😞‼️
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portagas-chan · 5 months
Yours Forever and Ever : Part 1
Yandere Katakuri x Isekai Reader
Summary: [Y/n] is part of the Strawhat Crew. She followed Luffy and the others to retrieve Sanji. However, she was separated from her friends and was kidnapped by Big Mom's children. Luckily, she wasn't going to be killed but held as a hostage by none other than 'Charlotte Katakuri' who is considered to be the strongest sweet commander in the Big Mom Pirates.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portagas-chan/748738024063516672/yours-forever-and-ever-part-2?source=share
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Nobody knew she was from another world, not even the straw hats. She never told anyone and when she first arrived here, she came up with a lie and they all believed her, even Zoro which was surprising. The straw hats accepted her and welcomed her to their crew. She felt joyful.
Anyways, that's not important. [Y/n] was in trouble. She got separated from Luffy and the others in the Seducing Forest. She would be doing okay if she encountered an opponent who was not a sweet commander. However, she would stand no chance against them if they were a sweet commander. She hoped Lady Luck would be on her side today.
[Y/n] walked and walked, she didn't know where she was going but it didn't matter. It wasn't like she could fly. There was nothing she could do. Suspicious enough, the trees shifted to form a path where she found herself outside the Seducing Forest. All the thinking was giving her a headache and she decided to be meh.
[Y/n] looked around in awe at her surroundings. The whole island was literally made up of sweets. It was even crazier seeing this in person. Suddenly, she felt her leg go numb and fell onto her knees. The last thing she saw was the triplets -Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon- staring down with Flampe laughing at her.
She widened her eyes in realization, 'I knew it was too good to be true. This was a trap made by Brulee.'
A harsh splash of water stung her face as she scrunched her nose and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Flampe who had a now empty bucket of water, glaring at her, "Was that necessary?"
"You were sleeping so soundly. I thought you weren't going to wake up," Flampe retorted to which she rolled her eyes. She was tied up in a chair.
[Y/n] analyzed her surroundings. Sitting in front of her was Big Mom who stared at her with that creepy grin on her face. It was frightening to see her in person.
Then there was Katakuri and his triplets -Oven and Daifuku- looking intimidating as ever. There was Perospero licking his lollipop and Smoothie with her triplets and of course, Flampe. All attention was on her and it was not in a good way.
"[Y/n] from the StrawHats. I will admit, your captain is a brave one but to survive in the New World, bravery is not enough. Mamamama!" Big Mom laughed.
[Y/n] stayed silent. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared at all. In fact, she was terrified. Terrified of what would happen to her. But she had faith in Luffy. Even if she was kidnapped, she knew Luffy would eventually come and save her. He would never abandon his crew member. That's just how he is.
"So, what do you think we should do with her, my children?" Big Mom asked.
"I say we kill her!" Flampe demanded.
'Bitch,' [Y/n] cursed in her mind.
"Now, now, don't be hasty. Taking her hostage can give us so much advantages in many ways," Perospero suggested.
Big Mom's expression seemed to brighten a little. It seems she likes Perospero's suggestion. "Taking her hostage? I like that! Which one of you would like to take on the job?"
Katakuri stepped up, "Mama, please allow me to deal with her. There's no way she can escape me."
"Katakuri?" Big Mom looked at him, studying his face. When she saw that he was dead serious, she laughed, "You're right! Then it's settled!"
[Y/n] didn't expect Katakuri to voluntarily choose to deal with her. She thought he wouldn't bother with this stuff. Either way, Lady Luck seems to hate her. She knew Katakuri had a soft side behind that mask of his perfect demeanor but it wasn't like she could suddenly bring out his soft side to her. If she ever saw what was under that scarf, he would be blinded by anger and accidentally kill her before he could even hear her out.
Big Mom placed cuffs on her wrists that explode if she disobeyed Katakuri. Crazy, right? She didn't even know you could give certain commands to the cuffs.
One thing she noticed about Katakuri was that he never let her out of his sight. She must always be with him but of course, she was left alone when he had something important to do but he always made sure it ended quickly. But she paid no attention to it, shooking it off as him doing his job and that it was due to the loyalty he had for his mother.
Sitting across him, she could feel the hard stare Katakuri was giving her. He always had that kind of stare whether he was doing it intentionally or unintentionally. Nevertheless, it made her feel nervous as she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.
"Why did you join the Strawhat pirates?" Katakuri started.
She looked up at him, "Are you using your observation haki thing again?"
Katakuri closed his eyes before opening it again, "I asked you a question."
"I will take that as a no," She muttered. "There's no deep meaning behind it, actually. They seemed fun and interesting, that's all."
Katakuri raised his brow, "That's all?" She nodded her head.
"Then will you join our crew under my wing if I promise to make it fun and interesting? I will make sure you stay happy too," Katakuri said.
[Y/n] was puzzled. Why would Katakuri want her to join the Big Mom pirates and be under his wing at that? She tried to think of a good reason but there simply was none. Sure, she could fight but she wasn't all that strong. She wasn't special at all. So, why?
"Why would you want me on your crew? I'm not strong," [Y/n] said.
"You don't have to be strong because I will protect you," Katakuri said and he meant it. He was not joking around. He was being serious.
To [Y/n], this was weird to see Katakuri acting like that. It was out of his character. It has just been a two days since they first met and he's acting like they have known each other for years.
[Y/n] remembered something important. "Why are you asking me that when you already know the answer?" She raised her hands to show the cuffs.
Katakuri smirked behind his scarf and [Y/n] could tell because his eyes changed a bit.
Katakuri stood up from his chair and walked towards [Y/n]. She tensed up when she saw him approached her. He sat on an empty chair beside her and dragged it closer to her.
He suddenly picked her up and placed her on his lap. His hand on her thigh slowly rubbing it while the other hugged her in place.
Don't get her wrong. She loves Katakuri but being this close to him like this and having no choice but to obey him in real life was scary. He was so huge too and it didn't make it any better.
"Katakuri?" She called out nervously.
"Are you scared?" Katakuri touched her hair, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
If she were to answer him honestly, it would be a yes and a no. He looks intimidating and scary, but she knows he's actually a cutie inside. He was getting touchy with her and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about it.
In the end, [Y/n] is unable to answer at all.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you," Katakuri reassured her. "And I promise you, no one will lay a finger on you."
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trashytoastboi · 5 months
🍩Charlotte Katakuri Masterlist🍩
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🍩 Headcanons: Zoro, Sir Crocodile, Katakuri x S/O – Reacting to them crying in front of them for the first time
🍩 Headcanons: Shanks, Ace, Katakuri x Royal! Reader – Working as their bodyguard
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Katakuri reacting to a messy kitchen when S/O tried to cook for them
🍩 Fluff Alphabet: Law, Katakuri – O, L, V
🍩 SFW & NSFW Headcanons: Law, Katakuri x S/O
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Marco, Katakuri x S/O who is afraid of physical intimacy due to past trauma
🍩 Headcanons – Stripper AU! Doflamingo, Shanks, Katakuri with F! Reader
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Ace, Katakuri, Robin, Zoro – Reacting to their crush that is super wary about sleeping around other people but is fine with them
🍩 Headcanons: X-Drake, Smoker, Doflamingo, Katakuri reacting to discovering their S/O is a sea dragon
🍩 Headcanons: Charlotte Family Members (Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven, Perospero, Pudding, Brulee, Smoothie, LinLin, Amande, Cracker) - Reacting to a Painter! Reader
🍩 Short scenarios: Shanks #5. Can I hold your hand? ; Whitebeard #11. Making the other laugh; Katakuri #13. You are my love
🍩 Headcanons: Sabo, Law, Katakuri x S/O who can manipulate memories
🍩 NSFW Headcanons: Dom! Law, Dom! Mihawk, Dom! Katakuri x Sub! F! S/O – In subspace
🍩 Short Scenarios: Smoker, Killer, Katakuri x Reader – Being comforted after a fight with their parents and not feeling like they’re living up to expectations
🍩 Headcanons: Alpha! Marco, Alpha! Law, Alpha! Katakuri x Omega! S/O - Courting
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shesoutofhere · 2 months
Meet Me in the Corner pt.3
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Peter Parker x Reader
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
Summary: Mar threatens Peter, Peter apologizes, kind of, and then Peter ambushes you with a blind date.
Please ignore typos or I'll cry <3.
Mar did in fact have an ‘I told you so’ moment. 
Lucky for you, she didn’t rub it in your face for too long. After hearing about your interaction with Charlotte, it’s safe to say Peter Parker is no longer enemy number one. 
Mar is now afraid to leave you alone, scared that you’ll be bullied again, and has insisted on the buddy system. 
You are now walking through the dining hall, with a yapping Mar behind you. 
“What am I going to do with you? I have to leave for work but you’ll still be here for revising.” Mar says with a pout. You can't help but roll your eyes at her. 
“Mar, I love you, so I say this with love and kindness, but I really need you to leave me alone.” 
Mar gasps in shock, “That is not love and kindness. That is hate and meanness, but I’ll let it slide because you're in a crummy mood.” 
You would deny that you’re in a crummy mood but you’d be lying. You and Peter decided over a very dry email thread that you’d meet up to work on revising the outline. You had told him that it was mostly your part that needed work and there was no point in meeting but he insisted until you agreed. 
You continue to bicker with Mar, when she suddenly yanks on your backpack, halting your walking. 
“Omg, do not be alarmed but there is an absolute cutie staring at us from the smoothie line.”
You turn your head to try and see who she's talking about but realize who it is soon enough. 
You both make eye contact and you dart your eyes anywhere else that isn't on him. 
Mar gives you a “subtle” shake. “He waved, oh my gosh he just jumped out of the line.”
You still refuse to look. “Mar can we go please?” 
She grabs your shoulders, not letting you move. “Um no way, he’s coming over here.” 
Before you know it, Peter is standing in front of the both of you with a sheepish smile. Still oblivious to who he is, Mar flutters her lashes in the most Mar manner. 
Peter’s got his eyes on you though. “Hey, didn’t think I’d see you till later.” 
You can feel Mar’s eyes burning a hole into your head so you speak up. “Mar, this is that guy from the Cal project.” you could’ve properly introduced him but you're too petty to care. 
Mar immediately loses all excitement. “Oh, that guy.” Peter scowls. Too bad.
You nod, “yeah, that guy.” Mar comes around from behind you and links her arm with yours, looking Peter right in the eye. “I’ve got to get to work, but if I get any sort of text message from her about you, I will be here so quick you won’t even see me coming.” 
All Peter can do is nod his head. 
She turns to look at you with a sweet smile, “Anywho, I will see you later. Please remember to shut the window if you get home before me.” you nod your head dramatically, tired of hearing about the damn window. “Yes yes, I’ll close it.” 
Mar gives you a once-over before finally saying bye and glaring at Peter while she walks away. 
Peter lightly shivers, “Okay, so I’m assuming she doesn't like me?”
You nod, “Assumption correct.” 
There’s an awkward pause.
“Would you believe me if I told you I was in line to get you an apology smoothie?”
You shoot him a look. “No, I wouldn't believe you.”
Peter sucks in a breath, “valid, I was though. But then I saw you and acted before thinking and I didn't even get to order.”
That’s kind of sweet but you are losing it with his back-and-forth behavior. Time to listen to Mar and put your foot down.
“Look, since we're both free can we just get the revision over with?”
Peter, a bit stunned by your bluntness, just nods. 
“Okay then.” you clap your hands, “ let's go somewhere quieter.” 
Peter trails behind you, as you look for somewhere to hunker down. You occasionally look behind to see if he’s still there. When you look, you see his eyes searching all over the place. You know better than to assume but you can’t help but think he’s making sure there's no one he knows.
You finally find a quiet corner table and decide that’ll do. You plop yourself down in one of the seats and Peter does the same. 
You set your backpack on the table and pull out the outline Cal handed back to you. You slide across the table over to Peter. 
The more Peter reads, the deeper his frown gets.
With one more look over he tosses it on the table. “What the hell is up with this dude?” you assume he means Cal. 
“What? Not a fan of Cal’s critiques?” you reply sarcastically. Peter scoffs and reads the paper again. “No, our outline may not have been perfect but it was damn near it.” 
You're kind of grateful that someone is finally understanding what you meant about Cal.
You try to lighten the mood. “What are you talking about, Cal barely left any responses on your part, you should be proud.” 
Peter deadpans. 
“Nothing to be excited about if he’s gonna be critiquing us like this.” He reads it over and over again, “man you weren't lying when you said he didn’t like you.” 
You want to laugh but you're quick to remember what his friends had said about you. 
You get defensive, “Yeah well if that’s going to be an issue then you're more than welcome to request someone else.” 
You're messing with your nails when you hear Peter sigh. “I fear there's some animosity between us.”
You cross your arms and lean back in your chair. “Oh really now?” 
Peter leans forward. “I owe you an apology. No smoothie but an actual apology.” 
“I’m listening.” 
Peter fidgets with his hands, “look, those guys can be-”
“Yeah, that.” he sighs again, clearly troubled. “I met them a while back and we’ve been hanging ever since. They’re not the best but they're my friends, I guess.” 
“That” you pause, “wasn't an apology.” 
Peter nods frantically “Agreed. Okay , I really am sorry for the way they were. I should've jumped in and said something. Also, I'm sorry I told them about you and Cal.”
You sit up in your chair. “It’s fine I guess. I just don’t get why you’d want to hang out with people like that but to each their own.” you should’ve left it as “its fine'' but you really dont get why Peter is friends with them. 
“Hey, they're my friends and that's that, I don’t think I should have to explain anymore than that, I'm apologizing and that's what matters right?”
Okayy, so friends is a touchy subject, noted. 
“Okay yeah, fine, whatever.” you don't feel any better than before he apologized. If anything, you feel worse.
Peter clears his throat. “Okay, that's settled then.”
There's a hesitation between the both of you. You both go to speak and both topple your sentences over one another. Peter just points at you to go first. 
“So” you say, dragging the O. “Cal wants the revision by Friday. You can mark this copy up and I’ll just add onto the doc.”
Peter scratches his chin, while staring at the paper. “What's there to add? I meant it when I said I thought it was near perfect.” 
You sigh, “I don’t know Peter. I usually just follow Cals red mark ups and call it day.”
Peter doesn’t agree. “Well I don't wanna do that. I like what we have.” 
You stare at him, eyes wide. “You mean like not to revise at all?” Peter nods. You let out a chuckle “you expect me to turn this back into Cal, exactly how we left it? He’s going to be mad, and i'll be the one having to deal with that.” 
Peter looks like he’s thinking. “How about” he pauses “how about I turn it in with you? we’ll tag team him.”
You give him a blank stare. “Peter”
“Are you serious?”
Peter lets out an exasperated yes. “I’ll head to your class after it ends and we can talk to him together.”
He seems serious. 
Fine by you. 
“Well, if that's all, I'm going to head out. I’ll email you my class info.”
You start to pack your things up and get ready to leave, when all of a sudden Peter jumps up. “Wait!” he’s got an arm reached out while the other goes to gather his things. 
Peter stumbles to put his things away and goes to stand with you “where, uh, where you headed?” 
“The library?” you say questionably 
Peter nods, “Cool, that's cool, I was actually headed there too.”
You eyed him suspiciously, “were you?” 
“Yeah, I was. Wanna go together?”
Peter’s sudden odd behavior is throwing you off. “ I guess.” 
“Sweet, let's go.” 
Peter takes off without you. You stare at the back of his head in confusion but follow anyway. 
You trail closely behind Peter. Every now and then you catch him turning to make sure you're still following. You come up with every scenario on why he’s acting the way that he is.
Did he see his friends in the dining hall?
Is he trying to hide from someone? 
Does he really just need to go to the library? Or
Does he actually want to hang out with you?  
You're too busy spiraling to realize that you've already made it to the library. You're about to go in when Peter stops and turns around. 
“Maybe we shouldn't go to the library.”
“What are you talking about?”
Peter shrugs, getting looks from other people trying to walk through. 
“I just feel like it’s not the place to be.”
You want to be annoyed by his behavior, but you're weirded out more than anything. “Okay? Then you go somewhere else?” 
You start opening the door but Peter yanks you to the side and pulls you both away from the entrance. “Okay, what the actual hell are you doing?” Peter is silent. “Don't want to be seen or something?” 
That gets Peter talking, “What? No it's just" he trails off.
“Just what?” 
Peter scrambles for an answer. “Don't you ever feel like studying somewhere else?” 
“No, I like the library, that's why I go.” 
You pull Peter in close, worried that something is actually wrong. 
“I dont know whats going on but you're freaking me out. I am so close to texting Mar an SOS message and trust me when I say she meant what she said earlier.” 
Peter frantically waves his arms around. “No, please don’t do that! She actually scares me!”
“Look, can you just trust me when I say the library is not the place to be?”
You look at him like he’s crazy, you think he might be. “Now why would I do that?”
Peter fidgets with his hands, “Because I have really good intuition. Now can you please go study somewhere else?” 
“I-” you genuinely have no words. 
“Um, what's going on here?”
When you look up you see Nolan, looking equally as confused.
Peter however looks relieved “Nolan! Hey man.” 
Nolan, who looks like he’s just spent an unimaginable number of hours in the library, responds. “Hey? Why are you guys huddling in a corner?” 
You think this is your way out. “Okayy, So I’m going to leave now.” You try to shuffle past Nolan but Peter stops you.
“Nolan, remember that coffee spot hidden away by the architectural building?” 
Nolan still looks just as confused “yeah?”
Peter claps “great! You should take her there. I'm trying to convince her that the library isn't the place to be, right now, at this moment.” there’s a pause. “You know, intuition” Peter stares Nolan down and after a minute his eyes widen “OH, Oh, yeah.” Nolan turns to you. “I bet you would really like this place, it seems to be up your alley.” 
Peter is pushing you away from the entrance, “Yes I totally agree.” 
Nolan is already walking down the lawn before you can even get an opinion in. 
You turn around with an annoyed look “Peter you better explain what is going on right now.” 
Peter shrinks in your stare. “Um, Nolan” He pauses, “Nolan has a crush.” he pauses again, “on you and he needed a little push to help him out.” 
You still are just as annoyed. All of this was a ploy to get you on a date with his friend? 
Considering your past couple of interactions with Peter, you wouldn't put it past him.
“Peter, I am not going on a blind date with your friend.” 
Peter exhales, “Oh come on now, Just give the poor guy a chance, I mean look at him.”
You do just that and when you spot him, you see him standing in place kicking rocks around, waiting for you. 
You close your eyes and sigh, curse your sympathetic heart. “Fine but this was so poorly executed Peter.” 
Peter gives a sympathetic smile, “Ouch, I tried okay.” 
All you offer is an eye roll. 
With one more push, Peter sends you off to catch up with Nolan. When you do, he immediately starts a conversation. You turn around to glance at Peter but all you see is him bolting past the library. 
You try not to think too much of it. Completely thrown off by Peters antics, you hope Nolan doesn’t exude the same behavior and pray the rest of your day will go on normally.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter and Nolan are being sketchy weirdos!
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
Sweet, Deadly Family (Yandere Charlotte Family x Child Daughter Reader) - Chapter 1
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Warning: No warnings for now, but the only warning is that Big Mama would literally kill everyone, including her children, if reader isn't found in one day
"Where is she?! Where is she?!"
A booming voice called across the room. Servants and the Charlotte siblings quickly came inside the large pink bedroom.
"My baby! My beautiful baby girl! Where the hell is she?!"
"Mama! What happened?!" Oven asks in a panic tone.
Linlin turns to her son with an angry expression.
"Where's Y/N?! My beloved baby! Oh, my sweet, lovely baby Y/N!" she yells out in an angry, worried tone.
"Mama please, calm down! We can find her and bring her back, we promise!" Smoothie called out, trying to calm her down.
She turned around and glared at her children.
"If you don't find her the next day, I'll kill everyone in this island. Do you understand me?" she told them in a dark tone.
They all nodded and quickly left the bedroom to find their troublesome little sister.
The straw hats arrived at the Whole Cake Island and were looking around the filled sweets island.
Nami was scolding her teammates to stop getting distracted by almost everything they lay their eyes on.
However, when crossing a bridge, something was shaking beneath them. And underneath was an enormous crocodile coming out of the water. Luckily, the straw hats dodged the attack on time.
"Who are you, people?!"
A voice calls out to them.
The strawhats looked up to see a young girl whose hairstyle is tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a white dress with pink details on it and a big red heart on the center of the dress. Along with a pair of pink boots.
The girl was also wearing a pink helmet to cover her head.
The strawhats began to observe the little girl, following every detail on her. She doesn't look over than sixteen.
Before they could say anything else, a sound of bells could be heard from the distance that caught the young girl's attention.
"Crap. It's the search alert again."
She then turns to the strawhats with a stern look on her face.
"You guys are lucky that I didn't capture you guys yet."
The girl said before she ran off.
"Hey! Hold up!"
Luffy calls out to her, but she was already long gone.
The girl returns back to the palace of the island and sneaks through a window.
She drenched her dress a bit because it was raining once she entered the palace grounds.
Once she sneaks back in, she quietly walks through the halls before she goes inside a room where laughter could be heard.
Then, a bunch of children voices could be heard once the girl enters the room.
"Oh, it's big sister Y/N!"
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justtwotired · 10 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Part 1, Part 2
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Your pov:
I looked at my phone, mustering up the courage to take it in my hands and sent a tekst to Lloyd. He had told me to sent him a date, but would he still be able to come if that date was today?
Fuck it, I’m just going it text him.
I put my phone back down, now to wait for a response. My phone then went of and I yanked it of the table.
Hey :)
You told me I could send you a date to hang out, would today work?
You aren’t very good at planning, are you?
But sure, I don’t have much else to do.
Damn, don’t need to type it out like that😪
Kidding, can we meet at the park?
Yeah, see you there in twenty?
See you in twenty!
Twenty? TWENTY? I definitely had to hurry if I wanted to make it in twenty.
I rushed upstairs, quickly putting on my make up. Downstairs, I grabbed my pack of gum from the table and shoved it in the pocket of my hoodie.
“Bye mum, I’m going to the park with a friend.” I quickly said and kissed her on the cheek. “Be back by six! Me and your father will be out I need you to watch over Ace and Charlotte because the nanny is sick!”
“Alright!” I called back and then closed the door behind me.
I ran to the park, somehow managing to do that on my rather high heels.
I jumped the park fence, not caring to get to the entrance and looked at my phone. Twenty five minutes, it’s fine.
A bit late but I’m here, where are you?
I’m at the food stall
See you there in a minute
I put my phone away and made my way to the food stall, sitting in front of Lloyd who had taken place at one of the tables.
“Did you run?” He asked amused. “I’m a good runner, believe me, but my house is far away from the park, and my dads got the car and I didn’t want to bother the driver.” I said out of breath, making him raise his eyebrows.
“Driver, huh?” He said and I shrugged. “Yeah, my parents are pretty well off.”
He just smiled before looking behind him for a moment.
“I’m for a drink?” He asked getting up and I smiled, also making way to get up. “Hey, sit back down, I’ll get it.” He assured and I smiled and sat back down.
“Alright then, a passion fruit smoothie.” I said and gave him a five dollar bill. He looked at it unamused and turned away to get the drinks.
When he got back I was glaring at him. “What?” He asked with a laugh, putting the smoothie in front of me. “You didn’t have to pay for my drink.” I said.
“I know, but I don’t care.” He said and I chuckled. “Alright I guess, seems like I’ll be paying for lunch.” And I took a sip of my smoothie.
“We’ll see about that.” He said with a challenging tone of voice, making me give him a wicked grin. It was silent for a moment, it wasn’t awkward or anything, but somehow I just didn’t like it, but what do I say?
“So, you hang out in the park a lot?” Lloyd broke the silence and I almost let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, mostly with my friends to skate, I spent most of my free time here, and other wise I’m around in the city,” I shrugged with a small smile.
“And you? What do you do?” I asked, actually quite interested. I’m not always that interested in strangers, there was just something about him… something enchanting.
It probably where those damned green, beautiful eyes.
“Oh, I mostly just hang around with my friends, and I train a lot, my life is really not that interesting.” He let out a small laughs and I looked at him intrigued, I highly doubted his life to be uninteresting.
I decided not to comment on it and brush past it. “What kind of training do you do, then?” I asked instead and he shrugged. “Just work outs and stuff,” he shrugged.
“I can see that.” I mumbled before realising what I said and quickly looking away, probably blushing like mad, making him laugh. “You’re not that smooth, are you?” He teased and I glared at him.
“I can be!” I insisted. “Mhm, sure.” He winked at me, making me stick out my tongue.
We spent the afternoon together, he was actually really funny. “Want to go get lunch now?” He asked and I nodded, being really hungry.
“Yes please, where do you want to go?” I asked and he thought for a moment, before a sly grin spread across his face.
“What about Harvey’s? They bake fresh bread every afternoon.” He said and somewhere in me, it felt like he knew, but that’s ridiculous, we weren’t on the news or something.
I laughed nervously, looking around me. “Well, we could, but uhh, what do you think of that cafe over there,” I pointed at a small cafe at the end of the street. “Freshly baked buns.” I read of the sign and he shrugged with a small smile.
“Whatever your majesty wants.” He said making me playfully hit his shoulder.
“Aren’t you hilarious?” I asked dryly.
Lloyd pov:
We finished our lunch, it was pretty funny to see her struggle to make an excuse when I asked why she didn’t want to go to Harvey’s.
Part of me wondered why I was here, she did steal from a shop, and though it where only skittles, I had no idea how much her friends stole and how much she did it.
Was it only supermarkets she stole from? Or did she also steal way more expensive stuff?
We finished our lunch and she glanced around, without saying much.
“Are we done? Do you want anything more to drink?” She asked with a kind smile. I shook my head no. “I’m fine, do you want anything else?” I asked and she shook her head aswel.
Part of me expected her to either grab my arm and bolt out of the store, or leave me here and do the same.
She then smiled at me, stood up and walked to the counter. “Hi, can I pay here?” She asked and the barista smiled. “Yes, of course, you sat at the window there, right?” She questioned making Y/n nod.
The counter was a quite far away, if it weren’t for my heightened senses, I wouldn’t be able to hear them, so I knew she wasn’t trying to make a good impression on me.
“That would be 18.65, do you want to pay cash or card?” The barista looked up. “Oh, make that 24, and card, please,” she said before hesitating. “This tip does still go to you if I pay by card right?” She asked and the barista just smiled a genuine smile and nodded.
Y/n payed and then looked at me with a ‘ready to go?’ Look. I got up, took out plates and left them in the counter.
“Thank you,” I waved at the girl behind the counter. “Have a nice weekend!” Y/n added quickly.
“So, where do you want to go next?” I asked and she seemed to be thinking hard, and she gave me a shy look, which I definitely hadn’t been expecting.
“Would you find me boring if I I’d say the library?” She asked and I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Of course not, though this is rather unexpected, I have to be honest,” I admitted as I walked my way to the library.
“Yeah well, I’m one of this people that hated school but loved reading. The cold season is coming meaning I won’t get that much customers at my work, I mostly read there in the winter.” She told me.
“Oh, where do you work?” I asked intrigued. “Just a coffee shop, pretty fun actually, not that much colleagues, I’m there every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.” She informed me. “Great coffee there honestly, my boss is pretty chill so I can just grab some when I want.” There was a twinkle in her eyes and I felt a strange feeling in my stomach.
“Sounds good, you should sent me the adres, I’ll stop by sometime.” I winked making her look the other way. “Sure.” She said and I grinned.
When we walked into the library, she immediately knew where to go and I hid back my smile as she went trough the books.
When we did leave, she carried a bag with three books and a giddy smile on her face. “Where to now?” I asked her and she looked up at the sky.
“It is getting quite late… our nanny is sick so I have to watch my two little siblings this evening,” she said and I smiled. “I’ll bring you home then, if that’s alright with you.” She nodded and i walked her home.
“We should do this again sometime, I really enjoyed it.” She admitted, “I-if you want to, of course,” she quickly said and I smiled down at her.
“I enjoyed it to, we do really have to hang out another time.” I said.
“This is me, here.” She stopped in front of a huge house, I didn’t expect she’d actually live in this neighbourhood when we entered. Sure, she said she was well of, but I didn’t know that meant she was rich.
“I’ll see you another time then,” I winked at her before leaving with a small wave. “Bye!” I heard her say before she opened the big gate to enter the property of her house.
Your pov:
When I opened the door, I was met with my father who grinned at the sight of me. “Ah, if it isn’t my beautifully girl!” He said and I smiled at him, not having seen him since he’d been gone on a business trip.
“Hi, dad.” I said and hugged him tightly, making him hug me back.
“Have you been training in my absence?” He asked and I nodded. “A bit, not to much, but I’ll get back to it.” I promised.
He was the one where I got my powers to create illusions from. Every Sunday he’d train me to fight so I could protect myself and my siblings if it was ever needed.
“Your mother and I are leaving for a dinner party, chef is almost finished with dinner for the three of you, alright, take care of your siblings.” He kissed the top of my head and headed for the car parked in front of the house.
When I entered the house, my mother was rushing down the stairs, she gave me a quick hug before also heading for the car.
I chuckled and headed upstairs to my little sisters room. She was peacefully sleeping but it was time for dinner, so, with a lot of bravery I woke her up.
She cried, of course. It took a while to calm her down and then I carried her downstairs.
I entered the dining room and smiled at two of the staff where putting down our plates.
My little brother Ace was playing games on his phone while I was putting down Charlotte in her chair.
“Ace, no phones at the table.” I said and he groaned. “Come one, N/n, mom and dad aren’t here!” He said and I gave him a look.
“Eat your food, little demon, you can play games after.” I smiled and he rolled his eyes but put his phone away anyway.
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princessroyal95 · 1 year
My wife. My life (Charlotte Cracker x Reader)
Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't like this type of content, don't read on, even if it means you'll lose information about the story.
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I am complaining of pain! Damn Katakuri and his ways of leaving me on the floor! I love my brother, but I hate it when they throw me on the floor and I have a terrible pain in my back. I admit, I don't like being hurt. I had enough of receiving that blow and having this scar on my face. It's been a long time since that, but it's like all that happened yesterday.
I just want to get this fucking workout over with and go home. Katakuri doesn't seem to like the idea that I'm getting weak. I get a long sigh from him as he squats down to keep up with me. I just get a disapproving look.
"If Mom was watching you, she would have already taken your commanding position."
"And also the post of cookie minister." I hear my little sister Smoothie talking, who has a cup in her hand.
"You don't have to rub that in my face! I'll put my whole body in it until I can sit down." I know I'm getting weak.
"You must have a blank mind. Lately I see you worrying, it is not normal for you." Katakuri extends a hand to me to help me up, which I accepted.
"Is it because of ___?"
I don't even answer Smoothie's question. What's more, my mind goes blank for a few moments thinking clearly about what was happening to me. Could it be because Mom is rushing me to have a grandchild?
"Please tell me you at least slept with her."
"And you're young enough to ask such questions!" It's okay that she's 25, but fuck!
"And you're a 35-year-old man who hasn't fucked his wife yet! You've been married for a year!"
"Sorry, nii-san." Smothie bows her head apologizing.
And I don't blame her. Yes, I've been married to ___ for a year now. Mom didn't really like the idea of one of her sons who is in charge of the commander's post having to get married since, according to her, it was a misdirect. Our obligation is to protect Mom and the kingdom from anyone.
All that changed when a powerful family arrived and wanted to form an alliance with Mom. What they proposed was to give them military weapons in exchange for their daughter marrying one of their sons. At first, she wanted to form an alliance with Perospero; however, the father of this young woman said that he preferred his daughter to marry one of his commanders. And without further ado, Mother agreed to let me marry her.
The truth is that I did not like the idea of getting married. I wanted to continue living my life as a single man and keep my eye on the ball. But I mustn't upset Mother because of what I agreed to.
The next day, after the alliance, I had to meet in person this young woman who, from what I heard, was five years younger than me. Well at least it wasn't a girl who had just turned 18. The young woman was waiting for me at the fountain near Mother's castle. She had her back to me so I couldn't see her face. And when she heard my footsteps, she turned completely around where I could see her beauty.
I remember that moment as if it were yesterday. I was stunned to see her. I didn't know how to react, especially with that smile she gave me. My sickly mind wanted to disfigure her; however, I held back and was able to admire such beauty. And the difference in size was quite enormous. I would say that her head reached the crotch area, so I'm not complaining. That way I wouldn't have to bend over.
When she spoke to me I was stunned by her voice. Sweet and velvety as if she were an angel. A creature that has fallen from heaven to sin with me. That sounded pretty good in my head. ___ calls out to me. A beautiful name for someone so young and so beautiful.
We kept talking until we didn't even realize it was night. We had a good time, I'll give you that. "You know? I heard that he was cruel and ruthless, but, knowing you, it's just the opposite", those were his words as she went off to her bedroom making my cheeks blush at such a confession. Why the hell do I get like an idiot in love when I'm around her?
And I know the answer. ___ made me feel special, like I was a child. I even acted like a child in front of her sometimes, laughing and cuddling. A love that I hadn't received in a long time from my mother or my brothers and sisters. A feeling that I had been longing for for a long time. I didn't want to admit it, but I was falling in love with her until the wedding day came.
I don't know why, but every time it was time to communicate that ___ was definitely going to be my wife, my nerves increased. Maybe because of the excitement of finding someone who liked her and treated me in a special way. God! I can't forget her dress! I had in front of me a goddess that even my brothers congratulated me on. I was sweating my ass off, afraid I was going to screw it up. And it wasn't like that. Everything turned out perfect thanks to her.
Every smile she gave me was a way of telling me not to worry that everything was going well. I feel so extremely stupid around her. She was always by my side talking to the guests and even broke the big cake that Mom had ordered. She is simply perfect in my eyes and you could tell by my smile every time I looked at her.
And now we live together as husband and wife on Biscuits Island where I am the minister of that place. The house is big enough to fit both of us. And on that very night of the wedding it was a great opportunity to hold her in my arms and feel her for the first time. I wished for it and I don't know how many times I dreamed of it. However, it didn't happen. "I'm still not ready to have sex with you," were some very harsh words to my head and my heart.
I decided to give her time to get used to this new life. And that meant sleeping on your own, too. Me in one room and her in another. Shit! Don't I know how to trust me? Why does she run away from me when I just want to be near her? And it's been a year now and we're back to square one. We look like complete strangers.
And now here I am, with my two brothers a little worried about the marriage if everything went well. It's great for me because I have a great wife who takes care of me and gives me all the love in the world. However, not having her for myself only makes me think of many things that are worse than death itself.
Without realizing it, I feel like someone is resting their hand on my shoulder making me look up and she was my sister. It makes me angry that she's taller than me, but she's half legged, after all.
"Why don't you talk to her? Talking solves things."
"It's not easy," I plead with my eyes closed.
"If you don't solve this problem, Mom won't hesitate to break the alliance." My eyes open wide when I hear Katakuri's words.
"I will never part with her! Never!" I shout to both of them facing each other. "Mom can't take away what makes me happy!"
"So work it out if you don't want things to get worse."
And he is right. Katakuri was always right about one thing. I sat down with my head and then I left that room ready to go to Biscuits Island. The truth is that it was already being done and it was about going home to be with her.
Just talking solves things, but what if we really don't solve things? Will Mom really break the alliance if I don't have a child with her? I don't mind having a child right now, I just want to share a bed with her. Waking up in the morning and knowing that she has been sleeping with me all night. To see her smile and to say good morning to me.
That's all I ask for in my life. Fuck! Is it that hard? Thanks to my sister Brûlée's mirrors I got home. It was a kind of shortcut and the truth is that my sister's ability was an advantage. I was already in front of my home. Big and luxurious made of all kinds of candy. I breathe in the atmosphere with all the tranquility of the world and then release it on my lips. It's now or never. I must talk to her.
I open the door of my house and the first thing I hear are the footsteps of ___ walking back and forth. At this hour I suppose she is setting the table.
"I'm home now," I shout, announcing my arrival as usual.
"Welcome, darling." And, as always, she welcomes me from the entrance with a smile. I blush like an idiot when she calls me like this, I'm not used to it. "I thought you were going to be late, you know, because of Katakuri-san's training."
"My brother actually took pity on me and let me go," I lie.
"That's great. Come, dinner is ready."
How this woman takes care of me. I'm a disaster for certain things and I just didn't expect my life to change because of her. My wife. I still didn't believe it. I smile like an idiot when I think of that name in my head.
My steps become firm as I approach the table with the dishes already on top of me. As neat as ever. I would have scattered everything without a second thought and eaten like a pig as I used to do when I was a child. And my eyes go to the kitchen which was not far away. I approach to lean on the entrance, watching my wife concentrate on her task. Fuck, in that position I would like to hug her. So small and so delicate. Although when she gets angry she is a thousand times worse than me.
"I must do it. It's my chance," with that thought in my head, I walk over to where I was ___ to lean my whole body over and embrace her, feeling her jump in surprise. God, how I missed this feeling of closeness to her. I feel calm and relaxed.
"Cracker, are you okay?"
"I'm great." I can't tell you how relaxed I feel being with you.
"Has Katakuri-san done anything to make you this way?"
"Like what?"
"Cuddly and unloving." She just laughs sweetly. "Although the truth doesn't bother me."
"You would never bother."
"When it comes to clothes scattered on the floor, yes."
"Because I am lazy at picking them up."
"You idiot."
"You idiot."
Now or never. This is my big chance. I want to do it with her, I've always wanted it and I've wanted it badly. I raise my arm to hold that ladle that was in her hand receiving a sound of surprise from her. Without waiting for it, I turn her completely around and without any effort, I make her sit on the countertop, thus having a little more height. My hands begin to run down her thighs, trying to tempt her. I want her to play along.
"Cracker, what are you doing?" From her tone of voice, I got the slight feeling that she wasn't liking it.
"Playing." A slightly hoarse sound comes out of my throat as I decide to lick her earlobe.
"Cracker, stop, I'm with the food."
"I want dessert," I say with a broad smile on my lips, "and it's right under my nose.
"Cracker...," she calls to me, but I ignore her completely. I just listen to my instinct that I wanted this so badly, "Cracker stop." My hands ascend to the inside of her thighs wanting to reach that forbidden part of her being. I feel my body starting to emanate that warmth that I know so well. I was getting excited about it. "Cracker stop!"
And, for the first time, after a year of marriage, I feel ___'s hands and legs leaning on my body and pushing me hard away from her. I just look at her in confusion without understanding why she rejected me like that. She always accepted every mime from me because she usually does it with me. Now it's different. Something strange resurfaces inside me. My heart was pumping hard without understanding why. I just looked at her in surprise.
I see how she embraces herself as if protecting herself from me. Is she afraid? Have we been together so long and I see that she is afraid? I couldn't help it, I was getting angry in a supernatural way. I never saw her behave that way. I would never hurt her. I clench my teeth and fists where my knuckles turn white from the pressure. I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I scream all over the house and watch as she jumps out of the room at my scream. "This is the first time in a long time you're looking at me with fear, like you're afraid I'm going to hurt you! I would never fucking hurt you!"
She says nothing. She just shuts up about my sudden attack, all the more reason to piss me off!
"We've been married a year and I've given you enough time to get used to this new life! I'm sick of waiting! You don't know how much I want to make you mine and hear my name groan!" I hold my hands over my head trying to think clearly what I was going to say. But the rage consumed me. "And the worst thing is that we don't share a bed!"
"Cracker... it's hard to explain..."
"What is difficult to explain?" I repeat that phrase, as I approach the table and, with one movement, I break it into pieces.
"Cracker, please stop!"
"What's hard to explain?! Tell me!"
"I can't..."
I feel like my heart was breaking into pieces as if bullets were being fired into it. Why are you making me suffer? Could it be that...?
"It's because of my face, isn't it?"
I get a surprised look from her as if she didn't expect that sentence.
"It's because of this scar, isn't it?" I reach out my hand to my face touching that wound that runs all over my face. "You are afraid to see a monster like me at night and that he will hurt you."
"Cracker is not what you..."
"I thought I'd found someone who didn't care about the way I was. Who accepted me as I am." And, for a long time, I feel something falling down my cheeks. I was crying, letting out all that pain. "You gave me everything I didn't have as a child. Love, compassion... And now... And now my heart is aching."
"Cracker...," she was going to say something, but I stopped her.
"Leave me... I want to be alone."
I didn't want to see her face because of the pain I was feeling emotionally. It was unbearable as if needles had been stuck in my heart and left me vulnerable for a few minutes. My breathing became heavier every time I approached my room. I slam the door and sit on the bed trying to control all those emotions that have come up instantly. Why are you doing this to me? What did I do?
With heaviness, I take off my shoulder pad and my shoes without wanting to do anything. The kilt was already in the way, so I threw it hard across the room. And reluctantly, I'm getting rid of my traditional hairstyle, turning off the highlights in my pigtails first. I feel my world falling apart. There is no longer any reason to continue living in this shitty life.
Now, releasing all that pressure from my hairstyle cascading down my back, I bring my hands to my face trying to suppress those tears that wanted to come out. I didn't want to cry anymore. I didn't want to suffer anymore. I just wanted to know the truth. That's all I ask.
My ears get louder when I hear ___ knocking on the door. I did not answer. I didn't want to see her. I was physically and mentally broken. However, she opened the door no matter what I said. Her steps are slow and steady at the same time. She was staring at the floor and I could see her feet. She was in front of me and I didn't want to look up to see her.
"I told you I want to be alone," I grunt in annoyance.
"Cracker, I can't stand it anymore and even more so knowing that I hurt you."
"You want a divorce, don't you?"
"No, I just want you to listen to me and then make a decision whether to stay with me or not."
Will you tell me what was going on? Why are you avoiding me? I didn't say anything about it. I just hear a little sigh from her understanding the situation.
"Remember I told you that I used to be married?
"Yes, I remember."
"I was very young, but my father wanted to form an alliance with that man through the wedding because he had so much power. I didn't refuse, I wanted to do his will. ___'s voice was firm and courageous. "Everything was perfect in the marriage, but all that changed." Now it changes to one of fear as if remembering an atrocious past. "One day, he came home drunk, he didn't stop screaming like a madman. I asked him to stop, but everything was in vain. He hit me... he raped me..."
My head automatically goes up when I hear those words on the young lady's lips. How could anyone hit someone like her? So beautiful and so perfect. And even more so, raping her.
"My first time was not pretty. From that day on, she started to mistreat me and treat me as if I were an object. I told my father and he understood the situation. I asked for a divorce and separated from that man."
"I couldn't sleep, I always had nightmares about that man and I even had to go to the doctor to get checked." His body began to tremble and he took his hands to his body as protection. "I had already healed from the bruises and the vaginal tearing, but I didn't fully recover mentally. My doctor told me that I didn't have any cure for that remedy, that time would tell. And he told me that if I didn't heal my mind I... I..." She becomes a little choppy as if she will have a hard time saying what she fears so much. "I could not have children."
My pupils dilate instantly when I hear those words from her. Couldn't I have children because of that? Would it have affected her so much? I see how her cheeks are decorated by a few tears from her not bearing it anymore.
"I wanted to tell you, really. But I was so scared that I even feared that if you told your mother, maybe our alliance would be broken. I was afraid of not giving you children because of that trauma, that I would not serve as a wife. You are the first man who made me feel like a fool in love and that is why I treated you with affection because I saw in you someone who needed affection. I know that you would never hurt me," she takes a deep breath to continue, "but I can't go on with this fear!
I didn't let her talk anymore. I embraced her with all my strength without hurting her in any way. I didn't want to crush her with my arms. I didn't reciprocate her hug because I know she was surprised by my act. She expected something other than a hug.
"I don't give a shit if you can't give me children," I clarify by separating myself a little from her to look her in the eye and see what I'm saying is real, "I don't give a shit what mum says. I don't give a shit what others think about you."
"But Cracker..."
"What I care about most in this world is being by your side." I hold her hands firmly and decisively. "You are my wife. You are my life. I would kill anyone who dared to speak ill of you behind your back."
Her eyes shone as if she would have liked to hear those words.
"Cracker...," she whispers my name and stops his tears.
"I wouldn't abandon you for anything in the world You're the first woman a cruel and ruthless guy has ever liked."
"But deep down you're like a child. Sweet, brave and with many dreams."
"Because you made me bring out the child inside me." I rest my forehead on hers while looking into her eyes. "I want to share my life with you."
"And I with you, Cracker." Her smile comes back to life giving me that feeling of peace that I wanted so much to have. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you and hurt you."
"Now it doesn't matter. What matters now is that we are here, you and I, and no one else."
I kiss her with determination, savouring those lips that I so longed to taste again. It was a mixture of strawberries and tears, and yet it was addictive. How long had it been since I had kissed her? I didn't want to think about it. Now my desire is to be with her more than ever. Our mouths move wanting to have more contact with what, playfully, I bite her lower lip receiving a little whimper from her, but I take advantage to invade her mouth with my tongue.
It was a fight of the one who dominated the one and I know perfectly well who was going to win that battle. I, of course. She surrendered completely to me. My hands, leaning on ___'s small back, slowly go through that whole area until they reach her bottom where I squeeze them firmly. I receive a small gasp from her on my lips. My eyes sparkled with pleasure, amused to see her expressions. And decisively, I lift her up to sit astride me. Her look was one of pure confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you think?" My voice gets a little hoarse from that kiss.
"Cracker I don't...," I don't let it end because I kiss her again. A kiss that showed love and confidence.
"I want to make love to you," I say resolutely, not separating from her lips, "I want you to forget that trauma. The one you are sharing your bed with is me and not with another man. Be mine tonight, ___. I beg you, I implore you."
It's rare for me to ask for that kind of thing, but for her I would do anything. I just hope she accepts because I couldn't stand to be like that anymore without feeling her. Her little hands explore between my hair, almost intertwining her fingers with them to hold them firmly causing me to grunt. And it wasn't pain, it was satisfaction. She came to my lips to say what I so longed to hear:
"Make love to me, Cracker."
A time bomb is activated inside me and I kiss it with more fury than before. I didn't want to be separated from her. The desire to have her by my side produced an absolute happiness that I could not explain. I kept biting her lips in a dominant way. I had to control my wild side; although, it's impossible. Her perfume, her lips, her skin... everything about her was driving me crazy.
I leave her lips for a moment, which had some scars caused by my bites and I bite her neck leaving some marks. She is mine and nobody else's. I will mark her as many times as I want so that everyone knows who owns her. The gasps of ___ echo throughout the room giving me to understand that she liked the way I treated her. With some shyness, she strokes the entire length of my well-formed back from those trainings of my brother. I just licked and bit the gap between her neck and her shoulder.
My wife lifts her body a bit, wanting to reach a certain area. I was so concentrated that I groaned as I felt my earlobe biting from time to time. God, since when has she become a flirt? I was melting at her bites and the occasional lick. The trousers were already being annoying, they were squeezing me in a supernatural way.
Forgive me, but it was impossible for me to control my animal instinct. I tore the top of that dress where I heard a slight groan from her. I receive an inquisitive look as if she didn't like it.
"Cracker, that was a dress your sister gave me as a present.
"Fuck the dress, you're prettier this way." I look at her for a moment already looking at her half-naked body. I'm grateful that I'm tall and can see every detail of her.
"You are a pervert." She She blows up the annoying cheeks to which I hold her face with my hand and deflates them.
"You're getting to know my playful side, my dear."
With the other hand free, I hold her wrists easily by raising them to the height of her head. I like having her like this, at my mercy and so helpless, and that I am the one who provokes those moans that come from her lips. Oh, but there was one thing left that covered the view. I smile like a maniac where she only trembles with emotion? I wouldn't know, but it wasn't fear she had in her eyes.
I went over to that annoying garment that covered her breasts and took it with my teeth. A few seconds later, I pulled it out of its socket, freeing both its mounts from that annoying bra.
"Cracker, we need to talk about 'don't tear my clothes when you're excited'." For one reason, I found it funny.
"I think that talk won't do much good since I'll keep doing it."
"At least do me the favor of... Ah!"
Sensitive, huh? I already put a breast in my mouth without any difficulty and started sucking it as if it were a hungry little child. To make it easier, I raised her body a little more with one of my arms so that she could sit down and her breasts were at the same level as my face. From time to time I watched my wife's face. The faces I made made made my limb harder than I even think it grew a little more than I thought. Fuck! Look what this girl is doing to my body.
I let go of her wrists for a moment to hold firmly the other breast, massaging it. I had no difficulty at all as my hand was big enough. However, she rests her hands on my hair and squeezes them tightly where I grunt with satisfaction almost biting one of her nipples. I was liking it, and I wanted to prove it. I give a slight suction on her nipple to release it suddenly where I get a little moaning from her.
I raise my eyes, amused. Fuck, I was getting horny and it was fun to see her face. I was panting trying to catch my breath, her face was fucking sexy. "If it goes on like that, it'll explode", she was mentalizing me. And with a rather playful look, I took my hand towards one of her buttocks and gave a slight slap where she moaned in surprise.
"What? I wanted to know what it sounded like." Another hit, another sound. "And I like it."
"Stop it! It's not funny, you pervert!"
With one quick move, I lay her down on the bed and stay on top of her. My knees were placed on each side of her waist while my hands were resting around my beloved's head.In this position I could feel perfectly the difference in height and I was grateful that the bed was big.
"With my tongue I can run perfectly all over your body, did you know that?"
"That's not fair. Inflate those cheeks again, as I loved to bother her. "You're too big and I'm too small next to you."
"But you can feel my whole being."
Shyness is what you reflect now in her eyes when I said that. She looks so pretty like that. I love that side of her. She puts her hands on my well formed chest touching them slowly. She had already touched them, but this time, it was different. The air we breathe there is sexual tension between the two of us. Our caresses went beyond affection. It was desire and we could not resist it.
I give light sighs every time her hands descend touching every area of my being until they reach the kerb of my trousers. I thought I had taken them off, but I can see that I haven't. My eyes are fixed on his and I could see desire, he even bit his lip. Fuck! I'm on fire and the bitch wouldn't stop playing with my garment. Take it off, damn it! I'm begging you with my eyes! And as if my pleas were heard, she pulls down my trousers along with my boxers showing my manhood.
Her lips form a kind of "o" looking at my member with surprise. I can even notice how his body trembles before such magnificence. I take his hands delicately so that he can rest them on it and start caressing it. I can't deny it, I've been shaking and a hoarse groan is coming from my throat.
"It's huge."
"I know," I smile amused at his expression.
"You're just huge."
"Will you still say I'm huge?"
"It's true."
I laugh lightly approaching her face to kiss her lips while my hands continue to explore her body. Memorizing little by little every pore of her skin until I get rid of what was left of press on her. I can smell the excitement. It was an exquisite smell. I hold her buttocks tightly listening to a small sound of protest.
"I can't stand the urge to stick my dick in your dirty vagina."
"Don't say such things!" My fingers were already caressing her entrance. It's so wet. How can you tell that I drive you crazy, huh?
"But it's the truth." I bite her chin while sticking about two fingers inside her. It was already wet and I didn't need to prepare it.
I move them with some speed receiving those moans that I so much wanted to hear. I didn't look away from her at all times. I even licked my lips in real excitement. My dick was screaming at me to penetrate it now. And that's what I'll really do. I attract the body of my beloved while I get high, sitting on the bed with her on top.
We both moan at the same time as we feel the touch of our sexes. Her arms surround my neck as support and I hold her hips. We were ready to be one. There was no turning back. I wanted her and she wanted me. I kiss her sweetly so it's up to me as I help her get down and stick my dick in her once and for all.
Oh for Kami! What a nice feeling. She hugs me tightly which even bites my neck so I grunt slightly. I hold firmly her ass helping her to climb up and down on me. It's exquisite to hear her breathing near my ear as we bonded. It is delicious this feeling. As I wished to feel it.
Our movements are increasing each time we felt the friction of one against the other. I didn't stop kissing her and she didn't stop kissing me. ___'s hands intertwine again in my hair giving a little pull causing her to growl even more as I slightly bite her neck leaving a mark.
That room was becoming a witness of our love. Two bodies merged into one. Sweating like never before and that the movements were going faster. I didn't want this to end, it was too exciting, but I know that at some point this would end. Each time her vaginal walls were pressing hard on my member giving me the impression that an orgasm was about to come. Just a little more, little one. I want to feel you even more.
I am about to end too. I hold firmly her hips while I get on my knees without separating from her at any moment wanting to penetrate her with more strength than before. She nails her nails to my back giving a tremendous scream reaching the blessed orgasm. And I come inside her and can't stand it anymore. Fuck, this tasted great to me. I attract her to my body by hugging her with love and she kisses all over my face.
We both didn't feel exhausted from sharing this moment, but it was worth it. I kept looking at her face. She was so beautiful when she was tired. A smile forms on my face in a silly way that she notices and just laughs.
"Do I have monkeys on my face?"
"Oh, not at all," I honestly draw her body to me, "it's just... you look pretty like that."
"Silly," she lightly slaps my chest while laughing.
"___," I call out to her, receiving her attention in me, "I love you."
"I love you too, Cracker."
One month later...
I'm fed up with Katakuri throwing me down! Can't he be a little more gentle with me? I'm getting old! Although I shouldn't complain, I'm in a good mood because they've taken the reward out of my head. I'm evenly matched by my sister Smoothie. I don't know how that girl does it to outdo me.
And another day where I come home and want to be with my dear wife. I will have already put on a lover's face.
"I'm home now!"
"Oh, you're back at last."
"Sorry if I was late, my brother kept me," I apologize by patting ___'s head.
"It's all right. Come, please." She grabs my hand, leading me to the kitchen. I can feel her excitement.
My eyes are stuck on the counter with a big box to which I raise my eyebrow a little curious and strange. What does that do there? I didn't quite understand that I was even looking at the girl who was only smiling.
"It's for you."
"For me?" I stress the question a little by holding that box. "It's not my birthday yet."
"Don't be silly and open it."
Why so much effort? Well, what a remedy. Carefully, I open the box, I don't want to come across anything unexpected. I enlarge my eyes when I see what was inside. What the hell? Subject as a kind of shirt, but it was too small. This won't even fit! And there was not only one but a few more. Is this some kind of joke? I didn't get it.
She just smiled funny in my face for not understanding anything. Fuck! I'm not in a position to think! And the last thing I see is a letter. I hope this paper tells me what's going on and doesn't leave me in doubt. I start reading it:
I know you don't know us, but very soon you will, just be patient. There are only eight months left for you to see us.
We want to ask you a favour: take good care of Mum in these eight months because it will be a very long process. Protect her from any illness. Make sure she eats well so that we grow strong and healthy. If she gets angry with you, you only have to understand that we are to blame. When Mummy feels that we are moving, we want you to be the first to feel our kicks.
Make Mom happy because we know you are the best dad in the world.
With love,
Your children."
I was shaking when I finished reading the letter. My eyes were fixed on the phrase "my children". I turn my head a little towards the clothes and then towards the belly of ____. This is not possible. This has to be a dream. She is...
"I'm pregnant, Cracker."
Without being able to avoid it, I hug her tightly, holding her up in the air while I rest my head on her belly, listening to her laugh.
"Since when?"
"Since a month ago."
"My children. How many are there?
"From what the doctor saw, there are two. I couldn't tell you if they were twins or fraternal twins.
I was happy at this news that I kissed her, not once or twice, but many times that she was kissing me back. She is pregnant. I cured her trauma. Now I have to take care, not only of her, but also of our children.
I cannot deny that. She is my wife. She is my life. And I would kill anyone who hurt her.
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 25
The first thing (Y/N) noticed was the unbelievable warmth around her body. Slowly her eyes opened and she found herself in Katakuri's strong embrace. Looking up to his peaceful, sleeping face, she smiled slightly. The first raise of the morning sun shone through the window. The warmth tickled on her skin and let her face snuggle deeper into his strong bare chest. Sighing in delight (Y/N) felt her husband moving. Compared to her, he wasn't a morning person and moaned frustrated of the sudden light. Smiling her gaze wandered up to his tired expression which lighted up after seeing her.
"Good morning…", her sweet voice reached his ears and let him smile. It wasn't a dream. Their shared night together really happened. He always thought how amazing it would be to wake up next to her. That the first thing he was able to see was his beloved wife. He had to admit that reality was much sweeter.
"We have to get up Katakuri…", she spoke with a hint of sadness.
"Sadly yeah…", he whispered and brushed her rosy cheeks lovingly. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to have her by his side every single night. How cruel to taste heaven and the next moment it was taken away from him.
Turning (Y/N) got up from his embrace and crawled out of the bed. The blanket loosened around her and with it her carefree attitude. Realization hit her after feeling a cold shiver ran down her naked back.
"I totally forgot!", she hushed and quickly grabbed the blanket to hide her body. Red as a tomato she was met with a smirking General Charlotte who was laying on his side and enjoying the view.
"Shy? After what we did?", he spoke amused and his smile grew even wider after she become a stuttering mess.
"Maybe I should take you again to remind you.", he spoke in a seductive way. God was he making her nervous right now and embarrassed. Most of all embarrassed.
"Pervert…", (Y/N) replied and quickly ran into the bathroom to get ready. Sighing in delight Katakuri got up as well and stretched his arms. It was a wonderful morning. A perfect day with, what it seemed, also with a beautiful weather. Nevertheless he felt strained.
"Let's start this awful day…"
If (Y/N) would have known what was about to come, she sure would have take much more time to come to whole cake. And mostly would have stayed as long as possible in Katakuri's arms. Standing before his mother who had an evil grin plastered on her face, Katakuri looked down to his beautiful wife and struggled to say goodbye. Not because they weren't alone. At this moment he really didn't care about that, even if it meant to come out of his comfort zone. Not only that. It was also the realization of not knowing how long he wouldn't be able to see her.
"Katakuri I can't wait to finally have this treasure in my hands. You will leave immediately. Do whatever is needed to get it.", his mother's voice broke the silence and let him look up. That his mother already got a duty for him wasn't surprising, but that it would be such a dangerous one, even for his standards, let him get quite uncomfortable. On top of that he had to leave for god knows how long.
" Mama this Island is far away. Wouldn't it be better if someone supports him out there? It's brother Katakuri yeah, but all alone?", Smoothie stepped next to them with a worried expression on her face. On the other hand, Big mom just let out a laugh. Katakuri gave his sister a dangerous glare, which let her shiver of fear. Never would he take one of his siblings with him to such a suicide mission.
" He will do as I say and he will bring me this hidden treasure like it's described on this map here. I found it in one of the few treasure chests, which I got at Pudding's wedding. How sweeeeeet and exciting. Katakuri has to prove his loyalty and strength. I lost some of my presents, because of this damn Gummy boy. So I need this….. I want this treasure!! ", she shouted angered and let her daughter step back scared.
" Smoothie, You should prepare yourself for your own duty. You will go to Wano. The straw hats will soon get there….", Big mom added pissed of thinking about Luffy.
" I will go Mama. Don't worry.", Katakuri cut in to calm his mother's mood, which gladly lighted up immediately. Her look wandered to (Y/N) who felt devasted after hearing about Katakuri's soon to be journey. She knew that they get separated, but this was beyond her imagination.
"And you cupcake. My top chefs are already waiting outside. Go to the kitchen and surprise me with one of your doughnuts.", she sang happily and hushed her out of the room. Quickly (Y/N) took Katakuri's hand who pulled her closer and lead her out and away from his mother.
"I will guide her. You can leave."
Giving the top chefs an angered look, they quickly grabbed (Y/N) 's bags and rushed forward to the kitchen. Before she was able to let out her desperation, she was ingulfed into a strong embrace.
"Katakuri….", she whispered, while tears rolled down her face. Looking into her sad expression he brushed her cheeks lovingly.
"I am glad we could be alone for a moment…", he whispered and pulled his scarf down. Quickly he pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. She didn't want to stop. She couldn't imagine being here all alone while he was out there, risking his life for a stupid treasure. Grabbing his jacket by its collar he could feel her desperate try to hold him in place, to keep him by her side. Smiling bitterly he ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.
"(Y/N)…you still have my vivre card.", he spoke and kissed her cheek.
"I don't care. It's not the same…", she whispered exhausted and let him chuckle of her sweet words.
"I know.. But for now we have to endure this till we could be together again.. Do as you are told, then nothing will happen. My siblings will help you. And…", he spoke with a sad smile.
"wait for me (Y/N)…", he kissed her passionately which let her knees go weak and tears fell down even more. She knew that there is nothing to stop this nightmare. Breathing heavily they seperated and looked into each other's eyes. Giving him a weak smile she nodded, while brushing her tears away to calm down. Sighing Katakuri pulled up his scarf and looked around if anyone was in sight. Relieved that their moment was unseen he got up to take her hand in his.
"I will give my best Katakuri. But promise me to come back save..don't be reckless out there…please.", (Y/N) looked up to his intimating expression, which nodded seriously.
"I promise. I will come and get you as soon as possible back into my bed.", he spoke and let her gasp flustered.
"Katakuri!", she spoke embarrassed and avoid his amused expression. How he loved to see her like this. It pained even more to let her go, but it was worth it.
Slowly they walked along the corridors and (Y/N) could already hear the sounds of clashing pots, shouting people and excited footsteps. The sweet smell ingulfed their senses and soon she was met with a unbelievable baking show. The kitchen was huge. There was no place without spotting sweet ingredients or big machines. Gasping she stepped into the room and got the attention of the others.
"There she is! His wife in real!", the workers sang happily and took her hand to guide her. Quickly (Y/N) looked back to the door and got a short image of Katakuri who waved torwards her as a goodbye and left the scene. She couldn't stop, couldn't run back. How awful to let him go this way. Now she was really alone. Biting her lips to surpress the tears, she was pushed before Streussen who was sitting on a big chair made by a cookie and ordering everyone around. Wrapped up in bandages he seemed stressed. After he laid his eyes on (Y/N) his face lit up and he smiled more relieved than happy to see her. (Y/N) wasn't really paying attention to his outburst of joy, because she still felt her body shaken of her husband's leave. In a way it felt unreal.
"Here is the list.", Streussen pulled her back from her thoughts, while he shoved a long paper roll into her hands. Irritated her look fell onto the different described doughnuts and mostly on the delivery date.
"That's what Mama wants?", she asked in disbelief and looked into the amused expression of the head chef.
"Oh and don't forget the specials. You have to make some to support me.", he added amused to have all time in the world while (Y/N) was already late.
Looking back onto the list (Y/N) already knew that she would stay in this kitchen all day long. But in a way she didn't complain. It was a time killer. An exhausting one yeah, but she would be able to focus on something else than her husband's whereabouts. Sighing she nodded and took the cooking apron from one servant to put it on. Normally she was motivated after wearing this special piece of fabric, but this time everything seems dull and colorless. Nevertheless she obeyed, because that was the only way. Reaching into her pocket she touched Katakuri's vivre card for a mental support. Wherever he was, she had something to relay on, even if it was just a piece of paper.
On the other side Katakuri was packing a bag in front of his ship. He couldn't see that far into the future, but still he had a bad feeling about following this mysterious map.
"Katakuri!", Oven and Daifuku rushed to his side worried. Stopping he waited paitently for them to go on with his all too familiar cold expression.
"Is it true? You have to follow a map which leads you out of our territory?", Oven asked shocked, while Katakuri just kept his emotionless look. Sighing he lifted his bag and turned towards his ship.
"Mama is obsessed to know what treasure is hidden on this island. I will get it for her to gain her trust again and most of all my status. I want my wife back. At any costs.", he spoke seriously and was about to leave, but stopped in his tracks to give his brothers one last glance. Feeling completely helpless they watched him worried.
"I want you to keep an eye on (Y/N). Help her as much as possible.", he spoke strained and got onto his ship. The wind gave it a kick start and quickly Katakuri made his way out to the open sea. His look fell back to his home, which got smaller and smaller with every minute. He was wrong about the weather. It was a cold day. Droplets of rain landed on his face and fitted perfectly to his mood. Looking down onto his map he knew that things would take awhile, but hopefully successful in the end.
Whispering her name let his heart flutter. Just the thought of their sweet night together let his body shiver of excitement. God he would miss her. Every single minute would be a torture.
"Don't worry (Y/N) … I will be successful. "
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Howdy! may i request yandere headcanons for Charlotte Amande, Galette, and Smoothie? Pretty please with a berry on top?
You got it, Vale!! I will do my berry (end me-) to make sure these lovely ladies stay true to their characters and exhibit some yandere traits~! Reader is gender neutral!
Babes Below~!
Charlotte Amande
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Due her love for her mother as well as her tendency to not kill her enemies, rather make them suffer, I believe Amande would be a isolating yandere. She doesn’t show emotions, rather expresses them, so you can be sure she will tell you how much you mean to her, and why you need to stay with her. 
She has no problem chopping off your limbs if you decide to leave, she also has no problem torturing you, she knows the right spots of the body to cut to keep you alive. Will listen to you beg and plead for forgiveness as she looks down at you with no regret or mercy. 
If you manage to be good, you will mostly be rewarded with some freedoms. You won’t be allowed to leave her domain, but you can be assured you can walk around (with surveillance). She will mostly pat your head, face still stoic even when she’s mad, telling you how good you are. 
Is the type to want you to come to her for things. No matter what the issue is, you have to go to her for permission. Her rules are now your life, and you better follow them for your own wellbeing. 
Charlotte Galette
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Galette shows a bit more emotions than either of her sisters on this list, she hates the idea of betrayal (especially when it comes to the Big Mom Pirates) and values her life to the point she cried happy tears when she was saved. Due to her actions and reactions, I consider her to be a manipulative yandere.
Wants to convince you that you need her, will go so far as to let you get hurt in an attempt to run and she is the only one who is willing to help/save you. She also gives me submissive vibes, not as in willing to let you walk over her, but rather, will get what you want/ask for.
Won’t use physical force, again she wants you to think of her as some hero, not a monster, so she will treat you like a treasure rather than prisoner (or person-). 
Once you see her as some good and kind being, she will slowly get you to join the Big Mom Pirates and possibly marry you. She sees these commitments as true love and if you refuse, to her this means you don’t love her, so she might have a mental breakdown-
Charlotte Smoothie
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Smoothie is a bit tougher than her sisters, she displays a lot more reactions than the other two. Though she is usually chill, she can also be cruel, from how she handles her enemies and individuals who betray Big Mom, I want to consider her an eliminating yandere! If she has no problem killing and drinking her subordinates, than she has no problem doing the same to anyone who tries to save you. 
She will also threaten you with this, maybe even find individuals who you favor and threaten to kill them the same way if you don’t value your own life. Either way, be prepared for threats, she will have her way and you will listen.
If you are good, Smoothie is very carefree and friendly, almost a different person really. Will almost treat you like a human being she cares about, if you can ignore all the dead people she’s killed to keep you by her side-
I would suggest to stay on your toes and keep your guard up, Smoothie gives me vibes that shows she can get bored easily, if you give into her too quickly or always fight her, she loses interest. Make it a game of cat and mouse to keep yourself alive long enough to escape. 
Tag List: @angeltani @admiral-hiba @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @lukasismissing @xxtoothachexx @athenaportgas @kodi-bear and anyone else who wants to join in!
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purple-goo · 3 years
Sleeping with katakuri , cracker and Smoothie
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🍩 katakuri Isn't used to Isn't used to affection Or people really wanting to be near him most people find him scary so the idea of sleeping next to you Kind of terrified him he thought he would end Kind of terrified him he thought he would end up scaring you away
🍩 so when You approached him saying that you wanted to cuddle and sleep together he was shocked super embarrassed as well like said he's not used to people wanted to be near him so he doesn't handle affection very well his face went bright red who is cute
🍩At first He was awkward He insisted on sleeping with his scarf on and he wouldn't come Near you Which is hard because of his size he could practically be your bed
🍩Of course After he got more used to it he Fell in love with sleeping together , Especially you sleeping On his chest the feeling of you nuzzling yourself closer to him make some feel safe in a way
🍩 If katakuri Can't sleep will holding on to, he'll you play with your hair rapping around his fingers as he watched the strands fall down his large hand
🍪Cracker likes to act Tough around people Especially around the rest of his family, but unlike katakuri he isn't Opposed to holding you as you sleep in front of his siblings
🍪He thinks of it like showing of his love which is something he loves to do Especially around his brothers
🍪 he'll hold you up against his chest in Public if you start to drift off and he'll hold you in walking back to the house before finishing the rest of his duties to join you for a quick nap
🍪 and at night he's a Giant cuddle bug he'll hold you against him and Pepper your face and neck with soft kisses.
🍪And if he's not in a good mood because something happened During his rounds if you Want to put his bright smile Back on his face ,all you half to do is Crow your way close to him and sit on his lap and say how much you love him .
🍪 Overall he just adores the feeling of Overall of you right up against him right before he's about to go to sleep he feels like your his Princess That he gets to protect and gets all to himself
🍹Smoothie normally is a very calm person to be around but as a sweet Commander she was seen as a person to fear and to try not to get in the way of so she's not quiet used to people that aren't family trying to get close to her
🍹So when her S\O comes along and gets gets to get close and be Affectionate with her it took some getting used to on her part
🍹 but after a wile she started to enjoy the feeling she Especially loved to cuddle while she reads you always end up falling asleep but she still enjoys the feeling
🍹 Smoothie loves when you play with her hair she doesn't quite understand why herself, but the feeling of you hands playing and moving Through her soft hair is enjoyable for her and she likes to come home and read as you play with her hair before bed
🍹If your asleep before she's home she'll lay herself down next to you and hold you close as she Watches your Facial features going to take a shower
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silenceofthecookies · 4 years
Smoothie x reader - Blind taste test
Giveaway prize for @elliemehl​ Genderneutral reader No warnings!
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You had suggested it on a whim, mostly as a joke. Smoothie’s plans for the day got cancelled unexpectedly and now you wanted to make most of it, while remaining at home and relaxing. You had planned a lazy day in alone, and Smoothie was more than happy to join you on that. The first suggestion had been watching a movie, but you didn’t want to do that all day. Reading a book while snuggling up together had been another option, but that would be for later on the day. You really wanted to do something fun and suggested doing a blind taste-test. To your surprise, Smoothie agreed without any hesitation.
So here you were, your girlfriend sitting in front of you with a blindfold on. You had taken several things out of the kitchen for her to taste. Some would be easy, some would be harder, though you had a feeling Smoothie would get most of them right. Everyone in her family was a food connoisseur, after all.
True to your expectations, Smoothie guessed every single thing right. It didn’t take long for the fun of it to wear off though, exactly because she guessed every single one correctly.
“You’re not having fun anymore, are you?” Smoothie asked. You could see her frowning from behind her blindfold. “Oh no that’s not it! It’s just... you get everything right, so it’s not really a challenge?” “Then why don’t we switch places?” “But I don’t know as much about food as you...” “Isn’t that what makes it fun though?” Smoothie lifted the blindfold from one eye to look at you and smiled. After thinking it over for a little bit, you nodded and the two of you switched places.
For you, the tasting was a little more difficult. You knew most of the ‘normal’ flavours, but when it came to the more specific or less-used things, you were at a loss. Smoothie gave you hints after every wrong guess which made you get the answer right eventually most of the time. It was a little embarrassing how little you knew compared to her, but at the same time it was fun, and the both of you laughed a lot.
“Okay, I’ve got two more things for you and then we’re done.” Smoothie announced.
You nodded and waited for the next spoon to be held out to you as Smoothie moved through the kitchen, getting what she needed. A spoon was pressed to your lips and you opened your mouth to taste it. It was a very rich and very familiar taste.
“Oh I know this one! It’s the juice you can make with your devil fruit powers!” “Correct. I made this one from one of the roses on the table. Is it any good?” “It really is! The taste is really rich!” “Guess I should make that one more often for you then. Now, for the final thing…”
You eagerly awaited the final spoon, wondering what she came up with. To your surprise, you didn’t feel another spoon being pressed to your lips but something warm and soft. Smoothies lips. You eagerly returned the surprise kiss before you removed your blindfold and found Smoothie smiling at you.
“Ah, Smoothie, my favourite.”
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sandpumpkin · 4 years
Hello Pumpkin my dear, I'm so excited to send this request because I do agree that op ladies don't get enough love, so thank you so much for this event 😭❤
May I ask for Smoothie with the prompt Snowball fight? ❄🤩 lof you!!
Ellliiiee!!! Thank you for the request!! I so hope this is okay!!! (●´ω`●) I’ve never written Smoothie before
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Winter Factions: Ladies
Smoothie: snowball fight
Snow had fallen on Toto land and you were rolling snowmen and snow bunnies with some of the younger Charlotte siblings, as you waited for Smoothie to come home. It hadn’t taken long for the snow to start flying and quickly destroyed the newly built snowman. 
“Take that!” you shouted, launching a snowball and quickly ducked behind a tree as several others were thrown at you. The snow hit the tree you were hiding behind exploding quietly. Quickly making some more ammunition, you darted from your hiding place without aiming hurtled your snow weapons at the group who quickly dispersed in a shriek that turned into a loud collective gasp. Looking up as you grabbed the last of the snowballs. Your mouth hung low and the snowball slipped from your hand, landing with an almost silent flump onto the snow covered ground.  Oh no.. Standing with snow falling off them, almost emotionless was the Sweet commander, Minister of Juice and your beloved “Smoothie..love..” you called, hurrying over to her as she crouched down scooping up a huge armful of snow “Smoothie?” and unceremoniously dropped it on you sending you crashing to the floor in seconds with a muffled oof. You wriggled like a turtle on its back until you managed to sit up still covered in snow. “Smoothie! What was that for?!” you asked, with a childish pout on your lips. 
Smoothie crouched down in front of you, and silently planted another much smaller snowball square into your face. As the snow fell comically slowly from your face, a small smile tugged at Smoothie’s lips as she moved forward to kiss the tip of your nose. You made some kind of shocked gargle noise as you stumbled out of the snow. “Smoothie-” She chuckled and scooped you up in her strong arms. You blushed, being carried so gently by her. ‘She’s so sweet and’ your thoughts were interrupted as Smoothie dropped you. She dropped you right into a snowbank, the snow rushed past your ears and the white engulfed the sight of Smoothie’s playful smile. 
Once again you found yourself digging your way out of the snow. As you poked your head out Smoothie was already forming a mountain around you. “Smooothie!!” you whined, as she smoothed the walls of the sloops that encased you. 
Once she was suitably pleased with the gradient and overall smoothness of your snowy cocoon, she reached forward stroking your face with her gloved hand. Leaning closer and closer, the heat coming off your face was going to melt your prison at this rate. The sweet commander was mere millimeters from your face “I was lonely without you.” she admitted quietly ‘oh…’ Moving closer, Smoothie captured your lips in a sweet chaste kiss. You were sure your face was on literal fire by this point and sure enough the walls around you melted away. But it turned out it was not from you but by Smoothie’s devil fruit power that the snow melted away. She had her usual glass which was now full of a white liquid ‘she’s going to drink the snow?’ sure you had witnessed her drink weirder things but you never really got used to it. 
She noticed your confused stare and looked at her glass “it’s a warm winter drink.” she explained, 
“Warm? Snow?” you were even more confused.
“Warm with your love.” Smoothie added with a teasing tone, drinking her drink quickly to obscure the blush starting to grace her own cheeks. She removed her long scarf and wrapped it around you like a burrito “come you must be cold.” she said, scooping you up in her arms once again. ‘She's so warm’ you smiled and snuggled into her arms, resigning yourself to being carried by a tall, beautiful and formidable woman.
Moments with Smoothie were so few and far between, she was a busy woman but she made those small moments with you count.
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laceymorganwrites · 7 years
Family Feud
Word count: 4,234
A/N: This is my first Katakuri fic, I might´ve written him a bit ooc. 
Warnings: a few swear words, mentioned verbal abuse
Pairing: Katakuri x Reader
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“The sea makes me sick! I can´t possibly be a good wife like that!” your sister whined, to which you just glared at her and rolled your eyes. She was younger than you and didn´t understand anything yet. Your family was traveling to Tottoland, Big Mom´s territory to wed your sister to her son. She didn´t want to, but she had no choice. Ever since she was born it was clear that she would be used in such a political marriage, being a princess. In actuality you were the true heir to the throne of your father´s empire Mariejoa, but he committed treason in marrying your sister´s mother, another princess living in Mariejoa. Your mother died giving birth. She was the true queen of Mariejoa, but then your father decided to marry another woman. They fled the country, but you stayed, becoming the commander of the royal army. Your family ruined your life. With them fleeing the country, your royal title got withdrawn. All you could do to stay in the country was joining the army and working your way up until you got the highest rank. You could have had it all, you could have gotten married to him as well, you swore you would never forgive them for their actions. One day you were on duty when your father called you. He told you your sister would get married to Big Mom´s son and now you needed to pretend as if you still were the royal family of Mariejoa. You needed to pretend as if your younger sister, with a mother your father chose over yours, was the rightful heir to a throne she spat on. She never wanted this life, neither did her mother, and so after your mother died, they started a new family, leaving you behind as if you never existed. And now you were supposed to just play along and accept that your sister was getting all you ever wanted? As if that weren´t enough, the only reason you were even on board of your fleet ship, was to protect her. “Get the fuck over it” you coldly commented on her being seasick, while cradling your sword. You always wanted to visit Tottoland, it´s known that every race is tolerated there, something you could only dream of. Besides, the Big Mom pirates were a big deal, you were especially curious about the sweet commander Katakuri, the man with a 800,000,000 beli bounty. The future husband of your sister, you would like to steal. After all you heard some pretty gruesome stories about him, which made your heart jump and cheeks blush. Your sister was scared of him. Your father came up beside you and touched your shoulder. “I´m sorry” he deeply apologized “We will make up for our sins, that´s why we will regain power by this marriage. You will be a queen like your mother.” he revealed. You just chuckled, it was ridiculous. “I´m not the one getting married. Besides, if Big Mom finds out, we´re all dead anyway”. It was a hot summer day and your armor began feeling heavy, luckily your hair was done up in a braided ponytail. “She will not find out. As of her knowledge your sister is the princess of Mariejoa. If everything goes regarding to our plans, she will marry Katakuri and then the Big Mom pirates will conquer the holy land, this is where you will kill them all and regain the throne and power. We will live together like your mother wanted it”. You said nothing for a while, the idea seemed nice, still you couldn´t quite believe it. “After all these years...why didn´t you apologize sooner? Why didn´t we conquer the land together and made an alliance with the Big Mom pirates afterward? What the hell were you thinking? Who the fuck were you consulting?” you gripped the wooden rim, biting your lip. It really was a hot, infuriating day. “We wanted to be with you, I wanted to be with you, the sister I adored since I was a child. But mother wouldn´t let us, so father killed her and we tried to return to Mariejoa. But they wouldn´t let us in, so we thought of this plan. I don´t want to get married, but as long as they believe I´m the princess and we will regain Mariejoa! Do you really think Big Mom would let her son marry a commander of the royal army?” your sister clutched your arm, the pieces of your armor cutting her. But she didn´t even flinch. Something must´ve happened, you couldn´t believe them. “What´s your true intention? You left me alone, because you wanted to live a normal life. You took everything from me! Do you know what I had to endure? Why do you suddenly want to reunite with me? Why are you telling me all those lies about murder and marriage? And why the fuck to you hold on so tight to my arm? Do you want to rip a hole through your hand? I´ll have to clean that up before we get there!” you pushed your sister away harshly and yelled at your father. “Do you think you´re the only one who wants back the royal title? We can only achieve that goal with Big Mom´s influence and strength! The only problem with that alliance is that she wanted the princess to marry her son! Do you really think she would believe that you, the commander of the royal army with a mouth as foul as can be, would be the princess? Your sister is pretty and innocent, like a lady should behave like. She just plays the role of the princess better than you could ever be.” he responded. You smiled, you could work with honesty. And you could work your way out of this mess just perfectly.
“Oh, I get it, I get it, really, I do. But how do think you will make it out alive, betraying me and all?” you stretched your words, looking your father in the eyes, carefully caressing your sword while your sister cleaned her hand and your armor from her blood. “We weren´t betraying you. Father was blind of love and I couldn´t get rid of mother. I just wanted to  be by your side. We made a mistake, we can´t get back now, so we have to figure it out together” she looked at you with big bambi eyes, she could never lie, not even now. “Looks like I have to clean up the mess you made. Do you coincidentally have another princess on board? Or should we just quickly kidnap one? Because apparently I´m not princessy enough”. You started walking away from the rim, your  family´s looks following your every move, waiting for you to tell them what you should do now. After two minuted you stopped at the rim again. “Well, it looks like you screwed Big Mom over big time. She thinks her son will marry you and with that she believes she will get control over Mariejoa. The marriage part will be fairly easy. Send me back to Mariejoa and I will make the control thing happen. But wait, I just thought of something else...what if we told them the truth? You, sweet sister, will do what you do best. You will be innocent and cry, you will tell them that we got kicked out of Mariejoa. You will tell them how deeply sorry you are, you will tell them how you wasted their time and wanted revenge on the people who overthrew our country. And then we will start a rebellion and conquer the country once again. Yes! Yes, I like that idea! You got me excited,  I´ll give you that. It´s decided, I will help you regain my throne. As long as you don´t lie to me again. If you betray me like that again, I will show no mercy. Just remember that.” you threw your head back and spun around with wide arms, laughing and smiling at your sister. “We´re there! I can see the coast!” your father declared. “Finally! Here comes my perfect sister to blow you away!” your sister cried out. She was laughing at you, sharing your joy, but you just said: “Do you have to yell that loud? It´s not what a princess does, it´s what I would do”. “Exactly!” she grinned up to you. You rolled your eyes.
As soon as your ship anchored upon the harbor, sweet commander Cracker came to show you the way to the dominating castle. “Milady, your majesty” he bowed down to your sister and father. “I see you also brought your guards” he frowned at you, who didn´t even think about bowing down in return. “I´m the commander of the royal army of Mariejoa, show some respect, bub” you hissed. “Besides, we´ve got some treasure and candy for your mother, do you really want the princess to carry it?” you added. Cracker opened his mouth to close it again, looking down. “No, but we    could´ve brought our own men to aid” he reassured her. “Great, then please do so. Princess, congratulations on your marriage, I will go seek a bar now, if you need anything, send for me”. You bowed down to your sister and went away quickly. “Wait a minute. Mama wants to see you. She asked specifically for you”. You rolled your eyes, you just needed a drink. “Fine, lead the way, commander” you gave in. The way was quiet, you sneaked some looks at the island and shops and bars. It was true, the people here all came from different races and were all friendly with each other. You smiled. Beautiful. Then there were the looks you got, they feared you. In Mariejoa people looked down on you. As they made it to the castle the door opened from itself and they entered a giant hallway. “This is your room. We will meet tonight for dinner. Have a nice day.” Cracker showed your sister her room. Your father´s room was beside hers. You didn´t expect to get a room. “Mama wants to see you right now. You can bring the gifts you spoke of, she loves treasure chests” he let you know. You just nodded confused. What was the big deal? Did she find out so quickly?
Big Mom was located in a huge room, sitting in an equal huge throne. Oh, how you envied her. But what was even more interesting was that your sister´s promised was also attendant. He sat in the corner, calm and collected, watching the scene as if he already knew what was going to happen. You put down the treasure in front of the throne and got down on one knee, head down. “It is an honor to  be called here by you. The princess can´t wait to proceed with the marriage, I ensure you our combined forces will take over the world” you pledged your honor and promised an oath. Big Mom grinned, Katakuri raised an eyebrow. You did not raise your head until you heard Big Mom speak. “(Y/N), the commander of the royal army of Mariejoa, a brave warrior. I´m a big fan. It seems like you have the holy land better under control than the king!” she laughed, you chuckled. “I don´t like being exposed” you laughed at her. “I always wanted to conquer Mariejoa, but there always was this problem with the marine, but I heard you got them under control” Big Mom crunched down to you, trying to intimidate you. “Well, you´ve got good sources, I would say. The marine is no longer a problem. I assure you” you smiled. “That´s good, indeed, that´s good. I have heard quite an interesting rumor, that the royal family is no longer royal. Is that true, princess?” Big Mom glared at you, tilting her head. You took a step back, the weight of your armor forcing itself onto your body and into your brain again. “Well, the rumor you heard is false, the royal family had to flee from Mariejoa because of the marine incident, but they still rule the country. And I´m not the princess,    I´m the commander of the royal army.” you tried to defend yourself. “Do you think you can fool me? You look just like your mother.”. Big Mom laughed and then saw the treasure chests. “Oh, they are pretty. Did you get them for me? You shouldn´t lift such weights” she scolded at you. “I´m the kind of princess that can lift 400 pounds” you stated proudly. Big Mom laughed loudly. “Have you heard that?” she turned around to where Katakuri was sitting. He had his eyes closed and smiled underneath his scarf. Let me get to the point, I want you to marry my son, not your sister.” she told you directly. You should´ve seen it coming that Big Mom would find out about the political situation of Mariejoa, but you would´ve never dreamed to actually get to marry a sweet commander. “I don´t think my sister would be too pleased to hear that, after all getting here took a long time and she must be exhausted now.” you thought out loud. “I will send them back to Mariejoa to secure the politics there. I cannot make an alliance with a land which is not secure” Charlotte Linlin mentioned. “I get that.” you admitted, you suddenly felt really dizzy and looked around the room only to meet Katakuri´s eyes who directly stared at you. You quickly looked away, but not quick enough for him not to see the blush creeping on your cheeks. “Alright. I will marry your son” you proposed. Big Mom clapped her hands. “Who would´ve thought someone would voluntarily marry a monstrous bestiality like you! Especially someone as pretty as the princess of Mariejoa!” Linlin laughed. Katakuri stood up form where he was sitting and walked up to you. He was very tall, but so were you and for once in your life you were on eyesight with someone. “I like your sword” he simply said with a deep voice, before leaving the room. You smirked. “I will open your treasure on your wedding day. The guards already sent your family back. You can stay as long as you want to. We will plan the wedding now. You can get to know my son in the meantime, he may look like a beast, but maybe you like his personality.” There it was again, Big Mom warned you about her son again, as if he would kill you. “I don´t care how he looks. It´s quite nice to have someone as tall as me. I had to kneel when I had my first kiss.” you remembered. “You are truly brave to accept that marriage” Big Mom laughed. “Would you like to dine with us?” she asked you. “Yes, but I think I might need a shower first. I smell like shit” you laughed. “You are excused then, I will see you at dinner time” Linlin clapped her hands again. You bowed down one last time and left the room.”Do you already know where your room is?” sweet commander Smoothie asked you as you left, she was waiting in the corner for you. “No, I didn´t think I would get one” you answered. Smoothie smirked. “You´re marrying my brother, did you think we would let you sleep in the porch?” she joked. “That was a rather spontaneous decision” you admitted, smirking. Smoothie showed you the way to your room, it was next to hers and your future husband´s. “He´s not mad at it, I can assure you that.” Somehow that statement made you feel really proud. “Oh, I...that´s very nice...” you stumbled over your words.  “So there´s your room, if you need anything, I´m in the room right next to you” Smoothie said. “Thanks, I just want to take a shower. I´m dining with you tonight and want to make a good impression” you were getting quite tired too. “Oh...I totally forgot that...your room doesn´t have a shower, I just bought some clothes for you. Well, I guess you just have to use mine” she reminisced. You walked with her into her room and took a long shower. You almost forgot time. The hot water woke up your numb legs and kissed your sore neck and shoulders. As you stepped out of the shower the bathroom was full of steam and mirrors were misty. You quickly dried your hair and put on the golden dress and heels Smoothie picked you out. Or at least you tried to. “Smoothie! Can you help me for a second? I´m too broad for this dress!” you whined. Smoothie rushed to your help and as the door opened you could see a snippet of Katakuri sitting in a chair, looking amused. “Breathe in” Smoothie commanded and you did as she forcefully pulled the zipper up, which pushed half your boobs out of the cleavage which was too big. “It´s too tight!” you whelped. “You look hot!” Smoothie told you. “Me or my boobs will rip this dress apart if I breathe out!” you cried. “And I can´t walk in those heels, and I look like a mess!” you continued. “Calm down, you look perfect!” Smoothie reassured you. Finally the two of you stepped out of the bathroom. You looked down, you just felt awkward and out of place. “What do you think, brother? Doesn´t she look perfect?” Smoothie asked Katakuri, who sat up straight in his chair. “Yes...I mean you look pretty...but you already did before...you are beautiful” he looked away, blushing. He always found the right words, he never embarrassed himself, he always could control himself, but you were different. There was something about you which made Katakuri feel exposed, helpless and...home.
At dinner you didn´t talk or eat much. The siblings talked to each other and Big Mom dreamed about the wedding cake. The only suspicious thing was that your fiancee wasn´t eating anything. As you were finished you went to your room. “Good night, (Y/N)” Katakuri told you, he always sounded so sincerely honest whenever he said something, even if it was something so simple and kind. The thought made you smile. “Good night, Katakuri” you said, still smiling, as you walked to your room. You saying his name, made his heart jump.
The weeks before the wedding were wonderful, you felt home, like you belonged. And you fell in love with Katakuri, as he did with you. One day he called you into his room, he said it was important with that sincere voice again. So here you were, wandering around the castle and knocking at his door. “Come in” he told you. As you entered his back was turned to you, he wasn´t wearing the scarf he always wore, which was curious because his mother insisted on it. You closed the door and stood awkwardly in the doorway. “Hey” you said softly. “I called you here because I don´t want to keep anything from you. And it would be better if you leave me before the wedding. I will now show you why Mama calls me a monster, she told me I shouldn´t, but if we´re getting married I don´t want you to accidentally see it and then be shocked. I´m sorry, I know I shouldn´t scare you...” he explained and then turned around, he wasn´t looking at you, avoiding the gruesome comments he got from everyone who knew his true form. Silly. He´s got scars on his cheeks and long teeth that looked like claws, you thought he would have a pretty smile, but right now he was frowning. You felt brave and walked towards him, you were even more brave as you cupped his cheek in your left hand and raised his chin so he would look at you. “Do you hate me now?” he asked, tears in his eyes. You didn´t understand his mother, he was beautiful and she never let him feel it. You could only imagine how self conscious he felt. “No” you told him. “Don´t you want to run away?” he asked again, this time a bit rougher, more aggressive. You smiled and started caressing his cheek. “No” you stated as you searched his eyes. “Then what do you still want here? With me?” he asked, this never happened to him. No one ever stayed with him or didn´t freak out whenever he showed someone his true form, which is why he never did. “I want to kiss you” you whispered in his ear. “Is this a joke? Are you playing with me?” he asked again. “Why would I joke about that? I really want to kiss you. I honestly don´t see the big deal with how you look.    You´re a very attractive and handsome man. And I want to kiss you really badly” you chuckled. He blushed, trying to avoid your glance. “No one´s ever wanted to kiss me” he admitted quietly. You moved your hand from his cheek to his hand and squeezed it, reassuring him you wouldn´t leave. “May I kiss you?” you asked cautiously. He nodded slightly:“Yes”. “Good” you mumbled as you leaned in, your left hand caressing his, your right hand cupping his cheek and massaging it. Your lips touched his and it felt electrifying. He gasped. “Should I stop?” you asked. You didn´t want to make him feel uncomfortable. “No, please continue” he breathed hoarsely, already missing your touch, this magical feeling. You pressed your lips against his with a little more pressure this time. After a while you felt Katakuri get more comfortable and decided to slightly suck his lip and swipe your tongue alongside it. He moaned and your tongue entered his mouth, you quickly found his tongue and got him to play along. He learned fast and picked up pace, he found his hand into your hair and caressed it and he pushed you nearer to him. The kiss could´ve lasted forever, but after a while you both needed some air and let go of each other. Katakuri´s pupils were wide as your lips parted, he was blushing and breathing heavily. You smiled shyly:“Did you like it?”. “Yes” he whispered. “Yes, very much”. “Do you want to continue?” you cheekily questioned. Before he could answer, his lips were on yours again. Fuck. He has never been in love and then you just strolled up in your armor, saying you wanted to marry him. And now you kissed him. You called him attractive and handsome. The two of you would eat together often now, you even baked him donuts. And whenever you saw him eat or sleep you just commented how cute he looked, which made him blush. You decided you loved his blush.
Soon after their first kiss, the wedding knocked on the door.
“Smoothie! This dress doesn´t fucking fit me! I look like a freaking balloon!” you complained at your wedding dress. It was sleeveless and had an extravagant circle skirt, you had problems not stumbling over. You wore your hair down and put on heels again, only this time you could walk in them. “Stop complaining! You´re late to your own wedding!” Smoothie pushed you out of the door. “Oh my! Shut up! I´m not fucking late! Besides, even if I was, the bride´s always the last one!” you told her. “Okay, okay!” Smoothie walked really past to the wedding aisle and you had trouble keeping up with her, even with you hiking up your skirt. As you finally reached the porch you were taken aback. It was like time stood still. Katakuri was wearing a white three piece suit and smiled at you like you were the sun. You were right, he had a pretty smile. And as you walked down the aisle, smiling up to him, the smile reaching far beyond your eyes, brightening up everything, he swore his heart stopped. “We will today wed (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to Charlotte Katakuri. From today on, the Big Mom pirates and the royal family of Mariejoa are an alliance! Let´s seal the deal with a kiss!” the priest was a bit too excited already, or maybe he was just drunk. But that didn´t matter, because you had him and he had you. There were only the two of you. This time Katakuri was the one to indicate the kiss, you were still to numb from feeling the way you felt around him. You wouldn´t call it love, no, love was a temporary emotion, but what you felt was instinct, devotion, passion. You weren´t thinking, you just knew one thing: You never wanted it to end. He made that same promise to you with the kiss that day, and every day after that day. You were happily married for 20 years now. You went through ups and downs and you both hated it when you fought. You still worked as the highest rank of the royal army and he still was a pirate, only his bounty has increased about 300,000,000 beli. You were convinced your man was invincible and you would have the chance to tell him you loved him every day until you died. But today felt odd, he abruptly left Pudding´s wedding to fight the captain of the Strawhats. And for the first time in your life, you were afraid he would not return.
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omegaworld · 2 years
Wishes and Wrongs [Alpha Charlotte Perospero x omega reader] - part 3 - final
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Final 
Word count: 1011
Perospero has been dragged into the training area by Brulee, they both stop where you can see Y/n and Smoothie training. He looks at Brulee not understanding what Y/n's training has to do, but ends up watching in silence. For a while it's just a normal fight, Y/n and Smoothie get dodges and counter punches, he can tell that Y/n is used to it by now.  
Perospero was about to question Brulee when Y/n transforms into a huge wolf that bites Smoothie's sword preventing his blow, as soon as the sword is driven away it returns to its human form. Now mesmerized by the fight he watches as she switches between her human and wolf form so deftly, this couldn't be the first time she had done this. Turning around he asks his sister 'How long has she been doing this?' 'Almost since she started training with Smoothie.
Brulee watches the gleam in Perospero's eyes flicker and smiles 'Mama didn't find her, she found us' his brother's confused look prompts him to continue 'She is the daughter of the navy admiral Akainu' Peros rolls his eyes, he didn't know that, Brulee continues 'She was never sold, but her father spent his life forcing her into different alphas because he believed her mate belonged in the navy. He was ashamed of her and believed that was the only purpose she would have, she grew up constantly relegated to her omega status' Perospero twitches his nose at the thought of his omega being abused and offered to other alphas 'One day he stumbled across the file room where they keep the posters and found your poster' he didn't understand how she came to Totto Land, he doubted his father had brought her or even allowed her.
'Peros-ni, she escaped from the navy HQ and traveled alone through the new world for months until she got here. When she got here she faced Mama and passed the tests she post even if we initially cheated.' Of all the possibilities he certainly didn't expect this one 'She was never forced on the contrary she ran after this marriage' Brulee smiles and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder still very shocked.  
'Does she love me?' Perospero asks still unable to believe it, Brulee looks at the giant wolf and back at his brother as if mocking him before sighing 'Don't you love her?' 'Of course I do' 'Then you should stop keeping your distance and tell her that'  
Perospero sighs happily 'Thank you Brulee'
Perospero and Y/n return home in a comfortable silence passing to eat in the same trailer as the first time Y/n tried to make dinner.
While she took a shower he waited lying in bed still not quite sure what to say or do. When he hears coming out of the bathroom and passing his room he calls out to her causing her to turn back to look at him.  
Perospero still didn't know what to do, but using what he saw and what Brulee told him to allay his fears he opens his arms in a silent invitation for her to join him. For a moment Y/n looks hesitantly between him and the open arms before smiling and running to the bed jumping into his arms and hugging him. Perospero smiles feeling his body instantly relax at the omega's reaction he wraps his arms around her pulling her closer to him.
After a moment Perospero pulls away looking at Y/n and placing a hand affectionately on her cheek. Looking into her eyes he breathes contentedly 'I love you Y/n' her eyes light up and she barely has time to reply an 'I love you too Peros' which is smothered by surprisingly soft lips on his. Pulling away Peros begins to distribute kisses down to the junction of her shoulder and neck, he takes a breath before biting down deeply marking her as his. He can hear her moan softly when he bites her and relax when he begins to lick the mark to stop it bleeding.
When they are both nestled and ready to sleep in each other's arms Perospero speaks 'Thank you' Y/n lifts her head to look at him 'Why?' Peros smiles 'Because it's you' 'Me?' 'Yes, if it wasn't you, if you weren't an omega, if you weren't a beast, if you didn't have the courage to put out to sea looking for me. Mama would never marry me, I would never know you or find love'  
Y/n buries her face in Perospero's chest to hide her crying. It was not a sad cry, it was one of happiness, her father had always hated and demeaned her for her omega nature and boldness, but still these were things her alpha loved, he was thankful that she was like that. Perospero not knowing this scared himself tremendously to think he did something wrong.
Y/n stands up from his chest facing him with tears in her eyes 'If it wasn't you, if you weren't a strong pirate, if you weren't a bunch of a younku, . I could never run away from my father and live safe, I could never be free or even loved.'
Y/n stands up from his chest facing him with tears in her eyes 'If it weren't for you, if you weren't a strong pirate, if you weren't gang of a younku, . I could never run away from my father and live safe, I could never be free or even loved.'
Perospero crying? Never. At least that's what he would tell everyone because at that moment he really cried hugging his omega tightly. His omega, the one that fate had chosen for him and a choice that couldn't be more right.
Perospero had been wrong for a long time, there was indeed a companion for him, one who didn't fear him or dislike his pirate side. She loved him.
Already Y/n had her wishes heard, her mate was not a mate and with him she was free, valued and loved. He loved her.
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princessroyal95 · 1 year
Mi esposa. Mi vida. (Charlotte Cracker x Reader)
Advertencia: esta historia contiene contenido sexual. Si no te gusta este tipo de contenido, no sigas leyendo, aunque eso implique que perderás información de la historia.
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¡Me estoy quejando de dolor! ¡Maldita sea Katakuri y sus formas de dejarme en el piso! Mira que adoro a mi hermano, pero odio cuando me tiran al suelo y tenga un dolor terrible en la espalda. Lo admito, no me gusta que me hagan daño. Ya tuve suficiente con recibir aquel golpe y que tenga esta cicatriz en mi rostro. Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde aquello, pero es como si todo eso pasó ayer.
Solo deseo acabar con este puto entrenamiento y volver a mi casa. A Katakuri no parece agradarle la idea de que me esté haciendo débil. Recibo un largo suspiro por parte de él mientras se acuclilla para estar a mi altura. Yo simplemente recibo una mirada de desaprobación.
—Si mamá te estuviera viendo, ya te hubiera quitado el puesto de comandante.
—Y también el puesto de ministro de galleta. —Escucho hablar a mi pequeña hermana Smoothie quien tiene una copa en la mano.
—¡No hace falta que me restreguéis eso en la cara! Iincorporo todo mi cuerpo hasta poder sentarme—. Sé que me estoy haciendo débil.
—Debes de tener la mente en blanco. Últimamente te veo preocupado, no es algo normal en ti. —Katakuri extiende una mano hacia mí para ayudarme a levantarme, a lo cual yo acepté.
—¿Es por ___?
No respondo ni siquiera a la pregunta de Smoothie. Es más, mi mente queda en blanco por unos instantes pensando con claridad que es lo que me estaba pasando. ¿Será por qué mamá me está metiendo prisa para que tenga un nieto?
—Dime, por favor, que al menos te acostaste con ella.
—¡Y tú eres joven como para preguntar esas cosas! —Vale que tenga 25 años, pero ¡joder!
—¡Y tú un hombre con 35 años que no ha follado todavía a su esposa! ¡Lleváis un año de casados!
—Lo siento, nii-san. —Smothie agacha la cabeza disculpándose.
Y no la culpo. Sí, llevo ya un año de casado con ___. La verdad a mamá no le gustó mucho la idea de que uno de sus hijos que está en el cargo de comandante se tenga que casar ya que, según ella, era un despiste. Nuestra obligación es proteger a mamá y el reino de cualquiera.
Todo eso cambió cuando llegó una familia con mucho poder y quería formar una alianza con mamá. Lo que proponían era darles armas militares a cambio de que su hija se casara con uno de sus hijos. En un principio, quería formar alianza con Perospero; sin embargo, el padre de esa joven dijo que prefiere que su hija se case con uno de sus comandantes. Y sin más dilación, mamá accedió en que me casara con ella.
La verdad es que no me agradó la idea en casarme. Quería seguir viviendo mi vida de soltero y estar pendiente en mis quehaceres. Pero no debo enfadar a madre por lo que acepté.
Al día siguiente, después de la alianza, tenía que conocer en persona a esa joven que, por lo que escuché, era cinco años más joven que yo. Bueno al menos no era una chica que recién cumplía los 18. La joven me estaba esperando en la fuente cerca del castillo de mamá. Me daba la espalda por lo cual no podía ver su rostro. Y al escuchar mis pasos, se giró completamente donde pude ver su belleza.
Recuerdo ese momento como si fuera ayer. Me quedé de piedra al verla. No sabía cómo reaccionar y más con esa sonrisa que me dedicó. Mi mente enfermiza quería desfigurarla; no obstante, me contuve y pude admirar tal belleza. Y la diferencia de tamaño era bastante enorme. Diría yo que su cabeza llegaba a la zona de la entrepierna por lo cual no me quejo. Así no tendría que agacharme.
Cuando me habló me quedé embobado ante su voz. Dulce y aterciopelada como si fuera un ángel. Una criatura que ha caído del cielo para pecar conmigo. Eso ha sonado bastante bien en mi cabeza. ___ se hace llamar. Un bonito nombre para alguien tan joven y tan hermosa.
Nos quedamos hablando hasta que ni nos dimos cuenta que era de noche. Nos lo hemos pasado bien, lo reconozco. «¿Sabes? Escuché que era cruel y despiadado, pero, al conocerte, es todo lo contrario», esas fueron sus palabras cuando se iba a retirar a su dormitorio haciendo que mis mejillas se sonrojaran de golpe ante tal confesión. ¿Por qué demonios me pongo como un idiota enamorado cuando estoy cerca de ella?
Y yo sé la respuesta. ___ me hacía sentir especial, como si fuera un niño. Hasta, a veces, me comportaba como un crío delante de ella a lo que ríe y me daba mimos. Un cariño que no lo recibía hacía tiempo por mi madre o por mis hermanos. Un sentimiento que lo anhelaba hace tiempo. No quería admitirlo, pero me estaba enamorando de ella hasta que llegó el día de la boda.
No sé porqué, pero cada vez que llegaba la hora de comunicar que ___ iba ser definitivamente mi esposa, mis nervios aumentaban. Tal vez por la emoción de encontrar a alguien que le gustó y me trata de una manera especial. ¡Dios! ¡No puedo olvidar su vestido! Tenía delante a una diosa que hasta mis hermanos me felicitaban por ello. Sudaba a mares temiendo en cagarla. Y no fue así. Todo salió perfecto gracias a ella.
Cada sonrisa que me dedicaba era un modo de decirme que no debo preocuparme que todo estaba saliendo bien. Me siento tan sumamente idiota a su lado. En todo momento ha estado a mi lado hablando con los invitados hasta partió a la perfección el gran pastel que había pedido mamá. Ella es simplemente perfecta ante mis ojos y se notaba en mi sonrisa cada vez que la miraba.
Y ahora vivimos juntos como marido y mujer es isla Biscuits donde yo soy el ministro de ese sitio. La casa es lo bastante amplia como para caber los dos. Y en esa misma noche de la boda era muy oportunidad en tenerla en mis brazos y poder sentirla por primera vez. Lo he deseado y no sé cuántas veces lo habré soñado. Sin embargo, no sucedió. «Aún no estoy preparada para mantener relaciones sexuales contigo», fueron unas palabras muy duras para mi cabeza y para mi corazón.
Decidí darle tiempo para que se acostumbrara a esta nueva vida. Y también eso implicaba en dormir uno por su cuenta. Yo en una habitación y ella en otra. ¡Mierda! ¿No sé fía de mí? ¿Por qué huye de mí cuando solo quiero estar cerca de ella? Y ya ha pasado un año de eso y estamos igual que antes. Parecemos unos completos desconocidos.
Y ahora estoy aquí, con mis dos hermanos un tanto preocupados por el matrimonio si todo iba bien. Para mí está de maravilla porque tengo una esposa estupenda que me cuida y me da todo el cariño del mundo. No obstante, no tenerla para mí solo me hace pensar en muchas cosas de las cuales son peores que la muerte misma.
Sin darme cuenta, siento como alguien apoya la mano sobre mi hombro haciendo que alza la vista y era mi hermana. Me da rabia que sea más alta que yo, pero es media piernas largas, al fin y al cabo.
—¿Por qué no hablas con ella? Hablando se solucionan las cosas.
—No es nada fácil —alego con los ojos cerrados.
—Si no solucionas este problema, mamá no dudaría en romper la alianza. —Mis ojos se abren por completo al escuchar las palabras de Katakuri.
—¡Jamás me voy a separar de ella! ¡Nunca! —Les grito a ambos enfrentándome—. ¡Mamá no puede quitarme aquello que me hace feliz!
—Pues soluciónalo si no quieres que las cosas vayan en peor.
Y tiene razón. Siempre Katakuri llevaba la razón en algo. Asiento con la cabeza para luego retirarme de aquella sala dispuesto a ir a isla Biscuits. La verdad es que ya se estaba haciendo y era de volver a casa a estar con ella.
Solo hablando se solucionan las cosas, pero ¿y si realmente no solucionamos las cosas? ¿Mamá de verdad romperá la alianza sino tengo un hijo con ella? No me importa de tener un crío ya mismo, yo lo que quiero es compartir la cama con ella. Despertar por la mañana y saber que ella ha estado durmiendo conmigo toda la noche. Ver su sonrisa y darme los buenos días.
Es lo único que pido en mi vida. ¡Joder! ¿Tan difícil es? Gracias a los espejos de mi hermana Brûlée llegué a mi casa. Era una especie de atajo y la verdad es que la habilidad de mi hermana era una ventaja. Ya estaba enfrente de mi hogar. Grande y lujosa hecho de todo tipo de dulces. Aspiro el ambiente con toda la tranquilidad del mundo para luego soltarlo en mis labios. Es ahora o nunca. Debo hablar con ella.
Abro la puerta de mi casa y lo primero que oigo son los pasos de ___ caminando de un lado para otro. A esta hora me supongo que estará preparando la mesa.
—¡Ya estoy en casa! —grito anunciando mi llegada como de costumbre.
—Bienvenido, cariño. —Y, como siempre, ella me recibe desde la entrada con una sonrisa. Me sonrojo como un idiota cuando me llama así, no estoy acostumbrado—. Pensaba que ibas a llegar tarde, ya sabes, por el entrenamiento de Katakuri-san.
—La verdad mi hermano se compadeció de mí y me dejó irme —miento.
—Eso es genial. Ven, ya la cena está lista.
Como me cuida esta mujer. Yo soy un desastre para ciertas cosas y es que no me esperaba que mi vida fuera a cambiar por culpa de ella. Mi esposa. Aún no me lo creía. Sonrío como un idiota al pensar en ese nombre en mi cabeza.
Mis pasos se vuelven firmes acercándome a la mesa ya con los platos encima. Tan ordenada como siempre. Yo hubiera desperdigado todo sin pensarlo dos veces y comería como un cerdo como solía hacer de pequeño. Y mis ojos se clavan en la cocina que no estaba muy lejos. Me acerco para apoyarme en la entrada observando a mi mujer concentrada en su tarea. Joder, en esa posición me gustaría abrazarla. Tan pequeña y tan delicada. Aunque cuando se enfada es mil veces peor que yo.
«Debo hacerlo. Es mi oportunidad», con ese pensamiento en mi cabeza, camino hacia donde estaba ___ para inclinar todo mi cuerpo y abrazarla sintiendo como salta por la sorpresa. Dios, como echaba de menos está sensación de cercanía con ella. Me siento tranquilo y relajado.
—Cracker, ¿estás bien?
—De maravilla. —No sabes cuánto me relaja estando contigo.
—¿Algo te ha hecho Katakuri-san para que estés así?
—¿Así cómo?
—Mimoso y con falta de cariño. —Ella solo ríe con dulzura—. Aunque la verdad no me molesta.
—Tú nunca te molestarías.
—Cuando se trata de ropa desperdigada en el suelo, sí.
—Porque soy un vago en recogerlo.
—Tu idiota.
Ahora o nunca. Es mi gran oportunidad. Quiero hacerlo con ella, siempre lo he querido y lo he deseado con todas mis fuerzas. Alzo el brazo para sostener aquel cucharón que estaba en su mano recibiendo un sonido de sorpresa por parte de ella. Sin esperarlo, la giro completamente y sin esfuerzo alguno, la hago sentarse sobre la encimera teniendo así un poco más de altura. Mis manos comienzan a recorrer por los muslos de ella queriendo tentarla. Quiero que me siga el juego.
—Cracker, ¿qué estás haciendo? —Por su tono de voz, me daba la ligera sensación que no le estaba gustando.
—Jugar. —Un sonido algo ronco sale de mi garganta mientras decido lamer el lóbulo de su oreja.
—Cracker, para, estoy con la comida.
—Yo quiero el postre —digo con una sonrisa amplía en mis labios—, y lo tengo delante de mis narices.
—Cracker... —me llama, pero yo la ignoro completamente. Yo solo hago caso a mi instinto que deseaba esto con todas sus fuerzas—. Cracker para. —Mis manos ascienden hacia el interior de sus muslos queriendo llegar a esa parte prohibida de su ser. Siento como mi cuerpo empezaba a emanar ese calor que tanto conozco. Me estaba excitando por ella—. ¡Cracker basta!
Y, por primera vez, después de un año de casados, siento las manos y las piernas de ___ apoyarse en mi cuerpo y me empuja con fuerza apartándome de ella. Yo solo la miro confuso sin entender del porqué me rechazó de esa manera. ___ siempre aceptaba cada mimo de mí porque ella lo suele hacer conmigo. Ahora es diferente. Algo extraño resurge en mi interior. Mi corazón estaba bombeando con fuerza sin entender el porqué. Yo solo la miro sorprendido.
Veo como ella se abraza así misma como protegiéndose de mí. ¿Tiene miedo? ¿Tanto tiempo juntos y veo que tiene miedo? No pude evitarlo, me estaba enfadando de una manera sobrenatural. Nunca la vi comportarse de esa manera. Yo jamás le haría daño. Aprieto los dientes y los puños en donde mis nudillos se vuelven blancos por la presión. No lo aguanté más. Exploté.
—¡¿Qué mierdas te pasa conmigo?! —grito por toda la casa y veo como ella salta de la sorpresa ante mi grito.— ¡Es la primera vez en mucho tiempo que me miras con miedo, como si temieras en que te haré daño! ¡Yo jamás te haría daño, joder!
___ no dice nada. Tan solo se calla ante mi repentino ataque. ¡Más razón para cabrearme!
—¡Llevamos un año de casados y te he dado tiempo suficiente como para que te acostumbraras a esta nueva vida! ¡Estoy harto de esperar! ¡Tú no sabes las ganas que tengo de hacerte mía y escuchar gemir mi nombre! —Llevo las manos a mi cabeza intentando pensar con claridad lo que iba a decir. Pero la rabia me consumía—. ¡Y lo peor de todo es que no compartimos cama!
—Cracker... es difícil de explicar...
—¡¿Qué es difícil de explicar?! —repito aquella frase, mientras me acerco a la mesa y, con un movimiento, lo rompo en pedazos.
—¡Cracker, por favor, para!
—¡¿El que es difícil de explicar?! ¡Dímelo!
—No puedo...
Siento como mi corazón se estaba rompiendo en pedazos como si hubieran lanzado balazos en ella. ¿Por qué estás haciendo que sufra? ¿Será que...?
—Es por mi rostro, ¿verdad?
Recibo una mirada de sorpresa de ella como si no se hubiera esperado aquella frase.
—Es por esta cicatriz, ¿cierto? —Acerco mi mano hacia mi rostro tocando aquella herida que recorre por todo mi rostro—. Temes ver a un monstruo como yo por la noche y que te haga daño.
—Cracker no es lo que tú...
—Pensaba que había encontrado a alguien que no le importaba mi manera de ser. Qué me aceptaba tal y como soy. —Y, por mucho tiempo, siento algo caer por mis mejillas. Estaba llorando, desahogando todo ese dolor—. Me dabas todo lo que no tenía de pequeño. Amor, compasión... Y ahora... Y ahora mi corazón está dolido.
—Cracker... —iba a decir algo, pero yo la detuve.
—Déjame... quiero estar a solas.
No deseaba ver su rostro por el dolor que estaba sintiendo emocionalmente. Era insoportable como si hubieran clavado agujas en mi corazón y me dejasen vulnerable por unos minutos. Mi respiración se hace más pesada cada vez que me acercaba a mi cuarto. La cierra de un portazo y me siento en la cama intentando controlar todas esas emociones que han surgido al instante. ¿Por qué me haces esto? ¿Qué es lo que hice?
Con pesadez, me voy quitando la hombrera y mis zapatos ya sin ganas de hacer nada. La falda escocesa ya estorbaba que lo arrojé con fuerza hacia el otro lado de aquella habitación. Y con mala gana, me voy deshaciendo de mi peinado tradicional, apagando primero las mechas de mis coletas. Siento como mi mundo se va derrumbando. Ya no hay razón para seguir viviendo en esta mierda de vida.
Ya liberando toda esa presión de mi peinado haciendo cascada en mi espalda, llevo las manos a mi rostro intentando reprimir aquellas lágrimas que deseaban salir. No quería llorar más. No quería sufrir más. Solo quería saber la verdad. Solo pido eso.
Mis oídos se agudizan cuando escucho a ___ llamar por la puerta. No respondí. No quería verla. Estaba destrozado física y mentalmente. Sin embargo, ella abrió sin importar si no le hubiera dicho nada. Sus pasos son lentos y firmes al mismo tiempo. Tenía la mirada clavada en el suelo y pude observar sus pies. Estaba enfrente mía y yo no quería alzar la mirada para verla.
—Te dije que quiero estar solo —gruño molesto.
—Cracker, ya no lo aguanto y más aún sabiendo que te hice daño.
—Quieres el divorcio, ¿verdad?
—No, solo quiero que me escuches y ya ahí tomarás la decisión de seguir conmigo o no.
¿La decisión? ¿Acaso me dirá lo que estaba sucediendo? ¿Del porqué me evita? Yo no dije nada al respecto. Solo escucho un pequeño suspiro de ella entendiendo la situación.
—¿Recuerdas que te conté que antes estaba casada?
—Sí, lo recuerdo.
—Era muy joven, pero mi padre quería formar alianza con ese hombre a través de la boda porque tenía mucho poder. Yo no me negué, quería cumplir su voluntad. —La voz de ___ era firme y con valentía—- Iba todo perfecto en el matrimonio, pero todo eso cambió. —Ahora cambia a una de miedo como si estuviera recordando un pasado atroz—. Un día, llegó borracho a casa, no paraba de gritar como un loco. Yo le pedía que parase, pero todo fue en vano. Me golpeó... me violó...
Mi cabeza automáticamente se eleva al escuchar aquellas palabras en los labios de la joven. ¿Como podría alguien golpear a alguien como ella? Tan bella y tan perfecta. Y más violarla.
—Mi primera vez no fue bonito que digamos. Desde ese día me empezó a maltratar y a tratarme como si fuera un objeto. Se lo comuniqué a mi padre y él comprendió la situación. Pedí el divorcio y me separé de ese hombre.
—No podía dormir, siempre tenía pesadillas de aquel hombre que hasta tuve que ir al médico para que me chequearan. —Su cuerpo comenzó a temblar y se lleva las manos hacia su cuerpo a modo de protección—. Ya me había sanado de los moratones y del desgarre vaginal, pero no me recuperé del todo mentalmente. Mi médico me dijo que no tenía alguna cura para ese remedio, que el tiempo lo dirá. Y me dijo que si no sanaba mi mente yo... yo... —Se vuelve algo entrecortada como si le costará decir aquello que tanto teme—. No podría tener hijos.
Mis pupilas se dilatan al instante al escuchar aquellas palabras de ella. ¿No podría tener hijos por aquella causa? ¿Tanto le habrá afectado? Veo como sus mejillas son decoradas por unas cuantas lágrimas de ella ya no soportándolo más.
—Queria decírtelo, de verdad. Pero el miedo me invadió por completo que hasta temía que si se lo contabas a tu madre, tal vez nuestra alianza se rompe. Tenía miedo en no concederte hijos por aquel trauma, que no serviría como esposa. Eres el primer hombre que me hace sentir como una tonta enamorada y por eso te he tratado con cariño porque vi en ti en alguien que necesitaba afecto. Yo sé que tú nunca me harías daño —respira profundo para proseguir,— ¡pero no puedo seguir avanzando con este miedo!
No dejé que siguiera hablando. La abracé con todas mis fuerzas sin hacerle ningún tipo de daño. No quería aplastarla con mis brazos. No correspondí su abrazo porque sé que estaba sorprendida ante mi acto. Ella se esperaba otra cosa que no sea un abrazo.
—Me importa una mierda si no me puedes dar hijos —aclaro separándome un poco de ella para mirarla fijamente a sus ojos y que vea de lo que digo es real—. Me importa una mierda de lo que diga mamá. Me importa una mierda de lo que piensen otros de ti.
—Pero Cracker...
—Lo que más me importa en este mundo es estar a tu lado. —Sujeto sus manos con firmeza y con decisión.— Eres mi esposa. Eres mi vida. Yo mataría a cualquiera que se atreviese a hablar mal de ti por la espalda.
Sus ojos brillaban como si le hubiera gustado oír aquellas palabras.
—Cracker... —susurra mi nombre ya deteniendo sus lágrimas.
—Yo no te abandonaría por nada en el mundo. Eres la primera mujer que le gusta a un tipo cruel y despiadado.
—Pero en el fondo eres como un niño. Dulce, valiente y con muchos sueños.
—Porque tú has hecho que sacara al niño que hay dentro de mí. —Apoyo la frente en la suya sin dejar de mirar sus ojos—. Quiero compartir mi vida contigo.
—Y yo contigo, Cracker. —Su sonrisa vuelve a la vida dándome esa sensación de paz que tanto deseaba tener—. Perdona si no te lo he contado y te hiriera.
—Ahora eso no importa. Ahora lo que importa es que estamos aquí, tú y yo, y nadie más.
La beso con decisión saboreando aquellos labios que tanto anhelaba volver a probarlos. Era una mezcla de fresas y lágrimas, y aún así era adictivo. ¿Hacía cuánto tiempo que no la besaba? No quería pensar en ello. Ahora mi deseo es estar con ella más que nunca. Nuestras bocas se mueven queriendo tener más contacto con lo que, juguetón, muerdo su labio inferior recibiendo un pequeño quejido de ella, pero yo aprovecho para invadir su boca con mi lengua.
Era una pelea de quien dominaba a quien y sé perfectamente quien iba a ganar esa batalla. Yo, por supuesto. Se rindió completamente a mi merced. Mis manos, apoyados en la pequeña espalda de ___, van recorriendo lentamente toda esa zona hasta llegar a su trasero en donde los aprieto con firmeza. Recibo un pequeño jadeo de ella en mis labios. Mis ojos destelleaban de placer, divertido en ver sus expresiones. Y con decisión, la alzo para que sentara a horcajadas de mí. Su mirada era de pura confusión.
—¿Qué haces?
—¿Tú qué crees? —Mi voz se vuelve un tanto ronca debido aquel beso.
—Cracker yo no... —No dejo que termine porque la vuelvo a besar. Un beso que mostraba cariño y confianza.
—Quiero hacerte el amor —digo con decisión no separándome de sus labios—. Quiero que te olvides aquel trauma. Con quién estás compartiendo cama es conmigo y no con otro hombre. Sé mía esta noche, ___. Te lo suplico, te lo imploro.
Es raro en mí pedir ese tipo de cosas, pero por ella haría cualquier cosa. Solo espero que acepte porque no aguantaba más estar así sin sentirla. Las pequeñas manos de ella exploran entre mis cabellos, casi entrelazando sus dedos con ellos para sujetarlos con firmeza provocando que diera un gruñido. Y no era de dolor, era de satisfacción. Se acerca a mis labios para decir aquello que tanto anhelaba escuchar:
—Hazme el amor, Cracker.
Una bomba de relojería se activa en mi interior y la beso con más furor que antes. No quería separarme de ella. El deseo de tenerla a mi lado me producía una felicidad absoluta que no podía explicarlo. No paraba de morder sus labios a modo de dominante. Tenía que controlar mi lado salvaje; aunque, es imposible. Su perfume, sus labios, su piel... todo de ella me estaba volviendo loco.
Dejo sus labios por un momento, que tenían alguna que otra cicatriz provocada por mis mordidas y me dedico a morder su cuello dejando alguna que otra marca. Ella es mía y de nadie más. La marcaré las veces que quería para que todos sepan quién es su dueño. Los jadeos de ___ hacen eco por toda la habitación dándome entender que le gustaba la forma en cómo la trataba. Con algo de timidez, acaricia toda la extensión de mi espalda bien formada por aquellos entrenamientos de mi hermano. Yo solo me dedicaba a lamer y morder el hueco entre su cuello y su hombro.
Mi esposa alza su cuerpo un poco queriendo llegar a una zona determinada. Estaba tan concentrado que gemí al sentir como mordía de vez en cuando el lóbulo de mi oreja. Dios, ¿desde cuándo se ha vuelto coqueta? Me estaba derritiendo ante sus mordidas y alguna que otra lamida. Los pantalones ya estaban siendo molestos, me estaban apretando de una manera sobrenatural.
Qué me perdone, pero me era imposible controlar mi instinto animal. Rompí la parte superior de aquel vestido donde escucho un leve quejido por parte de ella. Recibo una mirada inquisitoria como si no le hubiera gustado.
—¡Cracker, era un vestido que me regaló tu hermana Compote!
—A la mierda el vestido, estás más guapa así. —La miro por un momento observando ya su cuerpo semi-desnudo. Agradezco que sea alto y pueda ver todo detalle de ella.
—Eres un pervertido. —Infla los mofletes molesta a lo que sujeto su rostro con mi mano y las desinflo.
—Vas conociendo mi parte juguetona, querida.
Con la otra mano libre, sujeto sus muñecas con facilidad alzándolas hacia la altura de su cabeza. Me gusta tenerla así, a mi merced y tan indefensa, y que sea yo quien provoque esos gemidos que salen de sus labios. Oh, pero sobraba una cosa que tapaba la vista. Sonrío como un maniático en donde ella solo tiembla de ¿emoción? No sabría decir, pero no era miedo lo que desprendía en sus ojos.
Me acerco hacia aquella prenda que molestaba que cubría sus pechos y lo cojo con mis dientes. Segundos después lo arranco de cuajo liberando sus dos montes de aquel molesto sujetador.
—Cracker, tenemos que hablar sobre "no romper mi ropa cuando estás excitado". —Por una razón, me hizo gracia.
—Creo que esa charla no servirá de mucho ya que seguiré haciéndolo.
—Por lo menos hazme el favor de... ¡Ah!
Sensible, ¿eh? Ya me llevé un pecho a la boca sin dificultad alguna empezando a succionarlo como si fuera un niño pequeño hambriento. Para tener mayor facilidad, alcé un poco más su cuerpo con uno de mis brazos para que se sentara y que sus pechos estuviesen a la altura de mi rostro. De vez en cuando observaba el rostro de mi esposa. Las caras que ponía hacían que mi miembro se endurezca más que hasta creo que creció un poco más de lo que creía. ¡Joder! Mira lo que está haciendo esta chica en mi cuerpo.
Suelto sus muñecas por un momento para sujetar con firmeza el otro pecho, masajeándolo. No tenía dificultad alguna ya que mi mano era lo bastante grande. No obstante, ella apoya las manos en mis cabellos y se dedicaba a apretarlos con fuerza en donde gruño de satisfacción casi mordiendo uno de sus pezones. Me estaba gustando, y quería demostrarlo. Doy una leve succión en su pezón para soltarlo de golpe donde recibo un pequeño gemido, por su parte.
Alzo mi mirada, divertido. Joder, me estaba poniendo cachondo y me divertía ver su rostro. Jadeaba intentando recuperar algo de aliento, su rostro era condenadamente sexy. «Como siga así, explota», me mentalizaba. Y con una mirada bastante juguetona, llevo la mano hacia una de sus nalgas y doy una leve palmada en donde gime con sorpresa.
—¿Qué? Quería saber cómo sonaba. —Otro golpe, otro sonido—. Y me gusta.
—¡Basta! ¡No es divertido, pervertido!
Con un movimiento rápido, la acuesto en la cama quedándome encima de ella. Mis rodillas estaban colocadas a cada lado de su cintura mientras mis manos estaban apoyadas alrededor de la cabeza mi amada. En esta posición podía notar perfectamente la diferencia de altura y agradecía que la cama fuese grande.— Con mi lengua puedo recorrer perfectamente todo tu cuerpo, ¿lo sabías?
—Eso no es justo. —Infla de nuevo aquellos mofletes, como me encantaba molestarla—. Eres demasiado enorme y yo pequeña a tu lado.
—Pero puedes palpar todo mi ser.
Timidez es lo que refleja ahora en sus ojos cuando dije eso. Se ve tan linda así. Me encanta esa faceta de ella. Posa las manos en mi pecho bien formado tocándolos lentamente. Ya ella los había tocado, pero esta vez, era diferente. El aire que respiramos hay tensión sexual entre los dos. Nuestras caricias iban más allá del cariño. Eran deseo y no lo podemos resistir.
Doy leves suspiros cada vez que sus manos descienden tocando cada zona de mi ser hasta llegar al bordillo de mis pantalones. Pensaba que me los había quitado, pero ya veo que no. Mis ojos se clavan en los suyos y pude ver deseo, hasta se mordió el labio. ¡Joder! Estoy que ardo y la maldita no paraba de juguetear con mi prenda. ¡Quítamela, joder! ¡Te lo imploro con la mirada! Y como si mis súplicas fueron escuchadas, me baja los pantalones junto con mis boxers mostrando mi hombría.
Sus labios forman una especie de "o" mirando con sorpresa mi miembro. Hasta puedo notar como su cuerpo tiembla ante tal magnificencia. Cojo sus manos con delicadeza para que los posara en él y comenzara a acariciarlo. No puedo negarlo, he temblando y un gemido ronco sale de mi garganta.
—E... Es enorme.
—Lo sé —sonrío divertido ante su expresión.
—Es que eres enorme.
—¿Seguirás diciendo que soy enorme?
—E... Es la verdad.
Río levemente acercándome para su rostro para besar sus labios mientras mis manos siguen explorando su cuerpo. Memorizando poco a poco cada poro de su piel hasta deshacerme de lo que quedaba de prensa en ella. Puedo oler a excitación. Era un olor exquisito. Agarro con fuerza sus nalgas escuchando un pequeño sonido de protesta.
—No puedo aguantar las ganas de meter mi polla en tu sucia vagina.
—¡No digas esas cosas! —Mis dedos ya estaban acariciando su entrada. Tan mojada la tiene. Como se nota que te vuelvo loca, ¿eh?
—Pero si es la verdad —Muerdo su barbilla mientras meto como dos dedos dentro de ella. Es que ya estaba mojada y no necesitaba prepararla.
Los muevo con algo de rapidez recibiendo aquellos gemidos que tanto ansiaba escuchar. No apartaba la mirada en ella en todo momento. Hasta me lamía los labios realmente excitado. Mi polla me pedía a gritos de penetrarla ya. Y eso es lo que haré realmente. Atraigo el cuerpo de mi amada mientras yo me coloco, sentándome en la cama con ella encima.
Los dos gemimos al mismo tiempo al sentir el roce de nuestros sexos. Sus brazos rodean mi cuello como soporte y yo sujeto sus caderas. Estábamos listos de ser uno solo. No había vuelta atrás. Yo la deseaba y ella me desea. La beso con dulzura por lo cual me corresponde mientras la ayudo a bajar y clavar de una vez por todas mi polla en ella.
¡Oh por Kami! Qué sensación tan agradable. Me abraza con fuerza que hasta muerde mi cuello por lo que gruño levemente. Sujeto con firmeza su trasero ayudándola a subir y bajar sobre mí. Es exquisito escuchar su respiración cerca de mi oreja mientras nos compenetrábamos. Es delicioso está sensación. Como deseaba sentirla.
Nuestros movimientos va en aumento cada vez sentíamos la fricción de uno contra el otro. No paraba de besarla ni ella a mí. Las manos de ___ se entrelazan de nuevo en mis cabellos dando un pequeño tirón provocando que gruña aún más a lo que muerdo levemente su cuello dejando marca.
Aquella habitación se estaba convirtiendo en testigo de nuestro amor. Dos cuerpos fusionados en uno. Sudando como nunca y que los movimientos iban más rápido. No quería que esto acabase, era demasiado excitante, pero sé que en algún momento esto acabaría. cada vez sus paredes vaginales apretaban con fuerza mi miembro dándome entender que estaba a punto de llegar el orgasmo. Solo un poco más, pequeña. Quiero sentirte aún más.
Yo también estoy a punto de terminar. Agarro con firmeza sus caderas mientras me poniendo de rodillas sin separarme en ningún momento de ella queriendo penetrarla con más fuerza que antes. Clava sus uñas en mi espalda dando un tremendo grito llegando al bendito orgasmo. Y yo me corro en su interior ya no aguantándolo más. Joder, esto me supo a gloria. La atraigo hacia mi cuerpo abrazándola con cariño y ella va repartiendo besos en todo mi rostro.
Los dos no sentíamos agotados por compartir este momento, pero valió la pena. No dejaba de mirar su rostro. Era tan bella estando cansada. Una sonrisa se forma en mi rostro de una forma tonta a lo que ella lo nota y solo ríe.
—¿Tengo monos en la cara?
—Oh, para nada. —Me sincero atrayendo su cuerpo hacia mí—. Es que... te ves linda así.
—Tonto —golpea levemente mi pecho sin dejar de reír.
—___ —la llamo recibiendo su atención en mí.— Te amo.
—Yo también te amo, Cracker.
Un mes después...
¡Estoy harto que Katakuri me tire al suelo! ¿Es que no puede ser un poco más suave conmigo? ¡Qué me hago viejo! Aunque no debo quejarme, estoy de buen humor porque subieron la recompensa de mi cabeza. Estoy igualado por mi hermana Smoothie. Esa niña no sé cómo lo hace para superarme.
Y otro día más en donde llego a casa y con ganas de estar con mi querida esposa. Ya habré puesto una cara de enamorado.
—¡Ya estoy en casa!
—Oh, al fin has vuelto.
—Perdón si tarde, mi hermano me entretuvo —me disculpo palmeando la cabeza de ___.
—No pasa nada. Ven, por favor. —Agarra mi mano llevándome hacia la cocina. La noto emocionada.
Mis ojos se clavan en la encimera con una gran caja a lo que alzo la ceja un tanto curioso y extrañado. ¿Qué hace eso ahí? No entendía muy bien que hasta miraba a la chica que solo sonreía.
—Es para ti.
—¿Para mí? —recalco un poco la pregunta sujetando aquella caja—. Todavía no es mi cumpleaños.
—No seas bobo y ábrelo.
¿Por qué tanto empeño? En fin, que remedio. Con cuidado, abro la caja, no me quiero encontrar con algo inesperado. Agrando mis ojos al ver lo que había dentro. ¿Qué demonios? Sujeto como una especie de camisa, pero era demasiada pequeña. ¡Esto ni siquiera me va caber! Y no solo había uno sino unos cuantos más. ¿Esto es una especie de broma? No lo entendía.
___ solo sonreía divertida por mi cara de no entender nada. ¡Joder! ¡No estoy como para pensar! Y ya lo último que veo es una carta. Espero que este papel me diga lo que está pasando y no dejarme con la duda. Empiezo a leerla:
Sé que no nos conoces, pero muy pronto nos conocerás, solo ten paciencia. Solo quedan ocho meses para que puedas vernos.
Te queremos pedir un favor: cuida mucho a mamá en estos ocho meses porque será un proceso muy largo. Protégela de cualquier enfermedad. Haz que se alimente bien para que nosotros crezcamos fuertes y sanos. Si se enfada contigo solo tienes que entender que somos nosotros los culpables. Cuando mamá sienta que nos movemos, queremos que tú seas el primero en sentir nuestras patadas.
Haz feliz mamá porque sabemos que eres el mejor papá del mundo.
Con cariño,
Tus hijos."
Estaba temblando al terminar de leer la carta. Mis ojos estaban clavadas en la frase "mis hijos". Giro un poco mi cabeza hacia la ropa y luego hacia el vientre de ____. No puede ser. Esto tiene que ser un sueño. Ella está...
—Estoy embarazada, Cracker.
Sin poder evitarlo, la abrazó con fuerza alzándola al aire mientras apoyo mi cabeza en la barriga de ella, escuchando como ríe.
—¿Desde cuándo?
—Desde hace un mes.
—Mis hijos. ¿Cuántos son?
—Por lo que vio el médico son dos. No sabría decirte si gemelos y mellizos.
Estaba feliz ante esta noticia que la besé, no una ni dos, sino bastantes veces que ella me correspondía. Está embarazada. Curé su trauma. Ahora tengo que cuidar, no solo a ella, sino también a nuestros hijos.
No puedo negarlo. Ella es mi esposa. Es mi vida. Y mataría a cualquier que la hiciera daño.
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 14
Sitting on the wall of the wedding's entry, Katakuri's look fell onto his two brothers which were coming back from fighting the intruders.
"Great warm up.", Oven stretched his arms proudly and looked up to him to give him a thumps up. Watching the field of defeated enemies he laughed out loud.
"Know your place losers!"
"To think that they really try to attack us. Unbelievable…", Daifuku spoke bored beside him.
Katakuri played with some jelly beans in his hand and jumped down from high above the wall. His spurs clinking with every step he made,while slowly reaching his brothers.
" Their fail was already settled after showing up at the entry. To attack directly with their level of strength is like running into a knife. Ridiculous.", katakuri spoke coldly and headed back to the party, followed by his brothers.
Cheering guests and dancing desserts were making loud noises after spotting the sweet generals of the Charlottes. It didn't take long that Katakuri was surrounded by fans after he sat down at one of the seats close to where his mother would be. He was used to their talking and questions about his training and how great he was, but deep inside him it also stressed a lot. Because he knew it was all fake admiration.
"Katakuri we saw you at the gate. You are so strong. I love your ability to shoot someone just with sweets. That's incredible.", some fangirls tried to get close to him, but his look alone cold and demanding let them keep a safe distance. Nevertheless they looked at him with charming smiles and kept up their talking. How he hated the way they use such a strong word like it meant nothing.
To kill someone shouldn't be something to love. It's a solution to get rid of enemies. Sighing of their helpless flirting he gave short answers and tried to stay as polite as possible. They didn't know him in the slightest, didn't know what was underneath his scarf, but tried to get close to him. He knew why and it disgusted him. It was his rank, his name and blood, which made him this popular. Plus his outstanding strength and always be the loyal, perfect brother for his siblings. His look fell onto some desserts on the table with small doughnuts. Since (Y/N) made him these unbelievable creations of dough, he always had to think about her after spotting them.
Was she alright? Hopefully eating his fruit?
Thinking back to their long conversation on the ship, he had to smile. She was in every way special to him.
Sighing he knew that he couldn't see her till tomorrow or sadly longer. Watching his siblings fulfilling their duties in entertaining the guests, his look stopped by Smoothie. She was making drinks and welcoming arriving guests. Watching in awe everyone was impressed by her talent and having a good time, but something was off. Quickly Katakuri got a glimpse of the future to find Smoothie looking shocked and gasping.
Maybe new intruders who wanted to disturb the wedding? Were there really so many idiots out there?
Annoyed he turned to Oven, who was sitting next to him, to tell him about it, but was stopped by his appearance. Mouth agape his look was focused to the entrance and let Katakuri's eyes narrow in irritation. Believing that something bad was about to happen he quickly turned back and was about to jump up, but his body froze in the spot after his eyes were met with the source of Oven's shock.
Smiling shyly towards Smoothie, who was shocked at first, but then more than happy, his wife (Y/N) entered the party. From the beginning Katakuri thought she was beautiful, but standing there in this long dress, her hair styled up in an elegant way with curls and her sparkling eyes, let his eyes go wide. It felt like his heart was about to jump out of his ribcage. If he didn't already fall for her, now she had catched his heart again.
"(Y/N)! You look absolutely stunning. Would you like a drink?", Smoothie presented her extraordinary creations, which let her get clueless of what to take, but declining would be unpolite.
"Thank you. I am not so sure…i will try the giraffe.", (Y/N) answered as calm as possible, because the pained growl of the poor animal made her feeling quite bad. Getting the glas with the mysterious liquid into her hand she smiled up at Katakuri's sister.
" I hope you are feeling alright. My brother was really worried about you to leave you alone after what happened. He wasn't focused on his work like he used to.", she spoke while smiling happily, but (Y/N) felt her fear raise that her kidnapping story wasn't a secret anymore. Smoothie understood right away after glancing down in those beautiful but now fearful eyes. Taking her hand she smiled brightly.
" No need to worry. Mama doesn't know. I am glad you could make it. Who knows what would have happened if not.", Smoothie spoke and noticed new guests. (Y/N) noticed too and she said her goodbye to attend the party.
"Lady (Y/N). The present.", a servant stopped her in time and gave her the basket with the self made desserts. She would never attend such an event without a present. So she was able to make some of her doughnuts and other desserts before she headed to sweet city.
"Thank you for everything. Have a nice day.", relieved she took them, while the servants flew out of the entrance with hearts in their eyes. Chuckling about it (Y/N) suddenly noticed the feeling to be watched. It gave her the creeps and it made her uneasy. Looking around she did not only find the source…it made her hands sweating and body shiver. She was surrounded by people who were gasping or shocked to see her. Like she was some kind of criminal.
Questions like "who is that" "absolutely stunning" "this bitch is stealing my show" were thrown against her in whispers, followed by "that's her." "this is his wife."
Dumbfounded (Y/N) collected herself and focused on her target. Her husband. Finding him and be by his side. Katakuri could see her nervous expression, the way she was looking for something or better for someone. It made him even more excited. Yeah he was worried sick. Yeah maybe furious deep inside that it was clear that she pushed herself too much to come here.
She was coming all the way here because of him. Because it was important for his family. And now her family.
Feeling this warm sensation deep inside, it sparked after her look found his usual emotionless one. He loved it how her eyes light up. He loved her relieved and smiling figure headed to his side, while trying hard not to run. Now he could see it clearly. Her shown attractions were completely honest and pure and making him unbelievable happy.
Stopping by his side the female fanclub of his were getting jealous. How on earth did (Y/N) dare to just come here and take all the attention. They were working on their style the whole night, inclusive trying more than 20 dresses to get the perfect one. And now she was there, kicking them out before they were able to get more connections with the Big mom pirates.
"Katakuri….",nervously (Y/N) was about to go on but was interrupted quickly.
"Excuse me. Who are you?", one of the woman asked annoyed by her beauty.
"She is my wife. (Y/N) Charlotte.", Katakuri cut in calmly and let the others gasp and bite their lips in anger.
"I am sorry. Did I disturb your conversation?", (Y/N) spoke politely and took everyone's breath away with her sweet nature. With a quick no they left immediately and also left a confused (Y/N) behind.
"Why I am not surprised that you are here.", Katakuri spoke shortly and got her attention. Her look met his. She tried to hide her nervousness and shyness towards her intimitating husband. On her way here she was fighting with her inner thoughts, if she was doing the right thing and not playing with fire again. His look alone gave her a shiver. But seeing him now in real made her realize how hopeless lonely she felt without him. He gave her the feeling to be safe, protected and after everything they had been through, she felt more connected to him. His eyes softened and gave her an impression of not being afraid.
Sitting beside him, (Y/N) didn't want to have an awkward situation like staying in silence for hours so (Y/N) tried to be a bit more comfortable around him and start a talk.
"Why? Did you see me with your special skill?", she spoke interested, which let his heart jump of her shy tone.
"No there is no need. I know how stubborn you are.", he spoke shortly and smiled under his scarf after seeing her pouting.
"I… I don't want that you get in trouble because of me.", (Y/N) spoke quickly back while getting a dessert.
"There it is again.", he loved to tease her and it surprised him how easy the words flew out of his mouth. Their talk back then let their relationship get better. Far more better than at the beginning. Mostly because Katakuri swore to himself to trust her more in her abilities and intentions. Observing her beautiful appearance beside him, he couldn't take his eyes off from her. Still sitting and arms crossed he tried hardly to be unnoticed. His look fell onto her back covered with the lace pattern fabric. Damn it this dress was underlining every curve possible. It suited her perfectly, but in this close position he also was able to see a scratch on her beautiful skin. He would lie to himself if he said he wasn't worried. Thinking that she just woke up some hours ago after surviving a nightmare and then getting to a wedding with desserts, which she sure made herself, didn't help either. But her smile and the way she looked up at him eased the urge to order her back home. She was happy. She was enjoying the event, overwhelmed by the decorations. It seemed that it was supporting her better, than alone at his home. Nevertheless he sighed deeply of his inner conflict.
"You feelin' alright (Y/N) ?", his worriness in his tone let her butterflies in her stomach fly. The way her name left his lips gave her a warm feeling inside her body.
"Yeah Katakuri..don't worry. I am feeling fine…", she spoke while enjoying the view.
Looking straight again, he could see how the other guests were staring at her beauty. In a way it made him proud to call her his wife, but on the other side it felt difficult. She sure would never be stolen by anyone else. No one would dare to, but what if she saw someone more suitable. Physically she couldn't escape ever, but her mind was free to see and think whatever she longed for.
Would she still smile up to him if she knew his face?
Feeling his jealousy raise and trying to get these disturbing thoughts out of his mind, Katakuri decided to focus on her. Fighting with his inner self he thought about what to say. Actually he knew it, but was hesitant to do it.
"You… You look very beautiful today.", he spoke uneasy and avoid her flustered look. It took him much effort to say it. (Y/N) was shocked at first to hear these words from him, but felt beyond happy to get a compliment. Playing with her fingers shyly she avoid his intense look.
"You… You too look handsome yourself. ", she stuttered embarrassed, while he coughed surprised, but quickly fell back to his frozen state.
"What are you saying… I look like always.. ", he tried to hold his composer, but her hand on his muscular arm gave him a shiver.
"Maybe it's the wedding of your sister. You look happy and excited. It suits you well.", she spoke up to him with those lovingly smile.
"It's because of you.", the words left his mouth too quick to stop them. That he would say that so bluntly and straightforward wasn't planned. Embarrassed he avoid her and looked away into another direction. Only his red ears showed what was going on underneath his scarf. His mind was racing of what to do. (Y/N) touched her beating heart, while her look was focused on him. Her body was moving on her own and she got up from her seat.
"Katakuri?", (Y/N) 's voice got his attention and let him look down to her. Before he could comprehend what happened he already felt her soft lips on his cheeks. Her gesture was so quick that he needed time to react to it. Eyes widened for a moment he looked into her smiling face, cheeks tinted red of excitement and apologizing to maybe went too far. Quickly sitting down she looked to the side and was met with a mouth agape Oven, who had eyes like saucers. This didn't make things better.
"no.. It was okay. Don't worry..", he spoke quickly, hiding his excited smile, while Oven, who watched the scene, got a coughing attack.
"how? Why he and not me….?", he cried fake tears and shoved chocolate into his mouth frustrated. Chuckling and rubbing his back for comfort everyone got interrupted by singing flowers and a laughing Big mom who attend the party with an excited smile on her face. Welcoming her guests her eyes sparkled of seeing her decorated table. In an instant (Y/N) felt scared a little, but was pulled back by her thoughts the moment Katakuri tapped her shoulder. Looking up to him he pointed to himself with a short nod. She knew right away.
"He was there. Don't worry"
Smiling brightly (Y/N) saw guests greeting her and placing presents in front of her. Looking at the basket with her doughnuts she suddenly felt anxious.
"You can go if you want. Mama loves sweets more than every treasure.", his deep voice spoke next to her and gave her the push she needed. Getting up she took the basket confidently and headed to the line with the other guests.
"I see you two get along well. I am happy for you brother. Do you think she can handle Mama alone?", Oven asked unsure.
"She will. I trust her to choose the right words this time.", was all Katakuri spoke and stunned his brother once again.
Oven smiled from ear to ear.
"(Y/N) you really made it. You broke through his hard shell…."
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