#chat gpt programmers
chatgptdevelopers · 3 months
Enhancing Conversational AI: Insights and Innovations from ChatGPT Developers
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Dive into the world of conversational AI with the ChatGPT Developers. Discover the newest developments, industry best practices, and creative fixes for smooth, user-friendly chat experiences. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, get insightful knowledge that can improve your chat programming tasks.. Join the ChatGPT Developers community and transform the way you build and interact with AI-driven chatbots. For more information visit: https://chatgpt-developers.com/
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bewires · 1 year
the disconnect between the way people who work on and with AI talk about it and the reporting/social media discourse on it makes it incredibly hard to have a meaningful conversation about it
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theinsaneapp · 2 years
ChatGPT Glitch Exposes Private Chats To Random Users
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Read In Detail: ChatGPT Glitch Exposes Private Chats To Random Users
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fourofour-org · 1 year
Generating HTML with ChatGPT
Explore the power of #ChatGPT in generating HTML code! 🚀 Check out our step-by-step guide on using this groundbreaking #AI tool to revolutionize code generation and software development. #OpenAI #GPT4 #Coding #HTML #ArtificialIntelligence
# Introduction to ChatGPT and LLMs ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has been making waves in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Based on the GPT-4 architecture, this innovative model has opened up new possibilities for various applications, including code generation. Language models like ChatGPT, often referred to as Large Language Models (LLMs), have the potential to…
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ierotits · 4 months
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eternydeloo · 5 months
i made prune juice bot for telegram on chat gpt-3.5 tonight……. he doesn’t work anymore but it was very fun experience for me as programmer 😅
so i decided to draw him with cat ears cause i tried many times to convince him that he is a cat (he didn’t accept it until the very end🙄)
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some of you may have seen this post floating around on tumblr
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op recently made it unrebloggable due to someone very rightfully correcting their misinformation, im not going to share the correction here but you’ve likely already seen it. to sum it up: your fanworks are not in danger. op is fear mongering. but why are they fear mongering? oh very simple. they support chat gpt. not only do they support it being used to write fan works. they support it being used to FINISH OTHER PEOPLE’S FANWORKS. something many fanfic others have explicitly said they do not want done because they do not want their writing STOLEN. and then op went on to make fun of people who don’t want their worked scraped and stolen by a fucking computer and their scummy programmer. let’s take a look shall we?
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being against ai using your work or making a shitty imitation of others writing based on stolen material is not a skill issue. it is a literal problem of consent. most of the works fed to generative ai have not been given permission to be used in your dataset. it’s the same problem as people ripping your fanfic and uploading it to another site without your permission. only now it’s being used to create shitty imitations of your work. fucking pathetic.
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that is not at all what that person said. “not letting you see a dime for it” does not literally fucking mean they believe they should be paid. it’s an expression meaning there is an inherent lack of credit attributed to your work being used. this isn’t like an art collage where you can point people to the magazines and photos you used to create your work, this is them just taking your phrasing, your personality, your style, your WORK without your permission and not attributing a fucking thing to you. op is willfully misinterpreting this person’s words to craft a shitty argument. and the person is correct, your work is being stolen and you don’t even know it, and you will never receive an ounce of credit when that ai copies you. never.
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it’s not a “skill issue.” it’s a “don’t steal my work just because you’re unsatisfied with the ending or lack of one” issue. the beauty of fanworks is the uncertainty, is the community. that person didn’t finish an au? congrats, now you get to think up an ending yourself. some people do allow others to finish their fanfics or au’s but also the joy of fandom is just. imagining. you don’t need to write out an ending for that fic you liked you can just imagine how you wanted it to end. and honestly? 9/10 times it’s not how the fanfic author would have ended it. you do not, however reserve any right to plug their work into an ai to finish it because now their work is in that ai’s dataset to be scraped for millions of writings in the future. even if you just wanted to read an ending to your favorite fic, you have now actively contributed to theft of your favorite fanfic author’s work. if op is okay with their work being plugged into an ai that is their prerogative, but if someone specifically does not want their work scraped? yeah that’s pretty fucking valid.
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here’s just some more general proof of op being pro ai. all this being said, this discredits their original work even more because they don’t actually CARE about copyright or the effects it might have in fanfiction. they care about what’s gonna happen to their little plagiarism robot. do not fall for this thinly veiled bullshit, op does not care about your fanworks. they never did.
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zoeythebee · 2 years
It's been an honor programmers, with chat gpt 4 out we'll be obsolete in at least a year.
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petey-ai · 4 months
Are you Chat GPT?
No, that's a different programme to mine!
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chatgptdevelopers · 3 months
Leading ChatGPT Developers: Innovating the Future of Conversational AI
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Explore the forefront of Conversational AI with ChatGPT Developers, a committed group promoting excellence and innovation. Our developers are enthusiastic about advancing artificial intelligence to provide chatbots and virtual assistants that redefine user experience by pushing the frontiers of knowledge. With extensive knowledge in machine learning and natural language processing, we provide innovative solutions that are suited to a variety of business requirements.Trust ChatGPT Developers to transform your vision into reality with state-of-the-art technology and personalized solutions. Join us on the journey to shape the future of conversational AI. For more information visit: https://chatgpt-developers.com/
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birbs-in-space · 1 year
woo I've got 3 of 4 crochet projects done! I'm taking a quick break before i return to the final one, but here's what I've been working on for the past month!
brief explanation: a friend of mine talked me into putting together some crochet stuff for the fiber arts part of my local fair! all submissions are due may 26th (including photography and art, which I'm going to figure out after I'm done with my crochet work) so I've been scrambling ever since finishing up with my dcrb stuff
the first of the projects is an elephant themed handbag. it's technically a bit of a collab with a friend of mine who came up with the initial idea and is going to be dealing with the interfacing and the lining, so I'm going to have to sort out how to represent that in the submission but
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here's what it will look like, minus the ears, tail, and feet. i photographed it before sending it off to her! i also made a trial bag ahead of time
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i also made this to trial run my design ideas. it's got some major flaws though i do actually like the head shape more lol even though I spent a LOT of time trying to make the final one work properly.
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project 2 is these parols! if you're unfamiliar, an actual parole is a star-shaped paper lantern made in the philippines as a christmas decoration. now i can't make paper lanterns but i can make these, which i did, based off of a design i worked out last Christmas to make some as a gift for my mom. most of these were made using lily sugar and cream yarn which was a Huge Mistake lol.
project 3, which i actually finished a while ago before finishing up the parols are these...things. it's a bit tricky to explain but basically i made these both for fun and as an experiment to test out the capabilities and limitations of chatgpt. if you're somewhat familiar with me, you'll know I'm a programmer by career. which means i have to keep abreast of technological developments NOT because i need them for my job, but because i WILL get pestered by other people who think i know the answer (a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, that). plus, machine learning is a bit fun cause it's a) it's fun to see it flop and flail around cause it doesn't actually know shit and b) it's a fascinating reflection of the world we've created and the failures and limitations of the structures we create to define and control it.
which is to say that i asked it for various patterns with varying levels of specificity and oversight and crocheted what it gave me with varying levels of "forgiveness" (damn thing doesn't even tell me where to sew or attach things most of the time). IF my submission is accepted, I'm hoping they'll let me submit some explanations to go with lol. and also after finishing the last pattern, which i generated maybe 2 weeks ago, I've finished off the project in solidarity with WGA and the newly unionized "AI" content moderators.
(the most powerful tool i think i have personally is my ability to explain why chatgpt and it's siblings are so limited in their ability and why people ought to be careful implementing them in any meaningful way)
so now that I've adequately proved that i am not a tech bro, actually. observe: my children
the absolutely comical moray eel
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i requested a separate jaw piece and that it be long and thin. it gave me this in the silliest way possible.
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yes the fins are all wrong and the body is weirdly twisted. i don't know why it gave me a trapezoidal panel. it didn't even tell me to make a tube out of it or how but idk what else i couldve possibly done. anyway, i love him
next, a small collection of flowers.
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one looks like a sunny side up egg but pink. chat gpt claimed the one on the left was specifically supposed to be a rose, which is genuinely funny. it's a flower doily, at best, and not even a good one at that.
poppy, orange
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im actually quite impressed by these, especially the poppy petals and the leaf of the orange (though the orange is rather flat... i squished it in a bit for the sake of the picture. also check out that stem. wild.)
mystery patterns 1 and 2
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these were supposed to resemble actual things, when i was done with them. they do not.
my beloved pill quail
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the pattern actually had the dots misaligned because it miscounted the number of stitches in the round, making the instructions mathematically impossible. for the sake of not accidentally creating a physical impossibility and plunging the world into a spontaneously generated black hole, i decided to fix it instead. though that didn't stop my poor quail from literally being capsule shaped, having coffin shaped wings, and the largest quail beak ever. i actually was very specific about this pattern and had to ask it for modifications and answer regenerations a lot (if you do this, you'll find that the average crochet pattern it makes is JUST outside the bounds of it's character limit), so the fact it turned out so funny looking will never not be hilarious to me
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for the first, it actually just gave me a panel for the stem, but not cylindrifying it made no sense. for the second it literally just gave me two balls but the nature of crochet balls is you can kinda squish them into shapes.
the "flower basket"
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i asked it for an idea to put into the fair, it gave me the flower basket—a small, deflated ball. 10/10. the biggest failure, which is why I love it so
the water lily
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it did not adequately tell me how to put the petals onto the circular back panel (which it called the flower). I'd say what i did is probably what it was going for, but it's literally incapable of going for anything. that's not how text predictive models work. and fun fact! no water lily patterns on the internet look like this
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if chatgpt looked like a little crochet guy, it would look like this, according to it. (once you get past it insisting that if has no visible/physical form) apologies for the very mediocre glasses—i did not get into this hobby to embroider. i am very specifically not good at that. also it's feet were literally too big to have it NOT be sitting. and i did ask for the size safety eyes i should use, which is why they're so small lmfao
and finally:
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Ert the hedgehog. it told me i COULD add spikes by using a crochet hook to add yarn at the top of its head. it did not tell me how. so i did that...for at LEAST as much time as it took to make the rest of it. Ert is my newest scapegoat whenever i have a problem. also i forgot to style his spikes for this photo lmaoo
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theinsaneapp · 2 years
Microsoft's ChatGPT Powered Bing's Video And Features Leaked
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See all the screenshots and features of ChatGPT Powered Bing: ChatGPT Bing
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3 Amazing AI Coding Assistants You Should Try Today
3 Amazing AI Coding Assistants You Should Try Today #AiAssistants #Coding #Github #ChatGbt
The Best AI Coding Assistants for Writing Production-Ready Code in 2023 Since the debut of Chat-GPT 3 in late 2022, AI has demonstrated remarkable prowess, excelling in tasks like passing bar exams for lawyers and outperforming human programmers in code generation speed and quality.Studies confirm that AI coding assistants expedite software development, enabling developers to complete coding…
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onyv · 1 year
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Artificial intelligence.. It will change business, it will affect content creation, it will take over workplaces and social networks, starting from replacing physical work first, and gradually reaching the replacement of highly skilled professions such as programmers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, and all art professions (including designers!) For example, the new DALL·E 2 AI is a system that can create realistic images and art from natural language descriptions. There are some more aspects of the entry of AI into humans life in the near future:  There will be a new type of videos - without human participation, in which, by using your personal photos, the AI can fully reproduce the appearance and even the voice of the user. Thus, practically any photo can be made to speak, which will lead to a new kind of (robotic) influencers on YOUTUBE as the normal biological ones will simply disappear.  Of course, there will also be some negatives:  Some sites, such as This Person Does Not exist.com are a generators for creating people from Artificial Intelligence, and the special thing is that none of these people actually exist. Similarly, a human voice can be generated based on an existing one. In such a case, it will be really very difficult to verify who is saying what Even the identity of the speaker can be perfectly recreated from his photo. 
SOUNDRᐱW is an AI that creates a music. The users need just select the style of music and from there the AI generates hundreds of songs for them that they can combine, mix different beats, use to sound their YouTube videos, etc.
Chat GPT  is a robot (Ai) that users can talk to. It's a text system that listens them and learns from their questions. Something like Google, but instead of offering dozens of sites to read and explore, the info is arranged in a few sentences.                                                                                                                                                                     But its capabilities are much greater than that (in fact, its limitations are only the users ability to ask questions!) For example, it can be asked for health information, or to write some school homework, to create film scripts, or to offer a cooking recipe.. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                         And if we go even further…                                                         Those of us connected to Elon Musk's Neuralink will be able to input and receive information much faster because they won't be limited by our fingers. This means that compared to everyone else this will make us somewhat superhuman and we will be able to see the beginnings of two races: 
- the one that is the normal one that we know. The biological one.                                                                                      - and the one that merges with the machine.  
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 AIM : 
The aim of this study is to offer an Ai-assisted layout (cover and spreads with illustrations) for the book “Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.
We will apply what we learned from our research to our Ai-created book layout proposal.
       2.1 CHAPTER I 
              2.1.1 Consumer culture / subculture  
MIDJOURNEY is an artificial intelligence generator                                                                                                              that turns language descriptions called "prompts"                                                                                                                     into images. With his help, everyone, without                                                                                                               mediation of artists or designers, can create unique                                                                                                                works of art in а minutes after entering text                                                                                                                      instructions. Works through DISCORD server.
This subculture arose in San Francisco, California,                                                                                         ��                       as a result of the need of young people (16-30+…)                                                                                                                to develop their artistic and creative digital ideas.                                                                                                                      It is globally positioned (GCCP) as it uses                                                                                                                  digitization and the entry of artificial intelligence into                                                                                                                                                                                                       our lives. It can follow the strategy: To achieve                                                                                                                              perfect realism more easily.
The scales for measuring consumer culture can be,                                                                                                            for example :
perception of quality (is the image have a very                                                                                                                                                     high quality?)
social prestige (does it represent the latest trends                                                                                                                                                                                           in digital art?) 
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       2.1 CHAPTER I 
              2.1.2 Consumer culture of Millennials 
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Millennials have grown up in a time of great technological change and love technology (the internet and social media to connect with people, places.)
Motivation : creative work that has a positive impact on others.
Ideas - they believe in cooperation and sharing of all ideas and opinions without the priority of traditional hierarchy. They are good problem solvers and receptive to feedback. They are multifunctional and flexible and do not share the idea of a fixed work schedule (but they value their working time.)
Changes - they are very adaptable to changes (both technological and societal.)
Lifestyle - skillfully balance work and personal life. They value education and                                                              up-skilling.They practice healthy life style. They are not strongly attached to                                                            material things and real estate.
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ALEXA is an example of a consumer product often used by Millennials in their daily lives.
ALEXA is a virtual assistant technology which replaces the expensive and difficult to carry devices from the 90s. It is small, compact and easy to carry even abroad. It is readily available and can be found at a relatively reasonable price anywhere. ALEXA is a reflection of Millennials' active lives and their affinity for technology but it's also evidence that they don't like to commit to buying things.
       2.1 CHAPTER I 
              2.1.3 Key trends in the field of interest (market segment)
The illustrations are intended for an adult audience (both men and women) but due to the interpretive nature of the issues discussed, the focus falls on women (after all, Alice is a girl!)
The idea is to cover a wide market segment of women - from children - bordering on teenagers and socially active 'career' women to housewives.
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       2.1 CHAPTER I 
              2.1.4 Co-creation design
As an example of co-creation at the moment could                                                                                                              �� point the influencers' channels on youtube where the                                                                                                            followers give a feedback in the comments and                                                                                                                express their wishes for the next topic or guest on                                                                                                                 the channel - and the influencer should comply                                                                                                                           with that if wants to continue growing his channel.
As a more specific example in the field of                                                                                                                  development of Ai in life and art (and the possible                                                                                                        consequences to which this may lead) could be                                                                                                                      pointed the course 'The Future of Being Human' by
Anders Sandberg, a fellow at Oxford's Future of                                                                                                               Humanity Institute, where аs a part of the course,                                                                                                                 there are in-video quiz questions to consolidate                                                                                                            students learning and discussion boards to have                                                                                                                   their say.
During the course Sandberg explains the roots of                                                                                                           modern transhumanist thinking and the aims of                                                                                                 transhumanism, why we age and can we stop this                                                                                                            process, he predicted what humanity would look like                                                                                                                billions of years from now and does it make sense in                                                                                                                                      genetically engineered life where anything is possible.
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       2.2 CHAPTER II 
              2.2.1 Design problem
How can Alice survive in the 21st century? What challenges does she face in the era of artificial intelligence ?
The reimagining and adaptation of this character will be examined as a juxtaposition with some of the existing visual interpretations of Alice, as well as like a new modern proposal for its visual personalization nowaday.
Unlike the 19th century, when the original text was perceived as nothing more than " a healthy dose of fun and nonsense", in the 20th and 21st centuries, hidden beneath the witty puns and innocent banter, far darker trends such as violence, insanity and sexual menace began to emerge.
This understanding is also reflected in most of the modern interpretations of this world classic (films, music, graphic novels, video games) where the modern dangers facing the growing girl are presented. 
In the 21st century, Wonderland has become a dark and child-unfriendly environment, and in order to survive in it, Alice from a child must become an independent and strong woman (warrior), able to overcome all dangers and defend herself on all levels .
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       2.2 CHAPTER II 
              2.2.2 Ideation board 
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If the main question I need to answer with the illustrations is how to improve the experience, I will try to turn it around with the question: how to complicate this experience as much as possible?
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       2.2 CHAPTER II 
               2.2.3 Presentation of the selected idea
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JO is a teenager who grew up in a troubled family: a mother who struggles with her alcohol addiction and a father who is constantly absent and absolutely indifferent when it comes to her upbringing.
Jo has a friend at school with whom she shares everything. The two girls often run away from class together to weed and drink Red Bull in the park. Also, music is a powerful factor that unites them. Together they go to concerts and live performances of various underground bands.
Despite that, Jo feels lonely and misunderstood most of the time. She is a frequent victim of verbal abuse from her classmates, who think she is arrogant and fake. She tries in every way to escape from this reality, which depresses and crushes her. Unfortunately, most of the time she have to deal with everything herself and that's why usually she feels confused and helpless.
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EMMA is a manager in a large private company. She is an independent young woman who is successfully striving to build a career in her field. She is an active person and meets many people during her working day. After work, she likes to relax and have fun with friends. She has many friends and admirers, as she is quite attractive, but she is afraid of commitment and a serious relationship with any of them. Emma likes to travel abroad and do sports. She goes to the gym every day.
Her favourite are extreme sports, such as wall climbing and mountain climbing. She lives alone in a spacious studio in a quiet and isolated area of a modern city, but very often visits her parents, to whom she is very attached. Although she has had major disagreements with them in the past, they have managed to overcome them and now despite her busy schedules, daily calls with them are a necessary part of her everyday life.
Emma is doing pretty well with life, but she is not satisfied with what she has achieved and is constantly striving to get more out of it.
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Liz is a 50-year-old mother of 3 daughters. She has a master's degree in design, but does not practice, as she takes care of her two younger daughters, students in high school. Her eldest daughter is married and lives separately.
Liz has a family business husband who is away most of the week, so she had to fend for herself. She doesn't have many friends and leads a secluded life devoted entirely to her daughters.
She has recently learned that her husband has multiple extramarital affairs, which he has been carrying on for years. She is disappointed, lonely and misunderstood. Always when she has free time, she reads her favourite Alice books from childhood and struggles to find answers for her own life in them.
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       2.2 CHAPTER II 
               2.2.4 The importance of Storytelling in Design
JO / TARGET GROUP: Gen Z or Alpha Gen.
GOAL : To provoke discussion through an alternative to the mainstream position: Should there be limits to the use of Ai to generate images and why sometimes do we consider that the borders are crossed. 
STORY : Jo is a 15-year-old teenager who grew up with the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Alice in Wonderland books and movies. Feeling lonely most of the time and misunderstood by family and classmates, she finds herself in the Midjourney multiverse, where she can create avatars of her favourite movie characters herself, with the help of Ai. Besides her, this platform is used by hundreds of thousands more creative fans (called story tellers or content creators) who produce an average of 500+ posts per day..
At first, Jo uncritically accepts each publication and each new series of images (characters). She is fascinated by the high quality and realism of the graphics. She uses every minute to enter the platform and discuss with like-minded people. 
Sometimes she staying there for hours, forgetting about time as she observes or creates images. It could be said that her addiction is complete until at some point when she begins to feel a slight doubt regarding the newly generated images and the results of them.
Jo is Gen Z and as such is completely unencumbered by racial, sexual, and gender discrimination. She tends to accept everyone equally, regardless of religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation. But this is where the doubts start.
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.. or to be recognized as models for the most unusual haute couture photo shoot in Manhattan history.
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And that wouldn't bother anyone. But when these original characters appear in dark-skinned...
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...or non-binary avatars...
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...real drama ensues, because some users 
do not want to agree with such an 
interpretation. According to them, history is 
from the original, and the creators of such 
interpretations use Mj as a front to impose 
their own theses, According to them, thus 
devaluing the true story.
Jo feels confused. She loves diversity and 
wants everyone to be able to have equal 
rights of expression, but she feels that she 
is losing ground under her feet - she herself 
could not imagine Harry as anything other 
(as a woman or dark-skinned , for example) 
than what she already knows.
In this particular case (and in general, with 
regard to all world-renowned bestsellers, 
broadcasts, etc.), she is inclined to admit 
that she would like to have a legally 
established copyright, according to which 
the originals should be preserved in their 
exact version everywhere. Even among the 
endless fields of Midjourney.
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       2.2 CHAPTER II 
               2.2.5 Environmental and sustainable characteristics options
For the preparation of the illustrations will be used:
Choice of low-impact materials                                                                                                                                              - Risograph, which is an absolutely ecological form of printing.                                                                                                 - Soy-based inks pushed through natural fiber stencils.                                                                                                                                    - Wet ink which dries only when absorbed into the paper’s surface thus not requiring much energy to fix toner like a laser printer.
Local sourcing (reduction of transport) - printing materials will be supplied by local manufacturers, without additional costs for shipping/delivery - on the one hand because of the economic bonuses, on the other - because of less environmental pollution through not using transport.
Recyclable design                                                                                                                                                                        - The cover and illustrations will be printed on 100% recycled or FSC Certified paper.                                                            - Within the work were recycled as much leftover paper which can be found, into other items. 
       2.1 CHAPTER III 
              2.3.1 Product Development Plan
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       2.1 CHAPTER III 
              2.3.2 Supply chain
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       2.1 CHAPTER III 
              2.3.3 Business strategy
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g1rlchild · 2 years
One woman is a transgender computer programmer who returns from New York City to her hometown to see her family at Christmas. A transgender woman and her cisgender wife are local women in the town who own a bakery. Tell me the story of how the three of them all fall in love in the style of a Hallmark movie
Chat GPT:
It was the week before Christmas and a transgender computer programmer named Lucy was returning home to the small town of Pleasantville to spend the holiday with her family. She hadn't been back in years and was looking forward to catching up with old friends and enjoying the peaceful, festive atmosphere of her hometown.
As she was walking around the town square, Lucy stumbled upon a charming little bakery called Sweet Dreams. She stepped inside and was greeted by the owners, a transgender woman named Samantha and her cisgender wife, Maria.
Lucy, Samantha, and Maria quickly hit it off and discovered that they had a lot in common. They all shared a love of the holiday season and a passion for baking and cooking. They also all felt a sense of nostalgia for the simple pleasures of small-town life.
As they spent more time together, Lucy, Samantha, and Maria found themselves drawn to each other. They went for long walks in the snow, drank hot cocoa by the fire, and baked cookies and pies together. They laughed and joked and enjoyed each other's company.
As Christmas Eve approached, Lucy, Samantha, and Maria realized that they were falling in love. And on a cold, snowy night, they shared a romantic kiss under the twinkling lights of the town square.
In the end, Lucy, Samantha, and Maria realized that they didn't need the hustle and bustle of the city to be happy. They had found love and joy in the simple pleasures of Pleasantville, and they were excited to spend the rest of their lives together.
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rthidden · 20 days
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Code Talk: The Future Speaks Syntax
What if programming becomes as effortless as chatting with your best friend? Spoiler alert: that’s not far off.
Why it matters: Small business owners often juggle multiple roles—from marketing to IT—leaving little time to master the intricacies of programming.
The emerging tech revolution is shifting how we interact with computers, making it more intuitive and accessible.
The big picture: Soon, coding won’t require a degree in computer science.
Imagine speaking in plain English (or your favorite language) and having your computer transform those commands into complex functions—because who wouldn’t want a programmer who listens?
Overheard at the water cooler: “So, you mean I can yell at my computer, and it’ll understand me?” “Finally, tech, that gets my frustration!”
Yes, but: Skeptics might say, “What about debugging? I still have to check if it works!”
True, translating wishes into code will still involve some oversight, but think of it as managing a chatty intern who needs a little fine-tuning—much more palatable than wrestling with endless code.
The bottom line: As artificial intelligence advances, so does the potential for small business owners to wield tech like a magic wand.
With tools like GPT-5 on the horizon, you'll soon trade in your coding woes for a conversation with your computer. So, get ready to speak your computer's language and watch the magic unfold!
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