#chats with woodrow!
yaekiss · 11 months
#mailroom open! i hope the event is still open —if not, feel free to disregard !! i’m looking to send a letter to cyno confessing my love, and looking for a letter w/ yan + nsfw themes back! i love the petname bunny, but any are fine with me!
letter and gift below the hearts. congratulations on 400 !!!
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the letter is scrawled on parchment paper, the handwriting a bit messy and hurried. the craftsmanship looks like it was a draft of many — is it possible the sender sent the wrong version of the letter?
“to cyno,
to think it has been merely two weeks since my departure from under your watch. i understand i’m supposed to be focusing on my work, completing my assignment and coming back, but i keep getting distracted.
i wouldn’t say it’s my fault in my entirety, because frankly, it’s you who is distracting me from the duties you sent me on. my mind keeps racing back to thoughts of you, you, you, and it’s impossible to look forward when all i want to do is have you order me around again in the desert.
leaving you was a pain. i didn’t want to go. i crave to be curled against your side and to really, truly love you, but it’s so inappropriate of me. insubordinate.
i’m writing this because i know i can never send it. my thoughts, my emotions — i would be jeopardizing my station. i need to focus, but it’s hard when i know you’re so far.
how embarrassing of me to write this to you. it’s childish of me to think you would really ever take notice.
i should throw this letter away before i fall asleep at my desk and mess it up with the one i really want to send you.
signed, your wannabe beloved.”
the letter makes no mention of the gift that came wrapped with it. it seems that the author really did send the wrong version. the gift enclosed was a bottle of wine, some photos to be included with a report, and some paperwork regarding the assignment they were on in liyue. when opened, it smelled faintly of perfume. “for filing, so they don’t get lost.” read a note attached to the papers and photos.
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꩜ Letter Content: GN! Dom! Reader x Yan! Sub! Cyno, no gendered terms for reader, Cyno calls you "bunny", implied abuse of authority, unhealthy obsessive and possessive relationship from Cyno, lmk if I missed anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: You wouldn't believe the number of puns I had to listen to... they were all rabbit related too... ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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There’s a cardboard box dropped off at your hotel doorstep when you return from your day’s duties.
It reminds you of the kind you see hugged in your colleagues’ arms when they transfer out of your office and to a different jurisdiction or during the bittersweet retirement of a senior staff member. For a moment, the thought of Cyno, the General Mahamatra, taking offence to your confession letter cruelly crosses your mind and you dejectedly bounce the notion of getting fired from your job around in your head as you move to go pick up the box. 
However, you soon discover that it is anything but a termination, evident from a heart-shaped envelope that rests shyly on the top of the box. A sense of hope bubbles up in you and you quickly move everything inside, eagerly opening up his letter. Inside the romantic envelope is his response, folded flawlessly into a heart as well. After unfolding it and doing your best to smooth out all the creases in the paper, you rake your eyes over the parchment, noting how his handwriting is identical to the one you always see in official reports. But to see such a font spelling out his love for you has you in disbelief. His letter reads:
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“A reply to my dearest bunny. Can I call you bunny? Or should I call you mine?
Starting off, I need to reciprocate your confession, it won’t be ice of me to leave you in the cold. Haha, I wish I could’ve seen your reaction at that joke. On a more serious note, I would be lying to say that I don’t have any feelings for you. You caught my eye when I first saw how admirable you truly are, bunny. Now, you might not think so yet yourself but I’ve personally witnessed it in the little things you do, in your passions, in your dreams. Truly inspiring, bunny.
Thank you for the timely submission of your report again, bunny. Impeccable work as usual, I can always count on you for a job well done. The wine was a thoughtful gift too, if only I were able to share it with you in person. Perhaps I should reward you for being such a hard worker, I could be all yours to use, if you’d want me. Gods, I might be the General Mahamatra but the power you have over me is unfathomable. Would you allow me to lay my head in your lap, to let my hands trail up your calves and thighs, to bury my head between your legs? Maybe you’ll even have me call you General for the night instead, perhaps I’ll scream your title until daylight. I can satiate you in any way you’d like, I’m giddy with desire for you, bunny.
You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to get closer to you, it was simply fated that you were transferred under me a while back, bunny. That previous superior of yours wasn’t the best either, always so harsh on you, aren’t you glad you’re under my watch now? If I can be frank (even though my name is Cyno), I never wanted you to take up the Liyue assignment, it wasn’t my idea in the first place. I loathe that I had to send you for it. What if you got hurt? What if you went missing? What if you fell for someone else? It simply won’t do, bunny.
Thankfully, I’ve managed to find someone to relieve you of your post in Liyue. Let’s just say that they needed this “learning opportunity” more than someone as experienced as you. In the box are all the required paperwork for you to hand over your duties and return to Sumeru. I expect to have you back by my side within a week. Don’t keep me waiting too long, I want to finally show you how much I’ve yearned for you all this time. I just hope you’re a hands-on learner, my bunny.
Fated to be yours,
- Cyno -
P.S.: Would you ever show me the version of the letter you originally meant to send?”
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Lifting the cover off the cardboard box, you see an assortment of gifts he prepared for you. Bundles of your favourite snacks, little trinkets, and a small journal tucked to a corner. Opening it up, you glance over the different lines scribbled on it and realise that they’re all cheesy pickup lines and puns from Cyno. There’s one that says, “Nobunny (nobody) compares to you” and another that reads, “You got my heart jackrabbiting for you”. A lewder one says, “Let’s fuck like rabbits” At the bottom of the first page, he wrote, “I save my best jokes for you, bunny ♡”.
Additionally, what also catches your eye is a holographic copy of a TCG card of you in a durable clear casing, it produces a brilliant iridescent sheen when you slowly turn the card side to side in the light. Did he specially commission one of you? Setting the card on your bedside table, you continue going through the box. 
True to his words in the letter, there’s a neat stack of paperwork stowed carefully in it. Flipping through the pages, you discover that it comes along with paid for travel arrangements from Cyno. A closer look reveals that all of them are scheduled to get you back to Sumeru as fast as possible. Just as you want to place the stack back into the box, a loose scrap of torn paper slips from it and flutters onto the floor. 
The only few words on it you can unfortunately make out are “pulled strings”, “transfer”, and the crossed out name of your previous superior.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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jamearts · 10 months
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Commission for anonymous Inspired by Elvira's show, Lilith starts streaming with her human pet Woodrow in order to lure followers into pledging their monetary possessions to her, as well as bringing snake queens and people together into a dating site, while also doing reviews to movies, series and promoting her next film with Woodrow! Madame Lilith © ME Woodrow belongs to anonymous commissioner Elvira, Mistress of the Dark © New World Pictures If you're reading this, support me on Ko-fi if you want <3 https://ko-fi.com/jamearts
Posted using PostyBirb
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coolgal5 · 5 months
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Auggie Steenbeck x GN reader
Part two. Part one can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/coolgal5/738171031067443200/starman-a-steenbeck
After Dr. Hickenlooper had given the tour you noticed Woodrow glancing over to the “Bleeps and Blips” seemingly intrigued by them. Dr. Hickenlooper had walked over and began to discuss it with him. Dr. Hickenlooper called you over and told you Woodrow’s theory about it being a date on the galactic calendar.
When it came time to eat you decided you’d sit down with Midge and Auggie again considering they were really the only people you had interacted with so far. When you walked over the the table and sat down across from Midge when Auggie had been asking about her glasses, which she responded to by taking them off revealing what seemed to be a black eye.
“Gadzooks, what did you do to deserve that?” He asked
“Nothing.” she quickly shut him down.
“Who hit you?” He pushed further
“Nobody, it’s grease paint, to feel like my character.” She explained.
“How does she get a black eye? In the story” He asked.
“Well she doesn’t in the story, it’s on the inside.” She explained
Auggie turned to you, examining your face up close.
“You didn’t mention you were an astronomer when we talked last time” He stated, now focusing all his attention onto you.
“It never came up.” You replied, glancing down at your plate of food on the table in front of you.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, mind telling me?” He asks.
You replied with your name very bluntly. Talking to him came so easy, like it was meant to happen.
“That’s a very nice name.” He says, nodding
Your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
“Oh thank you.” You replied quickly.
You continue to chat with Auggie and midge until you decided to walk back to the motel until you had to go view the astronomical ellipses.
You sat by the bathroom window of your bungalow smoking a cigarette. The warm breeze of the desert combined with the setting sun was very refreshing. The window facing yours was open and a light was flicked on to reveal Auggie standing there clutching a piece of paper.
“So I suppose we’re neighbors” You flash a smile at him.
“I suppose so.” He states before holding up the paper. It was the photo he had taken of you, Midge, and Dinah at lunch earlier in the day.
“I’m glad that came out, I approve.” You say, leaning farther out the window and pressing your arms against the sill. You and him sat there, in comfortable silence for a few moments before he spoke again.
“Can I take another photo of just you? Not for publication purposes” He asked
“I thought you never asked permission?” You replied. He simply shrugged and held up his camera.
“Don’t move” he ordered.
A snapping was heard and he put the camera down, leaning up against his own window sill. He stared into your eyes and you decided to utilize a sudden burst of confidence.
“Are you married?” You asked the question that had been on your mind earlier.
“I’m a widower, don’t tell my kids by the way.” He responded. Your chest felt a pang at his reply. Nobody deserves to lose a wife and you felt even worse for his children. You recalled how you felt after you had lost your mother.
“Why? I mean I wasn’t planning on it, I’m sorry” you replied
“Yea, they know by the way, just barely.” He says, looking at the ground.
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justcreatingthings · 2 months
I finally fished that test short fic that I got the idea for after making this art. Let me know if these grammatical error or what I can improve on when writing the characters! Haven’t written in ages… Anyways,
*drops this at y’all’s feet and skitters off*
Cuddles and Worries
In a well known manor, chatting and laughter can be heard from behind a set of giant white doors. Those doors lead into a room that might be considered “living-quarters” to some, but the being who resides in this room is not exactly part of the “living” realm… He just tends to rest here most times when he desires privacy from prying eyes! Specifically his fans that know nothing about personal space! Though, as of late, this room has occasionally also been shared with someone else…
“-and that tree had a wasp nest living in it even though no one has ever seen a wasp anywhere near that area! Oh, how horrific it was to witness her swell… ‘Twere as if her head became that of a…ginormous, maggot infested tomato! Turned out that the poor lady was terribly allergic!!”, ranted a hunchbacked Rabbid named T.S Woodrow. He is currently wearing a matching pajama set with a nightcap on his head.
“Oh mon Dieu, ça épouvantable! Did any of those horrid creatures decide to instead go after you?!”, exclaims Phantom, a rotund ghost rabbid laying underneath Woodrow, with concern written all over this face. Woodrow finds Phantom’s ghost half to be softer than a giant cloud so he chooses to lay upon it when they cuddle, just like how they are right now. Phantom is laying with his back on the bed, and Woodrow’s belly touching his own. They have taken this cuddle position so often that Phantom has even joked about how he’s now become Woodrow’s personal bed! Woodrow continues his tale of the day as he kicks one of his hind paws in the air as if he were a school girl talking on the phone with a close friend.
“They did not, for the wasps seemed dedicated to stinging every last inch of her! She was quickly taken into urgent care, but only once the wasps had worn themselves out. At that point, the bugs stayed down upon the ground and did not move even an inch more! The little bugs had worn themselves out in their rage… Luckily the lady lived in the end, but now she refuses to go near any trees on the off chance it might happen again. I, of course, do not blame her in the slightest.”
“I am very glad no harm came to you directly after you recited that poem, but I hope you do try to be safer in the future… I trust you will, but you know I worry about your safety when I cannot be at your side at all times outside this home…”
“We have spoken on this a multitude of times, and I promised to you that I would stay safe. I survived on my own with this curse in the past, and I shall continue to do so in the present and future. Just look around at the destruction surrounding us! Even now, as I’ve spoken to you a myriad of poems during this conversation, neither of us have been harmed nor injured!,” Woodrow exclaims as he directs Phantom to look upon the room and take in the disrepair it is in. There are shards of broken glass laying upon the ground from fallen vases and picture frames, and there seems to be water leaking out from underneath the bathroom door. Woodrow feels a hand touch his cheek and he lets it gently move his face to once again stare back at Phantom, whom only looks back with pure love and adoration.
“Mon poète bien-aimé… I promise I was not speaking of the beautiful chaos cause by your hypnotic poems… I am just worried some ruffian will try to harm you do to your affiliation with me. You have only been here for all but a week, and I know in the past you rarely left Palette Prime… I have a very long list of people whom always try to knock me down a peg or two every day, even if it’s at the cost of someone else’s safety’ …I just want you to put your safety first and foremost when you leave without me… Without you, my life would still be lost in a cycle of loneliness!”
Phantom smiles slightly and his thumb rubs against Woodrow’s cheek in a soothing manor. Woodrow leans into the soft touch and smiles back at him before replying.
“ You really are an Angel, Phantom… I promise I shall be safer when I go out alone. I shall be aware of my own surrounding at every turn. If I must do something to help you worry less, I would not be supposed to a costume of sorts..?”
“Oh, c'est une MERVEILLEUSE idée, mon amour! We can turn it anti a makeover of sorts tomorrow! I’ve always wanted to see you in a suit~ Of course, I’ll let you give me a makeover of sorts as well! Only fair that both of us get to pick out the other’s wardrobe rather than just one of us!” Phantom looks at Woodrow with excitement over the fashion possibilities and he can better understand Woodrow’s chosen sense of fashion.
Both of them share a little laugh, and then continue to cuddle and talk late into the night about different topics. Eventually Woodrow passes out and Phantom holds him close to him, being careful not to jostle him too much. Once settled, Phantom closes his eyes do the ghost equivocal to sleeping, closing his eyes and day dreaming about what tomorrow holds. Anything is possible so long as he has his lover right by his side, and the same vise versa.
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randomrabbidramblings · 9 months
Some updated headcanons for Phantom as for after Rayman in the Phantom Show
Phantom's power is fueled by attention: the more people know him the more power he gets. It's not important if the people love or hate him, the main thing is people knowing about his existance. If at the center of attention his power will be at its max. He can lose power if enough people forget about him, but since he's so famous, this will not come true very soon. This is partly the reason of his late stunts that will not make people forget about him easily (leaving Bea for one of her dancers, challenging her at a singing contest, his concert and telethon at the Space Opera Network...) and also the reason why he seems so desperate to find a significant other, so he will always have at least a person keeping him in their memory. Poor guy's terrified of being forgotten.
At the Galaxy music Awards where he ruined his voice, it was his grammophone that got the most damage, not his actual voice and while this eventually healed itself, the grammophone was irreparably damaged. He chose to switch it with another one, but he had to re-learn how to sing to "tune" it to his voice. This took months of continuous practice. The first time he ever used his new grammophone properly was at the Space Opera Network's concert before going ham with it at his telethon. He stored his old one in a chest with some scene props he keeps as memories.
His control room is in art déco style because all those lines reminds him of a staff.
Yes, restoring that lift is where he spent a lot of the money he got from that live telethon. No, he doesn't regret it one bit.
Phantom wanted to redecorate all of the studios because the golden and green color palette wasn't of his taste. When he saw how much he spent in repairing the studio's lift, he sheepishly commented how much he loved gold and green anyway.
Phantom's changing room is in a secluded area of the studios. He keeps it locked all times, as he can just teleport into it to enter. It quickly became object of rumors: some of the Network's workers say they've seen a wall of photos inside, some of them depicting Phantom's best concerts and some say he seems to keep a picture of Bea despite everything. This room was off limits to everyone, including Woodrow who wasn't made aware about it until very late into therir relationship. To this day, Woodrow seems to be the only one that entered there, besides Phantom.
[This is the more in-canon headcanon. He doesn't personally know Woodrow in this one] In his control room Phantom does all the paperwork too. Lately, he collected a considerable amount of neatly stacked letters on a tiny table next to his awards. They're all from the same sender, a certain Bell Chur from Palette Prime and they mostly contain limericks and some occasional ordinary chat. For some reason Phantom then suddenly moved them all to his private room. He also ordered all the letters from this mysterious sender to be sent to his personal mailbox.
Inside the studios, in a unusued set, Phantom had a little replica of the main areas of Spooky Trails built. Madame Bwahstrella asked if she could open one of her business' branches there, but Phantom firmly refused. The area seems just a pointless decoration, but workers say you can hear him gloomily sing in there at night sometimes.
Phantom got a taste of his own medicine when the dancer he left Bea for suddenly broke up him with little explanations.
Bea stung him on the butt after he left her. She tracked him and found him just as her backup dancer left him. Like ten minutes after. He tried to explain, but she wouldn't hear no reasons and stung him. He couldn't sit for a week.
While pretty much everything he said to the Heroes during his introduction was a lie, in their last meeting in Spooky Trails, he really was under the influence of the Megabug, at least partially. The corruption (seen as those squared purple particles he emitted) forced him to battle against the Heroes, even against Peach, to protect it.
Phantom periodically appears in all of the Space Opera Network productions. Even when he's not involved. He'd just pop in, disrupting the pace of the show and casually take over it for a few minutes. The studios' video editors always try to cut those moments in post production, if Phantom isn't supervising.
He designes his outfits himself. His white outfit gave him the most problems. It went through a lot of iterations, all of them had to be made by a tailor so Phantom could evaluate it better. At a point it was this very elegant white and blue outfit, but Phantom had the best idea ever just after the tailor showed him the finished product. Cover it with paillettes and reflective polka dots. He had to hire a new tailor.
His metal outfit on the other hand came right from Spooky Trails. He had this idea to make a metal diss track to Mario, but eventually gave up due to the old theater not being equipped for such an event. He brought it back to roast Rayman and he even tought about getting a microphone and louspeakers to complete the act. He reconsidered it after he remembered that time he tried to speak in one of the studio's microphones and blowed up half of the audio equipment.
He still smells like an old closet when he's not wearing a fancy expensive perfume.
Phantom's quite the skilled transformist. He can change his clothes, hair and makeup in seconds. This sometimes involves him teleporting away and returning back to his spot like when he has to grab his guitar. To make things quicker (or to make more of a scene, go figure) he often smashes the glass case where the guitar is instead of opening it.
[Can you tell Phantom's really annoying to deal with? Even without a clear backstory, there's enough material between what we are told about and the environmental storytelling to assume his canon story and to make loads of heacanons.]
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Trans! Cody fic
There's more than one reason why Morocco isn't welcome on Griffin Rock.
This is a little lead up to the Trans! Cody au that I am writing using one of my favorite tf fanfiction tropes - humans to transformers. It's not necessary to read to understand the fic, so if the tags are triggering for you, feel free to skip. This is just a little thing to show how many times Cody has hidden that he is AFAB from the bots and how his family helps him in that respect.
Tw deadnaming, transphobia
Nobody said anything when Cody went to the pool.
Heatwave noticed that unlike the other boys, Cody wore a t-shirt over a black sports bra? On his chest.
Nobody said a thing when Cody's uncle called him Ce instead of Cody, Cody reintroducing himself and everyone quickly moving on.
Nobody said a thing when Charlie pulled Anna aside for a chat after Frankie invited Cody to a sleepover party at her house.
Why would they ever think that there was anything to miss? Really, it was just an open secret, and honestly, the Burns often forgot that the bots didn't know. That didn't mean that they didn't respect Cody's desire to pass quietly, and they showed their allyship quietly as well.
That didn't mean that everyone was so respectful.
"Carly? Carly Burns, that's enough of that. Be a proper young lady now, that's enough!" Morocco said, pulling a panicking Cody in front of the cameras.
"Carly? My cousin? She left when I was four! My name is Cody. You got the wrong kid!" Cody twisted out of Morocco's grip and ran out of the lab with a copy of his files, smashing the camera as he went.
He was crying, God was that embarrassing. Usually, he had three big siblings and his dad to stand in the way of people like him, but he just felt exposed, vulnerable in every way, and so, so uncomfortable.
He crossed his arms over his chest. He had worn his coat today, so he just wore a comfy sports bra instead of a proper binder or binding tape. He knew it wasn't what he wore, Morocco was around before he was born, but it still ached to know that Morocco had recognized him so quickly. Uncle Woodrow had left around the same time he had changed his name, and even though he wasn't the biggest fan of Ce, he could at least tell that Woodrow was coming from a place of caution.
Being off grid meant he wasn't always clued into name changes and little life events, so he tended to default to generic nicknames until he and Kade's names came up naturally in conversation. (Kade's mom was a piece of work, and his name was changed when he was an infant and a toddler for his own protection.)
He made it to a waiting Chase and hugged Charlie tight. His father returned his hug and had Chase gun it. They made it to city hall, where Morocco was racing with the footage of Cody reacting to his deadname. Open secret or no, outing a minor is incredibly dangerous, and the fear of Cody being killed over Morocco's petty greed was a stomach turning thought in Charlie's mind.
They made it, and Barney had already arrested Morocco for child endangerment. Apparently, chasing two children with dangerous robots was illegal. Imagine that.
Charlie ceised the camera footage, more than happy to make sure it got misplaced. No one threatened his kids and got away with it.
"Chief, I wasn't aware that you once had five children in the house." Chase said back at the house. "Is there a possibility that Carly could be an issue in the future?"
"Chase, I have always had four children. Carly visited for a little while, but Cody has been through a lot today, and I would rather like to go upstairs and make sure he is doing alright. End of discussion." Charlie had to force himself to calm down. The more defensive he got, the more the bots might push, and he REALLY didn't want to hear his son's deadname today anymore than he had to.
The bots were quiet after that, and he met his youngest in the kitchen, eating a bowl of ice cream and nearly swimming in one of the hoodies he had stolen from the boxes of merchandise that was sold at fundraisers before they got the bots, and Optimus's checkbook, available to them. Now, they were just spare clothes to hand out to anyone who needed them.
Kade gave him a bowl of his own. His personal bucket of ice cream was tucked under his arm and already had a giant spoon stuck in it.
"It's that kinda night, dad. Cody's probably gonna finish his ice cream, He already took his sleep medicine and head off to bed. I will have him keep his door open just in case."
Charlie smiled as the meds hit bottom as Cody stopped scraping the bottom of the empty bowl and toddered off to bed, hearing his drop onto his bed with a thud.
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naomikojima · 28 days
TASK THREE: The Wake DATE: Sunday, September 4, 2005 TIME PERIOD: 12PM-9PM (Sunset maybe?) LOCATION: The Lawn at Woodrow / The Pond at Woodrow GIF CREDIT: Here
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The wake was far too long and the amount of socializing was far too much. The unfortunately emotional performance of Naomi during the eulogy just meant all approached with a hint of pity. It had been exhausting, the polite anecdotes, the request for hugs, and the tears were the worst part. Once Mrs. Tristan was out of view and she found a clear lane for a getaway, Naomi took it. If it wasn't Richard, there was no way she would've stayed this long, but he was special.
She knew exactly where she wanted to go from the lawn, away from the crowd and the noise. The pond was a spot Naomi frequented often, usually with Richard himself. The two often took walks around the property, chatting when they felt like it and enjoying the silence when they didn't. He was the only one Naomi let walk on the side with her scar, one who saw Naomi in ways others didn't.
The pond was a tranquil, quiet spot which made it an oasis to escape the noise of the ever growing home population. Naomi stood staring off at the water, remembering what Richard taught her there. "You promise it won't be a sink or swim thing? You're not just going to push me in?" She was 14, still fairly new to Woodrow, and standing against the shore in a black one-piece bathing suit underneath a towel. "I promise." Richard smiled down at her, the sunlight hitting the older man's white-haired chest. While his days of swimming in the pond were fondly remembered, those times were behind him. He was older, a little slower and busier. Which marked this as a special occasion, a time when his schedule was clear enough, the day was warm enough and Naomi was feeling bold enough to learn.
As present Naomi stared off at the pond, she could remember the way the sun hit his skin, the rare sound of her laughter and the calm in his voice as he taught her. All that she couldn't say in her eulogy, or in their phone calls since she moved out, or to the crowd of mourners giving their condolences lived in these memories. It occurred to her that as much as she wanted to roll her eyes when his friends called him Dick, or told some meandering story about their past, it was the same for them. Their love for him existing in these memories, these details that lived longer than he could. It wasn't clear to her why they could so easily verbalize their love and adoration for Richard and she couldn't, when it was so clearly there.
Naomi wiped the few tears that had escaped during her nostalgia, and walked back the way she came with a renewed focus. She hated funerals now and was never going to be eloquent enough for this occasion, but she loved Richard and her presence was the best way she could show it.
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carnis-insanis · 2 months
not gonna do it now but ive been thinking abt some skits in the stlye of like the office or brooklyn 99 featuring wilson WX(woodrow) winona and wagstaff and their work shenanigans but idk if i should do it in a form of a fic with an actual storyline or just a comp of sort dumb little comics with little to no lore so......
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Adventures of Flat Phryne
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Flat Phryne has started her journey to Miss Fisher Con 2023! 
This week, she visited the Shenandoah Valley city of Staunton, VA. 
She stopped by the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library and Museum to have a little chat about the League of Nations, but unfortunately the president wasn't in.
She then spoke fluent thespian at the American Shakespeare Center's Blackfriars Playhouse, before taking in the shops and enjoying a bite to eat and glass of wine on Beverley Street. 
Her last stop in the Queen City was the historic Staunton Station, where she boarded a train to her next stop on the trail to St. Paul. Stay tuned to see where Flat Phryne goes next!
#MissFisher #MsFisher #1920s #1920sfashion #1920sstyle #1960s #1960sfashion #1960svintage #1930s #1930sfashion #1930sstyle #1930svintage #shanghai #melbourne #mnhistory #flapper #phrynefisher #fandom #bestfandom #adventuressescluboftheamericas #adventuress #acota #everycloud #stpaulmn #stpaul #saintpaul #saintpaulmn #saintpaulminnesota #saintpaulhotel #stauntonva #flatphryne
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yaekiss · 11 months
qi … i’m going thru withdrawals from u … the time diff between us is insane … sniffles … i hope u have a good day td :33333
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BUNNYYYYYY !!!! the pic is so cute (just like u hehe <33) me too ARGH anytime with no bunny is a sad time ;;;
HAVE A GOOD REST LATER hope ur day has been nothing but kind to you!
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Carter Pille is based on the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. He is a 52 year old gifted human, drug kingpin, and uses he/him pronouns. He has the power of astral projection. Carter is portrayed by Billy Porter and he is open.
Carter Pille is not the first kind of person you would think of when it comes to illicit activities in the shadows of a city. Was it the brightly colored outfits? The musical theater records that filled the air of his office and apartment? Perhaps a mix of both? It would be hard to deny that those things didn’t have an effect on people’s perception of him but it was his attitude that really cause the cognitive dissonance between who he was and what he did. All of his life, Carter approached things with a quizzical look in an eye that never seemed to hold your gaze, a constant tilt to his lip that questioned what was expected versus all the other possibilities of what could be. Things with him were never quite what they seemed and he much preferred to go through his days without the doldrum of sobriety and reality. Even people with rose colored glasses were dull to him when compared to the technicolor haze he saw the world through. Substances were there to be worshipped and used and Carter made it his goal in life to spread their power, giving people exactly what they were looking for, even if they didn’t know what that was.
Though a reliable man when it came to getting what you needed, Carter was far from reliable when it came to anything else. At any given moment, it was hard to know what the man would do or if you’d get a straight answer from him and that was all a part of his allure. That and the fact he claimed his supply could give you powers - it turned out that it wasn’t the drugs, it was Carter. Without knowing how, or even bothering to question it, the man discovered at an early age that he could leave his body and go somewhere else. He thought it was his high but apparently not. It took a long time but eventually, after working hard to build his empire, Carter was able to take a break, letting his guys do the dirty work as he enjoyed the spoils. And enjoy them he did. There were hours were he would leave his body to explore, high as a kite both literally and figuratively and it was during a particularly unexceptional day when he managed to cross a line he was never supposed to. Evermore. Once he crossed into the property, Carter was pulled into the town and couldn’t leave. No matter, he quickly found a way to do what he did best without much bother about the whole thing. People needed things wherever they lived, especially if they were trapped there.
❀ Jenson Samuels: A for hire muscle that Carter has grown to favor in his line of work. Sometimes a message has to be sent and Jenson is very good at sending it
❀ Woodrow Pride: Carter can’t help but like running into Woody around Evermore. He knows the man would love nothing more than to catch him in the middle of something but it’s never going to happen and that is more entertaining than anything else
❀ Mary Sanderson: Out of all the sisters, Carter likes Mary the most and she seems to need him more than she might even be able to admit to herself. They have many quick chats and he looks forward to imparting his wisdom even if it make little sense
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nam-daeeun · 1 year
midnight thoughts // self-para
where : dae-eun's apartment when : shortly after this plot drop trigger warnings : mentions of death & police
i can't shake these midnight thoughts when i'm alone latching to my brain and never letting go so i'll start making friends with the noise in my head and all these midnight thoughts when I'm alone
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His hands trembled as he stared at the screen. He'd paused the news broadcast; his phone sat in silence on the table in front of him, information frozen mid-transit. The string of murders was bad enough: watching his new friends go through complete torture every week or so, not to mention losing someone he'd seen around the town only days prior was all taking a toll by itself. The previous victim being from his hometown hadn't done anything to ease the discomfort, either.
But now it was getting personal, and he was terrified. For someone that had so much experience when it came to writing about this sort of thing, he'd very rarely had any physical practice with going through it himself—and certainly none that hit as disturbingly close to home as this. Any danger he'd ever been in, well, he'd only ever had himself to worry about and blame. This was different.
They were targeting people now, and somehow his cousin had ended up on their list. Possibilities flashed through his head faster than he could think them through; reasons for the callout, affiliations he wouldn't know about, anything to try and figure out what was going on. It was possible that she was next: with her personality, Dae was certain Jieun had made enough enemies that it wouldn't be a surprise if she vanished. But his brain was primarily running in other directions.
What in the world had she gotten herself into? Was this text addressed to her? If so, then who was the subject of the text? Was it someone that had already died? His mind ran through the list of names: Woodrow Hearst, Louis Goodall, Jake, Vivi, Harlow Sotheby. There wasn't a visible connection between the five—and only one was still alive. He swallowed hard, leaning over to let the rest of the news broadcast play.
Naturally, the police department had declined to comment. There was no further information—no explanation of the account, just the mysterious, cryptic post. The broadcast went off shortly after. Dae leaned against the back of his couch, running a hand through his hair as he tried to process the information.
When the group chat started going off an hour or so later, he'd barely moved, laptop now in hand as he combed through Nightrest News archives for content. He glanced at the screen, not really paying attention until a specific message caught his eye.
Benito: I don't think they would have a choice once the press gets a hold of it. Benito: If they haven't already.
The older man was right. It was time to do what he did best: write.
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olcoron · 17 days
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((More writing prompts! This was on the spot although I could easily see it in book 2. Finding Home: Phoenix Rising is available now on Amazon. The group is talking about regrets.))
2. What is your character's biggest regret?
Micha sat quietly around the fire with her friends. Her best friend and someone who was as close to a sister as she could have, Leiliana. The broken boy who’d become so loyal and protective, Aiden. Last of course was her protector and sword, Zack. The night was cold so they all huddled close chatting with one another. Suddenly Leiliana asked a question that weighed down the moment. “Y’know I was thinkin’ iffen there was anything I regret.” Everyone looked at her. “I regret never punching Nostriel in the face.” She said with a little nod.
Micha snorted in amusement then covered her mouth to try and stifle her snicker. “Who’s that?” Aiden asked curiously. Leiliana rolled her eyes. “Nice version be she’s a bratty harlot who bullied Micha because she was better than that posh brat.” Now Aiden laughed and covered his mouth. Zack merely frowned. “Nice version huh?” Aiden smiled.
“I regret… not being able to help my friends…” Micha said softly in a somber tone. Zack understood who she was talking about but Leiliana took a moment. “Whot?! Y’do so much already.” But Micha looked at her sadly. “Amireth. Zevryyn…” It was hard for her to smile but for a fleeting moment she did. Aiden had been very close to Amireth and he instantly looked down at the fire. “I couldn’t heal her… I couldn’t bring her back… I couldn’t help Zevryyn out of trouble… that was all because of me.” She frowned.
“Don’t regret… Ami… She wouldn’t have wanted that.” Aiden said softly. “Zevryyn make choice. His. Not you.” Zack clarified. Micha smiled softly but their words didn’t really help. Aiden looked down with a frown. “I regret… not killing Woodrow when I had the chance.” This surprised the girls, as the vampire kept the boy to feed on for years. “There was one night he didn’t lock the cage… I could have killed him but… I was too scared… so I just ran… Which… obviously he caught up to me… Got worse after that…” Micha and Leiliana frowned while the ginger hugged Aiden. “Zack took care of that in the end, yea?” She smiled. Aiden looked up and at Zack, a teary smile on his face as he looked at his savior with a small nod. “In the best way possible.”
After a moment Leiliana got curious since Zack didn’t add to the conversation. Micha thought she knew what his regret was, which was why she didn’t ask. But Leiliana was a curious girl. “Whot ‘bout you Zack-a-roo?” He deeply frowned, almost scowling at the nickname. The huge barbarian crossed his arms over one another. “No regret.” Micha looked at him curiously. “None?” Leiliana asked.
“Regret make you look… erm back. Not see… where go. Can’t change so, no regret. Only change for.. Future.” He gave a single curt nod. Micha smiled softly and much to his annoyance, she hugged his arm. Causing him furrow his brows at her with a grumble. “You don’t say much but when you do… its always wise.” Aiden said with a soft smile. Zack just shook his head.
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allengreenfield · 1 year
Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State: Book Review for Real West Virginia UFOs
Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State
Combining the Fact with the Folklore
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Book Review for Real West Virginia UFOs
Title: Real West Virginia UFOs: Sightings and Close Encounters, Revised Edition
Author: Dave Spinks
Published by Starborn Illumination Publishing, 2022
Amazon Purchase Information
Dave Spinks' Website Information
After a two-year pandemic related hiatus, the annual Mothman Festival finally returned in September of 2022...and I'm pretty sure it was one of the largest paranormal events in history! So, needless to say, it was pretty crowded and pretty overwhelming, so much in fact that I really didn't get a chance to take many pictures or really do too many of my usual festival activities---except for one of my favorite activities: book buying!
No amount of crowds can stop me from taking advantage of having so many wonderful paranormal authors and vendors in one place. Yeah, most of the books that I buy at these types of events can be picked up online, through Amazon or the authors'/publishers' websites, but there's something really special about getting to meet the author in person. Even an introvert like me enjoys chatting about the paranormal with other paranormal enthusiasts. I love having the opportunity to add personally autographed books to my library. And, most importantly, I love directly supporting my friends and colleagues in the paranormal community. 
Among my pickups this year was Real West Virginia UFOs: Sightings and Close Encounters, by local author and researcher, Dave Spinks. As the title suggests, it is a compendium of UFO sightings in the Mountain State. Much of the book is laid out chronologically---each chapter covers a decade of UFO sightings in West Virginia, ranging from highly publicized cases such as the Flatwoods Monster incident and the Woodrow Derenberger encounter, to  never before reported sightings found only in this book. However, this book is more than just a laundry list of sightings; it is a fascinating look at how the history of West Virginia's ufology directly correlates with the history of ufology in the United States as a whole. 
For whatever reason, West Virginia is an absolute hot spot for UFO sightings and UFO-related phenomenon. This book is packed with information about eye-witness accounts, famous close-encounters, and the people/organizations who investigated them. Historically, there has been so much strangeness going on in the skies above the Mountain State and within the hills below, that we were chosen as an official spot for Project Ozma and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence! The huge radio telescope can be toured today at the Green Bank Observatory in Pocahontas County, and special SETI tours are offered periodically. 
Real West Virginia UFOs is a well-researched glimpse into that strangeness mentioned above. There's plenty of meat to each featured case to give readers a good, satisfying summary, but not so many details as to bog down the casual reader with unnecessary information. Resources and bibliography provided at the end are available for those who wish to deep-dive a little further into certain subjects discussed. Photographs of suspected UFOs are provided when available, and there's even a whole chapter contributed by Ron Lanham featuring cases sent into the Wild and Weird West Virginia High Strangeness Collective!  Overall, this is just a really fun, informative read about one side of West Virginia's unique history. Grab yourself a copy if you love anything to do with the strange and spooky history of the Mountain State, or pick up a copy for a friend or relative this holiday season---I'm sure this book will be the perfect stocking stuffer for the UFO enthusiast in your life!
Want MORE UFO content? Check out my post, UFO Tourism in West Virginia!
TheresaHPIR at 6:32:00 AM
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Winfield, West Virginia
Theresa is an investigator with Spectral Research and Investigation, based in Huntington, WV. She has over 20 years of investigation experience.
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randomrabbidramblings · 5 months
As someone who love/hate (for personal reasons) likes Valentine's Day, I'm currently on the same Phandrow boat as well!
And because I'm a sucker for Gothic romances and dark love stories, I was reminded last night, during a discord chat, about @bramble-scramble's take on Woodrow's love poetry. A curse so powerful that an act of true love can destroy the whole universe as we know it.
Imagine Woodrow, exhausted from the wrath of the Fates and of his own people, spending many moons writing the perfect love poem for Phantom out of spite. He is angry at the world and how it has given him this cruel existence, but his adoration for his musical lover is far stronger. Woodrow writes and, once he was finished, presents it on Valentine's Day. The day that has left him scorned and lonely for almost all his life. The poet spills every word like a game of Russian Roulette, tempting the Fates, tempting the lives of everyone, all for a declaration of unyielding passion.
And if the world does come to an end, at least Woodrow would finally have someone by his side.
A Woodrow fed up with the Fates' hate towards his poems is a recipe for disaster. Choosing to possibly put in danger not just himself this time, but existance itself to declare his love for Phantom is such a dreadful yet wonderful scenario.
On a positive note, the Fates hating Woodrow's poetry so much may result in them stopping him from ever reading such a powerful (and spiteful) poem the first place.
Woodrow planned every single thing for that evening so nothing could go wrong. They stood on the Bridge in a lovely night, Woodrow holding Phantom's hand tenderly. It was the perfect time for his poem, but just as he took his breath to recite it, Woodrow realized he completely forgot every single word of it. The Fates got rid of it before it left the poet's mouth. Even if it meant Woodrow would not get punished, the Fates couldn't even bear to hear this one.
Meanwhile Phantom is just staring at him lovestruck, not even fazed by Woodrow's inner freak out, lol.
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themoderndana · 2 years
Washington Day 2
On Friday, we got a bit of a late start - I did some work in the morning and some reading. By the time we rolled our bikes downtown, it was after noon. We had a very ambitious agenda, but detoured to check out a chunk of the Berlin Wall, which is in a confusing complex named after Woodrow Wilson and a number of other presidents.
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I have seen the Berlin Wall in person before, but never as it was on the day the wall came down. This piece is right next to the security checkpoint which appears at the entrance to all federal buildings in DC. Stan was born in Soviet Ukraine and spent the first few years of life there, so the fall of the Berlin Wall has a little more significance to him than just an interesting historical event.
From there, we went to the old postal service building, which has been converted into a sumptuous Waldorf Astoria. It used to be Trump International but no one wanted to stay at it, and ownership finally transferred just this summer.
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(Photo from an article about the hotel, where you can see its lounge and one of the rooms.) Today the National Park Service controls only the bell tower, which was our destination. There are three park rangers on staff: one on the ground floor, and one at the top of each of the elevators you have to take to the top.
In between the two elevators, is the platform where ten red, white, and blue bell ropes hang. It was explained that a quarter peal takes a half hour, a half peal takes an hour and a full peal takes three to six hours (or something like that). Bell ringers must be able to stand and go without food or water for the duration of the event. If they get dragged up to the ceiling by the rope, the other bellringers have to drag them back down. I'm not saying I would want that to happen if I were a volunteer, but that would be some story!
Here is some more information about English change-ringing bells - which is the distinct style of bell ringing practiced in the old post office tower - from the society in charge of ringing these bells.
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View of the Capitol building from the belltower. The disappointing thing about the view was that it was interrupted every 1.5" by these wires that prevent people from falling out of the tower. So I didn't get many good pictures and we didn't stay long.
On the ride up in the elevator, we were joined by a dorky professor with a backpack who seemed to be playing hooky from a conference. While chatting about how we would get back down from the top (same elevator down?) Stan joked that we would actually be required to climb down, and the professor laughed. He made a crack about rappelling down and maybe that was a highlight of his trip. More banter ensured, each of us imagining our small group performing parkour off the bell tower.
Later Stan explained that what he tries to do is not just amuse people, but to have them imagine themselves in another possible life.
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After the Bell Tower, we took a trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History! Science and curio!
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Very large geode
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Above, the wetlands display. This is what I was kind of expecting from a Natural History Museum. This is the way they used to make them. Catalogues of taxidermy with little to no explanation whatsoever.
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The Smithsonian has progressed from a mere inventory of the natural world, pinned to a display case under glass, to containing loads of information about the world the animal lived in. More pictures will follow in a subsequent post from when I returned to the museum to snap more photos to remember more.
Here is a website about the Hope Diamond, which also appears at the museum. Apparently it is cursed. Even the mailman, who delivered the Hope to the museum, suffered an early and painful death!
Smithsonian Castle, below.
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One thing I did not expect about DC is that is a very different climate with different flowers, trees and plants. I was expecting like the same variety as here, except "more fall colours". There are lots of gardens with everything they can grow on display. Bear in mind it was already the first week of October and there were still plenty of flowers out on display.
We walked through the Castle gardens on the way to the National Museum of the American Indian.
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The States have a history of violent oppression, treaty breaking and wholesale land thievery just like Canada. They found all kinds of ways to be cruel and discriminatory and it's amazing that there are any Indians left today. The history of land dispossession took many forms; one was the Indian Removal Act passed fifty years after the American Revolution. Like in Canada, many Indian people in the states live in poverty while the lands they were forced off of provide wealth to the dispossessor.
The Eisenhower memorial was striking and it was one of my favourites. It is laid out in a long rectangular plaza and covers the man's life from boyhood to WWII; here is a small part of it:
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To be a monument in Washington, there are 3 requirements:
Meaningful quotes in somber capitals
A place you can visit, observe, walk through
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Just some very expensive public art that makes the city a better place to be.
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The Museums all close at 530PM, and after that we rode home on Stan's bicycles. That evening Stan made us dinner (sausages and cauliflower roasted in the over and dosed with a healthy portion of salty spice mix. chef's kiss!) and afterwards we were supposed to go to a party for Ukrainians. I put my foot down and said I was going to stay in, too tired to have fun with the Ukrainians even if it was in Obama's neighbourhood and there could be passed canapes. Stan unexpectedly chose not to go out and we spent a really fun evening hanging out. I drank the best beer of my LIFE (a sour brown ale with an owl on the label) and listened to songs Stan would play if he were DJing in a dark bar in East Berlin where depressed people go to dance, if they must, whatever. We also heard some tunes from some local DC bands that were really great. It was an awesome night in and I ended up staying up much later than expected.
That was Friday!
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