#chayanne sick fic
crows-father · 1 year
Phil makes his way outside, sitting himself down on the edge of the wall. His talons hang off freely, the overcloak he always wore thrown lamely off to the side and his wings outstretched but limply hanging around him. Feathers scraping the concrete as he plucks and threads his fingers through them. It doesn't hurt. Not really. But it does make his wings look ugly, unfortunately.
He breathes out, guilt clogging up. Over Chayanne. Of course, Chayanne's thought pattern branches Phil's mind out to Tallulah. Then, the guilt from leaving without talking to Missa.
But he can't. If he faced the other, he was almost positive the building tears might pour in geysers. Phil managed to push it down now, aside from the few tears he shed making his way out, pressing the emotion down until the tears dried into nothing but an intense, pounding pressure.
His wings twitch. More than anything, he wishes he could push off and fly around. Just for a little while. Just until everything hurt a little less.
But when his feet brace the wall and he shoves himself off, wind snapping at clothes and messy, knotted hair alike, he doesn't go up. No matter how hard his wings beat, he can't.
So he plummets, then he glides. It's all he can do, working his wings our of muscle memory to ensure the tears don't return. While he turns those words over in his mind.
God. He wishes he could say coming to this island was a mistake, but he can't stomach the idea of not ever meeting that kid. His son.
His.... son....
The days pass. Phil smiles when Missa asks where he went, and he pulls the coat tighter over himself. His sword is back into its spot, no longer covered in the thick monster blood, and the night as passed again without an hour of sleep.
All he can do is apologize softly, and all is well. They're both ignoring their own fight. Phil, for the sake of Chayanne, ignores theirs as well.
All is well.
Tallulah isn't talking much, lately, either. She avoids looking at Chayanne, only coming out of her newfound shell when it's only Phil in the room. She shows him her new music, her art, the (admittedly confusing) stories she's been writing. He just smiles and ruffles her hair, braiding it in the mornings and before bed. In return, she spends her time pretending she can't see the bags under his eyes.
All is well.
Missa doesn't seem to notice too much is wrong as Phil tentatively returning to hovering over Chayanne. He doesn't want the kid leaving or doing too much labor, especially as he develops the cough directly after. Phil feared it may be another illness, but so far it seemed alright.
Exhausted, it's one night when he remembers the event going on. With a heaved sigh, he mentions it blankly, startling when both kids jump on the chance to get him out of the house. Tallulah insists on helping with his hair, Chayanne confirming it was a good idea.
Phil decided to go, in the end. Just for the night. Exhaustion bogging every step, misery in his joints, he goes.
He might as well try to have fun, for a little while.
(Somehow, seeing the others with each other makes him want to claw his hair out. So he takes another drink. Asks for something harder, stronger, and only then does he start to feel a little better, leaning on Quackity on the way out.)
(What a hellhole of an island, honestly. No matter how much he loved the people on it.)
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caramelteaa · 4 months
Qsmp but it's the owl house au art/doodle dump
Welcome to the Crow House!
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Philza the Crow Man. A powerful witch that lives in the forest. Seldom appears in public except when he's in town to sell potions and interesting nick-nacks.
(does not have a permit to sell stuff)
Has made peace with his curse and can turn into crow mode on command. Still pretty powerful just not as he used to.
Is not in any coven.
Had two kids before Chay and Lullah
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Techno and Ghastly(oc)
(old assigned name was Blade and Phantom)
Orphans that Phil found in the forest. They were not born hybrids. First batch of the only survivors from the Federation experiment in creating powerful hybrids when back then normal demon-witch hybrids were rare.
Self proclaimed twins, they agreed on Techno being older by 5 minutes.
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Their souls were linked :)
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Design wise Techno was a hybrid with some sort of boar demon, physically he was very strong for his age.
Ghastly was a hybrid I took inspiration from Phantom and Ghostbur(my oc now bitch)
They both went under a lot of growing pain. Magic wise they were powerful but had difficulty controlling them, especially Techno, Phil helped a lot.
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Inspired by toh episode promo arts
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Chayanne was found by Missa during his stay at Quesadilla Island, and decided to stay for longer to raise him. At some point Chayanne got very sick and Missa cannot heal him, leading him to search for the mysterious Crow Man from the forest.
Lullah was separated from her siblings during "the crash". She lived on her own in the wild for two months, until she was lead to the Crow House by a ghost in mirrors and puddles when she ask them to take her home.
Dapper I haven't got to into details, but they might be the source where the Federation got their hands on genes of shape shifting. He was kept with the other hybrid witches so she would learn their behaviors and grew along side them.
This is purely for fun and might not be super fleshed out. Feel free to ask questions, I may have answers or have to think of one(which is good!)
No this would not be a comic or fic I'm sorry these are like for me to have them rotating in me brain :)
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I hope you feel better soon <3 For the sick fic prompts - I would love some Death Family content if you feel like it.
I am suffering, but thank you. A few more days.
You didn't say who was ill so I rolled dice about it and still ended up with the kids ^^ But, I'm a little happier writing the adults, and still not still brain, so you're getting my easiest <3 (I say. Please assume Missa is mostly speaking Spanish, I just don't and also really struggle reading things which jump languages in dialogue for more than a word or two)
It is not quite warning when something wakes Missa up. He rubs his eyes and rolls over to find the lamp switch. Behind him he hears Philza grumble, already sitting up, and something like coughing from the foot of the bed.
That would be it, then.
The lamp flickers on and there, stood by there doorway, is Chayanne. Missa's little boy looks pale and a little unsteady, sniffling a bit.
"Hey Chayanne," Philza finds his words first. "Are you not feeling well?"
Shaky fingers sign, "Tallulah keeps sneezing, and it woke me up."
Missa and Philza share a look.
"I'll go check on her," Philza replies. "Why don't you come curl up with your papa Missa?"
Still waking up, Missa nonetheless opens his arms for his son. Chayanne nods, stumbling a little as he hurries over and sits himself on Missa's lap. His head rests against his shoulder, and that's definitely a fever.
"Good morning, Chayanne," Missa speaks quietly as he hugs him. "Do you think you can sleep more?"
Chayanne shakes his head, and Missa isn't surprised, but he does have to hide a groan as he gets out of bed.
2am. Lovely.
As he stands he does not let go of Chayanne. His son is getting a little big for being carried these days, but if Missa balances carefully it is still perfectly possible.
"Shall we go find some medicine? And make something warm for your throat?"
The nodding against Missa's chest is miserable; he ignores the snot being rubbed into his nightwear, and the sweat in Chayanne's hair as he kisses the top of his head. Together they head down to the kitchen, able to ear the quiet noise of Philza checking on their daughter.
In the kitchen, Chayanne gets sat on the counter. He whines a bit when it happens, but Missa quickly fills his hands with a jug, a juicer, and a few halved lemons.
"Do you want to squeeze these into the bowl while I find the medicine?"
Despite being ill, Chayanne remains enthusiastic about such things; Missa makes him properly blow his nose, then leaves him squeezing the lemons while he looks for the medicine. It is not that medicine generally is difficult to find in their house - Philza always makes sure they have a good and in date supply - but rather it is hard to find the specific ones.
Both Chayanne and Tallulah are too young for the cough syrup, so Missa just grabs the calpol instead. He double checks the instructions - yes, it is the right bottle - and finds the spoons.
The larger spoon for Chayanne, the smaller one for Tallulah.
Tallulah is not here yet, though, so Missa just measures out the one dose. He makes a quick note of the time, and goes back to where his son is fighting the lemons.
"Here we go!" Missa hides a yawn in his elbow. "Medicine's ready."
Chayanne really must be feeling rough, poor boy, as he takes it without complaint. He still grimaces when he swallows, and Missa throws the spoon in the sink to wash up once it is actually daytime.
"Good boy," is the praise given. "You'll be okay."
Chayanne stares back and, clearly done with the lemons, sets them aside. "My throat maybe hurts a little bit," he signs.
Missa nods sympathetically, "That's what the lemon juice is for. I just need to..." he reaches over, checks there is water in the kettle and flicks it on. "Hot honey and lemon. Once it's made, we can go drink it in bed."
"In your bed?" Chayanne replies, shivering a little.
"Of course in my bed! We'll tuck you and Tallulah in the middle."
That seems to satisfy him long enough for Missa to make four mugs of honey and lemon. By the time he has them, Philza has come through, carrying a tired and sneezing Tallulah with him.
"Medicine spoon is on the counter with the bottle," Missa tells him.
"Cheers king," Philza gives him a tired smile, and goes to get it.
Meanwhile, Missa picks Chayanne back up, finding a way to hold him with one arm and also balance the tray of mugs. It is a little awkward, especially with doors, but they make it safely to the bedroom.
Missa sits, and Chayanne wriggles firmly into his lap, and they both take their mugs of honey and lemon in hand. He sips at it with one hand, and uses the other to tuck some of the blankets around his sick little boy.
"You'll feel better soon," he promises. "Just a few days."
"Like when Dad was ill?" Chayanne signs back.
It is a little more awkward to see at this angle, especially with Chayanne also tucked in blankets and juggling a mug. Missa, however, can still just about parse it.
Philza was ill, though? Of course the man gets sick, but...
"Yes," Missa decides to reply, because whenever it happened Philza is better now. "Just like that. You'll feel yucky for a few days, but your dad and I are here and it'll all be okay."
Chayanne gets another kiss to the top of his head, and that is when the door opens and Philza appears with Tallulah. Their - /their/ - daughter is barely awake enough to drink her lemon and honey, but manages it with a little help with the cup.
As soon as his drink is finished, Chayanne clings to her elbow. Once her drink is done, she clings back.
"Okay," Phil breathes out. "It's half two in the morning. Let's all get some sleep, and after breakfast we'll just curl up and watch some videos or something."
"Papa? Can you sing?" Tallulah asks.
"If you and Chayanne tuck up and go to sleep, I'm sure Missa will sing for you," Philza replies.
"Eh?" Missa isn't adverse to singing, but his guitar is in the other room and - and Tallulah looks at him with big, watery eyes. "Yes, yes I can sing! What song do you two like?"
"Jortstorm," Tallulah spells out.
Chayanne does not give a reply, just adjusts his postition until he is between Missa and Tallulah, and snuggled into them both.
"Jortstorm?" Missa mouths at Philza.
Philza laughs, "one of Charlie's. Here, I can help?"
Missa has absolutely no idea what he is singing, and really prefers to sing something he as practiced when he has an audience. Still, if it's what is sick children want...
... He survives the song, somehow, and might see if he can't work out a Spanish version for next time they ask.
Still, somehow, by the end of the song both of their kids are sound asleep. Both have mild fevers, and keep coughing and sniffling, but it does not seem to be waking them up.
Missa leans hard against the headboard.
"Chayanne said you'd been ill," he quietly says.
Philza shrugs, and looks back, "it happens sometimes."
"You didn't tell me."
"You were working. I didn't want to worry you."
Missa would have come back. Philza knows that, right? If he knew he was needed, he would have come back.
Philza must see the look on his face as he says, "it was just a cold; I was fine."
"You were sick."
And Philza yields, not in response but by not responding at all.
Missa reaches across their children, and holds his hand.
"We are partners, no? Together? So tell me what is wrong."
"I'm okay now," Philza promises. "We... I'll explain once the kids are feeling better."
"Alright," children first, that makes sense. "But you /will/ tell me. About your wings, too."
"Good night, Missa."
Philza takes Missa's hand, and pretends to fall immediately asleep.
... It can wait until a reasonable hour of the morning, Missa supposes; he curls around Chayanne's back, protecting him just as Philza is protecting Tallulah. The children are sick, but safe, and someone will wake if anything is wrong.
"Good night, my family," Missa whispers to them all.
His hand is squeezed, and his children shift under joined arms.
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becauseplot · 8 months
YEAAH!! YEAHHH!!! Okay okay okay so I meant to ramble more earlier when you initially responded to my ask and then I got sleepy and conked out and now it's super early for me, nailed it lmaooo. so anyway just like a couple things i noticed abt this scene *rolls out a scroll of notes, the bottom hits the floor and bounces out the door cartoon-style*
Chayanne gives Cellbit a rose!! Idk if Rose still has influence here (I'll have to sift through Phil's VOD to see if he says anything abt Rose, yesterday I mainly watched Cellbit's POV) but he's protected now!! That kinda folds him into Phil's "closer" circle of friends/family since it's primarily them who carries the roses for protection so!!!!! I'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TEA!! Yes the tea the way the tea immediately broaches the topic of purgatory, and yeah the audible wince in Phil's voice after Cellbit says the tea triggers him and Phil agrees. Yeah it's so shit and they're both so sick of it but it's so OP. Phil survivalist (hardcore) :handshake: Cellbit survivalist (hunger games/"The War"), do and use what is necessary to keep yourself alive.
And AAA!! Yes, okay okay so like you remember that idea abt Phil and Cellbit having late-night convos at the Order pre-purgatory? This is basically that!! It's late at night, they're getting caught up with each other, they've both got the shitass tea and it's going cold and!! In my head this scene goes on for a full night and they just sit and talk and talk and talk, eventually conking out when it's late, just like old times EXCEPT THEY HAVE THEIR KIDS NOW WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER, THEIR DESIRE TO FIND THEIR KIDS, AND THEY FOUND THEM!!! (I should write a fic i NEED to write a fic, me vs the 754389 wips in my brain; in my head they still had late night convos in purgatory when their "play time" timers lined up, phil waking up early enough and cellbit staying up late enough for them to talk while the others slept)
The way Cellbit still minces his words abt what he and Bags did post-purg 1 "we had our fun...bolas...style..." is it because he thinks Phil will think less of him? because there's children present? because his SON is present? idk how much Richas knows abt what Cellbit did in purgatory, Richas *did* rescue him while he was fighting eye workers but does he know about Cellbit hunting fellow players for sport? what Cellbit did to his pai Pac? I NEED ANSWERS
Phil's "Dude! No! Oh my god... D:" to when Cellbit says Roier was better off without him. PHIL WAS AT THEIR WEDDING. HE TOOK THE GODDAMN PHOTOS OF THEM AT THEIR WEDDING. HE SAW HOW HAPPY THEY WERE, HOW HAPPY ROIER WAS, WHEN THEY WERE REUNITED IN PURGATORY. Phil isn't close enough to Roier nor speaks to him enough to really understand the full extent of Roier's grief after purgatory 1, but it's gotta be hard for Phil to imagine Roier happy with Cellbit gone. Whether he believes it when Cellbit says "yeah Roier told me he was better" (doied WHEN I GET YOU---) is up for debate but I think about this constantly.
Phil fucking laughing when Cellbit admits he ate some of the eye workers fhdjsk. I can't get over the combo of Cellbit POV (in character thinking: "I'm terrible I'm a cannibal I'm a monster") vs Philza POV (cc who laughs at everything that is even remotely cursed) honestly, taking this as in-character (bc ccPhil doesn't mute his mic to laugh and he...usually does that for ooc bits while in the middle of rp), it says a lot abt qPhil that he's able to just laugh abt an admission of eating corpses. ethics who? geneva convention who? qPhil doesn't know her. munch on those eye workers king they're dickheads. (fuck, DOES qPhil know that Cellbit is a cannibal, as in, he has eaten not just workers but other players?? hmmm...)
"I'm sorry I couldn't do much as bolas leader" "It's better that you didn't see us...I think you'll be disappointed" "oh I could never be disappointed what do you mean shut up *laughs*" GODDDDDDDD also Cellbit trying to say he got worse after purg 1 and Phil saying "nah bolas is already at ground level" (either not understanding or indirectly reiterating that he won't condemn Cellbit for his actions, I can't tell) and then Cellbit just,, going with it. because it's not worth it to argue and he's trying to move past all of that now anyway. (QCELLBIT PROCESS YOUR TRAUMA CHALLENGE LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE)
watching Phil's POV now and HFDJSK you can't hear it on Cellbit's stream but Phil catches Richas as they're both leaving and says quietly, "Take care of your dad, Richas, n' take care." I'M 💥💥💥💥 (<-banging table)
Anyway!! This is what happens when the two characters I'm obsessed with interact for the first time in months. Over-analyzing a 5 minute convo. Sorry, it will happen again :] Praying they stay as neighbors I'd love to see archivists have more interactions!! And yes yes yes yes the tea parties with the kids!! Phil routinely chatting with Cellbit and watching him slowly "regain his color" as he settles back into peaceful life post-purgatory, falls in love with enigmas again. They've always trusted each other when they don't trust themselves, and they're both a Stable Point for the other. I'll miss what we never got to have with the leaders-of-the-Order-having-meetings ideas (timezones, wails) but I'm so excited for new island mysteries!! :D
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tacomedli · 10 months
(I meant to finish this weeks ago--)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
hi bee I AM FINALLY READING UR QSMP ONE SHOTS WOOOO i've literally been meaning to forever 😭😭😭
it's just a constant war of procrastination between wanting to properly catch up on qsmp (even tho ik i could totally understand them without watching !! i just wanna get a feel for how the ccs act n stuff in character :o) vs needing to read all of ur fics .
anyways the procrastination of my essay due in two days has chosen for me LMFAOOOWAEFIJAWKE (don't worry i will work on it... just after a nice treat from ur latest one shot ^-^)
dadza knows his egg children :( i will cry i will sob
i loveee how you added in them speaking through sign language, that's so cool man !!! aaaaa and how personal it feels to both of them i'll cry eueueue
She was a natural-born storyteller, just like Wilbur.
He’d stared at the writhing mass of wires and binary code that wore his son’s face, and slammed his axe straight into its chest. Its blue eyes had turned green as lines of code ran behind them, only to fade to black once it was dead.
the IMAGERY ohmygod
Phil hadn’t felt anything but rage when he drove that axe into its chest. But maybe he should’ve felt more.
okay . maybe i will attempt my essay now that i've been refreshed with bee fic awesomeness o7
oh god no not an essay I hope you're able to get it done in time 😭
aaa thank you I had so much fun describing all the little ways the kids could've looked off in that stream. I was going for an uncanny valley kind of thing. there's nothing blatantly wrong, but it's just too many little things that are too perfect to be real.
I also had so much fun describing the sign language. I definitely struggle with writing signing in the sense that I always debate whether to keep the sentences closer to direct interpretations/translations or to lean into the interpretation side of things since the text is an interpretation of what they're saying and isn't exact. but when it comes to describing how someone signs like how their hands move and all I enjoy diving into that because it's essentially how you describe someone's tone of voice, but in a completely different way than what i'm used to. I just love sign language man I need to practice my own signing more
I was very happy with those lines you pointed out :) both the cuteness of the storyteller one, but also the description of phil killing the fake chayanne. I loved imagining how the binary monster chayanne and tallulah could've looked. like were they more magic or robotic? bc a mass of flying binary code technically would look closer to magic in a realistic setting, but I thought a more robotic vibe would represent what it is a bit more accurately
I love phil man I love his complicated feelings towards not having complicated feelings about killing monstrous clones of his own children like he's such a messy guy and keeps his emotions ten feet away from himself at all times i love digging into him
good luck with your essay!!!
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For the first time I complete a challenge! Specifically @whumpcember Everything in here is a QSMP fic, some of them are in my xcom au. Majority is Tazercraft, there's also some Philza&Missa QPPs, Philza/&Forever (read as you wish), various combos of Brazilians, Foolish&Leo, BBH angst, and even a tiny bit of Pac angst set in Purgatory! Oh and a mini study of Jaiden in purgatory I love that one.
It's not even all the horrible times I wrote this month, just the 31 for this
List below cut. With different summaries to the actual fic ones lol. Do double check TWs on the fic tags, the endings are happy or at least hopeful UNLESS specified otherwise. I've not double checked the links >.<. They're all fun in their own ways, but I bolded some of my favourites.
The Final Day Before The End . Pac looks after the other members of Soulfire on the last day of purgatory. T rated, prompt: fever
Bury Me In Satin . Forever is suffering with the Shadow Virus. He's looked after. M rated, tw: fever vomiting near death experiences. prompt: sickness
Faith and Trust on Torment Island . Forever gets to learn about Philza's birdhouse times. T rated, tw: dissociation & derealisation. prompt: hypothermia
Bloody Fingers . 100 words on the fact BBH is dying and hiding it. M rated, tw: majory character sickness, no happy ending. prompt: hidden injury
Live Like You're Dying . Missa does his best to protect Richarlyson from an errant Code, and uses his body to do so. M rated, tw: temporary character death, major character injury, altered respawn mechanics, mercy killing. prompt: impaled
Monsters in the Bedroom . Ramón, and nightmares. T rated, tw: implied child abuse, character dies but its only a dream. Prompt: nightmares
Mistakes Were Made . Pac goes to bug Forever on Richarlyson's command, and finds him passing out. He and Mike look after him. T rated, tw: disordered eating. Prompt: fainting
Duerme Pequeño . XCOM AU. Trump is alone in the dark, until someone comes for him. (Max and A1 are also here). T rated, tw: child abuse & neglect (not by QSMP characters). Prompt: isolation
Salvation . Quackity drowns and has his memory ripped away. T rated, tw: drowning, torture, memory loss, bad ending. Prompt: brainwashing
The Other Piece Of Me . Mike wakes up in the Order hospital. G rated, tw: hospitals. Prompt: Freezing
Sick Day . FitPac sickfic. The most generic sickfic in the world. There is soup. G rated, no tw, prompt: illness
The Beaten and The Damned . Roier has a horrible time now left alone on the island. Kidnapping is almost pleasant for him. M rated, tw: kidnapping, referenced canon character death, open ending (bad but there's /some/ hope). prompt: Touch Starved
Sensory . Cellbit gets chained up and blindfolded. Experience his time and rescue through his other senses! T rated, tw: kidnapping, injury. Prompt: restraints
Blessed Be The Martyr . Character study of Jaiden in Purgatory. M rated, tw: canonical temporary character death. Prompt: Cornered
Vision, Reality, Diety, Friend . Tallulah and Chayanne wake Fit up because something is wrong with Philza. The visions are proven more terrifying and tangeable than they seemed. T rated, tw: burns, unreality, mindfuckery, vomiting, breathing problems, serious injuries with no access to proper medical care. Prompt: Hallucinations
Remind Me How It Feels To Hear Your Voice. XCOM au. Mike has his mind ripped apart by a Cucurucho with psychic powers. He is rescued, and reunited with people. M rated, tw: kidnapping, torture, psychic violence, actual violence, serious injuries, hospitals, imprisonment, self-sacrifice, self-neglect, memory fuckery. Prompt: Head Injury
Book, Blackstone, Blaze Rod, Quartress . Philza's PoV of 15. Another Diety contacts Philza. She proves herself real, but people get hurt. T rated, tw: burns, unreality, mindfuckery, vomiting, breathing problems, serious injuries with no access to proper medical care. Prompt: Fire
Like Any Other Tuesday . Lich!Missa AU. 100 words on Missa and pain. G rated, no tw. prompt: Chronic Pain
Melodies Stuck Inside Your Head . XCOM AU Forever and Cellbit watch as a kidnapped Mike telepathically contacts Pac while in grevious trouble. Alt PoV of part of chapter 1 of 'Remind Me How It Fells To Hear Your Voice'. T rated, tw: assumed character death (he's okay but the grief is heavy). Prompt: Exhaustion
And The World Burns Turqouise . Mike tries to wake up while asleep. T rated, tw: nausea, hallucinations, aftermath of drug use (kelp cocaine). Prompt: drugs
Our Memory Will Be My Lullaby . XCOM AU. Felps get a call at 1am. It's Pac, under attack, with vital information, and having just watched Mike be kidnapped. T rated, tw: Open Ending (proven fine in another fic but this fic ends bad), offscreen kidnapping. Prompt: tears
Oh, Won't You Sing Me To Sleep Now? . XCOM AU. Pac's PoV of 21, plus some after. M rated, tw: Open Ending (proven fine in another fic but this fic ends bad), kidnapping, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, depression, blood, broken bones. prompt: Sacrifice
On A Bed Of Roses . An alt end to Forever's possession arc, in which he dies but Rose lets him respawn unpossessed. Philza has a horrific time. Read just chapter 1 for a bad ending, 2 as well for a good one. M rated, tw: temporary character death, self-harm, grief. Prompt: Begging
Orange Juice and Cookies. Forever does a silly and gets work. Cellbit looks after him, but is frustrated about it. t rated, TW: blood, gunshot wounds, ill-advised medical techniques, everyone's being a bit of a bitch but domestic too. Prompt: bullet
Hold The Last Burning Ember. XCOM AU. Felps has been rescued but is in a coma after brain surgery, Forever tries to look after him. All of the other Brazilians are missing, and Forever loves them as family but has no idea if they're safe. M rated, tw: heavy grief, mental health issues, depression, major character injury, offscreen torture, linear narrative split by non-linear flashback sequence, unethical military practices, lack of proper medical care due to fic circumstances. Prompt: Coma
You're Okay, You're Alright . Philza gets a new poison which prevents him healing, and fully expects to die. He is saved, however. no respawn au. M rated, tw: blood, needles, major character injury, hospitals (order med bay), implied temporary character death. Prompt: Collapse
Despite All This Waiting Tragedy . XCOM AU. A civilian rescue mission goes horribly wrong. Everyone gets out alive, but it's not pretty. M rated, tw: blood, explosions, nausea, head injuries, major character injury, near death experiences, hospitals, possession, lack of proper medical care due to not having access. Prompt: Bleeding Out
All Ye Who Enter Here . 100 words of purgatory vibes. G rated, no warnings. Prompt: abandoned
29. 'Til Hell Starts To Freeze . XCOM AU. SpiderBit meet cute in which Roier is an assassin and Cellbit is undercover in the (au version of) the Federation who killed his mark. But got a little stabbed in the process. T rated, tw: blood, murder. Prompt: Stabbed
30. Butterfly and Pa . Foolish can't find Leo. Turns out she's sick, and delerious, and her fever made her wander. T rated, tw: sick child. Prompt: delerium
31. Can I Do Anything When I'm Also Missing? . Pac and Mike as homeless teenagers, having just finished picking pockets to get money for the night. Pac is sick, and Mike steals medicine, and mostly just looks after him. T rated, tw: homelessness, sick child, violence to child, theft. Prompt: homelessness
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