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A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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collapsedsquid · 4 months
A few months ago, I bought a $60 toaster on Amazon that just would not heat up enough to toast bread. I wanted my money back. But repackaging the toaster and dropping it off at a post office seemed like too much of a hassle. So I did something slightly nefarious: I logged on to Amazon, opened the customer-service chat window, and told the outsourced worker on the other end that my toaster had never arrived. The agent apologized, asked zero follow-up questions, and immediately refunded me $60. I had committed a common, low-grade version of a type of fraud that has proliferated in recent years as massive online retailers flood the world with packages and offer customers frictionless returns. Often referred to simply as refunding, it involves finding ways to get money back for products people have not actually returned. A lot of refunding is perpetrated by sophisticated cybercriminals who trick retailers and shipping companies at scale, obtaining high-value products in bulk and reselling them online to customers who want watches, computers, or other expensive items for cheap. According to a December 2023 report from the National Retail Federation, retailers lost $101 billion from return fraud last year. Refunding first emerged alongside the early-2010s explosion in online retail and typically involved simple methods like buying items and claiming they never arrived (like my toaster). But as companies caught on, tactics evolved. In 2019, a fraudster who went by Bob published Bob’s Refunding eBook, which collected a number of methods that had been circulating on hacker forums and other underworld sites. (Nowadays, such tips circulate mostly on Telegram, the anonymous chat app on which much contemporary fraud is coordinated. The community is crass, like 4chan refitted for the zoomer mind: Refunding chat rooms with thousands of members host a flood of racist memes, slurs, cat GIFs, and extreme porn mixed in with advice on fraud methods.) Bob is credited in fraud circles with popularizing FTID — Fake Tracking ID, wherein the scammer returns an empty box to a retailer but edits the shipping label provided by the company to an address that is slightly different from the warehouse where returns are meant to go. The package gets scanned by, say, UPS when it’s picked up, allowing the customer to claim a refund, but it will never arrive at its destination.
New SBF just dropped
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mariacallous · 5 months
More than two-thirds of the Russian tanks that Ukraine’s military has destroyed in recent months have been taken out using first-person-view (FPV) drones, a NATO official told Foreign Policy, an increasing sign of Kyiv’s reliance on the unpiloted aircraft as it awaits more artillery ammunition from the United States and other Western countries. 
With much-needed funding and artillery rounds held up in Washington, the Ukrainian military has largely turned to FPV drones to carry out anti-tank attacks. Ukrainian troops operate the drones via a controller and are able to watch the machines’ “suicide” attacks on Russian vehicles through video feeds, which now play on a loop on Ukrainian social media channels on Telegram and other platforms.
In the third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion, FPV drones have become nearly ubiquitous on the Ukrainian battlefield. Many of them can carry 10 pounds of explosives or more, and after nearly 780 days of nonstop war, drone pilots on both sides have gotten plenty of practice. 
“I used to shoot such ‘cinematic’ videos with the help of FPV-drones before the war,” Ukrainian documentary filmmaker Anton Ptushkin posted on X (formerly Twitter) last November. “Now we use FPV to defend our land.” 
But for every success, there are nearly as many blooper reel-worthy incidents. These aren’t the $20 million-a-piece Predator drones that the United States uses to hunt terrorist targets in the Middle East. These are inexpensive off-the-shelf drones that go for $400. They have cheap cameras, making them more difficult to aim at night or in cloudy weather, and they often carry improvised munitions such as grenades or homebuilt bombs, which sometimes detonate midflight. Some are duds. In one video shared on Telegram, a Ukrainian FPV drone gets stuck in the front window of a Russian minivan and doesn’t explode. Others hit Russian quadcopters and tanks that have already been abandoned. “What we’re seeing probably is a fraction of what’s actually happening,” said Samuel Bendett, an advisor at CNA and a member of the think tank’s Russia studies program. “FPV drones have a short range. So even if the Ukrainians lack enough long-range artillery, they can only use a few drones up to 10 kilometers [about 6 miles] because that’s the normal range.”
Analysts tracking the Ukrainian military believe the attacks are having mixed results. Rob Lee, a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Eurasia program who last traveled to Ukraine to embed last November, said the overall accuracy of FPV drones is less than 50 percent. It’s an experienced pilot who is going to score a “kill” of a tank—and the soldiers inside—with an FPV drone, not a newbie.
Even those drones that get through Russia’s increasingly sophisticated, if unchic, countermeasures—boxes of signals equipment strapped to tanks—might not deal a fatal blow. “You usually don’t kill a tank the first few times,” Lee said. “It can take 10 or more [FPV drones] to kill a tank.” 
Still, Russia has a good reason to cover up its tanks with camouflage and jamming equipment, Lee said. It is running low on armored vehicles and tanks. If Ukraine keeps attriting at this rate and Russia keeps sending in more tanks to replace the destroyed ones at the rate it has been, the Kremlin could lose its numerical edge in tanks, which could make it more difficult for the Russians to carry out offensive operations in the future. 
But Russia still has more troops. “The issue is that Russia’s getting a lot of manpower,” Lee added.
The all-out use of cheap drones indicates that the Ukrainians are turning to increasingly desperate measures to improvise weapons to fight back the Russian assault, which has moved farther west into the contested areas of Donetsk. Ukraine is using a network of microphones—similar to the one you might find on your iPhone—to sense incoming targets. The microphones are good enough to classify what type of munition is coming in, what direction it’s going, and what trajectory it’s on just by using acoustics. 
And with limited air defense munitions, Ukrainian troops have rigged heavy machines with sensors to shoot down most of the Iranian-made Shahed suicide drones that are overflying their positions. The NATO official, speaking anonymously based on conditions set by the alliance, said Ukraine’s hit rate against Shahed drones with simple machine guns and small caliber weapons is about 80 percent. It’s not a complete fix, though: Ukrainian officials have spent recent days urging the United States to send more Patriot air defense systems. 
And the FPV drones are not a match for artillery ammunition when it comes to keeping up a high rate of fire or for creating explosive effects. They can also be more expensive. “You cannot replace a 155 [mm] shell,” one Ukrainian official said. “It’s like replacing a Kalashnikov with a small gun.” And artillery is immune to electronic warfare. It’s just a bombshell that’s flying through the air. 
The rapid pace of innovation for drones has made U.S. military leaders second-guess big, expensive drone programs. The future, officials think, will be cheap and attritable. 
“I don’t think we could buy a drone and say it’s going to be in our formation for the next 20 years,” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George said. “We can’t do that.”
It’s not clear how effective they will be in the long term. But like improvised explosive devices in the Iraq War, cheap drones have revolutionized the battlefield—for now.
“It’s possible that any vehicle, any system, any soldier that moves on the Ukrainian battlefield right now can be seen, observed, and ultimately hit with a [unmanned aerial vehicle],” said Bendett, the CNA advisor. “There’s no such thing as just moving around uncontested anymore.”
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stephensmithuk · 1 year
The Missing Three-Quarter
Published in 1904, this forms part of Return.
"Weird" in its present meaning is first recorded in 1815.
A three-quarter is someone who plays near the back of a rugby union formation.
Trinity College, Cambridge, was formed in 1546 by the merger of two existing colleges. It is the Oxbridge college with the lowest proportion of state-schooled pupils and no less than six British Prime Ministers are among its alumni. More infamously, four of the five members of the "Cambridge Five" spy ring went there.
Professional sport was just starting to get going on the UK, to considerable controversy. Rugby Union and Rugby League split because of a disagreement about paying players. Many of the clubs were made up of lower- and middle-class players who were missing work to play rugby, so split off in 1895 to form the latter which has slightly different rules and were pro from the get-go. Rugby Union remained amateur until 1995.
The first England international rugby match - and indeed the first such match between two national sides - took place in 1871 against Scotland; they lost. The Scottish team included a non-white player, Alfred Clunies-Ross, who was half-Malay.
Matches were mostly among the "Home Nations" until 1905.
Rugby Union has 15 players to a side - one notable difference from American football is that you're not allowed to pass the ball forwards.
Cambridge is accessible by train from King's Cross and Liverpool Street.
Klinger points out that the richest man in England is so cheap that he's taking the bus.
Intercepting someone's telegrams, telephone calls or mail legally required a warrant signed by the Home Secretary. This of course had the potential for abuse.
The Cambridgeshire Fens are low-lying, flat and marshy. Not good for hiding.
Draghounds follow a prepared scent trail instead of a live animal; thus the sport remains legal despite the more general ban on fox-hunting within dogs passed in 2004.
Pompey was a Roman Republic general and statesman, but the name is also one closely associated with Portsmouth.
Trumpington is a real village, first recorded in the 1086 Domesday Book.
"Consumption" or tuberculosis was a common thing in Victorian/Edwardian literature to inflict on innocent, attractive female characters, who could die in a "beautiful" manner.
The BCG vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis did not start being used on humans until 1921; the main treatment at the time was rest and good food.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Shigeru Amachi in Jigoku (Nobuo Nakagawa, 1960)
Cast: Shigeru Amachi, Utako Mitsuya, Yoichi Numata, Hiroshi Hayashi, Jun Otomo, Akiko Yamashita, Kiyoko Tsuji, Fumiko Miyata, Akira Nakamura, Kimie Tokudaiji, Akiko Ono, Hiroshi Izumida. Screenplay: Nobuo Nakagawa, Ichiro Miyagawa. Cinematography: Mamoru Morita. Production design: Shosuke Sasane, Haruyasu Kurosawa. Film editing: Toshio Goto. Music: Michiaki Watanabe.
I know what hell is: listening to elevator music interrupted by assurances that "your call is important to us" while on infinite hold. Which is not the idea that director Nobuo Nakagawa and co-screenwriter Ichiro Miyagawa present. It's pretty much the traditional one of fire and torture. Jigoku is a cult film, as many of the better (or at least more arty) horror films become, and while I'm not a member of the cult I can appreciate the skill with which Nakagawa presents his vision. It's a movie that ranges from deeply somber to extraordinarily lurid. The protagonist, Shiro (Shigeru Amachi), is a student who, after celebrating his engagement to Yukiko (Utako Mitsuya), gets into a car driven by his sardonic friend Tamura (Yoichi Numata). On a dark road, Tamura runs down and kills a gangster, Kyoichi (Hiroshi Izumida), whose mother (Kiyoko Tsuji) witnesses the accident. Shiro wants to stop, but Tamura keeps driving. Since her son was a gangster, she doesn't report the hit-and-run to the police but, along with Kyoichi's girlfriend, Yoko (Akiko Ono), vows to hunt down Tamura and Shiro and kill them. After pleading with Tamura, Shiro decides to go to the police himself, but on the way the taxi driver -- whom Shiro briefly hallucinates as Tamura -- runs into a tree and Yukiko, who has reluctantly accompanied Shiro, is killed. Shiro's road to hell is certainly paved with good intentions, and after his death he winds up there. He has received a telegram that his mother is critically ill, so he goes to see her at the home for the elderly that his father runs in the country. She's not as ill as he feared -- the telegram was actually sent by Kyoichi's mother and girlfriend to lure him into their trap. He discovers that the old folks' home his father owns is actually run on the cheap, with a doctor who skimps on medicine and food. He also encounters Sachiko, a young woman who looks exactly like his fiancée, Yukiko, down to the pink parasol she carries. She turns out to be the sister Shiro didn't know he had, but by this time revelations are coming hard and fast: Tamura -- who appears more and more demonic -- turns up too, as do the potential assassins, and in an elaborate concoction of circumstances, everybody dies, including Shiro. And everybody goes to hell, which is a fantasia crafted out of depictions from old Buddhist paintings and traditional cinematic imaginings of the underworld. Shiro learns there that the taxi accident killed not only Yukiko but also their unborn child, and he spends much of his time trying to rescue the infant from the torments of the afterlife. The film ends, after much exploration of the more gruesome torments of hell, with Shiro's vision of the twinned Yukiko and Sachiko, both with pink parasols, but although it suggests Faust being redeemed by Gretchen, there's nothing to indicate that this is any kind of redemption for Shiro. In short, Jigoku is complicated, contrived, confusing, sometimes a little cheesy and more than a little morally questionable -- does Shiro really deserve to go through all this? -- but also thoroughly fascinating.
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jon-albert · 2 months
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The easiest way to buy a verified account is to use We've times of experience in the field, and we can assure you that our service is 100% authentic. What we do is help you buy a vindicated account on Twitter. druggies can get their own vindicated account on Twitter by using our service. The prices of our services are veritably affordable, and people shouldn't hesitate to communicate with us. It takes just a few twinkles to buy a vindicated account.
What is the risk of buying a cash app account?
There is no risk in acquiring a cash app account.  The cost of this service is $20 – $100, depending on the number of followers.  The process is very simple: you send us a link to your cash app account, we create your profile and we will do the rest (reviews and likes) and you will earn money by posting pictures on your cash app account. The benefit of this service is that you can use your cash account for anything you want, not just for giveaways.  As soon as you like someone’s post on your cash app, you can ask him to cash out for you, and you will receive that money in your cash app.  You can do this 10 times a day.  For example, if your account has $50, you can cash out 10 times and you will have $500 in your account.  What is important, the account is not limited – you can have as many cash accounts as you want.  You can choose any topic for your cash account and you don’t have to spend time on it.  You can get money without spending time – exactly what every person who has no time and/or money hopes for.  There are two ways to get cash on a cash app – you can sell products or services or you can get cash by doing simple things on a cash app (likes, follows, reviews).
How to get a verified cash app account
Building a legitimate cash app account is a long and difficult process, but there is no shortcut. You have to complete all the tasks one after another. I listed below all the procedures and you have to follow every step given below to get a verified cash app account. Account Creation – Create a dummy account. Login – Login to your account. Install the app. Create an ad – Create an ad, targeted to people in the United States. This is the most important step in creating a verified cash app account. You have to use proper targeting to get your cash app verified. Click on the ad – Click on your own ad. You have to click on your ad at least 10 times. Payment – Submit a payment of $3 to your dummy account. Verify your bank account – Submit proof of your bank account. Verify your mobile phone number – Submit proof of your mobile phone number. Your cash app account will be verified after you complete above-mentioned tasks.
How to add money to the verified cash app account.
It is possible to add money to the verified cash app account.  You can add money using your bank account, your credit card and also using money grams.  In order to add money using your bank account or your credit card, you will have to log in to your verified cash app account.  Once you have logged in, you will have to select the ‘cash out’ option.  After that you will have to select ‘add money’.  Thereafter you will have to select either a bank account or credit card.  After selecting your payment option, you will be able to add money to your verified cash app account.  It can be added instantly and you will be able to use it for purchasing items from verified cash apps.
How to sell bitcoin on the verified cash app account.
First you have to open an account on verified cash. Then, transfer bitcoins in that account. Set a price, send the request to the buyer and wait until he transfers the cash in your account. Finally, you have to withdraw cash in your account and transfer it to your bank account.
Some of the benefits of verified accounts
One of the most important features of verified accounts is that they are attached to celebrities and famous personalities. This has two advantages: visibility and trust. Verified accounts allow to easily promote products and services of the owner, as well as to get feedback directly from the famous person. To make a certain verified account really effective, it is worth adding some other features to it. For example, people will be more likely to buy a product if they see the celebrity endorsing it. Another good idea is to create a series of such verified accounts. This way you can give your customers an illusion that all celebrities are talking about your product and service.
How to buy verified accounts?
We have been looking into this. Right now, our best suggestion is to use a trading forum to make friends with someone with an established reputation who has bought and sold social media accounts before. We’re sorry we can’t offer much more than that for now.
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Is a cash app account real?
Cash App is a digital portfolio founded by Square, having a value of $3.7 billion. In fact, it was the first firm that was instrumental in launching bitcoin trading. It has been developing a reputation for its lightning fast way to exchange bitcoin for fiat money. It is one of the most popular apps for bitcoiners. It has significant security features built into the platform. However, some customers may be wary about the legitimacy of the app.
Do cash app accounts work?
The Cash- App is a peer- to- peer plutocrat Transfer service from Square. The app is an easy and quick way to transfer plutocrats between musketeers and family. Square uses a 3 step process to corroborate an account making it simple for musketeers and family to shoot and admit plutocrat. 1. stoner opens an account on Square Cash and enters their bank account information. 2. The stoner will admit a dispatch or textbook attesting they opened a Square Cash account. 3. The sender initiates a transfer and will admit a link to the receiver. Only receiver’s with a vindicated Cash- App can collect the finances.
How important does a Cash App cost?
The Cash App is a free service for transferring plutocrats to anyone in your connections, or to anyone via their Cash App username. There's also the Cash Card, a free disbenefit card that allows you to use your plutocrat incontinently, and indeed deposit checks with the Cash Card. The Cash Card costs$ 1 to order and will be charged to your account, and$1.50 a month after that.
Where can I buy the Cash App link?
Wow, we don't have a link to the Cash App. But we do have an answer to this question. We're happy to tell you, there are numerous ways to make plutocrats through cash apps. Once you subscribe to the Cash App, you'll be suitable to make plutocrats in three different ways. You can use Cash App to shoot and admit plutocrats through your smartphone. Cash App is a great option because it's an accessible and secure way to shoot plutocrats to musketeers and family without the freights. You can also choose to use the Cash App as your bank. This is an excellent way to save plutocrats with no freights and no minimum balance conditions. Cash App is also an accessible way to make purchases. You can buy particulars in stores and online in a moment, without the freights and the hassle of a check or a credit card. So to make plutocrats through cash apps, use it for any of the below three options.
Can I use a Cash App without a bank account?
Absolutely! And that’s one of the stylish effects of it. To open an account, all you need is a picture of your government issued identification. Once you have that, you ’ll be suitable to add a payment system( like a disbenefit card or checking account) and you ’re ready to get started.
Will Cash App refund plutocrats if scammed?
That's a good question! The Cash App is owned by Square, which is an intimately traded company. You can always go to the SEC’s website and look up intimately held companies and their contact information. You can also look up the Square’s website and see if you can see any policy about whether or not they will repay you for any scammer who steals your plutocrat on their platform. I also searched on Google and set up this blog post from a former Square hand who stated that “ if you're the victim of fraud, Square will reimburse you and may ban the stoner from the platform. ” My conjecture is that the Cash App won't repay you if you're scammed, and the stylish bet may be to advise others about the fiddle .
How do I produce a Cash App account?
To produce an account on the Cash App, you'll have to download the app from the App Store and Google Play. Once the app is installed, open it and enter your phone number at the bottom of the screen. A four number leg will be transferred to your phone as an SMS and you'll have to enter that leg on the app. You'll also be asked to enter a dispatch address. Entering a dispatch address is voluntary, but it’s recommended that you do this to cover your account. You'll also be asked for your name and your birthday. Next you'll have to corroborate your identity. You can do this by codifying your zip law and the app will show you the nearest bank within a 5 afarradius.However, you can select the option “ I do n’t see my bank ” and also input your bank details, If you do n’t find a bank hard. Once that's done, you can shoot and admit plutocrats.
Can I register for a Cash App without a bank account?
Yes, you can use the Cash App to buy goods and services, shoot plutocrats to musketeers, transfer plutocrats to and from your bank account, and use it anywhere that accepts payments from the Cash App. You can also use Cash Card, a Visa disbenefit card that's an accessible, secure way to pierce your plutocrat. Cash Cards can be used to withdraw plutocrats at ATMs and make payments wherever MasterCard is accepted. Cash Cards are presently only available to residents of the United States. Cash Card, Cash App, and our services are available to United States residents only.
Why does Cash App take your plutocrat?
There are two reasons Cash App takes your plutocrat. originally, they need to store your plutocrat in their bank account to pay other druggies. else, they won't be suitable to shoot your plutocrat around the world. Secondly, they need to cover their operating costs. They offer a great service for completely free and do n’t make any profit from your plutocrat. So they've to charge a lower figure than other banks. This way, your plutocrats are spread out to different bank accounts which enable quick transfers.
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Can I sell my Cash App account?
You ca n’t bend your Cash App without dealing your bitcoins first. When you link your bank account, the bitcoins in your Cash App account are stored in a mate bank. Those bitcoins can be withdrawn from your account to an external bitcoin account. You ca n’t do that unless you use a transfer service or sell all your bitcoins in your Cash App. There may be some price slippage involved during the process.
Will Cash App refund stolen plutocrats?
You ca n’t bend your Cash App without dealing your bitcoins first. When you link your bank account, the bitcoins in your Cash App account are stored in a mate bank. Those bitcoins can be withdrawn from your account to an external bitcoin account. You ca n’t do that unless you use a transfer service or sell all your bitcoins in your Cash App. There may be some price slippage involved during the process.
Can you transfer Cash App to someone differently?
No, you can not transfer your balance in the Cash App to your friend's account.However, you'll need to withdraw it to your bank account and shoot it to him or her from your bank account, If you wish to transfer the plutocrat to someone differently. You can withdraw plutocrat from Cash App by following these way Go to the Cash App home screen Tap on the further tab on the bottom right Tap on Withdraw and follow the prompt
We can help you if you want to buy a vindicated cash app account. We're the stylish point to buy cash app account because we can give you the stylish cash app account.A vindicated cash app account will help you run your business.However, you can communicate our client service at,, If you need any vindicated cash app account. We guarantee 100 satisfaction or plutocrat back.
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smmeshops33 · 4 months
Buy Cash App Accounts
Why buy a Verified cash app account?
Our Cash App Is 100% Legit and Documents Verified Account.
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✅ 100% Documents Verified USA, UK, CA, and Other Countries Accounts
✅ BTC Enable Or Non-BTC Accounts Available
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24 Hours Active/Reply
WhatsApp:–+1 803-216-5479
Buy Vindicated Cash App Accounts
Buy vindicated Cash App Accounts is a mobile operation designed by Square to shoot and admit plutocrats. A stoner can fluently transfer cash to another person’s account by using the alliance point. You can also withdraw the cash from your account using a disbenefit card at any store. You no longer have to stay for the check to clear; you can pierce your finances incontinently. The quantum that you shoot through your Cash App account is subtracted from your bank account, and the quantum that you admit is deposited in your account. You can also use this point to shoot payments to a friend or family member, as long as you both have a Cash Apps regard. To start using this point, you'll have to link your bank account to the Cash App account.
Why buy a vindicated cash app account?
Verified Buy Verified Cash App Accounts is useful to buy particulars online without hassle deals. It's the fastest way to complete the deals without leaving your home. You can buy nearly anything with the help of a vindicated cash app. The druggies can buy online gift cards with a vindicated cash app. The vindicated cash app provides a wide range of services to the druggies. The druggies can fluently buy a vindicated cash app account at a cheap price. The druggies can buy directly from the vindicated cash app.
Which are the important effects to corroborate?
You can corroborate the basics, like the name of the person. You can also look at their background, and what other companies they've worked for. You can indeed call the company they worked for to corroborate that they're in fact who they say they are. You can also look into their capsule to see what they fulfilled at former meetings. You can corroborate their reputation.However, also there’s nothing to worry about, If they've a goodreputation.However, also you'll want to stay down, If they do n’t. Buy vindicated Cash App Accounts
How do you make sure your account is vindicated?
still, also you'll have to follow the following way to corroborate your account
If you're wondering how to make sure that your account is vindicated and you can post on Quora.
How to buy a Verified account?
The easiest way to buy a verified account is to use We've times of experience in the field, and we can assure you that our service is 100% authentic. What we do is help you buy a vindicated account on Twitter. druggies can get their own vindicated account on Twitter by using our service. The prices of our services are veritably affordable, and people shouldn't hesitate to communicate with us. It takes just a few twinkles to buy a vindicated account.
What is the risk of buying a cash app account?
There is no risk in acquiring a cash app account.  The cost of this service is $20 – $100, depending on the number of followers.  The process is very simple: you send us a link to your cash app account, we create your profile and we will do the rest (reviews and likes) and you will earn money by posting pictures on your cash app account. The benefit of this service is that you can use your cash account for anything you want, not just for giveaways.  As soon as you like someone’s post on your cash app, you can ask him to cash out for you, and you will receive that money in your cash app.  You can do this 10 times a day.  For example, if your account has $50, you can cash out 10 times and you will have $500 in your account.  What is important, the account is not limited – you can have as many cash accounts as you want.  You can choose any topic for your cash account and you don’t have to spend time on it.  You can get money without spending time – exactly what every person who has no time and/or money hopes for.  There are two ways to get cash on a cash app – you can sell products or services or you can get cash by doing simple things on a cash app (likes, follows, reviews).
How to get a verified cash app account
Building a legitimate cash app account is a long and difficult process, but there is no shortcut. You have to complete all the tasks one after another. I listed below all the procedures and you have to follow every step given below to get a verified cash app account. Account Creation – Create a dummy account. Login – Login to your account. Install the app. Create an ad – Create an ad, targeted to people in the United States. This is the most important step in creating a verified cash app account. You have to use proper targeting to get your cash app verified. Click on the ad – Click on your own ad. You have to click on your ad at least 10 times. Payment – Submit a payment of $3 to your dummy account. Verify your bank account – Submit proof of your bank account. Verify your mobile phone number – Submit proof of your mobile phone number. Your cash app account will be verified after you complete above-mentioned tasks.
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How to add money to the verified cash app account.
It is possible to add money to the verified cash app account.  You can add money using your bank account, your credit card and also using money grams.  In order to add money using your bank account or your credit card, you will have to log in to your verified cash app account.  Once you have logged in, you will have to select the ‘cash out’ option.  After that you will have to select ‘add money’.  Thereafter you will have to select either a bank account or credit card.  After selecting your payment option, you will be able to add money to your verified cash app account.  It can be added instantly and you will be able to use it for purchasing items from verified cash apps.
How to sell bitcoin on the verified cash app account.
First you have to open an account on verified cash. Then, transfer bitcoins in that account. Set a price, send the request to the buyer and wait until he transfers the cash in your account. Finally, you have to withdraw cash in your account and transfer it to your bank account.
Some of the benefits of verified accounts
One of the most important features of verified accounts is that they are attached to celebrities and famous personalities. This has two advantages: visibility and trust. Verified accounts allow to easily promote products and services of the owner, as well as to get feedback directly from the famous person. To make a certain verified account really effective, it is worth adding some other features to it. For example, people will be more likely to buy a product if they see the celebrity endorsing it. Another good idea is to create a series of such verified accounts. This way you can give your customers an illusion that all celebrities are talking about your product and service.
How to buy verified accounts?
We have been looking into this. Right now, our best suggestion is to use a trading forum to make friends with someone with an established reputation who has bought and sold social media accounts before. We’re sorry we can’t offer much more than that for now.
Is a cash app account real?
Cash App is a digital portfolio founded by Square, having a value of $3.7 billion. In fact, it was the first firm that was instrumental in launching bitcoin trading. It has been developing a reputation for its lightning fast way to exchange bitcoin for fiat money. It is one of the most popular apps for bitcoiners. It has significant security features built into the platform. However, some customers may be wary about the legitimacy of the app.
Do cash app accounts work?
The Cash- App is a peer- to- peer plutocrat Transfer service from Square. The app is an easy and quick way to transfer plutocrats between musketeers and family. Square uses a 3 step process to corroborate an account making it simple for musketeers and family to shoot and admit plutocrat. 1. stoner opens an account on Square Cash and enters their bank account information. 2. The stoner will admit a dispatch or textbook attesting they opened a Square Cash account. 3. The sender initiates a transfer and will admit a link to the receiver. Only receiver’s with a vindicated Cash- App can collect the finances.
How important does a Cash App cost?
The Cash App is a free service for transferring plutocrats to anyone in your connections, or to anyone via their Cash App username. There's also the Cash Card, a free disbenefit card that allows you to use your plutocrat incontinently, and indeed deposit checks with the Cash Card. The Cash Card costs$ 1 to order and will be charged to your account, and$1.50 a month after that.
Where can I buy the Cash App link?
Wow, we don't have a link to the Cash App. But we do have an answer to this question. We're happy to tell you, there are numerous ways to make plutocrats through cash apps. Once you subscribe to the Cash App, you'll be suitable to make plutocrats in three different ways. You can use Cash App to shoot and admit plutocrats through your smartphone. Cash App is a great option because it's an accessible and secure way to shoot plutocrats to musketeers and family without the freights. You can also choose to use the Cash App as your bank. This is an excellent way to save plutocrats with no freights and no minimum balance conditions. Cash App is also an accessible way to make purchases. You can buy particulars in stores and online in a moment, without the freights and the hassle of a check or a credit card. So to make plutocrats through cash apps, use it for any of the below three options.
Can I use a Cash App without a bank account?
Absolutely! And that’s one of the stylish effects of it. To open an account, all you need is a picture of your government issued identification. Once you have that, you ’ll be suitable to add a payment system( like a disbenefit card or checking account) and you ’re ready to get started.
Will Cash App refund plutocrats if scammed?
That's a good question! The Cash App is owned by Square, which is an intimately traded company. You can always go to the SEC’s website and look up intimately held companies and their contact information. You can also look up the Square’s website and see if you can see any policy about whether or not they will repay you for any scammer who steals your plutocrat on their platform. I also searched on Google and set up this blog post from a former Square hand who stated that “ if you're the victim of fraud, Square will reimburse you and may ban the stoner from the platform. ” My conjecture is that the Cash App won't repay you if you're scammed, and the stylish bet may be to advise others about the fiddle .
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How do I produce a Cash App account?
To produce an account on the Cash App, you'll have to download the app from the App Store and Google Play. Once the app is installed, open it and enter your phone number at the bottom of the screen. A four number leg will be transferred to your phone as an SMS and you'll have to enter that leg on the app. You'll also be asked to enter a dispatch address. Entering a dispatch address is voluntary, but it’s recommended that you do this to cover your account. You'll also be asked for your name and your birthday. Next you'll have to corroborate your identity. You can do this by codifying your zip law and the app will show you the nearest bank within a 5 afarradius.However, you can select the option “ I do n’t see my bank ” and also input your bank details, If you do n’t find a bank hard. Once that's done, you can shoot and admit plutocrats.
Can I register for a Cash App without a bank account?
Yes, you can use the Cash App to buy goods and services, shoot plutocrats to musketeers, transfer plutocrats to and from your bank account, and use it anywhere that accepts payments from the Cash App. You can also use Cash Card, a Visa disbenefit card that's an accessible, secure way to pierce your plutocrat. Cash Cards can be used to withdraw plutocrats at ATMs and make payments wherever MasterCard is accepted. Cash Cards are presently only available to residents of the United States. Cash Card, Cash App, and our services are available to United States residents only.
Why does Cash App take your plutocrat?
There are two reasons Cash App takes your plutocrat. originally, they need to store your plutocrat in their bank account to pay other druggies. else, they won't be suitable to shoot your plutocrat around the world. Secondly, they need to cover their operating costs. They offer a great service for completely free and do n’t make any profit from your plutocrat. So they've to charge a lower figure than other banks. This way, your plutocrats are spread out to different bank accounts which enable quick transfers.
Can I sell my Cash App account?
You ca n’t bend your Cash App without dealing your bitcoins first. When you link your bank account, the bitcoins in your Cash App account are stored in a mate bank. Those bitcoins can be withdrawn from your account to an external bitcoin account. You ca n’t do that unless you use a transfer service or sell all your bitcoins in your Cash App. There may be some price slippage involved during the process.
Will Cash App refund stolen plutocrats?
You ca n’t bend your Cash App without dealing your bitcoins first. When you link your bank account, the bitcoins in your Cash App account are stored in a mate bank. Those bitcoins can be withdrawn from your account to an external bitcoin account. You ca n’t do that unless you use a transfer service or sell all your bitcoins in your Cash App. There may be some price slippage involved during the process.
Can you transfer Cash App to someone differently?
No, you can not transfer your balance in the Cash App to your friend's account.However, you'll need to withdraw it to your bank account and shoot it to him or her from your bank account, If you wish to transfer the plutocrat to someone differently. You can withdraw plutocrat from Cash App by following these way Go to the Cash App home screen Tap on the further tab on the bottom right Tap on Withdraw and follow the prompt
We can help you if you want to buy a vindicated cash app account. We're the stylish point to buy cash app account because we can give you the stylish cash app account.A vindicated cash app account will help you run your business.However, you can communicate our client service at,, If you need any vindicated cash app account. We guarantee 100 satisfaction or plutocrat back.
0 notes
mariacallous · 2 years
By many accounts, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is already a colossal failure. The confirmed losses of destroyed and abandoned tanks and other armor alone exceed the entire army of a decent-sized Central or Eastern European country, and the rate of loss doesn’t look likely to be reversed anytime soon. Citing sources close to the Kremlin, Russian independent media has reported 90,000 irrecoverably lost soldiers, including battlefield and hospital deaths plus injuries severe enough to prevent them from ever fighting again. These losses now exceed those incurred during Russia’s wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya, politically devastating conflicts that left deep scars on Russian society that have still not healed today. What’s more, it took Russia 10 years to accumulate its losses in Afghanistan, whereas it has only been fighting in Ukraine for eight months.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “partial mobilization,” which he recently promised will be over in two weeks just before the regular annual military draft begins, has also been a failure on all levels. Russian social media is full of clips of fresh conscripts facing squalor in hastily thrown up tents and cold abandoned barracks without food, uniforms, sanitation, equipment, or commanders, left to fend for themselves or survive on parcels brought by their relatives. As men are grabbed from the streets and sent right to the front with only a cursory training course at best, their relatives are expected to cough up money for basic items that are supposed to be provided by the army, such as first-aid kits or winter clothes.
For hundreds of thousands of Russian families, the war is not only an immediate threat to their livelihoods, as sole breadwinners are thrown into battles without regard for their dependents, but also a massive economic burden. On Telegram, chat groups with hundreds of members are popping up where wives and fiancés exchange tips on where to buy armor and helmets on the cheap while sharing their growing desperation about the chaotic nature of mobilization.
None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who’s been watching Russia. Generals have always treated their military districts as personal fiefdoms and conscripts like serfs existing for the sole purpose of their higher-ups’ enrichment. Ironically, one of the loudest pro-war critics of the Russian Defense Ministry for mismanagement of resources is former Army Gen. Andrey Gurulyov, now a member of the Russian Duma under U.S. sanctions. During his time as a military commander, Gurulyov was himself charged with “labor slavery” involving conscripts. The charges were dismissed, and he went on several tours in Syria. It’s far from an isolated case.
Corruption lies at the heart of the Russian military’s dysfunction on and off the battlefield. BBC News Russian found at least 559 documentable cases of criminal loss of property in the army since 2014, when Russia first invaded Ukraine. Quartermasters have pilfered uniforms, boots, winter gear, and sleeping bags by the truckload. Hundreds of thousands of uniforms that were supposed to go to the newly mobilized have suddenly been reported as missing. Corruption goes all the way down the chain of command. The scale of extortion by local commanders of the newly mobilized appears to be so large that even popular pro-war bloggers are complaining about it.
Investigative reporters and anti-corruption activists have documented the extravagant palaces owned by Russia’s military elite, only to be jailed or driven to exile for their work. Now, some pro-Kremlin bloggers are adopting the same rhetoric, but it’s too little and too late to salvage Russia’s war in Ukraine. Even if their pleas are taken seriously in the Kremlin, a country cannot launch a complete top-to-bottom overhaul of its military, including replacement of the leadership and the sacking of thousands of officers, while in the middle of an all-out war.
Russia’s military disaster will therefore continue to unfold. And it’s getting much closer to many Russians at home, for whom the war has been something between television entertainment and a distant rumble. Until the start of Putin’s mobilization on Sept. 21, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and their surrounding regions were largely spared from providing soldiers for the war, which was crucial for upholding the optics of life carrying on as “normal” for middle-class Russians. Meanwhile, ethnically non-Russian regions provided the cannon fodder, not least because the military was long one of the few dependable sources of income there. As a result, men from Dagestan, Buryatia, and Russia’s Far East have dominated the casualty lists, especially when one compares the number of deaths in relation to the total population.
No matter what they tell pollsters—and whether they support Putin’s imperial war or not—it’s clear that the majority of Russian men don’t want to go anywhere near the front. If they did, they’d have joined the “volunteer” battalions set up since the Ukrainians first beat back the Russians in March, battalions that mostly failed to materialize. And the Russian Defense Ministry wouldn’t be having such a hard time reaching even the initially announced target of 300,000 new conscripts.
What’s more, mobilization has irrevocably broken the social contract wedding Russians to their regime, a modicum of stability and prosperity in exchange for complete disengagement from politics. Even the most loyal servants of the regime do not appear to be safe now, as demonstrated by the mobilization of one of the department heads at the Moscow mayor’s office. Russian social media is brimming with videos of police rounding up men for mobilization at offices, markets, and metro stations. The scale of it is impossible to ignore, and belies initial attempts by the regime’s propagandists on television and elsewhere to dismiss it as isolated cases of a few overzealous draft officers.
Now, it’s glaringly obvious that the indiscriminate rounding up is a feature, not a bug, of Putin’s attempt to plug in the holes on the front in Ukraine. Body bags containing the remains of the freshly mobilized—often inexperienced and untrained—are already returning to Russia. Meanwhile, military installations and infrastructure in Belgorod, a Russian city some 40 kilometers from the Ukrainian border where many of the mobilized are being assembled, is now under daily shelling by Ukraine. The entire myth of Putin’s infallibility is coming apart: Russia’s much vaunted military prowess, the “stability” he promised in his first terms as president, the supposedly omnipotent propaganda which is now forced to make U-turns and admit previously unthinkable retreats, the “power vertical” now torn apart by infighting among Putin’s associates, and a population lined up behind its president.
What does this mean going forward? Putin’s final and irreversible retreat from Ukraine seems like a fantastical notion. But it wouldn’t be the first time post-Soviet Russia has admitted a humiliating military defeat. In the mid-1990s, Russia was beaten by a much smaller force in the First Chechen War, after launching an ill-thought out assault on Grozny, Chechnya’s capital, based on poor intelligence and sheer hubris. As hard a hit as it was to their imperial pride, leading politicians and media figures found it in themselves to say to the Russian public: The war is over and we lost. Many of those people are still around today, including top military commanders like Anatoly Kulikov, who managed the ceasefires and retreats.
If that precedent offers some hope that reason and reality could again prevail, it also serves as a warning. Defeat in Chechnya set off a wave of ultranationalist resentment, the same obsession with humiliation and revenge that infuses Putin’s speeches about Ukraine and defines so much of the Russian debate today. Unless Russia faces a national reckoning after losing the war in Ukraine—something akin to Germany’s reinvention after World War II—the cycle of imperial resentment and revanchism will only repeat itself.
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rightquotess · 1 year
Want To Be Popular Buy IG Followers And Cheap Telegram Members
 mindmingles August 31, 2021
All over the world IG and telegram are the most used and popular social media platforms. In this social media platform, we can gain more followers and become popular. These are the best app for influencers, entrepreneurs, and content creators.
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best-smm-services · 1 year
Telegram smm panel
In the fast-paced world of social media, Telegram has emerged as a powerful platform for individuals, businesses, and communities to connect, share information, and engage with their audience. With the increasing popularity of Telegram channels, it becomes essential to leverage the right tools and strategies to maximize their potential.
This is where our Telegram smm panel comes into play. And when it comes to India’s cheapest Telegram SMM panel, Allsmmsolutions stands out as a reliable and cost-effective option. In this article, we will explore how Allsmmsolutions can elevate the success of your Telegram channel without breaking the bank.
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Introduction to Allsmmsolutions — Your Partner in Telegram Success: Allsmmsolutions is an established and trusted cheapsmmpanel that specializes in providing Telegram marketing services at affordable prices. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and delivering real results, Allsmmsolutions has emerged as a go-to option for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their Telegram presence.
The Benefits of Allsmmsolutions for Your Telegram Channel:
2.1. Cost-Effectiveness: Allsmmsolutions is known for its competitive pricing, making it the ideal choice for those who want to maximize their Telegram channel’s impact without overspending.
With our cheapest smm panel you can get access to a wide range of services at the most affordable rates in the market.
2.2. Increased Channel Visibility: Allsmmsolutions offers services such as channel members, views, and post likes, which can significantly boost your channel’s visibility and engagement. By increasing the number of channel members and views, Allsmmsolutions helps you reach a larger audience, attract more organic followers, and establish your channel as a credible source of information.
2.3. Quick Delivery: Allsmmsolutions, Indiansmmpanel understands the importance of timely results in the fast-paced digital world. With their efficient delivery system, you can expect quick and reliable service, ensuring that your channel experiences rapid growth and engagement.
2.4. High-Quality Services: Allsmmsolutions takes pride in providing high-quality smm services that are designed to deliver real and tangible results. The panel ensures that the members and views you receive are genuine and authentic, providing you with the opportunity to build a loyal and engaged community on your Telegram channel.
How Allsmmsolutions Works: Allsmmsolutions operates on a user-friendly platform that allows you to easily select and purchase the services you need. Simply browse through their service offerings, choose the desired package, provide the necessary details, and complete the payment. Once the order is confirmed, allsmmsolutions, the cheap smm will start processing your request, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.
Safety and Security: Allsmmsolutions prioritizes the safety and security of its customers. The panel follows strict privacy policies and implements measures to protect your Telegram channel and personal information. You can rest assured that your data is kept confidential, and your channel remains secure throughout the process.
Customer Support and Assistance: Allsmmsolutions takes pride in offering excellent customer support. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, their dedicated support team is available to assist you. Whether you need assistance with placing an order or require clarification on their services, Allsmmsolutions’ customer support team is just a message away.
Allsmmsolutions emerges as the ideal choice for individuals and businesses looking for India’s cheapest Indian smart panel . With its affordable pricing, reliable services, quick delivery, and exceptional customer support, Allsmmsolutions can help you elevate the success of your Telegram channel without compromising your budget. So, why wait? Take advantage of Allsmmsolutions and witness the growth.
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salezmedia2 · 1 year
Boost Your Telegram Channel with Affordable Members
Telegram has quickly become one of the most popular messaging platforms, offering a wide range of features and functionalities for individuals and businesses alike. For businesses aiming to grow their Telegram channels and enhance their online presence, SALEZMEDIA is the go-to solution for acquiring affordable and cheap telegram members. With a reputation for providing high-quality and cost-effective services, SALEZMEDIA offers businesses the opportunity to boost their channel's reach and engagement without breaking the bank.
SALEZMEDIA understands the importance of a strong and active Telegram channel. With their affordable Telegram members packages, businesses can quickly and effectively increase their channel's member count, establishing social proof and attracting a wider audience. These affordable packages provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to kickstart their channel growth, allowing them to focus on engaging their audience and building a thriving online community.
While affordability is a key feature of SALEZMEDIA's services, they prioritize delivering high-quality and real smm panel for telegram members. Rather than resorting to fake or inactive accounts, SALEZMEDIA ensures that the members added to your channel are genuine and active Telegram users. This approach not only enhances the credibility and authenticity of your channel but also improves engagement and interaction among members, ultimately leading to organic growth and a stronger online presence.
SALEZMEDIA offers a range of flexible packages to cater to the diverse needs and budgets of businesses. Whether you're a small startup, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation, SALEZMEDIA provides options that can be customized to your specific requirements. From basic packages that provide a steady member increase to more extensive plans that offer exponential growth, SALEZMEDIA allows businesses to choose the package that aligns with their goals and budget constraints.
With SALEZMEDIA, the process of acquiring Telegram members is simple and user-friendly. Their streamlined system ensures that businesses can easily select their desired package, provide their channel details, and complete the purchase. Once the order is confirmed, SALEZMEDIA's efficient team works diligently to deliver the Telegram members promptly, allowing businesses to witness the growth and benefits in a short span of time. The quick delivery ensures that businesses can swiftly capitalize on their increased member count and engage with their growing audience.
For businesses seeking to expand their Telegram channel's reach and engagement without straining their budget, SALEZMEDIA offers a reliable and affordable solution. With their high-quality Telegram members, flexible packages, user-friendly process, and commitment to confidentiality and safety, SALEZMEDIA has become a trusted name in the industry. Enhance your online presence, boost your channel growth, and connect with a larger audience by partnering with SALEZMEDIA.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/crypto-scammers-are-using-black-market-identities-to-avoid-detection-certik/
Crypto scammers are using black market identities to avoid detection: CertiK
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Crypto scammers have been accessing a “cheap and easy” black market of individuals willing to put their name and face on fraudulent projects — all for the low price of $8.00, blockchain security firm CertiK has uncovered. 
These individuals, described by CertiK as “Professional KYC actors,” would, in some cases, voluntarily become the verified face of a crypto project, gaining trust in the crypto community prior to an “insider hack or exit scam.”
Other uses of these Know Your Customers (KYC) actors include using their identities to open up bank or exchange accounts on behalf of the bad actors.
According to a Nov. 17 blog post, CertiK analysts were able to find over 20 underground marketplaces hosted on Telegram, Discord, mobile apps and gig websites to recruit KYC actors for as low as $8.00 for simple “gigs” like passing the KYC requirements “to open a bank or exchange account from a developing country.”
Pricier jobs involve the KYC actor putting their face and name on a fraudulent project. CertiK noted that most actors are seemingly exploited as they are based in developing countries “with an above-average concentration in South-East Asia” and paid around $20 or $30 per role.
Meanwhile, more complex requirements or verification processes could fetch an even higher asking price, particularly if the KYC actors are residents of countries considered a low money laundering risk.
Some roles paid up to $500 a week if an actor was to play the role of CEO for a malicious project but the KYC actor market was “marginal” compared to the market for already KYCed bank and crypto exchange accounts, according to CertiK.
Crypto to fiat — or vice-versa — conversions were also cited as a significant percentage of the transactions seen on these marketplaces with CertiK calculating that more than 500,000 members in marketplace sizes ranging from 4,000 to 300,000 were buyers and sellers on these black markets.
Related: Scary stats: $3B stolen in 2022 as of ‘Hacktober,’ doubling 2021
CertiK warned that over 40 websites claiming to vet crypto projects and offer “KYC badges” are “worthless,” as the services are “too superficial to detect fraud or simply too amateur to detect insider threats.”
They added the teams behind these websites are “missing the needed “investigation methodology, training, and experience,” meaning these badges are then leveraged by scammers to mislead the community and investors.
That being said, the industry has been working hard and is gaining ground in its fight against crypto scammers. A tool released in October by traditional finance giant Mastercard combines artificial intelligence and blockchain data to help find and prevent fraud.
Contrary to popular belief, the open nature of blockchain transactions means it’s harder for fraudsters to hide the movement of funds. Another recent example has been the work of French authorities using on-chain analysis to find and charge five people who stole nonfungible tokens (NFT) through a phishing scam.
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smmpanelservices · 2 years
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Boost Telegram group members for a very cheap price. All services are available on smmpanel.com, including Telegram members, automatic visits, and reactions.
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yoergha · 4 years
An expensive variety of people on your telegram tv channel can help you to boost the company enlargement, and you're able to moreover discuss every significant content in the party or alternatively sales channel for telegram. With there being a multitude of approaches meant for helping the Telegram paid members despite the fact lots of the methods are usually challenging for a small business.
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