#check out our first cliffhanger ending y'all
nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
thank you so much for writing my Valentine’s Day request! I would definitely love to see a part 2 or a mini series (if you’re up for it ofc). maybe where they are wedding planning and then the day of the wedding and all the girls help the reader get ready (Chad helps Ethan ofc) and Quinn is super excited to have a sister in law… and maybe at the end the new wedded landrys will announce baby landry on the way 😉
Okay, this is MASSIVE. I hope you like it:) I had a lot to fit in lmao
Perfectly Perfect - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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Summary: After Ethan asks you to marry him, you learn that he wants to marry you as soon as possible. He also mentions how badly he wants kids soon, but it happens sooner than expected.
Part 1
Contains: Fluff, pregnancy, suggestions to sex, and if I didn't use the word 'fuck', it wouldn't be a fic I wrote :)
A/N: Jesus, I hope y'all like this. I've spent a couple days on it, and it has SO MUCH in it. Like 8 months worth of stuff in 6.7k words(I double-checked for grammatical errors, and if you catch something I didn't, I'm SO SORRY). I didn't want to leave it on a cliffhanger like I love to do. I'll be working on a couple fics tomorrow, one of them will definitely be smut:)
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After Ethan proposed, you didn’t want to get back to your normal life. You couldn’t wait to start talking about wedding planning, but he wanted to wait for the weekend so he could completely focus on it and not be stressed about his work project.
On Friday night, you sat on top of his kitchen counter as he made you dinner. You offered to help, but he knew your day was stressful, so he wanted you to relax. You smiled as you watched him, thinking back to the first time he ever tried to cook for you.
He tried to make pasta with this sauce that he made from scratch. He wanted it to seem like he knew what he was doing, even though the most he’d ever made was ramen and instant mac and cheese. The gesture was sweet, but the food tasted terrible. You didn’t show it though, until he finally spoke up.
“This tastes awful…how are you eating that?” he asked as you started to laugh a little.
“You worked hard on it, babe.”
“Fuck it, let’s order Chinese,” he said, pulling out his phone. “One day, I’ll be good at cooking.”
“I can always cook for you, though,” you smiled, as he shook his head.
“One of these days, I want to be able to cook for you and our kids,” he said, placing the order and sitting his phone down on the table. Your eyes widened, because that was the first time he’d ever hinted that the two of you would have a long future together. You’d only been together for a little over a year, but you knew you wanted to be with him forever.
“Kids, huh? How many are we having?” you asked, taking a sip of your water.
“I think five is a good number,” he said, as you started to choke on the water. “Okay, maybe not five. But I know I want a family with you someday.”
“I’d like that,” you smiled, as he leaned over to kiss you, “But five is definitely a lot.”
His cooking skills improved after he discovered that salt and pepper weren’t the only seasonings someone could use. When he walked over and reached around to grab some spices out of the cabinet, you started to move your head.
“You’re fine, baby,” he said, kissing your forehead before he grabbed what he needed.
“I’m absolutely dying to talk about wedding stuff,” you said dramatically, as he went back to his place in front of the stove.
“What do you want to talk about first?” he asked, smiling as he focused on dinner.
“When do you want to get married?” he started to laugh a little at your question.
“I’d marry you right this second if we could pull a wedding together that quick.” He said, “I’m thinking October.”
“Like, eight months away October? Or next year?” you questioned, getting a little nervous.
“This year,” he said, sautéing the veggies he was cooking in the pan.
“Uh, I don’t know if we could pull that off. We’d have to find a wedding venue, a photographer, a DJ, a florist…I’d have to get a dress. Plus, October is a busy wedding month,” you sighed, “Most of the venues are probably booked up already.”
“I can pull some strings,” he said, as you curiously eyed him. “One of the guys at work has a cousin that’s about to open their own wedding venue this fall. He mentioned it when I told him I was going to propose.”
“Really?” you asked, “But there’s still so many other things to do.”
“Let’s eat first, then we can look into it.”
The food he made was delicious. He smiled proudly as you wouldn’t stop complimenting his cooking skills. It was definitely an improvement from what he tried to make for you four years ago.
“I told you, I was going to get better at cooking for you and our future kids,” he started to laugh, but then he got quiet as he started to think.  “How do you feel about trying for one soon?”
His question caught you off guard, your cheeks turning pink. “Oh, um…” you were so flustered as you tried to compile your thoughts, “Yeah, I’d love that, but we need to get the wedding stuff squared away first, then we’ll talk about it.”
After dinner, he sat down with you on the couch and pulled out his phone to show you the pictures of the new wedding venue that was almost finished.
“That’s beautiful!” you said, looking at the tall ceilings and the spacious outside area.
“They’re going to get the landscaping finished this week, and then they have to do a few more things to the inside. I’ll ask him if we can tour it when it’s finished,” he said, his arm draping around your shoulder as he pulled you closer. “I want our wedding day to be everything you’ve ever dreamed of, so if you hate it, we could always push it out a year.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it just by how gorgeous it already looks,” you said, snuggling into his chest, “but yeah, ask him about touring it.”
“Oh, Chad has a friend that’s a photographer, too,” he said, as you raised up a little to look at him.
“Have you been wedding planning without me?” you joked, as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“No…well maybe a little,” he sighed, “His work is really good. I’ve also been looking at flowers and stuff on my breaks at work…don’t hate me.”
Your heart started to melt as you realized exactly how excited he was to marry you. You knew he wanted to and that he loved you, but him wanting to officially start your lives together as soon as possible made you feel so special.
“What do you think for colors?” you asked, interested in what he had to say.
“I haven’t thought about that yet, I wanted you to pick them.”
“I’m thinking a really pretty deep red and maybe some orange would look really nice, especially if the leaves are going to be changing,” you smiled, as he nodded.
The two of you continued to talk about your wedding ideas, and how big you wanted it to be. You knew some people that went all out and had hundreds of people at their weddings, but you and Ethan decided to keep that number at one hundred or less. You wanted it to be intimate, but still have all the people that meant a lot to you to be there.
“What about your bridesmaids?” he questioned, as you started to think.
“Well, of course Tara would be my Maid of Honor, and Mindy and Anika, but do you think Quinn would want to be the fourth one?” you asked, as he started smiling.
“She’d love that, babe. She loves you, and she’s always asking about you whenever she calls to check in,” he said, “It makes me so happy that you’d want someone from my family to be one of your bridesmaids.”
He started to talk about Chad being his best man, and you wouldn’t expect anything less. They were so close, and Chad was the reason the two of you got together in the first place. Ethan was shy, so Chad encouraged him to finally ask you out.
As the months started to fly by, you were surprised at how quickly everything was coming together. Between you and Ethan’s busy work schedules, you still found time to tour the venue, meet with a DJ, do your engagement shoot with Chad’s friend, and get your dress. You didn’t think you’d be able to pull off everything as quick as you were, but with the help of your friends, it was easy.
“Babe,” you called out as you walked through Ethan’s front door, “Where are you?”
He didn’t say anything, but you heard the faint sound of the shower. You walked into the bathroom as he was stepping out.
“Hey, babe,” he said, drying off as you hopped up onto the bathroom counter, “How was your appointment?”
“It was good. It didn’t hurt as bad to take it out as it did to have it put in,” you said, referring to your IUD. “Don’t get any ideas, though. We’re still four months away from the wedding.”
You wanted to wait until it was a lot closer to the wedding, but your doctor was about to have her own baby and was going to take a few months off. You were eager to start a family with Ethan, but you wanted to fit into the dress that you’d spent a lot of money on.
“Fineee,” he sighed out, wrapping his towel around his hips before standing in front of you. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said as he leaned in to kiss you. After he pulled away, you started to panic, remembering things you still had to do. “Fuck, I forgot to email the caterer!”
You tried to slide off the counter before Ethan stopped you. “I already did it, babe,” your mind was still racing, “And Tara stopped by work today to grab the invitations. She dropped them off at the post office for us.”
You sighed, relaxing a little as you smiled at him. “What else do we still have to do, then?”
“The only thing I want us to worry about tonight is spending time with each other,” he said, his hands resting on your thighs, “No wedding talk, no stressing. I just want to hang out.”
“Okay,” you said, as he stepped back so you could slide off the counter.
“I’m going to get dressed, then I’ll order food, and we can watch a movie,” he said, pecking your lips as you walked out of the bathroom.
You had a great night with Ethan. He knew how to calm you down and take your mind off things, even though the little voice inside your head kept reminding you of the few things you still had to do. When you woke up the next morning with Ethan spooning you, he was starting to stir awake himself.
“Good morning,” you giggled, as he kissed the back of your neck.
“Good morning,” he said, his curls tickling your bare shoulder, “We have stuff to do today.”
“Do we have to?” you asked, “Because I just want to stay in bed with you all day.”
You adjusted in his arms to face him, his sleepy eyes meeting your mischievous ones.
“Oh? Well, we do have a couple hours before we have to be at the bakery to decide on our cake flavors,” he said, his hands resting on your hips. “What about the possibility of getting pregnant?”
“I highly doubt that it’d happen that quick.”
A couple months later, you realized how wrong you were. Your period didn’t show up, which you assumed was because of the stress and your body getting used to no longer using birth control. After the second month of not getting one, your boobs really started to hurt.
“Uh, are you pregnant?” Tara asked, her eyes going wide as she helped you put together your wedding favors, “I know you mentioned wanting to have a baby soon.”
“I don’t think so,” you sighed, “I think it’s just the stress of the wedding has everything out of whack.”
“It can’t hurt to take a test to be sure. I know you’d feel bad if you were and you weren’t taking the vitamins you need,” she said, “Plus, it’s best to know sooner rather than later if you’re going to fit in your dress.”
“My doctor put me on the vitamins when I told her I wanted to get pregnant soon, so if I am, everything should be okay,” you sighed, getting a little anxious, “But, you’re right. I’ll take a test when Ethan gets back from tux shopping with Chad.”
“I love seeing Chad in a tux,” she gushed, “Maybe one day you’ll be helping me with my wedding…if he ever asks me.”
“It’ll happen. I thought Ethan would never ask, even with me hinting at it all the time.”
When Ethan and Chad made it back to Tara’s, she was practically pushing the two of you out the door. She knew that Chad and Ethan would probably get caught up in video games, but she knew you had more important things to do.
“Did you get your suit?” you asked from the passenger’s seat as Ethan drove.
“Yeah, I think you’ll like it,” he said, glancing over to you. “You okay?”
You sighed as you looked over to him, “Can we stop by the pharmacy on the way back to your house?”
“Yeah, are you feeling sick?” he asked, his voice showing concern.
“No, not really…but Tara thinks I’m pregnant,” you said, as Ethan almost ran a stop sign.
“Wait, what?” he asked, the both of you jolting forward as he came to a sudden stop. “We’ve been safe until a week ago.”
“If I am pregnant, it happened the morning we went to the bakery,” you said, as his hand reached over to grab yours. “I haven’t gotten my period, either.”
“Okay, um…yeah,” he stammered, trying to hide the excitement over the possibility.
“What if I am? I’ll be four months along and probably showing by then,” you sighed, “I won’t fit into my dress. I’m running out of time for alterations, too.”
“Well don’t freak out until we know for sure, okay?” he said, trying to calm you down.
After you made it back to Ethan’s, you went straight to the bathroom with the pharmacy bag in your hand.
“I’ll wait out here,” he said, leaning against the wall to give you your privacy.
He was hoping that the test would be positive, but he didn’t want you to be unhappy about it. He knew it would add even more stress if you were as far along as you thought. He started to get lost in his thoughts as he heard you squeal.
He opened the bathroom door to see your eyes watering and a huge smile on your face.
“Babe, I’m pregnant!”
“No fucking way!” he yelled, picking you up and spinning you. “Oh shit, okay. We’re going to be parents.” He sat you down on your feet and kissed you. “We can turn the spare bedroom into a nursery after the wedding!”
“Oh shit,” you said, your mind going back to the wedding, “I don’t mind being pregnant, and if I’m showing, I don’t care. But I need to figure out something for my dress.”
“Let’s make an appointment and make sure everything’s okay, then we can worry about that.”
You called your doctors office the following Monday, begging to be seen. With your normal doctor being out on maternity leave, they were able to schedule you with another doctor that same day that had a cancellation. You and Ethan both left work early to go because you didn’t know what to expect. You were happy he came with you because they realized that you were about ten weeks along and wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby was measuring correctly.
“There’s not a whole lot to see right now, but the baby is measuring the way it should be,” the ultrasound technician said, as your eyes started to water. You looked over to see Ethan wiping his tears as he watched the screen. She occasionally paused so she could print out the sonograms from different angles.
When you went to walk out, she handed you a tiny little folder with the images she’d printed out. The cover of it said Baby’s First Photo’s, and when Ethan saw it, he lost it. You had to take a few minutes in the room as you tried to get him to stop crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m just so happy,” he said, as you reached up to wipe some of his tears.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m happy that you’re this happy,” you said, as he grabbed your hand.
“I love you so much. You’re going to be such an amazing mom,” he said, as he started to pull himself together.
“And you’re going to be an amazing dad. I love you too, babe.”
After the appointment, you talked to Ethan about telling Chad and Tara. Now that you knew the baby was okay, you just had to tell your best friend.
“That’s fucking awesome, dude! Congratulations,” Chad said, pulling Ethan into a hug.
“I knew it!” Tara said, wiping away the few tears that were slipping out.
“Show them the pictures!” Ethan said excitedly, as you grabbed the folder out of your purse.
“Aww, little baby Landry,” Chad said, flipping through the images.
“What do you think you’re having?” Tara asked, “Because I need a reason to go shopping.”
Chad rolled his eyes, “You always have a reason to go shopping.”
“We won’t find out until after the wedding, but I think we want to announce our pregnancy then,” you smiled, looking over to Ethan as he nodded.
“Let me know what I can do to help once you guys decide what you want to do,” Tara said, taking one last look at the pictures before she handed them back to you.
“I will.”
A month later, you stopped by Tara’s to try your dress on to see if it still fit.
“Fuck,” you said, as she tried to zip the back. It wouldn’t budge above your waist. “What am I going to do now?” you sighed, looking at her in the mirror of her bedroom.
“We can get it altered. We’re cutting it close though, and we still don’t know how big you’ll be on your wedding day,” she said, as panic started to set in for her, too. “The bridal shop is open today; I’ll call them to see if their seamstress can fix it.”
As Tara paced on the phone, you really thought you were going to have to buy a whole new dress, until she screamed “Yes! Thank you so much!”
She ended the call before walking up to you, “Okay, we have to take it in right now, but they believe they can put something into the sides of the dress that will make it a little stretchy.”
“Thank god,” you said, sliding the dress off and putting it back on the hanger.
When you arrived at the bridal store, the seamstress took new measurements and used her experience with other brides in similar situations to decide what to do.
“This won’t be ready for a few weeks, but I assure you that you’ll have it before your wedding,” she said, as you sighed in relief.
“Thank you so much!” you said, “You’ll call me when it’s ready?”
“As soon as I finish it, I’ll call you in so you can try it on,” she said, as you nodded.
You were still stressed, but you were hopeful that you’d still be able to wear the dress.
After a few weeks went by, you got the call to come look at your dress. As you tried it on, and the seamstress zipped it, it fit perfectly.
“Thank you so much!” you smiled, “I didn’t doubt you, but I know I’m a little bigger now, so I wasn’t sure if that would work.”
“You’re lucky I have experience with this,” she laughed, helping you back out of the dress.
“You can’t even tell I’m pregnant!”
The day before your wedding, Tara and Chad helped you and Ethan get everything set up in the venue. The boys were in the corner decorating the arch because they were tall enough to do so, as Tara helped you decorate the tables.
“This is so cute!” she said, looking at the burnt orange cheesecloth table runners were draped across the tables.  
 “It’ll look even better after the florist delivers the flowers tomorrow morning. The red and orange roses are really going to make everything pop.”
Ethan walked over to look at what you and Tara were working on. “I hate to rush you, but we have to start the rehearsal soon,” he said, “But these tables look amazing, babe.”
When he kissed the top of your head, you heard a squeal come from the main entrance.
“Hey, guys!” Quinn said, as she walked in. Ethan ran up to hug her before she came over to you. “Are you excited? Because you’re totally glowing.”
“Yeah, I am,” you smiled, glancing down at your oversized t-shirt. It’s taken everything in you to not put your hands on your belly whenever you were around anyone the didn’t already know you were pregnant.
“Thank you for asking me to be a part of your day tomorrow,” she smiled, “So we’re staying at Tara’s tonight?”
“Yeah, we’re having a slumber party,” Tara laughed, joining the conversation. “It’s bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the wedding.” You and Ethan both rolled your eyes at the superstition, “Hey, I want you two to last forever.”
“We will,” Ethan said, pulling you into a kiss.
“Gross,” you heard Mindy yell as she walked into the door. Anika was right behind her, the excitement evident on her face as she looked around the room.
“Wow, this is gorgeous,” she said, as they walked up to you.
“My people are here, where’s the rest of yours?” you asked Ethan, remembering him wanting to start the rehearsal.
“They’re on the way,” he sighed, as Chad started to yell for his help. “I’ll be right back.”
You laughed as they were struggling to get the lacy orange and red fabric to stay on the arch, along with the few fake flower decorations you got from the craft store.
“This isn’t funny,” Ethan said, trying to fight his own laughter as Chad started to get pissed.
The other two of Ethan’s groomsmen walked in and greeted you before walking over to Ethan and Chad to help.
“How many men does it take to hang some fabric and fake flowers?” Quinn questioned, watching the scene unfold in front of her.
“I don’t know, but hopefully the answer is four, because that’s all we’ve got,” you laughed, as the guys started to cheer.
“Ooh, they finally got it,” Mindy said, wrapping her arm around Anika as she giggled.
The officiant, DJ, and wedding coordinator were ready to go when Ethan walked up to you.
“You ready to fake marry me?” he asked, grabbing your hand.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with. I’m starting to get sleepy,” you sighed, as Ethan nodded. Your newest pregnancy symptom was extreme tiredness, but you’d take that over being nauseous.
“Okay, we’ll be doing this outside tomorrow, but because it’s raining, we have to do it inside tonight,” the wedding coordinator said, “I want to make this as painless as possible.”
Ethan followed the bridesmaids and groomsmen down the aisle, standing on his side as the music started for you to walk down the aisle. You took your time as you were instructed, finally making it to Ethan.
He started to laugh a little, as you rolled your eyes. “You’re laughing now, but if you don’t cry when you see me in my dress tomorrow, I’ll walk down this aisle a hundred times.”
“Sorry, this is a little awkward,” he said, grabbing your hand as the officiant started to speak.
He started to go through his spiel, skipping over the vows you and Ethan were going to recite for each other and the ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’ part.
“Are we done yet?” you asked through a yawn, the tiredness being too much.
“Did you want to look at the slideshow tonight, or no?” the DJ asked as he pointed at the projection screen.
“No!” you and Ethan both said at the same time, knowing that the last slide was the one announcing your pregnancy.
“I think it’ll be fine to wait until tomorrow,” Ethan said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Okay, cool. We’re done, then,” he said, shutting his laptop.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, baby,” Ethan said, turning to you. He leaned down to kiss you when your friends walked up.
“We need to get her out of here,” Tara said, as you pulled away from the kiss. Ethan subtly rubbed his hand over your tummy, which he’d done every single night before bed since you found out you were pregnant.
“I love you,” he said, as Tara grabbed your hand to pull you away.
“I love you, too!”
When you made it back to Tara’s, you were struggling to keep your eyes open as everyone sat around and talked. You finally excused yourself to the guest bedroom, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.
The next morning, you woke up before everyone else. You showered and ordered coffee before you snuck into Tara’s room to grab your dress out of the closet. When the coffee arrived, you were debating on peacefully waking everyone up, but decided on yelling.
“I’m ready to get married, wake up!” Your voice echoed off the walls of the house as you heard Mindy groan in the living room. Tara soon turned the corner, grabbing her drink out of the holder.
“Thanks for the coffee,” she said, as you took a sip of yours. “Are you supposed to be drinking that?”
“It’s decaf,” you sighed, “It’s not as good but it’ll get me through the day.”
She nodded as everyone else walked into the kitchen.
“Someone’s excited,” Quinn smiled, “I can’t believe I’m getting a sister-in-law today!”
She pulled you into a hug, “I hope I got your coffee order right. I was trying to remember it from college.”
“No, this is perfect,” she said, taking a sip.
“We have to be at the venue in two hours,” you said, looking around at everyone’s tired expressions. “Can you guys get ready soon?”
“I expected the bridezilla antics to start before now,” Mindy said, sarcasm in her tone as you glanced over to her.
“I just don’t want to be late,” you sighed, as Quinn remembered something.
“I don’t know if you’re doing the normal wedding traditions, but,” she said, running to her bag in the living room, “I’d love it if you’d wear this.” She opened a jewelry box, showing you a beautiful diamond necklace. “This belonged to Ethan and I’s grandmother.”
“Oh my god, Quinn! This is gorgeous!” You were in awe, the sweet gesture showing you how excited she was for you to be a part of her family. “I’d love to wear it.”
“I hoped you’d say that. I know it would mean a lot to Ethan.”
After everyone finally got ready, you headed to the venue. Tara ran into the main building, looking around for Ethan.
“You! Stay right there for the next five minutes,” she said as she saw him, before running back to the car.
Ethan laughed to himself at her determination to keep you from being seen by him as he helped the florist finish decorating the tables.
“Okay, we gotta move,” Tara said, grabbing stuff out of the trunk of her car as you walked through the back entrance to the bridal suite.
You hung your dress up and waited for the rest of your friends to make it inside.
“Geez, T. What is all of this?” Mindy asked, sitting one of the heavy plastic bins down on the floor.
“It’s all the stuff to get our beautiful bride ready,” she groaned out, setting down another box.
“I think the key word is beautiful, which she already is…she doesn’t need all this shit,” Mindy said, opening the tote to look inside. “Wait, what’s up with these favors?”
“Don’t look at those!” Tara said, as Mindy eyed her suspiciously.
“What’s going on?” she asked, as Anika and Quinn made it in with the rest of the stuff.
“Those are another set of favors we’re giving out after,” Tara said, looking over to you.
“What do you mean?” she asked, as you tried to discreetly change into something that wouldn’t mess up your hair and makeup after it was finished. “Wait, what the fuck?”
Mindy walked over to you as Quinn and Anika were showing off the dress styles they chose in your colors.
“Are you pregnant?” she whispered, taking in the way your lower abdomen was sticking out.
“Mindy, please don’t say anything to anyone,” you said, motioning with your eyes to your other friends, “We’re announcing it today.”
“Wait, seriously?” she asked, as you started to laugh.
“Are you going to keep asking questions?” You whispered as you smiled, “Ethan and I wanted to get pregnant. It happened quicker than I thought it would, but this was always the plan.”
“Oh, well congratulations,” she said, trying to hide her excitement.
“Why are you congratulating her?” Anika asked, as she walked up to join in the conversation.
“She’s getting married, babe, duh.”
When Tara helped you get ready, you could tell she was trying hard not to cry. She was so happy for you, and knowing how much Ethan loved you made it hard for her to keep her emotions in. You felt awkward trying to talk to her as Chad’s friend came in to snap pictures of everyone getting ready.
“Thank you for doing this for me, Tara,” you said, as she finished up your hair.
“You think I’d let just anyone glam you up for your special day?” she asked, spraying a thick cloud of hairspray over your head.
“You know there’s a lot of chemicals in that, right?” you laughed as her eyes went wide.
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay, I just wanted to distract you. You’ve been fighting tears since I sat down in the chair,” you said, as she started to let them slip out.
“I’m just so happy for you,” she said, as she started to put primer on your face.
“Well, just know that when Chad proposes someday, I’ll do the exact same stuff for you that you’ve done for me. I’m so thankful for our friendship.”
“I think that’s coming sooner rather than later…” she trailed off as you stared at her.
“Okay, spill. What’s going on?” you asked, as she shook her head.
“Today’s your day. We can talk about it after the honeymoon.”
“No, tell me! I don’t care what day it is,” you said, laughing.
“Well, I found a receipt for a jewelry store when I was doing Chad’s laundry the other day,” she said, as you cut her off.
“You’re doing wifey shit, but continue,” you said, as she started to blush.
“It was for a ring. So, unless he’s buying it for someone else, I’m pretty sure he wants to marry me.”
You started to squeal as she shushed you.
“Sorry, I’m just so happy for you!”
After your makeup was done, and you helped everyone else get ready, Tara was about to kick everyone out when Quinn ran up to you.
“I’m leaving, but I wanted to give you this,” she said, handing you the jewelry box with the necklace in it.
“Wait, I think you should help me put it on.”
She smiled as she took it out of the box and put it around your neck, clasping it in the back. The photographer started snapping pictures of the sweet moment. She was trying not to cry as she looked at you wearing it. “Thank you for being so good to my brother. I know he’s a little dorky, but you really brought him out of his shell. He’s never been this happy.”
You felt your own eyes start to water as you fanned your face with your hands, trying to keep the tears in. “Thank you, Quinn.”
You hugged her before she went out to join Mindy and Anika in the reception area of the venue.
“Let’s get your dress on,” Tara said, grabbing it off the hanger.
“Is it bad that I’m nervous it wont fit even though it did a week ago,” you sighed, unbuttoning your shirt and sliding your leggings down.
“It will, don’t stress,” she said, as you stepped inside the dress.
“See, still fits,” she smiled after she got it zipped.
“Are you ladies almost ready?” The wedding coordinator asked, as she walked in
“Yes,” you said, slipping your heels on. “Is he ready?”
She started to laugh at your question, “Honey, that man’s been ready for over an hour. His best man was in there…what do you kids call it…hyping him up?”
You started to laugh, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Well, if you’re ready, I’ll let them know that we can begin,” she said, looking you over in your dress. “You look gorgeous.”
“Gorgeous enough to make the groom cry?” you asked, as she nodded.
“He’s already cried a couple times,” she said, walking out of the room.
Tara looked at you and stuck her lip out at the fact that Ethan was so emotional.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” she said, helping you put your veil on.
“I’m hoping these pregnancy hormones don’t get the best of me today. I don’t want to mess all your hard work up,” you said, fanning your face again.
“That’s what setting spray is for,” she said, giving your face a second coat of it. “Just in case.”
The coordinator came back in the room to grab you as you heard the music start to play.
“I know this is a little different than last night, but you’re just going to walk down the path to the arch,” she said, as Tara walked past you to join the rest of the bridesmaids.
“I love you,” she said, “Don’t be nervous.”
After everyone cleared out, you waited for your cue.
“Alright, sweetheart. This is all you,” she said, gently nudging you towards the door.
As you walked out, you noticed all the people standing, and couldn’t help but think about falling in front of all of them. The second Ethan was in your line of vision, and he covered his face as he started to cry, it gave you all the confidence you needed to make it to him.
You noticed that Tara and Quinn were trying so hard to keep it together, and Chad too. He was just so happy for his best friend. You smiled at him as Ethan pulled his hands away from his face.
“So beautiful,” he said, wiping away the tears that just kept slipping out. Chad reached over to pat him on the back as you made it to the end of the path, standing across from him.
As the officiant started to speak, your breath hitched in your throat. You were trying so hard not to cry, but you knew you were going to lose that battle once you and Ethan read your vows.
“The bride and groom have written their own vows. We’ll start with you,” he said, turning to Ethan.
“I didn’t write anything down, because I wanted to speak from the heart,” he said, laughing a little, “I love everything about you, from the way you look when you first wake up, to the way you argue with me over the remote. You’re my best friend, my soulmate. You’re everything I could’ve ever wanted and more in a partner. You were patient with me when I was shy and didn’t know how to talk to you when we first met. Now, I’m a more confident person because of the man you’ve helped me become. I’m so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.”
Tears were slipping out, as hard as you tried to fight it, before the officiant turned to you.
“I also didn’t write my vows down,” you giggled, “but I guess that’s what makes us so special. I’m so thankful for you. When you finally asked me to be yours, I never had a doubt in my mind that we wouldn’t last forever. You say that I boosted your confidence, but you helped mine so much. I don’t worry about what people think of me, because I know the one that truly matters is always in my corner, no matter what. I know we can make it through anything the universe throws at us, as long as I have you by my side. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m so happy that I get to be your wife. I’m so happy that you chose me. I love you, too.”
Ethan nodded as he fought off the tears again. You almost missed everything your officiant was saying, because you were so focused on him.
“If there are no objections, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he announced, before turning to Ethan, “You gonna kiss your bride or not?”
Everyone started to laugh as Ethan leaned in, his hands going to your hips as he kissed you.
Cheers erupted from your guests as he lifted you off the ground before gently sitting you back down. That’s when he noticed the necklace.
“Babe, is this…”
“Your grandmothers,” you said, finishing his thought. He started to tear up all over again.
He looked over to Quinn and mouthed ‘thank you’ before he took your hand and walked you back up the aisle.
You were quickly whisked away by the photographer, who wanted to get some beautiful shots of you and Ethan in the wooded area on the edge of the venue. The red and orange accents in his suit and boutonniere looked beautiful against the orange and yellow leaves.
“Can I have a minute with her?” Ethan asked the photographer. He nodded, stepping back a few yards but still snapping a few photos as the two of you talked. “You look so beautiful, and your vows were beautiful.”
“Yours were too, babe,” you said, standing on your tippy toes to kiss him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, rubbing his hand across the well-hidden bump.
“I feel great right now. Hopefully I won’t be too tired later,” you smiled, as he took your hand in his and walked towards the photographer.
“Well, Mrs. Landry, let’s go to the party,” he said, as you smiled.
“I like the sound of that…Mrs. Landry.”
“Well good, because you’re stuck with me forever.”
When you made it back inside the venue, you immediately went into your first dance. The slideshow started, and it was perfectly timed out to the music as your arms were around Ethan’s neck. It showed pictures of the two of you as kids, before moving on to the pictures the two of you had taken as a couple. As you saw the engagement photos, you knew what the next one would be as the music stopped. You and Ethan both turned towards the screen as the picture of your sonogram popped up, with the words ‘Baby Landry coming soon’.
The gasps were audible, before everyone started to clap for the two of you. That’s when the DJ invited everyone else out to the dance floor to join you and Ethan.
“Wait, you’re pregnant?! That’s why you’re glowing!” Quinn said, looking down at your stomach, “I’m going to be an aunt!”
She was squealing, so excited for you, but also, her new title. “This dress is hiding it well. I’m sixteen weeks along,” you said, rubbing your hands across your belly.
“No way! Well, I guess I’ll be moving back to New York,” she smiled, “I’m not missing all the important moments of this baby’s life.”
“What about the guy you’re seeing?” you asked, as she rolled her eyes.
“I’ll make him come with me.”
After the wedding was winding down, the tiredness fully started to kick in.
“You okay?” Chad asked, as Ethan mingled with the guests.
“Yeah, just exhausted,” you sighed, as he looked at the ground.
“When you two get back from Mexico, I kind of need your help with something,” he said, flashing a smile.
“Oh?” you asked, waiting for him to say more. He glanced over to Tara, who was laughing at something Mindy said.
“Yeah, I hope this is okay because Ethan suggested that I talk to you tonight before you leave…but I’m going to ask Tara to marry me.”
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Pink Scarf - PART 18.1 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: References to sexual situations. ANGST. Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)        ||     Word Count: 8.6k
A/N: OKAY Y'ALL, Part 18 is split into two parts (18.1 & 18.2), so be aware that there is a bit of a cliffhanger for this reason. This part as a whole is another monster, but in a completely different way than the action-packed Part 17, and I didn't want to torture y'all anymore by making you wait for a GIANT chapter, since I was at 13k+ with no end in sight! We're diving into uncharted territory here (which was a challenge, let me tell y'all!) and 18.1 is all in flashback because of this. The vibe is DIFFERENT for obvious reasons, which you'll understand shortly. I promise there’s a good reason for the pivot, which will become more apparent in 18.2. Thank you so much for your patience, and I really hope you enjoy this perspective change in the story!
I've set the mood with lyrics from Teresa Brewer's Till I Waltz Again With You which is the song Elvis really sang in the talent show in '53 (unfortunately there is no recording of him singing it *sob*), and I've added pictures of our boy in the different years referenced, just to really give you a mental picture and break your heart a little bit. Only because I love y'all!
If you so desire, you should now have the ability to tip my blog or different chapters in the story! Some of you have been asking about this, and of course, no one is obligated to do so! If you do choose to tip, thank you so much! I've never had anyone want to pay for my work before, so this is a big step towards my romance novelist dreams. 💜
As always, to all my babies, honeys, and lil' mamas supporting me out there, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and your reactions, reblogs, messages, asks, and comments you've given me have been a blessing beyond expression. You all are the best community a writer could ask for! Thank you so much for your support. I am loving getting to know y'all better! I love every single reaction and comment and ask, and I'm sorry if I don't get back to them all as soon as I'd like but know that I love you all and am so excited to be making new friends! And a big "Hey, Y'all!" to our friends from Elvis Twitter, Elvis Discord, and Elvis Instagram--I see and appreciate you coming over to join us! 👀💋
If you feel so moved, please let me know what you think or how you're feeling (or send me asks)! I think I put everyone on the taglist who requested it, but please let me know if there are any issues or if I missed anyone. There seem to be some issues with tagging that I can't seem to fix, so please know I'm not leaving you out intentionally! Also, if you comment on a previous part that you want to be tagged, I might not always see it, so feel free to message me if I miss you!
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! 
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. 
(I did start cross-posting Pink Scarf to my long-neglected AO3 account (which some of you already discovered!), so if you are so inclined, you can check it out over there!)
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Elvis in 1951
You'll be waiting for my arms
You'll be waiting for my arms
September 1951
Elvis meanders down the hall through the crowds between classes, quiet, blue eyes sharp and watchful. He heads towards the lunchroom, his cheap and worn guitar slung over his shoulder. His dark blonde hair is too long for the popular style, greased and pushed back, a stray lock falling into his eyes. The style of his clothes is too bright and bold for a scrawny 16-year-old white boy, gaining him stares that range from curiosity to contempt, but he doesn’t care. He is wholly himself, a separate standout from the masses, but somehow unassuming through it all.
A few weeks into junior year, he already has his head down and tries to pay attention in his classes as best he can, even though sitting still is hard. He knows he must graduate and his mama and daddy will have his hide if he doesn’t, so he sits in the back row and listens and does his work as best he can. He makes decent grades. He’s respectful to his teachers, all “Yes, ma’am,” and “No, sir,” just like he was raised. All the while, his fingers drum out rhythms on his legs (the desk is too loud—he learned that the hard way a long time ago), his mind whirling and spinning with melodies and harmonies and dreams for the future.
But mostly he observes. He knows he’s different. He knows most kids don’t understand what he’s about. He’s a poor, church-going kid from the projects who is so quiet that he seems a little slow, except that those piercing blues see and hear everything, constantly cataloguing, constantly adapting, constantly thinking, constantly moving. Always searching for a way to get his family off the dole and into comfort. So, he waits and watches and learns. He doesn’t care if that earns him strange looks.
The halls start to thin as underclassmen hustle to their classes and upperclassmen run to lunch, loud and hungry and antsy. Elvis is not in a hurry, though, yet not without direction.
The little, fluttering thing that rounds the corner is, however, and plows straight into him, managing to knock herself and her books to the floor. He’s not quick enough to get out of the way, but he is fast enough to catch her as she goes flying backwards.
“Whoa!” he exclaims, his hand grasping your forearm as momentum carries you in the other direction. He somehow manages to swing his guitar down gently enough that it doesn’t splinter but the strings thrumb in a dissonant chord as it hits the ground.
The move to save both the guitar and the girl throws off his center of balance, so as you wheel back, you take him with you. In your panic to stay upright, you grab at him desperately, latching onto his wrist, which damns you both, but does serve to soften the blow as you land with a gasp on your backside.
His fancy shoes have no traction on the slippery tile, and he struggles and slips this way and that before gravity wins the battle, sending him ungracefully to his knees, pinning your skirt between your legs. He manages to catch himself with his free hand at the very last moment, avoiding completely crushing you under his weight. His breath huffs out with the exertion, and that’s how he ends up sprawled on top of you in the middle of the hallway, your books scattered around like shrapnel.
Time seems to slow for a second, and he really looks at you for the first time, his face in too intimate of a proximity for comfort as he looks into your big, wide eyes and sees a pink blush grace your cheeks. Your pretty hair surrounds you like a halo in disarray. And your lips, well, they are much to close because he can feel the warmth of your breath on his face. His chest heaves and then catches because you are quite beautiful, sprawled out there on the tile under him.
Then reality and propriety rushes at him like a freight train, realizing the compromising position you are both in, through no fault of your own, but compromising, nevertheless. He feels heat rush to his face at the inappropriateness of his thoughts.
“Aw, h-heck, s-sorry,” he blunders, pushing up and back off of you as fast as his lanky limbs will allow.
“No, I should be the one that’s sorry,” you bluster back, leaning on your forearms “I was too much in a hurry and wasn’t looking where I was going.” Your voice is light and as pretty as you are.
“Are ya o-okay?” he asks, truly concerned but also happy with the excuse to look you over as you sit upright, your hair cascading over your shoulders. Taking in your slightly disheveled state, he can’t help but feel like you’re the loveliest girl he’s ever laid eyes on. It’s not just because you’re pretty—of course you are—but more like the feeling he gets from you, like you’ve reached something inside of him that no one else ever has. He can’t explain it. It’s like he’s always known you somehow. Shaking off those strange thoughts, he kneels, gathering your scattered books off the black and white tiles.
“Aside from my bruised ego, I think I’m fine,” you sigh shakily, “and now I’m late for class, on my first day, no less.”
“O-Oh, y-you’re new?” he asks, stammering yet again. He doesn’t understand why he’s so tongue-tied. He talks to girls all the time. The boys may despise him for a multitude of reasons, but the girls…well, he likes them a lot, and they seem to like him right back, with all his sweet Southern politeness and his pretty eyes and how he strums on his guitar and warbles at night in the shadows at the Courts. He’s had girlfriends from the time he was twelve, and he seems to have some innate knowledge of what women of all ages like. It’s one of the things he’s good at—talking sweet to girls and kissing on them.
But this pretty little girl has him thrown for a loop.
You’re both kneeling now, gathering papers and books. “Yeah, we just moved here…oh, thank you,” you say as he picks up your books and stands, offering his hand to help you up. Your hand is soft and cool in his larger one, the touch of your skin on his shooting and crackling through him like lightning. Those eyes of yours catch his briefly, and he almost feels dizzy with the way they make him feel.
Lord have mercy, he thinks, what the hell’s wrong with me?
“Oh gosh, I hope I didn’t break your guitar!” you gasp, seeing it discarded on the floor, obviously mortified at the prospect. It’s the last thing on his mind, and he manages to tear his gaze from you for a second to look down at the instrument. Honestly, he’d break a hundred guitars if it meant running into you again, but by some miracle, it’s undamaged.
Elvis picks it up and strums it. “It’s fine, no harm done,” he drawls, lip curving up in a shy, boyish grin.
Relieved, you flash a little smile, and the sight nearly knocks him over. “Well, good,” you say breathlessly, taking your books back. “I really am sorry, again. I—uh—I gotta get to class.” You are obviously worried about being late, face still flushed with embarrassment. Before he can say another word, you are already rounding the corner, scurrying away, your hair bouncing in your wake.
He stands there, staring after you and blinking as if coming out of a trance. He realizes he didn’t even catch your name or get a chance to introduce himself. All he knows is that you’re a pretty little freshman that just moved here, and while this information is pertinent, it doesn’t really help him much.
Walking to lunch in a daze, all he can think about is how he can go about seeing you again.
Till I kiss you once again Keep my love locked in your heart Darling I'll return and then We will never have to part
Unfortunately, he doesn’t see you, not for a while anyway. The school isn’t that damn big, but he never seems to be able to catch you or your name. Which is a damn shame because his thoughts seem to drift towards you when he least expects it. You show up in his daydreams or when a song he’s singing strikes him a certain way. It’s disconcerting, to say the least.
By the next time he finds you, he’s just about put you out of his mind. But the minute he sees you that morning, out in front of the school, giggling with your new girlfriends, it’s like you’ve plowed into him all over again. His heart thuds a little harder in his chest as he passes you, trying not to stare, but he manages to catch your eye for a split second all the same.
At first, there’s no hint of recognition, which nearly breaks his heart, but then your eyes widen with realization and a hint of a shy smile plays on your lips. He returns it in kind, unable to stop himself from the bashful and relieved way it spreads over his face. For a moment, he considers stopping and asking all the questions he’s dying to know the answers to, but the flow of the crowd pushes him onwards and into the building.
He’s near giddy the rest of the day, wondering how and why the pretty girl he barely knows has captured him so completely.
Though it may break your heart and mine The minute when it's time to go Remember dear, each word divine That meant I love you so
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Elvis in 1953
April 1953
Standing backstage in the high school auditorium, Elvis wonders why the hell he’s agreed to do this damn talent contest. His hands are shaking and clammy and he can feel the vomit rising in his throat. He’s scared shitless because he’s really only ever sung in the dark to his neighbors at the Courts, or in church with the congregation, but something inside him knows he needs to do this, even if it’s just to show himself that he can. It’s like a part of his soul drives him forward, even though his mind thinks he’s nuts.
It's not until he sees you backstage, ahead of him in the line, that his mind switches from crippling stage fright to a sense of excitement and curiosity. Your hair is done up real pretty and you’re wearing your Sunday best, he can tell. You don’t see him right away, and he knows he’s staring, but at least it’s keeping his mind off his churning stomach. You must feel his gaze because you turn and look back, your intelligent, wide eyes locking onto his.
It sends a thrill of a different kind through him when you tiptoe back towards him, and his heart races a little more than it already is.
You look him over carefully, and he might feel more self-conscious except your eyes are kind and concerned. “You okay?” you ask in a hushed whisper, not wanting to interrupt the current act on stage.
“I-I-I-I…yeah,” he stutters, unable to get the words out. His legs are wiggling, hands shaking, and he feels like he might puke all over your shiny shoes, but sure, he’s fine.
Lord, why is it in this moment of all moments that you come to talk to me?
You smile knowingly. “Yeah, I’m real nervous, too,” you breathe, seeing right through him. When he looks at you this time, he can see it, how you wring the sheet music in your hands and your eyes keep darting to the stage. It makes him feel a little better, somehow, knowing he’s not alone in this.
You stand there with him for a moment, and it should be awkward, except it isn’t at all. That strange familiar feeling of you makes this seem natural. He can’t seem to get any words out, so he just waits and jiggles.
“It’s gonna be fine. I think we’re just supposed to imagine everyone naked, right?” you whisper a little too seriously and that sets him off, a loud chuckle erupting from his mouth. Hearing the word “naked” come from your proper, pretty little lips just tickles him in a variety of ways, and he can’t help it.  Other people in the line shoot him warning looks for being too loud, so he quells his laughter as best he can.
You look over, your eyes dancing more with amusement than nervousness, and you cover the giggle that starts to come out of your mouth. He’s reminded once again by the warmth that spreads through his chest that you are the prettiest girl he’s ever laid eyes on, and hell, you’re funny, too.
You have to stop looking at each other because you’re one small step away from setting each other off into more peals of nervous laughter, which would surely disrupt the show. He watches as you bite your pink bottom lip and thinks of how much he’d like to do the same to you, imagining how soft it would feel yielding to him. Then he tries to push that less than appropriate thought right out of his head as soon as it pops up because, damn, this isn’t the time or place for that kind of thinking.
As your laughter dies, you look down at your feet, obviously feeling a swell of fear as you play with the necklace around your neck. He can feel it coming off of you in waves, despite your attempts to comfort him.
Suddenly, he can’t stand the sight of your uncomfortableness. He has the deep urge to fix it and make you feel better. Without thinking, he nudges you with his elbow. When you look up at him in surprise, he crosses his eyes, making a googly-eyed silly face at you. It has the intended effect, sending you into a fit of giggles, earning a glare and shush from the teacher in the wings.
It’s the cutest thing, watching you laugh like this, and it sends a rush of calm and satisfaction over him to know he’s the cause. He almost forgets that he has to go out there and sing in a few minutes.
“I’ve got to go, we’re on next,” you whisper.
“You’ll be great,” he says. He doesn’t even know what you’re going to be doing but it doesn’t matter. Anything you do will have his attention.
You smile shyly, as if reading his mind somehow, and he feels heat rise to his cheeks that has nothing to do with his stage fright. You nod, then skip off to the front of the line.
He watches in awe from the wings as you accompany your singing friend on the piano. Your hands fly over the keys with practiced, concentrated ease, and if he didn’t know better, he wouldn’t ever have guessed that you were nervous.
He suddenly thinks he needs to take up the piano. Maybe you could teach him and then he’d have an excuse to see you.
That thought is fleeting though, as your performance is through in the blink of an eye, and you exit the stage with a relieved smile, meaning that he’s one step closer to having to get out there himself. Now that he knows you’re okay, his nerves come rushing back. His leg vibrates uncontrollably, but he still manages to give you a thumbs up.
You slow as you pass him, placing your hand lightly on his bicep. He stills and looks at you in surprise at the contact.
“Thinking of them naked works,” you whisper with a smile, “Break a leg out there.” Then, you give him a light squeeze before being ushered away. Sparks fly through him at the echoes of your hand on his arm.
Elvis thinks his heart might explode. It’s crazy, this way you make him feel like he’s flying. It carries him out onto the stage, where he sings a rendition of Teresa Brewer’s “Till I Waltz Again With You” that somehow brings the house down and wins the talent show. They even call him out for an encore.
Thinking of them naked works, indeed.
But when he closes his eyes to sing, it’s you he thinks of. It’s you that gets him through.
The feeling he has coming off that stage is a buzzing, electric high he thinks could get used to. A dangerous, tiny thought in the back of his mind tells him to chase it like there’s no tomorrow, but the relief at the whole thing being over is too strong and pushes the thought away.
But the feeling lingers in his body like lightning in the clouds, just like your touch.
Till I waltz again with you Just the way we are tonight I will keep my promise true For you are my guiding light
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Elvis in 1955
Winter 1955
Jack somehow convinces him with a begging phone call, on this cold-ass winter night on one of his only nights back home in Memphis in so long he doesn’t even remember the last time he slept in his own bed, that he has to help Jack get some broad at some diner across town.
And because Jack’s his best friend and he hasn’t seen him in years due to Jack’s stint in the Army and his insane touring schedule, Elvis bags off his family and Dixie (poor, lovely Dixie) and jumps in the Caddy to head to this diner across town. He figures he’s gotta eat anyway, so might as well get some time in with an old friend, and it’ll be a bonus if he can help ole’ Jacky Boy get some tail.
Absolutely exhausted from gallivanting all over the South, playing sold-out shows, and doing other things he’ll never tell his mama about, he drags himself into the diner, hands stuffed in the pockets of his big wool coat. Good old Jacky sees him coming and leaps out of the booth to give him a big, manly hug.
Elvis can both see and feel the change in Jack. There’s a bravado to him now, an air of machismo that is new. He’s broader and more muscular than the boy who enlisted right after graduation instead of waiting for the draft to get him. And Elvis gets it—Jack didn’t have much to stay for, what with his father being such a mean drunk and him having no special skills to speak of. Jack figured, why not just get it over with?
Even though Jack’s only a little over four months older than Elvis, he was a grade ahead in school, but that discrepancy never mattered much to either of them.
“Look at ya, ya sonnofabitch! Finally got some meat on those bones!” Jack says gleefully, slapping him on the back.
“And you’re as ugly as ever,” Elvis shoots back with a smile, sliding into the red booth.
“Damn, man, I’m hearin’ your songs all over the radio. Couldn’t fuckin’ believe it when I got home and every station I turned on was your warbling ass,” Jack teases in a congratulatory tone.
“Honestly, I’m so damn tired I could sleep for a week, but we’re back out on the road tomorrow,” he replies.
“What happened to that scrawny, shy kid who’d only play in the dark, huh? I’d be scared shitless to get up in front of all those people! Now you’re playin’ all the time…I just can’t believe it, man,” Jack shakes his head.
Elvis shrugs, “Can’t really ‘splain it. It’s like the biggest rush ya could ever have and it just overpowers the fear. The crowds are wild though—never knew chicks could be so crazy.”
“Oh, I bet you are just drowning in it, ain’t ya?” Jack says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Elvis shrugs nonchalantly but his lip curls up into a mischievous grin as he looks out the window. He was indeed taking advantage of his newfound popularity with the girls, almost to an insatiable extent. He’d done good resisting in those first few months, knowing he had Dixie waiting for him at home, wanting to be faithful to her, wanting to be a good Christian boy. But damn, the more he was on the road and the higher the highs of his performances, he just needed a way to wind down at the end of the night. And there were just so many pretty girls literally tearing themselves apart to get to him.
In the end, he hadn’t been strong enough to resist. He knew cheating on Dixie was wrong, and he felt terrible about it, having her waiting here at home for him like she was, but with every show he was learning that he wasn’t gonna be giving any of this up any time soon. No, he wanted to take this as far as he could go, and while a small part of him wanted to hang on to the idea of starting a family with Dixie, a bigger part knew that wasn’t in the cards, not anymore.
“Speakin’ of, what the hell am I doin’ here? You suddenly forget how to talk to girls while in the service?” Elvis ribs, yet truly wants to know.
Jack lowers his voice to a hush and leans in, his eyes darting up every so often to make sure he’s not overheard. “No, man, but this girl, she’s different, I’m tellin’ ya. This ain’t about gettin’ laid. I don’t know what to say, I walked in here right off the train my first day home and it was like the goddamned heavens opened. Every time I try an’ talk to her, I just get all tongue tied like an idiot. I figure, you were always good with talkin’ to girls in general, so I need your help buddy.”
“You’ve got it bad, man. She must be a real looker,” he says, shooting up an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but it’s more than that. She’s smart…oh, shit, here she comes! Be cool,” Jack hisses, leaning back too casually, a dumb grin spreading over his face. Elvis can’t help but chuckle at the sight of his friend being so head over heels for a girl he barely knows. He leans back, taking a much more relaxed and subtle stance than his friend, one that has been well practiced these past few months, as the waitress comes up from behind him to take their orders.
If nothing else, watching Jack be a dumb shit is entertaining, he thinks.
The waitress bounces over and Elvis rolls his eyes slowly up her body, taking in every lovely curve along the way.
“Oh, hi, Jack! I see you’ve got a friend with you today.”
Elvis freezes, his eyes reaching your face just as you start speaking and look over at him.
It’s you.
Holy shit, it’s you.  
His brain short-circuits. He hasn’t seen you since he graduated a year and a half ago. And damn if you don’t look prettier than ever, all grown up and filled out in all the right places, your smile brightening the room.
His lips part as his mouth drops, he can’t help it.
“Um, yeah, y/n, this, uh, this is my friend Elvis,” Jack stumbles over the introduction, looking to Elvis for help. But in this moment, Elvis feels utterly useless, every ounce of confidence he’s gained in the past year draining out of him all at once.  
His heart gallops in his chest, and he sits up straighter. He can see you looking over him expectantly, eyes narrowing as if trying to place him. He knows he shouldn’t care if you remember him, but by god, if you don’t, he thinks he might be crushed. But he’s also aware he’s different, too. He’s filled out and his hair’s darker, and why in the hell would you remember him from all those years ago anyway? You’d barely spoken to each other in four years.
“Elvis…” His name drags and plays on your tongue in a way that makes his toes tingle. “Like that singer?”
Of course, that’s how you recognize him, he thinks. But at least you know of him, even if it’s not in the way he wishes. He decides to lean into being “Elvis” because maybe that’ll make him feel less like an awkward high schooler and more like a cool cat. Regardless, the shyness he’d felt for being odd in high school is now mostly gone, and his unique style is part of the reason he was garnering so much attention these days. His confidence, especially with the ladies, is ever-growing. He knows he’s getting to be hot shit in the South and now has an image to live up to. There is no space for shy Elvis Presley here in this diner, for all the reasons. So, he manages to turn up the dial on his Southern charm, forcing himself to relax in your presence.
“Well, Miss y/n, seein’ as I never met another man with that name, I suppose, yes, like that singer,” he responds with a coy smile.
“Aw, don’t let him trick ya with that modesty. This here’s the one and only Elvis Presley,” Jack kicks him under the table, the message clear: Use your fame to help me out.
Your face lights up a little at that, which has a little flutter rolling in his empty stomach. “Now, Jack, you never told me you were friends with a celebrity,” she teases, her attention divided between the two men.
Elvis has to very consciously remind himself that he is here to help Jack, not steal you out from under him, but it is taking everything in him not to reach over and play with the hem of your skirt and tell you just how much he wants to take you home to his mama, Dixie be damned.
Jack smiles almost giddily, obviously pleased with your attention. “Well, I’m not one to go showin’ off or nothin’,” he says self-deprecatingly.
Elvis rolls his eyes at that.
“Well, my sister is gonna be beside herself when I tell her who came in tonight. She’s thirteen and might be your biggest fan, Elvis,” you say cheerily. He notices you aren’t completely beside your own self over him being here, which he has some mixed feelings about. On the one hand, he desperately wants your attention and admiration, but on the other hand, it’s kinda nice that you aren’t fawning all over him. It makes you even more appealing somehow.
“So, what can I get ya?” you ask, taking out your pen and paper, looking from man to man.
“I’ll have a hamburger, well done, please, and one of your vanilla milkshakes,” Elvis says, unable to take his eyes off you.
“I’ll have the same, except the burger medium rare, like a real man,” Jack jokes, poking fun at Elvis’ picky eating habits. Thankfully, you don’t react, and Elvis can’t help but kick the shit out of Jack’s shin.
Jack winces.
“Hmm, why do I get the feeling that you two are gonna be trouble?” you smile knowingly at them, pointing at each with the top of your pen. “I’ll be back with those in a jif. Try not to kill each other before I get back.” You bounce away and both men turn to watch.
“No promises, honey,” Elvis calls after you.
“Y’see what I mean, don’tcha? Ain’t she just special somehow?” Jack whispers excitedly, totally gone over you.
Oh, Elvis knows intimately how special you are, but he can’t say it, so he settles for a, “Yeah, man, she seems great,” and tries not to feel sullen about how he’s got to be Jack’s wingman for his own dream girl.
They shoot the shit, and he does his best to get Jack talking to you when you come by, even though it’s hard because he wants you for himself. It’s painful having to keep himself so in line, his heart cinching in his chest every time you come by to check on them. That’s when Elvis knows he’s in deep trouble. He reminds himself often that he is off the market anyway, at least when here at home in Memphis.
He promised to help Jack out, and so he will, even if it kills him.
“I gotta take a leak, man,” Jack says after the food is finished, scooting out of the booth.
You sashay over to clear the plates, and Elvis can’t help but stare as you lean over the table. Your eyes dart to his and he swears he sees a hint of pink on your cheeks. Warmth spreads across his chest and he tries not to avert his eyes. Any other girl he would confidently ogle, so he tries his best to stay the course.
“Y’ know, I’m not sure how you do it,” you say, breaking some of the tension as you stand over him, hands full of dishes.
“Do what, honey?” he drawls, raising only his eyes. Now that Jack’s gone, he’s laying it on thick and can’t bring himself to feel bad about it. Not when it’s you.
You shift your weight, but otherwise ignore his advance, much to his chagrin. You’re probably used to getting hit on by customers. “Getting up in front of those big crowds, all those people, and singing like that. I could never,” you shake your head.
A split second and he decides to play his hand, mostly because he has to know, just has to, so leaning back confidently, he drawls again, “Oh, well, a pretty girl once told me you just hafta picture ‘em all naked.” A slow grin spreads across his face.
Your eyes widen as it hits you. He watches you carefully, cataloguing your expression as you remember, your eyes travelling over him quickly, trying to reconcile your memory of him with the man in front of you. Your cheeks go rosy, and he relishes in the fact that he’s the reason.
“Well, damn, I guess I give really good advice,” you finally say, a little breathless, with a shake of your head.
Elvis can’t help the loud laughter that escapes him at that. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but you surprise him with your quip. You smile back at him, proud of yourself. The smile makes him feel special somehow, like he’s the only guy in the world.
“You’re really somethin’ else, y/n,” he says, his laughter dying down and being replaced too quickly by the awe he always seems to feel in your presence.
Something flashes over your face, something he can’t quite interpret. “Right back atcha, Elvis Presley,” you respond, and there’s something in the softness of your voice and in the way your big eyes stare straight into his that sends electricity zinging down his spine.
Then, as he watches as you walk away, he knows with absolute certainty that this won’t be the last time you see him.
Till I waltz again with you Keep my love locked in your heart Darling I'll return and then We will never have to part
And it isn’t. In fact, Elvis somehow manages to stop into the diner nearly every time he is home from then on out. Sure, Jack is his best excuse, but he also rounds up the band and Sam and even Dixie once or twice to go to this great diner he “just happened to find.”
Once he knows you are more often than not going to be there because it’s your family’s place, he wants to go frequently, and Jack is thrilled because the man might be more entranced with you than he is.
It’s not long that being friendly customers turns into being friends. Even when they find out you’ve got a serious boyfriend (because of course you do), neither him nor Jack is much dissuaded by the fact. Elvis would much rather have you in his life as a friend than not at all, and Jack is somewhat delusional in thinking you’ll drop your boy for him.
And while Elvis wants more than anything in the world to have you all to himself, he knows it’s likely not in the cards, at least not now, and maybe not ever. Not with the boy you want to marry you ever so close and Jack waiting in the wings like a puppy. And certainly not when he is running himself ragged with tours and recording, with his very real dreams of stardom so near he can taste them. But, as reality shows when he and Dixie finally part ways in late spring, it is no kind of life for a successful relationship.
So, he has to be content with watching you walk away with someone else, knowing he can’t have you, even though those electric shocks go through him every single damn time he sees you.
Though it may break your heart and mine The minute when it's time to go Remember dear, each word divine That meant I love you so
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Elvis in early March 1956
March 1956
Elvis’ career takes off so dramatically that he barely has time to process his good fortune. In the moments when he’s not traveling, recording, touring, or appearing on television, he relishes the somewhat normalcy of hanging out with friends and family. It’s steadily getting harder for him to go out without being bombarded by fans, but he generally enjoys the attention. He’s grateful for his fans and for his budding success, though sometimes it feels so overwhelming he doesn’t know what to do with himself. There are moments when he desperately wants to be still and alone but when he finally has a moment to himself, it feels like the world is closing in on him.
It’s one of these moody, antsy nights that he finds himself at your doorstep, without anyone else in tow. The last time this happened was the night he signed his contract with RCA. You’d been the first person outside of family he wanted to share the news with and without a thought, he’d ditched everyone else and showed up at the diner in his fancy suit, uncharacteristically lifting you up in a hug and spinning you around in his exuberance.
But the mood tonight is decidedly less enthusiastic. He’s tired but hasn’t been able to sleep in what feels like days, pressure pushing in on him from all sides. Usually he didn’t mind, taking it all in stride as part of his new life, but tonight he was worn and restless, his body vibrating with energy that has no outlet.
When he feels like this, he gets needy. He’s already the sort of guy that thrives on physical touch, but in the state he’s in, it’s a necessity rather than a preference. Normally, he might go out with a girl and fool around a bit, but the idea of having to charm and swoon and put on airs right now feels impossible. But he knows he needs a woman’s touch to soothe him and that’s how he finds himself here, alone, knocking on your door.
Your eyes widen with surprise when you open the door and then soften with concern at the state of him, near pitiful with the dark circles rimming his eyes, his body slumped against the door frame, and his pallor a sickly pale.
God, he just wants to weep at the welcome sight of you.
You quickly and quietly usher him inside. By some merciful twist of fate, you are alone. Your mother and sister are out of town visiting relatives and your father is working late at the diner.
This visit should be awkward but isn’t—it’s as though he has been dropping by your house alone and unannounced your whole lives with the way you receive him, and for this he is thankful. And perhaps this is why everything seems to hit him at once, a wave of anxiety rolling over him so strongly that he can barely speak as you lead him to the couch.
It’s suddenly all too much, this feeling of responsibility towards his family and friends and fans. He’s overworked and overtired and the panic of his rising success has him shaking before you, his heart beating too fast and his breathing too shallow, making him dizzy and lightheaded. As he hyperventilates, you hum at him softly, prompting him to put his head between his knees while rubbing circles on his back. Tears leak from his eyes, staining his cheeks and where he leans his head against his forearms on his knees. He too worked up to even be embarrassed by how completely raw and vulnerable he is before you.
With very few words, you just seem to know what’s happening. You don’t ask him to explain or to defend his feelings, you just accept them for what they are and accept him for all that he is. There are no expectations. He feels incredibly relieved by that.
As he eventually starts to calm, he falls over, exhausted, laying his head in your lap. He feels your slight hesitation, but only for a second, before your fingers begin to cart through his hair. He cannot help the small whimpering moan that escapes his lips at the tenderness of the gesture, one he so desperately needs in this moment.
You are exactly what he needs, and he doesn’t have the wherewithal to deny that right now.
Perhaps that is why, once his breathing slows and he feels himself start to fade away into drowsiness that he turns in your lap and asks what he does.
“Can I stay?” he breathes, begging, looking up into your beautiful eyes. The plea is not full of lust, yet there is an open-endedness to it that he doesn’t hide, as his need for your comfort in any way you will give it to him is his prerogative. He cares for you far more that he dares to admit and cannot resist the pull of your soul to his, not tonight.
He watches your face carefully, seeing your brow furrow in the slightest and how you worry your bottom lip with your teeth. Propriety says you shouldn’t dare go there—you both know this—but at this point he’s not beyond batting his long lashes at you hopefully and a little mournfully.
“Oh, alright,” you finally concede, “but you need to be quiet as a mouse. I don’t know when Daddy will be home. And no funny business, Presley.” You point at him playfully, but there is a seriousness to your tone that makes him nod to give you reassurance. Exhaustion and moodiness cloud the way his heart wants to soar at this development of trust between you two, but he is too worn out to even muster a joke about the situation. That and he admires you too much to do anything that might jeopardize your blossoming friendship.
And with that settled, he raises from his all too comforting position in your lap. Much to his dismay, he’s unsteady on his feet, his attack having drained him of what little remaining energy he had, but you are quick to come to his side and walk him through the house to your room.
This doesn’t stop an unintentional tension from building, however, as you enter your room with him held close. He waits for you, wanting to follow your lead, wanting you to be comfortable, though he would just as soon collapse on your single bed without another thought.
You turn to him as though not exactly sure what to do next, your mouth opening then closing quickly, and he suddenly wants to kiss you so damn badly it’s painful. But it’s not the first time he’s felt that way in your presence, and probably won’t be the last, but then again, it never has been just the two of you alone in your bedroom before.
“I…I’ll be right back, I’m just going to…to go change,” you stammer, grabbing what is likely a nightgown out of your dresser. “Um, make yourself comfortable.” Then you escape into the hallway beyond, and he can’t help the little smile that plays at his lips in your wake.
He takes the moment alone to remove his coat and jacket and slip off his shoes and socks, folding them neatly at the end of the bed. He hesitates for a moment with his shirt and pants, but as emotionally wrought as he is, all he can think of is the calm feeling of being near you and ends up stripping down to his boxers and undershirt. Figuring he can always put them back on if it eases your mind, he then sits on the edge of the bed and waits.
It's not long before you come back, clad in a pretty white nightgown with little blue flowers all over it, your hair all brushed out and face washed pink. His heart actually skips at the sight. You look gorgeous and he has to remind himself that’s not what he’s here for. He’s here for you, yes, but not in that way. Luckily, his exhaustion overrides that sort of thinking rather quickly—he’s not sure he could do much in this state, even if you wanted to. You shut the door quietly behind you, even though there is no one else home to hear.
The air in the room feels heavy with potential and he can sense your trepidation as you turn back towards him and sit near him on the edge of the bed. His body begins to drag with sleep, the comfort of your arms and your bed beckoning to him. Finally, he chooses to break the silence.
“I’m not going to hurt you...I would never do that. I promise I won’t touch you like that. I just want to—” he says softly.
“I know, Elvis,” you interrupt quietly, “It’s okay. I know.” And your eyes are so big and sweet and open to him that it nearly makes him want to start crying all over again. Part of him wishes he didn’t need you like this, that you didn’t have to see him in this moment of weakness, but part of him is glad it is you. It could only be you, really, that he would give this part of himself to, he realizes, though he’s not entirely sure why. It’s that strange, unspoken bond between you two that has lingered under the surface from the beginning. This almost unreasonable need to take care of each other even when it doesn’t always make sense.
Once you climb under the covers and invite him to join you, he falls in next to you faster than you can blink. The bed is small which doesn’t matter much since he instantly curls close into your side as you lay on your back, notching his head into your shoulder. He can smell the soap and cold cream on your skin, and he drapes his arm over your midsection as though he’s done it a million times before. You stiffen at the contact at first, but then he feels you relax, your head leaning onto his, eventually running your fingers soothingly over his arm.
Yes, this is what he needs, he thinks dreamily, feeling like he can finally breathe again. And it’s not long before he drifts off into a deep slumber, surrounded by your comforting scent and warmth.
It’s the gray early morning light peeking through your white curtains that has him stirring awake, and it takes him a good minute to figure out where he is and who he is with, a feeling he is all too used to considering how much he’s on the road. But waking in some seedy motel in the middle of Texarkana in the arms of some random chick from the night before is not anything like waking in your cozy little bed, your warm body pressed back into his.
There is a care here with you that he yearns for, positively aches for, but did not realize he wanted or needed until this very moment. He is surrounded by the sweet smell of your silky hair, the warm softness of your bare legs against his convincing him that everything about this situation is just right. In his sleepy, unthinking haze, he pulls you closer, spooning you tightly into him, thinking he could just stay here forever, blissfully unaware yet of why he shouldn’t do so.
Until his virile, 21-year-old body reminds him, that is.
Perhaps it is the drowsy little sigh that escapes your lips in the same moment you unconsciously wiggle back against him that does it. Suddenly, he is very much awake, in more ways than one.
A stupid, instinctually carnal part of him very much wants to lift the hem of your nightgown up higher than it is already bunched and slide himself right between your inviting, bare thighs and into your heat, and dear god, that thought has him unraveling himself from you quicker than lightning.
Aw, hell.
He rolls over and sits up too fast, forcing himself to think of anything and everything but how you are lying in that bed so invitingly near. He closes his eyes against the brightness of day and breathes a few deep breaths before reaching for his clothes at the end of the bed.
A lesser man might allow himself to slide back into that bed, but by god, he swore he wouldn’t touch you like that and he refuses to take advantage when you’ve been so good to him. This thought, more than anything, sobers him as he puts his clothes on.
“El…Elvis? Are you okay?”
Oh, the way your sweet little voice sounds all clouded with sleep has him biting his lip so hard he nearly draws blood.
“Yeah, baby, it’s all good. Go back to sleep, honey,” he whispers, finishing the buttons on his shirt as quick as he can.
The domesticity of this little scene coupled with the ache in his groin has every damn cell in his body wanting to get back in that bed, and maybe if it wasn’t you, he would. But it is you. And as desperately as he wants this, he respects you too much to let his hormones get the best of him.
So, before he can change his mind, he kisses the top of your head for a little too long, breathing in the scent of you one last time, then puts on his shoes, grabs his coat, and climbs out the window, escaping into the dawn.
Till I waltz again with you Just the way we are tonight I will keep my promise true For you are my guiding light
His thoughts drift to you all day. He doesn’t even want to change or shower because the smell of you still lingers on his clothes, on his skin. The unfamiliar feeling of being so well rested and content has him singing and smiling all day, prompting his mama to ask him, with a knowing eye, exactly where he was last night.
And this gets him thinking about how much he would love to wake up beside you every damn day if he could, how amazing that would feel, and about how maybe, just maybe, it’s possible that he can.
Ted is out of the picture, and it’s been long enough now that you’ve moved on through the heartbreak. You’ve even casually dated a little bit, though no one has seriously caught your eye.
But then there is Jack, who is still pining hopelessly over you, refusing to make a move. And Jack is one of his best friends. It wouldn’t be right to sweep you off your feet right out from under his nose. He knows he could do it, too, and not just because he’s cocky in his growing fame. After last night, he just knows somewhere deep in his soul that if he asked, you’d be his.
And he wouldn’t even consider it except now he’s had a taste of you, of your sweetness and your comfort and your care and goddamn it, your smell is still all over him.
Well, shit or get off the pot, Jack, he thinks, because I ain’t waitin’.
He works himself up into it, trying not to think about all the obstacles in the way, namely his career and how it’ll take him far away from you, but in this endorphin-fueled moment, none of that matters. Only you matter, that and how you make him feel like he’s on cloud nine and how now that he knows what it’s like to wake up next to you, he knows he wants that again and again for as long as possible.
In truth, if he’d stop long enough to really think on it, he’s known it for a long time.
He’ll catch you at the end of your shift tonight. He buys a bouquet of flowers and everything. Energy pulses through him all day, sending his fingers tapping and his legs bouncing so much that his mama tells him to go run it off. Junior and Gene and Red think maybe he’s lost his mind because he’s even more restless than usual.
Finally, after a full day of working himself up into a near frenzy, he jumps in the Caddy and heads to the diner, ready to make you his.
But when Elvis parks in front and looks through the window of the car and into the diner, he sees Jack has gotten there ahead of him. He sees Jack holding your hand and then kissing it, pulling you into the booth next to him. He sees the lovely way you blush and smile in response.
And then he watches as Jack pulls you into him for a long, lingering kiss on the cheek. The way your eyes flutter closed tells him all he needs to know.
He’s too damn late.
Jealousy roars through him as he sees his best friend touching you, touching you when it should be him, not Jack, doing so. He can’t help but feel the memory of your body pressed so perfectly against his just mere hours ago. At that, at the thought of never having that part of you ever again, Elvis’ heart breaks into little pieces. He rests his forehead against the top of the steering wheel, unable to look at the romantic little scene before him.
This is how it was always supposed to be, he tries to convince himself. It was always Jack who was pursuing you, not him. And the worst fucking part is that he knows that Jack can give you something he can’t: Jack can be there for you, stable and sure, with you in the same damn city every damn day.
He cares for you, but he knows that his career is taking him places you cannot follow. And it wouldn’t be fair of him to ask you to put your life on permanent pause for him, no matter how desperately he wants you, no matter how deeply he believes that there is something powerful drawing you two towards each other with every breath.
He cares enough for you that he realizes, at least for now, that he has to let you go.
Friendship it is, then.
My light, my light I will keep my promise true Till I waltz again with you
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Elvis in 1956
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
*eating my cereals and scrolling through tumblr* *notices summer's tumblr break has ended* SHIT! *throws the cereal away, puts suit on and quickly grabs microphone*
I'm Annie and we're here —once again on a Wednesday because time is relative— with our amazing Summer! A round of applause for this blessing to our world!!!
Truth be told *checks notes* not much has happened since we last saw each other but DO NOT FRET! I have always have something up my sleeves and this time of year in Italy, it mostly tends to be stinkbugs... they're everywhere
ANYWAY, back to business! The latest chapter of "A lover's folly" hit ours (mobile and/or desktop) screens last Saturday, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts and readers being left with bathed breath. Summer, how do you feel knowing you were the cause of such despair?
Moreover, just to take a quick dip in the pool of your past, the first episode of Loki dropped last Friday, leaving many people swooning over Tom Hiddelston's magistral acting and also to the amazing and hilarious banter between Loki and Mobius (and let's not forget the adorable and entertaining addition of OB to the cast). Summer, as an (former) all-time Loki fan, what did you think of this episode? And you think we should expect from this season?
Before I leave, I would like to remind everyone watching that there are real people behind the fics you're devouring, who have real lives and tons of things to do and still manage to put out amazing pieces of work that you can freely enjoy. So be kind and don't pressure writers, okay? Otherwise, I will find you :) Anything else to add on this matter, Summer?
omg hi annie <3 happy tuesday but actually it's wednesday (thursday for you by the time you read this) interview! always happy to hear from you my darling bard. (i say as i literally talk to you pretty much every moment of the day we are awake...)
anyway, a lover's folly. mhm, yes, what a devastating chapter that i totally didn't meant to leave on a cliffhanger and fuck off for two weeks...
seriously, i feel kind of bad for doing that but also, i'm a slut for angst and wrecking people emotionally so i'm absolutely living for all the screaming i've received via dm. for real, i love every single one of you but man, y'all have had it too good with all the fluff i've been writing.
in terms of loki, i really liked the episode. obviously because of the past season i have my reservations in regard to fully enjoying it but so far it's promising? personally, i find the pacing to be a lot better already. as well as the dynamics between characters but that might be due to having more time to work together.
also ob is literally my favourite. i would die for him and i really, really, REALLY hope he's not just a side character that's been overly hyped and gets like no screen time. otherwise i will be sorely devastated.
that being said, aside from ob i hope a lot more of the newer characters get more screen time too. last season we only had a very small cast and while it was fine i definitely wanted more interaction and conflict, so hopefully we get more of that? also, i'd really like for the show to actually focus on loki in a more positive way but considering last season that might be wishful thinking.
(also nothing to add except love you and have a good day!!)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I can't believe I ACTUALLY THOUGHT that that episode WASN'T gonna end on a cliffhanger.
I hate myself for not appropriately mentally preparing for that.
And the worst part is that I probably can't watch the next episode until tomorrow night.
But admittedly, I suppose technically, the rest of you who were watching this live had to wait four months or something like that for the next episode, so waiting a day really isn't that bad in comparison.
Time to overanalyze that final scene like I always do lol.
First of all, I'm just so excited that our pack is being a pack again. Things always go better when we're all together.
Third of all, YES to those pairings, okay? YES!
I really appreciate how quickly Lydia went to Allison, because it seemed obvious, but I appreciate even more how quickly Deaton stopped her and put her with Stiles. Which makes sense, because between the three of them, Lydia and Stiles have the closest emotional connection (I mean, they just kissed for crying out loud!).
But then I really appreciate the way that was handled between Scott, Allison, and Isaac. Because that could've been so awkward, and Scott could've gotten angry, or been hurt, but in that moment, saving their parents had to come first, and even though he obviously loves Allison and probably isn't super pleased about her new closeness to Isaac, he knows that in the end, it's more important that they all come out of this alive. And if Allison being with Isaac is what's able to bring her back, then that's what matters.
And yes, that makes me ship Allison and Isaac even more, and gosh darnat I'm so sorry Scott, but I think I'm picking Isaac (I'm sorryyyy, I feel so guilty, but I REALLY love them together <3).
"If I don't make it back, and you do, there's something you should know. Your dad's in town."
The fact that Stiles is even considering the fact that Scott might be the only one to make it back hurts like h*ll. Especially because, as frightening as it is, he's right about the likelihood. Scott is the werewolf. If anyone is gonna be able to survive this for sure, it's him. Stiles and Allison are MUCH more at risk.
But then add to that the bomb drop of Scott's dad being back in town, and the look on Scott's face right after he says it...
God they better all make it back alive, because if that's the last thing those two talked about, I'm gonna be very upset.
They're gonna be fine.
I know they're gonna be fine, because Stiles and Scott and Allison are all in more episodes together after this (spoilers save my sanity sometimes lol).
But how fine are they REALLY going to be??
When Deaton says "darkness"...what does that mean exactly?
...wait a minute.
Is the darkness the reason that the Nogitsune is able to take possession of Stiles in the second half of this season (yeah yeah, I know. Sorryyyyy. This is what happens when I discover a show long after it's ended lol.)?? Cause that would actually explain a lot and make a whole lot of sense.
Like, I know a decent amount about that part of the storyline, but I don't know EVERYTHING, and this would certainly be one of the puzzle pieces I'm missing.
...maybe I can sneak it in tonight.
Either way, you know you guys'll know one way or another lol.
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digihindnews · 2 years
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Will There Be Another Season?
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Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Fans are beyond ecstatic to witness the greatest release of all time as a result of Netflix's official announcement that production will begin soon on the third season of Sweet Magnolias. One of the most well-liked series currently available on Netflix is titled "Sweet Magnolias." Thankfully, Netflix has continued to care about the quality of its most popular programs, which is why the company's officials decided to make the renewal announcement public. If you are interested in finding out more about Sweet Magnolias Season 3, then the information that you require can be found here. Since the first episode of Sweet Magnolias Season 2 was broadcast on February 4, 2022, fans have been anticipating the second season of the show ever since it was announced. It's been half a year since the last episode of the show aired, and already fans are looking for details about what's going to happen next. The story of Maddie, Dana Sue, and Helen was left on a cliffhanger at the end of the second season. In the upcoming third season of Sweet Magnolias, viewers will get a better idea of how these three characters are going to contribute to the show. The results of their actions are going to have a significant impact on the plot of the third season. Fans are at risk of gaining new information about the show's upcoming seasons because the plot of the show is not yet particularly complex, and there has been an official announcement made regarding the third season. Everything you need to know about the second season is included in this article.
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Will There Be Another Season?
Producer Dan Paulson has made the third season of Sweet Magnolias public. As he put it, "we're thrilled to be embarking on our third season for Netflix, and we're looking forward to returning to Serenity." The show's second season has been officially confirmed. JoAnna Garcia, Swisher Brooke Elliott, and Heather Headley all took to social media to express their delight at being renewed for a third season. Thankfully, Netflix will not end the series on a cliffhanger, so viewers will know what happens next. Production on the third season has begun and is progressing as planned. When the May 2022 issue of Sweet Magnolia was released, the band's author announced, "We're going back to Serenity, y'all!" We're overjoyed to announce that the third season of Sweet Magnolias is in production. I'm excited to have you all back in my home. The film's writers announced their intention to start production with the line, "Shall we begin?" "I'm overjoyed to have the cast and crew of Sweet Magnolias back home in Serenity for the first day of production on Season 3!"
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Release Date
The official has announced on Twitter that writing has begun. Thankfully, production on the series has officially begun, and fans can't get enough updates. Releases for both seasons of Sweet Magnolias occurred in 2020 and 2022. So, let's get back to the third season; who hasn't been made available yet? There has been no update from Netflix regarding the show's fate. Production on the show has started, and viewers are anticipating an early premiere. The series has begun production, but there has been no announcement of a premiere date. If you liked this, you should check out our coverage of whether or not to renew The God of High School for a second season. Due to the global pandemic, production on the show was put on hold for the standard two years. Everything is in good hands now, and the show may premiere sooner than expected. Plus, we know it typically takes 9 months for a series to be released, so we're anticipating the show's premiere in the near future. Season 3 of Sweet Magnolias will premiere in 2023, as far as we can tell based on the show's previous release schedules. https://twitter.com/SweetMagnolias/status/1549005142845956097 You might also like: - Mario Kart 9 Release Date: Character, Trailer, And You Need To Know About Mario Kart 9 - The Bear Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, And Everything You Need To Know.
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Cast
Casting the lead role is crucial to the success of Sweet Magnolias. Every major player from the show will make an appearance. All the original cast members will return for the third season. JoAnna Garcia Swisher will reprise her role as Maddie Townsend, along with Brooke Elliot as Dana Sue Sullivan, Heather Headley as Helen Decatur, Chris Klein as Bill Townsend, Justin Breuning as Cal Maddox, Carson Rowland as Tyler Townsend, Logan Allen as Kyle Townsend, Anneliese Judge as Annie Sullivan, and Chris Medlin as Isaac Downey. Related: Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker Will Return in Rush Hour 4! Also, Jamie Lynn Spears as Noreen Fitzgerald, Brandon Quinn as Ronnie O'Sullivan, Michael Shenefelt as Ryan Wingate, and Dion Johnstone as Erik Whitley.
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Plot
Much is in store for viewers in Sweet Magnolias Season 3. After the second season concluded, many loose ends remained untied. JoAnna Gracia Swisher has revealed that the third season will pick up directly after the events of the second. The third and final act will begin after the conclusion of the second season. The place where we last left off, she said. It was also added, "I don't think you can come back months later and say, 'Whatever happened with Helen?' and "Has Justin been arrested?" Why not try for the moon? Maddy, Dana Sue, and Helen will return for a third season with even more trouble in store for them. According to an interview Headley gave to TVLine, she noted, "I could see her going either way and of course, they don't tell me." Netflix is afraid I'll spill the beans in exchange for mac and cheese, and I can see why. It's no secret that Maddie's status is a major source of curiosity for the audience. The audience is anticipating Maddie's reaction to the secret they've been keeping about Cal. To paraphrase Sheryl: "In a potential third season, it's certainly something Cal needs to unpack and examine whether he has handled past events properly, why he lost it when not losing it is so important to him, and what choices he can make going forward." She then clarified, "Not just for himself, but also for the people he loves."
Sweet Magnolias Season 3: Trailer
Unfortunately, the official trailer for the third season has not been released as of yet by the relevant authorities. We are still awaiting Netflix to release some teasers for their upcoming shows. Having said that, the filming has already reached the halfway point, and it's possible that the show will be broadcast very soon. Please share this post with the people you care about, and encourage them to check out Digi Hind News so that they can stay up to date on everything that’s been happening recently. Read the full article
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Crazy, Stupid, Love
Old Fashioneds for Charity: A Cocktail Philanthropy
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The Setup: Kris actually gets into the long version of the Setup below, but this is also the first time all four of us have Reacted to Something together in real time! So it’s super long and a little clunkier than usual, but hopefully also fun. We’ll probably try to do it again at some point.
As always, post-chat annotations are in italics, and you can click on the first appearances of our names to see summaries of the TV shows, movies, and other things that influence our points of view.
LIZ: soo.. Crazy, Stupid, Love.. am I RIGHT?!
KRIS: I’m worried I’m going to disappoint all of you
(Are we all here?)
MIRI: You laughed out loud multiple times while we watched
MIRI: I don’t think you’ll disappoint us
LIZ: Kris, don’t be worried. We will just unfriend you on social media first and
THEN cut off all contact
MIRI: hahahahaha
LIZ: ❤️
MIRI: So, Kris--thoguhts?
MIRI: Or thoughts
whichever you feel like
LIZ: I forgot so much.. Kris go first
MARCHAE: I want them ALLLL
LIZ: General opinion/ reaction then nitty gritty!?
KRIS: I guess I’d like to start with the [name of my writing teacher] story first
Just to explain how we got here
MIRI: Ok, please do
MARCHAE: storytime with kris 
KRIS: We’re just jumping right into like late second-act spoilers for Crazy Stupid Love, dear readers, all eight of you
MIRI: omg ❤️ 
KRIS: So [Writing Teacher] wanted to give us an example of subtext
And writing dialogue that doesn’t suck
So she gave us a scene, minus action description and names, and it’s a woman asking a man for advice on fixing a water heater
And she asks, what do you think this scene is about?
And we know it’s a trick question, but for whatever reason even the people who’ve seen the movie haven’t picked up on it yet
So the answers are like “she doesn’t really want to ask for his help”
LIZ: Sneaky. Love it
KRIS: And then [Writing Teacher] turns on the TV and there’s the title screen for Crazy Stupid Love, and some people are like ohhhh
And [Writing Teacher] doesn’t say anything and she goes to the scene, and obviously it’s not even remotely about a water heater
And more people are like OHHHHH yeah
And I was like, damn
That’s good
And I guess I was over at Miri’s, or maybe we met somewhere for something, and I was telling this story
MIRI: “Damn. That’s good. Maybe I should listen to Miri when she tells me to watch things”
KRIS: And it comes up that I haven’t seen the movie
And Miri is like
MARCHAE: (Which is still unbelievable)
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MIRI: You’ve used that gif about me more than once
KRIS: Yes I have
It’s a good gif!
I like Elizabeth Jennings!
MIRI: And I am still complimented and also concerned
It is an excellent gif
KRIS: So this was October, I think
MIRI: I like her too but I’m not sure I should want to be her!
October sounds right
LIZ: I dont think his advice was even legit to be honest so don’t read it or watch it if you are struggling with a water heater issue!
Liz is looking out for us all, dear readers
KRIS: And every once in awhile it would come up and Miri sort of led this slow-but-steady charge of We’re Going to Make Kris Watch Crazy Stupid Love
and Kelly signed onto this in some capacity
Kelly is Miri’s roommate and another friend from our grad program
And obviously Marchae and Lemon
Reminder: Lemon = Liz
So here we are
MIRI: We’re humanitarians like that
Here we are!
KRIS: that was a looooot of preamble
MARCHAE: (And we had to get you on board with Hamilton too... kris I see a pattern) 
MIRI: I like the preamble. Now, tell us your thoughts!
KRIS: I liked it?
See this is why I’m worried about disappointing you
MIRI: Are you not sure about that?
Or do you just not have more expansive thoughts?
KRIS: No, I’m sure
LIZ: you did like it or you liked it ? 
KRIS: I’m sure there are more thoughts, but I’ll need some prompting, I guess
MARCHAE: I'm sitting on the edge of my seat her!!! 
MIRI: Ok, we can prompt
LIZ: Who cares what we think! I took some notes because I forget a lot of things and a lot of my notes were sassy.. so what?
KRIS: I think the only thing I’d seen Gosling in before this was The Nice Guys
MARCHAE: Ok can you talk about the Ryan Gossling character 
MIRI: ???
LIZ: go*
KRIS: and probably a couple of episodes of Young Hercules
LIZ: hahaha
LIZ: this is a topic for another day
MIRI: True
KRIS: I never saw The Notebook
MARCHAE: What!?!
MARCHAE: What is happening!?!?!
LIZ: You need to want ALL OF IT EVERY DAY (the notebook that is)
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KRIS: I can see there’s going to be a Make Kris Not a Philistine syllabus at some point
But also you have tons for us to watch too
KRIS: I guess where I was going with this is that I realized watching CSL that Gosling has pretty strong Brad Pitt vibes
MIRI: Focusing on this movie!
RYAN GOSLINGS IS SO HOT in this. And I love that he’s hyper masculine without being so in all ways.
KRIS: Does that seem right? Or was this not representative?
LIZ: Talk about... representation in this movie... I had a lot of questions about masculinity rewatching
So did I liz 
LIZ: and then about how women are portrayed obviously always.. but what are your gut reaction thoughts
MIRI: Like, he’s got some slightly effeminate affectations that go with his kind of dandy vibe
MARCHAE: And Miri to be clear the ew was for you 
MIRI: Um ouch??
KRIS: Hang on I’m just pulling up IMDB to get character names
LIZ: ew what? he’s very hot
MIRI: You don’t think he’s hot?
LIZ: did you not see his body
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MIRI: He’s hot!!
It’s like he’s photoshopped!
LIZ: HAHAHA exactly
MARCHAE: And now you liz. No i think he generally looks dehydrated and like he needs to bathe 
LIZ: ........
MARCHAE: The photoshopped line is funny but no 
LIZ: He has a tan?
MARCHAE: Go on Kris 
KRIS: Marchae’s descriptions of unattractiveness are always so specific
Miri: Marchae once told me she thinks the Rock looks like a toe and I have NEVER forgiven her for it.
MARCHAE: I am also tanned 
MIRI: Ohh, you’ve had this complaint about him before that he needs to wash
K: Marchae was not rooting for La La Land during the Oscars
KRIS: “dehydrated”
MIRI: Ok, let’s talk about toxic masculinity and this film’s deconstruction of it Because I’m into it
MARCHAE: Yeah the bags under/around his eyes -dehydration 
LIZ: lol at marchae’s tan.. and nobody’s here to say YOU ARENT HOTT! ❤️ 😉
MIRI: very true! 🔥
MARCHAE: Thanks gang 
MIRI: I think the film is pretty clear on the fact that Jacob’s perspective on women for most of the film is not super healthy or ok
(and also he could use some therapy)
MARCHAE: Ok so I did [rewatch] and I think because I knew we were talking pay more attention to how okay women are with RGs character 
MIRI: And we’re all tired of the whole The Right Woman SAVED Him narrative, but I do like that he has actual growth
I would argue that he’s a womanizer, but not a misogynist 
KRIS: (I did wish both Emily and Hannah had bigger stories in this)
MIRI: (or at least not to the extent of most)
Kris, I second that
MARCHAE: Same here 
MIRI: And not just because they are both such talented actors
The movie is mostly about the men’s growth
MARCHAE: Miri I feel like he might teeter on that line. He almost feels he has a right to these women he seeks out 
MIRI: But the women are allowed to be characters rather than set pieces more than most
MARCHAE: Kind of like that one that's the one I want and I will get her 
KRIS: Yeah, and of course it’s not inherently objectionable that this is a story about two dudes
MIRI: except the women they sleep with, mostly
Very true! I think we could use more stories about men having emotional growth and healthy friendships
MARCHAE: No not at all (three if you track the little boys story) 
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MIRI: The whole “You don’t ask them, you tell them that they want to come home with you” thing is not great. It’s pretty bad. But it’s also not the language that they ever use when actually talking to women--it’s always “wanna get out of here” type stuff
So I think that Jacob is not as much of a misogynist as he thinks he is!
I may be being too forgiving
But I love him
LIZ: I think he feels less entitled to the women and more just confident in his “game” bc consent is obviously important to him.. he doesn’t have to talk anyone into anything, which SHOULD BE THE WAY IT ALWAYS IS but unfortunately is not in real life and in how “wooing” is portrayed in film and what nots
MIRI: Very true! He’s super forward, but will take no for an answer without being creepy
KRIS: I feel like on the page Jacob would probably come off as more of a dick
Gosling underplays it in a way, he’s very not Frat Dude
MARCHAE: I agree Kris!
MIRI: When he first hits on Hannah he keeps talking as she leaves, but he never gets up or tries to stop her (Again, low bar)
The performance really makes it
LIZ: That character could’ve easily ruined the movie
the shopping with Cal part is especially lovely
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MIRI: Love that!
KRIS: I think that’s because Hannah specifically was never really his objective; at that point she’s interchangeable with any other woman he might want to take home
LIZ: I am a sucker for physical humor apparently (throwing his shoes and slapping him(
MARCHAE: I don't generally love him and Hannah/Nanna notes the ridiculous nature of the game he plays 
MIRI: I also adore the section where they talk and have the infomercial stuff--one of my favorite film sequences
MARCHAE: So then I'm on board once the movie itself recognizes ok this guy is a doofus 
MIRI: Do we believe that he actually remembered hitting on her that one time when she kisses him? Or is he just going with it?
KRIS: That’s an interesting question
I think the intent is that he remembers her
LIZ: Gosling also never said like “all I want is to have the sexy times with as many women as possible”.. he just is kind of good at it.. I think if he ever said that was all he cared about or aspired to be... he’d be an asshat of the highest caliber
MIRI: I think the movie always knows that he’s a doofus, but doesn’t show its cards early
KRIS: I’m not sure if it’s the answer that makes the most sense or is the most interesting
MIRI: I’ve never questioned it before
LIZ: I think he remembered her bc she turned him down
and we don’t see anyone else do that
KRIS: I buy that
MIRI: Nice
MIRI: Do we believe his redemption? Or change of heart or whatever?
LIZ: But then I felt like.. masculinity is kind of very set in stone and in stages of life in this movie
I know it is more complex
but does society kind of not ask it to be?
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MIRI: Say more
What stages do you see?
LIZ: The kid with the crush ... the womanizer sexy young guy... the sad dad/ divorcee with his walking shoes and ill fitting clothes
MIRI: And are you saying the movie reinforces those ideas about particular types of masculinity or no?
LIZ: Cal is able to kind of morph into Goslings characters TYPE and I think at the end he is his own person and a NEW version of a man, but the ENTIRE movie kind of puts men in boxes.. which is FINE BC WOMEN ARE USED TO THAT TOO
KRIS: Is this kind of a Dan Fogelman thing? I’m not super familiar with his corpus
LIZ: and the douche boyfriend of hannah is kind of the alternative to the sexy young guy.. the safe boring young guy like SHOULD I MARRY KOKOUM.. STEADY AS THE BEATING DRUM? that shit
I am asking.. because I don’t know!
MIRI: Hmmm
KRIS: I think these are definitely all types/boxes but I don’t know if I’d map them into linear stages
MIRI: Maybe it’s more a question of him using and playing with types than anything else
MARCHAE: Liz I notes that too though not as eloquently 
KRIS: I got more of a “you can be this, or you can be that” vibe
LIZ: There is something to be said of the separated married couple trying to maybe make it work.. and the way Cal turns into a better human who cares about himself and then his life more too bc of that.. idk
MIRI: And then ultimately you can be you with an element of this and that if you want
LIZ: Like the wife is flawed, but open and trying from the first scenes where he rolls out of the car, which I appreciate
MIRI: While Cal’s journey gets way more screen time, I like the building blocks of Emily’s a lot
“Can women have midlife crises??” Yes, they totally can
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LIZ: Yeah I agree, I’d have loved to see more Emily and Hannah
MIRI: And more of Liza Lapira, the friend!
KRIS: Also shout out to Asian Best Friend
MIRI: I love her and she never gets big enough parts!
LIZ: Right!?
MIRI: Kris, were weirdly in sync here and I love it
KRIS: There are like two not-white people in this movie and the other one is credited as “Hip Hairdresser”, so
MIRI: The phone call when Hannah is studying and ABF sees Jacob at the bar is hilarious
LIZ: She deserved to have something nice happen to her.. she gets creeped on by a fat old dude and gets to drool at Gosling! Not fair!
wow at hip hairdresser
MIRI: It is an extremely white movie
Like, down to the extras at the school and office
MARCHAE: Par for the course though for our friend Hollywood 
KRIS: Unless you count Emma Stone
Too easy
I’ll show myself out
LIZ: Yeah there is no reason why the babysitter and her family or the school staff or the people at the bar needed to be all white.. very gross
It’s very 10 years ago, too
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KRIS: Oh let’s see if we can finish this masculinity stuff but do remind me to come back to the bar set
as a set
MIRI: We will try
Kris, as our man do you have anything to say about masculinity?
LIZ: like the kid, the dad, the player, the douche.. then the kind of controlled by his wife married angry ish guy (the friend w the mays bag) those are the people to think of as a refresher of type of dudes
KRIS: I don’t know that I have any fresh insights you all haven’t covered
LIZ: insert(eggplant emoji)
well do you think that it has anything right or anything wrong?
MIRI: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆
LIZ: like the adolescent kid is actually given a good amount of depth
MIRI: There you go, Lemon
LIZ: thank you I didnt know if we could use those hhahahahha
MIRI: We can
MARCHAE: Can I say one thing
LIZ: well
MARCHAE: I did not love the end bit with the babysitter giving the kid the nude pics
MARCHAE: It was odd to me and not a thing I think a girl would do 
MIRI: I find that pretty grody
KRIS: Yeah I didn’t love that whole story honestly
MARCHAE: Like here is my gift to you young flower
KRIS: And I understand that part of this is just my general aversion to humans who aren’t old enough to drink
MIRI: And technically distribution of child pornography since she’s 17
K: As previously established, I am generally not a person who is won over by cuteness of the non-furry-quadruped variety. I’m the one who doesn’t say anything when one of the others sends baby pictures in our group text.
KRIS: But yeah, even the persistent text messages
Yes and he kind of quasi stalks her 
It's. Not. Cute
MIRI: Yeah, “I’m not going to stop sending messages that make her uncomfortable” is not great
KRIS: I guess I’m not sure when this came out in relation to our sort of broader cultural understanding of social media’s role in rape culture and harassment more broadly
LIZ: Technology moves so fast
KRIS: But that was all on my mind
MIRI: I think it was before that general realization
They still had slide out keyboard phones
MARCHAE: But not before the general realization of stalking 
And harassment 
LIZ: I think it is harrassment
MARCHAE: And the exchange of kid picks 
KRIS: Yeah
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MARCHAE: No adult human said 
Young sir stop it's not cute 
It was all 
LIZ: I think things hit the fan sexting wise after this though
MARCHAE: Go get her! 
jk but actually
Her crush on Cal was disturbing
like.. no.
MIRI: He is her dad’s friend!!!
LIZ: I was a hott mess in all the ways as a teen, but no!
MARCHAE: I guess I was lost on why it was supposed to be cute
MIRI: As creepy and not ok as the kid story is, I do like some od it
LIZ: The little girl.. the youngest.. Lets write her sequel.. she needs the most therapy
MARCHAE: I thought all of this the first time 
MIRI: Like it was definitely written by a guy not really getting the reality of rape cultre
MIRI: but I do like that his idea of love is neither purely romantic or solely sexual. He sees her as his soul mate and it’s nice to see more than one aspect of attraction represented in one
MARCHAE: Or the reality of LIFE
KRIS: I feel like a lot of this movie works better than it should because the performances aren’t too broad
Like everyone’s actually pretty easy to empathize with
MARCHAE: I think you're right though 
If even one of them has been not redeemable it would have not worked 
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LIZ: I think soul mates are kind of bullshit.. which isn’t unromantic of me, but more like... we see that this idea can force things that are not right and its not good for young people to fixate on someone like that!
KRIS: Even Jessica (babysitter) isn’t presented as hysterical or like, hormone-addled
MIRI: True
Oh I think soul mates are bullshit too
MARCHAE: The kids are all pretty self aware 
I guess that gives it the pass 
KRIS: So as uncomfortable as the story is when you take a step back, from pretty early on -- I’m thinking the car scene when Cal drops Jessica off -- she’s kind of restrained and thoughtful
LIZ: the only semi hysterical female is the teacher
but i think she is kind of fucked with in ways that bring that out
MIRI: My computer is being weird so sorry if my texts come in at a weird delay
KRIS: So I guess I liked that Jessica is afforded the same amount of humanity as anyone else, if that makes sense
LIZ: right
KRIS: Marisa Tomei!
LIZ: she definitely is
MIRI: I just like that the kid who’s jerking off to a girl also likes her as more than a sex object
LIZ: Ugh that is so gross
MIRI: Marisa Tomei is so funny
What's gross?
LIZ: yes she’s great
MIRI: Him jerking off with her IN THE HOUSE?
LIZ: Just thinking about having kids of either sex that age
I can’t pick which one would be worse
KRIS: ha
MARCHAE: But he also isn't apologetic to the fact that he's made her uncomfortable about it and that's what bugs me
LIZ: he does apologize at one point
MIRI: I genuinely am bothered by that too
LIZ: but it kind of takes his world being crushed
which is odd
KRIS: Well, I don’t like it as a story but I buy it from a 13-year-old
MIRI: All of the men need to Grow Emotionally in this movie
LIZ: I guess
MARCHAE: But doesn't he say I'd do it again and she laughs 
MIRI: And the women mostly need to get outside their comfort zone, I guess?
K: I don’t think so, actually. I’d say it’s more something like, they need to be willing to say what they want/need from relationships, and/or don’t expect your partner to be a mind-reader.
MIRI: I like that reading. I also think they need to be willing to examine what they want for themselves--Jessica does’t end up with a partner but she seems to be happy and to have realized that pursuing a crush that inappropriate is probably not the way to go.
LIZ: I have specific questions at some point about certain parts of the movie
MIRI: Go for it!
LIZ: Hannah being seen as “chaste” by refusing Gosling’s advances kind of give her that angel dynamic, versus the slut thing that all of the women who readily go with him automatically might get, so then she DESERVES to hear about this parents and see his massage chair and be his one love... and I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF THAT
also.. I did note.. “WHY IS HIS MASSAGE CHAIR IN THE GARAGE? PEOPLE ARE STARVING” which was in the moment but I stand by it
MIRI: I never thought of it that way. I assume she’s been sleeping with Human Valium
LIZ: I have more but THOUGHTS?
KRIS: I think it’s totally in character for the chair to be abandoned in the garage
But to your larger point, yes
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MIRI: Yes Jacob needs to stop trying to buy happiness and start volunteering and giving to charity and funding cool research or something
I think he’d find it much more rewarding
KRIS: I definitely think there’s a (really familiar) undercurrent of assuming most of the women Jacob sleeps with are empty airheads
MIRI: Definitely
LIZ: “Old Fashionds for Charity” a cocktail philanthropy
MIRI: “Am I boring you? I’m totally boring you!”
Well there’s the post title
Well done, Lemon
LIZ: Spelled wrong
KRIS: We can spell it right in the heading
MIRI: There goes our integrity 
LIZ: hahahhaa
MARCHAE: I didn't think they were airheads but maybe... as the kids would say
MIRI: I think the intent is that Hannah is the one that challenges him, not that she’s virginal
But it’s still kind of shitty
LIZ: I don’t want to feel seem like Im hating on Hannah btw
MIRI: No, you don’t!
KRIS: Yeah, I think it’s like “Hannah is a Woman of Substance”
LIZ: Her awkward, wet, weirdness where she says what she’s thinking is amazing and I really identify with it.
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MIRI: I am a little concerned that she went from being ready for Valium to propose to in a pretty heavy relationship with Jacob over the course of a rainstorm
Yes! Great moment of weirdness
When she’s asking about the logistics of his moves it’s amazing
LIZ: I felt like she thought he might and shed be flattered, but I think she also might have had a come to jesus moment if he HAD proposed and left also
MIRI: Fair
KRIS: I got the sense there was a little bit of a time lapse presumed after they get together
LIZ: bc its at a cheese cake factory type of place (not that nice even) at a mall
MIRI: There’s at least a couple weeks
But still
LIZ: oh for sure
MIRI: The El Torito Grill!
KRIS: I mean even if it wasn’t a super intense relationship I buy her not breaking up with him because Dad Says So
LIZ: oh yeah, she’s an adult... that is insane
MIRI: Definitely! 
KRIS: Oh, okay, so now that we’re here, I should say that the Twist worked well enough for me to say “Whaaaat” out loud
MIRI: But also she’s totally emotionally invested 
He did!!!
LIZ: because you thought nana was a grandma?
MIRI: It was great!
KRIS: Up until that point, I was sort of like okay, this is a charming movie but I don’t feel a need to rewatch it ever
LIZ: also they are so into their kids.. why does she not come up! it is kind of CONVENIENT
KRIS: But now I would maybe want to rewatch it to see how they plant that
MIRI: They plant it well!
MARCHAE: "Charming"
KRIS: I did have a moment earlier in the movie of like “huh, they cast two redheads”
LIZ: ha
MIRI: When Cal talks about his kids it’s always “my youngest” (rather than my girl) and “I have kids--plural!”
MARCHAE: That's true and he also just calls Hannah Nanna right?
MIRI: right
KRIS: Yeah, and they do sort of plant the banana thing in the not-proposal scene, right? 
Or maybe the earlier restaurant scene?
KRIS: So at no point was I like “buddy, that’s a stretch”
MIRI: Hannah Banana!
LIZ: thats good
KRIS: I would just be curious to spot all the pieces being set up
LIZ: they definitely are
MIRI: It’s a good rewatch
MARCHAE: I like it a lot actually 
LIZ: also.. there are cheesy parts.. which seem to be on the nose, but the movie is very self aware
like the rain starts and he says like “so cliche” or something
MIRI: Yes!
LIZ: but his kid is like “dad you did change, you just got new clothes” and I did think BARF OKAY NO
MIRI: And Emily actually mentions how things are “in the movies” when talking about midlife crises 
Like, a cliche lampshading of a cliche is still cliche
KRIS: That did jump out at me
MARCHAE: It knew these things 
KRIS: I don’t know if it bothered me but I don’t think I would’ve missed it either
LIZ: there was also a part about half way through where I realized why I like tv more most of the time.. like even if I had never seen it.. I knew what would happen and I am so sick of that fake roller coaster/ formulaic bs
MARCHAE: Does that make the movie smart
KRIS: I think it makes it self-satisfied
LIZ: No, but it is cute
MIRI: I think it’s both self-satisfied and cute
KRIS: sure
MIRI: Like, it’s a little annoying but I’ll allow it because I like the rest so much
MIRI: Also this is not at all connected to what we’re talking about but “I don’t want your slutty money” is one of the best moments ever
LIZ: oh yeah
MARCHAE: And Emily's response was the best
LIZ: because it isn’t overdone or too dramatic.. it is kind of exactly how someone would think they are really telling someone off, but it is more like a passing strange comment built up in their brain
what about kevin
they say his name 3084028408 times and I have forgotten it
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MIRI: David Lindhagen
MARCHAE: I was like was his name Kevin?buut I'm there now 
KRIS: I’d watched a couple episodes of I Love Dick shortly before this so I was like Oh hey, Kevin Bacon! but I don’t have deep thoughts
MARCHAE: I think the story could have easily been told without ever actually having seen him 
KRIS: I liked that he wasn’t a cartoon villain
MIRI: But then we don’t get the fight scene!!!
Which is amazing!
Yes! I think he’s a nice seeming guy who is a little shitty for going after a married woman
LIZ: yeah the fight scene is great
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MIRI: He’s not a massive dick, but he’s not a hero
LIZ: nobody really is ha
MIRI: Jacob’s desire to punch him is great
KRIS: Yeah, exactly, I did like that a lot about the movie
LIZ: except when cal calls the bartender.. a cocktail servant that is the meanest thing 
Right that felt like real family
MIRI: But he’s definitely seen as being a dick for that
LIZ: like you can be mad at each other but still have a common enemy
MIRI: Even he knows it was dickish
KRIS: cocktail servant was weird, yeah
LIZ: yes he did
MIRI: Yeah I like the way the family can fight and still come together
Very genuine feeling
LIZ: another amazing part... “amy heard you crying in the bathroom. we all thought it was cancer.. thank god!”
and they don’t talk for a while but still kind of love each other and the what nots
KRIS: So about the bar set, I liked that Cal ended up back in that seat after having been in Jacob’s spot looking at some other balding sadsack who was obviously supposed to remind him of himself
It’s simple, but I liked that use of set geography to establish power dynamics
K: Off the top of my head, this AV Club article (on the study table in Community and the elevator in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) is my favorite little internet thing about using a set to establish, and then play with, audience expectations.
LIZ: with a straw!
MARCHAE: Ohhhhh nice!
LIZ: yeah
MIRI: Yes!
Very good use of space/visuals
My perpetual question about Jacob--is he supposed to be Jewish??
LIZ: I also don’t think any women go to that bar twice
for his whole scheme to work
MIRI: He says shvonz (I don’t even know how to spell that) and his name is Jacob.
This is my only evidence but I feel strongly about tit
LIZ: He feels Jewish and sometimes Italian to me haha
MIRI: Yes!
LIZ: maybe both!
MIRI: His actual pronunciation of words does not feel Jewish to me, but that could be regional
MIRI: Please note that I’m not trying to imply that all Jewish people must “sound Jewish.” For example, I have some of the speech patterns that characterize Jewish American speech but almost none of the pronunciations.
Yes, he could be both!
LIZ: but yeah the shvonz (autocorrect can’t guess a thing) seems like yiddish or pretend yiddish
MIRI: Definitely
LIZ: seems like eastern european with a spray tan and a come-as-it-pleases brooklyn accent
MIRI: hahahahahaha YES Liz
LIZ: no I didn’t notice hahaha
KRIS: About as many times as I say “like” and “for sure”
LIZ: or as many times as I ignore punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and grammar in general? jk that is always for me (IM NOT SORRY! I MAJORED IN IT AND I PROVED THAT I KNOW IT)
MIRI: hahahahahaha
KRIS: Marchae I feel like you must have four pages of handwritten notes, is there anything you’re dying to bring up that we haven’t covered?
This time I didn't have as many notes! 
good! that means you just watched and enjoyed!
MARCHAE: My thing was mostly the odd kiddie crush bits that we covered 
KRIS: Yeah interestingly I feel like there’s not a lot to overthink here outside of larger cultural issues
LIZ: Why didn’t Jacob buy Cal’s drinks or some of his clothes?
His house is like.. clearly a 4 million dollar plus home
KRIS: Does he ever say what his job is?
MARCHAE: I also wanted to add that I want a story that focuses on Hannah and Jacob
MIRI: That’s true. Like, there’s a lot that’s done really well but it doesn’t take ling to say that
MARCHAE: He's a hustler kris 
LIZ: I think he got a large inheritance
KRIS: oh right
LIZ: (pillow talk exposition)
Hesssss a hustler babyyyyy
MIRI: At least he’s not a scrub
LIZ: he knows about new balance rules and he eats pizza w a napkin!
KRIS: That pizza thing is actually the first moment where I thought of Brad Pitt
I think because of Rusty in the Ocean’s movies
LIZ: I think you can wear stylish and supportive footwear btw.. I didn’t like that message
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MIRI: Sbaru Sbarro? 
I love that moment
LIZ: Brad isn’t my fav
MIRI: Yes, Jacob has some unhealthy rules
KRIS: But he has a similar low-key charisma
LIZ: If you think Brad is charismatic 
can you seriously go watch the notebook
MARCHAE: Brad Pitt does?
KRIS: I mean I’ve always liked him
MIRI: In Oceans he totally is
Whether you like him in general or not
LIZ: People don’t forget is all I’ll say about thim
MIRI: We should have Kris and Marchae do a Notebook reaction 
And Liz just annotates after
MARCHAE: See the notebook makes me cry 
LIZ: oh yes
of course it does
(no spoilies)
MARCHAE: I won't  
I'd be down! 
LIZ: 😀
MIRI: Ok, anything else we want to say about CSL?
KRIS: I don’t actually harbor DEEP resentment toward Emma Stone for Aloha
KRIS: I just hope she makes better choices in the future
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MIRI: Agreed
MARCHAE: Yes!!!!!!!!
MIRI: Like, learn from your mistakes
Stop making even bigger ones
K: Actually I just realized, I’m not sure what else you’re referring to besides Ghost in the Shell.
MIRI: Lucy. While not actually a case of whitewashing, it is pretty bad on the Yellow Peril front and she caught some flak for it...and then upped the ante by playing a Japanese character in Ghost in the Shell.
K: Look, I stopped paying attention to Lucy the second I realized it was premised on that “we only use 10 percent of our brains!” horseshit. 
But Johansson didn’t write Lucy, and it was what “proved” she could carry an action movie on her own, so I’m inclined to cut her slack there that I’m not willing to cut her for taking on a specifically whitewashed lead role in Ghost. Expecting actors to answer for writers and directors (in this case Luc Besson) is a slippery slope. Go too far, and it’s like blaming Candice Patton for The Flash writers’ inability to make Iris more than a damsel in distress for longer than half an episode at a time.
MIRI: Very true! I think Lucy is excusable, but Lucy and Ghost combined makes for an uncomfortable pattern. And yes, the 10% of the brain thing is ridiculous.
KRIS: I do like the whole Woody Harrelson Introduced Emma Stone and Brie Larson and Jennifer Lawrence to Each Other thing
LIZ: Amazing
KRIS: We have to talk about this Madam Hot Sauce thing
And we will -- or at least, Marchae will, with our very first Guest Reactor sometime in the next week or two. Because apparently “Madam Hot Sauce” is what Marchae calls Scarlett Johansson, and Marchae has discovered that she has strong opinions about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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justabigassnerd · 3 years
Protecting you
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Pairing - Daryl Dixon x teen!reader
Word count - 1,296
Warnings - TWD style violence, guns, blood, wounds, needles, swearing
Summary - on a run with Daryl you pull a stunt that ends up with you getting hurt and Daryl shifting into overprotective mode
A/N - hey y'all it's been a hot minute since I wrote for Daryl ain't it? I still love the bastard and I can't wait for the next part of season 11 because that cliffhanger was something else! This was a lovely request sent in by an anon and I hope I did it justice. As per y'all, please please send in requests and enjoy!!
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“C’mon kid, we gotta get as much as this back to Alexandria before it gets dark.” Daryl’s voice shakes you out of your daydream as you return to the task at hand. The two of you had gone on a supply run and by some miracle found a place that wasn’t completely looted or overrun by walkers. You managed to find a lot of food and supplies and filled your bags as much as possible, wanting to make sure Alexandria is well supplied because who knows how long it will take until another treasure trove like this appears.
“I don’t think I can fit anything else in my bag.” You call across the building, eyes searching for any sign of Daryl.
“Me either. Let’s go.” Daryl’s voice making you jump and turn around suddenly, your hand instinctively moving to your gun holster but relaxing upon seeing Daryl as he zips up his bag and puts it on his back with you following suit. You then both exit the bleak building and step out into sunlight which makes you squint due to its brightness. You head back to the road that led almost directly back to Alexandria and started the walk back home.
“I hope everyone will be happy with what we got.” You say, knowing that Alexandria is such a large community, and you want to make sure everyone will be satisfied with the haul you and Daryl are bringing back.
“They’ll love it. We can send some people out early tomorrow to collect some more stuff from here.” Daryl replies, walking alongside you along the road that’s littered with abandoned, rusting cars.
“There’s the fuckers, get them!” A shout from the nearby woods sends both you and Daryl diving behind one of the abandoned cars as bullets start ricocheting off the metal.
“Give us our shit you thieves! We’ve been scouting that place for weeks waiting for the walkers to clear out!” Another voice yells as you fumble for your gun, pulling it out of your holster and checking your ammo while Daryl loads his crossbow. You fire some bullets in the direction of the shouting, hoping you’ll hit someone, not enough to kill them but to at least deter them from attacking you any further. Daryl, however, was shooting to kill. After a few minutes of firing back and forth between you and your mysterious attackers, it soon became clear that they had a lot more ammo than you but not many more people. You figured three or four people at most so without thinking, to make sure Daryl was safe you darted out of the cover of the car until you were behind another, drawing their fire so Daryl was no longer their primary target. You heard Daryl call out your name in a panic as you moved from the second car to the third and you made the mistake of turning to look at him because the second you did, a bullet entered your thigh making you fall to the ground with a pained grunt, dragging yourself into cover as bullets rain down upon the car.
Seeing you clutching your leg, desperately trying to stop the blood from flowing, Daryl felt something snap. He already wanted to kill these people for attacking him in the first place, but they fucking shot you. That was crossing the line. While they were distracted with you, Daryl was able to take the three men out with ease, their distraction meaning they weren’t paying attention to the wellbeing of their fellow survivors. Once the threat was eliminated Daryl ran to your side, digging in his bag for bandages to bind the wound until you made it back to Alexandria.
“We gotta get out of here in case those guys have friends. Can you stand up?” Daryl says once you’re bandaged up, sticking his head up to survey his surroundings before standing up. Nodding, you force yourself to your feet with a wince. Daryl wraps an arm around you as you mirror his actions, limping alongside him as you hurry back to Alexandria. Once Rosita opens the gate, you hand her your bag, telling her to take it and put the stuff in the appropriate place.
“Are you okay?” She asks worriedly, noticing the blood staining your hand as you give her the bag.
“She got shot, I’m gonna take her to get it checked out. Could you take my bag too?” Daryl says, tugging his bag off his back and handing it to Rosita without giving her a chance to answer. Daryl took you to the infirmary where Carol immediately ushered you to a spare seat so she could treat your wound.
“You’re not usually one to be working in the infirmary Carol.” You attempt to joke, wincing as she unwraps the bandage.
“We need people working wherever they can.” Carol replies, busying herself with checking your wound out.
“Good news is that the bullet went straight through.” She mutters as she cleans the wound, apologising lowly when you wince and move away slightly.
“The bad news?” You press, knowing it’s better to just get it over with.
“You won’t be able to go on any runs for at least a couple of weeks. You’ll be stuck here to make sure you rest this leg of yours.” Carol continues, threading the needle so she can give you the stitches you need. You sit through the discomfort of having your leg sown up and bandaged before Carol dismisses you to head home and get some rest. Daryl returns to your side and helps you limp your way back to your shared house in Alexandria. Once you made it up the stairs, you sit on your bed, easing your shoes off gently, restraining yourself from moving your leg too much in fear of ripping your stitches. When that task is done successfully, you lie back against the headboard of your bed and notice Daryl watching you with a soft gaze.
“Are you okay Daryl?” You question, wondering why he looked so upset.
“You coulda died.” He mutters lowly, his eyes darting to look at anything but you.
“But I didn’t.” You argue gently.
“But you could’ve.” Daryl shoots back, eyes flicking up to meet yours. The worry and fear clear in his expression and his voice.
“I don’t regret what I did Daryl. We were stuck and something had to be done. But I am sorry that I let myself get shot.” You say gently, hoping Daryl understands where you are coming from.
“It was still stupid, you runnin’ off like that.” Daryl says, making you roll your eyes jokingly.
“Look at the life we’re living Daryl. In this world you have to take risks to protect the people you love and care about. I wasn’t about to let some fuckers hiding in the woods take you out. Besides, I knew you’d be able to kill them if I drew their fire.” You explain, watching Daryl’s expression soften further at your words. Daryl slowly approaches your bed, perching on the edge of it.
“You’re right kid. Just promise me somethin’.” Daryl says, glancing at you as you nod.
“Anything.” You reply, wanting to make sure Daryl is able to trust you to go on runs again once you’re better.
“No more runnin’ into dangerous situations without at least discussing a plan with whoever you’re out there with.” Daryl says, a small smile on his face. He knew he couldn’t stop you from being reckless. You were too much like him, even back when he first found you when the apocalypse had not long started. While he couldn’t stop your recklessness, he could at least make sure you plan something before diving headfirst into a dangerous situation.
“Alright. Deal.”
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15, Episode 3
It's ep three, and was third try the charm? Well, we're still in that little town, which is infuriating. But don't lose hope, chickadees. There was some character arc action and some plot advancing, and just drama in general, and it moved at a decently quick clip, all of which is refreshing after last week's ass-disaster of an episode. 
If I were grading this ep, all things considered (including some damn fine acting moments that elevated the material), it's an A-. (Five points were docked immediately because we were still in the little town.) But seriously, this week's writer(s) had a LOT to make up for given the aforementioned last week as well as a largely lackluster premiere, so you know what? Props to them. 
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We got a loose end from season past tied up, got rid of some dead weight, and then there was a thing that happened that I’m not entirely sure was necessary at this interval, but I get why it happened. Of course, we had our requisite random hamfisted “solution(s)” and still-unexplained bits that should’ve been clarified ages ago, can’t not have those, it seems. Regardless, this episode was actually fairly interesting to watch. I’m still wary about the state of the season after the first two, but this one had some spark.
Spoilers below the cut, you know the drill.  
This one's in order, I was jotting stuff down as I watched. Past ep breakdowns linked at the bottom. If you’re new, hello, welcome, etc., I don’t do meta shit or reading into the symbolism of the color of a blurry wallpaper just over someone’s shoulder, I look at writing and cohesiveness and structure and flow and all that jazz. I basically just call things as I see ‘em. 
More spooky-scary still seems to be pouring from the hellpit, but at least this crypt is pretty, and Harry Potter tent-esque because the square feet inside is seemingly bigger than the outside.  
Rowena appears to be outfitted in one of my grandmother's housedresses, or a coffin lining, or a 1980s prom dress, whichever you prefer, and none of them have been pressed. I'm trying to say I don't like it. They also continue to do Ruthie's makeup in such a manner that she perpetually looks approximately fifteen years older than she actually is, so in a way I'm thankful this is likely her last episode. On the other hand, I trust these writers and the people who assemble/green light the promos about as far as I can throw them, so we shall see. In any event, Ruthie is quite the good actor and I hope she gets a million gigs after all this is done.  
This Sam-Dean moment with Creased Brow Sam and Gruff Voice Dean is falling so flat, not because of them, but because we're hearing The Same Damn Thing We've Already Heard. Move the plot along, please----- Oh wait here comes Belphagor once again with a solution, this time a nice little plot rescue MacGuffin! Lilith's Crook. Just gotta blow it like a horn. 
Motherbitch, this is stupid.
I got a thought: make it Gabriel's horn, so it calls in all the angels who should've come back with the reverse-y switch-a-roo, and they deal with sealing the hole, but bonus! At end of ep last scene is that it's also called Gabriel back, too. I'd announce to the universe that this show needs to hire me, but, welp.
Oh look, Ketch is in a hospital gown. Oh look, I bet Ketch is about to die in that hospital gown, instead of a badass suit like it should be. It looked like DHJ accidentally spoiled via a tweet that I happened to see----- 
I dodge the promo images and articles and such so I can give a view of someone who doesn't know what is coming in these things. 
-----because he talked about coming back just to leave again, that it was a pleasure, whatever, and y'all will have to fill me in on that because I kinda can't believe he whiffed that hard. I'm not looking it up, is my point. Did he whiff? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care. I mean, don’t go to trouble looking into it on my account.  
Hmmm. Was Ketch’s death entirely necessary? At least, right now? I dunno. Maybe. I’m 50/50 whether this, or have him be double-crossy then get killed later. In any event, well-acted by DHJ. He's quite fantastic. He is wasted in all the Hallmark dreck he's been in, I really hope he gets some good work after this. That's that. Moving on. 
We're 1/4 in, and I'll give it this: we've gotten some action, some drama, but they've GOT to make up for the lack of plot progression in episode 2. Belphagor is shady as shit, which we knew, and this just got reinforced by that demon who has such a hard-on for Belphagor getting axed. 
I do not mind rando badass lady hunter having lines and playing a tangentially-important role in the ep, but this means if we ever see her again, she'll likely get killed, so I'm not getting attached. 
So hell is an angry vagina. SFX, are y'all okay? Is that prick whose tweets occasionally come across my feed still working there? Y'all need some hugs? I know y'all need some better budget, that all the DC shows got it, but oh well, that ship's sailed.  
Well done set dec, I dig the ghoulish statues in that hallway. And hey costume design, I like the ring that dude was wearing, I would wear that in real life. It would also look great as a wrist cuff. I digress. 
We know this demon is not going to succeed in killing Belphagor, so once more we have a pointless halftime cliffhanger. Also, have I mentioned I'm done with Cas being a weak puss? I'm telling you, if stuff got rewound, he should be incrementally getting his mojo back, that tracks logically. See Ep. 1 notes for what I thought should've happened for a legit "Whoa" moment. 
"Do you have any idea what he is?" --- he's a poop demon. Again, see the first episode of @youtotallymadethatup​    /shameless plug
Is this show gonna end with a Jack vs. Jack battle royale? Because fuck that noise. But! Writing-wise, it's okay that ol’ Belph may become the big bad. Nash, why would you say that, you ask. Easy.
A. Ny. Thing. to get us the fuck out of this little town. I am so goddamned bored.
Cas, this is a mistake. You should leave. What are you doing. Leave. Don't fall for that. Leave. Go now. Whoosh. Okay, or glow worm and barbeque the body. That was a nice little catch of emotion by Misha at the end. Except are the demons now gonna jump into his body? Better not, we've seen that season. 
Commercials! Cannot believe I've not been inundated with the adverts for the convention here in the spring, that's usually the jam. Imma go get some frozen yogurt. Highly rec strawberry with a little warmed-up Nutella. Try it, then tell me I'm crazy. I'm not. It's heavenly. 
Aaaaand, we're back!
Don't look so distressed Cas, y’all were gonna burn it anyway. But this takes Jack v. Jack off the table. Hopefully this means we'll be headed back to the Empty to get some progress on that hanging thread from last season sooner rather than later. Still, I'm glad we are down a character for awhile, this character in particular was starting to work my nerves and honestly, is just dead weight. I want it back to Sam and Dean for the most part this final season with sprinklings of Cas. Everyone else is secondary.
[claps] Very excellent Ruthie and Jared. One critique: Wish there could've been some sort of line from Rowena, re: "And perhaps I'll get to see my boy again", something of that ilk.
But I want to say this, and say it emphatically:
The nonsensical spells pulled from asses must stop
The soul-catcher thing is an example of a great move because it drew upon the past, then built upon for the present. This heart and angel blood and salt shit, and then this “Oh by the way it needs my dying breath” stuff is just obvious “um um um well how about bleh” writing stumbles, and it shows. The only reason that lameness worked? Ruthie and Jared’s performances. Period. Because y’all gave them absolute garbage to work with, and they made it shine.
Hey! There's the two convention promos with one short local ad in between, followed by the same local ad again! I was beginning to think they'd forgotten! 
Oof, Dean. I mean, I figured this convo would have to happen one day, it's been building, because even though his intentions are good, Cas has been involved in his fair share of shit taking left turns. Hopefully Cas is going to go seek out other angels. Also, re: Cas saying he's getting weaker - because, why? WHY. This has never been addressed in a definitive, satisfactory manner. 
Right, so, like we do each time, let's check in to see if we've had any character development and/or plot progression: 
Do Ketch and Rowena and Belphagor count, since they've progressed to being dead? Dunno, that's more of a finality to their overall arcs. Dean's being an asshole and Sam's being weepy and Cas is being an Eeyore, that's about par. Meh. Okay. So did the plot get advanced? 
YES THANK YOU FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER SWEET LORD YES. But, eh... a little weaksauce. Yes, that chapter of the initial onslaught is closed, yet we know it's not over. So I feel like the ep should've ended with, after the bunker door slams, a cut to a little scene that serves as a clue about what lies ahead. I mean, ahead-ahead, season-wise. Like, twenty second blip, not even, then hard cut to black screen, then on to promo which appears to be MotW. 
So that's it, really. More adept writers could've made the material of #1 and #2 into the premiere (minus several things, most specifically minus Kevin, should've saved Osric for something else down the line), then this should've been episode #2 instead of #3. Can't unring that bell, though. Let's hope we hit some speed before Buckleming comes along to run us into a ditch, then (fingers crossed) we have a few eps after that to rebound for the finale.
See you next week.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 2
Episode 1
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ibitchytimemachine · 5 years
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Vegebul - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bulma Briefs/Vegeta Characters: Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball) Additional Tags: Vegebulocracy Big Bang, VBO Big Bang 2018, Alternate Universe, AU, Mafia AU, Romance, Angst, Action, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, multi-chapter, Dragon Ball AU, Vegebul AU, vegebul smut is the best smut, Lemon, vegebulocracy, VBO, Big Bang Challenge Series: Part 1 of Retribution Summary:
Raised in the shadows, Vegeta’s sole purpose in life was to avenge the destruction of his family. The key to his victory laid in the hands of Bulma, the daughter of the enemy, and not even the strange connection he feels with her will keep him from raining his furious retribution upon all who had dared cross his bloodline.
For the TPTH Fic Club this month we read @scarletraven1001‘s Retribution. I have done a down and dirty review a while back when I did mini reviews of all the fics for the VBO Big Bang, but lets dig a little deeper, thoughts below the cut!
So first and foremost lets talk about what Scarlet does really really well. She is masterful at creating believable characterizations. And something that I have noticed is even though they all have the same canon/fanon feel as you would think they should in a canon or canon divergence fic, she takes those building blocks of personality traits and elaborates on them to fit her specific story. Sometimes Goku is a sweet, lovable clown, and other times he is almost the rock for Vegeta. Its a real special gift Scarlet has for this. Also, very rarely does she fall into the trap many of us fanfic writers do of making one dimensional characters. 
Also she comes up with the most interesting ways to incorporate winks and nods to canon in an alternate universe. They are hardly ever blatant and sometimes you really have to know what you are looking for to catch them, but there are always really great references to canon in her works. Besides Vegeta being blown up (poor ‘geets), which is another fantastic wink at the readers, I really loved the inclusion of Vegeta’s space pod as a toy he used to play with. And the fact that it changed hands, and even became a mini plot point later in the fic was special. I hope it comes back in part two, cause I want to keep seeing this little space farers journey.  
So I mentioned in my original review that it reminds me of Oceans 11 movies with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, with a character having a specialized role within the unit. When 18 leaves the group, it makes me wonder who is gonna fill her spot. She's the getaway driver, and as far as I know no one else is really good at that. We see Piccolo driving at the end but he ends up having to ditch the car. I feel like the character 18 is one that would have figured out how to not ditch the car, so I wonder how her absence is gonna affect later plot points. I would also like to see what her Krillin is like... so hopefully he makes an appearance later too when the action gets pumped up in part two. 
Really book one of Retribution feels more like the first act of a play. We know what the problems in the story are, we have been introduced to the world, and the characters, and even have had the first mini climax  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° The romantic subplot is on point. They quickly fall in love, but the relationship is deep seated in childhood friendship. It is also hinted at physical attraction from the beginning of the story, so it doesn’t feel like insta-love. I don't think I need to mention how nicely Scarlet writes smut, but just incase someone out there doesn’t know, her smut is fantastic. It’s both erotic AND romantic, which I gotta admit is not something you see often. Smut is either romantic, or its panty soaking in a lot of fics, but with her smut it’s BOTH. 
I am so disappointed in how this ends. It is truly a cliffhanger of epic proportions. Bulma is lost to Vegeta, and Raditz is also gone (although I do have questions about this asshole in the guard house.....) and the WAIT FOR BOOK TWO!!! It is painful. Honestly though, this is my favorite story she has written, and I gotta say coming from the writer of Insurrection, Linked, and The Final Price (all great fics, click those links and read them if you haven't already read them) I came into this story with expectations. I really and truly hope that part two lives up to my expectations. Part one has really set up a wonderful premise that is right up my alley (much lighter in tone than some of the other stuff I rave about so if y'all are worried about that its not dark and heavy) and has romance, intrigue, enough plot to hold up under scrutiny and great characterizations. 
I am honestly amazed about what Scarlet was able to do in the first part, cause for all intents and purposes it happens in one freaking location. Bulma is stuck in a freaking house the entire time (except for the last chapter but I digress) and it doesn’t feel like the story stands still during this time honestly. There is action, the dialogue is nice, the characters interact in fun ways... I told her I wished she had made chiaotzu a dog, cause he doesnt do much more than guard Bulma, but maybe he will have a purpose in the second part?! 
It is really a fantastic piece. It is only HALF a story and I still think it is just fantastically written and the set up is really well done, so I know that when she starts writing part two it should flow really well. This is a story that you should 100 percent read. If you wanna wait until part two comes out, I honestly can't fault you for that, but I will tell you that the best way to get an author to update something is to go to their page and tell them how much you love what they have done in the comments. So if you want more of Retribution (or any of her other fics) you should go and comment on something you loved, so they know that they are reaching someone in this void called the internet. 
On that note, I messaged her the other day after the TPTH fic club discussion and told her how much I personally loved this fic and asked what her time table for dropping the first chapter of part two. She is wanting to finish Obsidian and update Insurrection before starting book two. She says she is already deep in the draft processes of the first bit so we shouldn't have to wait too long! 
If you liked this review, after you check out this fic, head over to my A03 and check my stuff out too!
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oceanmastertrash · 6 years
the tides know our names- 4/?
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gif from @patrickwilsoned
Summary:  -takes place after the movie- Orm is working with Arthur to try to help Atlantis move forward when Elara has a vision of his death. As part of an order of Atlanteans dating back to the reign of King Atlan known as Tidewatchers, it is her duty to warn the king of her vision. Predicting and reading the future through the tides of fate has never been easy but Elara is in for the challenge of a lifetime working with her former king to save his life.
Part: 4/?
Word Count: 1,523
Warnings: Violence and fighting
Read on Ao3
Author’s Note: Welcome back! Couldn’t leave you on that cliffhanger for too long! and still got my chapter a day streak going strong. wooo! I also am finding that writing these smaller chapter makes it much easier for me to keep my flow. It’s also easier to get through the writing and editing if it’s in bite-sized chunks. Anywho, let’s get back to it!
What is it?” he asked and she squinted, deep in focus.
Hearing Orm’s question, Vulko stopped ahead of them.
Still feeling through the tides, she struggled to put into words what she’d sensed. It was such a small thing, like a single stone in a gravel road that was turned the wrong way.
“I-” Elara began but never got the chance to finish for suddenly the whole left side of the passage ahead exploded.
If the party had been any further along in the passage, they all might have been caught in the explosive blast but instead they were just hit by the blast wave. Vulko was thrown into to the far wall, Elara, the next closest to the explosion was nearly tossed off her feet, instead she was knocked into something heavy to her right. At the impact, she looked up to see that said heavy object was the prince. Orm had an arm extended that had kept her on her feet. A little stunned, and not just by the blastwave, Elara wanted to thank him but there was no time for pleasantries as citizens of the Trench suddenly flooded the cavity the blast had created.
Vulko and the guards were quick to to rush at them but while they were armed, Orm was not. Elara crouched to pull a pair of knives from their sheaths in her boots, handing one to him wordlessly. He nodded in gratitude as he took it before the Trenchers reached them.
Elara silently thanked the council of tidewatchers and especially Madren and Zult for all of their insistence and patience in teaching her the tides of battle. In a fray like this with such tight quarters and so many wild assailants, she needed every advantage she could get She would never boast to be a strong warrior like Orm or Arthur but learning the tides had taught her focus and perception which she’d spent years channelling into precision and skill.
Zult, the most masterful Tidewatcher in the art of battle tides had told her that every action caused a ripple and every move in battle was like a pebble being skipped in a lake. If she could focus on the ripples, on the depth of each skip and the direction, she could learn to predict where the stone would sink and how many skips it would make. The same was true in any fight, if she listened to the tides, and focused on the movements of her enemies, she could see how they might strike next. It was a small edge and one that could be overcome by sheer brute strength or overwhelming odds but it was an edge Elara had been trained to wield deftly.
While the Trenchers were no skilled warriors, they made up for it in blind savagery and numbers. The guards had moved ahead of Orm and Elara in an effort of protection but they and Vulko were quickly overrun and three of the Trench people were advancing on the tidewatcher and the prince. A ripple and she saw the middle one stabbing a spear towards Orm. She quickly stepped forward, blocking their intended aim and wrenched the spear from the Trencher’s grip. A flash shower the one on the left making to pierce her in the stomach so she feinted right while swinging the spear around to knock the middle Trencher into the left one.
Orm, meanwhile, had begun engaging with the remaining Trencher. If Elara was a fool she might have worried about him but he had been King of Atlantis and she knew he could handle himself against a single Trencher. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was not the same as the vision. It hadn’t been like this. She hadn’t seen an explosion and these Trenchers weren’t exactly wielding traditional Atlantean daggers. No, her vision had seemed more personal, more surgical. This was a blunt mess that Orm was certainly equal to facing.
The middle Trencher recovered quicker than than their fellow and made for her with claws and teeth. Grunting, she opted to stab them in the neck with her remaining knife. For the sake of speed, she left the knife in the Trencher for now and instead opted to fight with the spear. The remaining Trencher was recovering from its fall and made to lunge but she stabbed it swiftly with the spear.
Meanwhile, Trenchers were still pouring in through the hole. Many were already dead or knocked out by Vulko and the guards. Orm had dispatched his first attacker and was now engaged with two more. A third was making its way towards Orm when Elara intervened.
She leapt over a fallen combatant and swung her spear to meet them. They countered with their own spear. This one was more agile and ferocious, and perhaps more hungry judging by how it snapped its teeth. She gave it a bash in the head with the blunt end of the spear to knock them back then backed up to avoid their responding swing. Making quick slashes with the blade end she put them down.
She then turned to check on Orm. He was facing away from her, bearing down on a particularly large Trencher two or three times the size of the ones she’d fought, when she sensed his other opponent about to launch itself and swipe at the small of Orm’s back.
She leapt forward between the two and hit the Trencher in face to knock them off their path. Briefly, she chanced a glance at Orm only to see him notice her as well. He nodded and each resumed their respective bouts. There was something almost empowering about the idea of fighting back to back with warrior as powerful as Orm. When more Trenchers surrounded the pair, she found strength in him having her back while she defended his. The next few moments were a blur of blows and dodges. Elara anticipating and deflecting, and Orm knocking his enemies down with ease. In the noise of snarls and and slashes, she could sometimes hear Orm grunt or shout but she worked very hard not to focus on that. Now was not the time to be distracted.
Then, nearly as suddenly as the battle had started, the remaining Trenchers suddenly flinched, shrieking and clutching at their heads with their webbed limbs, some began folding in on themselves while others made to retreat. Elara looked at Orm in confusion. They were both panting, his brow furrowed in concentration and his hair, usually slicked and composed was now ruffled and loose. Now was not the time, but Elara had to admit that it was a good look. They were both taut and alive with energy as they tried to identify what has caused the sudden retreat.
Then a blast wave emanated from outside the hole in the wall, as Trenchers were suddenly slammed back in and against the wall and floor. Soldiers and guards swarmed in from either end of the hallway as Arthur, in his full armor and might swept in wielding the legendary trident of Atlan. The soldiers surged forward and began apprehending the cowering Trenchers.
Elara let out a deep breath, grateful for Arthur’s help and her training. Then she felt a ripple to her right and looked up to see Orm holding her knife out to her. It was spattered in gore and had clearly received plenty of use. Without any hesitation he wiped it quickly against the material of his pants before handing it back to her.
“Thank you,” he said as she took it from him.
She didn’t know why but something about the depth of his voice and manner surprised her. There was a look in his eyes that was different to how he’d regarded her before. It was almost as though she’d surprised him and he was doing his best to reassess his opinion of her.
She nodded, sheathing the knife, “You’re welcome.”
He continued looking at her though and the full weight of his stare made Elara very jumpy, especially as couldn’t figure out what it meant. With the surge of adrenaline from the battle still thrumming in her veins, it was uncomfortable to just stand still. For lack of anything else to do, she just cleared her throat and went to retrieve the other knife from the Trencher’s neck. She’d just wiped it when Arthur swam his way to them from where he’d just been speaking with Vulko.
“You two alright?” He asked, looking them both up and down for injuries.
Orm and Elara looked at each other again, seeming to do the same. He still had that look in his eye- almost grateful and also surprised. It was hard even with her skills as a tidewatcher to place.
“We fared well enough,” Orm answered.
“No injuries here,” she replied though she knew she’d likely be very sore later.
“Good,” Arthur said, satisfied, “I think we better have another chat.”
She just nodded, too worn out for anything else but Orm was still looking at Elara when he responded to Arthur, “Indeed we should.”
A/N: I don’t write fight scenes that often but that was a lot of fun to write. And Orm in action? hell yes, sign me up. He’s just so attractive y'all. Okay, you know the drill, I would love to hear what y'all think about how the stories going or heck, just gush at me about how hot Orm is. We’re all in this together.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E12  Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 487 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 481 Responses
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The final episode of the first half of S3 was another banger with positive reactions. Compared to earlier in the season when manga readers seemed more dissatisfied with the adaptation, we are happy to see that the final episodes of the arc turned out to be a much more positive experience!
Considering this episode was essentially just the calm before the storm, I was pleasantly entertained by it. Not the best episode because not a whole lot happened, but still it did what it needed to do.
I was super worried they would change something in this episode but thank Ymir-sama it's okay.
This episode was so good! And funny! And angsty at the end! All the ingredients that make a good AOT episode
Very good, the preview was spooky and the whole episode had humor to lighten the mood, some emotional stuff and High Anxiety Cliffhangers to finish us off. Its gonna be a long 6 months.
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Overall, the first half of season three was satisfying for manga reading poll takers despite the changes.
All in all, absolutely stunning season. From the bottom of my heart, thank you WIT.
It was a really good episode. It followed manga perfectly. Every ep. of Uprising should has been like that. Too bad it wasn't, that why I rated the whole series pretty lowly. Honestly, I expected something better. But that was fine, not the worst. Yet, I would have changed a lot.
Really good way to end this half of the season. Can't wait to see the next half. It was nice to see a "calm before the storm" episode.
It was a brilliant idea to end the first part of season 3 right there, by doing this we were given proper construction to this arc.
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About 37% of respondents are sad to see the anime take a break, but nearly half of voters are fine with the break stating that it’s not too bad of a wait, with some who are even looking forward to the breather for a bit (we’re looking forward to having a good rest as well although we will miss the anime!).
I'm okay with it since it means that we will a get a really well made RtS arc. But they really should've said that the break was going to be this long earlier. Or just called it season 4
Waiting is something we SnK fandom know how to do, unfortunately
As a manga reader it's easy to not be too upset since we'll have plenty of chapters during that time.
It's nice to get a breather before shit hits the fan.
I don’t mind waiting 6 months when I know it means the animation will look a lot nicer as a result
I feel like i would have been less upset if they just told us from the start how its gonna be... I hated the uncertainty
If it means a fantastic second cour then I'm all for it. I mean my life is empty and I wish I were dead, but other than that I've accepted it!
6 months for preparing myself to let Erwin rest in peace
WAIT Studio
Does Annie have some space next to her for the next 6 months?
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The Survey Corps’ sendoff was the most favorite moment of the episode, followed closely by Eren and Jean’s nostalgic fight. Levi and Erwin’s talk after the meeting made it to third most favorite scene of the episode, followed closely behind by Eren, Armin and Mikasa’s conversation. Everyone losing their minds over meat was another favorite.
Erwin was so perfect, I loved his little laugh, I thought the whole interaction with him and Levi was done so well... god, I'm gonna miss him so much, it actually hurts.
Good breather episode, comedy gold with the dinner scenes, and the send-off was just as fun as it was touching. Also, the extra scene was creepy and great, but I hope anime-only watchers don't spoil themselves trying to find the meaning to it...
I think they did a really good work with the Erwin x Leviv talk, and EMA talk... Since enfatizing Erwin's reasons, and showing Armin's, It became more clear Levi's choice in future
I loved EMA talk... it made me pretty sad because of the events which now are taking place in the manga. That was good to see them together in the anime.
My Eruri shipping heart was in tatters, I tell you. I've been looking forward to the ""I'll break your legs"" scene for ages now, and shit, watching it was a literal punch to the gut. Erwin's beautiful roar of victory on the wall, his final ""SUSUME"" just... I was in awe.
Sasha nomming on Jean’s hand was even funnier animated
The 104th dinner scene was just perfect! It's been so long since we had a scene of such warmhearted camaraderie, it really brought back all my season 1 feels for the babies. Beautifully done.
Overall great Episode, really liked how they foreshadowed Erwins Demise and his conversation with Levi, EMA talk was great too, and the serumbowl scene made for an amazing cliffhanger
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The abrupt reminder that SNK is a horror anime definitely seemed to work!  The majority of people were scared by the ending at least a little bit, and some were thoroughly terrified.
"Blink and you'll miss it" my a**
Honestly it reminded me of how horrid the show actually is. I forget it's not all cute and funny scenes with a tinge of "yikes" that happened, but instead vice versa
I knew it was coming in the ED but didn't know WHEN and I was just anticipating it like a dark corridor in a horror movie XD
Moreso that scare me, it got under my skin and just stayed in my head the rest of the day.
Scare is not the right word. The option I'm looking for is FUCKING WRECKED
I learned that apparently a lot of you watch shit alone in the dark. But to answer the question, no, not at all.
It thrilled me to see them cleverly setting up the next half of the season this way
Only the Levi's distorted "you guys". The glitched ending was awesome
I saw some screencaps of it prior to watching so I was somewhat prepared but it was way creepier than i thought it would be, it spooked me
It wasn't actually SCARY, but I fucking loved it. So twisted and creepy
rip ears in that ending, it makes for some great youtube reactions though lol
Well, mark me down as scared and horny
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We suppose the real question is, when will Zackley’s “art” stop becoming something we ask about? :P All in all, most of you agree that it should not be seen or talked about. 21% of you are still finding humor in it.
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Most of the viewers enjoyed Eren and Jean’s antics with 84% rating the scene with a 4 out of 5 or higher. 
Mikasa letting them fight and not dragging Eren way is the best part! It's such an important character development for her. Also this Episode was full of parallels to their training days. Great episode.
Eren and Jean bringing the Drama™ (as expected of Eren and Jean)
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The surreal experience of getting a positive send-off like this made Erwin’s smile and shout the overwhelming winner here, and for good reason!  A smaller portion of respondents enjoyed Springlestein being themselves and a few called out Levi’s face in the comments:
All of it. Because it will be the first and the last time we'll see it
Levi looking at screaming Erwin like "WTF Erwin"
Hange smile
I like the manga version better because Levi's smile was softer there
Levi's expression when Erwin did his triumphant shout.
literally everything about it was perfect
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While 58% of respondents cannot understand why anybody would want their legs broken by Levi, a small percentage were even asking for it.
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So, the story behind this one is that one of the pollsters posted this “question” on our original document as a joke while another one of us was at work. When the one at work got off, they put the question onto the poll form while the person who created the “question” was not online, not realizing it was meant to be an unpublished joke. This was completely overlooked during the final proofread. It was never actually intended to make it onto the poll but since one of us always tries to rush through things, here we are! In any case, we hope you guys had a good laugh, because we all collectively lost it when we realized the mistake much too late!
wow y'all throwin shade with this Q huh
Yes, it is Erwin's birthday celebration after all
Glad that Erwin and the crowd’s screaming was a ‘dialogue’ and that he screamed again.
Makes sense, given how its purpose is to set up the new arc. Not much need to leave things out for the sake of pacing.
They done it so perfectly! I love that episode and love the hope in the air, my man similing and being happy, I love they see people cheering for them. THAT was earned.
It still modified some moments like Armin thinking of Eren and Mikasa instead of the bullies in the manga. Maybe it's better and more consistent with the following events.
Thanks God! The whole series should has been this way. Compared to the sad 1st episode of Uprising, this one was a true masterpiece.
u people need to get the salt in your blood checked, let others be dissatisfied with something they care about? please and thanks
i don't care if it went exactly as the original manga or with some changes as long as the episode is good
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The majority of folks thought shifting the send-off to the end of the cour to create an uplifting cliffhanger was a good way to end the season.  Several people called attention to how much contrast was felt between such a positive ending and the credits scene.
I think it works great, especially the triumph of the send off and the "oh shit, what's happening" moment in the ED
should have been the first ep of the next arc, with the send off as the cliffhanger
It was a nice, fun send off for the arc. Has the suspense of the scouts going towards the foes. The next episode with the next chapter/s will be perfect for getting back into the series after 6 months
WAIT Studio used it as an effective cliffhanger but from an adaptation perspective it's just like the Wall Titan. Something to keep the audience's attention at the cost of the narrative's flow. If the season was going to be split then rushing the Uprising Arc at breakneck speed resulting in one extra episode was pointless.
The opening of 73 is a perfect opening for the second cour, so I knew from the beginning of the season that ending in this chapter would be their aim. The second half won't struggle for content, and they can either push ahead flashbacks (I expect some of Bert's parts from 96 making it into the adaptation of 77) or content that didn't make it in the first half used to extend other parts (Eren's experiments for Armin realizing how to beat Bert in 81)
I think this will help the second part by being on the way to Shiganshina to start it off.
Heck cliffhangers!
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The vast majority of respondents agreed that as long as we saw him listening to them, that’s ultimately all that matters. A small few believe that not showing him listening in on them earlier will diminish the overall impact when he makes his decisions later, however.
I don't think it matters, especially if the anime includes a flashcut to this moment post-decision, which will make its important even more obvious for viewers who may not remember this scene at all.
I'm not sure, I guess it did seem more ambiguous here. They'll flashback to it when serumbowl happens though.
Wouldn’t have spent more time on it. This show is about subtle details. I think its ok.
It still worked, but I would have liked it to have been made clear that he saw Armin's expression when he was talking about the ocean
No, but i think it was nice in the manga to see that at the beginning of the conversation he was standing and ended up on the floor by the end of it. Small detail, but i took it like he didn't mean to listen in the beginning but decided to stay in the end because of what he was hearing?
No, because it was a detail it meant a lot more. Subtle details have greater impact in visualities, manga is a different medium and the scene was used properly for its medium.
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38% of respondents believe that the teaser was a great way to keep interest in the series high. 20% specifically feel that it will keep the anime only fans invested. About 21% of respondents combined don’t think it was the smartest choice on WIT’s end while almost 10% are just not ready to see that animated at all.
Even though I already know what will happen, my body *isn't* ready for this shit to come, except for the lightning spears
Honestly, I thought it was stupid as fuck and a cheap way to keep hype up for anime-only people. I would've preferred my anime-only friend to go into RTS completely blind.
I think it's great because it lends itself a lot of hype for the next half as well as leaving it very open ended. Especially because they cut out lines about the serum.
I think this teaser shocked more the manga readers than the anime onlines.
It's the worst part of the manga they could spoil. I'm not sure what they intend to do by showing such a controversial moment
It was brilliant. Anime only watchers don't often get the experience of agonizing over certain cliffhangers monthly, but with this flashforward looming in their head, they have a whole season of suffering ahead of them. SUFFER LIKE US, ANIME ONLIES!
I really liked it but I think they could have shown a part of Bert/Reiner/Zeke’s convo since we saw Bert and Reiner at the end of the episode, and it would have anime-onlies wondering who the glasses guy is
I was shocked and hyped at seeing them include this scene, but at the same time I’m sad that anime-onlies were spoiled that at the very least Mikasa, Eren, and Levi will survive until this scene, destroying any tension of them dying
I'm really conflicted; on one hand, I was very surprised in a positive way, cause it was a ballsy and unexpected move. On the other hand, I understand that anime viewers might be sick of spoilers bc of the scene at the beginning of ep1.
It gave me anxiety lol. Please someone save my babies from their horrible destiny
One hell of a cliffhanger and I can't really imagine anything better to show everything going wrong (Colossal nuke is way too obvious, for example), but the people complaining about spoilers do have a point...
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Over half of respondents feel that the Return to Shiganshina arc will be delivered just as well as Uprising was. 37% of respondents feel it will be much better than Uprising’s adaptation. A small few don’t have much faith in the second half of the four.
I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for this arc
I’m going to have 6 more months to mentally prepare myself for the return to shiganshina arc and I still won’t be ready
from an adaptation perspective it's going to be the same as the previous seasons. WAIT Studio excels at certain aspects of packaging SnK into anime, but as a whole it's a bad, rather than amazing, adaptation.
Is there a "NOPE I am not ready for RtS arc" in the questions?
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The most anticipated segment of the Return to Shiganshina arc is the suicide charge + Levi totally wrecking Zeke. Following closely behind are the basement reveal, the serumbowl, Grisha’s diaries and flashbacks, the ocean and the showdown with the 104th and Reibert. 
Kill me! I cannot believe I have to wait 6 months for RTS. 6 months until I can see Reiner and Bertholdt in action and the FREAKING BASEMENT!!!! I was fine with a 3 months break but 6 is too much ;____; I want to see Grisha's past animated
can't wait to see historia looking graceful as hell in front of the sunrise while the SC goes off to fuck reibert and zeke up
The only thing I can think about is Zeke.... *screams* ZEKE AND EREN! THE JAEGERBROS! AND THE GRISHA FILES! SO MANY JAEGERS *dies*
I'm definitely looking forward to RTS okay, but I'm dreading it more, honestly. But the one thing I'm looking forward to, and really hoping they'll animate, is Levi taking down those Titans on the way to Zeke. I know the focus is on Erwin's last charge in the manga, and rightly so, but DAMN, I want to see Levi do that -I honestly don't think anyone, even Mikasa, could do what he did there.
I have a fever, and the only prescription is Season 3 Part 2
A pretty decent choice for a midseason finale. But most important, a pretty good choice for episode 49. Once we're back in April, the series will be celebrating having made it to 50 episodes. Just 2 years ago, we were wondering if we'd ever get episode 26, and now we're getting to a landmark episode that will be exciting and memorable! Nothing between chapters 70-72 could've worked as such a landmark, in my opinion, but chapters 73-74? Absolutely perfect for it.
And my ship finally got some screen time
But damn wit... I almost got a heart attack because of the glitched ending!! Please, I at least want to survive to see manbun Eren animated
For anime watchers: I enjoyed watching your confusion over that ED. May you all be prepared by April 2019.
My heart is filled with so much Eruri that I may cry. You could literally see how much concern Levi had for Erwin in his eyes.
I love Bertoto and Raina more than myself. Guess, I'll die in April.
I'm an Erwin Lover™ and the show is gonna come back right around my birthday so this was Great and I'm Fine
It was out of character to see Eren fully clothed.
The moment when SC were cheered up and Erwin was so confident and happy and then they left into the sunset gave me goosebumps and almost made me cry :') it was a beautiful, strong, encouraging moment for SC!!
Let me just tell you how fucking HYPED I am for the next season after those previews during the ED. HYPED. And Jesus fuck yes, Armin looked like a charred French fry that got left behind in the oil. THANK JESUS. I was afraid WIT might downplay that, but no, my boy gonna be the CRONCHIEST.
The glitches were great and not too spoiler-y but WIT absolutely ruined it with the Eren/Mikasa/Levi scene. They showed too much.
rip ears in that ending, it makes for some great youtube reactions though lol
Erwin looked fine as fuck
Wit, you better be paying for my doctor visit. My ears were bleeding with your little trick you pulled at the end.
This episode. THIS FUCKING EPISODE. Man what a way to end the cour. REALLY, standing ovation to WIT. That glitch ending was just like that tiny Titan-in-the-wall scene at the end of season 1 that made me go looking for the manga. Absolutely brilliant stuff.
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Please keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming Uprising Arc poll!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
As Darkness Falls, Shield Hero Fans Unite Behind Their Hero
  If you haven't watched this week's episode of The Rising of the Shield Hero, please shield your eyes from these spoilers!
    We start off this week's episode with the Queen herself taking some action; if this is a crisis that affects the whole world over, who is she to just sit by the sidelines? She declares to her fleet that they'll put down that traitorous pope and his followers. We stan this FIERCE QUEEN! But will she and her fleet make it in time to help Naofumi and the others?
    One by one, our heroes fire their attacks on the pope, without much of an effect on him... 
    Sure, the Pope's followers have the ability to heal him if he should take damage, but how long could they keep that going? Mana supply isn't infinite, and it could run out real quick if the followers were to keep that Cathedral up in the midst of healing.
    Naofumi launched an impressive curse attack on the Pope... but it didn't work on on him?! What gives! The Pope smugly tells Naofumi that "this is hallowed ground blessed by God." So it looks like while being imprisoned in the Cathedral, effects like curses don't work at all. The Cathedral is not broken or overpowered at all, right?! 
    After all that boasting and show of power, a third of the Pope's followers fall after having their mana taken. Finally, a chance to strike! But even with their firepower diminished, the Pope still demands that sweet mana to keep up his "strength", even though it may come at the cost of his precious believers lives. You'd think some of them would... y'know... wake up and just walk out, but nope. They'll really sacrifice their lives under the guise of slaying an enemy of God.
    The three stooges (Spear, Sword and Bow Heroes) look to Naofumi to "do something about it." Excuse you guys??? They go on saying that even though Naofumi is a lower level than them, that his Shield is overpowered and can totally just make this huge problem disappear. Yeah, sure, he'll get right on that! 
    Fitoria's warning of to not use the Shield of the Curse Series flashes in Naofumi's mind... And what does he do?
    He freakin' USES IT!!! You've been warned, son!
    Naofumi is sweet talked to let his anger run rampant and consume everything on his path. This power he used previously... it fit like a glove, right? There couldn't be anything wrong with ignoring a warning and using it again, right? RIGHT?
    Before he launches his chaotic attacks, voices of his trusted companions reach him... Raphtlia, Filo and Melty detail on what this journey they've undertaken together meant to them. What they've learned, gained, and the trust they have for one another... what makes them the best team! The three of them manage to get Naofumi to snap out of it and they all share a very tender moment. Shield Team definitely is the BEST TEAM for sure!
  The Pope redies his next attack as he continues to be a pompous jerk to Naofumi, but it's not without a final warning from Naofumi himself: grand power always comes at a price, and if that power is at the cost of his believers, then he's a bit short to pay up! 
    The show's first theme song plays as Naofumi and crew lay on the smackdown, and it just really makes for a hype moment; doesn't that song get you all fired up?! Also, that transition from Filo's attack to Raphtalia's attack looks SICK!
    Enough is enough, and the Pope unleashes an illusion attack that is unpleasant to look at and isn't broken AT ALL. Looks like our crew is out of luck and all hope is lost...
    ...Until our FIERCE QUEEN comes in with the most flamboyant way to cast an Ice Prison spell! This is the chance we've been waiting for! The Pope is stopped in his tracks! The time for dealing the killing blow is NOW...!
    ...Whoops, that didn't go as planned. Naofumi bleeds an insane amount as his finisher backfires on him... or does it...?
  In the end, the Pope gets what's coming to him as sweet justice reigns supreme! However, it looks like it was at the cost of Naofumi almost dying. He hangs on life's very thin thread as Raphtalia, Filo and Melty try to get him to stay awake and not succumb to death. 
    The Queen declares she will not let the Shield Hero die. Will she be able to heal him? Will our hero survive having lost that much blood? What now after the Pope's attack? Comment below and leave your predictions as we wait for next week's episode!
  And now it's our favorite time of the week: checking out YOUR reactions to this week's intense episode! Let's see what y'all thought this time around!
  Blood Sacrifice was CRAZY! pic.twitter.com/0iOky9Ej4H
— Derrick P. (@Derrpi) May 22, 2019
  Everything i could've wanted and more from seeing the Wrath Shield in the anime. Breathtaking episode. The emotions ran high with the dragon trying to twist Naofumi. But he's got his friends and family now to help shoulder that pain. Beautiful. #shieldhero pic.twitter.com/JThMitGV3H
— Chandler Ingram (@Chandler_Ingram) May 22, 2019
  the most charismatic character is here pic.twitter.com/8nAYkvklm5
— Ginto (@Ginto62) May 22, 2019
  OMG!!! This weeks’ episode of #shieldhero was far beyond expectations! The Queen’s arrival, Naofumi fighting a more sinister rage, all the Heroes working together, and finally... BLOOD SACRIFICE!! The Pope deserved that ending!!! @ShieldHeroEN pic.twitter.com/K8r9xZxUAf
— Urzu 38 - ????????FFVII: R TEASER TRAILER???????? (@SlvrIceDrgn1981) May 22, 2019
  This week's #ShieldHero was ???? pic.twitter.com/iFcsGhGtat
— Derrick P. (@Derrpi) May 22, 2019
  Nothing gets you more hyped up than playing the opening song in the climax of this anime's version of "Senpai, this is our fight!" ???? No but seriously, opening songs playing as BGM during fights are really good and you can almost never go wrong with that. #ShieldHero
— Fonzi M - Melodies on Piano【フォンゼィー】 ???? (@FonziMGM) May 22, 2019
  God, I love this so much. ????❤️????????#ShieldHero pic.twitter.com/s5ZqqXbKIy
— Matsukaze Kuki (@MatsukazeKuki) May 22, 2019
  Bruh when they played the first op i died thank you for the hype pic.twitter.com/nBGT0ODs7m
— kleinlm (@Kleinelm) May 22, 2019
  Fight it!!! The rage should never win!!! #shieldhero pic.twitter.com/O0zEFWnXtb
— Urzu 38 - ????????FFVII: R TEASER TRAILER???????? (@SlvrIceDrgn1981) May 22, 2019
— karlalala???????? (@AnimeCollectFan) May 22, 2019
That Shield hero Episode though straight ???????? pic.twitter.com/bRziOHCkUo
— Flame (@PathosFlame) May 22, 2019
That new Rising of Shield Hero episode though. That was good.
— WaffleMantis (@WaffleMantis) May 22, 2019
Give some love to the official Shield Hero twitter and Facebook fan page where you can discuss the latest episode with fans every week! 
Watch The Rising of the Shield Hero on Crunchyroll
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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