#cheek splitter
watcherwatts · 1 year
okay, i know this has been done a lot, but i just want to see (plz reblog so this gets to more ppl /nf. also, if other, please reply with what)
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minminlifeu · 2 years
gotta love how none of our shanic-boogara status even depends on being a believer or non-believer of the supernatural anymore, its the degree to which we tolerate shane and/or ryan’s latest war criminal activities
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bergoozter · 1 year
not sure if you’ve already seen this but it’s so true and crystallizes why I can’t stand other ghost hunting shows but adore ghost files and BFU >>>
YES HARD AGREE !! couldn’t imagine watching some ghost show that’s 100p serious i’d go insane lmao as a proud cheek splitter i like having my two brains duke each other out each ep lol
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chippedmoon · 2 years
@Ryan @Shane Bring back shitfish!
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ohigotanewobsession · 2 years
ironic that i am a half skeptic(i am a coward) when its pretty common in my culture for ghosts and gods to possess you a night before your wedding or during rituals while the other people sing songs of god
and also cause my mom got possessed that one time
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skyward-floored · 6 months
“Hero, what ails you?” - Chapter 1
I wrote this fic after finishing twilight princess over a year ago, since I was full-on captivated by the Hero’s Shade and his whole deal. I’m so attached to the Hero of Time, and that hasn’t changed a bit over the years, and I love making him a dad hehe
Anyways this has been posted on ao3 but due to some recent events I don’t feel like explaining again, I’m crossposting it here. Please enjoy tp Link getting sick and the Hero’s Shade being a Dad while attempting to deny it the entire time <3
First (you’re here) | Chapter Two
The Hero’s Shade sat and waited patiently in wolf form for his young successor to arrive.
As he waited, a few flakes of shimmering snow wafted past his muzzle and he breathed out with a huff, watching them drift past. The snow wasn’t cold, nor was it really snow, but it was the closest thing the Shade could compare it to.
It was calming to watch, and kept him occupied while he waited.
He’d already initiated contact with the boy. He merely had to wake up and accept, but he seemed to be taking his time today. It had already been several minutes longer then it usually took him to arrive and he was starting to grow concerned.
But a few moments later, the boy appeared on the ground, lying prone as always. It always took him a moment to get accustomed to this realm, which was understandable. This was not a land for living flesh.
The boy took several moments longer then he typically did to stand, but once he did he met his gaze as usual, giving the wolf a determined look.
The Shade nodded then howled, changing seamlessly from a wolf into his more human form.
“We meet again,” he rumbled, not bothering to obscure the fond note he knew was there. The boy gave him a small smile and returned the greeting, though his face wasn’t as eager as it usually was when he arrived here to learn a new skill. The Shade frowned to himself, but perhaps the boy was merely feeling the stress of his journey more harshly now that the castle was blocked off.
“Before I teach you my next hidden skill, prove to me you still recall the technique of the last lesson,” he continued. “Show me the Helm Splitter!”
He drew his sword and allowed the boy to do the same, then advanced on him. The boy watched him carefully, studying his movement, then leveled his shield and thrust it forwards once the Shade was close enough. Then he bent his knees and jumped, trying to land a hit on his head.
Except he fumbled the blade and nearly tripped over his own two feet when he attempted the move.
The Shade stopped, disappointment flowing through him. He was certain the boy had mastered this skill, yet here he was acting as if he hadn’t even learned it in the first place.
“What ails you? Do you require a reminder of the technique?” he asked.
The boy stumbled a bit as he regained his balance, then jerked his head in an apologetic bow. “N-no, I remember how to do it, I apologize. I’ll try again.”
The Shade paused, hearing something in his voice. Was that a faint rasp?
He took a small step forward and studied his protégé’s face. Now that he was closer he wasn’t sure how he’d missed it. The boy was concerningly pale, though his cheeks were bright and rosy compared to the pallor of the rest of his skin. He seemed to be fighting to remain upright if the trembling of his limbs were any indication, and a thin sheen of sweat shone on his face despite the fact they’d barely even begun the session.
He obviously was not in fighting condition.
The boy raised his sword and started for the Shade again, but he held out a gloved hand to stop him.
“Hero... you are not well,” he said in a softer voice then he usually used on him.
The boy blinked a few times then shook his head, gripping his sword more tightly.
“No, I’m f-fine. It’s just a bit of a cold.”
The Shade narrowed his eye. “A “bit of a cold” would not leave you shaking like a newborn foal, young one.”
The hero gritted his teeth and managed to get the shaking in his legs under control. “I said I’m fine. Allow me to show you I’ve mastered the previous skill.”
The Shade sighed. The boy obviously would not be swayed, to his own detriment.
“Very well. Come at me.”
He raised his sword and slowly advanced on the boy again, and Link darted forward, shield raised and sword ready.
The Shade eyed him carefully, even more so than usual, watching how it seemed to take him more effort to raise his shield and the way he moved much more slowly. The boy, seemingly oblivious of his enhanced watchfulness, ran forwards and repeated the action of bashing his shield against the Shade, then tried to leap into the air.
This time instead of jumping up he lurched to the side, clutching his forehead and looking dizzy.
He started to fall over backwards, and would’ve hit the ground if the Shade hadn’t jumped forward and caught him. He lowered him gently to the floor and gave the boy a stern look, and Link seemed to shrink in his hold, eyes downcast.
“How long has your condition been like this?” he questioned, cutting to the chase.
Link didn’t meet his eye. “Only a day or so,” he whispered, rasp more noticeable now.
“Where were you last?”
“Snowpeak... the temperatures there were a lot, but I-I had to keep going... I need to keep going. If Zant isn’t stopped—”
“You are in no condition to do anything at the moment,” Shade said sternly. “If you faced the usurper as you are now, he would kill you without a second thought, no less any other enemies. You need to rest.”
He removed his glove and brushed a ghostly hand over Link’s forehead as he spoke. It was hot, much hotter than it should be, and the boy sneezed as he checked, trembling in his hold.
“Did you wear proper equipment at Snowpeak?” he questioned, already knowing the answer.
Link swallowed. “Spent most of the time as a wolf... b-but I didn’t have any thicker clothes as a human. I just... made d-do.”
The Shade sighed. This irresponsibility was what got people killed.
“It was foolish of you to believe your wolf form would fully protect you,” he said sternly, “but that is water under the bridge. You need to focus now on healing. Not more fighting.”
Link made to speak but broke into a coughing fit instead, great wheezing things that wracked his chest and made him curl in on himself.
The Shade watched him, feeling a thread of worry lace itself through him as he listened to his successor cough. It had been a long time since he himself had a body that could get sick, but he knew a sound like that was not healthy.
His successor was strong, so strong despite everything the goddesses kept throwing at him, and seeing him laid low by something so normally inconsequential as a sickness scared the Shade more then he’d care to admit.
“I’m going to send you out of my realm,” he said, coming to a decision. “This place is likely aggravating your condition.”
Link’s face fell. “But you didn’t teach me—”
“That can wait until you are healed,” he cut off, and Link lowered his head. “I will wait for you. Focus on healing.”
Then he closed his eye and pushed at the edges of his realm, magic lightly fizzing through him. The Shade huffed, and in an instant brought his successor back to the waking world, and in turn, changed back into a golden wolf.
He let the magic wash through him, then opened his eye, looking around for the boy. He spotted him a moment later, a few feet away. Link lay on the ground as usual, but he didn’t stir, not even when the Shade padded over and nuzzled him.
A bolt of fear shot through him. Was removing him from his realm really the correct choice of action? What if he had worsened his condition merely by pulling him between dimensions?
“Hero, wake up,” he said, a thin thread of panic in his voice.
Link finally let out a wheezy cough and blinked his eyes open, looking miserable as he stared at him. The Shade couldn’t help his sigh of relief. He was alright, for now at least.
“You need somewhere safe to rest,” he rumbled. “Where would be suitable?”
Link shivered again, and the Shade cursed the fact that he couldn’t hold him in this form.
“K-Kakariko...” the boy rasped, another painful-sounding cough escaping him. “East... there’s a man there...”
The Shade nodded, taking a steady breath.
He hadn’t planned on helping the boy further then getting him out of his realm, but it seemed he wouldn’t be going anywhere by himself. It looked like he was going to have to get him to Kakariko somehow.
How was he supposed to do that?
A shadow split from his successor’s own, and a small imp creature with fiery orange hair appeared. She didn’t seem to notice him, and opened her mouth to speak to Link, but cut herself off when she saw him lying on the ground.
“Oh you stupid wolf I told you to wait—!” the imp rushed to his side, prodding him with a sharp sort of worry, only pulling back when he gave her a weak smile.
“‘S fine Midna, I’m okay,” he murmured, but contradicted his statement moments later by breaking into another coughing fit.
Midna crossed her arms and poked him again, and the Shade could see the thinly disguised worry on her face. She obviously cared for him despite her demeanor.
“You are not okay, and you weren’t okay yesterday either when you insisted on galavanting off and learning a new skill while you could barely walk!” she yelled, and Link didn’t reply, merely sighing tiredly.
“Sorry...” he croaked, and the anger immediately deflated out of Midna, the imp hovering worriedly by his shoulder.
The Shade decided to intervene then, padding forward and breathing out heavily to make his presence known. Who he knew to be the twilit princess startled and whipped around, staring at him with a wide look in her visible eye.
“Whoa!” she exclaimed, carefully moving herself to stand between him and the boy. Then realization landed on her face. “...oh it’s you. Skeleton-wolf-teacher-guy right?”
The Shade huffed and would have rolled his eyes if he could. “Not exactly, but close enough. The hero is in need of healing.”
Midna snorted, though it was layered with worry. “I hadn’t noticed,” she snipped, placing a hand on Link’s cheek. He leaned into the touch and let out a small sigh, and her frown deepened. “Can you heal him?”
The Shade shook his head. “Healing magic is far out of my ability. And sickness is difficult, much trickier then a physical wound.”
The imp sighed. “Well then thanks for nothing, nice to see you, we really should be going now.”
She raised the cursed shard the Master Sword had purged from his successor, and began to direct the magic towards Link, shadows coalescing around him. But the Shade barked and pushed it back into where it came from, and Midna teetered in the air.
“What’s the big idea?!” she snapped, turning on him. “Link needs to get a move on and here you are stopping me from tele—”
“Do not teleport him,” the Shade interrupted, “or turn him to a beast. Moving him between my realm and this already caused his condition to worsen; I do not believe his body would be able to handle that much while he’s this ill.”
Midna lowered the shard, and real worry cracked through the uncaring face she’d put on.
“Then how will we move him?” she asked, floating around in a pacing motion. “There’s a man in Kakariko who could help him, but I can’t carry him there right now and his stupid horse is all the way across Hyrule, and if teleporting is bad then dragging him around on your back wouldn’t be good for him either, and they won’t let a stalfos wolf guy in anywhere!” she snapped, and the Shade patiently waited for her to finish.
“Calm yourself,” he said, despite probably being more worried then she was. “I have a solution.”
This would take a fair bit of magic, but in order for him to not terrify the locals and for Link to be comfortable, the Shade needed arms, and not skeletal or ghostly ones. It had been a while since he’d done this, as it was difficult to maintain these days, but this was a bit of a special circumstance.
Taking a deep breath, the Shade pulled on his magic, going seamlessly from a wolf to a skeleton. But once he’d finished he kept pushing, forcing his form to change further. Bones were covered by less-ghostly flesh, and he could feel bangs brush over his forehead, the sensation one he’d realized he’d missed. He suddenly felt heavier somehow, despite still being a spirit.
When he opened his eye the twilit princess was staring at him in astonishment, and he gave her a small smirk.
“Do I look alive enough?” he questioned, going to his knees and putting a hand on Link’s forehead. He seemed hotter, and the Shade wasn’t even sure he was awake anymore, though he did make a small noise as his hand landed on his skin.
Midna blinked then nodded, albeit hesitantly.
“You... yeah you do, you look alive. And like... you look like Link,” she said, continuing to stare. “Who are you?”
The Shade gathered his descendant into his arms, ignoring the question for the moment as he stood. Link’s head lolled against his shoulder, and he could hear his breath rasping more thickly in his chest. It sounded even worse then it had before, and an icy hand of fear clutched around his heart.
“Someone who cares for his wellbeing,” he answered simply, and began to walk, keeping a tight grip on his descendant.
Midna snapped out of her reverie and quickly moved in front of him, an arm held out. “You’re going the wrong way, moron.”
The Shade blinked, confused. He’d visited Kakariko many times and thought for sure he knew where to go.
Then again... it had been several hundred years.
“...perhaps you should lead.” he admitted, and Midna sniffed.
“Perhaps I should.”
And they set off without another word.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 143
TLDR; Everyone worried about Cale. Toonka spreading Caleism to Evil Faction members. HD visits Cale in his bedroom at midnight.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Everyone's Reactions Brain Demon: *speechless* Raon: Human! Human! Cale: (This is driving me nuts! I'd rather faint!) VoH: *energetic* Cale, you need to cough more blood to feel better! Raon: Human! No! Don't faint! Wake up! Ron: Young master. Cale: (Is that vicious voice Ron's? It's kinda scary. Why is it like this every time? No, it's okay if I cough blood, but can't I cough blood gracefully and normally?) VoH: Impossible. Cale, how is coughing blood graceful? Cale: P-Please...*coughs* ...I-I know-... HD: ...Did you know it would be like this? ...Did you agree to the experiment knowing that you'd cough blood like this? Why did you not tell me beforehand then? If you had told me, I would have found another way! How can you take your life so lightly! *feels angry and guilty* Cale: (No, no. That's not what it is. When I first heard the plan, I thought it was worth a try! But while I was doing it, I had a hunch that it was going bad, so this happened!) Cale: *closes his eyes in frustration because he couldn't say aloud his feelings* Raon: Human, no! Wake up! I will destroy everything! *touches Cale's cheeks* Cale: (I didn't pass out!) *opens eyes because of Raon* Cale: (Is this supposed to be horror? My appearance must be more horrible than most ghosts or monsters.) *laughs at the thought* HD: *no longer calm* Are you in the mood to laugh now? Ron: He must be. *smiles* We will take care of the young master. CH and Beacrox: *takes Cale from HD and supports him* Sui: *sighs and presses his temples* CJS: *hides face behind his hat but unable to hide his fluctuating energy* While everyone was panicking, Cale was like "How do I cough blood gracefully?" and "I must look more horrible than monsters and ghosts"... 🤣🤣🤣
HD joins the worrying-about-Cale club. And VoH talks back at Cale's wish to cough blood gracefully 😂
Unfortunately, we didn't see Raon shoving apple pie in Cale's mouth.
As for the other people, Splitter Saint was in awe of Cale's sacrifice and came to a realization something. He wished to be Cale's disciple, but knew his chance was slim, so he said that YMKim would be his master in his heart. And Elder Ho was agreeing like he understood, being the Caleism believer he is. 😂
Toonka Spreading Caleism This part was touching and funny for me. The Sima siblings and Ha Mun were worried about Cale, but Toonka just laughed and reassured them that Cale would be fine. He then proceeds to tell them about Cale's past blood coughing episodes and sacrifices, and everyone listens intently... Ah, is this the beginning of Caleism in the Evil Faction? 🤣
The flashback of Cale and Toonka's conversation was also funny: Cale: Toonka. Are you close with the Evil Faction these days? Toonka: Yes! We fight every day! Cale: Good. Then continue being friends with the people from the Evil Faction. Don't get hurt. Ah, what am I saying? Toonka: Hahaha! Cale: Sigh. Anyway, find out what they are doing.
Cale is still in denial that he's worried about Toonka. 🤣🤣🤣
There was also another part where Toonka thought that Cale would be fine because he was not the kind of person to die and leave the young dragon behind. He believed that Cale would not turn away from someone weaker (originally) than him, someone he needed to protect. Aww... 🥰
Heavenly Demon's Night Visit Another funny part. HD visited Cale in the middle of the night and found him lying on the bed in agony. But our tsundere Cale claimed that he was perfectly fine, having been full from the steak and cookies he had eaten... Of course, HD did not believe him. 😂
Ending Remarks Frankly, I was disappointed that the reaction of LSH and CJS was only one sentence while the murim world characters had paragraphs of it. 😑 Toonka's thoughts were quite endearing though.
Next chapter will be more HD and Cale conversation, so look forward to it!
P.S. Here's a fanart I drew of HD supporting the bloody Cale (and the reason why I posted my reaction post so late, ehehe):
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The Korean characters on the left are "Heavenly Demon and Cale."
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jessjad · 20 days
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Chapter 11
Summary: After a Halloweenparty Y/N actually didn't want to got to, her life seems to be turned around. The reason is a very stubborn Supe that seems to have her in his visier. Is it just a coincidance or more?
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 2511
Warnings: some language, kidnapping, (slight) humiliation and just hopelessness.
A/N: Okay, just so you know, I'm no medical expert. So, everything that follows in the next couple chapters should be taking with a pinch of salt. And please keep in mind, it's just fiction. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy!
My Masterlist Series Masterlist
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The first thing Y/N felt, that pulled her out of unconsciousness, was the strong pounding behind her skull. Like clockwork it pulsaded and brought her back to reality. Carefully she opend one eye after the other, but her gaze could not focus right away, leaving her field of vision blurred. Her head felt heavy and as she tried to touch her forehead with her hand she realized that that was not possible.
Her vision cleared right away while she tugged on the rope that had her tied to the chair she was sitting on, her hands fixated on her back. What was going on? After a few moments she knew that the rope did not give and she let it be. For now. Her heart raced in panic as she took a look around the unfamiliar place she was in.
The small room looked like an old, abandond butchery room that hadn't been used in years. The once white tiles were dirty, with staines she didn't want to know from what. The pipes along the seiling were rusty and broken. It was dripping down somewhere and it smelled awful. The air was moist and there were no windows. Only one lightbulb hung over her head and provided a little bit of light.
"Hello?" she called out to the dark metal door, but no sound was heared behind it.
Where was she? How long had she been here? All of this did not make any sense. And then she remembered what had happened. Her fight with Ben, the tensious situation in which she took her chance and flee and then the big stranger, that captured her. Tears started to sting her eyes and a lump formed in her throut. Had Ben known about this? Was that the reason he did not want her to leave?
Ben... now she wished he would've gotten to her faster. He would've been able to help her, save her, and all of this would not have happened. Y/N could be back in her apartment right now. Safe and sound, cuddled up on the couch with the man she never thought would start to mean so much to her. Yeah, he did not talk to her a lot about his past, but it was the little things that she recognized about him. He was rough on the outside, definitly, but inside...
Again she tugged on the rope and tried to bring the chair to fall over, but it still did not work. Despair spread through her and took possession of her heart. The tears now falling freely down her cheeks. She had no idea how much time had passed, if it was still night or already day and it looked like she was left there to rot. The pain in her head did not fade and the struggle she put herself through took all her strength that was left in her body, so that she fell unconcious again.
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The bottle of bourbon layed shattered on the floor after Ben had thrown it against the wall. He was furious and almost ready to shatter another bottle of amber liquid. This stubborn woman. He should've known from the start that she meant nothing but trouble. Maybe he really should've chosen another woman. One that was more accommodating, that willingly listened to him and just did as he said.
The sound of glass splittering and falling down on the floor startled him out of his thoughts. Ben had not even realized that he had picked up that glass.
"Shit!" he sweared and took a few steps back. But he had no time to take care of this.
Then he heared the nock on the door he was waiting for. Ben hurried over and opened right away to let the blonde man in.
"Is he here?" Harlow asked and let his gaze wander around the room, but found noone else.
"Not yet. He called ten minutes ago." Ben explained and closed the door again.
"And Y/N?" he sat down on the kitchen table and opend up his laptop, that he took out of his bag. "Did she carry her phone with her at least?"
Upon that question a loud bang followed right next to Harlow. Ben had thrown a second phone on the table. "Does it look like she did?" he aswered angryly.
"Well, that is not optimal. But I'll make it work anyway. Just let me get into the traffic cams real quick."
And with that Harlow went to work. While he was typing away, Ben took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He had called the cunt Mallory, but she was not willing to help out. All her attention was fixed on Homelander she had said. Only Annie was ready to help and went out to see, if she could get any information on Victoria.
Ben had no idea how much time went by, but another nock on the door was heared after a while. As Ben walked over to the door, Harlow looked up from his screen to see who it was. And when Johnson stepped into the apartment, he got up. Both men stared at each other before they smiled and hugged for a second.
"How did you get out? Did Newman just... let you go?" the blonde asked and sat down again.
"I don't think she intended to. But Homelander paid her a visit and so she said, that we should go. And... that's what I did." Johnson said and followed Harlow's gaze to the screen.
"Did she notice anything?"
"As if. She never even gave us the light of day. And after you were gone I was not her favorite anymore. So, no. She had no clue."
... "This is taking to long. Did you see that she was looking over our files?"
Harlow asked while the water in the small kitchen was running. Noone else was there and they took advantage of the situation to discuss what to do next.
"Yeah, I know." Johnson nooded. "I called Soldier Boy this morning and we need to change plans. All of this is getting out of control really fast."
"And what do you want to do?" Harlow crossed his arms infront of his chest.
Johnson looked over his shoulder to the doorway and stepped closer to his partner. "We let us get caught."
"And you'll be the one to tell her. You're going to put the blame on me, so that she lets you go. And then you contact our men and Soldier Boy. You have to tell them to be ready. This can blow up any day know."
"I can't leave you alone here! Johnson, we said, we would do this together!" he protested.
"Harlow..." Johnson laid a hand on the other man's shoulder. "... we don't have a choice here anymore. Okay?"
After a few seconds of silence Harlow closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay." ...
Both men shared a look, thinking back on the events. It was a risk to do it that way, but in the end it was the right choice. Ben cleared his throut and glared at his men.
"Can we cut the pussy talk and focus on the matter here? What about Y/N?"
"I'm already on it. I'm following her way down the street with the cams." Harlow replied as he kept a close look on the videos infront of him.
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The next thing Y/N felt, that woke her up again, was her body signalizing that she needed to pee. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts and get a hold of her current situation, but as soon as the memories floded her mind, the pressure in her bladder got stronger and stronger. It even dimmend the pounding in her head, that began to fade away. She squirmed on the chair.
"Hello? Is... is anybody there?" It got really serious now. "Please... anybody! I... I need to use the... bathroom!"
She tried as best as she could to hold it in, but her insides felt like they were about to burst. The pain was becoming so strong, that tears started to fall down her face again.
"Please... oh god, I... I can't hold it... in!" she screamed now, but it was to late.
As her bladder emptied, urine soaked her pants and soon dripped onto the floor, she felt ashamed and cried even more. This was so embarassing. Why did this happen to her?
"Help! Heeelp!" the woman screamed again but still only silence answered her. "Please..." she sobbed. "Please... somebody help me..."
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"The van has no license plates."
"What do you mean with 'the van has no license plates'?" Ben asked with furrowed brows as he came over to Harlow to look at the screen himself.
"Just like I said: the van has no license plates." he repeated and pointed with a finger to the back of the vehicle on the paused video.
"Wait..." Johnson leaned forward a little further. "Go back a few frames." and Harlow did. "See? There."
It was almost invisible, but there was a tiny white line where the license plates were supposed to be. On the back and front of the van.
"They're shielded in a way." Ben concluded. "Damn it!"
"Can you see where the van stopped? Maybe a certain building?"
"No, nothing. They drive to the outskirts of New York and there are almost to none traffic cams around." explained Harlow.
Ben's brows were still furrowed as he turned around and tragged a hand through his face. Frustration starting to bubble up in him again.
"Well, it's a good thing that I put trafficking transmitters on every car that parked at that hideout of Newman's."
Now it was Johnson who started to type away on the laptop and Harlow scooted over to give him enough room to work. With a small smile the supe looked at his men again. Back then he had known right away that it was a good idea to hire these two. Once again they proved to be very useful for his plan. Because no matter how all of this was going to end, he would never go back into the box again.
That was for sure.
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Y/N cried until no tears were left and it felt like an eternity. In this whole time noone came to look after her. She saw noone, heared no noise outside her door and had still no idea how much time had passed. She was feeling so uncomfortable in her still clamy clothes, the smell got worse in the room and her arms and shoulders started to hurt. Being in the same position for hours on end was getting tortuous.
She also had been falling in out of sleep for two or three times by now, but she had no idea for how long. Those times were true moments of bliss for her soul, not being in this horrible situation. She probably could count herself lucky in a way. It was noone there that harmed or abused her, raped or cut her up, or even worse. At least for now. But sitting in silence with no idea if it was night or day, with no human contact at all, was still unbearable. Her ears made up sounds or white noise, almost like tinnitus.
But the worst thing was the thirst. Her mouth was so dry and felt almost like sandpaper. Y/N had been calling out that she needed something to drink, in hopes somebody would hear her and finally come in to the room and tell her what was actually going on. But nothing happened, no matter how hard she tried. Oh, what she would give for a fresh, cold glass of sparkling water. Just the thought of it felt like a heavenly dream.
All of a sudden she heared footsteps that were getting closer and closer. At first she thought it was just her imagination again, but the noise did not fade and it sounded like more than one person. After a couple of seconds the footsteps seemed to stop right infront of the door. Y/N sat herself up a little as best as she could and concentrated, but if took a couple of seconds more before she heared the muffled voices through the door.
"What are you doing?" a gruff voice said.
"We need to look how she's doing, Rodiguez. And she probably needs some water." answered a voice that was a little higher than the first one.
"Our orders were clear, O'Donnell. She said to just capture her, lock her away and wait for Soldier Boy to come, so that we can capture him too. That's all. Not to go in there and... pamper her until something happens."
"But we should at least make sure she's still alive, don't we?"
Y/N had no idea who these guys were, but just hearing their voices sent adrenaline coursing through her veins.
"Hello?" she called out what felt like the millionth time. "Hello? Please... please let me go!"
"You hear that? She's still alive." the first man said.
"Yeah, but should we not make sure, that... you know... she stayes alive?"
'How conciderate', Y/N thought. "What do you want from me? I... I don't understand what's happening!" she called out again, but still got no answer.
"I'm not going in there, O'Donnell. It's been over a day already. She surely has pissed herself a couple of times by now. But if you really wanna do it... go ahead. Feel free to do so." That Rodiguez-guy said and challenged his partner in crime.
A few seconds later she could her one pair of feet move away again and panic started to rise up in her. She did not want to be left alone again. She just wanted to go.
"No, please! Don't leave me alone again!" but she did not get an answer and felt helpless right away. Oh god, please..." she started to sob again. "Please don't."
"You just have to stay alive until Soldier Boy comes to rescue you. Then you're free to go." The other man finally replied.
"No, please! You don't understand!" Y/N started to tug on the ropes again, that kept her securly in place. "That's not gonna happen!"
"Just... just a few more days, okay? Then it all will be over." was the last thing the person on the other side of the door said, before she could hear that he too was starting to leave again.
"No, NO! Please, don't leave!" now the young woman tugged stronger on her restaints and tried to even move the chair she was sitting on. "He's not going to come for me! He will not even look for me!!!"
But there was only silence that greeted her. No voices, no footsteps. And all her hope that may have still been within her, deflated and disappered. Leaving her empty inside. With only the one truth hanging abbove her head, more present than ever.
"I'm gonna die here..."
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A/N: This is not looking good, right? Poor Y/N... 😔
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@lyarr24 @k-slla @leigh70 @deadlydivergentgirl @deans-spinster-witch
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messrsbyler · 1 year
and when steve falls asleep with his head on top of jonathan’s lap and jonathan starts running his fingers through steve’s hair. they are friends now, which… it’s odd enough to think about. but, well, maybe in a world where flesh eating monster existed and gates splitter the earth opened, he and steve could exist like this.
jonathan is not sure which of the many blurry lines their friendship was built upon he’s crossing now. and for a moment, jonathan can’t bring himself to care. steve is asleep, cheek smushed against his thigh, warm breath seeping through jonathan’s jeans, and a soft rise and fall of his chest.
his hair is as soft as it looks and it makes jonathan click his tongue. he was hoping it wouldn’t feel as nice under the pad of his fingers. maybe if it didn’t, this annoying itch of wanting to touch and play with steve’s hair would’ve died by now. but no. of course his stupid hair is soft as silk and of course jonathan gets all warm and flushed giving into this odd desire of his.
he can’t understand it. jonathan hasn’t had many friends across his life, but he’s smart enough to know this isn’t something friends do. and still-
steve adjusts his position in his sleep, pressing closer to jonathan’s belly and then leaning into jonathan’s fingers with a pleased groan.
jonathan feels like he just lost a battle, and he can’t understand why.
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shadowxamyweek · 4 months
So ur just gonna leave those dirty ass plates there while u hug. Thats how u get ants. Do you want ants? Thats how you get em
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[Shadow and Amy are settled on the couch. Amy's face is tucked under Shadow's chin, buried in their patch of fur. She is calm, content. Meanwhile, Shadow seems almost paralyzed. Their arms are wrapped around Amy, but their breathing is shallow so as to not disturb her. Shadow's shoulders are tensed, head facing forward, not daring to move least they ruin this.] [The letter falls from nowhere. Its sharp corner hits Amy in the head. She yelps in surprise, and Shadow snaps back to their senses. In that exact instance, Shadow snatches the letter from the air in a tight fist.] Amy: Ow!(メ`ロ´) What was that? [Amy shuffles to sit up, rubbing the back of her head. Shadow huffs, twisting to drop the letter on the coffee table where their plates rest. ] Amy: No wait! I wanna read it! [She snatches it from him just as another letter flys out of nowhere and smacks Shadow on the side of the face. Shadow splitters, furious.]
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[Amy grabs that one too, tearing both open to read. Her face becomes stormy with anger, even as her cheeks gain an embarrassed flush. Saying nothing, Amy disentangles herself from Shadow and snatches the plates off of the table before briskly moving to the kitchen to wash them.] Amy: (/`/‸/´/) What a- just- ugh- Rosie isn't even here! Shadow:(≖、≖╬)? [Shadow picks up the letters and read them.] Shadow:(/◣/_/◢/) [Red-faced, Shadow stands, shredding the letters systematically as they walk to the nearest trash can. By the time they get there, from their hands tumble a flurry of white shreds.]
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thinlyveiledinsults · 2 years
I do love how Ryan says he felt mean calling the fence straddlers cowards and then immediately renaming them cheek splitters, as if that's any better lmao.
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shelbazoidz · 2 years
The only appropriate reaction to Ryan saying "Cheek splitters"
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bergoozter · 2 years
hey where’s team cheek-splitter ?
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chippedmoon · 2 years
The Professor says that cheek-splitters have no rights!
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ohigotanewobsession · 2 years
where is the team cheek splitters shirt with both of their faces on the tshirt?? @wearewatcher
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seinfeldsimp · 1 year
a series of orchestral events - the record shop
jerry seinfeld x reader
warning: kissing!!!
as we go, the series will have an out-of-order timeline, but the same ‘you’ will be there. formatted like pulp fiction, in a way!
“what, classical music is interesting? lemme tell you, there hasn’t been a moment that i haven’t fallen asleep listening to whatever mozart’s whatever the hell on the radio,” jerry said.
“mozart tends to be overplayed, anyway. you should actually culture yourself a little more, they say that listening to classical music helps you focus.”
“focus what?”
with a sigh, you looked up at the ceiling. “you know, if my eyes were closed, i’d think i was with my brother right now. have you ever had to focus on anything?”
“i dunno about you and your college classes, small fry, but i need not to focus on anything. i simply observe and elaborate.”
“man,” you scoffed, getting right up in jerry’s face, “you just love pushing my buttons, don’t you?”
“i may enjoy it a little too much at this point,” he sang. “how about you show me something a little interesting, music wo-man?”
“fine! easy.”
looking around, you clocked the turntables placed on the back wall for listening to music; now to find the music. speed-walking over to the classical era, you look for the S divider, fingering through different choices before you found what you wanted. in a swift movement, you spun to the side and snaked your way through the aisles again before spotting a player with a table next to it, a box of headphones on top. perfect.
“hey!” you heard jerry call out. “don’t go so fast!”
he finally caught up to you and watched as you placed the vinyl into the turntable, plugged in a headphone splitter into the jack and fished for headphones.
the wires were a bit tangled, but you pulled out two sets in no time. and both were in good condition! you plopped a set on jerry’s head, and then your own.
“i didn’t realize you were gonna find something so fast—“
“shh!” putting a finger to his lips, you whispered, ”record stores are like libraries. you don’t want to talk too loud and disturb others. they’re trying to listen to the music they might buy.” you turned back to the player and closed the top, pressing play once it fully closed.
jerry took hold of your wrist, pulling your hand away lightly. “what are you talking about, nobody else here is even wearing headphones—“
“shh!!” you pressed your finger to his lips once more. “we listen in our heads.” the absurdity of your statement made you giggle in the end. too skeptical for words, jerry shot you a look. “i know! i know, it’s weird, but i swear. that’s what we do. especially the music school kids.”
you looked back at the record spinning. “this…this is my favorite.”
your subconscious decided to analyze the situation, at this very moment. record in your right hand, your left was held in place by jerry’s own, your finger still pressed against his mouth. he shifted so you were more caressing his cheek, but you could still feel the air treading lightly on your skin as he breathed through his nose.
try not to freak out, you told yourself, just pay attention to your favorite part.
“it’s scheherazade, the third movement. i usually listen to it by starting at the second movement, though. i can’t remember the last time i started at the very beginning.”
with your free hand, you slowly turned the volume a little bit louder.
you turned to look at jerry, who seemed to be deep in thought while staring at you. you hoped he was liking it so far…
the music engulfed all your senses, as it usually did. it was just so. damn. good.
your eyes fluttered shut, head tipped back, and it was as if no one else existed in the world.
just you and the music.
in fact, you became so entranced by the music that you didn’t feel jerry take your hand off his face. you didn’t feel him place both hands on either side of your own face; you broke when he pulled you in and kissed you.
eyes shot open, then closed right away. you kissed back a little too excitedly; after all, this was your first clear indication that he was interested in you. hands took place around his waist and held his back, slightly pushing him even closer to your own body. you felt jerry smile into the kiss, and just as you knew he was about to deepen it…
the entrance of the final movement came in a loud bang, a huge contrast from the ending of the movement before; this startled both of you out of the moment. you both panted, from the music startling you as well as the kiss that went longer than you thought.
one hand stayed holding you while the other pulled his headphones down, leaving them hanging around his neck.
retracting both of your own hands from his waist, you pulled your headphones down as well.
you broke the silence, voice low in volume. “did you…like it..?”
it was almost impossible to push that question out of your stomach and into the atmosphere, the air was so stiff. you were positive he heard, even felt your heart beat out of your chest.
jerry’s lips parted, but no words came out just yet. he had hungry eyes; they flicked between your own eyes and your lips. “well,” jerry replied just the same, “i like you.” he came closer, so his mouth was right next to your ear. “and i think you like me too.”
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