#cheese curd saga
pkmn-asst-summers · 2 years
So I'm in the hospital to have the cheese curds removed.
Also turns out I'm allergic to dairy.
Ohhh dear.
If I’m honest, I’m a bit surprised that you didn’t know of your allergy already (and more than a bit concerned about how far in you pushed the cheese curds…) but uh
I hope everything goes all right!!!
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dessertgeek · 11 months
The Mari Lwyd Twitter saga (2021)
This is part of my efforts to transcribe @seananmcguire's annual holiday Mari Lwyd Twitter threads/poetry battles. The hashtag for now is #Mari Lwyd Project, the first post is here, this thread's source is here.
This round is Seanan + @tkingfisher back for another round of cheese and rhymes! And 2021's is the one that inspired me to work on this, as the non-Twitter versions I could find, though there be plenty, were all screenshots.
As always, credit to the authors/poets/cheese protectors. CWs for food and caps. Settle in for a read. (And if there are more 2021 poetry battles can someone please link me or transcribe and send me a link? I'm not finding more yet.)
Ursula: I’ve blockaded the pantry, I’ve bolted the door I’ve piled up the padlocks ‘til they’ll padlock no more, It may be quite churlish, but this cheese I’ll defend From equine depredations ‘til the cold bitter end.
Ursula: If you asked me for money, I’d write you a check, And the clothes off my back, I’d pile on your neck. But my cheese—! I’m sorry, but that is the bar, I’m all for charity, but you’re going too far!
Ursula: In that case, my friend, I will now blow your mind For cheese can be had, from the curd to the rind. With the power of the internet, your torment will end, If you’re a skeleton, online shopping’s your friend!
Ursula: That seems like a problem, I freely admit, The solution, I fear, not within my remit. But if your profession’s not a matter of choice, Have you tried sending Winter some kind of invoice?
Ursula: So we’re moving to threats now, is that what I hear? Menacing my garden which you know I hold dear? It’s on now, bone horse, forget the Brie— You mess with my plants and you’re messing with ME.
Ursula: This type of wording is really quite damnable Like a Mafia Don saying “This places looks...flammable.” Leaving my garden so the frost won’t attack it? Cold bone horse, you’re running a protection racket!
Ursula: It’s true I long for Spring’s return Yet Necessity must sometimes burn Seems to me this vein’s untapped… What happens if I keep Winter trapped?
Ursula: Ah, but think of Winter in Summer’s home— The savings on AC alone! A captive winter’s a useful tool, Just much climate could you cool?
Ursula: I don’t fear winter’s icy blast When it’s 72 and overcast But consider this with empty eyes How about a compromise?
Ursula: I’ll write the word “cheese” on the back of a napkin And slide the note under this door you’re attackin’. And don’t argue with me that the cheese is synthetic— The best magic always has been sympathetic.
Ursula: Goodbye, bone horse, the season moves Its icy wheel beneath your hooves. And as I devour this cheese with chives I feel I should apologize. ‘Twas wrong to plot to see you imprisoned— But there’s no ethical consumption in capitalism.
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floridiacheese · 10 months
Sicilian Heritage, Aussie Flavour: Floridia's Cheese Crafting Legacy
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Introduction: Where Sicilian Tradition Meets Australian Excellence
Join us on a culinary journey that transcends continents, as Floridia Cheese brings the rich traditions of Sicilian cheese-making to the vibrant landscapes of Thomastown, Melbourne. In this fusion of Sicilian heritage and Aussie flavour, discover the legacy of a cheese factory that has become synonymous with quality and tradition.
The Montalto Dynasty: A Tale of Passing Traditions
Family Continuity
At the heart of Floridia Cheese lies a family saga, where the skills of Mauro Montalto, the patriarch and cheese maestro, have seamlessly flowed through generations. From Tomasso and Angela to the 3rd Generation of Montalto's, each member has held the reins, ensuring that the flame of tradition, passion, and quality continues to burn bright.
A Sicilian Touch Down Under
The Montalto's migration from Sicily to Australia in 1952 wasn't merely a change of address; it was a cultural transference. Bringing with them a largely self-sufficient way of life, the family embedded the essence of Italian culture into the soil of a new land.
Frugality's Culinary Triumph: The Birth of Floridia's Finest
Whey to Success
The frugal peasant culture embraced by the Montalto's wasn't just a way of life; it became the secret ingredient to Floridia's success. The leftover whey, a byproduct of crafting Bocconcini, Fresh Pecorino, and Mozzarella, became the canvas for the creation of the finest Ricotta—a delicacy that embodies sweetness, smoothness, and deliciousness.
From Backyard Hearth to Commercial Heights
A Family Affair
Mauro's cheese-making journey commenced in his backyard, where traditional Ricotta was crafted over a wood fire for his three sons. What started as a family affair soon spread to neighbours, friends, and the local continental grocery. Little did the Montalto's know that these humble beginnings would blossom into one of Australia's premier cheese manufacturing businesses.
Foundations in Bundoora
The growing demand for Floridia's traditional Italian-style cheese prompted Mauro to acquire a small factory in Bundoora by 1955. This marked the establishment of Floridia Cheese, named as a tribute to Mauro's birthplace in Sicily.
Thomastown Triumph: The Apex of Excellence
A Symbolic Shift
In 1998, Thomastown became the epicentre of Floridia Cheese, not just in terms of geographical location but as a symbolic shift towards unwavering quality. This move underscored Floridia's commitment to time-honoured traditions and the highest manufacturing standards.
Unveiling Excellence: Tradition, Passion, Determination
Time-Honoured Craft
Floridia Cheese's journey isn't just a timeline; it's a dedication to time-honoured methods. Every block of cheese echoes the authenticity of Italian tradition, a testament to the Montalto family's commitment to preserving the art of cheese-making.
Passion Woven into Every Curd
Beyond tradition, Floridia's success is intertwined with passion. From Mauro's backyard experiments to the 3rd Generation of Montalto's, each chapter reflects an enduring love for the craft.
Conclusion: A Symphony of Flavours
In conclusion, Floridia Cheese isn't just a producer; it's an orchestra of Sicilian heritage harmonising with Australian taste buds. From Sicily to Thomastown, the Montalto family has not just crafted cheese but composed a legacy that enriches the palate of every cheese connoisseur.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
The moral mortgage of mice and men
Yours truly quite astute, especially regarding cute little field mice, also known
as meadow voles,
which imprecation one doth emote,
when aforementioned animal burrows inside leaving pellet size poop in their wake suddenly presenting a pain in the glute.
Analogous to swiss cheese fecklessness riddled Homo sapien
writer, whom he himself cannot Provolone equality
for Mus musculus to live, exception viz one named Stuart Little
as equal among indomitable realm dominated by bipedal hominids
said species arrogated
since time immemorial self superior holier than thou tenet
and dictum governing hegemony across webbed wide world,
which supposed word of creator conveniently got interpreted to mean; "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue every square inch courtesy
trappings of western civilizations, henceforth since the dawn of consciousness, when primates such as Sahelanthropus tchadensis,
Homo habilis, Homo erectus,
and Homo heidelbergensis evolved
to slowly but surely
wield dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living things that move on the earth,” their subsequent descendents relegated every creature deemed inferior and thus (no pun intended) fair game across proverbial eminent domain, thus justified, ordained, usurped, et cetera courtesy manifest destiny, particularly mostly aborigines.
Against bullet proof credo, ethos,
and genuine holistic integrity
to respond to such an event
as Minnie's or Mickey's, no matter
an ohm my cat reluctance arises
to don and trumpet role as "killer"
tis with only the means and ways
to avoid health crisis that I hesitantly didst exterminate existence
of other critters decried as pestilential
so please no unsolicited
mouse a lean knee black barbs
against this august gent
tis a marvel to evince the behaviour
of rapaciousness, when nary a hint
extant within me - except,
at a crossroads arises
when vermin take residence
as per mentioned earlier as an unpaid inhabitant,
this one mortal married male loathes
to distribute deathly lethal instrument
innocuous morsels of D-CON
doth not make me feel jubilant
this chap doth newt believe
dangerous buggars ought
be be consigned with tender loving care but certainly less cruel fate versus getting lethally euthanized, eradicated and essentially
charged with heinous crime
such as murder committed by a litigant slapped unfairly suffer being poisoned
imposing forfeiture reprisal
tomb the tinker-bell tolls
visa vis a role in the realm
within flora and fauna not meant
for humans decreeing vermin
lack purposelessness,
and must be exterminated
to own rights qua life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness quietly when staking out an alcove,
cupboard, or mauve wainscoting
reproduction of discriminated, hashtagged, and targeted mammals
would nonchalantly find safe haven
exiting man made confines if left
to their biological devices,
this millennial saga of mice and men
perhaps Noah occident,
and no matter what means
one approaches pursuant
to rid the house of mice,
these creatures reboot toxic tolerance
to incorporate schemes
quite innovative within floorboards,
deep chambers viz hitting
expansive domestic quadrant
this Brie zee, cream cheesy,
though temporarily dislodged per demise,
the recurrent adaptation reverberant
and stupefy supreme survival skill re:
by a modus operandi
with adaptive qualities salient
ta dum me little nimble,
opal and quizzical rodents lacking redolence tubby mammals,
though their existence
and devil's blue diet tribe curd dish rant
might be diametrically opposed to American ethics committee, who slant
the bald (also balled), bold,
and brazen cordon bleu appearance
analogous to a vagrant, unrepentant truant
sans more than one little
furry Muenster of scurrying critters
spur this heir force deputy
issues a poisoned search warrant.
0 notes
siily2022020022 · 2 years
Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz Peynir, Mamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington,
Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Saint Albray, Brousse du Rove, Roule, Coverdale, Xynotyro, Le Brin, Fontainebleau, Reggianito, Coeur de Chèvre, Sottocenere al Tartufo, Australian Mozzarella, Tamie, Castigliano, Celtic Promise, Tibetan, Duddleswell, Picodon de Chevre, Asiago Pressato, Saga, Butte, Cendre d’Olivet, Emmental Grand Cru, Ballylough, Gospel Green, Tourmalet, Dunsyre Blue, La Taupinière, Gorgonzola Cremificato, Selles sur Cher, Buxton Blue, Cheese Curds, Sharpham, Charolais, Chevrotin des Aravis, Gratte Paille, Bruder Basil, Beemster Aged, Pant ys Gawn, Fourme de Montbrison, Mascares, Fromage Corse, Beemster Classic, Caciotta Al Tartufo, Piave, Macconais, Casciotta di Urbino, Trou du Cru, Fresh Jack, Sirène, Galbani, Grafton Village Cheddar, Orkney Extra Mature Cheddar, Red Windsor, Figue, Edelpilz, Lou Palou, Tymsboro, Brunost, Anthotyro Fresco, Venaco, Nokkelost, Gubbeen, Dunlop, Niolo,
Australian Cottage Cheese, Cerney Pyramid, Briquette de Brebis, Crottin du Chavignol, Crayeux de Roncq, Herrdardsost, Mont D’or Lyonnais, Denhany Dorset Drum, Cachaille, Olivet Cendre, Pecorino in Walnut Leaves, Australian Ricotta, Fromage de Montagne de Savoie, Hoop Cheese, Queso Jalapeno, Morbier Cru de Montagne, Galette Lyonnaise, Castelo Branco, Pannerone, Curé Nantais, Tommes de Romans, Esbareich, Formaggio di Capra, Serra da Estrela, Tournée de L’Aubier, Bouyssou, Sardo, Flor de Guia, Quercy Petit, Emlett, Olivet au Foin, Capriole Banon, Devon Garland, Sourire Lozerien, Claenzana, Frying Cheese, Albertam, Dorset Blue Vinney, Prastost, Kashta, Kiri, Little Black Bomber, Texas Goat Cheese, Beemster Graskaas, Boule du Roves, Poivre d' ne, Dubliner, Pélardon des Cévennes, Mondseer, Fondant de Brebis, Sussex SlipCôte, Pourly, Crowley, Laruns, Caboc, Hervé, Graddost, Curworthy, Yarra Valley Fresh Pyramid, Grand Vatel, Blarney Castle, Nantais, Bergère Bleue, Pâte de Fromage, Margot, Grataron d’ Areches, Galette du Paludier, Rollot, Coquetdale, Petit Pardou, Heidi Cheese, Matocq, Civray, Fin-de-Siècle, Pouligny-Saint-Pierre, Asiago d’Allevo, Plymouth Cheese, Idaho Goatster, Greuilh, Vieux Corse, Pyramide, Havilah, Rustinu, Cornish Pepper,
L’Aveyronnais, Avonlea Clothbound Cheddar, Sveciaost, Lingot Saint Bousquet d’Orb, Barry’s Bay Cheddar, Dreux a la Feuille, Tronchon, Quadrello di Bufala, Kefalotyri, Beemster 2% Milk, Duroblando, Delice des Fiouves, Pithtiviers au Foin, P’tit Berrichon, Fourme de Haute Loire, Balaton, Brebis du Puyfaucon, Pas de l’Escalette, Quatre-Vents, Lappi, Vendômois, Kernhem, Briquette du Forez, Friesla, Port Nicholson, L’Ecir de l’Aubrac, Rouleau De Beaulieu, Le Fium Orbo, Weichkaese, Olivet Bleu, Little Rydings, Telemea, Guerbigny, Boncester, Menallack Farmhouse, Pave de Chirac, Teifi, Loddiswell Avondale, Australian Neufchâtel, Innes Button, Kanafeh, Gris de Lille, Klosterkaese, Tommes des Chouans, Pasteurized Processed, Mahoe Aged Gouda, Harriot Farmhouse, Tillamook Smoked Black Pepper White Cheddar, Frinault, Gastanberra, Ulloa, Chab de Gâtine, Cathelain, Sraffordshire Organic, Le Lacandou, Blue Rathgore, Ridder, Durrus, Roman Part Dieu, Bethmale des Pyrenees, Blue Wensleydale, Calcagno, Palet de Babligny, Dutch Mimolette, Patefine Fort, Provolone Valpadana, Lou Pevre, Avaxtskyr, Regal de la Dombes, Shelburne Cheddar, Mihalic Peynir, Cahill’s Whiskey Cheese, Swaledale, Maribo, Chorlton Blue Cheshire, Coolea, Braudostur, Samso, Pelardon des Corbieres, Hubbardston Blue Cow, Boeren-Leidse Met Sleutels, Cairnsmore, Isle of Mull,
Sbrinz, Crema Mexicana Agria, Cypress Grove Chevre, Goutu, Richelieu, Goutu, Australian Mascarpone, Orla, Evora De L’Alentejo, Doppelrhamstufel, Doolin, Cooleney, Gippsland Blue, Wookey Hole Cave Aged Cheddar, Evansdale Farmhouse Brie, Jindi Brie, Whitestone Farmhouse, Oscypek, Northumberland, Galloway’s Goat Milk Gems, Lajta, King River Gold, Beauvoorde, HarlechTruckle, Buche de Chevre, Challerhocker, Four Herb Gouda, Manur, Sweet Style Swiss, Corleggy, Fynbo, Passendale, Shanklish, Peekskill, Grey Owl, Queso del Tiétar, Saanenkaese, Rabacal, Yarra Valley Ashed Pyramid, Reypenaer, Oltermanni, Panamellera, Saalan Pfarr, Pyengana Cheddar, Ardsallagh Hard Goat’s Cheese, Meira, Woodside Cabecou, Croghan, La Serena, Lairobell, Monastery Cheeses, Malvern, Meyer Vintage Gouda, Montasio Mezzano, Queso del Montsec, Lanark Blue, Saint Felicien, Kervella Affine, Serat, Lebben, Lacy Swiss, Selva, Montasio Vecchio, Dunbarra, Processed Cheddar, King Island Cape Wickham Brie, Llangofan Farmhouse, Provolone del Monaco, Piora, Queso de Murcia, Mature Wensleydale, Loch Arthur Farmhouse, Jibneh Arabieh, Molbo, Tala, Imokilly regato, Maredsous, Schloss, Naboulsi, Turunmaa, Daralagjazsky, Piave Vecchio Selezione Oro, Brusselae Kaas, Reypenaer V.S.O.P., Tupi, Cwmtawe Pecorino, Folded Cheese w/ Mint,
Buchetta a la Sarriette, Podhalański, Hipi Ita, Jermi Tortes, Mersey Valley Original Vintage, Jubilee Blue, Tasmania Highland Chevre Log, Mine-Gabhar, Nettle Meadow Kunik, Amish Frolic, Rubens, Montgomery’s Cheddar, Kugelkase, Provoleta, Bonne Bouche, Ardsallagh’s Soft Goat Cheese, Gornoaltajski, Picobello, Garrotxa, Cancoillotte, Ardsallagh’s Smoked Cheese, Grabetto, Pokolbin, Remedou, Golden Smoked Rebel, Tyn Grug, Appalachian, Pencarreg, Trappiste d’Igny, Waimata Farmhouse Blue, Catupiry, Trappiste de Bricquebec, Goya, Ameribella, Timboon Brie, Oschtjepka, Leafield, Dessertnyj Belyj, Piave Fresco, Prince-Jean, Penbryn, Red Dragon Truckle, Point Reyes Bay Blue, Bica de Queijo, Extra Mature Wensleydale, Prima Donna Maturo, Byaslag, Queso Media Luna, Sulguni, Reypenaer XO Reserve, Prima Donna, Llanboidy, Chontaleno, Beecher’s Flagship, Anari, Alpha Tolman, Queso Blanco con Frutas - Piña y Mango, Meredith Blue, Roumy, Cornish Brie, Postel, Blacksticks Blue, Oak Smoked Wensleydale, Aubisque Pyrenees, Rochebaron, Burwash Rose, Bleu Mont Dairy Bandaged Cheddar, Azeitao, Paški Sir, Bermuda Triangle, May Hill Green, Gamoneu, St. Killian, Woodside Charlston, Urda, Balfour, Bear Hill, Crema de Blue, Cabot Clothbound, Onions and Chives Cheddar, Prima Donna Forte, Scotch Bonnet Cheddar, Chavroux, Glebe Brethan, Zimbro, Lingot Des Causses, Piave Mezzano, Coolattin Cheddar, Roaring Forties Blue, Maisie’s Kebbuck, Farm Chanco, Prima Donna Fino, Milleens, Broncha, Ackawi, Stichelton, Cratloe Hills, Winnimere, Panquehue, Hooligan, Aura, Prima Donna Leggero, Westfield Farm Smoked Capri, Smoked Sulguni, Dunbarton Blue, Fuzzy Wheel, Pleasant Ridge Reserve, Landaff, Estero Gold Reserve, Carlow, Bleu d’Auvergne, Liliputas,
Bega Processed Cheddar, Gorgonzola Dolce DOP, Accasciato, Txiki, Crozier, Gorwydd Caerphilly, Kennebec Highlands Caerphilly, Anejo Enchilado, Chiriboga Blue, Brinza - Feta Style, Cup Cheese, Woodside Alpine, Forsterkase, ADL Brick Cheese, Kanterkaas, Milawa Affine, Branza de Burduf, Bartlett, Chhurpi, Konig Ludwig King’s, Milawa Aged Blue, Mt. Scott, Milawa Blue, Wakatipu White, ADL Mild Cheddar, Milawa Goats Tomme, Milawa White, Bath Blue, Milawa Brie, Toma Piemontese, Trappe de la Coudre, Cropwell Bishop Blue Stilton, Gourmandise, Bayley Hazen Blue, Cacio di Bosco al Tartufo, Sartori Reserve Merlot Bellavitano, Appleby’s Double Gloucester, Amul Gouda, Za’atar Burrata, Cornish Kern, Midnight Moon, Cabecou Feuille D’Armagnac, Bismark, Cello Thick And Smooth Mascarpone, Allium Piper, Amul Pizza Mozzarella Cheese, Asher Blue, Barilotto, Sartori Reserve Black Pepper Bellavitano, Sosha, Lamb Chopper, La Tur, Dark/Snow Canyon Edam, Hafod, Barambah Organics Marinated Feta, Bloomsdale, Crumbly Lancashire, Wagon Wheel, Labneh, Sleightlett, Classics Fresh Mozzarella, Colston Bassett Stilton, Sartori Limited Edition Cognac Bellavitano, Purple Haze, Paglierino, Sartori Reserve Rosemary And Olive Oil Asiago, Old Ford, Alpine Gold, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Curado, Maggie’s Round, Pigoullie, Sartori Reserve BellaVitano Gold, Sartori Reserve Balsamic Bellavitano, Ailsa Craig, Cornish Wild Garlic Yarg, Ticklemore, Kaltbach Emmentaler AOP, Harbison, Capra Nouveau, Caciobufala, Alps Rebel, Blue Ledge La Luna, Aggiano, PsycheDillic, Bufalino, Laura Chenel’s Cabecou, Sartori Reserve Chai Bellavitano, Cornish Blue, Truffle Tremor, Zelu Koloria, Tasty Lancashire, Delamere Goats Cheese Logs
Crocodile Tear, Le Brebiou, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (3-5 Months), Wasabi Disc, Apple Walnut Smoked, Ogleshield, Perroche, LaClare Ziege Zacke Blue, Wellesley, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (10 Months), Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (12 Months), Caciocavallo Podolico Vetus, Cardo, Chadwickbury, Chevre Log, Ragstone, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (6-9 Months), Cinerino, Cote Hill Blue, Dorstone, Black Pearl, Amul Cheese Spread, Sartori Reserve Espresso Bellavitano, Wabash Cannonball, Herbs de Humboldt, Wasatch Mountain Cheese, Amul Processed Cheese, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Gran Reserva, Mobay, Caprotto, Julianna, Amul Emmental, Chile Caciotta, Baron Bigod, Marisa, Zwitser, Boo Boo Baby Swiss, Sartori Classic MontAmore, Mona, Innes Brick, Ficaccio, Goats’ Milk Caciotta, Sgt. Pepper, The City Goat, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (6 Months), Innes Log, Weston Wheel, Mont Saint-Francis, Mastorazio, La Fleurie, Ms. Natural, Swag, West West Blue, Couronne Lochoise, Consider Bardwell Farm Manchester, Pecorino Mallo di Noce, Heat, Lil Moo, Ricotta di Pecora, Caciocavallo di Bufala, Sofia, Pecorino al Tartufo, Moses Sleeper, Legato, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Media Curación, Menage, Lady Jane, Lou Bergier Pichin, Danby, Midnight Blue, Minuet, Manteca, Barber’s 1833, Infossato, Old Kentucky Tomme, Rosso, Chura Kampo, Carrot Rebel, Lord Of Hundreds, Bufarolo, Figaro, Willoughby, Lincoln Log, Moonglo, Tartufo Riserva, Prairie Tomme, Wilde Weide, Bossa, La Peral, Carmody, Sartori Limited Edition Pastorale Blend, Goat Milk Feta, Stawley, Piper’s Pyramide, LaClare Farms Evalon with Fenugreek, Little Bloom On The Prairie, Tozzetto, Windrush Cheeses, Kolan Extra Mature, LaClare Farms Chevre, Lemon Myrtle Chevre, Cuor di Burrata, Thomasville Tomme, Monte Enebro,
LaClare Farms Evalon, LaClare Farms Fondry Jack, Dalemere Medium Hard Goat Cheese, Strathdon Blue, Goat on a Hot Tin Roof, Blu di Bufala, Classico Pecorino Senese, Dirt Lover, Belle Creme, Kris Lloyd - Artisan Blend, Mt. Mazama Cheddar, Morgan, LaClare Farms Raw Goats Milk Cheddar, Loma Alta, LaClare Farms Martone, LaClare Farms Evalon With Cummin, Cilentano ai fichi, Ricotta di Bufala, Edith, Oma, Miette, Medallion, Sartori Classic Cheese Fontina, Mouco Camembert, Moonlight Chaource, Shepsog, Sbronzo, Goat Curd, Sartori Reserve SarVecchio Parmesan, LaClare Farms Cheddar, Classico Riserva, I’ Blu, Maffra Aged Rinded Cheddar, Melange Brie, Fiery Rebel, Teneri, Original Havarti, Pepato, Leonora, Mango Rebel, Hay Flower Rebel, San Andreas, Pecorino Nero, Table Rock, Dorset, Cacioradicchio, Yarra Valley Persian Feta, Paesanella Burrata, Campi, Wimer Winter, Seater’s Orkney, Sartori Reserve Basil & Olive Oil Asiago, Cubetto, Green Hill, Beach Box Brie, Paesanella Buffalo Mozzarella, Paesanella Buffalo Ricotta, Le Conquerant Demi Pont L’eveque, Kinsman Ridge, Manon, Mandolin, Nut Rebel, Pecorino Fiordaliso, I’ Serbo, Tuscan Blend, Sartori Reserve Extra Aged Fontina, Giuntella, Cacio De Roma, Bermondsey Hard Pressed, Sartori Reserve Raspberry BellaVitano, Cave Rebel, Sartori Classic Cheese Parmesan, Brie Coco, Woolly Rind, Tunworth, Casatica, Fitness Rebel, Chimney Rock, Maffra Mature Cheddar, Re di Pecora Erborinato al Tè Nero, St. Tola Hard Cheese, Lindy Hop, Cremet, Beehive Fresh, Sartori Classic Cheese Asiago, Fontina, Pecorino allo Zafferano, Sharpham Rustic, Fermiere, Fior Di Latte, Brie d’Alexis, Sharpham Rustic Chive & Garlic,
Martha’s Heat, Sartori Classic Cheese Romano, Regal Blend, Anster, Red Wine Rebel, Impromptu, Rupert, Pawlet, Keltic Gold, DriftWood, Duet, Pecorino Ginepero, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Spicy Chilis, Sharpham Savour, Keens Cheddar, Camembert de Portneuf, Elk Mountain, Applewood Smoked Chevre, Evans Creek Greek, Crescenza di Bufala, Sharpham Elmhirst, Romaniae Terrae Pecorino allo Zafferano, Pecorino Con Caglio Vegetale, Weybridge, Paprika Rebel, Pecorino Romagnolo, Baronerosso di Capri, Lo Sburrato, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Nettle, Sartori Reserve Extra-Aged Asiago, Brown’s Gulch, Goat Fromage Blanc, Blu ‘61, Sartori Limited Edition Family Heirloom BellaVitano, Kirkham’s Lancshire, Farm House ClothBound Cheddar, Briscola, Barely Buzzed, Paesanella Fresh Ricotta, Vigneron, Paesanella Caciotta, Nocturne, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Garlic & Peppercorn, Farmhouse Gouda, Paensanella Bocconcin, Squaquerone di Bufala, Pecorino Pera, L’Amuse Signature Gouda, Royal Rebel, Pacific Rock, Le Wayreumont, Oasis, Mt Tam, Pecorino Nel Granaio, Maffra Dargo Walnut, Sicilian Blend, Kabritt, Hillis Peak, Wild Garlic Rebel, Devil’s Gulch, Melange, Inverness, Mettowee, Harvest, Pecorino al Pepe, Forest Rebel, Pecorino Camomilla, Crotton, Paesanella Dry Ricotta, Red Hawk, Mossfield Organic, I’ Rugoso, Salsa Asiago, Traditional Halloumi, Montchevre Goat Cheese Log, Maffra Wensleydale, Maffra Peppercorn Cheddar, Woodside Chevre, Picolo, Pecorino a Latte Crudo, Monteo, Pecorino Ortica, Castle Blue, Takelma, LaClare Farms Chandoka, Pecorino alla Canapa, Pepper Rebel, Aphrodite Haloumi, Vesuvius,
Mountain Rebel, Peppercorn Gouda, Rubi, Etzy Ketzy, Bleu Benedictin, Largo, Pecorino Querciaiola, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Plain, Desert Red Feta, Maffra Sage Derby, St.Tola Log, Konig Ludwig Beercheese, Saltbush Chevre, Gran Bu, Pastoral, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Rosemary, Pecorino Boccondilatte, St. Jude, Yarra Valley Cardi, Bothwell Black Truffle Cheddar, Moringhello, Pecorino Barba Del Passatore, Five Countries, St. Tol Crottin, Camembert des Camarades, Mountain Herbs Rebel, Pecorino Papavero, Paesanella Cherry Bocconcin, Tapas, St. Tola Ash Log, Organic Carrot, Maffra Cheshire, Sartori Limited Edition Cannella BellaVitano, Pecorino Gran Riserva Del Passatore, Pecorino Gelsomino, Brie de Portneuf Double Cream, Organic Walnut, Country Morning, Carr Valley Glacier Wildfire Blue, Organic Mango, La Couronne - Fort Aged Comte, Big John’s Cajun, Sartori Reserve Cheese Mediterranean Fontina, Pleasant Creek, Boivin Extra aged Cheddar, Rondo, Maffra Red Leicester, Van Gogh Edam, McLaren, Organic Creamy Emmental, Pianoforte, Sartori Limited Edition Family Heirloom Parmesan, Woodside Capricorn, Metronome, Pecorino dei monaci, Le Marquis Chevre, Monet, Organic Mountain, 3-Cheese Italian Blend, Pecorino Dei Malatesta Sotto Cenere, Brie de Portneuf, Le Conquerant Camembert, St. Tola Cranberry, Pecorino di Talamello, Brise du Matin, Paesanella Fresco, Smoked Fior Di Latte, Fresh Fior Di Latte, La Pyramide, Yarra Valley Vintage Savourine, Pecorino di Sogliano, Paesanella Caciotta with Rocket & Chilli, Caciobarricato, Point Reyes Toma, Pecorino Erica, Farmer, Pecorino Foglie Noci, Meredith Goat Cheese in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Pecorino di Vigna, Organic Elderflower,
Pecorino dei Malatesta al Sangiovese, Pompeii, La Bonaparte, Pecorino Pepato Mitica Aged, Salemville Amish Blue, Big Woods Blue, Dolomitico, St. Pat, Pierce Pt. Peau Rouge, St. Tola Greek Style, Organic Pepper, Bleu L’Ermite, Organic Mountain Climber, Bufala Soldier, Basajo, Yarra Valley Yering, Organic Chili, Fox Hill Gouda, Organic Farm, Boivin Medium Cheddar, Organic Flower Meadow, Comox Brie, Salemville Amish Gorgonzola, Ubriaco di Raboso, Cendre des Pres, Organic Fitness, Miss Muffet, Aspen Ash, Caciobirraio, Organic Wild Garlic, Criffel, Château de Versailles, Boivin Marbled Cheddar, Point Reyes Original Blue, Fou du roy, Salemville Smokehaus Blue, Yarra Valley Juno, Yarra Valley Le Jack, Carnia Altobut, Bourdin Goat Log, Mountain Goat, Brillo di Treviso, Goat Gouda, Okanagan Double Cream Camembert, Caprano, Chelsea BlueIsland Bries, Saint-Honore, Morangie Brie, Ubriaco di Zibibbo, Caprese di Bufala, Yarra Valley White Saourine, Boulder Chevre, Yarra Valley Bulls Eye, Bleubry, Gorgonzola Piccante DOP, Pizy, Don Olivo, Yarra Valley Gentle Goat, Yarra Valley Black Savourine, Le Cendrillon, Cornish Smuggler, Chile Jack, Horizon, L’Empereur, Meredith Ashed Pyramids, Chevre des Neiges, Noyan, Comox Camembert, Wall Street Gold, Paillot de Chèvre,
Cambus o’May, Toma Blu Alle Erbe, St-Fidele Swiss, Mirabo Brie with Walnut, Ubriaco di Nero D’avola, Conciato Al Pepe, Fox Hill Parmesan, Little Qualicum Raclette, Stracchinata, Yarra Valley Saffey, Sartori Reserve Dolcina Gorgonzola, Natural Smoked Van Gogh Gouda, Le Duc Vacherin, Goat Cheddar, Buttercup, Trelawny, Meredith Chevre Plain, Forme’, La Rumeur, Friesago, TeaHive, Comtomme, Provolone Mandarino Gran Riserva, Herbes de Provence Chèvre, Bucheret, Ships Wheel Brie, Le Chevrot, Cherokee Rose, Snowdrop, Meredith Chevre Ash, Cornish Crumbly, California Crottin, St Tola Divine, Caronzola, Speziato, Saanen Milk, Elberton Blue, SeaHive, Caprarica, Haystack Mountain Feta, Fragolone, Capriny, Don Carlo, Grand Cru Surchoix, Processed Smoked Gouda, Haystack Peak, Pied-de-vent, Georgia Clothbound Cheddar, Shepherd's Hope, Carlina, La Sauvagine, Moody Blue, Meredith Chevre Dill, Perlagrigia Sotto Cenere, Raw Milk Feta, Fontiago, Morlacco, Red Cloud, Chevre en Marinade, Meteorite, Buttermilk Gorgonzola, Cracked Pepper Chevre, Haystack Mountain Camembert, Hidden Falls, Sartori Limited Edition Extra-Aged Goat, Kashar, Dill & Garlic Chevre, Anniversary Ale Cheddar, Twig Farm Square Cheese, Morcella, Brimstone, Buttermilk Blue, Fortsonia, Halleck Creek, Roth Raclette, Holey Cow, Grand Cru Reserve, Sunlight, Smokey Mountain Blue, Queso de Mano, P’tit Basque, La Castella, West Country Farmhouse Mature Cheddar, Twig Farm Washed Ring Wheel, Sandy Creek, Twig Farm Goat Tomme,
Vermont Herdsman, Providence, Old Goat, Goat Milk Cheddars, L’Etoile de St-Raymond, Dore-Mi, Little Dragon, Lindale, MezzaLuna Fontina, Latteria San Biagio, Petite Swiss, Fresh Chevre, Le Reflet de Portneuf, La Sauvagine Reserve, Little Napoleon, Rofumo, Le St-Raymond, Twig Farm Mixed Drum, Le Double Joie, Old Burford, Seascape, Dumpling, Suffolk Punch, Twig Farm Crawford, Bridgewater, GranQueso Reserve, Chapman’s Pasture, Buttermilk Blue Affinee, Assa, Big Rock Blue, GranQueso Original, Natural Chevre, Tavoliere, Humble Herdsman, Millstone, Great Lakes Cheshire, Bianca, The Manchester, Montsalvat, Formagella, Pimento, Shepherd’s Crook, Nicasio Square, Liptuaer, Odysseus Marinated Feta, Ringwell, ReginaBlu, Snow Camp, Tieton Halloumi, Little Ypsi, CreMonte, Foggy Morning, Nicasio Reserve, Sharon Hollow Garlic & Chive, Detroit Street Brick, CreNoble, Legacy, Doublet, San Geronimo, Muddlewell, Tango, Venus, New Moon, Reverie, Basket Molded Ricotta, Rheba, Kenne, Phoebe, Bad Axe, Ascutney Mountain, Sonnet, Sharp Cheddar, Four Corners, Cirrus, Caveman Blue, L’Amuse Brabander Goat Gouda, Trufflestack, Classic Blue Log, Fromage Blanc, Cana de Cabra, Jalapeno Cheddar, Fromage Blanc w/ Truffle, Prix de Diana, Mahon, Habanero Cheddar, Campfire, Chocolate Stout Cheddar, Seastack, Smokey Touvelle, Ashley, Opus 42, Red Alder, Brutal Blue, Stella Fontina, Cacow Belle, TouVelle Original, Fiscalini Bandaged Cheddar, Stella Feta, Stella Fontina, Smokey Oregon Blue,
Oregon Blue Cheese, Capricious, Cremont, Coupole, Oregonzola, Cheddar LiDiDa Lavender, Stella Goat, Echo Mountain Blue, Off Kilter, Pistol Point Cheddar, Rosemary Medium Asiago, Stella Asiago, Mozzarellissima, Truffello, Bellwether Farms Crescenza, Hopyard Cheddar, Stella Reduced Fat Blue, Fresh Crottin, Redwood Hill Goat Cheddar, Stella Smoked Blue, Capriago, Stella Swiss, Stella Italian Sharp, ColoRogue, Stella Blue, Morimoto Soba Ale Cheddar, Stella Kasseri, Bella Lodi, Stella Mediterranean Parmesan, Stella Black Pepper Romano, PepBert, Hook’s 5-Year Cheddar, Stella Parmesan & Roman Blend, Stella Parmesan, Stella Gorgonzola, MitiCana de Oveja, Mouco Camembert, Red Buddy, Edam, Fat Bottom Girl, Mont St-Benoit, Finca Pascualete Mini Torta, Cave Aged Marisa, Istara Kaikou, Crotonese, Latteria Navel, Baskeriu, Australian Alps Cheese, Käse Mit Schweizer Trüffeln, Gloucester Goat, Shtayburne Farm Cheddar, Waupoos Lizzie, Malvarosa, Burwood Bole, Grated Kefir Cheese, Kefir Tomato-Garlic, Smokey Jalapeno, Tarentaise, Tuada, Sunset Bay, Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Cashew Cheese, Stoney Cross, Raw Brie Style Cashew Cheese, Holiday Brie, Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Highway 1, Kefir Italian Pasta Cheese, Sao Jorge, Kefir Salad, Funky Bleats, Old Winchester, Brebirousse d’Argental, Coastal Cheddar, Valentine, Vaquero Blue, Kefir Wine Companion, Murazzano DOP, Organic MooVache, Organic Beer-Brined Moochego, Organic Gouda, Flory’s Truckle Cheddar, Cremig Extra Wurzig, Bergkäse Aus Dem Schweiser Jura,
Lake District Extra Mature Cheddar, President Fresh Goat Cheese, Lake District Mature Cheddar, Majorero, Affineur Walo Rotwein Sennechas, Liburnski Sir, Bent River, Almnas Tegel, Brebis d'Azure, Hannah, Prairie Rose, Fuzzy Udder Creamery’s Tomme, Nocciolo, Cow’s Milk Gouda, Fuzzy Udder Gouda, Fuzzy Udder Washed Rind, Sheep Gouda, Istara Chistou, Vashe Sante, Isle of Man Mild Colored Cheddar, Mladi Trapist, Heidi Aged Cheese, Tezacki Sir Extra Mature, Old Drovers Road, Queijo do Pico, Baserri, Don Bernardo Manchego, Dinarski Sir, Cheddar w/ Red Wine, Fresh Hand-Stretched Mozzarella, Flagship Block, Davidstow 3 Year Reserve Special Vintage, Butternut, Bavaria blu, Buff Blue, Davidstow Mature Cheddar, Magna, Gracie Grey, Vera, Oak Smoked Cheddar, Himmelsraften, Toma di campo, Bianco, Bonifaz, Bettine Grand Cru, Binnorie Marinated Fetta, Bluebell Falls Cygnus, Kummin, Himmelsraften Extra, Essex Commte, Blenda, Iris, Drommen, Tegan, Clonmore, Chocolate Lab, Aged Cashew & Dulse Cheese, Capri Blue, Aged Cashew Nut Cheese, Blissful Blocks, Aged Cashew & Brazil Nut Cheese, Cheddar w/ Irish Porter, Tezacki Sir, Tarago River Jensen’s Red, Capra al Fieno, Lo Speziato, Ubriaco all’Amarone, Mountaineer, Oro Italiano, Casu Marzu, Capra al Pepe, Saporito, Batzos, Barricato al Pepe, Nettles Gone Wild, Pembrokeshire Extra Mature Cheddar, Lyburn’s Winchester, Aged Cashew Nut & Kale Cheese, Lynburn Lightly Oak Smoked, Abbaye de Timadeuc, Strawberry Moon, Bijou, Pembrokeshire Mature Cheddar, Sternschnuppe,
Striegistaler Zwerge Camembert, Beaufort, Tezacki Iz Mosta, Aged Cashew & Blue Green Algae Cheese, Aged Cashew & Hemp Seed Cheese, Tezacki Iz Maslinove, Komine, Cashew Nut Cream Cheese, Macadamia Nut Cheese, Lyburn Garlic and Nettle, Cranborne, Orkney Medium Colored Cheddar, Ubriaco Rosso, Fellowship Too, Little Colonel, Valbreso Feta, Roccia del Piave, Daphne’s Alpine Classic, Triple Creme Brie, Muffato, Up in Smoke, St Gall, Duck Isles Stone, Veigadarte, Vampire Slayer, Old Harry, Basils Original Rauchkase, Dorset White, Tilly Whim, TregonWell, Vitoria, Bootlegger, Condio, Knockdrinna Gold, Yeo Lake, Knockdrinna Meadow, Barden Blue, Half-Moon Bay, Hand Rolled Chevre Logs, Isabirra, Kefir Blue, Zigljen Iz Extra Mature, Zartschmelzend, Kräftig Würzig Rahm-Hartkäse, Sarro de Cabra, Brewer’s Gold, Isle of Man Mild Cheddar, Isle of Man Cracked Pepper, Formaggio di Grotta, Cream Cheesy Bliss, Belletoile, Alpicreme, Le Mountier, Waldo Smog, Blissful Toppings, Shredded Bliss, Slices of Bliss, Carrowholly, Goat Nevat, Goat Ricotta, Ubriaco alla Birra, St. Mang Original Allgauer Limburger, Amou, Queso de Afuega’l pitu, President Camembert, President Madrigal, President Light Brie, Pecorino nel fieno, Lunetta, Lacey Grey, Lavis Town, Bergues, Cayuga Blue, Minas Cheese, Driftless, Bohemian Blue, Hidden Springs Farmstead Feta, Blue Yonder, Tomma di vacca alle vinacce, Beaumont, Queijo do serra, Rustico Red Pepper, Isle of Man Mature Cheddar, Walnut Cheddar, Wrangeback Sweden, Barberey, Vento d’Estate, Original Illertaler,
Vermont Ayr, Montagnolo, Baluchon, Baita Friuli, Veneto, Aged British Cheddar, Ewelicious Blue, Bettine Blue, Amsterdammer, Colony Cheese, Flashback Goat Discs, Laura Chenel Taupiniere, Laura Chenel Tome, Ellington, Francis, Lyburn Gold, Blue, Benedictine, Marin French Triple Creme, Amalthee, Dragon’s Breath Blue, Amablu Blue Cheese, Cameo, Di.Vino, Blythedale Camembert, Dorblu, Mezzo Secco, Marco Polo, Freya’s Wheel, Blu Della Casera, Kefir Peppercorn Cheese, Lemon Fetish, Benedictine, Barrel Aged Feta, Grayson, Gran Levante, Coalho, Checkerboard Cheddar, Bassigny au porto, Raw Milk Goat Feta, Cape Vessey, El Trigal Manchego, Rustico Black Pepper, Wicklow Blue, Ubriaco al Prosecco, Paniola, Dante, Organic Cheddar, Organic Feta, Rougette Bavarian Red, Operetta, Hay Loft, Purple’s a Must, Counting Sheep...and Goats…, San Simon DOP, FITAKI White Cheese, Aradalen, Dura, Champignon de Luxe Garlic, Rougette Grill Meister, Caprice Stickney Hill Chevre, Orkney Mature Cheddar, Cap Cressey, Champignon Mushroom, Alpine-Style, Champignon de Luxe Pepper, Tomme, Mi-Ewe, Saint Rose, President Fat Free Feta, Ridgeline, Rosso de lago, Scallion Onion Cheddar, Bel Ceillo, Carabiner, Blue Lupine, Daphne’s Goat Gouda, Dinarski Sir Iz Maslinove Komine, Zigljen Iz Mosta, Daphne’s Aged Goat Cheese, Sea Change, Melinda Mae, Roasted Garlic Cheddar, Muranda Blue, Madrona, Gotcha Gouda, Melville, Dilly Girl, Fiesta Cheddar, Blue Earth, Island Brebis, Baby Brie, Connemara, Nocciolino, Hannah Reserve,
Dinarski Is Mosta, Primo Fresca, Holzhofer Latte Crudo, Siltcoos, Shaker Blue, Grasso d’alpe Monscera, Shepherdista Crush, Pack Square, Ewe’s Blue, Cambozola, Grand Noir, Lost Lake, Ocooch Mountain, Alpe di Frabosa, Pecorino Toscano DOP, Alta Badia, Petida, Good Thunder, Pallone di Gravina, President Brie, Canastra Cheese, Black Betty, Shtayburne Farm Monterey Jack, Wyfe of Bath, Prairie Breeze Cheddar, Rotwein Bargler, Extra-Wurzig, Cressey Blu, Olomoucke Tvaruzky, Garlic and Fine Herbs Cashew Cheese, Moose.
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mr-random-artist · 3 years
Cheddar cheese. Blue cheese. Gouda cheese. Monterey Jack cheese. Colby cheese. Colby Jack cheese. Neuchatel. String cheese. Chaource. Cottage cheese. Mimolette. Emmental cheese. Gorgonzola cheese. Camembert. Mozzarella. White cheese. Swiss cheese. Wagasi. Ayibe. Caravane cheese. Chechil. Chhana. Chura kampo. Chura loenpa. Nguri. Rubing. Rushan. Bandel. Paneer. Dahi Chhana. Kalari. Kalimpong cheese. Dangke. Sakura cheese. Imsil. Susu Masam. Byaslag. Flower of Rajya. Chhurpi. Kesong puti. Brimsen. Mondseer. Staazer. Tyrolean grey. Brussels cheese. Chimay cheeses. Herve cheese. Le Wavreumont. Limburger cheese. Maredsous cheese. Psssendale cheese. Remoudou. Rodoric. Livno cheese. Herzegoviva "squeaking" cheese. Trappista cheese. Cherni Vit. Kashkaval. Sirene. Tounjski. Prgica. Dimsi. Akkawi. Anari cheese. Halloumi. Kefalotyri. Abertam cheese. Danbo. Danish Blue. Esrom. Fyrbo. Havarti. Maribo. Molbo. Saga. Tybo. Vesterhavost. Banbury cheese. Stinking Bishop Cheese. Atleet. Eesti Juust. Kadaka juust. Aura. Lappi. Oltermanni. Raejuusto. Sulguni. Anthotyros. Chloro. Feta. Graviera. Kasseri. Kefalograviera. Kefalotyri. Kopanisti. Malaka. Manouri. Metsovone. Myzithra. Tyrozouli. Xynomizithra. Xynotyro. Liptauer. Orda. Trappista cheese. Balaton cheese. Latvian cheese. Pljevaljski sir. Kaskaval. Belo Sirenje. Brunost. Gamalost. Geitost. Heidal cheese. Jarlsberg cheese. Norvegia. Pultost. Castelo Branco cheese. Queijo de Nisa. Queijo do Pico. Saloio. Telemea. Bryndza. Circassian cheese. Korall. Tvorog. Pule cheese. Bryndza. Liptauer. Parenica. Urda. Tvaroh. Plesnivec. Mohant. Tolminc cheese. Moose cheese. Svecia. Bilozhar. Bukovinskyi. Bryndza. Dobrodar. Smetankowyi. Syr. Vurda. Areesh. Baramily. Domiati. Halumi. Istanboly. Mish. Rumi. Lighvan cheese. Talesh cheese. Mahali cheese. Pot cheese. Tzfatit Kashah. Tzfatit Triah. Akkawi. Areesh. Baladi cheese. Basket cheese. Charkassiye. Jameed. Jibneh Arabieh. Jibne Baida. Kashkawan. Qishta. Labneh. Majdoule. Nabulsi cheese. Shelal. Surke. Syrian cheese. Abaza. Antep payniri. Armola peyniri. Arnavut. Beyaz peynir. Dil Peyniri. Edirne. Ezine peyniri. Hellim. Kars Gravyeri. Kirli Hanim. Kopanisti peyniri. Lor. Obruk. Salamura. Sayas. Telli peyniri. Tulum. Van otlu peyniri. Cheese curds. Oka. Pikauba. Turrialba cheese. Cuajada. Crema. Enredo. Queto. Quesillo. Queijo seco. Adobera cheese. Asadero cheese. Chiapas cheese. Cotija cheese. Criollo cheese. Langallin. Oaxaca cheese. Queso Crema. Chihuahua cheese. Queso de cuajo. Queso Fresco. Queso Panela. Quesillo. Bergenost. Brick cheese. Colorado Blackie. Cream cheese. Creole cream cheese. Cup Cheese. Farmer cheese. Hoop cheese. Humboldt cheese. Liederkranz cheese. Muenster. Nacho cheese. Pepper jack cheese. Pinconning cheese. Provel cheese. Red Hawk. String cheese. Teleme cheese. Tasty cheese. Cremoso cheese. Criollo. Goya. Reggianito. Sardo. Chubut. Tandil. Mar del Plata. Menonita. Catupiry. Minas. Queijo coalho. Queijo Meia Cura. Queijo Canastra. Queijo-do-Reino. Queijo do Serro. Queijo Manteiga. Queijo prato. Chanco cheese. Panquehue. Renaico. Queso Campesino. Cuajada. Queso Paipa. Queso Pera. Quesillo. Queso crineja. Queso de mano. Queso Llanero. Queso Palmita. Queso Parma de Barinitas. Queso telita.
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genderkiller · 4 years
Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese, Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz Peynir, Mamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Saint Albray, Brousse du Rove, Roule, Coverdale, Xynotyro, Le Brin, Fontainebleau, Reggianito, Coeur de Chèvre, Sottocenere al Tartufo, Australian Mozzarella, Tamie, Castigliano, Celtic Promise, Tibetan, Duddleswell, Picodon de Chevre, Asiago Pressato, Saga, Butte, Cendre d’Olivet, Emmental Grand Cru, Ballylough, Gospel Green, Tourmalet, Dunsyre Blue, La Taupinière, Gorgonzola Cremificato, Selles sur Cher, Buxton Blue, Cheese Curds, Sharpham, Charolais, Chevrotin des Aravis, Gratte Paille, Bruder Basil, Beemster Aged, Pant ys Gawn, Fourme de Montbrison, Mascares, Fromage Corse, Beemster Classic, Caciotta Al Tartufo, Piave, Macconais, Casciotta di Urbino, Trou du Cru, Fresh Jack, Sirène, Galbani, Grafton Village Cheddar, Orkney Extra Mature Cheddar, Red Windsor, Figue, Edelpilz, Lou Palou, Tymsboro, Brunost, Anthotyro Fresco, Venaco, Nokkelost, Gubbeen, Dunlop, Niolo, Australian Cottage Cheese, Cerney Pyramid, Briquette de Brebis, Crottin du Chavignol, Crayeux de Roncq, Herrdardsost, Mont D’or Lyonnais, Denhany Dorset Drum, Cachaille, Olivet Cendre, Pecorino in Walnut Leaves, Australian Ricotta, Fromage de Montagne de Savoie, Hoop Cheese, Queso Jalapeno, Morbier Cru de Montagne, Galette Lyonnaise, Castelo Branco, Pannerone, Curé Nantais, Tommes de Romans, Esbareich, Formaggio di Capra, Serra da Estrela, Tournée de L’Aubier, Bouyssou, Sardo, Flor de Guia, Quercy Petit, Emlett, Olivet au Foin, Capriole Banon, Devon Garland, Sourire Lozerien, Claenzana, Frying Cheese, Albertam, Dorset Blue Vinney, Prastost, Kashta, Kiri, Little Black Bomber, Texas Goat Cheese, Beemster Graskaas, Boule du Roves, Poivre d' ne, Dubliner, Pélardon des Cévennes, Mondseer, Fondant de Brebis, Sussex SlipCôte, Pourly, Crowley, Laruns, Caboc, Hervé, Graddost, Curworthy, Yarra Valley Fresh Pyramid, Grand Vatel, Blarney Castle, Nantais, Bergère Bleue, Pâte de Fromage, Margot, Grataron d’ Areches, Galette du Paludier, Rollot, Coquetdale, Petit Pardou, Heidi Cheese, Matocq, Civray, Fin-de-Siècle, Pouligny-Saint-Pierre, Asiago d’Allevo, Plymouth Cheese, Idaho Goatster, Greuilh, Vieux Corse, Pyramide, Havilah, Rustinu, Cornish Pepper, L’Aveyronnais, Avonlea Clothbound Cheddar, Sveciaost, Lingot Saint Bousquet d’Orb, Barry’s Bay Cheddar, Dreux a la Feuille, Tronchon, Quadrello di Bufala, Kefalotyri, Beemster 2% Milk, Duroblando, Delice des Fiouves, Pithtiviers au Foin, P’tit Berrichon, Fourme de Haute Loire, Balaton, Brebis du Puyfaucon, Pas de l’Escalette, Quatre-Vents, Lappi, Vendômois, Kernhem, Briquette du Forez, Friesla, Port Nicholson, L’Ecir de l’Aubrac, Rouleau De Beaulieu, Le Fium Orbo, Weichkaese, Olivet Bleu, Little Rydings, Telemea, Guerbigny, Boncester, Menallack Farmhouse, Pave de Chirac, Teifi, Loddiswell Avondale, Australian Neufchâtel, Innes Button, Kanafeh, Gris de Lille, Klosterkaese, Tommes des Chouans, Pasteurized Processed, Mahoe Aged Gouda, Harriot Farmhouse, Tillamook Smoked Black Pepper White Cheddar, Frinault, Gastanberra, Ulloa, Chab de Gâtine, Cathelain, Sraffordshire Organic, Le Lacandou, Blue Rathgore, Ridder, Durrus, Roman Part Dieu, Bethmale des Pyrenees, Blue Wensleydale, Calcagno, Palet de Babligny, Dutch Mimolette, Patefine Fort, Provolone Valpadana, Lou Pevre, Avaxtskyr, Regal de la Dombes, Shelburne Cheddar, Mihalic Peynir, Cahill’s Whiskey Cheese, Swaledale, Maribo, Chorlton Blue Cheshire, Coolea, Braudostur, Samso, Pelardon des Corbieres, Hubbardston Blue Cow, Boeren-Leidse Met Sleutels, Cairnsmore, Isle of Mull, Sbrinz, Crema Mexicana Agria, Cypress Grove Chevre, Goutu, Richelieu, Goutu, Australian Mascarpone, Orla, Evora De L’Alentejo, Doppelrhamstufel, Doolin, Cooleney, Gippsland Blue, Wookey Hole Cave Aged Cheddar, Evansdale Farmhouse Brie, Jindi Brie, Whitestone Farmhouse, Oscypek, Northumberland, Galloway’s Goat Milk Gems, Lajta, King River Gold, Beauvoorde, HarlechTruckle, Buche de Chevre, Challerhocker, Four Herb Gouda, Manur, Sweet Style Swiss, Corleggy, Fynbo, Passendale, Shanklish, Peekskill, Grey Owl, Queso del Tiétar, Saanenkaese, Rabacal, Yarra Valley Ashed Pyramid, Reypenaer, Oltermanni, Panamellera, Saalan Pfarr, Pyengana Cheddar, Ardsallagh Hard Goat’s Cheese, Meira, Woodside Cabecou, Croghan, La Serena, Lairobell, Monastery Cheeses, Malvern, Meyer Vintage Gouda, Montasio Mezzano, Queso del Montsec, Lanark Blue, Saint Felicien, Kervella Affine, Serat, Lebben, Lacy Swiss, Selva, Montasio Vecchio, Dunbarra, Processed Cheddar, King Island Cape Wickham Brie, Llangofan Farmhouse, Provolone del Monaco, Piora, Queso de Murcia, Mature Wensleydale, Loch Arthur Farmhouse, Jibneh Arabieh, Molbo, Tala, Imokilly regato, Maredsous, Schloss, Naboulsi, Turunmaa, Daralagjazsky, Piave Vecchio Selezione Oro, Brusselae Kaas, Reypenaer V.S.O.P., Tupi, Cwmtawe Pecorino, Folded Cheese w/ Mint, Buchetta a la Sarriette, Podhalański, Hipi Ita, Jermi Tortes, Mersey Valley Original Vintage, Jubilee Blue, Tasmania Highland Chevre Log, Mine-Gabhar, Nettle Meadow Kunik, Amish Frolic, Rubens, Montgomery’s Cheddar, Kugelkase, Provoleta, Bonne Bouche, Ardsallagh’s Soft Goat Cheese, Gornoaltajski, Picobello, Garrotxa, Cancoillotte, Ardsallagh’s Smoked Cheese, Grabetto, Pokolbin, Remedou, Golden Smoked Rebel, Tyn Grug, Appalachian, Pencarreg, Trappiste d’Igny, Waimata Farmhouse Blue, Catupiry, Trappiste de Bricquebec, Goya, Ameribella, Timboon Brie, Oschtjepka, Leafield, Dessertnyj Belyj, Piave Fresco, Prince-Jean, Penbryn, Red Dragon Truckle, Point Reyes Bay Blue, Bica de Queijo, Extra Mature Wensleydale, Prima Donna Maturo, Byaslag, Queso Media Luna, Sulguni, Reypenaer XO Reserve, Prima Donna, Llanboidy, Chontaleno, Beecher’s Flagship, Anari, Alpha Tolman, Queso Blanco con Frutas - Piña y Mango, Meredith Blue, Roumy, Cornish Brie, Postel, Blacksticks Blue, Oak Smoked Wensleydale, Aubisque Pyrenees, Rochebaron, Burwash Rose, Bleu Mont Dairy Bandaged Cheddar, Azeitao, Paški Sir, Bermuda Triangle, May Hill Green, Gamoneu, St. Killian, Woodside Charlston, Urda, Balfour, Bear Hill, Crema de Blue, Cabot Clothbound, Onions and Chives Cheddar, Prima Donna Forte, Scotch Bonnet Cheddar, Chavroux, Glebe Brethan, Zimbro, Lingot Des Causses, Piave Mezzano, Coolattin Cheddar, Roaring Forties Blue, Maisie’s Kebbuck, Farm Chanco, Prima Donna Fino, Milleens, Broncha, Ackawi, Stichelton, Cratloe Hills, Winnimere, Panquehue, Hooligan, Aura, Prima Donna Leggero, Westfield Farm Smoked Capri, Smoked Sulguni, Dunbarton Blue, Fuzzy Wheel, Pleasant Ridge Reserve, Landaff, Estero Gold Reserve, Carlow, Bleu d’Auvergne, Liliputas, Bega Processed Cheddar, Gorgonzola Dolce DOP, Accasciato, Txiki, Crozier, Gorwydd Caerphilly, Kennebec Highlands Caerphilly, Anejo Enchilado, Chiriboga Blue, Brinza - Feta Style, Cup Cheese, Woodside Alpine, Forsterkase, ADL Brick Cheese, Kanterkaas, Milawa Affine, Branza de Burduf, Bartlett, Chhurpi, Konig Ludwig King’s, Milawa Aged Blue, Mt. Scott, Milawa Blue, Wakatipu White, ADL Mild Cheddar, Milawa Goats Tomme, Milawa White, Bath Blue, Milawa Brie, Toma Piemontese, Trappe de la Coudre, Cropwell Bishop Blue Stilton, Gourmandise, Bayley Hazen Blue, Cacio di Bosco al Tartufo, Sartori Reserve Merlot Bellavitano, Appleby’s Double Gloucester, Amul Gouda, Za’atar Burrata, Cornish Kern, Midnight Moon, Cabecou Feuille D’Armagnac, Bismark, Cello Thick And Smooth Mascarpone, Allium Piper, Amul Pizza Mozzarella Cheese, Asher Blue, Barilotto, Sartori Reserve Black Pepper Bellavitano, Sosha, Lamb Chopper, La Tur, Dark/Snow Canyon Edam, Hafod, Barambah Organics Marinated Feta, Bloomsdale, Crumbly Lancashire, Wagon Wheel, Labneh, Sleightlett, Classics Fresh Mozzarella, Colston Bassett Stilton, Sartori Limited Edition Cognac Bellavitano, Purple Haze, Paglierino, Sartori Reserve Rosemary And Olive Oil Asiago, Old Ford, Alpine Gold, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Curado, Maggie’s Round, Pigoullie, Sartori Reserve BellaVitano Gold, Sartori Reserve Balsamic Bellavitano, Ailsa Craig, Cornish Wild Garlic Yarg, Ticklemore, Kaltbach Emmentaler AOP, Harbison, Capra Nouveau, Caciobufala, Alps Rebel, Blue Ledge La Luna, Aggiano, PsycheDillic, Bufalino, Laura Chenel’s Cabecou, Sartori Reserve Chai Bellavitano, Cornish Blue, Truffle Tremor, Zelu Koloria, Tasty Lancashire, Delamere Goats Cheese Logs, Crocodile Tear, Le Brebiou, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (3-5 Months), Wasabi Disc, Apple Walnut Smoked, Ogleshield, Perroche, LaClare Ziege Zacke Blue, Wellesley, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (10 Months), Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (12 Months), Caciocavallo Podolico Vetus, Cardo, Chadwickbury, Chevre Log, Ragstone, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (6-9 Months), Cinerino, Cote Hill Blue, Dorstone, Black Pearl, Amul Cheese Spread, Sartori Reserve Espresso Bellavitano, Wabash Cannonball, Herbs de Humboldt, Wasatch Mountain Cheese, Amul Processed Cheese, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Gran Reserva, Mobay, Caprotto, Julianna, Amul Emmental, Chile Caciotta, Baron Bigod, Marisa, Zwitser, Boo Boo Baby Swiss, Sartori Classic MontAmore, Mona, Innes Brick, Ficaccio, Goats’ Milk Caciotta, Sgt. Pepper, The City Goat, Alma Vorarlberger Alpkase (6 Months), Innes Log, Weston Wheel, Mont Saint-Francis, Mastorazio, La Fleurie, Ms. Natural, Swag, West West Blue, Couronne Lochoise, Consider Bardwell Farm Manchester, Pecorino Mallo di Noce, Heat, Lil Moo, Ricotta di Pecora, Caciocavallo di Bufala, Sofia, Pecorino al Tartufo, Moses Sleeper, Legato, Dehesa De Los Llanos - Media Curación, Menage, Lady Jane, Lou Bergier Pichin, Danby, Midnight Blue, Minuet, Manteca, Barber’s 1833, Infossato, Old Kentucky Tomme, Rosso, Chura Kampo, Carrot Rebel, Lord Of Hundreds, Bufarolo, Figaro, Willoughby, Lincoln Log, Moonglo, Tartufo Riserva, Prairie Tomme, Wilde Weide, Bossa, La Peral, Carmody, Sartori Limited Edition Pastorale Blend, Goat Milk Feta, Stawley, Piper’s Pyramide, LaClare Farms Evalon with Fenugreek, Little Bloom On The Prairie, Tozzetto, Windrush Cheeses, Kolan Extra Mature, LaClare Farms Chevre, Lemon Myrtle Chevre, Cuor di Burrata, Thomasville Tomme, Monte Enebro, LaClare Farms Evalon, LaClare Farms Fondry Jack, Dalemere Medium Hard Goat Cheese, Strathdon Blue, Goat on a Hot Tin Roof, Blu di Bufala, Classico Pecorino Senese, Dirt Lover, Belle Creme, Kris Lloyd - Artisan Blend, Mt. Mazama Cheddar, Morgan, LaClare Farms Raw Goats Milk Cheddar, Loma Alta, LaClare Farms Martone, LaClare Farms Evalon With Cummin, Cilentano ai fichi, Ricotta di Bufala, Edith, Oma, Miette, Medallion, Sartori Classic Cheese Fontina, Mouco Camembert, Moonlight Chaource, Shepsog, Sbronzo, Goat Curd, Sartori Reserve SarVecchio Parmesan, LaClare Farms Cheddar, Classico Riserva, I’ Blu, Maffra Aged Rinded Cheddar, Melange Brie, Fiery Rebel, Teneri, Original Havarti, Pepato, Leonora, Mango Rebel, Hay Flower Rebel, San Andreas, Pecorino Nero, Table Rock, Dorset, Cacioradicchio, Yarra Valley Persian Feta, Paesanella Burrata, Campi, Wimer Winter, Seater’s Orkney, Sartori Reserve Basil & Olive Oil Asiago, Cubetto, Green Hill, Beach Box Brie, Paesanella Buffalo Mozzarella, Paesanella Buffalo Ricotta, Le Conquerant Demi Pont L’eveque, Kinsman Ridge, Manon, Mandolin, Nut Rebel, Pecorino Fiordaliso, I’ Serbo, Tuscan Blend, Sartori Reserve Extra Aged Fontina, Giuntella, Cacio De Roma, Bermondsey Hard Pressed, Sartori Reserve Raspberry BellaVitano, Cave Rebel, Sartori Classic Cheese Parmesan, Brie Coco, Woolly Rind, Tunworth, Casatica, Fitness Rebel, Chimney Rock, Maffra Mature Cheddar, Re di Pecora Erborinato al Tè Nero, St. Tola Hard Cheese, Lindy Hop, Cremet, Beehive Fresh, Sartori Classic Cheese Asiago, Fontina, Pecorino allo Zafferano, Sharpham Rustic, Fermiere, Fior Di Latte, Brie d’Alexis, Sharpham Rustic Chive & Garlic, Martha’s Heat, Sartori Classic Cheese Romano, Regal Blend, Anster, Red Wine Rebel, Impromptu, Rupert, Pawlet, Keltic Gold, DriftWood, Duet, Pecorino Ginepero, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Spicy Chilis, Sharpham Savour, Keens Cheddar, Camembert de Portneuf, Elk Mountain, Applewood Smoked Chevre, Evans Creek Greek, Crescenza di Bufala, Sharpham Elmhirst, Romaniae Terrae Pecorino allo Zafferano, Pecorino Con Caglio Vegetale, Weybridge, Paprika Rebel, Pecorino Romagnolo, Baronerosso di Capri, Lo Sburrato, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Nettle, Sartori Reserve Extra-Aged Asiago, Brown’s Gulch, Goat Fromage Blanc, Blu ‘61, Sartori Limited Edition Family Heirloom BellaVitano, Kirkham’s Lancshire, Farm House ClothBound Cheddar, Briscola, Barely Buzzed, Paesanella Fresh Ricotta, Vigneron, Paesanella Caciotta, Nocturne, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Garlic & Peppercorn, Farmhouse Gouda, Paensanella Bocconcin, Squaquerone di Bufala, Pecorino Pera, L’Amuse Signature Gouda, Royal Rebel, Pacific Rock, Le Wayreumont, Oasis, Mt Tam, Pecorino Nel Granaio, Maffra Dargo Walnut, Sicilian Blend, Kabritt, Hillis Peak, Wild Garlic Rebel, Devil’s Gulch, Melange, Inverness, Mettowee, Harvest, Pecorino al Pepe, Forest Rebel, Pecorino Camomilla, Crotton, Paesanella Dry Ricotta, Red Hawk, Mossfield Organic, I’ Rugoso, Salsa Asiago, Traditional Halloumi, Montchevre Goat Cheese Log, Maffra Wensleydale, Maffra Peppercorn Cheddar, Woodside Chevre, Picolo, Pecorino a Latte Crudo, Monteo, Pecorino Ortica, Castle Blue, Takelma, LaClare Farms Chandoka, Pecorino alla Canapa, Pepper Rebel, Aphrodite Haloumi, Vesuvius, Mountain Rebel, Peppercorn Gouda, Rubi, Etzy Ketzy, Bleu Benedictin, Largo, Pecorino Querciaiola, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Plain, Desert Red Feta, Maffra Sage Derby, St.Tola Log, Konig Ludwig Beercheese, Saltbush Chevre, Gran Bu, Pastoral, Green Dirt Farm Fresh Rosemary, Pecorino Boccondilatte, St. Jude, Yarra Valley Cardi, Bothwell Black Truffle Cheddar, Moringhello, Pecorino Barba Del Passatore, Five Countries, St. Tol Crottin, Camembert des Camarades, Mountain Herbs Rebel, Pecorino Papavero, Paesanella Cherry Bocconcin, Tapas, St. Tola Ash Log, Organic Carrot, Maffra Cheshire, Sartori Limited Edition Cannella BellaVitano, Pecorino Gran Riserva Del Passatore, Pecorino Gelsomino, Brie de Portneuf Double Cream, Organic Walnut, Country Morning, Carr Valley Glacier Wildfire Blue, Organic Mango, La Couronne - Fort Aged Comte, Big John’s Cajun, Sartori Reserve Cheese Mediterranean Fontina, Pleasant Creek, Boivin Extra aged Cheddar, Rondo, Maffra Red Leicester, Van Gogh Edam, McLaren, Organic Creamy Emmental, Pianoforte, Sartori Limited Edition Family Heirloom Parmesan, Woodside Capricorn, Metronome, Pecorino dei monaci, Le Marquis Chevre, Monet, Organic Mountain, 3-Cheese Italian Blend, Pecorino Dei Malatesta Sotto Cenere, Brie de Portneuf, Le Conquerant Camembert, St. Tola Cranberry, Pecorino di Talamello, Brise du Matin, Paesanella Fresco, Smoked Fior Di Latte, Fresh Fior Di Latte, La Pyramide, Yarra Valley Vintage Savourine, Pecorino di Sogliano, Paesanella Caciotta with Rocket & Chilli, Caciobarricato, Point Reyes Toma, Pecorino Erica, Farmer, Pecorino Foglie Noci, Meredith Goat Cheese in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Pecorino di Vigna, Organic Elderflower, Pecorino dei Malatesta al Sangiovese, Pompeii, La Bonaparte, Pecorino Pepato Mitica Aged, Salemville Amish Blue, Big Woods Blue, Dolomitico, St. Pat, Pierce Pt. Peau Rouge, St. Tola Greek Style, Organic Pepper, Bleu L’Ermite, Organic Mountain Climber, Bufala Soldier, Basajo, Yarra Valley Yering, Organic Chili, Fox Hill Gouda, Organic Farm, Boivin Medium Cheddar, Organic Flower Meadow, Comox Brie, Salemville Amish Gorgonzola, Ubriaco di Raboso, Cendre des Pres, Organic Fitness, Miss Muffet, Aspen Ash, Caciobirraio, Organic Wild Garlic, Criffel, Château de Versailles, Boivin Marbled Cheddar, Point Reyes Original Blue, Fou du roy, Salemville Smokehaus Blue, Yarra Valley Juno, Yarra Valley Le Jack, Carnia Altobut, Bourdin Goat Log, Mountain Goat, Brillo di Treviso, Goat Gouda, Okanagan Double Cream Camembert, Caprano, Chelsea BlueIsland Bries, Saint-Honore, Morangie Brie, Ubriaco di Zibibbo, Caprese di Bufala, Yarra Valley White Saourine, Boulder Chevre, Yarra Valley Bulls Eye, Bleubry, Gorgonzola Piccante DOP, Pizy, Don Olivo, Yarra Valley Gentle Goat, Yarra Valley Black Savourine, Le Cendrillon, Cornish Smuggler, Chile Jack, Horizon, L’Empereur, Meredith Ashed Pyramids, Chevre des Neiges, Noyan, Comox Camembert, Wall Street Gold, Paillot de Chèvre, Cambus o’May, Toma Blu Alle Erbe, St-Fidele Swiss, Mirabo Brie with Walnut, Ubriaco di Nero D’avola, Conciato Al Pepe, Fox Hill Parmesan, Little Qualicum Raclette, Stracchinata, Yarra Valley Saffey, Sartori Reserve Dolcina Gorgonzola, Natural Smoked Van Gogh Gouda, Le Duc Vacherin, Goat Cheddar, Buttercup, Trelawny, Meredith Chevre Plain, Forme’, La Rumeur, Friesago, TeaHive, Comtomme, Provolone Mandarino Gran Riserva, Herbes de Provence Chèvre, Bucheret, Ships Wheel Brie, Le Chevrot, Cherokee Rose, Snowdrop, Meredith Chevre Ash, Cornish Crumbly, California Crottin, St Tola Divine, Caronzola, Speziato, Saanen Milk, Elberton Blue, SeaHive, Caprarica, Haystack Mountain Feta, Fragolone, Capriny, Don Carlo, Grand Cru Surchoix, Processed Smoked Gouda, Haystack Peak, Pied-de-vent, Georgia Clothbound Cheddar, Shepherd's Hope, Carlina, La Sauvagine, Moody Blue, Meredith Chevre Dill, Perlagrigia Sotto Cenere, Raw Milk Feta, Fontiago, Morlacco, Red Cloud, Chevre en Marinade, Meteorite, Buttermilk Gorgonzola, Cracked Pepper Chevre, Haystack Mountain Camembert, Hidden Falls, Sartori Limited Edition Extra-Aged Goat, Kashar, Dill & Garlic Chevre, Anniversary Ale Cheddar, Twig Farm Square Cheese, Morcella, Brimstone, Buttermilk Blue, Fortsonia, Halleck Creek, Roth Raclette, Holey Cow, Grand Cru Reserve, Sunlight, Smokey Mountain Blue, Queso de Mano, P’tit Basque, La Castella, West Country Farmhouse Mature Cheddar, Twig Farm Washed Ring Wheel, Sandy Creek, Twig Farm Goat Tomme, Vermont Herdsman, Providence, Old Goat, Goat Milk Cheddars, L’Etoile de St-Raymond, Dore-Mi, Little Dragon, Lindale, MezzaLuna Fontina, Latteria San Biagio, Petite Swiss, Fresh Chevre, Le Reflet de Portneuf, La Sauvagine Reserve, Little Napoleon, Rofumo, Le St-Raymond, Twig Farm Mixed Drum, Le Double Joie, Old Burford, Seascape, Dumpling, Suffolk Punch, Twig Farm Crawford, Bridgewater, GranQueso Reserve, Chapman’s Pasture, Buttermilk Blue Affinee, Assa, Big Rock Blue, GranQueso Original, Natural Chevre, Tavoliere, Humble Herdsman, Millstone, Great Lakes Cheshire, Bianca, The Manchester, Montsalvat, Formagella, Pimento, Shepherd’s Crook, Nicasio Square, Liptuaer, Odysseus Marinated Feta, Ringwell, ReginaBlu, Snow Camp, Tieton Halloumi, Little Ypsi, CreMonte, Foggy Morning, Nicasio Reserve, Sharon Hollow Garlic & Chive, Detroit Street Brick, CreNoble, Legacy, Doublet, San Geronimo, Muddlewell, Tango, Venus, New Moon, Reverie, Basket Molded Ricotta, Rheba, Kenne, Phoebe, Bad Axe, Ascutney Mountain, Sonnet, Sharp Cheddar, Four Corners, Cirrus, Caveman Blue, L’Amuse Brabander Goat Gouda, Trufflestack, Classic Blue Log, Fromage Blanc, Cana de Cabra, Jalapeno Cheddar, Fromage Blanc w/ Truffle, Prix de Diana, Mahon, Habanero Cheddar, Campfire, Chocolate Stout Cheddar, Seastack, Smokey Touvelle, Ashley, Opus 42, Red Alder, Brutal Blue, Stella Fontina, Cacow Belle, TouVelle Original, Fiscalini Bandaged Cheddar, Stella Feta, Stella Fontina, Smokey Oregon Blue, Oregon Blue Cheese, Capricious, Cremont, Coupole, Oregonzola, Cheddar LiDiDa Lavender, Stella Goat, Echo Mountain Blue, Off Kilter, Pistol Point Cheddar, Rosemary Medium Asiago, Stella Asiago, Mozzarellissima, Truffello, Bellwether Farms Crescenza, Hopyard Cheddar, Stella Reduced Fat Blue, Fresh Crottin, Redwood Hill Goat Cheddar, Stella Smoked Blue, Capriago, Stella Swiss, Stella Italian Sharp, ColoRogue, Stella Blue, Morimoto Soba Ale Cheddar, Stella Kasseri, Bella Lodi, Stella Mediterranean Parmesan, Stella Black Pepper Romano, PepBert, Hook’s 5-Year Cheddar, Stella Parmesan & Roman Blend, Stella Parmesan, Stella Gorgonzola, MitiCana de Oveja, Mouco Camembert, Red Buddy, Edam, Fat Bottom Girl, Mont St-Benoit, Finca Pascualete Mini Torta, Cave Aged Marisa, Istara Kaikou, Crotonese, Latteria Navel, Baskeriu, Australian Alps Cheese, Käse Mit Schweizer Trüffeln, Gloucester Goat, Shtayburne Farm Cheddar, Waupoos Lizzie, Malvarosa, Burwood Bole, Grated Kefir Cheese, Kefir Tomato-Garlic, Smokey Jalapeno, Tarentaise, Tuada, Sunset Bay, Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Cashew Cheese, Stoney Cross, Raw Brie Style Cashew Cheese, Holiday Brie, Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Highway 1, Kefir Italian Pasta Cheese, Sao Jorge, Kefir Salad, Funky Bleats, Old Winchester, Brebirousse d’Argental, Coastal Cheddar, Valentine, Vaquero Blue, Kefir Wine Companion, Murazzano DOP, Organic MooVache, Organic Beer-Brined Moochego, Organic Gouda, Flory’s Truckle Cheddar, Cremig Extra Wurzig, Bergkäse Aus Dem Schweiser Jura, Lake District Extra Mature Cheddar, President Fresh Goat Cheese, Lake District Mature Cheddar, Majorero, Affineur Walo Rotwein Sennechas, Liburnski Sir, Bent River, Almnas Tegel, Brebis d'Azure, Hannah, Prairie Rose, Fuzzy Udder Creamery’s Tomme, Nocciolo, Cow’s Milk Gouda, Fuzzy Udder Gouda, Fuzzy Udder Washed Rind, Sheep Gouda, Istara Chistou, Vashe Sante, Isle of Man Mild Colored Cheddar, Mladi Trapist, Heidi Aged Cheese, Tezacki Sir Extra Mature, Old Drovers Road, Queijo do Pico, Baserri, Don Bernardo Manchego, Dinarski Sir, Cheddar w/ Red Wine, Fresh Hand-Stretched Mozzarella, Flagship Block, Davidstow 3 Year Reserve Special Vintage, Butternut, Bavaria blu, Buff Blue, Davidstow Mature Cheddar, Magna, Gracie Grey, Vera, Oak Smoked Cheddar, Himmelsraften, Toma di campo, Bianco, Bonifaz, Bettine Grand Cru, Binnorie Marinated Fetta, Bluebell Falls Cygnus, Kummin, Himmelsraften Extra, Essex Commte, Blenda, Iris, Drommen, Tegan, Clonmore, Chocolate Lab, Aged Cashew & Dulse Cheese, Capri Blue, Aged Cashew Nut Cheese, Blissful Blocks, Aged Cashew & Brazil Nut Cheese, Cheddar w/ Irish Porter, Tezacki Sir, Tarago River Jensen’s Red, Capra al Fieno, Lo Speziato, Ubriaco all’Amarone, Mountaineer, Oro Italiano, Casu Marzu, Capra al Pepe, Saporito, Batzos, Barricato al Pepe, Nettles Gone Wild, Pembrokeshire Extra Mature Cheddar, Lyburn’s Winchester, Aged Cashew Nut & Kale Cheese, Lynburn Lightly Oak Smoked, Abbaye de Timadeuc, Strawberry Moon, Bijou, Pembrokeshire Mature Cheddar, Sternschnuppe, Striegistaler Zwerge Camembert, Beaufort, Tezacki Iz Mosta, Aged Cashew & Blue Green Algae Cheese, Aged Cashew & Hemp Seed Cheese, Tezacki Iz Maslinove, Komine, Cashew Nut Cream Cheese, Macadamia Nut Cheese, Lyburn Garlic and Nettle, Cranborne, Orkney Medium Colored Cheddar, Ubriaco Rosso, Fellowship Too, Little Colonel, Valbreso Feta, Roccia del Piave, Daphne’s Alpine Classic, Triple Creme Brie, Muffato, Up in Smoke, St Gall, Duck Isles Stone, Veigadarte, Vampire Slayer, Old Harry, Basils Original Rauchkase, Dorset White, Tilly Whim, TregonWell, Vitoria, Bootlegger, Condio, Knockdrinna Gold, Yeo Lake, Knockdrinna Meadow, Barden Blue, Half-Moon Bay, Hand Rolled Chevre Logs, Isabirra, Kefir Blue, Zigljen Iz Extra Mature, Zartschmelzend, Kräftig Würzig Rahm-Hartkäse, Sarro de Cabra, Brewer’s Gold, Isle of Man Mild Cheddar, Isle of Man Cracked Pepper, Formaggio di Grotta, Cream Cheesy Bliss, Belletoile, Alpicreme, Le Mountier, Waldo Smog, Blissful Toppings, Shredded Bliss, Slices of Bliss, Carrowholly, Goat Nevat, Goat Ricotta, Ubriaco alla Birra, St. Mang Original Allgauer Limburger, Amou, Queso de Afuega’l pitu, President Camembert, President Madrigal, President Light Brie, Pecorino nel fieno, Lunetta, Lacey Grey, Lavis Town, Bergues, Cayuga Blue, Minas Cheese, Driftless, Bohemian Blue, Hidden Springs Farmstead Feta, Blue Yonder, Tomma di vacca alle vinacce, Beaumont, Queijo do serra, Rustico Red Pepper, Isle of Man Mature Cheddar, Walnut Cheddar, Wrangeback Sweden, Barberey, Vento d’Estate, Original Illertaler, Vermont Ayr, Montagnolo, Baluchon, Baita Friuli, Veneto, Aged British Cheddar, Ewelicious Blue, Bettine Blue, Amsterdammer, Colony Cheese, Flashback Goat Discs, Laura Chenel Taupiniere, Laura Chenel Tome, Ellington, Francis, Lyburn Gold, Blue, Benedictine, Marin French Triple Creme, Amalthee, Dragon’s Breath Blue, Amablu Blue Cheese, Cameo, Di.Vino, Blythedale Camembert, Dorblu, Mezzo Secco, Marco Polo, Freya’s Wheel, Blu Della Casera, Kefir Peppercorn Cheese, Lemon Fetish, Benedictine, Barrel Aged Feta, Grayson, Gran Levante, Coalho, Checkerboard Cheddar, Bassigny au porto, Raw Milk Goat Feta, Cape Vessey, El Trigal Manchego, Rustico Black Pepper, Wicklow Blue, Ubriaco al Prosecco, Paniola, Dante, Organic Cheddar, Organic Feta, Rougette Bavarian Red, Operetta, Hay Loft, Purple’s a Must, Counting Sheep...and Goats…, San Simon DOP, FITAKI White Cheese, Aradalen, Dura, Champignon de Luxe Garlic, Rougette Grill Meister, Caprice Stickney Hill Chevre, Orkney Mature Cheddar, Cap Cressey, Champignon Mushroom, Alpine-Style, Champignon de Luxe Pepper, Tomme, Mi-Ewe, Saint Rose, President Fat Free Feta, Ridgeline, Rosso de lago, Scallion Onion Cheddar, Bel Ceillo, Carabiner, Blue Lupine, Daphne’s Goat Gouda, Dinarski Sir Iz Maslinove Komine, Zigljen Iz Mosta, Daphne’s Aged Goat Cheese, Sea Change, Melinda Mae, Roasted Garlic Cheddar, Muranda Blue, Madrona, Gotcha Gouda, Melville, Dilly Girl, Fiesta Cheddar, Blue Earth, Island Brebis, Baby Brie, Connemara, Nocciolino, Hannah Reserve, Dinarski Is Mosta, Primo Fresca, Holzhofer Latte Crudo, Siltcoos, Shaker Blue, Grasso d’alpe Monscera, Shepherdista Crush, Pack Square, Ewe’s Blue, Cambozola, Grand Noir, Lost Lake, Ocooch Mountain, Alpe di Frabosa, Pecorino Toscano DOP, Alta Badia, Petida, Good Thunder, Pallone di Gravina, President Brie, Canastra Cheese, Black Betty, Shtayburne Farm Monterey Jack, Wyfe of Bath, Prairie Breeze Cheddar, Rotwein Bargler, Extra-Wurzig, Cressey Blu, Olomoucke Tvaruzky, Garlic and Fine Herbs Cashew Cheese, Moose.
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babbushka · 3 years
You're back! How are you? How was your vacation? Did you do anything fun? How was flying? (I'm still so scared to fly even though I'm vaccinated). Your pictures looked absolutely gorgeous! I just love your style. You look so stunning every. day. Flip is one lucky man. I'm gonna go catch up on the prompts and things I missed. I had finals this past week (finished yesterday) and I graduate this weekend! I can't wait to read all the new writing! Sending you my love!
Hello my dearest G!! Firstly, congratulations on graduating!!! That's such an accomplishment and I am so so proud of you! I hope that you are doing something to treat yourself for making it through! :)
Yes I am back (I'm still technically on a mini vacation until Thursday, but I stopped home and grabbed my laptop so I wouldn't be bored lol). We did a lot of fun things! Autumn and I spent the majority of our time just hanging out in Milwaukee, watched the entire Twilight saga lmao, and drove around so I could get a sight of the city.
Although the first full day we spent together (Thursday) was about 90 minutes away at the Columbus Antique Mall. That's the little drive trip that I posted all the red barns with silos about lol! We spent the entire day there because it's the largest antique mall in Wisconsin (you already know I picked up a bunch new Pyrex!!) and we had lunch at Culvers in the middle of browsing. Yes I put mayo on the fried cheese curds and no I will not be shamed for it!
Friday we headed downtown and visited the Milwaukee Public Museum where we spent the day. I was especially excited to see their European Village (big shoutout to the Eastern European Jewish House) and the Streets of Old Milwaukee sections! Lunch was the Cream City Cluckery which was honestly so fucking good I am still thinking about those lemon pepper chicken tenders lol. Then we met up with some of her friends for dinner and an evening of laughs :)
Saturday we drove back to where she actually lives, and went to the local farmer's market, picked up some really good food, and headed to a park for a big picnic! Then it was back to Milwaukee for a fancy Italian dinner and some more movie watching lol.
Sunday we spent the morning at the Public Market, where I got some souvenirs for my family, along with some famous Kehr's Candies chocolate, some absolutely delicious cheese, and some very fancy vinegar that I'm so excited to try cooking with lol.
Flying was incredibly stressful going there, but really easy breezy coming back home! I just double masked up and kept using my hand sanitizer, and kept my distance. Which isn't easy on a plane, but everyone was really good about wearing their masks too, which I was grateful for!
I'm sending you all my love, thank you for being so lovely as always my dear! The writing will be there for you whenever you want it, make sure to rest up first after your finals! I know how draining they can be :) xxoxoxoxoxo
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datleggy · 4 years
Canadian weighing in: I've never heard of Alaska being the Quebec of America??? But also I'd say Quebec is the poutine-iest of all the provinces (it originated there I think?). Also I've seen Smoke's in California (poutine chain, exists here too) but I'm not really a fan - imo they took a mediocre poutine base and just put a bunch of toppings on it to call it fancy. Poutine is fries with cheese curds and gravy and is DELICIOUS (and my enjoyment increases with how drunk I am...)
the poutine saga continues and it is riveting, ya’ll lol
im v picky w food (like a toddler) but i could imagine myself also enjoying poutine if i were v drunk
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
Historic Recipes: Cheesemaking- From milk to Cheese
By  Ribe Vikinge Center’s 2012 Project ‘Nordic food is Viking food’s
There is no conclusive evidence indicating where or when cheesemaking originated. Dairy products formed an important part of the diet in Viking Age Scandinavia.  This is described in the Norse Creation Myth, and also the Icelandic sagas recount of cheesemaking. Archeaologists have found particular ceramics, which is likely to have been used in the process of cheesemaking.
Curd cheese 1 jug cultured milk/Acidophilus 0.5 jug soured cream A little salt Chopped chives or garlic mustard Chopped garlic Cultured milk: Mix 1 jug cow's milk with 1 cup of buttermilk. Leave the mixture to sour in an earthenware dish covered with a flax clothwith somewhere warm, or slowly heat it up without stirring. Let it set for a few days depending on air temperature. Then it will become cultured milk. Mix an equal amount of homemade cultured milk and soured cream. Place it in a cheese strainer lined with a flax cloth overnight. The extracted whey may be used for baking or making mustard. After the draining, add chopped garlic, chives or garlic mustard. Season to taste.
Sour-curd cheese 1 jug buttermilk A little salt Cumin to your liking Slowly heat the buttermilk without stirring until the cheese starts to separate from the whey. It is important that it does not boil. Pour it all into a cheese strainer lined with a flax cloth. Leave it to drain for a while and then add cumin and season with salt to taste.This cheese is a little dry and crumbly. It is somewhat similar to modern cottage cheese. If you would like it more smooth, you can stir in some cream. Cumin holds strong anti-bacterial properties. Smoked cheese 1 jug cow's milk 1 cup buttermilk A little salt A little cumin Cultured milk: Mix 1 jug cow's milk with 1 cup of buttermilk.  Leave the mixture to sour in an earthenware dish covered with a flax clothwith somewhere warm, or slowly heat it up without stirring.Let it set for a few days depending on air temperature. Then it will become cultured milk. Pour the cultured milk into a cheese strainer lined with a flax cloth and placed on top of a pot. Leave to drain until the cheese is very dry. Add salt to the cheese and form a round cheese.  Place it on a wooden grating or grill and now it is time to smoke the cheese. This may be done over a smoke oven or over a fire of rye straws or oat straws. Light the straws, and when there is a fire, quench it by putting a bunch of fresh stinging nettles on top. You need to avoid flames completely. A thick yellow smoke now develops and it is time to place the cheese on the grill over the smoke for 3-10 minutes.  Depends on how smoky you like it. When the cheese has become a little brown in colour, turn it over onto a wooden plate. Sprinkel with cumin.
Hard cheese 8 litres milk 66 ml rennet 140 g salt Pour the milk into an earthenware pot and heat it to reach 32 degrees centigrade. Stir in the rennet. Cover with a flax cloth and leave to sour for 1 hour. Then the milk will have set to form cheese.Dice the cheese into thumb-sized pieces. This will simplify the draining process. The smaller pieces you cut the cheese into, the faster the draining will happen.  Carefully stir the cheese to avoid sticking lumps of cheese. Once again cover the cheese with the cloth. After a while the cheese will be at the bottom of the pot, and you can remove most of the whey to use in another recipe. Mix a brine of 250 ml water and 15 g salt.  Put the cheese into the brine and stir.Slowly heat the cheese to reach 36 degrees centrigrade by adding small portions of warm water over 15 minutes. When the temperature has been reached, stir the cheese for another 10 minutes. Check if the cheese is ready as you slightly press a little cheese to see if the 'grains' stick to one another. Make another brine of 1.5 litres water and 140 g salt and chill it.  You will need this for salting of the cheese the following day. Remove the cheese from the whey and put it into a cheese strainer lined with a flax cloth. Put yet another cloth on top of the cheese and place a lid on top to create pressure. Leave the cheese to set overnight.  When the cheese is firm you may remove it from the strainer and place in in the new brine. Leave it at 12 degrees centrigrade for 2 days. Take the cheese out of the brine to dry.  Leave the cheese to mature for 4-5 weeks at 16 degrees centigrade, and then 1-2 weeks at 12 degrees centrigrade. Salty cheese 6-8 litres milk A drop of rennet Saltwater made of 1 jug boiled, chilled water and 0.5 cup salt Slowly heat the milk in an earthenware pot to reach 32 degrees centigrade. Add the rennet and stir well. Then leave it to rest for 1 hour as the milk will form a cheese. Cut the cheese into dice of 3 cm.  The whey will begin to separate from the cheese.  Cover it with a flax cloth to keep it warm a little longer. Later, remove the cheese from the whey and put it into a cheese strainer lined with a flax cloth.  This is to drain the whey. On the next day, place the cheese in the saltwater and leave it to rest somewhere chilly. The saltwater will add to the flavour of the cheese and preserve it, too.
1 jug = 1 liter approx.1 cup = 150 ml approx.
Ribe VikingeCenter's 2012 project Nordic food is Viking food' is supported by Region Syddanmark.
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pkmn-asst-summers · 2 years
okay... so my nose is full of cheese curds but I still have more so I'm sticking them in my ears
Don’t do that!! You don’t want that grease in your ears!!
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dunmerofskyrim · 6 years
Simra ran a thinking hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. It was stiff-cloyed and oily with nights spent outdoors. Days spent sweating in the scanty warmth of his clothes surrounded in cold. Days where he’d been too weak to charm himself clean again, needing his strength saved for fire and light and bare-boned survival. But here in the cave’s glassy-walled gut, it was warm enough that he’d tucked back his mantle over his shoulders and held his scarf in one loose hanging hand like a wrung out and well-coloured rag.
In front of him the corner, red as rust and clayed and smeared. Palmprints showed at its edges in the daylight that crept down the tunnel behind him. The sectioned ghosts of fingers, caking the colour onto it, and themselves made of colour. It was hard to stare at. Like it had a gaze of its own looking back at you. Simra turned his eyes and they settled on the tips of his fingers, nails undered with black. Disgusting.
“It needs blood?” Somehow he’d known, in some back-dark cloister of his brain. Of course it did. He tried to say it like it was nothing, but feeling came in at the hems of his voice. Interest, apprehension, stirred and muddled. “Why?”
Kaliklu thought a moment. “Blood is a tie.” He brought his hands together, fingers knit. “Like family. You, a mother, a sister…” His hands pulled apart. “Like that, but still you are tied, do you understand? That is blood.”
Sisters and separation. That struck a nerve. Like he knew, thought he knew, presumed to know. A flash of anger rose up in Simra but banked down quick – just a coincidence, the wrong words said to the wrong person – but the sour taste of it stayed in his mouth. “It connects, then? Joins distant things?”
“And things share across that joining? The heat of the earth here? This paint and your paint, tied together. Do you feel like you’re here when you’re painted like that? Warm like here wherever you are?”
“If the magic is strong.”
Might be he was flattering himself, but Simra reckoned he caught a hint of something in Kaliklu’s face at that. Not respect, nor even quite appreciation, but an admission, a gratitude. Simra had grasped it, straight to the root. It made a satisfying kind of sense now he saw it, clear as smoke in a cloudless sky.
“And my help…” Simra began. “How much d’you need?”
“Enough. Not a lot. Only enough that there is blood in the mixing.”
Simra’s back teeth set and started to grind. “Can it not be other blood? An animal?”
“Don’t have any though, do we?” The thing outside, all white flesh and shell — Simra had watched the other Kogaru butcher it, but hadn’t once seen it bleed.
“You said that you would help.”
“I will,” Simra said, harder than he’d meant to. “Just trying to understand.”
Kaliklu crouched to the floor of the cave, dry packed dirt amongst all this glassy stone. There was a shallow pit holed out before the painted corner, a bowl two hands across. Kaliklu placed a hand at the edge of it, showing Simra.
“Fine,” he muttered. “Fine fine fine.”
Reaching into the hidden padded pocket of his jacket, Simra brought out the razor he kept there with careful fingers. A wedge-shaped blade of bronze, almost like an axe-head shrunk down to size. Its thin tang curled to a spiral and Simra gripped it by that, delicate as he could.
Kishewyr had sworn by bloodletting, Simra remembered. Some High Rock assumption about balance in the body. It’d always seemed a fool thing to Simra, imagining a body could have too much blood. Rather that than too little. But Simra had watched a time or two, half-drunk and curious as with the careless slow focus that came from his pipesmoke, Kishewyr found his letting kit, found a vein…
Now Simra took off the braided string from his neck, old arrowhead hanging from its end. Rolled up a sleeve and twisted the cord tight partway up his arm till it bit and the skin swelled either side. Left hand, he’d decided. His right had suffered enough, all old scars and new scabs. He flexed, watching the tendons move, fighting a rising sickness and trying not to think. The veins showed raised, pink-blue through the grey back of his hand. Do it. Now, before you can think too much. Easy as stubbing your toes in the dark, done before you know it’s done, and impossible to do if you’re trying. First came the bloom of red from the vein he’d found on the back of his hand, and then the blossoming pain. The welling and drip of blood from his knuckles and into the packed dirt bowl.
Simra didn’t look. No need anymore. Just a small cut, he'd seen to that much. None of that showy palm-gashing and prick-swinging that came with the swearing of blood-oaths in the old Nord sagas and songs. Too much risk that you'd cut something that wouldn't fix right. Just a small cut, that's all the situation asked. Still, his head felt full of air. He couldn’t stop thinking of what to wipe the blade on. Scarce anything on the blade to wipe, but the thought kept coming back. He’d done worse to himself by accident; others had done worse and he’d done still worse to them. Almost funny that this was so difficult, then. Made him feel sick as it did. It wasn’t the blood or the cut. Just some other something, better left nameless.
“That is enough,” said Kaliklu. He had brought out a skin-wrapped knot of grease, white-yellow. He warmed it to melting in his hands. Mixed it in the bowl with the blood, spitting too now and then till a thick red paste had formed.
Amazed and repulsed the old mer had so much so much spit in him, Simra untwisted the cord and looped it off his arm. Standing, arm held awkward above his head to slow the blood, he hurried over to his bags and fished one-handed through them till he found a strip of cloth, same as had bound his right hand. Muttering, fidgeting and unsure what to do next, he licked the wound and spat too. Copper on his tongue. He wrapped the back of his hand tight.
“What now?” Simra said. “Need tears now too, do you?”
“No.” Kaliklu didn’t look up. “Wake him. The one you hurt. He needs it most.”
The youngest Kogaru woke with a bleary-eyed grimace. He straightened, leaning on a patchy-painted arm with his twisted leg stuck out along the ground in front of him. He wasn’t shivering now. Only making faces when he set his weight wrong, or forgot, and moved the wrong muscle. Seemed a night in the warm cave had done him good. He and the elder spoke in their own tongue, and Simra gave up listening.
The sound of striking stones, the starting of a fire, echoed down into the chamber. The elder crossed to the bowl of dirt and paint again, and chanted as he smeared the wall. Another red handprint, shining new, and then he came back to the boy. Smoke-scent from above.
Simra thought, as the elder mended the patches in the boy’s paint with careful hands and low murmuring words. As the hunter above made fire with stones on stones and set his kindling burning. He wondered about this binding with blood, this sharing across spaces. If they did it with warmth, could they do it with fire? They wouldn't use magic to call one from nothing, but maybe they could borrow across distance. If warmth, then why not the rest of a flame — its light and its hungry violence. He thought about what Noor had said about sigils, about writing that wasn't writing, songs that store themselves even when the singer is silent. But they still needed a singer, she said. A sigil doesn't cast itself. There was something in that, half-hidden from him, but huge just beyond his knowing. Like seeing a sliver of an island out to sea, and knowing it’s a mountain beneath the water. Or maybe not. He’d have to think on this, sound out that connection. Watch the Kogaru and see where that took him.
The painting was done now. Kaliklu turned his attention to the boy’s leg. The skin was wrinkled and wrong in one snarled spot. Beneath it, the muscles bulged and knotted. Clucking in his throat, Kaliklu rubbed his hands together, still cloyed with paint and blood, and pressed down with both palms. A long sigh, and he worked into the flesh with the undersides of his knuckles. Simra saw the tendons in the old mer’s neck stand taut as he pushed hard. His shoulders sunk and slumped, all the weight of his effort and patience down over the boy’s leg. And when his hands came clear, the skin was still wrong, but the muscles had laxed. They tensed, twitched, but the worst was gone.
If it was magic or not, Simra couldn’t say. Might be someone like Noor would claim wisdom was there even in things that took no magic to do. Wisdom, the real wide range of it, was in knowing what others don’t. How to slaughter a guar without sight of the knife souring its meat. How to turn the milk of its ralk into curds and then cheese. How to bring a baby out into the world when the baby won’t let itself come. And now this too. Simra felt bitter over it, covetous and lack-hungry with all he didn’t know. Cheated somehow too, in some cold part of himself. He'd seen the spell in his wand do worse by far to a body. Here it had been weak, easy to fix.
The smell of sizzling flesh, cooking meat was coming down into the cave. The sweet-ripe firm smell of shellfish, but with no tang of the ocean. The other Kogaru was cooking his kill.
Simra could hear Llolamae talking, asking questions, and getting nothing back. He curled and uncurled the fingers of his hand, twisted his wrist this way and that, wary for anything amiss. Nothing, except that the blood wouldn't stop. The rag was red with it now, soaked through.
“Sure you don’t need any more?” Simra muttered.
“It is enough.”
“Still coming. Let me know if your mind changes.” Simra’s lips pulled back, showing a bitter flicker of teeth. If Kaliklu heard the tone of his words, he did nothing to note it. “Well that’s my part of the trade done, anycase. What about yours?”
“Wait. If we are to help you—”
“If?” Simra echoed. The slow seeping away of his blood was doing nothing for his patience. “Wish I’d known there was any ‘if’ about this before I cut myself for you… Help. Will you or won’t you?”
Kaliklu was silent a moment before he spoke. “Yes. But we will give the help in our time, not yours. Or would you try to force us again?”
Simra tried to ignore the temptation in that. Two against one. He still had the razor in his right hand. His mouth felt dry and stiffened. He could do it, but it would only give them reason to lie, trick him. He needed this done, dealt with, worse than he needed it done soon. “In your time,” he said, though his tongue was sour with it.
“Come then. We will eat. Then we will talk more of trade.”
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villageagrodotcom · 4 years
While we all are staying at home, our farmers are working even harder to ensure fresh food supply for everyone.
Villageagro.com salutes all the farmers and pledges more empowerment to these unsung heroes!
We are featured in Dailyhunt for our "RYTHUSTHAN campaign". We will be soon delivering good health at your doorstep with our fresh and organic agriproducts (fruits & veggies).
#villageagrodotcom #dailyhunt #villageagro #rythusthan #meesho #farmers #India #agriculture #agritech #startup #f2b #b2b #b2c #pandemic #COVID_19 #agriproducts #dairyproducts #poultryproducts #vegetables #fruits #fresh #organic #eggs #chickenmeat #milk #curd #cheese #supplychain #hyderabad #stayhome
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londonlanded · 6 years
Week 58
And all of a sudden, I’ve got less than a week left. The goodbyes are hitting harder and more frequently, they’re going from being weekly to multiple times daily, as is the nature of parting. 
Monday, started my morning off the way I have been all summer, with a cup of coffee and the St. James Church groundskeeper, Kostas, for company. He imparted a few extra doses of wisdom since he knew he’d only get 5 more chances to, and I really, really tried to enjoy the view. 
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Tuesday, a last meal at the restaurant Penny introduced me to, with the angel herself. Farmstand has sustained me this year nearly as much as the girl in my company, I’m going to try and not think about the months of rent I could have paid had I not been shown the beauty of their gluten free, 85% vegan, 100% feel-good menu. 
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More importantly though, it was my last moments with my stellar company. Penny and I have had such a funny saga of a friendship, it’s waxed and waned over the years but the takeaway of the whole thing is that she’s been a piece of home this year, both when I knew I needed it and when I didn’t. She’s the reason I’m here actually – I was visiting her in New York when I caught my early flight home and met Plane Lady who turned my world on its head. I proudly announced that to the rest of my guests at my goodbye fiasco last week, too, and realized only there that I was introducing the girl who’d made my whole life with the rest of them possible. At Leicester Square station, we said our goodbyes, but ours was one that weighed a bit less than some of the others I’ve had recently. Not for lack of love for the girl, quite the opposite, if anything. Probably because I see our home town in her eyes in the years to come, and I find it hard to doubt nearly twenty years of having her around. That’s right, first grade through 2018, I have bridges whose strength I’ve questioned on occasion, but the one between us isn’t one of them.
Wednesday, I popped out to attempt a trip to the bank (hot tip don’t go at lunch time you’ll never get seen since money moves quickly everywhere outside bank walls apparently), and on my way back to the office, swung into the Banksy exhibit that’s opened literally across the road from work. It’s a small exhibition, but a good one, and I actually think I preferred these pieces to those I’d seen in Amsterdam last time I saw his work. I know he’s anonymous, but I only say him since there are rumours he’s the lead singer of the band Massive Attack, which means he’s tentatively been identified though not to the point of being forced into admission, which is something I genuinely hope never happens. Some things are best left a mystery.
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Wednesday night though, that’s when the day got good. I set off from work to meet a friends’ sister who’d just moved to London herself, and was struck with the hardcore Canadian accent I’d forgotten about. Fresh off the plane, Lindsay sounded just like home. While I spend a lot of time with Penny, she’s spent so much time in the states (read, the past 5 years), that her accent has softened on top of not being too strong to start with. I don’t really come across Canadians much in my little London life, so hearing this Oakville girl tell me about her last moments in Canada, punctuated by Tim Horton’s and a tattoo of mountains she keeps getting told look like a British Columbia skyline, really brought me home.
But that’s not the highlight, though the highlight was just as homey as Lindsay had made me feel. We met Anatholie and Jack, my replacement at the Worldwide Sales Office (who I recruited, thank you very much) and her boyfriend, at Covent Garden station before finding our way to the very same Canadian bar Penny and I had stumbled across the week before. The Maple Leaf sports bar is as tacky as you can imagine, and looks a lot like some of the less classy locations we’ve got at home. Still, we weren’t there for the sports, we were there so that Lindsay and I could show off one of our national treasures to my non-Canadian kids. I had decided to indoctrinate my foreign friends one last way, by convincing them of the infinite beauty of my nation using chips, gravy, and cheese curds, at one of the only poutine-selling outlets in the city.
Rosie, Sophia and Nicki were already waiting, and had decided on their food before we’d even stepped in the door. Before we even ordered, the first Canadian epiphany of the evening came to pass when Rosie realized that there’s more than one kind of hockey in the world, and that when a Canadian is talking about hockey, they’re probably not referring to the type that’s played on a field. I want you to imagine the look on someone’s face who has just realized that they’ve had a number of conversations with people that may or may not have been about the topic they thought they were discussing. Rosie’s born and raised London, and not the sporty type so I forgive her, but I definitely won’t forget the tears of laughter that sprung from her once she realized how ridiculous she sounded after having said the sentence, “oh my gosh, there’s hockey on ice!”
Anyway, back to the real purpose of the evening, Lindsay and I went for the weird, bastardized British version of the stuff (aka peas were served on top, no thank you), but we made sure the rest of our crew stuck with the classics. I went for a Bulwark cider, made from Nova Scotia apples that I haven’t had since Uni, and the rest of the table gave Sleeman a go. Two orders of the classic stuff, one of triple pork, and one with burnt ends (aka charred short rib ends), chicken wings and mac and cheese, we were one carb-and-oil-loaded table, but damn were we ever happy about it.
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Verdict after first bites? Lindsay shouted, ‘yes, squeaky cheeeeeeeeese’ and I laughed in agreement, since, before that moment, I hadn’t realized that was the quality-control method that was required in order to determine cheese curd authenticity, but once she said it I realized she was bang on. Canadian verdict; cheese was on, fries were on, gravy was a bit on the sweet and British side but hey, no one really thinks about the gravy quality as much as they consider the rest of the equation, so I’ll forgive them. The rest of the kids were thrilled at their choices, and most importantly of all, our resident Belgian approved of both her pint and her plate. I’ll take the win, thank you.
Thursday, a day dense with exit interviews at work, where I was offered the chance to come back to the company by three different people. While I don’t know how likely it is that my career in hospitality extends beyond this week, it’s nice to know that my performance has earned me the chance to open the door again if I choose to. I popped out at lunch to say bye to Anette who’d come back to London briefly, and before the day ended, one of my colleagues dropped this on my desk and made my day a bit brighter than it had already gotten.
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One of the directors had bought me a little goodbye gift since I’d gotten her a thank-you one, and on the envelope it came in, she’d written a little note to the person I’m hoping to be. Just FYI, in the show Suits, Jessica Pearson is the phenomenally dressed, confident, level, rockstar boss of Harvey Spector. Her badass character was part of my initial inspiration to pursue this little legal adventure I’ve decided to embark on. I’d be pretty satisfied if I wound up being half the lawyer she is in the show, I guess we’ll see. More importantly, and in the same subject line, I got my first list of readings on Thursday, too, all to be done in time for Monday. Looks like the fun has begun. 
Thursday was also the day I’d dedicated to packing up everything I own, and stuffing my musty, London clothes into a suitcase in preparation for the purge I do once I get back home and have access to a washing machine that doesn’t imbue my entire closet with the smell of the building it’s standing in. Turns out I own just as little as I thought, and I might not even have needed Brooke’s help a few weeks ago when she brought a bag back for me. 
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Regardless, I filled the extra space with bonus stuff I wasn’t counting on getting to keep, and took the dozens of decorations down off my walls, realizing only after I’d done so that my room was brighter, and far less fun without them. I also realized that my room’s definitely better suited to a single bed, note to the future tenant if they feel like acting on that one (though the tenant happens to be a friend of mine, so I’m going to bet on them keeping it as they knew it). By 1:00AM, I was packed and spent, and was finally letting my weary head hit the pillow for the second last time.
Friday, my last day at work, another hefty round of goodbyes, this time with a slightly deeper dose of finality. I spent my last morning, for now, sitting in my favourite spot on the grounds of St. James Church Piccadilly, waved goodbye to Kostas the groundskeeper, got my final free coffees from my friends at Pret (two, plus lunch on the house, my budget is really going to miss those folks, almost as much as I will!). It was a beautiful morning to say goodbye to the place that has seen me through so much.
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The office was quiet, the day passed more quickly than almost any other I’ve had, and with a quick phone call from the VP who was working from home but who ‘wanted to hear [my] voice one last time before I embark on my next journey,’ my career at the London Worldwide Sales Office came to a quiet close. Anatholie and I were the last two in the office, tying up some loose ends in her training and on a project we’d been tasked with, and with a final thank you, she left me in the place I’ve called mine for the past 6 months. Another desk cleared out, another page turned, I walked out into the light rain with a slightly heavy heart, but a much more satisfied soul.
By the time the light was fading, I walked into Paris’ flat for the last time, turns out last week wasn’t it after all. Some endings, well, aren’t. And thank god it wasn’t, because that room was filled with more love than I’ve ever seen it, comparable only perhaps to last Saturday’s crowd. Though the party was technically for Paris’ departure, there wasn’t a single person in that room that wasn’t losing me, too. I didn’t hit until just then, when the first few friends walked over to hand me tokens of their individual sadness, letters and pictures and small gifts to keep them in my mind long after they’ve left my day-to-day life. The sadness didn’t hit as hard as I thought it would, but the denial seemed to supersede any capacity of mine that existed for any outright demonstration of feeling.
It also seemed that was only true for me though, as the rest of the evening was peppered with more tears than I’ve ever had shed for me at any other time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much sadness, and known outright that I’m a big part of the cause, but known at the same time that it stems only from love. I’ve never had friends like this before, nothing to do with the lives I’ve built before this one, but it’s entirely to do with the nature of the environment I’ve found myself in. It’s non-academic, professional, and fundamentally built on people who have no one but the friends they make and the connections they foster.
We’re a bunch of kids, alone and building our lives in London. No one’s got their parents, no one has anywhere else to go, there’s nothing immediate beyond the people you surround yourself with. We found love in each other because we needed it to survive. And now, when we lose one of the pillars around which our safety net has been intricately woven, we notice. We don’t fall apart, we have many, many, strong and tall beams that hold the rest of it together, but we feel it. The world as we know it shudders and shakes and gives way to the new reality where there’s a piece of it that’s missing, and before the healing can begin, the acute feeling of loss is the only one anyone notices. And when you’re the beam that’s being freed from the tethers you chose to tie yourself down with, you’re left with a feeling of loss that, if you’re anything like me, your body will deny you until it’s ready to stop plowing blindly forward through life. If you’re anything like me, you look back only once you’re able to do so fondly, and without longing for what you’ve left behind.
I do not know when my new reality will set in, when I’ll finally register that I’ve lost this old one, but I know when I do, I’ll really fucking feel it. I am not looking forward to that moment, those moments, as they’ll fall together with increasing frequency if I know myself at all, until finally they, as a whole, become true. Don’t get me wrong, I am entirely the agent of this change, but that hasn’t remotely mitigated the consequences of electing to go through with it. At the end of the night, it was Paris, Veronique and I on his couch, talking about their plans and laughing at the uncertainty that plagued them. The fact that my next three years are relatively prescribed are the reason that I’ve got the most consistent and predictable future of anyone in attendance on Friday night; this is the hotel business, and part of the reason it’s not for me.
You need to move upward, and if not, you need to move on. I’m as keen as the next person to ascend in rank and responsibility, but my passion for hospitality isn’t quite as intense as my desire to face the inherent volatility of the industry. I’ll leave it to the professionals, one of whom I’m done pretending to be. That said, this industry has taught me more than any other I’ve worked in, and it’s done so without also bringing me the professional success that I’d initially associated with personal growth. This company, these people, this line of work has changed me in ways I never imagined were possible. There’s a time and a place for directed ambition, much like there’s one for fleshing out the corners of who you are. This year in London has been the latter.
Vero and I hugged tightly in the back of our Uber, she stepped into the flat I remember walking into for the very first time, knowing I was going to find a friend on the other side of her front door. I remember the day we met, too, I was sitting in the PBX office, bouncing childishly on the exercise ball I’d claimed as my seat for the day, and wondering who this immaculately-dressed intern was. One day of crossover, one day spent training her on what my job entailed before she moved onto another department to ensure she got full exposure of the hotel’s 5 departments and 40+ roles within them. We got on so well that we broke into peals of laughter enough times to earn a telling-off by one of the other agents on duty at the time. But by then, it was too late, we were already friends. There was no doubt or hesitation, only the immediate and mutual understanding that we had less that morning than we had when we left work that day.
Saturday morning was slower than I’d wanted, but the weight of my week was starting to set in, and so was the exhaustion associated with preparing for a new life while packing up an old one. Armed with printouts of my readings for Monday, and covered in the dust swept off the few things in my room that hadn’t been taken from their resting places already, I packed up the last of my things just as I heard the doorbell go. Giulia had turned up, a little later than her initial plan which was to show up at our send-off the night before, better late than never holds true, even for my Swiss German, clockwork girl. 
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She shone a little last-minute light on my life before Paris turned up and helped me carry the last of my donation items to the Oxfam box down the road. We had a little photoshoot on my street and G and her sister went off on their London adventure before Murat and Mandekh showed up to help me finish mine.
Murat and Paris took to trying to defy the laws of physics in the boot of Murat’s car, trying to fit my bodybag-esque duffel around my other bag, which was made a touch more challenging since I had to fit a hard-shell carry-on into a bag that looks like it should be soft. After a quick stop at Tesco for British nibbles for the people at home, we were on our way, and my little entourage disembarked with me at the Queen’s Terminal, and helped me heft everything I owned through check-in and bag drop.
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And then, it was time to go. The tears I’d been doing a decent job at holding off found their way onto Paris’ shoulder, as his found their way onto mine. He told me he couldn’t believe he wasn’t going to be seeing me later, that this was really it, for now. I couldn’t feel it either, the finality of my turning around and walking away was too far from the realm of realistic for me to have imagined it before that moment, even at that moment. I don’t remember the last time I clung to someone, and I don’t remember the last time someone clung to me. I also don’t know that I’ve ever cried so much in public and simply not cared. One last time, I was experiencing the gift that only airports, train stations, and bus bays can afford. The beauty of transience is that it holds no expectation, we were as ourselves as we allowed ourselves to be. And that afternoon, we set our sadness free.
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I had a thought while walking down the stairs to my gate that day, carrying my guitar and my backpack, trusting the staff that I’d handed my bags to that the rest of my material world would make it home, too. Well, I had many thoughts, but one of them stood out above all else. That my life will never again be the same, but that there is nothing more powerful than the moments you realize you’re never going to have again. I know I have a few more of those coming in my life, that every monumental change is accompanied by its own series of palpable shifts in the day-to-day. but I’m not sure that the rest of my shifts will be quite so acutely different as this one will be to the world I’ll be entering on Monday. I am trying to think of this transience as a gift, that the stark contrasts are there to show us how lucky we are to be human, and capable of such a diverse array of experience. The optimism will come, but for now, there’s a bit more denial than there is acceptance. But there is far more love than there is loss, and as it is, life not yet given me a greater gift than it did when I landed here. We cannot lose anything without having first gained, and the question now is not whether I did, but just how much.
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I also learned a lot about goodbyes, and I think I managed to verbalize the single most important thing about them, or rather, the most important thing about the absence of them. Goodbye implies, at least for me, that there’s nothing more to say. I think the majority of the people in my world know that when it comes to the way I see them, that will never be the case.
And with that said, I think I’ll put this one to bed, but only until we all meet again. Here’s to all of our adventures between now and then, and it seems that, at least for me, the next one has already begun.  
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Thanks for giving me a reason to keep writing. It’s just my life, but I’ve always believed that it’s better shared. 
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Pakhala Pasara... A traditional odia meal... Enjoyed in summer. Today made this beautiful platter along with my mom for our foodie friends. Just casual get together with food as the center of discussion as always. It was absolutely wonderful to host my food enthusiastic friends who were very happy to know about odia cuisine, traditions and our deep routed history with food culture of India. Welcome drink: Dahi panna ( A drink loved by every odia, a meal in itself during fasting, made with the mixture of curd, milk, homemade cottage cheese, sabudana, coconut, banana, mango, grapes, cherry, sugar,black pepper) Pakhala: fermented rice(overnight), with curd, lemon juice, tadka of red and green chillies with curry leaves and mustard seeds. Assortments: *Gotta bhendi (bharwa bhindi/stuffed okra) *Aloo Bharta (Indian style mashed potatoes) *Baigana tomato poda pagaw (roasted aubergine and tomatoes mash with onions, Chillies and garlic) *Badi Chura (sundried dumplings of black gram, roasted in mustard oil and crushed with Chillies and garlic) *Saga kharadaa (fried green Saag with garlic tempering) *Chhatu Rai (mushrooms and sundried raw mango in mustard paste) *Aloo Sajana Chhui Posto (potatoes and drum sticks in poppy seeds) *Kalara chips (bittergourd deep fried with rice flour batter) *Dali pakudi (channa Dal deep fried dumplings) *Rohu fish masala Fry *Prawn fry *Machhaw Bihana Bara (fish egg/roe fritters) *Mourali Machhaw Kakharu khatta mitha chudchuda (tiny fish with pumpkin, tamarind and jaggery) *Mango *Cucumber Desserts: *Manda pittha (steamed rice dumplings with coconut and jaggery stuffing) *Rasabali (cottage cheese fried dumplings in sweet cardamom flavored reduced thick milk) (at HSR Layout)
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pkmn-asst-summers · 2 years
Should I shove cheese curds up my nose?
N…no?? Why would you want to do that?
I mean—if you really wanted to and they’re small enough I guess you could, as long as you don’t actually SHOVE them up there, but—why? That just sounds really unpleasant and greasy. And a waste of good cheese curds.
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